The Huron Expositor, 1907-05-17, Page 5MAY 7; I
_ora uay
,sh,old of Summer,
This being the eale
w gown, and, of wiz
yon naturally look to t
nd good. You will not
fcr men, women and ehil
the heat valuta we've ever,
oes for the filth, and invikt
n).$35O to
I fs—very 110We
and OR Quality" shoes foe
ak-over shoes for men,
attend the evening tereke
drew'church and witms
hg hiS horse from thq buggy
part of the harness got caugh4
=a shafts, frightening tete anie
ausing it to kick viciously. it
him on the leg, 1..!rea1ing th
Mr. Davie was removed tottie
and medical aid sent tor. Thee
ire was reduced and Mr. Dail*
Laken to his home the aame ev-
He will be laid up for ierati
and Mrs. Charles Dims.
have now got comfortahlt dom-
.In ur ,village and they will
good citizens. -Mrs. tlePhall
mter's 11111 was visiting ww*
in the village thist week.
checkers this ,week, the
too busy with fateir seed -t
CPErimi Semda.yed at St.
week.—Miss Jean Hertel%
a, few daya at the hen*
bert 13e11. -Mr. X. and Miss
insman apent Sunday last is
al la.-Mis.s Rsynolds, a Fixe -
as for the past week been vie..
in our village, the guest a
Kinarnan.-Mrs. W. Sibilling-
is visiting In London and Wan-
-Mas Myrtle Mal/dean spent
r days during the past week vis -
Mrs. R. Trannair.--Nfra.
s. Miss a Slater and the Misses
ci P Govenlock were the guests
. M. Cluff on Saturday last.
sorry to learn of the raTT-..
t11es of Mrs. T. Srnale, but
she will soon be able to
omethi n g
tr hues of .
ri a'NIP' a a
.ne oolleotion tc seleos
itt y and have first
also have a flneiiueof
;es—Gulian Sale Leather
roods Co. make them
:AfeKAY, Manager
in our trade Every day this
doors, and yet we have a big
'apex', with ceiling and borders t41
15e, 17c, 18; 200 am.
Stock of Linoleum- and Mem
,argest doileetion of these goods
,beuutiful designs in floral, block,
-4 yards, 3 yards and 4 yards, a
AO, St and $2 25,
pts at 25e, 35e, 40e, 45c, 504
e, 15c and 20c.
record year on Lace Curtain&
Ler, our patterns are- numerouet
5c, 35e, 40e. 45c 50e, 60c, 64'1.50, S1.75, S1.90, &
nd S5, SG.
oXINNON & 000
A P- E
Exprees Wagon &e.
AY I -7e I-907
110 E 0 ITO
- GO
rth, &i Mw 1U.n,to Aft
trd, datts;libor.
(els, on Atay 15tit, to Aire and Mon
; oriploti -Oa and two demo( tees,
tome's., ine Anty 12th, to Mr. one Um.
twain soo on dounhter.
nrA.WeIGN eeeele, on Ally 151.1t, co Ur. an
efre, eVen, L w'.on1 ison.
1100nn-In le. ,i11 Mee 13th, the intone soa
of lvir. and . 11. ,
elnue-In Witigh u, on UV 3n11 to ntr. and 'Arra,
Eforry Awn a dauohter.
rienoKtE-In Winghoin. on Moy 4the to Ur. and Aire.
J. C. Leckie, IV daaghter.
tenOWN--in Clinton, on Aloe. Oth, to Ali-. and Urs,
fwd. Brown, a daughtor, •
Clinton, on. nay 8th, to Mo and
Mr. Robert/ Mershon, a 8014
N.-.1tt monis, on mny fith, to M. and mrs,
ea,sea, n daughter.
neEAVER-nt, South Boundry, nay, on Zeney ard, to
Alr. Aro( Mre. S. 1321PCK't a8014
EARSON-In GiOdt,riall, on May 4th, to Ur. -and.
ZIOlfredltrerg-"Ilii TIt;adTrii:ht, tillghAtry: 5th, to
and Mrs. ThOMOrg itichardernI, a son. -
JAPERS -At the Methodist paricontege, Belerave, on
My 4th, to Rev. and Atre. G. W. Itivers,
itARSHAND-In Exeter, on May 3rd, to gr. end
Ur% A. Marshand, a daughter.
* BelarriAstes.
COLDWILL-In Winnipeg, on April 26th,
Ur. Gordon, John Wylto to efery,deagee
of M. and Airs. John Colton!, of Exetor,
rineriv of Centrolla.
manaat-arciaans-On nray 8th1 at St.
peorsrectory, Clinton, by Rev, 0, R. Gonne,
Mary Richarde to eleory Aberluerb, both o
CAMPAIGNE--SALE-Oci May 8th, at Chalmer's
oonroin Elora, by Rev. W. L. Weinman, Kate
Hughes Campaigne, to Charles Edward Sale, of
LOGAN•-in Toronto, On May 14th, John Logan,
formerly of Seaforth, aged 78 years and 24 days.
inetNIOK-In East Wawenoehee on Aley Oth, Ann
Eerniok, aged 71, year and o days.
