The Huron Expositor, 1906-04-20, Page 5PRIL 20,
eo. eee
you would know at f
rt really means, try a pai
Shoes. • These eelebr*.
fit you feet the &et time
No breaking in, nc chafing,
istering, just absolute and
ete foot ease. Other features
Slater Shoe are its great
tg, qualitiee, its handSonte antj
L appearance, and its stand
The genuine and origi
Shoe always haa the name
-ice stamped on the sole in
m of a slate frame. Whe.,
Lc for a Slater shoe, look for
ade mark. The Slater Shoe
Le in ad leathers—box calf,
la kid, tan calf and patent
s sold at 81 and $5 a pair,
at be bought in Seaforth only
Shoes for men,
boe for Women.
in left for Clutrohbridgeg
min.t. Tueeklay. Geirge
good posit Lon t he re.-
rs. Thomas Stewart spe
in Loridion to be near tb.
leo is a patient in
ffIoapitaL Mrs. Johnston is
vood progress toward T
-Mr. Wafter Enrgess woo
. U1 Stratford for lEaatcr.--.
rove and Mrs. McKinney
tn Toronto. -Miss Alice Duff
dale, spent the holidays at
-D. Bogart was home from
.blesinesa colle-ge at Easter _
is mother, whio ,has been hick
aro OA to nay is improv-
iss A. Muir" ,spent Boater at'
:e. --Mrs. Shillinglaw visited
and daughter in London and -
ed daring the holidays.-Mrse
Passmore, of Sault Ste,Marie
was here attending thZ.
f her sister-in-law, Mrs.
,eath.-It is with feelings of
pest regret that we record
ok the death or Mrs. %Vm.
of the 19th aorecession. :T
'ement of her death oaine a
ereat ahock to her Urge cire
niends, and the oiroumstareces
ding the melancholy affair
iliarly sad. On Satueday lase
,e birth to a child, and it
,ase of a ragatIttsr giving her
her child. Mrs. Pybus'
-was Lily Ponsmore, and sho
laughter of Mr. Henry Pass -
f the Thames Road, +Usf3edrne.
L aged 30 years and 6 manatee
I only been married a lit- •
twee years. To ther young ,
and the infant child. as
, to her father, brothers and
evill be extended the hear
ipathy of all. The funeral
tee on Monday afternoon to
cemetery- ana was verae,
ottendee,1 testifying to the
n which. elle was held and
pathy felt for the, 'bereaved.
-bus was or a particula
esposition, always ready vjth
and a. kind word, and her
,oveable nature won for her
esteem of all.
A. SLATER Shoee for men are the mog
fortable made in remade.
_ ea. New gemlike of tide shoe in eouth
'.. H. Willie, Seaforth. . :1001-1
ran who " looks into the
in Seaforth at -Robert s Drug.
ee large advert icemen t
Sale. -The auction sale of
Lnd cattle, on the farm of
L O'Sullivan, on the,Ord con -
net Thursday of it week,
elendid euccess. There was
,erowd present, and bidding
417 t hrou gho a t . Steers went
per pair, and cows Tan on
▪ One mare, four years old*
ehased +by Mr. Albert Notto _
on, [for $196, and a- ten
feld filly was knocked down
erne gentleman for $96, The -
[le realized $2,650.. Mr. Cr -
handles a lot of animals
year. and distribtetea
ioney through the country.
ioneer on this ciccasion was
. +Brown, of Searorth.-Mr.
ncGrath had another very,
on Monday. Although the
nen +was short, there was a
ed present, and everything
Sold for goad prices.
very +pleasant time wan .
Tuesday evening at the
Dorrance, where Et
/young. people gathered
e in the pleasures (Of
The host and hostess
n'gratuleted UpaIn thiZ
qualities of satisfy- _
1 disposition of their'
eertainly know hen%
ain.-Seeding in this vi-.
.low the order of the day.-
eutiful spring days are re-
g. -The horse sold recent-
. Frank Kettle, of A -lunette
was sired by Prince of Mida
ned +by Mr. W. A. FO06g
v n ship.
.d _1-7
%As 3
neer Peed oats,
+ro and whether you want it
:in heuses, stables, closets or
«Man A. SLATER shoe e 1 or rite
-dittnble and Comfortable shoo madein Canada. Wt
sole agents. New samples of this shoe in south
window. W. IL Willis, Sertforths 2001.1
The man who " looks 'int* the
is in Seaforth at Hobert s arnin
Inane -See large adetertisemerit on
Still Another. -Still another of
tao worthy pioneers of H4,1110111 has
been removed from the +scenes of
this life„ Mr. john Orich of the
West End, Tuckerstaibh, died on
Tnonday evening laSt, +having
reached the good age of 82. vears.
