The Huron Expositor, 1908-02-28, Page 14',
_��E 7
7� L
N 1 11 WIN �ei W" 0 11 1 1
NX -77
Y, In AdV
max Role"
Uniava, his ev jkrituitural_ p6gsibilitleal of
[I the.
io "I.
4ar 'entrande- Inte thig bat he thei-
of miftets p
e This :Mherlal hm=y
gy not _Teat. & do es:
Nota From Th min Cana R_
i4, An adVaaL_,W ate to I olson, Ulm
TAU" apital over what A good girl tbre The is Cree-ttig great..
4,hrdaghout the terrltorY
reaso t her. Be burn
trae ha furs �s dcmd. Suln-
maft much Tb* ujae and- -ends aboi his barns.
and ana pwm her on, A)Jd 'thS Ter-
Ufote, LE a Nov.1 Ut, The winters a Ining wid ld�. 6 usati
the saxae. biwis as: the most fa ed4 Vou a 0 concern. ?Wkitten foi T
m yet ther�- are very-f�w sertle-ra 41n, diot I$ anxiot e
possible' to 1 t na;tJ in the- - w Ora thw� -this, about 6
For'spe _&ud eyeglasses.. are
means —06 villag
tt sort, or kind o -2r; T ymade ms next' t4 'I Ungava. At present th�',May "d
t Optical, improvynla.
be ntry obtEd flat', iog the, ater-ways. The, pud,
th*i three or Cc 'At sho inited Staiteg or sTrY Other the late$ ic tion is by. �da tollow�- miles Mest wa$ thrown-
-witb- o"
matAenzals W1U Wuos- In: the I o v- do, -ald �the U' fayl wable f commam Itiewent last,
b n even, viom ;es are 3ie0,,r1Y r I 3t, exe
Ary leni Gr Falls lifto a, state -0,
avd if 'You tA TO Your I Y are descrlb�d. week by the, A(
into t1iie V, rendh arlpets, F ranCe, hand
In a, �wee�k. es in any at I
d r0i -next sum, the h1ey wb�
W1 jamIlt= Inl6t tal�s of a farm
dhed direction powpr In the nalAed charle5
talWar& this, we_elt� 1, t Is bound. by this Arl&�� to. give pre- exef rd one of the beat water pt straight forwa
thr 'k y 00 known world.
Z)333 AX doubtW X we Het cen
owl' 41 ough the tr8I You Vidlentl
0-. see d angle, nd 4er�d tlte Operator oat
est at to be, Xolerabl-Y l"s, at an ,because the raod thr In the reglion-north of.iLae Whint- W th e de; p ot or
on" a ----- Nk ner,: 6nd
din conuot ' --is an, Area f a 5,000 to and took Cto. 9 tor jj�t%flsd oji� this pointl see so wal slaft. All eftorts t0I
uZza �Its 1, besides
f"M peg there
-h* -12 dr dale t ings uilbw been a 10,000 squar that a n, gene"y d f rultiess ,until the
a Styliah and the eye of co�uAry adapted remove him f
-Thei�e axe t -Y long wo d, (�,ililOWY9 fiGM the Q vosl- Some coils Of ,Ari R for
good,�, ewtollic' ;poon-s pedi-eurved to agriculture iderable sec- arrival
Muly for the Purpose of max-' nd fi#in� iled durint the aSt
Aloure., But, when, thr. around -it. had
lika the eye,, 1 W tIMV Ior the southern and wester Marshle
five follbws, talk for an ho4r,� at X _dt nlar�__
vvey will not divide the youlp coming 0
found in our Whicbever.wly �ok, you 00 portion of _Xtewatl1i T"mkas to be thr*e� le s dter'
M* 40h, the time, $UPS by Emad here t 0 subirict, an4 tho. b Con- part of the Ulti)Lral -Valu4j. the c1linate there ley
AWW t 1�4
h-e4ty'W-111- Ukely be Arid be- lot aric t to tiurn the barns 'and
much gkoiind . eovared. glass, not Slnting* being fairly good for settlement. The s Arter u bard
ls not
se am19 to -.about the dal :6d., e-7 *Mout Opposition. yWuhty
sides� ereA5 qui are very struggle
tile ind� eve inland'fisherles of 'Kee*aft
w6illd be% a; gr4fi, for
Vanal-an-French tTeat-T 14; uluw eo- de
ixom dust aa I w aluable,'and there are Very Oomising stable sueemee In: placing 14M
y and W make, U_W have a
counb pro afor ln%erai deposit -guard
�oxdd , a, fact� In Od��Iar a$ ParllaMeAt 10=1 P16 in se arrest and ke t Ulmander tlOse
h -Lon -
Mont 'all night. H( was
p&r1lamewrt qchmore -'pleacing Mkke- �t-- le:kcapt'to receive the: cured tUeM.-Und Or'. aeli th,-r,-,7 Great Mackenzle taken. to
A -.s regaTds
aebaber wet al-
erno eneral 'n� north of don asylam. M�xjsbley IS a bo -me boy
1 Basin;. the VaSt regla lying
alit totitable If no 'r of - tfi 040�v r -G, last
Ifted.. to apeak longer. an _Ulf: In w6tid ' da -,Y and-- night 6t tb% week has been.
