The Huron Expositor, 1906-11-16, Page 3**31"•1.."....eate„ftt srE FOR SALE, seereerrs. t eeit- lend *d quarter sectione of 150, 10ee., pies nations. Only Orese de security given. Tortola, VOi./ up eats be leer 3,feve For eorther • A JACKSON. Barde. 10594,f. For sale the Meet Rtlref Lot. eession of Tnekersmith, eon- aP.clettred arid in 24 geod tere is, on the premises, a. 00 so) and a eernfertable esti orebard or evinter freil• ay to JOIIN 201e5-8 notable freme house in Ege tree acres of land, collar arra eontains 3 bed room, par. itehen dovrristairs and ewes upstaire. There is p1en4- The property is clese to -both be seed eheap. Apply to lox ;157, Seaforth P. O. 2023ste The snheeriber offers for sale es;being lot 31, 3rd eolleve- itle Ati °leered and Wader- ; all but 13 acres in grew. t, bay hint and ether tout- ed, wood water, _echo olhoese .OW111 six uik n Seaforne Will be sold on easy terms. linton P. O. 2009-xStf LE.—A. McGregor ofiers for the village of Leadbur.,4. on which are a dozehelm , slope for garden, black- sloing good business, g000 e rooms and good cellar and 'atabie and drive house erect - two cows and one horse od poultry house. 'hite 1. post office and store across ining peoperty. It is a good er a very suitable home for i3e sold cheap- For _further &GREGOR, Leadburo 20304 ALE. --The undersign, ole t at most desirable farms • Haif Lot 6, Concettaien 1, There Ls, on the proralees, id bank barn. e0 x 34, Au Ate ring- and in first-clase shape- ron Read, SO miles flow See Clinton and one mile from Moir of Lot 6, COIleessiOli 2. spring that runs the emir a seeded to grass It will be sae the proprietor wishes to ticulars apply en the prem., F. IEWIN, Seaforth, Ontario,. wx3-t4 —For sale, a etory-and-a-balt ey, just outside the eorpor. o are nine rooms and wood !Inflection, else hard and soft lC•re are la acres a land, with [it of the best earietiee, also and hen house for about NO exe recently painted and peps ; to -edit -eon and wookl be "tired farmer. Feir further J. }TWILL, or; c 4, Seaforth P. O. 2011x20 For ode, Lot 8, Coneees' Too 3,. zith, containing 100 aereeeee Erdwood bush. The laterite _tdand infirsalet condition- cs, one a bank barn se xIS ft- nereath and the other 50 x le frame house, three geed 'spring at the rear of the lot,,. orL The ploughing is all wheat. It L within two, silla.ge of Henson and within mse. Apply on the premises eneall R. Oleffistf `or we, Lot 24. Coneeocion 100 acres. Ninety acres are or of eultivation ; there are rad bush. The farm is al/ zell fenced. There is a two -- elate roof, a first.clais farm x SOft., cement silo, pig pen,. Ire two never -failing wells, rid small fruit. This excellent elreeeeeid and Rye miles geavet roads. For further premises or address ALBFOIX /04S.tf acres,100 Lot 3, Concession :erstoith, Huron County, aif 5 aeres of bushFine ells, land and bueh the best. roncessien 4, Timken:faith, aer, Bayfield river erassing a bank barn, brick house, ar, pig and hen house, young. odetime shade trees, 2 wells, built:Finesse are new and up -to - best eonpition. A good lo - forth on a good road. These e together or separately. .It -.eerie! for rent. Apply todiiIe 0„ Ont. 19904f ALE. --For sale cheap and on Conceesion 4, Meliillop. ere, all geared and in fine • are secded to grass, six or. the rest all ploughed and There is a fine spring for e to the buildings, a good - nuns, one with good stablhtre e..alice and implement hoirOce is within a mile and a half If not sold, will be leased inky to the undersigned, box, GOVENLOCK. • • 10O1-tf ?orsale, Lot 5, Concession 141 g- 12o aerem. The farm is al, tte of cultivation. It is well There is n. large two-storey lied and kitchen. There is a smeller earns and driveng trtis. There are two never rei, whieli make it an excel- ( or croppine,. There is alsce windmill. This excellebt. Ilarezek P. 0., four mile t pnrehaser res the prop- els. farm and, if not sold, it a he farzu of the late Jelin Apply on the premises • MEe. JolIN MILOS. • 2014xtf Lot 24, Concession, ne 100 aeree. There are 85- tro!etteei ooti hardwood eincierdraincel and well ferics rseuises, a two-story frame - m and ;soot' cellar. The Ititon.There is also a good' eocel water both at , -a - spring ereek runs- sm,Thbs farm is in first- - Ole too in the township- - !rem the 1, illage of Braces 'eaten. Will be mild ore r is geine west. For lur- e the trIl.tiliheS or address,- GILMOVIt. 