The Huron Expositor, 1906-06-01, Page 6p EtIMO UNE he pro A stripe and a half brisk . The hem is heated with kitchen end woodshed At - 'env good stable and hen re are a 1 s octet, at bard. =cattail. at -front SZ to 10X per aininm. On y smt, ut,0 teo taken. Ample =day given. Torrens I tem is,perfoot. From *000 up can *slew& on wo from 81,000 tti 32,001. For futther to Me. .1. JACKSON, Barris} OPLENDID FARM FOR SALE. -For We, the East hell of Lot a and Lot 4, me the 13th Concesion Of Mullett, containing 225 acres, all steared except 15 .acrweof_good hardiveod bush. It is well fere:sal and tile drained. There is a frame house and twer good bank barns, with stone stabling under both, end other Outbuthlings. A spring creek rune across 'the farm. Ib is well adapted either for grain or game. at is within 7 miles of Blyth, and thma-quarters rano from Harlook, where there is a store, black- smith shop, post office and school. Will be sold on easy tonne as the proprietor wants to retire. Apply on the prendees or address, Harlook P. O., S, mu* WARM FOR SATM.-For Sale, Lot- 24, Concession 2, X' Stanley., toritaining,100 acme. /fihety armee are cleared end in a good state of oultivatdon ; there are 10 aeres of good hardwood busie The farm le all well underdrained and well fenced. There is a WO- atoreybriek house with slate roof, a first-class farm house. Pank barn, 40ft, x-80ft., cement silniesig pent driving -house; There are two never -failing wells, 'and an fore Of erchardand small fruit. This excellent farm. is three miles from Brucelleld and five miles from Clinton, with good gravel roads. For further pertioulars apply on the premises or eddress ALBERT eines, Clinton P. O. 1948-tf 'L'1ARMS FOR SALE --100 acres, Lot 3, Concession seeded to grass, except 15 aoree of bush. Frame house, orchard, 2 good wella, land and bush the best. 50 acres, , scheol on corner, Hayfield river crossing- it. On this, place there le a bank barn, brick house, workehop, driving house, pig and hen, house, young bearieg orchard vnth handsome shade Um, 2 wells water first ekes . The buildings are new and up -tot date and the Leek in the hest eonpition. good‘lo- cation, 3 mike front Seaforth on a good mad. These farms are offered for sale together or seperately. If not sold soon may be offered for rent. AnlAY JOHN SPROAT, Egmondville P. O., Ont. 199641 felOOD FARM FOR SALE. ---For Sale cheap and an N.31 easy terats, Lot 25, Concession 4, Meltillop. mut farm contains on acres, all cleared and in fine emidition. Fifty acres are seeded to grass, fax ot eeven fall wheat and the rest all Ploughed and ready for Erpring crop. There is a fine spring for watering the stock close to the buildings, a good brick house, two large hone one with good etabling underneath, also horse stable and implement house and a large orchard. It is within a mile and a half of the own of Seaforth. If not sold, mill he leased for a term of years, Apply to the undersigied, box 192, Seaforth P. O., ROBERT GOVE.NLOOlt. WARM FOR SALE. -For Sale, Lot 5, 'Concession 14, Mullett, containing 120 acrea The farm is all elearal and in a high state of cultivation. It is deaured and well fenced. There is a la* two- storey brick house with woodshed and kitchen. There is a large bank barn and two smaller hamsand driving shed. Two good oichrirds. There' are two never failing springs meths farm. whieh make it an excellent onefor either stook or cr.. .ing._ There le also a. punne at the heti-with wield . This excel- lent farm is two mile% from Ilarlock P. O., four miles Irons Biyth. It will be seed on easy.ternis as the proprietress wishes to leave the This is the farm of the late .1ohn Mills. For further particulars apply on the preirdeee, .Or address Harlook P. 0., MRS. JOHN MILLS. 2002x8 ICIARldsFOR SALE. --For sale, Lot8, Concession 8, • L. R. S., Tuckenenith, Zontaining 100 acres, of which 9 acres is good hardwooct bush.