The Huron Expositor, 1907-04-26, Page 42
- - - - - - - - - -
L 26
-K �'TOR
wo - op. w -4,
EI Meet --
t6 �.&a When: are ibol"Idt dug --AT he I Advo-_
ThIm Was- the - view- 0 -Yi- more: v ec the OttAw kd everytltlh a. ave.. announced by It,
Ukew, 7-th Ve, I be
1141100 91431t 'd wAhOritles see ',both th6l, in: rVadifief 1by - X&y - lart T a aenry lt�
or, an I I ot'L 't Un calte M�� 3 m6hr ba;4 pur
f W -bo -expres selUopp�sed- -f against them" ithey': 9
Alouse lie(al .-Pro*ln-ce ut -told runA 0outh 40, far ag Mr. thamod h10 tstheVo xb Idesize 4 R
-ft. W -fin,
shortly - I Grbe'aley
W -nd George Salime's. This Will of CriA-
-all 'it- more WItubwl In the ;uturd ri-ermanlo; lor und rest as, 0 nd Intends m so
wqtIoxx will - �joad a �4t leglalatio ara* Mr.
-,-in 0 not dry clear- gain
tarto n to.' I Isuch 16 Julgion- :, t th 0X-counp-il er Xorth, 04
�111 a 16n eft aftt.�:�Xo. 8 J*hool lton,- `h" Vollght XT0. Fisher's
Lat�st Styles
�y, 'un &r.-, too d �O_y Merabe from.. t
_rS he �hat -will iOiAdfbiallY affect loft "in - teireats Of the dulA
-it an tice. 11wa ib�en` Improved,. the fla-4to hot W on 041in OV- A. F ord 100 will -ex
6 Othand hence one'ofthe hdr d Froyl otrt , MT
d iffloulties, 00 th! oe T int, re. deserylp ';b repalring tence
s casloia -the On- ho Govemmc of bar "Idays 1hajo �purzbased he,13 *acres, of land in 7 8 9 10 11 12 1.3 tarlo_ - melwnefa of thp/1 eredW or. their courage Inj rel4latig' -grounds an di 'the '*bole -house oWn..owncd Axy Mr. - Chaloo R, av_k�
-bill from. atart to filoh demon -Y
14 16 16 IT- 18 1 fought the -p h6rripson o Monic- ne -on thezeouth side- of N
9 :20, Os of.ra�'Iway tn, Igffneria;-Mr. T_ orth, street
2.91 26 26 ance and 0have lald� down the ken 1poaaess6.6f t4 and �6orth Of John otreit; Mr. Slmo
.1 1 11 -]ft*,
I 'Kell- No one denies the fadt that a mas shoes form an important put �,of
23 .4, 97 �Ad� xeliga, it '4j,. tile groun ds. of ItA asist 1hai t1p,
-oadtexxt' on: Prc 'that e"after only, pwrely n1ady, fol"k 0�op at ter haa 28 29 4nv mindial rights cot- icart's Hun urebased the 50 avore
om," wearlug appar�L His clothes m -3,y be fauhlegs in soyle and- Of
-mon4y ar4, la The� tq-r old by -Mr. 8 0,
30 The Goverilffiedt'sapporteis. -however, OnIzXtlon. 00hjiles, will. :receifyc. aid COM,10r,, Wadi to doing - a- 11endiT VO k graSS tarM in the' tOWOWD IOT UST "00 VV- L7 with- his clothin
forisomo rela to Way. , of fo 'be lbO.M,6, own amuel g
son or, othei did; -inot � doz -611tt lby' aAd aer$ ;0444 ther ard Skinner, quality$ bat- un1bos his -shois are in kee-ping -he
elves justipe, us they, allowed 9rald- TsUlt' Of fthis, polley no ng lot a- In
- t ervice Jr., elng,ithe west 'halt of h"i that feeling -of bei Wall dressed. A visit 0 this stom
hems t-01- AS 4 corf9raltulated on secur Will
the 4th concessi -of shoos that will
the Opposition to sc6re, I pofat W
pos- imilway aid was grsiti6d J61% Mukr4y bas ur-c a0edi GIL that we have tae right kinds7
vince any man Dut
ing. a Provincial Righters.j' While they, tbroo d imare fron Mr. I
-and correct A le misy
finishing touches to any outfit. Every tiw
Ad, denotes Clio page of the paper on whioll t1le Iurou Notes. leailiag &me and Ogngj
The firure hattveen the parenthaMs after each
for 06 most. part re aihea- neutral. Man, of Seaf uft, Ipaying $200 for,
Mfound hore—th. oh est and b of the
The fulether conslefAl of the rray 1w A horse :;ancler
on r. McLe0c, of H
niltbIl', has
Notos.-)&r. S, 'Deltrich, who recent-
- 'k
meaguire was a0ourned on mot W_0 ood horoe,. when, 90_ ea. And then when it comes to the matter of assortment, and
Propm Brand -Stewart engaged a and kno a g
of wa
u POO �=Y pr
ly sold NO ji�ief property In go nX
strPerlatendent of- the me- bad Ron. Ar. Vielding Md it is not* likely The rOads &Te In, a very reagonableness, we are- far and away in advance -of' the average. rue
dinica deportniont tn Jacks6nal
NVIN!" I - 4 now. The Cainel, $,teOhen township, has radme
[CFAIII 00 -43 o iget another. airing this seselan. ondition fu cou�ci
Anbq.orbiopr Thought-& 31 clothing factory, Clinton. store. We mention below a fqw of our' leading lines of Xen!,s
are Te
ore with - his farrilly - t a reside.' A
$ilk The following extalact-from. an edl- mot- to iblamej it I tho Weathar. But -Physical anaratus valu t f ro, ' herre last week
to the gdod many Won M
-qrolg Clothinsr Co�-1 Itoria In the. Globe ha, WO.' 'hope to hear from� the council soon , %� the �rlght
nnls�6 Of a�bqvt $100 wag last week added
to attend e Rvangelkal church Con
id wl .1 the hearty- a 61vetts and small 'brfq-#es are
ing aa .11 meet. with 'WAMOVERt Wigh grade Ameriewn Shoo, 411 s.jylee, a
0 nerit of the . Olin to, Col- 1
Cleari�g Sale -A. G. the equipr forexice beid at Creditons The sever-
4pralla1 of -the hole e ple, of thl; .,not icotitrolited 'by the weather,�-Xr. 41 sesajonl%, Were we THU, -John Dljlger�l
Inter A tn, ptics? P 14glate Institute laboratory.