th alid the Saqkatch�wan, Valleir anO west of about 20 Ve
W X-eewatin, the evlden�e shows the In this ab�Tt thi*e years
n the'. EeveTal much mol* aluable than —Robert C-9 e; WJ10 Ras for a num-
bmr'on, -any stiblUct) - except ore,6pent In .0mmittee-of. th6:Fhol�.
of the, speaker 9 and paaging
ohn u ger, rri
S p*ovislons of the treaty wbioh lmd to country to be
ce'r, anu there Are, qW, supykoSed, and capabla ber of -years bfen -;,a. prominent Ag re
rmnse, on was -at One 110 ho
bo- tshon updne by one. The 9bJeCt OAS i4ew, lie circles
It do mot Ahati potild not�empty the ea r e r, of sustaining a very large and Prs- in Tor4D!nt0
'molst anir �vb�."t In this � Urmae 0s7 �vmre ha very uumer&A iChd teams 0�way on Sat, a -day at the home, of hl$f�
ipan pe -
On 6us T.Opulation. -Mr. W. F. Bredin,
-have *�el* obliged to 'stick to their foul. "back bench? prielha LV -i*law Db gation, in that city
aount, son
cea.-,e rep ating.
.*6 anal e r"Vatives. This. treaty Is days
woo a 14 that country, Mr, Carrie 1% &S.
aild years 1111 only a f0v.
who lived ma
W in tbi the he�althieab� I-roveviers as I 11aye Isaid, three 40- vr� -�apulsr e province of Que- H. J. A. X -g en, seconded eit,' t6d the area of a4ya:,Iable a'grl- having been ta ken
U BRVO— *tts were dealt wit Was
=d color ones- ;: MovAd, by
f. z d the man V o is C 1i during the 0ast. 1je e from. a sentimental than 8, �day last.
-h . W: B. BAue, ihat the Cou-sitY engin- etaturial lmids �n Macke'n-zle and Nor- mo-niz o!w wedriem.
51 wre gatherinna to*lt 0t :The first' of Importauce peountary stand-polut.. Both land,' is years
the Man.,wh6 is. lo 19, Malt- thern Alberta atnot leo� than 3006000,�- born in Carn�aspie, Scot
'.bill bl W.. W. F. XcLea_n ameading' arid C ve be Instructsd to OxaMin-3 -lhO
doN -I VeA, :,to onwrvati due north ago and t C nada while Still a:
are very attr
ac- bit' gbod, land River bridge, between ths town 000 arxes. e 400 m1les
ties to -so as -to 0vitl or Me Conservative leaders' are VrY
Pave -the'rallway act young i1h For i9ome years he
Goderleb and the town-ehip of 011- of Ed ndid �ra;z of wheat, vo-ry
e be -in , IeW,
monto'n, sple
the extent of 9 h r iciprQcal demurap and OIV- of their criticiiiii ft ey of-
orne, and Aseel
suppotters -from that, Prov -
id it is a grati"Ify- 'he bridge Is barXej, Oats, peasi, ete., ihave, heen Te- %,as 4hqmas but rZ Tears ago
ther: tain If 16 can be gularly rat. -ted for v4z
his pure of thet i ill�vay companies o pahm aw!'jo twenty Years, came to nte, jVhere he JIBS ra-
.0 he� . �
utf V4�r
som time
V to know that we� of life. The plude*,'Man�, n s ihit a Lties for t&1r. failure i pro i�itiy Ineb. 'The rej�resenfatives the 1906, be- aided is
oado. scr at a r nablo'cost, In Or-. the prod�ict for the. seg,-Pn f
i 'Mode In the t yg9ods basl-
:XU On a basis it' and deliver freight of all Vle�� mern provinces seem* to. tak 3 very ale
ghf to he muqb �,have cloth�,� �Ee kiiowr Ai other t a sldewalk in* b�s built at Ing 25,000 bushels, rn grist mills as
reta -nttq 'ed to them, or tl a oth- r th
-1 indi st, otock in It ne way A es ne -0 ytars Was
Pretty neal ulted that :E�eight cars must 13 -of considerable cap cit av b e - br
Lables us ly� th Pd a p Ant and tiat -he. report to tM �s but f e 1past 2
also auze req alid thme . trom the extremi Y Sadt.
une sWsloA.-G6xrled- tabllzbe4. - potatoes and! other -yegeta- inAhe storage buolnss. Tho dweased
con Oil
dix. 0 , ITowe ter, - at the *11 be cyothing ia the or iary Belli veyed At 'the, rate �of at leat about &$ Ind-Rferent on
669 that -M es on the Gbod Rioas blej b -ave been for maiiy years satis- 1pft one, son a*d 110,
Miles sr,day.- T1, -$Sl Of go id. Une, i The cdmmttte
sees 'V�hole, - the- - treaty is -a part?d that a, I i y -law- be prepa'-Od In fact-orily culti.vated at P6rt Good 11ope,
knows when he -day SAA, a
low as, they c&u.. oc *111 bv specially beneflola toGa-
1�eAer than usval In With, the -y-law of the qn, tDiarteen mileo ielu Itaills.
