The Huron Expositor, 1907-10-11, Page 7- TATE FOR SAL belongieg t4Mtante g itoa.o ,teoteti ofb atitktu pu • 7 By WILL rm. -Sate, Let 10, liumn contains 100 aeresellelesee endmellenderdielioxl rxd balsa house. A first-014as Weft in new Miles front Seaforth. For tart -be -rpm" - the ',remises, or address MBOX.Afi -01,Seatorth. gereett LE m egri lend on impo-ed qwrer sections ot 1 aftrom 8% to 10- per annum. Only ilret •Ample securivy given. Mavens peried. PrOM 000, up cm" he lent worth from $1,000 to MOO. For farther. it to me. 3. A. -JACKSON, Barrs. Ponoka, .Alberta. 195941. FOR SAM -For sale lot 14. concession 1, -Hop, n miles oast oeseatorte,,cootainin ; all cleared and half seeded to grase. e houise with it onafoundation and cellar. bankbron with stalling .and c.ement floor 0.t good water tied anon:01=d. Itistrtall tile ea and fenced; antl,le &very Oholce lot. A ly e remises or address .S.eatorili:P. 0. Proprietor. 2071x44t uFaKtOS HOTEL, Seaforth, for Sale or Rent: - For sale or rent, the queen's otl, Seaforth. Ake hotel is a large kick -one, in good repair end peg convealeuee, "There is also commodious The hotel has 44)icense for the present and is doing seed avehtess. 'Well situated, frt espital opeming for any person wanting an hotel. rcasorta for sellin . Apply on. the piomises or -MRS. THOS. HENS, Staforth. 206141 "t‘ PROPERTY ItOR SATO-I.-For sale • Barpurbey, a comfortable brick cottage kitchen and woodshed -attached ,• also good with -room for 3 horses or 8 heed of cattle, hen and pie nen, well andpump in abille tiara ea soft water; also 3 ernes ot 'raid, on which are giochoicest earietieet ot alt kinds of fruit. It. is a enoetdesirable property for any person wanting oomfortable twine. Apply on tele nes 0, ad. Seoferth P. O., JOHN 'BODO OG, 2055-tf ACRE ;FARM -FOR SALE-Fo sale, Eas IsifLot 7, Coneetssion 9, Tuck "th, cone toliung• 50 aores, It leali cleared but t o acres; 30 - mated down. There Oa ogood hank barn and framehouse. The farm is Well water.l and in good condition,- It is andlea from• forth undone z. mole from a sehool, For further touters, apply. tati the remisos, or address RO Or ALRY Y, Egmandville`P.10. • 2066-tf -•14;1 rncwvee ater re:olden, --Oniatio $75 to $150 per month as Brakeman r Fireinan. vented in the next few lary, ask for our booklet espondertee SCh001 MOPES, MANITOBA, BE.SOLD. .Spiendid rrn for sale on tIlaylieldRoad, Stanley, one h mile from pat elite and the village of 'Varna, ntaining 120 ams,310 acres in good cultivation, e remainder inhard wood timber. Buildings b e cellent condi- Um- Large comfortableshouse and bank bare with stone stabling. Plenty of good wE.ter and a good nearing orobatelt .00y-to:RODERICK HoltEN Axnar- 0. 2069x12 FARM FOR SALE. --For sale, that splendidly sit- • noted.and detintbsle farm,. adjairong the town •AstSeaforth, belonging -to the estate of the late Robt. A.Scott. It cOntainan =reseal! °leered except a- *mt g. servo-whichare timbered. It is in first-olass venation .abont 25. acres under gra" Theft is re franie residence and fair barns and outbuilrEnga e.te good bearing orchard: and penty of water, Terms reasonable. Apply orr the p ses oraddrea; RS. R. A. SCOTT,Seaforth 2066-tf FOtiSALE.--oltoi• sale, Lot 24L Veateession 2, Stanley, containings1.00sieres. 1» ety acres are fasted andina good state of, cultiva on ; there are 10-seres of good ;hardwood bush. s e farm is all' ieslitintierdraMed andwellsfeneed. ere is a two- Worey brick house with slate roof, a lass firth 110Use... ' Bank barn, 401te x 80ft., element silo, pig pen, lei -doghouse; "There .are two never -failing wells, and an acre of ore,harclandsmall fruit. This excellent fanals three mules free 1 Bruoifield and five miles. kcanOliniene`with good_ gravel raids. For further aoteticulareapply oath% remiseaoraddressAro _RERT • Wilt Olin' ton P. 0 1948-tf ABM FOR SALE.-aror_saleLot.5, Concession , LR S.OTtiOkersniith, containing ]00 acres'all esker except 8.aerea of bush. The land is well fersoel- aod enderdrabied and intgoodostate of cultivation. 