The Huron Expositor, 1908-03-13, Page 8=-W t 7 J Z f U_z 3 fig 1bft- *(i the - llfidsttr 4t 9 e0lbak. -The leat(IX4 WM j,�Yltft lanteM _VleWSI All t StIon- eF welcor4e. (!tl&' for the 0 wsr6 W* ft VM )1,.6pery 0 fund of ilitlie., A. Y. '0 A---4UW Suramlos to Detro_#, Is hfte v1siting her wow# t�he, finance- oomn Atee rem onable- witk Ifts. H, to Herbe-rt -Aftounts the" ainont 33r4ett­10ft 11a wwk DISTRICT MATTERS. p - ces we. g &T a Sod Z 14"At. Of -car We &ve afferinj big dig- Jor Z a to- oy.- -�;Vbem they- bav& taken - counU on Man -Y Hues in inftfh Of 1W. RidbardA tenT. Box wisb& us the saaforth We haveA- our m4ers VAU regrat �to ter 4er bin Mks. 1 .3. K. RWh_ snuM thdr SOM I I '_ %ring -tb to - - k -'to '_ - ten he death of A, Vlr4. !- � e nooh on e to ob- �rlga& irl :Wic; _t wotk ardO T.uesd&y gh�. . broke� out ft w. ch occurred at, -.be& bphA In: I ,nion eve better �Jn Ing bW- �,iro'perty­ an ain stroat the J)omI St- tmmo st Dm adjoining arys, an Tues t., It -Ira. icn� IN-asday last day night- AM am'k amd. .60duple gney d by Mr. C ausl 'Mchadm beeA In PMt he&th legning wtab11shmv%aA& Drugs 41*0 Oxfj as 4 for 801nO tIM,.­Tb0 Tem8IM WeM t34- reWIence, Tp�. fJro vus go - ftr as NO Or,, iv_, i).- &W*t&ned, caused ei� yw tm It is by stritly ft. 0 Fergus - her 900; f )eath of .—One o Md -Ran-99& cffil� _ I 'm I , I ft lfe� 43blora. lColn at �Tsyr -fts inaintaining t b - oris toWA-1 termeoit g or at, I' t 0 dost ts of 9 "a all mado coiddea- Insid r#Y and the MM Richar4son, lived for able Vadw e r P& pu of Alex. MOW, -build -h of Whichmu to-peus big in amforth where she =aft -M�My V.hw Rmiot stre' t v* by dWh m Smda iced, he Ang befake it --educcUon, (rall and see warm friends. -The SYMPathy these W Qq WAS The flM*iRk, respo ed pr9mot.1 to the IWO pt. Dow Med, Wh In his of to d all will be exte4O6 Wsh-, -hope to make 76 Ill bad beeft in fawng health t h e call, anl -0 E 'Irf tire, vM soon ex Ing W Styles for SoPling are bobbing e4 hustb= and jsms� you our fricinds. d - the (10al of d eiid 1p4 before it�'had done seve ma4tha past, an throul it had q d No A unexp�cted. The f=�Pral took up here and there place Dn Tuea64 livOlers.—The following we" Dial orX stock lot IROM .7 ng buildings. The The bmance 'Of .7 attmmoon, from the eted to distant. pointo this, we�k by $1 o�dest on of his Robert, on thti fth M. X as Manketu. Skaes, Rbekq building was, ohe f the a bottle; a boon fidreeff -Slaighs and Sleigh MWA sti eett and Is now. Vratty baldlY oes don, woin he had, been Somerville.,, railway ou store. hat Dal Bells 01 11 a�id roturn; '-agent - 1 an we era ai I be- td,' I kin T his hone lor some time. He inust iie- sold at cost. -Mr. RieWd H d wracked -by. ft6 and! water. It mankind. W Detroit siders correct, in many lin6s of 0 kbvd I a Lw. m. Box, bad ST e ly a large growig �'P Ifte a4d fatnilly o ce on tl�p,bull Ing.. T. Stone Roo,t Com-' bul7tanember that we are selftF the- Ftda7zft, ,of %to Re!w had 7lo, : nsurance pound 50 cents morchandise will Bijo be her6 for however, sAwme goQ& —and many other lines— ames mitte,forI sore ad Jvfrs.,:[ on �the em -tents ajild will b3 aloSer ilstaffa. bor J batg_M& prices; 4knd we are head- iM.1 Wlalker to theIr bom0s; H&I aching back. —9 d Mxs. -Hamilton gave y0il to view* J at -a" to son* extent, more 'PaTtIcul irl from a. r. a I ne quarfAis fbi hardware of all kinds. I'S ehigan, aaia! Ide Kar% R wa. 1 xlO water. to a number of in -weeks at! price or 8everal N mach & We will not be beaten afto 4 visit of Whft all spont Sk�rtx and Waists wi I be give quality,. �MeW brothex's, . Thomas�; 417 ng- Liver Pills$ 2rg--' Supper.—On Wedaes Ae ttme.�-bfr. and -Mrs. a b �', a veoet- t njoy4 �WajtersoA aad ox Stone, Hllett; Mks. -tw- day e a number of th a friends We�rrnd ke iente ained at a 14s pr9mineme soom, but at prese Glas 8, ]AC ell, cW4 to jow,. er I All6n, line f --om able cathartic. T Of M®. In curl,. .4rty the othe! Ventn —Ulsa Gert* Wattexsm al�o Inten&, r%, g %Mier MI% Jordan were guestff of yalsMair Itestorer, $1 a, botble,cures TALMIlOr Wish to have your interest ep"tred k - Dewy if loy t4r sup -at a, COMO dand�,uff and falling hair. lal t fttUrd&7._Mr-L HUgh him Arohibild tum-loig to wife a;Kd family, of the C ELdy bn. the' bought the esideAce per.,. at the M hote. Z�61 Sr for - on w rea fabr'cs that are n o blaO, to. IAbmon, mu -v occasion, of his a;tW- ning his- 81 th bWb­ -0� M Le�mar 4 and will r4nt it -to DRUGGIST 4&y. Al out 50 Were present which Chas. MY, Y.