The Huron Expositor, 1907-04-26, Page 2soceac.""itatac* en al Merchant 3,0011 los 0 arc the People. tquliie8 always in stock, 'Choice Tea e and seJeotOoffees. • tie'e farm/ biecuits alwaye freehand in stook. ned Goods ---Tomatoes, Corn and Peas, best brands, as Aylmer, Red Feather or 'rocker; at three for 30c, Thirty-six inch Flanaelette, asserted patterns, were '12ic, at 10c per yard. - A few pairs of Flannelette Blankets to clear at $1,00 a pair. A few pieces of Wrapperette to cleareat 5e per yard. clothing 0- Mente Tweed Pants were $1 50, to Clear at $1 a pair. A few 33oys' Odd Vest d to elear at 501t adh A few Boys' Odd Coats, sizes 32 and 33, to clear at $1 each. • We handle -Graf -touts English Prints, fast colors and select patterns. See our Carpet asmortment' before purehashige We ean give you anything in Union, .A117 Wool, Tapestries or Velvet Squares, Oil Cloths and Linoleums, either Canadian gr inlaid, from 41 up to 6i widths, We pay high prices for first-class Produce of all kinds. WILLIAMS and PURpELL Successors to B. B. GUNN CORNER STORE SEAFORTH Sin wen 4ExpOOltstw& ) Passed a local eption .law. It wile, come into force on the first of May next. After that date the hotels in that village will have to conduct -their SEAFORTII, FRIDAY, 1 April 26, 1007. business minus -the liquor selling at- . ta.ern. In other Words they will The Liquor Lioeinaing Question, have chmto give np the Most profita,ble - At ene Of the recent sittings of the noande or their 'business. But io Apecial coramission appointed by the catering to the 'peblic they will stil1 hane to coropite with tneighboring Ontario Government, to enquire into certain irregularities csiniresefi selling is cmileeti°n Scoilv'tinuedti: ewxathmvtite with the issuing of liquor licensee :hotel 'bilsiness. Take, foonn 'Toronto, Mr. Hastings, who had. been %Writhe a few miles distant • On the I one side, and Exeter on the o her. It license inspector in 'that eity for over twenty yents, in his evidence in re- i stands to rase= that the tells in these 'places will be able to gve bet - ply to a quesnon said; nter accommodation for the same mon- "I think the Provincial Government, ey than will the hotels in Hensilii1:, shotild 'take over the whole buein1 ese, , As 'human nature now is, the 'travel:I- and eliminate the element i of 'profit. It Ing public, with lamentably fewen-- :would do away wine the practice of cepts, will .patronize the hote1s'. where encouraging 'people to drinn." they will !receive the best accommo- Mr. Hastings is well qualieled to dation for the least , money, irres- petetive f the fact whether liquors are give an opinion on the subjeo ct. He Is oold or not. .If a traveller can, pro - on the right track, and has arrived at core a, more .conifortanle bed, better .be correct . conclusion. . attention and choicer meals at Zur- -Prom time in memoriam a great .ficohr fiirh,,Exeeztmerethan. money ctnnt antinHeericsa,a81011; Many experiments have been tried, met, of ten he Will gO where he can WI having for their ornect the con- procure, the best and, cheapest, irres- trol or eradication or the drink evi1-. pective of the ,liquor -attachment con- sideration, He will not rernal.n in Ilmee have been very successful. The Hensall and -put up with the inferior licensing, system. ae, •!perha.pie, 'been accommodation simply lbecause tee Ithe best yet in :vogue. At least it Henson house happens ;to be a 'tern - has lived the longest and stood the Peranee 'honse. As a natural result.,• test the beat of any. But it has had ' fore the Hensall hotel will have to day, and so many syrus have cessaryse patronage or provide tne ne- accommodation at a very sprung up under it that a change is much leaf; profit than its Zurich and inolvv necessary, and is demanded, by Exeter competitors. At least this is the way thie sort of thing usually the -people: The curtailing of the -works out in - ,practical experience. itraffie under the licensing system, And as it will be here, so will it be while it ha n not very greatly miti- in all other Times. Human, :nature riled the drink evil, has created a is pretty much the same the world Ihuge monopoly in the - drink selling over. business. !To such an extent has this fThihs, as we have faointen out, one groirri (that a. license has now Oe- soystteem weenals wili edel traalct opftroomn 1:7.