The Huron Expositor, 1908-02-21, Page 1-IMMM
A i i: VW
7 4,71
-S FE RRU A RY 2 19 119(380
_0,RT$JLLEAGUR AND-SUX-�'new Church on their nitsoliom As a ddetion prevailing in tb 'United 1886. Our expotts- to 'Brltalw decreased
ing- by $8,'712;849, and expor
Waterman s
D OL CONVIBMT10N. result the Nlowing motion was
our misstonary secroter, tates an drease of
IThe, Rp-: rpor--eWnd with�Ahe United S
ried: ThaI Does not the dtaation as It exIsLz
lMe, amual, Convention, of -the mi-asionary board bear -out the. contention of 71ae Sun, 641 and them iwas A Wght decreasei
or., and Barlow rogarding
h Leagues and Sabbath, Schools luias Foun that the Dnta�rloproduoerof-b�aef bul- with France.
-a of Ar. If. J. 1OC6— will, In the near future And his —Tbe si:_-year-oid 1so
"dy U, R� IN I It4 F1 derl6h District -was held: in Sea,-,, a neW church. ctlo- Med, a farmeer I near V lestLerw
Methodist -ch on February', - An address on 'be--. Adult Bible one available market, In the ;�Pii
A, Cullen(, of an extra, fine quglity �bewdly loaded slibigh
1 gild, 14th-;� g 'the was given b1l e f" $eOf for ton, fell uder
_.Odbing thd best local market' I In order to -pro-
Won of t on the street the Oter day. a I was
The, adUlt ducie beef f that elasa
hp, mds anO weather, who, is a verY acceptable, speaker to
sudle very *e of so terribly crushed I hat he died four
-no." � I
------- d at Soclptt& were teprom,,t- J4 Eruvoia county
dairy blood must, as Thomas! MeWU- hours atterwards.
_z lairge delegatlojai, v ch was bible clam Is something which any We have receivea a fresh
ry first -01
lie, - thestatton-b a reception scool mayhave. It Is necessa lansaid at the omimtl al be] ell -min- —The 1 pie'. rie maclilue in: the'
id. ot supply* of t iese celebrated
-then from- -s;j at
to hava 4, leader, the cla troubI fv-Vm beefing it not Idle Hour The; re, A Medicine Het,
a, from Seafortla 1*aoue.', pens, The gi sat e with ated
blood Albefta, blow ub the er night wilea
'opeied, by Rev-'Atsel! most founta . pens is their
vat sesiAft- was ft- Dmidelat, -vice presi- equally important that beef t
t4e plo;ee wa Ide crowded. Fire
Is, 'pastor of %,aiforth otho d e n t,, �aep&ialrt end' There be eltininatid tromllie dairy b(erds, In
liability to leik and drop
p c onmed. Coats
wh, in few apro, ishould, be three committees viz., mem- tlie product-$ of which we vin. twim- broke iout and
-social, with as ink
The IN aternian patent a w1ld rwh� for
-feed es up the ove and = w.Vleht Tro and Imts 110118
pria �wmdji� welcomed, the elegates bership, devotional and r pete with the were t
sov of the audb6iiee
-.are needed. There -are and i found on no, must m�ore
to Priesident Rev. J. C."Reld, many more as but
aud 0 ducts Ontario *farmrs and the door. SA then.took charge of the meet- great many edvantaies to be ain- pen* were trampled tupwp
put 01`uxcb�
We are agents more
of her enend for their Tpqeperltyl
injury witi the exce
serious of
P31 10 -8 WIT 01. 8 0 Z_ th Ing. 1he" following. committees. for it becaus e -et wish to sell
the l"asee, 01m tes. e hands
'SPIXAnted; BufAness,—Miss Al- I—Wbrk is more �fflcient when. oe- th D best.
-ownell, Sea- ganized in a thorough way. Miss at 'pre -
Y 017 114, badly burz e4)
Urr.. Blyth, iw Bzn'k ar6 taking were
-Baffie, N le; Aev.� 2—The leader will have his band *a hfttre warm'
over the branch here. sent In the hosital 'The t
1J oil.. This will be
Car�rlj&, Lohidesboro - Rev J C. the wh610, w9rX. as gutted and a n�w
good news for oar business people,
get the right kind of teacher.
_4�-It is not" the teacher' class It Is J?4brth it
Br s, Goderich; Miss B. en..
ty about banking matters Uere for
I ann-nal M Vftyltozy" U oh n t5ulger
"our ait the leader leaves there I -n Rev. -W some time. It would bgve i been a, —Sir. Xarman Zon r;f Nj� �
Olt t. J. Currie, Alton.
te sw�s on was q�ened . y
easurIn—la alla W_ ra"I b b.isome one to take his place, very great Incovetlence, to *.va had Dore. G. T� It. ageni at Mitchell, has
yer. and, pralse m C, cmducted, .5-1t gives each ber something no ba;nk here.—Mtss Lizzle ReAule bas been ar1o1nttd �jent Dt Paris.
