The Huron Expositor, 1907-10-11, Page 877 77`�.
�t V
T P1
"M I!
p 7:_ _ISO!
X_ p0js Oc
�("`tard 'had %Lb
He hfld�-
Ill ter I
la T'
ot- lie vha;,rge sud rhtrty dile a to, _00Ahat
Br tfcard tht: lair."Ve pr6koik --tho" tio vpr5r,"
'ho idnjo"d :f4e wor&-1
-air orlad, A-7, 4 ndul But-.
W. IV nruch tlel than, iffbeh he ou.
dri-In 110to
w4e�j6 L '� 11
In tho spring.
ailig ckote& to 41btWl po O-Ofi
to hiort di te le- our sto Of
laral[44 J Ale*hnder, Of
OUR n�
W .-Iran 4 oil t i Pit vel toi I ovI,
r p Johmit 14 Uto 0a
OT Ist0*4rt's, d -on
66U Vill ift4ite Lot
;,=g at we Keamey i In the ical X
'k:, give Ill no, septeml:
t i6k: 3
d'- do t.6 De �10 all 9 it' at lev*lng at St. Pateep cu trKAt a ir a
�,aBd, it in
Themar�Lagmt Many- sheds dwl 11it e
ro CLI
4011,10, t at
U W with f
U t wilw and, but b tha
4so ave a alancs� Iii4e
ll out t1ho, ll Diu a ek'at tt a Drug -W-40 _44 MQLa`ugj11UT�1
a to:
need- a- 'daw to
sww files. Our lo%j� the 11n, and wa;a drit d CWU a4d MIM Petrie
we e it al'nia"rted a"114
NCO to parry qkmd horft belo Whol
�OW to Ole it =d. *,ra!nl hip thril HtXUIop.--Mr. -md W0. T.
'810c, AIPM, tuzoedi for
.10 Ve area W�
esal V, at Me bil il MT. J $ Scarletti
0 ill
GoodGolts.-Tft wo -ed t th6 fbij�me of
ad In- up
0 !by: 6adly for a r. an
Bran Soott YkAt 11r. ' G
Trii tiolte, -r"ed. 4w, hake 6AE 12e se ad 6r, an SunUy last dr. tn
irt lk
g A,
W I M6 from al the fac, bUt .0, Um F. XcQ40.l called, on SunmneI,111
`rr is diirable ou th "week. I
and qY1 y apvj�e& :Can z lt'OU014ades, 20c for 15c got
Bl eebriomi Of nt f t t, I �Joff`. W1 at"
JW'&1_,t-er 0 bbr-Ine ondam -ngs and table
at Ay
16ra iisiijil ocki
a Frice, pev -0
_QWn )ribe,
d, t the, (I ae.en, oi -twooftliffat- doix
-ham F41r Inan] XN
Math-odilst 011well iw�wrul ble d Ill Sa,
Colile we WW s you The v%y fact that -08
tyl te
$21, took A *erlui r I'n%kft t he
aecond" 0 �e
ill -ood- B-iterandeggstare1l di�y,�inext� Octdber 13t the Rev,
il� siale popular this aeas6ji, bffarin�, aU Unug'
Mr. AD T B. A., T11D.,' ual opportunity Jor th 6 a. of
15L. -I.. Toll, aercis
one Ur. R ral, ilea ttqf6 Ur - t1at lel I - V- I hittkwnn ox
ie the
1, or rly
eat, 1366
wA111 preaech at 11 a., ra's 2.80 99ld ffidividual taste, is not the
d sw, a' of Lonoom has-Aijit Sold We vil reas-
el 'pratty ar -age 01 ')tX 10 )WU %rottlIng mrb QAele f .1 cted
Cw- for T hreshsr Dru i&T an. will Iqe tal 'on why our-. milliner
etneer, �vl fll W.� I pread admiratioi,not only
coal t6lw� sapper oT -tea.. ftwetill this yeia
ABER11A at )each iservloei hm, wju lbie in
Gkeox�� . cgs 4 such vride-s
We have a, fine grade of
they -devel -to oE o -millionalre IT for
'VVTM.- $21_ .
f. . for style
or thi�esl use at clos' la* hall bftn p to M and ffistie"I a but for
nake of p neut lr-. it6ulln Island the past -week. He
y deal W d last or, thO �piwttlo�g nf
price. to. have Jobuaohd.� jd�oll I
W th%t, which i4 much more mportant
d Idell Q4 adek! aadI organist. -I
i Of 0., -,Wrn-.
