The Huron Expositor, 1907-04-26, Page 8I
APIL 26 IN! - -- - - - - - - - Vvior, tot vemoving A�oq 0111s, mes Part Ito the d 1fiW fAintly Ao - 0, f arm he as, All Ah* Mg on ftyfleld also 1000 id#e� it. 0- -0 !p0oulatIOT4 lb! Td, T SMNG NEEDS Enron the, lboa jbao Aot 66"d wbldh IX- anbzook.- Wd Man de� U' afteoted, � It wilt -rented, �uexr Or ee#Oew Will Ctgthom oro driiJig through _A!boli-6 tl�e 'shop licena6 pt Seam ing thyles you will finid oui, store DI&IRICT AS. A, serdng food judgment Is what �ey our the neighborhood selling business growr hek�%ia-rtelxv ffor all requireme-0 e d, 6hat you never flud any a op -worn Perbit-tv- yon need ow . tio'Lutroom-Lea, I - goods here. iou now -s e of the I pox, Cases.-i4i jth�,, To- rWthor wrV I' -the l&pr o sprIng.- 'ro MATTE i n yOft a, low
Tnee� _ OVIt.
deptation., repr�esent ng# Ou Ril
'd Y -elva ntt be,r f 10alea.-Wiffter 10 lin s artibles. whizh come or old orwe n IW.halb might have roved, a. oeriquA ac- numerou Ot- �ar th m
wadon Toola�_ b he you -need ........... 1W use in Room rw Ice t0w toil Ow.. -ent 'hapened to Ur -tive be reports iseriouo state of affairs In, lyounion Ot, former 11tudents of, the rugs -lealog 'the village hlb d . 10 ovindlal Board, of, Health, i Oodarldh udent Reunion jJy an, Sxtudayievening last. While, -Sakes. -goes, Spades a d Shovelw !tor Of tUe D we bave the very beat goodevat regard- to I an, outbreak of srhallpox Gdgric-h High Scjaoql andl Collegiate ca)me Vactious and threw itself viol- e 10,114- -hen! townships, !100V Ino e is Ito ibe 'heldi in, deith that laere is t7ae place t� got th - adsay VW�WY WSOM
the lowest prices. Step titut ently fotrwa;rd. MT. Ll ty. The lnopectov made bis in- on. , uT43agy and, FridaY, Au ' t 22' best. Our goods�al!o al'WaYO XnOd- -held 'to the lines and nothing more covi% KUS mr-autpn re haa. a broken par, or - shafts
We have special barIgains in veAlgatioul,ag: thS result Oti�; 'SUO- and, 23, 1007. erately priced just now, more so aW, ous t -he. r �A of. �Ite Provincial authorities qusted t esejrVt� than ever. owhat plcl= - o, send t Ir address and damag.Ing the bU99T - SOM Washing. Machine and Wringer andvithelti �faavTe to obtalo. desired W Mr. W="Lan, Se&etary resulted.-Offleerb were alip.oInted for Whips Paint_ ,the ensuing ear at the Zpworth Oarpet 8weepers InfomAloxi -from liboal iuthoritles. In. -1bX-Stu�ents, Revnion, Qodedch,� 0,11t-, Formaldehyde,, 26 and 50o a Aottle aa -d
tKalsonine Scrubbing Brushes ttwo townships sixty eaiseO or the Stating, iA What yea4v they to cgred J�eajgue on Tuesday evening last, the -t Ithe most 9"Int Garden 8eeds, 7 Packages for 256 dWase, all 6 Iliall . receipt of thlat UW 8 I Ealvanized fron rubs and Palls itO school. On patoV, Rev. M. Curry 'being. present In 'Dagh- jut Hair 8ruah and Comb) 960 for'thel paIr character were discovered,! mvtalry will totward information ------- 44- and Mop Ladders Ited. Xfnum- (The P�loe of One) wood one. death has Vesu. ravaxd Wthe 'reunion, apecha� rail- Blake, <00tWng
ied-� - - rit4g, etc. It to expecte(t th Moth Oamphor and Tobacco 8#uff for Sherwin-Williams Paints 'te 09 'the atifAts have had!nO M at way Nd.tog,_V"ers in this localityare idition ot ot Mr. Strang's old!pu- 'ting a4vay the Fur 1buBtly egaged with , oeedIng opeVa- are the best and most economical. Ical attendance', Wd the cox Ith igahering put call and get color car&. some of them Is dangerousi ,EnergAtia vils will lbe -a Rarge and, notable one. Mons, The I=d is W splendid coui- steps a�ft beftf9 taken tC0 grlipplewItH Give us a call. We are oleased to d and, dheek the pread of the disease. who 'ha% ;been. caa- J. Bpdhler Death of Mrs. Rose. -Mks. "D. see you whether you buy or )Aot. Mr fined #,o the boulse, with a WaIned Rose, who for a urdber,of years, Tound. Died in tana._�-The following de- ild n 11 , , a' ArchlfbA was a resident, of Seaf orCht died k1s, Is now able tp, move a ,xiesota, apons, � Min The 191te avrival from Scotland Who the Yest4ence ,, of her da-ughtero I -.41 20Vh, speake.for., Itself. It SEAVORTHS dated & riday last, Th: Is eagaged w0h U, R. JohnstoWy Aurora, 11.1nols, on F . . . . . . . . . . . I . C.ABERHAR 'bae Pipe Plar- Hardware-, Stoves and Coal. decase -wa 9, sister Of Mesors. R. 9 proves to e quite a IOU oitario Was- � UUO1, 11)"ed ester- & and, itreats the village to open, air! op, formerly of day ithal heO hu4band waa dead at' L. and Thomas, Sh% DRUGGIS16% mus* frisqueiitly.