The Huron Expositor, 1907-02-22, Page 7A k A lotix&rvx _ . k C...P.BV.e.NSS.e.e.K.V.N9.VMOW....W.Wg..t.M.N.k.tdhht.,aeA.Fg2aS.hr...,ern , 0 f t t .. d of Calle rg Y ows that nedicin 1 atuite that you ncreac the flow FIGS and tonics. ourself of Kidney. Lstipation— Skin .First, the minute Id get by eating a :zit to do any real iuit would upset ulpy fibre found icuties when he a-tives." n fruit—hut witF extracted from th- em of the bite ic and antiseptics Le: eels, Kidneys and ore bile, which b wels) Frait-a-tives isorcierect Stomach -- :--for Skin Eruptioes-- yonr d ggist or dealer 205 te Vetee inary Offiee and reel reet, one doer ea re, Hie°, Seaforth. orLanunN. v. S. rary gradnate of the On axle ay College, an Honorary ef the Medical Association Onterio Veterinary College. dams of all Domeatio, Is by the most modern prinoi- ntistry and Milk Fevef a Office opposite Dick's n street, Seaforth. AR ,t the hotel will eeceive Hon. Night calla ro- of -floe. 187142 arse- tert, neent els coon ' nde 'Outer tolled sole and heel er double heavy - Em.a, Mitt - Inside is of Wad 30 you can have this 21 hoe 3640 mcsommeconoweasTmcilcso sszmsNmswermirresicaNNWIWZMIASINt Established 1879 _ Loping Cough, Croup, Bron 70ough, Grip-, Asthma, Diphtheria isolene la a boon to Asehnlatles 'Fees it tilt seem more effective to breathe la a edy to cure disease of the breathing organs 1. to take the remedy into the stomach 7 F. cures lrecause the air rendered strongly a = ts carried over the diseased surface with . . brezth, goring prolonged and constant LT t. It invaluable to mothers with smali dren. hose of a consumptive iency find immediate ,•!f from coughs or in - Led conditions of the oil by drug -gists. end postal for booklet. ,zstt.7;(1,.1..51n,.Es [iced, Antf., Mont- t Culada. arg E SYREI ,s COUGHS, COLDS, BRONCHITS RSENESS and all THROA.'g VG TROUBLES. Miss Florence New Germany, N.S„ veritese-- cold which left me with a v cough. I was afraid I was going consumption. I was advised to Uni WOOD'S NORWAY PINE SYR el little faith in it, but before 1 n one bottle 1 began to feel netters after the second I felt as well ae My cough Ilea completely dUar d. PRICE 2$ CENTS. JOHN BEA TTI E Dittslon Court Clerk, luti a number of p 4or sale nr to rent, among which Is re; lot, the South rast Flail of Town Lot et ware, in George Sparling's Survey, Seaforth will be sold on reasonable terms. in3tIrantle ed, 01,45 collected and loans made on eatis$10 turity a reasonabie rates, can annnee tee e convinced. tote envision Court Offlee, 20184 LEGATI. 'JAMES L. irtutonAN. Wester, -Solicitor, Notary Pub- ete. Mooey • to loan. sn Seatorth odeys, Fridays and Satardaye. Of - open every week day, Over kard's Store, Main etreet, Seed - h. 1004 11. El. HAYS. liter, Solicitor, Conveyancer ternPtblio. Solicitor 4,1or Dominion Bank. Office—In rear of the Dominion Bank, Seaforth. Wow to loan. 1286 J. M. BEST. serenner, Solicitor, Conveyancer end Notary, Pablic, °Hies nee -gates elTer Fear ni drug' store, Main street, *Worth. 1827 E. HOLMESTED. garrnster, Solicitor, Convey - sneer, Notary Pablio. Solieitor for Use Canadian Bank of Commerce. Money to loan. Facile* for sale. (M- ara in Soott's Block, Main Btreet, jeaforth. DICKINSON & GA.RROW. • 'Barristers; Solicitors, etc., Gode- Oeh, Ontario. E. L. Dickenson, Ohas. alarrow, L. Ji. 13. 18334 f DENTISTRY. DR. H. J. HODGINS. Graduate of Royal (noting° of Den- tal EillTgetetta of Ontario!. Successor to Dr. Toveddle. Office—Over A. ;eoung's groeery store, Main street, re'safortb. 1975 MEDIOAL, DR. JOHN MeGINNIS. Office and residence Victoria' Ste Iteeforth. Phone 78. DR. H. H,UGH ROSS. Graduate of University of Toronto tenuity of Medicine, member of 010 - lege of Physicians and Surgeons of Beite.rio ; pass graduate oeuesesin Chicago Clinical Sehool, of Chioago ; Royal Ophthalmic Hospital, London, ingland; University College Hos- nal, London, England. Officio— Over Stewart Bros.' store, Main leaforth. Phone No. 5. Night calls enewered from residence, Victoria. ntreet, Seaforth. 