The Huron Expositor, 1907-04-26, Page 5454-4_ 20.1. . . . ••-•. • STORE.. 26 1907 Notes eerioua •firesoOeuered Int t adian Soo on Tuastiai ntgtt Iflsorkinfe damage to tJ pulp and paper mill there. T exeeed $e001000, covered h • e• (Wand Trunk are their Tolling stook plant d new said modern freight -ars were ordered itr and they are now be- d on tile road at the 'ee4e,of r dear. t. Marys eouncil -nes -decided O( er $10,000, the !fleet In. of the .loan, to the Stetlatefe ern Ontario Railway, The ompose ibeginning the work 'ruction at ante, and expect to trains runningeffora St.Marye ben, where the (croad will con- eth the main lfnie of , the ox. December latvfie counoil leas oted twenty dollars to the chief &Ace,,itowards securing ' a, thor- ttd which will be forrtsaining down some of tie em Steelers who have teen', ele. in that vicinity' _dt late. Perkins, who was acquitted e murder of her husband at Cay- assizes- thie week, it. Is tsaid, en - In the 'millinery bestnees in town, where her, f a tiler resides, soon as she 'recovers from the he from which she sufeered that - h'ev iroprisoninent and trial. The was. 4 very expensive one and ost, tbe county of Ilaldimand $4,000. The jury alone were paid 400 and the 'special constables re- ed $300. an unusually- ea'rge sum. 11%0 testimony of the expert enedical anen was also expensive. It IS said at the !retainer paid to E. F. B. t7Obfl80fl K C was $1,000. The tot - .al expenses of the defence amounts eto, $2,600. Ire this connection Mr, Obiinston was offered a retainerin the Fort eArthetr murder case, in eehtch Italians stabbed each other, but the case veas 'refused. "I have, gneertaken iny last criminal Case,,. as the remark of theeminent crime lawyer, at the concIusioni of to *266 ; ttibs, 1 to 26e. Cheese—Market 14 eteady 7,46 for -large, atideslate for twine, in job lOte x re. Eggs--Steatly ; prices item po .oluenge at 16 to 17e .; eplits, 14o. 1"Tho market hi expected to e off during the week. Honey—The market is with strained honey quoted at SI:to 12e per lb.; omite, 02 to $zfio Per dozen. - :forn an imp*rtat part a hia to in seyie and a the with hie elothing, he navel visit te this store - will eon. de of slime that will put the and ()erred atyle may be ratting Americaii and Canaaant natter of assortment, and price .a.173.1103 of the average shoe [ leading lineof Men's Fuse Sho alt slyles, al/ le theest- d w leatliers voreign hoe people—P.51% DO Calf and Patent Oat $2.50 ond $2.75 S "Qwen Qaality 7° oboes foe shawl for men. oommenaed work title wftee L e co. mixer. He is build - kitchen ror Thoa. McLane/4bn uheral of Mrs. James Dartford lace on Tuesday of this week,. he home of Mrs. Thos. Denfor rry street, Brussels. Deceased uddenly at her Irene, in Cline Friday teat, heart failure ne- e USe. rs. Dunford's maiden a Mise Em Ina. Sr:.Udonwhea aa 'n Grey township: She was of age. rigmegmeggleiggicr Kireasn e—Mr Peter Fisher ofOS ncsaion a Stanley, whoiepent [nter in California for the berme his health, ,returned home this Mr. Fisher's mahy friends will ,ased to learn that his healtfl y much better and that his ao.., in the south has been benefieled 11 will hope the improvement permanent—The farmers are ray en the land, getting in Me, md they say the ground 15 lir glimpe for working, so we way that in a fee,- daythey wiel the wont a their hustle over,. mean time they are missed as and our business' men haVe are moments occasionally to de - a. discussion of the affairs 61! Samael Smilile, a Ilene has been calling on some ot d time elends in town this Mr. Smillie doee not deft our -;o trequelltry* now as in former but we are all always pleas - have a 'Lett from him as he • one feel, the better for his ny.—Sacramental services Will id in St. Andrew's ehurell eee rst Sunday in May and ths pre-. Fry servicee will take plese as on the preceding Frif_l'aYe g from the large quantities a nett that are being market, d Im t ia'vident that tbe useful he ot clown to solid work for the t and that elle is one a Moira- tt money making factors on the . -The weatheq has been delight fr. the past few days and now have nothing to grumble about ; that the house le being turned ttrvey by the good wife and g suffering huseand has to te dinner from the' head of are • barrel. But soon even this 5e over and then for gardening. Wroxeter. s.