The Huron Expositor, 1907-04-05, Page 1ttT44a.
First Shown.
is are those eeuerally accept-
tached to• tb.em that refine -
character which have, every
!nctions to be more and more
if you desie to have a new
urday will present you splen -
f Thought
ancy and this store's purpose centsa
4. Make it a point to some day so*
ding this importantsubject
and Drew Fabrics in a bea
etc ---50e, 60c, 7e, $1, $1.2
green s. blues, bro
nd fine silk and wool, s
a complete range of the d
an pure wool, ohair snd mob
ts and weave&
o ies in Vane
mwwear Carme
or more stylish garments th
fine weather the -
will soon be on 'the me
ecaes.-alr. 3. S. Milier bad
,..zueee ef ul wood bee one dal'
• . ek.-Mee!. er C. J. Lovett '
' erred hoe e after a week's
Luekncw--W0,11 ace brothe
ving for the west next
--Mr. M. Hill is attending'
eese college in Clinton at Pr
. 3. IirawLiku, had an -and
• h:s feem woe% and' latiple.
ddy leut.-Mr.' Lindeay'
*he frame werle of his 'barrf
. Beeson -I. -Holy communion
'oeinistered in St. Peter's c
Sunda y. -Mr. T.
his cluutee as matt c
-Ore r_pt Aree.-Mr. W.
r 1,, eek renovating
mrrhlll reeldence.-Misa Lilt
'Llfi V:ili tto glater, 141
arter _ recentIy.-Services
4 -eerie churth are to be eh
z reornine efter Easter.
iaysehool ieeo oe reopened
liour of ten d'elock.-afr. B.
ifee farm effeets to
Weetrield.--arre. L. Net
Belgrave. visited
r. Mr. G. .A. Tyner la
G. A. Tyner fa not
ual.-The man or friends oi-
rien. ar., are pleased to
recovery.-Mieees A. and
CGm visited their one in $ant
undayg !
0-• NUMBER# ;12,051
aDm&I.A sTomm.
+++++++4 -e+.44441 -14.4,444-140e+
When we quote prices on
our Spring1 clothing, and say
"excellent Spring suit, hand-
somely made and beautifully
trin3mecl, correctly cut, to.,
at $10 and $12," we are only singing the same song that
every other clothing house sings.
It's a song that's being sung these days by clothiers all
over the country. There's no copyright on it, any clothier
van sing it. It's no trouble to quote prices, and, unless you
see the garments at the price, the price cuts no figure. -
What you get for your money is what tells the tale.
We believe our suits, at the prices quoted, are better than
others of a like price, and we ask you to examine them If
they ARE NOT BETTER, don't buy themL-don't think
of buying them. Put us to the test.
7.50, $10, $12
Many men wear unbecoming hats _because they think
they m.ust be in style—ALL WRONG
To be in style a man should wear a hat that
to his face and physic:ire.
We've Derbys of different widths of brims and height
of crowns in blocks that are stylish, but with enough varia-
tions to fit the figure and the face.
Spring styles are ready—
is suited
$1.00, $2.Q0, $3.0
is the aat of all hats;.we'll be pleased to give you the
benefit of our experience in the selection of a proper hat,
13(2/"Y"'S' STITTS
The reason that so many mothers buy children's cloth-
ing here is because they like our kind of clothes the best—
that's all there is to it. •
Boys' 2 piece Suits $1.50 to $3.50
Boys' D. B. Norfolk
• Jacket Suits
Boys' 3 piece Suits
Boys' Odd Knioke s
3.50 to 6.00
3,00,to 7.00
25c to 75c
AO -Highest price for Butter }Ind Eggs.
East Side: Main Street, one door &Dull of the
Dominiou Bank,
n the Gold Fields of Cali-
fornia 50 rears Ago.
1101•0140mi• wax
(Written by Robert- Govenlock
mob. Mr.. ONO.
(Continued from last Week.)
While we were at Durango I sold
my 'horse. 1 had 'ridden him fifteen
hundred: miles, and 'thought it would
be better to get a ifreth one to crose
the mountains. I bought a fine young
One for -fifteen dollen* a high price
;there for a broncho. There was a
man there, who owned a soap faotory,
tol4 me lee could get any nuinber of
homes there for three dollars a head.
He lewd them for eoap grease. 1.1ibaa 43;nd, sticking little spears
A -Scotchrratn. joined us at Durango. ee
He had been for some time in hn Mex- Wto:Were On 1,11131 end all over Its
loot and could tweak the Spanish well. bad/4
He told nre he could get ma tent, (To be oontinued.)
which was very heavy, parried over
the mountains on Some pack mules, he Buron Notes.