T_ean himself Is n dt -by' of
to _ -atid sho4ld b6 th4 ca"O
-ht., M.T. MC Prenbyterlau,
y be Sold MY ddlesex good, roads, from the Arctic olrele.
i the man- .vho tak, 0 lye spea, He jj�g4ly In ed trade b6twee 1 this P-Ounty Of Mi -Next July it
any mea -me aftract CreaS .0 council.. lebrats,
ted t< I the wh I The evidente relal cu bank
-wit ingi to the will ce
!egit.M-t4EJ. �nd a ub
awount, tbroagh: the Ly luent -and Makes 00d ce and the French natiox They
avells his L i oletabl Hudson
�;. Twhe by-law, design4ting the roads to abL11ty of Hadsn Bay I And their 60th A U301 Verkary
)d deal a have a. go9d
*hen pewfs A, go, ar6 Uberal. -p urchalserg Wei he county as a-zounty 1§trait; aa an lternative means- of J. 0. Dirt,: *.'I 1A st-ow0l, Intends
savi-ags,resul 'ing Irad Pwra, as 10�nts,� but re
by t
DW me'. e want, auAl _e, aidvaant- a8s, ssed
ate a i ti d -this spins Out Vs spe Timbil. t1eal that the a0h 673tem was pre 3ented A0 the council, W
or length than necessary. i uitions U whic, x their
mi aiia. iowry'man t a OJLI's EL Pon jpspo 0;1 and thorougblY ( I It pas -sod its regions -01 Canada Is Most interesting" e weeks, trio to the -
We inite hig *ccasl6n,. also almost eVerY i4enl- lrarkets.coare. lacqA at _our S
th- t f it- airst and secand v t s Peo
ithin reac 61 Se "V V nee pro In the 1�duse Who had a $houid, engendor a large and! reading. The Toek 41 observations. Comina-ader Wake- -Mlayar G)Oon �=d, ewlef.,
oft wse'dysj�04'd we will gaJnst a railwa'y company seeme to. a,61,6 �kia, ated on Y
fitore's 'ked wss -s no do Old.
the el Isms, was wred ham, ha, ubt that When th strait _StrAtford, the. Stratford
te, Tile Pres which Ja �rq;erjy purvyed and Lit, It will Ten- Boy.
Money. ing dews 1W It- his -duty to vetitila ent week ha's clsed. ithoat
t�ms *hIch the county show Money bom plainants were the wa7mt Df c()T&dence motior a hav- the length i>f
indst numerous any
retain control of the der navigation Safe, b4t- tha the P-11- Ing last
> t would"have to
onfi can 'the new Noith t.r
e e
inem from NY �( n Ing been submitted VT the. Opposition.
bers he by- are such that naviga- ld�ut of the
N 8�Ance . ,
-Alf-�randlne in 8 re ye been, lie tU6 act t matic conditteh cutt!5d- oallege" gave an
dals -a ba
cut �rov I - ds. According- to -nnot be expectedL there after t Guel, I
Gothirg, Fur Bud Underwear—" prices, almo . . . . . _Irl�� unferous jjenm, ther tion ca i A
aw gooda to hand; d'- 'delayed in could ta_ot be recluded lor three grl
o0 0, .1,10 iny old ones rovampeAl ank rei- 1 uated where carg were g:
old e load$ Would, hamvre to be end '�bf October.
s.bou ht:f03:,*this a�aqoetaiade. Remember, we
good rantait' -from three t6 nine. 0ks, :furbished, and the businqss �)f tbe 'years, and t1i address the dt her day at the second
question -C
by e
ly, vbereas� -they s. ould have rea Nre we mailitalned liXaCheOU of -
I I weat ty 'until uch hile the the Canadian,, Club, ot
ing Irp-04 D, ch e �k�lr guase h&s.uot been impeded. 'f cliMat'e
-a far nort h eauntry was
Ime. as ple on 161re ppropriation- WAS -I the
a ip sod
MAInt- ditIonq �Jma Gig
estin tion within As Many IThe Afraid, however, this Is -too- to under investigatio'n the Interesting fact ot A vm- nt, r.Antll two-thirds of the -Mt. nd
ocuring cars � In rasoiiablo, just long, and, 'the -probablIttl are Ape
ec ft ttended th� 'golden
me after ff t
)re,,_ we feet sure lity of - pr_ ng.seems o bo a that theI. good conduct of, the C)PP-031- I lPallt signif led' their wil-11- was brdught vat that the Isothermal, bank, a or ua� i INVest - al-
aine --of - lxafton Mr. Gmt a -.0iderl 'no 6�14_ Ogne assume -tile roaAs.- Bay triel Tor -onto, a
tore wi be quit ndiderable . grievance..- Therp tiod in this respect win as to agair
o adjo=ed. it 4ue north Instea4 -vf east and short -the, Aged �ouple-
The council en
r I& . . Fn Co,At are
.1 Ioubt but the railways have beei Leed- live !aljober week. r;
Ae, for them when West, wo popularli supp'p0ed.