--aiate Bev.. J. IL Osterliouti frreach a. sermon to the Oda - in the Methodist church, oft afternoon. —Mrs. Thoroas la visiting her daughter,. in Mr. G. Il. Dane, a Han:atone d aCquaintanCes in the village riday.—Messrs. W. IL Kerr and ox, a Brussels, aatended tha a of the late Mrs. W. S. Me - 011 Friday 0.fer110011--&tr- v - f Wingham, called on frienidet on. Sunday.—Rev. L. Parks ed in Victoria hall, jamea- last Sunday evening.—Mr. a. Is et preeent on the sick list - John G. Gibson, of Barrie, vtif- [as sister, Mrs. F. T. Dick.sortx eek. Late Mrs. McKercher.—efuch was expreesed throughout tha connnunity when it waa learn- t ieabel Gibson. wire or Me' McKercher, had, after- having in failing health for soviet Ez. passed away at her henne at Wednesday eventag. id and three children are left irn the los a of an ever faithful Lad mother, also her mother I., Git,son and sister, Mrs. Ma- Zotva and several brothers- ineral took place to the Wrox4. emetery on Prida.y after:wont id was very largely attended', L. Perrin conducting tho 1444 'APER F I D'S, ONTARTG, eaa Wagon e, eze. Stook and Seed. Mr. R. B. McLean, of Kippen, writ- ing to the Farmers' Sun. soya :— " There has been some loss from wring litters a pigs about Kippen. - lit some cases this was due to sows not having a sufficient supply Of milk. &nue have exPerieneed more trouble than usual from ewes not having a sufficient supply to raise their lambs. There was some loss last year with colts from the disease known as the siavel ill. The remedy is prevention — a /07 solution of carbolic fteid to 'en waterand bathe the navel im mediately after birth; continued three or our tunes a day until healed: This will prevent the germ from en- -tering the novel. whit& la does before attaeXing the joints." Respecting seeds, Mr. McLean says in the same paper : If oats are bad with smut, bluestone is not effective. but 4a oz. of for/nano: to 10 imperial gallons of water is a, perfect cure. Put - este in sacks and immerse in solution eight minutes. For i smut in barley, 'make twice as strong and immerse one 11011r. If oats are not used for seeds :they may be fed in moderation with- out damage: In sprinkling the oats* - they shotad be covered, as it is the gas that kills the smut spores. VARZINVAINIONSIMMtlitigeg4VMS4 Teachers' Salaries. As there seems to be a good .deal of -anisapprehension in the nunds of some as to the amendments to the school law made during the recent session of the Legislature, in so far as these amendments relate to the salaries of. teachers, the following will probably make the matter more easily under- etood. - In accordance with the announce - remits made some time ago, the Leg- islature, shortly before .prorogation, Made a complete change in the school law in regard, to !the payment of teachers The compulsbry MiniMUM diallele, based on assessed values, has been wiped out. Townships are still required, however, to make grants of UQ to each school, section employing one teacher and S200 more where an assistant fu employed, and. it is pro- vided that all of the township grant !Anil be applied to the payment of a teacher's salary. In, addition to this, it is provided, land& the new law, that there shall be paid from the Pro- vincial treasury 40 per centof all the salaries paid in rural schools in ex - �S of $soa and not exceeding $000. Still further, in order to encourage the employment of teachers possessing the higher grade certificates, an addi- tional allowance will be made from the Provincial treasury where teach- ers are employed who hold certificates above tbird-class. The Normal School poliCY is being rapidly pushed to completion. In nal dition to the three Normal schools ltiOW in existence in Ottawa, Toronto and Loudon, four new ones are to be built in Stratford, Hamilton, Peter: bora and North Bay, a,nd it is expect - aid that these will be ready for service with the opening of the Normal school year in 