Of It I 1 0 fine 11 attended and a voWd t,
PXovInce. It swq: 61dan Robert MkKay is af Present �lotltlng piotit per pair.,$6 And $5.50.
K ndyXitohen-8 the, home ot his childbodd 9 e, La atyle aud wear—all leathers".per
_pular St%illons t -A Plymouth, Tok "hen owbed- by able to thosa Itaking, part. -U -r.
Ilit XV-1th f1ru-JES spun 0orles of constitutWaal or'any Mr. - Jaima X"rn, Of Clinton, laid ail Louis jeffrey 11 a narrow eftape THE -$LATER SHOE, faous for fit,
�tee.-JINPORitor offico-S,
'1�,w to convi, ice the man
Sei, T. hat Her, Yqt *1 -0. 1& A 11dreivs--s other kind of, ekg thAt -, mes;sweed -6 &ft 7.1-2 Inches lookln`g` W'e'L It 10'25 ye4ta 01r1ce Mr- from ioerlus -in 84.- and $6,
Laird -S
jury one day last.
'Untit septemb.or Ist-H. R. Who Is gulded 'by fa�,ta id. -not by pallilt and[ he hi a lyroo
tile othov day. wk tn KaTbfleisaWs flax mlij- on OUR $11PECIIAL11 SHOE, made by the 8 vereign, Shoo p o�lej thlow-, jgtea
Yam for Sale-Thgs- Vdkvley-S f0s -that a,- House whloh* gathers d th ie x awa land.
Notice to Cre re dltors�_llalfour &UftfbIh-6 J, J, Romath and. lamily a the i4th concesisjon.-He�"was olij-
Tenderg for DO members fr leaing Wingham Ito 0m the r e est 84 and $4.0,
ITOrinaldohd �ost distant avoldidi in To. some ppwt 09 mat PAtent
pai1s of the Dominion Is, hinery when
roato., Vr. Homuth -has, 11jeen a. real- sleeve was caught by a shaft and; he THE HAWTHORNE SHOE in Dongola Kid, ME Alf and
(_ijcXa;y & Shaul -6 Ito decide the coldoitI 0014 Now MqYIQq body onls- and denlV or- for over. thirty
_I)F� $2-50 to $5.
ond 4114 Soon TIM FAULTLESS SHO]t in Dongola
Hotel trs upon rt w4z drawn In- an4 whirlddi around,
W 11 Oil Fr er' for a CHAPMAN, of Ativood, AvIll. a in Hx-��
ye AI s OtOr With'a 10ad Of CUIV00 D11 Tuesday April :30, FGrtunat-Oly tho -engine was KU anj Box oalf—S,91160
tramway betiveen Hamilt and Ta- at 12 o'o1OqIc nooy), iltjws in tb
Sale--Georae Ohapniall-a hould. granted, -There ere 31 itiven Stopped, and W.'Jeffrey relieved from
Xembers I -at, town,
Wilson and' three hi�p licenaes' Issueut 'in BOteck' Goes Down, -O S tvrdar his evlloup Position, bu not before
Wall, Paper -Ale.,
Pareell--a from Britldh Columbia, on the one' Huron during tii� last license at london, -Judge, Ma4b& h gion- he wab coAsjder-a;bly bruised an
Wanted -Bleetria, Light Stvttlonow hand and Nova Scatia on the otheryly,..... d'shak- IF otraln, from
There are 27 Uvern licenses en;00 James Belback,, -formeqy . of ell Lvp, ' Smierson, son_ of Mj, V,
with fal the Interm, diato dista Ceinent--Chesnov & 8111fleY-8 e 4 CO -8 and lthyllee,i'shop licenes 'being applied :Oxaer to four. veurs. In; X rigo senberry underweiit *a operatlon a For S. O -R. it, illee between them, ohould ot be asked. stoty
o' big -
pie fury,
con the eba feve days ago by Dr. Gwyn, of Clinton, jcoffj�:. +1
to ive their, mindii to '�such que&
Itions. There is ich h Wipe
is reported thait. Indt. a,tions. oX gum)r, Ito Wh e ecently, leaded assisted by Dr. Campbell, this
a body h bottf aluWole, oil depoits 'have been foud -1gul][11:7. B#libeck, ho, ip,. 63 a;Ts . 0 t hiconvenience and the o3t 71110,Sv. Some 'time ago e got ;ofte 0 tutlon Point in. 'the ljioAhem art or the '06urity. age, mrrIed 'his 'first wife In Dash- of hle'legs Injured a:nd slice thenAhe
to im 'best fittea to I dea
-With 'Ouch A JolvL-stoo cowp4nrla tQ, ne formed woo j and htry lived together untif one 'had cominenced to decay,
local it Is: nothing short eces-
1907 matterg, and
SEAFORTIJ I and grospecturs' leaoefj have 'oeen tak- ithvve years ago, w SAFORTH
FRMAY, April 26
au outrage that the Dominion PEVr_ hen left sitating. th-4--removal'of he decaying
on, on same 1,200 acres of land' a- 'his familY. He'went to Londo town- PMtlon. He to getting along llarneift �dhould shut its eyefs, to that nlcely- (61YOOESSOR TO R. WILLM, SON)
ro�md Lochlash, In Ashfield 1towz6hip. ship,' an OlAt anout eight
n P-SrliaMeUt- fat -bidding of the lobbylst." d got acquainted 1nift !the Operatton.-Mr. D_Schnell,
The Do- -n-o at the Chevaller, of -family, named
kuple Creek, Months aigo with a, near here, reccawtfy sGqd 9,.veiy pice
makint- m111 .9t. Ottawa Is Irried od April Xa�rris, and -went to board' with them, gellral purp 0 (horse Ito Sole 4gentia Seaforth for Empres and 41 0,aeolf aality a iexpeuaes�
The law akalehowan, was ma; 'i -
J. 'He- oaf
IdAt Wt; the old 11-thj to Allso Zora, 0. Wad% daugh-� giving -his name as JahV Bell," Here Bridle, ree v ng womeno and fhe 41SIxter an4 11 Walk-(iver aho-eeor men,
till grinding out Sris The Right of It. of 'the 1plln lin �stand. Pro -rogation Is 'not likely Ito ter of ,Mr. and Mrs. -George a;de, 'h0 imade love Ifto the daughte; Ada for lit $200; and giving Mr. tTqBrfde
to a:n editor n
] opos
Int Teferenc.Q. W Which of,'Wlugham, &t-thej Tesldente of the . Haerls, aged'sixt e . and i ed a f Idle matched team of chesnut-owhich.