both 11hale, a
45 essly . laX in these and other re 3pectsit * The Bixdgt -spee6h Of, the Our Boads. -P
$35, to: p' by _W11nister is kind, of §ed for
d that they -need 8tirring c half pro t
beg_�_ns. DoUI 110ular $55 to $65 Cana(lian. Cob CORI' lot the Th� twelfth .8 nnual CaMuLds. lent of the 6n Flospital ranama-
on high -
competent authority that siable next -week: but whether Or porit -is a g0oa
to has been Ontarl4a
Rif %.Joats fo 191 W kept, will 46.1 end -on -has been -The city Of St. Thdmas
tir them up. And an occi miss Ln 'be ��Vvay IM
$28 to $30 Black, 0
�18. tAo 2cr tendqnt of 11W061 as gut?%
e An Tly da e
took circLIntstarLees, exelnetv-01-Y tree mail delivery. at �ea t.
make arl f3e- Wombat o it , ed. The to' �rt deals 4tritatm'
such Ias that which
-to $35 Brov
0 L: z oes§orto th-
othei day ,n -0f.goad mds. The -scratch eaased the death
on this -the the questiq
& . .... 21, 2L ace' 3ert &T,coat a
lReaulaa $30 to $35 ifflack G&How But about -too "�roc I Ottawa, Feb. 22, 1908. Ontario are now co�t of, Kathleen Baxter, fifteen YeAr-5 -11'ev. o good 4services in Aoi 2 Old, 'a& The law 'now -nee more than
Regular $30 tO $35 Waliab�' 21, p ts the alatei La Windsor tUe other dV, f-roin
oat age to � c erm the Uaghr XROX chureb
.Mitchell, mg,
j iersons y and statute blmd polsoning. She walq_
harite Tito County Counen 4, -year in mone
a f 16 to, 20 allopay aesilea gave r r
ID6& u r. �Qt 'Mr. a. j. Baxtdr, f that city.: ruary. 16th, ugd --alar $28 to $35 Fur -Iii., diag. -ripeal-ving freight a -eftalv of the Huron �Jabor. That Is ther actual expendir
Res, A specl4j rneOtlng-, the t -ea. ineetLog Xiohda:� evening.,
en 0 ff- d in the
9-38 te 'per'-dayJ4 they take longer than L 1;�ture but there Is, in additidn' S. tre- -Within the past t*u wneks there at
s -TS AD uncil opVK0 towr ii c-Au-LiTLE f tlme-a�ndi energy wa-st- have been five fost -Offigo robberies M-1. a Son f Ae, late Dr..
FUR CAPS, tain time to load or 0.1" k r r
hall, &alotth, on - T Li"dAy -a' toll
Cochrane. of
t Is ca -demurage. &r ever bad roadg. WeTO in. Z!�sex colintythe
'�'_ed lift trayifi
lied a4derich, -occu-
McLean, of r I
, W. . Jatob
directing to road when a
proposedAhat what Is lib* �Ied the hair and an the, x bers- i;:%61nS a-Vallalic at Ruthven Suday m0rnlng,
In bad a tau in,
ason, of the 'goose.. �§fiould be made Ssuce were present except two. On the OP- ImProvement,... tribixte of time, ch�r- small quantity Of cWW alld' s0ft the new arter a burldIngwhicb.-
inconve: Mnee now paid, o bad a'ge stamps were ec, rea.
the gander and that the zai'wNy 8-allIg of the eduncil. Clerk A. 1'. gy -1e� fell It d
-1d be liable t D ddress ds, a, .mira Lw Improvement woull iftio-y R_-nre 1 -of retu, k seriously
nies isfi;!. the Wilson, of Seafrth, readl -an a �u
n oA the-
-hipperm for hin striking him bm-ain sums �or fines I -ag the council to aeg%o, thy: andl result.. Da vehicles and til, K. a., died tWelve lectba4kward, Antling
W41otimi &91E td horses, mother of W. W, Row
ge than them the :pri-viftes -of 'harnpss, t
the event of he h a,f loads that are drawn Saturdiqy,' at'the af$e ot '82 year%,. Ing wlih
Inflicting !a 14met
or,* 121 .9, taking lo r a%tending to hBlack Astrachan athe wld0NV f breast, ro
-ho died aome
-a: s0cified time to furnish carS n, 'in wet season!
