The Huron Expositor, 1907-05-17, Page 3Do yo u like it? .Ther why be COntented with it? ave 'to be? Oh, no! Just put on Ayer's Hair Vigor and have !long, thick hair; soft, even hair.' But Arst of all, stop' 1YOur hair from- coming out. Save what You have.' Ayer's. Hair Vigor will not disappoint you. feeds the hair -bulbs; Makes weak hair Strong. MAY 11. 1907 imPonrAsr IsTOTIOES MT in Brusiels by Febrdary 1st, ft.. in Week 2nd door from Atneriean Ttrpicel as tailoring, readymadoeletb KELFEN''', Breriel.% t". ReLEAN'S .i '1 firvproof stovertw _e eeonomiea., cicant =tjdura ts being a heat conveying, Mgt:lather at apparatus. They add eomfort and save in fuel. Pew material tf-ti. Orders hy ptly filled. wholesale or retail. Wm, Hensel!, On., Manufacturer. 2031.tt RADIX. PROPERTY FOR SALE. -For age Harpnriteya amfortalde blick eo tehett anti womishat atiaebcd ; also tr,y4 ith nom. for 3 hows or 3 head of eattlehtrt ei Tee pen, well alai pump in stable ; need water ; else•aeree of land, on, which are 7i.,!it varieties of all Ithule of fruit. It 13 tirable proper1;4 for any person wanting te-t. ifeth on the prernifes ttr ad i• tot * * exterth P. O., JOILN MeDONOGII. 211.15-tf SALE. ae seven good opt ‘1, onth old, als.e somft th 1, Apply tO Vf`U. MIME 2024 asraft AND siiOnTreinie CAerrec it SALE -The underetoed hes for sale sey.. verl LeirOsterhecpraid Durham Cam* Address EgnmedyilleP Q. or a Bcatl, Tueltesmith. ROBERT if iTts..-141 oCK FOR SL .-fli apart • r sale on Lot 27, Concession e, a number a heifers aud yoont t foot, 4 Shorthorn bulls fit fer tva- by imported Prince of Para. re stevit are afl registered in the Nati e eords. Prieto moderate, terms easy, 114.taa . DAVID IIX/J., Staffar O. 1993-:42 SAGE -or sale, the no thew. brvi Aberdeen Polled Angus Bull, brood ifeal to Lord Ifuten ; Also a gotgl lefe for lady to drive and will woe double. Will sell either for cash or on t' Lot SO, Concetision 2, MeKillop. ROBERT. beaorth P. O. 2143 -ti pays AVINGS attention to ACCOUNT& tft•Ott SALE, -On Concession 14; rn Large Or 6mall quantitieste -sulk er(edarpoAs eight or eight anij a halt -anchor postsany size. Any Rersoo ee.. rb36 tirsher would do well to itmutre ends. liter particulars apply to JOHN mein-MR.4ot; ee-sten 1s, Mcliillop, Leadbury P. 0. 'r"▪ -• 205.t :MORN CAITLE-Seven tirstcless ytetag us, 2 from imparied cotes, for sale at moor.. es and on easy term e ; good young eows ano dso for sale. All interested are cordially in. ,frin.speet the herd. Farm adjoins town. long 'g telephone tri farm. Write for cat VII, Exeter. 1 THORNS. -Choice bred bulls and females ot ,!erent ages for sale, bout two dozen to selee- Prices reasonable. Herd now headed by :sylvenes" (&00). He is got by the heat wed imported stock; on both sides glossy fla.rk i)ior, and wen set on short legs: Terms :- : cows $3 insured ; others on applikation welcome. JOHN ELDER i Hensall P 0: Hon. MAI Store to Rent. a,talreeete• tat* t store of the Bell Block, in the VilLige of . his itabie for a general store, reP .. or any inso requiring v. large, welt - t eomfortable dwelling above the Possesion can be given at once. Apply to w45-tf ;X HELL, Seaforth,fint. The b here to ices, 1 you about heat fields t grazing laud -are in for full information Lt cropsclimate and speeiai road retese etc. .ocal- representative wanted in a eit'r to Osgood Iazttete Stiller; Ate CORISTINE iVILDING MONTREAL :atop Directory rGY 1907 M. GOVENLOCK, Reeve, throe P. O. ▪ 30WAN, Councillor, Seafortat McDOWELL, Councillor, Sefee 1 P. 0. a ROSS, Couneillor, Ninth:ran S