%nictsi come so valuaole that the trafficking its successful operation if it does in licenees is more difficult to coa- not ientirely destroy its usefulness. The system suggested by MT. Hast - trot than ' the trafficking in. liquor [no, and, which has been favorably and tire dangers .to punne morality discussed in these columns maner attending it are nearly as great. This ' times, has not this disadvantage, has been clearly proven 15y the recent . While' it has mailY and striking ad- ; vantages. It Is; , in fact the only Investigations in Toroato. Some other ' practical and fair solution of this tsystem, eherefore, must soon be a- i men. vexed, queeticm that we know dopted. 1 or. That is that the Governinent The onin two feasible schemes, should take the whole control- a so othe liquor traffic intoe its own hands far as we Can see, Is Provincial, Pro- I and be the sole and only medium bae- Inbittop and as Mr. H tingsl pro- 1 tveeen the .prodocer and the consume - poses, ;absolute Government control. I en. The Scott Act, which provides for It could be worked out in this way prohibition by counties has been First, let the Government cancel the licensing spatern entirely. 'Second, tried and has proveo a failure or at for the aecommodation of the !public, any :rate it has been entirely discard- let them open sale shops in the trade ed. One of the principal reasonsfor Centres, place them under the C011 - its failure or disfavor, was the pre-. trol of responsible, salaried Govern- ment officials; nave the liquors sup- -plied directly from the manufacturers in sealed ;packages and spin in the local stores, by the Government ogle dal in charge, in sealed packages and so to, be removed from the store and none to be opened or consumed on the ipeemises. For example, a Govern- ncribed in its operations, covering rnent store would be maintained in only one municipality instead of manyil such trade Centres as Sea,forth, Clin- and on account of its limited sphere ton, Mitcliell, Brussels, and where - It works out unjustly to individuals. - And any •system that is 'based, even partially-, on injustice and inequality, can scarcely. hope to succeed. The loco,' opticrn. law • is unjust in this way. As an example we will facturere in sealed- packages and to( lake a local case, always beraing be, sell them in like manner( .to those .intnd the fact that the ba,r or the desiring to purchase, also in sealed liquor selling attachment in 'by far packages and to see that none so sold ;the most 'Profitable branchof the is consumed in the store where pur- hotel business. The, village of' Hen- chased. The system is oirnole and it nen in this county on January, last would be effective. It would wipe out teeribecl limits which it covers. loical °Anon is now being tried, and seems Lo the in favor eiithi a great Mimi ardent and Ooziest temperance People. But. it will not stand tne test any better and will prove a failure as did the Scott act. It is still more pre - ever deenied necessary. Each store would be under the charge of A ,sal- aried Government official Whose duty it would be to receive the liquors for th.e Government, from the mann- e el in ono of Cowan's leading Zeksoetion- iinetitutione A? Loretto Academy, Guelph, Ont. Gentlemen, "Will yon please deliver to Loretto Convent here four Bell Piorsoe with the llimitable Q1.k Repeating Action similar to the two Bell Pianos already in use by us,and which have given us the best of satisfaction. Fele Pianos wilt now be used in the Convent exclus- ively." , The Ladies of Loretto Write as for Free Booklet " " containing photos of leading musical celebrities. The Bell Piano 6 Organ Co., Limited, Guelph, Ont. Astvaammopy Nosesama, These Famous Instruments are for .