The Huron Expositor, 1906-11-09, Page 3URON EXPOSITO SLI Brick house in Egraondenkle toegon , with teller and gooct L6t No. 4e 4et Side Loielen Will beeselenefteare apply elville, or to".1. L. .1041.0Po. W271 tned wilirent hie farm et k good tenant for a termer, ts of 210 oacres of goo,e Itivatin and in good con. aid particulars apply Wore*. wph-2. 0. 11:81-M — ean /end ed quarter see -Cone of let) Iere per annum. Only firee eeettriey given. Tenons anein up can be lenle 10 to tl,Orel. For Anther. J. A. JetOssON. Berrie - t. l'eeest. leer sale the East Half 01 Lot eession of Tuckeremitil, eon. elettred aeti in a gOod len is, on the prendees, :.ree fen and a comfori•Able led orchard of *Muter forte ,3.3. to JOHN WHIT , 202 etellia frame npusein Rg ree aeres of lend, otter an c0ntain31 bed room, pee. itehen downstairs and two. W upstaire. There is plenty 'rite property is closet° beak 1 be sold chftp. Anply to pr.ix 357, Seedortee P. 0. 2032.tt rne subscriber offer), for safe ee.being, lot 31, Snt canoe. ith. Ad cleared and unele..-e ; all but IS mores in grere hay barn and °thee ont. d. good water, whoolhount hin six ranee of Seaferth ill be gold on easy terms. .linton P. 0. M89-x8ti RSALE.—The undersign that meet desirable boat Hall Lot 5, Conceseion I, • be on the promise% a„ bank barn, 66 x 34, all fit. ring and in first -claw shape. •on Road, Se milea from Sea Edinton and one mile front Aielf oe Lot 6, Coneetielon •spring that rues tile eear /seeded to grase. It win bet as the proprietor wishete to tioulare apply on the prem.. iawni, Seaforth, Ontario. 202841 =For sale, a story -and -a -half ey, Just outside the corpor- a are nine rooms (end wood >mediae, also hard and ere are 'Li acres of land,wftli it of the best varieties, also iand hen house for about 50, en recently painted and pape 'condition end would be a. =retired farmer. For further . .1. J. HUGILL, or to LL, Seatorth P. O. 203.1x20 For sale, Lot 6, Concession 3, containing 100 acres, or ood bun. The balance dand infIrsteclasseondition. ie one a bank barn 86 x 78 It.. rneath and 'the other 56 x e frame house, three good spring at the rear of the lot,. ard. The,ploughing is all wheat. It is within two. ellage of Hensel1 and within use. Apply on the jrernisea ..neell P. 0. 198741 or wee, Lot 24, Coneaselon r.• 100 acme. Ninety acres are le of cultivation: there are od hush. The farm la alt ell fenced. There is a two - slate roof, a first-class lune SOfte, cemeo4 silo, pig pen, two never -failing well% id email fruit. This excellent a Brucefield and five mllea gravel made. For futther premises or address ALBERT 1948-tf -100 cres, Lot 3, Concesaion ersinith, Huron County, all 15 acres of bush. Frame ell, land and bush the best.. "oneeteion 4,, Tuckersmith, ter, Baylield river crossing iL a bank barn, brick house, e pig and hen house, young' Eideome shade tree, Z wells, mildinter are new and up -to - best eonpition. A ,froorl Io lorth on a good road. These. -2. together or separately. If iffered for rent. Apply to- nirilte P. O., Ont. 199041 ALE.—For sale cheap and on ;ire Concession 4, MoKillop. Leto, all cleared and in fine- -are seeded to grass, six or . the rest all ploughed and. There is a fine spring for e to the huildingie a good erns, one with pod stabling i.table rind iniplement honse- ist within a mile and a half If not sold, will be leased' DY to the undersigned, box covENLocK. 'or sale, Lot 5. Conces.sion 141 e 120 acree. The farm le at, .te of cultivation. It is well" There le a large two-storey led and kitchen. There le a. smaller barns and driving- eds. There are two never en, which make it an excel - An' cropping. There is also. e rnbnili. This. excellent Ifarlock P. 0., four mile uft purehaser as the prop - he farm and, if not sold. it the farm of the late Joh* rulers apply on the premise* MRS. JOHN MILLS. 