'knew were ,goieg over. I geve him -Meesre. Hugh Ross anat Wesley
my *tent and be gave it to a Mexican., Walker, of Wing -ham, are! removing
,Who was to ,etart soon.. Another mart to Clinton where thee' will open a
gave him a Cat's :revolver tot sell furniture store.
for him. The Scotehman went away -Mr. George Patterson, are old
and we did not see hire for over a, and eeiteemed resid.e.nt og Grey, died
week. Then we became auspicious. at his residenee on, the 14th conces-
One might 1 get two ori three young sion on 'Wednesday of last week.
clerks, with whom we were acquaint- -Mr. W. M. Cruiclethank has re-
ed, to come with me, and we sterted turned to NJ/Ingham ,aftert spending -
out le fine 'him. We went all through some title in California, visiting fof-
the 'market piece wherethere was a
large crowd but we 'couldi not find
•him there. Then we went down some
side etreets where they bad •torch
lights and were killing vipers on
the walls outoide' the houries. W
found the man 43tanding• on la iborner
watching them. •X wanted him to
come with me to get my tent as
,the Mexican Would not give it up
without seeing hire', but he would not
go as he was afraid of the man who
had given 'him the !revolver to sell.
He had sold it for Oa and had used
the money It? buy drink.
One og my friends asked me if
I would like a sword a 1 was not
armed and when I said yea, he ran
down the atreet and got me one. I
marched MS ma down the middle of
the street at the point of the sword.
No one interfered with ue as they had
not many policemee in the city. I
took him to the Mexican's rooms and
got my lent but the other fellow got
nothing. foe his reeolvee as the
money was rat -spent. We had ma fuer
their dealings- with that :Scotchrom,
I went one day to see some 'highway
robbers -shot. Their hands and feet
were tied and !Vy were :put in a
sating posture against a wall. One of
them was put to 'death by strangling.
He wale pat in e chair and iron clamps
were putoaround, his neck. .A ball
was dropped, the irons closed and he cleugh, fon the awnIJ 434,050, the
was dead in a moment. The ethers *temp price he accepted' it at. Mr.
suffered more than -this; one did., Six Holland betends moving to the -Elford
soldiers walked in front of !therm- and farm. t
fired without taking aim. None were . s'ekt the Western" Dairy School e
kill -ed the filet round. They fired amination foe 1907, the following front
tevo or three rounds end I do not Huron were among the, succeesetil
'think any of themwere dead. I did students: Practical elieesemakert 3. E.
not Stay to see any more There were Stedelbauer, Fordwich, 8rd ; practical
a great many robbers in ',Mexico and teeter making, F'. Key, Exeter,
I suppose these rascals deserved all let, 5and' in .ael other butter makine
they !receivedtests E G Williame,
There was a very large convent in also tekes a, ;high standing.
Duraingo and I was told !Mere were
five hundred ,priests there preparing
for the priestbood. I was at the con -
vett meny times. I went with the,
batter, With whom I had struck up
a friendship. He was the son oe the
Governor of Texas but as he had,
negro !blood Inhlm, he could not
live he Texas, !unless as a slave so
his tether sent him- into Mexico. He
was a very nice. fellow.
One day, While in Durango, 1 weab
to a fleull-figlet, They had e, great
iernpitheatre built just outside the
town, on itia prairie. It • enclosed
-three or four area. It was about ten
feet high, wDth three rows oe Beate
all aeounde covered over, with: front
open towards 'the arena. There was
an open ipassage in 'front of the
seats, and tteps at short distances,
Iso there wee no crowding in getting
seated. In the inside, ebont four feet
from 'the building, was a fence a,bout•
four feet thigh, with doers at short
dietances all the way arouna, on the
Outside. The doors and the fence were
put ither In (*der that a*fightertwhen
herd pressed by the bull, could Jump,
the fence, an'd when the ;bull followed
lam, at he sometimes did, some one
threw open a door, and ael the bull
could not biro In the passage, he was
In the ring again 'before he knew
where he was. Bull fighting was the
national game there. „
Six or seven of the bet trained bull
fighters in Mexico were :there. Thea
there was a man' on bore-back,who
had a long pike and a side of leather
,hanging clown ethe side of hio horse.