6111480N-Iu Bayffeld, on May ett; Mrs. Thos. Stin-
son, sr., aged 76 years. -
.QTJANOE--Ifl Exeter, on May Oth, Jennie, daughter
of tire. S. T. Quance, aged 22 years, 1 month
and 21 days,
NON --1n Mount Carmel, Ont., on Slay 8th;
Robert Lennon, aged 95 years. .
netT011-In Howlok, on May 15th, Bella Robertson
Wylie, wife of John Fitch, aged 36 years, 8
months and 21 day. --
LINDSAY-In Now Islekeard, on May Llth, Beatriceh
youngesb daughter of err. and MFH. Wm. Lind-'
say, aged 6 yeara and 6 months.
•1113TCHINSON-In Brumaire, on Ably 12th, Wm, II.
Hutchinson, aged 82 year, 10 months, 27 days.
Western Ban
Established by Act of Par
4-.1% II -
General Banking Business trans
Drafts bought and sold on all parts
4 the world.
Special attention given to famers,
,drovers, etc.
Advances made to responsible par
lies on their own notes.
Interest paid or compounded four
times a year at the highest current
rates. •
We cash Sale Notes, no matter on
what Bank drawn.
117 Branohes and Agencies through-
out Canada.
Bit.NICERS —Great Britain—Royal
Bank of Scotland ; Canada. Merchants
Bank of Canada, New York, Mer-
chants Bank of Canada.
r "I'lli".11156Eica"m"'"W
szArowra,, may 16, 1907.
Pan Wheat
Jet, per buthei .. ....80 lo to so 76
.... 0 40 to 0 40
Pees, per bushel . 0 70 to 0 70
Barley, per bushel-. -0 45 to 0 46
Than, per ton 22 00 to 22 00
Shorts, pee tot; 22 00 to 22 00
Low Grade Flour, per ton ' 28 00. to 28 00
Ytour, per 100.1be.. .. • • • • • • It • • • 2 10 to 2 75
Butter, No. 1, loose.10 18 to 0 18
Bodes, tub.. .
0 18 to 0,18
r4ge, per dozen 0 15 to 0 17
6010 ° 65
lik` rifli ton . . -10 00 to 10 00
r 100 lbs, 7 60 to 7 60
Snook skin, . 0 75 to 1 00
Potntees per tougher-- ... 0 60 to 0 60
Sin, retail) per ,... 1 26 to 1 95
Wood per cord(loog) 6 00 to 7 00
'Wood per cord (shortee.. ... . 2 76 to 8 75
'Clover .Seed 9 00 to 11 00
Timothy Seed- 2 50 to 3 50
Live StOok. Markets.
• . .
Boermee May 14-Cittle-Ileavy, slow and steady;
Oben active and leio higher ; prime steers, $5.70 to
eltinleing, 35.3i to $5.65e butohers' $4.76 to
*1.50; heifers, e4 to $5.85 '• cows, $3,60 to 84.76 ;
e3.50 to $5 ; stookersand feedero, 83.75 to
n4.76 ; stock heifers, 83 to 63,75 ; fresh cows and
Springern strong to higher at e20 to $68. Verde-
Aetive and steady, at j$5 to $7.50. Hogs -Active ,•
nip steady ; qtheie a shade lower ; heavy, $6,60 to
inedi mixed and. Yorker, $6.86 • pige, 80.80 to
n6.90 ; roughs, 80 to $0.16 ; stage, 34.50 to 85. Steep
and Lambs -Active and higher • Iambs, 85.50 to 88;
it few so $8.10 ; yearlioge, 67 to '67,25 ; wethers, $0
to $6,85 ; ewes, $5.2e to $5.76 ; sheep, mixed, ne
to $0.
Ililograitct, ?flay 14-4 feature of the trade was the
strong undertone to the market for cattle, an ad-
vance of -I« per lb. pain in some instarioes by hue-
chers for an extra choice steer, but for the average
quality of tattle prices were Jinn but unchanged
it week ago. The feeling, however, is strong,
and the general impreesioir is that cattle will sell at
higher figure)/ between now, and the end of June,.
There was a. large attenclince of local buyers, and
quiSo a few from Quebto, consequently the demand
wag good, and, as thel supple woe not in excess of
the requirements, an !octave trade was done. A few
tetra chutebeeves seld at 65.86 to $0 per 100 lbs.
Choice stock broughtifiec to fao ; good at 50 to 51e ;
fair at 4ec to nee- ; kiwor grades at 310 to 41e per lb.
There was a firmer undertone to the live hog situa-
tion this morning in sympathy with the recent ad-
; Yance n pries, ranging- from 2 to 5 per cent. for
Canadian bacon in the Liverpool, London and Bris-
tol markets. But, owing to the act that supplies
of hogs wero fairly liberal, no advance in price was
established, trit the tendeney is no doubt towards a
higher level. The demand fronepackers and dealers
was good, and an active trace was done, with sales
•of selected lots at $7 to $7.25 per cwt., weighed off
(ors. Supplies of sheep and lambs were sniall, for
'which the demand for local consimption continues
keen, and prices were firm. Sales of sheep were
.Inadept teen to oo, ond lambs at Olo to no per
while spring lambs sold at 84 to $7 each.
oostiox, letightnd, Moy 14 --Canadian steers, 12e to
12ee ; States steers, 1210 1.o 12e. Trade slow but
Itefrigemtor biter is quoted at 90 per lb.