'The tire 10 acres fall Wheat and 18 • acres for sprieg • crops -the retisdnder its pasture. There is a new frame louse with stone cellar,. a.swood shed, a large' bank barn 3ff•t85, with a silo that would 'hold 6 acres of tontort never failinanwell and le aores of orchard. This -property is •situated 11 nules frora HensaU the hestl•market in the-eountry. 'There is a school •on hepposite cler of thfara. -For furher par- ticulasapply toCWOOD, HensonP0. 2076-tf eit 0 (Et e towel aes4e CD slAr 't.E.MOST MEDICIIiB of the DAL' ureiy vegetable compound poe- •fe-et regulating powers over all e of the system and- controlD ieeretions. prifies the blood that h ewes' Ihunio,rit and diseases, and tb14 with its imrivalgd regulatint arid purifyisI influence, render Iled for all diseases of the amt Parton, kfillhenk, Outee [Tordelime ago' .1 was trouble4 And pimples, which ka olnfitantly. After - Burdock Blood Bit 'It oared.' Lewis .Tkmas Arohiteet,ete tte tinnfinion 14e- Work% c1utuig Engbieer County work. Eleotrie Bad' raterworks Systems; Wharves, B. ronerete. rnmea 2220, LONDOSI On. 'LIAM FOR SALE ON 'EASY 'TERMS. -.A 134 X acre farm, in the township of 8taniey, Huron enmity, being Lot 20-, Bayfield'Road:N rth. On the arni is a brickhouseveith brick kiteben, two barns aetwo stables in good repair, also tw .wells and a bed orchard of -apple, plum and there trees. This esirabte form is situated a quarter o .a mile from , The filage al/erns, -vs here there ar three stores, three churches, blacksmith shop and nhoo1, and 3f eailes from 13rucefield station, The laed is first-class -nii and is all cleared but 5 sores of buth. This is one of the best bomb the comity. _ Asthe proprie- tor is anadousto sell before October n t, athe price. and terms will be made easy in order .to sell it by 'that time. For further particulars pply to S A. MOFFATT, 7733yron Avenueon, ,Londritario. 2066-tf ' 4-1NE HUNDRED ACRE FARM' EOR SALE. - NJ The undersigned offers for sale tiat most de- sirable property known- as Lot 23, .Vonesslon 2, Township , of Hato Coanty of Huroij, situated If =lea from Hansen., on thelsondon, Theron and Bruce Railway, one of the finest Villages in WesternsOn- tario, If miles from school. There are ion the .farra a frame house nearly new, containing 9 rooms, bank barn 60160, witlitetabling underneath ; lay barn, 32x32, attached to barn'open undetneath ; also other outbuildings, 4 good wellsoon the "Ace, front and back, stook well has a windmills Well ander- drained, fairly well fenced and in a good state of of cultivation ; 9 acres hardwood bush, 65 :acres -etsecled to grass, a.aeres of orchard. Watilcl like ao mil as soon as pc4Isible. For fttrther particulars ap- lay on preanises, er address B. S.. PHILLIPS, 'Box , i87, Henze& Ont. t .2076-4 WARm FOR SALE, -For sale,LcO 9, Concession 1 ▪ tondos Road, Stanley, containing 100 acres, - All oleared with the exception of seven acres of bush. teeel, maple, etc. There is on the place a good „frame house with kitchen and woodslaed, stone foun- dation, good cement cellae ; hard and -soft water, one well at the house and one at the barn. . Good hank barn, 78 x 40, with cement floor in stabling, also hu- p1ementhonos 24 x 30, and frame pig house. Also acres of orchard This is an excellent farm in first -- 'Class shape. Al of wire fence has recently been put up and a lot of underdraining done lately. It is Situated on the London Road, a mile and thatf from Brueefield. Will be sold reasonably, Other With o without crop. Apply on the premises or addiese Brucefield P, 0. JAMES PETRIE. 2067-tt WARMS FOR SALE OR TO RENT. Lot 14, on 1: 3rd Concession, and South Half 14 4th Canoes - ton, in the Township of Hullett, are off red for, sale or to rent. They eonsist-Of 150 acres, all in grass ex- entl ▪ acres in bush. A good two - storey frame use, good bank barn, 50 x 70. tvith power mill, a driving shed, 30 x 50, and eheep house, 20 x 36. The /Meet is well watered by a spring, a &sited well and the rivet: It is situated al miles from Clinton and newel adapted for stock or grain: Also Let 12, on the 6t1, Concession, consisting of 100 -gores, twelve saes hush, the rest seeded down. A never failing spring with the wind mill for pump rtgo These farms will he sold together or 'separatelyand on terms to suit the purchaser. If not isoldowill be rented. R. J MILLER, box 26, Clintori. 