2014xte - - F'r . Lot 24. Concession ene Het clone. There are 85. halance is good hardwood linulerdrained and well fen" eremises, a two-etory frame item and good cellar. Tha kdiitoo. There ie also a good ntity of eorei wo.ter both at good spring creek rune Thie farm is in first- , the best in the township. lee front the village of Bruce - r Minton. Will be sold ell i.tor is going west. For !ur- n the premises or addrOg. et AIN GILMOUR,. -- 2010x1tf i"DR SALE.—The tindereigfl. en. that most desirable prop- etneeeeion 1, ToWnship of le There are. on the prem- ..% x el, with kitchen attaoh- 'p repair ; a large hank bane, r ee tablinunderneath e- ; on x 37, and other ueefut nett watered, both in front elapted both for grain tied t high state of cultivation, et the feet that the propriet- C.r nearly fifty years, tieing: ill farmers in the township. •Ing near both ehurch and' emit of a good market. For e JOHN SUTHERLAND, 2009-tt Coneession e. • Lot. Let 14, Coneessfon I, len 1, Huron Road Survey, in Vonore- of Huron, contain- hin t wo milee of the thrin. ef the best markets in 'ffes- nett wee awarded the gold *E[ en: of leen The farrne er the pat ten years and t uhape fur general farming. aitorey briek dwelling homer eo el -died --hot air furnace-- ehett .fine irrotmcls d Neter hedges -orchard ei west and nortiv-irood - 30 aeree of hardwood busier "watered with spring' ereel .ther or would divide prce • in the County of Huron. a!on•th. 2020-tr --Tear sale. Lot 2, pee K. 'Paekeremitli, °ordaining ell fencedand thoroughlf erdrained, and. having" per •ation, ix admittedly, onet • fame in the townelliP- henee with kitaben and with (+item and other mod - two good bank barns- dinge. There ire A good TIIw orchard of teen see e art. two never failing wells. rd the other at the barn. rat& eituated, heine three. Pi-. village of Ifeneall and one ieelhureb, where there are poet office and bl.ecksmittr poor health, it win be one hall of the pure •ettary, may fel-nein ore of interest. For fere prerniees or to ROREE7 ehog.e so much what yott what you save on pay aay at debar.raines your fu- uccess. Therefore get the habit of sexing as much %as possible every pay ciay. In The _gm Bank of Canada $1.00 opens an account, and interest is paid 4 times a year. Pay Day? Hensail, Brucefield. Groups and 9N -ren 8 110008 are a Specialty with ue. We do the kind ef werk you will be pleased with. We have exceptional facilites fr r mak. ine &Mile groupa aud onildren'e photos Come in end see nie Flame Framice and Mouldier& ARON BROS. Seaforth. Established 1879 log Cough, Croup, Bronchltb Grip, Asthma, Diphtheria resoIne is a boon to Asthmatics Dees it not seem more effective to breathe in a votsedy to cure disease of the breathing organs thazt te take the remedy into thei stomach ? It cures because the air rendered strongly anti. sesatk is carried over the diseased surface with every breath, giving prolongat and constant treat. t. It is inveluable to mothers with small of a consumptive tendency find immediate relief from coughs or in. limed conditions of the threat. Sold by ,dsuegists. Send postal foelooklet. LibutiXG, MILES Co., Lizait, Agents, Mont- real, Canada. 307 n the Liver Is out of Order eobanel, cascara, salts, strong liver pills Stia. purging mineral waters wisn't do any'permanents good. = When a person is bilious, the liver is not giving up enough bile to move the bowels regularly—and some of the bile is being absorbed by the blood. In other words; the liver is in a weakened, un- healthy condition. Now, purgatives don't act on the liver at all. They merely irritate the bowels, and afford only temporary relief. But FRUIT-A-TIVES are the one true LIVER TONIC. They act directly on th,e liver,strengthen and -invigorate this vital organ— and put it in a normal, healthy condition. FRUIT-A-TrVES also stimulate the glands of the skin—and regulate the kidneys and sweeten the stomach. When skin, liver and kidneys are normally healthy, there can be no biliousness, no constipation, no kidney trouble, no impure blood, no headaches. No other medicine known to science is so reliable and, so effective in curing Biliousness as these fruit liver tablets. PRUIT-A-TINMS are fruit juices witbc tonics added—and are free from. alcohol and dangerous drugs. soe a box or 6 for $2.50. Sent on reeeipit of price, if your druggist does not handle than. - FRUIT-A-TIVZS LIMITED, Crrta.w.a. hungr "High Grade" Training pays, and that is the kind the famous )IITIT.TOTT aleiCiliop Directory for 1906 a0R)i M. GOVENLOOK, Reeve, Weeithr op P. O. M. ROWLAND, Ocm.ncillor, Walton fe E. 1110QUAID, Councillor, St. Colum- ba*, P. ifORN McDOWELE, 0ounoi1lor, Sea- foreh P. 0. BYERMAN, Councillor, Brodhag- en P. Or MICHAEL MURDIE, Clerk, Winth- rop P. 0. R. HOLI1AND, Treaearer, Beeolie wood P. O. SOLOMON S. SHANNON, J. P., San- itary Inspector, Winthrop P. 0. apies Cotton Root Comma The great Uterine Tonic, and only safe effectual Monthly Regulator on which. women Mt depend. • Sold in three deggrees of strength—No. I, ; No. 2, la degrees stronger $e; No. 3, for special ears.4.0.per box. Sold by all d. or sent prepaid rece pt of price. Free pamphlet. MONS THE OS ftoiwwICo,,TOlIONTS, ONT. (fornierht Windsor) Trythe New Store Where they don't trifle with other people's businesa, but pay strict attention to the wants of everybody's needs in the line of tresh,. Cured and Cooked Meats Bologna and Sausages, Gra- ceriesv Fruits and Vegetables, all at rifflat prices. y our 27c Tea. 01116..xess ems. KRUSE BROS. SEAFORTIT, The origivators of low prices in meats Phone 96 Commercial Blo.sk. Opposite the -Post Office. .CRESOLENE ANTISEPTIC TABLETS A simple and effective remedy ein- -SORE THROATS AND COUGHS They combine the germicidal value of Oresolene 'with the soothing properties of slippery elm and Leo - Your druggist or from us, 100 in starve, 1,1.2511iintO, Mx1.18 CO., Limited, Agents, Montreal. eot Wirigharn Business College TORONTO, ONT. Gives its etudents, iteceet students have taken positions at salaries from $50 per month to $1,000 per annum. It Is a well known fact that our school is the best of its kind in Canada. This month Is a splendid time to enter. All gradu. eta get pesitione. T he demand is nearly twen- ty times the supply. Write today for map'. fleenteatal ogue. W. J. ELIZOTT,-Principal Cor. Yonge and Alexander Sts. 202241 ia a high grade Commeroiol School Three Courses : Conunercial - Stenography - Telegraphy Write GEORGE SPOTTON, Prin JOHN BEATTIE usissitaamosimimmts NOVEMBER Brings scores of yonug people every yearfrom the farms and villages of our country to spend a few months in our splendid school. The Oeutral Business Coll ge Toronto. From communicatiens in hand, this month this year will bring as many as ever. If you have not thought of it, not hid our catalogue, write for it at once, and you will likely plan to John us W. H. SHAW, Principal Yonge and Gerrard streets, Torouto 2018.26 Late Division Court Clerk, has a number of prop erties for sale or to rent, among which is a good building lot, the South East Half of Town Lot No. 45, East Ward, in George Sparling's Survey, Seaforth, which will be sold on reaenrmble terms. Insprenoes effected, debtaceelected and loans made on satisfact. (try security.at reasonable rates. Call and see me and be convinced. Late Division Court Office, Sea - forth. 20184f - Money to Loan. To loan on first mortgage on farm property. A- ' bout $2,000 private money. Apply at • THE EXPOSITOR OFFICE, 20264f. Seaforth, Ontario. The Berlin Business C ollege. Write for catalogGrof the school that places more etudents in posi- tions than any similar school in Western Ontario. All adustes get Positions. Enter at any time. THE BERLIN BUSINESS COLLEGE. W. D. EULER, Principal. 2018 SOFT AND PLEASANT Nat THE ITCHING KIND‘ Some underwear always seems to rub you the wrong way—a nasty, prickly, disagreeable feeling. You know how that kind makes you squirm. rmi gositor DISTITOT MATTERS.i Card a Thanks.—The undersigned desires. to express his sincere and heart -felt thanks to his fellow em- .ployees at the Bell Engine & Thresh- er Works for their uniform kindness to WM. during hie employment there, and especially for the beautiful pres- ent given him, a gold watch, on the occasion of his severing his connec- tion with that establishment He will ever cherish this mementoof their kindness and good will, and wherever his future lot may be cast, he will always endeavor to f10, reg- ulate his life and actions as to /irove worthy of their continued es- teem.