The Huron Expositor, 1907-03-22, Page 8We heve'a few heating Moves left
in stock, And *wee, together with a
large number of cooking stews., must
eleatted eat to Make room kr
-Spring goods. .
Whiter is net yet over, o e cine
snoe---pricee are eut away down.
Our stock of Mitts, .Skates e Hockey
8tieR1 Sleigh 'Bells and Ohildeen's
Bleighst must also go at bargain
14 0 •
.1...)16TRI4e M2T.12
Beautiful Peintinge.-Mr. W. G. Mc-
Donald,' artist, IS having an auction
Sale or a large collection of aeanti-
ful paintings in oil, r•water colors,
pastel and sepia. Each picture is
tAd fere, nature thoVieWS tseing
Aigareaie where M. klenonald has
Spent four years looking te the 'pea
senjecte. It Is a vete and beeeetiful
collection *which Well merits ptiolie
attelition and pa,tranage. The sale
commences? this evening, and affords
the people of Seafarth and vicinity an
unusual opportunity of securing re
prodoetienter of the 'mast attractive
Canadian seer for the adornneeet
be Whip to pulletiteoughs-The Seaffertb
neillinery eittettlielernente wUl have
their sendeennual opminge on Thure•-•
• des' and Settled)* of next week. Our.
.establishinenter have become famed for
the beauty and excellence a theii
WoOds and their openibg displays are
alWans tritereeting and *drew large
croWeleies Sianesen Rennie, the
Itnewn teeeclemen, of Teroato, hai
bean t seleCted •bt !the Ontario Agri-
cultural .Department laei trite eXpert
judge 'and lecturer et th,e Seed de-
partneeeet Of the! ripring how,,under
the antspicies of -the South Hirretil Ag-
IrieultUral. Society, at Brueefield, ote
Frida, April 6th. -3, Foster Gio-
aing, of Cliatetti, Was 'ticketed be
Virden,- latinitba, by. Stewart Brea.--
Those Oilliee of 11161Ci11ep, was _tick-
eted to !Mil:lulling 'ay W.. Sornereille.
.-.340.10y of our readers will learn
With feelingof sincere regret, .of
Ldeath of Mtg. Walter Thorneoe,
' • .
E sampstipt of MJ Govenlock and hope she -will
soon be able tie take charge of hen
sehool,.-The Un -00 of Lumley are
cusy preparing fMmaking thie
Fresh Otock 40 Received
of their homes end the cultive,
the artistie ' tastes of themselves sled laf and Mother a Mr. 3. hi.
Thomson; '
Chest? ev Ar oh 'bald of Seafoth, which occur -
i their tamiitea.
'red Gni Wednesday evettine.---Mrs. Geo.
1 A New leorce-lee, W. geraerw, or Dormice has dtsposed of her reed-
' SEAFORTHI the Seaforth leeitrystenlee ha,s Te- erica on Gedeirien striket , to Mrs. John.
;Wetr.--Virs. d1VicCennell lues sold the
and -well bred voting stallioneeWhite residence on Chalk stret, -which she
eently purchased a . very a
'Hardware, StoeS and'
•1 . •
Dominion : Bank:
Had Office
avings Bank
Deposits of $1.00 and up-
-wards received and interest
Raid at highest current rates.
Withdrawals may be made
at any time.
James Watson
- I
Heart Second," No. 40,038Tle
horse is rifting four years old, a
beautiful chestnut color, sound and as
nice, speedy, clean traeller, and is
bred from the best trotting stock •In
America, 'his sire being "Red Heart,"
14,113, ay "Red Wilke,' '1,749. His
dam, also, is from the best strains
of American trotting stock. This fine
animali can be seen at Mr. Morrow's
stable, and he will be ufseful in in-
proteing the stock of road horses In
this vicinity. A more extended des-
cription will be given next week.
Manual Trainbig*,,-Mr. N.. T. More
fatt, principal of the punite sbhool,
was in Guelph on Sa•turda,y last, go-aleaoth, or by John A. Inehley.
dB001 in connection with the Macdon- of it. It's never set beak on the she:
lf to try solac
When yet tyig 11e 04, 1);:
Ing through the manual tra,ining ougour 280 ee ou're gettii
ald institute there, Mr. Moffatt is .„.1lig 031!leit, alavays hag a front plae. Beattie
very much intereated in this praeti- ro' .7. NOING .ARGOM
i 5n•
cal oramen of education In conneetiOni fiend prices of Wall Papers speak for, themseIces. I
0 EET'-Letmy sample
with 'tile ptiolic schools, end went to respectfully solicit inspeotion. 1 have engaged the
Guelph with e view to ascertaining lierritell of ioalulebeee ispioatciietit000dfix p,,ademotrehte,oneer and decors
the eost of en:troducin:g it into the W ls , Seaforth. do youl:zoimk.