20464f 100 Aeii cf,rii:eforlisaleithSat most-de:treble p gn- erty known as Lot 6, Ccinceesion.. 1; Township .of Blanshard, Perth County. There are. on the prom - see, a goodbriek house 32 x 24, with kitchen attach- ed; 16 x 2O, both in good repair ; a large bank barn, x 70, with good stone stabling underneath • one first-elass ceroent silo, 1/ x. 37, and other ;useful buildings. The farm is well watered, both in front end in the rear and is adapted both -kir goer) tied tack ma:lug and is in a high state of eultivatioot Which is v ell known "ram the fact that the propriet- or has reticle' thereett for nearly fifty Teats, 'being one of the raostouceestful fa:1mm in the township. It le eentrally located; being bear both ehurch and echool, and within easy reach of egocid market. For urther •-potkailars address JOHN SUTHERLAND, Kirkton O. • 2909 -ti . • • WARNIO FOR SALE. -Lot 15, Concession 2; Lot 15, Concession S ; S. f Lot 14, Concession 1, and 8t Lot 15, Concession a, Huron Road Survey, Township of Tuckersinith, County O Huron, contain - nig 300 acrea, situated within two ug town of Seaforth, one of the best mets W` rnilesa the th tern Ontario. This farm was waded :the- gold medal in the farm coinpetition,,of ine.. The farms have been all pastured for the past ten. years mid . ' would now be in excellent shaptefor general farming. Soil good clay- loam--two-stotety brick dwellinghobse And kitchen with brick woodshed -hot Or furnace - hard and soft water in kitohen-2-fine- grounds with Shrubbery., evergreens and ceder .hedges--oechard with spruce windbreak on west and north -good barns v.ith stone stabling -30 acres of harthvood bush, maple and beech -well watered with spring creek tod river. Will sell altogether or would divide pro- eettr. No better property in the County of, Huron. JOHN T. DICKSON, Seaforth. 2926-1,f JOHN BEATTIE Late Dhision C6urt Clerk, has a number of prop Orties for sale or to rent, amour, which is goort comfortable house on Jarvis Street, Seaforth, large enough to acnOinmerlate a good sized family ; 2 lots. Will ne sold on reasonable terms and possession giv- en as soonAt sold. Alio rooms to let and a satore -to sell on reasonable tering. Insinance affect- • ?d, , debts collected and loans made on satisfac- I semnito• at reasonalge rates. : and see, and be convinced. Late Division Court- Office, Sea-, forth - 2018-sf em•-. _ --an suffer with. to their se',t Mct c.es ' Start wheuuthe , active -L , —and_ thenbt Poisons, the syst - are tak and inffara female o ow (raior remove Ile; diseases: swe ten the bo,, • evely ,strengthen kidneys' of the - II,. ihe blood. .1tralt bag head : strong.• intensified, * added. semi druggistse- Ottawa. . ' , i e onder w ases i E fexna!e bo els -the kidneys straitted ca- *hi h ,shouH sr these iiu by t the delicate Is.. 4 Tenerrea) At'YSZ of 1 Fruit-a-tiVes e stomach—make sl raove regularly '' rove the, and tigas Way those,distress- o oes enalbearito, e women ' are fr•Wt cs and aotieeplies : •, for. Sis .5ol fx s s Itruii-a-tives • , fleVect - .gth, , y they unar trouble become ed for. leave organs, e blood these " ,the action turib S' wen and tomes, At all Tattnited, 110 An!.li For Stirains., Sweeney:. Lain Kendtdre S •Mom "I have the 'care and have used alvvaysprovedinfalfi Be prepared -keep the stable. Our Horse" free from St a bettiten torts, , tltCO4 / i ktoit - -- Rin,-.- yoi bco d Ilk:', L •,1,.e Cvtre s- 'me, Splint, : d Soft Bunches, has 11 4 .Q., Sept. number o remedies, ." D. B ends:diet al ..z "Treatise er s or \ '•tt 1 ' Curb, equal. *05. horses which ' ye in on the lad. ea II du' srBzitat.' it stori.iis dont w 3 n yourse_ : indoors PROVIDE. FORYOUR 'BODILY } COZ4PORT , 1Jtact; • by wearing AlfwEirs •I edieRai ' Attlan0 WATERPROOF •i 1 D CLO nee" ee mine Evg- nor •Garment seeerenteed • 6"1=?Yrclitegctit" -i'''..'""1 ee ( 1' , ' I ),----•°""-- ,_ g . 7 - , es k Sot . I . 1 :A .....7,1!'