The Huron Expositor, 1906-11-09, Page 47 I4 - I INOVEI,RgEn HU the Investigation to tieate- now. "It- s unftr tooid that ha -POS01- business trIp.-­-Mr. John EmIgh was town of Luxfordo. which hae sprang bittor. end, bility of, r. Tilt and hfig fam week, visittng - his up wi hin the last few ',nidaths and WEAFORTH"S "_ADING SHOE _s must: be vcorrtlhtred to t", IIY' 'ra- In oronto ftia t To R'E* e IvAe have. been 'qt th Coni;O*ot v Ity- moving to ; Detroit. W. ho his succeisill- dkugbter. _Mr. and MrS. T. Brown Is close to the homes a6d farms of the jetIff68..tO:'tho86. mho -in or will, be Is diffic.14i to predict.—. visited in Wingham on Monday.' The McCartneys, , T 0 X W T F a- hompsonx, Luxfordsi against bw ";' thii-- facts 'Must -be 'Engineer' SiB, t !'fY WIII go to- Rer- pesident and. general mana m n host of other old brought out, ani -d-4 40volves upon Col, Ila to Inquird ',"Int _ger of the 09'. mills a d a 0. the success - of miggons .13m:Ak, from Montrbal, came Huroniti5s; all of whom have fine ho. Oiitatt 4 'ttorney. the system of lightinif thei e, where- 18on r4 t 3 DInh here last -Thursday evenig on - ag aii. farms and are doing well. Tfb I a I'm a .4 6 6 7' 8 9 1. 0,,,, General to offer , the same fatilitles the producer -.gas engine - lie In usb. tomobtlet but the machine broke down beautiful farming coiitry xjtd . Lux- -to the opposing party that they so 17 1 -_ 11 1.2 13 14 0 gefierously furniobned the Conserva-1 and bad to be teamed into town, totd can scarcely fall to be a largo 18 19 0 21 22 _1M 24 where It stayed until - Sunday. Two business centre In a few -years. I tives.. If the Reform, tr4 do' not' take Briefs.—W Arthur Davis left last experts, from London came up 'Bat- was delighted with my trip and, with 29 6 0 of a 25 26 27 28, advantage -the; f icilitles offered to- Week for the old couat4i, wh urda- y. and got the machine In work. what'l saw of- the country." them, then theL fault will rest with ere he them, Intends to spend the wInt Ing,ordier, and took It away Sunday The Shoe that Fitsm --and the public will be -Justl- . er. He took aj n. 11 NEW ADVERTIONIASK13018. tied In ,conbluding that the elector & car load -of cattle with him, for !ternoo —Quite a umber 'of teams 31 tir I al Ith wheeled scrapers came here Sat- wrong doln Mir. Joseph OaVfs.—Mr- ': Shirley Bob- W Our Scho6l.—The following 'report Every Woman who has difficulty in accurately fitting ber feet, uwais all on the one side. ter, who was assistant; agent, at the urday night from MIlverton, ''5toP- shows the relative standing of the jo . The fi,-ure bavroon the p%iontheiN after each Igat the facilities , must be freely Grand Trunk Atation hert, bas been -ping 4ere, till Sunday afternoon,when woman whose shoes ca se hi, -,r feet to burn or to be otherwise of the pap -,r on which the Placed at . their - dispon pupils -of Union School 'Section No. 9, unto ad, denctes ths pagd a, - they went an to Goderich, where th' fortable, 1 every woman who appreciates or desies b advertisement4s. tound. rem6ved to Hamilton.—The site se fey Stanley, for the month of October. The that hampering obstacles should be placed rt At,. e going , to wogk on . the railroad A'Few Fatq-& Menul, Co -8 In the way. 'in this respect both par- le6ted for the new canning factory ar names appear In order of -merit: V solutely the last word of FASHION, and every woman in, the 16m& C-ouditlon. Powders -1, V. Fear--fi Is ear the rallwa station, fLr there.—Next Sunday Rev. Mr. Martin, Class—Ruth Keys, Viola . Edighoffer, is invited to inspeet 0 ties have equal rights, and both-shoulcl 7- disposed to practice true econ 3m, be fllrl treated. 'The Conservatvest een. Willis & Son -4, troo- - Tweed Suits-Poplestone & Ouriner-6 of the old hotel there, nd the to of Exeter, preaches the, Presbyterian Roy Capling. IV Clas Isabel Man- styles to be convinced that QUEEN QUALITY -' pality Shoes tion ts no church pulpit vacant,—Lafit Sunday 8110F8 O& a w b g constructed.—Mr. trkeys Wanted -0. P. Co --5, have-! had their Innings, and' -now ein son, Flossy Capling, rearl Tapfe. III pro Fall Footivear McInnis Alex. Hackney, or., of Parquhaj, hhs was quarterly meeting serivees in solution of all her foot, troubles, Tho fact ia already 4- -5 ved to t ­Rlohardson & lsi time for the Ref6rmers to get Class—Mary Douglas, Gordon Manso, IlealthResorta--W. Somerville -6 been In Toronto, undergoing an o - the Methodist church, and on Monday pleasure and profit of so many wonjen, that the demand .q th6lrs. - .. I . Ethel Tapfe. 11 Class Sr.—Jake Bren- forua -our. .50 Rifix—J. Bul r-5 ration for the removal of a catar- afternoon the -regular business meet. Caretaker Wapted-W. T., 31 iffatt-5 nerma, 'Mike Kennel, ames Esler. of " Queen Quality " Shoes are far and away in excess of all othe&ft Fowl 111anted-:-U. W. Jewltt­s Several' of the C6nserv,%tive Papers a ct from one of his eyes.—Miss Vos- 'Ing was -held.—Mr. T. MeTaggart to I, Class Jr.—Emma 198chler, Annie worl the d. Qtleen Quality Shoes are ',-,he sailae price 'all per, the as at present visiting his , parents In Piopertyfor"e—A. *Grogor—S -alstant In the etranpe. Prennerman, Pearl cBr 0othinir-J. C. Grelig Oo.