1003. The adoption of the policy ouf,lined in regard to teachers' salaries will in- volve quite a heavy additional tax on the Provincial tres.suty. Under the Ross Government $120,000 WAS given for rurnl schools, on the bas's of aver- age attendance. Under the legislation passed this session, the Legislative gout to rural schools is $3,15,000. kimm44444..,4444444*64,444.H:444 Seeds. TOROISTO,, April 23—Pricos paid tat country points we :ea./U(6k% taltsaa 7 to 0740 ; o. 1, $8 to 86,851 No 2, 0,10 to 85.40; No, 8, $4,20 to 84.60. Red Clover—IA-only, 88.75 to 0 s No, 1, 7 to 87.26 ; No. 2% 06.35 to $0.60. Thnotay—Flrm. Faneybright Canadian, unhulled $2.40 to $1.05 ; No. 1, 01.70 to $2 per bit*. ; to. 2, o1:40 to $1,05 per bushel.- . ram, etc. Toucan% April SS—Meat—Fall, 73 to 74c ; goose, 7 to 08o ; sprig, l2o ; oats, 44 to:45c ; barley, 66 to 07c ; pose, 750: Potatoes—Ontario, $6 to 90e ; Sttetgrni e 05o n eer lots here. The Raptly of Delo- wares Is itneted,f, and priees are firm ; quotations for Ontario are generally nominal. Baled Hasv- 812.60 to 818.50 1pr No. 1 timothy, and 010 to-$1.1.1ffi for secondary grades in car lots on track here. Bided Straw -87 per ton in oar lots here. Rorie Market. Tonoaro, Aprii 24.—Burns & Shepherd at the Re- pository and Tolieuto, at their sales lad week dis- posed of mixed oittsues of bottles, but the offering's in each olives were ecareely up to the standard, Hows ever, there were a few Choice lots that brought very ee,tisfactory prices. A few heavy draoghts weighing from 1,600 to 1,700 lbs., sold at $200 to 8276 ; but they were really good„ There was a strong demand for choice pinned 'Vulvae horsee and ea:premiere. Of these there wake not enough to satisfy ehe mend. White horses isre.selling for very high price, Yet they arty their customers would be willing to pay still blither Moos far better eonditioned sta. in reviewing their trade for the poett3eason they say that the horses offered bee° been largely' in a raw, rough condition, tend tis class of stuff is muoli hard- er to dispose of at satisfactory prices than a finished arttele, gnotatione are t Good draft horses, 8200 to, $276 ; good general purpose and expressers, 0100 to -$225 ; strong rough chunks, $125 to $106 ; carriage horses, first quality, 8250 to tile° each ; ordinary, 8126 to $175 ; common drivers, 0100 to 8185. - Live Stook Markets. Loanox, England,. April 23—Prices are sbeady for Canadian end Amerman cattle at to 12to per Ib., dressed weight ; refrigerator beef is quoted ab 81 to iic per pound, ; sheep and yearlings are from 14 to Vic per lb. - Livaitroota April 23—Canadian steers, 11.1 to 111.e ; States steer, lie to 12a ; cows, lilo ; balls, Olc. Trade le slow and the market weak. Union Stock Yards, Toronto junction, April 23= -The quality at fat cattle wao fairly good. Trade was slow for Sipping cattle, with lower quotation% owin,g to itearoity of space. Butchers' cattle were in fair demand at about the smile prices as, last Week. ENporters—Exportprices ranged from $4.90 to 86.86; the hulk selling at 05 to 85.25 ; bulls, $3.75 to $4 per cwt. Butchers'—Priine picked lots of butchers' sold 85.10 to $11.25 ; loads of good, 84.75 to 0s medium, $4.40 to $1,00 ; common, $4 to $4,60 : tows, 08,50 to $4.60 ; canners, $2,25,to $2.60 per cwt. Mileit Cows --Four snitch; cows of good quality sold at $50 eaoh, Veal Calvett—Pricee for veal calves were unchanged at 03 to 06.60 per met; Sheep and Lantbs—Only n. few sheep were offered, which sold at 85 to 0.194, per wwt.. Hogs -11. P. Kennedy reported the same prices ea last week, 80,50 for seleets, end $0.2.5 for lighais and fats, - BdinettqL, April 28—Cattle—Active, and 10 to 160 higher ; prime steers, $5.76 to $6.25 ; shipping, 06.25 to 85.76 butohers' 64.75 to $5.06 ; heifers, $4.25 to 85.50 ; cows, $8.50 to 04,75 ; hulls,. $8.60 to 85 ; stockers and feeders, 83.50 to 04,76 ; stock beiferet$3 to $8,76 ; fresh cows and springers, ateadv to 82 higher ; at 820 to $57. Yeals—Actise an seeady at $6 to 86.25. Hogs-LAotive and 50 to li)o lower ; heavy, 80.85 to 83.00; mixed and York- ers: $0.00 to 89.96 ; pigs, i6.85 to 00.001 roughs, $5.60 to $41 I statd stags, 4.75 $5. Sheep and Lambs --Active and steady ; lambs slow and 15e lower ; laird) se $5.50 to 87.50 ; yearlings, 0.76 to, 37 ; weth. ere, 06.26 4080.60 ; ewes, 85.76 to $6 ; mixed sheep, 03 to 86. - Mosrranso, April 29.