RYAN, Councillor, Beechwooli EL MURDIE, Clerk, Wint&op a. HOLLAND, Treasurer, Beeche i P. O. :ION SHANNON, J. Pe Sanaa:Tr ector, Winthrop P. 0. [MEE TIRmulr64 WOMAN'S LIFE a year. . trouble is brit a symptom of, and fl une disease. We think of Dram.. gmd endig•esfien as real dimses. ye eymptomq only of a cerWn sr -delft sonotning elao. fact tbat fhi. correctly led Dr. Shoo of that now very popular Stomadh Shoop's Restorative. Going direei nerves, alone brought that success *Dr. Sheep and his Restorative. With. leinal and highly vitaprinciple, no mplishmentswereeverto bebad. disixess, bloating, biliousness, bad .ind sallow complexicop try Dr. stoop's Ne=01ve--11‘5b1ete or Lionid--and See for year. tat it can, and will do. We sell and cheers recommerle ✓ re three perioda Of a, woman/I life, shale in need of the heart strengt nerve toning, blood enriehilit - of ILBURN3S.HEART: IND.NERVE .PILLS 'first of thes.e is when the young Art ring the portale of womanhood. iikt Ile She. in, very often pale, weak am it and unless her health io built r system strengthened eh* may cto eonsuraption or be a. weak wouela 0000ud Period ie motherhood. Ott th system ia great and the tm- a nary force and depleted b k re.plelliShlag. Milburn's Heart atm Pills supply the elements needed to 'third period ia "change of life alai the period whoa she, la most, liablo and nerve troublee. PD1612CIOLUI change in taking pleve stem, and it is at this time maul digeases manifest themselves., the heart and nerve system by the' dilburnre Heart and NerVe PabLand le over thee dangerous period. Mrs. King, Cornwall, Ont. writes: "I en troubled very muele with heart - .7 -the cause being to & great extenn 'change of life." r Inere been takhat is Heurt and Nerve Pills for some, rrean to continue doing so, for thfully say they are the, best remedy* 'ver used for &ending upthe ayetem. a.t liberty to use this statemen, -benefit of other inefferers." 'JO centa per bos, three boxes for di aealere, or The T. alilberu Tomato Ont. Shoo New Store For New Goods Famaa Harldie, Ciscoes, Whitefish, Mitelterel end Trout. These are very scarce, but are extra good quality. OETAILE- lyntuee, C1eT:4 Cabbage, Carrots, Beets, Par snips and Turnips always on hand. FREW MEAT- - We buy nothing,but the best quality in Beef, Pere and Lamb m this department. We have extra line prlees. MED MEATS- .' Hain, Beeon, Breakfeet.Bacon andZRoll LAIWay8 -Li hand. °KED MEATS. - Corned Beef, llead Cheese, Bologna and New gagland Ham. 001,3ERIEg- Ourpoc9ryclolo,L rtment is complete. Atways fresh and gool. 'RUSE BROS., AM:FM BLOCK .— PHONE es SEAFORTH. Dr. WO DPS NORWAY ,PINE SYRUP Vtirea COUGHS, COLDS, BRONCHITIS, 1IOARSENESS and all THROAT AND LUNG TROUBLES. Miss Florence Fe Xailtuan, New Germany-, N.S.,„ writes:- l3W1 a cold which left ane with a very !bad eough. I was afraid I was going 'Into consumption. I was advised to try XL woovs NORWAY PINE SYRUP. had little faith in it, but before I had 'taken one bottle I began to feel better, ;and after the second I felt as well as ever. My cough has completely &leap- peareee PRICE zs CENTS. The perpetual charm en freshness and crispness --of daintiness and deli- ciousness — is in every box of Mooney's' Perfection Cream Sodas —held captive by the air -tight, moisture -proof packages. There is a I: best in evelythirig. 19, L Biscuits MOONEY'S. los •••••••••••••••=••• • DI5TRICT MATTIARS. Huron %Dealers' Institute.