-I are,clarnoring for the resignation Of department of the school has beery Exdter. Ide. Part II Canada) viz.: Furs--Stetvart Bros -3 —Kate Oesch, Edmund Erb, Rachel FWI Furuiture-B. B. & Co ---a I -Ion. Mr.. Hyman, on account of the 'rdlieved from- duty until . Sepfeinber Gascho. Part I (a)—NancY Brenner Notice to Creditors -R. . D. Cooke -5 disclosures I C' of next year on acco nt of III health. Bluovae. - , onnection with b1s mhn, Lorne Manson, Aaron Oes $3.70, and 14.50 a 'Teacher Wanted --S. Pollock -6 n ell. 9) Fair. Sweatera-Fl. A. Edwards -8 election, as wn before Col. Den- :—It has been definitely arranged that Notes.—It Is rumored that Mr.Leon Part I (b)—Pearl Moyer, Clarence IShoe" Wo 11. Willis -8 Miss Stella Gregg will assume the ard. Ruttan, of Morris, to retiring, 'and and are sold in Seaforth oly by this sitore. Hall, Ala Kennel.—G. S. HOWARDY Mno Ramin-It. Peak and Go --8 nison's court ,iloToronto. It seems to duties of assistanf teacher - in the may possibly live in Bluevalp.—Mr. Teacher, Fowl lyh4ted-R. Clark -9 us, however, that these Papers are too -high school department of the public and Mrs. 0. E. King, Wingham, vie- Notes.—Maggie Spar' --a renewed old To the Publio-W. 11. Willis Shoe C" previous. It may be that r. Hyman school on -the lot of January.—Mr. -Ited at J. W.. king's this week.—Mr. 7 4V Wauted-A Love -6 will have -to reol acquaintances at the home of- Mr. 'TeaaherWanted-I'Vra. Wbinson-5 gn, but that time Wm- Fletcher's sale of f ' m stock, and Mrs. Lott, of Wingham, Allan, on Sunday last.—Mr. 'George Notice-Nt. - has not yet arrived. So'far only one -etc., In Usborne, I a;r visited Auction Sales -5 a4t week, -amounted Mr. and Mrs. J. 0. Johnston.—As 'the Douglas is making, favorable pro- side of the case ha's been heard. It to over $8,000.—One 'evening last week butter -making season Is Amignee's gale -W. Brydon-5 e over for gress with his barn. The we th r Zo Girls NVanted-Clinton Knitting Co Flour Arrived -D. Urqubar" v lll be tim enough to ask. fdr Mr. some- Mischleviously disposed per- this year, Mr. Booth returned tO'-hlO has been Interfering with 'his --Cal oil Hyman's resignation '.When the in- sons: threw the well -digging aparatus home this week.—James Masters con- culations, but If it continues fine for- 6 M0 Geese IVanted-, '0'. Alogann-8 Ybstigation Is- closed. If then suf- of Mr, Thomas Smale, the well -known tinues In ppor health, we regret to irc ;e for ale -Expositor ofile" a few weeks longer, everything will ficlent evidence remain unrebutted of well . digger, of Elimville, into the state.—A party of Jews have taken uPi be nearing completlon,Our mill is Fowl liVanted-!t-P. Dill -8 raceries, etc­3-,I3e%ttie Bro" bribery -it his last election, ''which well at the public school herei—Mrs. their residence In the McKinney house still kept runnig, and Is overcrowd'- Sole Agenta for the Slsiter " and Walk -Over Shoes for inen, aud t 44 he' would have voided -the' election if F. J. Knight has gone to -California, for a few weeks given bef an election court, then to spend dthe winter with heir sister, while they shiptrom, ed some days, as many as seven or Quality" tvnd Empress 13ho" for womeln. this station the old iron of theneigh- eight loads standing waiting their JA Xpoojtff we think 'it would be a proper and Mrs. Ed. Drew.—Mr. R. H. Pickard borhood.—Miss Bell'Powler has re- turn. dignified - act for Mr. Hyman to re- has --return from Alberta, and will turned from Galt. O'Hallowelen passed sign ibis from the west. He welnt through the streetMrs. James E. Troytir seat, but If* that to 'not the likely sPenal the winter here.—The off quietly, save for the harmless 4-ni SEAPORTH, FRIDAY, NOV. 9, 1906. case ibis resignation would be - 'Wlton Judbury wreck without a scratch.—A. family b-ar.e moved to ta en foll6wing have been elected officers tricks.—Mr. John Haist a:nd family -Local4 Notes.—Tbe recent balmy McKay has opened the Kennedy -black- JoIn Mr. Troyer who has been — tirely uperfluous. Should he find It of the Exeter boeltey club for the are removing to a farm near Lead.- is Ith shop, and the clink, clank of for some time and weather during the fore part of m -while we -vq"& Rditorial Notes and Co nments Tiece19ary to resign, - there, Is little comi g season: W. Martin, Prest- bury. — Quarterly meeting servicen the ham, mercan be heard on all -sides. losing "M"K doubt e re-elected by dentn this week, has given the farmers am- good citizens we wish- -,thm In the elections an Tuesday last, M. Southcott, secretary-tre.ai- were held In the Methodist church 4 on Sunday morning. — The Mliralon v the largest ajority he -ever receiv- urer; T. Carling, captain; F. Bawden, ple opportunity to boase up theroot —Prank and DrIdget tiin, of Rib- all success In their new home ., , the Republican. ed, er6p.