The Huron Expositor, 1907-10-18, Page 17
_7 -
�MI Aa nv�',
HER- 1-1i F i�
"It".81MCCMD ift AR r
BR02 FubA
lwa F, AN I
'WHO" JWV� %079 -
mililons ot dolilai s, and WM and 1z, this f ict, It Is said,
10 U Local'Oj)tion ft. flensa
Di -d you evbr rewp
He Sal. dar
Pat., r
1 CUT wor* �eorle. This Aew t� reason tor the dtasolutioa -of
des f1rom He te4 Oc- over 16,000
rs*e at va A
ev. Ca 11, the, eate E x a rl in in e terprise will in to thil Pitt - ship.
a I oron
U 41f led, P'sis' tobc r 11th, s �ya t !The I (X al option Bit S.
t s star cong
J iN'D Of 111tion In thle, village a; the POsent burg of Caxada. am Stejah�off, jge4
aw n —it was rumoi d in Lond-dn, on- ev .1
;&il top, av 1 $LASS house, near S! coo, is de US
de ot the most pe6u ar.
eseni some ver � Interesting
"94b=1% fA T Cfj is I �jv� -had" all IYASY siii- tarlo, the Other y that H*A. the re iult ru
of tail t rom
a barn
congregE n -a r3
a64. TU4 dituations at has ye t develop4d In
man was In Low on, -ad, last M �nday.
jo�caj r A i Engla -on his HIS lelt let was b
'handsome 11 fi6 r 101.
te briok
P opt no
caothing campall m is the r1asult If so, noti d that it was differ- way home. Mrs. : tyman says *r hus- -'by the fail, and, a plem �64 bone -fl�rc-
chl�ith, with:a1beture room basitnie, ti last -the local c�ptfain d Iffe 5 no in tl rmigh -he h,. set.
wi., y rent in band Is still' In C tina, and she lbar.
th Vr ch f.
bSPA Lw C ad, and %a enforced, p,.%. word .0 retit ning.
move ways ha'n one. There a
:12 1 'r I I Grand Tru�k Pa n, an,, spread throug) L the oyatem. !be-
am d any Me'l
CB41 es and grkd ut
'wa '�
a In Jranu e n t, Yd0i'd n 9 flef
now of h1t
a the. first n' —1wficial Of ti, a
d an4 is iioot on.
Q �rt "h hotels hi the village. 8 - f ore It tiould,be theek-ed. He 41ed in
pliDa ng .. the es in c
ea Nh4g else, but elfic report that ibsolute coi mation goat Lgony. 3e leal as s, wifte, t0u_r
t was
sbol thr aft ri thia �UX aneiil glass, li nythl
-*awn% i So ronoKa t ad iml) _M 4 1 n"ad "to q%fa 0h the by--� ff on t hn I fin& *,a handle has been obtained as to the I ation daught�rs and me --on, the latter bein
-1()DX a 6 AS -good as w i a- he
a th tbe of great Coal beds Rev. I. . 14.
c4i - 5. �Tha case Wile end on pieces 1 vor the Telqua region dnhoff. of De
;round. at
om 9 and
it will I I L I ite as 4, 1 u
On: wis I laid over u ALL the Mid- n e Cut gil iss and: we of British Columba, where the, Grand —Gimrge Ritz, an, empl,6pe. of t
irsh you t ) see some Trunk Pacific ru . The eq king Compiny, OX Strat-
The; Original uIlding 0 the si7me ns�tnre,
coij ritortal
case oie of
in, MPanl -Whyte Pae
*1 ICh Wa 0 -Beted aba , 0
ya re ago, 4 beeo c vv- designs Owns 16,:000 acres n the most viiluabie ford, was k1lied th -4.30
w 8 decidedf. hat has not yet of our n ;SbMt I
ha;1 been � tra sed - xt� a, d a . basement
ad. to be in' very Portion lot this relion. Monday inl6t,, by an evidently cross,
SI pl; ded un. ler
wl -.h ce;,�nt wall
h t#e
0. the mo, xtims the I ality opposed shor4ly. —Some three bw dred samples �'ot but- circuit, d wire extending, from a -A �ej_
whole bulidin and wb kh -will oe usdd were a uit nd wb tch
restivei; on sized
Al to Cal Opt an became ter In the to at at e6trie Dire. :19 used'In
for Sabb4th �Chool * 1 arj:osesi and �a
ac nt of .0 art being rro ho aCcom- Guelph the - other day, by th, Tolice. raising uaid I oi vering the llght!f. Kj_
hals al -
lecture rdibm.� %The au UtorlI]m
In 116. d1lage, h )r, a of UO -ho- J O;hn -Bulger, Sixty-one were I >und to under was ojo his Vn -.y hom In -a rig with
so Veen. i�mMeiled- &Ad decoifi4l -ad and weight. The butti r' was co�i scattid, Mr.' Ir a market
q having I �en burned (',own and the gaTdener, and
-ble aji�
Is both. ta 3onvent 3nt and Jewbfler, 1 8eaforth and sent to'the G lneral bospita The both ted t o, enter a house,
00#1 1 � per dls;�slng
0 10 dismall Iled, the kee.