Itr.. Oriel' had been annoying fairly
anvil health and was able to be a-
bout - attending to this ordinary
'deities until twithin a few days of
his death. On the evening Of rriday
'he walked down to the river to eee
about a fence. On his return to
the house he was prorated with
an attack tof paralysis from which,
le -never weeovered, The deceased
a a native of Natinglianteltire,
Soarthwohl, England. .He was one of
ix brothers /who .came to this coun-
try 69 a -ears ago, and with several
of fihem ihe settled in the West End
in this townstip. The deceased then
ifook up hhe farm +MI W1110111 110 oon-
tinned bo neside until his death.
Of the 181.7C brothera ha was the long -
t survivor, He- kaves behind his
twat partner, 'who is still quite act -
and Of a family of nine +only
4four survive, two , eons and too°
omfatter& The dons are ' Messrs.
o:nd' Abraham Crieh, Sea-
le/lib, and the daughters, Mrs. S.
neabinsmo of St. Catharines, and
Mrs. Thomas ToWneend, of Tacker -
Within' Mr. Crich was a naloSt in-
laustrious, carelftel mane and was
naeuoreal and +trusted or his integrity
and- beloved by all on account of
"his khtdly, 'generous dispositison, He
was quiet wird unassuming in man -
leer and dead a high sense of lright
every oatorthy caalse received hi -a-
wn -eel support and assistance. He
was eemaiateirt and active mem-
ber of itho Methodist eleurob and bad
neon a class leader in Turner's
alturele for over forty years. In
politics he +was a Liberal although
Ihe never took any active part in
tmeXters of that kind. The refrains
were 4aid to rest in Warner's, ecem-
eitery on Illheiroday.
Swann April 19th 1906.
Tali Wheat eb 77 to V) 77
-Oats per bushel ..... 0 38 to 0 33
Peas per taseei...... 0 70 to 0 70
13arley per bushel.. ,....- .... 0 42 to 0 42
DA -ter, No. 1, loose... 0 17 to 0 18
"Butter, tub 0 12 to 0 14
Eggs per dozen,- 4 .. s 44 44 • .. • . • ... • • • 0 12 to 0 13
, *vicar, per lett lbs. .. .. 2 00 to 2 75
ay per ton . 6 60 to 7 00
Rides or 109 lbs. 5 00 to 5 85
nsele 'Skins...see..., .--.... -...... ... 0 so to 0 86
l'o,uto-s per bushel - ......, 0 40 to 0 50
Salt. (retail) per 'harrel...... „ .... „ 1 00 to 1 25
Wood per cord Gongl 6 00 to 6 20
Wood per cord(short) • 2 FO. to
amnia per bag 0 50 to
Leaver Seed .- 7 00 to
Timothy Seed 1 25 to
Tallow per lb 0 04 to
Pork, r 7 tio to
r 100 lbs
Wool washed)
0 25 to
Wool unwashed)
0 15 to
3 00
0 05
8 20
0 27
0 16
Dairy Markets.
roman April 17 -Butter -Continues to come
e forward freely, and the market retains an easy tone.
The demand for choice le fairly active. Creamery,
23 to 24e; solids, 22e to 22e; dairy, pound rolls,good
to choice, 180 to Ifle ; large rolls. 17 to 18o; med-
ium, dairy, le to 17c. Cheese-. The market holds
Erin at 14e per lb. for large, and 140 tor twins.
Eggs -The receipts are large, and with a somewhat
cloned demand the market continues easy. New -
laid are quoted at 15 to Irde, and storage at 13c.
Toaorro, April 17. -Trade in poultry, ie quiet, and
prices are unchanged. Choice dry plucked turkeys
lile to 18e ; fat chickens lc higher, at 12c to 18e,
thin 7e to tie ; fat henti,80 to 9c, thin 6c to 7c,
ducks 12e to 18e.
TOnosso, April 17 -The demand is about, nonnal,
and qnotations are Unchanged. Ontario, 65e to 75e
per bag on track here,, 75e to 85c out of store ;
eastern, 70e to 80e on track, and 16e more out
re store.
Grain. etc.
Toone, April 17 -Wheat -Fall, 75 to 77e ; goose,
71e; spring. 74c •, oats, 401 to 41e ; barley, 520;
peas, 75c. Bated Hay -The fnquiry for bay is rather
mord ri,eth-e, following lighter receipts of loose on
the fanners' market. Quotations are unchanged at
$8 to 8.50 per tan for No. 1 timothy, and $6 for
No. 2 in ear lots here. Baled Straw -About steady
( at $6.50 to $0 per tan in car lots on track itere,
Horse Market.
