The Huron Expositor, 1907-04-26, Page 61.r your GrOeee for a -am It is abEiolutely pure and far more 4elioious than japan, Lead Packets Only. c, 40c, 50c and 60e per Pound. At All Grocers AL ESTATE FOB SALE. .•••••••••••••.0.4.10 BtThDIG L 0 SALE. — For sale, two good building lot,.on East Willimn St., Sea - forth, piea.santiy situeted, and Planted with fruit trees, Apply to eip. M. ROBERTSON, Seaforth, .2046-tf PROPERTY FOR SALE.—The farm and -town property belotiging to the McGinnis property, not having been dispoeed of by auction, the same een notabe purchased ny private sale. For further pargenktre apple to R. S. HAYS, Barrister, 8ea- 1orth. 2048-tf T°lie undersigned will rent his fan» on tio Lake Shore to a good tomtit for a term of Eve yeaes, The lam conelgts of 210 mires of good land, neildy all under cultivation and in good con. dltion. For Pall terms and partioulare ler/pry at once; DANIEL =en, St. josepia P. 0 - 108 tf PROPERTY FOR SALE.—For gale, cheap, a most desirable house and lot, situated at the corner of Isabella and Railway etreete, in, the Town of Seaforth, the property of Mr. James McCann. 'The house is a good fram,e one, with briek caller *derneath. There are ',two lots in conneetion, nicely situated. Good wen. For partiaulare apply at the reeidence of AIRS,1 JAMES ICEHOE, Seaforth. 205041 F110FriABLE INVESTMEMTS. — I can tend money on improved quarter notions • of 100 acme eaeh at from 8% to 10Y, per annum. Only first mortgages taken. Anapleeecuriey even. Ts:wrens 'Atte *Vern is perfeet, From $300 up can he lent on farms worth from $1,000 to $2,00% For further particulars write to me. J. A. JACTESON, Barris- ter, etc., Ponoka, Alberto— 195041. FOE, SALE, a coinfortable franie; house. in Eg. mondville, with three acres of land, cellar and alga a stable. The tebuse contains 1 bed room, par- lor. dining room and kitehen downstatee and two hall ps bed Twine and a large hall s. There la plent church and sehooL Will be gold cheap. Apply to JAMES S. BROW.N, or box 257, Seaforth P. 0. e 2023-tf i eas Pay —a Field peas brought 77 cents a bushel last year. The average price was 75 cents. There's good I money in peas even at 65c. And you have the vines left for fodder i or to plow under—bet- ' ter than stable manure or commercial fertil- iser. It peed to grow peas last year. This year it will pay as well, -- demand keen, pea bugs vanished, —plant peas for profit. Get them in EARLY. 1 miAltn FOR SALE,—The subscriber aerator eel his farm of 103 acres, being lot al, fird emcee eien, H. R. fa Tnekerstnith. Ad cleared and under eultieation excepb II acres ; all but 18 aeres in gram Frame house, bank barn, hay barn and other out., ouildingg, bearing orchard, goad water, schoolhouse on the premises. It le within six miles nf Seaforth and five from edam. Will be gold on easy ternee WHITFIELD °RICH, Clinton P. 0. 2.009-x8tf WARM FOR FakLE.—For sale, Lot 18, Concession .1." 4, Ihty "eontaining 100 acres; 00 acres are cleared and 10 are of good hardwood bush. The fa.rna le in a good state of cultivadon and well under- dritioed and well fenced. There are on the premises a good frame barn, 40 x 00, also re, frame shed, 18 x 40, abet a good frame home, 20 x 24, and frame kit- chen. 1 acre of orchard, also 2 never failing well°. The farm is slanted about 2 miles from the tillage of Ornsall, and ti miles from school. For further par- ticulars apply to AIRS. THOS. DIOIC, Hensel], or to J01114 DICK, Clarksburg. 205341. ARM FOR SALE. --For gale, Lot 24, Conceesion 2, Stanley, containing 100 acres. Ninety acres are ' leered andln a good state ed ohltivation ; there are 10 acres or*Oota hardwood Walt, The farm le all well underdrained and well fenced. There is a two- storey brick house with slide roof, a first-class fann house. Bank barn, 40ft, x 80ft., cement silo, pig pen driving house; There are two never.failing Auden store of orchard and Small fruit. This excellent farm is three miles from Brueefield and five miles from Clinton, with good griveld roads. For further virtieulare apply on the premises or address ALBERT OTT, ClintP on . 