trW The de lady wa. breast. bone
Regular'$40 the �tow May -or T. -E. Hays,.i�hl self We business
3G 0
it - d: wall' c�v
freight n, lo$4 by uabilltY' the late Jo�eph RD
45 trimmed for they' -are- qrdlered, or it Is de county zouc an ex- tbat cannot be take thur Bashfield, an
_.avow, ager jot
transmission- onger Ilian, it ach market when prices are, fav�, years ago. is saryl-ved-by AT
2, 0 1
talnea An -Wzrden - In a neat speech asof addes- to re
seem reas- In' Y �or '40 of course hfte-Vaok curl for This 6rablie t total 1WIS of %suA and, two d4Q#ht%-Z- the ventral %urniturO faZtOrY at Stlat-
has p
al considered
Meeting fruit, darY And garden pro
for onable a -ad fair and It. so. The -object of this special ft
go Bokaran Lamb
a -ad the many other Inconveniences of vae, near lringstor4 *as arrested. last Ustowe
int4t4st In tho
uld. be. �ad the Wuncll�
0 duce -these -A man Babcock, Of 94r- f*rd, ed, for. 5 but the dift6rence Of ee he
.0( to the �ubllshe -is, 'ban
ea' t ef itaTio lamip.9 d with ir-buman tr0alnent 1004ng Sfratt'Ord th6 OmaOy 8
plain or,trimm fectiye r�ethod was for the purpose dicap Ot week, charge
best and mos d report of the January �bad roat 'or -Mr- BusIffeld -with
3 10 sel- of his babe, four mont old.- Becaluse fact Y ItZesented
r ving-the change bmit, Our I
61) 101. whether by I an lnflexlb� Act Adopting county system (f roads, dom Tealized.
rim in of' ha brought A to an extent the isum f which 6 _,i3ab.1eA' b� 9s f0' and$ame g*1d mounttd Umbrella and
-Fur-Lined 16i blndl rig. -session to consider the ad -VIS bilitY Of ft cried, it is a
- I I . llegedf be twisted one a, b
mink and -marten. co Ar3 Adriess.
the morre of its
90 of nt or by. re exibld with trie object of-participatin y Roads. rms till it broW. The mother
�a to the King- -Mr. Job ton 4 of 1�13t*VVA, h91
()API�Rl NE'S and Infant were tak
mean' -of the -Railway Commismon. A VT go9d 1i The progress being, -made in gh-
FUR RUITiS, THROWS, ?du"S, COLLARS and Government 'appropriation hl the - otper -97 hIle in the
ed that; the law the tion It 13 worthy a bad fail -n t
In this connee wB;y improement IS, lioVvever, sub- the, Qaeen?s hotel, I be
%t .93 the advices
per 1 4 to the Fin ll lavatory at
-madbine PA they would Railway Wr*nlssion- was �_,one. only foXmer ,oceaslon
f note that ther oouraging. - ONer 40
has started to run- the -lawd . 91�ssed hi Cllanadz- met In stantlal nd en man- Not noticing a hole In ; the
OA enfcin which the county council cent4 'of the, province to which the News -state tCanadlwn aper some of the boards had'
......... igstrong ini `400r,
lie last meeting they had Cummlsslon� has done ufacturers
and; that the -was spm -e 315 years ag npromment ct ls�appllcaible,
Seatorth.. o. The ir remov ad by the plumbprs in Inak-
'k. wever, th& been
lendid wr, 119 meeting 'the has establishe itig some repalrs:. he fell Into _14 cut_
61&ding- c01nTnitWe`_4eM_ ole buisiness W&S contain- sidpTatlo.4 of the
t91 of the wh
am syattms of calp o0n.
j highway d there will be a ti -ng hils f5
a;ntL _dtled, evM' to t1m is um to- a W" also a speoW'o-ne d alid is �constructlng I. all cantrs of thel Commonwealth
Minister of and 'was for thO cc :leading Toads; and that if the s ualit7 of
the e dest Be
P�,Azca f T-11 the ed In' the, speech of the to b ay up the tQ11, roads 'n paper Is Inaintaine
Proposition total'. ex ndilure 0 coxxnty isy-5- ettists 'Of Blan-
The ne of
a T. -e -W cikurc�h.let tb Closed the -debate. He Tt would strong preference In
_em Railways, who OTI the oxtij gr$vl road. ted: to t of shard pas_snd y 3Frl&;y, Feb
telno has t d te amoun on
r Alp product fqgalwt ths
ldr� th� pur w nkinment admitted! i griev- -nty
said the do when tho coa i 664.19, tal Gov- 14M J n the
thoy carry the ultoatse z6am trbin this that the Pr4)ylnc, ot Krz., J
and It Is tale best es aper
ana the uestion enment bm cantrib 4r
h ated $365,218.74,�
pectable ma the dy that grie-Yance. The e facturers are also fin Ing a good mar- ofthe late
- t
od, roadis they liav 4
ablished comprise -maid. n: namt WAV
Overcoat 6 :Off. "uJitry and the_*rail connection with go The "s its RM. Slack whose
grawfulay baw 8 at 33 pqr_,� 3en part- SeafoTth. ket.
