The Huron Expositor, 1907-05-24, Page 3Y 24, 190
Latt-The lifteRritgliefi haS for
rouccoolon 0. McKillop•
Broofielo Febroary lstt 1007, 801z
L oot 2nd r .‘incrienn.,Etnte4
tailorififf, reil4Thade elOthlng', etc.
BriEsets. 204141
ft.ent.. -The residence in Egmonit,
bv Mrs. Houter. is for tk-de or to
A kame houso and has ail ttecessarv
ood cistern and good state eejjai.-.
iwre of laud. Apply to R. RICKS,
EAN'S radiating. dud._
proof sto‘epipe thimbles are the „
,too,olotnical, ekan, safe and durable.,
a hoof; corivVying, regulating s.rd
ivattsq, The-% Add comfort and save
matetial Used. OrdPre
wholeko,le or retail.
oil, Ont., iannfaettirer. 2044-tt,
;ikee.,--reir sate tot 2-.44. Coneeesion
vttRinr. The farm contain s 100 acres,
n and 2 aereg in a and the
ItV'. +here are on the prendsee a
z Immo slable x 20 ft. ; a
; and a goixt frame house sa
r,,,•11,1119,i 14 ft. Also two wells and
sittlm-od o miles from HenKill,
milo from prat Office, Pushy.
elitir..-hee and 1 mile from
' \1. &1
Portable brick cottage
wihd :attached ; also pee
for 3 lioroes or 3 head of rattle, hen
ert, well and pump in stable ; bold
also 3 sere.; of land, on which are
•o all lads of fruit. It
for eny penon wanting
le, Apply on the prentisea Or ath
I,. 0,, JoiiN 3jeD0No0}1. ,%554t
BOARS FOB, SALE. -.The under,
fers for sale seven good registered
two 1602thS old. also on
with pig. Apply to WM. BURKA,
ndersigned has toz,sale soy-.
Leitsester Site and Durham Cattle
Address Egmondville P. 0,, or apply
:oad, Tueltesmith. ROBE= CUAR
1S72 -t1
14:113: eal..E.-The under
for sale on:Lot 27. Coneelon S.
hip, a number of heifers and young
at foot, 4 Shorthorn bulls fit for hm-
e. sired lo.? imported Prince of Banff.
k are all registered in the National -
Prices inodemte, terms easy, visitor]
VII) HiLL, Staffa P. 0. 1008-x51.
It SALE —For sale, the noted thoro.
leen Polltd Angus Bull; brood
Lord Huron I Also a good driving
dtive and will work either
Wili arilOither for cash or on time.
14, Con essioA McKillop. ROB/MT
forth P. O. 20,43-tt
It E,.—On Lot 5, Conceion 14,
n large or small quantitiesto suit
edar posts eight or eight and a half
nehor postsany 8ize. Any prson
mber watild do well to inquire early.
rtiettlars apply to JOHN Monti:Z.50N
lion 13, McKillop, Leadbury P 0.
_N CATTLE—Seven first-class young
pro imported eprws, for sale at mWer-
,en easy terms; good young cows snet
• Fele. All inte.rested are cOrdially
t. the herd. Farm adjoins towit, long
oone to farm.: Write for eatalogne.
' 1993-tf
NS.—Choice bred uiland females of.
I•k„ros for sale, fl-,ont two dozen to selee.-
Herd now headod by
cc,900). He is got by the best
uo...rtod stock on both sides, glossy dark
:td ;veil set on short legs. Terms :—
LoK., ; others on application
rule. JOHNELDER,! Hensall P. clt,
re to Rent.
tt1d1Iflea, in the Village of
suitable for a general store, res-
iiy 1B requirmg a large, well. -
o. A comfortable dwelling above the
if,M1 (T.T1 ile gi.en at onee. Applyt
LL, SthaZGrth,C,iit. 0045-tf
deciding where to 'locate
West, let us tell you about
The best -wheat fields
rLichest grazing land -are in
r us for full informatiou
clinaate and special
. rates, etc.