--A feature olf the trade today was the stronger undertone to the market for cattle. This was due to the fact that higher figures have had t‘o he paid by, dealers for cattle throughout the country, owing to. the fad that the competitions be- tween buyers for hale consumption, and those for export account, hes been keener of late for supplies. There was little or no demand for exporters this morning, which to some extent was due to the, weak cables from Liverpool on Saturday, noting a decline 111 pileefor both American and Canadian cattle of is to is per lb., as compared with those realized it week ago. ()Wing to this, coupled meth higher prices, de. mended here, exporters showed no disposition to operate. Another feature of the market was the de- mand from several leading outehere of Quebec, and bought three or four car loads of cow.; and buns. in nddittno to this the local buteheraawere out strong ard trade in buteher's cattle was good. Prime beeves sold at 51-0 to 5fics pretty good at 4e to 5ct ; com- mon 8o to 40 per lb. Mileh come sold at 030 to $50 each ; ooinnion calves et 81.26 to $2.50 each, itnd good wale from $4 to $8 eaob. Sheep sold at be to qo per lb. ; spring lembe at 83.50 to 86 each. Good tote of fat hogs sold at 70 to Ito per lb, Tonotero, April 24—The market was draggy all day, and prices wenttower all round, both for butch- ers and shippers. Two many cattle were on salee as several loads were unsold at the close of the market. Exporters --A few tote were sold et $4.90 to $6.9,5, and one lot at $5,25 ; the bulk, which %vas nee large, sold around $5 to $5.10. Bulls eel(' at $8,75 to44-Ver cwt. Butohetts—Prime picked lots sold at 04,00 to $6, with one Iota $5.15 • *loads ot good et 04.60 to 34.00: medium, $4.40 to 34.60 ; good cows, 04 to $4.40.•, ineellum cows, 03,60 to $8.85 ; eommon cows, 82.76 to 03.30 bulls at $3 to e4 per cwt. Feed- ers and Stockers—The call very limited for light, medium and common stockers and they are hard to cash. ,Priees range from 84.36 to 84,60 for 1,000 to 1,060 lb. steers, and $4.10 to $4.86 for 1,100 to 1,200 pounders. The good steers, BOO to 900 lbs., are in de- mand at $3.00 to $4.124, but they ore of good quality. Mitch Cows,—Trade moderate with prices tenging from 030 to 066 each. Sheep and Lambs.—E. J. Jaf- frey, of the North American Live Stook Company web on the market with 800 larribe and 116 yearling% all of Which were shorn. These sheep and lambs_ were all of superior quality and were reported as be- ing sold at 0 per mt. all round. Springs lambs are worth from 04 to $7 each. Hogs.—Prices unchanged at 86.40 for selects and 06.16 for lights and fats. 1214"10.11.111111.11111.111.11. SALE' REGISTER. On Saturday, May 4ths from 10 to 12 a. tn. and I tom 1 to 6 P. 111. at the Queen's Hotel, Hensel!, llousehold Furniture and Hotel Fixquree. Ezra Ince, proprietor ; 11. S. Phillips, auctioreer. 205341 muomm. MARKETS. • NosearIMAINIf tea StAIPOwrit, April 25, 100. Ifall Wheat .. . $0 70 to $0 70 9s1tes per buehel.........—....... 0:381Ito '0 88 ssreee, per leishel .. . ... . 0 76 to 0 76 seamy, per liusliel, , 0 50 to 0 ISO Breit, per tea, • 22 ()0 to 22 00 Short% per too ... .. „ . , ..... ....., 22 00 to 22 00 Low Grade Flour, per ton . , 23 00 to 28 00 Flour, per 100 the. —.......,. . .... 2 1040 2 76 ' Batter, No. 1, loose 0 20 to 0 22 Ilitoter, tut, 0 21 to 0 21 rgirgs, per dezen„,.....,... ... . ... — '0 14 to 0 15 Corn. , f Rfffi 60 to 06 Irk- pr,"0,1 . ,,,....10 00 to 70 00 tide: rer leo lbs,........... . , ...... 7 50 to 7 50 &see- skinm, .., , 0 76 to 1 00 Potatsess per bushel 0 50 to 0 00 Salt, retail) per barrel „,..... .... ... 1 26 to 1 85 Wood per cord(long).. ,..... ,... g - g • 6 00 to '7 °I) Wood per cord (short) , 2 76 to 3 76 clover Kiva, 1 f f 0 00 to li 00 lieimothy Secd... ........ ..S. . — . , , .. 