coaJforthis purpose. Try It- lol aftet isome lauN4 to r his son
are ol d, a n 01
11 4t Aro ow 1 Wiedne TuckqramIth.-T our,,ehats
Same more p is 10, 116 ie, six !1il w In&! T;h�� of a hirme to the wearer af for its
06 0 4 st n io, lag in $ke� Ill a thor here D died bor a pro
-P tau IM a Aheir
4, g p
breid, aludVao Chas 'be
till- SIFead-. Xft the In p ngn)ss. A larg
lartio, of
E� tio At N� here the 4
bd-- A. (Wand, will ther aln:d they 'report- tbam - a very gll the hats whieb ledv'e our, millinery
6 d . . . . . pIdl vl -ag mey, -J. IAgh;;;;; asslaq ot� that tonsh a 0 *Ith-t�plr. d hte&
.8?e constructed' in our
crop.�TherO. Is quite. ill in
0 ftia a sample as f. "o, -This hi 91 t on 1*.-,Th6 Sourre aorreE m,adl of the
P lag through here 4L�il
Oed, 4t tid1l 1he Can- mnipeg
trad -and atte 1 Press on, Octoiber )ownworkroom,,'thereP)rb 48 as 5ure
Thr-Ae r d. the
IW4ai _h kee EID all wheL* it Us
A customers
rchibAld Lot 44ant, the li ightr
V g ed f ive dulnd;%_ pad, Vt4 0 iota Alex, Bill is that nothing wl
One of. aoU -mol Sl ab ;h
One M EOe I'she ;wa; i al-. jo ucQ t k ke-uP of any, f headgea
four wl a, halt ipo th&M'00�1' lacr-9916 46t, 10 SP I'd- 04 14. Logal 9,ptlon 'has ani
a ad in the
e the I map out of he - gratil
g a Jew da"
asur d twolve'lacne*rtbje tral wkT W� I Ynpl, ainh i ot a in' tc RQ US they may buy her� wam - IstplVes k o a Cl Sh I -Y, es � prom so, of !�*Izv vWt4i W. In: the ea. MH and C". d Isixteen lwpb�s thw -ot
ruepe tAndisretu
ng Very ybar
oUtoes axe oi'- ther 6 t �9;.n SLr will, ilX � to aft8pt a situat on lb P. nee wroxeter.
W. R. C DateO r1atll N� Mr. and Mrs. North,
e, L -T* loI 07 ha s lu IT 'Whilel 6 the 'A Wert 1�_Xr.
arilaty, or ate h�* W �IlWndl
frolft t)?I'p t6 Edmol vn4
Millien DoIllar 14@10. 110�' are M, XCUA -hMidl 0 iby UkUP k voints hillo k Mkrtoll are guests ot he lat
omd --il i wrol-lown, er, Jac , pto%ch.11 -other weisterin! wee r. i:
otatol ani ifixa Id 'to -M ma;Y add to a;r mot 'Mrs Remy Armg VUSS
'that queen f- 03ato, sallys thihgs 4ull- in t lid
For y4a*kv� and 'Work iq- well to-' M 19tuart.- ot Bimels, Is a visitor
a w� gooid, aq.- bey TtOy Were- V odeliffs lj�ja noortaka, Cl
st w eat o*tdg the
It of be h lit of -Mrs. J. n ghui.�, of Nee -
16d bi olf the 10t Pinli3xie" illof 'Wfd t1l prevailing sew l imic i .0y.
t"hk, by, ill -0ur new book, 11 Qui 14 t
tbi� 'first- t ahted dii1vall bl M r. Jo _of paw Manitoba g
e&167 aftat Ith ra _h . The eormpondIlInt �of the 'With eg
t of fourceata in -date Mr. and Farrel*_Vllris.�
aml dorm Uerl school of Tale- �A acre. *ei, Preas .41 Crepk.. 1-
aral "eirard ftrel Eut, Toronto. J. aek tiaw retuMed frin, a.visit
a Late Mrs. COdj
1i Aimot lier �,e 11 Iberta, il t he Iollol refoill I Oce
me is I= Of yo ,welko In 1" -don. -Mr&
ra b
]r, ffl�fAW PXeAdeUt.L Death, 1 AASM �a 'and-* h.1 17 eop 'boy.
W. 1'. eted %muLdent toL asi *11d Beatorth" G.
Hen y, WhItechub d.' over
Anson Sirarlingi the a
dill to the deal v,03k. ol
this I al. to- -y daughte
Crldh! die 'or real ConinTerce at adleod. I i ------- L__
J�* 1tr J�rf $u1n a; "her
late Georg W
'o -n
at h mml
-1 ."Misses Mary aad 9
k1re It, Off in,
n 9 ud�y, Ill M a 0Bt "Wingh
of �bw mialther., -ou ITZ Mr. and Ure. Lyn
vroj gaests
'd lbe a verJ, i4evere _j wl�plre sor yto see 41
11town rig. Of
0� ye�i %
ufferod lor a lau�j f rlo f al mohths, amd he art. Mr. Lyin-eh ArIvIlan a, n -
e Ink
Ura olE -nng
afic was
would 10 for 'her. en IN C '-Mr.- amoo R. I )ie
B -1-11EID
atta, :re- wa a AgIales Gr8lilt. h *aji. a datxj,*_t ooV Roxboro, bao ella 'N ST., SEAFORT14. -r imid laihe, A., T 1
larg duh4ler of their f
by of Howtek, ntek a I
Ci ha 0 1 eido em last week. -Mr. and. Mrs S. o'q,
ig d hAdl 0i
wy:,Mc 1 4 r,foi oever o fr JAC
6 14ce or- tiq,'� lN. Wat eart 'troulble At' e -Ibl ine Few .8
* ahl I'A, t j!