—W, -Chas. Pell has evamber of thud~% Stoves and Coal UMM4,0110'. Kai M, 0. ABERHARTI cluded 1909MOvelisall Io Wgarr.—Mr. Jams Coxmich, Of 3%91enlo 01404, who accoibrabb* the 1,� an t1m sick list at -his home[ P Z_� -R ies, Clinton After an. appStIZInI, A91413t for Shoop's emed ;.Omelnp. of.- his mother, tb! _late 11 &81 supper d been, partaken, of, 'AL. h6t, water bottles,' fountan P. -Pia',ppel, wbd was for 'tODk 'Mo. chalr, W Cotton Root 5 time clerlk In Mr. P. D. Rutchlnt4 us to PuApey for erm%i iw Ld,& shor. Syr * es Coo, visiting at the anamm.—Re-v N. a, and' ad an Woods! Phosphodine 8 stme, left oilr 24W b4utL nmcf 11 Y toast list -of songp iww kk Raftey IPA- WIDek. ev .) dresises was carriea out. During th �-s, I forzison bas been visiting riends 8 to W. N. Watson d y- i0t, her 9 f" days wlh her.aunt Mcbp, of the Clinton bo erA, re.. OsPeClaily the yo valting ri""Uvems., very Samil Fire,, Life iind Accident Ineur. week h sented Mr. McMchael with, a, haln 11, ( f St. M*a s. 'The latter Is not 'Wash I CS umessor sl*w, acoompante T P les Heron Is speAdin I 'Part of the gamJas. -FaIr -Sab� t go Lforth,— MO"H MAIN ST SEAFORTH'. W A. -Marcus, Is I St. this in,; IMPIe 01., the I 'abt- I on behalf babity New p.6M &tat_6 aad U&v Carswell op, exell I of, �IcKifl ged� )ul- piftsant memories, pf the kindly Chrls- some -souvenir badge. Addras M's *vVre very good health Sabbath pits with Rev. N. Shaw I& tian g,6 was so faithful In y son and intleman who IR Dbins, w� o bw bftn In a Store Siviefi -b tWm. :Jack g.—Mr. Afigus Beattl, of T Ond wis mar - In firetclaw family and Manufac. T. H. Hays, all his work- tW. Lumsden Grmtoh .10me again. As Mills, -accognoanid by 10s., Janes DIM i tnting Bowigg Madkines and -Cream Jas. FaIr, Clintan; Wlyot H. H, r1eq so O&ty year's ago to Miss LntCft,L IS s, Dr. B wrows, R. S. Is, , ylves him. Mr. Sman and Mrs. Wm.,Scortt-of Guthr*, who Bur. 6MAM116ft, V52. Rs, G F. Roglei W. Arr adbury. We cannot re (��11 a vear -when the Lawn fteld,,wera visitors at W.,Xchn no - cht1dren bat 34WRAymbud ancl White sawing while John Me aw I Mrs. Lumsden had tWo tbW Wee7 for "VW C*orge 131acx, IDX- W G. yearS -Mrs.,Campbell, Mrs. Notf s.—Quite Ma4luse, and National and dnd P. L. illis pr0o I*d the a nUinter of persous new inexpen ave cotton materials torn Eftye of Tucketslnith, is 'CDnfined to children Xuadat who have been Lumad�nls sister, amid her di here, Intend returm. music. rcitation by Heber Polel I I � I f rien AU& wwbg =aohine neWlos, oil, 14traohl. led, with 'an attack -of p rSy' ft -S', Made tbeir b" with them and they ade such 11, impression on us. Was, a samt feature% The �gather- aMR*_iep61m sod sundries. for all Eoi�ok, his I,, also- bave i to �W. and Mrs. am3-de"n t West ir the neaz future.—AG They are a1w as pretty and � fresh India Linilen's T`E y PM rly' ing - b u In- time' to allow th-6 wing SL suf ferl every tie Mahone.r, of Courtland, 0 khwht 0- f Machine- ng from an attack , of P euA--, 11 +"n I'men to catch the late and attention. 'Mr. Lums- wh when they first come, and always Clinton been visitilig In Section since Rol M i experience In the above monia.-Huch sympathy is or trai�. dw is�'survlved by two -sisters, both iver felt f WM guest of the eyening was 'M± 'o -Ad Mrs. Jr. 0. -Rose, to r.r,. bw let. I& a young lady of business you oan rest vowed of prices -living Scotland,'The funeral ser- umed to' -her home.' seem full of promise, and hint at C r$&4nquama#al1Dg and ntudanblon dents 'of - our vill.&M but now of the rnect. lent from all-sids of the ,vice as bdq in . thlb Pi"b-kbftl&u S 8 atist el heartiest o)n tioas and good ratula flowers sunatine a -ad warm' days her manners ad persondity,and ,quQph, owing to the,,se"r,,L)sIckliess from Clinton Church an wb�day afternooii wishes. Those present Persian JW- Vey'. N rt- jAmEs wATsmr of their three children largly! -atteuded by the friends. and ro�alist, amd will be much but this year there is a gentle; be-auty lot* -arl W. J ��Shed to show the last wem M. Jacl�son J 'H an b -alie, who. havv Who and! - H. Isset by her" many friends h9rb.