201.8x4tf -• —• SALE.—The undersign- ,- lett twist desirable prop- oeion 1, Toisoelup of . There are, on the preps- ' x et, with kitchen attneh. seeair ; a larg.e batik barn,. -es-Wine underneath ; one. o 37, and other useful eetered, both in front ' reed beth for gertin m -d high etate of cultivation, • le feet that the propriete 'earls fifty yeare, being. , -mere in the township.. near both elinreh and' eeit a a Lewd nierket. For -• rirTliERLAND, euteetf 15, Coriceesiork 2 • Lot. Let 14. terneeteforz I !nom Itoad eurveSO ' ney of Enron, contain - Tee twe miles of the thriv- best mare:tee in Wes - ..tee arded the gold nee, (if lee3. The farrott r11. • in -it ten years and en- general fanning - spy izriek dwelling house- •• I - hot air f urnace-- t• li-n fine grounds with el heds;es—orebard we -t and north ogohd :40 Tr °S ef liard wood b mare .e.eseed with Spring" oree (IT would clivide proe tz t Oninty of !furore. 2tr2fetf •. F' Hale, Lot ta, Con Teekersinitle containing - tent -ed and thoroughb" • ieel, and, having' hoem atiszn, isadinittecily, one • fertile in the townsbip. • le else with kitchen and with cistern and Other Med* "t• Iv- two goad bank baraS •1,n:Irl'ng.4. There is a Komi oreliarci of well St:, • are t WO never failinle rici the other at the horn. eituated, beine three flies's. of llensall and one .4.Intzr4t, where there aro =st office tend blaelesmi'tle Is, in poor health, it will be when one halfo tbc pure eoessary. may remain all nit of interest. For 170 U7 enlists or to ItODERW 200e.0 Eivrinit -OUR. b."'IJTUR,E ASSURED A Savings Account in The eareign Bank makes yon appily indepoudent of the guture,, which keeps you fr011i terry in thnpresent, Open a savings account to -day. Deposits of from $1.00 and upwards received. Interest paid 4 times a year. The Sovereign Bank of Canada Hensel, Brucefield. Fitntly Groups and Children's Photos Are a Specialty with us. We do the kind of work you will be pleased veitle. We have exceptionea facilities for mak- ing family groups and ohildree's photo. Come in and see ue. Pieture Framing and Mouldina, MOON BROS, Seaforth. Establitked I-879 ooping Cough, Croup, Bronchitis tough Grip, Asthma, Diphtheria le...nC IS a boon to Asthmatics Does it not seem more effective to breathe in a remedy to cure disease of the breathing miens Olan to take the remedy into the stomach? It cures because the aireendered strongly anti- septic is carried over the diseased surface with nv.crybreath giving prolonged and constant treat. merit. It re Eavaluable to mothers with small children-- Thoseofa consumptive teocicemy find immediate relief from coughs or in- flamed, conditi ftha throat. Sold bydrug,gists Send. postal foe booldet. LItIMING, Miens Co., Limited, Agents, Mont- real, Canada. 307 • 51. AckCillop Dirpctory for 1906 ft0FOIT Me GO v ENLOCK, Reeve, Vsetthrop P. O. M. ROWLAND, Councillor, Walton P. iiaeQUA.ID, Councillor, St. Colum - ban, P. 0- OHN MoDOWF411, Councillor, Sea - fors& P. 0. BYERMAN. 0°nm:eller, Brodhag- , en P. O. MICHAEL MURDIE, Clerk, Winth- rop • G. E. HOLEAND, Tressarea, Beeehe wood P. 0. SOLOMON S. SHANNON, L P., San- itasty Inspector, Winthrop P. O. Ws Cotton Root Compound; The great Uterine Tonic, and eonly safe effectual Monthly Regulator on which 'women can depend. Sold in threede ees - of etrength—No. I, i;o. 10 degrees! stronger, ; No. 8, for special cases, *5 per box. Sold bv all druggist, or vent vropaict on receipt of price, Freo pamphlet. elddeess THE E0101 Ile JetioNT0,0oT, (formai; Weieher) Trythe New Store Where they don't trifle with other people's busineso but pay strict attention' to the wants of everybody's needs in the line of tresh„ Cured and Cooked- - Meats Bologna and Sausages, Gro- -eeriest Fruits and Vegetables, all. et right prices. our 27o Tea. KRUSE BROS 111 She Is Made Weil by Lydia bane's. Veitetablo Con -pond, aod Writes Gretefully o Mrs. Pinicieare. For the wondereil heir that the bee found Zula Ecclison,0 Erie S. Exit, S. Thoma, Ont., believeri it her dutv to write