0, 19484 paint FOR SALE—For ogle, Lot 6, Concession 14, Hullett, contain ng 120 acres. The fa.rin is all cleared and In a high state of eultivation. It is well drained and well fenced. There is tt large two-storey briek house with woodshed and kitchen. There is a large bank barn and two smaller barns and driving shed. Two good orchards. There are two never failingsprings on the farm,whieh make it an excel- lent one for either stok or eropping. There is also a pump at the barn. nth windmill. This excellent farm ie two miles from Oarlock P 0 four miles from Blyth. Terms to sent purchaser as the prop-, rietresewlshes to team the farm and, if not sold, wiR be rented, This is the farm of the late John Mille. For further particulars Apply oti the premised or address, Oarlock P. 0, MES. JOHN MILLS, 2014xtf I 0 toleifiloasi !t? thaat ljnt The gt7:11414: erty known as Lot 0, Coneesmon 1, Township of Biansharti, Perth (:ounty. There are, on the prem. see, a gold brick house 32 x veal kitchen attach- ed, 10 x 20, both in good repair ; a large bank bast', 70 x 70, with good stone Peabling unoferneath ; one first-elaes cement silo, 12 x :37, and other useful buildings,. The farm le well watered, both in front and in the rear and is adapted both for grain Red stock raising and Is in a high state of cultivation, whieh is 'ell known from the fact that the propriet- or has resided thereon for nearly fifty yeais, being one of the most sueetagful farmers in tha township. It is centrally located, being near both church and school, and within ease reaoh of agood inarket. For further particulars andrese JOHN SUTHERLAND, Kirkton P. O. 2900-tf "VARMS FOR, SALE.—Loc 15 Concession 2; Lot X' 15, Coneession 3 ; S. Lot 14, Conceeslon 1, And Lot 15, Coneesekin a Huron Road Survey, Township of Tuekeremith, County of Huron, contain- ing 000 sores, situated within two miles of tile thriv- Ina town of &Worth, one of the best markefti in 'Wes- tern Ontario. 'This farm was awarded the gold rnedel in the farm competition, of 1883. The fame have been all pttstured for the past ten years and would now he in excellent shape for general farming. Soil good cley krame-twoeitorey brick dwelling house and kitchen with briok woodehed—hot airfurnace.— hard anti soft water in kitehen—fine grounds with shrubbery, evergreenie eedar hedges—orobard with spruce windbreak on west and north—good barn.; with stone stabling -30 acres of hardwood bull, maple and beech— well watered with spring .oreek end river. Will .sell altoeether or would divide pro- perty. No better property in the County of Huron. JOHN T. DICKSON, Seaforth. 202041 'Vain! ON THE LONDON ROAD FOR SALM— The undereiened offer for sale Lot 10, Clonces- eion 1, Tuokeremith, being part of the estate of the late Benjamin Smillie. This farm conk/ins 100 acres, 15 stereg of good hardwood bush and 85 acres cleared, well fenced, thoroughly undei drainedwith vile and. In an excellent state of cultivation, consisting, of 8 acres of wheat, 2 It're orchard, 30 acres ploughed for orop and the re, ; mulling 45 acres seeded to vase. There be on the premisee, a toed large brick house with large kitiri0.11 3111.1 LAi.t.11111t new bank barn, 50 x 70, alai a concrete silo, a pig' pen and driving shed. There are three nererfmuUrn wdfls, Thig is a very desamble property and ie situated one mile north of the tillage of ftensall, WILLIAM MOIR & BEN- JAMIN $111L1,18, Executors, Ifensall P. O. 2113- 'LIMON FOR iLE AR TO RENT -17,414, on ..1„' 3rd Coneeasion, and South TIM( 14, 4th Couces- Mien, in tie, Township ot Willett, are offered for sale ' or to rent. _They 4,o1isist of 150actes, all in grass ex- cept. 12 acres in built. A goad two - storey frame houee. geed beak bane tei 70. with power milt, a driving thed, et) e :,11, and sheep house, 20 x 3(5. The plata te well watered a spring, e drilled well and the river. It k eituat mike from Clinton and is well adapted for stock or grain. Also Lot 12, on the nth coneesssm, eonsisting of 100 neves, twelve a„:res Will.. the rest sealed down, A never failing sprine with the wind mill for pimping. These farms V. a,. sold together or separately, and o11. term4 to nit 1 he purchaser. If not sold will be. rented. L not, 23, num 'Val: II RIR SALE. Per •,:a• that valuable farm ot ree uoVt.