representative wanted in
& Osgood
mtera Selling heats
cis of women suffer untold misfire
ay with aching back s that realli
"neas to ache. A wornan's back
de eo ache. Under ordinary
oeght to be strong and reedi
bear theburdens of life.
to do housework with snitch -
a misery at leisure or
if women only knew the cause,
mea from sick kidneys,
of treubie sick kidneys cause lise
fielp it. If more work is
ru hap they can stand it's nos
ered that they get out of order -
simply their cey for help.
na.. They're helping sick, Oier—
Oneys-ali. over the wr1.d-
rn healthy and vigorous.
ran, Douglas, Ont., writes: "For
ronthe' I was troubled with lama
lovas 'unable to move withal:Vet
tirgl all kinds of plasters and,
hit they were no use. At last Ye
tHef Doan's Kidney Pills a.ret
11 ''1 three-quarters of the box'
kes an strong and well as ever,"
nenta per box or three boxes for
lealere er 'The Doon Kideey
L o, out.
pays �pccial- attertion to
rarest paid 4 finites
a year.
nsti i &ion
Pedse With some People. bring
11hOf for 0stillation. With otheteaU ri.
heat bread will have the rpm effect,
1.1.0tarenadoubte11y' has a -vegetable remedy to -
leave every -ailment known to mare if physicians
..notflnd Nature* *Nay to health. And this is
neenagly true with regard to Constipation,
sbe bark of a eeztain nave in ftlifornia-Cas.
A anerada-offers a most excellent aid to this
Butcombined with Egyptian Senna, Slip.
'VrY Elm Bark, Solid Extract of Prunes, etc., this
^um co,seern, bark is given its greatest possible
payer to correct constipation. A toothsome
egindY labIet, called Lax-ets, is now made at the
pr.shoopLaboratorieS, from this ingenuous and
*04 effective prescription. Its effect on Consti-
*len. Biliousness, Sow Stomach, Bad Breath.
. *now Ootapleslon, ete, is indeed prompt and
Ne griping, notulrent after effects are ex -
**kneed, and We put up in beautlftd
.latesraphed n3etal bozos st 5 cents and 25 cents
per box.
: For something new. nice, economical and
,eitsesive. try a bee ee
ilio New Store
For New Goods
Fantail Haddie, Ciscoes, Whitefish, Mackerel
and Trout. These are very scarce, but are extra
good quality.
Lettuce, Celery; Cabbage, Carrots, Beets, Pat•
snips and Turnips always on hand.
FRE811 ME41
We buy nothine., but the best quality in Beef,
Pork and Lamb in this department, We have
e?;tra fine prices. ,
thirt, Bacon, Breakfast Bacon and'Illolls alwayli
CornedBeef, Ileo.d Cheese, " Bologna and3New
England Ham. _
Oar grocery department is compilete, , Always
fresh and good.
Dr. Wood's
Norwa.y Pine
Cures Coughs, Colds, B ronchitis „
Hoarseness, Croup, Asthma,
Pain or Tightness In the
Chest, Etc.
It steps that tickling in the throat, iS
!pleasant to take and soothing end heal -
'ng to the lungs. Mr. E. Bishop Brand,
the well-known Galt gardener, writes
: -
1 had a very severe attack of sore
throat and tightnese in the chest. Some
times when I wanted to cough and could
.not 1 would almost choke to death. My
wife got me a bottle of DR. WOOD'S
NORWAY PINE SYRUP, and to my sur-
prise I found speedy relief. I would
Rot be without it if it cost $1.00 a bot-
tle, and I can recommend it to everyone
bothered with a. cough or cold.
Price 25 Cents,
You cannot possibly have
a better Cocoa than
A delicious drink and a sustaining
food. Fragrant, nutritious and
economical. This excellent Cocoa
maintains the system in robust
health, and enables it to resist •
winter's extreme c,old.
Sold by Grocers and Storekeepers
in 1.1b. and f -lb Mos.
YouIi 'of bisouits--and
read and eaten biscuiti—
hut .don't know hiscuits---until
you try Mooney's Perfection Cream
Sodas. Thy are everythm. g that
bisculti should be.
