The Huron Expositor, 1907-04-26, Page 36. 1907 Th frelt POSITOR — - - Irrertxyrt Mat\ tionest PhysiCian IS Atuantst *re and Lism the Btu ibI -RenMijes. osed legislation n Parliament for th, the manufaeture and asaa-- r proprietarfr medicines is, t importance, and it izt great deal of attention, the proprietary medici ,eturers, but also by the leadint .s Ind druggists. Every of reliable and high clam wekeinies the bill as sttk ht direction. The diseusaiek e ight out the fact that the has in Canada and on tho con- appro o of and prescribe I) in eases of the most, difficuie er. In a recent instance o113 throat and lung troubla , et, had been using Psychine.- 'zng "rafted States specialists. e& in addition. to two,. nadian physicians. Upos t tho patient was using, Psychine was taken and with the reiult that els ns advised its contintiancee berthed no other medicine bat with the result that the. pa-. has frilly recovered and rs a„ id walking and talking advee. eat for the wonderful curative f a remedy that will "sta :before the keenest professional unu and analyeis. As a budder he system and restorer of a dr conditions, Psychine has no- , and the beet and most earned; cians recognize this fact. the nerd' 25 zny fUngs Were in & terrible 1 hod la, gripoe the year before; it rrettlect limes ana 1 kept steadily ,rrowing worm- t.tt down so low I was in bed for six weeks. a consultation of dot -tors, anti they said they ;la -nothing more for me. Than I started to brehine. 1 took the medicine fornor than r. It certainly did wonder's tor me. 1 tun t strong as 1 was before my sieknes&i, MRS. H. HOPE, MerpetL,"'Ont chine, pronounced Si -keen, is the t of tonics, building up the aye - F increasing the appetite, purify - :he blood, aida digestion, and act tly upon the throat and limes, Lg tone and vigor to the entre m. At all druggists, 50e, and $1. /r. T. A. Slocum, Limited, 1 ; Street Wed, Toronto. e IMPORTANT NOTICES. ItENTin Brusselshv February 1st, 1907. SOr. la bloc% 2nd door frotn American Hotel, 11 eft as tailoring, readymade clothing, etc, fe Brassels. 20414f ASS PABST TO REST . -To rent, Let 23, Con. MeRillop ; 100 acres choice pasture Jand. • creel; runs through it ; elose to Heiforth. :NI the prentises. MI:S. CASE, SeatorthA 20504, iWoTH teieu rep. ef:aVICE. Th un - an -sigma has for isite VII Lot 24, Cqiiee.- 11. t4., Tuckertanith, a Thorobre(VITani- i itoar. itat able at time of servke. Etat. or rev.' niug ir neee2sary. fi. HAMILTON, 204058 , OBAIN.-Thir:e in need of good seed_grain the following varieties : New Danish wbite Xrunginria 1;:triey atal Pr,tter an get the on Lot 10, t'-incevsion 2 nay, This gram has :roan from seleetol seed, thinly sown on good:-. d for a number of ears, and are all great rti. JOHN ELDEE, 1le�all.2010-tf ANTED AT oNVE on Salary and Expapreff, 0017 :pod mart in tart locality with rig, or an le of hdling horooi, to advertmi e and ntvo- 5ur guaranteed stock and poultry specifies. No - tem e TICeeFq•ary ; ne lay out your work for '0 awook and expenses. Position ,permall- IVrite W. A. JENKINS, Manufactiring Co., ro, Ontario. 204341. M. B. :Nli LEAN'S adjustable, radiating dust I and fireproof stoveme thimbles are the tit - :that line. economical, clean, safe and. dursOle 11 as being a heat convqing, regulating or x apparatua. They add comfort and saver :se in fuel. 1es( material used. Ordere Ly wontptly tilled. wholer-ale or retail. '‚VM. IL IAN, Ileniall, Ont., Manufacturer. 