The Huron Expositor, 1907-05-03, Page 41110•0111
10• •11
13 4 17 18
2 2 23 24 25'
27 28- 20 30 31.
*41W/ *1 11 11/ f f PR .1.0*** • * • "
NEW ADvgammuctivo.
The. figure betwzei the parenthesia atter each!
ad, denotes the page of the paper on which the
advertisement is tound:
f.lur Clain3--Stewart
Baran Routes -5
-"Wedding Gifte-.1. F. Daly -S
Your Attention -Ales. 114..enzie-S
reneo Slats -N. Guff &
Dr. Forster Coning--$
, 71our and Corn-Seaforth Milling 00.-8
lapociel Meeting ---0, O.
t Auction Sale -Peter Nicholson --5
Stirrhig SA4a-W. Pickard Son --6
Don't Ile *artless -M(14 Clothing Ca. -4
Lilac Aberhart-8 -
! Paint -Chesney. itnd Arehibald-rg
Stone Crusher -II. Tyndall, --8
Seed* -W, R, seete-8
More 1viMiiiinery---B. McFall Co. -8
konitry Netting-Cheiney and Archibald -4 -
!New Oxford Shoes -W;;11,
:MeO'aShoea-Poplestotie .54 elereinere'e
!Tarn -tat Stain -Reid and winen-a
• Treperty ter Sale -T. gammen-6
'Farin to Rent -Morrow Bros. -5;
ID Tyrant •fxpatitov
SEAFORTIlt FRIDA.Y, Mey -e07..
The Dominion Parliament.
The Dominion learliarneree eleteed up
businese on Friday night ael: was
leternell7 proregued, on Saturda.7 The
'House had 'been. in seeelen live Menthe
'and five days, Ineladine the Onfig-
trnag and Easter .vacations„ and dur-
ing hthat time nearly eetwo ,InahHired
bad, been p.issed 'and' mat* Devi.
there was considerable cleaning up
towards the dose ete the 4ssion,
sad the Oppoaltien placed thernsel-
Ses on record by making, toot Moe
ons on, vaaious serhjects, and hav-
ing the voteeaon the, dtvisicyrue record.;
ed. Among these. motiorts was on by
Mr. Borden, denouncing :the rapidly
inereasing expenditure and.the ifinen-
ielal 'management .or. the Government.
The Finente 14.r.
in his reply,: said' he recognized 'the
• enOtion aa "Wel famar friend,"
IG whien, # Mr. Foster Mterpolatedh
"la.rgely tgrowna's Me. Fielding re-
plying: ".These are growing timee."-
He then prweeded to defend 'the fi-
nencial inanaaerneni of the Govern-
ment and whale admitting the rapidly
hirrhewing expenditure sea& it Was ane-
eessitated ,ey the „it:note rapidly expand -
Ing :requirements of the country and
,by the lent that :the .revenne
does naire7than heeip pane witn the
expenditune, large- as it is.So long
Ss this the: case the, opponition
hardly ;be able to make out. a
ease of extravagance end mien -lenge -
Ment On the part of the Gpvernment„
that will attract 'the ear. etth. the
a The Miniater of Justice introduced
te bill to empower the Ontario courts
to dissolve marriage 'between boys
end girls under eighteetn -years of
sge When contracted without the par-
• ents' • consent. • He explained that
Atli% bill was Introduced at the in-
atanee- or the Ontario- GovernMent
'and Wins intended to apply' to certain
specific cases where the parties .had
elever lived !together and its main
Urgency was dueeto the -feet thet in
orte case two young people had. gone
_ ltiliough the ceremony of .merriagein
a.joke, net knowing the binding.*
feet and that they would Ile nineteen
year* before another session. There
was a good deal of opposition to the
especially from the Quebec
memeere, and the bill was. accord-
ingly dropped 2unill next session.
In introducing his regolution for
the continuing and rearrangement Or
the iron and steel 'bounties which
were 'petitioned against se largely
espeelelly ley arta-10 Tarn:era, the
•Finance .Minieter inade a statement
-which 'will surprise *many. Ile said
that there was an erroneous impres-
sion abroad that the iron aid •steel
industry was prbteeted to a particu-
larly large degree. No doubt many
farmers were under that impression
•viten they signed the petitions, but
perhaps they would 'ee _surprised to
bear that the proteetion afforded was
not leo great as that given to some
lines ot agricultural 'products. Tak-
ing :pig iron at. an average of $16,a
ton, the duty and bounty. ogetlier
cane to $2.60. 'amounting to a pro-
tection of zOmething like 16 1-4 per
cent„ which waz less then that en-
joyed by other lines or industry; and,
taking steel ingots and alias, the
eduty wa.s $1,50, the bounty on •pig
Iron Se ea, the steel 'bounty, $1.65,
makirtg a betel of $4.65-, which- is
rqual la about 178-4 per cent. un-
der the areferential tariff. He be-
lieved ifhat If the farmers who had
!signed therm " petitions had known
the Tads they would not. have taken
the ,position which they had..