51 00 to 8 00 0.4.444444444444.4.4.444 Poultry. Tonne, Sprit 23—PouItry lit sternly. Chlekene, Eve, 10 to i1C, and (kayoed, 18 40140; live hens, 8 to ue, and dreeted 10 to 11% ailwomi.••••••••••• Danes' Markets, . Tomer°, April 23—Bator—Mar1et tifig an easier to, but prices as yet are unchanged,. Creamery printe 2d to 2ae ; solids, 26 to 27e dewy prints, 26 , Western Bank of Canada Established by Act of Parliamen t. to•.•••1.0.Te MOO.. • General BookindBusinese transacted. Drafts bought and sold on all parts of:the world. Special aotention given to Farmers, DrOvers, etc. Advancers made to responsible parties on their own notes, s Interest paldsor &impounded four times a sicar at the highest current rates. We cash Sale Notes no matter on what Bank drawn. 117 Branches and Ageneies threughoue 0 amnia Bs:Amos—Great Brit4Lin-403-W Bank of Scot' Irina ;5Canada—bierohants Bank of Canada, New York-s-Merchente Bank of Clanada. FRANK McCiONNELL Manager DUBLIN BRANCH, t. THE IEURON EXPO IMPOATAINT NOTICES. TEERS WANTED.—Wrinted, to buy some two. year or three-yeat-old (stook Steens for grazing, ii.rties having such -for solowill write me 1 will eall and see bh�in W GOVENLOCK Seaforth. , 2053x3 VAllal FOR, SALE. — For Sele, Lot 10, Huron Road, Tuckeramith,sontaine 100 aoresallelear. edewell fenced 111111 -'C11 underdralbed ; good barns and gOod brit& house. A first-oless farm in every respect, -• Two miles front Seaforthe For furthet Per- tionlare apply on the preiniseit-or address THOMAS FOWLER., Box 101 Seaforth. 20544f Popular- Stallions ELE ()TRIO 13: BERRY sr BLAIR, Proprietors. ELECTRIC IS, tern not leave his own stnh1 no til May Oth, Route givei next week. 2064 •0•01:6EN CROWN • , W. 11, ALLAN, Prop. MONDAY --Golden Crown will leave his own ,etable, Lot at, Concession 0, litillett, and proceed put es for as Fowler's sOhool house corner, to John Carter's for nose from there to Royal Sertforth, for night. TUESDAY—Will proceed on North Road to John Searlettee, Iseadbury, forenoon ; thence to J. Long's Mei, Town Meese! Grey, for night. WED- NESDAY—Will proceed to Walton Hotel, for noon ; thence to Allen Bros., Ifarlook, fez* night. THURS. AY --Will proceed to his own stable for noire where he will remain until Saturday morning. BATOR- DA,Y—Will proceed out to Mr. Gordon's, Sunshine, for:neon ; them* by way of Myth horne, where he will remain till the following Monday morning,. • 2054 g3P444414tArtatSrirrAIMPAIMIrnilli New 131yeles at away "down prices. Second - Hand ,Bieyeles, all in good re- pair. All sorts of Bicycle Re- pairs find Accessories e also Bicyele Repairing done same day as received. All Bicycles and repairs at very low prices. licKAY and SHAW BRIfSSELS 2054-4 ormaldehyde for Smut Germ on Rye, Oats, Wheat and Barbey 25e and 50e a Bottle FRESH. ST004 IN THIS SPRING Full Line of D. M. FERRY'S GARDEN AND FLOWER SEEDS 4,..4,4444.444.44.14I.I.4440 Rouseeleaners' Friends: CAUSTIC SODA SLIINOLA FURNITURA POLISH Spring Disinfectants ZENNOLEUM CHLORIDE LIDO COPPERAS CA.RBOLIC ACID 131.1%1S1S, JEP1(S0N-111 Pickering, Ont.„ on April 14th, to Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Jephsoteformerly of Seaforth, it daughter, a LYON—In Ilu:lett,:on April 14th, to Mr. s and Mret Wm, Lyon, it daughter. IfeCONNEL—In Brucefield, on April lith, to Mr\., and Mrs. Leonard MeConnel, it daughter. WESTLAKE.--In Osborne, on February 12111, to Mr., arid Mrs. Henry Westlake, it daughter. MeDONALD—In Exeter, on April 10111, to Mr, an john MoDonald, twins—son and daughtan CROSS—At the Cemetery Howse, Exeter, on Apr 14th, to Mr. and Mrs, Wni. Groff% a eon. Gcxierich, on Aprff lith, to Mr. flea Mrs. John Hummel!, a son. LOWERY—In Drina:1s, on April 171h, to Mr. and Mee. led, Lowery, e, son. MUNItO—Iti Wroxeter, on April 22n0, to Mr. and Mre, Alex. Mentes, a son Marriages. AOLMES-11ENRY--At the manse, on Amil TMRev. N. Shaw Mr, Mani , _ to t by , Dohnes, f SleKillop, itle 'Arabella Ma Henry, of Ribbed, The J. S. ROBERTS DRUG STORP..1 W. M. AfoK,4Y, Manage!' Tenders for Dredging, • rflzgeans addressedtotho undersigned and eta .1. domed t' Tendet for Dredging," will be reach/. ed Ire to and incleding Monday, May Oth, 1907, for the dredging