The Huron Expositor, 1906-11-02, Page 2illiams
General Merchants for the People.
The very generosity of this business is the celiac of its suecess. Jt
has the heart to ge into big things and the couracei to try improve-
remits wherever they are needed.
To the Farmers who have Produce and Poi,iltry to
dispose of, Will find this store a convenient one to
trade in. The best goods carried in the following
0.13 0. CORSETS
OARPIETS in variety and 'quality
liaiseelsed the democratic doMeStic-
legielatiOn - of her danghter colonies, .
i -Then,_ indeed, would Englan'd blosSoM
asi Ae twee and Millions of her tpeopIe
haVe_hopes and opportunities now dee '
riled them." A.s a. sort of onset to
this, , One Stalwart in the meeting', a
Ur. J. Hardwick, a 'member of the
Leeds Distress Committee, said
"Their corrimittee had. received very
shocking reports /kern Caniada,where
all the land ' near the „railway wags .
.taken -up, and they wericed sixteen
hours a ' daye Ile did not think (they
Would- lime send any more emi-
grant." . It Ilie pretty- hard to move
an Old 'Oeuntry man if are don't
went to be moved. .
...............e.sesa • I - I
Mr. Jaines H. Ashdown, the melees
chant prince of Winnipeg, has been
:unanimoualy Invited by a larige and
influential meeting of tits citizens
of Winnipeg eto be its next Mayor.
The meeting was composed ,of repre-
isentatives ' from all the business and
ommercial organize:U(1sta ofthe, city.
t is generally recognized that this
'is a eriticed period in 'the historsi of.
the city, and the very best !men ; a-
vailable are required to pilot it
safely through the breakers of pies-
-perity and expansion, and S/Ir. Ash-
down is generally viewed as the hest
and ablest man for the position. Mr.
. ''"'"" A.shdoven, we may say, is an old
oultry prices this week, dressed and alive
!noes career in this county, asbus-
a '
Huronite, having commenced his
him at this meeting is else fa form--
tie • was Mr. John, Aird, Manager of th
.......,. ........ 9e Geese •.. . e
, 7 Bank of Commerce and Who, for
• eral years, occupied a similes posi-
- ... .. Tuikeys.. •• 1 • • •
• tion in Seaforth. We may also ihere
70 Hens • • .• 4 notice that the Winnipeg Free Press
In referring to the corning trial at
Portage 1 a S'rairie of a man namcg
Eli Grobb, for the shooting of la
constable who Went to seize 'his
goods and which. was chronicled in
•these colunme at the time, says :
"At the coming trial there will be
some sensational evidence as to Use
sanity of the prisoner. Dr. Russel,
of the Hamiltoe insane asylum, one
of the best known expert:Bien the con- I
tinents has been subpoenaed by the.
defence to confirm the evidence of
Dr. Young, of the Selkirk asylum,
who at the first trial, testified that
Grobb was insane." Dr. Russell is
another old Huronite. What would
merchant in the village of Wro-xeter.
TRADE PRICES • It may aleo be worthy of !mention
ALIVE that the gentleman who nominated
Chickens • • •. .10e .. • .... ..• . • .. •• 7 o er reeident of this county. ThiFS
, • •••• a • •••4••• WC Ducks , 4•
CASH PRIOR - 7-1 cent per lb. leas for dressed birds; ic per lb, less for live
birds. After this week live poultry will be handled on every' Wednes.
day, commencing November 7th.
Agenq fbr Fit -Reform Tailor-made Clothing.
Successors to B. B. GUNN
th in�n expooltor
SEAFORTH, FRIDAY, Nov. 2, 1906.
The Other Side.
There are, usually, two sides to
almost every question. Some are dis-
posed to overlook this fact. This is
the case to a very large extent in
the matter a the London election
bribery charges now being .inve.sti-
gated in the police eourt in Toronto.
As yet only one side has b4en heard
But, for all that, certain' journals
hurrah -,aa if the case was complete'
and the charges unmistakably prov-
en. 'Those who do this, however;
may be fairly set down as more anx-
ious to make political capital against
an opponent than to purify the po-
litica' atmosphere -of the province.
Ne sane man would seriously takel
the unsupported statements of self
confessed rogues like collins and
kseitchett and base upon them an
accusation • of wrong doing against
men whose characters through a
long- business pee have stood above
reproach. Nor would it be fair, on
the 'strength of such evidence to as-
sume electoral corruption against
the leaders of any politidal party.