$ale by It it PECK & CO., Seaforth bar room at one stroke and woUid effectively kill the treating nenteire It weind also rinnece the use of intex.. icsaits to the minimum, as not one in On thousand who noW tine alcoholic Stinted -ante habitually would go to the trouble of visiting the Govern - Ment liquer store to 'purchase a Seal- ed pecica.ge -and, carry it home unlese herequired it for medicinal or other legitimate purpoees, It would, there- fore, at •I:ine fell' ,swoope -remove or eta off totfri fittlfs,. if tot the whole Or the evils which are now rightfully attributed to inhe liquer traffic. It would, a1°, remove the Teattonahle objection Which many good, well meaning 'pelvis have to total prohibi- itinn, Viz: . That it interferes with the lioerty of ,the subjectesides all, it would put every penson on an anima footing and. would. 'be alike , just'and fain to all. One, 'hotel keep- er would not have. any legal advant- age; over amother. There would be no monopoly of a legal and. leen.- 'Mate Ibusiness: Betels would still be !required and would. -still exist for the accohemodetion o the nutlic and one Would not be rewired -by Inws at the expense of a netehbor. The only diffeenee from no* would be, that the liquor appendage would, ne cut off • and there would 'be free competition -as in Other,' 'lines of trade. Prices for public. accommodation would, no doubt, be increased but the public would 'have Ito :bear the increase, While competition and. self preserva- tion would, keep both price and accom- modation night, the same as in othe'r eines of trade. " It is surprising that 'neither of the (political partiee 'have !as yet vett- tuned to teke this scheme up. This, perhaps, can be accounted for by the feet that it is so plain,, and simple there is nothincin it tO fool or 'be- foozle the people • nnd both political parties 'have 'been trying, ann have suceeeded only too well, in fooling the public on this temperanoe and li- cenee queation for the past thirty years and they are at it still. If Mr. George P, Granarn and the Ontario Liberal party would take up ,such a neheme and -make ita leading plank In 'their platform, they would, have something distinetive to lay 'before the pepple and which would attract their attention and secure the! pub - lie ear, It would pay them, tetter than fooling with no trifling an issue as Whether a looal option by- law ahould be taintedin a local mu- nicipality on an even vote or on a two-thirds majerity. The Hon. G. W. Ross When Premier had this scheme In view ,and Would have 'put. it for- wandas one of his leading platform planke, but Many or Ina supperters were afraid to take so long a leap, *bile both the extreme temperance eveeple and the extreme liquor people were opposed to in the 'former on ac- count of sillY sentiment and the lot - ten ibecause it would deprive some of there of a. profftnble part of their (business. Mr. Ross, therefore, consid- ering the shaky condition of his !then Government, and the siteation as stated above, abandoned the scheme lest it sheuld (prove the last straw, But the last straw had been piled on before this. And had he exercised the courage of his convictions, his Government !might still have gone down, but It Would have fallen with !greater aims" to its credit. The fat !that both extremes are emfavorable, to tine scheme is the best evidence of Lt s fairness and its efficiency. tegtegisttbletable=12:931.100MIS SUFFERING BABIES. E OSITO expereee of pttt1tg down; a that all through the 'towtntlp, bul just to follow on those lin se If the =cilium had trier° sand in their I mental make up, they would not allow so much sand to be out on the roads. - I made Mention a the ./eigli trixoe in : the different townehips. .Just One min tete' alut then I am done. There is one souree of revenue *Mobs Xi 'think the councils have overlooked, and that is ithe traction engine. There is not any - wing goes over the Toads 1when they are wet -that, cute them ,etp like a Ithreehing outfit. I would lee in fav - of putting a tax of $1001 on every traction in the county+. 