—A few).hallowelen pranks, were bert, visited 'their sister, Mrs. Jas. i. Pinney has rented r. And another election would fur- manager. The club will practise on Band met In the Presbyterlxri church perpetrated iin, this vielhity. It w O'Lauglin, on Sunday. ,candidate, '*as elected Governor of Tylsh bot -A parties an excellent op- Monday and Wednesday evenings of on Tuesday 'afternoon, when each ould dwelling.—Miss Helen w,att, the -State of New York by a largd ma- portunity 'of showing their sincerity each week, from 7 to 8 o'clock, if member related the--' anner In which appear that the old time practise had has been in St. Catharines _fOr by entering Into a Joint and m riot altogether' -me has 'returned 1 honie._119 Jorlty, over. Mr. Wm.. R. Hurst, the binding they can procure the rink ior that he or she increased the ten cents of died out.— An enter- Ray. ti ugneft U taffirpent will.be held fia the nLmr fu- somewhat -quiet In our uivani jmr. y given out i4 the springe ture in the Work ourteen.—The following 13 ring village, the Democrat compact to refrain from corrupt Purpose.—The remains of the 'late talent mone Section F and try one electio - men's hall. The pro- farm beb* Ods. n by honest met - George Ernest Hill were brought here —Mr.'and Mrs. James- Burgess, of Lie- oeeds will it of the report busy this fine weather. W' for Interment last week, thb funreal toweli visited their parental homes at No. 14, -Hay, for the month of Octob- t& The Dominion Parliament has been — — — the Walton Public library.—Mr. and -along without the taking place from the residence of the Bluevale this week -.—Mrs. Robert Me- Mrs. Da I vid Millson, of Xinburn were er, 205 being the perfect :mark for us all., farmers wo calledjor the des ' patch.of business on The Toronto Newff says: "A great! father of the deceas'e.' The deceased Pherson, accompanied by.her brother, the entire' month: Nell McArthur, visitors at the home of Mr. Andrew the! 22nd of this month. It - to said the 'dbal of fegling seema,'to have- died In Regina, on -October 24th, from. Mr. McEwen, visited In Bluevale last been, 205,; Laura Fee, 193; Ase McArthur,- Bayffelcl. . ..... week. Mrs.. McPherson Is residing Mrs. Denent, of Smith's Falls, is now SWEATERS. -Now isthe time for sweatem. VUr, 4 Intention of the *Government Is to soused over the. appointment of Dr. typhoid fever. He left Exeter about Johnston the f6re part of the week.— 186; Clarence Datars, 184; Peorge . . . . . . . . . . have the tariff ` changes' submitted, Coughlin, of - Peterboro, to the of'fi three years ago, and located In Re- with her mother, near Monk'ton.—J. J. visiting widi her daughter, Mrs. (Dr.) Mulholland, Magile Fee, 175 ; S have forbo." and youths, tr4Dm we -to 1% S5 ............ We never bad a D Superintehdent of the Institute for his trade as a carpenter ever since. lage on Tuesday.—Mr. John RabY ar- Mulholland, 161 - Ja;nIe McConnel 160 - thexaw extr1a good value& F. ,discupsed and passed before the Of ce kina, where he had been engaged at' Messer, of Hamilton, was in the vil- Menzies.—Mr. David McLaughlin, of petty, - 178 Ana Datars, 162 ; EIIZ&' from I& t *2.00, Gorrie, was renewing old friendships fiew. A. EDWARD% 4k House adjoufts for Christmas the deaf and dum'V at Belleville, Ae. e was -thirty years of age and un- rived home from the Wiest on Monday. Eliza Thomson,160; Emily Ivison,142; in Walton and vicinity this week,— 161idays. Should this expectation be cording to the arried. He wag an industrious, well —Mr. And Mrs. A. H. Mosgrove* and -4 3100 ala Orange Sentipel, there. G. Ivison, 0. McConnel, 185; Sld.Mc- Breezes. re d -realized, the chahgpii will -riot be doing -young man, and his death is. a, daughter, of Wingham, spent Sunda Mi.'. 7John -Harris has taken over the wbie sixteen meraors present at a y agency. Arthur, 192; Clarence McConnel, 130; hard have recently tornmenced tbo serious or -the Opposition N 111 be un- recent meeting of the West Hastings severe ber'ealvement to bifei father and at Mi. Robeit Moagrovela.—Mr'. and of the Howtek Matiml Insur- amuel Thomson, 110; Willie Petty, manufacture Of cement tile a4d t aneb Company- In place of his bro- -usually docile. Conservative Executive#- and , all of relatives. Mrs. Charles Herbert left for Win- 108; George Petty, 93 For proficiency- supply any size wa;nted._0_1i.&,m-- thef, James Harris; who will short- -these- declaxed that In consequence of n1peg on Tuesday.—Mr. Gus. Gan- In the Junior clis es: Part 11, mornink next, Rev. Mr. Hinde pf nett takes John Halst's place' on 'the a partnership with Mr. R. Jean IvIson, Lizzle Thomsol nit& TiInIty church, An Important legal decision* has the appointment they would not sun lt form i, A preaches a Dr. McLe .a Parewell.—Sanday railroad,—Mr. Thomas " Henderson's H. Perigusen In a general store, as G rmon to tile Orange.Or4er.—aft Just ber given by the British Privy Port a Whitney candidate at the next- raam, Frank McConnel, Doris Ora- Be Provincial el6etion. Letters last was a eniorable, day soon as the commodious building Is- hajy.—ISABEL THOMPSON, Teacher. -ncer a:nd Lorne King tav barn, on the Bluevale road, was burn- Spe ye Catholic autho'r- to the In the pleted which Is belng erected 'by- same effect from Preabyterlan ed Tuesday morning, havirg caught com epresentative Con- here, It being turned from the Northwest.