— The prOgraernne for the thirteenth an- nual Meeting Of the West Mr% ?Peachy& Assoefation, to be held at, Exeter, on May- 22nd and 28rd, has been issued. There will be forenoon and afternoon sessiOns on each day, at, which addresses on questiona or special interest to 'teachers will be given, inclueng the esepert of • the delegates to the Easter meeting of Pee Onteelo- Educational Assoc's- on. On Thursday evening there will e an entertainment, and, in addt- iOflr the musical ;programme., ad - trees' will be given by. the Ipresi- dent, T. H. Brownlee, of Bayfield Inspector Tom, on Child Train- ing," and IL 1. Strang, B., la, on • "The Educational Outloek in On- Itario." 1r W kr. Johnston, of Kip- ! pen,- le the secretary of the Associa- ition. Going Ito the Old Country -We do not 'know of any peredn who has beer earned a holiday than Dr. Gunn, of Clinton, and we learn from - the New Era, that he intends taking one: The New Era 'says :. "Dr. and !Ars. Gunn are booked to sail for the: ' Old Country from Montreal, on May 23rd, and are to be abeent for about two months. The doctor's only sister, Mrs. Ross, who lived with hina far some 'time when he first c le to Clinton, resides in Glasgow, aria Mrs. Gunn's sbeteraelreeMeMillan, is living in Edinburgh which will tend to -make then trip attractive and enjoy- able. Dr. Gunn graduated in Edin- burgh twenty-five years ago, so he will not. be a. stranger to, the beaut- ies of that city, and he will have a chance to revisit the scenes et hiS college days. On. 'the programme is .virsit to Ireland, -tbe Highlands of Scotland. and Paris. As far is the doctor is concerned, we imagine a great deal of his time will be taken - -up= in visiting the great hospitals in !the old world. We wish them, both a, very enjoyable trip and .safe return." I- ... • 417—N /278, 11 Youcannot possibly have a better Cocoa than kilelkions drink and a sustaining foOd. Fragrant, nutritious and economkal. This excellent Cocoa maintains the system in robust health, and enables it to resist winter's extreme cold. by Grocers and Storekeepers in 1-1b. and 3;4) Tins. Court of Revisicn Township of Tuckersmith SIM* *Ma /AVM - Notice k hereby given that the first sitting of 'Conn for the rev kiem r,f the ameslment roll or the Township of Tuekersmith for the year 1007, will be bele In alt. Chamber, Town ifaiI, SeAfOrth, 411 MOndit), Ma% 27th, tit ir) o'cioek a.m. All inter' Rae(' partit4 WM take none and govern themselves aeeertlingly, Parties who have destroyed their doge being feeQssed ffnuct have them struck off the 1.011 at the above Court or the lax will he collected. Wed May WI, 19(1, OM 3 • A. G. SMILLM, 001:rki: : "X ten you. Ma'am, you ought to use Sto George „dlig Powder _ tZ only lo - the reason that it is Vehole. if some nul healthful." "The knowiedge that you are NCYT eeihig a)um, lime, ammonia and acid 111your food --should count for a great deal." "ST. GEORGE'S is ntade ofgo,go, pure Cream. of Tartar." Try it. li.ritefor free copy o)," aur new Cook -Book. National Drug 8t Chemical Co. of Canada Limited, Montreal. es , Zreae=z:SW E'stablished :879 Whoophti Cough, Croup, Bronchitis Cough, Grip, Asthma, Diphtheria dresolene is a' boon to Asthznatics. Does it not seem more effective to breathe in a remedy to cure disease of the breathing organs than to take the remedy let° the stomac.h? • It cures hecaute the air rendered strongly anti= septic is carried over the diseased surface with every breath, giving prolonged and cogstant treat- ment. It is Invaluable to mothers- with small childfen. • . Those of a consumptive tendency find immediate relief from coughs 'of in- fiar.led condition of the throat. Sold by druggists • . Send postal for booklet. LZEMING,WILES CO., Agents, Mont- i r Canada, 307 Dr ysd ale School Report. -The following is the report of union school section No.