lbe able -to t af- app
#or 'he
-Who -died The now o
:U6 Accident Inil the' last cone, 11ball 8'-V- te, of ibe late JdM A 101re.-One of the roost '41suetrous.1,
f rteAdo tew� ti till t 'has occurred herej tor so
Us pirticu*rly smart im([ P'osseE a
a onIT -a fe ye go. She, Was -0fie Haldim-nd last -and Ilidginod ty, that, at- oncal
took p14
ce thos
FAl and Low- ehao iwual.,I�Ee 'hodij,", e -en &Y t d .;he W J4 IfEM ust retur"ved f
AgenL -a � . h
Xo tho'hoolse for i ;VV4� Wft a ho haw 1b,,= Wt A�tlll I
-su - of touchesi,,'�, Welty'
IOU 9 111 w1b
fIL lit Op nigh� about 12 Weloc Reed,'�, V -Peal t0-StYlishl. Wd *611-ko4ned wonten.,/ The `df
He .1 Ca th--,, In Bt r,4 paftl, Im" the, I qnpl6y lot
tubg Se*bg Maebibee and Cream. formerly, the fown.
24 ry I ptl �r th. Br evapol part fiord forq lor otyles is not yadiesa, -ever,,
of age
tdw%Ahlp6f. Grej
She w3l rri, G lvernment are
WewRaymoiid and Wbit Ur'. 14biftl 7ears. ago. tual, tOof the !Ontario -Ag 1cultural
-of fr4ends W11
fail TM ith friends, I Irp- ed .'to' d was Ibu=e. to the gro4dd. Alex,�, and fa ever- F
0 Sol Iliv tarn13 i Cam more wbb stayed Im, th� buildl modell igh to be d
at his. early. Ileah and.ex: lid 'tb,-Pir :'Vire-deceagead, %pr 14 Toar she apd Its Ti W Iml: 'his bee_ 9 CV. g WaM the flIrSt t
bt, tt the;,' installpe. 130. hit
and National bud- ml�', er, pyiep, mbo difi th
-icr W 6 for
er ibrxythar 'and �eiijtp -U -fire, whicb had orl ated 'e,
for. 011ld-49M 4 Alhir.Arlyor Alversiti,
-to e b;ej beeln. a reold ,
Unal ada diliNm (nearest sympathy 0 ver
ich a"s 104 qr, Of lael an refit ement, desired by fashioable desse
AWW'.bildil juabbine revIlilks, il,' attagh- ot a f amacm b
kyallng were inter-red4n, Uls am atly.v, i;rlell
Went' r, of, P1
n MUddlIlk for the guest
mts, repair* al '04 fter
at t
u Jay.
Tu a bullilka was In
-al ank cemetery an tow
kWde of. ail church and she f1rlV1111J.' MIS a cDou all._�
-and very Long: ng jgck-
led r irfl�Io In is- her from uo-Cloth. WA
- ve us tpr(6 nins.
I Im Over, law arIng machin was �sa, &
With ever 25'5 6are experienee in the !a nipll* armentsf U is Fu U
businew i7ev'e0i rest asauted of Orliceo Public School (30mcert. k le e, The ote, wit it Itgth
w *ee with
eoa�oaill k Ybj
Ed, 916L, day life, she was�&-klnd Is promise lo
'h ft a7 *w bolit �
-of MI. 4ll Comfort
nxc @Mdl bull Ing and cent were
F 'Was ai, sloem; in grfmt de -
d Mto, Mr. and MTs: 7ohn4, )n, ol
right, 944ara dtabb and ggtalifliation Aertainment ps jackets c
thd �Uoil 11,* 'who Wan the
ftnrAed- '40M W wid derl-ch' street, sod aher friend:,.-. aind a either W
1E Ol will bet given fa - Oper 101 lot all WI, McKflidi oi I d We Mil a
this Frid4y e4*11'Qg, L 14, r..... th ow, WIX, W8.6 raid 'ap-
she am a L -Y Mr' -iW!ra. B W
JAIdES WATSOP4 WIth. %a� -or plain- Ooth, -"d
teen, of, the i6blic sL 61., act �w E cconnt Of ber JgCry fo! son* B Ch c)i OpeIning.-W bid f4 a Jarge stock of the best makes,
wi to i-ticres
Postilion ind she heus to be the most p6pula# atflo of ularly t you,
*1 1 't - - tin -
at tack of �e I
SaVreaft Agonk Ill dealer In ftwbg Machine 0. Spein A'' �amd�, kin aly dis- qJ Ift1w lo:: 'JA aMd alt)la to Wt-' r. d our readers of the Of
ce. will deliver
&*"Wyel"�r Nodh Baia sknk SWorth. -Cleo
-t The F missed hefall and wi er aeasotp., When t io�qe we
t ll enAltd, In_ W1 I I. b a In. fain chirch te i'd to tils egular da W,. � J. Duff a church an'. Sundaly. Seritea hom with max
niot, Oil
X Il Two liumdred 'haA(7 i t6, Iiine a4 fill a relel 9 -he 10 ourvive, I by, �( & at � ham.' d his ag� Jejav;e, I)d�r imill bei hol(W. �&-t III a. M I l triniming is uved'to adorn
