The Huron Expositor, 1907-05-24, Page 5ct4. 6146110551-1160aPigsoillMillMtainie— Wiw Et is a eh.vtea it. It as style, it hft- rr$ 110 other shoe has leaking in, -boats it is r is Goodyeat welted* ader the feet. Der Ca, and Pateat wi ithe. 'or the signof the ;enamor styles of the t call and look then knci S5.00 per pair, anl SON) Leen Qa ity " shoes Aloes for men. 43 *t lPort AT- - Of Thou; Of thss seadiav on, ral ; the doctor arrived. aim !Foam Lake, Saskatebe-t well known in this v1-;; much and deservedly David Follick is ddItion to his dwenriog, School Association con- >uth 'Huron was 17cid erlan church en Mori- , and evening !ast tad Fely attend::d. Delegates rorn nearly 'ell the Sab- Ind churches within the Association were pre - "s an active and :helpful Firoceedings and a new stimulus has been given work. The addresses, not space to allude to of a particularly th- acer and were much and the good ladies ad - a the pleasure of the oc- vidink an excellent sup - all the delegates and in Sabbath school work invited. The interesli the sessionwere beigh- presence of Rev. 3. C. Toronto, the general ;he Sabbath school ow- : delivered a very pleas- - address.—We are pleas- '. John Blatchford ea11a4 ed to be around town :r. Priest le here visitin rs. Hawke, and as they privileged to see each than a score ot years was .a particuia.r/y . and Mrs. 'Hassell are Ir. and Mrs. J. W. rrs. Hassell's parents. who has held very Un- ions with Life Maur-, tes and who has been ful, has recently accept- ;osition in the state a D. W. Foss, our old and reliable baker and and who has been so ;..ed for such a long term hia business Is, this gret to state, crInfined through illness but we, see him around -1.galts. the busy time with the the effect of nt tking hat quiet In our village - times are corning. ' 'Walton. tn.—During the former :week it was only a ccun- ice to see farmers plovv- rising in the fields with te and mitts on, whilei ?edestrians bad to sub- '-l.f Mr. R. A. McLennan's out an artificial char - the Arctic and Atlantic, the pent up and frozen in the far north, and .ing, It would make the nis country like that of' , t would confer a .greatt- suffering humanity than '.rits of the .A.itoedia Gob- og,aph concert was-givere eiting last, In the school krae not very largely at - cement basement of the pause is being built this I-, John Stewart, of Pil'yth. Fry:and men, of Brussels, t the brick work on Mr. k-r.'s residence, while the re busy with. the frame . house of Mr. 'JohnWatt. M. ana A. G. Genemelle itievieited with, Walton week.—A 'number from will go to Seaforth on; itness the football matcb Hurons and the Fall —A new wire tence 'has r aiong the front of the S. L. McDonald, - which Fry neat and tide' appear- eondesboroe Thos. Robertson has im- ppearance of his house by 1.1 ;sainting ft.—The re - a. mother of Mr. 'g, were brought here mit ,ight. The funeral will Thursday.—Mr. L. Hin, 'IA Sunday, the guest of 3. Johnston. I fa - ding the at $3.00 e NADA. •anr•loa- 7 ONTARTO, ronto, ater eek. Bre, re the ;rkC was oni , auao o eaTE, 8 Sruoefield. ; weber 1st the Sovereign; Bank, Bruce ti Wednesday cycninge. 