20444 • . L1,111Nft AVCTION SA.LE of Household Fur - !Attire and Hotel Pi‘tures. --B. S. Phillips, sue -t (r. Las been it:strut:toil by 31r. Ezra Biee to sell hiic million 4q the (loam's riatel, Hetes% 00( 'rtay, May 4th, from 10 o'clock te-, 12 o'clook a. rt front 1 to 6 o'elock p. nt„ the following- , •'z : Household Effects. -13 iron, bedsteads, i bell steads, 1% bureaus, 18 dressgis, 18 wash- ttnge, 19 bed springs, pillows and bulding ' • . J. walnut parlor suite, 2 clothes cabin- - machine, 4 dining d'0010 tables, 4 kitchea tro rabies, 12 iirm chairs, 24 dining, room , ; •-, mdrooni chairs, 1 Empress range and cook- s ciodli, woocoa d heater's, Z t furnaces, 1 box . ilatform scales (1.20(ribvomangei.writing dee _ke mirrors, 2 sideboards, 4 cupboards, wardrobe, dishes, 3 dozen knives arid forks, 3 doz. spOollsr tuber seta, 20 pictures, 12 spittoons, 1 bar 6 bedroom carpets, ri pieces matting, 30 Wilx- inds and poles, It ivindow awninga, 25window .s.1; sereen doors, 1 large sideboard, quartercut 1. back of liar, 1 hot ', ate'. uru ivith guano r. i!o eel% oilcloth, 1 pair enamel Waeb bad"' 'n--"kets and pie, I set electric bells, electrie - It tings. The most .if these articles have only i use fur ;,-k short time. Terns. -A11 sures ot 1 nort'r, Plidi ; 0:er that amount six menthe- rwill be given on furnishing' approved faint A Cl .01;1f of 6 per cent. per annum allowed •ash on ercilit amounts. All will positive!ly bc- the propridtor is giving up business. it Proprietor ; B. S. Pflif.LIPS, Auctioneer. efro3-3 FOR SALE. %VQiTfl IiuA1t,Fl IR SALE. -The 01) [(gornoffers for sale he% en good regititerm rth Boars about tuo months old, also stow tarlik sow, ith Apply to 1,YM. BIM= - 2053-4 _ILS FU1 A1.E. The undersigned lois for iale on Lot 95, Coneea,ion 4, if. R. ff., The _kert four thorohrtd Durham bulls, all red in Color irtritigin azr from 19 months to 2 years Ontiers at the leading fairs in the county.. Eta .1...lafortli P. O. 20434 ';;ESTElt 811EEP AND SHORTHORN ciirriat !MI, SALE. -The undersigned has for iorobred 1.eieet:ter Sheep and Barham Cattl* M Arittrews Egniondville P. 0,, ocrlf Mi11 froad, Tuoltesmith. It BERT eteee. 1372, r,ISTERE1,- FOR SALE. -The „FINt offers for ...de on Lot 27, Concession - 1.1troIler of heifers and youee r., .r, 1Nilo: thorn bulls fit for kw._ ; 1 .:.ported Prince of Blul_f7 are al1 r.r.i.rerett in the 1(t1 Prim.. mot lerate, terms easy, 1 to DA.% II) 1111.1., Ftafia, P. 0. 191)(1.T.6, rep; Ft It 't - -For F.:11e, the noted thaw* tw.11 Aberdeen Polled Angus Bullbrooa. •„.it,, Lon! ; Al -,n a good 'driving' -are tor ladt tr, drit e and will work either' :441odito sell either for cash or ou or) Lot !:;1, (%gir 9, 1eKi1iop. ROLIWRIT. DIE, or trort,, P. 204341 It /I; Ft ;1: ‘1,1, on Lio 5, Concessiao N"oloir. 1,, io 1f,r4. or small quantities te cl 4r 1 4 or eight and a Ilaw ; aoi bor e.eame. sae. Any person re- • lit!.iii.t I o!,1 do well to trnelir......6„e eart" ato-r to..romc moidleauovieir .0, 51 hiPj,, Leadbury P. O. 203.44 E:TifiiltN I ATTU. 1,even firrit-class YoullF fr,m, f:91,'N, for gale at ,2110uvv' wid rt., tt!A tfit-Al young cow5 . Ali ;nterested are cordially r1/,' 14, adjoirat town, 1010 E'. ;or tn. Write for catalogtte.” Til. Exeter 102/341 _ 11110%N e lailLi and females 00 11' r',' agiot *of)ut two dozen to eeleo prioe- mai,ollable. Herd- now headed W ilo..7.1v,tior,'" (Wits)). Ile is got by the _ l,red itopiirtui stoes-. on both sides, gloS9Y 0'w rotor, and v. ell set on short legs. Texans Peo.s,-, $7, tirsured ; others On aPPlicatili weleotte... .0.41X ELD.Elt, Heuer& 1968-fP pays •pec SAVINGS attention to es a ea Framing Atthis time of year yen nearly alwaye aave a number of pictures yon wish frane ea, Bat you keep putting lb 4, often bo use you fear tho expense. PLOtauro fralu. eau *ith us is a specialty, and we oarry a easet of frames and mouldiuge that are _ p and neat, pretty bue not expensivo. t at frame a picture for you, and we nvinee you of the truth of what we na for you' next Photo. ON BROS, eforth° and Mune women, there is at least one . But With that way, two -treatments. bined. One iS local, one is constltu- bzt both are important, both essential, SIiooP's Night Clue is the Local hoon's Restondive, tho Constitutional. rmer-nr,ehooleseer,ateare-isetoeleal membrane St1DPositOrY rOmedY, While Dr. op'sBastonaive is vitally an ieternal treat- iio Restorative reaches throughout the ere, seeking the repair of all nerve. -nue, and all blood ailmente. -the "Night Core", as its namo--implies. does its kimbile you sleep. It sootijea sore and inflamn1U. coos surfaces,. heels local weaknesses and elm:Ileswhile the Restorative, eases nervous excitement, gives renewed vigor ana ambition, im waded iities, bringing about renewed engbvigor, and energy:. 