18110 DR. Fe J. BURROWS. Office and Residence Goderioh *rest, east of the Methodiet church, ineaforth, Phone No. 46. Coroner or the county of Huron. 1386 DRS. sourr & MACKAY. trederieh street, opposite MeL.bo- ttt Seaforth. G. Scott, graduate of Victeria Ann Arbor, and member of the tario College of Physicians and intageons. Coroner or the county is. Aaron. ki Mackay, honor graduate of insanity University, gold medalist of trinity Medical Oollege. Member of fat Oellege of Physicians and Sur - Peons, Ontario. 1483 AUCTIONEERS. THOMAS BROWN. adeeased auctioneer for the wan- ness.. of Huron and Perth. Ordere faftdat A. M. Campbell's implement atare-roams, Seaforth, or at the expositor Office, will receive prompt attention. Satisfaotion g uarEueteed or ebarge. 1708-tf JAMES G. MeMIC3HAEL. Licensed auctioneer for the noun- , ri of Huron. Sales attended to in ene part of the °aunty at moderate tate,s and satisfaction guaranteed. )rders left at ` the Seaforth poet office, or en Let 2, Conce,ssicea 2, Hullett, will receive prompt at- tention. 1832-t2 B. S. PHILLIPS. Licensed auctioneer for the ocrun- ties of Huron and Perth. Hebei a ereetical farmer and thoroughly *understanding the vane of farm *took and implements, places me lin a better position to realize _goad ries. Chargentoder at e. Satis- tuition guaranteed or no pay. All meleF5 -left at Hensall pest office or at Lot 23, 00/100ssi011 2, Hay, will te promptly attended to. 1700-tf The DEcKiliop Zutual Fire Insurance ' Company - FARM AND ISOLATED TOWN PECPERTY ONLY INSURED, 0,0•Va •••••••10.••11. OFFICERS. J. B. NOT.42.11, president, Kippen P. A; Thomas Fraser, viceepreni- dent, 13ruoefield P. 0.; Thomas E. 11176, secretaryetreasurer, Seanarth P• O. DIRECHORS. William Cheeney, Seaforth ; John G. Grieve, Winthrop ; George bate, Seeforth ; John 13erinewele, Dublin; ifame6 Evans, Beeoh-wood ; John Watt, Harlook'Thos. Fraser, Brune - held John 13. McLean, Kippen ; Jae. gowning, Clinton. AGENTS. Rot. Smith, Harlook ; E. Flinch - len, Seaforth ; James Cumming, Eg- montiville ; J. W. Yeo, liolmesville P. 0; Geo. Murdie and Geo. Steph- nneon. auditfre, 6. ....•••••••1.•••0••• 40.1•011.11 J. Lewis Thomas Civil Engineer, Architect. eto. Late DominionDe Partraeet Public Works. Consulting Engineer for Municipal or County work. Metric Railroads - Sewerage or Waterworks Systems, Wherves,Bridges Re -enforced Concrete. PIIOXS 2220, 202Mf, LONDON, Osr.: _ • By HAMLIN GARLAND .1.1.1111.1.1.111•• Coplirifittti 1008,by el:Wen Goelend 10ont1nued from last week.). Ann spoke up: "Please let us go on, Mr. Barnett Is taking me in to meet ray brother, and I am cold and hun- gry." - There was something thrilling in the calm, clear sweetness 'of her voice, and the first of the vedettes, pressing near- er, leaned from his saddle to ask: "Who is your brother, lady?" "His name is Louis Rupert. Hee is only a boy, and I am going in to care for him." "Rob Raymond's kid. I know him," replied the vedette. "But Ithougnt he was visiting you In the Sprtrigs." 'He was, but he went back to the camp today, and I am very'. anxious about him." . "He's all. rightnlatly, so long as Rob Reyniond has him In hand, You are welcome, but Barnett Is on the out- side and must stay there." "I decline to acknowledge your au- thority," responded Barnett, now thor- oughly angry. The horseman laughed softly, irritat- ingly. "Manners don't go with ua at the present time. I must ask you to eamp right here' or go bank to Grand View- till I can communicate with' the president of the 'union. If you are 1 here to talk compromise the man will be glad to meat you, but my judsment Is that you better retire to Grand View. I will nee that this lady gets to her brother." Ann WitS not a timid girl, but the thought of riding away into the black- :10Se oi tne nigbt with these sinister guards unide her flesh chill and. her -nerves creep. "Dont leave me, Done' 4 elle whispered. Barnett etormed at the feoreemen. "It is impossible! If I am forced to go back she must go with me. What right have you to interfere in our plats?" The answer came quickly, eoldly, ev- ery wdrd tellrng "I'll tell you. The boys have learned that you have been chiefly instrumental in pushing the sheriff into another raid, and if trouble comes they'll kill you. It isn't safe for you to be en the hill tomorrow. Now you needn't be afraid to trust thelady to me." The, vedette removed his hat. "k am not aeraan to be feaaed by 'WO.: • men." s - • Ann lignite -spoke. "I can't consent to your goiug Into danger for me, Don. Tarn been. enel I will go on." "It is madness' he said in a low voieo "These men are not fit escorts for You. We will both go back and went—until moruing." Ante's teeth were Chattering tvith cold. ; "I dread that long drive. We must, be almost at our destination." The two borsemeu coeferred together, fuel at, last one eif there returned to say: "briver, you may Come on until goo reach the first cabin at the foot of • the hill. There tbe lady sell' get out, and you will drive Mr, Barnett back before daylight tomorroW morning." As they drew up before the shanty door tbe leader of the vedettes rode forward. and said gently: "Lady, the road from here to the simunit is lined with cabins, and no harm can poseibly come to you while I have you in charge: On if you like, you can stay here till morning; but I would advide You to go tea te Mrs. Kelly's, Thee is no cabin suited to your needs on this side a the peak.'a . Annetiff and weary and hungry, ran) iu her seat witn a sort of despera- tion.. "I will go," he said with trem- bling voice. • The vetlettee diemounting quickly, helped her to the ground, while the Wee - end man, leaning low on his horse, en- tered into a mottered conve oaelop with an ulikempt man in the do rway. Barnett argued and, insist d ongoing on' te Kelly's. "Not one step farther!" $ ernly com- manded the vedette. "B t you cati sleep here till daylight if yeti wish." , Ann interposed. -"Don, il beg of you go home. 1 don't wan you to go . au y farther. I am- not efraid now. This male witrtake toe to Infis. Kelly's. I'm sive of it, aid Louis will be there this time, a1u1 Mr.' Itayreond." "uifiling, lady. And it isn't late -- not more than 7 o'clock. We'll almost get there in time for supper. Can You rate a horse?' "Well, 1 wi1l4put you on ,nay saddle, :lee I will walk and lead the home." The light from the doorway felt upon lam as he approached her, and the sieht of his boylsb face reassured Cr. A:4 Barnett saw her rise to th'e pad - (Ho fie burst out: "This is pteposterous! You must not go up there, The boy isn't worth it, I'm going with you or tight!" Ile drew hie revolv r, but some one -seught his hand from sehind and twisted the w out of I is grasp.- -or) on. neck. tase . care of him," culled the maxi in the cabin door. Egilt of -the lanap vas left be- llied end the darkeess se dell round her a convulsive terror sole d upon the Oa The horse, stumbnin over loose veeks in the road, which r n back and forth on the hillside like folds of braid, peened now and again und4ir dark and s ;emit pi IRIS. v, lie her guard came back.toward: ben something rose in her throat, eome elenivia at dread, and her br ath rushed. hoarsely through her lips. "If Robert -only knew my need of Wm," she thought, "he would surely c me to me." 