;he -01 and rat 11nin The thels ot
-tam a i gar out -
light views,will 'be mlli,ot eight child rel Mrs. Dr.1 Lted. b,7 Rle Y. J.' t i)
ft- strellet be cl t
aft pall afiJ A. inen it is either v br' ei coverings are i)
ton GhodrIch,, and in the af-
-iFo vler, i Clk f depe adable
the Ihittoryl,of -.the r,'i Is IT ',10 As. Calle!Rdar,7 of & Gut f erldge ha sedured thwe
HARNESS that is given pt6farenw. 13t th Oft -on #y and well tia ore
Ing thei past c - tuil and Manitoba, �&ssie a�id Byrl, cot itact for the -new -04 k, y lei. Mr., at P6
I art of the vast at '101019`� alto -Ao Seaforth. Ow 9onda7 v- PP in the ame*coat. ht
�d Chester,.Of ti building at 'Llsltlowalr, They i 6re stance, hile t
our oNm ma3mof genuine Rubber 111ximmed: I old Webteq�, -Who �Seh to and J dhn, to Abn�xlt on, - the san at supper. wiU be served, r* Earl, of 14I;rtne, le scale, -a fowl
Aamesll 1t is the bell in Canada. Ask a�dre made from. lie flu''
Spe,!ials in tweed coa- s
ee seasoms, U., dir ct lch�,-InLe regular AW4111119 6i the 10. mulolal and lit -
I for thr of )scada, h Ichigazy. �: ' . _
T4qurne1l about them. at from $6.50 to
he d oin.
(if htcagct Arl.ceurd coup -Cil will iba held[ Jay tr rogTarnine.
BaUff-_TrtUJksV&1lM Suit Qll able Girl Wanwl�._!go.dogeneralho NO better val:4es ny-
t . . work. next -1 h. the ames Davidal Flush And wooi,nuk% k1te. who cin taki who
ig�elb w es Specials ir
Illustr s a harge, eNvr Ar. H. 81 Ull Fell .* Wo s. -Mrs. J cloth c"
y %of 6 -tor of Spr hIturot ol t A ham elenvory III for; awne ff - ie is not where thAr. -our &dIrtts
tart ".timent Is most hijill 21 xpply
and vs the procee s ar t r- t Hal. 40 UrIT..'SmIth- were in lift- at om 1,50 to
ung ofild t �L -
y as assIs hant i in e, VV. H. t on W(dneisd Mr.' to Ihs liofAtoels ancl I&
wahted _19P Ir
pose of .,puxdhas1_qg h* le, i( _�ll
3eforth. ab our stook bel purthming, t(!Jlm,H,,pAge, d frorq to $2�
Wil Cov, L-imited, 2078-1 91y I Smith -fall a -p- I
thering ft
PIT del bf the Sol I ut-on �Llb( al 'Pllls �'was- ka order last weeek. Air. T.
Iffla: tbr--the public ej3':.%L. I 6n"_Chof6,,e tilb- bu
ties of freske 22c;
patronage, also arge lli A 0 ztibW-Mr. Frank Devereux I Leven
ZaudfeaZge%11, 0. *11tig Illas"goi the cellar all orroffiic - bommmmL
20F84 r ed tbe D111 Id a on J, Alshed for the Inew he Intonda
Seafarth. kit cri"
acs agree -tea." They i6theat f the I uminer.-Man i Dr. da.
o r6f ff wV4 28o t Ill Md r. 11 erecting Inext to Son de)t- I # -the New Dr ;ss G dip �1 You'r
ft from
e_r- pot I �rown a find. 33u zer, eggs and Q toes W&I
'also; tgree thel IQ lbs. of it 41 per lb., with a tea gine V g d ;h&vb withdrawh, thel#"
h ll of the Mettiodists', i ri Prest t Iorlks.
wan a ondill at the thain offering m, 0, for tfils seaboll
hmoi. held in the sch6ill 0 BMW Brol 5eafp0h. ."-w-ra"Ir J. I
20 -1
In of the B irb' Wel
WE, TEACH -chirdh, an I flcuse7tollent. ara. Kir man MisE got &bear andAgo6d biff M..4
RAPHY. rrel&yterian _TO rent, 4 h S'pecti an
comf6r4ble coftaget
iness pi low
nient to.the bus :nfi b of the til )y an B d 1111 ihoi Pregb`ytertWir. 611urch Itnto the bargaln.�Mr. Berry,
it -wee
eciling--of las .,k and WE a con,
lad- wbo-wishes to rese e a room and Thd addieso
W W wt,, M benanW mard F da;y, even lot Gley, wasol 4n McKillol callffig I The dress goodeection coulp -every W and
. Dr. e Ternis Ill y to suita r . late in
by Mr aull
4W_ ls.i ay for I 'd iing� Anph I& ApF r at U Is office. work edaT -.last vree -Mr. U.