• Yet this is just what some a th• e
Conservative papers are doing. Th y
are trying to form public opinion
gainst the Liberal party on 'ex-partle
eyidence of a most doubtful charadte
This looks as if they wese afraid t
wait until the whole story is told,
lest what is yet to come may., destroy
the force and effect of what has
already been produced. This ma y be
good party tactics, but it is not cale
eulated to promote electoral purity.
That there are two Sides to this
London business has already been
made manifest although there has
not been a scintilla of evidence pro-
duced in favor of the defence. It
has leaked out despite the most stren-
uous efforts of the prosecution to
keep it back. One witnees placed on
the stand by the prosecution swore
that Collins had toSd him that he,
Collins, had -drawn $800 of his own
money from the bank and had spent
it on the election. In explanation of
this statement Collins had said to
this witness that he wanted to get
something from the Government and
desired to stand good with them and
took this means of securing their
favor, but that they had given him
the worst of tt.,, Many withesseS
swore that they had received money
to vote for Hyman, and nearly all
of them had received this money
from or through Collins and a great
many of them swore that they were
Reformers, that they always had been
Reformers, and that they would have
voted for Hyman even had they not
• received money. Now, why :should
Collins or any person else attempt
to buy such men? These are not
the men whose votes are -usually
purchased at elections. If, therefore,
this man Centres was using his own
money sad spreading A round pro7
miscously and foolishly simply to
make a dhow, that he might ingrat-
iate himself with the Government in
the hope of receiving greater fay -
ors from them in, the future, why ,
should the Government or any person
else be held responsIble for his
acts? We do not say that this
Is the case, but wp do say that the
evidence thus far, clearly justifies
this suspicion. Besides this, if Coll-
ins was actin- In behalf of the
Government, or Mi. Hyman or the
Reform party and is the dangerous
man he is supposed by some to be,
he .cotld easily have been silenced.
By his own confession he was want-
ing a Government job. Had his
wants been acceeded to there would
have been no eeposure. How very
easy it would have been, therefore,
for the /Government tit; close his
mouth by giving him what he was
so eager for. The very fact that
they refused to do this is the
strongest evidence • that they are
not afraid of birn and they did not
have the entangling alliancewith
him that he says they had.
The Expositor wishes to be clear-
ly understood in this matter. If Mr.
Hyman, Mr. Reid, of London, Mr. O'-
Gorman or any other persons, no
matter what the political or social
standing may be, have been guilty,
either by connivance or otherwise,
they should be exposed and punished
and We *ill do our share in expos-
ing them. But before we condemn
them, se want evidence that will
justify the condemnation Thus far
that evidence has not been prpodec-
ed and hence we -think that all who
desire to reach a correct, conclusion,
should, at least, suspend judgmient
until the case is closed. No •man
should condemn a clog on the un-
supported evidence of self -proven
criminals of the Collins •and Prit-
chett type, much less man who have
hitherto enjoyed, and, evidently, de-
served the highest confidence and es-
teem of their fellow men.
At a recent -political meeting in
York, England, a letter was read
from. Mr. Hamar Greenwood, M. P.,
who is at present visiting in thie
country. Mr. Greenwood, we may
state, is a brilliant young Canad-
ian,' a native of Whitby, Ontario.
He went to England and was not
long there until his ability and
brilliancy brought him prominently
to the front. He Is BOW a, Irnegibes
of the British Parliament. In the
letter eeferred to here he said:
" Would that our great home land
Fit and
•Quality I
[ Our
Are Right
Are You Out of Patience
With Your Clothing ?
Patione,e and long suffering is the motto of those men who buy com-
mon place clothing.
he Temptation is Great
To put cotton into clothing (especially since wool has gone up in price)
It is a Comfort to Know
That one store in this town has put np the
ing process, and this is the store that gives
with every garment we sell.
bars against this cheapen -
you a .personal guarantee
Our $10 suits means $12 worth of wear and appearance. The regular
price is $12, but we are making a special effort to sell more clothing
man ever before. We want to make this a record breaking slason and
if values count for anything we are bound to do it.
We sell everything a man and boy wean in clothing.
