The Huron Expositor, 1907-05-24, Page 6see ....---teeneene
Convalescents need a. large amount of nmiris
ment in easily digeeted form.
Scott's Ernuisfor2 is powerful. nourishe
it makes bone, blood. and muscle without
Dutling any tax on the digestion.
ALL DRUGGISTS; 50o. AND $1.00.
:404, 0444,44-004).4444§0410004840)
lital:ILDIN'Oe. LOTS FOR SALE: — For sale, two
.1./. 'good bltding lots, on SMD William St., Sea.
forth, pie. Iv situated, and planted with truth
tee. Appl o S. M. ROBERTSON, Seaforth.
. . 2040-0
....—....---s--.— ------
Tit ROPERTY FOR SALE.—the farm and town
.I. property belonging to: the 310Ginnis property,
/unhand; been. diepose.d of isy Emotion, the same T
can now be parchased es• 'private,sale. For further
partieulars appls to R. S. HAY, Barrister, Sea -
forth. . . 2048-tf
-VAIM FOR. SALE. — For Sale, Lot 10, Iluron
..I.' Road, Tueltersmith, coutaints.100 acres all clear-
ed, well fenced anti underdrained ; good barns .
and good brick house. A first-class farm in every
respect. Two miles from Seittorth. For further par-
tiettlars apply on the premises, or,address THOMAS
FOWLER, Box 101, Seatorth. 2.054-tf
Tr0 LET—The undersigned will rent his faun on
-IL the Lake Shore to a good tenant for a term of
five years. The farm consists of 210 acres of good
land, nearly all under cultivation and in good. con-
dition. For full terms and particulars apply at once,
DANIEL SMITH, St. Joseph P. 0 198 tf
'PROPER FOR SALE.—For sale, cheap, a most
desirable house and lot, situated at the wetter
of Isabella. and Railway streets, in the Town of
Worth, the ploperty of Mi. James McCann. The
house ,is a good frame one, with brick. cellar under'.
neath; There are two lots in connection, nicely
situated, (lood well. For particulars apply at the
residence of MRS. JAMES KEllstE, Seaforth.
.1.. money on improved quarter sections of 160
acres each at from 84 to 104 per annum. Only first
mortgages taken. Ample security given. Torrens
aitle System is perfect. From asou Can be lent
on farms worth from $1,000 to 82,06d. For further
particulars write to me. .1. A. JACKSON, Barris-
ter, etc., Ponoka, Alberta. 1959-tf.
• •••••• •••-••••.* • • ••••••••".... "."
R SALE, a comfortable frame house in Eg-
imindville, with three acres. of land, cellar and
also a stable. Tift house contains 3 bed room, par-
lor, dining room and kitchen downstairs and two
bedrooms and a largrkhall upstairs. There is plenty
Of hard and soft Water. The property le close to both
church and school. Will be sold cheap. Apply to
JAMES Et. BROWN, or box 357, Seaforth P. 0.223-tf
WARM FOR SALE.—The subscriber Jets for n1
X his farm of 103 aeres,being lot 3I, 3rd concea
Mon, IL 8. Tuckersmith. Ad cleared ani under
'cultivation except St acres ; all but 18 acres in grass.
Frame house, bank barn, hay barn and other - out,
nuildings, bearingorobard, good water, schoolhOusa
on the premises. :It is within six miles et Seaforth
and five from Clintan. Will be soki on easy tetnas.
WHITFIEZD GRIM, Clinton P. O. 2009-x8tf
lARM FOR SALE—For sate, Lot 18, 4nceskon
32 4, Hay tp., containing 100 acres • 90, acres are
cleared and 10 acres of good hardwood Wish. The
farni is in a good state of eultivasion and well ander-
drained and well fenced,- There are on the premises
a good trestle barn, 40 x 60, also a. frame ehed, <18 x
40, also a good frame house, 20 x 24, and frame kit-
chen. 1 acre of orchard, oleo 2 never failing wells.
The farm is situated about 2 miles from the village ot
Hensel], and lianiles from school. For further par-
ticulars apply to MRS. THOS. DICK, Hensall, or DO
JOHN DICK, Clarksburg. 2053-tf.