'Me Dr. Shoina's sestoraave-labissor Liquid -as a general tante *the system. For positive local help, use as well CHA$. ABERHART. uhe 'New, Store For New Goods -0ISH Rama UddSe, Ciscoes, NVitite8sh, Mackerel andlTrout. These are very scaroe, but are extra geed quality. ECETABLE— - Lettuce, Celery', Cabbage, Carrots, Beats,' Par Snips and Turnips always on hand. iRESH MEAT— • • We buy nothing but the hest quality - in Beet, Pork and Landi in this department. We have • eXtratne prices. CURED MEATS— • Ham, Ilo.con, Breakfast Bacon and:atom al wain n band.' COOKED 'MATS— Corned Beef, Head:Cheese,13ologne, andlNew emend sem. -400E111E8-L. Our grocery department is complete. r;Always fresh and good. *RV'S, OJNINIER05 BLOOK —TPHONE 08 SEAFORT1-1. McKillop Directory for 1907 UOHN M. GOVENLOCK, Reeve, ;Winthrop P. 0. ifAME0WA.N, Councillor, Seaforth P. O. )301IN McDOWELL, Councillor, Sea- forter P. O. ALBiX ROSS, Councillor, Fintierop AMIgS RYAN, Councillor, Beeehwood P.04 VICIIAEL MURDIE, Clerk, ,Winthrop P. 0.° HOLLAND, Treasurer, Beech- wood P. 0. NOLOIION SHANNON, J. P., •Sinitaas rnaPecier, ;Winthrop P. 0. Win,gharn, Business College a high grade Commercial School Three Coarsen: Commercial - Stesogrephy. 1, Telegraph write GEORGE SPOTTON, Prinp You cannot possibly have a better Cocoa' than A delicious drink and a sustaining food. Fragrant, nutritious and economical. This excellent pocoa maintains the system'. in ibbust health, and enables -it to resist Minter's extreme cold. Sold by Grocers and Storekeepers in 1-1b. and ir-lb Tins. Mo 0 EY urECTION al tiNitY g1144.tY i LOWY ftitatfilt9 When "sweets" lose their sweetness— and " sub sta ntia Is," their charm—there are always MOONEY'S PERFECTION CREAM SODAS to coax back the appetite. Do YOU know how good they are? 105 f ft/ JUST it storms dont ,confine, • yourself indoors PROVIDE. • FOR YOUR BODILY COMFORT by wearing lefeteell • /ZVI KO WATERPROOF 0112D CLOTHINO BECAUSE Lvl..A<P4 Oft VeLLOW Every Garme Guaranteed Good °nougat lost y Lew tn Price . porre.e, 5-41 CANADIAN PACIFIC IRRIGATED FARMS N SUNNY ALBERTA • Before deciding where toloeate in the West, let us tell you about these Wades: ThJe best wheat fields —the richest gxaziug land --are in this Province. • Write 1.10 for full information about crops, cl mate and special railroad rates, e c. Local repres ritative wanted lir each county. •Telfer •Osgood TRICT liSATTEAS, A Na143V-.Warkli SYsteim — Out neighbcate Of the town of Clinton, are tonsidering the propriety' of estaloe lisbingein that town an lep-toslate wetter and fire !prottietion system. The Vreeesed -teyeteroincludee the sinking of two wells, the awing Of pipes, the erection oe hydrant', and also the erection of a 'pumping and power house, and a stand :pipe eto' the hold - big of water. The syetenels intend- ed for fire 'protection and domestic Imerposeie. The syetern proposed- ire, certainly,: a very complete one, end the people a tfle toven would find it very great -safety as well as a. cone venienee. The only' fire :protection the towel now 'has is a steam fire engine, which is not suffielent for '94 town 1the ,sise of Clinton. The estimated cost' of this plant is $52,182, and it would probably exeeed this amount. But, a couree, there would he a, con- siderable reeenue -from the; 'private moms of the water, scheme ouch as !this Ia what Seaforth 'requires. We aye a very good and effeetive ttem so far as it goes.vbut weerecelire tonsideratle additional mains to cover the town, and a :St andj pipe is also oecessary. According to the Clinton estimate these would cost about $16,- 000, But, While this impeovernent is desieeeble, it 'has not yet become an absoloteeneceasity, and, 9,s Seatorth is exhausting* its energiesJust now, in :providing adequate drainage -Mr the town and in erecting permanent street improvements, we are afraid that the extending of the water worka, so they can be availed