-Miss kqlliif� Dr%s- Billings, Wntaha, and at i thel � same Seaforth. After 'a-rdsid-en& In Sea- �_]B OOK dale, of Uensall, Jp opedding, a fa* IMA; rotith of mavy 7e&rs, -Mri 9;nd Mrs. Mats tim the information was I to days vialting In the neighborhood,- ;E James WaUonj c1onveyed r bas added[ wlf- h -a Minneapols lodi-ge. of the Rose .moved to Toronto; where they tSon 'have resl4ed ver slfii6e. Therei,are tAm-&1P 0 IZZ 17 1-3�, Mr. Rose Johnston. mericahaa teor4 Successor to W. N. Wa: Kcdern,7oodmen of A derfully to "the 191ppeaaned of 'hig Wavy frielids of Itthe 4eceAsedf 'here. WORTH MAIN ST . le for lh, ei dAys in sydrAeft p,roporty ibV, 'having s,new wire fencel or -for lihr Uth A ent for up -bo -date Trutsee who -will egret to learn, of her d 4re Life "a Aooldent 11neurw ordi r $3;000. %at Water Bottlev, Shoop's ria-med, r o 'hand he 10 Wei end who will extend iheir a-ympath !Olaxed along the oa-M- S. SW Isince agentt �%sl U-Atate siad Losp- Krg..Kolly, who Is Well Own bete, Y Cook's Cotton Root Compound a d a Henssil, - spelf Sunday the )guost t Mrs. Rose br th, 1! , ontaTio, where is Wih ber 0 r e was 74 7e&'rs of age. -Th6, remains Waod�c Phosvh6dine., Of Utspa-Tenits.-M. Ed. Stelck., of the kud Xavu'fao !been 'f( Toronto. 'for Iter- egsiqa, bag purchased ti. 0"A" ixt first-class: she b4a )-V-,�Iltwo months." The* wbre %. Icelly farm from ,his mother, an is it, sis turing sevolog moobines, and, Cream �,here. reterred 'by U ll omd John PluX- rvent. . 1 1 � Thomas �-hs season.-Uts.. Ttkkef of Elgin, have ter 0. Mosarai We 'hope Ed. won't Separators, viz. aon we are pa�. ing special attention to gal- )UWRAYmond and White Iffewing noy, �of'jthis town, ano she was visit- This se Illinois, Is hen vlsit].AB� her, 4ister, o- live alone. Usohineir, and - Natloost and Ing �bere while her huobWnEt was away vanized rooting and 0ding for houses and barnfl. Lot Mrs. J. -B. haropson,Mesorg, He- parsto X BJU4Bvale., Une Gas Gresin Be healt th6 lftelpt olt the us givoyoil an estimate OR your work. 0heany & SWen "a G61ger, of _the Seafortt fla PP aeekipt Archibald, Seafortb. a large areN Aba fiswiDg T11111, Ve hav r is aschine, needes. oil, attfteh� tew#� ar�_Xtt -Kelly�s deaitN she Ieft V�r women whp TheArt Sh6e or Women. company a, Ment1l, r4otrir iiind, sundries for all for. )home. -ant something god and stylWh'in Aces, we are ax this season. The flax InAll meting on SA-arday evening to decide -We of gewing maahinej� gettinir a nowsboe callod. 'TheArt' Is &in Ildpftta;nt Indust!�y In tisif town. r�dndtng up o4 , the cora- is abbve ri- It, will be here wiWn the first two weeks io as it !gives employment t4(Y aj large ;bout -the, With o*er 25 yeare experience in U Good Concert, -The concre.. t F ofn,yls Itobt Willip, opposite Exp9sitoi Office, Seafoirtb, s. The Ladies Aid- 01 business you On reit: assuied of piiceo da evening in CavdnWs Hall, under staff of wolomen a;ncl circulates- a JP Y 2053.1 the 'Freibyterian church Intend hold- r4bt, iquare d�alixog- and satesfaetion, th� augpices. of. the Anglican Ydang lot of. money throughout the country We have Qleveland coiled sprIng ivire, woven fen- Ing *cUft social some time. In May. Ion) waa One of the anJ 11 fence builders' supplies at lowest Orices. In, Wh Course of a year,t while the People's Assdel%l a -when the home, well ali ll �Jse Ohold& oin Chesney, Archibald, �D terprWOW . proprietors, lftuglV bel4i pA. -suctloft PINO is.the time N, test gKen in our, towa 1or some 01V96 us a call before buying. -'MT. John. shton. JAMES WATSO 2053.1 malle of 'his fari �stock jind- Iniolem-, not make much''nOlSe, aTtbl 7eav Pme, There wao 1900dl audlefi# "they do be clothd bright, new ra Nature the a ents on Tjhursday of lAst week. -Mr. 6rd doalet in Sewing Naebtale AgeDt nierite 7 7e6)r uOhing ahead d, lela omi. resept 1but the lyrogmm. - 4 The best wallfinishis Muref)co,ll Try For 'I> an lee. Nor* Nola A,�Uton 10 Igiing up "d Mayo sale only by 'Chesney & Arobribuld, Seaforth. �0584 fi�rmlng for the in that—niolrW8 imitate. Aft and floor- noeb ma their op�ere of vaef Proper packed ng about.painti remarober ulneso.