Tonoxso, April 18. -The following, is Burns &
Shepprird's wee,kly report of prevailing prices :-
Single roadster, 15 to 16 hands, 8125 to 5175;
single cobs and carriage horses, 15 to 16.1 hands,
8145 to 31t0; matched pairs and carriage horses,
16 to /6.1 hands, 8300 to 8500; delivery horses, 1,100
to 1,200 pounds, 3160 to 8175; general purpose and
express horses, 1,200 to 1.350 pounds, size to 8180;
draught horses, 1,300 to 1,750 pounds, me to sem ;
serviceable second-hand workers, $70 to 5100;
serviceable second-hand drivers, $60 to $90.
Live Stook Markets.
Lenox, England, April 17. -Cattle are quoted at
10e to 11/e per lb. ; refrigerator beef, Sic per lb.;
sheep, dreetied, 15e to 160 per lb.; ladtbs, 17c,
dressed weight, F.
Moterittat, April. 17 -Cables from Liverpool .on
Canadian cattle were firmer, at We to ilia ; ex•
porta from eeetlisnd and St. John, N. B. for weak
were eats cattle, and 1,803 sheep. The market for
toga was weaker, and pricee denlined- 6 to 10e per
cwt. Of the 900 hogs on the market, 700 wore
-Bought in the west by two packing- companies, leav-
ing only 200 on the market for (ale, ' for which de-
mand was very Mow. Sales of selected lots were
made at $1.76 to 87.410 per ewt, weighed off rani.
"The trade in Cattle was slow, ag is a1eva3•14 the ease
otter Easter week, as butchers generally hod ample
supplies on hand. Priin.e steers were held it 61 to
Bic eheive at,41 to Se; good, at, 4-1 to aie ; fair, 31
to 4e ; common, 31 to fike. and inferior at ea to 3c
per lb, ankh reeve sold at $25 to 850 cools and
naives at $1.50 to 83,
Renato, N. Y., April 17. -Cattle -Slow; prime
ond shipping steers, 10 to 15e lower ; others steady;
prime steers, 35,25 to 85.75: shipping,$1.75 to $5.15;
-hutehers, 81.25 to 8-5 ; heifers, $3,76 to $5 ; cows,
83 0) 54.60; bulls, 43.25 to $4.50 ; stockers and feed-
ers, aso to 84.40; saosk heifers, $2.76 to $8.50 :
fresh cows and springers, 82 per head higher, 820
to $54. Veals-Acitive ; 25c lower, 85 to $0 -76 -
Bogs -Active ; 5 to 10c lower; heavy and mixed,
56.05; yorkere and nitre, $6.90 to $6.95 ; roughs, $6
to 16. r ; Stagg, 84.25 to 84.75. Sheep and Lambs
36.25 87.10; yearlings and wethers, $6 7to $6.96;
-Aeti ,e ; sheep steady, lambs, 15e lower • lambs,
ewes 86.50 to 85.75 ; sheep, mixed, 88 to 85.75.
Toone Ji-seetem-thuon Stock Yards, April
17 -The quality of fat CEIble WR,S fair ; trade was
brisk. Export prices ranged from 84.90 to 85.25, the
bulk selling at .$s5 to 513.10; export bulls at $4
to $4,25 ; butehene prices for picked lots choice rang-
td_strem $4.80 to $5 ; good from $4.50 to $4.75 ;
immuln, $4.25 to 84.50 ; (gunmen, $1 to 84,25 ,•
butcher (sates 83.50 to $4.25. Veal calves sold at
$5 to ease p_ss 100 Ibs, ; milk cows arid springers
at $30 to ea0. Sheep and Lanibs-Eicnort ewes from
85 to $5.50. ; bueke, $4 to $4.00 ; yearling. lambs, 86
to 87.25 ; spring iambs, 84; to $6 per 100 lbs. Hogs
-Seleets, at 57.10; lights, 86.90 ; ROWS, 84 to $5 ;
8tags,$2.50 to $3.50 per 100 porch:, fed and watered.
Talton°, April 18th. -Exporters - Few exporters
'were offered. One very good load sold at $5.20 per
owts pricen ranged from $4.90 to $5 for a few odd
lots.' Export bulls sold at $3,60 to 84 per cwt.