- The balance. well fenced, tiledrained and infirsteelasseondition. There are tun. good barns, one a bankbarn 38 x7a with stone stabling underneath and the other a6 x 30 ft., and is cemefortable frame house, three good wells and a never -failing spring at the rear of the lot, and a good bearing orch.ard. The ploughing is all done and 14 notes. of fall wheat. It is within two miles of the fiouriehing Allege of Henault and within half a mile of a- school house. Apply on the premises WARM FOR. SALE. -- Let 9., Concession 5, H. .1' R. S., Tuckersmitble containing- 100 fares ; 90 • acres cleared and in e good state- of cultivation. There are 10 acres of good. hardwood bush. The farm is rich and clean, well fenced and well underdmined. There is a amd dwelling house, good bank barn and outbuildings. It is all seeded to grass, except ten aorea, a never failing wells, one being a drilled well near the barn, and lucre of orchard. Thia is a choice farm, with good gravel road -leading. to market. Will be soki. on easy ternis as the proprietor wishes to re- tire, Apply ou the premises, or address, Seaforth MICHAEL WILLIAM. 2003-6 ..fetOOD FARM FOR SALE. -Farm for sale, Lot 1, Nal Con. 1, Mullett, containing 100 acres, 95 cleared, good eon, no waste, exeenent situation, being two miles west of the flourishing town of Ses,forth, on the Huron Road. On the premises is e two-storey frame house containing. 8 rooms, sununer kitehen, cement (Interns, house is heated by furnetee just put in. Them are two barns and other outbuildings, one barn has stone basement with cement floors, a small orchard with choice fruits, and a never failing spring at the barn. Possession may be had this fall and, if not sold, will be rented. Apply on the premises, or address Seriforth P. O., GEORGE O. DALE Jr. WOR. SALE. -An excellent building lot, containing. three-quarters of an aere of land, part of the atior grounde all ready for buildings There is a good fence all round the land, a good hard waten well, the cellar is dug out and e drren all round it, also e drain from it. Them are about 17 thousand -of kiln run brick. The bria can be bought separate- ly if desired. There are also a humber of lapels of sand and gravel and enough stone to build a founde- tion- for a large house. This properts• will be sold cheep, err Mr. Little cermet drive ehe Hayfield and Seriforth stage and live in Egmonville and would like to dispose of his property there. Any person deeiring to buy this property may learn all particulars from R. S. HAYS, Seaforth. or H. LITTLE, Bayffekl. FARM FOR.SALE.-For stile Lot 29, on the 9th Concesaion of Ilibbert, containinir 100 acme -all ises a brick house with brick kitchen and a go cel - Lk. ere Is also ar large bank barn, 60 x 40, and a tO of 12, feet, with stone stabling underneath. Also a shed, 80 x 30, and a driving house with every- thing complete. There are three never -failing wells on the premises. there is also a large orchard and good garden. There are 10 acres of fan wheat sown and there are 40 acres seeded down. Either suitable for hay or pasture. All the fall ploughing. is done. The farm is well underdrained with tile and well fenced witteeire fences. It is in a, good. locality, be- ing situated two -and -a -half miles from Chiselhurst, -where there is a post offiee and two churches, Meth- odist and Preebyterian, 8 miles from Seaforth and there is a good gravel road running past the farm. It is in good oonditton and win be sold on reasonable terms aa the proprietor wishes to retire. For further particulme apply on the premises or to CHARLES in a good state of cultivation, There is on theosrene Tones Phospholinet The ,Great, Baglialt Rented/1A Tories' and invigorates the whole- nervoue system, makes new lood in old Veins. Cares Nerv., • § ental and Brant, Worry, Des- -Intdorrluetz, and Arecto of Abuse or -o,zomoo:°- Price $1. per box, sixfor One will pie e, will cure. Sold by all waggists-or mailed isiain pkg. on receipt of price. New palltip 'radial free. The Weed Medicine Co. (formerly Windsor) Toronto,ont, A POSTAL Mailed to us to -day will bring our handsomely illustrated ew e - graph book, telling how you can learn telegraphy and qualify for a position at from 846.00 to $60 00 per month in from five to seven Kindly write's, your postal now. mom 8. _W. Somers-, Principal ADELAIDE STREET EAST, TORONTO 1 1Weeting of Huron County Council The Council of the County of fluid Will meet