1 What r. t Benmille. to do members get'lired doing notb, Marriage Licens famed. —Mr. Fred Laine, -of Blunshar4, $hot
C. R. Durr I 01-P pawed her intermediate examWetion in
-what vas I, "Z
Ift is -reall M to re by
en do '41; his
t md overhanhnur_ present progress and atitlook of Ing. music, isecuring first class honors. a f Ine wtlm of naft w lar -k 11
of good things you may-laymi; W a - cd, I
the )balth i6choal wE644 d1scas"a4 Rev; 6—I. is training- for Christian ser- e coffvratalate on her barn yard on P
,18 OLI '=7 expenditure of cash. 0 are t le opening n. vice, There should be united work, the -uthorILY AV the tate- -of
ryze, tile
D. the discussio Wboose. Is excellent standing.—A lodge the —X L -s nl�se of the Vildtor
Ioast el!
ftL a W (10 Is rZ i Npa of progress halve been made, u ght 08,1's ',Passed Canadian Order of Foresters 'has been Ian Order, engag
lucky days -the man W1 ng others,. to Christ. ment ithat at ed I for Stratford, is
:10- wer than they for' nited prayer to bri
by -a, u6spe laily In -the equipment of SAb- -This as followed oTer ifie boy. Nen Ithe tall end of tsjablLshd In ZbTlell is now in that city and ready for w6rk.
our villAge
Rev, the f*ight disappeare o the in every —A young, is � of M:r. Alexander Dow
batb.',sehqola, thb black-,boad and pie- school conference, conducted by fr0m__Miw the boand to be up t
to parl", turefirell ',Rnding to, nqa*e he teaching G. W. Hazen. This conference consist- precocj�ous B11 slowlyl-rose frdm his particular.—Me-ors. A z and fell and broke lb 10g white sli
oj� DOLTAD 90'V 7 wil &)Mai b do
th at two dollars win do, �u Iii lor
e wofk b an - usan 6 the
wor.�' thmu&h and imoressive. At the ed _-of a discussion regarding the'sum- qrquqUing position an4 with merely a Cwdfrey Nicholson have pure ased a riding at Me
that -we vis not #tme there is a; amger ofthe mer tchool which Is nnuaLly held in sprainod ankle made a basty retreat. butchering business In Creditan aindex- other -day,
goods. Thi ia be---- uniarge balance o losing sight -of the ya ence basLftess soo�a, They, —Mr. Uoyd 1olies, of MitclielL
0 parents lue of Goderich. Then came one of the treats Re wtks captured by the stition offic- ppet to comm
the regular V744ch sery1ce, when send- of the convention, a 6610 by W. ials and arraigned In the police court Ae both good men and -should, do a has accented tl a ltion ot -orgalniat
ing bcys and kirls. tal the this arge or vagrancy. Ae wais re- good business in our nelghborbig burg. in St. Paul -S P byt�erlan church,; In-
rwear Sao,
-Afflogg U A0*11 it is nece Abet more time; war, an address on "H*w to organizei- man404 to Jo.31. Mx. and- Mrs. L. Durand �eft last gersoll, at a r y- -of $
sall thawWltves, Vh bba:th: 8. Millsoa, Kingsville. Following on a Oh
Imow-mg tbia,
and maintain , a. successful Junlor e
be spe at on memorization of the -week -for their 'new home in west, �Kr. W. Dent, 4 th Saxn1a Col-
ve aiA the c4techisrm League by Miss Mabel BeAlle. The callada7z Be�f Tade. -41r. C. Hartlelb has had a privatevlegiate Institute# ad son of 'Mr. i and
and fze-sh by he"eW, And Fu 8
Cressle : Mllott, of Porter Is In 11A rp- P or t Lf thb National JAyo telephone 13ut In connecting two Mrs. A. Dent, 'hell, was maritled
Hill, Junior League Is a necessity to 'the Mite
an Inter mun, r on " The church. It �rupplle * the -training. and
g e
held e
ap keep t
Must b'e maied out,aiid .,kno#thal there gev Stock Conventl(M.. - cently at ot- stores. Mr. Harilelb likes t6 have la-st week to C. Nf"Kay� or
Depart of the Iteague,. its forms the iWanOe'which will awa, 1 the Farmers Sun . gives an In- evarything up t* idate.—Mr. babic Hud- Sault Ste.