Butchers -There were several loads of heavy butch-
ers, suitable for the litontrear trade, but, as there
were no dealers on the market from that city, these
rattle did not bring RR higleprieea as usual. Choice
paked iota sold at 84,75 to 54.90; loads of good itt
$1.60 to 84.95 ; medium at $4.40 to 84.60 ; common,
'mixed, at $4 to 84.25 per eat. -Feeders and Stook -
era -Trade in stockers asid feeders about steady - at
following quotations ; Best feeders, 1,100 to 1,200
Mae 14.00 to 84.75 : best, feeders, 1.000 to 1,100 lbs.,
31.25 to ease ; eat feeders, 900 to 1,000 the., 34 to
$4.2.6 ; best feeders, 80d to 900 lbs., 83.85 to $4,10 ;
best stockers, 500 to 700 Bug, $3.50 to 83.65 ; com-
mon stockers., 400 to coo lea, at $3 per 100 pounds.
Mitch Cows-- About. a dozen !Mich cows and spring -
era seed all the way from $30 to $50 each. Calves -
Receipts of calves were large and prices for the bulk
were easier, but ehoiee, new milk -fed calves would
still bring a good priee. Prices ranged all the way
from $3 to 86.25 per ewt. Sheep and Lambs -Prices
for both sheep and Lambs have declined from 400 to
75e per 'wt. Export ewea sold at $1.75 to $5.25 per
met ; bucks at $4 to 31,50 per cwt. ; choice grain -fed
veirlinge sold at $4.75 to $7.25 per cwt; spring
lanibs old at $3.50 to 130.50 each. Hogs -Prices for
hogs have declined 10c per cwt. at both the Junc-
tion end city markets ; selects at e7.3.5, and lights
Ild fete at40.00 per cwt.
Re- In Seaforth, on April 150, to Mr. and
Ire. 11. Parker,
ANDERSON ---In Malcolm, North Dakota, on apre
7th, tO Mr. and Mrs. James Anderson, (nee Mary
Sproat), -a daughter.
K EYs-In BtUesels, on ' April 184h, to Mr. and
• Me. n. Kerney, it datIghter.
COWAN---10 Blyth, on April 715), to and ,Mrs
HALLIEtttAtsta"--16Inn' aBerk-stUWghatlevar.nosh, on April Oth, to
Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Manahan, a SOIL
KELLY --XII :IVIOPTIE, on April lst, to Mr. and Mrs M.
Mullett, 011 April 5th, te Mr. and
Mrs. R. Patterson, a son.
OARDIFF-In Grey, on April 2n5, to Mr. and MIS),
Fred Cardiff, earns.
MeEWEN-In Stainley, on April 8th, to Mr, and Mrs.
Alex. MeEwen, daughter.
MULHOLLAND-Its Clinton, on .A.pril 640, to Mr.
and Mrs. .1, Mulholland, a son.
OSBALDESTON--In Goderich township, on April
Ilth, to air. and lirss Herbert Oshaidoston, it
HIGGINS-In Bayfleld, on April_lith, to Mr. a• nd
Mi,. Wm. Higgins, a son. '
OOPP-In Goderichs on_ April 5th, to Mr. and Mrso
Ohas. Copp, a son.
SNELL-In Mellott, on APVII 7th, to Mr. and Mrs,
Wm. Snell, it sen, (still -born).
RANSFORD-At ()rift, on April 1040, to Mr. and
Mrs. Ifenry Mansion', formerly of the Dominkm.
Bank, Seaforth, a daughter,
BAICErta-In Exeter, on April 840, to Mr, and Mrs.
Thornton Baker, a, son.
RUSSELL -In Exeter, on April 540, to Mr. and Mrs.
David ituesell, a daughter.
- Marriages.
MEDD-LEITCH.-At the residence of the heldels
father, by Rev. A. Birks, on April 18th,
Frederick Brace Medd and Annie Stuart, eldest
daughter of Alexender Leitch, Esq., all of Mul-
lett. a
IITOHELL-ARMOUR-At the mouse, Myth, lay
Rev. Dr. McLean, on April 12th, Mr. IVilliant
M. E. Mitchell, to Alias 1,1fte Armour, daughter
01 W. Armour, Esq., both of Winghain.
CHAMBERS -KELLY -At the resicleno of Mr. D.
McArthur, Church street, Toronto, uncilik of the
liride, by Rev. N. Shaw, B. A., Mr. W, Chain -
hers, of Winnipeg, to Miss Nellie Kelly, of Clin-
ton. .
HASTINGS-BUTTREY-At the home of the
bride, on .April 1.1th, by Rev: D. B. McRae, Mr.
Roy Hastings, of Silver Corner's, to bliss Minnie
May, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm.