—Thomas Oliver. Going to ,Windsor.—The Goderich Star of last week makes' the follow- ing reference to tWo worthy citizens, who are leavieg that town for Wind- sor. They are both well known in this vicinity, Mrs. Campbell in earl- ier life having been a resident of McKillop, near Seaforth, and for many years she was a prominent and most successfell 'exhibitor at all the agricultural ehow re The Star says: "This week Mr. and Mrs. 'Colin Campbell, who have been 'residents of Goderich for about 23 years, the _ past two -years on the Huron Road, just outside the town limits, this wee,k said good-bye to the old town, and moved to Windsor, where they have purchased a residence, and will resside in future. Few people were more generally known than this cou- ple. Mee. Campbell, especially,, being an active figure in Temperance, Sun - 'day school and -Women's Institute work. She has been connected witb. Knox thumb Sunday school for 17 years, secretary of the West Huron Institute since ite organization, and a worker in the Royal Templars and Canadian Home Circles since their first inception here. As a lecturer and demonstrator in -Women's Insti- tute work, she has travelled over a good part of Ontario, and organized Cromartv• every branch Institute in the county • of ,Huron. The Home Circles' Society Notes.—Mr. Alex. Miller arrived marked the departure of such worthy home from the weat after spending members by -presenting Mrs. Camp. some, weeks with his brother at bell with a handsome ebony and ii- High Riven—Mrs. Park and family ver travelling -companion, and Mr. ' moved Into the village last week. Campbell with gold -mounted silk The people of this little hamlet wel- umbrella, 1 est Friday evening, at the come them into their ranks and trust home of Mr. -Wm. Stoddart." they may enjoy their /new Mr. Alf. Miller of Toronto, visited his home.— Adopted a Negro Boy.—Mrs. Robert relatives recently.—Miss Jennie Bal - Kay, of Detroit, the lady referred lantyne, of Farquhar, recently* visit - to in the following paragraph tak- ed Mise Jennie Hamilton.—Mr. John en from ' a recent issue of the De- A. Norris ,returned home from the troit Free Press, is a Canadian be- west last week.—Mrs. Martin, Mrs. Ing a daughter of Rev. Dr. Griffin', Dow and Mrs. Murray, of Exeter, a former pastor' of tite Central Meth- spent a day at the manse last week. odist church, Stratford. Her hue- —Mrs. Gillespie spent a few days band, Mr. Robert Kay, is a nephew with Mrs. Gardiner, of Farquhar re - of Mrs. (Dr.) McDonald, formerly of cently.—Mrs. Johnston, who has been Seaforth, and now of Brandon, Man. ill for :the past week is recovering ' The Free Pres says: " Little slowly. Charlie Cox, the ten -year-old colored boy who has been driving the truant Bilious Attack Quickly Cured. officer to distraction, has at last .A few weeks agd leacX a biliousatl- found a benefactress in Mre. Robert tack that was so severe I was not Kay, whose husband is connected with able • to go to the office for two Wright, Kay & Co. Mrs. Kay -is days. Failing to get relief from my president of the ladies' board of the family physician's treatment, I took D'Arcambal Home for Boys, and three of Chamberlain's Stomach and while the child was an inmate of Liver -Tablets, and the next day I felt this institution she met him. She like a new man.