The question of the expropriation
of the Petawasve •Carnp .ground in
the Province of by the Do-
minion Militia Department and which
has Leen causing' the Ontario Gov-
- eminent no much un_easines-a on ac-
count of the alleged invasion of Pro-
• vincial Rights_ was brought to the
surface ty Mr. Borden, the leader
of the Opposition, wile seemed idle,-
. paged to 'blame the Government for
their part in the matter. But after
the explanation of Mr. Fielding the
transaction -was made to bear quite
different fa xe and is not • ny any
-means so serious as our Ontario
.authoritiea weuld like the public to
believe. There has been no invas-
• ion of Provincial Rights, and If the
• Dominion have encroached on 'private'
rights, the courte are quite compe-
tent to deeide if it is agreed between
the parties to seek their aid. The air-
earestances as explained by Mr:Field-
ing, who, supported his statements ny
documental evidence, • are in the
main as follows:
The militia department, having de-
cided that an extensive area was
- necessary for the training of the de-
fensive forees of the country in
• modern 'tactics.inspected va.riousbitN3
the choice narrowing down to one In
Quebec and one in Ontario, The
government 'of Querec offered Crown
lands free for this 'patriotic purpose.
The late Government of Ontario,
in !the same spirit offered: a lease of
its lands for ninety-nine years at a
nominal rental. The offer of this
'ro'nce. whleh wa, r(;rzrany inatle
n. a aotter date - o 12., 1904,
ish =Opted bY the reder vern-
t. The tract of ot -iand Wh ei) it Watt
proposed td, lease '.'frone the OntariO
-Government comprieed 56,000 aeres.
The Dorninion, „Gonatureent .arfOceeded
toenity 20,004 ecrea Of centigueu0 land,
making ibMit /6,000 atreei 111'41, and
established the earn* grOund, Irt, De-
erneer, 1906, when the reilitia!depart-
merit appliedfor the formal tra ter oft
the premised land, the Milan 7 -Gov
ernment repudiated the agr eint of
the preceding 'government, aiid: de -
mended the, camp ,groun.d at Nfagara
in exchange for the tract at etawa-
wa. -The queatIon. Of timaelet lacenses
was not raised until April, 1996. The
Federal Government had no intention
of interfering with the eights of arta
'Der licensiees. As Mr. Fieldlng stated*
In the EfOuse, it was not n essarY
tor the -purposes for, which the land:
was required that the llcensces
should ae .disturbed. When d ifficul-
ties Were s-uggestede the Pede al eu-
thorities : entered --into etegoations
with the lite/lanes. One aunine com-
pany alone demanded $98,000- for itg
Privileges: The Dominion Govern-
rne4 coneidered the sum exotteitant,
and' decided to drop negotiation* With
the tinker licensees ' and eetdort to
expropriation proceedings. Mr. IField-
Ins. said that if the Governer -font of
Ontario thought they had not receiv-
ed lair treatment .the Federal Gov- '
ernment Were willing that the Attor-
ney General of Ontario and the Mit-
Wee of aneeice ghould decide upon
a Method- of determining the compen-
sation, if the right to comae sation
Towards the close of the
and !congenial occupation at hL youthe
The; farm, whioh is one of 'the 'pest
thie ,distriete contains 10 acree,.
ant 1.theeprite paid. wee: $74000, Ur.
Christ* -;purshaeed it. seVeral .years
ago Lor $8,200. but ,he has Wilde made
_ extensive improvements On it, Which
_will make up tor lbheedifferenee. Mr.
has also {purchased the line
hien-setts and a portiOn of the stock,
Christie retaining several horse,
among the nuniber !being- hie well
known prize. carriage ‘mare and her
Yearling colt :from "Buller which
was also a red•. rinhoner all all tne
Shows where exhibited last /ellePhls
rnatre i3 gain in teal to the same
sire and as iMr. Chest* now has :no
pabper plaeel to keep them be is wile
ling to disposeof them it he can
teems a suitable purchaser. Mr. Ma-
kins is to the ! congratulated, on his
purchase as himself and. his estim-
able wife .,b,eve now ono of the meet
'pleasantly netatuated and comfortable
homesteads in the county and the
whet): Of "their many friends will be
that they may long enaoy lt.-Mr. D.
Michenie left ffiti Saskatchewan, this
week and atter pending a day or two
. in Winnipeg and Regina, Will proceed -
Ito .Inunstien, near which his large
fern ',is lobated. He may be absent
the most 'of the surnmer.-Another old
landrnairk in town has disappeared.
.The old. school building triers( the
'pregent cornmodioate edifice has been
torn -dOwe. Manyt good men eaxd wo.
men get their first, start on the road'
ite tprosperity, usefulness and posi-
tion in that old ;blinding.
there was considerable epee lation
as ito when another !general election
will take .place. Some Wahe head's
.tpredict t'IS1 AZ Soon as Sir ,WlIfrld
;returns 'from the old country, there
will :be reconstruction of the Cab -
mei, s- dissolution ,andt a general el.
eaten. This ThoWevehi is ).ain • ex-
tremely impribehae forecast. arlia-
merit has shill two seesions eters
it life terra closes and( -Whit the
Government tave,the power. to close
the term at any time they .ciee sde
visa:ale it would only be on count
of some extramalinary emergencythat
• dissolution at the close of ththird
session eould. tee juStatied. No such
emergency exiets. nor is it likely to
arise (between this and another see-
s -ion. Besides the Government have
nothing to gain and rrembees*have a
great ',deal to itoselny such a eourses
It. is also said that before Stir Wil -
!rid left for England he peo sod
Mr. Borden, the leader of the Oppo-
sition, that. there will bet at least
one more ISellialen and that was on
this aundenstandings that the 0 pest -
tion agreed to cease 'hostilities as
to permit of Sir Wilfria's dep rture
'oefore the. close of the Session. This
is, no, dodot, the :cape, so -the the
!public may; depend Oat there w he
at ileast one mord sessloir 'be re a
dissolutions and there may be t al-
though the °former is the most 1 kely.