•1, Hay and Stanley, for the month' of April. The report is based upon: regularity ipunetuality, good con- , duct and general .proficincy : Senior Fourth, --Joseph De La Pranier, David Oesela Gerald, Snider, Henry Dow - Sore , Junior Fourtia-Milton Jonn- ton Harold Schilbe, Linda Dow- ; aon, Earl Sehilbe. Sr. , III.--Marnie Johnston. Sr. IL-Gotdon Johneton, 1 $ bilbe Noah Hartman Sr Part IL -Irene Pollok, Bessie Snid- er. Jr. Part IL -Annabel Macdonald, Minnie Johnston-, Arnold Schilbe. Pt, L -Verna Jaeobl, Louis Harriman.- e"Evelyn A.. Horten, Tegichleke IPilea get quick and certain relief — -0,-- ' from Dr. Shoop'a • Magic Ointment. Please note it is made alone for piles, t••••••••••,•••••• •*•{1•Vene segellierteeet1.0011.01I.H.FP ittrt•tegt•ee^c...• U CAN KEEP DRY A,ND N\ ,-e-3- COMF-ORTABL IN THE HARDEST STORM \ BY WEARiNG .covEks. osfirogkin; P/511B, WATEP.PR.00F OILED -CLOrgINCi IIILACA On .11.1.0w Clean Light Durable Ouaranteed Waterproof Low M Price Werra TODAY TOR TM OODPILLT OrSCRiettd0 MANY MHOS Of WATICIMPFi0Or OlifthletiTS ?twit 4,..iagt4 41wittitttr ON 0 ITOR My 194* is S .ly The best kind of a testimonial— " Gold for over silt*. years." tIVIrairi• 10.10iittit ii.••••••••itr- SARSAPARILLA. Bop -7V PILLS. CHERRY ItECTOP i!*,:***1***otatre*trtt of the Soutli ut urs Soeiety : Best wede auroips, John erfenith;- Robert Camp Mop; James Dickson, Tuckersm . Henry Chesney, tuckersmith; Ames Chesney, Tuckereinitn; David Youll, Stanley. Best h49.1f aero man - golds, James Dickson, David Youll. Best quaeter are carrots, James Dickson, James Chesney, and David of blelaillop, was united in marriage Saatiarthe Neiv. 5. 1876. On October 22, Mr. George Durie, Ito Miss Jane G. Aitcheson, of the dime, 'to hip, by Itev. Mt. Thornson. Mr. George Whitely bass .purollased the stock and !business 'a the Com - Sell & Co. rnereial livery from Messrs.:if:Lei-, Mr. Andrew Cowan, of aleKillop, returned last week. from where he has purchased a 160 acre farm. Dr. Wm. Aitcheson, formerly of McKillop, but now or Ilorton,ville, in Michigan, has been on a visa to his friends in this I-we:tiara Let me send you free for Catarrh, just to prove merit, a Trial Biz?, pox of Dr. Shoop's Catarrh, Remedy. It is a, snow white creamy, healing antis- eptic oalm. Contains such beeline ingredients as Oil Eucaliptus, Thy- mol, Menthol, etc., it gives instant and lasting 'relief AO Catarrh of the nose and throat. Make the free test and see for yourself what this pre- paration can and will. accomplish. Ad- dress Dr. Shoop, Ruble, Wis. Large jars 50 cents. Sold by C. Aberhart, druggist, Seafactia few sr ,ers returned to Scotland, corn- ing 1. ;k to this country in 1831, and settl eg upori the Saul3le line, Stanley, whe e- the now deeea,sed lady resided Ler seventy long yeers. There in 1867 she was united in marriage to Mr. Thomas Stinson, and of this worthy couple it may be said that they were ahnozt the last of the pioneers of -that HMI. Sae was a moat worthy and estimable lady in every ;sense of the term, and will be long and lovingly remembered by many. **,-***-***--,* • MoKillop School Repora-The following- Litho report of Separate school No. 1, Mc- Killop, tor the month of April. The names are hi order of mertitt: Sr. IV„part. A. -Mary Bruxer, Michael MeCardle., Edevar d McGrath, John ICrauskopf. Senior IV, part B. - Mary Flanagan, Margaret 'Mash, James Flanagan, Louis MaloneY, Ag- nes Krauskropf, Teraba O'Reilly, Thomas Maloney. Jr. IV -Leo Hol- land, Lucy Flanagan, NieholasKraus., kropf, George Holland, Mary A., Flan- agan. Sr. III -Lizzie Kra.uskropf,Mar- tine. ,Flanagan. Gussie Hieknell Jr. 1II-Edna Chadwick, Peter Ma- loney, Bruxer. Keauskopt, Louisa, Flanagan,' Louis O'Reilly, Stella Horan. Jr. An- nie Flanagan, Joaeph Maloney.