Seaforth -
these new and growing Western Pro-
vinces do without old 0Huronites to
look after their interests? They
figure in every department of use-
fulness; in church and state; com-
mercial and agricultural; social and
educational. Huron blood will tell.
Bilious .A ttack 'Quickly Cured.
A few weeks sago I had[ a bilious( 'at, -
tack that was so severe I was not
able to go to the office' for two
days. Failing to get relief from my
family physician's treatment, I took
three of Chamberlain's Stomach and
Liver Tablets, and the next day I felt
like a new mans -H. C. Bailey, Editor
of the News, Chapin, S. C. These Tab-
lets are for sale by all druggists.
Manitoba and Northwest Notes,.
-A third Methodist church has been
opened in Cal ar , .Alberta.
-New buildings to the value of
over $200,000 have been erected in
the town a Dauphin, Manitoba, this
-The, farmers' elevator at Virden
with 27,000bushels of wheat in it,
collapsed a few days ago. The loss
will be fairly heavy.
-Over two hundred teachers at-
tended •the annual meeting of the.
Western Teachers' Association held
in Brandon last week.
-On Saturday evening at Summers
bury, Sask., Mr. Barbour, a grain
nee =ant ts' that place, was robbed
by a sneak thief of $31,000, which
was to be used -in paying for wheat:
-Robert Scott, a prominent resi-
dent of Selkirk, Manitoba, died in
that place "last week, after an ill-
ness of two. months. He was 65 years
of age.
-McGillivray Bros., threshermen of
Blythfield, Manitoba, have just fin-
ished- a very successful season, hav-
ing threshed 80,000 bushels in 40
days' rtm. Some heavy yields result-
ed, but the average, it is expected,
will be 22 -bushels per acts. -
-Rev. John A. Beattie, M. A., for-
merly of Binscarth, having received
a call to the Presbyterian church in
was inducted into his .new
• charge in the Presbytery of Rock
Lake on Sunday last. •
-G. Little's store at Tyndale In
Manitoba, was burned Monday morn-
ing, together with the entire stock
of general merchandiee. The loss .is
$6,000, covered by
• -A severe epidemic of typhoid has
broken out among horses along the
-whole -course of °Wascana Creek, be-
tween Regina and Lubden, a distanee
of twenty miles. Twenty-three sick
horses are in a single veterinary sta-
ble in ,Regina.
-The Eddy Company, of Ottawa,
talk of !starting a branch factory of
their business in Edmonton, and
Charles Hyman & Co., of London, are
going to open' a leather werehouee in
-Ilypnold fever' has been terribly
prevalent throughout the Western
rcenincm els is season. riot alone in
the villages, towns and cities,' but in
the country districts as well, and a
great many deaths have occurred.
Impure water and bad drainage are
the fruitful causes of typhoid.
-Robert Baker was filled $25 at
Medicine-- Hat on a charge of origin-
ating a prairie fire, which burnedue
considerable hay: The prisoner was
let off with this light fine, as he
only -just arrived from England, and
did notrealize the danger Of amok-
finaigl. carelessly on he prairie in the
-Wm. John Kyle, of Brandon,
Siged 62 years, .clied very sudde1y;
from heart, failure. Deceased was
ten old . reeident of Shat -city, and up
to the time Ot hie death had enjoy-
ed good health. He had just returned
from a walk clown town, and had
gone to the stable to milk the cow
when he was seized with severe pains
In his back, and expired in a few
-William P. George, of the law
firm of Patterson & George, of
Deloraine, Manitoba, and eon of Mr.
and Mrs. John George, of Mordent,
died in the hospital at Morden, of
typhoid fever. He paf3sed the final
law examination, and was called to
the bar. in June last. He was 22
years of age, and was a posing man
of much promiee.
-Willie Henderson, aged twenty;
Was found dead a few • miles from
Calgary. He and a friend, named
William Dean, were at Midnapore.
Dean left him- at Pine Creek bridge.
The horse ;came into Calgary attaeh-
ed to a damaged buggy. -The poe
lice Went _out on a search and came
across tha dead body. Death was
taused by a bullet, wound. It is be-
lieved that the gin which the boy
was .Carrying went off accidentally.
fTwo years-- ego the boy's father was
killed in the C. P. R. yards.