—T. well Marks Is home from Colo their bel ado Vbw and, Hastings the fare oved pastor, gentleen are well and favorably Hen -9, a.11. Itles- have hitherto contended thatby servatives. in BelleivIle fire from a lantern.—A load of young Mr. E. H. McLaughlin. Both-, these Tirtfie of the provisions of the Brit- aie quoted by The Sentinel. It is held Rev. Dr. McLean, who has the re- people drove over to the box social, he went to -see his. -son Jma,-, blind known In this locallity. at Eadle's church, Turnberr GLADMA,, & STA-,Nmay, Barristers, Etc., at*lfengall -Ar W_ was very ill wth typhola fey Ish North American, Act members oi, that Dr. - Coughlin Is 'riot. qualified for markable recorg of having preached y, on Tuesdays, Thundays and Saturday. 2 "2-tf the. office, and that while eighty per In the church here for orty Thursday evening of last week, and are pleased to learn that he Ij thrW the Christian F Brothers' Society and years G. J. Sutherland, Conveyancer, has s.nunyber of cent. of the children In the Institute and as will b' Ishown the church has enjoyed a 'very pleasant time. Rev. Leadbury erIng.—Mr. Edward Elliott, puLso H] erties plaeed in his hands for gale. other -religious orders of the church fin, Increa6ig .. all a Florence Stitt treat- Dwellina"' 11 prices are Protestants he its a )Roma n Catho- been. ste W. J. West occupied the chair. The Notes.—Mis gs a iled by her niece In . Roman the wid severadt with a number of were permitted to teach T -Catholic separate The Pupils and ex-PuPils:of the tIMe In morning Dr. McLean programme consisted of violin solos by ed the members of Bethel Methodist fine lots adjoinintn A great chance ior retired farm- -1 were' at 'Geiorgetown last schools Without em Deeds, tuortgages, Wille and Lewes drawn up tend, Week At- ngi( -Institute ave also held a meeting, ext the 10th chapter of church cho, r to a n e tea and- ev- Roe the f unieral of Mm 10ftiotes. -pasaffig-the examinations Teqtilrdd by i took for h' .1 a Miss Nettie McNaughton, vocal solos I le ording to law at very moderate charges. Office and ;passed resolutions stron m d 30. This was by Miss Eva Duff, and Mr. AusleY; ening's pleasure at her home, on at Posti office. -2?P-7'-tf sister Mrs. Sarlinge—Miss I IL 8`1 y- we-re'bo em- other teacher and man . gttw I V - 6 boi testing against -Dr. gly pla po__ the same texx he preached his, first duet by -Miss J. W. Kin' and Miss Halloween. Am ng those pf esent Phoun.—A car of high grade Manitoba' MCKaY, Of S af h Is the Coughlin' 0 MANIT10DA 14 0 ort ployed. The trustees of a separate flour JuNt arrived. A reduction of 10 cents a bag by polatment. Their objections, however, sermon,frorn 140 years agW In the McNaughton; qua;rtettes by Mrs. from Walton who supped with. the er brother, MT, H. mexaz -of ** 1;chool in Ottawa Objected to - this taking 5 bag or over for the next two Aveeks. Puie w King, Miss * Altchesoh and, Messrs. choir were Rev. R. J. Currl practise.. The wag referred were mainly based an the he offl- I evening therel was one of the - larg- e, B. A4 -, If nseed meal on hand, All kinds of grain handled. -Alblon. Commeelng.-. the f-Irst clals inexerpiece. This is a est con e gat*s that was ever Jewitt and Johnston; recitations by Mr. Calvert, manager of the * Sovereign. D.Urquhart.HeasaIlOtniel 1i MOX3 day In -December service In TAwl- much gr than that,, of the chure Ing filled. In every Miss Duff and choruses by Bluevale Bank, and Mr. Clayton White,teach- church -will be held on,Su to the Canadian courts and In each more valid objection b in Instance adectsion was givbn ad- )e the Orang Brlefs.---wRev. S. T, T e Sentinel and, the West able . - 011 and Mrs. ning Instead - of momfti a fl s;,ace. The Methodists* Pesbyterian choir. er. Miss Florence is an excellent lbe versely to -the contenti of the church 011 Hastings Coniservatives. v& Toll spent part of thls week In St., winter months.. This will tertaw, atithoritles. The 'question was' f lnal- PAt, even closed their 4hurch and in conse entertainer, and as a result her rm guests had an enJoyable time and be much better, for the this should not fo MSYs.—Mr- H. rnold has been ad- vf ly submitted to the Privy Council, an insurmount-i quence there vas quite a umber -of i Kippen inents' to -his fine the final court of appeal and the ver- 'he necessary them there. Dr. McLean took for felt quite at home.—The'LadIeW Aid saing him the ,10491 V014 able barrier, If ding more lmpro Notes.—Anniversary' services will be dwelling property.—Mrs F ergueon'ls home at 111ght.