The Huron Expositor, 1907-03-22, Page 3nerm FO A H 22 i9O Sovereign Bank of Canada READ OFFICE, 001 RONDO,. ItTDOLPH MACDONALD, Preeident • A. A. A.LLAN. Vice -President 11 M. STEWART, General Manager, s 10apit8%1 8 becribed . 4 0 IF X • • • ... • • . .. • • . • .. • R • • Oapital Fully Paid*** ••• X••••••••••••• oo 00000 • oo • • t *- • • 11,313ErVe f • t • o Assets over... 1-41404-••••••••IX0 • • 404 oo .. • •$ 4,000.000- 3,998000 11255,000 25,000,000 :General Banking Savings Department Interest credited quarterly IIENSALT AND 13RITOEFIEL D. ,ure Framing. A- • ABATT _,,ramoN medal, 0.Ale hi Canada. or e-tfkts STERN ONTAILIO MANITOBA SASKATCHEWAN ALBERTA Made and How Reached Write lom free copies of tERSGUIDECI.n.gVPaztio- orriem forsettlers travelling wi dad effects to the Northwest in Ildar.Crh with passenger and freight ratw. [Uri CANADA Utto-dateitee- rtd westerzt conditions.P on kg°f th_ol Won invaluable te settlers. useful end statistics, 1 TABLES 812("Ving double denT inipeg and , passen.ger tin servIe rae PAST SLEEPING CARS Toronto cuuy, oaerattratec ninty Stock Exhib ition at Olinton. NAY, APRI. -Pit17,141 LIST - itoesee e,V3 'i-:ea-rsmI 8vtF :,.e•trf, anti Ifni sninif .f )eren Stained' !Mk% V lilt lit-1,1ff, ear,t Med over ears fool under %ars and (der 4fllj under- e!a IfPin; Mi1itt.13("1:20, 'arnesS,--1st, roller donat. Mitrphyogent De- rn., ratite, iA5 8 yf_ars and over ie. 2 years and under fft-Ahlt itli0Slit. I,�itJ and under G emu's rEns 4 kiub !id tinder, 3.3 rs. • 10 and over, 3. 2. ear6 st tind Swr $10 et; 10 0 4 10 ft O 4 Z. 2, • . t 4 6 4 10 har ess, 1J. hands & nit ennsidf.7-red 0 , ,rte• ra irness, 1:".!.; hands a: OVi lit .7 Pfwer in harness, oil • a..itiered :..n. intrdh. 10 5 i finder Li.' },Lid, equipment. c0nsideree7p, 1.1ttulset, don: Ty IL Graham. Rest ';.1.1it, •.!-r t".: narnt..,, wilily, donated by 3 2 4 PATI141: f • fuel undo r 5 3 5 3 fuel :al 3 f I t 7- anti ;•=ti.ft1 f.rier :** ;+, - • t let . 7..7 test ff,f et. tneeft ....• ' tr•-. fit •r.f.sit 5 3 Clock Clock t. • fl nutter, t)iptonee. • whet: ./...,t1ashaLs79 Cough, Croup, B Grip, Asthma, Diphtheria tte is a boon to Asthmatics ie' -71 mire eff,..-tiv^. to breathe in a tire cits7fa ,s: f.f the breathing organ:. try. remedy kt,t1the stwitaCit the air rendered strongly anti- af lied fiver the driea,-.ed out -Caro with its. g v..- 4 ',TEA /.7u.,,efi awl cntanttreat- i. invaluable to mothers with small e,o1,1mrive d imincntAte (lugn, or titititn..,. of toe A this time of year you nearly always a'number of pietures you wish fram- Bub you keep puttieg tb off, often, bo you fear the expense. Picture frarn- ith ua is a specialty, aed we °any a of frames and mouldings that are and nest, pretty bub no sexpeneive. t us fraenea picture for yon, and we enviece you of the truth ofj what V70 Try us for yonr next Photo; JACKSON BROS, Seaforth. •••••*••••• This ,,entrepiece WRrt DFACYRIT7 elea 18x18 inchei teed youfree end poste- d this alien; tamped eseinch CARNATIONS Colonial Art Centrepiece POPPIES„ ...WOLFS'S or AMERICAN BEAUTY ROSES Write to -day enclosing 25 cents in starrOser coin and Mate design wanted Thie the biggest offer we ever made. Vir4 do it to convince every woman that tit e HOME O1JRNAL le the greatest magazine publiebed Canada, containing Health end Beauty De. I.rmen, Conklin, Household Hints, Wit and sloe, fsehion Notes. IntSorterlt rorelttl News. )erbi and Short Ste:4es and tatcst Pattern. Bond 25 cents for ane year's subscription te the Rome Journal and the centrepiece. s Adams CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT, HE I Home Journal' TORONTO ONT. McKillop Directory for 1907 troHN M. GOVENLOCK, Reeve, 1W1nthrop P. 0. • AME OWAN, Councillor, Seaforth ft Et. O. fiPHIT McDOWEL.L, Coancillor, Sea- lorth P. O. PILEX. ROSS, Councillor, Winthrop . Oe • OAMES RYAN. Councillor, Beechwood. i P. O.; MURDIE, Clerk, ,Winthrop I P. O.' K. HOLLAND, Treasurer, Beech- • wood P. 0. lilieLOMON SHANNON, J. P., Sanitary ( Inspector, ,Winthrop P. O. The New Store F°r lbw Goods q 'r .... TN, are arriving daily, and the quality is with - CU the very best. Our prices etre, the 124 -- Monad Haddie, Ciscoes, Whitefish, Mackerel -and Trout_ These are very same, but am extra good quality. VEGETABLES - Lettuce, Celery, Cabbage, Carrots, Beets, Par snips and Turnips always on hand. fREEtti MEATS- ,. • We buy nothing but the best quality in Beef, Pork and Li amb n this department. We have extra floe prices. CURED MEAre- 114m, Bacon, Breakfast Bacon andiRolls always ri band. 