Ile SlAg ar pearancb. 0 cqxxseo�:in
a furint lur) and- a wts by price of butter In 'w`ael;h Is 27 11tS to Wis
of !, Mr. T�r a d to leaM vegetab3tes,
M�rdaga L14anses laudd.
11 these tasks 'the tastor -as a rule cents a pound. Ritz
ti we I to ano r
-and 28 avore the horse � to
ba to,.tslk t lesdilig part, but In on and, rewo a 'towni' I to ti a
a he
th By . decided i to try an quash :k the George Gouin, a well knowi bus- the e tric 111 -h-t poD afte in ".119
a were
as q
thl I aj�ai,his Id Ine man of Edrroption, Alberitp-, was so plae d both lands jo
ghten- b -y -Is vi anotli jr 'iw y, a n his bride or. fitty� Years- eA w
wait for 7ozn.
sly, an joy thq. wire,
�ed,. i
tha: his
his r4po4sibllitias decreaf ad and re
t � i ' el* g000 health, i and: snuffed
th i lecislon of! the e bf 4ppeal. eomparativ. -ntally shot arid killed by 4 coin- the re I fe was
no doubt heart encourage, i by: a
So petiti,6r� was circil ad . agiinst itrust they may bel Spared for: a good PaUlon while out duck huntl#g at out a t Inst Lntly. 'Ritz was a mar
ba d f ("tive, willing wokker 111%
a � option, indl � king a council o� many ye co Cooking Lake) 20 t
0 his city.
ea woraka a
i . 10 4rs -to �ne a was niles from r1ad m
coxig, ei6tion, men and
th tillag'e. t let the e nse off the, born In X11kenny ty, Ir and If was his Intentle i to proceed jast in —D the northe t gale.of Pri*i
wo with bot h a.
diate fut
-&a AD b; ult, AS o Mrs. Roe's birthpla0e was in 6 oom TILAT
T rud go y default, quashing the limme ra to wed a 'young day t last a stea mer Cyprus,
enIng s6r In Duff thz, y- aw. a a "of Leadsr, 'Ontarlo., 1 Their fainill Tbronto I a lon. to the La-ckwvana Steams
0 was rresen - con -
Ch t Place 6 Sibbath
man atholie chur�h -at Co.; of
ad t 'the council `and, oi i, the streogth state of four sons alhol, four. d4agbtars." —The Ro an Cleve ard boUnd
a' thoughtful ser
bel duit a
oAlt a resolu -,ion was married, Instruct-, —The Albert $LcQueen 1; Memorial Cote St. Paul, nei Montreal e on her second trip jore, sa�ak
thed he villal
1 Rev..' Mi. : Ai�i e In th
r on,' �W In -a solicitor z ot to defend church at -Mansville, Al erti � is now Province of Quebec a fine sto scarcely A In
ne strinc- with mo) wit 19-
Goderich in the f -oren rn an even- t ar
ture# was completc ly des d y fire miles
i ju ash the by- being built. Rev movie son -in- troye aboutr 11 5outh ol, De Fark.,wL
n a tered to
0 etto
ingi and -Mr. Car
perlor,, a d
law of Dri an, e Blyth On 'Saturday afiar�oon last. con- the soul h shore. of La a Su n -
Rev. se
XpLe rly
for h, in the afterra"00 The special I." t_4t,,+ #. 41k, vp-int gAi ni'mal -war miov,0A A+k n 'h6vi, 9-2
inuke wa�s: furnished by the chu�,ch III t;Kj6jjiL,,U lit; as V V 1 =1&7 ILA WALAL"a".
St barrIster, is placed at $7.v,000
I growing, 4nd m4y some it, e 'be a wi insurance to the l survilror. Is seemid mate C.
choir. n! he owin Xonday even -
Of Vketer, to fight their case and.,he flourishing town.' �]At Present- -pebple the mount of $31,001 T rion of J. Pit )f Man] towac, who !,was wash -
he t
Ing; a re ar old 1�h a e e�t- was,
the fire Is a mystxy.
sei ye d few. -and w1l 4d pa-pers on the reeve and coun- are but thout th ad as ho 7e on 3, - lite ft and
Ing 1 was e, dii� This Success ful be- of Hansall, to the 'effect Ltjjj the chudiidliould —All the Penmax mills the zoo In a, state of U'n-
that from Huron coum
M h y the it ftgul e expec tat" a. IT! be b s i0f 'tbe first
lid 811; i
1 (19 e moS hOpetuL -1 he weath ar was leg In that a Colin Dy W 0 wl an, who. were -
go in lowiv this wlaek,ow-
Having obnaluded to al- not be built at .1 ta
JUK -T he take the � case t 3, Tro to, imt. Kv.' r1o, �were rlosed i conselcm 3nes
At In Paxis, On- brought to -
ell iad not,' the Was* a Sta4ey Ing to a strike on the part of #Le am- mate w d, the watchii
ho is
turing e-olusivelyi, it Will be ne- a i de khtful' thei roads 6bod -and beau- W-ne
Itt - I - . - . i I -year a, ro P107ees who ask 1,or a, Saturds-i b&U with tb,,- semd mat( on� the rft
JAC Pa ve to 4ui �sh a� by4s 1passed by, a the wase a
T go while eja mis!