is -nothmi 10W it i0l
g will dolt quicker Q11. 38� in the fold of the church. ng an —mr GebrVe Codd end o
miss mk and value." The mission boW, -and girl ellige�t review of t ae outlook Tor sm. -of the Farr line, s halyl muAt be Can&,d4s beef -trade. ,rbe, 113an says: auction -,IaIO of his stock 4 1=plej- A I,
g nee mar &guo IS TO 4IDrgalilZe, & 'Young
I Li� �be lower prices.- It beii Y, of, k'st Epworth Le e iis�to; M�nttdba, vla!dt-
the spiritual welfare
'10 kar everything out The fact's or most_ direct interest ments on the 25th. Mr.7 Hudson a4d Ing Mr., David TLO61116011-11 Fullar
Wtow sme t r3lat at to 'i rlote, I pirituality, therefore, found who has ton,
must li,used. to challenge the of the bov and irls at heart. This -hortly for Ole Can-. a- dd thbr friend's. It
once, We have -ado lower pr 1 which; were brought r -elate, direct- family will 'leave s Is 20 Y�ars
)Ar yew, on ;ted, the'. I ce 2100 Ing
tU41 s
qW. ik n flt and means person will be appointed fifth vice- ly to coditions in the., O;nd. adian west, where they willi locate, silice, they went wesi With their Oar—
r new bua%ess Everyman, we.-inam amd, boy will In' Vie social artme t, Every mem- president of the League and, eventul- Incidotally to the 6itdattm facing the near ndmonton. Their many friends ent.
E,,ve ber ou i0l(k -be he pers ality of socla.-; all superIntedent, of the JunibrLeague. Ontario farmer. 'These indicate- not while sorry to, see them leave Part, —Writs were 1 Issu�d jast Frlda:,V a -
the same good chance to get a e �Oe ol the bilit A meeting of boys and.pirl. will be 9,nlv -fhe sort ot problem the rancher.-, will wIsh them every succesE In the galn!�t President Ro nd other� of
4 sJoil of this sub- called and ,each presnted with a
unuqually:good bargains going, I,but 1WI678 D irl ag the' and nfted farmers of Western Canada gre&t4 west.—On Tuesday atbernoon of the CRrtage Fuel nd lee CO., &rat-
Ject tie qu"t.(m yvasi asked. Is w1U be exapained by have tD faDez, but, are value in show- last vebk, Mrs. (Rev.) J. P., Much, ford. to recover � $30, 000, w1ch ft Is
it pledg card' wh
remember the first coming in ix�ay.' get the.
right I serve I inches f� our churches I the parents and if 41�prcived, signe.1 by Ing t]fte kind ot tario of Tklo, upan, addressed thel Ladies claimed wa-s iroproperly apportioned.
petition. On
better o1wice. Vie; rrq was- -We m t try, to Intro- the parents and children. tWhexi pos- $tall reeders
my expEct to7meet from Aid of the Evangelical -church. The The cage, arose !out cf the winding up
sible the following -officers will be -tha I ere t
due., hat whik nduce young t quarter in future There . a In ad4ress VMS a most int 9 ng One, of the comp
List of LOWER Prices
pr Ae, to come! to our 1 aeetings,p- and we pointed.from the bola and girl: pres-,
outhOrn Alberta and Sakatehewan a and dealt fullY with the work In tan. In. the nfth-
t;jlka ex- Ident, vice ake. but follo 9 the Chris regident, ise retaTy an:1 territ4* equal in,extent to' -that of nection with the esmoellzinE f the borhood of th Tle ng on th� -St.
mple, - This w foiio�ed by a lively treasurer. To maintain this society Portu al, particularly well gutted to people f the Flowery Kingdom. V6 Marys & western among
discusaidn, da I'Litray Depart-. there must be intense Interest ranc -a- dies w deeply'Imressed ith te uear the armers' XAM Cheese, From that vast sroao ader Ia re
vlu."It mis- leader, pareitts an children. 'Plavori ble conditions, 600,000 head f great Wlotk thOre--ThO sincerest sym- tory, are agitating halve the 1�new
f me, kt, Its 4
Far Glatse 401L is 1�arge` extonds ITi a great The business committee reported, the cattle. might he turned off yearly, ath:Y f ll Is being extende t -o Mr. locality named Chalmers, after Mr.
following officers elected
nia�, iy d To introducer and, . PresIdent, and Wm. Rader, of the J 4th 1con- ames Chalme the Of the -
Ire ti
amduct radin cdtirziers In our Leagues. Rev, J. C. Reid,, Mle; 1-st'vice, A. F. cesslam, In the loss pf their only compay.