WARM FOR SALE. --For Hai% Lot 24, Concession 2,
Stanley, containing 100 aores. Ninety acres are
leased and in a good state of cultivation ; them are
/0 acres of ff.00d hardwood bush. ' The farm is all
welt underdrained and well fenced. There is a two-
storey brick house with slate roof, a first-class farm
house. Bank barn, 4011, x 801t., cement silo, pig pen,
ariving house; There are two never -failing wells,
Emden acre of orchard and small fruit. This excellent
. terra is thre‘ unite from Brueefield 'and five miles
from Clinton, with good gravel roads. For further
Particulars apply on the premises or addreas ALBERT
NOTT, Clinton P. 0, 1948-11
FARM FOR SALE. --.For sale, Lot 5, Concession 14,
Hallett, fig 120 acres. The farm is all
cleared and in a high state of eultivation. It is well
drained and well !traced. There is a large two-storey
brit* house with Woodshed arid kitchen. There Is a
large bank barn and two smaller barns and driving
she& Two good Orchards. There are twe never
failing springs on the farinawhich make it an excel-
lent one for either steel( Of Jropping. There is also
a pump at the barn, with windmill. This excellent
farm is two miles from Hartook P. O., four miles
from Blyth. Terms to suit purchaser as the prop-
rietress wishes to leave the farm and, if not BOJO,. t
will be rented. This is the farm of the late John
Mills. For further particulars apply on the premised
or address, Matlock 0., MRS. JOHN MILLS.
- Aft ACRE FARM FOR SALE.—Theuridersign-
st Idv• -,ed. offers for sale that most desirable prop-
erty known as Lot 6, Concession 1, Township of
BIanshard, Perth County. There are, on ge prem-
ises, a good brick house 32 x 24, with kitchen attach-
ed, 16 x bath in isood repair ; 'oxford -blink barn,
70 x 70, with good stone stabling underneath ; one
first-claee eemeut silo, 12 x 37, and other useful
buildings.. The farm is well watered, both in front
and in the rear and is adapted both for grain aad
Stock raking and is in a high state of cultivation,
which is v ell known from the fact that the propriet-
or has reside/I thereon for nearly fifty yeasa, being
one of the most successful farmers in the township.
It Is centrally twitted, being -near both church and
school, and within easy reach of ageod market,. For
further particulars 'address JOHN SUTHERLAND,
Kirkton P. O. 21109-tf
Honest Pixyakiem Mikus
Cure and Usti?, a BeS
Available Renee-lim.
- The propOsod „legislatilem through
the D,ominion Parliament or the ,reg-
%dation of the manufacture and e -ale
of patent or proprietary Medicines
of the utnioet iraportance, and it is
receiving a •great deal a attention,
not only by the proprietary; naedieine
manufacterers, but also by the leading
doctors and druggists. Every Menu-
facturtei of reliable and higli class
remedies welcomes the bill, as a step
in the right direction. The discussion
has brought out the fact that the beet
physicians in Canada and on the con-
tinent approve. of and pr scribe Pay -
chine in cases of the ei Eit difficult
character. In a recent instance of
very serious throat and 1
the patient' had been usi
Two leading United Stet
were- consulted, in 'addi
eminen.t ,Canadian physic
learning what the .patien
at Sample, of Psychine wa taken
analyzed, with thde res It tha
physteiens , advised its continu
They prescribed no other edicin•
Psyeinne, with the result that th
tient has fully recovere and
splendid walking and. t Being a
tisement for the 'evende
power of a remedy tha
up" before the :keenes
criticism and andlysii.
up of the system and r
wasted conditions, Psy hine h no
equal, and the hest and most ettreest
physicians recognize this fact.
. " At the age of 25 my lungs
state. I had Is grippe the year
on my lungs and I kept stead
till Ilgot down so low I was in
Thad a consuttationof doctors,
could do nothing more for me.
use Psychine. I took thorned'
a year. It certainly did wond
nowas strong as I was before ir
g Psychine.
s specialists
ion. to two
ans. yfron
was u mg,
but '
is a
ful ou &kV,
Will (4 taitd
f ai
FARMS FOR SALE.—Lot 15, Concession 2.; Lot
15, Concession 3 ; 8. 4- Lot 14, Concession 1,
and S Lot 15 Concession Huron Road Survey,
Townehip of Ttickerstnith, Cottoty of Huron, contain-
ing SOO acres, eitueted within two miles of the thriv-
ing town of Beaforth, one of the best markets in Wes-
tern Ontario. This farm was awarded the gold
medal in the farm competition of 1883. The farms
have been all pastured for the past ten years and
would now be in exuellent shape for general farming.
Soil good clay loam—two-storey brick dwelling house
and kitchen with brick woodshed—hot air furnace—
hard and soft water in Ititchen—flne grounds with
shrubbery, every,reene and cedar hedges—orchard
with spruee windbreak on west and north --good
borne with stone stabling--30neres of hardwood bush,
maple and beech --well watered with spring creek
end er. Will Hell aitogother.or would divide pros,
perty. log tvr property in the County of Huron.