He never offered' to run Tram the
bull. There was another men on horse -
tack with a lasso. There the hual was.
let into the ring repro a dark dungeon,
this man meeting him at the door,
picked him with his spear, end then.
galloped' off, leaving the fighters to
engage the bull 'Each fighter had a
red flag In one hand. They used the
flags to cover 'the bull'eyes when
he attacked them. While one was
engaging the Ibulles ettention the
others were jurnaing over his back
and sticking small speals lno hint
Each seen/ had flowers on top of It,
The bull kept running from! oneeto
the ether. Sometimes he would change
the man an the old horse. The man
would atick 'his spear into the 'bull,
but often the bull charged so fu:ri
ously !that he vvoulet upset bOth man!
arid horse. The tide of leather pro-
teeted the horse from' the horns of
the !bull. The men on foet would al -
*aye come up, and take the attention
Of the -bull. The' man on the fast
herise wa's always 'hovering arotind
with his lasso, but if the bull turned
ore 'him he wale off like a flash, and
the 'bull could, never catch him, for,
whtehever way he turned he 'flea to
face one of the fighters,
They keit Ms up for anotit •half
an hem* then • the bull got so badly
pla.viid out that he just stood and
easeed the ground. The head Tightee
struck the heart end the ball drop-
ped elead. A Urge. -gate was them
throvenopen and in galloped three!
mules etereaet. Two men were 'hold -e
Mg them by the bridleo and onematt
came ,behits1 with a rope which ha
threw around the horns of the 'Mali
Theo' then galloped off with the dead
bull aft their beets. Men and mules
were ,dreossed alike thJ elack and writ:be
Tarpon. Nosooner was the dead bull
out of the ring than the door of the
dungeon. was 'Itheown open and to
came another' 'Wt. 'The num on the
fast lite/Ise, which wale a abeantiful
'elack one, pricked :the bull with his
spear, Whenever he got ae chance, and
then ge..41.oped, eway when the buil
turned on. him. The men on foot were
always facing the bull with their yeti
flags. The 'null a/tie:eked first one
and then the ether but they kept out
of bLo wa,'y, -soreStimee ituroing Over
Did You See
Those Watches
If at all interested, you ehouldu'
raise them. We ere offering you at
the very least ealeulation $12 worth of
watch for $10.
ese watches cannot be 'told from those
costing three times as much. They
took like solid gold. They are the
popular size and thieknese
The works will jog along, with an ma-
aional cleaning, for years and years,
without e miss or a skip. And if you
live to lay it aside for good and alli
you will be ready etthee time to gay,
That wao a good investment."
Let us show you,
John Bulger,
.deWeiiert — - - SeafOrth
Marriage Licenses Issued.
irich, Mr. Runciman was eomewhat of
an eccentric character, and might al -
matt [be called at hermit, never mar-
rying, and preferring to live
Italy life, though, ir conversation,
these who broke through his natural
reserve, found him a, :pleasant person
neer Winghamites, Mr, andMrs. R.
, ;to talk with. He had, been a resident
The rummage sale, held at the
of Goderich and violate,- for the great-
Temperance Hall, . in Goderleta recent- er pert of his life, and the laSt few
ly,was highly successful, $142.14 yeare had ;been. employed at the or-
! tee-
ing cleared to bona over to the hes- gen ra°44ti'l
pital ;boned. -Mimi Nellie Hind,. daughter' of Mr.
-Rev. George Weber, a, Impertinent- 3°John Hind, of Elimville, In llsooree
eked Methodist minister, who died iire tewnehiP, waa malrrie4 elli Vednee-
Toronto last Friday, end who had day, Meech 27, to Mr. Louis Fletcher,
been In tate wetly°, ireneerey lee 40 ei 'Promising young farmer of Usborne.
'ears, h.adHeenirayLamport,
t /eehairwaout
in Clintsonnd The eeremeni wa0 Witneasecl nY a
!goodly number. a 'the relatives and
'respected 'resident of Crediton, died friends of the thappyi young vouple.
there last week after an attael of ,A.Oter a dainty wedding dinner and
paralysisShe was 68 years of agethe usual etnegra.tulations were tend-
. .
Wed, Mr. and Mrs. Fletcher Oen tor
Her husband diedi eboult, eler weeks
!. their new home on the farm torM-
erly owned by Mr. David Duncan.