the following letter for publication, in order that other women afflicted ie the same way may be benefited as she was. She writes: Dear Mrs. Pinkham :•— '" I heartily recommend Lydia E. Pink- hamVegetable Compound as a tonic and , regulator- for female troubles. I suffered for four years with displacement and no one but those who have experienced the; dread - fel agony can form any idea of the physical _and mental sufferiug those endure who are th-us affected.. Your Vegetable CoraPourid cured me. Withai three months 1 was flay restored to health and strength, and now lily periods are regular and pamless. What a blessing it IS to obtain such relief when go many. doctors fail to help you. Your mediehee is better than any doctor or raedicine I ever. had." 'No other medicine has such 'a record of cures of female troehles as has Lydia E. Phalcham's Vegetable Compound. Women who are troubled with painful or irregular periods, backache, bloating (or flatulence), displacement of organs, inflammation or ulceration can bee re- stored to perfect health and strength by taking Lydia E. Pialthem's Vegetablo Compotmd. Mrs. Pinkham invites all sick women to write her for advice. She has. guided thousands . to health. Her expenence is very great, arid she gives the benefit of it to all who stand in need of wise counsel. She is the daughter-in-law of Lydia E. Pinkhaan and for twenty-five years'has• been advising sick women free of charge. Address, Lynn, Mass. SEAFORTH, = •The originators of low prices in meats Phone 96 Commercial Blo3k, Opposite the Post Pffieo. CRESOLENE ANTISEPTIC TABLETS A simple and effective remedy for SORE THROATS AND COUGHS They combine the germicidal value of Cresoleire with the soothiug properties of slippery elm and lico- rice. Your druggist or from us, 10o in damps. loolunfo, lifier,s Co., Limited, Agents, MontreaL eor Wingham X3usiness PO liege 1 "High Grade" Training pays, and that is the ktnd the famous:. . ELLIOTT 1 TORONTO, ONT. Gives its students. Recent etudents have taken positions at salaries front $50 per month to $1,000 per annuna. It is a well known fact that our sohool is the best of its kind in Canada. This month is a splendid time to enter. All gradu. ates get positions. T he demand is nearly twen- ty times the supply. Write to -day for oriole fic en tentalogue. I • W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal Cor. Yonge and Alexander Sts. 2022-tf .riimaimmenummememiuli OVEM BER Bring scores of young. people every year from. the fans and villages of our country to epend a few tsonths in our splendid school. The Central Business College Toronto. From communications in hand, this month this year will bring as many as ever. If you have not thought of it, not hid our catalogue, write for it at once, and you will likely plait to join us - W. IL SHAW, Principal Yonge and Gerrard streets, Torouto 201S-26 le a high gracle Cornmeroiel eohool. Three Courses: 'Commercial- - Stenography - Telegraphy Write GORGE SPOTTON, Prin JOHN BEATTIE Late Division Coate Clerk, has a number of prop erties for sale or to rent, among which is a good ' building lot, the South East Balt of Town Lot No. 46, East Ward, in George Sparling's Survey, Seaforth, which will be sold on reasonable terms. Insurances effeeted, debts collected arid loans made on patisfaot- ory securityat reasonable rates Call and see me apd be convinced. Late Division Court Office, Sea - forth. 2018-tf - Money to Loan. To loan on first mortgage on farm property. but $2,000 private raoney. Apply at TI1E EXPOSITOR. OFFICE, 2020-tf. Seaforth, Ontario. e- • The Berlin Business Colleges . - Write for catalog of the eehool that places more students in posi- tions than any similar school in Western Ontario. All Graduates get Positions. Enter at any time. THE BERLIN BUSINESS COLLEGE, W, D. ElpIER, Frincipalt 2018 OEM IS MATTERS. GOO CON#S. , Mr. R. B. Seett,Of Hare purhey, hae a pair of very handsome Ayrshire eows and they' are as good akt they are good looking. One is a seven year old cow and this last spring on month after calving, she produced 46 pounds of butter in one week and this by hand skimmiag. This is jest re sample of how she les.s been :behaving all season. The