'All tile !bridges and culverts have to be made stronger and more expensive ofi their .andount and .‘few threehernien would ,i Object toa.tax,as no class of Men in the country make their money wiener or quicker. Two dollars am nciur counts -up feat. But it Is poeslble that we would have to (get- no= tfresh legis- le„tien` before the townships could tax them, but that is part of twon- nhip business. Mothers can find ewe relief. for their suffering little ones in Bany'o own Tablets. These Tablets ara ;gentle laxative that do licit gripe the little one, and cure all the minor ills of 'belies and young children. They are pleasant to take, prompt in their antion, .and Unlike "soothing" stuffs, they never do harm, and the mother bag the guarantee of a Gov- ment analyst that 'they- contain no , drugs 'harmful 'to the youngest baby. Thousands gr mothers give their lit- tle ones nothing else but Baby's Own Tablets wheniconstipation, stomach trouble, indigestion, colds or worms Wither the baby, or when the dread- ful teething time comes. Mrs. Joseph Mercier, Plessisville, Que., says: "My baby was a great sufferer frora con- stipation, but thanks to Baby's Own Tablets the trouble has disappeared." The Tablets are sold by all drug- gists or. by mail at 25 cents a box fl'om tie Dr. .Winiame Medicine Co., Brockv lle, Ont. (*pod Roads. (Written for ,The Expositor.) It seems to be, the mmanimous opin- ion of travellersthat the roads are in a worse shape this pring than they have .bbeen in; the last forty yease. 1 de not thinkrthat 1 -ever saw them as tad as they have been this toning. I suppose the light snow fall and the high winds that kept most a the roads tare a,good lot of the win- ker, let the. froet go in good and deep, and, the frost taking so melt Owner to come out kept them in bad shape a good deal longer on that ac- count. i I 'take notice in driving 'through Tuckersynith, that where the irdads are covered from material that went through the stone crueiher, the„y were in better shape and freer front ruts than ether parts that „were treated with fine gravel. T.ha fine gravel Wall rig* for a, while in the ..summer. It makes a nice sinooth (road to drive an, but in the spring and fall, during 'the wet weather, it has not got the, last in' it that the coarse stuff has. In my short life I never saw so many places -.broken through in the London Road and the Mill Road as there, are this spring. Taxes in the tee hip being so high. I expect Is neglected • to fix some on the roads that shoulct attended to, wanting to ec- onomize no doubt, but I would jildge the .same to be false et01101Mr. The time to fix a bad piece is, , whenever' t gets bad and if the townships had a few loads of good coanse gravel de - 'posited here and there at different .pleces over the township, where the most travel exists, so they could take a, little -bunch to fill up some of (those miry holes, instead of having everybody driving around 'them, it Would be mueh better. I would like to give the council of Tuckeramith one little .pointer. That is, buy that hedge on Charters' Hill; destroy it, and erect a nice wire fence in ite place. That part of the road. was almost impassable the most part of the winter. There were about four feet of snow on that hill, when there was pretty fair wheeling be- tween Sea,forth and Bayfield. I think it's in the interests of evernh boily, and more especially of Sea - that the main roads leading to the town should be kept in a good state of -repair, I am glad Seaforth put down that piece of macadam south of the railroad, Just as an object