in the council chamber in the Towrr Goderich, on Tueielay, the 5th day of June next; at 3 o'clock. All aceounte againet the counts requiring settlement must be placed with the clerk boort'', this dote. Ent.One and Asia. Aird, Manager of Old Dank sof tomonleroe, Nyino.liveig, tormerly Seafortfl,* With Mite AIM; 'recently treturned bO feom :tour ofeaeveral Months in Europe _and Asia, Mr. Aird a gives the bellowing interesting incidents of his very pleasant and extend- ed ltrip.. Ile 002/8:1 "The midst twonderful eight eeen by nil durri,g our entire ‘ %rip- twat; the [ruin to the 'heathen. temPles at ' ful tin the world, surpassipg any. lin Athens tor (Rome, and the- imeonitude end, wastness of the sfeat 'edifices have excited the. state.- and wone der of all travellershe temples ere _three tin number, inoleding the Greaer Temple, the Temple of the . San and the Ciroular Teraplee The hist of these is of small dimensions, design. The Temple of the Sun; is in en excellent etete of preservate ion, and in size is aomewhaX larger than It'he Parthenon at Athens. The great temple is tof eelessai trize, the main quadrangle covering between , theee and Moak acmes. The (mine' at -Karnak, Thebes, Luxor and other points in Egypt are also of 'vast size, .are most imposing in -tappeae- seize, Iona give aneindication of the wealth and sarpaseing greatness !of par4ntly the habit Of these People to bury their most preCious dowels with their dead in candela times, and meet malaable finds are being made daily by those engaged in b xcavat - ing these traLne. Many Of these date ,obbeined several 'trinkets betweep 6,000 and 7,000 yeais old. - `" The Assonan dam at oke firet ,oataract on the Nile is a fine 'pie ithe ;contractor t IT tbe dam; loom opleted his contra t some years ago bet the igovernment 41 still ongag ed blearing the river ;Of Stone an east are (full •of great enterest to Canadian. 'visitors, bat their oon- dition from the ..pioint of sanitation is beyond description. All at theno ially in their oldest portion* dread Sews in the east is pitiab/e. All of them are strickeh with' thet (utmost poverty, and it seems as though they are-deadeed a, aimed taaticin. All the territory war:oiled by the Turks is in a desperate bonditiOn, as bad as it can be Made, the state of able too the corruptibility ef Terk- Greek! Still Clever. " The 'cleverest people' in all that coinatry are the Greeks. I believe the . Greeks to be etill the eleverest people tin the warld. Whether, they are engaged ais servants or as mer- c'hants, they are exceedingly skilful In Egypt, Syria, ahd Armenia they have the tapper hand and are to bp fonnd everywhere. They are usual- ly quite unscrupulous, 'end , will cheat you if they can. - o" We "visited Athens several week; betere the Greek national games, bat visitors were already arriving when we were there. We in/voted the Stia.di tem and 'were mu -oh enter, - es Led: The structure will accomo- date 80,000 end is built entirety of Wbite marble. The Greek govern- ment isebehind the enterprise, bat it is believed -that hhe Stadium efli 'joy few (itself in sii or seven years, and it (certainly will ill ten. : Monte Carlo. " The tresort at Monte Carlos was in. the (hands oof the Germans at- !the time. of lour visit.. No- deseription could convek a true impression lot t'.his place, which is °unquestionably one of - the wonder; of the worrd. The patronage et the resort is pe- ouliar in !this respect, that ' at one time lit is full of (French, at :another time the (English are there. Then Italians, and tery 'ea. At the time of oUT /V18i4 the Germans were 0.n IPos- sessien. On eertaie tables in the gambling rooms loathing can be bet bat gsold, sand the amount of laced displayed of these tables, at kimeet is very 'large. We saw tables six times on ;the turning lot the Wheel. The most invetente and t'he boldest gam- blers ere old women. We saw tholes - ands of dollars in gold elaoed on tehe leeles by old women, Wele give Clothes ‘kashed by Sunlight Soap are cleaner and whiter than if wash in any other way. - Chemicals in ,soap -may remove t e dirt but always injure the fabri Sunlight Soap will not inju e thie most dainty lace or t e fiends that use it, because it is absolutely pure and contains o injurious chemicals. Sunlight Soap should always be used as directed. No boiling or hard rubbing is necesiary. Sunlight Soap is 'better air pther soap, but is best when used in the Sunlight vyay.