- Stevens6%, Jmes' Fair,. J. �,Vr' Irwin Ogandi., .......... from' s XUd �Jfflder in ftWlnff MaChing jOUSJY� ill �� S alss Mebert has, we are In- and sort of new dignity in the new with typhid fever, but tk1buWof respect to One so worthy. Worw main 11w"t. sftfodb.� and Fred: 4ackson. d last M-orts all axe, improving. el begn- T�arrle ta,W. Hemml�e. M couple patteiruf and color tones. _U In sP sh the -Your monky lack if no Birl6ts.-We ar-6 pleased to Hackney �bock Food. L n= satisfied' air, isn't It? Try a pa�ktq e. Beattie Rural rural tlep. one' 0� happiness atid prosperity,Sfesrs. Lote that the �congregat;lon of -Knox Campbell ach In - John SUP198 ljoyd, McKay, 'Kand ngh nis become a live Issue In .6burbb,i Souris, Maitolba, of which Service has bureau and Stand for $9.50 a � tions to 00 nT ui a nice _d 9 their * barns this neighborh 'd. The Matt v. 1� S. M4drew, a fol6er 'Eftwon -=Mmllc iron 1) ith brass tops for AS. Broad ming 115uni'mer.-Your corrsponi- AGMT YM wntly di5cussed. at the board Iof trade foot, Box & Co. 2100-1 boy is �Pastor, liave icrepised the Sal- th6 c6mmittee was a; - 4c Bowlin on, vhO attended service at both the s I am* Ing IAI and a poluted to en Scotland fo Green.'i._A '130WIS I iLry of. their pastor to $1,$50. Under F b 0 SMICA00 AIRMOTEL 'Vire- into the matten ln� the Tn-Ean- somd.of Taylor's Celebrated tho Of Muldraw this'con- 15. terian and ethodist churches, in I-Nommm or%, last j30bath, -was dellghted klett, andL ladies or,gMtlenien wanting such, I find it ti o' timej Mr. Robert Sea th d e to place their orders wi;bout delay gre sewis to have flourished. - van e w Prin D o ds lty Winthrop and-al0fig team of horses be- v h t e sing1*9 as furnished -by the airm pumps 9, in the viclu L e tb est In size, style and pi ice, Ale�, On Fri y non, a choirs at both longing to tT. Coxberto livery, at- 'laces. The members of d- betwe�n Seaforth- aad hat �nd r: N .-g V.1 9 the roa, son. 21004 speci ad -been looking Into the -ter in Seafortlk to light sleigh, made quit,13, altv. '9180 all rAace h niaY Not corT40t. iie report tircuiated taphe* b)th churches hould bei leased and Vilk and Wo91 Materils Attractiv� Fabriez that I am spiling milk at 6 cents is not e)rrect ud T of their 3alented, vocalists. d arraning. for a, meeting, in a, lively run up Main street. They kindis of windmills. an price is 5 otnts, the same as the other dealers. R. G iWs ball-, at inthrop on MonU�k �ev- Tan, as I f* as. AmenVo cooper shop, 21WI mwtihg was �pai!ticularly dirl Wan�ed to. do general housework, to stait th VAM oam-wt it aning. Thq m the� wer stopped without ha Ka 01's well attendpdi -ad, the seonaki to o " of Ap � Appiy m Those who have rofited by F. A. Edwards' Big th ril to I rs. H. Stewart, Sleafortfi. Ing doie any damaige.-At a meeting Stspla'Bros. Barber Shop, Bbnefit ale, Icnow'what a saving is made. You havo beeA received with most encdur- Seaforth. 200-1 of the ublic 'school. board it; was do- se)dom �V first-clius goods at such reductonsas ottolyl4os aging enthusiasm. T Gibson, Tea deall all over have advanced.prices. .28ates, cided tb ipurchwo a, igong f6r the tl�ese: locandl2i,IePrintsandGingba There we rfullv pretty 8 wonde for e E�ell Tere�hone.Compa y, will be th ' same in quality and price. The tPA 6 smtjng -the n 2100-2 school. This could.. be used in case of 9d fiamic lette for 7 lj�c ; heavy, yard widmes fiaul� now dress goods to Elusian,s that tut�s Ust right. Beattie Bros. e4e for ii i -2o , 25ci�wooi serge for 3 80 * We black- thing in -thE ye those present an K connec- was :pmexit and, gaq f tro anj for other purposes In -io eye on our windows for ba' ns durir s for 30c i�60o coverb cloth for 25o 75c eep dr�ss go; OW OPEN ideO of the co-st, the k1nd bf rivsr �Crisp is "Ice, oAr stoc,� iif hand for Spri ag and Summer wear, g sale. BroadfGot, Box A 00. tiov with, the school. -Shortly after T eo�ds f )r 60c ; $1 B�I and 0. corsets for soc em- they would receive -and tha �est lAth- ldc 2100-1 Friday",evenlng the fire ala;rmbiouglit br, iderh s and Insettions, up to Be, all go t 4c. me an I re rds. 2100-1 _J,& t your are. F. A. Edwa and we are sl owing a, complete line� od[ -of organizing- the _compa�y 6r; as*- rty'in Seafokth Cl 1 Good for Sale. -That hous) a lara0. number of eople out on the 10 'ch and street. lFortunatiely it -proved' to be on- Zes.