JOHN 'T. DICKSON, Seaforth. 2026-11
3rd Coneeseion, and South that 14, 41h Conces-
sion, in tie Townehip of Hullett, are Offered for sale
or to rent. They consiet of 150 acres, all in grass ex-
cept le attree in bueh. It good two - storey &ante
house, good bank barn, i'Af x 70. with power mill, a
driving Idled, 30 x 50, and sheep house, 20 x 36. The
plate iv.well watered hy a sprites, a drilled well and
the river. It is eituated 34, milee from Clinton and
is well adapted for stook etasraitt, Also Lot 12, on
the tith Conression, consisting of 100 acres, twelve
.fe4 bueb, the rest seeded down. A never failing
sprites with the wind mill for pumping. Then
fertile will he aitid together or separately and on
terms to loth t he purehaser. It not sold will .1re
rented. IL .1. SIILLEIt, box 95, Clinton. 2046 -ti
ON 0
nitoba ancltle West NoteS sine -king. Suddenly' atis aipe flew to
Mr. 'A.. S, Barnard, of Weltaskee dust, !the rubber Mouthpiece alone ree
win, Alberta, wa.s' thrown from: his madning grippent rbetween his teeth.
whizz out the seeds na hotbeas, relying on
bored' end, had his aeg fractured. At !the saMe time he heard tile
' ell • old, his rest- of a bullied; which was followed bY the warm April sun to nurture the
`little plants, This A.pril there has been
little or no sunshine, with the result
that thousands of the little plante
died in the hotbeds, and when the
plants are set out 0,b011t the middle
of Difety there evill be considerable of
a shortage of the ueual acreage.
The canning factories have again
contracted for their season's supply
of tomatoes at 25 Cellie a bushel, the
atterapt of the growers to raise the
price to 80 cents having met with de-
MAY f4, 1907
_mato crop' worn ilitirrtlifs year, toe,
on account of the cold weather. le is
ethe praetiee , of tomato -growers to set
deem Winnipeg torifle report!. Somebody* ha
; — r. , , is
In Greig, :for $15,000% gr..tesier Intends doing careless fit:socking.
locating in Ontarica Califoenia. t —Local optoin has again been sus-.
—An outbreak of glanders /occurred tatted by the people of Neepawa„ Man -
among the heroes of Mr. C. H. Ivens, `teha, but by a greatly ,reduced mee
a, farme near Virden, tdanitobte, and JOilly. The percentage tor 1004 op -
an Ibis rses, Iten in noember, hadt to tioh hi 1908 was 04« itt 1905, it wag
be aleStro ad: . v 5g, !this time it is only 51.. The great-
' —The coatradt for 'the erection of *St falling ofit. in ;the vote for local
the !newt -land titles office in Regina oetion this year was in ward 2, where
ihas Peen Reit, the cost of which is $44,- stands the King Edward hotel,which
was erected by temperance patriots,
1, —A tall from 'the' Bapitist congregee conducted tw.a years at a, loss of en -
*ion of Saskatoon, Sask., has been a.c- 000 and recentlfy closed,
s a b
WARM Fog SALE.—For sale, that valuable farm
of 170 area. eituated on the 7th Coneestsion of
Stanley. It is (nay a half a mile from school, three-
quartere sit mile from Methodist and Fresbyttritut
01ms-hes:IA poet Owe,. eeven lades from Luisa
end four from Itippen station. Thera are, tat the
prentiaes, 3 berm, one 119 x 40, one 70 x 2.4 and the
other S4 x 2e, till in ;rend repair a comfortable
frame and log house. There are 22 acme of fall
wheat sown. The farm le a ell towed and 109 awes
. underdrained, the other 70 acres being drained by
the toa ns p g • -
never Willies well at the :louse with a new Brantford •
10111101Es mill, also a never -failing eating back on the
-farm. There are 16 acres of good bearing orchard.
The farm is in a liret-class state at cultivation and is
situat ral in one of the best grain growing scotions in -
the pros nate. Will mold eltiap and on terms to
eta pmeitaser. For further information apply on
the premise4 or aildrehe tiliOlt0 tiOLE:MAN, HMS
ikeen P. 0. • 205413
• - t math] thro tgh There is a
Psychine, pronounced
greatest of tonics, build
tem, increasing the a
ing the blood, aids digej
directly upon the ,tirr
. .
giving one and vigor
system. At all cirdggie
or Dr. T. A. Sioct
King Street West, T
ere in a terrlble
before; 11 settled
y win , worse
Lor aix weeks.
nd they*id they.