The air - tight, moisture - proof
brings Ithein to you fresh,
Court of RevisiOn
Township of Tuckersmith
• ..
Notice i hereby given that the first sitting of
' Court for the revision of the assessment roll of the •
Township of Tuekersmith for the year 1007, will be
held in Ow' Council Chamber, Town Hall, fieafOrth,
' 011 Monday, May 27th, Ea 10 o'olock a.m. All inter-
ested 1)ar1ies will take notitte and govern themselves
aecordingly. Parties who have destroyed their dogs
zo%essed must have them struck off the
a'oll at, the above Court or the tax will he oolleoted.
A-. O. SI1ILL1E, Clerk.
Dane 'May Oth, 1907. 2051i-3
woo xvossimi
r.ass 'HuTOne at Stratford. - The
Stratford Bescort dpeak e ins very cora-
tillimehtary terms of the play of COI
Hurah football ibeam, Seatorth, 1st
their recent mateh bi that city, aast
weekl with the Stratford, club. It
trans: '"Tho !game was; an excellent
exhibition ot football, both teams
banding? out a good brand. Seafortkf
IPlaYed combination and team work
IthroUghout the Whole game and
this ,spect were very much superior
t tratford. Their forward 11/10
worked aike a machine and !played a
Steady ,consistent game. The Hurons
are ilery eggrefssive and, had it on,
Stratford in this respeet. Seaforth
seorqa their third „goaa o the• pret-
tiest ;play of the garne. Starting at
their own goal the 'ball waS driven'
from man to man Clear through t -he
feirwards and defence to the Strat-
toed ' eitidel and drove it through'the
goal. The combination was excellent
'ahd one of the 'prettiest • exhibitiens
of Iteam wbrk ever witnessed in this
city. The visitors were well balanced
and quick to seize an epporternety to
shoet on goal. They excelled in corn -
St, Qeorg,6
-the aaking powder that makes
the b t Bread-i-t4e whitest Biscuits
-the ' r latest Cake and Pastry-
vou ever saw.' t
"Orler a can NOW -so you will
be sur to haVe ST. GEORGE'S
for yo4r next baking."
Wrile r free copy of our itew Cook -Book.
Na4onal Drug & Chemical Co. of
Canada Iiitnitede tifontreal. 26
bination. and Showed greater
ed, • , mmonsgzafiglEMARNEInglaNIMEINAiMeaft
although the' locals put up a apl did
For the
To succeed these days you
must have plenty of grit, cour-
4ge, strength. How is it with
the children? Are they thin,
Pile, delicate? Do not forget
,Ayer.'s Sarsaparilla. You
lino* it makes the blood ptire
and rich, and builds up the
general health in every way.
uMmelat4girgrapsrlibgr11:,;71'igiVPia fa!:
tdotiostorr gil;P3111:.1 =tall
Made by T. O. Ayer oto.. 'Lowell, so.
Also manufacturers of
St [Mini/loos.
yerc AGUE eUae.
We have no searete I We publish
the formulae of all our medloinoa.
game in the first half during which J. 1".. Scott 'Performed the •cerelmony.
. Ti ; municipal elections will, this
yea:, for the first time, be condud-
ed ender the ballot system of voting.
On Monday everting last, the schol-
ars of Miss Jessie Thomneon's Sun-
- day sokool class met at the home of
Mr. M. R. Counter, and presented Miss
Thompson with a 'handsomely bound
Bible dictionary and a purse contain-
ing a sum of money. On the follow-
ing evening Miss Thompson's fellow
teachers 'presented her with a hand-
some album. Miss Thompson is about
to leave town.