ta&-,e place, - before the last of this co enee4- wo .1111
r h gI I � 1j, hj ils eet.-Mr. J. L4 Ilerr spent,a few B& kfe'y
appeared tn The Rxposl�or o� last brides brdthr-�fn-law,� M'. Robert Col. ma!rr-lave, T e - r p t , in Off , for promise to !be prize winers at the rain rk his eek, ibut 4 Way - not even then, aia thOVO Dar, of Medicine Hal sAimo, and ohe day ecelvc�d a, visit at S J one of )ra of Ithe 9' st week with. Brus tu
Week on' the Good Road Bill, Mr. ohn Preter a eeig: with his ce-frient mix, r. H
am Still few subjects, wilich may, -On Wednesday evening,, April 17, from Mrs, Belbeck -told 4e girl merchyntis had -pur- Iriend. Ing -,av kWhea f& Tho;. McLaucbft.
Archtbald. H1,3100P., X. P. Fl. Who okir_ prosperous -the Ten
pro,�g ito. be of a, contentious nature to fo�' EAs t 1sabOl Glbson,-beloved Wife of W. S. 'that ishp was the' _� rlsoner's wife. chaijed a ver)r.handsme grey driet -The funeral -at YSs. L Huron writes to us' as - lot lows - WK&cher,- Wroxeter,' died after a The iglrPs -parents made casu*1 In- tram, Mr. J. J. Merner, 'for $190. took pluce on Tuesday of .-this �Wa*,
The dealt 'with and which may o0ca.5- tanlay.
"I see,)rou have an, editcriaoil tijej long Illness. She was 46 y6wrg: of' qullos,,� aTid finding no record 'f any, Until Selftuber let the overeign 13an'k, i3ruee. fromthe borne of Xm Thom. -Dunft
*he ttUlv
fon, discussion. On�e ot ' itu
s atiQn and I ai�ree with ur view. wgse- and was maried to her now -be- Tecent, Marriage of a mail name fleld, -vsill open. Wednesilay evenlngs� 7.SO to 9 p. rd., be�rry re t,
70 TurTf at e, BruseU.
41ea--, s ly t 'her "honie� In ObK�
Itbese Is the esolutions grantig bet- When the Ibill was; befoi oml-- iett husband -tn September 1891 and Bell, gigs Harris'ultImtel7 11. R. IAdrd, X udden -a
telv arried
X6tes.-Meem. 13erbert Dunkin and ton., on Fx_jda-y I st, r
tqr terms to he Provinces, which mittee 1 went farther. th -yea and 'leaves 'two isoni &nd, a daughter 'to hAm. *lbeck- �adjnttted having led to InauQloh Ser es4-A very, tteestt, hewt fall -urs.
the -minister wh* Z Harnwe11 -left fo ftskatooi4 Sa49 Ing the eauw- tra. Dunford's 0aloig-
aid: rthat -in layge" ties like Mourn 11VW loss. 0 mdrHe'd the couple, ing,even tookl"
thave Vt to 'be dealt with. �iae 16 St. Adr'sw's
Huron,,ftruce a;nd Middlesex Boyd,.Who ;*sIdd for In a,7lng be ad notte ed be, chuTch here- JUt Mhursday, ano it katch4wan, last week, tear which- =1Z the
te est 111111ne wais Miss Emm&Sn* m%
Com- policy tto adopt an m
Fielding, Is leading the �&' Thep. I=.
_w"ould joel' to &1,10 on 'his fxrri hi Ashf fore, 1-119 counstA made an �L "'al for W943 Of Moft than, ordinary- n ere$ Lfftier
w many 710"a leldo vlace itey Intend to lo ale. -Ws. Bv- hom was in 01;e ownship. a)*
daughter,, 89 year
Ems died at -the home- of, her
dm 6146 municipality to� ha:n he preyioug Ito, ble movin to Go e rich To g lettersifrom the cons erl -0.-
1xions, eems to make a;n a ta: ach' local dle -t lnfendy p-' duefj ld ' aff Ithe fact that it wa's ort of ap
d if he session Is unecess�' Y sTs, since Ithere bad Inera much' Now
"grairt. Inde Mr. Jamm Camgbell't, on' skturdy,� Tit $Ome V9_14A
pendent of the c6unt-� coun- some Xwo or. t4iree -years, ago, died on balvs#ts of the second wife,: &.n & also e
April h -she lad, tem: violt-
first Mrs. Beloeck. Judge eventoefare, so that. thellft
Decealsed owned one of from It April 6th, where
orily prolonged, the fault will,, ot Mac both, a e caref u ui�m
hel best f&TT-m in the t0wilship. and.
e are leased. 'to lea old: Aft 1 con few. albonig obngregatfon wh
rA, that -Mr.
trest with him. He has. alwayff the wari also erfgaged 'for, some, time In sidealtion I -have come to' -th �, con- had -wttneos A Sudden D"th.-Anothler *f the,,re- X&OS.-W. Peter Fisher -at
nduction, -of Stanley, who
,-a;nd the saw. mill 'business. :He leaves a elusion rthat -you have �bean pec illaiy -that of Rev. Dr. McLean. This time
Hislop takes this senstoe viewd ed the r
evioug sort nswer zeady and. although ected pioneers of this township, in 3rd concession
t Theur,6
we 'the perwoh' of Mrs. Hei ben6t .