Members may be induced to trego
One sessional indemnity, 'out it - ()alit
be something extraordinary that oula
induce them to Ve. up two: I
fear years' term: s adopted, t'he
era- election will likely take
'years' term, an the fall! of 190 In
In the 'fail of 1908, and, if t.1 five
either •event the day of cicOning is
Still a considerable dist nee in the
Briefs. -Mr. Rama Roweliffe, who
has been with. Mr. E. Christie, oh his
rani on the London Road; 'north of
,thie town, for he 'past fire or six
years, 'has engaged ,with Mr' H.
Smiths of Hay, with whoni the had
worked' for several years preyiomis to
going with UT. Christie. Mrow-
cliffe is a, most -competent and hor-
oughly eruntevorthy man, andl the
farm` 'ho seeures his serVic is
or, J.— At the last meeting' of
he [-ern counch a !petition was pre-
• sented, asking the council to pass a
ba -law. 'prohibiting cattle fromrun-
ning at lenge within the bounds of
the corporation. Another petitioii was
presented, asking that the cows night
• be 'permitted to run at -large djxring
the summer months. This is a, f tick-
lish question for the council', toj deal.
with, 813 interference with " The -
Poor alan'e Cow ' has causedj the
death- of many an aspiring munici-
pal :representative. The council con-
sidering discretion the better p rt of
valor, decreed that a by-law b pre-
pared, to be voted on by the 'rat -pay-
ers at the next municipal' ea ctiong
Exeter is big enough and' oId enough
now to ibo rid of the cow 'nu
and, if the -people carry the
next January, they will be d
goc•d.turn for 'both thernselves a
ever persevering and voreciou
.sie. We do not knove. of a sin
stance Where such a 'by-law ha
passed that it has evert .been re
The council have also Under co
ation a recommendation 'fro
board of 'health to prevent th
Ing Of hogs within the corp
-limits. This is another goo
as people: Should not be allo
keep hog e at least not In th
thickly settled portions 4 th
-Mrs. LlOyd, who died lek
last. week was a sister of
Hodgett, -sr., of this place, -
crick 'has purchased the
Main street formerly MC
Mr. S.' Hardy, -Mr. J. A.
our 'genial merchant, who
up with an attack of, pleurige
nearly repovered.-Mesers. B
NfaDonnell, the well known
-porters and dealers have (3.1
their ialeckney stallion, Buller, to
Mr. McWilliams, ef Dutton.
one of the ibeat stallions of
In Ontario. Meesrs. Ba,wcien
Donell 'have had him; in thel
here for several seasons an
proven . a sure afid v aluac
horse, and has many very
colts that have taken high
the sheer ring wHerever
They have another three ye
their last importation to rep
-Messrs. John Charlton.,
Humphrey, Rate Hardy and
left last week for the North
• vinces.-Mrs. I-1„ Galley is h
material laid down for the
• of two neat cottages on th
William street which she
•'purchased -We may fairly say- that
Exeter is '000reieg. Not 4r mans,'
years 'have there been se many new
building -a. erected in it as t eee will
be this year and that too, notwith-
standing- the - very high, tprice of
building meterial. Is this wave of
prosperity due to the adVent of the
.Wjeatney Government or to he wise
and progresssive legislation . of the
Laurier Administration. -Pestrnarstet
Christie has dispeaed of his fine faern
on the Usborne . Aide or the London
• road', a short distance north of the
town, to Mr. Benjamin Mek as, who .
was until recently, engagei in the
laundry 'business here, but lwho', has
nOW returned to the . more rofita,ole'
re- ,
SEM ce,
ing a
d the
le in -
eider -
keep -
ed to
fete A.
r. Brod-
;bore on
pled by
as laid
, is now
wden &
orse im-
posed of
This is
is breed
and Me -
he has
e stoek
rank in
r old of
aee him.
est pro-
ving the
let on
Zurich. ••
Notes, -We regret to learn that at
the time of writing Mr. Henry Worm,
sraie Very 111,and as he is well ad-
vanced in year e fears are entertained
for his eecovery.-Mr. John Preter,
one of our enterprising Merchants,
has secured the contract for supplying
the hardware and ea ve troughing for
'the line new ram being erected by
edr. Valentine :Wilds in Stanley and
which was ;referred to by the Bay-
field correspondent last week. -Mr. E.
Boesenberret, Who is as good. a horse-
man As he is an. auctioneer, and that
Is saying a good . deal, recentlyapur-
chased a very fine driving mare which
he expecte, with good training, will
make a flyer on. the turf. He is fit-
ting- her for the Parkhill races on
the 24th. -Mrs. B. Holtzman, who left
last -week for Saskatoon, Saskatche-
wan!, had to return home from Lon-
don as One of the children took sick
Oir• arriving there. -Mr. J. Schwartz-
entruber hes purchased a farre on
the Bronson line, and. has perebased
a two year old colt from Mr. icesephi
Jascbo, Of !the 14th conceosion, for
which, he vaid $180.. This is a !good
commencement.- While Mr.. Henry
Zimmerman was driving- into town
from the west with a young horse in
a, car, a few days' ago, the animal`
got frightened and became ntnmanage-
able. When opposite Mr. Hoffman's
tailor Shop, the vehicle came in con-
tact with a tree on the side of the
Street, and, 'Mr. Zimmerman was
2tnrown out, getting his arm, broken,
and was otherwise •bruised and in-
jured. The horse 'broke away end was
captured at Raule hotel. Mr. Zim-
merman was able to be taken to his
home, and he is now getting along as
well as -could be expeeted.-Miss Oath. -
*Me Klein, sister of Mreee. Thomas
Johnston.% died at Mr, JOlinstone's
residence, on .Wednesday of last week.