^, sitnated t he 7th Coroession of tarde,.... If is only a hall a mile trom school, three- quarter- oftemile aeon Methotlit, and Presbyterian,. ehar Ahoi and post oillte,sei4m miles from Heiman and fon,- from Kippen sration. There are, on the premises, :: barna ene N: one 70 x 28 and the other -41 4, all in go -H1 repair 1t comfortable frame and log h mee. There are e2 acres of fall wheat sown. :The Win joi wail fenced and 100 genes underdraitied, the other 75 area being drained :by the townwhip diteh renuine throagh. There is a neer-failing well at the VellSf` With ft. new Brantford 1nmill/in-4 mill, ilk) it never.failing spring hack on the term. There are 1;1 acres 01.. -good liming orchard. - The tarn, k in a hoe 4 -lass state of chltivation aU eituatal lit Ano of the kips( gndn growingeeetione in the peewee, Wia 'hap and on terms to snit purchaser. For further information apply on the pr iii' or ;blare };(4-t“ E COLEMAN, Hills Green 1'. O. 2052x13 JOHN E3EATTIE Late Da ision Colirt Clerk, tele a number of prod ertiee for sale or to rent, among which is a .good rankling lot, the south Ead, Half of Town Lot No. 1,-, Eastward, in George tsparlimes 8urvey, Seaforth, wisiett will be sold on reaeonablefr'terms, insurance effeeten, debte eolleeted und leans made on eatisfae- tory seesirity tit reavntitark rates. Call and gee, and he oonvineed, Late Dieisien Cane Office,fiett. forth 2018-tf _C• lenty w. IP No 1 HON. H. R. EMIVIERSON Director of Record Foundry Co. There are few, nen in the Maritime Pro- vinces, or, for that matter, anywhere in Canada, better known to the public than 'the Hon. IL R. Emmerson, Minister of Railways and Canals. EIOn. Mr. Emmerson is a son-in-law of the late Charles B. Record, who, some 75 years ago established the RecordFoundry and Machine Co. at Moncton, 1\1. B., an is a heavy stockholder and a director therein. He is responsible for 'much of the untiringenergy which has advanced this concern to a front rank in Canadian industries. The Record Foundry and Machine Co. now have works at Montreal and Moncton, and have also sales branches in Moncton, Montreal, Toronto, Winnipeg, Calgary and Vancouver. Ferry Seeds are not an exper!. meat, but with proper culti- vation, they assure success from the kart. 'Users have no doubts at planting uor disap- pointments at harvest. Get FERRY:E€05' Lor biggest, surest, best crepe— at all dealers). Fatuouefor over eoyears, 1907 Seed Annual free on request. D. M. FERRY & CO., Windsor, Ont. FZEZTrar:1". . tr. tar., 4 mar gilignienniiiti_' eneetenfr 1-t • 4 rower "There's nothing like rec; ;az 9 eae ,Ofare fatt kS 1/40 e s 18 keepo itn strength—the last spoOnfeal 13 as good as the first.' "And it gives such a fine fla.v ur to the baking', once people use it, they want it every time.' Write us for our new Cook -Book. National Drug & Chemical Co. of 22 Canada, Limited, Montreal. Cook's Cotton Root Compound. .10 The great Uterine Toe), and only safe effectual onthly Regulator on which wo en can depend. Sold in three degreee of strength—No. 1, el; ,No. 2, 10 degrees stronger 03; ;No. 3, for special cases845 per box. Sold by all dry eta, or sent prepaid en race pt of price. Free pamphlet. Addrese ; THE KMEDICINECO.,TODONTO, ONT. (formerly Wtindeor) DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. The partnersadp heretofore subsisting between the undersigned, as liverymen, in the Town offisaforth, has been dissolved by mutiutl consent, Ail lecoujjts due to the firm must be paid to Mr, Time by Car. bert forthwith, who trill carry on the bueine g. TIMOTHY 0AB1341gT THOMAS A. BE IE Dated April 2nd,:1007`. 1.052x3 44 '44.1. ME MHO Oba And Nor heWeet Notes D. Orr, a tanniedosa, has sold his quantein sectien at Ileac- .% d for 0,100. Morris, Manitoba, ratepayers will vote on a byelaye to raise tunds r, fo se erection. of a $10,000 echoed.. John .Adam, of Portage la Prairie, ehas 'purchased a half section near Burnside, Manitooa, for $6,000. —John Grey, an old settler a Nee - bit district, died autedenly, at Van- couver, where he went a, ehort. time 'a,go for his health. - —Thos. MeLeod, Jot Highview, Men., hss disposed of his quarter section) farm to a Mr. Stewart from Basin - vain, the price received being $1,000. egg -picking plant will 'bee es- tablished hi Edmonton this season, be' ttne Edmonton Produee Company. They will be able, tto 'handle oveo 60,000 dozen eggs during 'the summer. —The Dominion Imthigratibn Agent at Edmonton states that the immigra- tion to that section this eipason is three times what it liras at the same time, last year. - —Mrs. Hayden, wipe a Rev,. P. Hayden, of leintedose, who had ven- tured out. for the first time after a long Illness, slipped and ,rell on