-The fogl- 641 :or sup iss �Wlnlojv,, cell When 1you �Ve think) either by or �Torjrj�n elilfhted the i audledcm that Shoi%irin-Williams pa]0 stands for the vey, best, -splr 4dy to helps sugg WU _&,t to, tll :Season, has commenced, sexA.-Mr. MOV-7nnell, of be referred to Us., W8,a.t2U4,T$ 00 On oe Ited m was layod-on. Wednesday Zus In the -FAllagei on bus1h )iere* are oning Her pleasing nwrier and' -exeelile'mt There is oatis ath - I . e
faction in 11singagood thin&, Ana T -days, as it were, of all -the thoice thigt here. 2ho T-u,esd&yt--;.Xr-- Thomas Hendersom, ef 6P rendering of ea&h. of her ecta proof of it is that our sales - are lar asinir 11 i a veritable show'room,; ns sto, 1Y blare vent g on the old agricultural park Avalcome-plaoolor-70aw won -for 'her very beartn applause. each Year, We carfy a large Chesney 41 lbetween the- Paks n J "Ptreet Ithe Ffluev40 Yoad, Taised, a, ibarn, on, furuishing department if dY put Arohloald, Seaf6rtb. 2068.1 f'* e ureff bare to lba�ltone, of -club -Wednesday . a4ternoon of weekj come and at'a effeetv, a phice to , orm =14d Pi t Of jUSt. W STRATFORD,, ONTARIO,. lf you want 0, cheap and good a regulti to urn Ist' fall., this drapeq Ahat-rugl d' what, th -1U Mr. Donald,� McGre hed# �ng. In victory fOr the e e offeet m' be. Oome. talk V* roof for barns, al eplace the one a and whei or Tdrordo, proved hiniself wafthy of. all tc., call and see our Brantford rooffng��Vrlce, former iby %,To goals to none., Mr. Wag esrh&blyhed't*enty years ago, and,� by its. of neighbor'S. and 'Dick was the' Irefeii matter ove us, thorough work and honorable dealings with its bin% "rev us -to ==,=e with nallo, etc. Ohesn%l & Tom ?ee.!--�The -at had"been said of, to 2063 lane munibeir Pat t I - triends assisted at the Taising, and wousbas become one ol.the largest -and most widely his, comInK Ao Seafortbi' He has: a Ladles� Aid of 'the Presbyterl�ncpurch Ih the eenin Rendet- llwowu Commercial Oolkvesl in the province. The fte rasenCe,L' an,, �exceedi ' ly. swegt VOR SAL -A comfortable frame house containing are making *pSratloni; for -bazaar g Mr. and Mrs. demand up.60 us for cowi6rcial teachers and office nine rooms on the Mali street, U, gmondville. on opened their ho" of to them' 'gar, 0 Willixm:�bejh P80Y and poWerrul voice, and which they purpose ;holding 't�el first We assM NOAX aWlstanta greatly exceed the supply daucing.-Ut. Jaindo. Bugess' 'has a- Studento ate entering each don, Is erfect, r. TUrri B'Onnett, for of June. - Full xr-ticulars . WIN .,be '77 �t 00 tee Customers -tell us ohey pro rd-tox; "d In- y funy e lea. other lloe on the. market -that's adf6ot, of gain ,been appolifted inst c comic, vocalist, was. ex6eedl4g, ivn laler',_Ur. .Rarold 3�ro here this e our Preferred shook. Try A. Sold only the speotor the cheese &no butter fac- ELUOTT & MoLACHLAN in se 'his, oelectionsi wud was ada Furniture Qompan r1rinolpau. heawtily encorid. Mrs., F. rout Ou Poplar and genersuy I10V A Party Rib With Bricks-nobody'hiirt, in fact all 0 as Alex. McGee wiS cAlled 1to, the home . I I I - I i: 1 the accol io r 5, Seoforth. Y�plott Ag 0, goup.-Mrs. Boalttt torles In the Listowel
inipanist, filled heel'placel,. on -b pleased -lal party who re his lotiler, w ek avdi Mrs. J, K. Bro very mue Uas asot Of 1er faither, 8th line, Morris, oWing nized, tem of offeringtdy the bW# a4 oon last &' lol am ily a Most pleasing and XY ae d ceived a f4hower of tboRe lovely ice crehm bricks from On- UV(ft�d tern ito the Illpess a;nd death of her. moth- goods at -the low -eat prideot 141U, Kithbon, Re4forth.- we deliver caivi o 1. io M, - : ., Ti, R., ra:nJ o# he satisfactory manner.. The 1. Aiiglican Strasierla Randy n th 913