KIE6 Tsk,
tilt mdol glit.. S a conseqi�e4cc,
on� the holiday without any decre
deels on not o defend jo�Oiciatlon b�',A wages. �Thsse leavy " Mal, a been was 1.
A- - di so of b L ;;old came f n x -n all
tji( tel3ayqr;. They UP- Sion field ase in the but wen unablf to me: ntain their i�;fj
spo, It as tgnta- —The Women's Mill am oy ove� .1�000 In the tktc
,art amid -ters 0 til the� 64N. and roads
i uall been
qu -law. Its churlic, held' -a ai� In hands. of whom al put $00 are -�fomen
in rnoin t t hing the Clinton ashore. Ninat( n bodle i ba; ,!a, -re
�y that -if once a v It -be Ity of Ithe church wore
he casa.l.will be �Xg� In Toronto the town hall & IThursday.- October and girls. The men ae not a4xioua coVered. 'The Cause not the
FE -7 fill d'. wit i lined
il h as and the fencei Srd� ancl In spite oi� the waathl�r, was for the Saturday big holiday they was the sudde: i slifft! ag of the og m-
or "
ne: r week, -
W I vehicl a,, wh e Inside
ibrsesl Zid. 11
-i r into a-
a Success In every ay. The� hall was went out In SYMPE thy with e girls caused by -ater -pouring
via tu go,
And, not
he churc�h there' Was 'Scarcely stand -
The *EN�ri-R-El
nicely dedorateot as, were A little
irl r ist with a terrible hatches, v�blch were ec R
Axlf dvery Ing. rooqi..�. The.- ajrr�pg( ents however,
boothe fbil t ss,10 of the death -at Pilot Kc and, Manitoba, on with oatvas ca'ars,
le P
O*e Adelphla,
ere axe nt; and, ev rything passed
the n Ballar of
articles. Refreshments were, so ed4ur-, Saturday. While the children were war, ea6 �avorlhk to h
Oi reav su.- the
hidnable dresser. with as hilte ae ay as possible. Nbs: Off wit a bitch ' wb a all wk re &c- wh� years , igo was for eman &4 Ing the afternoon aAd evening. in the -playing on Rallwa, avenue, a trattion Cyprus vvas a law bo it harving belan
comftiodati 1; an non . went away Ch n otgan tact' was receintly bjr- a engine, d separator, launched only I i Ausitt A last. SAie *as;
evening a play resented rawng a tassed.
fr1e4d toear �
In that towin.
that the people of Seaforth 'and a rrdi� ei� ty'eltaer� %:.hysitall, or, me atally. visitl
nll� I s e Little Doris MiciJam Let, agpd -,yearsP was conslder�d
number of �you* ntitle i Ua one 19 tie lag �st and
ta 3 were spregd in the
Will tj table a m -m high s chooll pard d -m' Piddle Pad Is school, 11 !,knd. daughter of Plober Mc3annet* jiunped one Of mea $eawqr h vessels -on
or tula V u nzLlne -distric halie an. OPPOitunity. .,,W, Ir bf the t ;h6'salar 8 Of the toa�-
bly. gue, lost ej- bal- She loaded -witb row., �'djb the upper lalces, mb� , which was Played very ci L
t and attiough; they weie filled ba lereased, � rd on the separabor t ho
0 sc Cot b0a.
ti i aftex :ime there 'was enou& for er.;!$1.00 each.: The Imumna
buying of Music was a the A� T. V� A., anee and fell ben ath the mpichine, Iron ore tfor uffalo.
;reat de- and. al wa4 tq� Spare, so'bountiful was'tho raise the '1*1nelpal's sil $5V seed over her, audi death
orchestra. The p a am6uhtedi, to Both wheels pa
qf was instaneous,
W4, p 77 sion. In ',de by the g4004 W ies each assistant- $26.
toe -k-64 the, best, th', cong=6 Mrs. Wm, Jackson, of
an we raw Of the Noted, -The Rethodi at snndversa�r
Clinton," and fr�
h to. inte, y. ou in. At eight lo'clock the chair was tak-
irlY wzsh to. i says Ya. Glen Fair son t ra. Jas. marriage Inishang mi, hina, a er V loss on Ou -day -w a re jrgely at-
en� I in the jauq1torluirri by the pastok of Go*rl�b`, iave gone to li'Winnipeg in nesday
ot, squLT-
akeu� and —The Clintoo Ne 1 'Era of I ek WD --,d has nea UrTaws
w witS ma and in er and N rs. Jos. Xidd, Fair, of town' who is homestipdi last Of M G H beirt Cote.. tanded b 3th rning a ad t
,ze Mi4 lan ' 1hy 6nd m excellen t pro- 021 route -46 t ie Coa t the ann vnng lw-ftd
the west, had' a liarrovi eseqipe from tormerly of Ottaw',*, Lid` now 8�rving Rey. Mr. Lontlkoee were U10-
at 'te excursion.