Buttrey, of Grets
'RUEGER-GRIFFIN-In Goderich township, on
April 1140, by Rev. James Hamilton, B. A. , at
the residence of Mr. Samuel McIlwaine, uncle of
the bride, Mr. Daniel Ruegets to Miss Eliza, Me-
. Math Griffin, of Goderich townships
.,FREEMAN -MARSHALL --At the residence of
the bride's mother, Clinton, on April llth, by
Rev. Mr. Manning, Mr. Robert, 11, Freeman, of
Mullett, to Miss Sarah Marshall.
STANLAKE-DEARING-At the James street par-
sonage, Exeter, on APril 10th, by Rev. A. 11.
Going, Mr, Chester Stanlake, 40 Miter Louise,
youngest cidughter of Mr. Abraham Dearing,
both of Stephen.
OR1011--In Tuelcerandah, on April 1740, John Crich,
aged b2 years, 8 months and 25 days.
13.11110R -In Exeter, -on April 9611, the infant son of
Mr. and Mrs. Thornton Baker, aged 1 day.
MoE1,It0Y--In Morris, on April Sth, John McElroy,
aged 84 years, 8 months and 8 days,
ERW1N-At St, Joseph, on April ard, Loftus Wes-
ley Erwin, of Bayfield, aged 37 years.
SLATTHRY-In Goderich, on April 940,Olive Tellier,
wife of Edward Slattery, aged 56 yea,rs and 4
JEN'. ELL --In Colborne township, on April 7th,
TryphenalValters, wife of Mr, Thomas Jewell,
aged 41 years, 3 months, and 16 days.
CARBERT-In Mullett, on April llth, Thos. Car -
bort, aged 48 years and 8 months.
BUTTREY--In Vaughan, on April 1040, Henry But-
trey, formerly of Grey township, aged 87 ydars,
10 months and 14 daya.
BARR--At the House &Refuge, on April 940, Wm.
Barr, formerly of Brussels, aged 96 years.
BEZZO-In Goderieh, on April 9151, Vona Victoria,
eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. 0, M. Bezzo,
aged 4 years and 6- menthe.
LESLIE -Suddenly, on the afternoon of April 18th,
1906, at her home, Blake Ontario, Ann Holland,
wife of John Leslie, aged 71) years. Deeply re-
gretted. Dumfries, Seotland, papers please copy.
RILEY-In Morris, on Apt -1114th, Mrs. Wm. Riley,
aged 42 years.
MORROW -In Gorne, on April 14th, Mrs. Adam
Morrow'in her 80bh year.
PYB118-InTuckersraithr on April 1440, Lily Paso -
more, wife of Mr. Wm. Pybus, aged 80 years
and 6 months.
On Tuesday, April 24th at one o'clock p. m., at
Robert Johnston's hotel, Zinich, a. 50 acre Farm on
the Lake Road, West Conceseion, Township of Hay.
14, 8. Hays, Solicitor; Ed. Bossenberry, auctioneer.
On Tuesday, April 2440, at 1 o'clock p. in., in Kip -
pen, Contents of a Well Furnished House. Airs. D.
Grant, proprietress ; B. 8. Phillips, auetioneer.
Good News to Eye Sight
Sufferers- °
Dr. Montgomery, the Toronto " shadow test
specialist, arrived in Seaforth on Wednesday, to be
with us two weeks. He has been engaged to de-
liver a course of -lectures to Mr. J. A. Roberts, at the
Roberts drug store. A new optical room has been
built in the store, and the necessary appliances in-
stalled for " looking into the eye " each day and
evening during his stay. This specialist will con-
duct four examinations of the eyes and vision. Per -
eons requiring glasses pay . for material and lens
grinding. only. This is a grand opportunity for those
needing help for the eyes, and no doubt Dr. Mont-
gomery will be kept busy during his stay. He will
remain until May 6th.
TO RENT. -A large lot, suitable for 8, garden;
also aoomfortable stable, in Seaforth. nor par-
ticulars apply at Tun EXPOSITOR, OFFICE, Seaforth.
CATTLE WANTED. -The undersigned is prepared
to take in it nurnber of cattle for pasture for the
Beason. Apply on Lob 2, Concession 13, Mullett,
JOSEPH WHEATLEY, Harlock P. 0. 2001x4
"r100 LOST. -Lost from Lot 1, Concession 3, Mes'
Killen, about the fith of April, it black and
brown collie dog with white on breast, of medium
81Ze, Shorb tail, and answers to the name of' Prince."