About; Dia onds 12' p"'gr them to tiny par of the town, 11354-1 he lu er I took place, on, Mon- CARPETB People wre o tbeef c ngratulat- Xrack near Clinton. No further !dariL- more and mot the aaceess of youn d&y. 81TUAVON AVANTED.-Partles in towin desiring age, was edt on the excellmee of, theirl enter done ou 6 it caused a constd- biis braneh of our b ines. taftiryient. Their expenses were.heavy a good girl to do general housework can learn of one who will be available after Ord of May on applicatloi i e�avl.e delay as he assenge�a on Rensall., at dia- so ,there was not a large a arplu, for W MOZXPOSIT'09 Oeptok;, Seafprthi 2064-1 the' &ftern -08 going eas had Of con-eyouk.nowth nionds ate higher in price -than the Societ, hut a special '"train GUAT)MAX & STANBUILYj Barilsters, Eta., at Hensall. The vat-lety of our -psfterna�, they lurn.shedf the 114ve you set that ben Yoh.? -Pure Bred Barred to be transferred to ever and the prices are still go- citfzeno a musical treat of 'an tMusu- Book E ggH, the kind that batch, at O." S. Andrews, brou9b1t up from Straff6r&, � The Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturda�s. W29-tf . � ; their �olor toxies, eoula not easiky ing skyward. To prospective ally ,hiSih r�der. the Post Office Grocer, Seaforth. Prices ieasonablP, wrecking crew' 'had -the line cl6ar,, a- IR 1pf's.-The f armerl are ndw b W S �xcefle1d, and w ito. you to 2654x2 U t , rly us- LIN es eff� tahr ithip same afternoon.- ()TIRU buyers I would s g ed with the, i, aptiag work -o GIRL WANTED at the Royal Hotel, Seaforth. Lft of , Cor.nWall" I , t e 9, iconsequeuce, rader Is �,Fsome-: puichase.�;, as the rig t sort of guost of an d, a and choos whilq- the assortment a.-Mris. Clark, Good wages. Apply at once. A Big Land e '2058.2 stones will certainly go in for or North Man"afreet, Sea�lorth has' We handle thd ceebrated Blue Lake' Portland MFO' I- V. Fear. -Mrs. Wright, of whait, quiet in ou. *111age.-M. and eomplet& a oth =st of another advance. 'Toro to, was this eek -the Mrs. John ,Flalayson,, of Seaforth, this week cont - eted a big deal In, Content. This branWkrows in popularity every sea.. n I have 'at present a very son, Chesney & Archibald,. Sea -sob. 2064.1, HOsi:H. J. Hicks, aA HiVrpu were In. he village, on Tuesday, visit- We have Lac Ourtais Maaltobh Unds. $'he sotd her fwrmbf eihoice sele6tion in all the lat- FIREMAN *AXTE D. - Apply �at the Bleeblic' Ing Mr. ana Mrs. Wmi. McDougall.- 610 acres to, the Messrs, S44brodl Of what: �axe regarded as, beitS otfg�wt est designs of settings, includ- Ught Station, Seaforth. 2004-1 Mr. 'A, Deh1t, f Mitchell and Mrs. tes by Monday and fed -E�Out'� Awelve Tuosdmy next, April 20bil SlItux and 80tb; highest price price4goods that is Matt- paid per bdishol. if -brought in on these days. Ncites.-The ]kgWolth League �f the past week, visiting Wro. Suterland, ing the -boatitiful St. ThomaE;, ,for tile um $16,000, WANTEh.-Car load of pota Wil- Chiselhurst. erit werre In the village during the in fine note aown �to, the I weA miles south of K1119Arney, 20
tThls fa.,rm Is CURTAINS
P-isp-tay Tiffany toba, and adjoining the ylillage lianis & Purcell, Soccesiors to B. 14, Gunn, coroar MOthodist churcA bold their me�etlnil Mr. Den't's- sister. - Mr. F. C. - Mc- to deolre. Ycu-. zannot -get of store) f3eaforth. 2ON-1 which sliows Sedbook. gore !than he -If !of it: -is on Suday evenings instead of lWed- Donald, of this village, -has., tvkeii -patt 4hau va-shw. the stone off to the best' ad- roke or crop d it has FOR SLV,7-Nice quiet lady's pony also draught InesdaY eventftg as farmerlyii k -r-' out I a, license as an auctioneeIq for mare for saleat R. ff. Peak and Co.'s, Seaforth.- ithe county of liuron.-Mrs. vantage. an it , good 'house am Tink L�urn, 2064.1 ranowan'to have also bqen male for go It was taken up. by about ipreachfirw servlbes an Suinday eveoiu Scott, og London is visithig, 'her als- IA great colleetion Of Fatty W. 01, Imow Sul