the postoffiee steps, breaking her right, Ig. The husband was aesent at the time. —The first municipal council for 1`.the town of Swift Cu.rrent, Saskateh- Iowan, we elected, on April 16t12. The Mayor and three eethieiltOrS ere -el- acted, for two year and the other three councillors for the current year only. J. Mills 'has removed his 'plan- ing mill and saute and diem* factory' from Portage la Prairie, Manitoba, "and esteblished it in New Battleforti, Sask. Sixteen machines , will be op- erated, and ten men will 'toe employed. —Mr. Farquhar MaRea,, who is as- pistant teacher in the Regina puolic school land a son of Rev. Farquhar yeaRea, o urhside, Mariitooa, had 'the misfortune to have his leg brok- eh a few days. ago, —Itfr, Murdock Ross, an old and re- •spected eeeident of Saskatchewan mu- nicipality, near Minnedosa, Manilnea, died at his home at Basswood. last week. He was a member of the Inde- pendent 0 rder or Foresters and leavea widow and five young chil- dren. —As an evidence of the growth, of ehe town of _Dauphin, Manitoba, it is stated that the volume oe oushiess done at tile post office there is our times greeter than it was four years ago and the office has grown from an insignificant outpost to the sixth place among elle offices of the pro- vince. Mormon church members will settle up the old! Coehrane ranch this summer, between the Belly river and the Kootenay, which will fill In the last vacant sap a lane in the ex- treme south of Alberta, Settlement will then be eontinuoue 'from the 'boundary line to Vdmenton,, along the Rockiere Rietz, of the Weyburn Vetere Sask., was aeoentey victimized bye, stranger who hired a tearfor couple, of days. The man did not -re- tum land (some time after he wrote fer. Rietz, him he -Would find the outfit at ICu12on On -going there Metz found that the 'ettranger had ;sold the outfit fon $150 and had de- oeineped. —Owing. to the demand foe fanning lands in the viednity tee Rapid, City. Manitoba, and 'hence 'the limitation of pasturage, cattle dealers are obliged to move to fresh. grounds. Mr. Shan- non, one of those 'dealers, has 1;014 'his freSicience in the town to a retired farther for $5,009. unkdowin man, an Englishman, about 80 -yea-re of age, while attempt- ing to ford the Old Man eiver in a 'buggy, a short distance below efc- Leod, Alberta, was swept off the re- gular ford,, into deep water, end Was drowned, together with the horse he was driving. —Seeding commenced at Cardston, Alberta, on A'pril 8rd, and still more drills were in evidence on AprIl 4th and 5th. The winter wheat is 'begin- ning to poke up its many 'heads along wine the green grass, ;but „warmer days - would make progress more evi- dent. —in one year Killeen, named after. Judge Killani, .of Manitore, and ehairman of the 'railway commission, haa teeorne a village incorporeted uriaer the laws of Aleerta with 3. A. Neely, overseer. The town is situ- ated on the oranch running' east from Woteskiwin. The 'town has a ha. -rd - ware atore, three general stores, three lurneer yards, a machine busineste livery end good 'hotel, —Alex. Turriff, son of Mr. M. Tur- riff, of Rapid City, Menitotea, left his lodgings, in Chicago, on March 15th, purporthig to go to his work, but not 'returning after some days, the keeper of his boarding homewrote to 'his parents, th Rapid City, .who are now making every effort to 10 - °ate him. So far they have been un- successful. —A retired farmer, 'by the name of _Andrew Marfa, was found dead near the road, two miles north a Portage la Prairie. He left there, the previous night, facing a .severe north wind, and was not seen again:, -until a 'pass - g farmer noticed what he thought aa a lost sleigh 'rebe, went over to feaestigEttee' and was' starfled to find the body of en old feriend. Deceased was 65 years of a,ge, highly respected; and 'had lived many yeer,s on the Portage pi sine. 1—Mr. Arthur Cavanagh, a promin- ent and prosperfaemer who ha,d feelded in the vicinity of Rathwell, Manitoba, for '25 years died very =fidelity recently. He 'had risen a- bout 'five o'clock and after lighting the fires had 'gone to the barn to feed the stock, His tared man went Into thesta)ble about six and found his employe -r lying in a stall beside one of the anirnils, which he had ap- parently been watering. He leaves a„ Widow and five small children. POSIT Safest