of for domestic pur- poses, will have to tarty for a few - years. But the extension of the retains for additional fire 'protection has- 'become almost a. necessity, and should be proceeded with as soon as (possible. Dee.,th of Mrs. Muir at Exeter. -The deceased lady, 'referred to in the tole lowina paragraph, wheel). we :take from the Exeter Timeof lest week, was well known in Seaforth, oeing , daughter of Mr. and IMrs. Joseph Neale, of this town, and a sister of Mrs. 3. B. :Thompson, Mr3. A. D. Centime and Mrs. George Boyd. The TiMpfi 80114 " After -an illnees of on- ly one, week, Elizebeth Noble, be- loved wife of John Muir; died on day' afternoon, April 12tia et' the 'age of 48 years, death ;resulting from a weak 'heart, after an illness from pneumonia. On Friday afternoon, the 6th inst., Mrs. Muir .aetended a meet- ing of the Wornen's Institute, and in the evening' attended a meeting at- the Cavell Preabyterian church, of which church she was a member. After her arrival home she was taken with a chill, pleurisy having set In A few dayslater 'pneumonia developed', and Mrs. Muir4v6,pondition was pronounce ed critical. 6n Thursday night • the high fever had !broken up, but tier 'heart, • weakened from the sickness,. was not able to perform' its work, and. she !passed away as above stated. The •deceased was torn in Glasgow, -Scotland, and was married! to Mr. Mar about twenty-five yeers ago. Two 1001113 were ithe result of the 'union, Bert, at Regina, and .Will, at 'home," Since the above was written we tregret to learn a the death of MT. MUir &100, which occurred, on Wednesday of last week, feomi the same disease as -resulted in the death rviro. Muir. He was sick ab the Aline she died, and his tonstitution be- ing weakened by comae/at wa•tchine at the bed-eide of his wife, he was un- able to withstand -the !ravages of the !disease. The •circumstances are par- itieultely each amid much and sincere 'sympathy is felt for the 'bereaved re- latives, and especially foe the aged 'parents of Mrs. Muir. 1111 vousf? Intern Selling Agents 245 CORISTINE. BUILDING MONTREAL 16 Cure Your Horse with 'Kendall's Spavin Cure - the onereliable cure for all •I3one Diseases, Swellings and Lameness; PAIR ()ROUND, Orit., May 3 '06. . "1 have used Kendallis Spavin Cure with great success, and think it an excellent remedy for Spavins, Sweeney, SprOns, etc. Ws:r,.1.1x74Ds.aY. Accept no stihatitute, $t a bottle -6 for 8. Write for free copy of our great book-"Trcatise on the Horse." 20 et, a KOVAL GO., Enesburg Fells, Vermont USA, rarktmearatougumilialmercara.wameormr CRESOLENE A 'SEPTIC TABLETS A simple and effectiVe remedy for 5ORI THROA They combine the with the soothing TWO T5 AND COUGHS, germicidal value of Cresolono erties of slippery elm and lico- rice. Your druggist or from us, 10o in stamps. Iseanne, masa oo., Limited, Agents, Montreal. 40r Teethinv Babie tt) are saved suffering -and mothers given rest-w1ten one uses, liurses'and others' Treasure Quickly relieves -regulates the bowels - prevents convulsions. Used eo„yeats, Absolutely safe. At drug -store c 25c. CS bottles, 81.25. National Drug & Chemical Co., Limited Sole Proprietors, Montreal. • 4 YOU SHOULD INSLTRE IN I-101\TIDOINT DIP` Then your blood muist a very bad. condition. You certainly know'. whatto take then take it---Ayer'S Sarsa- parilla. If you doubt ; then consult your doctor. We know what he will say aboui this grand oldfamily modicine. This fis the first question your doctor oold ask: "Are your bowels rogultim ?" He knows that daily action of the tievreln in absolutely eispot131 to reCOVery.- K001) your liver active and your bowels regular by taking laxative doson of Ayor's Pills. " Made bY O. Ayer Oo„ Lovvall, 4.100 manufacturers of 9 HAIR VIGOR. p PC itounicurtii. 