Then 1 started to
lint for more than
re tor me.„ I e.m
«nestle Ont.
Si-keeri, is the
ng up the
tion, and acts
at and Inncia.
to the entsre
s 50e. and $
cepted by the Rev. A. J. Archibald, t —W'hile the tamily of Mr. Jacob
of ;Digby, N. S. The new vigor will Zerusica, oi Mon, hear ,Dauphin,
take dharge in /data Manttoba, were at oh-tire/a on Tues-
-The thardwa,ie business, wan ree, day of belt week, the house, in some;
ceneeey ,eoneeeted by 3. W. Cram, at unexplained roamer, ;tookfire and
Langilam, Sask., has been purchased *as burned veftit all itf3 contents.
by A.1T Crosie •and F. 1-14 Watson, The stable was also burned, together
under the firm name of the Great with his [last crop ef wheat, which
,Wet Ila,rdware Cc«. had Just recently 13:n threshed. A
—While crossing Boggy creek, near pair of sleighs and a calf were also
Grant's bridge, six miles north of consumed. Ncithing was saved but the
Regina, a farmer named Lefem, who clothing the members of the family
resides about eight miles from the were wearing at the tiend4
city, was drowned. ii� wagon box
was 'floated off, ire deep; water, awl DANGEROUS PURUATIVES.
he WftS found under It. In the stream:. •
L —James Wake, aged 96 years and Medicinea of This Class do Not Cure—
eight months, died 4 his home near , Their Effect is Weakening.
;Illness. He 'had been ,e farmer In ( mating .c oad be more creel than
the district for 24 yeares. He was a to induce a, weak, innocent eersen to
devcited meniber of, the Methodist a; 'purgative medicine in th:et
lead aeted as class leader. tirpe'astodtf 'flieinid:I1 rteellil°roujsttatallay pdu°re--
church and since seitaing in Minto .
Prosperingl Propertiee that sold last gative medicine Merely gallops
r —The new town of' Caron, Sask., is
$6 to $10 a. foot are now . .thr°1411 The botvela, weakening the
year at
assessed at $,20 to $25 a 1 oot. Cone, matendteea tissues. He will tell you also
new church. A $7,00� graded scholal itoteivelbuilecialmup°t badP°88bloibott
tracts are out for t .
he building oure disease f ai ; ctsure
will be finiehed by !fall. Additional" When the blood la weak and watery,
leidewailks are being' laid, fire pro- ie ;thee one thing
When tbe eystern is ruin down a tante
needekl—is the wells
rfection is being added, and raaarY /le 'ivi this world there is no tonicso
thhig that will put you right. And
residerices are now Under way
—On Tuesday morning John Graham geed as Dr. cWillia,ms' Piek Pills for
hi; -all , . 1*
imported Clyde Stallions, • Molvolio. . Pale Feople. Every dose of these
of Oarberry, Man., lost one Of his
This animal' was a Partieulaily fine ' blood, which fills the veins, reaches
_ 'pills aetually makes new, rich red
one, winnerchallenge cup at . !Glasgow. T.his every organ in the body, and brings)
of thry
e' lAdon shield and
horse took sick on uriday and died srY. ' a -Leath and strength to weak despon-
dent people, Miss Annie Beaudreau,
on Tuesda
.1 --Rev. E. Riley I -fine, a Methodist ore: "1 wam lp ale, my heart would
1 of Amtherat, Magdalene Islands, Que.,
'missionary at Nortth. Portal, ase
S d I
while striving Ito tette of his a:ppointe 1
ee inaapitate violeptly at the least exere
tion, and I suffered ;greatly lfron
meets, on Sunday aebernoon, was s
I I elovere !headaches. 1 tr td several.
drowned while crossing
a 8-°11101 tea?' - medicines, ddhleh seemed adtually to.
Minto, Manitoba, after a few days
Late Divielon Court Clerk, h
artiee for sale or to rent, amo
ottildtng lot, the South East II
16, East Ward, in George Span
which will be sold on reasonabl
effected, debts collected and lo
tory secturIty at reasonable m
and be convinced. Late Divisi
forth °
anumbeir of prod
g which is le, good
If of Town Lob No.
Survey, Seaforth,
as made o
es. Cal
n Court
and see,
2018 -of
Teething pab!te
are saved euffering2;-and Mothers
given rest—when onuses
Nurses' and filoth4rs' Treasure
Quickly re1ieve_s4-regu1aties the
bowels — preventl, cony Isions.
Used so years. A solutel safe.