nty systems On6 hu-Ared Men's wa to come to miles of Were. cot, -it (',1hittl6k, cme frVM t, Odslon and harmany w1U d thr -on
All Boys, Ov al Pt"i. 4 lanos, t�at' the rep,
h f e. nen The ountry, After being -received b he iZeaforth` province understood ort -of
8rcods- at i establishe 3fughotat the abot, 65 yeaTz
machine think tL 7 se sums in e rail- to the commission whichl investigated the Fermanagh, L�ielan4i
officials : the council proceeded to w;- it I
5 has, invested, immOt the laa�ras TatiC there would be About BlanshaM. She Was
Fin Suits, at IL $ th the Q 6c 'bridge -bus
tha congregatton wl Lh eaO 9 of the �country, and any g that collapse of the Q
Two )...mdre way, tness. 6,000 miles to be permanently. 0ou- of Wiling 4
ailwoys ne bu toGsessed -a
bw women aa chUdren 0) idusly -effect, the been handed, to the -JUnistex, vf Rail-
each- (and gem!'
will Injur ovedF,by Iessrs. L6ckiO tly. eong tructed. w her.
bg- one vaad,, Mistake- One !andrea MeWs Suits; at Injuy of the ICU tied by all
-within a few
ic .Must reflect to- the. -'this c4 mdItIon, I g` mar ways and, Canal, a,,bd will -probably 111017 TesVc
Millan, tha;t this council Appreu a -TUe � de All 006urred
�sltes few years, _Coiutry. But, desfite Bridgf Ckmstractlon be presented, Parilami tri of� Fifty Bbyls! SUit.92 at r highly the address of wolComs, of itobal, 141 VebruarY 8
ve -tra'ctloft
Y's must bt, gI
urch they, brought In required to i�, Bridge cons Is AJsP&rt days. The Teport, WKIe !mot quite c0M- _�Is;l
f Seaforth, and 0 er ktai ty Mejo the rallwa, refetrences u Tie.- , ,, . dlug of the
the efficient service W- C,4 bvAiding Ini which n 'he
tollars. It has acted lik *thO� -peogle *made - to the 0wo t road e. g t featuleb7 of 'resient, vrhose ImBbad bought grab
4re Odd -Pahts, at the Mayor o of luch Plete contains com- William C ax
ced in ion apan the $�n'tlal,
-eas uctln g of the permaneh
�5 cent plece; It Ary �1�oj the proper cond- :cl.f, and, Ehat the addTesS 'be ublished., ;niss
tiusdd so the, Investigation and V14S a,
le%ty-t In ti
The to place pf timber strde there rly ell
JnAhi min ates,'�Carrled. �rm �01 Cur�lo & Wise-
pock6t 1. buelness of the 'Country, -ad
tbit of member of the f!
it IiL best, to children
largely In tho pas
that they send- be considered is whether Moved. by Megsrs* Balli, ai�d toth-1 t. steel -A oo�iarete -Twe p)Wlaes at pttsent OCW-
anley of V adawak
r -
try arid bring about his des[r'V'&- e irant bef mude to� are being vAdely employeil. James St a, were man, -in th The late
he that Aft ers, that the usuaJ 9 deaflj'cm 1'rlo4y nlgi-Lt - last pled' by J4
k says suit by, an Inflexible. act,which Aky or -road systems burn0 to
he �fts._ Ourrle WW a. sister �of the lute
to, the poor in TdrvAt�. U erwearo the off Icrs and men �of 38rd� The varlOus 601xnty
ad- by and the cost of As the Twult lamp: being
M to, the Loid;_1 bat-- may 'not be enforced,', or ported pon' an oil
prof i� on -the same term� last are to of Messrs..
;5 Mig. C4eage, i Carter, a -ad
reF Men 4 in detall. d. The vl6t achiniu di6n t like tb& bill of Mr. XaLeant,or by�-stregth- systems Oven turne me ages weTO
ndg9od -,wo the TallWILY COMMISSIGM, Ill- a -no KtDer- Statute labor bas done or 1ear4 ud a I
would rather haveibank- of )rwe r-. ering 7ear Smith Much, for *.,Vnd lontba Vhe par- A11 the b0st makes. of I&Ved, by Messrs. is an eizel- house and looked the John Wise man, 4of B
1g them. : lamoh.Ar .
and the roads -of LntarlO. It ents left the
ct. eaqing their rowers 0 the 14*ge ndm Ile �Td igennedy mid) -that, 0yring t omdtlons W&. 2dwt
'for Mquiring into grIev- m andof , certain children in g :was kn4oVn —Wh
at ditiona, help ber of."foot PasmngOrep, orms!Ing Bay_�,, cent Byste and 6tt wuship 70� h I a 'T 'Of
sed. The e3asF. till tile house was ft
a! ices and having, them redres fleld bridge, now bein but these -c0l). 'the latter Ylew, and. to -day, lit On- neighbors did their best to TSSCUO the Pr a Ve
waito]CL -We wotuld St
Q)"rument �took atute I
'net% ne Af te
IP Ing only. 4 lost week tvym his re
g eret4d, t be� ditious no longer flames. -he SOS --
I 144.00t -roadway, i�, and 0
x. Robt. 9cG&v1r4.d19-s We Minister promised -to bring down Tscogn:284 by all prOgreWlve little o but it Was too lab 0 - I I. ask this Council to' bae attached! t9jr10,'
der co hou was demo -bill in a�-few qs.. with. th latter Rdl� 'tbs se sXtrkton,- z rid' wss about hal a mile
tudsome and well match-, di aidewalU five feet Widiff td Ithe ne*� cittz'ns as u'rsuited to mo n.