-and tie death a few days `igol. In China, under t �1�ternatlonal Coin I appredlated. -Mrs.; g. n1not
mt linigg. The shblla ox out- 1 grjm van. I he mente I
-ke ,7J br Ld
borse hg C. A.,* and - Children have ieturnad to their home-,
in, W In a horrible
ngs; are of dependable qual. i Music vid0d =6 were equal Lut was driving a four, rvester, mittee of the
il f Y. MIS
an 'Pto at J, innipeg. j
both as F quality ai d qu kubtirn, cl a potato out of his
well tailored in every in. ces which will mean a big svu 19 41: when somethig nit wx witf� a Jessie Shingleton, i Miss In C-lint4n j1t
at Pri do weigh 1 1�2 polAr s
d and rneas- a visit
phyl§ik food- -pre- lously ft inish- 47
the, alrailar outfit' abea,4 ot blj�, i aixk he ShIngleon left nIpeg last; tnonth Mason's.- _,Mr. C.
e, the, riollars are shs3AY7 ton and ID),
811 Outlmy. and 10
ca ad In thq basemerit., Addresses were in -4 licbes leng�h Ise, 'y ou -an Bevy ar a t televb o s put In
got clown to aWusti It. WhIle1thus !an- and travelled -halt wa ar n the ol t t h,
made, fr6m- lich;� !fluffy hes the OtAeri way. -ne
delivered Revols. M assrs. She*, at .4n, gaged his own hories got f�lghte4ed world, alone to mee her afflauceA, bus- week.—Iv j. niso
Mgmondvilli4E prqu of Kpj:en -Mr. . MeTaggailt: of Cun o4 and aught*r.-
=1 ght 'be- band.
better values ai IarkIn., ot Seatortb a ad- UcIntc sh, of go: a. nasty' fill -me 4), laot ek. and ran away, and'� Tie was Blanche. went 'o, NOW Tork tbis W. iak
4 1 the
IY- tween the two harvesters, 6ne , of —Quite a stir 4" ereatte to spend a few moniths with the. Mi -uses
lown. cellar
t Me' W ien goilAg ar him.. Queen's Hotel, It, too a
le -re than Gur Jack, Ale Belwood. ''The latterls an which passed, com-pletely ov is&
,morn- aMrs j1.
KJllop boy and -a graduate Of lyuff Is off Lee furna hO d
frani $50 to- 8, r6. aaa so woull - Rbw he escaped being cut to �-pjeceS Is ings ago, by the 1 ival 0� Ilim P. daughter., Flon
Ch' Ch. His' reminiscences of early. cu: ling his hi dia, of hien tand-
the ind MX8. S.
Eve t -h a marvel, as It was he got badly �_-ut Sinnag a native Of d Iday , flow
teresting and apT I t ha I to be som up by 11 phy-sielall. the w1a t"
da ere in r a e d
the ton,
L�qjp and bruised and It -will be sodie tfine Ing. and his Vnift bof h attire In the -where tb By via ted Halt. Ferguson
Mch had '-Mr. R. H- Hunt, w1jo left Clio
for ecasidn. Ur I before he :can' resume his w4oik. native dress, a -ad alit noted by an ndtan Was X,
afr Bel d, n the
thAt day driven, WE native toii n, some� twenty years eley S�-s
On-Suhday, October 6, U*4. Thos. s er van t. Mr. .9 lubt. i Is a b Ighly a I uo Sit- -
�county o: be pi esent. ag' was lasti week visiting his uncle atchawe n, as well at; relatives spid,
WeWngt j .
Sanderson of Chooleirich, died '4fter;an ad man, and perfeet c0MM&nd 'of frie , t.,
P, ndS Man)
is now other The musi-. was fur,IslLed1by,'tbe choir In that town.' Mr. d
hge. They �Trlyed wa.. TOUr IIInes4 of some length. InterMentwas the 'English langt Mrs. Toinas Qkulte
M I New r)
Z P- sbyterl
of the 0
an c hurx� Seitortb, a -1 arge printhigi concern! I Drk.
Se made at Clint the oldl h0impl' AA the from the West, a .4 spent a fievi day
tt on, a r s eral of t!
Mr. i3ohn 0 learned, te Mr. rth, a -t We
lc� or the'loadershlp� ol hiq trade i�' the New� EM deceased. The, late Mxs.� Sanderacin!s in Toronto before "proceeding to'. Engms, esday of lust V
with 'W. D.� IN] cLean as"(Wgan- Office. land.
I maiden lkAime was Ra"We I x.; i- Carter, Mrs. Hujh Rom, �a4_ iclilatop . . . . . .