Medicine for Vilomen's Complaints ' .4".o A Women certainly do neglect themselves. They werk too hard—over-tax th,eir strength aed then wonder why they Stiffer with diseases peculiar to their sex. Most cases of female trouble Start when the bowels become inactive--tlae kidneys strained- -and the skin not cared. foL. Poisons, which should leave the system by these organs, are taken up by the blood and inflarae the delicate' female organs. on (FRUIT LIVER TABLETS.) remove the CAUSE of these diseases. " Fruit-a-tives " sweeten the stomach—make the bowels move regularly every day — strengthen the kidneys—improve the action of the skin—amd, thus putt& the blood. "Pruitea.tives” take alray thosedis..ten. lag headaches, backaches and bearing. down pains, and make wonacta weli and strong, "FruitQotives" ere fruit Juice% intensified, with tonics and ieplics added, sec. a -box -6 for p.,56. A ail '‘drugglste,—orfronxlkttit4.4nme.T.ttnit;tk Ottawa. girls of the public school. One of the papers fell into the hands of Mr. 'Nforpher, chairman of the sehool Board, and when, he learned their origin he laid an informetionoagainat Jermyn. ' The accused acknowle4gecl having written the 'paper and given it to a little girl. Hehardly seem- ed to reallie the depravity of the vile stuff be wrote or .the criminal nature ot the act of circulating it. The • alfair was confined to a. re* in- dividuals, ana thee prompt action of the' chairman, and the lesson taught ey lithe punishment of the offender will, it is to be hoped„ effectually latarne out anything further of this kind. earmyn was 'taken down to Stratford Jail by Chief Hardwick, on Friday at el31001.1•It PROPS INTO WOMEN'S iLETTERS. 011.1,1111•.1117 If our readers could spend one morn- ing looking through the letters receiv- ed from all over Canada. by the Zarn- Buk Co., it would. bring home to them With irresistible force the healing' vir- tuee of this great household been'. Old women, Yeeng women, wives, mothers and even young girls have something .to say about how Zam-Buk did this or . that good office in their home., Many e-, of these writers give permission to a, make extractfrom their grateful tes- timony. Pleom these the following were taken at random "I was teoubled for so* weeks with salt eIleum in my haves end I earns, andv es using a salve which did me litt e good. On :receiving a. eupply of Zarn-Buk I applied it, and it really ifebined to act like magic 1 ( The itchinan g _d' turning ceased and In a few; ,dL ys the skin was cleared and 'healthy;." So writee eibe3 V. A,. Butebeed, o North Keppel. . , "Three 'b xee of Zaan-Buk cured me og Bosons '1#011-t avtiele Iehad seffered a long time." So eays Mrs. Gladden, of Maneonville, Que. .... " ZarneBult cared a caeer of blood poison en ney family, and I wish to !thank you for the great 'blessing it has proved," is the effect of a letter from Mrs. ;Webb, of Dovereourt. And so one could gel on. quoting ex- tract atter extract, showing how Zarn- Buk cures ehrenie sores ulcers eta , , 1 SCeSaeSt bad leg, itch, and blood ppiaon, takes the soreness out of cute esta burn, and grows new, healthy akin over injured and diseased place -e. All .stores and druggists sell at fift cents , a, box, ot the Zaim-Buir Co., Toronto, will mail for price. i , Koeller, of Stratford, the man in whooe home Mrs..Harriet Dewing, the housekeeper, strangely met death, by burning a short time ago, and_ upon Whom suspicion rested as beinng the cause of her death, was honoreiblY discha,rged. at the request of Crown Attorney McPherson on , Tuesday ev- ening, after a searching investiga- Mon. There was not a partiele of evidence to connect him, With the wo- maaes /death. —Mr. T. T. Ge,ener, of St. Mares, received such severe injuries hi the horse ahoe quarry of that town,' last week, that he died in a• few days. Mr. Garner was superintending , the 'hoisting of a, heavy load, of atone. when the cable gave way' and the ma- chinery, together with the platform on which Mr. 