-RUs Lizzie, Fal Mr. Rbrt Scarl&t 4V ated on, the corner of QWen Enter any day Z�d lotp, as of the bbiei t weaves. 1hey. are c0ner no =Stre;�ts,. occupied by ir W. W. W alis. ver, point roPook or- Kantdn X t! vi convenience, such -as bath-rooni, lavatory false alarm. -Mr. J. J. Irvine, of retiurno from. a visit to f Id ganization; -Mr ImO bao -been spending ,woek MbAer tem in an departments of the Central 'J.0hT1 MCQ&T-1n, Ce- worthy dress Yoods—each lindividual ete. pply to NV. W. Willis. 210M ury, _PW 13AIleY Spen Sunday with I Buibmas- Ooltege Toronto, offers splendid It I president, and Mr. P. ebau r*nd-- 0i the Loudon Road._Re�V. �1&. price represe�l s somethi�g that is W No a low Mouthe pleasantly In 1 the Iguest of Mr. and Mrs. f nitl- Bew-UM dinner sets wt Fear's New 01 ina Hall. OWT I f0T r and treasurer. 0dinmitteats E�lso -2100-1 kWim. Jobnaton Goderich street', ewst. W-uld, a eturned rjalssloaaXy fr. rr iwd pvolita1k, -flva teachers. CaWogue etc. wi on) bGvlf I M -sty e5 right I good in q�ality aud 1'e 'T T I W W M% free. Write for it. &rpcdn"df to canvais Mj�be Volunteer* for Qu6bec. -As I have the requisitioi -Rev eil KePherson -in-ia* of C Is to pneach In St. Andrewl�s son Sorg frlu this that the inthro; 1130- for an entir� n6w outfit of clothing for the comitij M. Bur, of Frarpurhey who Is chiireh next inday -morning.-Harry MoSt year3 tle lutend to carry the project thruga onable *in price. Pome and -eve*** trip, all the �old members of the Seafortl i Company , stripe uitInas in hZ-ge chur6'11 in In- -T4rnex left 7 lesday for Saskatche­ 1 7 Ti - cipal W H SHAW, -Pr bae fir�t chance of places, ax a requestet novr Ta�-stor of who will thy and w4� are sure, they will hE6VP- 1, to leave eir sizes with me by We4nesday nekt I dtana re them. ett out, roils, baB Just refused a call �V*Tpl* f"ad, On riedneaday Charles Fal- a E R SHAW,: Secretary 4earty -co-opration of the busin 's Ale -K. Wilso Major, 33rd Regiment. ven Rs 2100-1 1 froim a, 1 large dburch in 4uleville, codex id Jaam s Rouatt I t r of to moose men of Seatorth. They are Cer phone 8 9, it connec y od KentulkY, at 06 0MISIderAblY lar9cr Sal- ann ial Irish s al, under for their anterg -You% ood. in groceries; and we are a: th all that�s 9 ary- at sices 'of the lAdles, Aid So- ffroadelloths to be commendqd, Keptenion w4mt to 11 jai TORO. in getting this rural line starteed your servlcek� Beattie Bros. 2100-1 Yonge naGeraxcl idina-. thel Tamilton.-At an lexe-all- ATO Bringyou�presqriptionsto-Feaee Dru- Store. apolis from I CletY, will be hold- In tho basemimt oil hope soon. to Se it Carried to a tive Tneeting of the Alrectors of tha St. Am 8 4urch on Tuesday ev 'Wall PaPO and Window Shade Bargai ts.-A gen C en- I cessful Cmiclusion. �Wie also ume clearmg sale of thousands of rolls o wall paper, IffUrOn county epring show to be beld Jmgi� 11 c 7tb. An -txcdlftt Clinton, -mi April 2ncl, It was de- gramm e Is be*9 preparzd. Cklme aind 1 stan, that the peoplel In *0 vic bieginning Saturday, March 14th, at Alex, Wilson's at of Constance am also anxious for -EL 21OD-1 cldeO to leave cnit the word, reglsterJ4..' enjoy"yourSelf NORSEMEN Ar, you i0oking for clean Cloyar and Timo in the similar iservics, andIwe trust it will not dmjjgb� clasg, thus alloving, -2 about it. Ou 4 'be long before -some defWit� actAon Just well to Bee u8 de Seed. Just Canadia4 bred brood, mares to ehlbit n qbality." Beattie Bros. is built o 2100-2 vale. *Iue xaamne, our speoial lines. of will be taken twards wtablishin 'elms. It was also decided to argon, ounce; -in this I tej.-Mlssej Irene Mdwen,_ 13ack, Horse and Oalf Dri K11 0 Dandelion, hal an ounce - lln6 to tha -place. The cost of - c 8 1p SarsaprMa, three ounces, is a gz and, r celp lip on- vmg igive the MbIsons. Bank c to the beat Moves, -the beat values on dwre structing Such- a. line Is 'aiot 'groAt, for rheunisawn. Get it at Fear's Drug tore. e brW4 mare of aa)y a4e. 