She ,had been an invalid ler several
years,suffering from rheumatism, The '
remains were taken to 13a,das, in the
county of Waterloo, the old, home of
the eleceased, to -r interment. -Rev. A.
'Geiger. an Old -Hay boy, *conducted
the services in the Evangelical church
with much acceptance lest , Sunday
evening.-LWith regard to the small
pox epidemic in this vicinity, of
which so much has been said Le the
leaps* within the last two weeks,
the Herald of 'last week giZeFi up the
situatien as follows: "We are pleas-
ed to State that the small pox situa-
tion in Hay and. Stephen is not nearly
so lbad as it were at first thoeght to
be.. The disease is of w very mild
type, . and in most all the cases Wo
medical attention is neceseary. The
disease hes been 'confined to a small
:territory, and it is hoped, with the
advent of .waaen weather, that it will
soon disappear, A report was cireu-
leted in some of the neighboring towns
that many houses in ,Zurich had been
quarantined. This report is unfound-
ed, tag thus far not a single , case
has been 'repartee in this villege. In
fact, there are no eases within three
miles of Zurich.' •
pent a -few days a ethe past Week
with ',friends -Winghaeree-Mr,
MeCreight had a mishap to his engine
Saiturclay„ when the crank ttreke. He
!took 'it to Seaforth beet they couldn't
Tit et, so it hart to 'oe !-Elentto Heart-
ilton. In, the inean time theyhave
toorrowedlene Tromethe woollen.- Mill
so are elat to keep. rmening.-Al-
thotigh it i� quite a time before the
Glorious Twelftbe the local Orange -
paid iti4 oitTeto $284.0' for beard
and attendance on Mrs, MeCkeary, of
Stapleton, a British - *migrant, who
Was sent to the hoepital by the board
of health for an operation and who
was there from February lath to
April• 4th. Tenders will be received
at the next meeting. fedi eleven Jobe
et gravelling at pointiti ite•the munici-
vallty whieh cannot be reached. from
the .rstorie crusher. For .particulare;
*See pc Mr. McCandless, of Sear-
tit's New in
Five or ten minutee spent 111 looking over i
men are makingepreparations for the our new stook of Oxfords, will be time welI
Celebration here and expect it to be tee Ontario, the centreetor for the spent Diet year Oxfords Were fashionable.
ohe of the greatest days ever beer in concrete work of the bridgee, ex- This year they will be more ',popular, than ever.
-them -parts end more eepeciaily If the pects to ecenmence work as soon as ,
C, P, R, have a regular' train ser- the water lowers in the streams, per -
vice 'by -!that time .-M A Hainton, ,,t,haps in three or .four weeks' 'time,
who berebeen in Galt and Preston for The next meeting will he 'held in Sea-
thevast.. rnorith, accoinpaniedby his forth on May 27th, as a court of re -
family, returned home this_ week, , vielon at' 10 o'clock and for general
feeling a great deal 'better,-rr. ahd !ewer:lege after -A G Smillie, Clerk,
.elese N. Dempsey Sundayed,with the
lgatefig parents in ilitilett-f.Mr, Jas. s
Catt and sister attended that wedding i
og a friend in Grey township ion Tuts- { Netes.-On Sunday, May 12th, core-
IteearattoeortieGoierrwiee,eev.„-aseeli.ei',0elaeeta, inVertelit "pniruenaitayntesriesenvicetehuterellhi -baet. behladiren. p,o;thse
week looking' after a barclWare'sb49,- lot The Vovioe will also' takel the
these. and If he !returned{ to town there form of a memorial to tire old church
osrdou.'ethiztoonBros,would{do!havelargetrgre: as this' expeeted to be the last
time it will »e used, ---Court Douglas
Chased a fine!rubber tti ed 'buggy ' Canadian Order of Foresters have
from kr. A.
ting it ire
dry up, -The
longing to t
the centre
Some :Of t
Carter and intend put- kindly offeree their ball to be used
6 as soon as the roads! by the Presbyterians until the neve
•Italiang 1. town be- church, is ready s The offer was glad-
e railway gang, were ' lY aeceptee.-0Iiver Mille has moved
attraction last Sunday, , tO hie tarns in Turnberry lately va-
m are• splendid muse, 'Dated by Jehn • Ashtao.--MissAggie
clans and eo eyed theniselves by piey- Thomas returnedo Toronto
•ing on !their various instruments and weele-Mrs. Hugh Ross and alias Jean
singing WW1
fishing, othe
their elothee
to think the
bout 150 of
boarding. in the box care. -Messrs. .