'hope "he -will perseere uif ii 'he', wrdow, four ' rr bowso the wInte'r in CalIfOrals for the
doea not -On all occashons turn aay sons a;nd four daughters. cruiel And 'heartless In. this imatter. I It was the Induction- of Rev. Mr.
eeds tn gdttlIng the al� -Mrs. Be-,ier Cole at os o , rwerl of Iburn. The ssed way at -ter -very let, 'Ill- fit of his ealth., eturned�t homw%4W Lvel il ut
su& t. amended Who, for thavy waominded flTaf to imp le%tull Small,
does. The most
nesm on ftturday April 13th,. The week. - Mr. frienftwi4-
lnes, -was up 'you, thr,
:wraith, It irery often along Ithe be indeat I es�so that years aeldent of Goderich. penalty of sevpn )rears rch.. bad, an ,evergreen ardIA iv otithe 1pa;st week was: taken up in deceased lady &Tn that, his
township, and Whose son, Mr. Peter but In view of the num6ro)As -i(queats front of 'te pulpit with the lettens was, appatmItly, in the -1be peased, to le
34 be done to( MI. p9antles Cole,, lives very much fbeter that bli�*_
;now on Ithel old home for leniency, 1�son`tence �koa t) four Welcome," in, old. The I usual igood'
voting upplies. The mata estimates wenjoymelft of 'her. me -the =iW1&te-1v
�Ilk. Wha!t Mr. Hislopi ady�wates stead, ied. it the ho of her- son, yea a t4DU
we, ithrouh with, but here ar$ aup� inth' Provincial Penite until the Friday precediCs her death Joiurn it south hao been
a Jary.1, *tp,,rted at 1.30 p., hu, with. t,6e Koder� tb re e- or
In Satillac �-cotwty, -o was. a
is khat should !be done and the law' Mr. Wesley Cole,, _T wheir she
13 to v nds
r in aitol� Rev. Mr. Leckie, presiding.:
r -le he Agr ultural g ttacked by� pirTalysid ah4 Q1 wilD 'h(Yp the ifflpr0*eh_N_W Lplomeixtary estimates and, sapplem. Rev. Michlgan�:on Thursday, April 11th. afid. on,. Satturda:7 -the spirit -foo Its, may 'be VeIrmanent.-The famerwift Vn- Pr
will not wpk out fairly to al until this -town biLve !bean leasid to Mr. Mr. Urquhkrt, Of KfjPeri, preached a
-uring the M
entary estimates on op of them a- Deceased leaves a -family -of five sons Richard Ulot(q d ' artlive, Mrs, DowjoWj maldpa- all 1busy on the lanA getting ja A* -
it Ift so, amended. We are sure that 1�, for
70 for tile sa. splendid sermon. Rev. Hr-. Leckie eP
'rXh Ann Culur and she,
igain, o that 'no peram- Is, our that and one daughter. Mr. Cole died some son. -The council Intend Outting in name, was ft ited and they say the
lmkAy of the Membes do not'under- -gae 9n--,acqoixrft of the Tesj ation
twelve 0 we
ears ago. two more water tanks for f IrO
y of the
Ithe vothig of money ls',real-y done stand fhe situaion �Ivhlan was 7S yeava of age. Sf%d. *,as-'' om good Shape for -working,' -8
pro- 0; Dr. MclAan and showe(l� -that the
and more progressije most unajil-
older' colfirdes, -Mr. Tho=4 Harrimj of Usbornle, ection 'pu'rpoties, ne near the "orner cal to Ar. Small was al ueaii- Cdbourv, a -ad. was u-nitedin Mar- h0pte tbAt )n, a -few- day:a they in
&bolxt the 'fo
Ho ty Pro- as ainfully.burned re- of And"w ad Victoria riage to the. late- Mr. Dowson 56 years hav the wv.� of their hustle OIW* 0r they would not oppose a"proposl- w streets, 9,,nd mous ?there ",beln;r 265 membersares Ak
-buti 4j i67.
trogued. The oto� day over six rail� Lion t 'head and the left eye Tuesday of last the other me&,r the ago, Whe6f the settled bn the bollhe-_ In 'the mean tline -they ate rallased
hat is so manifestlY. just and tation, �mzha, tend- on, the vall andi 73 adherehtq, � Rev.
PI 96n, 'itown and -our busluess weit have
Wileek, yVhe cattle. HaV eft are lbelqg askec for the !n- of 4oderich, address -
of dollars -were voted in -less fair n grayinc his o stead farm ed by the
110W occu
nts Ing ,never Used ithe sprayer 'before h6, sawry �Calvn Dowson.. 'She. was of a kinaly-tespa:re mome -occasionally tv 46�
than twntf mlnut6s. But they do jextavaitions. Miss Flora. Ellen ed� the minister using as his. text,
00 - Ye Into all- the world and. re h disposition anid Wghljr Tesp ted 4 1 v t, usslon of the
Itly turned the liquid, which Sim, 'Awmerly bf Exeter, m aff aftV -it
acciden W` ar, 3ninu
The .-Ontario' L481�tuyie,, at 0 a, dise not Wwaya go so smoothly as ..this.. aye State. -Mr. Sai
doaTtalned a crude ea;rbollc , a;c1d, an ried In Detroit 'r gospeV, Rev. Mrj Sm-ith.. 01: who knew her., 4Ad 'the relatives -b muske tw
last week, 'to Mt, el � Spatille, of W
A -1 the
This Dominio of ouva la becoming an As we pYedlcted last we�k the bn-� 1himvelf with the result th t his left t "h&jj lbeen, V.9'11ing 4M �ffoM At
hitz 3wim H V
'formerly' of Us- Hensall, address d, Ither congregation
R. Tucker, the !sincere sympathy of a boat of foal,
bomk,. 7ho young couple was beld on his -old time triends , In town
Immense Institution. =d It -Tequires tario legl'elatdrs completed their 'eye was bidly bqrned, Serious lh� will reside on ithei , r duty alof er, ly- friends. The tuneral
goo�o their mi
SmUlle 4oes nob 4dft.
y- Jury Is not xnticipated., In reaso lbe"*nt �tei week. Mr, am
a, -lot of mone to kbip the machinery, la1bors, early Frlday� morning and no which Xondxy, In n made in t he
prom- Ing Suggestions. The
--One day mently, W. H. 'Kerr, of pted our citizen, Mr. Jdhn it. ladle Bafleld cemetery. T1hree isms, WZY 60 fZiqUeVt1Y now as tn*, tftliw SAX0
ot lthe�_ various I depa;rtments properly 'fqvinal rorogallon proceedings took 9 h d 'Prepared agocid supper, tn
13ruawls, (the Liveral candidate for McDonald, Ito erect Joas* of Ha7 towyWhip; Calvin years, 1bVt we. a*e all alwa7o
large and hamd- the ',basement for which there was no. on
oiled. The expenditure thlB'yeir will 1place' On, Satgrday- The !Lieutenant �tjw Legislatuys tke homestead, antW1111vn, Inftirth 60� Ito 'have -a visit rom him a*
In East Huron-' had some- esidence, are -now madi. evi- admIsslo4 charged, so* It.1s zeedle' xceed one -hundred and t exity =11- Governor lgave. e assen t to 126 "bills a' vid-f y close call fori 'his life. de -nit I Dakota, threeVftWht,6rj, We; S, makes one feel the betteil for.