'in Draught and Mortis1 a4d ul McNaughton, of yeaily rental would not, am,;�,now the market. Also our stock while the 2100 TUIT f fairly on the way Agricultural �claas.-Mlss Minnie Best, of stay -on Blamkets is com- mount to more than $10 or $12. Vor Coff2e-T�y our 40c coffee. It cannot be beaten to cavery aftbr their SOVO" illness. who, has been teaching, In Zurich for W. R. Smitl�. 2099-2 diner, plete. Readquarters,for _M) ack G -a- of XenrA, On - this subscribers would have the bez-, somo-Itime, has resigned to enter thID WALL PAPER -Big sale of Remnant hung frei itturnecl. lbome last vvftk atter fitt of the local servle:� irk SeMorth General H414pttal, Toronto, -to train 4600 e DRT PS Go. �oj ebarge. *easure your roorrs. Jx ins GRAVES without sdditlon�al cost.- The rupl Payl rig to Robes 2099-tf for -a nurob. lffiss J�est has bem a his paven-ts ana e hmp mrs. b. M' Dunlop is noW offering hqr m9y cotta evale. - JEM Elliott p is now being looked upon:aa _p ost successtui teacher and we we., one !Dt the necasottles, and it will only f6r sale, situated on the corner- of Geor,,e and Vic Thr IA Gallow4y, Bishop, Mongolian Paw visited her bro- ure will be j4ually F -in As successful thie tef-, toria street �, within ten minutes walk h oin xailroac and thft� , BI! iscott" last week. -M'. D Goa, 1mitation be s matter of timo before wieS U2., _. statloji, post office hnd churches. Th � house con don sh e I a now entering, - The bes 1W.- K. I illof -MMTJs Was one of tains threeAarge rooms, three bedrooms, clothe ephome will be. s universally uze&in M - A. Scott visited, a few ilays this the *akeftMq cl98et% *good cellar, well, with firt elass watei Farmers' lowest prices. Trunks, sWt thp country as ft 19 in thiq,.towns and voreek with, her son and aughter, Mr. ni�be�jugs Institute in G(rrl'Q, Molesworth and Only td ourielves the 44" In ftmt Of MONA? AV special val- cities. we would like to see brobghtinte) the bouse byipes. Gool barn and and Mrs. MelvIn Scott -of Ustowel.- casm and valism otl" :10 Jytd to the towns on, Ues (1, brexk her 16 by �'�he sird. 2Mx2 MISS Sutherland, of Hamilton, and 4A and largest assortment, Alties follow the move made �hickenhouse. Possesaiou'givenon3fay Ist if d weel .-Mr. ylie, f Parry -people( vft wbo n we do business. Shaves Sound ct, �3 PWple. of #inthrop nedghborhood, an4 We are sell 'Mr. Douglas Campbell, of veland,, -visiting at Mr. Mr. After a lewethy cussion ot the wab- In 11is omdition she was d.dvvAT b0M0 -h in all kinds of furniture this month Cle be -ry.:- to ordfpr M -Alp brough TE 944 we feel justified In kgalu &Ssur- 16 to 25 Or cent. less than usual prices, Broadfoot. Viere, here this "k with 'Mrs. Lums. My ton's, M Mr. Thomas Mar- *ct the� mieding was called, B02C & CM 2 boles, -he Joumeyi a. very tin 6f KewarI4 Ne6w Jersey, was a by the chairman , J. M. GOVehlOck, =64e t Ing them they will bave-the hea#k 100-1 de.,and Mrs. Campbell. They cwne to Teas --We liought before the advt�cean I tomwil sm were ap- 1W A�Ionff as -operstion and 4;ggatanoe :of �h'a vld* In the Vllage on Tuesday and when the d have 4 ttep the funwal of Mr. RDbt. Lunis- offle -nW business men of Seafortb. hand. We claim -e the bes4 Is v1siting trleft�ds In, Wingbam and pointed PreAdem t, W)bt. Searlqt VM1 as be expecteo.--Blyf� tiym- Ti BRODERIOWS c -D Dd :up 4en.;.-Tho, remnt inild weatl*r has. =e in the county. Black, Japan and Hyson, a4 t Kabed Meal? Iffamess 8tore .26c per pound. W.R. Smith. 2099.2 wn, the snow (solng, but it has Ta &I" do Joseph Leech h4s re- vice resl4qnt, 'Ztn wavin; ideps 'here last AW -1 I The Council.-The'regular -meeting, Df made the, roads ruther bad for travel- t u rrn6 *ed Tfryo`m"M'ri1 vertQu where he sent retary, Ja&- Kerr. The 611owing wre e4 in a son W_ ening by a score of 10 to S. Oppcoite Commercial Hotel, Seaforth the town council was held on Mon All furriture sold during our stock-taR ng sale will ling, -T -Mr. W. Ament was the lucky the. V at t par' with Rev.