7630 to 0 ps m. Menager. a205440_ . emeasseseisedeasasseete orth, on May 18th, tq M. tnd tire, , on. °Raton on May 214, to gr, and Frakhert, a daughter. . on Mey 14th, to Mr. :04 mrs. Wm daughter. elrend Bend. on May Ilth et) M.r. and dim Gill, a eons -In Wroxeter, tra May LOtb, to Mr. and , O. Stewaets twin bop._. ; -DABUS-111 Henan, art ?Ay 15th,by Rev. -"- Joseph Gibeoli, of liensall, to Loutse Zurich. , Deaths. ortb, on,510a. 291b, Joseph M- 1 5 years, --As Foam Lake, Sask., on May 13t1a. bedsore eldest on of Mr. Peter Rob- Tuckersmith, aged 43 ;years, 2 months neall, on May lath, Catharine B. 3. Sprung, aged . /0 years and 5 on May 13th1 armee Finsviok, JOrlea. Tuokeremith, on lilaY 13th, 'Thomas aged 50 are and 9 tnonths. , ott May 14th, Elwiri, in - of Mr, and Bus. George ;Proctor, East Wawanosh, on May 14th, Robt. • aged 63 years. Dashwood, on May 13th, Rich, Adams. Exeter,on May Ilth, Thos.Ouchnore, ears. n Wroxeter, On May 16th, Lawrenee ged 81 years azul 10 days. SALE REGISTER. dday,. May 31st, at 1 o'clock p. m., at the mot Mies Felguson, n Egmondville 2 doors the Woollen Mill, Houeehold furniture. a Ferguson, Proprietress ; Thomas Brown 2058 stern Ilan Canada. +444+44444-4-++i tablished by Aot of Pa r lin:tent ttt Titiaz General Banking Business trans - Wafts bought and sold on all parts *I the world. Special attention given to farm drovers, etc. Adva ces made to responsible pair *son her own notes. Inter st paid or compounded four tunes a year at the 'highest eurrent A Wee cash Sale Notes, no matter on what BanIk drawn. ; -; 111 Branches and Ageneies through- out Canada. ' 41011.14113•111•43/0/3 BANKERS—Great Britain -Royal Denied Scotland ; Canada. Merchants Bank of Canada; New York, Mer- vbants Bank of Canada. ANIMN•3102311•1•33 sun MoOONNELL, Manager DUBLIN BRANCH, MARKETS. SNAFOR,T0,, May 16, 1007. Yell wheat-. . . . ......... .. . 75 to 80 75 Date, per bushel „.; 0 40 to 0 40 Pew, per bushel*. . 0 70 to 0 /0 Parley, per bttshel .... . ........... 0 45 to 0 45 Bran, per ton , 22 00 to 22 00 Shorts, per ton s 22 00 to 22 00 Iowan:de Flour, per ton ea co to 23 00 Flour, per 100 lbe a 2 10 to 2 75 totter, No. .. . _4%4o 18 to 0 18 Butter, tub 0 18 to 0 18 Age, per dozen .... . - .. „0 15 to 0 1.7 Corm... • • • • • -.......................6010 05 Be; per . 00 to 10. 00 Bide; per 100 lbs a.. 7 50 to .7 50 Slue'. skins, , 0 75 to 1 00 rotates per bushel 1.. 0 50 to 0 (30 Salk retail) per barrel......... .. 1 25 to 1 35 - Wood per cord(long). .... .. 6 00 to 7 00 ewriva.peseredeare 292.700506 totote .3.031 _An7605 Timothy Seed E. E ALEX. A. H. Br Branihes th I A G IlEAD DIAN BANK COMMERCE 'i?XCE TORONTO ALIKE P dent LAIRD, General Manager ELAN Superintendent of cats EsTARLISI1RD 1807 Paid-up Capital, $10,000,000 Rest, - 5,000,000 TotalAssets, - 113,000,000 oughout Canada, and in the United States and England NERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED COMMERCIAL AND FARMERS' PAPER cepaouNTao S VINGS BANK DEPARTMENT 91 eonsit of $1 and upwards received ; interest itilowed at t rat e and paid quarterly. The depositor is subject to no whale er in the withdrawal of the whole, or any portion of posit. SEAFORTH BRANCH. Mi ED, Solicitor G. E. PARKES Manager. 1)airy Markets. , _ Tottoxr:;, gity 21-Tietter-T1ie reeelptre continue with very little otteof top quality. Crean. ery a , 24 to 25c • solids, 21 to 22e ;Idatry prime, 19 a, Me. CheeeelPrieee are firm at 13e for large, and ,1.10 for twine. Eggs -Firm, at 174 10 18e a dozen. Boney-Pails, 11 ta 120 per lb. ; :nubs, 81.50 to 12.60 perdozen, according to quality. IfOrke.th, May si--Entter-Markeid improvement In reeeipte characterized the market for butter last 'week, The totals were 29,123 paekages against 10,- 1021mi:eget: for the week previous.; The market tenth:um in very easy shape and tadeit were mgde at St. Hyacinthe or: Saturday a1200. On the local market the price retrains unchanged at 21 to 210. Receipts to day were 206 packages. Eggs -The egg - market is arm and higher„ wholesale, 18o ; single ietses. 10e ; eeleets, 21e. Cheese -The price is firmer attne to 13e, and it is statett that chums the week prices may go still higher. 