The farm of lir. Thomas Nichol, on
the Mill Road, Tuckersmith, recent -
Established rp-79
WhoOpIn Cough, Croup, Bronchitis
Cough Grip, Asthma,, Diiihtheria
Cresolene is a boon to Asthmatics
Does it n
remedy to
than to take
it cures b
septic is ca
every breath, giving prolonged and constant treat-
ment. It invaluable to mlothers with small
Those of a
tendency fin
relief from c
flamed condi
Sold by dr
t seem MOTO effective to breathe in a
ure disease of the breathing organs
the remedy into the Stomach?
cause the air rendered strongly anti -
'ed over the diseased surface with
Send poste
tr2,,al, Canada.
ghs or in -
tions of the
for booklet.
fiLES Co.,
ats, Mont -
#0 soe
neither side scored."
Iltironiles Abroad.-FrOm 'The Her-
ald, published in Granville, Ma -retiree
county, North Dakota, we learn of the
services in connection with the op-
ening of a. new Congregational church
In that :place and in which services
two former Huronites took a leading
part. The pastor of the congrega-
tion is Rev. J. S., for-
merly of Tuekersmith, and a brother
of Mr. W. C. Landtebormegh, of the
Wet End, In that township. The re-
port says: " Large audienees attend-
•, is
• / Bite
perfect Protection
Longest Service
Low in Price
Sold Everywhere
vow., CS.&D.
To. 0.4
ed each of Sale three services 'held. ly occupied by 1vIr. MChas. Mason, has
The -pastor, Rev. J. F. Landsborougiht • te
een •ourchased by r. Alex. Forsyth,
was in charge of all the services. The b - -
for $7 000. The, farrrx contains 100
burden had rested heanily on him and
heel wore an anxious lleok in the earl -
ler part of the day Whielt gradually
changed:. to a more hopeful exprese
stein az the -task of providing the
money necessary to free ethe church
froor debt was 'pledged. Now be
wears a smile that won't come off.
Ile .has worked faithfully with mind
arid lhands and deserve the (credit all
are disposed to accord. him. An im-
nreasive communion service was'b:eld
in ;the afternoon, preceded b3r a help-
ful. address by Superintendent G. 3.
Powell, formerly a Exeter, Ontario,
on Sacrifice." The building, which
Is One of the finest in the State, is
40x4b, with %lecture xoom 20x20, and
choir loft and tower. It hasa. full
basement, is heated Witt a first class
furnace and 'lighted with one of the
beet gasoline 'plants ; on; the market.
The ipews were furnished by a MIMIC-
Etpalis firm. The building throughout
is of the best material and the work
Is of high grade. It is not surprising
when 'this is taken Into considera-
tion that the) total value of thelot
building and fu.rnishings was $5e700.
Of 'this $3400 iiad to be 'provided. on
Sunday before the dedication. This
task was assigned to Rev. E. S. Sha.w,,
who was aseittted by Su'perintenden.t
Powell. Some of the featuru! were
She vote a the Ladies' Aid Society!
to take $1,000; the raising a $100 in
(subscriptions of $1 each by the boys
and ,girls of Granville t andothelorm-
ing 'of a committee of ten men: who
agreed to he responsible for $800. This
is to be- raised as far as possible front
those !not at the service on Sunda -ye
All the $3,200 was secured but $500,
which Superbetendent Powell promis-
ed to get from the Church Building
socileity. Great credit is due all for
itheir 'generous help in providing such
a, splendid 'house of Worship."
is a high
grade 0 mmereial School
Three Curses ;
Commercial - St'enog aphy - Telegraph
write 4E0 RG SPOT TON, Prin p
(-tei. , HOSE - COMPANY)
One of our up-to-date plans ---a 10 payment, 20 yearif ndowinent -
guarantees' $1,0:10 and pr•ofits, notwithstanding the act that the
last four pa,yinents are eliminated. The premiums ' on this new
Policy remain identical with those of the lea:1 ing A nerican coin-
_ .
paiiies, whiell call for twenty coatintious ann al pap lents.
If*. H. 110BIN8ON, In pect
r, Seaforth.
Piles get quick and( certain relief
.front Dr. Shoop's Magic Oin'tnient.
Pleane note it is made alone for piles,
and its action is -positive and certain,
Itching, !painful, protruding or bliticl
plies disappear like magic ray its use.
Large nickel -capped glass Jars 50
cente. Sold 'oy C. Abetted, druggist,
The Olden Days.