%, ' I 0 , • 18 I .,,... I Teethi are saved -. f given rest- . Nurses'andNot _Quickly reliev bowels - preven • Used so years.bsolately At drug-storeO, Nationa 1 Drug Oz Sole Proprietors, g Bab... and - - . I the : t o led, 41 e.tie 25e. I Menaced uses ereir regale -i, coni feons. rill bottles, Co., MontreaL . _ , Sore Throat irnd A. simple, effecOve andaafe irritations is f ound in ..I_.... A — Al Coal remedy for 1.......AlS .... .1r .... he all throe 1..,41.,.. They combine the grniiiel 'he soothing properties of 100, All value ofCu PPerY elm a ufgefsta o lene witi d Iicorice Bakiig' -the bakiiig er that the best Bread--th Whitest B -the lightiet ca and P& you ever sane" . • "Order. a Can N W-so•yo be sure to !have_ • pEo for your neat k." Write for free! c.opyi of r new COO • National g! Dias fir • hemical'Co Canada Limit -1 Montreal. • , R. LO ithootrietal trasitreee , t of Oise woman a pelosaity. NM*, TARO se of ADDI]JONAL RTfl EST EX URS1ON$ goneetteekere: 'peewit Exceroipas le TUE. SIYAIr ct . • 4% GS oa LOW LES lo North -Wt Teeints, ea,Li $32 to Edmonton $4.5 TOURLST SLE • on each excursion. small extra cott. through lova sod. Free ortmelde14 rates thCainedfrom neeres€C, .R from C 8. MATER, D CPA. Toronto. - SEWAItT ')EIRO Af Seg reed'...erip ye ITorente UG. 27- EPT..1 I CT. I is return tick "ng --fro . Go for PING C mfortable • 'xeserv all idortaati Ticket Agen P 40. iiipg rthi at 'early, may ite or direct Agent. eats', • rl:tibla, 1903, by HARPER in Is leer of, 1 , I, Aimee Oen-, - .," 46 tit e 1 . Lad of, !the Chartling . 'I"- ze .li." "The I ,! 1 ii te r.t h !Valk 1 4 ystery.," Ede. i I ROTHE OHIPT HE text mor ing, the open space at the side of ,the -warehonse was Cad w I.menniain wag - one. Those r'hich contained ehestnnte, ginseng, trait; chickens, -iikee; butter or snio e eared bacorntad , white eanyas cpvers ver them, the oth- ers were cottoV-w gene,: upon which the great, -.bulging ,aleti were ,heaped. The year'werop waS abundant, and lit- tle• of the product d- been stained: in • Vee bell, for :the ening peeled, had diter ,and biegse With sunshine: .As *flyer 'Was bout ,to enter the front per of the werehouSe anew breakfast- BascomItt slouebed to. Ward blim from e gr urn around.a Uttle camp* between o Caton wagons. Jerking hie long thu b ; over his abou1. der, and hitching p his suspender- kss trousers trt the aist,. he drew the - psierclian ' to ene aid "Heard Hillhouse say you wee out lookin' f r George l st night," he be- gan awkwardly, "ar" I 'lowed thar'd be no harm in havin =e word.*ith you. • Tgat's Al right 'tw at me "n' 1George, !squiree told me Jest now he never I knowed hat he w s. about an' that eok • . Shucks! he never hurt0e, , I'd It that dhan e Fie much Ss he • he'been. to •Jeff. one favor heihne feels jest like I eorge, an' ef she waato hear In troubi over ...little thing est night a e'd Ott Me." ; , • • r won't b charge, Agin " said Hill eOn relief. • it" said th Mountaineer; un- • the 34W George the night before. O use Jest eoW an' • te make,' a Case, erazy, that ine 'n' • yin', an' some o' wed we erase fus- that way, Truitt," went into' the of - desk and began 1 1 alley medei the • ;seut hpealtyd.qn: Harteennary treed bilan about e, had a idesk in ce. He wore a as dyspeptice.yel- .vouse He was a ho had, after the •*riming Capacity, t e the unfertu- raYely fought for, note. shaver, and • early supplies at Anything trein a oke of oxen :was ty when once ne- clad" mortgage the inveator. He nd the pockets of aye. bulging With hick he carried on m ready at a mo- o ran across a de - citizen was Jim on buyer, a bach- teens of age, who the little circle. se to tranalact ke and serious as n then his,huroor ,and burst at the was expecting it t was in teasing rcastically called "Lib" for short lithe that always gh that was very had never been • et a close °beery - that, .his oifis njoy all his aeon - a chilly day and in the long wood en bent Oyee it. on his higle Stool n his big ledger. ed Kennee, as lie under the shave chair. "Did: you II Gower 10 a -tell-. burn out, whea he businesst 'gently and said, d, that he had RV. Mr. ,Hilly r. - Beaide maul ine, In the fa likee often the-frien inf he's done my bo ' a hunt* 'My w to anent I'd get r like that "So th nin, thau "Not it Eons elous y strakin 'trickle* had bruise "The Marshal -come axed Me ef I wante an' I told 'ine he *as Georgeovras jest pl them dern triggers 'I 'Tin glad you feel . said raillyer, and he .1 ace,' sat down ' at hi . to read his mail. Two citizens of warehouse their bus using the desks