Regular $55 to $65 Canadian Coon� Coats fc, ... ;�3_6 W,4*40- H -L To ftitroda, e the H�wqrth Em The Johns, Auburn-, 2nd Viceiii Miss D. daughter, F. brighi litcle girl f four --Eight fine llheav-4 idricught litirses
-'Can we Ja Canteiano Clinton; . 3rd vice, 'Miss A. re 1�oarded 41t d station! the
2,1 que , I un WA
t Jisked
Re-gular $28 to $30'Black Calf Coats- fdr_a .... #.i W-C-OT�AzND ears. The sad event occu=me 'Murs- we amtwkn study' class 4'71'd a reading Carr, Blyth; 4th vice, S.A3elcher, of day, 6th inst., and Interment tc ok place other ay. Tlt� In
Regular $30 to $35.Bro*n W. ombat. oats for 18 IoT- 23 cou �q in- a ch � GoderIch; 6th ice, Wiss M. A. Baille.
our, IA gud. if. not vrm I li� the Lutheran cemetery .011 the tol- Downie and North thapa and pommI'
e nt I It Is found' Fromperityj secretary,- Xlss 81ma, lowing 'Sqda-y� af wbo i a very -a carload r. Nay tlOblr-
lRegulax $30 t -0 $815 --Blaok Gallo* Coats folio ... 21 t 25 is 'I"E mor 1mPorta
Miss A. B of the
quie.difficult -to -,Cohdu6% both ln� 'vinl treastirer, ells large 'number' attended the funeral, to ped from LISA-dwel
Confer -
Be lar$30 to $36 WS11bby Coats 21 to 24 NrZ diistri4q -and s the missibn. ljondpsboro; pepIres6ntative to-, SQNQ AN STORY show their -sympathy for the bereaved maiket.
so different 'from a-hy 6theri enc, Rev. H. E. Currie.
dtudy, Is little of Mr. ;rc&u ql4p
arentg.—There, Is an agitaddr. to have —The
Rigar $28 to $36 ur-lineaagd far edflarfor, 6 4; 0, 20 which a, public library and reading oom es- ot' Mitchell, f Ingers - of i me
literature -be, read The opening exercises In.th6 evening
%by -the intioductlion of
o r Leagues, it most important.- wete followed Whee ?—Oardno?s 11411. When tabllshed� In our -village.- 'This while iding <m
con it
FVR CAPS, GAUNTLETS AND COLLARS -33 13(r ofl.� yauld be hand
el% WJM7 � . .. _. I I - - I -i: � �.n, c the o_Wcfa-elect by Rev. G. W. Jffaz� Wedoesday evening, Feb..:26th. How w very commendable movem�nt. a,
'y i8teadra it Bay&14. lo e or 447. In! go-
ad of
then,� ang a dolo.� Rev. 0. R. Dur- 'en. wing resolutions read by -e wduld supply - a god� pleoe 'lor our Ing a ole the �bft
The follo -,25 and 35 cents. , Who ai
to that are de het& lee t
t 6f Benmiller, gave, a -very help -i Rev. R. J. Currie, Wltop. were, adr- theyis. Miss lVauie Strathan at Ia.
I" so- you -4g men to spe�d their leknire h6urs. t s bai
the d Ne
9 b iket both —MT. James e wrio live kabbath fthyfol 1 Gavin Spence, entertwIner. e on
mtiou these connexional z. That whereas the distrIet summer pleasure and !profit. Other the. wa out Of
Tor i� Pu' The as f=ds. o school is so productive of Inspiration -with -a very itm-
W1119 h League aptfd Wtie
adiatess on Wort pran, Miss En! wcom e, ?cellist; a place where, they could
king f this I
size of Zurich hRTe succeseful public the Huron
ftring?—The world saya fp,
t ',boa alwkys b e- 1inpleas-' in our, Epwroth League and mission- they worth 'b e3 no reason why one fortunate -Ace
md Toronto 1% orld, bab manItind. ilbrarles, and we tie -other day, V,
!—not the
the "lue Of o - recommed the Id 4udl could ceas 04t Df )U cutte4 aught -
Regular $40 Black Astraellan -for $2 00 An ence spellbicmd, far andaway not be mude, a suc was throvm
break -bls-
SMall odn't. r6cely at be ond anything ever ghren'here.!' " Trans -
in imch a ELuni r s to
gi e ed '.1 continuance of the isame to be held Ing
45 trim, 00 p bed the intim
ed for Th' sho be taught - t,6, Gioderleli at about.. the usual time, and p audien(e.� Thesearethe" arm and
I (6010ra re ativd verdicts that coine-from Egypt,
'00 gie h( to them. au lnter�-
only that the7ldate. be,deflnitely fixedl by d 11fe