—We extent eftf- qualff icaions In other !respecto. his even text Phillipies: lot of Bethel church held their first dict Just rendered sustains the de- His Ing ; predecessor, when h ld in the Methodist church on Sun- 1-11 -WbOdstock visiting her sister, latlons t -clsions of the Canadian c' appointed, chapter and 27th verse: "Only let meeting at the home of Mrs. J. 0 Grant XbNell ft tW ourts. Ac- lacked experience' al day next. Services will be held at Mr);- ShorC—Mr. Coxworth has fit- case in' winning the Your conversation be as It becometh undas, on Thursday afternoon of e medal and__J 40* elsions of the Canadian courts, a most 'efficient 8,nao, but he proved 2.30 in the afternoon and at 7 in the ted -up for blis tenant, Mr. d su cigpsful sup- Christ, that whether I arrotto rtmplon I the gospel of ship at the requirements of the law -there- last week, there being ineteen ladies the recent erlritendent. Of co evening and will be coroucted by aflne office and harness room In the come and see you orelse be abient-, Collegiate games.—Mr. Urge we do not present. Ladies' Aids are a great fore, as thus defined, all eachers In .3ohn rhm Rev. Mr. Toll, of Hensall. The church I John Todd, high has g6ne to the, Soo, the separate schools must, ereater may blear 9 Your 'affairs, that ye source'of usefulness in all the know anything of Dr. Coughlin's epee ivery stable.—Mr. bor s trlpi,- choir are preparing special music for school teacher in the city of Quebec nddego the same examinations and Young Britons W strivi together for the ed. If women were taken out of the friends, celebrated lfoq - b ut If be 113 Otherwise quallf led rft an account of lll a number of lal qualifications for the - position, stayed f ast 14 one spirit, with one the occasion.—Mr. Wm. Cooper, sr., lie churches where they. are establish- is home at preep Orangemen and' possess the same qualifications as .his mind, 9 -visiting -w th friends in Gorrie and ness, but is now Imp religion certainly should not count faith of the 'gospel." During his Ho- churches, there would be but little _roving.—Tha vember Sth, by ---having wa oy%tW- #W the feacher-a of the public schools. wick.—Mrs. John Anderson Is via- against him. This - is a 'species 'of I discourse he howed that the forty left.—Auction sales' are all the weather has been very fine'during pdr at thelir hf ll. Thl%: wag, $91oW4 her daughters In London.—Our go the past *week and farmers and othe The electrical power question is bigotry which belong's - dark Pears W 8 a Oommon -period In the r1i dd by a hort f =U*,-' to the a 'villlage merchants are laying In their and will be for some time to come.— have been making good -use of It.— programnle ages and should be frowned down Bible hlstory , -quoting various n- Complaints come to us from the west readings and addresses. Later V '11-kely to et the Whitney Government by every 1'right- thinking and liberty- lso gave. a history stocks of winter goods, as they al- Mr. E. G. Cudmore, a-milstant at 'the of tovm 1121f stances. He of Leadbury to the effect that,cblck- number assembled at the tovni talf Into ot water. This to only *hat was 1oving 'citizen. his first year@ p bene- railway office bere, spent Sunday In here, and, although en roosts are being stripped, and enjoyed a dance.—Chester TIP fit of their customers.—Among those duck London with friendii.—Mr. and Mrs. ptt, who 11as, been t 06 expected by those who had watched — — — he had a call Ito Barrie at the same pens made empty, and bee hives Y who h f rom this vicinity who have recent- Joseph Ellis were In Goderich last, past summer complet -the proceedings. Mr. Adam Beck, a ave followed the elvdence time as this o e it seemed th meddled with. The thieving 'rascals Ing 'hip fraft a- at Pro- ly returned from the west, we no- mber of the Cabin t, without Port- vidence had g Ided him here. When -tice the following:. Wm. C. Sproat. -will soon e tg ken'ln the London election inve,3- had better mend their ways or. It week, their former borne.—Mr. T. a Mason, ha 19 Murdock was also in the countytown he first came here he had the t gation at Toro be made hot for them here last week.—Dr. A. B. Smillie Brown, of London, -was a gue.st 41 folio, todk..the bit In his teeth and ntO 'n1ui# 'have' been' two Edward Cadmore, Lawrence Moffatt, son f John hiddon last We&141(d, charges of DI th and Belgrave and Wm. Rays, and Hu$7h cMurtrte. e, of he "(Capt.): Ferguson was isit wexit rotmd through the country h the feeling 'that the ex- for ten years be preached In the two They are all looking well and enjoyed truck wit an the chances are that It will be the late Mr. Behjamt-n Smilli t hottet still in the alning- great acclaim to himself by enditure of rndney does n c U hereafter.—The London road, and who recently re- 9 ot o nt -for Places. Afterwards Belgrave *became next meeting of the young people's In Hensall, -this week. gllb talk and big promises. their trip.—Mr. Thos. Elder, of the turned from Londft, England, where -5 months Now Much In the winning *of a!n i6lection, self austaintn-g! He also dwelt on circle to the east of here. will be he had been for some I that the Government are commm 3rd concession of Tuckeismith, and 4ic- 'as to generally supposed. In these the virious that had taken his brother John, of Hensall, are a_ held at the home of, 'Miss 310e.l Bar- taking cours Ifig to realize that they can not f ul- special es In medicine, elections mon;Y flowed Gove is, science and ad- rows. Miss Alice Dundas, who was has been spending he ast week at Briefs.