'The enau'e voice was g ntle as he said: trou see, lady, the cunp is In _a tereibhe excitement' We ward today that the sheriff was coin ng with a pose, and the boys kind 0' hold five or six o' those ene lungers in•the Springs responsible. They are particularly down on Barnett for putt ng Mackay - up to that trick. But you'l be perfect- -- CLAASIII0C,NLZAIL. The Kind Yini li to Always Stliaja te.44 1 nears the Signature of ! I ZUSBAWS BEST jilELPER Vigorolis Health Is the Grout Source of Power to Inspire end Encourage Ail' Women Should Seel; IL One of theiraost noted, successful and richest men of this century, In a recent article has said "Whatever 1 ara and whatever success 1 have...attained in this world 1 owe all to my wife. From the day I first knew her she has been an inspiration and the greatest helpmate of my life." To be such a successful wife- to retain the love and admiration of her husband, to inspire him to. make the moSt a him. - self, should he a woman's constant studa. If a woman, finds that her energies are flagging, that shegetseasily tired, dark shidowe appear under her eyes, oho hae backache, headaches, bearing -down pa.inn, nervousness, irregalarities 01 the blues, she should startat once to build up her system by atonic with specific powers, such as Ly- dia E. Pinkhary.i's Vegetable Compound. Following we Publish. bk request a letter frotn a young wife: Dear Mrs. rinkhate -filver since Inv child was born I have snf= fend, as I hope tow women ever have, wil i:1;lanunation, female v;vakuess, bearin • etlew.n. pains, ,baelcaoho and Wrotolied, head - :wives it afeected nlvsternech Esc) I could ind enjoy my meals, and half illy timewa S r. :it m bed. .yola Voc.rel able Compound TI:10)ft well women, and I feel so grateful thvt 1gm glad to writ:e and tell you of my 11)11'r .1011H re .overy„ it brought rue lietiltb, 11 ex lite luta vibtlity."—ars. llessie Alusley, h 10;.h Tr.coma, Wash. — *CV1r1t Lydia, E. l'inirliarn's Ytztablo Ciet.ne;;Ilif (l.'s.' for Yrs, i'Mmiey it win. do ,fer an I ailing womm.u. .1i rem ha'.-'' rvinntoct4 you don't On. el rrit6 to lkiri. n k:ham, fq Lydia E. ria haze, at inr advice free anil • ••• -4 ly safe at -Kelly's." At length Ann's leader turned to- ward a dark, high point of rocks, the trail began to descend and a few min- utes later they came to a warmly lighted cabin, on the door of which the guide resolutely knocked. The latch was thamediately 'Men, and a small, pale woman with a blur of yellow hair about her head appeared In the light, • "Hatt!" cripd a clear voice. "Mrs. Kelly, I've brougbt you n boarder," began the vedette. Ann caught sight of a boy at thiel ble and gave a cry of joy. "Oh, Loitels. Louis!". • With a whoop the boy rushed from -the cabin and thing his arms around her. "Oh, Ann, but. I'm glad to see yeti! Where is Cousin Don? Which way did you come? Itob hae gone down to Bozie to meet yen." Ann 'turned to thank her guide, who wee !waking at hcr with jundiegulsed admire Lion. "It WilS a greet pleaeitre," he re- plied, svith ari annunsption of grand manner. "Introduee m, please," he , said to Mrs. Kelly.' "I must introduce myself first," said the little woman. "1 inn Mrs. Kelly, anti your guard is Mi.. Jaelc Munro." Ante gave Win ner heed. "I thank Mr. nitturo, but I thiuk he should have allowed, Mr. Barnett to come into shel- ter. It seemed cruel to Evend him back ou that long; cold arive." Altinro remaitil unmoved. "On, he'll stay at CI aysonnno rernight" airs. Kelly put in a word. nI think you better come into shelter. You must be cold and huhgry. Won't you step inelde, Mr. !thinner "No, thank you. It is a great tempts - time but Fee worn to do." , And so,ebilled and hungry, Ann en- tered the pleasant' home of the Kellys, ,and the terror of the dark ride became a Part 6f the outer world, shut away by the strong, rude door. "Rob has gone down to the stage of- fice," erained Mrs, Kelly. "We thought „ ou'd come ,that way." Mrs.. Kelly nut Ann down to some tea and cold net, andwbUe she wasstill it the _table and in. the -midst of her story Raymond flung open the door, "Here she ler he called to some one behind hiln, and., his white face and glowing eyes testified to his great anx- Ann rose to meet him with a rush of trust and confidence that filled her throat and rendered her wordless, but she held her hand toward isim. 