lesson to the different couneils1 don't mean that this township could go to the the coun bad place have bee FARMER. Chamberlain's Salve. This naive lo Intended; especially for sore nipples'Iburns, frost bites,' chap- ped hands, itching piles, , chronic eore eyea, granulated eye aldsk, old chronie some and, for idiseases Of the skin, Onch as tetter, salt rheum, ring worm, scald head, herpes, barbers' 'itch, scab- ies Or itch and eceeroa. It has met with unparalleled isteeeese in the treat- mhillt a these diseases. Price 26 2cents per box. Try in For isele by all druggitelts. Perth Items. -Right "Rev. Dean McGee, of St. Joeeph's church, Stratford, intends taktng a trip to Ireland. Ile will be absent faun months. --Miss Langford, daughter- of Rev. Dr. Langford, of Stratford, wan re- cently presented by the Wemeine Mis- sionary Society, of Central Methodist church, with a, life menibership cer- tificene, --Mrs. H. Zinn, of Wally* town- ship, died very suddenly last week. eceased was stricken with paralysis, and only lived two days. She was in her 49th year, and. had always:been in good health. Men. Zinn leaves a hus- band and a family of five, 'ons and two daughters. -Rev. Prof. Kilpatrick, of ICnox College, Toronto, preanhel anniver- sa,ry sermons in I'Cnox Church, St Marys, on Sunday. Apr. 14. Monday evening a musical and nteury.. en- tertainment was given in the church. The .programme, of which, WaS of urn. - The program*, of which, was of un- usual merit. -Mt. and, Ws. Isaac ellarniett, of Blanshard, celebrated their silver wedding on April nth, by entertaining a, large number of friends, The ev- ening was very pleasantly spent, and Mr. and Mrs. Barnett weee the De- cienents of 'hearty congeatulations and many handsome presente. -On ;Wednesday evening,' April 10, Mr. GeOrge Herman, a Downie town- ship and Miss Ruby IvIONiciel, daugh- ter of iMr. and Mrs. 3. niclnicol, were happily manrkel at. the residence 1 the 'bride's- parents. The ,cereince was performed by Rev. B. Martin, of ‘the Presbyterian church, ,ntratford, In the preeence og the immediate 'rela- tives. -Mt. Maxwell Bell, who; has been living alone for some Itinfe in hid 'home in Mitehell was 'found! '.n17. a neighbor, the other morning, lying on the %Icier quite unconscious. A, doctor was called :nut line. Bell did not !regain iconsciousness. It is sup- posed he had. :taken a fit. Deceased was one og Mitchell's earliest set - 'tiers and for some years eoriducted a small (tannery. -Mr. E. K. Bartisdale retiree; from ;venire managemept of the Barnsdale Trading Company, Stratford. The management will be under Mr. H. C. Wilscin and Mr. B. T. W iniarnson, Who have been in the encploy of the 'company for yenrs. Mr. E. IC: Barnsdale will, retain the peesideocy and be foreign buyer and adyiser. -A Downie farmer ,was locked by Chiea Young, of St. Marys, on Monday afternoon of last week, on in- formation sworn out by hia brother, 'to the effect that he wen of -neueound Mind and dangerous Ito be at large. Police Magistrate Stanley had him examined, when it was found he wais,.perfectly sane, and was immediately :released. e . -The death encurred at the Strat- ford General Hospital, en Xeddes- daya last week, ofe Mr. 'Thomas Moore!, aged 60 years, , Deceesed had resided in Stratford for the past fif- teen years, baying been employed as a.tneehanic in the Stratford: Bridge & ITOn Works. He was a native of Cal - don, County 1*y:roller Ireland. The late Mr. MoOre is survived by a wi- dow, two sons and one delight v. -E. 3. Cloney, who runs a. painting 'and paper 'haoging business nt Strat- ford, met with an accident one 1110111 - Ing lent week that cost him his left hand. He had, taken the early nvern- trig train for Toronto, ann, nest as it:started, while passing trotra one coach to another, his hat Went off, and in attempting to trecovere it he fell and, the cars passed over his left hand. He was taken to ttie hos- pital, Where