_Christopher 11jenjI of Ottawawho
�i team tor a good ffg� 110 was sudoeni
at eretired aft halt
McDonald was the- buy, avrers,
ece-lineashirts and Drawers view, aftd also to ftlart fOA tiong, Bays Alw relport.
Fle obvet In g Iand bridge, -tor the convenience i of
engthen mission. tbs� load A -Aa The. split 1i ig rag is MOMMended last week or nearly a
2011 pieces of Od Shirts and. Dr ais§6ngers.-Zent to troke W h
ra eonci century,�s -active railay work as a witb a PA
400, ano 500 T is cl,%ed the d1scu%66nc0XT Me for use in aid building, and ls� cutter. Tlvi
Wd had spent the sum -t tor goi bridge committee-. led him z coiiselous in h
its Seca id read- tor Ig 0. P. E bas a
ts iown
r given Its Seca M6ved by Mes the second oldest.
Jaw, aAd is Ext'a heavy SOX2 -re,961ar LlelknA bill maa-� srs. Irarris and stoel biic eso, and, firems )JOrge 'f4Dr;:U aWlY, Of I
He is t
'Ing, an of
-that, d. sent to a committee, ai�a ; uniqug recoi
Car of settlers7 effects 'ne, )AVId
eight, for enlock, thatessrs. engineer n Caada,
Will be the last of A3 Al Thq (-,re&t WoribUnd. and during Ilia Wrted 10t W. Xe
it en
o, rarmii n extea Wool Sox medium V 256 it has sery the jV4iden a ComMittdo to arransr# has got an Al team-- loyei`heavy ribbed Stookingi fori
I I.-officia* 01 t1ii, ces of part of V41do VerW of 48
ed' its purpose. velome to the ei nctmc us Tea= L.
Ineft" �00
#r in accident Lou, 0 Ud the
Ith. of Bthel, has takew The. next su))Ject. of roost -aterest June raeettng.�-�rrledl. plore i regions of the Dornin- and. lireman was
d coloted- Cashm cou'nty at the the unex, VMS S mmed..
h w
Uen!s blAck, an WAS Cift Trbaty, Whip I &a Ale- Ian tie -evidence aad! neer received any Injury, and twben rv-A I
imly one mn f the durb,
:Ierk In Mr. XL G� NesPa tbs Fren A drAft by-law, PrOv g 0- going lion were de3cribed In Relubeci
sAa 'mmittee ag the -whole Pe
day and a uIP t. tea$ -heard bete 16,se
cuV�3ed for -a House lutd the Ject ad
saya two; or three wed P&oAp bustneasiwas -by t e lovorawtive "a 116win6 an Id resident Of ber ie�'of the opinion -of ft s GezAm, which with was run
�heprrogramme for Wa-- by the -clerk as ureri Senate during last we)d D0000sed,
w" on*
100 Tat) Shirts at' seems"to'be depatation WhO mitte%has - just
�ty. Time WM teii.:_Mr. - as ne, of the Teport of that 0061 orsen i was bom
that this reaty b a0ant- � who w
593 a known Con- name was A gneo
two -Wra. 1 well
100 HIB�Vy Top E;hirts at t by.direc
t X41tou 3 04vow 'to the country. TRIe wait6d dn tb* %oVemmell. iA:.tllls cm" been nu - In book ft dead i the Idt- the towns h4l) froM no
�Wa_ hope they will -I finistor -111tertor. tract*r, wag d, -thevrovi Lew, and to- -the council.. the 1cdanty,,,WL -
arly all ne the Afth *f A041, I
let . t I - ction, addMged tion -of tm ?
100 He avy Flannel .8hiAS -at otive, of dhen Of hit; b6me 111 ItamUton the Other
peciall trdm
Qumibee, Irrespe
lem an
y by�d, by d The votume deals with the undevel- -he !was, In Iht r 74th YOUI!
amd Mrs- James 110 oVit. "Mr.. Borden, K of mmft-g. Th"tions We that tame
of a.- and i5i: at Ili favor IbW those TArtS
FancySwestetsf M.On Y, are ped natural WeQ1th -01 1 her Paren ts to : Mbbort In the � tall
Moose, Jaw, 200 lewaer kle, that this 06UACII re"ve tdmznttted t �there Is e,
i4M devo d his c0alder tb,6 the new suieldej
Opp Into two Pr# dr that bis 01a was tho re- 184 �Settl
dting with relatyes and, Dr ce Olt dsIt committees to- M lot -1, conowslon 1�.