—John Beattie, o ChOWit 7fil Mr. Beck's promises and are try- freely. Pos- way on a hunttng expedition to Mus- on an extended visit to Boston, has lng' to pull him - ln .'th 'trouble com- sibly a hundred or mote Witnesses vAncement all along the line during koka. Both gentlemen are expert- his home here. "Dr. Smillie Is to be spent Sunday - In- . tow the time he had spent In, IYM also return -ed 'home. nNormau mencea. The Toronto Star says that swore to bainvg received Money !for -what enced hunters and will, no doubt, congratulated- an the success that GuIre, who - has spent the paot tbrft B the Premier Is becoming restive un -something nice, their votes. But, with very few ex- the chuich here hid 'done- 'bring -home with'them attended his examinations, having moryths in Manitoba, arrived boilliotd- ceptions, these witnesses testified that When -he came, here -there were 68 In the way of venison.—Miss Annie McKillop. to Toronto honors at- Monday of this week,..4,' U!ncle DU& -der Mr. Bdeklis negotiations in addition with members, to -day there are 329 mem- their- votes were not Influenced by ihe, Papple,'of Hensall, wan this week a Eastern 140t talned the degrees of R. C. S, the Ontario Power Company, a com- m bers. There have been 678 Join the gust at the homes of Mrs. Jae. Mus- ea. The farmers In ley of Missouri will, 'be ffrWOd -pany composed largely of Ainerl- Oney paid them, Nearly kil of them church -and 344, removed. Baptl this section are , all pretty well Englazd, and L: R. C. D., London. in the town bal-I bere WWUy *V cans wh 'Ig :Roxt.—M-11ton, swore that,,tbey would have 'voted as tard and other friends.—Our boys, 532; marriages'; 250' ahead with -,their fall work and pre- ght cAtter deaths, 200; o h ve adopted a Canadian I they did,' even had —Rev, Mr. Hector, the Black XnI en. 'name.*He fears that a cry may get up thev 'not receiv- births, 325. On Monday afternoon as usual, had their fun on halowelen. will ccupy the pulpit of Carmel' turned from Brampton and 'reolmed pared to stall feed their cattle.— ed the -money. Some who had al Farther' than displacing a few gates The Guelph and Goderich -railway is morning -next his former position In A. -Strarunfo 'that the .overnment are tying up to an ays Mrs. McLean was presented with an church on Sabbath voted on the Reform side WbUld w and Dome ithd will address a mass meeting In re have other harmleed pranks there fast -approaching completion. The sto —W -F. Strettn bail ot "'OTA AMerle , detrim- address acc mpanled by a secretary was no damage done. track Is completed as far west a the Methodist church the same af- ed Into his ew premloel%_ ent of Canadian capital. It Is.said voted that way still n the absence and two ice chairs,, by the ladies Of of money, 6nd many others, who we're the c .'From the West.—Mr. Win. C. rece 'that a a Cabinet meeting ntly Conservatives, swore ongregatlon, and Monday even- 8proat, the flag station and by the mid, temoon and will preach there In occupied by Miss Hatkirk, milMor, w -as a farewell supper will reach the yaw_ Ing there on the Reform gly- ed from a very pleasant trip through lively t Mr. Whitney told Mr. Beek "that any I taken' 0 N the evening and on the followingMorl- The latter, wl money to vote, -that they had of Tuckers-nith, who has Just return- dle f ovember it 11 occup the Ahop 4 1 1 1 tool could get the appla',use of the side but that th, day evening will deliver a lecture In ted by Mr, on In the rch to tA- 4_:v, Own Of Walton. The people Stretton.—Wm. 81=016f.t . r ­L1 a, Paskatchewan and-Albera I Carmel church on emperance, tak- public by leading them, to believe IvIng in the Northeast of McKillop Sault Ste. Marle, and Anthony-umpW 0 voted On' Dr. McLean and family. At the first where 'he met many' Ing Into consideration the icontemplat; of WOlse -6 the Conservative side. We -venture to- -old Huronites, can- ot use the hag ion ley, Manitoba, table the oldest- members of the on - they are going to get something for say 'tha:t had there not 1; c ac- -attended 0 -been any says: "I f Irst went: to the pletur- iiothing. And Mr. Beek retorted In gregation sat, a few of, them hav- count of th unfavorable condition of ed voting on the local option by- funeral of their fst-her tore -194r, money paid for votes fry the, 'Londorr esque town of Virden, Man., an made ay,Mlso Luella RGss Wa$10M_ Ing been here when Dr. McLean came. my headquarters with Mr. Wm. Sproat, kind by telling the Premier he did elections the road leadin law., The Black Knight, Rev. Hector, Mond there would n g to It. It is very Lin- ot have been After partakth,g of the good' things _.A. not care for hlyn or his Cabinet, and fair to deprive these people of using is well known " a 6torag and con- from Toronto over Sunday- — a difference'o.0 half a dozen formerly of' Tuckersmith, and. a sort that he would see whether ihe p o vote" 09 down below'the com vincing Tempera;nce lecturer, this station for the sake and our Goodfellow, a returned ny repalred to of the r p of the People will e well repaid for at- either side. We believe that money late Wm. Sproat, of Seaforth. few dollars It would cost to con -i from India, gave a very IntereOW -ple were behind him or Mr. Whitney. the body of the chur h where there HI has not the Influence In a farm Is located about five miles struct a passable road leading go,—The entertain- and instructive addiess to a- larP 'Then Mr. Beek cam' down town to was another presentation of an ad- from town. He has 1,440. acres 01 thereto.