-Miss Mary Hannah Welch died at
the residence of be brother-In-laW, -A quiet wedding took place at
the .reetory he (Winghaine ARin-dai
RObert Young in Goderich last week.
evening, March 25th, when Miss Mabel
Fier 85 years. deceased was a reseaent
of gelid, daughter er Ur. John Japan.-
of Dungannon. kte was a eister
Col, Whitechureht became the wife
Col, Varcoe. of Colborne.
of Mr. Jaihni A. MacKay, late ot
. Jett; Butler has been aepoint-
edepolice magistrate o Goderich, lesa' now of Ivra4litdba• The- happy
toitple were aetended by, leftGeorge
successor to the late. Charles Hunt- Gillies and Miss Agnes MacKay. Ow -
Ibex, Mr. Butler was Mteyor of Gode- Gillies
to 'recent 'bereavement' in the
'rich for five or six years and will,
bride's family the ceremony was a
we !heve no dotilt, make 4.0 good a
F. M. aa
hel was a Mayor.I very ..quiet one. Tifey will eventually
Ita-keThenp thimouse,ta:ekbeleepiontgthine jthule7 wexeasnit.
Elford has eloidi the Howlreg
term Goderich eownshi,p, &ions hat- been issued by the Deport-
in -
he toeX in: connection with the sale merit of Education. The camel/nations
Depart -
01 his own lame 'to bar. :Wilford. Col -
will be held as follows: Teachers'
'district certificate and junior teach-
ers July 2, 85: 4, 5,8 and 9; junior
matriculation, July 2, 8, 4, 5, 8, 9, 10,
11, 12, and 15; senior teachers, honor
and scholarship matritulation, July 2,
8, 4, 5, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12; 15, and 19, cOirt-
Tnereial specialist, .luly 2, 8, 4, 5, and
8; art specialist, July 2, 3, .4, and 5.
The entrance examinations will be
held on June 26, 27, and 28.
-The Clinten New, Ere of last week
'says: ft is not a. usual thing for a
man to pa...y. Urea. help more than
-Mr. and Mrs. Wm; Kilpatrick and the mate agrees td work for, and
family, -Robe of the -township of Ash- when, teach a 'thing doe teppen it is
field, near Dungannon, have gone to
•Godeeicheto live, Ur. Kilpatrick was
a. :resident of keit:field for over forty
Telles, and leaves aol. excellent farm
of one :hundred wares, which he sold
John 11. Savageelate of Grey town-
s'hip, for $5,600. • •
• -The Canadian Order el Foreeters
lodge of .Witigharre with: visitors and
ladies to the Dalimther of about two
hundred, spent a very pleasant aocial
eventrig in the !council ehaalber oi
Friday; March 22rid. After the sup-
per eppethes and a musical, and lit-
erary progratenne were the order of
the -evenerig. -
• -A few evenings previous to their
departure for their new home in La-
combe, Alberta, the neighbare and
friends of Mr. and Mrs, James :Walk-
er, °a !the 2nci cOneession, of . Steph-
en, to the -number of about 60, wait-
ed on themand presented them with
a complimentary address and a pair
-ha..ndme ,parlor chair,s.
ena Mrs. Thee. Cettlet sr., of
Clinton, celebrated the ilOtle anniver-
sary of ieheir weddinee on Monday,
. March 25th. They are both looking'
well yet, and we wish they May have
the pleasure of enjoying many - -more
!yeses together. Quite a number, of
their friends gatheredon the 0C-4
ailfil011, and they were. the recipients
of many 'oextetiful presents. .
-Mies 'Bella, :Watson., .daughteri of
Mr. Peter :Watson, !cited at her home,
12th concession, Weet ,Wawanosh, on
Friday, Mareh lath. Deceased Wag
in nen usual health until Fridaymorne
Ing, When ehe was -seized with se-
vere pain in bee, head and tcspine,a.
!return of which Met 'same evening
resulted in her death, before medical
aid could tbe summoned.
-Master 'Victor Kestle, a eon of
Mr. M. IGeretle, oe-aCrediton, had his
leg broken in a, 'peculiar. way. It
appears lie was walking through .un-
der elle rear end ; 0 a, load of straw
which was standing acroes ,the eidee
walk. AF the: same. 'time one of 'the
Worthy oe mention.,,eLast spring Mr.
:Tames Southcomne get an English im-
migrant boy, e :mere lad, who a-
greed to work a yeet. for a100. and
his boare. The boy feithfuIly put in
his time, and (proved, to .be an ex-
ceptionally !reliable and competent
worker. He left a few, claim ago for
the west, much to the regret of Mr.
Southeorete, but h* .employer show-
ed his appreciation of, hire' by giving
him $50 more than agreed upon.
-Mead:el-mite Diehl, relict of the
lobe esceb, Wolfe, died in Brucefield
OD March 22nd, at the ripe -age or 82
years. Mre. Wolfe Waff a native of
Tieferfoack, Bavaria, where she was
born in the year 1825. In 046 she
emigrated to America, two years af-
ter her brothers, Valentine anti Jacob.