40 fine. bl url fdr 10 and India. 11 31ade good " Is Call- —Atter a Bblart weve
Lf lu
OQ I Ws roport- Fin", —Chippaa, cltlzen� are ex 'tedvver weeks Mrs. George VatsoI4
it 'but: to them, to *Oel the; executive committee of thei disrict.. f, ottiab Enter e -in De n--er -mnsioal
50 Bokar -should That whereas the Sabbath sehoolsec- eat ever zeen "A of an epidemic of h)rA'- MaTy laurtitt. 4 assed* away at lVer home,
an Lamb tok It' is Itheir, dtity. This, training the rospt.ct
uggested the ev ut neviar �qoalled in en is the echo -
bt, �3 r)O begin in the 0ibbath chool and- tf) do retary the district z: a -a Ilibbert
65 eW, pl ortribamed'for fr Xanitobi6 A OanardTi 4%, Sat4day tig
fan- ctitle witeis raphobla. , A collie Apg had bitten I
herie, us uppQrting of a missionary aun;- t Amp mes &�opranovdl�e Mr. Dam* his wite and,, daugtm*. He ary ath, one -4 It th� niUn victtrAa of
sin t 6e more df the 4nivevt �s by the
'00 atrachan pow Spence is
66 Fur -Lined, sable-trimmigi for a wonddrful sweetness spirit missionary fatellt nee, and day schools.of the district and recom attacked Mrs. Vster aud. bit another the dmded 4. ge Sbe,
he hea�rty co-operation of all thiii
ln�uicated by the forwitd. ipended twed w baa!' licial x himself" and,"
90 ink, And marten coHar w. 6. 00- eiy ism ki offtottish entertaem" k1j; wew- -dog before he was killed. 1 waA -a resident - of I 11toberl. p
.,,flc)r. 6
Sunday school workers in the distri mce liftle abort of —John Fley, warden of iTriontenao tin* of her *arrla
Young people wpt bpye 9. at
vx ve ment i� ft t. a gives t� P_
nterpst4n c wadoing took VUW at Athe
and GAFJ�RIN&3 _mp 0 thought
FURRUFFS, THROWS, MUFFS, COLLARS VX ney on iexional funds bring this seed county, is suffering fr6m �i, Jamverous --�-A quiet
lt�i frtlition
0 rec & ln� elligence. .: . M . 1. wound in his head, He w In tile ethodist p om
at 83 per celit. off. t- Th, It was further recom- in
�nghajhs f Lr id!E Ishould MW mended that the Sabbath school work- -yard ebooping. wood,., wben axe W,�dueg&jy Y�br .5th,;
*111 understand. , a- -9 Xa*Y J. -
e s be� urged to attend. the summer line, hecielti ISO - th p Still i thvre to dadger that the Cana. caught In a clothes the us Baiia yn ad 3US
owed. 'by.
!ni 3� waa school., Blau 3bard,
9 dian': ranching Industry may Wholly uai result. It flew back an � caught Craig, -both f united
. I- . - I- -erence E- -on the 'head Musing a in'the maa, 13
tie A �dtess b Rev -A. K.. Birks,- -of -Whereas the London
disa, �;ear. Th ty. 4t , a ree- holy b�nds f tr
Cout the wielder
t�dB4,ue. AS' wort� Leagd� convention at the last geat jagged wound right to the Ime. _*v, R. A. qra�h,&m. %Vd, wl
Lond, m, o worth titiol Of ale devastation.
of Murgh xneetlirg -have authorized the orianiza,.
effective Department *vQ1V_ —The sale of 100,000 acres og -%rW Ia t -he pick
,V,,,f arm
an 'd by tion and holding of- ea".- la# ntne will r4ade
I i co4erence inia-
The lLeagaq Is no longer an Ing im -a be t nine, andt eleven lands belonging to the Cae n NIDTth- In imushard. 1
expeftment, It Is'.an, Ocomot -ry- normal school at
'Is S nntreg. d IR4t w4ei0k of
se&fact. roia milli on ollare- - wer of cattle is no t !.erii Railway ieported at V1 death
he. �9thl to the anchers being a krge and cdm- Mr. James' p of, thet !ata
le y discourage -the 'purcbAAer
It hi a, been ugtrate(I as., a depart'. ge, in. July from t
the bave cam Wn
ose Of 'training
s the -Pwiy with Ueadquarters 111% St. Paul. Stewart Moe town--bij. De—
ment of,. -the c# Ch. e - I.Aagtxe 1 1908, for the p urp
_ur ggling ver- Ldred Men's i -
met with. Se ttlers a stra