-Active preparations are now in
progress for the erection of the
new Parliament buildings for Al-
berta; in Edmonton. The structure its
self will be probably the handsomest
Plasiliatnent buildings in the ipomtn-
lox. It will be probably. 290 feet in
length and 200- feet in depth. In the
fornr of an."T," the front wing being
considerably- longer than the rear
One. •The building will be practic-
ally four stories high. The dome or.
main 10111' Will extend about 140 feet_
above the main structure.
- -The Young Men's_ Christian As-
sociation, in Regina, have deterk
mined te erect in that city a new
building for the use of the A.ssoci-
ation, at a cost of $100,000. ;Two
eubscriptions of $5,000 each have ale
ready been received for the good
work, and' the eommittee in charge
are confident the amount required will
be fully 430:scribed before the build-
ings are completed next summer. A
-meeting to 'consider the matter re-
cently was attended by over one
thousand enthusiastic men.
-JarneS Gillespie, a typical Wectern
tamer from the Glenborb distric., in
Manitoba of a quarter century'
sidence, in an interview, mad: 1:*7
tling was a rather more dirricu:o
business in theearly days than it ie
•'now, and I myself walked some five
hundred miles of territory • before I
finally pitched on a loaction, which
I have held ever Bince• At the .time
'there wasi but one house in the dis-
trict, but not long afterwards a num-
ber of Icelanders .came along and'
took up holdings. They made ex-
cellent settlers, and many of them
amassed Considerable fortunes. One
of them', who died about three years
years ago, was worth almost $100,000,
which he had. made by -his own unaid-
ed •efforts, having started practic-
ally pennilesi. In fact, all of them.
average .pretty well now, being worth'
from $6,000 to $10.,000 each, and own -
in Er from 1,500 to 2,000 acres .or land."
The new pare food and drug law
will mark 11 on the label of every;
tough %cure containing opium, chlo-
roform, or any • other stupifying or
poisonous drug. but sit passes Dr.
Shoop's Cough Cure -as made ear '20
years, entirely free. Dr. Shoop all
along has bitterly opposed the luse
of all opiates or narcotics. Dr.Shoop's
Cough Cure is absolutelp see even
for the youngest babe -and it cure
it does not simply suppress. net a
Esafe and Reliable 'Cough Cure, by
simply 'insisting on having Ds.
Shoop'. Let thelaw be lyour protege
tion. We cheerfUlly !recommend and
sell it. C. Aberhart, druggists Seas
-Mr. and Mrs. Hector Foster, old
and highly respected residents of
Oneida township, Wentworth county,
were celebrating their silver wed -
'ding, and had made great prepare-
. Ninety guests were invlted.
Chickens dressed with gelatine and
boiled in large popper pots were serv-
ed, and not long afterwards eighty-
five of the guests were ill. tThose
who had partaken of the dressingi
were ill, and the other five, who
had not, were urfteuched. Two of the
guests, Mrs. Ferguson, wife of Rev.
Mr. Ferguson, and Mrs. Fester, also
Mr. Foster himself, have since died.
-A. disastrous fire occurred in thee
Exhibition grounds, in. -ThrontO, On
Thursday night, October 18th. The
Crystal Palace, the original Main
Building of the Exhibition, put up
over a quarter of a, century !ago, and
recently used as the Transportation
Building; the Grand Stand, a vast
structure, capable of seating fifteen
thousand people, and ereeted at a
cost of almost4100,000 ; and the (horse
stables and cattle sheds, that will
not be replaced for less • than $80,-
000, were comPletely destroyed. The
new buildings, • being of brick and
iron were not metch injured. The
loss *Ill be $150,000. The origin of
the fire is not definitely known.
A Common Trouble Among Growing
Boys -A New. Blood Supply is
Needed -Dr. Williams' Pink
Pills Actually Make New
There are thousands of young men
just approaching manhood who have
no energy, who tire out at the leaet
exertion, and who feel by the time
they have done their day's work as
though this day was it week long. In
some of these cases there is a fur-
ther sign of warning in the pimples(
and, disfiguring eruptions which
break out on the face. These are
certain signs -that the blood is out of
order, and unless It is promptly en-
riched, a complete breakdown or per-
haps consumption may be the result.
All these young- men should take Dr.
-Williams' Pink Pills. These pills ac-
tually make rich, red blood,clear the
skin of pimples and eruptions, and
bring health, strength and energy.