gk�tel d- about 6ar m fr ands News thin i been so t -the i ihowin
Weather.- -,Dr. F -by rere: �nta 1tb 11-_ interest Ig Elligam has pwchaso Ise more
Vs. fo
tlernaional Reform BIT] all �To erIng o, �6bout P.0, land'i -He mow now is an an off 160 :10rei of sty] e--
Vo,- wa,11 -excee 10�
Bui -to 1, )Cal r .-Rev -b Ira. UcLa,49h ;lwnd. Bruesit th4
STRATFORD, ONTARIO. Canadian Branch; the d adit n citi-, 11m. "of New Yio k. good hust ler.-An
am old: low
t ch, -I Vin , is at e.. Ted
n f �ea I I f to 1"Y'llof WIngha , namled hq;o been 'hold- You 4 ould examin the oil,
have three departments -Commercial, Short- Ing for Asia. making. a- 0 P,
Can- ow iea� :cb tar
t vasiting: Mrs. Johi � ffil Of Ing oleetinge
-we zanie Leagwe.- Of ormer
a erh here 3 1 Alt Betbe c blac� and colored �uitivg
Und and Telegj�ajphy. - We employ the beat teachers o establ braii ah gra ited G. er-leb street.-Postma it )at Vp Nrdol f t
Ian points t e Die wo weeks. He la ye claim
itharmcneyearl urcourses-are thorough amd a
',1mve - cloth -we h;%"
-o-positions. rally -cem.tres 'for carry On - rw cove ren ald also
practical and we assist; worthy students t bkhet Dy -his chazed' 'the flrkt d to Wife 'ad child
an ,rega L "on ac 01
)W claim to
7hosewhownshtog-Aa money-niskint ed tio b �a 3a; u414din
ilea - n w 5rk of Reform Ila thei inio, -of at ihot Brusill ahqw.'.. Ir. of
I c ".nt afi guarant
Itron ldh IT, Ibel tkloub Ing
should getAhe heif. Wrile for our, now catalogue t
WWI This the beat dzue of year to a r- as is called f or by bink and Ea. 1 CrIeh..* was 'here f Owl Har y, Pov r. Ho scoops -u p the off eritag, at
wl ilere
and get part!6 wiff to P(ew: York
C. inada. Four -pdnts arel, He, W&P call d 'here d, of each servize Nl tl
a thq V great -
n di t lgrad' Late ic 0=�t fhe Illiness d �deathJ f est V ALE OF UIL
he intends t
&king e-1 ld 'of wxirha whi WE HAVE TUE BEST THE
ilk �coutwi,-Jlr: t 6 1U411110111
bzanches 4hOuld.- 'e V, t R'lvad C&l hIe*wfh#r. He likes "he ive"
et 9,
y. -Miss , -t ThompWA 'Ims. Of
Principals. :.Pr
ba'aiishilig Of. bar. i filE Te- cou ntry,�-)Iajor Alndel�ew � to champ
lb �the - , ap Ited 1 lbra� an ;at the I ub�
peal of the law whl�h le.kaliz a ra�s lib lba no. longer'. The title was i wr"t A
ra isuccesOlon[to bar ry.�Qn- of U 11 tta
to ask netiLa-n
trick ihe mv ar. Ha;
bro her ate frolm him thel other dal 6
idbill''ThIl3l -n-p$oIn. The ap. th person of Mrs. lolonlo, Roger., e 6th Venetian 'Cloth
rX arnM4antS 'tll an te, In.' a.