• 5co,; $5 000 REWARD WIII be Paid. fo any- person who any injurione chemicals or* any form ' of adulteration. Lever Brothers Limited. Toronto d trier of the Marathon race, :et the ieindr e of the week. This amoant.was vote ed by the Legislature as a token of • D d D wrote Carlyle, "tip see His woladeo Whose appearance end actions we in lima. Striking disaccord. with pretentious -for the (looked. aaid ao ed like a religious enou.ntehank; gross tobarlatae, drank with tlhe oess :of Ids scheming for poir 0 oning animals " be 'his submissive us an is a. ac- nd r ' lamor n yes plunder -drew thoussamtls. ef leas - themselves sup Ito the pastime with; the utmost abandon. The business distributing e. dividend sof 60 per cent. aast ,year to Stookhiolders. The Prime of 114ot:race receives $760,000 and is eleo the largest eto.okleceder. •Veserii tas Threatening Then. We rvisited 'Naples bath :going and looming. On the way eaat ehe ceedingly theeatening, end * great trouble seemed lbea. be in, Store for the surrounding. ctountry. ,.Wthen we name back the fires seemed tibe lave subsided end the danger to have passed away. Yet a few daks eater the great eraption occurred. Germany's Growing Influence. ,S One thing eshich• impressed as .on the Meditero.neen was the alp- peeent increase of eMearman influence. Theee nto doubt regarding 'the great growth lot the power Of the . log and .Germany is gaining tground. sooticed this also in, Asia, in Asia Minor, (Syria, and Palestine, everywhere the Germane xveze The most beautiful city in Me world us, ihewever, not iota the loon- tinent. The !most beautiful and at- tractive :city in. the -world is the city :tot lEdieburgh. It is also the cleanest land !the best „ kept of all " 'sailed tfor :home on the new o ana tan Pacific steamer, the Em- ritain. have crossed the Atlantic eight times, and have never 'crossed En a finer boat. There is too finer on the Atlantic, none ief the Ned, (York boats being Superior to it. Sir ,Theneas Shaughnessy. and R. .d3 Atigue were passengers' intern- ing deem la bussiness trip to Enmape,: We shad n very pl4scrnit trip home- waYdi, but were glad to me Win- - nippg "again. We 'found no cianntry better Allan lVfaniboba, sand no city we liked better than Winnipeg." Bears tho iignature of The Kindlee Hare Always Bought -A • teheck foe $500: was Sent from i the iProvintial TreaSuirer's Depart. - al pye any Article o , tollowers. Ali the property, in Zion . -the dace tindustey, the handy in- Clotiiina -From Feathers to dustry, the box factory, tele brick.. ' ; yard and the other industr al 'plants, Stockings. I es well • (as every house and every The Only Package Dyes That Make Fast and Unfacling Color Zion City to -day is appraised at, $28,- S. ; The beginning 'ol his 'decline was ), the mionumental failure of his in- Fea.thera, !ribbons, silk ties,' dress nines, 'capes, jackete and 8*W18 can be dyed at home with Diamond Dyes r/o that they will look like slew. 'Wry. a package of the Diamond Dres. non•Itading oolor it will make, 'with bat !little trouble. Dianeond Dyes are the granites Money Savers of the age, as man a eve:on:Ian ;with one 4o,r two tear leen packages of these dyes has aye her ',told dregs 0. lovely and fashito able teolor so as to save the expens of sa. new one. (Partly worn clot ling toan be made over tor the. iitb ones, and by dyeing it with, 'Manion. Dyes noto one vvould recognize! the the !dresses end sults were not 'new Diamond Dyes are adapted to man uses besides simply dyeing eel clothing. Diamond Dyes give ne life end . usefulness to curtain furniture *overings, draperies, car pets, etc. Bewer.e of imitation an Gonne= package dyes ; ask far ith '1Di:emend " and see that you, ege Send to -Wells & Richardson o0o Limited, ilVfontreal, P. Q., for Ne Direetien Rook, .0ard of Dyed' Sam pies, end ',Verse Story, entitled " T Longjohns' Trip to the Klondike. All :sent FREE by mail.i 1 The Downfall of Dowie. A leading place emong the mew despatches of the past few days ,ha been ,,theld by the troubled' story o the. downfall ef John{ Alexande Dowie, the founder o Zion. City While the fwas hurrying back trent Mexico, full of wrath a d fight, e quell the !revolt xafalthe Zionists, I regain his !supremacy over his floc or fat !least succeed in. wresting' bac from the leaders of tb_e revolt large measiire Of 'his mastery of Zio City. 03y public) meetings and th valid= *f New York City three years ago vrith several t rain -lioadS of Zionists, _to "-convert ' :that me- tropolia. Immense losses in Money brought ani, a temporary receiver - Ship in tZioav City. Last year alowie was stricken with partial parallyeis, and after his recovery he traveled eXtensively. During his illness and travels the management of Zion City, , passed intelothee dialds with his con- sent, but now- he has been ousted d entirely, in !a legal sense, fivre no ventral, as twat as repudiated in the es ture tin Mexico, 'Where he had :started' le out to lionnd the " Zion Paradise 7. his alleged plan to introduce poly- ., gamy there, 'seems to have 'precip- w, ed *on City and shaken the (wales Vrota the eyes of its inhabitants. In their•past belief in Dowie they (have d exemplified a human characteristic e that !has Ibsen seen in manY balds t and in !many ates ; but seldom hes 0. oaarsek and Mere toolishily arrogant schemer demanded land received frora " thousands !swell profound veneration and tenquestioning belief in his pre - he ten al ens. A Gdaranted Cure for Piles. Itching, Blind, 03leeding, Protruding Pelee. Druggists ore authorized' to refund (money if PAZ° OINTMENT s fails tlo Imre lint to 14 "days.. a0c. By a Huron Girl. A Huron girl writes from Bel - the Farmers' Advocate, as followt3: cis I 'have 'lived on a farm all my life,- anelf I ideal thrink I would like living in town wery well. Bat, still, I like to lgo to town to•svisit. We ata,ve • about 22 'head ef cattle, and eight - horses. We have 'also eight little • lamhs. We have not started our f seeding yet. I lam going to send h you !sane middles. I know quite a even went As far as the sutherana of threats to provide a receptio wit'h tar end feathers, the Zionist age to the stioking point, but I wauld , not hare been wonderful" i upon his ire -appearance ahnong them they should 'gather a eland thi :hoary, foul -wreathed, tira oible, Self ` ish old (fraud again and ea earl for thi forgiveness :for their b okslidings It now -appears, howeve , that the credulity !of these credulous pee pie has oome te an end, so he es Dowie is tooncerned, -and that his star is (finally -Set. Repudiated even by his wife, and by his son, tGlad- stone, his oareer is closed. The 'record of Dowiehi career adds a 'remarkable ehapter to the lung history !of human credulity. Born be Scotla.nd uaearly :sixty years ago, be lived in (Austrada in his youth,went 1 ministry, and there developed a faith -healing theory With wbich he reehrned to Australia. After meet- ing (with (some success am.ong the prophet, the event to San Francisco in )1888, land moved. on to Chica.go two !years laterehlator three years the was tunsoccessf}rf in 'Chicago, but the (World's Fair gave him his op- portunity. He 'set u -p a small taber- nacle dust ,outaide the :gates oof the Fair, end there established himself, " laying on* hands,'" and exhorting. Wonderful 'cares° lbe'gan to abound; and the (Dowie,touch .began to be ad- vertised in the ?newspapers. It is now eadd that his electric grip was pr od aced by ., a condealed battery. However that may be, he soon had to move to a larger tabernaole, and later tto the big Auditorium. Along in 11895 the was “ prosecuted " by the Chicago City authorities es an im-- poster. He Was arredted ever a hun- dred times for viblating oity ordin- ances,, and tolaimed to have spent _over $20,000 in fines and law ;costs. His ifollowing kept on glowing. wone derfully, and lin 1896 he foutudea the Christian Catholic elharch in Zion. In 11900 the founded his remarkable Industrial reenters at 'Zion City. , His system was one -of absolute dictator. He had preolaimed henself in 11901 " Elijah, the Pest " en of in the Book of Melee i ; and the 'people of Zion City, who by. ,1903,, numbered ;10,000, accepted 'him es the !reincarnation tof,the Prephet El - jab. " God Must needs laugh mit- ' right oould sash a -tilting be," • lot tof them!: 1. Why is otei egg like a volt ? Ans.