—It would be advisable for e elections tending his meetin hat many think it haa. A man who Icool off dress and- a check "for $500 ment, given In the Methodist -church congregation In Melville Is mean, enough and dishonest enough to Dr. lbnd and- goes in for mixed farming. the McKillop aye 0 low It Is becom Ing- quite evident gevda. Messrs. Leckie, Inegle, under, the 'the than" will be prese Ih bit to*# McLean. This was iollow6d by ad- He raises wheat principally and feeds road next u mer t auspices of t take money for his vtoe Is untruth- council to build this on Prid venInr last, by Mr. Car- Sabbath evenlng.—IDavid A44 that ful enough dresses from shortens the oted t to lie about th way about one hundred head of cattle and distance for the residents 10 Epwot League, was lagtly at-: hall here -on Tuesday evening Velb tended and much enjoyed, as was al-. by the even, Col. Dennison Is growing weary he had voted of Lonqesboro; Small, of Auburn; horses and 50 pigs. He has one of 'the miles to deliver their produce.tOA114I well knovrn ImperaftsW# They take the money Hastie, of Delgrave, and. Meners. cosiest homes in that part of the the pathmasters for miles Room,", I Newton Bears, of Boston. nd vote as they like. And besides so,"'Ten Nights In a Bar of the London Scandal Investigation, a Hartley and Ander He -to tb -it has been sho' sqn, Of BIYVn. -All around which has been In progress. before wn many times, country. I then went to Crystal City should do their lit given on the following Ron auspices of the sp6ke of the high Psteen- In which atute labor on side day ev- under -the to visit Mr. S. Hicks and, Mr. W. G that where there ha ening by the same gentleman. Thef $650 and. Costs.—The case of bis court In Toronto for the past ve been large In elections as held. by them and Duff and found them both -well and S0614 expendltures Dr. McLean w - roads five and six, concession 14. Only a Illustrations were llfe-like, ;nd add- kInson vs. the Agricultural &d4 month. Sbort sittings and long ad- they certalul voiced the sentiments prosperous. While here I had t This along with free work from the Y. very small Proportion of the money, he. rlv -reduce e cost ed greatly to hole congregation and com- th e of the en- etles was heard at the non-JmIry Journments are becoming common. spent thas reached the electors. of the w ilege-of going through the spil ndl people will help td the pleasur 7, The e d of building. Pash and energy accom- nt .—Miss GlIgan left here tings -at Goderich n Tues4y_-04 munity. Dr. McLean as built a res- bamis of Hon. Theis. Greenway and plish great feats. The council will on Wednesda to visit 'her brother, Wednesday of this weeK -and W tertahime It now looks as If the prosecution larger Per' centage Of it has stuck 'had about exhausted their evidence. In Abe poskets of the Idence In Goderich and" he and hi 1 k ng ver - f 00 I 0 blis ine estate. His please t Mr. Richard GlIgan, In Seafor ake note. The auction -sale th, 'with plaintiff was awarded $650 and 0" Manipulators, family moved there, Wednesday. The re-slden6e and grounds are excelled the hope that the chamige will id In Te plaintiff In the case Is Mrs, 1W -A- of Munn Bros., As attended by a -B Lit the Investigatton must not be Who bave been given It to ,jpeqd. congregation and citizens generally, by few places In the cities for eleg- large crowd and her recovery, and In this connection I Wilkinsenj of Morris, who -was B04 allowed to stop here. So far only And th us it Is the bi fish and ot good Prices were are sorry -that he did not continue to ance and comfort, while I do ubt if realized for eveiything.—Ttie post of- she desired Your correspondent tol Ing for $1,000 from each of the B -SA one side has b-een heard and It would the little ones that really profit by ;reside here, It having 'bqen his home there Is th equal of his outbuildings 'be but fair and Just and in the In- the lavlsh expenditure of money at so long, but are glad that he flee on the' Ladb ary line Is a little xpress her -heart felt gratitude to Huron and Grey Brzadh Societlits fOr, terests of the )oblic that the other -ejections, and that the mon 113 Indt on -any farm In Ontario. From Cry- slow in getting established. What's the very many kind friends and InJuries sustained to her snkIP- ey dnly going out of the Presbytery and of the vdter side should now be heard. Perhaps a reaches 8, very few a tal City I crossed over Into North Da- wrong?—Th-e O'Connell drain lsjyIng nelghbors who mlntgqred hall etirg, t kota to seQ Mr. Geo. Sproat, son Of a's dorinant during her Illness.