Interesting sketches. 'of the earlsr
clalys of Seaforth and viilinity,
taken from the files of The Ex -
WNW. •••1.• ONO.
iington, county of Durham, Where
he lived until about 26 years ago
when he removed to St. Joseph's, le!
land. He ileaves a family of11 child-
ren, 40 grand -children and 18 great.
-An order issued from 'the Depart-
Inent of . Militia at Ottawa, states
owing to the 'presence of smallpox
in, certain; }parts of the Dominion
none but individuals who are con-
Isidered to be 'protected wili be al-
lowed to go into camp. This applies
especially to the following comities
In Ontario: Bssext Huron, Middle-
sex, Oxford, Bruce and Leeds.
. -The ;Went York Provincial elm-
ition to fill the vaeancy caused by
the death of the late Speaker St.
,John, has been fixed for Saturday,
June lst. The candidates are Dr.
Forbes Godfrey, of Weeton, for the
Ceeservatives, and G. W. Ver -
all, of the sameplace, for the Liber-
-Mrs, Eliza Gaw, the wife: of a
farmer Dear 'Windsor, who eloped
with. Louis Hie', the hired man, was
•brought back from Detroit to Wind-
sorsor by the limbs a the law. Ora
her arrival at Windsor she was met
and welcomed by her husband, who
had spent fifty dollars in finding
her, and said she was worth it. The
couple returned to their home ap-
parently reconciled to each other.
I• -Gen. Booth was so well pleased
with the Canadian route ms the oc-
casion of hits trip to Japan; that he has!
decided to abandon the Suez route
for the return trip, and will again
make the Journey in Canada. The
founder of the Salvation Army leaves
Yokohama for Seattle, on 1,Iay 23rd,
and will arrive at Vancouver on
June 8th, thence making the Jour-
nei IICTOSS the continent by the Can-
adian Pacific Railway.
• -The Corby distillery and mill
near Belleville, were completely de-
etroyed by fire on Stnaday night of
last !week. The lose is estimated at
$125,000 with insurance of $100,000.
The -building was four stories high,
with a basement and was the old-
est distillery in Canada being built
by the late Henry C&by in 1859.
The works are to be rebuilt at once
on a larger and more modern scale,
with a. basement, and was l the old-
Seaforth, Nov. 26, 1875. -Mr. George A. Somerville, who fori
-` On Monday, the 22ndhist., a 'pleas- 'the 'past 18 years hasi, been manager;
ant affair took -place at the residencn of the Huron and Erie Savings andS
of Rev. Matthew Barr, Presbyterian Loan Company, of London, haa been,'
minister, of McKillop. A large num- offered and accepted the position, or
ber of the members of Mr. Barr's manager of the Marrafanturers Life
Bible class met at his home, when Insurance Company of Toronto. Pre-
en address was read h5r Mr. Robert vious to going to London /SIr. Some
Scat, and, on behalf of the Members, ervillee was manager of a. lean corn -
Mr. John -Wilson 'presented Mr. Barr -party ha Guelph. In London hei 're -
with a purse containing $87. • ceived a salary Of $7,000 a, yeesr. In
The Weslyan Methodist congrega- his new position he is to receive $11,-
tion, of this town, have 'purchased 900.
f TOM Mr. James Beattie and Mr. Hill ' ' -Crushedebeneath the weight of a
the ten acres purchased by them some heavy trap door, George. Poore, four
time ago from Mr. R. Hays, for ceme- yearsold, was found dead in a barn
tory purpoisea: in Platteville, Oxford county on
ISIessrs. W. S. Robertson and Chas. Wednesday evening. The little- lad
Wilson, of this town, and Mr. Peter had gone toA.- he barn: to search for
Ha,wilihorne, of Ilullett, returned on his pet kittefl that had been lost. It
Friday night last from a very suer- is presumed that while going through
'ceesful deer -hunting expedition. They the door it became loosened, falling
were away eatly two days, and each upon him, killing him instantly. It
returned with two fine deer. was some time after the accident' be-
', While at the Merchant& Salt block, fore tile lifeless body was discov-
the other day, Mr, John Daley met ered.