w He b-7 a notice. Which appears Ila an- to a -Y it was well. 1patrbulzed'
of thia issue. Bu if he lea looked very 'pretty being de -
lion dollars. This Is %,big jpaes� of v�hch had lbeen ,passed-- -,the' liad een. sufferflig from. ltooth&che, tab Polloek, of Canora, Saak.; Mro,, J. and wodt to a detlat 'to have the latends, ccmtInulTig an at ithIs-T te, be. corated:'With beautitul cut CoUlAOt 0; B.03M city 3ne and 'be !held In. Andrewlp vhr�h I
money If It were gathered into one session. The session has! -not Ideen f lowers
home. Mr. Dowson
taking a. dose of co- should have etained �M* Mamie 0 fte' Avot ftnda, -in May and th�
hio tin Pro- i%lrpplied by Urm. . Campbell. After
Lheap and t!he rapidly growing resour- patl�ularly noteworth, e cept tha 'caffile to ease te ductivetarm. in died aboult two incifto ago. Varatory-vervices W1111 take pj
ain. Mr. Kerr has Tuckersrn� - -The pa;rtaking af_the --good thingq there
tooth lextr lt6d-,' Exat'r Qu cft - of the country seer4 to demand il,,9-004,dua Of work has'been pushed a weak 'heaV;t and the -drug werit 'to olte -club are Dea& of a Former Reedent.-Ilf 'Usugd' on- the pVeceding Felday.-_�
getting into -Vhe congregation Isain assembled in
lmMnd mQre eac, year.' This large lthrOugh the Milk -or! thalt W&w,� it, and,,for sorffo, time, ',hts life ldhave, for this season's operatlo, TeenwVto, on Tuesday-�- Alpr1l UU4 Judging from the large -q
hung itho auditorluni fbr�,the evening, art
In ithe, lb al 'held a meetin' Itbere 'Passed &war Margaret Cameron, hen truit that ate fbelg �w
expenditurg to not to'69 so much Thursday Ievening'of last week The congratulatory meron, of Teeswale teachers,
the Iresult of the- labors. of! the last 01ce His mauy friends g tor- re-organizat on,'on of the pogramme- which consloted of arkettA js,:
throilghout tho'county will ' glad to wifie 61 jains Ca- ar. l?"town It Is evIi1ent thatl the tseful. bilk.
t addresses lay the far- 1W__ n
few weeks. During joe 1" days of k-noW that.e is now,, out -of datriger. Bowlers -ate also up Ito dat�.,�,%nd, have c I lergymen present and musical selec' C; gdt down to solld Mau No Rog, as he evenue continues EL V* 40 Of f0YtY-Mv0nY0aT0k RT,
Ito gmNv proportionaely, 1huit If a dark the 'session several- test vot --:A VecifflaW Ithing happened, in Ex- elected the following offic tions 'oy te eh Catheron lhad.,lbeent In 'failing health season sn4 that -*he Is one of thvl*�� AbDO&
o 01 a:ndi others. A
lYe&r or two should come wiefi would taen, More for the purpose. of allow- i6ter a few daYs ago /hen."Dr. Mal, cu"Tnt Tea. Hon. -presid�nt, V, W. leasant .._feature since. laot,suminer,, -but bore ,her tru. !pottat 4nor;Ley Making faleto" (ft. W_
of the vening was
ohrink , Ing the mmfbeY 107 'took lu iece of needle over tho Gladman;, vice !president, N ble with Christian patience andI re- farm. -The wealtew him tbett dil
ruents maad
he revenue, the conse uences w of the. respectiv DJ Rirr�. an address of welcome fromi -t'�e con-
tbo, Ipast few dikys ond iW*� q Inthes In length frorn the back of don;- chaPlal, Rev. D, W.: (36111-ft�s uIgnaltIon. Deceased wam the -only 'ful f
gr0gation to Chf. nevir minister,, read
MY U e'rious. But the amount pat -les to place themselve# on -record the knee of a 7 9 son 6f F r secretary -treasurer, W. j., e&m&n, Idy Ajr. W. daughter. of.'the lafe Gregor He. !People baTe nothing to
ed -2n eA t*n
oun Campbell. To thJ0,:,Mr Apen't Is n6t so the main co than with the vlew of efflectin,g any Wells. Some five
nsld- weeks aigo 'he fell The 'Officers were empowered , �o *e- 'Small made 9 suIWIDle reply ln� whlc� Gregor, Of fhe Si- �onces�lon -of Stan- except 'that the house *,bielng t-UNINW. 1&w in- xe
of e
immedlae ichmige. One thes test 01 ledt the different- commIt reference to; the ley, and sister of Weil McGregor, ho topsy tu'rvey the igdoil[
DVWtlon o loilg as it Is honestl-v and a ithe floor, and complained of some- tees f9r the - he, made feeling at 9resent 'resides an ths, bomeeeid. the 1011!9. SufferIng 'husibabd has -W.--
"thin-9 un'nlng into his - 'body abore Yeal'. The lub- xpects - to to- 0, CIDAM I
Ic n strong 'oond of friendship which still.