—Mrs. Carmichael day of ther fair, 1905. or,)Out 20 VIV. and when he Is so near there Is 'no 'doubt to 'her the agricilltural hundred or more itnesses have thus then In very small game. -It Is very- but that we will see hin- as ever. It seems the Al far been examincd all.with the ob- doubtful therefore If elections amongst us the late Geo, Sproat, of Tuckersm1th. legal prof esslons are Is moving this week Into the dwel- nessea from Druspl. sd are as slow at and corrup-' swayed as much by Ject of proving bribery money -as frequently and where he will always -He is doing well and had on hisfarm excavating as cant ling she recently purchased on Mill were called. many bave a warm welcome. ractor Figeo'n. on n ec ons y e e ormers. suppose. all"the Yankee conveniences for labor There Is a serene loose some where Driefs—Conductor **bo savIng. Among these Is a 12 foot bInd- with regard to the construction of The enquiry was ot confined to McKenzie, has be the London elections, but took 14 e wyning on the 0. T. R., be- el-, orked by six horses, pushing It this drain.—John Purt-Til, is Goderich. - . 1we n London and WIngharn for tAe danger- the whole Province. No particular Municipal Affairs.—Th' a ead of them and It gives good sat- e question, of past few months -he con- Isfaction. From there I weht to Ham- hospital t Drandon. We hope for election was taken either, but el- Is one of t OuslY Ill with. typhoid fever In the Placing the water and light iffatrq' of ductars who got his suspension In iota, Manitoba, - to another friend's' his: speedy recover,— The Beech- In the last ten years were raked up permanent commission for gdmints- tors on the G Col ections that have taken place with- 'the. municipality In the hands of a the recent hakb up of the conduc- and from there to Lumsden, where wood and St. umbw'n stores, con- WA PAP RS -arfd everything connected zwIth thernt tratiDn, rand Tr Link.— Hallowal- saw An -drew Blair, who has been, ducted by G. X. H Suitable for Bed Rooms, Dining Rooms, Kit- done by Liberals exposed to public olland & Son, ara -80 often advocated In the en was celebrated more this year 'MaYoi of that t6wn for some time, dolng a rushing buBIn#9s-_.—We are chens or Halls, selling at from Cduncll, will at last come before the th f a 'number of years, there and looks as well as ever. an or. gaze. Indeed so particular was the People. It Is probable that It w Then I pleased to note the MultItude, of mar. prosecution In confining the Investi- be being more barmless tricks played w6nt to Fillmore, where I saw DOn- riag a um n.-. voted on at NeW'' YeaiS. The, than usual, although quite a numben ald McNevin and M-- and -Mrs. Colum- doing by FOW- ban Is the place to get married.— 4 ga on 0 e exposure of wrong Commissioners will 1ji all likelihood, of 'Mose they were pi con s 5 cents per one particular PartY that be two In 'number, with the Mayor ayed on lid not ler, formerly of KHP-1, who are do -4 -the witne4ses appreciate them There to a; millionaire were privately exa'm- an additional -member' .—MIsses J.. S. Hab- Ing well In the dray business, I also poncesgi on the 10th ex-offfelo. kirk and Rene Bennet and Mr. John saw essrs. ja on of MCICIIIOP. Watch out regulax 5e to 10c goods. Also some Special mes McConnell axd for free libraries. , The compulsory Ined. at London and D 2 nY Who were Names for the Position W'ill.-be vot- Habldrk, of Brussels, vis'Ited rela- George Sproa pinces M likely to , expose wrong doing by ed on at the same time, so that, if t, wbo have taken tip set salaries 6f the teaching sftaff in the Conservative party were t1ve, In town on Sunday.—Mr. Kaake, Window Shudes while th ' last. tabooed the- proposition Is fvorb'd . by land near ey and 'not called. All 'the Pllln'ore. OR my way to this ejection Is f0r`01-ng the hands of these witnesses voters, the Cbm1nls19IQn wilili h Irr of Wroxeter, was In town on Tuesday Moose Jaw I struck the city, of Re- the ratepayers down deep In thel" were brought from London and other of this week.—Mr. F. MetcaU was at_ r existence Immediately., T1 4re, e gina, which Is now booming, and Pocketo. Is it a Combine ?—The peo- Ill, be tending y.man- places: to Toronto and wefre kept there In all probability a- gala iy at thie Ontario 'Horticultural where Mr. John Balfour, of Kippen, Ple of tbla sbttlon vie -for days at great expense and all tached meeting In Massey Hall, Toronto, 1B doing *a rushing bulness In real to the position, though the - COIxnell this we London scandal - as a w the H& this expense has been borne by the are the ek- -He 8,100 took some fine estate, aiso Mr. who very un-Ca ser- .-Aij X# T T not unanimous on Geo. 'Hinchley, VatlVe Way of oing business. They samplew-of apples, grown In 'this vi- Is manager of fhe rloo Thr 'hope the guilty oeo will be ferItted vince.- it Mayor Thomas Tilt staled that W`Ate eah-: FMST DOOR NORTH OF PIMARVA public Treasury of this Pro point.— he cinity for Ing Company Prom Moose Ja-w again. It was In Stratford this week, ory a would be an outrage, therefore, were would not be a cafilldate Beese webt Worth out and a lastIng example' made of SEAFORTA ONTART& I td the thriving little -p-4. -mukert -ties arrived nome