wfth an accident. 'While standing in e -The farmers oil: the third winces -
the wagon 'the horse started„ and he sion of , Adolphustown, Frontenan
fell out, breaking his arm% county, suffered severely by Sire 011:
. Mr. H. Taylor, for several years Monday afternoon of last week. Fire
salesman in Mr, J. a LaAdlaw's store, in a chimney on the house of Jacob
has moved with his family to Chat- Roblin sent sparks to the farm build-
lham, where he has secured a good ings, and all were consumed. Mimi
Hawley's -farm house then ca.ughteand
of this town, was' ,burned -to the ground. The tire
unday. Mrs. spread to the houses and outbuildings!
tta 1171- of R. 11. Hawley and Frank joyee„
"Satisfaction or your Money Back"
' Mrs. Simon Powell,
died in Torcmto on
Powell had gone to
dergo a surgical operation. . and these were wiped out, together
The farm belonging to Mr. Welter with five horses, fifteen hogs, and
Cowan, of the 5th concession ,of Mc- some Other stock. Malcolm Ou.twat-
Killop, has been purchased by Mr. er's outbuildings were were next C011 -
George Lockhart, for the sum of $5,-.. sumed, but his house was saved., as
500. The farm contains 100 acres. ' also was tl-.e school house nearby.
1 Hundreds of farmers gathered to aid
EL ebber t in fig -HU -lig -the conflagration, The
' wind was blowing strongly, and, no
School Report. -The follow-ing is tne
report of school section No. 7, Hib- rain having fallen for some time,
-beret, for the month of April: Close everything was very dry. The fire
went over a radies of a mile.
IV -Thomas Wren, Walter °Trim., '
Alla Hoggarth, Maggie Habkirk. Waldie, a farmer, aged 38,
III -Wilfred O'Brien, Thomas Smale, living two Miles east of Gananoque,
killed Ws wife and two children with
-Wm. Brintnell and Annie Westlake
are equal. Jr. III -Clifford Brint- a haromer Monday morning, knocking
nell, Cuthbert Wren, Russell Maud- their brains out while asleep. The.
eon, Arth.ur Parker. Sr. II- Bella children were aged 'two and four. ,
Brinttnell, James Broadfoot, Pearl He then went down stairs and wrcite
a note, which he left on the table,
Ryckman, Flossie Westlake', Wesley . cc
Venner, Bertha afelielc. Jr. II-Rosel after which he went upstairs and cut
Melicla Neil Smale, Gordon Wren and his Own throat from ear to ear. He reee„,,,e,
Rae Horton; equal. Part II -Cecil 0'- told the hired man, who went to the 2-itiftft.'
Brien, Ruby Ryckman, John Swan. factory with Milk, that if he did not
Sr. I -Frank Smale and Rossie Broad- see.him when he -came back, 'to go up -
fait, equal; Arnold Westlake, Wmstairs, and he would find Jahn. Not
Melick, Eldon Miller, Wm.. Parker. finding him the man went as request-
jr. 1 -Austin Hoggartla Verna Mel- ed and was greeted by a, horrible
Seaforth Nov„ 12, 1875.
While a.ssieting at a threshing. on
the farm of Mr. Robert Nicholson-, on
the 1.Sth concession of Hal, on Wed-
nesday of last week, Mr. Rudolph
Qesch, a neighbor, met with an ac-
cident, which resulted in his - death
the. following day. His arrn was
caught in the gearing and drawn into
the cylinder, causing such injuries as
resullted in his death.
t At the residence of the bride's fa-
ther, on- November 5111, by Rev. T.
Thompson, Dr. Wm. Aitcheson, of
Michigan, was =lied in marriage to
Isabella., 'youngest daughter of Mr.
Andrew Murdie, of McKillop.
' the residence of the bride's fa-
ther, on November 91h, Mr. Charles
Dolmage, of MoKillop; was united in
marriage to Agnes-, youngest daugh-
ter of Mr. Hugh Cameron, of nicKil-
lop. The ceremony was performed by -
Rev. T. Thompeone
The new buildings for Messrs. Gra-y.