his hand was nmpntated. -A quiet wedding was seleinnized alt the aortic of Mr, Wm. Smith, Monk - ton, on nnedneedny, April lith, when his (laughter, Miss Ella, weal [united in marriage Ito Difh\ 3. Bain, 4 pros- perous young farmer of Ellice. The bride looked charming in a elainty dress of White Swiss ;molten The oeremen'y was performed by Rev, .7. Ferguson, there' being no one- pre- sent 'bnt . the immediate !relatives. -The Mitchell Advoeate on last week says; Walter 3. Barrett,k-Esq, of Thessalon, Algoma, spent SamdaY and Monday at the home of Intel Wal- ter ,Thompson. Mx. Barrett Was le readdent of Mitchell during the years of 1861-84 during w'high, Innen he lived with his nrether-in-lave, Rev. ID. Simpson, of the old, P.rimitive Meth- odist church. Mr. Barrett attended public school in Mitchell andwas taught, lay the late 'Mrs. Thornpson, He was first Mayor of Theasalon and served several Years in the 'council. 1 OF COURSE YOU CAN CURE YOUR RHEUMATISM" No matter how long you have suffered or what retnedies you have tried without relief, Su -pi will cure you. We know what Bu -nu has done for people, bedridden and helpless. We know what Bu -Ju is doing every day for people tottured with Rheureatisin'nciatical Lumbago, Neuralgia. Bu -Ju, The Gentle Kidney -Pill, cures Rheumatism fle6atisit it acts directly on the kidneys and elope the poisonous deposit of uric acid in the blood, which causes Rheumatism. Buqu will core your Rhetimatistri. Take it on our guarantee that your money will be prom- ptly refunded should it fall. sec a large bog. At nil druggists or by moil from The Vanilla Chen/loot co, Limited, Windsor, Ont. go A e Sovereign Bank of Canada NO11014 Is HEREBY GIVEN That a divrdend of one and one-half per- cent. (PM for the eurren quarter, being at the rate of 0 per cent,' WV per annum on the capita stock of this J3ank, has been declared, and that the same will be pay- able at the head office and at the branches on and after the lath day o May next. The tranafer books will be dosed from the lot to the 15th of May, both days inclusive. By order of the Board, I& STEWART, General Manager. HENSALL and BRUOEFIELD Ss r d Rd Ov r oats —the brand. that made Canada famous for its durable, well made: clothing. Do you. o -w "PROGRESS BRAND"? Do you wear it? SO Look for the label that typifies progress. STEWART THERS BOLE'S PREPARATION OF Friar's Cough Bal. am One of the good, old-fe.sbioned things that has never been improved uplin. Infallible for coughs, colds, bronchial. and lung troubles. It is the latget and best 25c remedy for coughs and colds., Prepared, recommended and g,uarauteed by the largest wholesale drug house in the world. If your druggist does not haudie it, let us know. NATONAL DRUG & OREN. COT, Limited - no LONDON, Ont. MAKE DILLON TWIOW AS STRONG Short, stiff, hard, atc-cl. wire eters make suhiMenake" Joint at every lateral wire on the Dillion fortes. These "Hingentsea" give our fence a eres-ter degree of elastieitY-enahle it to withstand greeter drain. They eat like, and really aro binges -make our fence swing or back into shape sttier reeeiving a heavy 'Wow, or the =tun pressure caused by a furlong bull or other animal endeavoring tf3 r mull life way through to freedom. Oatelcluo tells more zb -this 'twice as etrona"feace. The Owen Sound Wiri Fence Cs., Licrelted, Owen Sound, Ont. ILLONNAnfiffi BISSELLSTEEL ROLLER With, Three Ornslia and StrongIgtd Frame. Some improvements are: Kean' Steel Axle, Thick navvy Steel Plate, Drums Riveted up_ to stand. any st *eller Bearings. Runs like a bird. fuil rticulars free by mail, or ask your dealer. one genuine without the name "BIS. SELL" Look out for it Address T. E. B-1SELL, ELORA, ONT. - nirrita for Booklet "10." Store Overflowing WITH FURNITURE 'wealth of stylish furniture forhousekeepers—almost secret' nn reasonable to expect to sell so much, And yet, if merit in furniture, workmanship BA prices will 'appeal to