Seeforth school, end the standing. re e SALT. -just reaeived a car of salt in bulk, sold by
quired by a teaeher to prOperly COMA the ton, by the bag, or b) the barrel, W, E. Rerri.
dtket at- manual iTaining elei30. We un- lake, Seaforth. 20494
deretazd the requirernehts are not Chatham Inotteatotal Brooders and suppliesfor
in and a1. •
extensive for certain :oranehes of the !M.
racaterCali SOO t413 in operationJIta Daly,th, Ont. ' •,, , 2019-4
course end afe hope that r. Mot-
fatt will oe able to do sorrethi Seed Tine'is Q(/' I -2
Successor to W. N. Watson
neral Fire, Life and Aceideni Insur-
ance agent, Real &tate& and Lose
• Agent. -
seleeder fietedase- family and Manatee
turiug Sewing -Madams and Cream
NewRaymond and White Sewing
Machine, - and National and
Une eda Cream Separaaore.
Also tiovvieg enachiete needles, oil, attach
ments, repes, land aundriee for all
• kinds a eewing 'machines.
With over 25 years experience tbe above
businese you ca ei stet awned of prices
right, square clealieg and satisfaction
num Agent, azid dealer in emits lieeens
and 13loyigee. North Mita street, Seaforib.
Send us a Horse
Him with the best blanket for the money -
Wool, Jute and Reey.
Galloway, °eat, Dorso and Imitation
Bufflo. We guarantee the quality, Com-
pare prices.
Our own makeot genuine Rubber. Trinimed
Harness, It the bast value in Canada. Mk
your neighbor about there.
purchesed last' week from Tlefes4
W. .Adaers, -to Rev. Father Corcoran.
A RARE ORANCE--Auction Sale of Beautiful
Hand Paintings in oil, water color, sepia and patel.
have spent four years, in the wilds of Algoma, °over.
Ing hundreds of 'Mika in my bark canoe and sketching
everything thought worthy to put on eanyae.
Thole pictures ere worth many times what they will
-bring auetion. Call in and examine thm, First
door south of Orieh's bakery. Sale commences Fri-
day night, March 22, at 13_oclock, and will contintie
until the entire lot is Hold: W.G. MeDonald, Artist,
Saforth. -Thome Brown, ituetioneer. 20494
Wanted at onoe &good general servant to go to
Goderieh. Apply to We, J. D. O'Connell. 2049x1
PAY UP. -All parties indebted to Hinehley Bros,
J. and S. Ilinehley, or Hinehley & McGrgor, are
uotified that settlement must be made, either by
ca-sh or note, on or before April 1st next, Accounts
not then Battle will be sued without respect to per-
ona, Received at A. M. CampbeWs warerooms,
200 pair of samples at wholesale prices. -A
Bells-Trunks-Yaliees - Suit Cases-
' Melt and Wool Rugg, Eo.
Inspect our stock before purchasing.
M. Broderick,
•••-•-•.m••••• eaforth.
Spring Term Opens
Tuesday, April 2
have a reputatlb T 1 field and
wen se DJ. n hia Remember ou •
long the line cif havin e we few Os are and ourI h• Tho)
aro in°
into 'the school le '3'i n
it il trongdu Ow.
f even on - a
Meat FOOD. -A. pack
pr ees are right. Beattie
will yr flair ;wage of International or'
• 2040.2
Bros., See orth.
f• ine ng.
Ake, Serrth
horses:for the s 1
triodeat , scale for a •ee i i
-.---0.----- Herbagett
work. W. E. liar
g 3. Gaielfe. of EgmondviIle 22 -- ---e-L-The now
8 iiBinentioarici pri ng
L009,1 Briefs sh a to; en- 20494
-.The many' friends of a /8 ll.m,
Mr. Hu it tittet is? your shoes for
ear to has been very ill, will be' -
This school, whieh is the largest and mast progres
sie commercial and shorthand school in Western
Onterio•enoye the reiattation of doing the best work
in busineas education in Canada. Our graduates are
in (Iceland a13 commercial -ea aiters and office assist-
-ant. Write for our fro( eatalogne and you will get
lull informatica concerning our sabool.
right up-toalate
learn that be empeein.g._ in both stale ahnSetohrtktk shoe
that is
Gold Bond "-another jotillehiPe.‘ liloeltirlsii-1111:' Tohp14
posit° expositor Ottseg,seso°rIlth
he f and Mrs. DaMcIntyre celebrated,
SEMS. -11 you buy your seed of us 20104
t iftieth anniversary of their mare yea win find
rise,* on Thursday of friends
week. The it all right. Good etWit
eaforth. 2049.1
y count. All our seeds are
Is li 1 k S
that gwd quality W
wie. of their rrm . A f'etv.pieeir ofejurnitare and su dry
Any le
before theu20thileti
',i11 be old by private sale on or
they may • be permitted to enjo the RH- s
diaMond anniversary of that 7 0 larch. W. O. Sheffield, Wilson
occrelon.-iver. urns JOYou,g
Tuckersrnith, loath of Egroondvill I G, es .