'He seized it. "I was greatly alarmed when 1 heard. that you were coming alone. How did you come? How did1 you find the way?" Ann then said, "Your friend Munro met us, turned Don blink and piloted. )7ae up the bill." Raymond turned to a. big man who stood waiting: "Miss Rupert, this is Matthew Kelly, my mining partner." Ann. gave her hand Into Kelly's enor- mous palm with a look of admiration. "I um glad to know you, Mr. Kelly, I have heard Louis speak of you very often." In the presence of these men Ann lost an sense a fear and weakness. They were possessed of something which Don, loyal as be was, lacked. Bayraend's eyes hardly left her face, but she no longer resented his interest. On the contrary, she studied him close -- 1y. There was a subtle change in him. He 'seemed older, gentler, htt more manly and handsomer than before, "It is a rude place for you to live, Miss Rupert," he seta, "hut there is no danger. The strike has not Involved us. We are, as peaceful as a farm .here." She smiled back into his eye:4 with more of lining than tine had ever ex- pressed. "I am not Ilfrlia," Fate replied. "I am 'going to find the camp Interentiug. At ally rttee, oo long 113 LOill.4 is retied in his determination to be n miner. I unist Izeop bin'i !a ingnt." "It Is a greet plensnre te have him with me, and I tun glad to be of tee to him, for his own sake as well as for what you 1110'0 COMO to mean to me." Ann's lashes fell before. the gbw of his admiring eyes, and with tbin nign of Weakness a flush of resentment again passed over her. "Ile must not look at me in that way," she complain- ed to herself. When Raymond left the house to walk back to bis own cabin he resent- ed for the first thne the presence of Louis. Ile wisbee to be alone with the mysterious emotion which had swept back upon him at sight of Ann. He faced. the night, out of which every shred of vapor had vanished, and the blue -black vault, blazing with innu- merable jetting globes of light, Invited to high thoughts, to•serious imaginines. His duty plainly was to lay bands 'upon the lad and hustle Mm back to Valley Springs and. so put both brother and sister out of his life; but this was not easy. He argued that she was in no danger and that the change of air would do her goOd. "She will be inter- ested in the mines," he went on in formless debate with himself. "The scenery is magnjficent; and then, of course, she can go down at any time we think wise." CHAPTER XIII. HE little enoom to which Mrs. Kelly conducted Alin was hard- ly larger Shan a .steamer state- room and was very primitive as regards its furnishings, "Itds a small place and a rough place for such as you, but It's the best'we nave," said Mrs. Kelly. Ann responded. to the humility which shaded the hearty -voice of her bosteosn end, though she shivered in the chill air, answered cheerily: "I'm sure this Is very nice. The bed Is tempting," Hesitatingly, with many misgivings, Mrs. Kelly withdrew, and Ann hurried- ly disrobed and leaped into the bed, which was white as snow and almost as cold: It was like a plunge into the breakers at enagololia; it fairly took her breath away, and there was no escape from this icy contact, for the air was as bitter as the sheets. • But the joy of the meeting with Louis and the unexpected glow of confidence and pleasure with which she met Ray- mond's anxious, piercing eyes came back to warm her heart. How changed Raymond was! flow deeply brown! He looked as vigorous as she saw him first at the ranch, and yet different—years older; and -with bio stgength, his resolution, something new was mingled—sonaething graver and Cure younelf at home for 3 cents a day. If you have Kidney or Bladder Trouble, the greatest physician in the world can do no more than cure you. And you might have to pay him neoci or new for a single eYemlnation. Bu -Ju will cure you of every trace of Bladder Irrita.tion and Kidney Disease for ec. a day. Te Cent -lc Kidney Pill No physician willpromise to cure you, and they all send in their • ,bills,:evhether they