- eppdnW to canias for -phones aud b46 s�ored and delivered free of charge. iBr ana Grippe and thestoryns sham In the 'con: pea: Wm. eGav- Box & Co. winner of the turkey In the three'PaIr Oatin, Roddick of London, d b"& t1ftnept ade with the Jdhn -Dick 0., havel atly h. dered church servi- In, Us. SmIW High Alxande, Chas. last wmk owhic' -to, the f ast fafling lu'RESTI CATE. t of stone game between L the curlers. - N W 'IMP ces, lal gatb�rings and meetings of IAttle, Geo. MeMe, Jr. M. Gov*nlock, WUL -of bar' father, 16hu as rePortedl last week was raifled, [by Deatho'f an Old Resident. --A Cr. Robt. Mr. 'W. 1 J. Allin, lemvnt agent, Is �dldk.� - the council. The audito7re abst L -t Lum'sden, who for 42years has been having one of e d. The freque-tit blocks on Adam Diekson, James Xe=, Georp R. 'W Kr. X. Williams' stores, % B. eft" of Af r1W Into the'nierits of the the -most. honored, am 1, highly on the east side of Main str--*t, fix- the was received an accepted. Insur� r made shIPPIng very Hftm. Any inforVation wanted' by in- 9&v6 a 1W -one ot lway haie St. Jobu!'s iehurabl $7,500 viere Usa factory a4d the same might be -tending users of. the system can be -m ueo&�, eml of this e� vaji Policles, to: the extent of teft.residens Of Seatorfl, died 'at edl,up. for his own i purpose;,'and- will g accepte4 (Ax the woollen mill property.. his bdmO here on Saturda Said the se�,ding and receiving of Secured from any of the officers of "The A Problem. ' A nilb ot _y morning. mdv(Y there from his 'present stand In Maaa natter. The. committee on finance repn-bed: i as -31r. Lu m 'den w&s in the. eomppmy. lanterii -w-ft%-- sh theL a is eight the Whitney block. -The manyfrIends own anI, a be%, C y -second follows in reference to aulkft' year, and though not in. very robust of A euxios exhibited. Purailture Company's statement: of Mr. M. Y. UcLea% k. P., who.. has *inthrop. he4th f4 some. time, it was a 11y; since, been laid up In the hospital in Ottawa Br soft. Decease&�One of tbw STRAT"RD, ONTARIO. tmr looking into theL Matter, and find- th4 new ;year. that ha wea, with Inflammation -of thee ear, will wtwg of the patroas Sudden Demise. death of Grace said best knovM res ot, see -it In the mwt succewhil business training -school in Ing thAt they Were Onl li&na.- lie suffered very much ber pleased to learn thaIt he is, proms- Of t314 Witthml creamery will be held Roddek, wife of W. Addy, of the -passed awxyy y abaftit 14 par to �hls T UZO." a M., instead of L t 2 13tfi band and day, in Vera= 1B oddIcko Wntem Ontario. Our Commercial, Short *Oat. Of the. hands Omplo'70, Mom- during the 'past weeks frOm heaA sing favorably, and that be expects at 10 4'clock a p. concession -of ohn. Melegraphle D"artmenW 0 Grey, which oc- we in the oliarge of I6 mendea, that owing to the fact thaM the ij7�Tbre. Mr. Lams ly to be completely cured. -Ste m., -al �dverdse, t In these oolu last curred at the bo ister, Mrs. V&o bas made his home for tie plat bmtiuctors Of experience. All our courses are den Nwmas a short MnS In of her s 0 company did not reQelve, their W 4�i G. Hart ' cou 16 t with Ills 4aLtghter, Ummgb, up-to-date and pmetical. We. have lo*n .4berdAensftire, scoua;U4, art Bros,, C. P. R. agents. hove tick-, is getting Wm. Ballant ne, about nine eclock y inat"l on thei ground for the erp_� gre eoneofthelugestbusinesstrainting schools in until May -or f4our �months, aftdr the g to this country lived eted! the following to the west this Wednesday night, Wo at SUt- Mrs. Wgn IWIMtyne. Deceasel, Ww, 80 ot e *M Pro�lnm GeV our free catalogne and learn Asto of - loan aind &I h r unusual ton qnd'.Woodstock, befG&%o t king k: W. J. McKay and A. Prasar, of ti0n, fla new ir,h,1BSldence In the pringi. prise to our residents. Deceasedf th as well as hO 00 up! wee waa in 38th 7aar, has vUtwearedoing. CommeroWichools -n regarde to financtil m4t- -residence In Seaforth. imsiness mch employ our graduates, Students are oonditions I manyi, Seaforth, to Saskatoon; W. Fell. Staf- -Mr. Sam. Wtteck has moved to the spent a great por;lon of the pa;,-stfew tatUning be th for Some comns, -h fw entering aach week. Enter now, ters, that they be ;not as years ba. carriel