IAYEttrotn., :51n.y 14 --Cattle two steady at 110 to
•-• 120 per lb. donned weight ; refrigerator beef le
quoted at ik• per Ib.
Union Stock Verde Toroneo Junction, Mey 14 --
The quality of fat cattle, with the exception of a
few load, mai/ not nut as good as would be expect -
led at thio Neilson of the yeor. The percentage of
ihiiljed eattle wax email in comparison with the
number offerod. Trade WM brlSk at the following
.quote.tiono : Eaportene-Pricee ranged from $5.10
to 85,40 per ort..; ttio bnik selling ett $5.20 to
bull,£q.25 to e4.50 per owe. Butobere-Best but -
ethers sold at from 85 to $6.25 per cwt. for loads, it
few small lots selected intim good bowie bringing a
little more money ; loads of good, $4,85 to $5.10 ;
medium, mixed, at 1,11.50 to $4.75 '• connuon and
light, e4.35 to 61.50 ; nows 83,50 to 84,75 canners,
*a lie to 33 per cwt. elilch Cows -About a dozen
Milkers and springers sold at $31 to $00 each- Veal
Calves -About 100 voal calves sold at $6 to $6.60 per
•cwt. Sheep arid Lanlbee-A, limited number of sheep
eold at $6 per cwt. nbies-Seleats sold at $0.60, aud
lights at tt43,35 per oWt.
Tottonro, May 15-4I1e quality of fat cattle was
not as good as miitho be expected at this season of
the year ; that le, while there were sotue line lots
-and loade of well flpitheci, the percentage of this
clans woe smalllii oonmarieori with the common to
snedium cattli 011 sale. There was a good steady
trade on steady priceo, especially for butcher cows,
for tvhieh there in arnexcelient market. Exporters --
There were it few exPort cattle soot nt $5 to $5.30,
and one lot of four btought $6.60 per mot, bid they
were of extra qualiny. Export bulls sold at -$3.75 to
64.40 per ewt, lint,obers-Best butchers' sold at
nein So to 84.26 per cwt. for 1084131 D. few email Iota
selected from good Ion& bringing it little more
enemy. Lando of :good, e4.85 to 85,10 ; medium,
3ixca, at $4.50 to 61;75 ; emounoo and liglat 44.35
P*cCorner Main 'and Market Sts ar
ALKER, President
AIM), General ra,arager
ELAND, Superintendent of
anches -
Paid-up Capital, $101000,000
Rest - 5 000 000
Total Assets 113 000 000
ehes throughout Canada, and in the 'United States and England
Deposi,ts of $1 and upwards
current rites and paid quarterly.
delay whatever in the withdrawal
thp deposit.
received; Intel:1:st allowed at
The depositor is subject to no
of •the 'whole or any portion of
Solieitor G. E. PARES, Manager.
mum"' $2.6°. 631 Great Clearing Sale
per owt. Mitch coon -About 00 milkors and spring-
ers sold in no to $60 each. Veal Colves-The mar-
-hoe foo veal calves ens fairly Wong at $3 to $6 for
the' ik f
41 , o orI
ugs, An extra well feel milk calf
wo bring more money. Sheep and tombs -Re -
mite light mooing market to be stroogerthen even
Export ewes sold at $0 to 06.00 per cwt., and some
choice butcher snoop, unshorn, sold on $7.76 por
owt. Yeorlinge are worth es per owe. Spring lambs
are worth from $6 to $13 /mph, and sinne extra heavy
lambs reached $9 emit). Hogs. -Mr. Harris reports
prices 12i per cwt. blither. Select% et0.0.4 and
lighto $6. i per owe.
- Seeds.
Town*, May l4 -Quotations are nonillion at le-
Alsikee fanoy, $7 to $7,20 ; No, 1, $f) to $0,110 ; No 2,
fanOirt 4/7 to $7.20 ; No, 1, tiic to 49.86 ; No. 2,
$0,10 to $5.40 ; No. 8, $4,20 to $4.60, Red Clover
-Fallen 63.75 to 39 ; No. 1,37 to 87.25; No. 2, ,
86.30 to 86.60. Thnothy-Firtn. Fancy bright Cana-
dian, unhulled 42,40 to $1.06 ; No. 1, 61.70 to $2
per bushel : No. 2, $1.40 to 31.66 per bushel.
Grain, etc.
Tonterro, May 14-Wheat-Fal1, 77 to 78o ; goose,
70 to 72o ; ring, 78 to 74o • oats, 45 to 47c : bar-
ley, 48 to 50c
'• pose, 77 to /80. Potatoes -Ontario,
85 to 90e ; eastern, 41 to 41.10 in oar loto on trot*
here. Outarlo nominal; Baled Hay --Steady ae $12.130
to $18 per toti for No. 1 'timothy, and $10 to 311 for
seeondary grades in oar lots on track here, Baled
Straw -Steady at $6,75 to 97 per ton in car tote here.
Dairy Markets.