Other fa t a heifer two and a half, years old sad she , has been giving an average of five pounds of but- ter per Week during the season. These 4re the kind of cow it pays to keep. -0-- — Not Pay/Age—The town of st.marys peens and operates its own. water and electric light system. Accord- ing tO a statement recently submit - ed to the couneil by the town aud- itor, the receipts of the Water works for the year just closed amounted to $2,003 'and the expenditure a incl ing interest on investment, $1,4J0, and depreciation of . plant, $1,400, amounted to $5,286. The electric lighting plant does not show • up ,vary much better. The receipts for the year were $2,948 and the Oxpenses $4,178. The loss in the operation of the two plants amounted to $4,-564. It is said, however, that the huffiness is increasing every year, and the hope is that 'it well ,pay in. the couree of time. • • The Late- Mrs. Young'.—The ton New Era of last week says: "One of the p ioneers of Goderich township' died in Seaforth, on Priday last,in the person of Mrs. Young, relict, of the late ' Henry Young. Deceased, with :her I ate husband, settled on concessions 9 and 10, Tipperary line, • over 65 years ago.. There they resid- ed for a n umber of years, raising a large family. Some 20 or 25 years ago, Mr. and Mrs, Young mitered to Clinton, and -lived here for a• WILLIM- ber of years. About ten years ago Mr. Young died, Mrs. Young remain - )ed here until a couple of years ago, when she took up hedresidence at the home of her son, Janies, in 'Seaforth, at which place she passed peacefully away on Friday, at the age of 81. She leaves a family of six sons and three or four daughters. She was a life-long member of the Methodist thdrch- The remains were interred at Clinton -cemetery on, Sunday" Died in the West.—The young man. referred to in the following para- graph, Which we ta,Ice from the Dub- lin correspondence of the Mitchell Recorder, was a n ative of McKillop, • arid a much respected resident of the Beechwood district, and the sincer- .est el ympathy of many friends will be extended to the bereaved family. The Recorder says: • " The very sud- den death occurred at Brandon, Man., recently, of Mr. John Purcell, a well known resident of eaforth vicinity. About two monthe ago the ,young man left his home for a trip out • west. He went with the harvest ex- cursionists to see the country, and was seized with ae, attack of fever, and died in the 'hospital at Brandon after a short illness. He leaves a mother, two sisters and two broth- ers, wh9 have the sympathy of a Wide spread community in this great bereavement. The remains 'Were brought home for interthent." More Girls Wanted.—What the Clinton New ErA says in the folloiv• - ing • quotation /. .refers equally to Seaforth and many other places: " Repea,tedly we have pointed out that girls are in great demand for factory help, that the two factories in Clinton which employ girls would gladly double their staff • if they could. Anci this week we are in re- ceipt of an advertisement calling for ,100 girls. It is no use publishing the same, .because the girls are not to be had at 'present. 13ut there must be a number of unemployed girls to • whom the wages offered are good money, but who are reluctant to earn their Own living. If girls cannot 'be had le this country, they will have to be imported, because the In- dustrial development is so great that • it will be greatly retarded if extra help is , not available." The girls, like the -young men, a great many of them, go to the 'Northwest, where they are even in greater demandand • In a few menthe; they get married there and become heads of house- holds. in this capacity, they :can, no doubt, be of greater service to their primary than in any other. But, all the same that does not re- lieve the pressing demand 'here, al- though it in some measure explains ,the deficiency. From Drudgery to $1,200 a Year This is what wean doing for the young men of Canada to -day. From long hours of uncongenial work. with little pay, to pleasant positions it rail- way offices, with salaries ranging from $60 to $150 per month. _ Clip tnis advertisement, mail it to US, and receive (tree) our handsome illustrated