—H. C. Bailey, Editor took a liking to the boy and detected of the News, Chapin, S. C. These Tab - many good qualities about him. She lets are for sale by all druggists. believed that if he were removed from his environments, he would reform. , The only way in which she could In The Olden Days. get absolute control over him would Thus cried. the hair. And a kind neighbor came to the res- cue with a bottle of Ayer's Hair Vigor. The hair was saved! This was because Ayer's Hair Vigor is a regular medicise. Falling hair is caused by a germ, and this medicine completely destroys these germs. Then the healthy scalp gives rich, healthy hair. The nest kind of a testi.monisl— " Bold foe over sixty' years." A_ Made by Ir. 0. neer no., Lowell. Mee. Also ineinteeoturere of A., S RSAPAMLLA. yersPcilital PECTORAL. , eetee UNSHR1NKABLE UNDERWEA made from the best and finest qualities of AustralianWool —much finer than the Canadian wools—retains all the original qualities of, the wool and is soft and elaitic. It is as soft and fits as well at the end of the season as at the beginning. Insist upon seeing this trade mark. If -asp •Pesuk,s, take it back and your es4"..it,,, cede. is not all we claim dealer will replace it. buNe v4ocfr All dealers have it. THE C.TURNBULL CO. LTD GALT, CANADA. assured.—The following were elect- ed officers of the Junior Alliance of the Evangelical church: President, Pearl Wurtz ; vice-president, Eva Williams; recording secretaey,Elmora Hartleib ; corresponding secretary, Al - vena Bossenberry ; treasurer, Gertie Hartleib ; organist and assistant sup- erintendent, Etta HaTtleib ; assist- ant organist, Ada Koehler; libra- rians, Muriel Preeter and Olive 0' - Brien; page boys, Marshall Zeller and Clayton Hoffman. A Guaranted -Cure for Piles Itching, Blind,sBieeding, Protruding riles. Druggists are authorized to refund money if PAZO OINTMENT fails to cure in 6 to 14 days.. 50o. GOOD AS GOLD. • A Company with a' Record. The "London Life" has been conducting its business for over 30 years in a quiet, unostentatio us manner, bat with the greatest satis- faction to its policy holders. For over 20 years with pr ofit policies have been issued, upo% which the results are unexcelled. ESTIMATES of profits on rates now in force have been FULLY REALIZED. W. H. ROBINSON Inspector Seaforth. lop, met with rather a pa nful acci- dent. He was driving a team of horses when something went wrong . With the harness, and he got out on the tongue to fix it, when the horees1 started and he fell beneath their feet and the wagon ran over him, fracturing his arm. 4 be by adoption, and Monday afternoon, Interesting sketches of the early In the probate court, Wm. Cox, the . days of Seaforth and vicinity, child's father, relinquished all claim • taken from the files of The Ex - to him. Robt. Kay, Mrs. Kay's hus- positor. band, signed the adoption papers. • NNW.. 4•1i, •=1110 •••••• •••••.0 Seaforth, June 18, 1873. Mr. Hugh Love, sr., of Hay, left on Tuesday last for Scotland. ' Mr. Love's object in again visiting his native land is to obtain more im- proved stock. The hay crop is likely to prove a failure again In this district. An exciting game of baseball was played in Seaforth on Saturday last between WrOxeter and the Stars of Seaforth,. resulting in a 'victory for the Stars by 54 runs to 84. Mr. William Malcolm, one of the prominent residents of Seaforth, died on Monday last, Deceased was a na- tive of the country of Scotland and had reeided in Seaforth • since 1868, where he was engaged in the egg and produce business. He was 43 years of age and leaves a widow and two children. Mrs. Kay will send the bpy at once , • Seaforth,- May 16, 1878. to a private boarding school in Vir- At the annual meeting of the Star ginia, where only children of wealthy base ball dab of Seaforth, the 101- southern negores attend. She feels lowing officers were elected : Prest- very hopeful for the future of her den, H. W. C. Meyer; vice-president, young charge," It is to be hoped J. 'eramb ; secretary and treasurer, D. the little fellow will learn to ap- Hogan; cemrnittee, John Grieve, :Wm. preciate his 'good fortune, and im- Erwin and F. Smith. prove his advantages and become a James Dunnage, of the 5th conces- credit to his race and a joy to this sion of McKillop, had six sheep and' worthy benefactress. He may be. nine lambs -killed by dogs one night) come a second Bookel washing -ton. recently. - • Piles quickly and Tositively cured with a -seriouS accident the other with Dr. Shoop's Magic Ointment. day, He was harrowing wtih a team Ws made for piles alone --and iti does of colts, when they ran away, and illere ;work eurely and with sa,tisfac- dragged the harrows over him. One tion. Itching, iprotruding or tooth penetrated his skull and he is blind piles disappear like magic by now in a dangerous conditcin. its use. Large, Nickel Capped glass --- jars, 60 cents. keld and recommend- z Seaforth, May 23, 1873. ed by C. Aberhart, druggist, Sea- : Mr. Samuel Scarlett has purchased forth. from Mr. Win. Arthur, the house and lot on Goderich street, at present McKtllop occupied by Mr. Julius Duncan, for Section No. 2.