TotioneenT May 14 -Butter -The milder weather is
expected to greatly inereme reeelpts, and ,deolines
are expected within it few days, Oreamery 'prints,
26 to 9.8e ; wilds 24 to 26o ; dairy prints, 28 tn eelo;
nubs, 2.1 to ego: Cheeee-Reempte are atilt light,
and not of lirse gnolity, Prices are steady lit 1.24e
for large, and 13o for tins, In job lots here. Egg0
-Prioes are unoncooged at 17 to 17ec, hut more sea-
sonable weather will tend to weaken the market.
Honey -Pails, 11 te e2o per lb. ; combs, $1.50 to
$2.50 perdozen, according to gooney.
AlOwriteAt, May 14 -Eggs -Tho egg market is veryo
Arm In tone, and prices registered it sharp advance
this morning. Local quotations are 18.1 to 190 per
dozen, an &domino of le over Saturday's price.
There is a good demand for eggs, and prices are vory
firm in the country. Butter -There is a continued
good demand for butter, and the market is steady in
tone. Local quotations are steady at 23 to 281o.
Dealers are pinong aboue 21eee In the country, and
bringing 11 111 by copra's. Cheese -The cheese MAY*
ket conrinues quiet and steady at len to 'Bee
'DIGS glen SALE. -The undersigned has for sale,
.I. on 'Lot 32, Concession 6, MoKillop, 35 mall
pigs of extro. quality. . .7, A. MONTGOMERY, Win-
thron P, 0, e • - .2057x4 si
eVor Sale or to Rent. -The residence in Eginon
ville, owned by Mrs. Souter, is for min or to
rent le is it good frame house and bas all necessary
conveniences, a good cistern and good stone dollar.
There is halloo acre of land. Apply to Be HICKS,
Egmondville. • ' 20574f
FARM FOR SAT/E.-For sale Lot 28, Concession
6, FOR
township. The farm contains100 acres,
25 woes unbroken and 22 acres in grass, and the
rest under cultivation. ' There ate on the promises
frame Intro 64 x 40 ft. ;n frame stable 40 x 26 ft. ; a
shed 64 x 22 11. ; and a good -frame house 1313 x 23 ft„
with kitchen attached 18 x 14 ft. Also two wells and
lee acre orchard. Situated b miles from Hensel', 4
miles from Kippen, mite from pose office, Presby-
terian and Methodist churches and 1 mile from
school. Apply to MISS LIZZIE AleALLISTER, 11! II
Green P. O., Oat 5057x8
oocl wages. Apply to Parisian Steam
Laundry Co., Ltd., London, Opt.
Farmers' Attention.
I will pay the highest market pricf3 for good fresh
eggs at Livens' Store. Give me a share and oblige.
Your patronoge eolioned. JOHN McNAB, Seaforth.
Town of Seaforth.
The Court of Revision will hold its fleet sitting
on the 28o1-1 DAY OP MAY, A. D., 1907, on the hour
of 10 ceolock in the forenoon, at the Council Chem-
er, Town Hall, Seaforth, for the purpooe of hearing
complaints against the Town of Seaforth Mammon
Roll, A. D„1907, or any other complaint which the
persons interested may desire to make and which is
by law cognizable by the Court _
Dated at Town Hall, Seaforth. this '
Oth day of May, A. D. 1907. 2007-2
Victoria Day MAY 24
- Single Fare for Round Trip —
Between all stations in Can-
ada; also to Detroit, Port
Huron. Mich.; Buffalo, Niag-
ara Falls and Suspension
Bridge, N. Y.
Good going Thursday
and Friday, May 29rd
and 24-thvalid return-
ing until Monday, Mity
For tickets and full information. 'call
'W. SOMERVILLE, Town Agent
A. F. PHILLIPS, Depot Agent.
Pin and HEMLOCK—for
building purposes.
SPRUCE—for farm gates &
gravel boxes. .&
—xxx and xxxx.
xx, xxx and xxxx.
Nine foot Anchor Pence
Planing Milt and Lumber Yard
Seaforth Tele, Store
15 Dave !Sale :to, reduce stook.
Great Bargains will be given.
Slat lbs. cooking figs for 25e, 4 lbs.
dates for 26e, 3 Ms, best prunes for 25e,
boot raisins 1.00 a lb., Seeded raisins 10c
package, honey 10e a lbonaple syrup
a quart, 12 bars O. K. syrup for
26er • ,
price from -4e t 6e per lb., I am still
Although ft,ei have advanced in
selling at the old price, as -I bought
heavy stock of Black, Green and
Japan Teas before the prices ad-
- Seeds of all kinds, maniold and tur-
nip seeds, Dutch sett onions, garden
and flower seeds, butter beans, golden
wax beans,best variety of early seed
Flour and Cereals of all kinds—corn-
meal, oatmeal, pot and pearl barley.
Wanted—Good fresh Butter and
-Eggs, for which highest prizes will be
paid, either in cash or trade.
P -I
ge CD oel
N`"" Ka too
CD en
P -A „Pa 04
Cien CD too
et o
co co
Tenders for Oement
Tenders for the construction of cement sidewalks
in the town of Seoforth, addressed to the under -
Wood, ' will be received until Monday, May 21st,
1907.- Work to be done In accordance with plane
and specifications whioh oan be seen at the °torten
oftice, togethor with the work to be tendered for.
2057-1 Chairman 81. Com.