She with • her husband settled On lot
25., -concession 4, Stenlei, and -soon
had a, comfortable home. Here they
remained till about the year 1877,
when they sold out and moved to
Brucefield on seemed of the feeble
health of Mr. {Wolfe and the "death
of is only son: me, .Wolee died in
the year 1888, and since that time
his widow Zontinued to live in Brice-
-Goderlett township had: a. beef ring
leek year, and -it gave sucle good sab-
isfaetion that a lamed one Wa5 form-
ed lea week. Last yeael No. 1 kilned
16 and this yeate will kill 24. No. 2
beef ring which was formed alt Port-
ers' Hill, eleeted R. Y. Cox president,
and Herbert Cox secretary -treasurer
and the inepectors are T. .W. Bell,
Thomas Wallace and Thomas McDon-
ald of the .7th concession, as well as
a forth party. Dreezed • 450 pounds is
the standard beef, end. No., 2 will
F4tart to slaughter the first Thursday
in Ilene, and coatinae for six consec-
utive weeks. There are sixteen full
shareholdere and, a number or halt
third and quarter. The beef will be
cut and divided in aecordance with the
Shares, each, patron receiving in
turn the choice portions of the meat.
men, a/sighted ,frord the load arld not
notioeing the little fellow, lighted on
causing a, break of. his leg ae
bolie. the knee.
-Helen W, the eldest daughter oe
Mr. Robert Barr, or. Ethel, died on
Wednesday, March 2/ith. Deceased,
Who was hr her igth 'year, had been Smith, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W.
in poor Wealth for nearly a year and Sinitb„ of McKillop, upon ter arrival
had gone to Kansas City In the hope at Regina, a abort time ago, was
that the trip might be beneficial. Hee married to Mr, Wm. McIntosh, son of_
father had to ge to Kansas city for the late John Merntosh, of this town. -
ter and ibrhtg her home. The 'molten ship. Rev. Ma. McHenry, pastor of
of the deceased: died about a yeat ago. the Presbyterian church, at Regina,
A -John Runciman, whose death oc- performed the ceremony. The numer-
etnsred in Goderich, on Sunday,Mareh ous friende of the newly married cou-
eath, alter an illness of a couple of 'pie here extend eongratulatiores and
weeks, -during which_ time he wag ari hope that they will have many years
innealte of the hoepita,l, was a native I of happineee and; prosperity, in their
of Scetland, being born, at Selkirkoaei weatern home.
bout eighty-five years ago. He came 1, A Good Ilege;--Wnr. Kneetitel he.s
Where a 'young men s''
to this count', • entrehased from' IL J. Davis, of Wood -
and lived for some time at Platteville. Steele 'the noted importer of thorough -
'then walked up to the bull with a; For some time he operated a saw. mill,.bred Durham cattle and aarge York -
Short -War in his hand. The bull Lie Gocierich township, an later ran Shire hog -s, a eeven months old im-
ill/mediate sprang at tip. The hunt- one for qulte a trxurnber of yeare at ported hog tor which he paid a fan-
er keit .pointed his spear between the , Dungannon. He was also enga.ged ter ey figure This is One of the best
Shoulder Jelade ,end the neek 'and • let ' wine timeein ceinnection with the busiej bogs, imported to This vountry and
Robert Davidson. and Goldie Newton
are the auditors foe No. 2.
Married At Regina. -Miss Mary E.
bringing into the neighborhood'
thing of I:impeder ;breeding in the
hog line.
, Zurich.
Opening of Rippen New 8tore.-The fornml open -
of Briae1s, was here
Tuesday saiing the liouseho14 ef-
fects of Mra. R. D . -The Pres-
byterians are' at -prezent repalearea
the manse fah their new minister.-'
Mr. W. Feriwick is at present serleuse
ng of our new store will take place Monday next!, iv III -Mr W . Beton* •young chila
April 1.144 We invite you to come and get a share o - •
the bargains. Read our ad, Ralfouf died Last week, the remains being tak-
Kippen. 2,0504, en to Arthur for interment .--Mr. X.