—The , following is $1,000. the report of the pupils in S. S. 'No. At the annual meeting of the Sea - 2, McKillop, for the -month of 0e- forth Mechanics' Institute, the 101 - Officers were elected : Pres- tober. Marks given for exa,minatione lowing and good behaviour: Class V—Ethel ident, Wm. Campbell; vice-president, Kerr 790. Class IV—Brenton e Kerr Adam Gray; secretary, Jas. I. Car - 647, Samuel Storey 549, Aileen Scott ter; assistant secretary, Allan Mc - 534, Peru McMichael 628, Homer Lean ; librarian and treasurer, W. Hunt 504, Jean McMichael 459. Cle.ss N. Watson ; directors, Robt. Jam- III—Mabel Dorrance 513, Mima Dol- ieson, Wm. Grant, R. McMillan, Ed. mage 499, :Willie Storey 488, Jessie CaSh, D. D. Wilson, Thos. Malich- Wilson 438, Clifford Hunt 392,Lorna, ael,` John Murray, John McIntyre. Harn 330, Robert McElroy 297, , Omer Anderson 213. Class II— Ed- Seaforth, May 30, 1873. Ith Hunt 283, Ethel Harn 186. Class John Ellitot, of McKillop, and Thos. I—Edith Dolmage 156, Charlie Dol- Gemmill and -Wm. McGeoch, of Tuck - mage 100.—Helen McMillan,"Teacher. ersmith, left on Monday on a trip • to Virginia and North Carolina. Zurich Thomas McAsh, of Stanlee, met The new pure food and drug law will mark It on the label of every cough ,cure containing opium, chlo- roform, or any other stupifying or poisonous drug-. But 4t passes Dr. Shoop' s Cough Cure as made for 20 years, entirely free.' Dee Shoop all along has bitterly opposed Vale lose, of all opiates or narcotics. Dr.Shoop's Cough Cure is absolutelp see even for the youngest -babe—and it eures ' it does not simply suppress. Get a safe and Reliable Cough Cure, by simply insisting on having Dr. Shoop's, Let the law be your protec- tion. We cheerfully recommend and sell it. C. Aberhart, druggist, Sea - forth. 1 Dr: Mitchell, of Kinburn, left here Notes.—The Hay council meets in on Wednesday last, to take up his the township hall here to -morrow, abode in 'a lively and flourishing town Saturday.—Mrs. D. Ruby, who spent in Michigan. the summer in this vicinity, has re- The 24th was toyally celebrated in turned to her home in Cavalier, North Seaforth. In the afternoon there Dakota.—Mr. Nicholas Foster, sr., a were athletec sports and horse races respected resident of this village, in the driving park, and in the even - celebrated his 84th birthdaY last week. ing the dramatic club presented the He is still quite smart, and the wish plays The Idiot Witness and The of his many friends is that he may Loan of a Lover." be long spared to go odt and In a- On Tuesdey, 20t11' ' inst. the bridge mOng them.—Mr. L. Kipfer purchased over the south branch o'f the Malt - the fifty acre farm belonging to the land river, at Latta's, on the bound - estate of the late Simon Hartman, ary 'between Tuckersrnith and Hib- which was sold here by auction some bert, gave way. At the time Mr. Robt. Dalrymple, Tuckersmith, and 600.—The Old People's Day was cele - days ago. The price .paid was $1,- Mr. Robert Fulton and daughter, of brated in the Evangelical church last Usborne, were crossing with a load of wheat on a wagon. The men es - Sunday, and the occasion was Im- proved by a suitable service in the caped injury but Miss Fulton was forenoon.—The members of the W. C. some what bruised. T. U. /held their annual meeting for The farmers of the west end, Tuck - the election of officers on Monday af- ersmith, held an enjoyable picnic in ternoon, at the ,home of Mrs. C.- the grove on the second concession Fritz.