re/mired at the following pleeee in the Province of Ontario during the( preeent.year : Belle River, Cheeal Etearte, Goderich, Kitioardine, Port Elgin, Port Burwell, Point. Edward, Port- Stanley, Rondeau, River Thatnes, fey Wiarton Blind nivel', - denham Rivets Beaverton, Bronte:Bracebricige, Mem- ford, Owen Bounds Thornbury, Toronto, Waubau- shene, Wingfield Basin, Nigger and 'Peiegmpli lands, Trenton Herbor and Mirk Channel, Penetang- uiehine, Midland; Hamilton, Cobourg. Combined speeificatiori and form of tender can be obtained at the Department of Public -Works, Ot- tawa. Tenders must include the towing of the . plant to hfid from the works. Only dredges can be employed whieh are registered in Canada at, the, time of filing Of tenders. ' Centraetors must be ready to begin wo* within thirty days after the date they have heeolnotified of the acceptance of their tender. Tendert' will 1101 115 considered unless made on the form supplied, and signed with the actual signatures of tenderers. An accepted (toque on a chartered bank, payable to the Order of the Honourable, the Minister of Pub- lic works, for elm thousand dollars (01,000) must ac- company each tender as Booth -14f deposit in connects, ion with the dredging to be performed, The cheque Will be returned in ease of nonenoeptanee of tender. The Department does not bind itself to accept the lowed or any tender. BY Order, FRED aElAitTAS, Secretary. Department of Public Works, • Ottawas Apr1117, 1907. Newspapers inseeting this advertboment without authority from the Department will not he paid for it, 2053.2 _ Deaths. ROSE—At the reeldence of her daughter, Maw, 10. Gr Adameon, Aurora, Illinois, pri April 1014t, Sara • A„ beloved wife of.D. D. Rose, of Toronto, form- -erly of Seatorth, aged 74 years, 1100ACHAN—In Parkhill, on April 141.11, Joseph McGeehan, aged 60 years. 31111R --In Exeter, on APril 12th, Elizabalt Nobler wife of John Muir, aged 48 years and 2 months. NEE13—In Stephen, on April 16111, Herman Neeb, aged 17 years. GILEILLAN—In 1Ssborne, William Leone, aim of Mi'. WiIIirIn Glifillan, aged 5 years, ,frs months and 8 dos. DOWSON--On the Goshen lin% Manic:se on April 18111, Mrs. 'Henry DOW8011, ;wee Ene yews. . COLE—In Sa,nilae county. Miehigan, en April Ilth, ligirs. Peter Cele, mother of lir. P. Cole, of Code - rich township, aged Fl years. 116.1:410--10 ,g.t April 151h, Philip James = Halls aged 60 years. • CANADIAN 44 OF COI FP p- r IKEA.13 OFFICE, TORONTO ESTABLISHED li8O7 B. E. WALKER, President ALEX., LAIRD, General' Manager IRELAND, Superintendent of Branches Brandies throughout Canada, and in the United States and England Paid-up Capiial, $10,000,000 Rest, - - 53000,060 Total Assets 113,000,000 444*4.4444.'.....41 BANKING BY MAIL 85 *Business may be transacted by mail with any branch of the Bank. Accounts may be opened and deposits made or with.drawn by mail. Every attention is paid to out-of.tow-n accounts. SEAFORTH BRANCH. F. HOLMESTED Solicitor G. E. PARKES, Manager. BOautifolly Printed Silk Mulls N isle by Arnold's, of North Adams, U. S. Only a few pieces to tone up tb . stook, loively toned colorings, wq blending effects of hello,' green, tame e_metaden, bill(?), pink on plain white grounds, arid also dimity stripes. The tei goods make pretty waist e or summer dresses, at per yard 50e. Cbrset 'Ern roideries at 25os 35o no 50o . y 4W...4... •11111.0. Greg Clearing Sale AT THE "Soaforth Tea St re 1.5 Days' Sale to reduce ult. Great Bargains will be given. .44•64.4.4-ei Our import embroideries have given us better values and patterns than eretofore. Very Ane Swiss Oarabties, with, well worked patterns of eyelet e eeta at per yard 250, 35c, 40e and 50c. Persian Lawns at 25c and 30o• 2.Tever have we had such values in Persian Lawn. We think they are worth 2,5 per eent1 more than WO marked them. We show Persian Lawn well worth 35c, for. int yard 25c, also one line as good as the usual .50 for per yard 30c. India Linens at 15; 20c, 25c and 35e. India Linetue iysith fine silky finish; even threadedythe bes have had for some time, at 15c, Mc, 250 and 35c. / .4. v 125 Wall Paper Designs to select from, at