'COOKED MEATS - Corned Beef, IleadjOheese, Bologna and New England Ham. CRO EMS - On\ grocery departrdent is edmplete.1 Alwa-ys fres and good. I KRUSE -BROS., -±IJMNIEROE BLOOM -[PHONE 96 SEAFORTH. You cannot possibly have a better Cocoa than A delicious drink and a sustaining „ food. Fragrant, nutritious and economical. This excellent Cocoa maintains the system in robust health, and enables it to resist winter's extreme cold. .Sold hy Gracers and Storekeepers 14b. and i -ib Tins. A Surprise hi Biscuits Every box of Mooney's Perfection Cream Sodas you open -you will find a new delight in these dainty biscuits. When you want to surprise yourself, give your appetite a treat with Nooners et Perfection Cream Sodas WET? You mayte able to \get along without a fsowEiks. 4004 I '4%/fauto WATERPROOF SUIT OR SLICKER. SOS But can you afford ie? THESE GARMENTS ARC GUARANTEED WATERPROOF LIGHT- COMfORTABLE.OURABLE LOW IN PRICE •SOLO BY AU. RELIABLE DEALERS GAIMACNIIN C41, f tek I TOMX4f0. CAK TIIREE TRYINO A WOMAN'S LIFE There are three periods of a woman's life when she is in need of the heart strength- ening, nerve toning, blood enriching action of MOURNS :HEART . AND. -NERVE PILLS The first of these is when the young Or' Is entering the portals of womanhood. At this time she is very often pale, weak and nervous, and unless her health ue built up and her system strengthened she may tall a preite consumption or be a, weak woman for life. The eecond period is Motherhood. The drain on the system, is great and the ex- hausted nerve force and depleted blood require replenishing. Milburn's Heart and. Nerve Pills aupply the elements needed to do this. The third period is "change of life" and this is the period when she' is most liable to heart and nerve troubles. A tremendous change is taking place in the system, and it is at this time many chronic diseases manifest themselves. Fortify the heart and nerve system by the use of Afilburn's Heart and Nerve Pills and thus tide over this dangerous period. Mrs. James King, Cornwall, Ont., writee "I have been troubled very much with heart trouble -the cause being to a great extent due to "change of life." I have been taking Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills for some time, and mean to continue doing so, for I can truthfully pay they are the best remedy I have ever need for building up the system. You are at liberty to use .this statemenb for the benefit of other sufferers." Pri-ee 50 cents pter box, three boxes for $1.25, all dealers, or The T. Milburn Co, Limited., Toronto, Ont. CRESOLENE ANTISEPTIC TABLETS A simple and effective remedy for ORE THROATS AND COUGHS t They combine -the germicidal value of Cresolene With the seething properties of slippery elm and lice. rice. Your druggist or from us, 10c in stamps. LEEMINO, muss co.. Limited, Agents, Montreal. 40r. Wingh am Business CoilIege • Is a high grade Commercial School Three Coereee : Commercial S benoirapliy Telegraph rite GEORGE SPOTTON, Prinp , YOU SHOULD INSURE IN NE 1_,C)1\TIDOW TAIF (A HOME COMPANY) 'Because of ite enviable record for economical management, as is evidenced by comparing 'clie coat of management with any other cons vany ciagaeed in "ordinary " and " industrial " insurance. The expense cost of carrying on the industrial brandh" is fully 15% higher than the "er- dimly." branch. .A4 both branches, however, are kept separate, for the put-. pose of equitable distribution ot profits, the public are warned against invidi. 