—Mr. Wm. Dowson has rented on the 24th. his farm, on the 16th concession, to Mr. A. Brisson, for one year, arid Mr- Seaforth, June 6, 1873. and Mrs. Dowson intend taking a, well Me King, of Carronbrook, has be - earned holiday, and may go West for come a resident of Seaforth, and has next summer.—The wind mills on the taken the office on Main street, for - farms of Messrs. .A. Foster and J.eimerly occupied by Dr. Smith. Brown, near here, were blown over I/ A sad accident occurred at Walker's by the wind recently, and coneider- ' saw mill, Grey, on Tuesday morning ably srnashed.—lar. J. E. Hagan, a last. A young man named Francis brother of the Messes. Hagan, of Hills Goforth, who was acting as tail saw - Green, and a former principal of er, came in contact with the saw and Zurich public r3chool, who is now lo- had his abdomen ripped open and a cated in eWilteston', North Diiikota, leg and an' arm out clean off. He where he has a tame and greeWing only breathed once or twice after practise, is candidate for the the accident. position, of coroner for his county. If On Thursday of last week a'young those in thie vicinity who know him man named Alex. Rankin, in the em - had votes there his election would be ploy/ of MrJohn Brown oi tic101- . •-- - —Mr. Thomas Southworth, Director of Colonization in Ontario, has [re- ceived a letter from -a former resi- dent In the vicinity of Hanau, many, who is coming to Ontarioin the spring to engage in Agriculture In this Province. He says that he will bring with him 50 to 100 young farmers, all with more or less cap- ital, and all, anxious to take up farming locations. They want to get land together in the Thunder Bay, Rainy River, Nipissing or the Algoma district. —Rev. A. J. Fowlie, 35. yeas old, a Presbyterian minister at Coldwater, Ontario, was out duck shooting on Georgian Bay one day last week. when he received a -gun shot wound 'in the Tight leg, above the knee. Mr. Fowlie and Mr. E. S. Clifford, of Leatherdale, C'ntario were, in a boat and weige rowing one of the oars came in contact with' a shot gun lying on a seat, discharging it. A heavy charge of No. 4 shot lacer- eted Mr. Fowlie's thigh and splinter- ed the bone. He was taken to To- ronto hospital where an operation was performed and the chances are he will recover. 4 A HANDY HOME BOOk. One of the most useful books ever issued is that entitled "A Handy Home Book," published by the Family Her - and Weekly Star, of Montreal. It is the best educator we have seen— brimful of those things every one should know yet few people do know. It is a family doctor and cook book. To see it is to want it and never part wit ht. It Is a credit to Cana-, dads great weekly paper. The Family Herald and Weekly Star is bigger value than ever this year. Their premium picture, "A Tug -of -War," Is also greatly admired. The com- bination is certainly a big' dollars' worth. • 0 —The James Innes Co., of Hartney, Manitoba, have taken over the Carberry roller mills, and will operate the plant there in connection/ with the Hartney mills. Mayor Scott of Hartney, goes t� Carberry to man- age the company's builness there., The two mills have a combined ca- pacity of about 500 barrels per day. —A.. Pearson, a laborer, was in- stantly killed in -Winnipeg by being run over -by a street car on' Main street, near the corner of Jarvis avenue. The circumstances attend- ing the accident are most sad, for the unfortunate man leaves a widow ahd seven small children absolutely without means of support. IN A DEADLY. DECLINE. "Satis action or your Money Ea terAINIMINNIIIIIWAVONIONNIV 91 he Famous RAND Sold only in Seaforth by Stewart Fascinating effects in ,Furs. Fine specimens of the animal king- dom fashioned_ into exclu- sive styles by the world's foremost designers. The fact that an article has gained a repute,cion for reliability, that its worth and quality is known throughout the entire Dominion counts for much when it comes to buying Furs, especially in these days of keen competition, when price is the principal point with a great many dealers, and when the market is glutted with cheap trashy furs. 1114, Musk Ox Brand