Any information of the whereaboutif of this dog will
be thankfully, received by the owner. JAMES 'DE
LANEY, Dublin P. 0. 2001-4
IV -0T= TO OREDITORS.-All parties indebted
.1.1 to theamdersigned, either by account or note,
are notified that they must call and settle the same
before the lst of May, or they will beplaced in other
hands for colleetion, RR he has retifed from business.
lEIOR SALE. -An excellent!bUilding lot, containing
three-quarters of an acte ef land, part of the
MeMann property, Eginondville, opposite the recre-
ation grounds, all ready for Sauldings There ie li
good fence all round the lam); a good hard waten
well, the cellar is dug out and h, drain all round it,
alo a drain from it. There are about 17 thousand
of kiln run brick. The brink can be bought separator
ly if desired. There are also a number of loads of
sand and gravel and enough stelae to build a founda-
tion for a, large house. This property will be -sold
cheap, as Mr. Little cannot drsve the Baylield and
Seaforth stage and live in Egnionville and would like
to dispose of his property there. .Any person desiring
to buy thin property may learn ttlJ particulars from
It. 8. HAYS, Seaforth, or H. LITTLE, Bayfield.
Notice to Creditors.
in the estate of David J. Aitchestin,-late of the town-
ship of McKillop, in the county of Huron, Farm-
er, deceased.
Notice is hereby given pursuant to R. S. 0., Chap: •
129, Section 88, that all persons having claimsagainst
the estate of the said David J. Aitchesont who died
on the 3040 day of March, 1906, are required, on or
before the 7th day of March, 1900, to send by post
prepaid, or deliver to the undersigned executors, at
Seaforths.Ontario,their names and addresses, full
particulars of their claims, duly verified, .and the
nature of the security, if any, held by 'them. And
hotiee is further given that after the said date, the
said executors will proceed to distribute the assets of
the said estate among the persons entitled thereto,
having regard only to the claims of which they shall
then have notice.
JAS. AITCHESON, ,Exeeutors.
Dated this 1440 day of April, 1906. 2001-3
Popular Stallions
The following well known horses wifl tra-
vel during the season 01906, as follose's :
MONDAY -Will leave his own stable, Los 10, Con.
11, Mullett, and proceed north 1 -mile, then west to
Adam Elliott's, for noon ; then west and south to
Londesboro for the night. TUESDAY -Will proceed
south to Mr. Fear's for noon; then south to Gra-
ham's betel, Clinton, for the night. WEDNESDAY -
Will proceed east along the Huron Road two miles
and a half,,then north to Fronds Kettle's for noon;
then south then east to Roxanne for the night.
TRURSDAY-North to Hugh Ross for noon; then
west and north to his own stable for night, wnere he
will remain until the following Monday morning.
Will meet mares by appointment on Saturday
Any leatbreonter in the Township of MoKillop,
wiehing to have the Road Grader to do their Statute
!Labor, can leave the same by supplying the power
and applying to the Reeve, 3. Ms Govenlook, who
Will give oath his turn in the °Mee In which they.
By order of the Reeve
2001-1 M. MAD1E, Clerk.
SHOES to Fit
All Feet.
We've so many dfferent styles in shoes
that we And it difficult to tell you all
about them. Early buyers of spring
footwear Will find ue in readiness to meet
all domande.
Our Lines
eminsiee all the best models of high ,and'
low cut shoo from the Country's Lead-
ing Shoe Designers.
Men, Women, Boys, Girls, Misses,
Ohildren and infants ean be correctly
ted with Footwear here.
High Shoes, Low Shoes, Ties and Slip -
pore in every desirable style rind it size
and width for every foot. .
We might say $2 or $4 for altos, but
the price means nothing unless you see
the shoes to match the price.
We're at your service any day:
Richardson& Winnis
Sole Agents for Sovereign, Just Wright,
Hagar, and Derby Sheen
Read the letter of Moors. Parke Davie &
Ccf:a the leading manufacturing chemists of
America, in reference to the quality' of our
Formaldehyde, and then decide if you are
not losieg money by paying 30 per cent+.
more for Formaldehyde labelled under re-
gistered brands,
WALKERvILLE, April 54h, 1906.
Seaforth, Oet.
Dear Sir: In reply to your favor of
April 2od, with reference to Formaldehyde
solution, we are glad to be in a position to
addrees you iu detail as to what vie have
svpplied you.
We guerentee our formaldehyde solution
to oontahe 40% -formaldehyde gas this be -
nig the highest percentage that will remain
stable in aqueous eolution. We unbent-
tatingly state no better formaldehyde solo -
ton obteineble. Before being placed on
the market, each lot of our formaldehyde
solution 40 teeted aocarately and therm:03-
ly in our analytical and biological depart-
ments. • That found defionnb in anyway is
rejeoted, and not, of course, tent out.