wit Hanks, , a tall, lank, fifty-five years of a one coiner of the o long brown beard, low skinned and ne Confederate veteran war, developed a e for Faking money o ' nate Beetle's he'had He wai a well to, d sold farmers theit an enormous profit. cooking stove to a eonsidered good secu seribed In the "ire note of •which he wa sever Wore a vest, ids thin coat were al notes and accounts kis perion to hay. th :mutts notice when linquent The ethe Kenner; a jovial cot elor abeut forty-five was the very life o When he bad busin • Wald be as long fac any one elee; but ey was apt telaubblesu very moment no One Kis chief anauseme Hanks, i whom he s "Old Liberality," or He spoke ,with a ended in a rasping in infectioute Hanks known te smile, and .er 'would have seen way, he seemed to ciate's levity. It wa there was a good fir stove,' and the two -George 1BuOk1ey sat at his 4sk1at work "Say, George,' whi threw a cigar stum aed leaned back be hi ever henr that tale B In' on Lib, a out his II" used to be Ithe jun George sm led Ind without loo ng rou not, .[ ! "Lib Made ness doWn 4 -said Kenner. his star the fur "Jest in the junk husi- end a' the street," fter the surrender titer wits a lots o' scrap iron an' the like lyin' around, an he made ,money an? shiPpin' it to iron. he he added eivheat an' as a side line, an' one had a party big stock of a shack tuck flreJ A wind .buyin' it u foundries.. peas ale co fall when h - everything was a -b min' an' things 10044, shaky. : A line O' bucket passers was formed to the nighest Well, an' we was dont' Flir- ty fair : wer when Lib come loPin# ic ' down the s eet, makize a noise like a • ncee fulll o'. ater. When he 'feed what nse wag- dein' h.e got awful rattled az*' Terfed roy. uff to tote out the stuff i I wasn't nigh 111), but Bill; Gower says . when some er• the crowd laid hold o' the vrbeat ,sacks Lib -.Tiled at tem, iLet tbe 'vrii0at alone,- it's insured; tete ,out the scrap iron!" , ' George laughed at MA recital, but flanks rtlinsplY swung his toot baek and. forth- inad clieveedtthe end of his .un- lighted .1eigar. Vet 'all appearances' the had not 'heard , a wo of hat'whad beenentid. : .•-----. COU(U1, DOP blikexoundtbroati of aoretbroz. ts; anal hs, eon: coldrh-oraeough cane- y that does our% Paysielans commeod etb Oen use la sal irAtetions of the untione latt4ges. Nice tattoo. Demand tbe tares. eorneoxt kind intbp,xitdAukt:yalltmc ubcpt.,3 WILL THEY "We put the Dere "but Lib didnrti was hopplie". its .head offdein' railly saved his Ii 'a' dropped dead in 'a' !opt by that blaz 4`tf thar's anybdc out," said Ken - ell) a. bit. Ho a chicken with ast dance, We beliete he'd • tracks ef he'd at night." ; that loves a nickel moron you d " grunted the note shaver's "I'd likel to see 'im. 1 never heard O . -anybody giti,dn' anythilfg out'n you." . - Kenner laughed. , started out I'll admit 1 -Lib. You know ray d farm o' hie when I We set me up in the r tiail ness. He talked to the deadbeats 'yin' that I suspicioned . whar I attended wee . bind in his account o 'ins up an' told 'im tile attendhe church Mott calse he wasn't totin* couldn't" -Kenner lan ly-"git any speritual, good listenin' to v a man an' ' il onderin' e I'd ever get my money. tie paid up en' quit me; but I didn't care; my religi n improved., an' Lut he went off seventy-two . Lampkin te- thens fer four 'When 1 fust purtY close, dd esnotyld4anelittanle, dceii bust- mucl* about at fer suckers the preacher n'. He -got be- ce, an' Lha_uled reason I wasn't reglar was be - fair, an' that ghed impulsive - when his t owin' brotl dollars an' fused to •11, rna was er Lamp, odd cen, p the h year 'afterwards." J , Ilillyer titrned round in his eheir and 'Mailed. His face hadt healthier glow and hie eye a deep' r twinkle- than usual Toilook at hi M one would not have susprted that he had inessed through a torm the ght before that had almost Oaken bt soul out of his body, , "I've always though you'd inaist on your rights,", he said t Benner, "An' the truth le it's the nix way to get on in busineiss." "Well," answered e cotton buyer, "I had to labld folk'own, Kn Hill- yer. , I was green b1id. but I reckon I ripened p rty qui-. Thar was a young store eeper- ne door to nee, Joe