Mrs, John' *hIte,.ok Tuckersolth, d
that I Iva
ist. -To, a
s good wola and she Is survived, by berl. other.. �Mr. George Mai Ick, M&nak4?r Of Blueale frIond i last Pk,
as he Seator SPay 00, er fth� i De
i&Y fGr fail and v�hiter Pq: Super th choir died, on We 6 who Is living In Clinton, and Seyen the Canadian Pat Xic Lumber f -Corn- Brinker a# sow retui ned Irom
x e6n afti "ne aye a r pl: tation. which Is a called ceased had far
few brothers jind two sisters. be de- pany at Port Mo dy, British
tha the sh:6.wi five CDlum- I I -Ran last week .—Mr.
ng A clean, clear etermined clean out 01 �c ations. Recita- mojithci. She eUvos nily of by! u, Leal orgsni z arried JS years the eneril hoisni
a was a m
illl;g &VDrit� ty Solis ember of ceased wa� m bia, died 1 n' al Ila 40 Sunds y last wak.
ng anti tions-w0e also given by Mrs. ceremony taking place at DU gama On I that place I ast fty i
ily respbeted alght. He a at the parent --a. h
the finest a of Clothf atiorth Turne and Oita In Bluavals
eloce I In the com
Gribiganj M1qs Rei4 of - Se Mr* Sandersoa was en 'en-' takeA vt1ft an a 'ack of -appe eltis.
in. in Sesfoith. With. up, W, b3* here Work ain the w w trjuz ch is,
ty. In 1 vhich Shia, w
sh� Greig a abil, tl�e as am eloe s hu (b had - Wed ig,
t they lived at Cli- the -previous We. sday. He hE d been well. --Fe),
ewe Of gaged. Subsequently, ale, aie walting 1:attentjy I
to& -well known to req uire f uwr Aom- Uvbd for anti
I er of 1
d later at Blind River, moving a resident of A h CW. uinbia' k -or a- the OrL"O'f the now - brid
ton ari
o. bout tbre6 years-, Rr. HeoGrin It is now tvm-
tileb, whi are ways W ol, wio three 74�4rs a; -of St6.nley' The deceased tvas 51 years of I age.: A from Parry Sound i ontarl*, a ^)nBt1t- pleasant to n
her select one --Charles Is- ernpWed to Goderich two or Id --came to taint 11t fic ke
a 'y t an wl . John Me ught4r harden for rattle
ling� apireciat d. Miss. Rell I Is a Wit
dri vne
stunned the
%nm�-ateuwr u t h�@ has good eloc Rion- wb 9 thrown f�h I
family of two Bons and two 4millaters vienty be represented- In t -be Ho4se -of An old v sident of Rox r1s, passe4 aviray
to b� day dur I g an I el.Wtrk 4orm Is left to mourn the loss of tho mother, Commons -for a nit �nber of yaar4. His t In tlie perso I of JD
ar� abili an# blds fatir come other
rofits bast wee
�p who wlis i tb al S61110 -
very. Particular line. MI uc`4%ught� Ir
poFular n :this. 'a but both -!halve George Brii., In his 74t h yew. M r. Si ;rMinle A. Grler,� daughtet.1 of Mr. estate Is worth 4 the Tie
TRE VALUE OF OU i On the whol ee the proc aedings, thy gh- hit i was also: stunne Grier, of West 1WawAn- 0. -via 0
ti ; f E gland aind es Me, to M. rrif
were a cces -creditab !a- Cb cause
eJohn Torrisicei Torter' 111111 out sful a ad osh, ded ion Sunday,, October'� 6tb,: in —A trio 4,a Ottawa may a that ye0a Aw,. The
his death V2
:a to
took 'part In m iGirier wag n, in- t appi jarances Mr. kyles- dropsy. I ro;m - which I ie su Irb Cl frorn presi dust from I)t 1 able to re ls B rvived by Vis.
the [BuCce§8 c i has att 0 bar 39th year. 38 ; bor
whi ded wl Is lookiiii after es at ew Gorrie. In 1900 she! gm
h d worth may not eral months. IL
't-' m 1 rke b. Ca iteldn h at
th4ir effo xceedIn915 1 0 . - Meian t for 9 g. d �had attlej id the
e oth the PjStor� h 4t coming session P
Cost D rts'must be Buf fallo, General arliament.
For w1fb and tive chll&m i. Mrs. Sella,
assistant and ni�rrow,escape i L few s ago" 10ing to-, a charge of I the ClyhIc 750r' Bimteen, Bome -weeks the h iaring �ot the Wnls-. 'was forr js� UUMTP h, a In Lis on - "I - ss , ad
t1je congrDv ole. We 'bate, 0 covered the hAel 14iter* -,she took a gLrg a- ter of Justice has been a �etld. At &ughter Hoddor.