4510 %Jo* ciieRFY rscrofai,„ we hnve no accrete 1 We publish a formulas or all our medicines, eeenesen'e ,senenseeneneii_'eiereeee He wee promptly' taken Out and, medi- cal r t SUIT1MOTIOCI. Everything pos- sible was dote to resiescitate him; tut to no even., Much 'sympathy 10 felt for the bereaved parents by the citizens generally. Far Catarrh let me sand you free, Just to •prove merit, aTrial size box of Dr. Shoop's Catarrh. Remedy. It is a, now wiefte creamy, healing =tie - natant 'relief and throat. see. •Address . Large jars erhast, dru,ge eptic nalm that 'gives to Catarrh of the nose Make the free test and Dr. ShOop, Racine, NV 50 cents. -Sold by C. A &eft, Seaforth, In The Olden _pays. :wort O.. Interesting eleetehes of the early days of Seaforth [and vicinity, taken ffbre the filee of The Ex- • positor. 0111.1e ommi • Seaforth, June 11, 1875. At the residence of th: bride's fath- er, on June 3rd, by R v. Mr. Roes, Mr, George Steinbury, of Stanley, vves united in marriage to 'Mary, second deugheer of Mr. ItObert Landsbore ough, of Tuckersmitle I The managing committee of the Sea: forth Mechanics' Institute have leased he rooms over Ur, Kidd's store, and li Wend shortly to rerno e 'the library and establish a readin mem, A melancholy and fat4.l accident oc- curreci on the fartn -o/ Mr. Thoma Cowan, concession 14, Hullett, on Friday afternoon last. ,A. 'barn was being retired for Mr. :Cowan, when John Henderson, of Morris, stepped on a loose 'plank, and fell to the ground, a distance of 20 feet. He was instantly killed. . Early Friday morning last, the fine new saw mill owned by Mr. John Govenlock, and worke(i 'by Mr. An- drew Govenlock, on tit aorth gravel road, McKillop, was bompletely de- stroyed by fire, Tb.e loss on the mill I e about $5,000 and about that amount of lumber was also destroyed. There was no insurance. The cause of the flee is e mystery. • John Hannah, sr., orie of the ,pion- eer residents of Tuekersmith, died on Wednesday last, egad 78 yeare, Rev. George Buggin has been Sta- tioned, as pastor of Seaforth Metho- dist church by -the Conference. Seaforth, lune 18, 1875. • The Crawford Cup. -The rules goy - tering thecompetition for the Craw- . ford Cup, have been 'revised, by -the Hums, under Whose control the Cup Is, The new rules are as follows: 1 -.The Cup shall be called, the Craw- ford, Challenge Cup. 2 -The compete - tion for the Cup shall be open to cliebs 'playing only boratide members, who have not in ptevions years played. - more than elle senior Huron. game. a -No player may play with more than one tearn- during tile same season. 44- Eaah team must register the names of their 'players with the secretary of tlie Huraos or the officiatiog referee. previous to the game. 5, -..Clubs wksh- lag to compete with; holders of the Cup must notify the secretary of the Hurons by letter, and- they shall com- pete in the order in whieh their dial - lenges are reeeieed. 6 -The holders of the cup shall not be required to play before the 15th day of April nor attar the- .2nd day of July. 7-A chal- lenge having been received, the sec- retary of -the Hurons shall notify the secretary of the elute holding ithe cup who shall within three days submit two data for the next, match, both df which must be within, two weeks flora, the date of notice receivedfrom the eeeretary of the - Hurons. The first date submitted shall ndt, be within five days and one of the dates submitted must be accepted. by letter, by the challenging team within. three dayofthe first date submitted. The clue failing* to accept either of the dates submitted must, to go on with the 'competition send in a new chal- lenge and the holders of the cup shall 'proceed with the next competing team in order. 8 -All games must be play- ed on the recreation grounds, Sea - forth, and all gate aeceipts go to the Hurons. 9 -Should the holders of 'the cup fail to comply with the anove rules they shall forfeit the cup to the Hurons and it shall be competed for 'by the text two Chiba in order. The first club to submit dates as provid- ed in rule 7. 10 -The referee shall be appointed by the committee of the Hurons. U -W. F. A. rules to govern all points of Play. 12 -Each chal- lenge Must he. accompanied by a fee of ai. 13 -1 -Any eramandment to these rules may be subreitted at the annual meeting of the Hurons. 