The Clinton sprat s o be held 1
, esteem • Seaforth. - ' App
S It
s Berry and family Se, ssatorth
good in groceries, also choice butter and
are now comfortably located in their' Atlases
inew home, an the Chesney farm, in , me. Beattie Bros , Seaforth.
a Ot ifica,
"MD at once for family of two A I
on Thursd April
g show i t a.- - g VA 2040-1
rtable houset rent,
MCOOM. a OhesneaJohlui St furnished. Apply to
ay, 4th. There is a. Seeforth. 20464
good, liberal ,liet and 'there ehould b
I Fon SAM -A. good brick I"
16o,otnse (1)3? 1.(flohn Street,
tafoohdisr r.
eliver wagon, hand
-Mr. D. Gruiamett has
somely Choral Street at half price). Jameuu
price reasonable, also some d vie% t loots con
painted for the spring work -Mr, and *
Arrasenee we'
areaa-ApplY at the lilleettio LI ht
2049x 1
i S a
MTS. VIM. Slim ' • ' 'Work fieefo•rth 204052
pson, Jr, of Stretford
were in town this vveek. They c SALE. •'
bight pigs nine weeks old
Simpson's mother Ur. Simpsoli ia now onterio
area th- funeral of came
r stook on the
and n
- -a aaa • BOW five mo ti- '8eaforcthe
n is old. La G. YenEgmond,
Up TO '
the ;sole proprietar of th ,
[lases. Aptly to Joseph Wh e tl
iii, Hy ett, Hariook r ea ey, Lot 2, Con-
s Titer,,,est in the Prta
cession 040x1
livery business end gonq.ino 'the Building rats For Sale• 13.
side of_;n-111e lifirst.oles iocatity, sit
lumber business. -Mr. Geo.aqecE Itated on north C t leiithlect,yeatiodiell.
ex -M. P, and Mr. Owen 'Gel e 'ven'
„ er 4ejt•eot, adjoidng
James Wi4sonertT Derty la desirable and will
Hensale, attended the Gihsz ri,laa ougzlfoLIViorVsonita: ar
quet here on Friday evening lastn-
.- be sold on easy
James Watson, Settforth.
For full parsiculars apply to
ellin h 2474
Mr. Gee. Tetrad, who haas lbeen laid up
of rheumetlim is recov i at-sk Hourre for Salea-Dw
And thair frienda stould not torget to look 1
over our reasonable priced, but guaranteed
quality nifty gooria for wedding gine and
favore. If you aro •
Don't fail to have a ring to 00Mmeitiota te' Tuesday 'night, and addressed the
the feet, and get it of lea We inake it spec
ialty of
livery 'business, Mr Ste h L !wove'. sellWritalp,
FOR SALE. -Good 1
e Stratford veep
having, disposed of hi i P en Lamb or arraogernente can be made f
• arreentwe a" • "*.
Chocoiate Bonbons.
•18 M ALP 0 I'111:C
Agent for np-to-dete Trusses, Syringes
Rot Water Bottles, Sboop's• remedies,
ConWe Oetron Root Compound and
oWe d's Pboonhedine.
sammessise essmesea
week. -Mr. rock, of :..Whalen„
and Mr, James Horton were in Vor-
est the past week for the purpose of
buying horss.--4Mr. jolm Bolton de-
liverd ta $400 'team to Mr. tr, Him
ford la* week.
.............--...._-_-..... i
Notes,-Wtt, Outtningliain left last
week for-Peersn, Man, and took with
him a car load' of settled? effects, -
Me. WM. Little also left fort the
Niest, but the goes to 'meet and spec-
ailate rather then farm. - Mr. :Wm,
BroWn iatende to rekluild his baen
the corning summer, and plitee; a. stone
foundation under it, Mr. John Lands -
!borough is to do the same, and Mr.
Isaac Rapsore will folow: suit--Mr
Simon MeVittie, whose barn was dee
stroyed by fire a short time age,
has lbought the freare of al barn, in
East Wawatosh, and is having ib
moved to 'Wei own place, to be real
built in the spring.
Notes. -Mrs. Richard Adams has. eee
cured au assiotaut milliner and is
now quite 'busy. -Morrell and Holmes
have elso secured •a, millieer from
Lndon.-Mss Alice tell -visitd Can-
ton friends this week. --,A tnuniber of
our villagers are stiffering front is
grippe elt present .- 1arge nuteber
from, here attended - the funeral of
the late lohn Cummings on Tuesday.