—M. Canning, Teacher. In The Olcien Days. Interesting sketehee of the early days of Seaforth and vicanity, taken from the files of The Ex- p-oeitor. *atm. ••••• tam, re- - o acres Canada. Hugh S. Hendry, ,zon of Hon J. S. Hendry, a member of the Ontraio Government, died at Hamilton, a few days ago. He was quite a young lad. -The first eceding in the Regina. district this year commenced in the Pilot Butte district, by John Bel- eridge. This district is within seven miles of Regina. -It is understood that the trial of the London 'briber:sr- cases, which cre- ated zilch a sensation a. month ago, and,,which have since been! hung up in the courts is likely to be postponed until, the fall. , .-ka a result of eye tests now being made at St. Thomas, among the em- ployees of the Michigan Central Rail- way, a number of the employees in all branches of the, train, servite- engineer:a, ,firemen, conductore, and brakemen-eind themselves unable to pass, and therefore must retire from the tservioe and seek other means of livellaood. Some of them have been in the sarvice for years. This is mighty hard Ruck. , -A gad aecident occurred near Streetsville, Peel county, on Monday last, on the farm of David XeCaugh- erty. Mr. W. Holland, who had re- cently Larived from the old country, was engaged in ' rolling a meadow when the tongue dropped and the team ran away. Mr. Holland was thrown In front of the roller and had his Seaforth, Oct. 8,, 1875. elcull fractured and his neck brok- . and its action is positive and certain, ' ' en, He had been there only about a , ' Itching', painful, protruding or blind ; Mr. Cresswell took a large number week and was married about five piles disappear like magic ny its use of prizes with his pleturea at the woks ago. Large nickel -capped glass Jars 50, London and Ottawa exhibitions. ,., -A death under very sad eircum- cents. Sold . ey C. Aberhart, druggist', Mr. John- Mecandiess has sold e bis atanees occuered in the Toronto Gen- Seeforth. farm on .concession 9, Tuckersmith, eral horipital last week. Mr. Osborne ; to Mr. Robert Elea, for $5,000. Thee S. Corrigan, a yoirng man' 22 Years St Colmnban. • farm contains 100 acres. of agd, of Toronto, asteident at 'the ; , The trot locomotive entered Exe- .Sehool of Practical Science, left a Our Sehool.-The following is the 'ter on Monday lag and. was the oe- short time ago with a party of Men report of Separate School Section No. cession for Mich rejoicing 0111 the to prospect north or Coaalt. After 1, Hibbert, .for the month. of Aprill : Senior Fourth. -Eleanor Jordan 290, Part a the residents of tile villaike. reaching a point about 50 miltenorth ; The auction aale of village lots, at of Latchford, Mr. Corrigan suddenly , Mary Stapleton 268, Tom afelady 222. the prospeetive villa.ge of }Jensen developed a severe attack of appen- : Junior Fourth. -Mary Nigh 249, Mil - on Tuesday last and was dicitis. Bening may miles from eiv- dred Barry 281. Aldie O'Connor 141, came en largely attended and very succees- ilizetion hal comrades saw that the Jack Dalton 157. Third -Teresa Jor- anti. Loto sold off lively- at enor- only hope was to got him bat* to Alan 388, Lucy, Stapleton 344, Loretto Barry 289, l', Flannery 272, Dennis mous 'Prices. Several . fifth Of L an some niece where medical help would acre lots sold at pries ranging !tom; be available. Accordingly eie friend Nigh 178. Second -Kate Roache 465, $200 to .