'one comparisons, raade by competitors, showing the con lined eXpense ratio of IheiLondon Life as greater than their own. • W. a ROBINSON Irspector, Seaforth, DISTRICT MATTERS. Wetland .Preellasteree-The Maitland Preebytery Met irt St. Andrew's church, Witigharre on Tuesday 5th inst.. Rev. J. Radford, - o Delmore presided. The attendance was en- couraging, arid seVeral spirited de- bates added interest to •, the. oceassion The diseuesion on the !report on church life and work w especially interesting, and several 0.4 the 'Min- isters ga,ve .their views on special or ltsviva,1 serviees, The need of more earnest and consecrated living among the inemeership was emphasized. A report on aanhath schools Wile read, and will ie discussed at the May mooed. ing in Liticknow. Delegates were el- ; ected to attend the General- Assein- 131 y which 'meets In Montreal in June. ' In the evening a lively discuesion on Church Union W Wfil opened by Rev. L. Perrin and those present expressed I their opielon. The Presbytery waa! divided opinion on the questiont and it was not thought that organic • uniou was desirable at present. Marching Upwards. -Mr. George As k Your Own Doctor If he tells you to take Ayer's Cherry Pectorail for your severe cough or bronchial trouble, then take it. If he has anything better, then take that, We have great confidence in this medicine. So will you, when you once knOW' it. The best kind of a testimonial "Seld for over sixty years." ado by 'T. C. Ayer Co., Levreal, Mar Aiso manufaeturers of P SARSAPARILLA. gersl.; _ IGOR. We have no et:wrote I We publish the formulas of all our medloines. try, thou- care, and t o b meth- ods to be adopted to maks them 'wait - able. The next meeting will be held on tire last ThuM.r rsday in aeh,-/erisee es Annie Murray and Bessie Mitchell h.ave left for Toronto to take good - positions.Mr. Wm. Mttchell Intends eem.oving with Iris family to the West in a few weeks. -Mr. W. G. MeKay and family have 'removed to Toronto, where Mr. McKay has engaged in the grocery busin.ess. lFor Catarrh, let us send you free Just to prove me a. Trial size Box of Dr. Shoop' s Ca Remedy. It is a snove white, cream., healing antis- eptic 'balm that gives instant re- lief to Catarrh of the nose and throat. Make the free test and see. Address Dr. Shoop, Racine, Wis. Large are 50 cents, Soldeby .0. Aberhart, drug-- gist, Seaforth. , Canada. Jaancs Sloan, one of th.e ,beet known residents a Harwich town- ship, Kent county, was leading a horse into O. liftable when he was kicked by a colt and three ribsi were broken. -Mr, Thomas Wills, ex -M. P. P. for West Hastings, died last week s en e v . e Barr, of London, who has been ite Ayer's ?Ms at bedtime Net one. Keep the bowels open with one of was over. 80 years a age. He was charge a the instruction of dairy ------------------/ treasurer of the CenlIty of Hastings work in . Western Ontario for the for over 50 years and retired on a Bostor but the thrifty wife andlthe superannature allowance not quite Provincial Government, including the Dairy School at Strethroe', has resiga- eseng family managed the farm two years ago. He was prominent in h absence. Often could she be church, political and municipal life ed thg. position. He is to enter the "'"' sryice of the Dominion Government as seen binding, stooking and pieching fer a great many sea,rs. • 8neavea on tile wagon and in the mow -Rev. P, MeF. McLeod, formerly - head head of e dairy branch of. the Fruit. and Dairying Department, under the while her house was a Pattern of minister of the Central Presoyterian tidiness. In 1888 they retired from Church, Toronto, but who left that charse of Mr. A. J. Ruddick. Mr. F. the farm and came to Hensall, pure city 10 years ago, died last week at Hems, Stra,throy, who has been. at chasing from Mr. Wm; Stoneman, sr., 'Upper Tooting, London, Eng„ where the dairy school for moire years'has the commodious dwelling east o..he h .0 the ,ad tharge ot flourishitte cone been appointed by the ProvincialGov- erriment to succeed Mr, Barr. Mr. postoffice and where Mr. White died gregation. In Canada