book, The Ilighey to Success." ' ,B. W. Somers, Principal Dominion School of Teleg- raphy & Railroading 110 ADELAIDE STREET WEST, TORONTO GOOD AS GOLD. ofliNINI/i/HWAROMENO/~§10s/Feas. THII%TIE OF IT! Invest your herd -earned savings in a "London Life" policy, and -will have something as Good as Gold," and much safer. The gold will be available when, most needed if you are insured in' Company. Think of the caseS you know where the life insurance was the only teotion of the family eieatest poverty, 5nd innyour life for "all you -worth" in the LONDON LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY; you this pro- anent the evening in Childish amuse- •sidence.—Mr. M, J ackson has pur- - ment, and as motel was put to rest chased the Baskerville property on are si ri of any- Main street, south of the electric a ou a Friend? Then tell hid about Ayer's Cherry 'Pectoral. Tell him how it cured your hard cough. Tell him why you always keep it in the house. Ten him to asli his doctor about it. Doc- tors use a great deal of it for throat and lung troubles. • T,12.13,311;3. okrinodvoefr a staittyim7oLifet AMade .23.6f). Ct. AyerIa kiluor. ,eLr so wo i 1.1 , Wawa. P SARSAPARILLA. elsPI"S. UAIR VIGOR, i'eire have no accrete! We publish the formulaic or all our medicines. ^ A I 1 '4. One of Ayer's Pills at bedtime vial' • hasten recovery. , gently laxative. Piles quickly and [positively cured with Dr. Shoop's Magic Ointment It's made for piles alone—and it does i1I'earcerk surely and with satisfac- • tion. Itching, iprotruding or blind Piles dleappearv like magic by its use. Large, Nickel Capped glass jars, 50 cents. Sold and recommend- ed by C. Aberhart, druggist, Sea - forth. • Dashwbod. 4 • Of his aufferiegs the following night. —Mr.- Henry Itestyrneyer ham. •pur- chased the farm of Mr. Aug. Walper, In Hay, for the sum of $5,400. The farm is one-quarter of a mile west of Quinte, has SOW in full operation anti about half a mile' north of eleven canning factoties sending out Dashwood. It contains 100 acres. OSirrOlte • be a the town hall every Settle Decenaher Stie f.rom nine 1.010-ck until five and on the leth, lath and lith of December to receive tat money. There will be no. tick for , taxes after these dates.—Mr; Chas Tebutt, who is riOW teaching itt Stephen near here, has been engag- ed to teach in Exeter school for the first six months of next year in place of Miss Vosper, who has been given leave of absence. --Rev. 'Mr. Going, I pastor of James street geturch has I announced a series of epecial ser - i mons for Sunday evenings, dealing with prevalent social CUSt011113 ad their relation. to Christianity. The first of the series, The Authority of Right ovdr Wrong," was deli -ter - ed last Sunday evening.—Mr. Wm. Trott, of Beamsville, formerly of town, was here recently shedding the light of his genial countenance on old friends—A quiet wedding took place -at the residence of Mr. Peter Frayrie on. Wednesday, No- vember 7th, when bia daughter, Miss Ella Maud, was happily married to Mr. Samuel Jory, of Stephen town- ship, son of Mr. Elijah Jory, of Ex- eter, The 'ceremony was Performed in the presence Of only the immediate relatives of the young couple. Mr; ahd Mrs., Jory will reside on their comforta,ble home on the 2nd con- cession of Stephen. The good wishes of a large oircie of friends will be theirs.—As Exeter is now interested In the canning business it may be advantageous to know that the lit- tle' town of Picton, the county town of Prince Edward county, on the Bay • A Guaranted Cure' for Piles. Itching, 131ind, iBleeding. Protruding Piles. Druggists are authorized to refund money if PAZO OINTMENT fails tto cure in 6 to 14 days.. 50e, Hibbert „ A Good Team.—Mr. Wm.,. Pitrick, of the 8th. concesedon of Iliboeet, who is an ardent admirer of a. nice horse, and he aleeays keeps good ones, recently sold a sir year old gelding to Mr. T. E. Handford, of Exeter, for the nice sum of $275, and he now regrets selling him ev- en at tbis high figure. This is one of the team that Mr. Patrick exhibited at the Exeter and Seaforth shows this fall, and which carried off the 2nd prize in, the agricultural class at both shows. The mate of t is fine horse is a five Year old riltare, 'raised by himself,. and for *latch' he refused $255 the day af- ter he disposed of her mate. He has one colt fromothis mare which also promiaes to be a prize winner and a big 'priced one. 0 Grey., Council Doings.