-Peoause et es no good 'until t is broken. 2. What ds it that goes round and f sauna the house and- peeps in ev rY- s 3. went Ito the woods and got\it; when 11 'got it I laoked !for it ; the en:ore Istooked for it the less 1 hated it, So I absolutely came away with it 4, What onoet like a oat's tail ? that 'brother died. What relation was the blind be gar to thg- anan who died? Ans.- is sister, 6. Why does miller wear a white soap ? Ans. To keep his head What 'may a man be end not New Notes. -Madaine alai, the e,e,lebrated entertainer, rwh is now on a tpriolfes- tuar th_e nigh the Canadian impressed with. lie oauntry that' (she has :purehased a large bract of Alberta, tin the ayela.nd district. afternoon; en the farm of Albert a's, istine ;factory, near Kingstree, gla be was blown down. injuring three en that were below it. One, Nelson Smith, bed his head condition. 'Pete Snider was eery ea d 't v bruises. , Pa., Martin Fie' , sof Barnett town- ship, has take seventy-four rat- tlesnakes, Mort iot Which be has ' succeeded tin ing alive, and thir- Gar den ia ,Phil delphia, and the skins and 'bils ram the others twill 'death ccarred on Saterda.y I one of !the pion ere of Carey teohtesty, and Who had r ached the advanced ° age of 77 years. The late 'Mr. Smith was native of Invernesshire, Soot - an , and (canoe- with his parent.4"to this podiatry 1 1841, settliug in years later the family removed to Grey toounty, Ian: took up land about twenty miles so eh of OWeel Boland. from Oat time till his &ebb Mr,. 1 1 1 ived on the l'of „the !Reiland town iced svas also Ileanse for the tdistriot. 1 -The distribution of weed sem- a germ titt Ottawa, ilita* Wen, 'Oka - Acted Mar the season, and Au 4688 than SO tons of those isainples twere given lout, This is tlhe largeet dis- tributionein *he history 1 the ;farm. Seed potatoes alone, NOW la meant 18 tons to. be given tout, tas eaeh, 1 -Mr. 'Wm. tBrioad, for any years Manville, died sud.dendy las week of house and eitting down, quietly pass- ed away. Deceased twas a native of Cornwall, England, :and e le this teouintry abooat 56 year ego. He was a prominent membe of the DIettexliet is:010re% and tor ears was He was twice married.. barn; ovreed by Mr. Zahn ' ittle, of, Pert Hope, was stria* by • ightning and burned to the groun . The tenant, iMr. (John Brothwell, and this son were tin the barn at t time. ground and: rendered Arne =dens for ;several Minutes. The lat or also felt the effeets •of the shoo . 'The barn, 'driving shed,. and etat r tad - buildings, and binder, 111,0Wi ma- chine aud other implements ere de- streyed. The loss is very vy. ' -During ra impel* thunders orm in the Willage of BetIhany, in: ethane county, 13YIrs. (Lewis Staples as a- lone in her 'home, and etvas, it' osi Sive- posed, epossing diem the teem ehe was an Ito the f Met 1004 Vile,' tre•e' electric 'fluid 'QUM. down the ,chira- Stapleg and glle fell at the tdcoaa !Her daughter, 'nine years old, 'a ..tie (re- turning teem Bohoical, fietandl her m.lather' ;lying ton the flew, and wan to 'tell 'her father, who was aelokk- ing , on the farm. When * arrived he foirird ihis wife dead. Deceased wee about kip years of aige. ' ' intilimie'sfittut CASTOR IA l'or Infants and Children. The Kind You Nave AlwayiBought Bears the Signature of • Rishorlein Lantern*. The puffer or swell fish has the power to distend Itself W ith air into' the #11ape of a globe. Japanese living in_the Ha- waiian Islands make' of the ekin Of the big puffer found- In 'Hawaiian waters an odd and grOtesque lantern. When the skin of the big pulYer has been first yemoved -while it is still soft it is stuff- ed out to its full size in globe shape and so left to _dry. The skin is not much thicker that Wirier and teanelu- cent brown on the upper part and gray below. The fins are preserved and dried' sticking out from the lisle tbe tell