economically apent and tile, people votes took lace on, Mr.1 Graham's tlhe hi, A short plecia of needle was itheIr new law tn July.�JThe-1 She her-, childhbod- ancli y 'his,,dinner, ftom the head of
Curl�-' existed *oetween 'himself a;hd the mem-
Vicelve reasonable value for their bill, Ito ainend . the llcenio� act, 00 found and ithan taken out'. The bal- lug -:club, lAve 'Presented Mr,. George of Ihia former c wilth he'v Varefits In Stanley. About empty bavtel.' Dut vwn, eun tw--
ongregatlens. He
1901mult a local optlW, br-l-lawfa'Ace had given little ;;;�&le. unjtll� Andl,,sn vvih. a ha;mdsome s�vnteen 7exrx ago stio was mwrried will be Over gird UWn, -r
�, fo Sodent
heavy tax wil's. as ItO lbiet 'pipe �10D Teferred Ito the kindy letters of
It may �lbe Iriteresting tf.o leirn that ?t be cailed by am, even XTe lustead' At bad wor and case, In re itb- ;0n to J&nvs Caineron. For the last few one
0 Iced- through tlwtody -to th cognition, of 1 �hlj f a raltulatiorr (he had Tedelved from
Ithe -third, TW49natiolA of his -seat for knee, 'When 'Pain Was 'felt and the ful -and efficient servicza as b YeaTs - 'the family resided -in. Tees -
of khuewtifths, as at lu,6 see- Mr. Hafle,. ' of, B.el-grave, and,
-present, The
London h�&% 'been ',recelved -by, ithe iieedle loca;ted and extracted. 4*tarY.-Mr, and Mrs. Fred,�Hllj and others and In the, name, of the waiter. 'SIM Wa:8 a, woman of a- clulet
con- Vi" t- bat
Government withed off on this Mr. Alonzo Ford, While on Speaker front Ron. Mr. Hyman. This -An e mall pox has iregation thanked Rev. Mr. Lecklei 4 A
idemic of, thelt yand7leaves a jisban - and �Xotes.-�The_ Rev. J. A. offtef*"
XbAll be
roper form ad VeS hoken oult in the t Exe ANOA Ito moulft, tholow of -a kind Will
one seems to lbe In P tion. One of twr �supporters from Rfegina, wer for Viw services as U6derator of the 4116 -a
owrilship of ffteph� Tf1VWh a wrman o the 0*-.
Ich iwill likely be -acted upon and the moved as an amendmeirt; the six is 910rs 'On the C. P. R, train Paw's5beft- ssion 'during he latter art of the and Indulgeot wife and, mottier. The fellWAS, tn iffhe Methodist
on said- the disease ha6 '6 -=en 8 wrecked near Chapi -were rought., to the old Sund
#4cancy. The oc a 10A Ithvioughout afta"Mm� _16W., __Tbom_w�
thei ro- c
clardvacant'and anew, elee- moj�jiths' Iho wo, eau: btift �none Teaus
let.. Hr. 1prevalen1t. there since New Years, 'but
'home,., and,. intrred In. Balrd!s, veme- Smith Is visiting her. Ition ordered in due course Was In such -a mild , -farm Ithat of hem- Were InJured.-The' molliber.3 was a most'fhappy t r and will r. e
vintlal Secrata;ry, under wbose de -
The -p-rd.blem of oducaiting the lit- of Exeter Qddfellow31 4 lftmfitm�
was not suposed to Joe -small - ored. kzr
_pox. a�q - iea; alntly� TarsMr. Q. 0. Daue�
go Indians of the west seems. to 'be &'Vtnent the license lbraheh Is,, Iiiov- Und service' in Trivitt all W_ Ivnewed: acquaiiTtanceo Intbo V100 day last week 'however., a man C -p�rt1cIp&te&%inIt. 'A'more
Worrying ithe Government not a little. ed as a Wrther amendmen: a cirealt- �iaMed It 9, tody Off und'&Y� rarxit, extend a teisiport will on Mon _U f
Nedbe, attended an 1K)e found In an Brussels. - I I W. N. 4W."
While estimates for he Indian �&Is resoluti auVtlorn sale and the rash -was quite when a sermon suitacle for thei oc- other column of this issue. Jain" Fox, of 'Brussels, -&U
t were under discussion on which might mean casion will ioe dellilered by 1je pas- .-On Saturday- a um,,,b6r or. Briefg.-Station. Agent 14mry 18's&le tunemal of lthe late
departmet a visible, on 1his Thl Mrs- w. s� t 0 h4 er
face. Not 9
-to No dutl is agatai -a;
fteM bel- day or wo* anyt g led Ito an
ago,. onO merdber com- hing of nothing, and this wa Investigaion, by the -merdical health 0r. -Te celebTation here, on the St. Andrew's congregation t-tnet and 'to att�nd F 1d&T
unsatisfactory candl_ carried on, f iceTt Lnig 'laid uP 'the Past -couAe f orr, called
Iplained of �he a 10-tralght �arty vote of ho found 'the -man "wais af- 2tth Of May, ud t the day Imp;M the manse- W er the auspices -of tpen ving the P
Sft to ouds so hat -now the ]dew 'pastor
ith the ex4a flicted 'by a -most virulent the Agricultura, Society, promi weeks.-: Ill A. %tewat left on -Tues- 1hvft--, �Sunday..�Itev. L. Pam awe em]
ItICn of some of the Indian schools in
w eptlon 'that e mefficer day ofthis week for Stratford, where preaLe tthe west- In rePlY I-1011. Mr.- Oliver, 1YPe �of .1je Ith best of the. kin ha hect in, Victor
ja jj�Ljj above' ari
for Yrdriltenac votod with the Oppost- small ox and 'he has since died. He evet a a very home like manae, so muh he enfter.0 into the e
not like
under 'here. nd all �roads -will' lead, o �o Ithat It. lit MP107, of the, G. town,, igst Sunday The No=
Whose department the schools tjon, The n lived- In he vicinity of - Sbipka and ly- he will de- T. ., as imman.
-here Was no question more,
are, said ext - sUoJect *Exeter on. that da Mrs. tewart -and Alla.- is st.
t if 'mPOvt- on, Investigation some twelve cases wil Y. In the foreto6n to- OCCUPY It longi aloe. -Or. J. 11rement 00 the sick I
�7 Dili
ance was 'the - motiori Of 16n. Mr. Me- were.tound In 'the 'neighborhood I oe on will -bete in! he aneikn- -Mr. Jdbu or icul t than that of, Indla:n educa The a, tr4des Procession., Taylor', Who. lived. here for a num- time -
Barrie, On -to
.-Athol, McQuarrle. of the Gbd�- Mon. "You 0 amd In he afternoon athletic sports- bee of years� but ho has bean lIv Mrs. re, r. D1;k * exil
&A tae a 'horse to watt- Kay In favor of Civil Ser ice ReforrW h011988 where- the* disease was found ittea -,his isterf
and 'horse races tn the park, rich Signal, a f0mer -menibek of' The I *t
WeTe antined and active Ineaa- The, Wud Lond
but You can't - make him drinki and icenstirilng all quar One of Pig with his daughter, 'Mrs. Thomas p a. wieek.