1,4 ,A3N-60 ItINIKW-MMICkgRaliMiggelasevelaae INTZMAN & CO. T A.geney for this district for these celebrated instru. ments, Ask for the little. leaflet "Why a Plane gets oat of tune," and it will b easily,Seen Why these instruments are so much in favor with. the pablie, both here and abroad. Before buying give me a call. MsIds LLIN, all SEAPORTII Ore door North of Richardson McInnis' Shoe Store. those, et ;rhthad Uccii brought on the market att exrr • i Mil Cows -..'..limited number of 'nit kers tid sprin ,ers of fahlto good quality sold at 840 to 11 etude Vaal Oaives-Veal calves Hold, at 84 to *5.60 per owt, heep and Lambs -Export sheep sold at .„1 to se.se or cwt. alloge-No howl were offered, but prices were quoted at 86.75 for selects, and $6. • for kilt land fats. Mon litab, May I -Oh le beeves sold at 5e to Gee * g od at uo to No,: fair at 4ito to 4e, and lower grades At Bic to- ic :per lb. the firmer feeling which rcvaiIed in the market for hogs early last week, to -day extent, in ad hacon, In prie s of 2e crease he deman tifor hogs this morning, and the gp., compet tion betw en buyers for supplieewas keener than it has been for some weeks past, coneequently an act ve trade AS dents and soles of selected lots were n ade Ise .25 to; $7,40 aer cwt., weighed oft the ear . Thema Rot for sheep and lambs was quiet owing 1 • the mint.nited email supplies coming for- ward, f r whieh the demand is keen from the lead- ing but ere and prices are firmly maintained, with sales of sheep at ei to 0e, and lambs at Ot to 7o per lb. A ew spring'iambs were on the markets which old 81 to 80 each.Receipts of calves are decreas- mb ing so le, but ppilie are still emple to fill all re- quirem nts, and a fair, trade was done at prices rangin lrom 85 80 each, as to size and goolity, Tono TO, 'Way 2_ Cattle -Ex otters - Not many shippin cattle were on sale, and it was well that it was so because tile market for them was not nearly as good as at the Junction. Pricee ranged from 84.90 to 45.3 , and $5,40 was reported for a few choice eattle, nt no Wade were reported at the latter prim. Butohe 8 -Prices Were decidedly lower all along the line. •oked lots $5 to 85.10, and one lot of I choice cattle old a *5:25 ; load of good, Scee to 04,00 ; mediun $4.40 to $4.65 ; cows, 83 to $4.80, Mich Cows-2rade in milkers and, springers was fairly good,' paces ranging from *85 to $00 each, and one. choice qow was repotted as being sold at $80. Sheep and La ibs-Expott ewes sold at $0 to $0.5apet• cwt., rams,8 to 85,5 ; yearling larnbs, 87.50 to es per cwt.; sp tig lam.: 88 to 87 each for the weak, and a few pie ed heavy mbs at more money; Hogs -The run wail light. M . Harris quotes best at 86.75 per cwt., anU seleets a 86.50. as since 5 developed into strength, and prices %lanced 1 e tom 2ec per t. This is, to some j due to th con ued Strong and encourag- icee from Euro eat), sources on Cana/Bart. vhich on aturday, noted a further advance 4o per wet which tended to in. • Meeting o the Huron County CcuncH. The 0 unoil of the Corporation of the County of Huron vitt meet in the Council Chanaber, in the town of 'oderloh, 43 o'clock on Tuesday, the -41h day of J me next. All accounts against the county, requirin settlente 1, must be placed with the Clerk before d y of meet ng. W. LANE, Clerk. Dated 1007. 2059-2 y 20th, Gr Se Ano $1,009 C01116 gainS. Six I dates best r a lb., maple s best B rice fol Stare for 25 25c, 12 bars of lb.bar H. P. $ 25c. . Also great and Ja1.an Te and you will Prices, 10c to Coif e from Best flour, cream of wh cereals syrup malt a d whit All k nds-of and bo Wan d—G and Po will be at clearing Sale AT THE forth tea Store her 15 days' sale to clecir out worth of goods. Come one, II, an4 get some of the bar- s. cOo or 25c, isins 10 ing figs for 25e, 4 lies. lbs. best prunes for 25c, a Ib. seecled raisins 10c ru 2.40 a quart, 6 lbs. . 