4Prices aefrom $10 to $15 15- years ago.' He llvejil, on it and LN,ai Biefs.-We .wore An, error OVoush he summer months.-Mi1so A. te, Mrs. Sutherland. -A number of pery - atuffa, *hich undaWdly w%. mn 7 workeal. it for ten yeara,'Whan. he died,. last week In ot6ting that Mr. Toor Cammich el eutertained �&numolar of our villagers are busily ga�ld[ In DRAPIERIES' aAd Mrs. Clark returned -to 14 Mi ne eening lastwe k at pladting onion's, Hensall, Is a pat vell- quickly to, apprecia buya.% uro',1 had move4 In'to the house owned 'by DA, Sal8a, stvle. b*
b 'the! bome of onlon. 7 061tre.-M. R. Bullard ba' have re6ently been put
slid Ihas een residing In SL�aforth for, Mrs. ,11(itee % Hogg. rDho , Ouse ba� doinon. -some Itl 'me. She to a slaftb'r of Mr. Vailt to
DALY - ongs -.,to bk-; Alex. Lamont. -One day T& �of Kippen, was the of erect6d -an a namental cement fence wml. Rian, Of 141alltt. r. the Misses Newell :pirt of last . :4 is Wth novel and4 attr1activelta eek. Jeweler Optician 0 Clark, last week David Reid, soo --of 116. Jas. have e gag-' appeaance. .The work iwdt designing going to Manitoba,, Wded On Rid$ had ithe�'iaofdrtiine to. sprain, -The Ladies'. Aid Socilty ave e ff fodtba4l W11 I issuet of Xarriage TAcenses, a favw In Hullekt near Of stance. Ihis ankle while playIn and ed Ithe services of Prof. Ruse-�: or & was done !by Mr. Henry Taylor., con- Hose' Furnighinn bought now. '43ARDNO BLOOK SEAFORTH Str4ce .his death Wif's. . Cla 'has ad the has since 'been getting. around (term fdr tTw enefit of our locaa t&I, ractor of this elliagp.-Our flaxrnill Wh
Thb C enit."Seeding Is now the order �f the manufacturers have -a. nurdber 'of pur 9.sgrs, in- w1th, lhe� aid of crutches.-RObertson, at work utting, IV flax. -Md. tend working It them'selves and have d�ty.-Dlhnln Bos� bave stwrted *ork Iment MLean, Who had� Uen laAd up with ries Chapman,, ot iWoodstock, Is taken up a lot of' horoes nd other inflammWttan of the aXte rias of tha Ithe - Newel ;Wm anct axe, eyl antly Chw ngs hum. vialItinir 1her parents, Mr. alid, Mrs. ed i -so esi effecLs. with that objec In view 't HARNESS IV weeks, !returned to his tthi George Scott. -Mrs. Fulton Is visiting stored until. repir ff & red. it is a fine lot and is. we, 1, situated, - 4chool d,4ties, In "UsiDorfte, oo Satur., relatives and friends in Brusselsand ourowumakeof genuine Rubber TrimRjecl b.ult t'he price received for It- marho UY last, an d Ur-'Vx91nk Scott,- who ondvill.-MIrls. Campbell, of ZuCLI Hrnesu. 1b is the best value In Canada, Ask Of filled US 1posktion as suostitute, very the apid increase In the, rices you neighbor about them, Noteo.-Seedifti to the &40 Of the ich, Is here visiing, her, papents, Mr. farm -property In that icou L try with- efficiently- returned home.-Ur.Josep 'day at present. -T -Miss M%eglel MeMid, Mr.s. T. MurdKk.�Ur. Edgar DOW-Truaks-Valises- Suit Cages- In itlie ast five 'years, 56gallth; while assisting In �Ipoaring Loaghlin, of. le adbu'ry, has iroWrned, -.Westcott, or Exeter, was Ia. the vil- Plush and Wool Rugs,' Etc. metal in. the Tnoulding ishog at the after a ,pleasant visit with. Sul4tmec- lage [this week ",visiting his elative BEAU TY AND Uspect our stock before purchasing, follow- Bell ngiae Works, lhad� 14he nilsfar- ',hill friendo.-Re. W. KIrn I t d Maried In Tile West.-T��e Um. Butt .,and aughter.-Mlos Una ye y a. holding confirmation ser ice Ing aragraph which we, !�ake -froni �une to 'be istruck dnf the ey v n St. Fisher, OkrExeter, Wis here relnewing in- 0 r s W.' Broderiolky. ithe -Penticton, British Colqw1bla, Post apwr of, thw. molten metal, loaQ P te hurc the eve;nihr IDA acqual-rita:nces.-Wo. Da*mfan of o"08M 001121KROIAL HOTEL, at a,zftenit, date . will 'be 6f interesit Juring ft. He will have la� sore eye Apil 30th, when the J31shoo is Ito be. en, -wa's 'here this week spendIn'T a ito mapy of otre lrea&ri; re. The or a (time, but thei sight In not likely' pregen�t._Mrs. A. alte vie tect. Miss few days- with Embroideries and Lao- on S her sister-in-law, Mrs. -C.aforth. tride is 'Me third- daughte� of Mr. Ito he eff ted. -The pay roll at the A. Lovett day. -Mr. le�ander ec ButL-0u;T4. fooys are Teorga41zlng a and Mrs, Wter Daey,'of Se�fortlfi, and Bell Ungine aInd Thresher Works, in SlomAn visited in the vijlaip� on Sun- XoOtball tesm,-Wed(ling ells were We