be- ing perked up at an angle. "A circular opening ip made in the back, through 'which the light can be placed nnd which is set horizontolly a hoop:or rink by which the lantern can be suspended. Such a 'ante= made of a big puffer'S skin mak be a foot in diameter cross- wise and fifteen incees length. and what with the head of the fish appear- ing at one end and the perked up tall at the other and the fins projecting at the sides this fish skim lantern makee a very etrious object , Felting Prone the Stine to the Eartla. The philosopbers have figured out Wine queer problems since the time of Horatio, but none of them is more curi- ous than that relating to the amount of time it would take for an object to fall from, the sun or moon to our earths. It has beee decided, after an immense amount of figuring, that if a bowl4er weighing a ton should fall from the gun it would take it ninety-nine years, nine, months and two hours to teach the earth. The same bowider emild make the trip from the Moon. to the earth in four and one-half days. Strictly Hnaineas. "May I ask if I am in the market for a bid for your affections?" asked the youth who did everything in a business- like way. "You must go to par before I can take any stock in your offer," answered the dutiful broker's daughter. The Martyr. Polly -So Mrs. Highmere's husband has developed bad habits. How "did yon hear about it? Dolly -Oh, Mrs. Highmere invited us all to an after- noon tea, so. she could tell us how she suffered in silence! A man endowed- with great perfee tions without good breeding is like on( wbo has his pockets full of gold, bui hen t e air Falls semester Then it's time to act! No time Iv to study, to read, to experiz I I rnent ! You want to se.ve your hair,pd save it quickly, too4 So make up your mind this very minute that if your hair ever comes out you will use Ayer's Hair Vigor. It makes the scalp healthy. The hair stays in. It cannot do any- thing else. It's nature's way. The boat kind of a testimonial- " Sold tor over sixty yeare." Also mautaseturors pg PILLS. ODgRIOH, The Pig New Steel Steamer, GREYHOUND " - WHITE 'STAR Li NE Will leave Detroit, Monday, Jane I8th, 8:00 a. In aiiive Gedetieh 5;0 From Goderich for Detroit—Leave Tuesday, 8:30 o. M., 13-une (Oele Stopping only at Port Huron, =rive at Detroit 4:00 p Two Days in Detroit. Returning, Leave Detroit (Central Time) Thursday, June 21.0., :00 Port Huron, 5:30 p. m. sharp. Arrive at Goderieh, 9:30 p. m. ' Leave Goderich on last trip for Detroit, Friday, June 22ad, at 8:30 a. (Oanada Time) Round Trip Fare, either way, with hand baggage, $1.00 - One way with trunk, $1 00 A Special Excursion Train will leave Stratford the morning of June and arrive in Goderieh at 8:15 a, m. Goderich Baud Moonlight Excursion at Goderieh, Eighi° O'clock ATO' Evening, 25 Cents. A 50 cent dinner will be served in the beautiful dining room flr this E sion. Other meals a la carte. A good lunch. tan be had at the Lunch Counter. Frotn Wingham, 6:40 a. m. Myth, Etc., the morning train, June 19.513, mots Olinton, 7:4'0 a. m with Special Train f Golerieh. Thursday, Night Special Traitt leaves Goderieh 11:00 p. in., for' Clinton way stations to Wingham. and Stratford on arrival -of steamer_ wilsofes FLY PADS ONE PACKE1 HAS ..4.0TUALLY KILLED Sold br Druggista and General Stores and bj", Emit TEN ceNTS PER PACKET FROM ARCHDALP, WILSON, -MONEY TO LOAN! Funds of privete lett-les-to loan at loWest rates of interest. Ap,ply to . j. RITLORAN, Barrister, etc., Seaford', Ontario. 1993-16 A BAD CASE OF KIDNEY TROUBLE CURED SY DORN'S KIDNEY PHIL Kianeyl Troubles, no matter of what kind or vrhat stage of the disease, can he quickly and permanently cured by the use of these wonderful. pills. Mr. Joseph Leland, Alma, N.W.T., recommends them to all kidney trouble -sufferers, when he sayst-I was troubled with dull head- aches, had. frightful dreams, terrible pains in my legs and a frequent desire to urinate. Noticing DOAN'S KIDNEY PILLS recommended for just such annoy -I anees as mine, it occurred to me to give them a trial, so I procured. a box of them, and. was very much surprised at the effectuel cure they made. I take a great deal "of pleasure in .reeommending them to all kidney trouble sufferers. Price 50e. per box. or 2 for $1.q5; all dealers or The Doan Kidney Pill Coe Toronto, Ont. SIGN tHE CIRCULAR SAW Og et- CD mei 401 6-1 va 17' go NMI uta 0 rearis vel dusting the sewn of 1906, 1114ECTRIC B. BERRY & BLAIR, Props. MONDAY -Will leave bisown stable, helf South ot.Bruceflekl, and au llonth to Hi East to Wm. Werleman's, 10th Concession, smith, for noen • then East, by way of Cr South to Farqui-;04., at Temperance House, for TUESDAY -East to Russeldale, for noon ;AU to Mitchell, et the niekS HOUSe for night.