& Scett's sash. and door factory, ta
thc northern !part of the town, are
now tri 'course of erection.
'WO? putting eave-troughing on the
new at meal mill, the other day, Mr.
Chas. Whitney had a narrow escape.
The 'bettom of the ladder he was on
was resting on the railway track. A
train' ' came along, unnoticed by Mr.
Whitney, and knocked himl off the lad-
der. Ile fell across the rail, under one
of the cars, but had presence of mind
enough: to roll out of the way.
e On Saturday night last or ealy on
Sunday morning, the store of Messrs.
Logan , & Jamieson was entered by
burglars, and goods to the value of
over $500 carried away. The same
night an attempt was made to break
Into the store of A. G. McDougall &
On the eveof the departure'of Rev.
JOhn Logie, of Rodgerville, for North
Carolina, the congregations of Rod-
gerville and Exeter 'presented :him
with an address and a purse dontain-
ing $400.
NW. •••••,
See Here Mother
Just a Minute
'We want every mother in this vicinity to know of the-.
extra preparations we have made this year for boys. Boys'
wearing apparel has become such an important part of our
business that we have filled the sections devoted to the
needs of our boys with a far greater and better selection of
merchandise than ever before. We are stating a fact eas
ily proved when we say there has never been an opportunity
Seaforth to choose from so complete and satisfactory
stock as is now in our store.
Boy's Wash
Suits l;
There is a long
stretch of " Tun
Suit" weather a-
head of us, and
mothers will ap-
preciate oar large
showing of wash-
able fabrics. Noth-
ing so dressy, so
cool, so comfort-
able, so easily
cleaned and so
moderate in price
as oar little fel-
lows' new wash
suits in
Plain Blouse,
Russian Blouse,
Sailor Suits and.
Norfolk Suits
$1 I.50 2, 225, 210
Seaforth, Nov. 19, 1875.
'ett the manse. K1ppe:n, on November;
5th, Mr. Jahn Kyle, of Stanley, was
•unitecl in marriage to Miss Mary Gem-
mell, Tuckeremith. The ceremony
wits performed by Rev. H. Cameron.
At the residence' of the -bride's fa.-
ther, On November 17th, Mr. David
Baird was united in marriage to
Fanny, eldest daughter of ,Andrew
Smith, Esq., Of Egrnondville. Rev.
Saitors with
Rats (tams
t sight. Waldie tried on the 'previous 0 S
Ick, Helen Miller. Phenyl& Goven-
. I bor. He was highly respected by all
I Saturday to 'sell his farm to a neigh -
lock, Teacher.
residents. Mrs. Waldie was a
Let me mail you free, to prove daughter of Noah Peck, Deputy Reeve
merit, samples of my Dr. Shoop's of Leeds and Landsdowne.
Restorative, and 'my nook on either
Dyspepsia., the Heart or the Kidneys.
kidneys, are --merely symptoms of a a Dr. Shoop's Catarrh Remedy. It is
We certai ly have gr es
of Children's Straw Hats,
the toddling youngster to
school boy—boys' school hats,
yard hats, Sunday hats, Avery
kind of hat or cap the boys need
in the "Good Old. Slimmer
grown boys
and sailors)
School Pants
150 to 75o
250 to 50e
25e to 50e
The hardest clothing proposition that ever confronts a
parent is the boys' pant question., We have done our share
to ease the burden. We have in Stock a ane of boys echo*
:Address me; -Dr. Shoop, Rachine, Wife 1 Let me send you free for Catarrh,
TTOUtleg of the Stomach, Heart �r Junt to prove merit, a Trial sine pox pants from well -selected fabric; strongly sewn, well stayed,
deeper ailment. Don't make the COTTI. a snow white creamy, healing antis -
buttons -well put on. Try a pair.