4 packages of Corn , 10 bars J'uctd.'s soap for O. K. soap for 25e, three ap for 16c, regular price ; Values in black, green s,' Just buy a pound, sure to come for more. c per lb. 5e t� 40c per lb. rolled oats, cornmeal,,, at, and all ,kinds pf and Tao] assee ; cidtp, wine vinegait and coal 1 ( urect meats, ham, bacon od fresh Butter, Eggs, atoedf r which highest prices aid, ei 'her int cash or trade; Grfon, etc. TOROSTO, May 21--Wheat-leal1, 80 to 85e ; goose, 'late 73e ; spring, 76 to 78e ; oats, 46 to 48e : bar. _len 50 to. tee ; peas, 77e. Potatoes -Delawares, diss-to 81.10 in ear lots on traek her. Baled Hay-- 413 to 313.50 per ton Inc No. 1 timothy, and $12 for Secondary grades in ear lots on track here. Baled Sertrae.w-Steady at $6.an to erase pet ton in car tots I ., .. Live Stook Markets. LONDON, Engiend, May "el -Cattle are selling. al, 11/. to .1.24:: per lb.'dressed weight; refrigerator beef is quoted at ie. to etc per lb„ . Urger:ma May •21 --United States steers, 12/e. No -Ceno,dians on the mo,riset. Trade is slow and the market weaker. Gtaseew,May et. -Cattle met 4 fair trade at slight - Iv redUeedpriees from the nuerket or a fortnight ago. Prices for top quality were 12c per lb. ; sec- ondary, 11 to 11te per lie, butte, 10 to tete. ilvermat May 21-1Jattle-Active and steady at 10o higher; pirme steers, e5.70 to 50 ; shipping, 85.40 to 45.75 ; butcher'? $4.00 to $5,60 ; heifers, $4 to 15,50 ; cows, $3.50 to 81.85 ; bulls, $3.50 to $5 ; /4reekere aud feeders, $3,75 to *5 ; stock heifers, $8 to 83.75 ; fre4h cows and aptingers, steady to .$2 lower at $20 to 8.56. Veals-Astive and higher, at 45 to 87.75. flogs -Fairly active and steady , heavy, 80,60 to $6.85 ; mixed and Yorkers, $6.80 ; pigs, 86.80 to $6.86 ; roughs., $5.901,t0 $6 ; stags, $1.50 to 45. Sheep and Lambs -Active '-• sheep steady ; Jamb, 15e higher ; iambs, $5.60, 1088.15 ; yearlings, ° 47 ttt $7.25 ; wethers, $6.26 to 86.50 ; ewes, 835.25 tos85.76 • sheep, mixed, $3 to 86. Union'Stoek Yo.rds, Toronto Junction, May 21 -- Cattle -The quality of -fat clb.ttle was fairly. goo -1, in act there were several of the best loads ef cattle setenOn the market this season. Tmde was slow and Takes were certainly not any better, and in some of the lower grades of exporters and butchers they were lower, The feet is, drovers have been. po,yieg 'too high prives in the country. One drover,who 14_4 paid Kee to S45.00 in the country, had to take se.tis for then: on the market, and he was not alone lathes retipeet, as many lost money. Exp eters- Pnees ranged front 0.20 to 85.45, with one or two Loads at 85.50 per cwt.; the bulk selling s,t 55.20 to *545. Export bull's e.4.15 to $4.35 per wet. Butch- sers-Prime plotted butcher*: sold at from els $5,25; loads of good, $4.85 t:: $5.10 ' • medium at 5k50 to . 41.175 ; common, scar) to $4.50per owe. 0 we sold r from% to 50c per cwt. tower, as the demand for thenthae eased off. Feeders and Stocke A few roads ot feeders for short -keep purposes were re- VOrted as selling at.$4.80 to 55.15 per ewt. Many of • A. IgPORTANT: NOTICES, PROPERTYFOlt SALE. -In Varna, a wagon shop and two hOuees for gale Atl the .buildings are frame. Will be sold at °nee. Apply to Mrs. Win, Purdy, Sea,forth. AUfat SEAFORTH • TJR ide 'the mill in your ;own Ilpel town tsales seconcl. iplace .with no ' :flour mannfbict'cl, Seafprtk Milling Co. 2058•4 HEEP LOST.