14 -All mat - tete of 'protest and dispute to be sub- mitted tothe Huron Committee .for final decision. Sick headaches results from a -de- rangement of the stomach, and is cured by Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver 'Tablets.' Sold by ail druggists, Winghara. Because the Induetrial Branch 18 a vituable aid to the profit -earning power of the Company, as it has to contribute it's share to the expenses of management, and is eaqinportant factor in enabling the London Life to give BETTER 1•12$4171,TS than companies confined to one branch of business. The great Prudential Life franaranee Company, the largest in Great Britian, start- ed as an Industrial Company and now operates both branches. By reason of the commanding financial position, secured largely throu rh its Industrial Branch," it has become the Company par excellence holy CI) business and pro- fessional classes of the Betisli Lacs to insure 1 W H. ROBINSON, Inspector Beaforth. corosesion, Tuckersinitit, on Thu - thy. It eeems that Wm. a.nd Robert Papplife with -wane other men were engaged digging a well. They had get down to a depth of about 63 feet and Wm. Papple detenended to the bot- tom. After being down tome time he called to the men to take him up - -as !the ein wee so foul he eould ;not re- main longera The bucket was low- ered, 'bat when pulled up again he was not in it. Robert fearing some- thing was wrong went down in the bucket, When near The bottom he found the 9,1r so bad that he called to the Men to -pull him- up. This they did, but when within a few feet of he top, Mr. Papple fell out of the bucket, and thus both brothers per- ished' in the 'bottom of the well, e " Preventics" will promptly check a. cold or the grippe when taken early, or at the "sneeze-stagie."! Prevent- cs cure seated colds as well. Pre- ventics are little wetly cold cure tablets, and Dr. Shoop, Racine, Wis. will gladly Mail you samples and a book on Colds free, if you will write him. The sampine prove their merit. Check early colde with Preventics and stop Pneumonia. Sold in Se and 25e boxes by C. Aberhert, druggist, Sea - forth. The Mitchell Spring Show. The weather for the Mitchell Spring Fair, on Wednesday of last, week,was Ideal . The roads were in fairly good condition, and it was neither too hot or too •cold, which had the effect of bringing to town a large crowd of the yeomen of the neighboehood. The show, as a whole, was one of the best ever held in Mitchell. Heavy Clydes, especially, were very superior ane- mia, and the other horses elle' credit to their ownere. Below is A. list of th,e 'prize winners: • Horess.-Imported Heavy Clyde, four -years old 0.11t1 Tal- bert, Thom Colquhoun ; 2nd, Prince Kirkside, James Brooks; 8rd, MOSS - trooper Champion, Root. Burchill. Doe three years old and under,-lst Tried - stook Chief, Fred Riehl. Percheron,- let, Ratz & Koch, Tavistock; - 2nd, John., Ieeonliaadt, Brodhagen. Hack- ney, - ist, Davie, Wm. Colquhoun. Coach and Cerriage,-let, Ratz & Koch, Tavistock, 2nd, Kizer Fred- erick, H. Victor, Bornholm. Stand- areetired,-.1st, Monarchist, John Stacey, 2nd, J. C. Dunseith, Downie. Thoroughbred.- let, Young Raven, Christian =Werner, ;Wartburg. Heavy draught team' -1st, James Norris, 1-liebert ; 2nd„ Beer & Sons, Fullerton. Bulls. -Shorthorn, 'three years and over, -let, Wm. Lawrence, Logan; 2nd, W, Schellen'oerger, Logan. Do., two years and under,-lst, W. H. Currelly, Fullerton; 2nd, James Roy, Legern. Polled Aug -thee -1st and 2nd, Seenach Bros., Fullerton. 