you, and we are bound that it did, you'll certainly inspect our splendid nevi stock before investing elsewhere. TTI\Tnm_Rai...A3KiitsTa- Promptly attended to Bight or day. Night abd Sunday calls answered at the residence of S. T. Holmes, Goderich street, opposite the Methodist church. Seaforth, BEGADFOOT BOX & OOx 9 S. T. HOLMES, Manager. SMIALPOIRM ['Sweet as June Meadows WHITE CLOVER BREA BREAM IS THE STAFF OF LIFE / and it is more that it should be good than other food. any WHIM, CLOVER BREAD is made of the highest quality of flour and other ingredients, and Milk is used instead of water, These are combined by the highest baker's skill, and the result is the PERFECT LOAF. Its crust is light and crisp, its texture fine and even. It is healthful, nourishing, digestible, and TASTES COM Do not any longer be content with the old dry crumbly bread made of- cheap flour and water, but insist on having The Best Bread That Can Be Made. MAr EY CRICH BROS.s SEAFOR DOCTORS USING PATENT MEDI T e Honest Physician Is to Cure and Uses the BeSt Ava- able Remedies. The proposed legislation the Dominion. Parliament for illation of the manufacture of patent or proprietary medi of the utmost importance, and receiving a great deal of at not only by the proprietary re manufacturers, but also by the doctors and druggist's. Every facturer of reliable and hi medies welcomes the bill as the eright direction. The has brought out the fent that physicians in Canada= and on 'anent approve of and preseri chine in oases. of the most di character. In a recent instil; very serious throat and lung the patient had been using Py Two leading United. States sp were consulted, in addition eminent Canadian physiciana, learning what the patient Wan a sample of Psychini was take analTzed, with the result t physicians advised its..., eontin They preseribed no other' medicin Psyehine, with the result that the tient has fully recOVered and sptistindenidw t for rlkig tiabe` and talk mg va ineurll power of a' remedy that will - up" before the keenest profess ',criticism and analysis. As a b up, of the system and restorer equal,wa st eande °ndthei ti e best sr e t and % aychninstsa physicians recognise this fent. " Alum aga of 25 my lungs were in a state. 1 bad In, grippe the year before, it on my lunge and 1 kept -steadily growing _ till get down so low 1- was in ind. for six Ihad e. eoninatation of doctorand then epuid do nothing =mem; me. Then 1, nee Psychine, I took the Medicine for a year. It4ertairtly did renders tor nnv., a irreng sa was before my sick -awl nine. rf. Knyn, tirne ban'e * number Ed, But yen k you fear t th us it; a of frames p and neits azi us nvitsee -tolativ Resto. ttue and ali 1 19bt 'Ile you 0,2 mucous tinli ellecherees. Inane - excitement Ohne lailine up wasted Strenfith# vigor; in A itfe*Jrabi On. VO Psychine, pronounced Si -keen, greatest of tonics, building up the ,,,etn,L in:creasing the appetite, py ing the blood, aids digestion, and directly upon. the throat and Is givinz tone and vigor to the system. At all druggists,,50e. or Dr. T. A. Slocum, ',Ina_ King Street West, Toronto. 0 RENT la 22 ft., in bloe d oecupied os tailoring, r cHEL 'BY, Brussels, RA 'ng cr y on the, TO R ; 100 acres choice p ns through It; close toBeeforit. . MRS. P. CASE, Sioderiti "ORTII BOAR FOR dersigned has for sett ice H. P. s., Tuekerendth, ar. .1..00 payable at ti ef returning 11 neeemry. BED GRAIN. -7 -Those in need of good of the following varieties New Da Oats, Manchuria Parley and Potter Peas. m ti sthinly same on Lot 16, Cieted eed, antion 2, Ray; This been grbwn fro ground for a num r ef years, and ae yielders. • JOHN ELDER, Mensal. TITANTED AT ONCE on Salary *nd Ems" _ VT one good man in each locality with. - capable of handling horses'to advertise and ke duee our guaranteennitockand poultry specifinL experience necessatv ; we lay out your w you. 325 a week and expenses. Position ent, Write W. Ai- JENKINS, Ifianufaetn uondon, Ontario. AVM. B. MeLEAN'S adjustable - radiating V V and fireproof stovepipe thiniblea are est in that line. eedinomicaLblean; safe and in as well a8 -being a heat conveying, rega1itt4 ventilating npparntus. They udd orogen an expense in fuel. Besi material used. Ordein Mail promptly tilled, wholesale or retail. WM, MeLEAN, Henson, Ont., Manufacturer. - AucrroN SALE o niturc and Rotel Fixturee.