At drug -stores, 25e. 6 bottles,
Natkote.1 Drug & Chemical Co.,
Sole Proprietorsi, Montreal. 41
The Court of Revision of tile Assesstent Roll of
the Township of MaKillop, r the year 907, will be
held on Wednesday, the 29th day of Ma ,at Calder's
Hall, Winthrop, commene ng at th hour cf 10
o'clock a. m. All parties nterested lease govern
themselves accordingly.
2056-3 M. 1%f DIE, Clerk.
Lewis Thomas
Ch 0 Etatineer, Arebitect,etc Late Demi Edon D
partment Public, Works. Consulting Engineer for
Muttisip d or County work. Eteetric Rail roads
See Pr.nre or Witterworkg t.t.% sterns. Wharves. firidgett
Re., rifore ell Cartu•rete. PflONK (VW,
tf. lArgoox Orr.
ir-L95 Cation Root Compound,.
The great Uterine Tonic, and
only safe effectual Monthly'
Regulatoron which women can
depend. Sold in three dcgrecc
of strength—No. I, 4,1 ; 1o. 2,
10 degrees stronger 13; No.
for special mos,por box.
Sold by all drug sts, or sent
repel( on race pt of price.
,1rco pamphlet. Address : THE
Zeca EDIOINE 00„TelIONTO, ONT. (fornierk Windsor)
Rothe Percee—Tiee horse; was also
11064. MT. Hine cam* from England
last, summer and was much respected
in 'this diStriet. He was 20 years 01
I, —Inspector Jarvis; and three other
nten of ithe Northwest Idbunted Police
have gone from Regina barracks to
Herschell Island„ he the Atlantic Oc-
ean, two thoueand miles north of
Edmontcoi. They w 1.I. be Stationed
ithere for three ye r,s, and will re-
lieve Inspector Howard and three men,
Who thave been there fqr the pest
three years. • ,
I --Thirteen creameries were operat-
ed auk season by the Alberta Gov-
ernment. These were patronized by
1,765 patrons, 'and; during th.e six
summer months there was mandfac-
tured 1,050,536.p unds of butter,
which solid at ti e creameries for
$225,970 or an aver ge of over 21 cents
per pound.
—The Presb•yterians of Albertabitver
decided; Ito ,eateblish a eeligieus
weekly paper, with Aubreydt Fuller-,
ton, of Edmonton, as ;editor and man-
ager. They have also decided to es-
tablish a college at Cardston, where
The ordinary branches of the public
school course as well as music will
be itanight.
' —Mrs. Isaac Oldfort, of Cortitz,eear
Winleler, Manitoba, met with a ser -
bus accident on sunday !last. A dog
was worrying a bei'vr, when Mrs. 01 -
fort undertook te interfere, With tied
unfortunate result that she was
a. needy abclomtnal w und was in-
ca,ught on the here ,6t the cow, and
filde—ReObert McAuley, one of the well
known farmers In Valley River sec-
tion,. near Dauphin, Manitoba, drop-
ped dead Stinday; morning 8.agt, at the
home of Mrs. E. E. Kite.* The de-
ceased had been ailing for some weeks
but was not thought to be in any
serious condition. He was 78 :years
did and was one of the oldest Oddfel-
tows in the section. '
, —John McGee, an incoming settler
from- Stayner, in Ontario, died at
Craig., Saskatchewan, from pneu-
monia. His system had been weak-
ehed by sleeping IIIthe car with the
horses, the airfieing polluted, and
he taught cOld on account of the
dampness utaveidable in • such cir-
cumstances. He leaves a wjee and
family in Ontario who were about
to start west. i
are,mild, sure and Sae, and are a perfect
regulator of the ayaten.
They gently unlockj thepeortletiona, clear
sway all effete and w ste mat er from the
system, and give ton and vieality to the
whole intestinal tra t, curing Constipa-
tion, Sick Headache, Biliousness, Dyepep-
leia, Coated Tongue-, Foul Bien,th, Jaun-
dice, Heartburn, ana Water *rash. Mrs.
R. S. Ogden, Wcaditock, N.B., writest
"My husband and myself ha e used Mil.,
burn's Laxa-Liver Pills for a number of
years. We think we cannot do without
'them. they are the only p ils we ever
Price 25 cant or five bottl s for $1.00,
at all dealers or direct (m. receipt of price.
The T. Milburn Col, Limited, Toronto,
prove their worthat harvest
time. , Af r over fifty years of
success, t ey arc tarot:minced
the best a d Buren by careful
planters everywhCre.' -Your
dealer selle them,1 1907 Seed
Annual free on remiest. .