I-emarked -the Minister, and tn trying hIP& the Gov r ment for ures have' been aken to. ch9ek tfie the rhln attractions will 'De the Free Posman in Md"Is, for some time )st staff, was In, town for, a couple
pas -
to ducate. -people who do ot wigh o rtl7,9,n administr �tion of the s ad pt Ge disease. Press News -Boys, Band, of London-, ped away last week a, I days, s week.-Gedrg, `Walk-jr., regret 'was xoreaffed throughout OW:
P're aft" h4ari 9' of town, aind Geor�p' Keyes, r,of- the lea tb
be educated we ceTtainly have a. hard Liquor Ll�ense Ale Which has. been engaged foil dhtire cmfglunity Wben it a
.1 IresolutIon the oc- MPess. Those left 'mourn him, are, 5th line of Morris, purpose re Wife
casI01n.-A:t the anmus;1 meeting or the X 10 -Ting wie and da'ugih mOIU9 ',ed ithat �jsaej Gibmon., of t
It�ask- We are doing the best we caq gave !Kse to a-someWhat ac rimonlous 'ter,'Mrs, Go
McKillop, ell,
discussion of ithe sha-Te-bolder's. of the Cantil man� Neil and Wm., dt-M
e ha-Ve had cobferences with peopl'& to Hariston In the near future4whefre; W. 4. MeKerdher, ad, after baklir
You're, Another g fa�ctory
-We are now prepared to flt the report of the last season's opera- dew, principal of 4he Wingham, h1gii, toll WIWI' The
ibiterested In the *Ofrk, and It we have aft foot Nvith hand made laded shoe8 or,ionk I)ootsin io J' An- they will forM a 'partnership in e the MDen in failing heal.�b
not done etter tha we� have, it I order, 'but no person waq )adly Injur. 0anadjan K11), French Kip, or Call, -n Was satlsfatory,� and it was re- of Port- Stwnley, horse-t)uylng bustriess.-Walter at e3 Wo have thenl' erhool - Alexander, LOW- months, Tassed awa he A
Inot. fr ed and,. ithe mot inlatook In throe width, Rob't WilliA, opposite B rY. of 'town, has uchased a chest -
0Y lack of desire oil our lon was. 1voted down x- sol*ed Ito d1spose of additlonai stock and James who Is in! the Western ladt Nednesday
positor Office, Seafo here
u chffdren
t tajIlon from a, gmtleman near husband Wad- Ith"el
2053-1 'to the amount of $.5,000,, 'to, �Tpvlde States. All weve bere except the, jut- Mea;76r. He Is
on straight party vdte.i thp,
An Accident.- good-looking iece, to mouvn, t!tte low of an ever An, Ifiteresting and len Whtle removi-nX thel Tequlred working caPltal. The ame ter. The funeral took place on Fri--
gthy dlsaus- Another feature of the eslon was h. -Gordon McDowell. iffousy wit,& und mutijor, also
took -place the 'Other day on the evident effort on Itarm, sash of bia hous6'oji- Saturday directors were re-elected witil, Ithe �i& day ;to the Union cemetery. . Dr. Me- horse fles thel part ofthe of last week,'
e this week, oil! the cement work of Nf ro, p., Glies
u a, P diltiont of Col. Young, of Colt)ivm. Lean and Rev. Mr. Sma,11, tonduefed, on i��d alpter, Xm 95?�, Aftto-nd
'the s"Ject Of 1?rOvincial Rlghts,which Govenmeia to get P-' "' rovicla of tile 5th o'neession bad a close. call T celpts for
the new stable at the Methodist par- hoA f Tow&, an,
rmsaed tb
the Year, al�lounted the se-rvices.-W. Ed. McTaggart,who oeieraX, -
sonage.-The Lord Bishop of Huroa ThefunaraL took Vlae
caused mare or,leas. Interest In Righs Cry similar to tha;t whiciv far a erlous accident. I -Ie . was a- to si 028, and the' 013bursemonts to has been leaning Itelegraphy with _e t6 the -W"-*--. to -r
Vie country for so -me time. This dis- did Sir Olive..r Rowat such, good ser- botit to step. off the ladder wit on -e xIt;7.814. Mrb Roj3 will conduct eerite in st' Joh'a's eter jeemete-ry
Cussion ook place over the h ert Sanders, of the his 'kbrother at the G. - T. station on Vrldxly atttrAs
Hamil- ViCO forso many years. The basis fo of 'the 1&'rge ashes wherf- th churcht MiMt Sa;bbath at
Iton Radial Railway lb.111- T -IA,; cam.- this is the. ation r
e wind 8rd e cession of -Stephen. vecelitly here, jeft a last an4 Was very largely attendW
on Thursday for Port Cred-
2.30 O'clock. The Morning amd evening' Ravi L. Perrjn� du of the Dominlo-1 Po- over 'balanced It thus c Wathe'r d 100 eggs from 100 hens In it, co abig so
t9 as secured a position sr�erB to rail- fall On his head. - He 'received one one d services villt ibe wjChdraVM._Gedr_Sje;
Vany Nvas filcorporated some years a- liameat Irk 'granting ausing, -it
6-1o, 'under a Provincial charter, but waY.corporations which pk 9-Y. If Mr. Sanders' hex�s- keep In the station there. -Mr. RobertSloon- aite][Y It has been
operly come very severe gash as w6'l1 as several that rat up during the seasdri, they left on Monday for Toronto, where h
tre.:Orga-alzed, and underthe jurlsdictio, of L toy - - - - -
is�' cxtending its opara�tlons
oile 'but ihe Is undeli the dwtor's care C"alt silver mine. -Work on the new ite end of the week for their pros -
and' It ltuTe under te plea, thait �'hey are for e 'brother and they leave at
n the eg - a- meaItches. The wound is a serious 'will 'prove nearly as profitat�le ,a &' meets -'his
seeks Incorporation -ander the Domin
101, 19-N'tts'. clalralAg ',that it�a -.0a the general good of Canapa. The ob- and la getting along as. well as could station 'buildings is to fcommen6e early pecting trip tb
rough the Ungava coun-
d ject of t1i s Is tha the DoTinlon TggU- 'be expected. in May. The passener stati and try. May success crovlin their- efforts
�COms iinderthe hea(t� of Enterprises ig:tjons for such�,s are Very EsateM Notes. -Mr. Fred Deltz is 'the frelkht ho
d'se will be two. separ- Is th Wish! of their MaM:7 friends. -
for the General Good of Canada." But mu -ch less singent than� the Provin- build�ng_ a very large drive house ate oulldings, 'Miss Armstrong, of A nurn'bo fromllre attended the bal.