-eer. end Ms. G. Bra.dford, of Dune
gatmon, visited the latter's parents on.
Sundy.-Mr. Samuel SWoodinare Who
has runt the 'butchering businees illeir
for a nuMber of years, has ,decidadi
to quit ore account of poor health. A
butcher 'would be welcomed here.
Beneath •
oAnmN & Smarmy, laarriters, Ete., al.21-1029entia,
Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays.
• MILLINERY OPENIGS: - Grand Spring and
1 Easter Milllhery Openings on Thursday) Martel 2,8th
Of lend and & neat huse and Stat10J ad Saturdaaa Marah 30 and following days. Every
ouse on mat eide of
wase Whodwillsr tr.gefitohntaeleuruipatiten and cellar tinder whole
hope to zelenim' areund eargarign asTioOdn
bright ever -Mr. Jan Pisher,, Seaforth. easonable. Apply to
las 0. Sheffield, Canadmlurn iture Manufaturers,
of Toronto the Or;
for acme time with severe t
task; represontae • OUR '0
many cui3
pape in the west, was' In town on
. Winnipeg cori. mem, 1 ri AR Redpeth Granforttl' an
ulated Sugardue to ar
tive of the' a, , a eeaorete18taek, gli.r
at the right priZe C
when )ye can supplyour
In° Bros.
weekly puelication and the'on-ly trade ;
• Opeturt.
on!itThe price 10 *925. Mr. Lane hes /:111 71eltrtell':n?tY1. tthbaet01:5= olltlallat11116
secured a comfortable Thorne. Mr. Bu-aEverYborly is invited. COrne thevfiest day and see"
tiotz 'intendo 'removing to Torontoand all. J. Weismiller, HenselL 20401
will have stet auction' sale of hie house.; S. J. Sutherland, conveyancer, has had placed in
'hold enother 'effcs mi Sa,turdayf his hande for sale a neat small dwelling, with good
ea ape amble at a prim so low that it cannot fad to
the sit" inst. , nett quicky. Also good choice of other dwelliogs
' •
• In rame and brick. Apply at the Post 011ictrie,4 yr
Algtrandville Notes. -Rev. N. $im* sa
ll Is in Torento attending the HoineeMtee Case Settled. -We are iriformed that
seen Conimittee, which meets there the case of T. Jr Berry against Niche
this week. -Mr. Joseph- Sproat, olas Horton, for olander, which was,
has E#T)ent most of the winter IR NO entered for trial at the assizes at
thorn Ontario, returned home I t ,Goderielt, this week, end 'which create
Week. reports the timber businetea ed good deal of interest in this vie
on 'the boom. -An Easter enteetai einiter where both parties are well
rrieht will beigIven in 'the Eynon knoWne was settled eut of court, the
ville Church san: Monday evening, Apr defendant agreeMg to pay' all tete
tat. Rev. J. J. Ross, of London, wi legal costs incurred.
give his celebrated lecture "T An Old Belie.-afes. JameS F.
Lend 'or 'the Ca,estres"-• and it will ' Sparks, of Hensall, hasi at present iT1
illustrated by over 100 views,- her possession one of the greatest
Jake McGee, of Parkhill, who h Tellies of the -dor, it :being ta table
Peen visiting tee parents in Port cloth 'which hats 'beam banded flown
tett, was here this week visiting tfhivreouhgulh4reradanyyeare; epOvuuer
eieter, Mrs. George Aberhart.-
JOhil, $mbNay. had a big wood bee 1 t end woven by an, anepeter ini Ber-
Thurday.-The many friends of el s. wickeihire, Scotland; and has shwa
Wm. Allen Will 'regret to learn t then passed from 'the owner, Mrs.
She is in poor health we presnt, ut Sallow, to the following families:
will hope fee a speedy eecoVery. Crow, Jeffrey, Lindsa, Sparks and
Delgaty. The piece Meer Is en
Choir Consert.-The concert gi eplendid condition and will eon:tinge
be the' ehoir of the Presleyteri to Pass. down to future generation*
elittreh, on Tuesday evning, was the next possessor tang Miss Isabel
very successful one indeed. The a SParks. Mrs. Sparks will gladly.sbow
itoriurn of he church was filled the old and valued momenta to anyone
a molt apprecietWe audience. desirous of seeing it
lacIvoe ,Craig, of Toronto, was More Gotea Stallions. -Mr. Thos. 3.
received send her selections; thorou Berry, the well knowti horse import-
iy enjoyed by those present, the Sec, et end dealer, of this edam has re-
numbers appealing very etrongly ceived another ;shipment of horses
those whoclahri to be of that natio from the eld country. They are the
ity. Mese J. C. Greig delighted, as Same style of horses MT. Berea us -
always does, her audience I with ually handles, good, 'tbick blocks,
reading, "Kentucky Belle" 'Prof. with 'nice flashy legs and good feet,
mer, organist of St. Paul's cim Among the let is the noted stallion,
ICing Thornas, (12625). This herse Is
four years old and when finished will
make a, ton `horse. He is dark brows
with whit, lend feet and fitrip on
face. He was pixrchased front Mr.