Here is a tit of proof. Adolphe Rol-
and. Sr. Jerome, Que., 1s a young
man of 19 years, Who says: "For
,more than a year I suffetred frein gene
eral weakness, and I gradually grew
SO weak that I was foreed to aban-
don my work as a clerk. My appe-
tite failed me, I had oCCasiolial vio-
lent headaches, and I began to suf-
fer from indigestion. I was failing
so -rapidly that I began to fear that
consumption was fastening itself upon
me: Cur family doctor treated me,
but I dld not gain under his care.
I was in a very discouraged state
when a friend from Montreal came
to see me. He strongly' advised nse
to try Dr. Williams' Pink 'Pills. I
• did so, and inside of three weeks I
began to feel better, my appepite be-
gan to improve and I seemed to have
a feeling -of new courage. I con-
tinued the pills until I had takein
ten boxes and. I am now ,enjoying the
best of health I ever had. My cure
surpeised many of my friends who
begerf to regard me as • incurable,
and I strongly advise other young
men who are weak to follow my ex-
ample and give Dr. Williams' Pink
Pills a fair trial." ,
There is no mystery about the
cures Dr. Williams' Pink Pills make.
These pills actually make rich, red
blood, which braces and strengthens
every organ and every nerve in the
ibodv. Thats re wnst Xieese erns cure
all common ailments like anaemia,
rheumatism, Indigestions, neuralgia,
S. Vitus dance, headaches and back -
aces and the special ailments of
wornen and growing girls. You can
get these pills from any dealer in
medicine or from The Dr. winiarna'
Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont., at 50
cents a box or six boxes for $2.50.
HALK dust is fine and
white, but it won't
make good bread. Fine,
white flour is all right as
far as it goes, but if it
lacks nutrition its other
qualities amount to nothing
as far as baking is con-
oyal 1 i usehold Flour
is not only the finest and
purest of flours but also
the most nutritious. It is
"milled by a process which
gives you all of the nutri-
tious properties of the
wheat in the best form for
your Ilse. You can get it
from your grocer.
Ogilvie Flour Mills Co., Ltd.
"Ogilvie's Book for a Cook," cons
tain..4 leo pages of excellent recipes,
some never published befere. 'your
grocer can tell you how to get it FRAU.
Ara T or ometer
The thermometer on
tlie Pandora range oven
means precisely in ac-
curacy to the cook what
the square and compass
mean to the draftsman.
Without the square and
compass the draftsinan
would have to work en-
tirely by guess, just as
you do without an ac-
curate and reliable thermometer on your oven.
The Pandora thermometer reduces cooking to
an exact science. You know precisely how much
heat you have and what it will do in a given time.
It is one of the small things which makes the
Pandora so much different and better than c`o mou
Vieersselecatto ea wad Facto
E.,endon, Torc?zuto,, Montreal.,
Winnipeg,. Va.4ccrraver.„
S. John, N.B., Hamilton
CHESN,EY and SMILEY, Sole Agents, Seaforth.
Fall Approaches.
Fact is coming quickly. The cool days of Autumn, and the colder
days of Winter, will be here before you realize that Summer is past
You should be prepared for the change, and now is the time. Later
the rush will be on, and you may get nipped. Comae -while there is
time, and let us prepare you for the change, by supplying you with
all and Winter Suit and Overcoat.
We have the latest/and best in Suitings end Overcoats. We are the
premium tailors in this vicinity. The combination will result in the
best fitting, best wearing and most serviceable garments you have ever
LUNG TROUBLES. Miss Florence It.
Mailman, New Germany, N.S., -vvrites:-
I had a cold which Ileft me with a very
bad cough. I was afraid I was going
. into consumption. I was advsisecl to try
I had little faith in it, but before I had
taken one bottle I began to feel better,
and after the second I felt as well as
ever. My cough has completely disap-
The Great French Vitalizer
Promptly cures Debility or Weaknees result-
ing from indiscretions or excesses.
Best and surest remedy known for all diveases
that follow as a sequence of abases, eaes of
Memorise Pains in the Back, DinilleSe of Vision,
Premature cad Age and many other diseases
that lead to Physical Weakness, Insaiiiiy and
an early grave. Mailed to auy address oil re-
ceipt of price, 60 cents, or five toxee for W2.