Gibbs, 4s sheep a brier. Ile could mtllti ly four tgures b* four figures in hs bead en' give You the answer in al minute. He used to tell me who wonid do te credit an' who wouldn't, a I alwasis relied On his t judgmenI "But, Lor ' I cayn't1 set here tenth? yarns all p . Finti In' to handle a sight o' cott n 'fore ndown; We roll - In' in like a! elle pa de." , . The day's ustness 'ad realty begun. Mountain m n. came with samples Of their ton or rain. Bascom Truitt had n' armf of the snowy staple. "Th r's a wFfo1e gang ,o' ten wagons fro beyanttl the Tennessee litte," he sal te Ken a "Thejr want to know wh t's yorel1 est figure." Kenner 1)0 ed the ds apart at the 'Window and answere : -Dth y take 7 offer et .'em "Seven-eigrhs is t best / nein do, Bas. If , • to drive It ' p to tho side doott I've rented spa e fer 5 0 bales I here. I hope' they in't wat r packed or got any dead ni gers stowd away In 'ern. Slavery's oy r, an' w, never did buy 'em Iv tiao ounclertoh Truitt stun d. "They'll leyou ha'� It," he geld. They want1 to tank p -an' go back home." , Ho was 1tun1ng aw; y When Haeks :detained Binli. "Thar'4 several in tbat 'gang thet owe Me $r supplies," he • said, pulling' out his ' bunch of notes. "Bas, tell !en' I'm P epared te cash the'r checks.' ,"All right, gr. Hank • mountaineers "I'll tell 'em." Keener went out tc receive the cot- ton, and, Hillyer folio ed to nedicate :the space Kenner we to. use.; This left George Buckle* ad the note shav- er alone together. George wgi'writing *lien Hank stood ut. and 'Jelled on the desk nee to ,him.1 He cleared his throat and clewed WI cigar for a mo - • went, then be said atikwardlyt "I hain't flinch of a - and to talk, but I've been wantin' to say semelato you ever since yore pa g in his trouble, but somehow. I couidnrt git to it., I jest feel like tellint you that I'm yore ;friend, an' ef it had been in y power I'd 'a' helped you oi t o' all th t mess," „ "I thank ,ou, Mr. '1 ankl," George returned, - with a fine of gratittule. "I'm glad -to know y�.felt that way:" The old man cough and stroked his , beard with, his sera • y hand. "I've been watchin' yore R ogress, George, -ever since HIllyer '• . ck you Op.- I reckon I waft nitre lir erested le it on account o' my bad Itz with My own ,. boy. George, Bob hal t Wuth OA room In hell, nur never will e." e ' George avoided the 6 6 bearing down on him when he nnswir red: !I "Of course I can't di tate to yam, Mr. Hanks," he i said tan ously, "but I think you glee wron about Bob. I think he will, turn o t all right when be's a little older. Fly ixi 710 the so- ciety set her and b 1 Of then* have well to do. pa ents, a the trutkls he • doesn't knowe low to b gen. I think he i : wants to, by , a after w.11 , said the long *ales alara 111011ey fer nm, to ',sneered Ina ks. "No „• a iladdratte4 idiot to hands whe *he ha energy to k asp ,woo . fires nt home? He's that'he's got business resk 'lin. _ He's the ever had, George, en' ; man you've made 0* ebances 11 matte% me kick 'lee, 014, he's )es got no morA y fer 'im but I'm her tto tell ye stake at any jine all yo call on me. ,A3 I estr you:" • George flushed as ha ' e tot , u :`111 p the _business on," wouldelt I be money] in his got enough cut to ran our t to fust show wiener 'fore I'll nest treteble 1 hen I see *hat oresel on yore ad enough to rotten! I hain't o ef. aybobul eneetiwitli, a got to dehs *I've witched Raked tete ol4 man m anti assured Iijni he was not itt ned of money. Kenner came in Tubbier bin hand& Efe was followed by Inillyor eorith a teleFam in his hands; he seemed excited as he spread it open on deorge's ledghtt, ‘‘Tarnell Co. ser $1.05 a bushel .fe, our entire lot o' wheat," he said. " het's yore judginent, George -is It sell or not sell?" "I'd let 'er sUdo like a on a now mountain," spoke up Kenner., "Geed - tress knows thar'e enogh poflt In it at that. You bouiht the elifirleston an' Atlaite lots under eightyan No one apoke for a moment. Hanks was paying' only lignt attenton to the conversation. He was seldem interest- ed In what did not personally concern biro. "I Jett want yore judgment, George," said Hillyer in tieproud tone a man ralgtit have la addreesing 4 aucceseful sere Suckley's _ eyee held i the eager leek of the young speculator as they met the old mettle acited stare. "I don't like to express myself," he anawereil finally. "If ftwere my money I-eieuId, but it Is yours." "Wein ero're 'welcome to 4 fool's ad- vice," put in Keneer, deeplyi iuterested. "I've watched the market ifor twenty "I fed 1164 like' vou thizt Pm voes friend," Odd. year, an' you'll hit the la this thing if you &ill kit out while you got a ehance. Why, Hillyere anybody can see"- , • • , "George," the 'merchant broke In, with firm earnestness, "I am simply askingigau for yoke judgment I want that an' notbin' el." "Well, there Is nothing elie for me to do but give, it, then," sa0 Buckley, "If it were My uInvestmet I'd ehold , "Thar, thar, yott old skintinta" cried Hnlyer trinmabantly as be slapped Kenner on the alrulder. 4Tou eayn't scare that bon _to rdeatla; hes got grit; hen held on till it thunders.':,' "Yes," retorted the cotton buyer, "an' George will be like the little iboy a -hold o' the calf -he'll be yellin fer some- body be come help, 'lin turn loose." Hillier's face Was beaming. He sat down at his desk, and, tailing up it telegraph . btank, Ire began to _orrite. Kenner pointed to hi -rt as he touched George on the arm. "Got back his senses it last," he laughed; "he's goin' to take that offr." 1 Hillyer looked up with a Smile. i 1 "Goo4a1e & Bank, Nulty -pie, offered i me 10,000 bushels by this racienin'a Wire 1 at $1.05 a bushel," he daid. "I'm gain' 1 to nab it 'fore ,Tarbell le C. find out I - whar it's at" Kenner .whistled softly, growled oat somethlTig to himgelf, and went out of the roo. , Hankeiturned from the win- dow ann leaned o 1 George's desk. "De ilt yen reckon yo'r : safe on tleat?" he asked, end, when iGeorge ikenlied la the affirmative, he geld slowly: .`,‘By guml you make me wept to resic.a little my- saf. nomehow it seems - to me you could turn the thing yore way, jest with t , at dem steady eye 0' yorene But I reckon I'll Stay outside. I neer was a hand to take reeks„ ain it'll be fun to watch you One tussle witla it," . , CHAPTER VL 1 ' alBUSY than can forget trouble much eatier than 0. idle one, , and the activity of hiti Life dur- i /lug th n week follOWIng his fa- ther's 'conviction lwas ,a blessing to George Buckley. tiideek the first Sun- day afterward etas a sort let critical period, for every 'citizen 4 the' place Who had any elsim to reipectability put on, his best cidothei and, attended one of the six whiie churches; and our hero knew that if he was ii) continue to hold the positiOn be had made for himself in the social life of the village, be must not appear to falter or to slink Into retirement on account cti what had happened. - It was a briglet;Thalmy ' day, and when te went down to the postoffice after breakfast a the 1141yers" he 1:, found the -usual gr up of idlers wafting for the mail. Theie was a barber shop next door,' and It was tbronged with churchgoers being shaved and having their boots poildheli. George bowed to several of his fseends and; acquaint - spices, but there was something within him that • made illirn shrink from a 'closer contact Wit any' of them, par- ticlilarly at be f nded -IntI -noted on their faces expee ions of all sympathy that was gaffing to his eensitive spirit. ;so when he bad taken his Mail from the little, glass fa • g lock hex/Instead of pausing to spea to OA tbe busied himself with look ng over the letters and turned ,down toward 10203 ware - bowie. One 'coin eunkation ;was from a confidential bro er, -informing I1111- yer that wheat hid risen to $1.04 a busheland &Avis gableueta .holcl; on, as, the market eh ward. tendency. porter Jake oh a him the letters an them up to Hiilye of maything else vaarehouse, shut and went beCk to sat down at the shine, and almost of It he had allow despondency to "What Is the -use "How am I to fig half an hour he f '(Odettatt wed a decided up- leeting the negro rner, Budikley gave told hiria to take ,and then, for leek do, he entered the he door filter him hie room. Here he indow la the sun- efore he Was aware .d feellity, of 'utter eecend Opole him, " he asked hlufee:r. t thraeghr Fee at thus le the eeje 011 S.T STTGGE Nq HOW RELI "er Fir While