cure or not: TORONTO, ON., June 4, x204. Raving caught a severe chill in ray back, aild my Kidneys appearing to be affected thereby, I was induced, through seeing your advertisements in one of the daily papers, to try a box of your Bualu Pills, and am pleased to tell youthat after taking only two boxes of them the trouble entirely disappeared, and I have not been troubled since. Almon') CARTES. Bu-lu is guaranteed to make the Kidneys well and strong. If you honestly think, after a fair trial, that Bu -Ju has not helped you, return the box and we will refund your money. soc. a largo box. At druggist:), or sent on receipt of pricee THE CLAFLIN CHEMICAL CO., LIMITED WINDSOR. ONT. apes ho; ars spurs and kw - Her rabid took up 14. - Ix of her' poNitif,” :roatY bed in a inincif3 langsued. "Ana 1 to meet toy CoU;i, Ercezing?", But at last a glow oA fort began to steal over bet., A. dencia languor, and then—she was awalzeni by a grinding sound and by the sbou lug of cheerful children, and a feNk minutes later the gentle voice of Mrs. Kelly sounded at tne door. ".Axe you awake?" Ann threw back the covetlet to ftnd the room full of sunshine. "May come in?" asked Mr. Kay. "Certainly," said Ann, and the pale and pretty little housewife entered with a pitcher a Willtn water. "Good meriting. How did you sleep the night?" "I don't know. I haven't the slight- est Idea where the night went to."t, After her hostess left her Ann lay staring at the rough walls and the still more primitive ceiling in wonder. "It , must' be real," she thought, "for couldn't possibly dream it." With a realization of her own sloth, she sprang out upon the cold floor and began to dress with:a vigor and celerity she did not know she possessed. During breakfast she studied Mrs. Kelly and began to understand at last that the little mother had not merely washed and dressed the boya and cooked the breakfast, but had served as waitress and maid of all work, and now, Cahn and sweet and: self con- tained, was presiding over the tables If any dish needed replenishing, she sprang up to get it, and this put the robust daughter of wealth to shame. "Don't you feel tired some mornings and he abed?" she netted. afrs. Kelly smiled. "Indeed I do, but I can't afford to lie abed. 'When Matt makes his next strike, sure -I'm going to hire a girl and sleep tall I'm weary of It, if it takes a week." "You must let me do something while I am here," said Ann. "Let the pro- vide a maid tor you." "Oh, no; I was only jokina Sure, you couldn't hire a girl on the hill to do bousework. Beeitles, the best of thetn are not fit company for you, and in a small hut like this you're eheek by Jowl with your help." Ann had net thought of them as com- pany, but she gravely replied: ¶t might bring a maidfrom my cousin's house. At any rate, you must let me help this morning. I can sweep and dna—in- deed I can." "Mighty little dusting the shack needs In this air," said Mrs. Kelly. "Good luck to me, it's tiny." "Lmust help or I will not stay," in- sIsted Ann. "At least I can amuse the children." Louis shot through the door like a stone from a sting. His eyes were dancing. "Good mbrning. everybod he shouted. "Haven't you breakfasted yet? Why, we've been done ten min- utes. Isn't this bully — this life up here? How do you feel this morning?" Ann laughed to see him so elate, so vigorous. "What a child you are!" sbe exclaimed in wonder. Ragweed followed at a little ely. tence. "Good morning, Miss Wiper Good morning, Nora. Hello, younicersd dead he gathered a boy under each arm. He looked very' capable and entirely self contained as he put the lads down and addroesed himself to Ann. "I sup- pose your baggage went to Bole, but w6 will get that today. And, Mrs. Kel- ly, if you need auything to make Bliss Rupert comfortable let us know. To the limit of our resources command we" Ann, with unaccountable lightness of quickly protested. "Now, please clod't make company of me. I am go- ing to earn my living by helping,' Mrs. 