ihe also occu- en 1899, .About two years, ago she had pied the pulpits of Knox Church, in Barr has many frieeds in this vie- e,et anse.sas of the liver and this, with Stratford, and a. Presbyterian church inity who will be pleased to eee that - he is still eh the upwaTi.d. march tmd_ other cornplIcetions, no doubt, accel- in Victoria, B. C. The only surviv- era,ted her end. Her end was truly' Ing member of the family of seven is that his abilities are being recognize peace. No doubt her soul is now settee Rev. Dr. McLeod, of Barrie ed and availed of for higher and more inehortent duties end they will con- hgo na.ouse;,,d in the paradiee ef God, _.4. few days ago a. four Year .old ()Pt, and where sighing son of John GilIles, cof Preston, in gratulate him on his promotion. Mr.1 and sorrow, is unknown. Some of her: Waterloo County, was drowned in the Barr le an old Hiebert boy. and a. lest words to one Who knew her from river at that place. The lad had been teother-in-law of M.essrs. James and Peter Kerr, McKillop, and Mrs. Jas. her early days were; How few old. sleigh -riding neer the river at a friends speak of Jesus and his love ;short distance from his home and Aithheson,, BOX born. when they come in." "1 am soon ran into an open part of, the river, vention of the Epworth Leagues and knew that he was ,saved," Sam want!, er discovered by the distracted fath- home." '" Poor Sem, if I onlye Christian' Workers. -The annual con- i g°ing where his body and sleigh were lit - Sunday schools of Godeench district, lull' 8C111 who teas buried a. few day was held in the Methodist chutch, in, previously. "I had ,a, sight a Jesus- serious accident happened Sat - Myth, on Thursday and FrIdaY,Mar,ch yesterday, Oh how glorious" "Sing' ueday morning last, when Miss Ger- 7th and 8t11. A large number of delete gates and friends werein attendance. •Rev. J. C. Reid, of Nile circuit and me that hymn:, Sleep on Beloved," and ardine Gallvvey, daughter of Mrs. C. we sang it, she Joinhig in weak an E. Gallwey, residing at Rockliffe, broken accents. Being led to zee the near Ottawa, was 'nearly burned to president of the Distriet League, was truth of the"Opo Body," the Lord's death while sewing near a grate fire the presiding officer. The addresses second corning and reign; the twO re- in 'her 'room. She brushed a spark and debates were very instructive and surections of righteousness and wick- from a sewing board, on to her dress, helpfulRevrifeSoma, of Clinton,ied, Rev, XIV and XX, She often spoke which oecame a mese of fire. ' 'With gave a very edifying address on the of therm John V-24, Holy DrSteph- vermwas her favorite great presence of mind, Miss Gall- . work of the . . She was Me 'other of wee- rushed out and rolled 'herself in ,. . m enson of Tornto, was unake tbe five children„ three of whom 1' emain the snow, but sustaines bums of the 6 . e present, but +Sent a good sUbstitute# Dr. Woodsveerth, who gave three ex- cellent addresses during 'the ses- sions. Mr. W. H. Keer, of Brussels, was present Friday evening and gave a very 'heIrtfel talk 01/1 Sundayschool work. The choir of the church sup- plied music. Mr. J. Leilie Kerr sang a solo in good form. tr. Harland, Of Clinton coritriouted two solos. Mr. Reid was re-electedepreeddent for an- other year. ' - Dille= Court Sittings. •:-.• Divielon Court sittings' will be hed ler this county during itb.e current year ; on the following dates : Goderich-April 2, eifey 1, jute` 1# July 2, Sept. 8 Oct. 2, Nov. 1, Dee. 2, Jam 3 and Peb. 3, at 10 a. m. Seaforth-April 9, June 11, Sept. 27, Nov. 12, Dec. 16 and Jan. 28, at 9 a. m. Clinton -April 12, Jsne 14, Sept. 30, Nov. 14, Dec. 18, zed. Jan. 80, at 9 a. tn. Bruseelta- April 4, June 5, Sept. 25, Nov. 7., Dec. 11 and jen. 23, at 9 a. m. Ex- eter -May 14, July 4, Oct. 8, aid Feb. 5, at 9.80 a. an. Dungannon -May 21, July 9, Oct, 15, nabs 11, at 10 a, m. Bayfield -May 28, July 11, OL. 17 and Feb. 14, at 10 a. m. Niringl- bam-April 6, July 6, Sept. 26, Nov, 8, Dee. 12 and Jan, 14, at 9 a. tn. Gorrie -April 8, Attie 4, Sept. 24, Nov. 6, Dec. 10 and Jan. 22, at 9 a. ne Zdr- ich-May 13, July 3, Oct. 7 and Feb. 4, at 10 a, ne Creditan-Ma,y 15,July 5, Oct. 9 and Feb. 6, at 10 a. mt Blyth -May 16, July 8, ittict. 