$225. Minnie Da.lton 311, -saforris Dalton 295, , . 1 1 Robt, Aiken, also a, student at, the James Doyle 208, Maurace `Melarly 184, 4 , • , . 'School or Praopioga Science, and whose Seaforth, Oct. 15, 1875. i home is near Toronto, and two of I Thomas Murphy 159. Part IL -Jim , e Melady 360, Joeeph Murphy 302, John I At the residence of the bride's fath- the guides secured a, sleigh and Nigh 263. Senioree1.-PhYllis Dietrich er in Tuckersmith, on September - drew him between them for three 1 238, Michael Murphy 195, Gerald Doyle 28, by 'Rev. John B. Scott,. Mr. Wm j days, all the distance back to Latch - 192, Junior I. -Con. Dalton Vestie Baird, ,of Brucefield, was united in ford. Fearing to stop !lest the delay Flannery, John Molady, John Mur- marriage to Jane, youngest daugh- should east him his life, they hur- ter of Joins Lawre'nee, Esq. I ?len eking witholit sleep, and ar- Plir,-Maude P. Troyt Teacher, Vilingharn * I , the residence of the bride's fe..th- 'riving at Latchford, the two guidee At liensall. 4 1 * I' er, , on Outober 11th, Thos. Wells, gave fat completely exhausted in Noda.way county, Missouri, was unit- their long race against fate. Mr. (Too late for lase week.) ' ed in inarxiage to Margaret Scott, 'Aiken came on to Toronto with his ' Local Option. -Our village is now second da-ughter of Roaert Scott, friend. An operation was nerforined under :local option law and an agita,- Esq., cia MeKillop. The ceremony at the General Hospital, but it was Ilion IS On foot to secureas scan as was performed by -Rev. M'. Barr, ase toe late to save his life. The end pok.-sible a new, good., up to date hotel, sided by Rev. M. Danby.. • came during the evening. The de-. Minus the bar, for the aCcommodation, The annual meeting or the Seaforth ceased was a very promising Young ' of the public and for boarders. Val' Chess Club was held ini the Manslors man and a graduate of, Pickering present accopernodation„ partieulaals ;hotel on Thursday evening last. After college.- His work at the S.P.S. had for ,the travelling public -is not ad- the .business of the meeting,, Mr .i G. marked him as having a bright car - equate ,to the demands end while, no E. Jaakaon, who holds the envia,ble eer ahead. doubt, the unexpected change in the distinction °a being the champion of t --e• * closing up of the Queen's hotel,by Canada, was en'tortained at a com.. I CRIPPLED BY S'..)I.A.1 IOA. the ;recent leasee, Mr. Bice, has tak- .pieeeetaey le -upper, cates for local option at a disadiess- Brussels, 'has been appointed clerk llama' Pink Pillei-Aater Doe - Mr. ,Daniel McDonald, barrieter of Made Well and Strong by, Dr. Wil - en the temperance people and advo- tage, at the same time it behoves( all of ate county court of the county of , who worked; and voted for loeal op- • Herm, eplace of ,a1r. Elwood, de- ' tors Had Failed. tion to tender every reasonable alr, H. W. Awalt is one of the Mad- as- ceased. ing merchants of Hemford, N '. A. few Years ago he was a great suf- Lerer from that moat exerultiating -trouble, roiatica. He says :I "At the time 1 was afflieted 1 wag. living at Baker Settlement. The atteak was so severe that I lifed beesi off work for sorne time, The cords of my leg were all -drawn up, and I ;could mill lhalP along with the aid or a. stick.