'Kelly about the bouse. My bed was very comfortable and my breakfast de- licious. 'tartlet else do I require? One nee(tn't ask how you are. You look to be perfectly well again." Louis stared at his sister and was about to make some revealing remark when Raymond intervened. "We are very glad to have you in camp, but you must not suffer inconveniences." "I've been thinking perhaps it would do me good to stiffer hardship,' she an- swered, with e reflective glance. • go considered a moment before chang- ing the subject. "Everything seems quiet up street this morning, so our tronble may blow over. I am going up by and by and. will report on 'what is brewing in the saloons. They are the' storm centers. I'm *sorry Don started to COMO in, and I hope he will go quiet- ly back and forget the whole incident." "Tell me about the camp. What is the trouble all about? I can't under- stand," she sea -"It's-quite simple," replied -Raymond. "The county is about equally divided now between the miners on the peak and the citizens of the plain. The peak's interests are not those of the Springs, and it has resented for a year, the domination of the Springs. The ownets of the mines are either resi- dents, of the plain or of the east and violently opposed to the politics of the camp. Barnett's man, Maekay, at- tempted to reorganize the working hours of the camp and failed. You know of the misbandling he received." "Wliat are they going to do now?" "I don't know, As tne case stands; the camp is hot against any invasion by the sheriff and 'a mob of hirelings,* as they call his deputies, and his at- tempt to overawe the camp only creat- ed more furious resistance. I will be able to tell better What the outcome will be when 1 learn what the union. has decided to do. Thus far it has been a, game of bluff' on the part of a dozen men who are not strietly miners atoll, and the queetiou of wages bas had )1se tie attention. / am going up now to see what is mina :n." To be Continued.) 1111111.1ane CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Rave Always Bough Bears the Signature e India Pale Ale Prejudiced and unscrupulous vendors may suggest others, but isompare 11 asp way you will—purfiy, freedom from acidity, palatabIeness—Lsbers Ale is soli -sass - ,r) ed by none, cquatied by few—at about half the price of best imported brands. 1 0 MelleteMenlea ASSIMileteeMiellneMeNalM se pra o orb FOR ORCHARDS. ViNEYARDe AND ROW CROPS Patent Automatic 'Regulate. stops Go mactinticit 125 16: pretlitze starting sgain it:0016s. iscisatire. Automatic Neal ACINStAr*Th comet direction el spray. Automatic NostleProtecteearael teeing teazles bgerootelogygeg. &bridling %mast sontita-&rr - *Patent atopir4. la used ana rootentstraltd try A. Department of Agricultural. Sand -for SO i4,te booklet 01 14ente wanted. ,SPRAMOTOR 00,1 BUFFAL-04 NT. 4 A '‘tr2-rr Sz bars to At =issatt man's. women'aosd thoes,"—Wireleas trona "Its atfi roam'. nim lived in a. ettele.” Et neatly, snuglywi roeuratelyi Leave no opening kr the water to mesa M the sides. Get pair and keep your feet dry. EP CRESOLENE ANTISEPTIC TABLETS TRY A simple ;Ind effective remedy for 50R8 THROATS AND COUGHS They combine the germialdel value 'of Crasalens With the soothing Rroperties of slipperyslm and lico- Hee. Your druggist or frojn us, 106 in Etsmps. LYainittie, 31114315 Liinitets, AgenW, Montreal. „lox PAM_ (PRONOUNCED 51 KEEN i••••.