of Furs has a reputatien it has taken years to build, and a reputation that the manufacturers Could not afford to lose. Every garment is sold with a positive guarantee to be perfect in style, quality, fit, finish and price—a guarantee from the ingest fur house in Canada, whose reputation for honesty and uprightness is un questionable. Why take a chance buying inferior rtic ea when you can get the best at prime that will eurprise you / Below are a few descriptions, but to appreciate the true merit of these furs you must see them. Call and be convinced. Saved Jug in Time by Dr. :Williams' Pink Pills. : "Before my daughter Lena began taking Dr. -Williams' Pknk Pills she: looked more like a corpse .than a live girl," says Mrs. Geo. A. Myles, of South Woodslee, Ont. " Her blood seemed as though it had all turned to water. Then she began to have bad spells with her heart. At the least excitement her heart would beat so rapidly as to almost smoth- er her. She grew very thin, and no appetite, and what little food she did eat did not seem to nourish her. She was treated by one of the best doctors in this part of the country, yet she was daily growing worse,and 'her heart got so bad that we were afraid that she would die. She slept but very little, and would frequently awake with a start, and sometimes would jump eight up in bed. - Thum starts would always bring on a bad spell, 'and leave her weak and ex- hausted. We had almost given up all hope of her ever being well again, when we decided to try Dr. William' Pink Pills. After taking a. couple Of boxes she began to sleep better at night, and color began to return to her lips. From that on she kept right on gaining, and after taking eight boxes of the pills she was again in good health. She is now fifteen years of age,. the picture of health, and since beginning The pills has gained about forty pounds in weight. Only those who saw her when ill can appreciate the marvel- ous change. Dr. -Williams' Pink Pills have brought about in her condition. I believe that had it ncit been for the pills she would be in her grave to -day, and it is with feelngs of great gratitude that I write you, in the hope that it may 'benefit some sufferer." And .Dr. -Williams' Pink Pills can do just as much for every weak rifl- ing, pale -faced young woman who is slipping from anaemia into a deadly ' decline. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills ac- tually make new blood. In that way they strike straight at the root, of alt comrnon diseases like anaemia, headaches and backaches, heart pal- , pitation, in 'clIgestion, neuralgia, rheu- matism arid the secret ailments and • !regularities of glen; and women. Sold by all dealer); in medicine or by mail at 50 cents a box, or six boxes for $2.50, from the Dr. :Williams Medicine Co., Brockville, 9ar., , !Ladies' Fir -lined Coats. Rat Lock Sinirrel (white and grey), or hemster lined, semi -fit or loose box back, sable or mink trimmed—black, green, blue, fawn or brown shells; three-quarter or seven. eights length, in all the latest designs and pleats; every coat a fashion picture. Price from $45 to $80 Ladies' Near Seal Coats. Sable or mink collar and lapel, blouse effect with girdle or straight front, beautifully lined, perfect in fit, fair in price Price $35.00 to 58.0u Ladies' Lamb Coats. Mink, sable or Belt trimmed, long or short coats, latest designs, substantially lined, elegant fitting, rich black glossy even curl far, Sizes as high as 44. Price $28.00 to 50.00 Ladies' Astrachan Coats. Fine black glossy healthy skinned, small even curl coats, very best lining, long or shorecoats. Price $25.00 to $32.0 'Small Fars—Small Priced As fine a stock of neck pieces and muffs in every kind of far as was ever collected, at prices that are exceedingly interesting. Men's Fur Coats. Coon, calf, wombat (natural or dyed) mountain bear, dog and wallaby ; fall length, wide skirt, wind cuff inside sleeve, first-class linings; in quantities that will surprise you—qualities that will satisfy you, and prices that will in- terest you. STEWART AFORTli