- The nein I coffered was terrible. t was in misery both, day and night. Dvery moment !caused me-suca pain, as only thorie who have been tortured with selatica can know. I was treated by several doetors, but: they did not bell: me a bit. In rant I allnozt be- gan to feol that m 1101916z% when Dr Pine were brought Igoe a half dozen sistanoe in the providing of good ac- : At s meeting of the town council ,corhmodation for the public. The pas- 'it Wa3 deJ:ded. to OttbMit a by-law to 4iin-g- of the loeal non law is only the a-a.tepityore, granting a bonus of end lebep end; st suplemented $10-,000 Ito Messrs. Coleman and Gou- by something morethan. the mere _inktek, 'to establiSh. a machine slio.p votin-g or .i*esing an of the law, In short,' i and implement works in Sea,forth l t . alempeanrce workers d a,dber- ehta should ;exhibit liberality and a I ; Sea/forth, Oct. 22, 1376. a....r***.•***** frank willingness pay a little more The Roman 'Catholic church., Sea- Pir accommodation that la not backed forth, after ha/ing undergone ex - up by bar reeeipta and In doing trite ,tensive improvemente to the inter - a, worthy principle or spirit will be for, was formally reopened on Sun - shown ;that will count. •••••• ••••••• •••• ett e ,•••••••T••••••••/ day last. , In Goderk,h on October 10, by Stanley' • , ' Rev. W. C. Henderson, Ur. W. F. wife ce Nash, of Hull*, to Miss Jane Grern- Notes.-alre. McDermid, Mat, or Tuckeramith. (Reeve James McDermid, was at Acton In Clinton, . on Oetober 191h1 Mj. last week, attending the funeral of John Caste of Melaillop, was =tried her brother, Mr. Campbell, of - To- ronto, who died as the result of an to Miss Mary, Leslie Ann, oldest daughter of Mr. 'Ioeeph Avery, of attack of typhoid fev-er, , the funeral Serrtheoun' le of weeke ago, Me. Robt. taking place from; the fan -lily residence! . at Acton. -Mr. ,A, Nott, of t he 2nd Gbvenlock, oe McKillop, missed a. • eencession, tal?. -wild. his stallion. number or cattle from his field. Bironl Belshazzar, Ito go west. He has since circumstances -which 'have siece, come ,purepased from T. J. Slliott the' very fine Clyde colt, Lord "Stanley. --At to his knowledge he redo certain Business the lag meeting or the Sta.nleY COU11^ they have been atolen. ire • ell the chief business was the con- On Tuesdey evening last Mr, Robt. Comiege eideration of building 0, cement Scott, of Roxboro, had occasion to eOntract for cement tile, which was Ilebkirk, one and a, hal/ miles north of Seafortle He tied his horse to - call at the residence or Mr. Wm. is a high grade Commercial School arch on COneeetiden 4, and letting the Three Courees : condition was . Vvrillianis' Pink to my attention; oXes. 1 had Ueed. about- the entire quantity before I found any benefit. But I was en- coura.ged, e.nd got a second half dozen boxes, and before these were all gone every vestige of the -trouble had diaanpeareci. Not only tills but 1 waa bep,roved in health in. every way', rite it will be reedily undealstood that tap long siege, of paira had suf- fered ael left me badly rim down. I can not speak too highly oe Dr. Wil- setured by J. Foster _an os. e „ . a' Pirik Pills. I can t recommend Commercial - Stenogrephy --- Telegraph who gave good seal:action last year. the gate poet, and whom he came nee tr.* strongly to reeler Buller - write GEORGE SPOT T,ON, 13 rinp € , 4 ' Mr. Taylor, from conceseion- 2, in- out 'half an hour later, horse and rig arse, were gone. , Diligent search was * Va ' I ' Phil Pi 1 1 erv.ewed the council regarding a Dr. ill ama t I s cure sc a - tile clitela , . . inade'but the refasing outfit was rick, ties, simply because they make the a r your Money are 11 66,66.11~itatittttaitt .