101 and Feb. 11, at 11 a. m. • Died ini North Dakota. -There died at his home in Hwnsboro, North Da- kota, an February 18, of neuralgia: of the heart, James Messer, son of Mr. James MeSsete- Morris township, aged 44 years arid 2 months. The late Mr. Messer was 'Dorn in Morrie township, near Bluevale, in December 1862, and spent his early life there. About 16 sears ago 'he went 'to the west and for a time resided at Boissevain„ Man., rroving in 1895 to Rolla, N. D, here he went into tnry e lbakebus- these, Later he was manager of a store at Antwerp,' and after some time 'he purchased the eta* and -moved it to the new town of Hansborot He was postmaster at Antwerp, and af- ter 'lies removal to Haneboro was al- so' postmaster there. In August . of 1905 he was married to Miss Mabel Secord, who with a daughter terv months old now mourn the loss of a. husertnd and father. Decea,sed, was a member of the .A. 0. IT. W., and was held in high esteem by a large circle of friends and acquaintances. The remains were bueied at the cemetery at Rolla, N. D. Sleeplessness Disorders of the stomach prddute a nervous condition, and often prevent sleep. Chamberlain's Stolnach and .Liv- er Tablets stimulate the digestive or- gans, restore the system to a heelthy condition, and make sleep possible. Por elate by all druggists. • Hensall. In Memoriam. - Mrs. Margrette 'White, nee McMorran, whose demise took place in Hensall on Feb. 1811,,, and was noted in these columns, was born in 1823, near Belfast, County Down, Ireland. Her early days were spent on a farm. She was of a, eyelet and retiring nature. In the spring of 1847 she was married to Jame e White and two weeks, after sailed for Am- erica. After • eight weeks of a very stormy passage they arrived in Thorn- hill where she had a brother carry- ing on a !general store; some 12 miles north of Toronto, Mr. White 'bought out a lbakery in Richmond. Hill, and which he carried- on for e,omO years. About 1853, they, with two -children, came to the Landon Road. Here the family - settled down near Rodger - ars, the ere was airie eing to back • ght e vine, oa a farm. After a few y selling out to David eicTa,ggart family moved to Illenois, U. S. a tent was pitched untiht-a. house 'built. In the rneantime,ftethe p was 'belles broken up, some If 'built and a well suak. Sellin good advantage the family came to Rodgeei.ille, the farm' was 'b back from Mr. McTs.ggart. Here White engaged. in the purchase shipping of horses • to Buffalo t1 to mourn her departure, Mrs. D. most serious character. McLeod, of Detroit ; !William, of Us- -John, A. Duncan, manager of the 'borne, and Mrs. Robert Bonthron, of .Bank of Commerce at Ayr, Waterloo Rensall. Mr. Alex. Mcelorran, of county, has been committed to stand Lucknow, is a brother or the de- his trial on the charge a having ceased. transferred $13,000 to his ow ae ac- Slel31 ep.(..0tr beloved and take ithy rest. count in the bank by raising a sum Lay down thy heati upon the SaVietres .$61,34:013,77..99, n 00iholi 'tveecbzharylterndaeicasoutn. t He' breast, Ntelevoteetitl tl.tee. Well, but Jam loves hoard ;lib:072r years rsadhad sernvic eeaiu f the o bank hee; Good, -night, Geneeniseee, Geseesigas 'promoted to a better position at until tee Easte'r' eery genets the ,Brantrord when the discovery wae Hes eon, J. made. Until the dead in Jesus shall; arise _he skies, will. of the late Timothy Ea - And He Shall come, but. not owly ton' has teen probatea at $2,699,642.94 C. Eaton, and two daugh- in lters are the executors. His resi- dences in Torento and Muskoka and .