-Stra •ed from Lot 4, Concession 2 IdoKillop, on Or about April 804h, 8 ewes an four lambs, Any information about the same ss•til Pc suitably rewarded. John Kelm, Dublin P.O. 2068x1 TAMWORTII BOAR; FOR SERVICE. -- The un- dersigned has for service On Lob 24, Canoes- elon 3, II, R. S., Tuckersmith, a Thorobred Tam- worth Boar. $1,00 pa able at dine of service, with privilege of returning if necessary. II, HAMILTON, Seafottla - 2049x4 . BOA& FOR SERVIOE,---The undersigned will keep tor service on Lot32, Concession 0, McKillop, the thoroughbred Berkshire boar, " Tom Winner," bought from George Dale & Son, Alma, Terries 81, with the privilege of returning. J. A. MONTGOM- ERY, 'Winthrop. 2058x2 A UCTION SALE, of Household furniture on Fri- day, May 810, at 1 o'clock pals,, a the resi- dence of Miss Mary Ferguson, Egmontiville, 2 doom south of the Woollen Mill, the following °Teets, con- sisting of bedrooni sufts, chairs, tables, matresses, carpets, curtains, coal stove with oven, iamps, glass. ware and crockery and other household effects, all of whioh will be Held; without reserve, as the pro. priecress is leeving Egenondville. Terms. of sale -$5 and under cash, over that meant three months' oredit on approved joint notes. 6 per cent. per annum alio:valor cash. efiss Mary Ferguson Pro. prietress ; Brown, Auctioneer, 248-1 ••••••• Nes ee P lass 1-4 cais' lz" P CD Oe'" CD aqcp P P !es let Cei 11:1 o ea 0 Ost MI CD 1:3-' go 0-1 tra 0- a) 121 CO ft; 0 0 7.1 1-a• i•-•0 w cp 24 <1 A a) CO 1.71 PO' CS I F, P 0 griti Pima cfq 0 —11111 PD ea. 0 -el ea - el XPOSITOR DoYou Want a Real Good Su for the Money r eeee• seasteseaseses ,*aseseasausea, . 114i41+4444,ififeWitE+++++++++++2.11 Onr Suis are sewn with linen thread, shrunken and well -tailored. If you buy a Ault fromus for a boy, young man or a gentleman, you will be Sure to have good wear.' MAN'S SUIT FOR $7.00—Man's Suit, made of ration's Domestic Oloth, of strong fabric, in dark add light brown mixed effect1 splendidly lined, and a snap at per snio $7.00. MAN'S SUIT FOR $9.00—Man's Suit, made of extra heavy weaves, also fine cloths, in dark and, light Utley overcheaks, plain cloths and mixed effects, double or single breasted, extra fine linings, at per suit $9.00. MAN'S SUIT FOlt $10,00—Man's Suit, made sintt0le and double breasted, in fine worsted finished tweede,Ismooth and hard, m brown. and Ox- ford grey grounds, *ith fancy dark or light overcheek, also in stripes, in dark shades with light stripes, well tailored, at 810.00, Long Silk Gloises, in white and cream, at The $1 and $1.25, Long BLit& Silk Gloves at per pair $1.00. Oash paid for butter and eggs. POPLESTONE -&. GA_RDINETI 9 • (SVOOESSORS-TO MESSRS. MoKINNON & 00.) BLIMEly ma ONTARIO. cz) 7* --1 Popular Stallions SIB RIA.N. 1NNES, LIVINGSTONE & HORTON, Prope. leave own stable • in Harpurhey, and go west to Meiviu Olarles, Huron Road, Alma, for noon ; then. by way .of the Huron Road at the Rattenbody House, Clinton, for two bourn, then to Alex. Innes', Conceselotr 2,Stetileylor night. TUES- DAY -West to John G. !Sterna's, for noon * then to Cook's Hotel, Varna, for night. WEDelkiDAYe- , East to ' for noon ; then to Strong's Hotel, Titekeretnith, for:night. THURSDAY -South east to James Ilorton's for night. FRIDAY -North to Richard Sellery's for noon ; then to P. Connor's, 2nd concession. ilibbert„ for night, SATURDAY— To ItiolOg 113te1, Sertforth, for noon, remaining un- til evening •, then to his, own stable, where he will remain until the following Monday morning, Odd Special Something and Rich Is our lines of. . . Doulton China YOUNG SIDNEY 18188 NASII 131103,, Proprietors. Monday, ---Will leave his own stable, Lot 18, Con. cession 8, McKillop, at noon, and proceed along the 1st line and by way of the Log= town line at Web - arts Hotel, Dublin, from 4 coolook to 0 o'clabk, re- turning by way of the Huron Road, Whitt own stable for night, Tuesday. -To Olintonatt the Consmeacial Haat, for noon ; then to Holmetwille for night. Wednesday. -To learesiHotel, Goderteh, for noon i• then to-Jonathen Miller's Hotel, Smith's Hill, for night. Thursday, -TO Auburn, at MoBrine's Hotel, for noon •, then to tfe0aughey's Hotel, Blyth, for night. Friday. --To Thos. Nellans', Ilarloak, for noon ; then by way of laitiburn to his own Amble for nighti. Satardo,y.