John Keer, the same man ale Mr. Ber-
ry purchased Gartly Gold from, end
he also 'travelled the -oorne district In
Scotla:nd irt 1905-6 as (lastly Gold, his
terms being £4 per mare. 'the last
round and one pound down. Mr. Bern
has imported 'many good horses and
this ene proably, the best he,
has evler taken over the water. We
hope he will have the 'oeteb of gooti
luck with this heportation Elgid *theit
hdesiseernveteor.prise will ne rewarded ae it
71111R8DAY and VITURDA r
AMRCH 28th and 30th
ess WE HAVE ANOTI ER CAR of Manitoba Flour to
TGue,sudaherdliemekinfg mup• ousin .-r. R. arrive. Thu !ane g of Manitoba Flour is at
, 0 clCillop, ewes the treating attntIonY. aredno Bro., Seaforth.
ducks that lay the large t
Pekin ducks end theyer
day Mr. Ifurdie• got two, one of which Farewell Supper. -On 'Friday eve
measured 8 by 91-2 Inches. and the ,Ing last, MT. A. E; Gibson, wtio
other 7 ae -9 1-2 inches. While these lie; been manager of the Dominion
are extra large ones, he frequenbly Bank in • Seaeorth for the past three
gets others nearly as large.--Mre. 'years, end Who has been appointed
McKay, Goclerich, street, returned this .Inspector foe the bank in the west,
week from a pleasant visit with! he with beatiqu.arters at Winnipeg, was
son, Mr. W. C, McKay, barrioter, a,-nd tendered . a farewell supper et the
other frienda in Toronto . -The special .Coromerial- hotel. Over seventy sat
er.e etingp in progreas in the Metho- at the tables .and were served with
dist church- for two weeks, close this aS. excelleat supper emelt as the
week. Thee have been fairly -well at- worthy Omits and hostess of Mat hos-
tended. Mr. Moorehouse, who &sag- fiery- know how to prepare. After the
ed the pastor, Rev. Mr. Birks, is very supper the chair was taken by Mayor
highly spoken of by those , who beard Broderick end a long toast list of
him, end hia addresses were great,- speeches and Bungle was carried out.
ly appreciated by many -We learn. Replies e to the various toasts were
that, Mrs. John Kerr, who bee been made by reprefeentatias men an tee
in the Weet for .eamelime, intencls re- business, professional and manufax-
turning home shortly, end will oc-• taring interests of the town, while
cape'. `her own 'residence, on Gode- songs were rendereel by Mesers. P.E.
rich street, after the first of April. Lennon, W. A. Pickard, W. McLeod,
a -The fire alarm was sounded aoout D. G. Kennedy, W. M..3YfelCay end H.
helf-past eleven on Tuesday night. Town. Mr. Gibson was highly. con -Jeli-
n was a wild night for a fir, the merited by the different speakers on
Wind blowing almost a hurricane,but, his appointment to ouch a responsi-
fortenately, there was nothing seri- ale position). and he goeg from Sea-
ous for the fire-fighters to contend forth with the beet wishes of a large
with. The cause of the alarm was the circle of friends. Among those from
burning out of a chimney on tee re- out of tc.yrn who were at the suppele
sidente of Mr. A. IC. Chittendin.- ,were R. Vanistone end D. T. Vepburn,
Rev. Mr. Berry was Goderich on I,Wingham, and Geo. McEwen a,nd 0.
Geiger, Hensall,
Murdie has a Irani!) eggs. Mr.
pure bred 8. TICY 0LE aka you SALE AT •
records have °Token an 18 8 of bicyles, bicycle parts and repairing tools and
The other outfit. Apply to Jamesfiaott, Seaforth. 2048.2
for large eggs.
Vays Days
of of
Splendor Neteorit6
Wedding and.
Engagement Rings
Solal Cold Itiografrom 81.00 III) to L� tine
cltknr.nta whiett runs Nom 37.00 to ;100.00.
A 1.tra aasortrnent of cot glass in atm*
How. A special, tf, inch fruit, bowl for a5.00.
Jeweller & Optician
lustier Of Marriage Licenes.
Notice to Creditors.