$10,000 a 'year and the income from his ,bank stocks are left to bis wi- doW during her life. Mite. Burnside, a: daughter, receives an income of 45 a leer e and ea 'guise• Good -night, Good -night, Good -night. Drysdale 0 Our School. -The following he the re- port a the pupils of Union ,schopl eection No. 1, Hay and Stanley ' $,000 year during ne for ' the month of .February. The report the hitedeath oe her mother becomes en - to the income from the bank is based upon regularity, punctuality, , stocks. Another daughter, Mrs. Bur - good. conduct and general proficiency; den, was provided for during. Mr, Ea - Class V -David Stelk. 'Class IV-Thoe. Johnstone Gerald Snider, David Oeseh ton's life. His son, V. F. Eaten, takes the factoey and residence in and Harold Schnee, equal, Milton Oshawa, ,and the bulk and balance Johnston, Henry Dowson, Lorinda DowsonSrIII-Earl SchilbeJrof the estate goes to the other sou, '. . . . Joluiston. Sr. II --Noah • • -Police Constable A.rehibald Pow, of tman HarJr Schilbe Gor- 1 e . dote Johnston: Part n-trepa Pole • . Woodstock dropped dead at Beach - lock, BeesiSniderPart 1, B -Arne eine, Oxford, county, Whither he had gone in search of the .prisoner Porbes old Schilbe, Minnie Johnston. Part I, A -Annabel McDonaldEvelyn AWho escaped, from Woodstock jail dur- Horton, Teacher. . . ing the previous day. The -officer left 0 - Staffs.' (Too late for last week.) W�odstoc In a'buggy in comeatti7 with Turnkey James Foroes at a- boitt midnight, When on the out- skirts of Beachville the buggy. was Notes. -Mr. Wm Miller., who has overturned a.s the reeult of coming spent the past two months with his into contact with a pile of ties by parents here, left for Caron, Sask.,' the side of the road. Neither of the on day. -Mm 3amee Hutehison, of men were hurt. While Mr. Forbes Mitchell, was the guest of NITS. F. was fixing the rig the officer was D. Hutchison last week.. -Miss Sinda holding the horses and dropped in the Drake and Mr. J. Hay spent Sunday roadway, expiring almost immediate - with friends in Mitchell. -Misses Bunn lye It is supposed his death occurred and Mable Barbour spent a couple of from 'heart failure consequent upon days last week with friends in Car- the shock as he was 'thrown from the lingford.-Mrs. T. VIV11111,, of Mtich- buggy. ell, visited her son' here last week. - Charles Tuffin, Jr., left for Man- A SPRING. NEED,. itoba on Tueeda.y. - Mr, and Miss Thompson, of Whitby, spent last week Weak, Tired and Depressed People Need a Tonic to Put the Blood Right. raormam••••• with Mrs. Worden.-Mr. D. Fergus- on. of Itiitcbell, spent Sunday in the village. a - "Preventice" will promptly check ae cold or the grippe when taken early, or at the "sneeze -stage."! Prevent - les cure seated colds as well. Prea venties are little candy cold cure tablets, and Dr, Shoop, Racine, Wis. will gladly mall you samples and a book on Colds free, if you will write him. The samples prove their merit. Check early colds with. Preventics and pies and eruptions. In others it may stop Pneumonia,. Sold in 5e and 26c be through occasional headaches, a boxes by C. Aberhart, druggist, Sea- variable aPpetite, Perhaps twinges a forth. neuralgia . or rheumatism, or a lazy • feeling in the morning and a desire Co r stance. to avoid exertion. For these spring arm Solc1.-Mr. Robert Armstrong aliments it is a tonk you need, and of Wallaceburg, has fsold one bun- the greatest blood making, health- dred &ekes of his farm near here to giving tonic in an the world is Dr. Ur. Wm. Dunlop, for the sum of $6,- Williams' Pink Pine. Every dose, 300. The farm. coatatris 100 acres and helps to make newrich, red, health - Mr. Armstrong still retains the 60 giving blood, which reaches every acres on which no buildings are, This nerve and every organ in the body, le, certainly, a. very choice farm, bringing health, strength and energy and has good buildings on it) and to weak, despondent, ailing men and everything ready to go to work and women. Here is proof. Mrs. George make money. Mr. Dunlop gets good Meritt, Sandy Cove, N. EL, says: value for his moneY. He ha's 'tried the "I was weak, feeling miserable and West, and although he has two sons terribly run down. The doctor whom farming in Saskatchewan, he pre- I ,consulted said the trouble was fere old Huron for himself, and be has ,secured a good home, where he .can spend the remainder of hie days In peace, comfort and 'plenty. Spring blood is bad blood. Indoor life during the winter months is re- sponsiele for week, watery, impure blood. You •need tonic to build up the blood in spring Just as much as the trees need new sap to given them vitality for the summer. In the spring, bad blood shows Itself in many ways. In some it breeds pins . 