-At the geenes Rotel, Sea -forth, from 1 till 6 o'clock, theft to his own stable where be will remain until the following Monday morning. 2057 A. fine collection to select frame PAINOki OF SURLFORD. SMILLIE BROS, Preprietors, MONDAY, May 13, will leave his own stable, one mile south of Brumfield, and proceed to Varna, for noon ; thence squth by Parr Line to Ralph Stephen - eon's, for night. TUESDAY -By Parr Line,. to Jas. Love's, trills Green, for noon ; thenee by limpen to hie own stable, for the night. WEDNESDAY -A1 his own stable. THURSDAY -By way of 24id Con- e,eseioteto Alex. Sinclair's, for noon ; thence by 41.11 Compton, to James McIntosh's, Mill Road, for nights FRIDAY -By 2nd Concession, II, R. S., to Appelton Elooathe for noon ; thence by 2n6 come- SIMI to his own stable. SATURDAY -TO his own stable. • Get in early and have first choice. We alsohfine line of al—v a Purses---Gulian Sale Leather Goods Co. make them. The J. S. ROBERTS DRUG STORE W. M MelcAY, Manager The Home of the Draught Stud. The extra well bred Clydesdale Stallion,ICING TROMAS (12625),. The splendid Shire Stallion, GILL13RAND ROYAL;' Vol.28, The celebrated Shire Stallion, SOUTHPORT (20041) Will stand for the le:Prover:lent of stook this season at , T. J. BERRY'S Sale and Exchange Stables, Hensal. 2050 FIRST KING E. SPOONER, Proprietor and Manager. Monday -Will leave his own :table, Lot 6, Con. 4, Hulled, and proceed west. to S. Glow's, for noon ; then west to R. Govieret for night. Tuesday -will proceed north 2 miles, then west to 0. Lowery's, 3.0th Con.: Goderich township, for noon ; then south to Wm. Lindsay's, Huron road, for night, Wednes- day -west to Holmesville, then along the Out line to Prootor's, Oth Con., Goderieh township, for noon ; then south to G. A. Cooper's, for night. Thursday .--By Bayfield road, to Graham's hotel, Clinton, for noon ; then by London read to J. Oriels's, Tucker. smith, for night. s Fri:ley-will proceed to his own stable for noon, where he will remain until the fol- lowing Monday morning. 2058 TARENTITM 211795 WM. G. CHARLESWORTII, Proprietor. Will stand for the improvent of stock this season. .AT HIS OWN STABLE tN EGMONDVILLE, and will ale° meet mares by appointment, 20574 The Stroidard Bred Ttotting IDOL I3RINO, No. 40520, Americati Trotting* Itegister, Will stand during Me season of 1007 at Iles Owe &mete IN BareflPlal.D. J. MoINTOSII, Proprietor. 2057 WHITE HEART. WILFRID MORROW, Proprietor. Will stand for the iniprovement of stock this sea. son at Morrow Bros. Livery, Seaforth. 2050 GOVENLOOK 131108., Preprietors. Monday -Will leave his own et -able, two miles north of Seafordeand go to Dublin, at Weber's hotel, for noon : then to Carlin's hetet, Staffs, for night. -Tuetelay -- To Strong'e- betel, Tucker:smith.' for noon ; then to his own et -able for night, Wetines- day--Will proceed to Olinton for noon, at the Com- mend:Li hotel ; then to llohnesville for night. Thurs. dey-To Goderich, a the Colborne home,Inc noon ; then to Andrew Youtig'is, Colborne for night. Fri. day -Co Auburn, at the Auburn i hotel, for noon ; then to Blythe at the Commercial hovel, for night. Saturday. -To Wesley Beacom's, IC:trio:1k, for noon ; the]) to his own stable, where he will remain until tholfollowinE Monde) morning. 