„gosokoologroviovratotiviftwvolinvi.,..mv • N LIF (PA, E-IC)1111E COLVIPILNY) One of our up-to-date plans -a 10 payment, 20 year endowment - gni re?: tees $1.0110 and prate. notwithstanding tile fact that the last four payments are eliminated. The premiums on this new Policy remain identical with those Of the leading America:1' coin - pante, Whieh Call for twenty coatinuous annual payments. - W. a ROBIINIAON Insp. ector, Seaforth parents, Mr, and Mrs.- J. Dewar,evIhereabolits- cents a box or ‘ , Death Or IliTS, StineeTh-drs. Thos, found until the following evening, rich, red blood that soothes and Stinson, an 01.6 and very highly re- when it was left at Leslie's hotel, by strengthens . the jangled aching epeeted -resident of Stanley, near . nerves. That is why they cur, such me -unknown persons. Bayeleld, died at the residence of nerve -troubles as neuralgia St: Vit - her son, Phomas, in Ba,yfield, on i , . Seaforth, Oe.t., 20, 1815. us dance end .partia,1 paralysis, That Sunday, ;the 5th inst. Apparently en- i Mr. George W, Cline has been ap- la why they euro all alio: nts due to joying her good health, see was mit- pointed preepeentor of the Presbyter- poor watery blood. net is whi ten with appoplexy on othe previous la.n church, of seaforth, at a salary they make weary, deseondent, brok- Thureday evening. On Sa,turday she of $300 per annum: , i en down men and women bright, =- seemed to revive somewhat, but next ...air; Robert Govenloelt has at last tive and strong. But only tete geenu- morning 'there was another attaelt, learned the tate of his missing cat- inc pills can do this, and they have and she nagged' quietly away. lfris. !tie. TheY were driven to Shakes- the tull name, Dr, Williams' link Stinson was 71 years oe, age. 1 she ,peare, where 'they wore sold to a Pills for Pale People an 412 wrapper i d ------ound every box. Sold by medicine wasborn in Pitedhirs, Scotland, in butther, who had s a g 1829 and eame Comae with her before Ur. Cloveniock knew of their dealers overyvehere or by Mail at 50 six boxes for $2.50 • when three years of age. They set- The following are the prize win- by addressing Dr. Williams' Med- tled in Dumfries townehip, but else ners tare root epropetiticse under Woe Co., Brockville, Ont. kitoottss love a roosterfor o things One thing is the crow that is in him and the other thing is the spurs that areon Lan o back up We are do co a iitt e modes apo owirtg PROGRESS CLOTHING but w have the goods to back up our claims in a way that leaves no room for argument or doubt, and the quantity o clothing we are selling is all the proof that is necessary. • • t 5 WE CLAIM the largest stock of lees Clothing two double Stores filled with mens apparel of the very newest variety; WE CLAIM Pieeres Brand to be the bast ready-tomear clethie Canada, bar none. WE CLAIM that owing to the Vast ainount of men's clothing we handle, we ean buy better and sell cheaper than smaller stores. If quantity, quality and price are any objeet to you it -will pay you to see our stock. ron con.nty ye' wearing itt Leading Prices, Men s— 7.50 MO $12- $4-5O Boye-421 ar.1.1~0.....rrerm rers109 en's'Furnishings. ruBIS Spring finis us better prepared than ever to supply good, news. up-teeoate toggery for men and boys, Whatever is coned Ands place here, New Neckwear New Shirts New Underw-ear 1ew Hosiery New Fancy Vests New King Fiats Everything in Mon'e Furnishings for the comfort and adorn - IMAM of men awl boys who Would be up-to-date and well dresset t.TH gr'Stitter autt Eggs t