In the matter of Oa Fatale of Robert A Scott,
Take notice that, purmom to R. S. Oa calla
Ufa Section 8, all persons who are or claim • to be
ioreditora of Robert A. Seott, late" of thca-townelap
et Turkersmith, in the Comity of ilurou, Farmer, de,
caed, who died onor aboutthe aath day of Novem-
ber, 1800, are required on or before the • 10th day of
May, 3807. to send by post paid or deliver to Jean
Scott, the Administratrix of the estate _of the - said
(lambed, addressed to Box aaa, Seaforth la 0, or to
the -undersigned,. full partiOila xi? of their claims, with
theirrespeethe namee, aureames, addresses and ae-,
And take notice that att. r tbeseid date, Inc men-
tioned, the mid Adrainiltratrix will proceed to d.ii,r-
abate tee assets of the said estate, among the parties
tattled therap„ having regard only to Vae clams of
which 8111.!lafg tht:11 lame Lucie*
Dated the725th day of Jauttary, 1907. -
W, 0. Iffe.KAY,
10 Ring street, West, Torouto,
Stilairtar-for tbe Adatirtaitrataia,
Young People's Society of St.George's
chuech in thattown.-Sunday laat
was St. Patrick's day. Rev. Father
Corcoran, pastor of St. James' ch.urch,
delivered a special sermon): to his con-
gregation. suitatIe to the eccasion.-
A revival sang service will es, held
In the Methodtst church nett Sunday
evening. -Miss Thomson, of Toronto,
and Missolia,milton, of Goderich, 'vera
the guests for a few days this week
a Miss Ross. -Miss Beta, Young re-
tmed home on Wedne.sday from a,
six weeks' visit in Toronto and. Wash-
ington.-Idiss May B;roadfoot is spend-
ing a few weeks with friends at
Forest -Mr. end Mn. Hugh Stephen-
son were laid up with the grip this
weele-At a especial meting* of the
town counil, held on Wednesday ev-
ening, the clerk was instructed to pre-
pare and„have published the neces-
sary legal notices preliminary, 'to the
paving of Goderleit and Norte Main
street with tar 'macadam, :as outlined
in the special repo_rt of thei street
committee published last week. -Next
Friday being Good Friday will be 'a
general holiday and all the !buines:
places will be closed.-RobertklanlYice
Lean, . -who hap been confined to bed
Lor a month by &cube inflarnMation of
the arteries of the legs, is recover-
ing although net yet aole te be out:
-The many friends of Dr. John Carnes
bell, of - Brooklyn, New York,
will be isorry to learn that be is ser-
iouly ill and at last accounts; was
notexeeted to recover. The hope of
his friends will be that he *ill yet
JO cr:
-1• ti
-,Icartial, •
.3,411:••4f.," -
f. ;be)/ 4-*
On the foregoing days we will make a complete dis-
pay of millineu fashions, consisting of a creditable
showing of examples of Paris pattern -hats, coupled with
many clever conceptions of our own capable designers,
reeking in all an exhibit, which, for modish effects,
nese of inaterials and moderate prides has never been bur -
passed in Seaforth,
F.ashionsable ,Attire for
Toronto, demonstrated to those p ese
ena by his rendering -a the organ
'numbers on the programme, that he
is a therough master of that ins ru-
rnent. The choir sustained !their good
epulation by the excellent ren er-
g of several anthems and a ch rus
y the male members of the chol . It
is gratifiyng to know that the p bite
appreciated the efforts of the choir to
give a good conceet and that it ;was
succss financially.
Local Mmes. -A number from thts
victnity attended the entertainment at
Leadbury, on Friday evening of! last
week. -Mr. Jahn McGavini of ;Win-
nipeg, paid a, short vielt to thepar-
ental home last week, -Mr. Bert Col-
clouch is now under the doctoreeceve,
'having a severe attack of pneu
and pleurisy. We 'trust Bert
soon ate restored to 'his *uual st
health. His ;sickness; comes at a very
inopportune time, as he was lords'
to ;return to his homestead dut es at
Haney, Sask.-Mr. end Mrs. Ceorge
C. Barrows end Miss Lizzie left
Property Changes. -There is a lot
of property changing hands in Sea -
forth this spring and good. priceet ars
oeing 'realized. In addition to the
sales already mentioned, we learn
of the following: Mr. John A. Stew-
art has disposed of hie handsome
residence west of the Furniture Fac-
tory, to Mr, Williaar Cudmore for te2,-
000 and has in tarn purchased - the
prick residence 'he formerly oc-
cupied, from his father and now oc-
cupied oy Mr. Thomas Fowler and In-
tends 'having it reetrodeled a,nd im-
proved, Mr. and Mrs. Cudrnore have
secured a eery pretty home. The
Guteeidge 'residence on the opposite
side of the street, owned and occu-
pied by Mr. Coates has .beetr Sold to
MT. Graham, of Mitchell, who in-
tends coming tore to reside. The price
paid was, we understadn, e2,500. lar.