nLQ eial
a 11 fl�a sit New y6Z
MUTP as a Wh months. ff. trfIN- '�t laite
wind -fall eve,7 M �Wlj- ainou, to 8 V y
t Stilt 31 "t f1A, and gave he alain, esea ii ig In -k InflantlAsylum. one 0 r, but now t ie- all- cNildran are
of good- fortune to not lear Foj t, atel Slab- ate coursa� first It was
A :feel sure tb a nt Cry -lah night cloth i atuet: uat 'time the 1$ad thattge'l �as Llidy ment has extends . to bth, wi(h the n. 'rennie
ny I=
mi�tn or boy- w If0v is in need of a thin liberal- s4m.1 tal ned no Inju Superintendent- of White "Ital. result that Mr. kleswoAh to Mmost Minnie Wo been a �em-
-H. Bl� 'Jant nn and P&SSSV�
way of 010thing of aby -sort f0i tho'co Oe Rave i a, Ohio, tntil. jMen�- eaning of Rew. r. F�tts. a d ellocw., ge In iclin- eaf. a has the' -leaves Ha.
be of th ial Hospitali, Jacksoxiville.- best expert - adv in - Cahada, but it ris., and a-.
ar ter. Our A hick -is -all new—is 'of to, 27 ye a. Cha her healtl have Vale
ReT. J0 14 Potts, D. D., -Secretary and Mr, Wm. fallingi-she Tesigned her, is just possible th Minist TO, Amerall.
t you prapare fror it at own, a was to, Drussols
of splendid a tMents in the. folloingi I* Educat4tiol -11 the Me :hodis�. chvich In Mi Xe b ir of eteran am
position In June lat. She tl�,ft went to go to We -
W Yor to cons di�matary on T tiursday: -of lust waa�_
C%nad, 6.0 yet. B In be -a but n Kf LO I h Bi 0all-
a, i nd a *orker for OT d
to Crionwell. Conn., or onb �,ear, lets them, and- the may f1m ally decide. Mr. Robt met
er, -'slept q etly p .-I;p with 0 Jolf
the cause.. 01. foi n1a, were ! esent
une wen 'a, go 3§erlin. ow aceld ent irdnoiday er lis
away at his Toroni , 'on joi r.s!. j6welB 4t a race meeting 6�, the Saranac Lake., returrUng horne ii In July. t
-911Y � b
the Has In 3 t U the Adfiionda;C�v t
s i s . 1 .1 . '—Matthew I §ky. flyz joi ld, week W-1hich, n4ht ta
�s and Overcoat* that he 'Must'
a fram as 1� his lo( ge.
U19. ednesol� Ly morning. He w Since t at time she has. been gradup117 and bi LIC a Id fataL
'a sister yo V He was exeaml for a ice
train under the hotil.-when ftrth oud-
Giffor of
awere run a -be
vere Only
a p4r) loth yie4j. Itormerk, failingi In health,
d 0 Oats wo' so�s and two 44ate of i the down -b
LOP- W a recent —A , pretty weddil tw1k as
r Am Oehl W M hini under,
tars we resent *h( a the end Be !has b n Y '9 MY bUr�Ylhg
Suits an ancl killed last Mb day n1ir -A
P C Is- -in mcdica On &P- the home of Prank d Mrsi,, *Crack eret, and, their ildiss Sophia several A at of Saud. virus Mvbaimd.
of tht Lon-
-d t thq Uedl is
a tl e fdistingi
ets from Us.. F nine onth PID 0 an 4th, line, MorriA, on dolnesdity, Giovesky, �r he -was 111nme-dia ely -dug - ot1t,
ire[ was al hurt. hrise d
S Vali lu e pr a
i to st i6ceed OWtober 2n� when kiss PraAk B41
an WON( n Of th. Zrgyman'� s been r iore, or. lea ol�s.- th I d ry.. Asylum for were walking the tr m the *ery Sik wati. No es were broken
ack wb
t daug�ter, was ;bmite In
popular sizes) abled frc m jBright's, to] sev� D cNeil, !m ho fted some time their yq&nge_Q as ur. der tor's care ai�i&
bori ft, became [fastened In a cattle be
''to The, apip< I tp ta ey- -confin -Intm
esin Canada eral we'lc� a �: has I een, rnarriagg to john� QaSS. 8�p SIP g to reactib im -0onfined be fo a veral 4&ys, suf-
during the-' - last' Ight _t at once.! ne 1.10
ar LO
tAik guard., In sttempA
fram na., his r0on; Cal 1
farmer of 108, dork, IT' fbrinc -fr, the "a
days i his life lie via uncons ous. s. ameli Gahn., N hl "had een us Net-, guard.
is sister also her foot n the
the presence of Idkgaestgil� :o, P1111 aild -the �evare biub g which he
Their sun was un;Lble
0 ackets Prid I �doctor pronouna !his for over a yes;r, tie - I<elliu
-P d the
Women's On Orris
y gton* of! Morris,
the hildren's ie case�hcip s5, :aud'slnee -then,the em- in �Wj r'4th. a bad honle UC in th West b"t W"I't, I&-
gham, on 00to,41 I fie was
wedding march, Miss Loxiisi guard, wit was ilinlacing the 11
carcel on Ident ouracken -
.0; to
ear rnioghi 4w e. Q Pr' boy's Shoe when alled
—Dr. R.