- NESDAY-To Dublin, at the Dominion -110 noon I then to Seale -ilk at Dick's Rotel, for THURSDAY -To Walton, at' Emigir's Hot noon ; then to -Myth, at the Masson House, for FRIDA.Y-To Lendeshoro, at the Temperance for noon ; then to Clinton, at Graham's H nisht. SATURDAY -To his own stable, wh. will remain -until the following Monday mo IIIN CHARMING- IV. GEM It & nunsox, Props. MaDAY-Will leave his own etable, Hen proceed, lee stay of the London Road, ti? Eippen, for noon ; then east to Stro tel, Tuckersmith, for night. - TUESDAY -No Hotel, Seaforth, for night, WEDNESDAY - to Thomas Colen an s. for noon then across Clamies Wilton's Hotel, H TRSDAY-West bo cows then south, be way ef Pa Road, and west for nett. T -West te Nieho eon's Hotel, Melee, for 000A4 he will rernain til the :following Monday • Irate et y of lit u] Physi ; pass lit MASTE PIECE No 11,8 Te J. BERRY, Pr MONDAY -el ill leave his own stn. le, and p north te Chin) met, then east to George Wp noon ; then so th to Thames R,oad, and met Kay's, Far nh r, for night. WEDNESDAY - one nide, t eo north to I.2th concession -of to James Soot 's jr., for noon ; then west to -arty line, the north to Staffa hotel for the THURSDAY West to Hugh 3icalillan's, lot 0, h, Tuekersini , for noon ; then west to Road, and so t to Robert Cooper 5 i.or night. DAY-Southito Eippen, west to Hills Green, 440 dLs Iliggin's for 1 oon ; and south to Zurich road, east to his o vn stable till the following M morning. 3 terpieee will stand at his own from Friday night till 3Iondae• morning, but Coksal- URDAY-I est to con. 2, south to Rodger NOVO- cott's for n on ; then east to London lbee4 north to hi own etabie till the following 'San. - ets and' eount An A he Co Medic THE Ti E OF THE DRA THE PREMIUM CLYDESDALE GARTLY GOLD, 10,755. THE FAMOUS SHIRE I THE MAGNIFICENT CLYDE PRINCE OP A.IKTON,1Vol. XX I THE GRAND CLYDE C LONEL GRAHAM. 12,100 Will ete.n during the season at T. J. Berry's T, 3. PERIL*, Proprietor. Ninagemosmosee 4116 eel rso 'so lie se ea it 0 el P'd rt Ea 0 uo The Standard Bred Three -Year -Old Trotti* RING'S FASHION, +01. 28. Stallion, Idol Brine; No, 40,520, Vol. XVII, Amen*. Trotting Re r, will stand during th18 tieaSOil at lus own tab e, Brucefield, where he Will be bred te a limited umber of mare.s. MONDAY, April 30th, will leave his own B odhagen, and proceed to, Wm. Rose's, 8, Logan, for noon ; thence to Gustave Eisler's, 5, Logan, for the night. TUESDAY -To Fred beecht're Lot 24, Concession 6, Logan, fornoon ; te Victor's Hotel, Bornholm, for night, WED cession 10, 3feKillop, for night. THURSDAY -- A exarider Ross, Lot 20, Concession 11, Meltillo n ht. FRIDAY -To George Bellheim's., Lot 10, ssion 8, McKillop, for noon ; thence to his ble for the night, whereshe will remain until o owing Monday morning.. Alse that lion, 4 ' OLEN DEM PRINCE," 8534, squid at his own stable, Brodhagen. 0 !Private and Company funds to loan Oh Reel Mei onev to Loan! r.,curity at lowest current rates of interest. ' A'ResalA. Wetalyrteand Loan AVM' 10994f Brumfield, Ontario, d s F)rospent s. P. If you want te Aare in the wonlle perity of Western Canada, buy Sasktitehetv %Meat Lanett suitable for investment ot tween Big Quill asid Last Mountain Lakes, -R 20-S I -W 2. Open rolling prairie, Witb, 2 miles of G. T. P. now under -constructions CE 812.60 PER ACRE. en raccesional bluff, half mile. from -0, T. hoei ,314 per sere, easy terms, diseatint for eesh, mid( in lots to suit purchaser. Full listand travellistfl instructions on appllerition. A. WATT. Real Estate and Tim! Agent, Brucefield, Ont.