.0 P regarding
ent CkIcul ated to aws -prop adthe
time to wrk argUrn the� Alberta lying Wtth
dton and LeaidburyW, draft b7-1 oue con�ml tthe ast i Five wall$
not w area of t. were with,& suit of I
show that. the Gofernmen
formerly a. rei-Adent cc county road System, ttee to kat W bo 0 M -
but now of Sydneybam Alit liad, not been 'he m
'entitled 10� iny credit negott be composed of the memii3ersl h:01n 00 260,000 a (Of Ungava, lying few" days Xr. Hain
quav miles,
Of 27 Pyears
nds in �Ing the tv -lea--Tk1PPer In r W -e torMS
of Om. 1w d" tm
al.% renewing We t north Quebec, 86 L41 alone 1dun Gar d we4t to I*.
a 001 Q at ' ji them, uba)a mimidpiatteo - of the provincei%ot o4 _m the membM
�Sacramiint will lie dls�- in 91 the -sb lu his time br6lie. the gr utu - If .01at of , the r jn.exteat; of Kee- his :kIntly R�nd I Uilng ince, Ided.
ove HU68% W41 make: &mberw f thef gn square rr IUS v�tero gh test
tnui� res; -at tr
4's Presbyterian ch=ch negouied, a, st y In the 1, tarW, �itnd In tUe bouse. It WM* evi& at MT- 4, will be. b I$ 6r LI ildta. and watln, * lying RM01 &,- but Ln the Ye4r
Term, Wunleloalltlw.- Of C�aTdineir- 410d, negott-
--Per cen nuer as- this one -an 407,41:6 IWIlday h8A
for tile tem Q*
nxmning. the pastor of- ame ma aTea of been asphyxiate
The cda'4c or he -� VW left a, widow
VMS 4 faacidout
L Josep4 Denilet is -dsitt ated. Sevorar other Oppogit mom it the�l tlu we� and'- Of Macke -1121e, lying whether It time. cash' dy. MdZTAng- square miles, 'n been
Xrs. Samuel that suicide
1& -Butter sud Eggs 3 fritim Ontaft tried ig 710t k
to of sifoxat
north of WVI OiL the 11th of'
ur- last &lid p
e ra ther letrfineft-
V335NMDAY. the Ar6aty would b east ot thO about 56 years 'of -9e UTS. J01 n
this week. "TbO 1 howe iof
road *ud uewan and Alberts, "41
,province,. -the bri yukon t4orrit)ry, -.5624&2 square maw viye4 by widow, -four zone and' Feruary
pte 11a undergicine, an tal than. otherwl!J8 ed this On assembling, d__
Townsent, 1�er ado,
7 t it, to -ted c 'htem.
-woulcl oommltfee repor
A-0-00AVA4 A - - - I M tbxee dmug
-he whid
lotion -he ear t only interest ,1extMt, <r a totd -of- 1,6-887.1569� isa-uRTO
iome hat. T.6
likely benefit would be the Agrlcd- bridge matter, referring At h�ok W Mlo -than Allen thepelghtoen Year old Her verinT t3
nalt latindsl lewdng for It raues. 1%ts Is by Guillimbury, fax- aer- Rdbert. Gard
A A, " will whole. �6ouncll. area daughter of an Ma omp= by IL 4
and"t -,:)r. Smlt,�, square miles, Relnbsck, and wdy ta Jo9k after hI& twice the.cornblned, d burni
GOWTAN Millie- a�ndl -and ft� T
log, ba; vu up land growwIng In by. %f4DVtd by De. rMw, 1s acew dien*
provinees of Con- _ng the barns
4a the -four dri 11th, t W.
-ving tak Inure, tilt', grape g.0 ton. Me. 911181 funeral
that a.'sideWalk' b pilat tebriiW
four feet NV
Swk.-The i;e t thaW an
ome,and made things the deuce, goes to Y's eerzwwry. Mrs-
tW to ,the, Baygeld -
the reduced of
The nrilu Of 48cob Hopkilya ft-OmAhe Teal
brIdge -m�t' *I fire bett g about r bie
i jhez4. Ift*ndh wines. evi tbs. loss - 3v ded by 1P. donle-nft tY umdan
e- girl Ams: employees. e. 4e olfsw-- h6wever, surn- -Moved. ou, th Segaes a belt
I r 0- diner b
East Sida. krain Street-, one dooffS a te worffzo XC3011bm that the �Wdvil I" miles the wdth Lop dne. -0 law Is
�Tr - an
bb*be ly yet, h alb,wildle b#dh UyIng by
mmlon JBa-0 t Vmrket- in to. the- zuw of PIZ a �cn confln Do �Wd tWn .4,11600 to =d W ftmg to tbo 45 Teart-1. d ohn le.
I I &a- ky"d brIdge. And WS *ffe' for some
Irre and mdall-1W
Y* *W10 , . . . � - -
illSoon W '1t11,W ' L, bellet dr6d d. adm Ventnaul bear- the �Xtra CmOt, the Labr t,13&1J6dj nMwit
at- "Tab la'. susl
SIM 0 Iri,