per Roll 30 to 25c. lues single 1 Corns *Si °deer Srssf Ontario. [akar arpets Curta Lanoleumb Floor overin IsIst$ -CI *thing CohOore 441.11441111111411 IMIIVIIIMMINE•4441.401.4.41.44+4 This season we have farther inereasea our already Jcomprehensive stOck of the above goods. As an inducement to prospective buyer Brussels Carpets, we are offering: we 16 pieces English Brussels. worth for 95 cents a POnESTONE GARDINi (SIMORBSORS TO MESSRS. MeKINNON & CO.) sa ONTARICi. BIATTEE, PIALIVOS. MEUNTZMAN & Cos - . This is the exclusive Agency for this district for these celebrated instal, meats. Ask for the little leaflet ", Why a Piano gets out of tune," and h will be easily swell why these instruments are so much ia favor with. the pablic, both hete and. abroad, Beiore buying give me a call. Six lbs. cooking ilgs for 25e, 4 lbs. dates for 25e, 3 lbs. boat prunes for 25e, best raisins 10e a lb., seeded raisins 10e a package, honey 10e a lb., maple syrup c a quart, 12 bars 0. K. syrup for 25e. Although Teas have advanced in price from 4e to 5c per lb., I am still selling at the old price, as I bought heavy stock of Blaek, Green and Japan Teas befeire the prices od- vanced. Seeds of all kinds, rnongold and tur- nip seeds, Dutch s t onions, garden and flower seeds, butter beans, golden wax beans, best variety of early seed potatoes. Flour and Cereals of all kinds -I -corn- meal, oatmeal, pot and pearl bailey. Wanted—Good fresh Butter and Eggs, for which highest maces will be paid, either in cash or trade. • A ............. . SEAFORTH 1 LETSONLIn Ooderich, en Artrilpth, Charles Leta son, aged 03 years and 11 thonths. , IffeKERCHElt—In Wroxeter, on April 1/0.; 1onbe1 -A•G ULT .4•4.444**44.-4..*1..."4...44444, Gi boo rii wife of W. fi, Sfaltereher, aged 46 yam. - ° . 4 at SEAFOnTil One door North of Richardson & McInnis' Shoe Store. sommusimosimmimmlome Tapestry Carpets are moving fast this month, and we are a much bet- ter position than formerly for catering to this broach of the rade, as enr Ipatteens are exceptionally bright and clear. In this line we are offering : Ten pieces of Tapestry Carpet, regal a 75e, fot 50e a We have offerings in elvet Tapestry Wool and Ta ata Wilton,I J. I • Squares of all kinds and sizes. See thews goods—we have something to ia terest you. eraveneeleseelier“ililhe****4111,11 LINOL Have a large share of -interest jekt nowi owirig t meat a gementa made for baying dirsot from the.elargest makers in Scotland, we have now in stock about 3,000 yards of the best values we have ever offered, whieh were bought last Fall before the advance in prices. Intending putehasers we ask comparison. P4,0410MAIVAPortikhfri~001~ iLace Curtains and Ally°1111)1111, 0 U RI Draperies 4444., rim You will save money and et a better roof by using PARO1D. Slate colored—contains no tar— eastly moiling kit free. Spark, water, gas, heat and cold proof. Lasts long and look well. Don't take an imitation. Send for a free sample, — For Sale By — GEO A. SILLS, SEAF OHM S NPLit RICIE This is the Family Shoe Store. There's many a family in this town that never think of buying or looking for shoes elsewhere There's a reason for this --we've been tested long :and we've been tested often, and our re- cord shoves that we've never been found wanting. Fropn grandfather down to baby, one aid all,Come here to eatisfyi their every footwear want. People are con- staht y tieing to this shoe dove. By the way, - have , you seen these special valneel Our Men's $2 OT 5(/ shoes. Our Women's Shoes at $2 or $2 50 Our 31.50 or 81,75 Misses' Shoes Our Boys' $1,75 or $2,25 Sohool ,hoes,' • If, you'll take a look at thee° shoes, perhaps you'll see in a measure why so many homes make tikiis the family shoe store, e're as ready to show as to sell. ;Richardson ic Brinnisi • SEAFORTH, Sole Agente for Viatoria, Hagar Just Wright and Derby Shoos. In The Supreme Court of the Northwest Territories. , Judicial District of 'Western Assinibola In the matter of the estate of Thomas McDonald, de- ceased. Purauant to the order of the Honorable Mr. Justice Newland% dated the 16th day of ,April, A. IL, 1007, all matfett having