she weT�t -west with hei+ Osteyr,_ Mrs. Seatorth, amounts to WOOUt $,3,600 er dsy.�The many friends of Mes. �Qamp� ringInx 'here again ithis week.- Mom the B Hill, a little over a yemrll ago. "The �modth, -end It would sood' 'be . very, ibell are leased Ito 1hear 04 hor re- the uew goods are here—the moolik 0Y
British Ooldrnbia II May now be seen: mai�y trWnds 'here of' M6. Nichol- TiMh lafter-If bazda aA room, were eovery from 'her receift LnOss.�-Xrs. Red Oedar son' will untLe. * In widbing 1her a. very avallWole. In some of ithe depaTtments R.. 1W It int and's tslan'r a coutalo I mbnt is :Immense. 'ipogt '%ays :, 16he men. wre working, over -time, gind n- Ribbert happy marrled. life. The ClWton usiness college--T.fte�,idle,S` 41A very quiet wedding took plaeon still the -estair11shmeivt finas It dif- Gulld,,of St. PetWs church� was or- Death of Mrs. Casey. -Death has WednesdV eventIng, April Ord, at the ficult to keep up with the orders corn- ganized last Friday afternoon.' They once �mdre visited this neighborhood, SHI N horne of Mir. omd Mris. Nopma,n HILI,. Ing in. -Mrs. M. .Thompsonj OA John will ,begin- Ithei. 'regular meetings the and his- time has taken from u , s a,4 are Pentictoa, When Mr. Uu�iOck Nichol- Istreet, was rostrated 4)Y a/ severe first of the manth.-Mrs. T� ftghis, old and 'highly esteemed resident, who son, end Miss Claa Dalek, -sister of attwk of a;ralysis, o7f. ednesday of Ouv tpodtmistress, Is at London, on depmr,ted -ffiis life an Thursday morn- s. 11111, were uTitted marriage laot week. She Is now almost entie- ro.ustness. Ing', April 18th. -Mrs. Caspy was born Large Car Just Re-ceivAd Ur I I ,,, t 'by Rev. B. H. Balderston Thelbride ly 1hellpless, -and, 113ein well advanc- he county of Longford, Imland, i� - was 'becomingly attire in nite. ed, In, years, 'hat, progress Itowards In' 1821, and emigrated. to Canada In 1847., !aettlin-g in the county, of Sim- As, Red Oedqr Shingles wi I be scarce silk wih laoe and ch tT,immmg Tftovery will The slow. The attack this seasoa' on account �f rail way and carried a Isn'bwer I ouqu6b of came on, While fahe was pailtakig of Good, ffork.-mr. '.W. sluk, who coe. Two yeams later #,he was mar- blockades, we would advise custom- whi�e earnations and After wipper.-Seeding to inwo general in has !been sawing ithe mate, . tor Mr. tried Ito Owen Casey, of Adgala, and Valen'Ue W114's new fbax4 to' Stan- I Aft- thie, cozYcratulations, a d ty lunch Ithis pa:rt of the country, although the settled on a; Tai'm hi that township UV ley, nea 'here, f Inished lth� contract ers to-, Jay in a supply ear)y. was served and he happy ouple -took JgVDund i's not, yet t I v -good h pe. the -de- p ery 4 2; Where ishe trimained uatil M w on. Saiturday, takixir.'�Just *bouti mix ebase of !her. husband In, 1874o She We also have a good brand of New Va7ssage for he coast cites. They -Dr. ltkin-son, of.Detroit, spent Sun- Ito aswo the required Itthl & ek. -after day 'he", w4b, big mother, Mrs. U. -five more( soft Brun%wiak White Cedar'Shingles will be absent bout a if7 Xheii "Uped- 'from the ye thousand eet. Mr. Charles Parker's which lthey will take up ft;' abode -C. Chesney. -Mr. -James �Dickson, of dule of life aud, camej to Seafo#h SEAM RIN-tON11; to oker at close prices. in- Ithle- cottage Mr. Nic basJust Godrldh, dep4ty registrar, and, Mrs. Ifteshirfe ngtne- afforded the Jipower vVhere she resided tor . an-araber of AV Dickson, speht Sulnday- In town, with and did,lb very satisfactoril-yo'-MIr-here- -yms. 'Gradually ithe lvflrmlties of comploted. , Mr. . and Nichola6n 'he popula:e young people Postmaster � and Mrs. '-D1 ksoni- r. ever( Chilie '4s he -makes Ithings go. old age began to bear upon 'her and- seO wPth the C, of Penticton." and hrs, W. U. McLean were In �Wl is 10 'high"y 'Plea she removed to the home Ot 'her 190 CLUMP & SONS 'Pe 'two Of t WaIte46o this week, -attending the Jdb,, 1h&vIvc saved. a lot of 'bbavy daug1hiter, Mra. John Murphy, where witli a Jiler "eam and sugar, set, CoWpany,'haV tTe-signed hils V0001� Plann- Mill and Lulnber Yard.' fLe&miVV and. aibout omne bu dreA dol- and 'her eon Andrew VVIth a go14 lOck- und, h43, V-. South Huron Licen�es---iAt a. 'fully imcwriage of a friend,, Miss Moore, of she spent her declining y vecred all connection Urs -la money. The a!rn will 'be ope et. After this 'ple'agant proceeding, a . OW company. He to succe SEAFORTH fUhat tow -n. -The �ervlces In the Meth- though Klis, Casey bad ''been, In fail- e.ded attended nweting of the License Com- ith6 Ibest in the township.' one. V