Ila.bkirk a d • Andersen visited
friends in • derieh Over Sunday,
Borne spent the -day in 11.030 were ever -from Winglaara foe a
s mending and washing couple ,ot days :calling on old friends
so none of them seerrod hefOre leaving for itheir news home
day long. There are a,. in Clinton. -4. aarge nurdber or eon -
them f her at prase*t tractors have been in the village dur-
ing the past couple or weeks, exam-
ining the plans of the new Presby-
terean church. -Mr. N. B. Binning,
of Listowel, the architect, was here
Tuesday' on 'business connected with
the church, The .bilildireg commit-
tee met on Tuesday evening and
warded the contract to Mr. George
Haney, of Bluevale. •
Breeze -pe-
en addition
end James:,
wire fence
.putting UP
booms -Th
VAS 'Mina
finieit see
Hicks lot
for $165e -T
is making -a.
lek on the
• not mu
will ine tee
there is ege
field starts
wagon end
• in the coun.
Scott eurpo
bout -the is
daughter of
last week
imetband pr
• age. -There
there does
La kelet,
• Bushfield is :building
to his store. -Win, Gadlee
Horton have butit nen/
and Robert Candle is
a stable-41uls the .burg
re are no idle tanners; iri
these days e Many- will
int' this weeks -Them*
hia 'rood mare andc'foat
e 'has since sbought a 3
It from Peter Delehert
e Alefeldt cieane wagon
O first trip, though Hoeve
st or 2nd offMay. There
cream for sale yet. It
weeks- at least before
ss for cows. --46. Bush -
out this :Week with his
ill pick Up all the eggS
ry.,-Mr, and Mrs. Adam
moving to Fordwieh,ae
or May. -Mrs. J. Lange
We. James Wright, left
or the west whither,. her
nurriber a
eded her about a mrnth
are quite a,
ttle in this vicinity and
ot appear to 'oe much de-
mand tor them. We have not Been
any huarevie 'round for quite a while.
-Mr. Chart. s Button, V. S., son of
Nitre E. B.. uttan, has nought out the
plactise of Mr. Pert% V. S., of Clif-
ford, and h ets to work right away,
Mr. Button. has oeeri in Palmerton
her some ti
ie at work
He 'has Th
-The Spri
this • sun)
Clifford fo
• charged h
them so
learn the
!hogs .we
"They we
the ma k
been h
We qu
• gets
sold as
'high pet
Blvth. -
Briefe-Another of our citizens pas-
sed away Sunday morning Lathe :per-
sonof KT. W. Fenwick, who has had
a lingering illness for the past few
months. The remains were conveyea
Lo the Westfield cemetery on Tues-
day, Rev. Mr. Anderson conducting'
the services. Mr. Fenwick moved to
Blyth from Westfield a few years
ago. Those lett to mourn him are a
loving wife and 'daughter, Mrs, Mason,
of Waevanosh. Mr, and Mrs. Brodie
and Mrs and Mrs. Spafford, of Toron-
to attended the: funeral. -Mr. Goodday
who has been engineer on the se. P.
R. 'here for .the past couple of years,
has seemed a similar 'position under
'the Dominion Government and intern:1e
moving his family to Ottawa 'at once.
This appointment shows that the Do-
minion Government does not look to.
a man's -politics when they make an
appointment . as Mr.-. Goodday is a
strong Con s er v at v ee-Cont r actor Gib,
son is shoving ahead. the Pallasting
of :the C, P. R. through the townput
was delayed last Thursday by one of
the engines going off the track at
the station which took a long time
to get on again. -Quite a number from
town attended the Kelly sales in Mor-
ris last Wednesday, 'Thursday and
Friday. -There have !Dean a number
of removale in town of late. Mi. T.
McElroy 'purchased the house on
'Queen street from Mrs. Brown, mak-
ing it necessary for the tenant, rr.
wahiese, to move to the old school
hese'; Mr. W. Emigh, of Walton, is
moving into the house recently va-
cated ty A. McKenzie; Ur, W. Burns
moved his family to Seaforth on Tues-
day of this week, .he havinahsecured
position there. -Mr. T. W. ,Scott, man-
ager ofethe Bank of Hamilton here,
left on Thursday afternoon of last
`week for near London to go on his
• trailer's farm, where he Intends
staying all summer to try and regen'n
his health. Mr, ,W, Reid, or Wing --
ham, Ls looking after the 'Dank here.
-Mr. Robert McKay spent Sunday
with friends in Winghem.-Mr. W.
Stewart, of Dungannon, visited friends
In 'town a. few days, this week. -Mr.
E. Wilford, who, has been, attending.
St. Michael's College in Toronto, is
at present visiting his parent e here.
-Mr. and Mrs. Thomas McKenzie, of
Clinton, visited in town this week. -
Con tractor NiCholeon, of Bluevale,
has taken the contract of digging a
large ditch through the west side of
Morris township. -Mies E. Hamilten
Biehop _
etion se
last Su
this, vil
• e. -Mr. Price, the fratner,
up on'the 17th these clays.
mas iarn and ,Jas,
riving shed to attend • to,
goa:nk factory will be idle.
ere -The {olackerniiths of,
mecl a ring and fon atime
gher prides all around. The,
wever, did net patrohizet
eely as formerly and we
the combine has exploded.
the • farmers here have.
thing nea,rly 800 tpounds.