THE RAY MEDICINE CO., Stretford, Ont.
11 -Notice to Creditors.
Mem! eilleiMAI!6
In the estate of the late George Whitely, late of the
Town of Seaforth, in the County of Huron,
Home Dealer, deceased.
All persons hexing any claim against the estate of
the said George Whiteley, deceased, are required to
send the pheticulars of the seance they verified, to
the undersigned, adininistratrix of the estate, within
one rnotith from the date hereof, after which date
the undersigned will proceed with the administrat-
ion of the estate, having regard only to the claims of
which she shall have received notice. And after dis-
tribution she will not he responsible to any perseqn,
of whose claim he shall not have received notice.
This notice is geven pursuant to the Statute in that
behalf. -
Dated at Seaforth this 8th day of October, 11)06.
Administmtrix of estate of Oeorge'Whitely, deceased.
•••••=wimf +BIM
Notice to Debtors.
All persons indebted to the estate of the late
George Whitely are required to settle the amount of
their indebtedness with the undersigned, forthwith.
After one month from this date alt accounts due
shall pass into other hands for collection.
Dated at Seaforth this 8th day of October, MOO.
Adininietratrix of estate of Oeorese Whitely,edeceased
Notice to Creditors.
In the estate of John O'Reilly, late • of the Town-
ship of MeKillop, i.i the Couuty of Huron, Farmer,
Notice is hereby given pursuant to It. S. O., Chap.
129, Section 38, that all persons having claims ag-
ainst the estate of the gold John Celteillee who died
on the 22nd day of August, 1906, are required, on or
before the 8th day of November, 10013, to send by
`post, prepaid, or deliver to J. L. Killoran, Seaforth,
Ontario, solicitor for Denis Joseph O'Reilly, the Ad-
ministrator of the decoked, their names and address-
es, full particulars of their elaims duty verified and.
the nature of the security, if any, held by them.
And notice is further given that after said date, the
said administrator will proceed to distribute the as-
setof the said estate among the persons entitled
thereto, having regard only to the claims of which
he shall then have notice,
Dtited this 12th day of OetobeSeafre1006°rtb.'
Solicitor for the Adminietmtor.
' 2,0e7-3
Trousx FOR' SALE. -Brick house in ;Hem
Jai. one and one half stories, with cellar -
sized stable. Situate on Lot NO. 4, Bedside
Ssoet. one quarter aore. Will be slide
to JOHN DAT Y, EgmondeelIe, or to J. L.
AN, Seaforth, Ont.
fri0 LET -The ondereigned will rent his tem et
the Leke Shore to a goad tenant for a te
live years. The farm consutts of 210 acres
land, nearly all under cultivation and in
dition. For full terms -and particillars aiu
DANIEL 8MITH, St, Joseph P. O.
money -on impkeved smarter Factions
acres each at from 8, to 102e, per annum. Only eme
mortgages taken. Ample security given. Tereent
Title System is perfect From *300 use tali i .
on farms worth from SLOW to $2,0reL Feer
particulars write to me. .3. A. JACKSON
ter, etc., Ponoka, Allaerta.
M FOR ALE. -For sale the Feeit Helf enet
4, on the ilth Cone,eieston of Tueltermaille
training 60 acres, nearly all cleared aud in se easo
state of cultivation. There is, on the,
seed bask base (40 x 56 ft.) and a
dwelling house, also a good erchard wes
Tereasremnahle. Avply to JOHN WHe
•Chiselhurst, Ont,
TeOR SALE, a comfortable frame house in
..E.: mondville, with three acres of laud, eenez tat
alsa a etable, The house eontaies 3 bed room, pse,
lor, dining room and kitchen downstairs and tine
bed roome and a law hall upstairs. Tema le.
.of hard and ,soft water. The_preperty iselose
church and school. Will be sold cheap, etupii
JAMES S. BROWN, or beet 357, Seaforth-p,O.
FARM FOB, SArJes-The subscriber offers for Ale
his farm of 103 eaves, being lot 31, see
elm: H. R. S. Tuckersmith. Ad cleared and Tim*
cultivation except 3 acres ; all hut 18 aore nrawg,
Frame house, bank barn, hay barn and other gee,
buildings, bearing omhard, good water, sehoolheave
on thepremises. It is within six miles of
and five from Clinten•Wlfl be sold on
WHITFIELD CRBeett, Clinton P. 0.