4( Satisfaction or y ne J I 9) Behm Coughs, colds, hoarseness, and other throat, lib:nada are quiokly relieved by Cresolene eiblete, ten conte per box. All druggists Canada. • eandviees frone Reward, Saskestate that the fuel stringency is mere a- cute then at any, time during ' the wtnitisr., I r '41 Mr. Wm. Fralick, of Sarnia 'Lowrie •Ship, was driving 'to his home, on tne Murphy sideroad, with a heaarY load of tiles, when he was thrown' out of his wagon and run over, 'both legs being fractured. He was removed to the Sarnia general hospital, where it ' was found that his aigh.t leg was broken near 'the ankle, ead his let leg just 'below the knee. -Mrs. Babcoelt, wife of Mr. Frank Babcock, proprietor of the Arlington, Hotel, Paris, Ont., met withi a. bad accident in Brantford, on Monday' af- ternoon of last week. She was driv- ing in a buggy with a Mr. Haley, an employee of the Babcocks, wben the horse took fright at as treilt car, and 'bolting upset the rig. Both oc- cupantwere thrown violently to the ground, Mrs. Babcock switained cut over the eye, which required sev- eral stitches and. her right side and arm were :badly bruised, -MT, Stapleton CEtideeOtt, & leading wholesale dry goods merchant, and a prominent citizen of Toronto died in that place, on Thursday of Ilst week. He was 70' years of age. Mr. Calde- ecitt had mot been in good health -since January last, 'but had been out and around attending to 'bushiest affairs. The aetemoon of his death ne attend- ed a meeting at the -King Edward Hotel for one of the compa,niee in which he was interested,- and was taken 111 the. He went borne, where he !became =conscious, and AA not again :regain consciousness. Urinie poisoning was given as the ca.use of death.. —40 Indigestion Cured. .At a meeting of the Seaforth fire brigade on Monday evening!, Mr. H. Taylor waselected foreman in. place of Mr. Thomas Bell, resigned. Workmen are 'busily engagedin digging !the town well which is lo- cated at the corner of the Oddfellows buliding Seaforth will noon reeolce Ln th.e possession of a town pump. A complimentary supper was tend- ered Messrs. H. W. C. Meyer, Thoe. Bell -.and Walter Scott, in Sherpes hotel, on Friday evening last. The former :goes on a trip to the old coun- try and the two latter gentlemen go ito Wingharn to reside. The chair was 'taken by Mr. M. 1'. Hayes and the vice chair by ler, M. Y. McLean. A long- list of toasts was intersperced with Songs by Mestirs. Cline, Mr. Routledge, Mr. Reid ernd others. The Seaforth volunteer company under cominand of Captain Charles Wilson, leave 'here next Tuesday to - go into camp at GUelph. Dr. Phelon, of Stratford, has rent- ed the office Tomes bt Seaforth, form- erly occupied by Dr. King and has commenced 'practise 'here. Mr, Robert McMillen, of McKillop, left on Thursday lest on a -trip to Scotland. On Friday morriln last, Mr. Wm. McKenzie, an old resident or Tuck- ersmith, died very efuddenly. The de- ceased he,di-gone 'to tne field for the cows and 13.0.01" 'b;Inging theni t the barn, had gone .1.tito the building to get them some feed. He .wasfound there shortly afterwards quite dead. MT. McKenzie had been in, poor health alt springHe leaves a large family a children. A Melancholy Aceident.-On Wed- ne,sday tie last week a very sad fa- tality occurred in this town. Carl, the five year old son (A Mr. P. N. Teasley, iteeal manager of the Bell • Telephone Company, was drowned in a cistern al the rear a the house. The little fellow had 'bean 'playing a- bout, -an4, the trap door being ope-n, he fell in. He was found( in a few minutes by his mother, vrho fran- tic wielf grief, called fon assistance. irriami Seaforth, June 25, 1875. The contracte for eurnishin,gthe in- terior of St, lames' Catholic church, in Setieorth, have been let. The car- pentering, painting and finishing has been let- to Mr. James Walsh, of this !town, and the plastering to Mr. Wil- liams, of St. Marys, About eleven o'ieleek on Saturday evening- last, the store or Mr. Wm:. Ault, adjoining the, jeweltreee store of Mr, Counter, was destroyed by fire. The fire was apparently the work of an incendiary, Mr. A. M. 