01 out ready to go *hen!
t took a. drop and they have
Ing' them for higher prices.
ion it it pays, When a , hog.
ear 200 pounds it should be
t Is impossible to catchthe
at all tines
n Brief. -His Lordship, the
f Huron, preached confirm.
vices in St: George's ehreh
day morning. -Mrs. Dr.)
of Detroit, is visiting ,, ter
Mr. and Mrs. Jeht BerreSof
age -Mr. Thamer, of Milver-
ton, the new 'proprietor of the Wal-
ton ho el, lessumed 'possession! on,
Wednes ay, May 1st. Mr. Emigni re-
moves t Blyth, and may take a Pros-
pecting tour through the West 14 the.
nearfuture.e-Messrs. John Hunter &
CreAbeook, are rushing the
r wk on the new residence
ected by T. G. Walborn, kr.
ery, of Brussels, will de the
brick -ark. When completed it will
be a handsome and comfortable d;weel.
ling, and we trust our obliging vet
'j MrsFrederick, o
. f Cleve -
and hi; good lady may be long spared
to eny it.-
land, is visiting at the 'parental home,
She was formerly Miss Nettie john -
ton. -Mrs. A. E. Small is also ISpend-
ing a), short time with: her parents,
Mr. and Mrs.. John Rae, -The
cars have been removed further up
the track, for convenience to 1, their
work,' and we tines the 'nightly straens
of 'the gramophone. -The very i wet
weather of this week has- delayed
seeding eperatioes, and will •giee the
farmers a ChanVe to got to - see the
town, -The saw mill has been lelosed
down for a time for tepairs.-LeA ce-
ment foundation le 'being put/ under
the kitchen of Ur. John, hicOonald'a
ie,sid.enee, and other repairs ire bo-
iler made, ;
Died at Bay City. -Mr. David Camp-
bell Was called to Bat= City last
week, owing to the illness and death
of 'hie ,trether, Mr. Colin Campbell,
of that city, Mr. Carapbell Was at.,
one time a, resident of this Viclnity.
was a, Ibrother of Messrs- David and
James Campoell of :this plaice, but re-
moved to Bay City about 26 years ago
and *Ewe been a continuous resident
'there' ever .slince .and was held in
high esteem' 'by the many who had
formed bis acquaintance, This Was
fully :testified :by the large number
who attended the teneral to pay the
lest tribute of respect to the depart-
ed. Death wate caused by canceai of
the :stomach. A wihow and grown
up family are left to mourn the loss
or an affectionate 'husband and: Rind
Toe kersrnit h
• The Council. -The council- met _in
'the touncil chamber, Sea.forthe on
Saturday, April 20th. All the mel
bers were present. A deptitatil
from Egmondville waited on the coun-
cil and submitted a proposal to com-
plete the :cement walk an both' aides
of Main street, Which impressed the
council very favorably and Which
will; no- doubt be proce-ded • with,
provided 'that the necessary petition
be presented at a future meeting.
Adam Hays was paid the, sum Of $90
;as settlement of 'his claim for a horse
having 'broken 110 leg on aefoot
eros -
sing in the village of Egsnondvilae.
The Marine haspital, Goderich, was
D. Lo
• Brusseks.
Notes.-Ituesel Zimmer is home from
Toronto on a visit. -Bev. Mr. John -
Ston, who is here on azvisit with
his 'brother, occupied the, pulpit in
Melville 'church last Sabbath evening.
-Brussels Oddlellows will attend
service in St. John's church next Ste11-
{13411,-The families of Neil 8. Mee
Lancrein and Mrs. John Couriley are
quarantined at tpreaent oeving to
seared fever; - Brussels creamery
commenced operations on Monday last
in itheir new 'premises On, the site of
the old Ronald, foUndey. - The first
Tooteall match in the Intermediate
series ,for {bets seasore is antounceat
to take piece hers next Thursday ev-
ening, May fith. Atwood Will_ be the
visiting team and a good oine may
expectee.. The game is called- -fee'
six o'clock. -The sad. news was re-
ceised 'here this week.of the death of
Jean- walker, -wife of /fre R. E.
Broadeoot, of Gladstone, Manitooa,
which occurred on Saturday iast. Mrs.
Broadroot was a fovner resident of
the lith line of Morris, eha a, sister
of Thomas *Walker, of town. She
was in 'the 35th year of her -age and
haa neen married abouttifive years,
The :funeral: took 'place at Gladstone.
on Monday last. -Albert B, Cook and
bride, of London, 'have bean.! visiting
during ithe vast week at the fornier's
parental 'home here. The 'cride's name
was Miss Young and they were mar-
ried! et Landon on .Wednesday of last
Good, Horges.-Nagh Brothers, of
this tOwnehig, are launching out in
the 'helm !business. They have two
-very euperior imported Clydesdale'
colts which they are using for the
improvement of stook for the first
time this season. They are also
tee owners of the well known road-
ster stallion, • Sidney, ' for sev-
eral years owned by the late George
Whitely and which has left as many
good, reliable, serviceable colts as
any other horse in his class in the
county. These !gentlemen are new
beginners in the horse business and,
we tope their enterprise will be pro-
fitable to themselves and benefkial
to the 'public.