OUSE FOR SALE. -For sale, a efeneeeeleabat
house in Harputhey, Just outeide see
ation of Seaforth; There are eine reenna and
Wood and eoel shed in connection, ale° haideed
water in the house. There are nacre/143f
both small and large fruit of the best en '
stable for tiow and hone and ben housefoe
hens. The house has been ree.ently peinteA
ered and is in first-class condition and wo
very suitable home for A tetired farmer.
particulars apply to MRS. J. J. FIUGe
FARM FOR SA.LE.-For sale, Lot 8,
L. R. S., Tuekersmith, contain/WI.
which 9 acres is good headwood bush. he bise
well fenced, tile drained and infirsteclasseenditien,
There are two good barns, one a bank limn 36 x /3as
with 'stone stabling underneath and. the other
36 ft., and a comfortable frame house, three Vol
wells and a never -failing spring at tills rear el tee
and a good bearing orchard. The ploughing is
done and 14 acres of fall esibmt. It is witlia tikt,
miles of the flourishing village of Hensel/ and wi
half a mile of a school house. Apply on ttie pm* .
or to J. CALDWELL, Hensel]. P.O. eV*
MIARM FOR SALE. -For sale, Lot 24, eteerekes
Stanley, containing 100 acres. Ninekyseresere
cleared and in A good state of cultivation ; there are
10 acres of good. hardwood bush. The ferm
well'underdrained and well fenced. There is a storey brick brick house with slate roof, a first -ekes fen .
house. Bank barn, 401t, x cement safe*"
eriving house; There are two uever-failing
Ind an acre of orchard and small fruit. 'Me exesehee _
rarm is tnree miles rroin Brueene/d and sire melee
from Olintore with good gravel road.% For kale
particular& apply on the premiees oraddeeesALBEIM
NOTT, Clinton P. 0 leelett
FARMS FOR SALE -100 iseres, Lot 3,
5, He R. 8., Tuckersinith, Huron Coiini
seeded to grass, except 15 acres of Nish;
house, orchard, 2etsood wells, land and bush Oe
Also West half of Lot 5, Concession 4, Taskerni
50 acres, , school on corner, Bayfteld riveremenng•
Ou this place there is a bank barn, brick
work -shop, driving house, pig and hen home,
bearing orchard with handsome shade trees.
water first class,. The buildings are new and
date and the land in the best conpition.
cation, 3 milt. from Seaforth on a good matt
fame are offered for sale together or tereerefely.
not sold soon may be offered for rent. A
JOHN SPROAT, Egmenthille P..0„ Ont.
OOD FARM FOR SALE. -For sale hes
easy terras, Lot 26, Coneession.4,
This farm confab)," 974 acres, all cleared arid
eondition. Fifty acres are seeded to gimes,
seven in fall wheat and the rest all plowehed
ready for spring erop. There is a fine 45.eing
watering the stock elose to the buildings, a
brick house, two large barns, one with geed ei•
weieeneete, also horse stable and implemen
and a large orchard. It is within a nule and
of the own of Seaforth. If not sold, will be
fore term of eears. Apply to the undemign
192, Seaforth el, a, ROBERT GOVENLOCE%
L Aug
gong '
N't, sear
•tesdEN ;
010 I
FAM FOR SALE -For elle, Lot 5,Oonces
ullete, containing 120 acres. The farm es
cleared' and in a high state or cultivation, nix
dminell'and well fenced. There is a. large tw -
brick home with woodshed aed kitchen.
larere bank barn and two smaller barns. and
shed. Two good. orchards. There are tan
failing springs on the farm, which make le an
lent one for either stock er -cropping. There is
a pump at the barn, with windmill. Tile ex
• farm is two miles Thom Harloek P. 09 fou
from Myth. Terms to suit pureshaser- as
rietre,ss wishes to leave the farm and, if not
will be rented. This is the faun of the la_
Mills: For further particulars Apply on the
or address, Harlock P. 0., MRS. JOHN MILT
WARM FOR SALE. -For stile, Let 24. fkin
12 3. Stanley, containing 100 acres. TWO at.*
acres cleared and the balance is geed Said
Imeh. The farrn is well underdmined and well
-ed. There are, on the premises, a two-story
house with stone foundation 41nd good cellar,Th
house is in flrsteclass condiiton. There Seabee
frame barn. There is plenty of good water both
the houseantl bare and a good spring creek
across the back of the farm. This farm is htt.
class shape and is one of the best in the towi
It is three and a half mike from the Village ot
field and five miles from Clinton. Will be
easy terins as; the proprietor is going west,
flier particulars apply on the premises er -
Brucefield P. 0., MRSJOHN GILMOUR.