erw" bars of elfa ily I ad s' r I left, at to for bridesmaid anoli Mr.! S.- F: Mi iL freight trad i b a owhag to
the. bedsi. a. ye -11be cerem �ny
and id been a re It
ab 3ut two was groomsman. down upon them. Phe children a ne filinness -bft
d change en I M. L1 g P6
Thbre performed by ReT. led instan Ste
oil SL wart orrlm trom he. VMSA -M X
y.;. wherej
f death ca a 4hortl,.S�' er da lo, EL for oer 1 ce '$dent otl a of Brussels. after loongratulat no were On September 26th while, ev, R. iday to I e- nej r hI4 51ste mt..&
0en a
or men and -b 1� no out time: she had
St wart had h red the I
Wednesd y morning The ar d her husba S e� din -
o rietired :to r),
ver the company son,anol wife., 'of Penhold, arts, ters. wt�i Is I I with appendlelitts, 444
d. I thie� n a1P enjOY04 sum pt -
and U 1frame W is �fm Ply 'a :hauste -in dent to- al -1 1 1" ro6m where all, ere visiting anx ter part. of their wha will *)-DU jr-3 tO L 01140n for
Hats a w
6 cing _T -famll� J a ous in's i to the
Working ClotheS5 Of J 00ulbei
he 6 st., The g*A)g aeld,,10 miles. olt fant, fire *ut eration. I
fight 'ag 6inot disease and advi
y N4)rt 2w.=#.
age. G derich, who *ant t a bride was a gold, brdoeb, to:: t) a bri. s- In their manse I ki siorn, un, nt-
ye a t ir shing .x tfit,
The to 1041' maid, aj gojd� Pin tind 10 the grOOMS11PRU, able way, and, be: -he- nA be sj-
�g tAbi to' ar ago � th
stuptio-date Sty) 4 1 ;1
Ca Oman, Gen d om ImV In ome
Ali of t6,1atesl and Mo ''Superintend- have iind beoli�71dl k pin. The )brl a's Of, ured jbffe a- Notes. -
Rey r. a. pearl stic
oids- and ends, but. a el swaall from the 7 Ilag—e It a YLIss Ella Sandemm Luftedi
ith to�.Wslls � �4 -
t of 't ie Methodist Cn4rch In Can- yoonths, and - pave q thw- Occanion, way, It was cebur--- laeL thursdt bayIng- a clearing au ent Of f rom. her father. cin e
Ce driver; ;,rom her r' tob ly Icons=
of everithng ix the stotO. brother in J el- fo&jIng that he ay ha ve, met with
ad%, to : ds deceatiqd was a ni furniture'. clothl library . . . . . . . e*y, so; reral monthis isIting �,at
low wor The foul PlAy.- h T ad'iff hsprI a 0, il, mo er
of inan 7ears Th Wan anct from the grwh' th and all the -rest. The house b ged orne, h�,' Ageo%-, S e jjacj�je was on.
death of' Di - Potts Is' sore bar ave- the, 11nolln a V-11111ileo :In" and to their a - p suite ��e rIcill, to SM ve do" _of last
tb a 1.1-- 11 ionn's -erected iit� sa the si list a
b.gyao Mr. Simpson o, low
0 Was &
rhent to adian Xel am, an L VAU, ot� bo t 55 1years valued, 'in bar the Congregation a coet' of Ins —Mr. Joioh Cowan
cq d been rkIng th a ;Te be keenl elt broughout ur ntl of ago, who h cburch� Brussels,- from wbick'she a manse. All hl money, abou $1600 eky'vhere,he W�Jll j pend BOMOL t
AI)AN a e C9 -eeliing ere and Tad Start. di for S mmences
work, a d ceive Me!
to our: votest SIOn. tb, id a handoo
:� I was In It and af there was -no Insur- vill th rels!"t-ves. -4fld s lsehAel Dane, i or
World �-vlld� u
Methodism 0 rn. th).nearest SULtion. �in ance the loss toltal�-on, and the: �Gmlle, *4
ij a - the gued of MU11 ML with us Over 4ts'bier. Arid we via iturd, In juirles.
19th Of 06 cao i4l da. -young man faces he WintAr -destitute I -Awls I W ek.--C -to Rey. L..
last 'let' ",Wng
nk -t -Thei gru§Eels- Pos, K ft last ek
. . . . . . . . . . to- thl churches of a it; ev I W n
will: I Ingle: says: "Last-Slindi obpr 6 11, -bal int eharge Of servicet in
chu, ch6s, was
of. —Four Otta i I flull �,ers wore of. everything. H ,wIll, be reir embe- P
angeli t 4.