°metes gives up possession as soon
ate he can secure another place to
live4in. Mr. Peter Spain as sold his
two houses opposite M. Selater's
wood yard, to Mr, *Tames; Dick, who
in turn, has diseoged of them again.
One to Me. Ralph Elliott and the
other to (Mr, Thomas Kyle. Houses
are so scarce that people have to
ouy in order to get a plaice to live
in, 'but where the tenants who are
neing displaced by these transfers
will find a !refuge, • we do not know,
Some peewee will have 'to Wild soon.
-Ma Wm. Ildbolz has disposed of
the Collie property in Egmoudville, to
Mr. Tim, Lane. There are three acres
te of
week for Lethbridge, Alberta.
Barrows took a car load of ete
affects. -Mrs. end Kiss Barrow
retrain with friends et Mande
til preparations for the Owe a
pleted at Lethbridge. A brot er of
MT. BaTTOWS' Will 8,180 join him ther,
going from Sheldcm, North Dakota.
Un -
e com-
Township , Officers. -At the last
tr.eeting of tee Haar council! Path --
masters, Poundkeepers, Fence Vievv
ens and Road Commissioners w re a,p-
pointed ,as follow,s: Poundkeei eetee-J.
Patterson, R. Thompson, J. Deeber, J.
Ran, J. Thirsk, S. Spencer, T. Tiprn-
bull, W. Snell, W. Bendr. I Fence
Viewers -W. Russell, W. C lciwell,
W. Chapman, B. S. Phillips, . Coch-
rane, J. Haberer; 3. Hey. re D.
Surerus, Ge - Edighoffer, W. li. by, W.
Snider, W. Itoeder. Roadmins.-
sioners-Centre road, James G een, S.
Colasky, Casper Roehrig; North boun-
dary, C, Troyer, J. M. Oesche Smith
boutidae, 3. Penhalee F. Wglert. .A
petition from Mr. J. Mossau, asktng
to have certain lots detached from
school section No. 3, end attached to
section No. 10, was graute . The
council meets again on th 3rd a
April at 2 o'clock. -
Notes. -Mr. Frank Bean, of Tucker-
smith,- has purchased the oll Emery
farm. What does _this mean -Mr. J.
'Broadfoot had the -mifortune, to lose
e valuable 'horse by the burstin,g of
a blood veasel. It le.. a Very ileaYI
loos as he valued him at e250.-ele. 3.
MQueen., of the boundary, has die -
posed of his fine driver for a, hand- end brick work of Mr. Devid C... Mc- MILLINERY OPENINGS. - Grand Spring and
sorre price.-/ar. Roger Rice, f Crom- Leanas Very fine •re•sidenee to 'be er- i EltieiV9ITII Tan0,4/1 iihulvii a3? lawhE2411
arty, spent the past week, ith, his ected opposite the Presbyterian church I, :1.w :miprs;lineli imicytbat):::42:0Ti to homehOnTe.-Maa. 11. W. McCartneY
sister, Mrs. 3. Mitchell, befOre going at Kippen, and Messrs. Reynolds and ' and abroad is. here ,in the cleverest ailotaticsee aeCOMPEUI.Ving his Paulette MT
west, -The people of this' gelation are Ingram,. of this villages havesecur_, Everybody is invited. Come the fire, day and
all, ala Walerniller, Renard!. 20494 McCartney, erewho has been
glad to hear that Mr. R, Y.11acLean. ed the 'contract frthe woodwork.-
teacher, is improving in h6altie and Mies Stewart, of Kippert, Was in the Notts. -Don't forget the Spring Show jag the winter here, back t° U
Will soon be able to take eharge of village this week visiting her ere- at Brumfield, On Friday. April 26th. ' ;Jaw * - Y r e Monday d
ther,s, John D. and Peter. -Mr. L. The farmers should all attend* as a ear of 11°`ms witil them°
Vance was in the village recently vis- horses are now one ne the test pa -1
iting relatives. -Mrs. R. Porterfield ing products on the farnr.-Mr. Go_ -iss Vaggie Wiseman, ditUg
has returned from a Visit to Clifford, Hart has moved into the• residmee i Collector Wiseman, of ClbatOtif
her former horne.-Mie Dinsdale, of he purchased from the McItosh es- rho* been, employed in the
Kippen, has been Welding the past tate.-Mr. Alex.\-Musterd is ow run.. Factory tbre, has received
two weeks with relatives here -Mr ning his saw mill full time and heel Ointment ail steneigraphes, and
ColberL of EgrtiatIdYine* was here large quantities of logs tO eenvert *Sitter ih the government offic ,
this week visiting her parents, Mr. into lumbm A nu,mhes *f the farrn Wawa* *
In conjunction with the Millinery exhibit we will make special effort o
show the new Ready-to-wear garments and °ths things whielf pertain to Wee
men's wearing apparel. We mention here the following things
. -
Briefs.-Ilee. W. E, Kerr, of Cline
taa, took the services in the Meth-
oclist church here last Sabbath. Ur.