Council Doings. -The council met at
Calder's hall,- Winthrop,, on • April
801h. .All the members were pre-
sent. A by-law regulating the erec-
tion of telegraph; and telephone, poles
on the -hizhways of the township was
read and passed. The requisition of
the trustees of school section No. 7
asking tile council 'to issue damn -
tures for $2,100 to build a new school
house was accepted . and •a byelaw
authorizing the issue of the same
passed. A VT -law- was also passed
authorizing- the issue of $2,606- deuen-
tures 'for teuilding a new' school
house in school section No. 10. The
debehtures for school 'section No, 7
:are to run for termof 16 years
at 6 Ipe'r tentand the depentures of
achocll section No, 10 ere to run a
term of ten years at 6 per cent
Ghee es were issued for accounts a-
inou ling to $23.46. The clerk was
authrIzed to draft a by-law desig-
huet g parts of the roads of !the town-
ship aggregating 14 1-2 miles to re-
ceive aid in 'building froln :the Pro-
vinctal fund. Council adjourned to
meet again at Caller's ha11, :Winth-
rop,,' on Wednesday, May 29, at 10 o'-
clock a. re., as a court of revision. -
M. .1sItirdie, Clerk.
Every worthy make, every fashionable leather;
every new style mah be found -here in great
variety. In fact, there's no Oxford want we
can't satisfy. Not only are assortments the
largest, but quality for quality nowhere else are
prices BO invitingly rk.t, sortable. Suet a few
prim* to give you an idea where talc) for fashionable Ox
The "Queen Quality," made in Boston, U. S,, all leather
per pair .1. ob.* Of 11 141111 1** 1* 111;111-1* 1 1111 • 1/14 3 00 a
The "Empress," Canada's best, all leathers, per pair...... 2 26 to
The King Shoe, patent colt, per pair... ... g o. • fag... 4 . ....a. a ft 2 26 and 3 ..
The "Faultless," all leathers, per pair .......,.............. 1 BO to 2 b
Dongola Kid
$3 '" Patent Oolt, Zlneher style
Our special patent Colt per
pair -•
The King Quality - Patent
Sole agent nt Seaforth. for the "Empress " and " Queen Q ality " shoes
women, and the " Slater '1. atm " Walk -over " shoes for men,
14. Irvine, W. Watson, J. Clark, A.
McNeil, T. Clerk, W. Ceolc, W. Keys,
M. Cardiff and John Manning. Sixth
Line -G, Aemetrong, J. Kelly, R.
Young, T. Russell, John Douglas, 3.
Kerna,ghere I. Smith, F. McCutch-
eoh, and .W. Thuell, Seventh -Line-
W. Taylor, J. Phelan, J. Cralgee G.
Pierce, T. Pierce, A. Howlett, Geo.
Readman, R. Bewley and F. Smith.
Bight Line -H. Fear, D. Laldlaw, J.
Scott, J. McCall, W. Phelan, J. Cote
plough, G. Jackson, G.zMcCallum, J.
Bell and A. Knight. Tenth Line -J.
Potter, F. Congman, 0. Taylor, A.
Taylor, J. W. Shortreed, D. Laldlaw,
T. McCall, P. McArthur, W. A. Mc-
Call and T. Marshall. Smelt Bound-
ary -Geo, Grigg. Emit Boundary -A.
laryans, .W. Youill, Wm. Dark % and C.
Pollard, West Boundary -J. GolleYf
J. Taylor, W. C. Greeley, and D. Den-
holm. Walton -T. WEcithOrn.
Bel -
grave -W. J. Geddes.
. •
• Brucefield.
Until September 1st the Sovereign Bank, Bruce.
field, will open Wednesday evenings•, 7.30 to p. in.,
11. It. Laird, Manager. 20$4710
Notes.- Miss Isabella McNeil, of
tanley, was -United in marriage on
Wednesday evening of lett week, hy
Rev. E. E. Sewers, tci Mr. Wm. Hen-
ry, of EgraOruiville. The marriage was
a quiet one, - only a feye friends of
the contrcting parties {being preeent.
The ibest - wishes of a host of friends
are !given to the inewly married
couple. They will reside on: the 2nd
concession ar Stanley, ore their farm,
-Mrs. Heinor, of Georgetown, is vle-
lting 'her 'mother, Mrs. Thompson,
who is Still very 111,-Catehingsuck-
er tiSti is now the anurseanent of the
hour. !Willie Swan walked, into the
village on Saturday with 36 which he
had speared in the river. Willie Mc-
Queen, W:130 INAS With. him, -slob got
over SC A profitable way of ,spend-
ing 1the Saturday holiday. -The rnon-
ey by the Presbyteilanehureh
for the Chinese suffers' has increased
to $111, It has already been sent to
:China, This should keep lla Chantunes
from starving until the (dew crop
comes in. -Rev. E. H. Sewers and Tee,
presentative elder, Jaselemmill, etre
attending the 'meeting of Synod In
Chatham T this week.- Miss Katie
Thompaim to aessieiting in Mr. Reid's
Stere.-iMrs, Jahn Reid, Who has been
Notes. -Mr. David Irving hada val-
uable, terse die on Sunday. -Mr. W.
Miller, of Morrisbank took second
prize* at Howiek spring show for his
handsome Kaplan colt.-afr. R. J.
Szott, of the 6th concession *recently
sold four fine horses to a Seaforth
buyer for 'the neat sum of $1,225.
Three of them brought $900 and the
fourth $325. It pays to rale° horses
of this kind. -James Clennan, an
old resident of the 7tir line, has leas-
ed tile farm and will reside in - De-
troit, wtere he hae three daughters
and a son, He has been a resident
of Morris township over 60 years, his
father taking up his farm: in the
pioneer days.
Pathmasters.-The following path -
masters 'have been appointed for the
turrent year : North Boundary -Wm.
Henderson, W. 3. Henderson, P. Fow-
ler, Sohn McCracken, George Mc-
Donald, Jahn Messer,- N. Thornton, R.
.-Nleoser and P. Moffatt. First Line-
n. W. Campbell, j. D. McEwen, D.
H. Campbell, John Spence, A. Me.
Ewen, W. Thornton, John Johnston
and R. Miller. Sams& Line -Wm.