D.M. FE-ItitY A: CO...Window. Ont.
Farmers' A,tte6tiorf.
leave me worse. -Then I was advised
to .try Dr. .wiluiarnie Pink Pills, and
a half dozen boxes neve made me ao
weal as ever 1 was. ThoY have done
me so much good that I would like
every weak girl fthe land to try
t was the. new blood Dr. William'
-Pink -Pills actually make that re-
! -stored Miss Beaudreau to health and
astrengeh, 'and in the tsarne way they
will ;restore all sufferers 'from 'Ilea
aemla, indigeStion, >heart palpitation,
ineuregla, rheumatism, and the secret
ailments that Make the lives of :so
many wotnenand growing, !airla '
burden. Sold hy all medicine dealers
OT by reeil at 50 cents a box or eix
boxeet for $2.50 from The Dr, *in-
u.iams' Medicine Co, Brockville, Ont.
I will pay the highest merket priceitor goOd fresh
eggs at Livens' Store. (live .ite a sh re and oblige.
Your patronoge Solicited. JOHN MONAD, Seatorth,
Probably no household remedy in
existence has ,!• won such glowing
tributes from people in 'high places as
has Zam-Buk. Mr. Roger P. Perry,
itustieeof t..hei for British
Columbia, recetetly tested this famous
balm, and this 119 what he says of it
The Pavilion,
Goldfield; B.C.
To 'the Zarn-Buk Co,
" Gcntlemered-Af ter a. very fair
trial I have 'proved Za:m-Buk emin-
entiy satisfactory. In my case it
cured!a skin rash of five years stand-
- ing, no! doctor had been able
to do any *geed :for.
"I. would certainly encourage ;any
eersen to keep Zam-Buic in their
:home. It truly does more thin you
claim for it. For my own part I
would not now be without it in the
Ihoulse. Yours very truly,
(Signed) "Roger F. Perry,
Justice' of the Peace for B. C."
Zem-Buk differs from ordinary
salves and embrocations, for while
ithese mostly containanimal oils and
fat, .Zam-Buk is purely herbal. It
closes and heals cults, festering sotto,.
ulcers, eruptions, boils, eczonia,
chafing, sores, etc. In. the household
ft .is the handiest possible remedy for
burns, scalds, ehildren's Injuries. It
insta:ntly cleanees any wound in which
it is applied, prevents _festering, in-
flammation or Iblood poison. it cures
piles, varicose 'ulcers, and fistula. All
eiraggiets and stores sell at 60 cents
a. box, or from tee Za,m-Buk Co., Tor-
onto, for price, six boxes for $2.50.
"'"'""'" • ff .....•••—•••7 • "P.,
Many New ArrivaTs.
The number of immigrants who
came into St, John, N. B., duringthe
season which ended with the arrival
lest week of the steamship Montreal
from Antwerp, will run close up to
30,000. The lists are not yet tabulat-
ed, but ,it is known that the 0. P. R.
Liverpool boats brought over 16,000,
and the Antwerp boats more than
9,000. Then there was a goodly num-
ber by the Donaldson line and the
Allan line, ,although the Allan line
landed the greater majority of their
passengers at Halifax. The total
number of passengers arriving at St.
John during the winter of 1905-6 was
about 17,000iso there is an increase of
upwards of 10,000 for the season now
at an end.
Lord Milner's Views,.
"It is extremely unfortunate that
the one form of Imperial paxtnerahip,
the One new tie of a practical kind,
which all the colonies, including Can-
ada, are al yet unanimous in desir-
ing, should have met with no better
reception in the Mother Country. 'Pre-
ferential trade relations' with our own
fellow kinsmen, a position of perman-
ent advantages, in spine of the great-
est and most promising markets in
-the World, is a boon which—apart-
entirely from ita political conse-
quence,, great as they must be—would.
be wort t securing at any price, and
the price we should in fact have to
pay is a bagatelle."—Lord Milner, in
The National Review.
Used Torrent of Oaths. and Blasphe-
mies Says fdlr. Blackstock.
"I stood in a hotel some time ago
whilst a lady was signing the register,
and at the same time I heard,a tor-
rent of the foulest oaths I ever had
to listen to, ciatha and blasphemies pro-
ceeding from some members of the
House of Commons. So long as we
allow that to gt? on, so long will we
be on the greased skid of destruc-
Mr. George Tate Blackstock, K. C.,
made this remark in the couree of an
address delivered recently before the
Canadian Club, Toronto, on "Some
"Democracy works better in- Great
Britain than in any other country on
earth, because it is an evolution, and
the old grandee* system which gov-
erned at one time has been broadened
out and has beoome democratic, and
you have an aristocratic governing
body, while at the same time that
body is in constant touch with the
He proceeded to point out how the
House of Lords, although aristocratic,
was yet democratic, because the'poor-
est bby might, by industry, persevere
ence and ability rise to a seat in That
high body, and many had so risen.