Seaforth Milling Co.
This is the exclusive Agency for this district for these celebrated insttu.
ments. Ask for the little leaflet "Why a Plana gets out of tune," and it
will be easily seen why these inatruments are so iinuoh in favor with the
public, both here and abroad. Before‘buying give me a call.
One door North. of Richardson & McInnis' Shoe Store.
Popular - Stallions
WM. G. 011ARLE8WORTII, Proprietor.
Will stand for the improvent of stock thio setuiOn
and will also meet mares by appointment,' 20674
The Standard Bred Ttotting
IDbla 33111119, .
NO. 405n*Ainerican Trotting. Register,
Will stand /Wring (he season of 1907 at ins OWN*"
STlintliINfinceEFliftiaDo J. AleINTOSH, Proprietor.
INNES, LIVINGSTONE & Roirrox, Props.
MONDAY -Will leave own stable in Harpurhey,
and go west to Melvin Clerk's, Huron Bond, Alma,
for noon ; then by way of tho Huron Road at the
Itattenberry Home, Olinton, for two hours, then to
Alex, 'tines', Conceesion 2, eitenleynor nighteT1J. ES-
DAY-Wese to John G. Steeps, for noon • then to
Cook's Hotel, -Varna, for night, WEDtain3DAY-e
East to for noon ; then to Strong's
Hotel, Tuckersmid, for night. THURSDAY -South
CMI to James Horton's for night. FRIDAY -North
to Itiehard Sellertes for noon ; then to le Connor's,
2nd coneeSsion, lkibbert, for night. SATURDAY --
To Diok's Hotel, Seaforth, for noon, remaining un-
til evening ; then to his own stable, whero he will
remain until the folldwIng Monday morning.
NASH BROS.,. Proprietors,
"Monday. --Will leave his own stable, Lot 18, Con-
cession 3, Alelfillop, at noon, and proceed along the
lst line and by way of the Logan town line At web-
er's Hotel, nuhiin, from 4 o'clock to 0 o'clock, reo
turning by way onthe Huron Road, tohis own stable
for night, Tuesday. --To Olintonon the Commemial
Hotel, for noon ; then to Ifolanesville for night.
Wedneeday.-To Intern Hotel, Goderich, for noon ;
then to Jonathan Miller's Hotel Smith's Hill, for
night Thureday,-To Auburn, at MoBrine's Hotel,
for noon •, then to AfcCaugbeeee Hotel, Blyth, for
night. Friday. -To Thoe. leeilanoe learloolo for
noon ; then by way of Kluburn to his own etable for
night. Saturday. ---At the +deem's Hotel, Seaforth,
from], 1111 6 o'clock, then to his OWti sta.bliewhere he
will remain until the following Monday moining.
W. 13. ALLAN, Prop.
MONDAY --Golden Crown wili leave his own stable,
Lot 10, Ooneession Milken, and proceed out on
far ae leowlene sohoolbouse corner, to John Carter's
for noon'. front there to Royal Nobel, Seaforth, for
night. TICESDAY-Will proceed on North Road to
John Sea,rIette, Leadbury, for noon ; thence to
Long's HoteleTown Plot of Grey, for night. WED-
NESDAY-I/Vitt proceed to Walton Hotel, for noon ,•
thence to Allen. Bros., Ilarlook, for night. THUM-
DAY--Will proceed to his own stable for noon, where
he win remain until Saturday morning. SATURe
DAY -Will proceed out, to eir. Gordon's, Sunshine,
fotnnoon ; thence by way of Myth home, where be
will remain till the following Monday morning,
Whf. ROSS, Proprietor.
Monday, Maylath.-Will leave hie own stable, ,
Lot 10 Con. 3. Stanley, and proceed east to James
Dal for noon ; thence to Chas, laytmes, West
End, for night. Tueedayn- Will proceed to Neil
AfoGregorn, for noon ; thence to his own stable for
night. Wednesday. -W111 proceed to Varna. Hotel for
noon ; thence to W. Elliott's, Goshen line, for night.
Thursday, --Will proceed to Hagan Bros., Parr Line,
Manley; for noon ; thence to his own stable, where
he will remain until Friday enema/On. Friday After-
noon. --To Brue,olleld, then to his own stable, where
he will remain until the following Monday morning.
Jas., BERRY, Prop. -
Monday. -Will leave his own kohl& Lot 8, Comes.
Mon 5, IL In S., Tiackersmith, and go to }fibbed
Boundary, then south 81 miles, then east to Alborb
Ryctitinan's for noon ; thence to Cromarty, then
north to C lilies Hotel, Staffa, for night. Theeday.