No -tele -Me. Wm. Baker, at Stanley,
an old :resident a Zurich, left last
week, taking wipe him a. car load or
settlers' effecte, for Dubuc, Saskatch-
ewan, where his son has been engag-
ed. In farming for some time. Many
will wish Bitly nrosperltY in his new "helping her brother to remove to his
home. -The Women's Christian Tem- new residence. -The dfrectors •01 ht
spring -show ought to feel well pleas-
ed with the success of their first at-
tempt, which was held Tuteday of
'schools open after the Easter holt- 1 Mhz; week. The weather eciald .410t
days on Mondey nett.-tiessre, W. Os- have 1040 betel, -at t111.1 time of
year. The roade- were rather rough
inft there was a goodi erowd and a
good now of Otock considering the
Shortness of. the notice. Mr, Rennie,
of Toronto, gave a, splendid addreoe
en Industry hall on seeds, where the
grains were exhibited. There is now
no edottet but that this will be,
yearly fair tend gradually grow as
oar fall fair 'hue done until it will
be one of the, best In this
Dille A. Maloof M, P. P., was shaking
hand o with his numer-ono friends tiv
this section on Tuesday. -Mr. 17ohni
Moor has purchased the taking and
mataurant 'business oe Mr. W. Rob-
erbeon and took possession. Wedries-
retook to St Joseph as long as it day of this week.
would Stick to him, but great as was
bis faith it failed him: at UAL -Mr.
Ezra Smith, who has disposed, oe his
farm on !the 14th zonceseion and has
had a, sale of his stock, intends leav-
ing he a few days- for Daketat where
he intentla locating. Mr. and Mrs.
Smith, se., eased coming, to Zurich
to croide.
Brash hale laid down the material for
the new hous?. he. Intends building
for himself. -Mr. G. E. MeTagge,rt -
spent Sunday at his home in Exeter.
MISS Jennie Ha,bkirk, oZ Betimeleo
spent a, few days' Joe the pas# svelf
perance Union held a very pleasant
meeting on Wednesday afternoon, at
the residence of Mrs. S. Renhiee-qhe
wald ancL S S'chroecler, 01 the Bron- -
eon line have gone to the west to seek
their fortunes. -An effort is being
made to establish a base ball club in
ZUriett. This is a grand game ale
though not so popular now ae either
football- or laerosse.-Special Baster
Servicee were held in the Illvangelle
cal church Good Friday aftereeon and
were conducted by Rev. Mr. Bidt, of
Dash-we...pd.-MV. Men° Oesch, ire who
recently underwent an operation! in
tbe hospital it Clinton is ilTIPrOVIOS.
-Mr. George Campbell, of St. Joseph,
has gone to the west and will 10 -
tate In. one of the new provinces if
he finds things to his liking. George
Nebese--efre. Papineau and daughtet:
are vistting friends in this neigheor-
hotxl.-Mr. Bee Wiley is aole to go
ouit afterhis illness -Mr. D. 8.8nther-
-1014 is also improving.--Easten Darr
'vices were dispensed *Rh here, ow-
ing 'to -the'pastoti .to tak-e
tharge of a funeral -at Londeseoro.-
Balsa 0. Clark is organist hie the
Methodist church, Mrsi. Rciiier Rog-
erson having resigned. --Mr. and MT&
G, ,Whe-alley have got settled on, the
form vele:ray purehased: from Mr.
Dever. -Mr. Wm. Dunlop ihas !moved
onto Mr. Rtinert Armstrongie ;arm,
which he purchased recently. -Ow -
lag Ito the load state of the roads on
esturdez last, many were ,prevent,d -
frOlIT getting out tor choose their Ea5- l*th Clitee8SIC11113 43t 4atre/,' and Ht."1-t-
side, has :returned home after an- tee
ter hats. Thoee who did go to town
To Tne PAILIMr.s.--41svo you left ,NIMX S
for your workiog thOeil tbis spring ? ,oit haven
ow IS the time to do so. We make the best hand
made shoes and long hoot0 that can be bad IP MO
eount*, and always Imp a good stook en haul- We
carry a good stook Of factor bon, the very hest
we can _procure. Robert Willis, oppeelW ExpositOr
OMeo, Seaforth. i!,051-1
Week Find Note2.-The maple syrup
season will 'be a Short one this year.1
-John Cudenore, who has resided here
for !the past year, bee removed, to
Cthi'tor -Mr George Turner sea tes
dauglite Hattie spent the holidays
with friendes at 'Chatham-M.19e Man-
ning, Clinton, was tire guest of
Miss D. Crich, Stmday.-Mies
coat, of, St. Thomat, BOW Johns.
of Tpeonto, are speluling ihe hone
days here.-Lealie Crich, of Stratford
Is home for the holidays -Mrs Verhitet
e'r., W110 hall; teen; *T-lously 111 for
some time, * now; recovering .-Mr.