••-B. has been instructed by Mr. YAM by public auction at the Queen's Hotel, Saturday, May 4th; from 10 o'clock to 12 m., and from 1 to ni o'clock p. m., the fo property, viz : Household Effects. -18 iron 6 wooden bed steads, 18 bureaus,18dressers, stnods, 1 lounge, In bed springs, pillows anti for the above, 1 walnut pailor suite, 2 cloth ets, I sewing maehine, 4 dining =notables, tables, 8 centre tebles, 12 arm ehaira, 24 di chairs, 24 bedroom ehairs, 1 Empress range Ing utensils, 2 wood heaters, 2 coat furnac steve,platform settles (1,2003ba)triartge.1,wri S large mirrors,2sidebeaMA, 4 cupboards, 4sets dishes, 8 dozen -knives and forks, 3 dos, 15 chamber sets, 20 piettwes, 12 spittoons, trent, 8 bedroom carpets, $ »iece matUngy dow blinds and poles, 14 window awnings, screens, f3 screen doors, 1 large sideboard, oak, for beck of bar, 1 hot water urn wit burner, 50 yards oilcloth, 1 pair enamel was with braekets and pipe, 1. set electric bells, light fittings, The most of these articles h been in use for a short time. Terms. -All $IO and under, cath; over tbrit, amount credit will be given on furnishing approv notes. A discount of 6 per cent, per annum coff for tub on treilit amounts. All will sold as the propridtor is giting up busin BICE, Proprietor ; B. S. P1I1IjLfJ., Anet FOR BALE. rirl METH BOARS FOR SALE. -The MAW signed offers for sale aeven good restAsfel Tamworth Bears about two minas oldotilso xsito geed grade sow s oith pig?Alvin to WM. D Staffs P. O. BULIS FOR SALE, -The undentigned fir sale on Lot 25, Concession 4,11. 14. Sc, hunith, four thorobrui Durhatri bulls, all and nutging in age from 12 months to 2 y prize winners at the leading fairs in t HERBERT MICH, Seaferth • _ .ESCESTER SHEEP AND SHORTRORNOAra - A.4 you SALE.--Ahe undersigned -hoe forenneenne ern Thorobred Leicester Sheep and DorMm of both sexes. Address Epnendville P Q.,, at farm, Mill Radi Tuelceinnith, ROBERT TERS & hONS. _ ED/STERED STOCK POR SALE. -The eigned offers far sale en Lot 27, -Con thbnert township, a number of heifers and .1.- eowi with calves at foot, 4 Shortbom bulls ).-U'Af Whit -0 sot u , sired by In:ported Prineenf e above stet* are all regietered in ibe etok Records. Prices inaaerate, ter-111800,- 4,-0..1mm. DAVID HILL, Staffa O. ATTLE FOR SALE -For sale, the nOtnd -bred Aberdeen Polled Angusfluli more in foal to Lent Huron, Also a good wr"-'"r- 'terse, safe for Indy to drive and will wor1.44#1f_ single or double. Will sell eitber for Nish or .Apply on Lot nO, Concession 2, G. MIJRDIE, tieaforth P. O. VITOOD FOR SALE, -On Lot 5, Con Y Melatioln in Jorge or mall quantiti_ ptunhaser. Cedar posts eiglit or eight AO fret Ione; anehor posts any size. Any uiring barn timber wrand do well to in or further paitiet tiara ripply to JOH N Mc Lot 7, ConettniOn 33, M1 Ilop, LeadburS ii..11aRTHORN OATTLE-Seven first -eine t•,.7 nulls, 2 front hamorted cows, for sale a ate prices and on easy terni8 ; good young nowf heifers also for sale. All interested are vit2d to inspect the herd. Farm adjoins ditrance tole hone to barn. Write for 11. SMITH, "�ORTIIOItNS.-.Chojee bred bulls and 1 different ages for sate, bout two doze root. Prim reasonable. 'Herd now • tlounteylvanus (66900). Tie is got teh bred imported stock on both sides; red n:color, and well seb au short leg's. T ted emirs 8.5 instred ; Others en apI Visitore weleante, ELDER, Ind Station. • CHAS AKE, no, Cele nd Tan EAT nothi. sid Lan ne prie Ara a P. 04 VICHAMIL P. IL - wood P. 407.40MON ThApeetor# Ad food. eon maintain eat% a