—At the last meet- ing of the Grey council, a petition from Mr. D. IC. Livingstone and oth- ers, was presented, •asking for a municipal drain. The petition was approved •of and a by-law is to be prepared in accordance therewith and John Rogers was appointed engineer to examine into and report on the work. • A petition for local option was presented and after examining the same it was found that there was at least terenty-five per cent. of the qualified voters' names on th.e pe- tition.. It was moved by John Grant and seconded by John Cutt that the petition be approved and that a by-law be prepared and published the vote to be taken on next municipal election day. After passing a num- ber of accounts the couricil adjourned to meet in the Foresters' hall, Oran - brook on Monday, November 26th. , The new pure Lfood and drug law will mirk it on the label of. every cough Awe containing opium, chlo- roform, or any other stupifying or poisonous; drug. But 4t passes Dr. Shoop's Cdugh Cure as made tor 20 years, entirely free. Dr. Shoop all along has bitterly opposed the 'ease. a all opiateseor nareoties. Dr.Shoop's Cough Cure is absolutelp sale even for tbe youngest babe—and it cures it -does not ;simply' suppress. Get a Safe and Reliable Cough Cure, by • simply insisting on having Dr. Shoop's. Let the law be ;your protec- tion. We cheerfully recommend and sell it. C. Aberhart, druggist, Sea - forth. Notes.—While playing with. soine other boys at school a aew days a;go Master Leonard Kellerman bad the enisfortime to get his elbow disloca,ted.—]T.• Peter Martin and Miss Mary , Becker, of this place, joined their fortimee in wedlock one evening last week and are now 're- • ceiving. the 'warm congratulations of many friends—The family of Mr. 3. Winkenweder, near here, have beenl very severely afflicted, and much and sincere sympathy is felt for thein. Six members of the family were laid up with typhoid fever, and three a over fifteen million cans of choice fruits and 'vegetables every Year. This is an indusitry which has sprung up there within the past fifteen years and the principal output of many of the farms of the county finds ready tied profitable sale at these can- ning factories. Some of the farmers ,grow as many as fifteen acres of tomatoes and other callable stuff, Sall 'as corn, peas, onions, etc., in like proportions and find this sys- tem of farming much more profitable than *the barley - growing of olden times, this eceinty- being at one time rained for its barley.. Pfetentics, ale the name implies, sigents all Colds and Grippe when "taken at the sneeze -stage." Preventies are rtoothsome candy tablets. Preventics dissipate all colds quickly, and .taken early, when erou. first feel that a' cold is comingsthey cheek and prevent them. Preventics are thoroughly safe efor children,and as effectual for adult. Sold- and re- commended in, 5 bent sad 25 cent bakes. by C. Aberhart, druggist, Sea - forth. The fiigh Court. The following cases were disposed of last week at the non -Jury sit- • tings of the High Court of 'Justice • for. the county •of Huron, by JUntice • Anglin, •of Goderich. MaCurchie et al. v. Thompson— Judgment reserved. This was an interpleader issue as to which as- • signment of moneys left by the' will of the late Tallies Thompson, of Blyth, ahould take priority. Pigott v. Imperial Cement Co., Ltd.—Action for the price of a num- ber of alleged defective sacks of ce- ment. HIS Lordship directed an or- der to issue referring this action to the master of this court at Golle- rich. Wilkinsnn et al. v. GtreY Branch' Agricultural Society.—Action. for dam- ages alleged to have been caused plaintiffs by a defective floor in the agricultural ball of defendants at Brussels. Judgment was entered a- gainst both defendants for the plaintiff, Wm. Wilkinson, for $150, and for the plaintiff, Eliza 'Wilkin- son, (his wale) for $500, with' Coats- • - . Each Meal An Agony. Tuckersmit b Barn Bought.