Thomas O'Brien * seriously
present. ' -
Not:ay.-Mies Christina Kelly, whe
has spent several weeka visiting tee
latives and feiends on the 16th and
say ithe sea.forth * imbeate, .90aable visite She 14 alvafe.'s a
come visitor visitor.-eMies Mary 'telly, who
able. -The mails are flooded juat now
with catalogues irons froronto etores. 11° It4aricnfe:criVterttlehalatic:als"tilatl' het:
Rut *by send ' 'away' for' good and 1 hsPeornend-in- Tuckersmith.-W. ad.! Itro4.
nay carriage whe;n you, can buy just , .e.,,e ,c e
Iadeescheins;P; 011-r"di ()ten° ritornwenc.4-111ttalle, ceMsillefali: i _It, ."-,./27-eelirrt,:ugoc,o,itcewyttnill:rii:Pevii::'.4':wdl.,174iti,11:111aat'reer:
Adams is moving this week to the:' ' 7A`-'''=".5 ''''
ton,have returned to Grey, and the
tatan he perches -2d from' Mr. Willson.;
! Jotter to their hotne in Winnipeg, at-
-A little 'baby girl arrived at the 1 „e e eeeo enjoyable visit of several,
home of Mr. endi Mrs. Sam. Pollard, t"...4. 4.' ""
montas.--Mr. Frank Colenian and sta-
lest Sunday evening. -Mr, Beet. Per -1 -
ter Bertha, of ,Tuekersmith, visited
rile: of Harlock, epent Easter .......w14114: ilea week with. friends at Hine Green,
friends neer Constance .. -Me. ee i aikti,,,,"... iz,v2.4,,s... .f.A .rxm„ali Iso .1.,,,
Jarniesson spent Easter Sunday. and '' -oe------' e4"'''oe."'"Hu.541"1-etr, *."--m7v-e*--d-o•Ver--t-o.
Monday visiting Brussels and: Ethel! Tt:Tere,ree-rnf, ith last weak -Mrs. Elio
friends -Our merchant, Mr. IL Clark, 5 'Hamilton, of Tuckeramith, was called
Is d°145 a rushing businei3s' We are to ,Teronto on eceount of the Ilinoea
pleased. to see ULM getting along so of her sister, Mrs. Young.
well. -Miss Annie Beeson has return-
Opening of Kippen New Store. -The forma
ing of our new store wilt take plane londay
April 1st. We invite you to cow and get, bare
Of the bargains. Bead -our ad. Balfour* Valdwelit
It3217.1SroblalT,liorrililititn,iiii°a%deellsitY'edittehve: 0113Burull cePuv'efieldh,"eredeen"-tr pWur:chaltseirWfiw-ritliroe.
Briefs. -At k meeting of the Presby- jams
call eVtended [by the i Presbyterians H. D. smpth, 01 Hamilton, form.01,5,.- of
front ohnere Apairri'nmris. stornabiej.
oC°Idralilitrriord 4101. This bull le bred
Quebec, le thriteen months
:bWittt.Srn'n.ephjiuorlerih'teddurnrinodgetiats,tcirvafcoarncpytlf 1.t.hue- 1 esrire.em aaleee4. smda,imws.,bechionir,. nteuectocezook,fuhisuz
delegates from here weret tioseas-1, shown at the leading shows of Can -
Richard Somers W. Campbell, sjad. 1 . • i eda. This bull is recorded in the Arn,
Brigharn.-Rev. 'Mr. Anderson, of Gode-1 eteeen herd -bow. 4. .
'rich, occupied the pulpit- of St. An- 1
of the London road, presented
A Handsome Gift.-Mre John Me-
erew's church on Sabbeth last. -The Queen,
Episcopalians and Roman Catholics ; his nephew, He j, 11, owen, wile re-
pieoseutd,hasof ribiowff hai.)usJobe ::eteenMulely- 1 mloctQue20,eieseanlraaoLndn..lonigonilh,: WilijOatihnneinhogatilMthle.
701: 5aPel:deEnta8tL"rot Bi3;:hiee 7neacirAlaSuan1-1 6eIhdiep°,
day latt. -Mr. John Caeter, who has weres ot atolee land in Stanley town*
en . himl a clean deed of ee
rishishous'nerhciotihdel'e'ffjee°B.tsePht; that
td placemovoe on.
i ,ibe:teyeee. iTt Idebearginil - izoreclerrd; itnentehre:
Monday of this week, mr. 3. Carter ous one on the part of Mr. WQueetti
moving into his house on Tuesday.- and one that. Mr. O'Neil' is proud of.