Kerr was stationed here several years
ago and his many friends were de-
lighted to •hear him aaln. Be,.. Mr.
Toll took Mr. Kerr's dutleo In Cline
to,-Mtss C. V. Smith had her first
millinery' opening on Saturday and a
number of ladies took advantage of
the chance oe seeing the new etyles.
-Mr. George Petty, sr., has had a.
bad -attack of grip, but we are pleas-
e -d to say is 'recovering aicely.-Mrs.
ellery, of Kincardine, is visiting
her son, Dr. F. A. Sellery.-Mrs. 3.
Bontaron, jr, pleasantly entertained
a number of her friends Wednesda,y
afternoon. -Miss Perkins; ef Wroxe-
ter, was last week the guest of Mrs.
0, Cook.-lters. 13awflen, of Clinton,
has beau vieiting her brothers, F. a
end C. A. McDonell, for several days,
-Miss Bruce, of Parolee, at E.
Rennie', Miss Flmming, of Oak-
ville, at J. W. Weiamillerte ande
Mies Tilly Ortwein, at 3. W. Ort-
weie'e, are all b1oily engaged pre-
paring for their ad Unary opening.-
Mrs. John Hobkirk pleasantly enter-
tained a 'n'umbero friends on Mon-
day evening.-Iler. Thomas Bell, of
Winnipeg, is b.orne visiting his fath-
er, Mr. Wm. Bell, end other friends,.
Ile looks as if the west agreed with
hem -Miss Mary Hagen, is in the vil-
lage' this -week 'renewing acquaintan-
ces. -Mr. H. J. D. Cook, barrister, was
in Goderich on legal business this
week. -We axe pleased to oee our es-
teemed townernan, Mr. George Wren,
able to be out on our streets again,
after his long and serious illriess.-
OUT CY:1111 .. dealers, Me:sera. F. W.
Smallacombe, 3. W. Ortwein and 3.
Johnston, are preparing for and mak-
ing large shipments of calorie as this
Is a centre ft:sr onion. growing and
shipping. -Mr. and Mrs, C. A. McDon-
ll we're to London lost week. -Mr.
Wm. Dolg, barrister at the Amerizan.
Soo, was in the village *recently re-
newing acquaintances. -Mr. E. Cud -
more, of this village. has teen a-
warded the contract for the cement
New Jackets
New Raincoats
New Skirts
New Waists
Above tut represents
our $5 Black
Spring Inreases Activity
House Furniihing Depart
We begin the season with new goo& attractively
You Will
We flaw
end Mus. R. Fulton. -Mr. T. Murdock eel; ba
secommenced making
has *recovered. from his recent Mimeo syrup . it promises to, he a goodJI
and is out again bright and breezy son. -The address delivered In
as usual. -The ladies of Henatill and Ilvebyterian ehurch, Wednesday
vicinity ere looking forward to the Mrs. Anna Ross was wry much
milhinevy openbega with much Inter,- preciated by those privileged td
est end heye a, great choice, there oe.- be Mr* Ross bas still a
ing- fewer then four millinery es- watm tspot to her heart for dear
tablishments in our village. -Large Brucefield.-Mr. Peter McGregor
shipments of cattle and holed have ceived a telegram, from Mr.
been rhade from our station during Ketchen, deputy minister of
the past weele-Sugar malting is now tulle a Regina, asking him to go
the order of the day with farmers there and act as judge for the
who have sugar bushes. -Mr. A. "la vincial stock show being held
Case, G. T.•R. agent at Denfield, and this week, con-neoeing the 20th.
his wife, spent Sabbath, with Mr. McGregor, owing to - delicate
Case's parents, on the isendon road. was unable to go.-01.rr doctor te
-Mies Maggie Chrtem-of the Mill bse' Preeeribing for the coughs
Road, is visiting relatives and friends colele that are so plentiful juet
itt Bemsall, -Mr. Wm* McIntosh, his wife
ister, Mrs. MICEwen, Who alnaltS
Brucefield, visiting friends in this vielnit.f.
Ing the winter, left this weer,
their home in the weet.-Nearli
of the western visitors have ret-
his school again, aathough he ilara a
good teacher iti his place during hts
lliness.-We are glad to hear that
Mrs. Thomas Glenn continues) to irn-
preys in 'health. --air. Melvin,Stnetnan
end sieter, Nellie, of liensall, and Mr.
E. Thorn, of Mitchell, spent Monday
evening laket wit ie Mies Maud Glenn.
-Yie are isoree3 to learn og the iltness