The formaldehyde which we supply is
superior to that generally offered on the
market, it beiug made from best rectified
methyl alcohol, nob from crude methyl
alcohol, which gives+ the finished product it
virydieaereeable odor, betides other un-
desirable featuren
In,handling and giving to your trade
formaldehade bearing the label, of Parke
Davis & Co., you furnish them all thab 40
poenible in a product of this nature.
Thanking you for the opportunity of
writing you, we remain
Very truly poem, .
Try the New BUTCHER
where they keep in stock
Everything You Eat.
'Fresh & Cured Meats
Bologna. Sausage, all kinds
of Potted Meats, Fish, Veg-
etables, Fruits, Groceries.
Part of your Patronage
would be much appreciated.
Goods Delivered Promptly.
Phone 96'
Bank of Commerce Block
Opposite Post Office
Spring Items
How about Fencing? If you
have not time to build your own,
don't fail to see our Peerless
Woven Fence before purchasing.
Profiting by the mistakes of
others, this fence has been made
the strongest and most durable of
woven fences and costs less
Are you building your OW11
Let us supply you with the best
Cleveland High Carbon Coil
Spring and Dead Soft Weaving,
prices equal to the lowest.
Imo Gates at Rock Bottom
—Builders --
Hardware of every description
and best quality always on hand.
See our New, Line of Building
Paper. Have just secured the
Newest 4nd Best Ready Roofing---
Paroid—needs no tar or pitch,
just lay it on roof and cement
laps, cleanest and most durable,
guarenteed for five years.
Special attention given Corru-
gated Iron Roofing, Metal
Shingles and Siding. Ask for
Central hardware Store'
George A. Sills,
aeaforth - Ontario I
Paid-up Capital, $10,0010,000. Reserve Fund, $4,500,000
'B. E. WALKER, General Manager ALEX. LAIR 15; Asst. Gen'l Manage!
A general Banking businest transaCted. Accounts may be opened end conducted by
mail with all branches of this Bank.
Deposits of $1 and upwards received, and interest allowed at
current rates. The depipsitor is subject to no delay what-
ever in the withdrawal of the whole or an
portLoi of the deposit
F. HOLMESTED, Solicitor G. E. PARKES, Manager.
$3,000 worth of new Ready-tanwear Cloth-
ing for men and boys.
We have been fortunate in proo ring for our many customers some big discounts
in clothing from Coppley, Noyes & R tidal!, Hamilton. These goods are guaranteed
shrunken arid sewn with linen thread. Oar big new stook gives you an opportuniby to
buy ready-to-wear clothing at oorreob p Wee, and to seleob from the oiggest 'nook in
town. Come and we will do you good.
One dozen young melee long pan s, black with colored ebripen at $1.50, for 51.25,
One dozen gegen heavy stripe tweed pa to $2, for $1.70. One dozen gents' stripe tweed
pants $1.40, for $1,25. One dozen gen 8) strips tweed pants, eewn with Fialesyson's
linen thread, at $1. One dozen men eotch worsted pants, fancy ribbed stripe, worth
$4, for $2.75. Six only men's Scotch t eed stripe panto, very neat patterns, 52.50, for
$2. Six only men's fancy stripe pants, wido and narrow stripes, neat and up-toidate,
$2.50, for $2. Six only gents suite, br wn ground with neat oven:heck, $12.50, for $10.
Six only young TIMIS suits, very neat atterno, regular $7, for 5. Boys' Norfolk snits,
nobby light tweed, $4, for 0.50. Boy4t' Norfolk suits, brown with stripe, $3,25, for
ter TEN DOZ neT NEW BELTS. naa
One dozen silver crush belts, ver new and wide, 50o. One dozen gold crush
belts, very new and wide, 50o. One do en silver etripe belts, medium width. 35o. One
dozen gold etripabelts, medium width, 35o. Otto dozen fancy silver belts. medium
width, 25o. Two dozoa blank silk bel fancy buttons and plain silk, 25o. Two dozen
white silk belts, very fancy, 25a and 50e Two dczen assorted colored belts, all fanoy,
25o and 50e.
Ladies' white eambric underski te at 75; 90o, $1, $1.25 and $1.50, exceptional
values. Ladies' white cambric drawers at 25o, 35o, 40o, 50o, 60; 75o and 953 a pair.+
Ladies' white cambric night gowes at 0o, 75; 51 and $1,25, very fine eambri*
Twenbyetwo dozen new corsets juet arriv d 50e. 75o, $1 and $1.25, in Crompton'e cele-
brated P. &O., D. & A., E. & T., C. & , and B, & I.
Poplestone Gardiner, Myth.