I oriV with�
hO L
W e., am a. Was T Spmre, when he lawded IT
Q. ne p a good r np- fox one, jut aosed, peacefully away n p&
PrAectiog the nctvtlfteo�:. r0ML son assistant to''! Partridge and flv raUlto.- on the market
er Jib, nesda lamt, after several mo the ill- unsuTpassad
th � r&.vagea for L Mr4 j. Ca -e white .19 'ham bem s�endlqlr ita intoxicants and, Is tfi6x th tr dfic ll ra"' ars, zess which !%he lbore withall mar-,
op ias e] �. &B." San -sunkmer a Mr. James Beattle'll hiLiThrg. Mrs. 1toger,6,0l was
wilt the datiesi. married
am int
Presents.* ot] Ter for of e E. atild dbli g mwnne7r tun red to Iheirl bol tn' TDrdnto A�
.1 na e to ber Inow be mob
C hii im Ive, jal vori-je e her a uln- reft -and wards 731
appeal to Brttaln to rf 116q. Tht raday,�Ur� and
Mrs. G W. R
w th, tW patrorTs Of edge,,_& Markdale, are vill W . . . . . She was natiTe W V ago. ely r1ints With ezo �'n i n
_Rnigla d, aud etfied t horm,
Qmn, tolne, of of a bal
jatt�rls Mr., -
'Well, I guess that von �Wfll. hdvq,,to qoigpel her toallow the oul i1a, In the and
thei 'highly re
TPW zhl-v r Itted'i-esidi -stead 'he died, willen c�l Vold weatber'is not long W,' yof 'W
-�rorl. - -Mrs. G accomp where a .0 W.1 _a i t r it
Ishl f 0 A. Sill pr ipare k, eseb,
eXtWeek-L Isnt it olle of a, was in,
of the' :r zhing programme,and 14 an hour her mother, Arr—A3 Armstrzil
buy a,' present' for the wedill traffic fai_ the, Bu s4n. she wa I use you
W11tro' 1 Chrimiam Woman in nTse
t )ln %led i I Cost to youft elf,
ow� -led by.' nw*Iyearls ago. a live
0W I L? K
eek h ya the
r tackled ad rem only the xreat� line. i Ilia last W &V 8V Ca few da
wft-st, -Jol you eve, ID k
ho W-nd an active Ing Jr1vR n In from ho libxne In t the vl� ord, foond Qf
Ir A Im 0
jea,J� Mr.1 Ohnn
c roh 7 a An woti �r
ver occur to yoIl given of tbe q1w1v8KtJ0hs tow and, mernblor V the A thodfat ProoAre ro ial us.
1110W. -did. L it e hat- tr toed; �, t of Mrs. T. e o
we makel special'study of Dr. Ulyy bas the". fa Ulty 6f c W i 9 had -fa I I Urt- 0, d, a�4 m0trolag,__
tha f a Ing 1 hat Mr chuirep, Shi leaves y�our B�ankets i pie so t the wedding present Peter IDI'll Ch
busines�. everyl minilite of 'his addr4a" +h d his fm -
wit a r. is, sT,16 and and $6 a pair)
`b Aix
the t: lowei P�B;rt Of six
deal ly h,� tror' -0 to Vdbl W -her
for som I thmi0let3d ons d*ugfiter, all coll
we a' a 'grolvil family (Spe 'al V� lues at $3.,501
re always on thd look *out and appel whicu -not il Caji �n W".
-nd ter es 'but a -3 Well, 0 ely Win rft 1D to 1k, ttled. j
-k said CUre YOL
original a �ts his aadle. paria7zec al that Mr - W 1
lee, L I ___ I's unt Of eV It 0AY be' a
40 -date. it; ISM' 'n
o4aet �t and I -y Drysdale.;-! hd
Me" Is lower limbs te iB
P Our stock is always cul ated -to fil, enthu. tf a to *).1 o" 4- RA41 -has ar F lannelet lanketfj fr om us I
open for inspection. We in- et for wh!Gh he'U sok moth*, bw Israo
U 0 Pay ULS a, But 4ympathy t
otwithstand ing her r ard. T
vite Y-0 t visit. Come- earnest an advoc (Boi;h white: and gey blmket iu the'popular sizes)
0. 1 a s ani
ate. All!" he py4 good I altb, eats, J I -n- d Oar t1mg conim Ilty gloes out � __q
M and look arodnd' to the fa,
We feel
etlorr 'No., amind eciall to -'her agid arti-_* ill
r4ee. a 4 well, dfan read and. write 'and eix On School 4
COnfident that -there is here just Proloure your :'nter U
W ell HO ad' Stanloy 113 erwear fra maki
God Horses. -A few WIl Ohio ald The for t Of lif a.
c6 e rilamlatntr w0e 'laid :o r0t
the- article You will require,
I Wh !horA e* I m - Is a so f drLv
po ter of ,a h!ndo couir xy altho M_ so Dan - (All kinds in Wows4VS n -d Childre 0M
Seplen�ber� It J.'
made mentiol the fact Ili Peet d r. b bagod an regi- vr
In X ery,
We lways have fUll onduct v i I
line of Wod.. 4. Berry, t larl' Y. puthetaolity, good -0, �Concoa Be of
fol ib�
ding Rings in 10k� 14k and l8k. r�d It id' Ibe -e i a a protteWney ;q.
ri-An and 1 neigUbIll
the old country tter bavhig He ur rryov Do La
If yoxi need one, buy he're. Notl a. -Mk. a4id Mrs.' i JIl 1--, Tal -
am t) to vehicle.
M te Ilebeerf a I a n
�ch a in -umber 6t'flrie seen 1 'abtl.. Do-Asoul. Mlltd Joh a! 0n, flarcl
etr.61 t Sal
lor W. e called
ARRIAGE LIVENSES, ISSUED Se sh Farmer,' pUblished twd livel t Schilibe, �Iarl Schilbe. S- owl�ig �; the iltness i f tW'r.
in the 'happakings of nj---,- m dil if st,,
ot M
(Strictly Confldend In Its issuel tt big deigUIldthgod an d- 'i the country at "116 J`ohn0t�111 r. II -Pe ll Schilt e, am N Olsn, whom we are pleal th,
to r i
toLt Gor#oa John
rpa es the W1I0Vr1,4g ref 8 3� large., and see" - disp d to �mak,3 �artma-n. J,�r. r-ecoverkng.-Mr. Frank
ali lbest Of Ila - Mfil a n �te I11rel P a6lell w.