'Canipbell, carpenter, or Seaforth, intends; Starting a plan- , ing mill and sash and door factory iri conneatton With thefurniture factory in Winghaen. Mr. F, Seemilleri with his family left Seaforth' on Teesday last. Mr. Seigmiller has rchased a fruit farm neer Gkiderieh, and intends cul- tivating frut of ale kinds. A social was giyea in the Methodist "-ehurch as a farewell to Rev, Cha. Leven, on which loccasion MT, La. yell was presented with a well filled purse accompanied by an address. A melancholy effete occurred on the farm Of Ur. 1,1Wm. Papple, 4th 'The Cough Drop e That Cures Demand the three -cornered kind in die red and yellow box • grawr.rwer sr=lre By Dr. Williams' Pink Pills Attar Sim Doctors had, Failed to be of Benefit. •••0410111104msf eason When there is a multitude of brands of -clothing being sold in Canada, and. one brand has twice as big a plant, and. more than doable any of the others in volume of sales, there is a reason for it. - op P.M( It -SS, BRAND .CLOTHING Positively has a greater sale than the any two other brands in Canada. omi.Ad Sales of 1—Because of the Price. Owing to the tremendous quantity of Progress brand Clothing turned oat annually, it can be placed,on the mar- ket AT LESS MONEY than the smaller 'manufacturer can produce them, and, consequently, COME CHEAREit TO YOU. You may get as good, but they COST more You may get as cheap, but they are not as GOOD. 2—Because of the Quality. Again' the manufacturer handling the greatest quan- tities of clothis naturally supplied by the largest old c un - td• mills, hence That ;gnawing pain in the stomach, sometimes shooting up into the chest, often producing a choking sen- sation in the throat; _ fierce pains around ,the heart, a feeling of drow- siness and a distaste for food -that's indigestion. Its victims are number- ed by the thousands. To them life is a 'burden. Dr. Willie,rns Pink Pills have done 'more towards relieving this suffering than any other medi- cine. Often they have '‘cured after all other help has failed, as in the case of MT. Willis Herman, of St. Cath - at -Ines, Out, who says; "I had been afflicted with indigestion and •stomach trouble for years. At times my suffertng was alrnost indeecrib- able, Sometimes for whole days 1 Was tunable to touch food. I dieted and at different times vela treated by six doctors but they diet not help ; I only grew worse, For a thne I was living in New, York and while there consulted a, specialist but he was unable to give me any relief. I then decided to try- Dr. '1Willia,ms Pink Pale and in lesek than a month I felt some. relief. I continued their use for a couple of months longer and gained in weight; my appetite irratroved; the pains left me and I new feel better than I have at any time during the past twenty-five years. I will always gladly recom- Mend. Dr. Williams Pink Pills to other sufferers believing that they will surely do for others what they have done for me." Wh.ert you use Dr. Williams Pink Pills as a blood builder and nerve ionic you are not experimenting - they have been tried and proved suc- cesseul in thousands of eases. It is their power to actually make new, rich, red blood, 'that enables them to cure such troubles as anaemia, Indi- gestion, !rheumatism, kidney trouble, st. Vitus dance, partial paralysis and "those special "ailmente a girl- hood and womanhood that retuael so meth misery. For sale by all medi- cine dealere or by mail at 50 cents box orsixboxes for $2.50 from. the Dr. Williams Medicine Coznpany, of Brockville, Ontario. saperiority in ear, an xelanve beat in, pattern, and another u,mquestio redaction irt prw• e 3—Because of Style. *emaPiemasim. , The best workmen are always found Ili the concerns, hence Progress. Brand Clothing ...s m by the best tailors- Canada can produce. Therefore, the style is not only absolutely correct, bat there is a p an ence to it that will last as long as the suits last and they will Doth last to the end of your expectations. Finally, and in a Word— .... . Progress 13)--nd Clothing best because the largest, largest becaus the best not the ut •the Go where -you will,you will E.nd the leading abore in»evory town handling Progress Brand Clothing. They could easily get other brands—other manufacturers would be only too -glad to sell, to them, --yet they continue bndsliesnig Progress Brand, and their business e ? Leading Prices --47.50, Silt -1-4444+40 EWART . PROS. SEAFORTH 0—Butter an4 Bggs takett as Ca*