Baby Carriages
We carry a large stock of Go-Oarts.
he accompanying cut shows one of the
any we carry in stock. This being our
ret year, we have nothing but the latest
nd most up-to-daterstock to choose from.
all and inspect theme --the prices are
Our stock of Furniture is Very
here, and that piece of furniture yo
the present is a favorable opportnni
line at very reasonable prices. Our
large and well assorted ; also Sprin
Curtain Poles and Window Shades
year, and our prices will make the
S. T. HOLMES, Manager.
arge,- and now that house-cleaning time is
thought of getting is waiting your order,
y to get what you want in the furniture
stock of Iron and Brass Bedsteads is very
s, Mattresees, Couches and Parlor Suites.
re things you will need this time of the
move quick.
This Store
Needs No Introduction
It has always been distinguish d
for Pure Drugs and Honest De l-
ing, and thin we continue.
For your spring clean up, to beat
the Board of Health, you will
Chloride Lime
Blue Stone
Carbolic Acid
Corrosive Sublimate
Our Stook is Large and Fresh.
Chemist & Druggist
W.M.MckAr, Manager.
TURN. Good going April 24
to May 6th. 'Return limit Ju
31st, and
Good going June 24th to July 7th,
return limit, September 15th.
Account National Edueatio
Convention, San Franoisco.
Chau) of any direct route got
and returning, and certain eto
over privileges allotted. o
For tiekete and full information call on
W. SOMERVILLE, Town Agent.
A. F. PHILLIPS, Depot Ticket Agent.
g* al
a-.4 sa ce.
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Mt et- -,4 es 0
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iv t....,-- tee' ee
I Er!.
toarnier Mein
ariot Srooto
*ma_ iaw
N Dry Gialmisim
Pi c k a rd s
Four Ciuntinot
Now, what you see in the newapa-
pers is only half the advertising.
The store supplies the other half
by backing up the statements with
the goods. Some stores stop half
way. It is a determined and fixed
policy of this store to insure per
fect satisfaction to every patron.
'Every dollar you spend over our
counter is spent to our mutual ad. -
vantage. A. modest profit is ours,
to you belongs the satisfaction that
you are buying the best inerchan
4ise that price can produce.
AR!!!!!!!!IMINN 1014114,1•04!!!
Ladies' Rain Coats.
Be prepared for April showers with one of our swell
Rain. Coats. Fine stock, newest styles in three-quarters,
seven -eights and full length—pleated and be tea. Prices.
from $5 to $15 each.
Handsome Skirts, all the new effects in voiles, pano-
leas, broadcloths and novelty weaves, in all colors to deoose
from. Nothing to compare_ with them ever offered at the
price, ranging from $1.50 to *10 each.
See our black Skirts in tailor-made effects, trimmed
with side pleats, also taffeta strapping and folds, selling at
$2 $3.25 and $3.50 each.
Ladies' Spring Coats,
All the newest short fitted Eton and pony styles
fawn coverts and -black broad cloths, ranging in price from
$5 to $1359.
New Embroideries for co et covers in Swiss and ma -
brie, special at 25c a yard.
New alt -over Embroideries for waists and the new
Bolero Jacket, at prices 55c, 80c, $1.15 and $1.45 per yard
Twenty.pieces of Embroidery just to hand, to sell at 50
and 12ic per -yard.
Neckwear and Belts
New designs in hand -made stocks and belts at 15c and
25c each.
White Lawn Waists &es
Large variety' made of fine sheer lawn, lace or embroi-
ery, tiimmed withtucks, large or small, new sleeves, special,
si each.
A very nobby Waist, trinireed with large hemstitched
tucks, three rows of embroidery insertion, special at $1.25
Wbite India Linen. Blouse' either with long sle eves or
elbow length, front made withwide embroidery, pleat and
large tucks, yoke of lace and embroidery insertion, special
at $1.60 and. $1.75 each.
White Persisai Lawn Waist, allover embroi ery front
special at $2.25.
t, o pairs for 25c
ese silks, prices from f2.75 to $4.50 each
newest Spring styles
silk, monette and taffeta Underskirts, contain;
60c and 85c a pair
Ladies' plain black cotton
$2785hite Linen Blouse and embro dered front, special
The latest novelties in cream pailette and wash Japan -
Ladies' cream and black elbow length Silk Gloves
See our catalogue of ladies' black T011aall
Ladies' fine lisle thread, lace and
hose, tiemscieree
-a (3621
pecial at 25c, 36e$ 45c and 50c a pair
Heavyribbed Cotton hose for boys' wear—" Black Dog"
brand, wear like leather, prices 20c and 28c a pair,
11 the
Highest Prices paid for Butter Eggs
and Wool
Opposite Town Building, Comer Maln:and Market Streetae:Seaforv