an a drug businss! fa, td Calgaty�-In renewing -his sub- !arm he Purch4ed from mr. George weeks waiting an hei fathsr, thelatle ked to[r. t1me, droWr coupled with old' but erely the $1,000 prIA01- 13 L one & .L,&CHLAN Intereat, ELLIOTT 6f the first buildingg erected 5cription to th-P Expositor, 'Mr. Hugh Hearn, I two mll� s wSst Of tile Village. John Roddick, and on Tuesday, the d&7' Ing the principal ailnient. dick spent he Our W as 4ready ald� being in f an't, of Victoria, B. C., under date -Mi&' 'Minnie NfiSpadden left for the 31r. Rddick died, she became- 11 prinelpall_lv ull ;or ilf Seaforth n 'the corner re . tbell Gr greater part,of uZek -an I , and the year 1907. A 'howeveir,' -do tot D. 1). lWilson west 4 -Egg Emporium now of Marph 8rd, sas We have had a NM Tue'�dav morning, in company continued getting o so until the fina M* the 1ft,:L c0D0B`ss1M Of =4� wish It understood, that Mo- *ill apply Sheep- pse from heart failure. DsceaAed� wa stads. Latterly lie, with Mr. Alex. very pleasapt, winter so ta:r, with very with ��hera � wh were going from colP sa well known axid ymger days. a on an -other year and unless': the� f ill ilson caMed on the rug -and stal- little cold or wet. Carpenters and this ',Jes aM now very pleyl, who was bout 70 yeaxs of age, moved days fun-- buy4r in Our Optical number of hands are mployed he re- ttOqtry� business il� the Scott block, brick layers ha;ve ndt been del&Wd b eral, takes PrIday a on <M Ocou tiful y nt of the sear�dty to Grey township froyn Strattord, a- place atter that the� terms of contract bel (I. Lr-. -until seyen years from the r 3sidence -of is dsot4_ go.the rmtnersli p the cold, and by tfie ppeaTance of of fe�d the de d for stock � is nbt bout 'one and a if years -ago* She Be artment ried Mt. The towi liaiiig no conit,,ol �" disso�Wd and lince that me r.1 things we are nearig our spring Very good. James Balluntynd, Queen is the P Is survived by her husband. and grown,- annot ake a ny Luz�sden 1 had lived retired.' 0 an Corr 9.-A. la� inte�� t bef -inade Is - over school taxes we c tlme� for the'tullps and crocus wre out gely attended and en- up family. Much 8ymathy is felt for in cncessions on that account." The re- in thip tdvm was mom inter ed Ini in bloom and the buds are starting to tusla s c meett-�'g was held here on the bereaved relat]Ws. Instantly one feels doubtful about "t was receive(t and adpp0d. *The the Prdmotton of any Institution - thae4 show up."-kr. Josiah Tyerman, -who Mondi v e eninq last in the Interesta 1q0bW_11,. -W-. ]"arrow, mail would ten educational wal-', Wroxeter YlZal tel� ws�� W the conaition of the eyes. The following motion was assed: has been. conlined to �bed for tome, of - tN phone system for this wo 'the off ortG uncli approx�s of 4 to the -place, -Glb�ah, visitor a(t tb borne of his f ather, time has arrived to consult an thU o6 e weeks with rheumatism, Is Improving 5 Optician. Mr. Jo)m Leckie, zeave of BrussAls, representative of Postmaster Farro)�, over Sunday. -P. Notes, -Mi. 4G. Davidson has p zehaq- den. Wiwas fte of the flrlt direo-1 nicely and Is now able to s1t up and - 'the Bel Telephi6ne Mrnpany, was )*S- D. McKinnon, of WInnireg, has been -ed his fatherl blacsmithing bUSi-- i[ia_ putting off. till some future day is i3ri -trying to secure the extension of - tors of the Uchanics Institute and to, expects in -a few days ent, XPlaJ ad to the audlenco he Shaking hads w t1i old friends ba ness.-Mr. Q. Simpson, of jjen;aii, is lig not unlikely to prove fatal to the the C. P. R. frohi the town 0�f - t. his efforts axe due In a gre* me ask go -out.-" IS Life Worth Ltyl advisa ItY - Of tortning V co-operW_ this locality ast few d4yS. In this tmek makir g far- durin the p the villa ge feet Marys, north through the townshtps� of ure the "S�'Icce�s of that institution Mr. vAll be the subject of Rev. P. ff. Lar. pan -y J. J. Gilpin ftues very poor,- their arrani im-ens for IM -Price fro imtant reli7eving of an eye dt� tive 60 t�) build and mkintat� -Afts., developed in the meantime. Uzorne, Tuckerswith, the ;ton of msden was a great reade th 1 kin's sermon =ext Sunday evening.