'Garner was standing, were hurled over the side a the quarry. Mr. Gatner was taken to his home, where every skili wee emit:wed in his behalf, but it was impossible to save him. Mr. Garner had lived all his life in St. Marys, and was leader of the choir. in the Flret Presbyterian church. He leaves a widow knd, one daughter. i 0 The News—No Pure Drug Cough Cure Laws' would be needed, if all Cough Cures were like Dr. Shoop's Cough Cure is—and has been tor 10 yearla The National Law npw, requir- es, t t if any poisons enter: into a couge mixture it must be printed on the Ia,bea or package. For -this reason mothere and .others ahould insist on haying Dr. Shoopea Cough Cure. No poison merits on Dr, Shoop's labels—and none in the medi- cine, else It must by law be on the labee. And ft ie not 4nly sale, but it is eald to be by these that knoW it beat, a truly remarkable cough remedy. Take no chance, particular- ly with your children. Insist on having Dr, Shoop's Cough Cure. Corn -- paw eareftilli the Dr. Shoop package weth others rend see. No poison marks there 1 You can always be on the eafe side by demanding Dr. Shoop's Cough Cure. Simply refuse to aceeet any other. Sold by C. Aberhart, drug- gist, Seaforth. - —The death' at Warman recently of ,Me. W. F. Chisholm, of North Aat- tleford, Saskatchewan, was particti- lamly ,sad. He lett North Battleford for ;Winnipeg to undergo an opera- tion for eppendicitis. The train oe- came blocked t Wa.rman, and after a delay Of seven days, bhe Warman doctors deCided that it was absolute- ly/ necessary to perform: the opera- tfmt et once, if Mr. Chisholm's life w as to 'be saved. Accordingly, the operation wa,s performed in the drug store et Warman but theieshock • Was too great, and Mr. Chi:311011'5 passed a- way in a short time. Mayor Chis- holm "was 35 years old. He was a leading member of the Saskatchewan 'bar, and an ac tive Listowel Benner or last week says: "A youth of nineteen. named Fred Jarmyn, Was committed by P. M. Terhune, the other tight, for three Months, under the criminal code, for circulating writing of a highly im- proper character among esorne little - Death of a Pioneer., P. H. Bradt, a Fort Gate), pioneer, died recently aged 93 years. He had been a resident of Winnipeg since 1878, and had had a reraarkable career. He was one of the survivors of those who I took an active part in the stirring events of 1837, having served with the ; Government against W. Lyon Mae- kenzie. He also wore the medal for Fenian raid services. The old man's memory . was remarkable„ and, up o the time of his death, delighted tell of his experiences along the NW Signature gam frontier in 1837. He was oet sentry duty on the night the steafner Caro- line was sent ver the Falls,and saw that occurrence, being probably the last eye -witness of the tragedy, Bringing Her Up. Little Willie, tired of play, Pushed sister rn the well one Said mother as she drew the water 'Tis diffieult to 'raise a daughter.' rk. X Ake Beare the 1110 Kfiel You Hara MWW8 Bee eigeatere of PERILS OF PIONEERING. How Canada's Mountain Pathfinders Do Their Work. People loll in cushioned Pullmans or leisurely discuss their dessert in the diner as the train- whirls them through the mountains, clattering across trestle -spanned gorges, now rushing along the edge -of dizzy cliffs, where the roadbed, a narrow shelf carved in the rock, clieiga to the face of a precipice. Those travelers in luxuriotts high speed trains, how many of them, as they gaze indolently toward the tow- ering snow peaks and the shadowye depths of the eanyons, pause to think' of the surveyors who mapped the road,' and whose pioneer work has made it possible to travel de luxe through this grand' scenery? Pathfinders at Work. To the average occupant of the par- lor car the thought of camping out in deep snow of the winter woods would be no less abhorrent than the idea of crawling for hours in the broiling sun along steep side -hills and over rock - slides bereft of shade, one's tongue akin to dry flannel, and water—well, perhaps half a mile away. But these are commonplace events in the life of the railway surveyor. Let the reader imagine thaf be has taken conga of civilization, and that he is one of the sun -burned, smoke - scented, overalled crowd that consti- tutes a survey camp—fifty iniles up the pack trail that winde off through the mountains from the very last jumping off place on the railway. The "Get Up" Call. Early in the morning—horribly ear- ly—just as a faint light --the first pale shafts of sunrise—is pushing up over the big mountain across the valley, and while yet the stars gleam in the frosty sky, aboye the black tops of the pines, comes the reveille, an abominable din of tinpan and sticia