Mr. Jdh eri�, Red Oil -of 'Olol I(Mgwood, ape -Ilnda-y- at his
WIgton,-.'CdrribeAiufd "has hold -o m Mai Aln d Donald ap e Bea e. 31nidek.'POE 'home OM -Mr. Gilbert of
erFol depill game War* --K
T., 1. Be rr' y' Ontaro, a. ais icedb'ved a a�ppl cit. far 01 'JA spending his. bolida -7
1; leel Calu 111,11000 'r 'ItIng EL 3 emts Stxnley. :Par ell
D A LY, eqa �� & a
II-Arn dill S . be, minni, i
Clydesdale istallions.. hunt n cobt, Lou 4 Hartma a htg. pa.
ap-_ r such 4 -sick A
of the lot was the f!L,%.Iy a. ad hould The. EVELYN A. I IORTON� Teacher. ee=4 postmaster, Ill *10, t
� : .0 , 11st.-.A tnumber trom-,here. mtendea
Jl�weller'& -Optician La1 vther (12650),L full - brO 'her . t t lbet4a inurating ioore fl.,
L Xid w
big hopales. Lord Lonall 11799 im 4&)m,'.the reguit of a tefroIl d )g. the Falr._Mr.�'Gilbert Me
$31AADNIG BY, R71 U ID Q, n
00-t SEAFORTH 'Mrs. Wm. thit1 has returned �rom the'Weat.
LIl Agai v -Xr. and .8, leff 7 t ea. -Mr. A.- R who #'.tj I - -Not �M!
c Awr . I
bw M u-cessful wlnners Q, I weell, for 3ralt,; where ceint]
will. a He spmit. son* time ny .0. "Urio f taley, 'n 're Ppr-haterL WI
u 'a t'r. M ro
rat al;id dnha Odl the' put I ior�[ th th thfitr h 89der's res di nce I SEAF
d 11, (o PAVA bwa
of 'iDumberlaind. bra
ith or 0,
J.16 hn F.Stapin vIllake, and lKibbeft. ; I - - __ -
'land. Lorcl Lowther iby I Itord I _X- t b- 'mom 4114e andiAt is e4 tfid lifiange- rold a will' ha'V'e in ton aa� Cvwd Potatoes. -A coaple of
]3�p Ile. W Th EX
la 0 ._M] n, Ill a fatin- iptock and ef tea on W -Q( alo in mtlan was made 'in
.(5998), a good breeding will do h�g go d.-Mlo
Ilk) 00
r. Cup amd
the ere of Cawd'
AGENT FOR I r), n) Wo has spent the P 'few 0 need v
the 3 ft. of' ctol r. positor -of some ibig -potatoes 'growl M
oth wkizers.. dam is. K itf with relal Ives and t Ids'' her�,. Itf t. Ch 'I lep X'tlota d;
a ho hall been, 'I di In Sea torth. They WCOMonled-lbly large, Stel and
were a John. 0ober, )f Guei xh;:'
el (1§096) 6 _! . - 4_1
_J .. 0 the -hizing , frim and P,. Cobgr, of Uool eld Bl =d 3
Daral nd b*s gr. dam K A( oIn-,TA(0nda,)' for �,'her St:
SqaL w er of SyMpo ng frieln
80 AIRMOTERs - gr* b.
t - iummer, t but when put along'side those WA
IMacgregor (6325),"-winIner lq� 150 V -She waq tickeb d I ough. b;y-. tIll 'home. last week, by W� Alngus, MdDa, of . t ia 8th �UVS, te0k placle oia Saturd 0 c- -and al of Iand 'cbamplon prizIl and 'his r StoWlixt, 11rothe and 41d;
few t er Sth. roin Ae laxe '-re dncle. ja 111ban] and 3 kat
Iing �w da�s 'herei I -eft coince0lion, they �are jrna�ll.' M,,. Me- TuTMbu Awel.-T ey�-
darn Lad It fit. JAMW ehl Sealorth, here Mr.
y, 4(562), al -so a nolt%d winia r -.l Lett. (if Pue1#4,z W141 tt"ISC!'for moonto,.to res ume" hit studies at D ' ld IT them weipt lot r lbs. of Whi tochure I, beeme
Lord Lowther Is ata "ide4-V 'horse ir. wea the oj
-1-nn pumps a' zi Who: College. Mr. Mmtard pent. tb ei ntY of thtm� that welo
3 :cta; 4 a'�I, a 2114IN-Mave was 1010rated by the ulpit in the kethoc tat r
--Mrs. le
evezy ay for Camad a. IN Xt 0�r el C 19101M Mrs. Cbral Internikmi tool last albbath.-Re-V. Mr. Bli a, of b amr-
W16 Ithe Goose Lke dial over tpree povindis., E einly
'bi Bara i'a 7as I e lal eel It
a. ty-, 9180 a 1, 1 Lord Armstiaig (13594.) f. -commerel je�c 'bou: one Itilund red west th6 16hilmplon potato I'll t
le 1 r e his PI T&MW -cemetery fta- baln, preached harvest hon a mnher-
Flashim, (10973), 'i am. of the no ad Collegiate h9stitlite
'I /a 1- toon, thal 'being' lue- part 01 the ry.