- le his C PanY giving us. con-. ly we am sorry Qd1 M and have your eyes tested. Seaforth, to, shi' Of M-cmlloA, N11- fh W Miry ay. Paralysis- of 0" Merji sfore in the Hemphill block. t w P ved In giving the best 1 keraturb, -The -mauy frIuds of 4h�s. McDonald with fOAh at a reason- -the nerves i�s t alinumt. - 'John --Mr. and We will SuTply the necessary eve 1&V of Walt�on anq i3ruseb and that Pr 'Ars. Wm. Stutt le e for ible t� the members of tt e public! of 'Edmnton, Alberta, amid former able rate, per glassrem- y at a compaxatively W# dpgtre to ly one* W- Gib --11)n Pre- . Ransfor4, of Cllnt�)n -made a business their home In the vest this b%T- ye MIss, Carde'Robertson, of Seatorth, will with 'A Ir. li rir�. thirty , ars b4 i wo43 - a! senteo the- p ro'able cu3t or building trip to Br ussels week. -John B. b,g spent some time nominal cost. with the form - Leckie, and the -Mayor and Reevss (;f mber the public school- b)ard and regret to iegzm of ,mr. McDonald9s thle lip- � per m e, the enstalling ; i frames and the various municl style pallties s-tated; with any on 'at statf have reason to- re- 1' death. The latt-er died in Vlctorla,4 B. Meg, et h� amd gave direction Sault Coats, Saskatchewan, owing to 11owick. here, Mr. We carry every Of McLauchlin has r*urned home 1roM Ws brother James &Z ot lenses. Our prices are Ju Wm. 89leson, 0or- St a little the view -of forming a deputation If. member kindness an.4� eaurtesy.� 0., where -he and'Ws. McDonald had h c form 4 comp=y. �Mr,- Con. the serlow qjef lower, than most people charge. necessary to wait on the mama�gem!Ent But no *here will Mr. LuAnsdan be� o)lp to s d the winter. Me- �M friends here on' ThA n__ B _Illn,_Ms of his Mtber. rl-Q, calle, 7k,;A one of 4he promoters oa the had All kind of spectacle repairing doiie t Pell ne MOW Jn­ just arilved there When. he re,- day. -The Francis Greene Co. -gave 0, of the C. P. R. to. secure their 0�ons t moro missed than -in thO Fir 3t Pres- Dohald was - me of. the -plon��wrs of Dq d- rural 1 oPeration north of 'ceived the -play entaled " The -JAttle PrInceW, raoderate charges memge to come Volne. Viss reaourer, 18 oo unft t to construct said branch �=d that b�t�lan church. He was I monton and had lakge Interests in Dublin, ' was amd gave some McLaughlin, who was,teachlfig eb I a copy of this resolution saht to. since the! organimtIon of th( church that city. -Mr. ad -Mrs; Joseph Noble Very U' �eful a�,d practical Informa- In tbO W60t, Is' al;6_1101ne.-P. J. len't Oreste= last - Thursday eveniAK- W. lAckle. A communication ,%as until his :;death, was ob the as; R received frdm nianagemOnt abd was. assistar t 3oard -of who have been spending the past few tion- to how"to build thO line, the. Donald shipped a ial-ge ctuantity of -Mis. Miner� ot to nPole- Thomas actual, Mt eLr line, super-!: mxhiths with Mends in St. t the bene- setUers' effects to ibe VAMt Gh ITU09.4 2, few days kyf 1wt we�ek in Jo 11) -A L Y for -W h fita to be derl est Huron, ask 0 Mpa the abbat 8011401 untill and other places, returned home this from� it and the eo. day of this week, Among other tbinm -Mr., 1). C. P Government to take 41 _?M , ;0110W Yea" a60 whtm be Wag forcedi! week. -Rev. Rural Dean Gunnels anomy 1�n buil g ft ourselves. 3ir. uvere� wore d auedan salq of his tam stock next intends such .9 -age A jeweller & Optician might 'be Rut siate GOO— o give uo on acw=t of faMn health. turO on Gray's Magy, which was Dr~ck, Of Se&fOrth, hi neat WM f 611ow In 9, P iw days. -On Tbur,--�. Priday aftei.Z00O.-MX. that lar" vessels -cain Viry much of his time . and thought pa4tpoo�ed last MMth on account of speech, 1* aud*nce along day atteradon of last week Ms. BLOOK SE"ORTH rich harbM -60 fJARDNO enter Wyor E& and t, BMI-0k, have rnov-�d tO It. The and Clerk werq 'was given to his chure,74. 'Mese who, the weather, will be given In St. some simll lines, PoInting, out -he mom were aaslc�lapd ward Garvin wbo lives NA sojtft of the xesidpn�e- they latoly Lleense4. InotrueW,4 tq idgn t uvilmea Issuer of Marriage with him and morel! Thomas school room next Tuesday ev- thV 06M V010nce i� of the wrvIeN not BpWOQ tb6 uilafoftAu fo� -allik Irdm, Mr.' R., XJrw1n. AL r] 1 oil