One hu Oyercoat& a 33,'Imi jeent OIL �atfi school the��:, miesionary leaders, giving missionary. id The price Is -understood to b,:'$101 per cearwed. was in 111s 8 vr and-pAssed
right arm re given
e areas of lands -heret9fo
ch and, jus, the hfsAd. instruction and, arousing missionar
le, map All Boys' Overcosti, at, hAV. Irice. lei t 0 �rm of which is considered a good away t the tanilk r midence, lot I
tip gr N and � ae so; curtailing am
district .-sum;ner
th moy�an*nt of ration. of the ranchers that the toneession S. Ellice. was
the� band
entbusiapiA In our ethe
$7 15. com schools
Two )..,mdred N16las Ene Baits) at OaCh ou Cal Leai
br arms so ate vier the Master - and In r 1-6 ues. Be latte may be* at'... diven out or —Mr.. rjobt. Martin and, her,, six year al fevorite arbong the peeTie of �5 we h id, lummn take. It iewl
unt 5 00 8 th� leld. old, son, of ITainilto-14 were asphyxitted nelghburhocA and wp P. manof $Plen-
One indred Men!a S s, at oach vied' theretareo that we as a
GoAerich District -EpwDrth League con- t -the other night. Mr. Martin! w4, all- did by
-13-01 - H*1
Suits, at each - e wa$ -nd, the 4 - '-
Boys' 1 ice, tv nin�i sesel opened by at ranchmen ask- a: reques capabilitle
vention hereby endorse, th �.ptlon -6f . 111111- bomia amd tbree
Fifty the vaerylee being a 'na j6t son ar hospital, two br6t t
r)o ipr x and resso bt& tae, is. tb - certain othe e %ow bi the
recover. -l"Im Drain4tic
benaft of our the Conference con6ntlo and �pledge. terr#ory le -set aside as-jano� reserves, but It is xpecte4 they ;41 —T
Seventy-five Mepls.odd Pants, at $1 to Club Ad the Stritfwd.
0ed by, Rev.,..
-99 It -oft' the coal legiabe recentlY preiented
by S for sprinor ton, wb�ch was� ourzielves to do our -part in ald at lost too tirm & years. and that The Ed hadibeen left Col
-urge on gas . I .1taic The
t a esuccess. and- to this end -*e' escaoed� wUe� cb�wjp
s ;roduc
L -half z .#our., � m hich, *As ranctLers be given -ten year -q irrevoc- stove, andthe had a
&tch. Epworth League in'. the district of h se, we as eep. lips Rt
am y pent in ; eonyerSflitiork P,- ableAeases within t1st tierritm . It Is the Inmates t eb u r I tim 4ulte Is(!
U _y
te_,end one r more delegates to this 0 f4
kig the Aeiegate4- The Sep;forth up$ tarmieeis, - --Jan" J. Fee �00 ts of the club. Af
Avenue Toronto, over -ffie *011- to_ the DO_
a tie i Taixed farming ery. stare n Euclid. hearty- votq of thanks be te e' the other
cl dir then tho� c0nvenaon ndered the 'edl to� hi$ Wif
is' t4e ule, be allav s
school, Finally we, . recommend' that - also [proroftft' that I v and, then
m.. J& MU shot nightl lence ing iftOtO 4Sh
m6s Livin tone, D. mtstic Si lence
most eloqu -highly esteemed pastoi �f this church cMmit
D f. London, gave, ent.: ranes for common ise In wbich ted etilcide. His wUe was tak- celient. banquet, -by
Un& for his hearty co-operation in -making
a Meylran
R their oaug stock in the- sum -
W -001 Mwe ce oi Misslons2lt 0 en, to the hospital, Probably them',, The
AU 8 of 900 a(d]_'I�ss m the, woo boias. for Nvilil Pease and her
�he beat make recovegbut Feehely die litlY
convention such a s ils ot
T iose who -have 1eaid Dr.. Living-4tone mer. terwarde takin t1 d Insts He banquet, was given in b0llor
g1tSh tear a
the-tru;tees who So indly gave us the
I h W, Wb
9 i Of the g during the - - - - - - - - n al- WAW, a worthless fellow, and uarrelled May,
w 11 fiuency, fe As a n
ed to CoMple to this
41;S t"rn itive , Or ComPle :Ian,. se -she
t. Ins�.IratJ611L which I %VoUld a use of, this beautiful Ifice and- vdtV Vs wife, becau at�-ned to to resume
tb bis stedles at Queen7s,; al,
any this One speaker at t -convention Slig- *0 him.
address. 1telv A',,Sea1- the billeting committee of which Mis, lea Versity.