harshly discorda,nt. This melody produced by the cookie (the chef's assistant) means "get up," and fif- teen nnnutes later a similar, but greatly modified, alarm suffices to call the faithful to breakfast. During the progress of the meal the daylight gets a chance to expand, and soon after the last xnan has satisfied his hun- ger comes the call' "All out," Nowell hands "hit the trail" for the line, marching in single file, eyes downead, and ever on the alert for the wind -fallen logs which beset the path, and the slender branches that fly back like whips to sting the un- wary It 43 a sad. procession. There is little conversation, and that little generally anent the dispotal of the cumbersome lunch pack, of which every one is glad to eat his shafe, and equally undesirous of packing on his shoulders, turn about. Perils of 'the Work. Lunch finished and a pipe smoked and the afternoon grind commences. If the survey has had easy ground that morriliag there are now perhaps sone bluffs to be negotiated. They can't be avoided by detours'. For gra4le mast be followed, and, unlike tbei wagon road, there is no flexibility - allowed. This rigid adherence to a fixed line often places the surveyors in ;most unpleasaet positions, and quite frequently it is on some narrow ledge or projecting rock on thefface of a bluff thet the transit man must place his mark, This means that he has to clamber there with his instru- ment, set up the -.tripods, squint through the telescope, and read an- gles—and probably all fens metal adjustment whilst standing preemi- onsly on a place that might be quite comfortable • for a mountain goat, When Footing Is Bad. If the footing in bad praces appears precarious, the rope is used, and with the end of this the more agile of the men proceeds to surmount the ob- stacle, the "rest of the party following, aided by the rope. It is a most re- asetning auxiliary is a good, strong rope securele attached to a reliable tree. Picture yourself scrambling along the well-nigh bare face of a rock slope—a slope not so alarmingly per- pendicular in itself, but nevertheless a remarkably easy place on which to start sliding — and below, a dozen yards or so, a precipice sheer down, eighty feet! But it isn't all mountain- eermfe even in the mountains, else the Job would rank with that of steeplejtIck, and there would be a dearth in the land of engineers and their assistants. ' Return to Camp. The return to camp is' a veritable triumphant progress as nompared with the doleful sortie of the morning. True. it is clown grade instead. of uphill, but even that consideration hardly accounts for the rapidity with which the distance is covered. and the celerity end ease with which the obstrecting logs are hopped over. But there is a whole lot in knowing that the day's Week is done, and that a good meal- awaits you at the end. Stork Beats Fast Train. While a iKichigan Central immi- grant train, was speeding its way to Wiridsor a boy was born to Mrs, Mary Rosenbloom, a Russian immigrant on hee way to the United States. The smother was anxious that the child be born in the 'United States, the land of her adoption, and the engineer put on full speed at her request, but the stork took matters in has own hands, and the youngest member of the Ros- enbloom family will have to claim the Dominion of Canada as the land of his nativity, though he missed being born under the stars and stiipes by I only a few hours. One of the rail- road sureeons remained with the mo- ther and her child until the train ar- rived at Windsor. - 0 CASTOR IA For Infants aad,Ohildren. The Kind You Have Always Bough Bears tbe la woman was thin. Because she did not extract suf nourishment from her food. - EIflV4J"IOIL She took S Res She gained a pound a day ALL DRUGGISTS . AND .00 ZOON 4 -rt ekilN • Undoubtedly the beat brewed on the continent. (\Proved to be se by analysis of four chemists, and by awards of the world's great Exhi- bitions, especially Cl-ileAGO 1893; where it received ninety-six points out of a. possible hundred, much bisber than any other Perterin the United States or Canada. IRMAIeweeffileelf 'rood's onia.,-y Pine Syrup Curas °Quells; Colds, Bronchitis, Mosrzertost, Croup, Asthma, Fain or Tightness in the Cheat, Eta., It stops that tickling in the throats is pleasant to take and soothius and heal - mg to the lungs. Mr. E. Bishop Brand, the well-kuown Galt gardener, writes: - 1 ha v' Yert severe attack of sore throat and wetness in the cheat. Some times when I wanted to ceaugh and fvuld not 1 would almost choke to death. My wife got me a bottle of DR. WOOD'S NORWAY PINE SYRUP, and toy aur - prise I found speed7 relief. I would not be eritlout le if it cost $1.00 st bot- tle, and 1 cen reeommend it to Crarlig bothered with a cough or WM. ice 25 Cent& tT1 wAtiv Som.of - tymea.mmaree .