-Then north ro Weber's Hotel, Dublin, for noon ;
'thence to Seaforth, at Dick's Hotel, for night. Wed-
nesday. -By way of the Mill Road, to Boasenberry's
Hotel, Brueefield, for noon ; thence to Varna, at
Cook's Hotel, for night. Thursday, -West to Gosh-
en lAne, then south to Wagner's corner, then to
Nicholson' s Hotel, Blake, for noon I then sontli and
nest to Bales Hotel, Zurich, for Moen. Friday. -
To Ileffernan's Hotel, lieneall, for noon ; then north
along the London Road, to 'Dios. Kyle's, IC)ppeti cor-
ner, for night. Saturday.-Bynvey of Serong's Ho-
tel, to his own stable, for noon, where be will remain
until the following Monday morning.
e. BERRY & BLAIR, Proprietors,
Aloncloy, May Otho -Will leave his own stable,
half a mile south of Brueelield, and 0 south to Kip -
pen and east to William Workman's 10th Conces-
sion, Tuckersmith, for noon ; then east by way of
Oromarty, and south to Farquhar, an Temperaoce
Holum for night. Tuesday.-Eagb to RuseeklitIe /or
noon ; then north to Mitchell, M the „Hicks House
for night. We Inesday,--To Dublin, ab the Domin-
ion Hotel, for noon ; then to Seaforth, at DiOles Ho-
tel for night. Thursday. -To Leadbury, at William
AfeGavin'e for noon ; then -by way of Walton to
Blyth, at the Mason louse for night, . Friday. -To
Londesboro, at the Temperonee House for noon ;
then to Clinton, at 0 sbanna Hotel for night. not-,
urclay.-To his own stable, where he will remain.
until the 10110Wing Monday morning. .
THOS. DIOKSON, Proprietor.
McAuley, May Oth.-Will leave bis own stable and
proceed to John Dale's, Huron Road, for noon ;
thence to Rueben Graham's, Clinton, for night.
Tuesday. -To Edward W'ise's for noou ; thence to
Wtn.nolclough's, for night. Wednetelay.-To Geo.
Hudie's for noon •, thence to John Torrance'e, Por-
ter's for night. Thursday.-WIll proceed down
the Cut Line to Holniesvilleefor noon ; thence down
the Huron Road to the lath °amnion, then oorth
to Burt Murphy's for night. Friday, --no Geo. Far-
quhar's, 'lunette for noon ; thence to Wm. II, Far-
quhar's, 3rd concession, Hullo% for night. Satins,
day. --To his own stable, Seaforth, where he will re-
main until the following Monday morning. 2005
' B. B. STEPHENnON, Proprietor.
Monday, Hay 611i, will leave his own et -able, at
Constance, and proceed 21- miles !moth, then east to
John AfeDowelts, for noon I then east to Roxboro,
then north le miles, then eat to JIM Ikerrance's for
night. Tuesday. -By way of the North Gravel Road
to John Grieve's for noon ; then to Allan Broen, Han
oak, for night, Wednesday. -- At bis own stable.
Thursday. --North mites, then4wese to Wm. Stew-
art's for noon ; then west to Wm. Ball's, Bone Line,
for night. Inelay.-Ily Ivey of Base Line to ',home
Cornish's for noon ; then to Jas. Reynold's, Lot 32,
Concession 4, Hulled, for night natitrday.-At his
own stable, where he will remain until the following
Monday morning.
MoINTOSII, Peopriet,or
MONDAY. --Will leave his own stable, Lot 8, Con-
cession 12, Melallop, and proceed to Win. Morrison,
jres, 10th Concession, fornoon ; then t,°J. Shame:en
12th Ooneendon, for night. TUESDAY. -West to
Hullete, for noon I then to Mason's
Blyth, for night. WEDNESDAY. -West to
John Preffens for noon ; then to J. Higginbottones
for the night. TIIIIRSDAY.-TO 1. 0. 3100owaneo
East Wawanosb, for noon ; then to' W. Phelates for
night. FRIDAY. -To Wm. tlholdieen, Grey, for
noon ; then to James liniliceon'e Or night. SATUR-
DAY.--lionte to his own /table, where he will ro-
e/nein utitil the fonowing Monday morning. 2056-
• / WILFRID MORROW, Proprietor,
Will etand for thertraprovemeot of stock this KM+
sdn at Morrow Bros,Livery, Seaforth. 2050
(1OVENLOOK 131108., Proprietors.
Monday -Will leave his own stable, two miles
north of Seatorth,and go to Dublin, at Weber's hotel,
for hoot( : then to Oarlin's hotel, Staffa, for night.
-Taeoday - To Stronone hotel. Tuokersmith, for
noon •, then to hie - own stable for night. Wednes-
day -Will proceed to Clinton for noon, at the Com
merelal hotel : then to Hohnesviele for night. Thu
day --To Goderich, at the Colborne home, for n000
then to Andeow Young's, Colllbrne, for night F
day -To Auburn, at the Auburn hotol, for noon ;
then to Blyth, at the Commercial hovel, for night.
Saturdoy-To Wesley Beae.ones, Hemlock, for noon ;
then to Me awn, stable, where he will Amain uneil
the following Monday morning, 2057
GEIGER & HUDSON, Proprietors.
nort Harvey's, Kipper), for noon ;
Monday-1to A. 11 leave his own stnble, nonam, and
then boono for night. Tuesday -North and emit to
Strong's hotel, Tuckeremith, /or 'noon • then to
Dick's hotel, Seafortb, for hight Wednesiday - By
way of Mill Road, to Iloesenberry's hotel, Brueefield,
for noon ; then to Cook's hotel, Varna, for night.