2, E5 IP 1R_ 0 -A. E., Brownell deserves 'special men -
of the late
man again delighted -the sudience, with- g43St- 4 that the cl- farmers of the Taylor, a rn3st paa- —Dr. Dick raut sm
tion, for the kind and - hospitable exi- 4s
B, so Le.
new provinces I-ar young wa of: StreetisvIle. died Rev. A. ro
MeV'L -A. X. Birks � al ctp
okc nort aern parts of
tertainmnet afforded the delegates In �e
-prod OL the, Cal
Fleeoe-lied, SirtE; and Drawers at Sabbah school work, -teaching and In- be x elled on to prMod es or suddenly Friday afternoon I He ce e
the various hi d
ur_Birks�.Laddreses 130-th the tanch, that the. ranchers 0%rry t1aese had beee around town r. money 11-Y thf Knc x thurth Sunday
'200, pie whl oeh I stirring Lree yeersgind, that ternivoia, andi after going h6me ivw school of that tow. i, Dr. Granit has
3mes, also to the choir sr_ ntly
cog of 'Oda Shi ta and Drawers rted much ent ch f urnished,
in up' the cGii throoghfor twoor t1
music and toL all who t*ok #Art in the the Imixed, tarmfto ftm do the fln-' lying *nm for -a few minutes, when] been the a;
Extr since his
a hekV. v Sox, regular 400 -and for- -YE don, and o doubt� added much to v �e_ftendent
programine or Old anytII)ag towar:ls
eltber -or
con access. Af- 'he w and Tt
rna;king the -ad this Is' tern.4 IaWOTrbage W a she to $he.
Wool" -S Mjeium weight for It! vention d" Ishii ag on grain- both, as probably seized 'with an In- i tathee death, He Is going to Boston
0XI. gain thes� pUAS are ted, a ME Stu d1ei
Ing the! convention a
r mor
y1or, IS _<;rant, 11Is IS alSo, leaving
ter the reading orthe. �ltitions Rev.
Is evidently he produc- time,- His father-. ir+
16-aVk n'Lbbed'Stookings for
Boys' 1 26 d vAth prayer and praise.conduct-i wha -Ing, t.
-;I_Q1t to her
'0714 of eattlo. -West Pdlee . agiStrate a -ad
_ in
morf. 11 Canadian in fm
of n W., B. hialson once. Oelighted the evO for Marys
ed N, r Rev. B,,Kerr, of C111101, -A 0010re -he -pros
Heies blAck and d, Cash -mere Sor. audi�nce. b his singing Cul t daughter -4 will �saon rival In xtent ent s0me"Yean. I - I d� all- throu :y vork of- —Dean Bovey, of MdGal occu d �on day,
nzg exer g1a the, can
.0 Ian then spoke an the co, �nt
SPIT— -production -ern Univers —The Mau Satux
T. Of In the *eiit ity,
at X ton seemed -to be's, source the Y. - M-. . C. A., This was ap d science V-Obr
X1 Stat" �Vldl this there wili head of the faculty ot unry SM -loaf f the znpifer olo, tmm. brr, tillson at r is. QMPIed' power t� the remande to
100 Top Shirts at b*e& it the m-er at the UniversttT, Aas_ been of fered,, f the late Ba Lemm, wfio V_W_
w r addros of und*ubtedy be- esUbt
*Wch be gave the closin the first wu fu abattohs at wbieb range fed amd, ht�s accepted' the 0081.uva Of rec -46
an opeti p&r11a__ the .1coul?
IL -urging - the delegates Io
100 Heavy Top -Shirts a e -firs ention, Science The deceased 1:1, orily
catt -be tered betme, shl ffe
--ange and 061b.orne, of b�bath 9'tI4 take� with them that _Vb1C,, will- benefit will slaug) tor of the rnaperlat C*Ue short
M litook r%erly and Mechnology, recently tot&fftan, -be-
100 Heavy Flannel Shirts -at n �T which has
few fet when he cliol .delipgates, and be an uplift, to thefi Leagues.: In �Wfth _,W68t( but had been In. a frall
troin ftbbath 0
ton train- Ing 'TJ yeM &-fte was P. :mem-
ley Pavement. 200 Faney Sweaters�. men iuld. bovs, iducted' 'by Rie*. A.11i. Brown, of Short season: of ray-er,the delegates che �p -grain �of the been rg=Iud in En Is d
t off V In t1ve wbid�& Bmpire.: This Is ne of the
I_WA_ L and. tbft 10M of So to-'Jl* =Ual"'ie
Mri. Williana, Dutcher, 'W'K, . lbq, Ing W11ege in pWt_grJ Ork fOr er of the M Abodi A Church. IkOth4to 80 Ther6m are. 89 'Sao tdok a vow
'York County, eel t by ii kage, -and f averal dollars z
atsegui of ceinsecraG�rr to, the
dis -keP work for the comin making
trfe.t, 26, cc VMCh' g year,' thus cyantry. She Passed
to 8* Ing
th 'P freillit due on -the hoof, higbeat ns -in the..Rmp te in in t
ea*.' There are a most fitting.. close for � a. conventiola flnd� educational line. cc "Ifts. D,.,
Will 00 Sit
d&V Ia-St. a Sunday. se 11br f ve%7 much —Harl VcUod, the eight 7ear old
They wL ere avd, d, the Ont fee&r
'techurch township Mries. Wie ull of intellectual. and spiritual power.