Su iday evening- there, 4�as�
13 -Can dfng ad $,0 'atidl costs at Ilip PoHee ad, aa.havIng- pe wly Yea" as the And am tiue iealsl with our grief th,,. fiftieth o.- goldei uni- each f
11fooreflold; Mr. =4 MT0- a until all are: Bold. SaturdaT for pioneer missionar, In the ece R-IY4* no ser
court short V14e
of Millbank, and -UM. s7 a 4 it6ns v ,rywhere old I a d an vbe Pz*�bytekitan chuticb..
if you waat th best picking.;' adian �Te=ii versary q Oil
.eight, bre
a long f e, 'of B� Ufels utb, ad. district —Rev. atgate,, of Atwmd of Listowel.—R-"r - Of JL. oeCtIpled- i tood a P1 , Of M3 s. Richar bo:melteader nam�d Prank —The statemen: Is mado that the 4h in
we tt e I -old. m bit
h, and ofit and(they 6* 1 rot Son was cimshed to 4 'Ch ext und4sy 000. a
t4e thurch, state ; t, t'hd to t2i I
ba t�e Methodist church stood f or, t#e :best-, a. d, largest 11ingg wi owned b Sfrh Mr. be- -partnership whicl . has'- bilsted! for a
T no
jn4 a bulldi6g at his nurnber of mrs lbetween rev�vaflsts �Kf fie z wall %a re
h R -V icessi
Mr. Dice of DaX of tween a Wagglon
I� hutmanit�, patriotlafn and rf IgI n' L. Brain, on the Sr(
der. two
wal home ne4 n, SASU Dr. Torrej -arl le.,
d �a vest home re , r a
T!ihe Au4 a Of the gan tit' Grey, whe ! he care. i nand which is as that Noke; un - 1"t
the dissemi 0 'in toncW of t oc-
aqniver- b Of Sat r r and C 4 as M. Ale moirths' lialt In Saul &e _4r
of th 1 1 Sab Sask too
f th,: I hol formed, for iner
of the 4ll�-knoiwn which united MO ly and Sankey, has for Bort her
4 eventhil weddir D. Rowan,
last. S3 0 3riety and In day
8 ptuf Ca ton. On d. eont%' -Ig Mij, 0 .8 preacher ar d solo- Mr.
0 e n4tia bow, railway an I Mac- come. to an end. R. Mulr,, seriously
the s ) L People, of Bound Rt v, Isaac ne tied k� j
lut hee t1he: comnfo d of tho_ in.B tg I h an syndt-
I educationi an id �Qe b I d kenzie, & Mann, I ba- - Frapar-agons i re 'beft A& b"i
the let, reopedtt ly, hP_7 ve toured to
s, loard ert t
Norris. Cate �J. Engllih aint0v Olga is gethe-In America ustralli, a�dGreat library �Qr a c! -o ba"i
ney Ln Success of 1 the 1; uma) )h s. James 5 iar, of: sisels, sister
�r am illness of over d
E4 ast �Side 00s, a An all-, !brlde ft�ald. have
Street one.'do'or 8 f: b1i ana many of the bri , being U x6a4e -a 0 council Britain, and, attv Aed large. autliences. In the rear b Lture,,—. t pupe on W
as t*o men be 11 . the to
The dkfference b; an the drapsy,.- Joel SalleM Umang .n ulif ting 'enterprise 5, h a Tle weddfn was alsid a the Of T0*011t% blish Ir4 :at city. v�n
Dr I ;ILV& Wedhes�
rorZ4 Rn tbJ6- day ever Ing ft r time in of the Srd con- ense iron sla'alter, an dltton� Is most marked.
OMM1011 )Ort.: and u nwav va at fall fair n- tasels. sh im
him 0.", rdogma- c -A wen an as wlU' be -
on yea ke city will kraut to ,-a com-, -610gy, Is a a rtbod
e� I T. -re I!
ever hi I ad
ed r -an, e most largely'repre o five rs ago 31 r. and Mr 3i"Rea the t I
a, a d wo, was I. -v the 14 ntatly an. In -ou Me "h acrOf w 16 MLtlst, who Seems 3. burl words', at his given Rev. D. pence, nto,
sl�ntativ thodis m, dedon +heJr farm, adjoining that of PAU b". L 401&
age. came hearers asq It I were peltint them MrjE. Ul;
.4 - th bridels pareal 'h -�a= Asbbr�dga's marsh AS a blte�, f0f the
tA), Ai0rr as a b�o Per! and c omPanion, trus to' the iate JOS dp With bard P
,hie 7tM _jj
to" ha
IAUI and pro;osea W`Orki this, -a eas. VEr. Alexander !pos- Alex M4DDou*9_H_.
Ides 0
e, nd bal in !all churches, - SUL In, i vfien thev"�', 1 odd.
SL. Fra h
-4 -, of ti Wor of T of two Sam Slid WeAl a 'and 1 falthl �ir- In, all OR Ir 010yed, W the rty they purcjis�s�d. with, �wia be one - K th st tran assess more 12 We. He pr-ope
?wDrk0 ln'Ameexa, and ve-In �41*AYS' 11AF got nito touch his will glv4 -an a a In the t
Inions dommon Wealths. I Although not sessin# as much TIM
em The fiamral -Z tie! Highest p'iice for Butter A`Dd P94 quiekel %to trada aTanb &
as In the e
lW a had XX thousand 5uch )men.' yearp� nn Rop 9 a the eX__
'y -nd nems�tat P�Xloltura Of many audleum