. In 175 the people of this country
rose in their might and hurled from
power the idol of their heart, be
cause they believed he had betrayed
his trust. Now what have we to -day?
There sits in the House of Conunena
a man disqualified- by seven judges,
declared to have been guilty ,of al-
most every electoral corruption; and
on the other side, a man convicted
and sentenced for voting twice. •
The first Parliament of the Domini
ion Contained; such men as Sir john
Maedieneld, Sir Geo. Cartier, Hon:
Alexander Mackenzie, Hon. Edward
Blake and other great men. When
we compare that Parliament with to-_
day's, we are compelled to exclaim:
"How are the mighty fallen."
There are some men, such as Sir
Wilfrid Laurier and Mr, R. L. Bor-
[len, who are absolutely above all
thought of wrong. They, however, are
not the whole Parliament. Now how'
are we to wipe out this evil? By in-
dividual effoet and by exercising our
vote and our influence for the return
of men of honor and uprightness.
—K. J. Laird, formerly bailiff of
the .eounty court at Graneview, Mani-
toba, has been convicted on charges of
theft and embezzlement. He was
sentenced to six - months' imprison
—A. Carlson, of North Battleford,,
Saskatchewan'had a very curious ex-.
perience the Other evening. After
dinner he Strolled out into. the yarst
Jape Coming to Canada.
The Japanese Government has noti-
fied immigration companies in Japan
that all restrietions have been taken.
off itrmligratiort to Canada owing toi,
the =qualified agreement of Canada
to the Anglo -Japanese commercial;
treaty. Formerly only a limited
rtumber of coolies could be sent an-
nually from Japan to Canada, Now
'asmany wiil be sent as can pay that
price. A -great influx of Japs has al-
readybeguu into British. Oobim.. bia.
They keep Off Disease.
"It is a eurious -thing," said a
scientist to the writer recently, "but
certain occupations are practically
the remedies of certain diseases.
"Shepherds enjoy remarkable
health. The peculiar odor noticeable
about sheep seems to drive away clifa
"The men and women who work
among lavender, gathering it or dis-
tilling it, selddm nave neuralgia or
nervous headache. Lavender, more-
over, is good for giving tone to the
"Eniployes in breweries, tanneries
and printing -ink factories are im-
mune from consumption. Turpentine
works and rope works are a protection
from rheumatism. And, in conclusion,
workers fn. copper mines need not
fear typhoid."
Much Wheat Killed and Fruit Trees
Backward Through Cold.
This has.been a very disappoipting
month to fruit -growers of the Niagara
Peninsula. Owing to the remarkably
ccld weather in A.pril, fruit treen,
eines, etc., are not in as good condi-
tion as they were a month ago, when
prospects seemed to be of the very
brightest. The fruit trees, owing to the
anseasonable weather, are very back-
ward in growth, though apparently
not otherwise harmed, the growers
say, and wheat around `here looks de-
cidedly bad. The cold nights during
the past month are what killed the
wheat, for in the day time the weather
was comparatively mild, while at
night there was heavy frost. "Hun-
dreds of acres of wheat will be plow-
ed up around here," said a prominent
grower to your correspondent last
week. "Then the weather has been so
dry of late that grass is decidedly back-
ward, and the farmers are seriousiv
handicapped by leek of pastere for
their cattle.. This has caused butter
prices to he phenomenally high for
this time of the year."
Short Tomato Crop.
Tomato gienveed ,nrediett that the, to-
India Pale Ale
Prejudiced and unscrupulous vendors may suggest others, but compare it
Tray you will—Purity, freedomfrom acidity, palatableness—Labatt's Ale is zurp
ed by none, equalled by few—at about half the price of best imported brands.
Signs of Spring.
With glad delight we greet each wel-
'fame comer;
It counts not though it chirp or
croak or sing,
For, though one swallow cannot make,
a summer,
We know that just one frog can
make a spring.
Happy Accident.
Passenger (about to 'leave the ears,
sees his heavy satchel fall from the
rack on a lady's head)—That's very
fortunate. I had just forgotten it was
/wake sound • throated sore Westin az" contra, cure colds,—a cough candy that
realty doos cure. PhysicIsaie commend
to their rise in all irritations of the mucona
t• Passages. Nice to take. Demand the three-
4el kdin
corner . in the ruct aucl yellow box. a
Koeper; Matron and Assistant Matron
Wanted for the House of Refuge
in the County of Huron.