Thursday -Soot*, by Parr Line, to Isaac Hudson's,
Hills Green, forenoon•, then west to Blake, then
imuth to John ()Alger% for night. Friday- East to
his own stable, where he will remenn until the fol-
lovslognitonday morning. 2057
SMILLIE 111108., Proprietor&
MONDAY, May 13, will leave his own stable, one
mile south of Brucefioid, and proceed to Varna, for
noon I thence south by Parr Line to Ralph Stephen-
eon'eefor night. TUMAY-By Parr Line, to Jag.
Love's, Hills Green, for noon ; thence by Kippon lo
hie own stable, for the night. WEDNESDAY -At
his own atable. THURSDAY -By ownoof 2nd (low
0(881011, 10 Alex. Sinclair'*, for noon ; thence by 41.h
Concession, to James McIntosh', • Mill Road, for
night. FRIDAY --13y 2nd Concession, 11.- R. S., to
Appelton Eleoat's, for noon ; thence by 2nd 'conces-
sion to his own stable- SATURDAY -To his own
wm, O. GOVENLOCK, Proprietor,
Monday, -Will leave his own stable, Eginondville,
afte.r dinner, and go to Walton, at Sage's Hotel, for
night. Tuesday. -To Cranbrook, at Long's Hotel,
fer noon ; then to Brussels, st Brown's Hotel, fen •
night. Wednesday, --To Ethel for noon ; then south
to Lot 29, Con. 14, Grey, at W. Pettereon's, for the
night Thursday, -South to II. Benneweise 5 miles
omen of Leadbury, for noon ; then home for night.
Friday. -At his on stable. Saturday. --At hie own
atable for noon;,.then at the Royal }Lae!, Seaforth,
from 1 p. in. till 0 p. 111. 2457
JAMES EVANS, Proprietor.
leave his own stable, Beechwood,
and go to P. Wood's, Logan, for noon ; then to bit(
own seable for the night, Tuesday. -To John Mur.
ray's for noon ; then to J. G. Grieve's for Vie night.
Iffeeneeday. - To John Little's, Concession 8, for
noon ; then to his own stable for night. Thursday.
--To Dominion Hotel, Dublin, for noon * then to
JOStipti Atkinoon's, Ribbed, for night. lekday.-To
Aladin Curtin% Huron Road, for noon ; then to
James Dorrance's, MoKlItop, for night. Saturday. -
To his own stable for noon, remaining until the fol-
lowing Monday morning.
J. W. NoTT, Proprietor.
Wednesday, -Will leave hie own stable, Lot 40,
Concession 2, J./. Ito S., Tuckersmith, and go south
limiest° the Mill Road, then east along the MM
Road to Geo. Aberhart's, for noon then to Sea -
forth, then west along the Huron Road to (I. C.
jr., from 4 to 6 o'clock ; then north to Thos.
McMichael's, Hullett, for night. Thursday. -West
to Fowler's ochool house, then south to the Huron
Roadethen weee le miles to LOWE Orioles for noon ;
then by way of Raneford's side road to his own
amble for night, Where he will remain until the fol.
lowing Wednefeley morning. 2055
GOVENLOCK & AR01113ALD, Proprietors.
Monday, May fitio-Wilt leave his own stable, lot,
80, Concession 12, licKniop, and proceed to R.
Dodds, Lot 22s COncession 5, McsKillop, for noon ;
then to Dick's Hotel, Seaforth, for night, Tuesday.
-By oval of the Zan concession, Tuokersmith, r
Thomas Coleman's for noon ; then north to Joseph
Daman's, Lot 7, Conceesion2, Hullett, by way of
Aima, for night. Wednesday. -North to Henry Tay-
lor's, len 0, Concession 11, Hullett, for noon ; then
to his own stable for night, Thursday,-'- Will go
east S. Forbes', Oonceselon 14, MoKillope for
noon ; then north to Oliver Turnbull's, Concession
la Grey, for night. Friday. -Wein, then north to Mr.
Bird's far noon ; then north to the American Hotel,
Brussel, for the night. Saturday. -South to James
Bolger% Concession 8, Morris, for noon ; then _to his
own stable, where he will remain Until the following
Monday morning; - 2055
THOS. DICKSON, Proprietor.
monena, May Oth.-Will leave his oven stable and
proceed to Thos. Melody's for noon, remaining there
until 0 o'clock I thence to Wm. Grennmet'nfor night,
Tuesday. -To Janes McKay's for noon I thence to
John Armstrong's for night. Wednesday. -To E.
Belle, west end school house, for noon • thence to
Arthur,Dalels for night. Thureclay.--To'Jas.
west of Ininbunn for noon, reinaining there until
o'clock ; thence to John Lelpens for night. Friday.