4.. Molesworth Notes. -All the eana11-pox cases in this vicinity have now recoveredened quarantine has been raised. -Some evenings ago a -sleigh load: of young people spent a very pleasant evening at the home of Mr. Johnston, 2nd I concession Grey.-eiesers. 'W. Mc - "Donald wild osep.h Combes, of Bridge - ford, Manit a, Who have been spend= iqg the r whiter hereabouts, have re- turned to their homes in the West. - Mr. and Mrs. John Campbell, of Ore- gon, ave' visiting friends in this vi- cinity. -At the last meeting of the Wo- anasmiat but he did not help me, A friend advised - nee to take Dr. Wil- liam' Pink Pills and it is simpler Impossible for trne to over 6stirnate the gobd 'they have done me. I shall always recommend them to ailing friends." But if you want • new health you must get th .genuine Dr, Willia,ms' Pink Pills for Pale People, manufac- tured in Canada, at Brookville, Oa. Other so called TAttic pilisare fradu- leot imitatiOns. The genuine- Dr. Wil - Harris' Pink Piller are sold by all re- putable medicine dealers or sent by mail at 50 emits a box or six boxes for $2 50 by writing. the Dr. Willisznie` Medicine Co„ Brockville, Ont. Goghs, adds, 'Morasses*, and other throat and men's Institute, Mrs. W. Fraser read Ohnv45 are quickly relieved by sresolenr and t very interesting paper on Pou17f blete.teneenteiterbor. Aildruggiste "Satisfaction o you 01 1111MXINISMOX00••••••••••••=x Scrhozsam.4- stitch of the garxnenbs. You Our ern _ P oovress anc UltS vain has just arriied, and is a living assurance That they are justly and aptly named Pro- gress Brand. Progression is evidenced in every curve and see Progress in the patterns and wallty of the Ifoods Progress in the indvvidza.1tzj of style Progress in the perfection o Progress in their unquestionahle ea Progress in the science o 10^' "••••••••81010•01.4.14Miliiiii••••••• ufacturtn .3 that will f lye the limit of wear othvue In a word, everything connected with these �icbbes have, progressed, and show marked signs of advancem MC0-1:2T rX3EEM Your common 13613136 of self-protection should bring you here for Progress Brand Clothing-elothing that is sold bY the most representative clothing stores from the Atlantic, to the Pacific, clothing that for years has been giving sai- isfaction-absolate sagsfactiou-to thousands of - men throughout this vast Dominion, clothing with a reputation that has made it the largest (bar none) clothing factory in. Canada, and clothing whose popu1atit is growing year by year wholely and solely on its merits. Leading Prices $7.50, $10 and $12 80AottottokokeWWWWWW,Yetto.reW Our Stock o EASTER HAT Is now complete, and conattut,eg the largest collection of brand, new, up -to• date stylish hats that has ever been collemed in one store. It is impor- tant that you buy your hat where the choice is large and varied, because every type of lace has a particular shape of hat peculiarly adapted to it The combination of the right hat kr your face will make a wonderful at- rence in yoar appearance. leCTIVG- is raade flora the finest English fur felt, with an eye to ecuring that indi duality of style which makes a hat becoming, EWART BROS. SEAFORTU Bu uer and Eggs taken as 0a3h. Canadian Pacific Railway. SETTLERS' TRAINS Every Tueiday during March and Apn Leave Toronto at 9 p. mfor settlers taking live stoek, Special Coast Rates daily March 1st to April 30th -1---$42 75-Seaforth t� Vancouver, Iriot,oria, Westminster, R 0,; Seattle, Tacoma Washington and .Portland, Oregon. For map, faders and tickets, apply to STEWART BROS., Agents P: L Tkkets,. Telegraph and Dominion Express.