Finklater. John Perdue, L. Jewttt, 3.
Sellers, W. Purvey, John Mustard,
O Forrest and le, Teclunier, Third
Line -R. Maguire, 3. Hopper, Q. Gar-
niss, Wm. Knox, J. Hawthorne, C.
Campbell, J. D. Sellars, W. Farrow
and .1: Ireland. Fourth Line -W. Cor-
bett, .W. 0. Procter, Wm. Stubbs, J.
Nicholson'C. Wheeler, Wm. Me-
CraShens E. Brewer, J. - Shurrie and
A. Crooks. liftie Line -J. Vance:Ws I
ill Of pleura pneuenon a, is now slo
ly recovering. Miss Hagan, of
hospital, is engaged as ent
her -Miso Brown, , or Bbrth, wbo
lately teen the "lgereat of her
Miss Ella Graham, returned here
Monday last., -Miss jean; Mesta
spent Sunday at the home of
Totrence, Clinton. -Mrs. R
Mensal, spent Sunday at the
her aunt, kfrs. James Broadfoot
McTavish has returned from visitlif
relatives near Stratford. He
postponedehis ;return to the west ow
bee to ill health, but is ISTP
Mdtd the favorable weenier.
seeding In this part is pretty
through and farmers got their .
In in good shape. -There was a gee
crowd in town On Friday last, Spring
show day. --air. Robert. Murdock leae _
gain- engaged, with Mr e Thomas
quehoun as manager for the. season
his line ftleiV 'finpeirted horse, "T
tot," Mr. Murdock has been
Colqubbun for a geed manyye
and his employer knows his aellatele
ety and value or he Would not int
him with such a value:the animal.
. Leadortry
Sathatti School Opened. -The
I bath 'school at Bethet church, wh
was **sea daring :t e winter., w
be re -opened on Sunday next,
5t1t, at one o'clockla has bean are
ranged to 'have it a -Orion and lends-
Stominational wheel, and all
children in the vicinity are bear
welcome. A. ipienie will 'be aerate
for in the Hammer.
Briers. -Miss Ads Daltc
her relatives in the vtl
Mins, of 13Ornholea, sem
with his grandmother, Mrs.
den, Who is very ill. --Mr. Kemp,
has been sick, is getting 'better, --
Miss leers who has •beere visiting
her aunt for some time, has retureel
home, -Miss Dorothy,. Hutchison
home again, atter, *pending t
months with her aunt in Phil
Thoneas Brook, of Egm
ville, with his daughter, spent
week with Mr. Brook's sistfir,.
0. Korden.-Miss -Garry, of Tucker.
smini, was a ;recent vuest. at bbs
Caritio House.
Agent for Gendron Baoy eaniagee .gxppes Wagons, &e.
lien's Shoes at Close•c
- Barley, beL
Znsn, pee -
Shoe" per
lesswilrede Flour
er.Ploar, per leo ihe.,
mutter, N5, 1, loogi
Moder, ub
341p, Per
0•44444 -04444 -644 -e -e,
MEN'S SHOES AT $1.25-Mon's medium heavy solid leather Boots, e
sorew eeriee, heels svell slugged, made -on a comfortable last, e good *bowler 11
money, per pair 81 25 '
MEN'S SHOES AT $1.50 -Men's heavy workeng and walking Boots, mede-f
best plump Canook buffs wen !stayed and heavy oohs, good durable wear, pea
$1.50. •
MEN'S iHOES AT $1.75 -Men's soft ne DongelO Wets, laced„ very
ting, extension sole edge, sewn or otendard screwper pair $1.76.
MEN'S SHOES ,A.T $2 and $2 25 -Metes choice box calfskin Boots, la
or liebt soles, extensiou edge, at $2 and $2.25 per pair. Men's very fine Dongoli
laced, lieht medium and heavy soles, adapted for dress or business wear, per
and 82.25. •
RING SHOES AT 83 AND 83 50 -King Shoe* for gentlemeneheed boot,* o
Oa fine black kid, adapted for business or dress wear, tlreedyear welted, with sh
tension edger, ab 83 and 83 50.
box valfskin, nettle from ohoicest leather, eak °tanned, henderewed, Goodyear We:
per pAstirst4E.Rer sum AT $4. -Albert Shoes for gentlemen's wear, in black, kid
(ALBERT PATENT 110E8 AT Si 50 -Gentlemen's high grade patent col+
Lacid Boots, with medium round box toe and tip, greet, flexible, Goodyear wel
aienie soles, with edges extended td prevent shoe from looleg lis shape, at per_
84.60. Only expensive bench work ean match the Albert Shoes in making, ma
and dreggy,appearance. • e -
Victoria Shoes for ladies have given ns greet sahsfsatierx, and to day we
attacked heavy with confidence that we •will have a big demand for a good se
Prices $2.50 and 83 per pair.
King Shoes for Ladies at ta and $3.50 per pair.
• • •
As' per 1.90 ib8.1
I:Otstr.03#er butax.
wail) per
_woad per eon
wood per tord (*.
41inirer Seed
'11210t -14r
• Liv
LONO0N, England
int.sier feeling in till
Wilms shOl? atienii
Vet*, Oen
being- 1
Cattle Itze steady
Liveatomi, Apri
izattle allows little
431,A5oow4 A
Vdeee firm at
*Om tmea more r,
141105 St,eek Yu
the quality of fa
Zee 4011