odist Qhulrch, on, Sunday last, when The Ing 'heal'th for. some time her icondl- nice TMt-Rrome Of mu ic, Oth Cal - ----- -- nd -n X1. m4soul ot misslonets for Souh Kur�n, held, 0 Ira with a and, In,strumental, P. Tecitatio 01 Do.. tnain ba- will be 40x60 eet Rensall, on PrIday last, it was ae- Professor Bowles, of Toronto, preac- ition was not thought serious until ed dulcWtional sermons, -wert� Ia gely atravv dhed 40x46 feet and twill 'he of the' Monda 'deat etc., was ivell Tendered, and after dided o out off five licenses, which, previous to -her h, st atl through wadi Will I when am - acifte attack of senlie pnea tw wit with the-* five affected. 'b�:r local' op- aittended, and-- none were disappointed nW mwte; partaking of an excellent lunch, apd kt the St. Th�m S -he nelghboho 00. we I LZng ION" cdot In t O'd of $2, all Joining in singing Aulc tion, will- maAw a Yeduction, or ten In in he reacb[qr.-Mrs. James Scott I monta %astened the, end. Deteaaad week a action for $26.10.00 Syne," he compa withdrew with ope Mr. Wilds w1A!.;get h(s tb2olldtng abb. Rill,wayl- the irlding.. The'lleeniges t6 '6-� cut olk Who had 1beeA. viatting 4,rlenUs- In was og a quiet and� unassuming, a- against the Wat) 6mpleted In good shape a:46 t4at he many rOesslano ot good, will for. , - 1 HORSE &H OW Lucknow for isome weeks, !ret I Itufre, who patiently endured all, a& brought for- the d"th of 1b local opItion are- two In Hensall; urntd 'home e will 'have -it filled to 6terf-lowing verattles, firmly trusting In. the dls� hOL-Se hey hadt come to vis Pe two in Staley, one at Va in Monday. -Mr, ThomasBrown, It- 3'1"' Geedy aind' injuries to ari 1wna and the Toronto Mayj 'to 4 eybry season with thef lts�of his f Ine
Ithe agent here, this weelo positions ot a,-marclful and -all- wise Coats a -ad daughter go to reside -in and Nora Geody, who 1W other at Kippen; iind one in Uborne re0ei ed twm., I -raw Intends I atWoodham. The Commissioners &ISO from ltte manufacturers� In Parts, Pxovidence. The funeral ook place Brussels, and nd 'going While driving -uroas. 'L e -X resided in 'WO 108!r- 10ad's Of SucrOsf& U ColUrribafr-P-hurch, Amord-i
efueed licenses to Albert Mosei, of It on SvtuTday,to St. to the west atter havin t 7ear. A, . 'Consfanbe. i -this section rot, thirty years. Through ment wAs effected, tile WAD"It, Corbett, nd B, Cuningharv, of Kh1va, Spreadefs Which have lbeen disposed here high mass was sung'by Father wndi ittle of o famers In the vicinity and no Hand Xule Shoeg.-We are no(%, lueparod to fit 'T� and many amlable' Tickets on ale -at Single Fare kindness of hev Ing $6,�00. for Round Trily, plus 50c for- 'both in, Stephen township; w_ McKeon, who also delivered an elo- any foot with hAbd wade laced shoes or long bootV in -they �wori the eateem! of a. Melvopolitan of 'Exeter; Pend. 'the neavly every tarmer Vdirfg froM Canadian Kip, Prench Kip or Calf. We bwye them- qun and- appropriate panegyrit on qualities Admission 004on good, go- re -Ter great Marathon road will [be only one shop 111cense in Sea- !town delves & Tnanure spreader witU -in stock In three widths. Rob% Willis, OPP, asito Ex - the life ot,,i the depavted lady, The laYge nunioer. of perbons. ing May and at fOre and. lrajqp, at Boston Mat week, W" o -thir(I for roued trip, plus fort, .instead of two, - as formerly, 1buggy or wagon Itled, on behind' positor,office, SoAfortb. *malns were then - conveyed to St. a6 - I wwl ib Tkwmss Loogboat, of TOMM 50c for Admission Coupon and only M4� Itavern. Worse i BRY- -The, Rxposito' had a pleasat. call N60tes.