405 Offloers im fm*, to tw v1th
r ceitupetffion
teacladro &-408,7
In all the lines will make a, savigg Of'#_0JA JSS of ja ------7 - - that source son ot J, D. Ifel"d, vrowet(yr of -
IM. They hail ii 106' Orn are mem�' he has rece Itly In Abe 00ro Of
g6ladt the FrInee Albert Hotel at One. of
b resi eni, Iot tht in
ee only are now dge4' between the ralls near. the eyer before. W, Al- imt
r erms wi-H be eash or. n, Q_ t),f file, church and., 1,244 ple
grandchildren and sever-, pe cent. T tion at Stratford, while Bqt this is Uot only eftPetitero b&t instfintiy the
The froin the deV Grand, Trunk sta, horning. T3?& f;mt sta- of i
children. repo sa;tlsfaefory �jl�4 eight- care'thundercl, by was the unique Ontarld fuAamer retkon- w1th. other m tc the ti.le peram Mr. 4beqt: Salk0lidt-
were 4 very
-Butter and E 8 le I - big factow 32 years- 'Mr. Salkeld has; resided om
me as 'expadence of -.Ell o ig. one the tion M his faltheeS bus L &n(� -While the
being dong
V that "good Is 1, . L - -te -ng trunks, the hor-ses i;hb 'grabro, ft upwards of 40
Then c �me e lad <)f r in fhe world's meat aupply tv-day, dri )�,was checki
a that
Sabbath� �Schlools- th -enetallig, who� has . recently I
Finest Morses vfli 'b4 2 a vastly grmter started off. The ladcoulf not hold Yeats, The MaSel i's survived by his
ficers, eac4 been released frdm St. John.s Thdws-
rf ,.ts, from the district f
K late fUbVe.. One tpin ind as the bus overtarned tho w1feve gone -and ITe, dagghters.
.o will be seen at the, On- trial school, Toronto. Ire had, been f4c in the IMME.
Ving i,obtand a report fro0i.
ba, on declare
t.eL,.V 'bition t year
donia und' sentence but Wm"s er at the 4 that. edge struck the top of the bwa head, alkeld was. c Dnnec ed with -the anuril,
er,a thre
Leatfairs i of tbg tovmffiAlp 'for vevr
'after havtng -served twoears
f the*ork being teef 4re� idy show -.better eutftg It -off. elpal a
12th t th.l wed
ar 014 is or her dep -of 40ritarlo, - ��Om& t -trade for twel w4l years alall VMS 2. prmo,
1 ment. Egicb --deL
role t Of t1lb
Tzui* Raffway ystp-A-0, ir�rproverpieait Irf _Sndoosel�t to a' 'farm near -Wratfodt, Be- b g than., 4kee that
'he* WM
,4 Merit isho
ti. lie GREIG C LO 1 0 1 qr Leag Wmin m&otony of and, it -is eono-tainth Improving. Ndt in(mus, ending January Vras $686-Alor Perth X U'lud Insurance Doftpiny
ce Mt D�etbods th ties. 9 tired ot �the dull
iest and _f - tE J:h1Z . but the - At meetings
Sbift.,. aerIcan, 6 an Increasie ot 46.U5,871 and attended
aftemdon. sm was oneii'bjr rural life' he' filled bis knapsack aind, OaY This Is
fare,_ tb -- � inemase with the, -exee Of t%16 couAtry ba& aW ,of abeep feed -0 revious. yeari. �Ith =d T�rftnk over
d or -the presddent� AfbW the opening &Xer� eca-mpie& ils a Gralid frelght "dr
15 L
o7ae out :4 -m $12AS keld came
Eaet Sido Main Stieef, 0, �4' of.06. rip�ielaes are In I ,Re vinj at '-Stratford- '?the boy best vAtty, Nor, mports 00, g ad in ex- toom Oum--m -
fr6m -Rev. -T. -4- 13aj- -train. Arrl -a *a �WX�
aW G_ a letter ts TM whei 1 -be ww a Tnem lud
Dominion--. Baiik temptod to If, eye- rhey -Settled nea
riishAt lecve the ratfi., WMQ it
aud�.Zor *&bIng 'them potts, Js!�M Briton, amn M4 from or ven
aln4l In sor do�-
Green, WW 1eavJ11g the Istatidt
Umb1&,L_W40 re'L stalim,
h the- Cars. Conductor is tj�e coM that is � wodaceO tal aa ex- the 'United Alow in I this. Ing �:Pelft beneat el. -pro- Fx-sace, $110109 _W QecOr MXY _U file' -SC610 11018 ATV� Germ0nly Of -big T. a U U rX d ft in t�e
--I 11yno, who st6A on 'the platform of tent
q, eet bmilding
-CA ear