2057 As r own. KING CHARMING IV. ; GEIGER, & HUDSON, Proprietors. Mohday-Will leave his own stable, ileneall, and proceed north to A. Harvey's, Kippen, for noon ; then home for night. Tuesday ---North and east to Strong's hotel, Tuckeremith, tor noon; then to Dick's hetel,Seaforth, for night. Wednesday - By way of Mill Road, to Bossenberreir hotel, Brueefield, for noon ; then to Cook's hotel, Vaasa, for night. Thursday --South, by Perr Line, to 19000 Hudson's, Hine Green, for noon ; then west to Blake, then south to John Geiger's-, for night, Friday- East to his own stable, wheresbe will remein -until the fol. louring Monday morning. 205 WILDER LHIE, - JAS. BERRY, Prza • Mond:tea-Will leave his own etTsfile, Lot 8, Conees- sion 5, H. R. S., Tnekersmith, and 'go to Hibbert Boundary, then 'south tntles, then east to Albert Ityclonatee for noon ; thenee 10 Cromarty, then north to Carlin's Hotel, Staff% for night. Tuesday. -Then north to Weber's Hotel, Dublin, for noon ; thence to Seaforth, at Dick's Rotel, for night Wed- nesday. -By way of the Mill Rood, to Bossenberraas Hotel, Brumfield, for noon ; thence to Varna, at Ceeke: Hotel, for night. Thuredo,y.-.-Weet to Gosh- en Line, then. south to Wagner's: corner, then to Nicholson's Hotel, Blake, for noon ; then' south and meet to Ritu'e Hotel, Zurich, for night. Friday. - To Ileffernan's Hotel, Hensel', for noon ; then north along the London Road, to Thos. Kyle', Kippen cor- ner, for night, Saturday. -By way of Strong's Ho- tel, to hie own stable, for noon, where he will rematn until the following Monday morning. SID STANTON WM. 0, 00VENLOOK, Proprietor. • Monday. -Will 'wive his own stable, Egmondville, after dinner, and go to Walton, at Sage's Hotel, for night. Tuesday.-ToVranbrook, itt Long's Hotel, fer1200)) ; then to Brunets-, at Brown's Hotel, for night. Wedneeday,-To Ethel for noon ; then south to Lot 20, Con. 14, Grey, at W. Patterson's, for the night. Thursday, -South to IL Benneweis', 6 miles east of Leadbury, for noon ; then home for night. Friday. -At his own gable. Saturday. --At his own stable for noon ; then at the Royal Hotel, Seaforth, from 1 p. 01. till 0 p. m. 2057 panne pobal ,,n,prawn,nonlac - Main and.. Market ,.- '-okaed EAFORTH1. Or* _ tedeleedee+ 441;4+++.4.44:-.491 If it's here, it's right Piok a flaw, if possible, in onr Suits or Overcoats, Turn theta inside out—every little detail. shows the hand of the master tailor. N hurried work, no skimping, nothing slighted; that is why they fit vo perfectly, and hold their shape so much better than any others. When yon spend your money for clothes, you, certainly want The Best Possible Value for it Some men magine they an do aa well at one store as a other. A great mietake, Look through other stores if you will, and you'll- find you can do better here, beeause our clothes look bet- ter, fit better, and are better. Sults and Coat at $5 7, $9, Q10 $11 $12 and $14. We take an honest pride in our clothing, and you may be sure we won't let you have anything thatisn't just right. IfIt's here, it's right, COLONEL GRAHAM. T. J. BERRY & F. BENGOUGH, Proprietors. Monday, May 6th, will leave his own stable and proceed east to Thos. Vennees for noon ; then north 10 Chiselhurst and east to Geo. Y. Wren's for night. Tuesday. -East to Ceetre Road, then north to Stem hotel for noon ; then west to David Hills for night. Werinesday.