—Mr. Daivd Ferguson, of the 7th concession, who had the misfortune to have his barns burn- ed a touple of months go, uhas pur- chased another building from Mr. Benneweis, of Brodga.hen, Math - lop, paying for It $500. Mr. Fergu- son is having this barn- taken down, and will have the material removed to his own place during the sleigh- ing, and will have it re -erected next spring. In the mean time, as he has no place to house his stock and no feed for them, he well dispose of them by auction on, Monday, the 19th inst. Mr. Ferguson has had a streak of hard luck recently. First he had the roof blown off his barn by a wind storm, and had just got it repaired and filled with the season's crop *hen the whole was destroyed byfire. His loss over and above his` insurance amounts to fully $1,500, but we hope he will have a rattling good sale, which will help in some measure to cempensete him for his loss by and fire. • Exeter wind 13riefs.—The recent fine weather has enabled the farmers in this vi- cinity to. get their turnips housed in good shape, and Most of them have completed their fall. ploughing, and now have things in good shape for winter.—The Ladies' .Md of Cavan church are Preparing for a social and bazzar on Friday, Nbviember of them died from the disease withal 80th, and the Ladies' Guild of Trim - the last month, two daughters andl itt_ohurch intend having their ,bazar a son, all over twenty years ,of age. on the seventh of December.—Mr. S. Mr. Winkenvreder himself and one Sample, of Fullerton Corn.ers has son are still 111.—The grim reaper come to town to reside and is oc- has been busy in ou..- community, of .cupying one of Mr. D. McInnis' late. On Friday, November 2nd,Mrs. houses—Mr. Thomas Sweet; having Smith, of -the Goshen line, passed a- secured a situation in Winnipeg, waY after a brief illness at the ripe Mrs Sweet left here last week to age of 75 years. She was laid to Test Join him there.—Mr. and Mrs. -W. j. in the Bronson line cemetery, Rev. Carling are enjoying a holiday trip Mr. Than, of the Lutherien church, to New Orleans and throu.gh the offigiating. Then on the following Southern States.—Mre. N. D. Hur- Sunday evening, the spirit of Miss don has returned home after spending • Melinda Winkenweder, one of those a couple of months in England.—Mrs. referred to above, took its flight George Davis left here last week to after an illness' of about four weeks join her husband at Rainey River of typhoid fever. Also on the same where they will in future reside.— evening little Alvin Birk, son of Mr. Mr. Fred Wills and family have re - and Mrs. Adam Birk, fell asleep, e,f- moved here from Dashwood.—Mr. ter an illness of only: a few hours. Mrs. R. G. Seldon and family have The 1 ittle fellow ,wa,s around as taken up their residence, for the usual on Saturdayf and partook of winter with MTS. George Simwell itt his evening meal, after which he her commodious and comfortable re- Dr. Williams' Pink Pills Cure Ob- stinate Indigeston After Other Medicines Fail. Ler the 11 g thin'g being wrong, but through ithe light works but we have not yet "When I was first troubled with Indigestion I did. not bother with it. I thought it would pass away nat- urally. But instead of doing so it developed into a painful chronic af- fection, which, in spite of all I did grew worse and worse, until I had, abandoned all hopes of ever getting relief." These word of Mrs, Charles McKay, of Norwood, N. S., should serve as a warning to who suffer distress attex. meals, with pante- tion, drowsiness and loss of appetite —early warning of more serious trou- ble to follevr. "I used to rise in the morning," said Mrs. McKay, "feeling 'no better for a night's rest. I rapidly lost flesleand after even. the most frugal meal I always suffered severe pains in my stomach. I cut my meals down to a few mouthfuls, but even then every morsel Of fo6d caused me agony. My digestion was so weak some days I could scarcely drag. myself about the house, and I was never free from sharp piercing pains in the back and chest. I grew so bad that I had to limit my diet to milk' and fsoda water,and even this eaus- ed severe suffering. In vain I sought relief—all medicines I took seemed useless. But in the darkest hour Of my suffering