• 20190ff
1 00 IdnoleitciAN-Ifiri(Riblt z1;11(i01:131:11"b111,ein
erty known as Lab 6, Conceesion 1, Townsny
Blanshard, Perth County. There are, on the
ed, 19
goodlioritiliin dn'
70 x 70, with good stone stabling underneath eoe'
fitst-elms cement silo; 1 x 37. and other ;sera
buildiege. The farm is well, watered, both in Irea
and in the rear and is adapted both for grain
stock raising and is in a high state -of taller
which is v ell known from the fact that the pe
or has resided thereon for nearly fifty years,
one of the moire suecessful farmers in the
It, is centrally located, being elear both en
echool, and within easy reaeli, of agood market
fiinirtrichteorappa.rtoi.culars address JOHN S'Mr-
UTH he-1L5W
°RthSreAeL-qUa-rtAenrseo'clegeaelltrebloi5fidlianndj,ctifiet 161r4tt
MeMann property, Egmondville, opposite tne
ation grounds, all ready, for building. 'There
good fence all round the land, a good herd WI
well, the eellar is dog out and a dmin ail reetela_ha
al** a drain from it. There are about 17 t&ewes'
of kiln run brick. The brielt can be bought
ly if desired. There are also a number ef leads OL
gv:haoute.nouTght etranproetopertImy iwnld b17:114
cheap, as Mr. Little cannot drive the Baeilele "elf _
Seaforth *Awe and live in Egrnonville and would Ijite
to dispose of his property there. ,Any person
to buy this property rimy learn all patticula
It. S. IIAYS, Seaforth. IL LITTLE,
leeeitelei FOR SALT:. -Let 15, Conceleion 2
.L 15 Conceesion 3 ; S. le Lot 14, Coriorel
and 5 e Lot 15, Concession i, Huron Road Sale
Township of Tnekerernith, County of Huron,
ing 300 acreseland rel withie two miles et tbe h�V
ing tewn of Seaforth, one of the best markets In
mteerdan 1°Iiiiitathrei°farinTehoLleeifi:trnitliolnvaosf 411gliVed
have been all pestered for the past ten
would now be 111 excellent ehapefor saner* -
Soil gerel clay loesne-twoedrirey brielt dwellirerticiVe
and kitchen with briek woodehed--hoteir furnsesesee
hard and soft water in icitchen-fine grounds
shrubbery, evergreens and cedar hedgee
with :Truce windbreak on west and north
barns with stone stabling -30 aeresof hard%
maple and 'beret -well watered with sprine
and river. Will sell altogether or would divide
perty. No better property in the County of If
JOHN T. DICKSON, Seaforth.
001) FARM FOR SALE. -For sale, Lot 2*
cession 12, el, R. Se, Tuelcersmith, tee
100 acres. This farm is well fenced and th
mid systematically underdrained, and. sari
kept in a high state of cultivation, isteinatiedlYea$
of the most productive farms in tbe towneei
There is a first elaSS frame house with idte-bee
worstlehed, and equipped with cistern and othes
ern conveoienees. There are two good Nett
and other up-to-date out-buildinge. Them
hearing orchard and also a new orchard of a
leveed fruit trees. There ere two never biller
littleiionfeermist itehemhodousdecie anradblythesItemudther fte4beutp+
miles from the prosperous village of Iieneell gnu
quarter of a mile from Chieelhuret, where Oar
:011; chontirresedleseele:Iesterest°re' ,P:):11tenelilences hi"14fdloab
ehop. As the proprietor is in poor holtise
chase money, or more; if neoessary,
the farm -at a reasonable rate of interot
ther particulars apply on the premiseateT
Chiselhoest le O.
They eo
with mese
rim yea
rate Dh
ertio for
building 1
46, ras
=effected, d
and be eon
' 3
To loan 4