claims against the above estates are required to fond in the said claims together with statement of seourity (if any) held by them on or be- fore the 15411 day of July, A. D., 100/, to Messrs. Balfour k Martin of the Pity of Regina, Advotates for the Adnainistmtor, Dated at Regina the 16th day of April, A. IL, 1907 neemotin & xAsing, Regina, 2054-3 T ^ 'Royal Rose — for -- High Grade Manitoba Wave III IR Crest — for — ,FAMILY USgi. Diamond A. _ PASTRY Seaforth Milling Co. 3A03ECIX-s1.101D The Treesurer will be at the Connell Meeting at te2Willit?Ftirg fejnaTygc:rielgitItePdr&nitIO it)is witenroptlfrainrisele nee. re c 2050-2 M, MURDIE, Clerk, There is a vast difference in the lines from aea that is smart and fashionable, that good taste and tl s in our present showing in plain anil colorenadras ninolin, door panels, i14-+:44.44ik en's lothing Dea1: doubtle Giallo throng the clothing advertisements, a 1te that each and ever/clothier claims the exclusive agency lor Ovilidall bast clothing, hats and furnishings, that his stooks are larger, bie prices lower, and many other wild .and extraVagant claims. Any merchant, no matter how small, an buy newspaper spaee, but his statements ate very often exaggera- tions and mill -statements.- Any stetement we make we are prepared to back up with the goods. Something new in high grade elothing for the .00ming season that will defy competition. , Twenty-five Men's Worsted Suits, in sizes from 34 to 44) worth $1 1 season's pries. $8 Blue black and fancy prey Worsteds, nes from 34 to 44, at i special. • Another shipment of Men's Tweed Pante. Three specials in Men's Raincoats at $$.50,f1,00 sad .10.00, 6444.4.0.44444444. Notice to Creditors! In the matter of the estete of Peter Campbell, late of the Townehip Of Stanley, in the County of Huron, Yeoman, deceased. Notice Is hereby given, pursuant to the revised fitatuten of Ontario, Chap. lir, that all oreciltors and others no hex claims against, the estate of the gala d late Petero amphell, who died on or about the 18417day of 31 reit, A. IL,- 1007, are required on or before the ist day of June, A. D,, 1007 to tend hy post pre- paid, or d diver to James Camp 11, Bayfield I'. O., one of the Executors of the estate of the said deceas- ed, their Chrietian and Sir names, addresees and de- aeriptions, the fell particulars of their elaime, - 'statement of their amounts and the nature of the se- curity, if Rey, held by them. Ard further take , notice that after 61ICh last mentioned date, the Rz. i eontorts of said estate will proceed to distribute the assets of the deeemed among the parties enti- tled thereto., having regard only to the claims' of which they shall then have notice, and that the paid EXeCUtkr8 Will not be liable for the said meets or any part thereof :to 903 person or persons of v,hoto Maims notice shall hot then have been -received by them at thetime of ouch diseribution. Dated at Cloderiohs this 17th day of April, 1007. PROUDFOOT, HAYS to KAI% Solicitors for the Executors. Adriocates tor Administrator. 1 20534 4 es ...$.4.4p-o+04-GO9-$444444-;eetse4**0 en's o 4 44431* We have black and blue Worsteds and Serges, fettftronteadmputt in the yarn and dyed in the wool before weaving, and are sold upon the guarantee of manufacturer and ourselves to stand test' of sun and salt sea air not to turn white at the edges, and sold at the eame prices.as,ordinary goods. We have many novelties in Farley Worsteds—direct imporW—frem $1.7 to $22. We ask comparison on the above lines. Men's Furnishings.. We present to you opportunities to buy new Hats, Shirts, Ties and osiery—knell values as you have Dever before known. Unmatchable Opportunities—Otn Floxmon Shirt, di linen 8± 81 Our Puritan Shirt, all double back and double front, guara colors, full sizes, for 750, Men's Hate in every known shape at $1125, $1.50 and $1,90. Our " Regal " Hat, the hit of the season, at $2.00 1 ' 4-14.444.4.401,414,414e. Highest Prices paid for Butter Eggs and Wool. DRIED APPLES WANTEDx PIMA 1411011141.1.10010111111011.1-4-4 _Opposite Toym Building, eurner 4.4 -444-444-4 DIRECT XPORTBRS tsvin a Mrket wat*, Seeefortle