-West 10 Ilugh llifehlillabB corner, then south it mile and a quarter to Wm. Hoggarth's, for noon ; then wog to Kippen, to Itobt. Cooper's for night, Thursday, - West to Hagan Broth, Hills Green, for noon • then south to Zurich Road, and weft to Johnetwahotel, Zuricb, for night. Friday. -East to James Green's for noon ; thence to his own stable for night. Saturday. --West to 2nd eon, Hay, and south to Rodger Northoott'e, for noon ; thence east to London Road, then north to his own stable whore he will rentain Until the following Monday morning. _ 2050 ISLEOTRIO B. BERRY & BLAIR, Proprietors. Monda;y, May 6th. --Will leave his own stable, half a mile south of BraCefield, and go south to Kip. pen and emit to William Workman's 1010 Coneys - ion, Tacker:smith, for noon ; then east by way of Cromarty, and south to Fargebar, at Temperance House for night. Tuesday. -East to Rusiseldele for noon I then oorth to Mitohell, at the IliAsa House for night, We Inesday.-To Dublin, at the Domino. - ion Hotel, for noon • then toSeaforth, at Dick's Mb - tel for night, Thursday. -To Leadbury, at William MeGavin's for noon • then by way of Walton to Blyth, at the Mason House for night, Friday. -To Londeeboro, at the Temperance House for noon ; then iga Clinton, at Graham's Hotel for nighb. 80- urday:4-T° his own stable, where he will remain until tbe following Monday morruny,. KzPL1A.2tr 8. Will stand far mares at his own stable in BRUSSELS at a service fee of $25 to insure. KAPLAN won roily tieSt pr;Z3S this Spring at stallion shows. His colts have been winners al all the local shows for oho last three years. Kapian'e breeding is of the best blood in tha trotting horses of America, Kaplan's full hr Aber, 'Cavallo 2;072, was the fastest four year old stallion in America in 1902. Ilia sir 0, Krumlin, 2.07t, was cham- pion stallion of the world in 1902 ; his orand sire. Lord Russell, was full brother to Maud S., 2.08i ,• his dam, Almir4. by Kentucky Prince, le ,the dam of six in the list - his grand darn, Alma, 2,28i, by Hambletonien 10, ie a prodtoor 9f speed ; his great grand dam, Mrs, by American Star, has her blood in more 2.10 trotters then any other niare ; in 1906 2 10 trotter, 11 out of 33 zarriel her blood. Posture furnished for mares. All aooiderits at owner's risk. . , SCOTT -i4, WARWICK Brusaseis Ont. 2057-3, SP:ROMA-311S. Raincoats at $6.50, $7.50 and $9.50 Suit Specials -Broken lots at $5; solid wra11eda, all sizes5$8 Black and Blue Suits, pure worsted at Pen One hundred und fifty`pairs of Men's Tweed Pante at $1.25 A pile of Men's odd "Vests at 76c each -Boys' and Youth' Vestb at 25o Shirts!, Neckwear and other good things for mea—such cornpiete an& ious stooks as makes selectiofl easy, at less than usual prioea Negligee Shirts—two specials at 80c and $1.10, Men's Working Shirts, Puritan brand, at 759, double front and double back, double stitched, extra large, fast colors, wear guaranteed. Our great Flaxman, Shirt, extra large, pure linen, reversible eollars, a bargain at $1 each -• adie§' Department We are able to announce the greatest assortmne9t store ever had SPEOIALS—Fancy Muslims at 10e, lege and. 151 Fancy Organdies at 20e, 22e and 25c See our special line of Ootton Voiles at 12ic All prices in Fancy Vesting. of r)REs LINENS Great assortment of Black and Black and White -Muslims Fancy Silks in checks and stripes, from 50c to $3 Sur ePaw ee. .d floats Goods ta,a1 L4 t.s. : We have prepared a most tempting display at prices shouldbring hundreds to the store. You cannot duplicate these values eisewhere. Shirt Wales at $1, $1.19 and $1,50 Point d'Esprit Net Waists at $3.25 and $3.50 Colored Chambray Suits at $3.75 Colored Zephyr Suits at $6 White Muslin and Organdie at $5 and $7.50 Ladiete-Spring Coats at 0, $6,40 and $7 ' Semi -fitting Ooats at $7 and $8.5C LOON Tweed Coats, seven -eighth length, at $7.8cto2 Highest Prices paid for Butter Eggs and. Wool. To 1, gait DIRBOT 1111W "1"1 iMpoTB khi and Market Str. SeefoIth, _