Mr. Ben. Mason has purchaised the eb.
centre town in the terrace on Dins- Briefs. -On Sabbath morning next le
lweyeakei._tremert„. paTand kmBoev.:nea intoItsietcutrhieds special °geeing Nien be taken up in:
triegjobi,eina ca,ofr,newwialidaelytaiba,kbeinforg,e,_an,rd:::. ,ginieads,utoffehtre: t.litlia
the Presbyterian church, for the ham-
fweeast ilea rirre eoaInt Sdaetaul
rao7trhisavelwlinitge ildauTr-- wean church was tastefully decor-,
jeet is a, needy one, many will be
Cca:ae.,-ATahe tbrreasbActv--
ing the .Easter holidaye from this seed with Easter nowero on Basta,
121itetartel,°-11Dr9:711-ohcilluliategridala,nwu,nfol)f"Chlevisattgeodi 1 SofWitdiveaY•sinMglsinsg,Boli:InGgratohamthellaadneschLrgc:
visited friends here during -the past of
week on his Neel for a, trip to the friends
swieterneit.-aM.nar. dW.zu.gtifebeiner: Lanidadi ,Mvriss.itejdamerelif sadiodraryedsoethwety7
M* McBeth, who was visiting
in Thedford.-Mre. Anna, Ross
Ira ent h': 3 3 IP.4 Irreery t e h ir i etre 'n 1
ativea in Platteville the past week. church, one evening reeentlY.. She
tM-ritiscasy'd:nAnnInd leEfxraeSItereSw., atErile(t. Ge:Pni"d. it el etrYt ailki t'2 - ad jnoclinme her
as°711 ta: el) her 1r Roes, who
leaves this month for Manit0ea, to
teerneer of 'her friends last Friday of the women who make the lives of
eve:ling.-Miss Carrie &later, of Al- those he comes In eoritaet with net -
ma, Is at present spending' her East- ter and ' happier.-Mro, McKay, of
er holidays at herl home here -Mr Hamilton, Is visitinl at the borne of
Jas. Dodds, an employee cif Gordon, wr mother, Mrs. UeCowan.-Ar.Fair,"
McKay & Co., Toronto, visited with bank manager 0 ent Easter at bbs
his mother here the 'paet• week -A tome in ThedIfor .-Misa Katie Hart
party of serveyors from Goderich the
is spendling her tEaster vacation at
et present engaged going over -the elonee-gim B. pier tee Is also at ber
work done here on the C. P. R. -Mr. hoine for Basler/ School teaching' is
Frank Carte of Toronto, visited hie a splendid vceation, especially due. -
parents here the past week. -Mr. F. hrg vacation. -Mrs. Alex. Rosa is
Banton visited friends' in ChealeY visiting at tie home of Mrs, NV,..
•thie week. -Mr. D. McLean; of Gode- Berry. -Wm. Fraser, Mark, Ross and
rich, visaed here during the Baster Hugh McKenzie have recently. left. for
holidayee-Mra. Poppleetone, of Exe- Manitoba. What, with our to
ter, eisithd her SOU here this week. -Dew weet, wet num! ee velegee,
Mr. and MM. George Moore, of etc., there are scarcely any lea to'
Saltford, ensiled In townl during the ran our splendid' farrne.-Wrri, Me -
Easter holidays. -On Frida,y morning Queen, of tlw Menton Collegiate, was
the lock on the mail bag got caught horns lag week, owing to an at -
and would not Open. At lag Post- tack of mumps. -;Mr. A. Douglas ate
Master MeKinnon had to cut the bag tended' the funeral oft, a sister _. In/
to get the . That OUL-tir. : G. _ Me- bileitig=.-Eaaber millinery wae rath-
Caughey and family, , foe Duclmow, r a waree article .1,11 Qur eillags.
visited friends in. town" last week, Ing to the cold, weather.-*.Lotthe
ylor, of Lender*, visited his sister,
Mr. W. Nowell delivered a :horse
Clinton on Saturday, which he had Ilire. Snider, •last. week. He also at -
sold alt a good tigure.-11r. H. shone, tended the funeral of his srandrao-
of Ripley, visited' friends in town ther, Mrs. Wolf. --A Alkenheact and
!Mix week, -Mies N. Thompeon, who Charles Sewers, of LIX14-017 Medical
has been visiting her sister here for College, sperit Easter iati borne. -Miss
the past few weeks, 'returned to her McBane, of St. Thomas,- is the guest
of the Misses Murdoch,
ed home, after a, pleasant vielt with
friends in. Ethel.
Itteet oun run ont it. The spear Jost ! nese of the Runcirnan Broa., In Gode- Mr. Kneditel deeerrea. °red or1 home on as w