•••••. A Illarvellons and Triumphant Record of Victory Over Disease. No medicine has ever effected as large a number of wonderful and almost mar-' 'venous cures as Peychine. It has had one continuous record of victories over diSee,se es of the throat, chest, lungs and stomach. Where doctors have pronounced eases incurable from consumption and ether wasting diseases Psyching steps in and - rescues numbeileas people even from the very verge of the grave. Coughs, Colds, Catarrh, Bronchitis, Chills, Night Sweats, La Grippe, Pneumonia, and other like troubles, all of whick are forerunners of Coneuroptione yield quickly to the cura-i tive powers of Psychme. Mrs. Campbell, one of the many cured, makes the following statement: 'cannot refrain -from telling all who stiffer of my remarkable recovery with Psychine. In April, 1902, I (Aught a heavy cold which settled on my lungs and gradually led to consumption. could not sleep, wr. subject to night sweat, my lungs 'were MO diseased, my doctor considered me incurable. Rey. Mr. Mahaffy, Port Elgin Presbyterian Church, reeommended Dr. filloctun's P5yehlne to Inc. when I was living In Ontario. Aftor using Psychine for a short thne I ate and slept well, the night sweats and cough ceased. Month s ago 1 stopped taking 1:Wen's, as I wan perfectly restored to health and to -day I never felt better in my life. Psychine has been a god- send to we. AlIDERW CA.UPBELL, Cottonwood, N.W.T. PSYCHrNE never disappoints. PSYCHINE has no substitute. There is no other medicine "just as good.n At all dealers! 50e, and $1.00 ver bottle. If not writ° to P. T. A. SLOCUM, flailed, 179 king St. W., TORNIO Dr. Root's Kidney Nils are a sure and permanent cure for Rheumatism, . Bright's Disease, Pain in the Back and all.fortns of Kidney Trouble. 25c per box, at all dealers. '."4 TIME* IN A WOMAN'S LIFE 1, There are three riodsof a w'rnaua lifo , wile* she is in need of the heart etren h- * e.ning, nerve toning, bloe4 enriching 1 action of MIL8URN58 HEART AND NERVE PILLS The first of these is when the young girl. is enteiing the portals of womanhood. At this thus she is very often paleo.yrealt and nervous, and unless her health ss hailt up and her system strengthened elle may a prey to consumption or he a weak woman for life. The second period. is motherhoceL The. drain on the rerstem is great and the ex- hausted nerve force and depleted Moe& regtdre rcpleetshing. Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills ftupply the elements needed to do this. • The third, ppriod is t, change of life & this is the pereed whee she is most liable to heart illtd nerve tronblee. A tremeadoae ohaage is taking place in, the vista% and it is at this time mane- - chronic diseases manifest themselves. Fortify the hea,re and nerve system by the use of Milbarins Heirt find. Nerve thus tide over thiz dkagerons peeled. Mra James King, Cornwall, Ont. write; ; have been troubled very muat -With heart trouble—the eause being to a great extent due to "change of life." I have been taking, Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills for some tune, and mean to continue doing so, for 1 can truthfully say they are the best remedy. 1 have ever used for building upthe syatem. You west libertor to uso this statement for the benefit of other sufferere." Pince 50 conte per box, three boxes for. 81,25, all dealers, or The 2 Maitre Co*, Linateen, Toronto, Ont. 110 EGISTERED MOM POR SALE.—The under signed Oilers for sale on Lot 27, Concession 8, Ilibbert township, a number of heifers and young cows wlthim1esat1oet, 4 Shorthorn bulls fit for hn- mediate service,sired by imported Prince of Banff. The above exek are all stered in the National Stock Records. Prima m erste, terms easy, visitor welecunt , DAVID HILL, Staffs, r. 0. 1996-x22 Winghaark Bus ne *higb grnee Ca Timer: Col Cerny/ter/ha Stenows ply rite gc hoot Telegrep GEORG,E. SPOTTON, Priny Store Overflowing WITH F URNITURE. wealth of stylish furniture for bourtkeepers--ohnost Irma nic reasonable to expect to sell o much. And yet, if merit in furniture, workmanship and prices will appeal to you, and w- are bourd tl at it du, you'll certainly irspect our splendid nevi, steel, before investing elsewhere. 171\T „De Promptly attended to night or day. -Iiifbit'and inndev calls answeied at the residence of S. T. Holmes, Gederich strt-et4oprosite tbe Methodist church Seafortb. BROADFOOT BOX & Cal SFA FO'ETB S. T. HOLMES, Manager.