no WO periodical stiff be the plan of suffer so seve on a woman's v SoMetlaing is w Tight or it will ment of the wh Thousands o grateful letters Lydia B. Pin pound overcom and irregulariti It prevides cape from dis weaknesses and - The two foll vin otacbinieglycowinhpaot they cannot thonsands of linMissMatilda gton Dear Mrs. Phalth /a : - "Borne four 3i o mi usnally good ,leealth began to il. 1 had ftevere pains in 'day back, my h d ached. I Would have dizzy spells, awl g ray monthly perieds I would suffer in e pant. I Was advisee to try Lydia E. ikharn's Vegetable -Com- pound, and I a se glad that I' did, for it brought new lif and health tome. My it a duly as w as a pleasure td tell you monthly period.s • ere natural an painless, and my general ,• ealth improved. I have not had an ache r a pain sincei and I feel what your m ne has done for Me." - None. Loui cideazie, of Mount Car - !lel, Monteeal, is entireii free from 1 start,4 to tality. When‘pain exiets ei, ... Pi 0:;indi : ong which should be set seemto ..tibha,:atdtYsithiffe4nterie:ta atUrg eitthdar reroart . This is 4 severe strain °e'en a'' net t 1 ead to a aerioes derange- l'altticall Ti.7att°1 le fentale o eenism. testine I fi Re it fOr painful perit ds ete ured me WAS not buil rise& with bl' ding headaebt,s rznd seemed. i!.mt I mui4 st sun. • ted frou five to ten nd you ran nntl&-ztaniti get relief. 1 am in l,est. what your to giye a• what ypur ineditiny in tUL the die.reesing tile of women. testi.. Oily shOula be accept en a• co -milting evidence R P nizham'e Vegetable etande without a peer es a mil I VAMP of 4 din. E. Pikl Me Co ipoundirests upon the gratit (loot Canadian women II wonen are roubleti With 1 s, dieelaceinexits or ale-ex:die <A women- halZiestified in ,(1°'..-e r to. Mrs. Pinkba.ro that Sucl ham's Vegetable Com- all wo s women's special -pains Lydia fe and euro Way f es- flruarilill: re:Blinseues:lgesitnersr tIcillansogeeorousn- ted 11 nyddiawilEia'aPino f.4oraorewo'smVene-, walriVthi il to bring hope to hat be -ring -down fe ling, erers. backa he, bloating, (or weal ebility, nrege icbardson of 177 Wel- gstone„Ont., writes prostra4 joie, or are ,t (11ZZill(Wz there 39 one . I dia Pinkli at once removes to buy any other the hest inflan • tioe, the ocs, _ ilatule cy)„ and n Tvous with e writes Dear Mrs. Pink "I had heard a about Lydia' E. Pinkisam's raponud before Ask Mrs. ainvs Advice—A Worn eh symptoms ness, lassitudie excitability, irritab nerven nese, sleeple..enees, melene they should inemb and t e rem _dee L Vegeta le Co pou such tr ubles. lie. medi ' e, for feu nec Do 'I hesitate to write to Mrs. Pinkham f them is atkything about- yourj sickness you do inot under tand She' will treat You with indn st and her advice is free. No 'it °matt ever regretted writi herr and he has hefped thousands. Address Lynn. Mass. an Beg Under§tandp, Woman FOrMtdrd tiette e .-tripst Convincing el:anip e of Ithe ti emendous strides, whiclk recut yeiars have witnessed in fine tail ring; is Progress Nese—, PE,4 Clottuil Progress *rand" is pr always tter—always ways the best made, a g, clothin in Canada. Loolic FOR THE ABE THAI, PROT S. E ART B gressive. imp ovin b t w4ar- a We will pleased to t1ell you, if you will furnish us with par- ticulars. � charge.' ' We will :also supply you with will fonna. d place your will in our firep iof vaults where it cannot get The Trust Company is a trustworty, experienced execu- tor that w manage your estate most econo catty, and imparti- ally carry aut the terms 'of your will. 11 e Cost Our in u te -connection with the 11iroa & Erie Loan- and Savin4s 'Co.1 enableus to obtain nutnetous investrnents which come mule' the fi Trustee Act," and ef w wouldl neve us to eep o invest de larger profi Se ces aiwayh retained. Co espordence invited and SW red promptly. icb a private party hear. This enablesi Trus Funds alwaya d Eatttee derive than- tberwise. of Fe ily Solkitori Su • are mer is Inuit and the chi close at hand. yoti read for them? are, wittt the finest stock we ave had in Scot3h Tweeds, Irih S4rges English Worsteds44he jfiitost the ufacturers could produoe anld at p 106a reasonable they will sur rise jyou. in before the Rush 14 ev0 an ma SO all days az.