-To Hugh Alexander's for noon e thence to Wm,
McLure's for night. Saturday.--io his own stable,
Seaforth, where he will remoin until the following
Noway morning. 2056
Monday. -Will leave his own etable' Stan, and go
west and north to Charles Gormley's;for noon ; then
to Patrick Connors', 8rd concession of Hibbert, for
night Tuesday.-Inorth to the Huron ROW add enst
to Dublin, at WeLern Hotel, for noon ; then south
along tho Centre Road to hie own stable, where% he
will remain until the following day at noon. Wed-
needay Noon. -South to Cromarty, then emt to
•Alex. Dow's, Fullerton Town Line, for night. Thurs-
day.-43outh and east by way of Mount Pleat/ant, at
Alfred Roes', for noon ; then south to Kirkton, at
Taylor' Hotel, for the night. Friday.-Weet to
John Delbrido's, Wincheleia, for noon ; then west,
to Robert Sellerylo oonoession 4, Usborne, for the
night. Saturday. -East si d north to the lelibbert
boundary, at James Pallantyne, jr., for noon ; then
by way of the Centre Road to his own stable,
where he will remain until the following Monday
T. J. BERRY & F. BENGOUGII, Proprietare.
Monday, May Ilth, will leave his own canine and
proeeed east to Thos. Vennens for noon ; then north
to Chiselhurst, and east to Geo, Y. Wren's for night.
Tuesday, -Enst to Centre Road, then north to Stale
hotel for noon ; then west to David Hills for night.
Wednesday.-Weet to Hugh nleefillans corner, then
south a mile and a quarter to Win. Hogortleic, for
noon ; then west to Kippen, 10 Robt. Cooper's for
night. Thursday.-- West to Hagan Bits., Hills
Green, for noon ; then south to Zurichrltoad, and
West to Johnston's hotel, Zurich, /or night, Friday.
-East to James Green's for noon ; thenco to his own
stable for night. Saturday. -West to 2nd ocoi. Hay,
and riouth to Rodger Northeottee for noon ; thence
east to London Roan, then north to his own stable
where he will rowan until the following Monday
mornings . 2050
The Home of the
Draught Stud,
The extra well bred Clydesdale
Stallion,RING THOMAS (12625);
The splendid Shire Stallion,
The celebrated Shire Stallion,
Wihl fst.nd for the improvement of otook
thio mason Jet .
d Exchange §tables, Hen=
If it's here, it's right Pick a flaw, if possible, in our Suits or
Overeoats, Turn them inside out—every little detail shows
the bane of tbe master tailor. N ) hurried work, no skimp
nothindslighted ; that is why they fit oo pexfeetly, an hold
their shape so much better than any others. When you spend
your money for elothes, you certainly want
he Best Possible,
Sonte men imagine they ean do as well at one store nother.
A great mistake, 'Look through other ,stores if you will, aud
you'll find you can do better here, because our clothes look bet-
ter, fit better, and are better.
Suits and'Coats a1 $
$12 and 444.
We take an honest pride in Our clothing, and you ri
on't let you, have anything that isn't just right. If it's here,
Raincoats at 46.50, $7.50 and $9.50
Suit Specials—Broken lots at 85; solid. wort
.Black and Blue Suite, pure worsted at 18,6G
ds, alt saze, at$8
One hundred und fifty Pairs of Men's Tweed_ Panto sit 41,25
A pile of Men's odd Vests at 75e each
Boys' and Youth& Vestb at 25e
Shirts, Neckwear and other good things
various stocks as, makes selection easy, at less than usui prices
Negligee Shirts—two specials at 80c and $1.10
Men's Working Shirts, Puritan brand, M '75e, double front and
4ck, double stitched, extra large, fast colors, wear guaranteed
Our great glaxman Shirt extra iarge, pure linen, rev
bargain at $1 each
men—such ausin
We are able to announce
Lore ever had
SPEOIALS—Paney Mu ins at 10e, 12ke and
Fancy. Organdies at 200 22o and 25e
See our special line of obtonVoiles at 12ic
All prices in Fancy V stings.
Great assortment of B1aok and Black and White 11;rualins
Fancy SHIA in cheekanripes, from 50 to
Summer Shirt Wais
and Coats
We have prepared a most tere.ptiteg display at prices that shouid;
hundreds to the store, You cannot duplicate these values elsew
Shirt Waists at $1, $1,19 and $1,50`
Point d'Esprit'Net Waists at $3.25 and $3.50
Colored Chambray Suits at
Colored Zephyr Suits at 85
White Muslin and Organdie at $5 and $7.50
Imdies' Spring Coats at $5, $6 40 and $7
Semi -fitting Coats at $7 and $8.5C
Loose Tweed Coats, seven -eighth leiDgtht at $7,35 to
Highest Prices paid for Butter Eggs
and Wool. -
Opposite Town Buildieg, Corner Main an
Will stand for snares at his own stable in BRUSSELS at a service fee of $25 tojunre.
KAPLAN won four first prizes this Spring at stallion shows. His colts have beets
winners at all the looal shows for the last three years, Kspian?fi breeding is of the best
blood in ths trotting horses of AMOtiO4# IC.Aplan's full brother, Kacella 2.0n, was tho
fastest four year old stallion in America in 1902. Hie $ire, Krutnlin, 2.0n, waa oham-
pion stallion of the world in 1902, his grand sire. Lord Roue; wu full brother to
Mend 5„ 2.0n his darn, Almira, by Keurooky ?dace, is the dant of six in the list t
his graed dam, Alma, 2.28, by Hambletonisn 10, is a producer of peed;shis greet
grand dam, Clara, by American Star. has Ecr blood in more 2.10 trotters then any
other mare; in 1806 2 10 trotters, 11 out of 33 zarriei her Wood.
Pafittirt) furnished for mares. All accidents at owner's riek.
SCOTT & WARWICK Brussels Ont.