I Sask
kinds, of win Pla h on ft UK r !9med with the area sa3ry ervices i f �t.. 'J6W a e
a stat on'S- indal lasf,.
Baron's Fri out,.ot. Belle eel ithe I J4 Ill iallv but all- -There' die- W 0,.tooer
to." , , way s ol Ob!tii 9ry.
(12 4), *hteb; In the h&nds of, '51r rfg, Edi Inu , Marik 4 ' I
Orden left at .... V''! ryg hill t c j6 agh. the district. 11, 2nd, Mrs.
EF- 1,�balm�j built, ihra aret eax"yp 36* f
James Duke and th 14te N*r.T..SinU-h,, 1haind, Chidley, ol a -*ejry Me section o Thomas Geary, 8th J. A. melta4litti acl
Stapte Bros. Barber Shop,
d'.ys ari yr
so M iid its- being settl bd up verj, I Ill Hilb 00rt IV tt dwic
izt a at Ibew en gaa; d �w 'har f lull
couln Seforth. RlIl Pa-nt, wOn or� Florence, of For h,. open It a,
r treao k4 nev leavivfg? a hudbad,i Ono *U51
the -Royal and ellievil 9"blen t h ll John"MeNt
ad _c CMt1h4 Vill -this I eek.- 1) T. -After n 11 ness 01
_�mara, eturn It _c Tuesd&Y rapi 71 a
C Is of d a7a. t n! to Ir -
Is Lord Mansfield (13603), :by Lol a�n from -i PI �Wwat v1sit betti ro poIll n. let brothet!, and fddr e!k n 'h#t i R t Thuell Us x0tarnied to to h -agn
da -
Agaao (11804). rothel Lord1ho-' 'tll Ha1putan ere X9 mo, mmz t",,f rom, drol . J<�ai SallerA
"330i " orpe Ih liarv(st"Was wbout f1%lzhed.i The criog I I t B6rMx and. will amist Wn - - , I 1 .1 not
ther, and - out of the �nice i nare 3.1 Jea�sefl Mr.,' copla'- coft Geary bil dx% awe tt the well Ikaown rest4ent of t1m 8rd a In- - f
ENTER ANY DAY, ge �-oa !were good �.alzla ;'fheT4 had Itill b1ei was rgaret McCodnell,' �'xig Iltbrnth - all 010� light PIM -1t. -W,111 -Gie, of )eessl4ln, pa� d, avay, on '-Tuiesk �&71
f6ur. -a at, `aln wl It_4
cN istre e
" The f ' the -any 1root'.1n tb I section. I Thermo the to 1p. of T0ker tb aa 4, ord, Is -a vlattor at the 16me of last. i Deceat�ed- who tie I III -IL,
-WAS was Id -t
in to ble 'age,. ca Harris
Forabusiness or shorthand course. Post. year ling colt, ilmed Thol Cai le MCGT agor, lot. Tc rol aetpd aseho !-: tillot well, kl�bwn , anti
tioas assured tograduate. Sixulonthawill lb)r 5)... IT wq*er, th i h! gl 4S
t4l - beal I lea4r - atndi nallilot In! ther Preg �l prilac al DW.A.�Amll io- -ear
by . I I I I g Thomas:(1292 .. t 7 rne to
1%,igrovide 24 teachers and best- Son prilac crop, wad th - a er mh Ox lehV t f M 9. dlstaki�-e to tbe !yelarf - - a
a b, 0:1
prev ago
e us. Central Business h hu�dfi Ot _r ef Prince T4,=s (10262) ntill price
lea and, &Y and Friday we; otg the leav ;r -of two ha�
lege, 395 Yonge gtxeet, Torouto. Co" gr� Kerr sent out to'Mr. IWrry i at A-061 i' at Is fatnl)-
"bush8l, betul had n t IRS: W- F. Sell of 0 ta-w_a,; three, daukers. \ 7 he f tv eral took
.,a ; the
ar.. 146 is. mt ot the ted rp 11 oocup PoeitloLine t lti* ho-i-ses -law ms dIaring *btdb
W. ff. SHAW, rincipal, w1ur Jug mare Lady Carl. (11 .00 4x -active d and' v Ohio, re OIT", JaMd - Mrs. 1117harlft attl and place on, Thuredwy ig'ternoM to Brax_'
10, 4PPR(ift of-. th mewi el -4 attm id 'She. Jtls! a *f
tt Mr, the Ibeo� vdital' care aft ter, of Brantford; M. W. F.