Symptom treatment is treating the ingredienta Oil Eueraliptus, Thy- Price 50c to 75o
RESULT of your ailment, and not mol, Menthol, etc., it gives instant
THE CAUSE. :Weak stomach nerves and lasting relief to Catarrh., of the
mon error of 'treating symptoms only. eptic balm. Contalns such 'healins
_the inside netves-means Stomach nose and throat, Make the free test
wesekness, • always. A.nd 'the Heart and see for yourself what this 'pre- f
and Kidneys, as we'll -a -have their' pa:ration can and -will accomplish. Ade oys eeKings
controlling or inside nfrvos. Weaken dress Dr. Shoop, Racine,Large
made its fame. No other remedy even J. McInnes. of Stratford, down. He. needs durability in his stockings. We have
claims to treat the " inside nerves.' has been elected to the city, council what he requires—stockings that will def his roughest
Also for cloaking, biliousness, bad in the 'plane of Mr. Thomas Magwood y
these nerves, and 'you have iTIVarl- Jars TO cent's. Sold by C. Aberhast,
anly weak vital ergans. Here is druggist, Seatorth. I A healthy boy willclimbover everything he ea t knock
where Dr. Shoop's Restorative has
nreath or complexion, use Dr. Shoop's who ,han recently i been appointed stunts, in both cotton and. cashmere.
Restorative. Write for my free nook Sheriff.
now. Dr. Shoop's Restorative i is ! , -Robert Myere, son of Mr. Clove . :
sold 'ay C. Aberhart, druggist, Sea- Myers, of St. Marys, while engaged at
boys at the Central school play —
1 a game of ball along with some other
Pride 25o
Cano,da grounds. .one afternoon last Nveek,
ASH. to see our Boys' Special Stockings,
• –sss. H. K. De,wart, Ce has been meet with. vainful accident. In mak- ,
selected by the Reformers of South ingcarta, into collision with two pair for
Toronto as t,heir candidate at the another boy running ras)idly in tne
next Dominion election. opposite direction. The result of the
-Vera, only daughter of Wil- contrt was a broken nose for young 9 •
liam Close Moscow, or Kingston, aged M -Ye sevenyears,years, with the teacher and 1 -
the rest • of the school children went S TAR v ING BABIES.
d o Arbor Day She Waft
taken 111 t'ne same night, and died -
seem after. It is supposed that she
ate sompoleonous leaven h
caused 'her untimely death.
' -Over 13,500 immigrante arrived by
steamers at the .port of Quebec last
week. Nearly all of them weie bound
for the Northwest, ande only a few
intended seeking their " fortunes in
ether alerts a Canada.' Mostt cif them
were from the British Isles,, and ap-
peared well qualified to make good
Thomas Ferris, of Toronto,
died at Sault Ste, Marie ladt week,
while on a, visit to' his daughter
!there. He was 95 years of age, hav-
ing .been born in County Araregh, Ire-
land, in 1812, and havi'ng'lived -in the
reigns of five sovereigns. He came
to Canada when quite a :young fnallt,
and settled in the townihip of Derr
to the wood on
AMMO ode.
The baby who suffers from indiges-
tion simply starving to death. It
loses' all desire for food and the littlei
it does take does no good, and the
child is peevish., cross and restleas.
Metners will find no other medicine
as ;prompt to cure Baby's Own
Tablets --they always do good -theet
can't possibly do harm. Mrs. James
Savoy, Little Larneque, N. B., says:
"1 believe that ,had it not been for
Baby'e Own Tablets my child would
have beam in her gravO. She was
Completely run dovrn, would refuse
foodeend was rapidly failing. Noth-
ing I gave her did her any good un-
til I began the 1.1,130 of Baby's Own
Tables, and these -have changed her
into b. well and growing child." Sold
by druggists or by mail a1-25 cents
a box frOm. The Dr. Williams' Medi-
cine, . Brockville, • Ont.
arms ings
to 45o
'We have everything that a boy requires or desires.
A special LOW Rubber Collar for small boys
Ties, Windsor Strings in new plaids
Shirts and Shirt groins, plain and plaited 50e ti
$TEWART .,13.110Sir
tijButter and Eggs token