Written applications will he received by the un-
dersigned up to Monday, the Otsi day of June, for
the positions of keeper, matron and assistantmatron
for the House of Refuge. For keeper and matron,
man and Wife preferred. Amelia tnts are expected to
state age, previous occupation and salary expeotod.
Testimonials to be enclosed with application. The
committee would Illte to meet applicants at the
council room in Ooderich on the afternoon of 'Wed-
nesday, June the 50.
W. LANE, Clerk.
Goderich, May 8th, 1907. 2056-2
Authorized Capital -1,000 Shares ; $100 each -9100,000
The Sunshine is a good, "all
round" furnace. Burns, with equal
facility, either coal or wood. Coke.
too, if you prefer it.
And so perfect is the combustion
of the Sunshine that it extracts
evety unit of heat from the fuel.
What's left in the ash -pan is not
worth sifting.
Sunshine consumes less fuel, too.
Because its perfect system of
dampers prevent the escape of the
hot air up the chimney—Com
it to come out through, theregisters.
You pay forheating the inside—
not the outside—of your house
when you buy the Sunshine.
If war local dealer does no
handle This most ecopomi
furnace Write 4irect to us
ar s
CHE8NE'Y & ARC aIBALD Agents,, forth
For the purpoee of taking over the
In.3.eineas and plant of Messrs. D. D.
Wilson; & Co., in the -town of Sea -
forth, remodelling and fitting up
the said plant as an up to date Me-
chanical Cold Storage in accordance
with the requirements of the Do-
minion Government before they will
grant a 81113E3idy, the above Com-
pany has DOOD organized.
A limited amount of stock id of-
fered to the public at par. No pre-
ference stock or bonds. All share-
holders on the same footing.
The situation is very favorable for
the business proposed. The section
of country la large and unsurpassed
for the production Of Eggs, Poultry,
Butter, Cheese, Meats and Fruit,
also handling Fish for dLstributioa
ehould be a profitable part of the
b usi ne es.
The Government has passed a bill
granting a subsidy of 30 per cent. of
the cost of plants such as is proposed
to be established which shows the
need of ouch an estanlishment, The
prospects are excellent for a large
and profitarne business which will
De of great benefit to the producers
and handlers of perlehaole products
in this district.. For further inrorm-
abort inquire ot either of the under -
.INO. A. WILSON. }FrOvIllionit ;Directors.
filE0, TU111411111.1. 2010-t
• Now is the time' you should be getting
into your Spring Clothes, If you.have not
ready ordered them, callon T.Lt and see what
we can do for you in this line. We carry all
the best lines- of Tweeds and Worsteds, and
our reputation as high-class tailors is unrival-
led. There are many other Spring needs,such
as Spring Underwear, Spring shirts, Ties Etc.
Let us fit you out for Spridg.
.fiODERIcilmagDETRO.IT $1.
MONDAY, JUNE 17th, 8:00 a. lit., leave Detroit forCedcrich.
TUESDAY, JUNE 18th, 8:30 a. ea., leave Goderich for Detroit,'
THURSDAY, JUNE 20t1e1:00 p. m., leave Detroit for Goderkli.
FR/DAY, JUNE 21st, 8:30 a. m., 'leave Godmich for Detroit.
Special Train leaves Stratford, June 18th, 640 a. m., Wingbam 6:40 a.
stopping at all Way Stations to Gedetich.
Psetumine,.ft special train will leave Gamic!' on arrival of steamer Tau:Kiss
evening, for Clinton and way statism' to Winsham and Strieflosd.
Goderich Band Moordight Excursion, 8 p. me, June 17th, 25 ets.
WHITE STAR LINE E.a .A.YER, men Agents
as June
Dutton !id
and it is more vital tha
should be good than
W. other food.
WHITE CLOVER BRAD is made of the highest quad
of flour and other ingredients, and Milk is used instead
water. These are combined by the highest baker's skill,
the result is the PERFECT LOAF. Its crust is light and cis
its texture fine and even. It is healthful, nourishing,
digestible, and TASTES COM Do not any longer be content
with the old dry crumbly bread made of cheav flour and I
water, but insist on having
The Best Bread That Can B Made.
ML4064 _
ftideS Stril
effeet an
• s.
At this time
bay. It number -
ed. Bet yen kas
ftrit-is you fear th
dook of triodes
chcart and writs
Lst ne frame
win convince y