help came. While read- ing nevespa,per, I came across a cure that was quite similar te mg owl". case, wrought by the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. I thought if • another person had been cured by these pills of such suffering as wai§ experiencing, surely there was hope for rte, andi at once sent to the druggist for a supply of titlheete pills, The first indication that the pills were helping me was the disappear- ancb of the feeling of oppression, Then I began to take solid food with but little feeling of distress. I still continued taking the pills with an improvement every day, until I could digest all kinds of food with- out the least trouble or distress. I am 'in splendid health to-day,and all the credit is due to Dr. Williams' 1Pink Pills." Dr. Williams' Piek Pills go right to the root of indigestion and other troubles by making rich, red blood which tones and strengthens every'. organ of the- body. That is whY they cure an&ernia, with all its headaches and backaches and' side - aches, rheumatism and neuralgia arid the special ailments of growing girls and woxnen of all ages. Sold by all medicine dealers or by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2,50 by Writing The Dr. Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont "lector of night was taken ill and gradually learned the price.—The co RriRtNT3O'N Inspector, Seaforth _ gre,w worse till deatle relieved- him town taxes advertises that he will emollaangieZer MINNEWMIIIMAIS91110 MONTREAL, Oct. 222 1909 Messrs. Stewart Bros., Seaforth, Ont. Dear Sirs: We beg vo advise you that we have just purchased additional premises on Cote street half as large again as our present plant, which will enable us hereafter to send out our orders promptly •on time. We take this opportunity to thank you for. your kind- ness in bearing with us dur, ing the past season for any inconvenience caused you by our inability to keep pace with the great increase our business, Awaiting your fur- ther commands, we are, Yours truly, LE VINEBURG & CO., Manufacturers of Progress Brand Clothing. ee`O; • 1 The above letter, advising that the Progress Brand Clothing already the largest clothing corapany in Canada, have been obliged—as a result of increased business—to probure addi- tional premises half as large again, is a fact which speaks louder than words of a • Progressiveness Achieved not through artificial means, but means of a persistent ,policLof hone t fair dealing and proficient)work- n'ianship, demonstrating •conclusively the poprdarity Proares Clothing has attained throughout Canada, and gi questionable evidence of the vast majority of men wide Dominion, who are becoming converts to this clothing. if wearing Progress Brand Clothing majorities' it not to yours ? —During the month of October there were 41 ear loads a silver are iship- ped from Cobalt district over the Temiskaming and North Ontario Railway to the smelters. 'These cars carried 1,121 torts. The value In money is not given but It must .have been a very considerable sum. advantage, 113 OUR STOCK OF Brand g un - his popular to the Prairess Brand Suits & Overcoats is now complete, • You (Pirie it to yourself to see • them. Leading Prices 1 . 0 Men s Working Clothes, made by Hudson Bay Company. SMOCKS—Heavy black, blue 'and grey cov.rse dswe1i lined, double stitched with linen thread, good pockets, closed collar, a first - •class winter smock. $1,0C to $2.00 OVERALLS—Heavy blue, black and striped, dairy or moleskin, 'vith or without apron, double stitched, made to give stubborn -wear. PRICE '750 to $1.25 SHIRTS—Heavy twilled fleece duck, blue, black and striped, strongly made fast coloroj buttons sewed on by hand. SPECIAL PRICES, 50e and $1.00 Meu's grey, blue and striped Flannel Shirts, thoroughly ahruikt large and roomy, Hudson Bay Company's big shirt. •• •PRIOE $I to $1.25 SOX—Pure soft wool, in seven different varieties, ribbed and plain knit, 25c. Special lieaVk ribbed pure wool lumbermen's sox 35e MITTS—Extravalueien aworking mitt, pure knit wool lining, high wrist band, mtilfacing 50e CAPS in every shape—jockey, drop.front and corduroy and tweed liege shape—far lined, blue, 50c to $1.00 _EV1ART BROS. SEAFORTR