hO only claim it has for considera- cla regulations and 'he -nee the corii- and Toot cellar and 'When, finished London, Who -WeellhY visited frien is . . . . .
given iby Mrs. and Moo Smfth, jim
'have on most tn 'own has had to undergo aJn oper- _Wl�ghiiii, on Tu aday' eveing.-M, ition as such., is that the main- itne at Panies, pr6fer-InOrporatio underthe Mr. De . litz will e of the
one point crosses tile 11-jr1e, ats.
of t he per bu
fomer rather - than the laer as t1har Up Ito dat W PAP �E
por bulsi
placez,- In, the eW1. side, - ation for appendicitis since turning P. Burna, teamster for Mr. Living -
Grand Trunk Railway, This, accord- axe �llowed much more 110erty In the having re.modelled hl,% fine barri: and
Teek of stoneAnJured 'his 'foot on, Tuesday
U 'home. -The death here last --"4, er wa.�
Minister at Justice !brings it under ond cause for a griva;nce was 'the laidt year. -Mr. George Starnackle� Is spected resident ating Omdt W
In97 tO� the lam as Inter reted 6y the Dug case hin tn the ohbr. The oec_ t) ilt a largle brick dwplilng house Mr. johK Muir, an old and highly re-_ evening of this week, necessit
]Dominion jalsdiction, I Low - V
But in- addl- action ot the- militia. of Exeter, 10 much bfs eing oft woik for U few days,-
depwitment at
also building.ji, large, red brick houie and lneerely regretted t)y
Ition, to the main lines the iAll con- Ottawa and to -which
wbI referred last O�r citt- Miss AT -Ross vialted friends tn Gode- Satter iN
with, 1batb toom, furnace ad all. zens *generally. He was a, man' who 'rich the �past week. -The fa:rMers are
fers upon the company powers to a- Week. The Le.glsl&tu-re has' assed 6the'r conv
Tnalgamate with It a numoe*v of am entences.-Mir. Peter Eck- was, olikd loy every person and did all itusY getting their seeding at- S-0-1 Wr don
all strong resolutions on 'both subjects, art is ftilding an addition to hi 11 111 P&'Vt towards oulldinj up the tended-tpr, ma'klng businegs very quiet rer Uri_
lines, which are -now u-nm.Istaka a we
tyly But the attempt of tbe- Government straw ished, lien house ancl, -pig- pen, 'busIness interests of the town. His In. Itown,-The first passenger 4cogeh
ndEr Provincial Jurisdiction, but en,
to get up a Provincial Rights cry has with cement r 100
which. ij this Ull passes, will pa3s found aio'n.- Mr Eckart death, oming SO soon PAPER
after th t of On ithe C. P. R. arived In town la;flt
been 'nullified by clever actloix h -as 'p'&Tchased a fine tharoughored his wife, m n 'nly sad. week. and caTried officials taspectim
und e r t he cont rol - of the Dom, -Int n., of the Opposition wh6 'refused to be- Dur!,ham bull ired by the well -known
and the company will also be freed e -N11r. Tholmas Handford had: $350 the Dne, 'but It didn't stay and
"S to munlciP&lA action at Ottawa a;ad wt 'Cos Mr. He ne, before t1jere
ome the apologists for the -agressive rita* o� Raj#h, Scott Thk9 fine:aril- 'horse dle one day last week from in- It will be quite 9, tir
fron' many obl'9&t'o- w I 4�jjt even M I t
ka:rt kigh price and flarnmation. This is the sort of 'thing will -be a
mhich these smaller lfnel 'regula:r service. -Mrs. w.
'better thaa, -their apponerits In will add! greatly to- his aready fine that takes 'the Profit of orge en� who have beemi.
sumd ' n they were Incorporated- -their protestations of f 'the Walker and i6hUr
undtr Pravinclal law, This, bill is, the provinc a; loyalty to hord. He elivered In Dublin onSat-
_8 6 nd p ree. visiting 1pa;ronts. Mr. and- Mrs. A,
r0mlsdd to bkok up urday, 'two very fine, bulls, oe
Cleg-r!Y Intended to free the 00171- 'the Goverilment to their uttermost, in ly Of 9X#ter, was to 'ha-ve 'oeft mar- W. Sloan. for te a -A we-ok, leff on
Wed, da I _ t
ons assumed Ill their efforts to eltand'off the Domin- and a ;-three jewr old t Ca-rdlff, :TuesdaY. for 'her borne in C110tonj_-A. thre -years and one four, 7ears old �Red on n as a � I
good Wth when -helfei weighing Albrrta, to Mr" So -Na. 10tolut
It was Incorporated ton if caught- W. , Newco be. of numter of eople jn"towft�, zboth tn
In tr1eap"sing on Proz 1,250 lbs. This shows, 'that only good that �*n Ahaw FIRST DOOR F,()RT-nr under the Provincial lAw and, If tot vinclal -preserves, This acti re- thOir residenr0d B:nd b0llers., ae I
tock i ys-�-^J- Cronin, of Dublin, be,. Moved to Llstowel'Vhere he as me- trying the &�sh-burnjng txperlMent.
Ittechnically. is practically, On- On th ft pa
of the lf4ws of the Province
an evasion Part Of the 0 Position ItoOk the sii 9 Ithe- pumhaser.-The' posts -are c uYed a position as jelectrician In azd find- It very economicej,_ Mr.' SEAF ORM,
and � an out -of the Government resolutions glaced on the !gTound� for the now conp.ection with 'the electric light- John Emigh Is havhIg ltjW cejl,%-e dug
tnterference, with Provincial rights. and will, also, no doubt, make them lepblane alne aod, the post bole 9, Express Wagons, &C� a0y -age
fs worka tMre.-The following #,ro ty 10V 'his hOw. _per