-The many triends of i Mrs. Colunj�an cemetery and *were -'rever- WinthroD. Ibroke, the worl's recor 4W. good going May 2, 3, and 4th. _fleld, Instead of two. Th , f llowing �on -Wednesday from Me. James, Jam- 0, Pollaxd, 'of Iffils vicinity wIll- re- ntly lowered to their UA resting -a-ad left the field, 'AsIst .0 TOW wr"r - t'ho �b minUtes All tickets alid ieturning un- e granted licenses for� (e 'Year: ty8ft, formerly of --Brucetield, :btft gr&t to learn, of "her serious place. She Is survive4 two son -.3, Notes. -The creamery Will 'apg 0P_ IWVm-d. lie bad to hie Queehl.s, Royal, Comme'rela , and Dick WhO has been esiding, in! Hannah, _Favn�errs In Ithis viciit are �tnow Wm., of Oak Lake, Manitoba, and rgtjons on May Ist, so 'have our fil May 6th. long distance ii�� WM. 126 of the beat �'n f our daughters, Mrs. John Murphy his beneficial and paying business.- House, in SeatoTth, and Itzpatrick, Xorth, aRotaj for ome years. Mr.- ll tbuigy as ees seeding UT', Eugene, of Salt'Lake City, Utah, and ream )ready 'that dx7 and1 IMPPDrt ftv he world. Mr, Longboat
el known hts)�se of.�khla Grip House, waa 1gr Jamieson gdt tied of the long whi- I Rinn, It -he w 1 Xmber ot the staff -OA �*Nv, J, d atbree months! Mans Masion, Iter in the west iund deolded to take I Ithis - vicinity, 1recently sold. lite and Mirs. - Peter Jorda;n, of H16bert # The faremers ire alf--Ousy seeding and A 'hl' V!, Co.. 0lesal 4 L W RA T E 81 Comniorcial, and of JExeter. 8A ,run' to Ontarto u,,ntU the climate iglding Ito Messrs. Ardlob -d and Sloter Mary Ubald, of St. � Mary" Central, 0 the ladies e bousecleaning.-The fall ronto, and, to a full Hill and Redfearn, of Ore Eton; Zim- Ithere thecomes, tmora liveable, Cumoro, of Sbaforth, for -02t A'n'a he Academy, Winnipow,- and Mrs. C. wheat and tewly. seeded fields o Um Onandago- t-rie, Six to Norfolk, Va., daily until friend,tt he)re will '130 Vle&Sd to see has ltodtht 9, very h Fhda-VY P goolcins, of Wfineapolls. I -have vafferedr V ,much from he! Mer Of Dashwood; 0. Frit of Grand andsom ety 00 Novemb(T.30 on account of the Deltrich, ]him flooklifg 4o ell frdrn Mr. and cam oilefia tom w -Mr. I andd Mrs. draught mare, 5 year sold, late frootts.-RICIL rethiou Is =king 4 Bend; 13*rermer� of Sblpk the Niagara' arnestown 141'xpositioll, Choice . J. McCallum we've vigiting friends LairtO114 of the -West � nd-, T uckdra of MOUT11t Ca.'rmel; W. Xoff' tt. of Con- preparations for enlargl'ng We Urn sula, He fa 20 y Is 4 OUL-h 14 of routes. Local and thr In LoIndon ,this week. -Me. Ha:rt,_'*bro- IsmIth, XdV which ;he 'pald $250. Ito Leadburry -tralla; the'.Dixon �Iouse, of Bruce- tickeU4 issued previous niklits 'this sumnier,-Ur. John Story has op, 11 Indes In beight, It, wel9m f Ield Aed Tavern, Of T uIckere ith, t Nhor4n-lam Of r. J. A. Htnchley-, !piVM'h1*aae,4 bet or breeding puodses. �resentatlon.�On Monday.. 'evieni ened up a ne w and novel business in for early t rain at Town Office, 16 frionds ounds lie was given VeL 37dhUson amd Rea., of Z4rfoh; ld-rs' bas :purchased- three lbulldtpv lots. '-Mrs. Armstrozigi' of Brussels, has of last week about gakhere, V 'the villoe, that o f a ale xr Lion ;� No vetum to ToroVi, �dtjon was f"al r. Charls Alberhart, east of 'been visiting Ms. Annie at thd. home of Mrs. Jarnes Coates., and Ntcholsm, of Blae. No had read a change kennol, 'Ot to -raise -4 wnd Is ip reparing, to XeCu movement In or, 16 For tickets and full Information call on tal" In the St. joseph -app11c&itIQn. 'his. Tesidenice, er- Miss JAInot Lindsay, of New. Li0eard, after Mrs. �tcheon r i 0 A-duinato t ect,VlVee nice residences threon.�' is ithe.guest of Miss Stella Clie,- gracefully worded address, Mrs. _am jor a profe0alonf W. SOMERVILLE, Town Agent The Xtropolitan of Rxetd, waa cut MY, tuxn -out a 'Ur J. LIU,, oxcetary adrew so Aesirm lie off ltdcause the 'Population 'doeg -not Mrs. F-40ase 11fas, redtedl her 'homlal Ues, ams Hinh-ley entertained a Coates was ,presented witti, A, Iget of al ST
PloW, I)r. C)%Mh
A. F. PHILLIPS, De pot, Ecka imil inuiriber 91 hor fribnds 66nesOay ev- dhln4, dishes."and her daughter Mary urer of ithe intern entitle thb village Ito ther f OVrth Ji' fam 1�o Mr. Thomas Devereux for r Carp