••••• Don' forget, we hay land Coiled Spteng, No. for Anchor Fence. Clips, Hooks, Staples and all for Fencing, We Dandle a fall Hue a Peerless Woven Fence me Poultry Netting. CEMEN Orders are now bein for Famous Saugeen Bn domed by all cement w HORSE CLIP Chicago Plexxt price within the reiioli one. Hand Clippers, Curry Combs, Etc. 'S 1 'IMA ilkrnFS 1. e _ _ on Building Materials. Payee troughing, Plumbing and Fri&- nttee-Work eau be had for tk asking. GEO, ik. SEAI-tORTH• THE 0.0. WILSON COMPi4NI Lingted 'DEALERS IN PROVISIONS AND PRO- FA DOMS AND PUBLIO °OLD STORES, honiaed Capita1-1,000 Shares ; 4100 et -VOX For the purpcee of taking tniar busbiess and plant of Meexfs. Wihetori & CO., in the thwn of SW' forth, remodelling and fitting Up the said plant as an up to date Mee chemical Cold Storage in accordatot with the requirements of the De - minion Government before' they will - grant, a erabsidy, the above gem-- pany has bee la organize& A limited amount of stool' ie feted to the public at par, No prat femme stock or, bonds. Ail Elm* holders on the same footing. The osituation Is very favorable for the 'business proposed. The seeetion of country is large and unsurpas for the production of Vggr,Pc Butter, Chee, Meats and 4Vr also handling Fish for distribute should be a profitable part of Jells business. The Government has passed a bill granting a subsidy of le per oestof the cost of plants auch as le propaeed to be established which shows tin need of such a.rr eetabliehment. Tim ocspette -are excellent for a liege and profitable business whieh ate of great benefit to the pro4uteff and handlers a perishable predbor— in this district. For further infante ation inquire e. either of the undere signed. 1), I/ WILSON GEO, provisiaea :Dirac Tfri. URfill eNo. erresoeum RN Heartand Nerve Pitti. ewer- >74 Cra ilBURN'S LAXA-LIVER PILLS see mile, sure and safes and are a reface regulator of the system. They gently unlock thiesecretione, dear away all effete and waste matter the system, and give tone and vitality « the whole intestinal tract, owing Constipa- tion, Sick Headache, Biliousness, Diapep- sia, Coated Tongue, Foul Breath, Jame dieesXes,rthurn, and Water Brash, Mr& - B. 13. Ogden, Woodstook, N.B., write ‘9,fy husband and myself have used We benne; 10.74 -Liver Pills for a number of years. yee think we cannot do without them. They are the only pills we ever take." Price 25 acute or five bottles for #1t00, at all dealers or direet on roeeipt of prim The T. Milburn Go., Lhnite, Toronto, Ont. 41.1••••••••• J. Lewis Thomas Ctvll tngiaeer, Architeet.e.to Late Demi-Him De partment Public -Works. Consulting Engineer ,for Municipal or County work, Elmtrie Mil roads Sewerage or Waterworks Systems, Whe,rrea. Bridges ile•entoreed Concrete. ritONN 2220, 20284. LONDON, Os', Aro .apeotfin diseases and order*. arising Irom rtmodown 00d! tion of the heart or.nerre system. • as Palpitation Of trio Heart, Nen' Prostration, Nervousness, Siri 11041, Valet and Dizzy Spells, Bride ete. They are cepeeially betted* w.oteen trouh14ki with irregular sturation. Price Oki cents per box, or 8 for tL -All dealers, or Tax T. Krzaronw Co. 7....namstn, Toronto, DOG- ml Town of Seaforth. The owners or barborers of dogs in the Town" Seaforth are hereby warned to obtain tags for - dog from the Town Treasurer on or before the frtlt day of ida-x, 1007, and shall prevent bis or her eV. from rtUnling itt large without6 collar with the tog herelnbefore mentioned attached. Dogs =MILO ning at large Wee. the said date in eontrave the Town By.Laws may be dealpyed and the oWwat may he prosecuted. , By order of the Coanal JOHN A. WILSON, ,%•. 2052-4 Town to Rent. geneall. is e of itt4i,we B_ee filorBioca Icgt, V4iagCf re, res. The w any rttiraedre.nbiltPlooseewriklir neee re ag. on- me°11mfbrAbefivjeendetweoncelifrig. *14-Plve 'quiring a large, ROBERT BELL, Seaforth,Ont. DRS* rieb elelerelL