The Huron Expositor, 1906-04-06, Page 4Elm -4 --moE S t E TORE. it oUbboo,wWotio -7- As 'a esult �d 'this- te�! tw and, MO Y, r oar. arm S FO 0 the Ma it ba, -�of t e ' snthe Temperance . -AFRI, J906 wives, jaMt now a1k tclw� n': I -only fair tho la a -of tt'heir.pio- last, FKA&Y morningi Mr. ohn with- ma ba*10 t r er �sb'Jre: Sy -Wance y4rumen't,W Mon el (Peo-­ Chanibers, _iof : Centralia, who *m II ' ged -be �rebaied to r is: eyw Govor sfbr- Easter. aiuse way 1V IOD oald th t if oil hig way west,. -,vas am New Sh � - cing the V T- W �T b4t T1coi17sisj;i1 an# in. plei MAD'; a - a a a. s -a -t�,� Go*er nt T e�cescj 0=94vr . lightly lnjare4� Uxt �w traffic Mo ecolved Ithe madhinam )of ithe this way rost 3 4 5 6 7 liwIltning Ae'lice it is it,ht of price- Wbich-1hotel, propertleal gold -able to parsuo his journey. tU charges, hurIcA by champions of' Tempeitance.0wase in the 'Pro-#- for over their iactual value by virine" 6f*t EASTBA—the were mention Of it guggeste1sunshine and blightnessI-a- 12 13 14 o bi�6klo, bao re,�C)ie& a eri-' 0 he eft throi the, Mr. , hiorl�nWs ibill in inee f y VIN 114111 Brussels, -7 Olden- oppioritanity ratem, they woula have a opening buds Easter is also the time to leave and glorio4s., spring time' 16. I 19 19 20 t -be Logislatia-re against icity spo! crisis," The license s! op Bv8ns noy partnership has been awayand much tart a and wh thala brains." I (hrown, r Sam ftan they ocille formed in. connection wltl� tile off the old and take on the now; the dayo very man 24 26, 26 27� 28 11, . has 'Wen toolla-bly - O Brussels Alirb) &A d�y$ on t 22 2.5 vith moire one -liqlai-or through onisibs. Granite Works, Oer0y, J, A.-Ilunter talms the -reseed. As Your shes ho - th, uft regard and, correctly d AV crolursic 'a W rioadis, .shackles of a, licensed son Co0hmne, andthefIrm will. pow be d woman will went tobe Mali 2.9 '40 of tie oaf-efty and comfort of traffic ha" beewmki,r firmly rivited a the me- At, son Paltinter. The ktter bas been -i play an important parO in.thematter of dress, see thokb they are crreet th-an- ha's be#n -!the, There has nobbing iof import oxic-, bill a llpo, W--- on this, P vin anc6 cli iu�rai inhabitants. The anical d6partment for and bis w style,� neat fittingud of good quality, Our stock of Easter Foo rs cotunty councils rbo cloe -any rroad iise� for �a quater,of a The t;r. 'opeakafor itmelf. Mr. Wilson, the onlor partner,; 1a twear NEW ADV9=19MRN(C-6 r vehicles- if' -it is tion- w6rk of tWootyjejarg for Prolbibi- anspir(A in the Oominion PaVIU. has been salewim for the post fQur'years and will Will suit your requiromsits.1n. every respect. The very latest shoesof :against Moto mnt� dTing the past wedk. Ther continue to talteharge of -tills work. -- All orders vn- trusted to the 11 -are .sichored, dangeTouz for boraea, tioest, I- has gaue f . t, I VMother m Amicau and Canadian mianufactAre -here for your inspection, shelf 60% G id , v%vill-bo carefully and promptly atr- AVIbe figurt balwain thojorstilhow llos.on tat Moa�d,..It also the Temkporance p6ple- of to-d'ay oveghmet bill . pro�i ing. for the tendcdWl Theneiv flnii oc vbo old stand. I - 13upl�lllt O" dentitea tho _."P Of. 641i VAP89 Qn� whlOh 411- aut-OWob of the Sabbath 1ha Wilsm &llunter, marble and Joan e dealer Brus- cothtains Othr povisDons oalcis�lated will. gainz 'Wigdoin from�' tilie experi- better observance 8 14g. -L TD n cad., I ail sels, LADIES NVEA01ft* 41 44 * wa, "w1 ,"of- nalt on"d ireadinm and was FO Qwpetff-w-W, 14ciram t vUr13 TW HHUMOT C V, V W I p— P - a q A quantit of good-eedarposts for sale, also 01 "Uni- PiKwuiay -& Irckhut CO. --8 debate on lthe measlare ing certain, they Imiust. re red to a select omrq�ttee. It her of anehor posts. PrIaeg on application, ' Philip nd Seeing Is Believing drivers. The tfie�'v 14 one th for ilea us , sole agent -s for the famous Queen Quality shoe, ntade in Boyjjov,��, -as ff It May b0010M5 law Ament, Br Yc itats-Grorig Clothing Co. -I most of the timei of � Fan Commence it the foot of the 1hill, Ad AoW'16OkS &to gty le-poppt"totie 4, Gard t#ok up ok �lbhe w1d it #ursne. tt, same tioilsoze '�ourniey without ninch 6hangA. 1) t fa. -tory in the world; all atyles land leathers -83,75 a-ud t_bb Fast" Sh aft-ornoon's. sessalon. 'In aesillay of f1his woek in the largo & ',rand- it will take 4tho Shoeli the modern Canadian shoe all styl l Barkalnf�-A, A. Watt -6 rob�,Tred -to It'he: municipal com- -over again, m a J. Lowick moved 1XV family- tio The Empresfif Orley to Loan --A. A. Wat". ars f 0 Te;a0h bbe 100int le -Pbrdwidlk, where be, is engaged- Ju Pair mittqft, with a warning -god mavy Farm to itentl-13wpositor Offiao--S from $2 to 450 IL Pair. -bulaultly a- Farm to Rent --Y. J. 310�uade_5 vr-�Mir t1bat mutton wbonad be ek- -t-heY so foolisM- and pe Wodlvg Bells. -A pretty 'twedding ihe milling -basiness. We are sorry gisli- andioned.. line, to For sitie-jauleit 1voir-a lorelsed against any iatreme le* made a stir on IbIle, Parr to lose such golod citizens from It is th heght O absurdity it Auot4on Sale -John I%YeBiven-5 -o xat On grea:t mass Of id -9t. -Thomas Friendship 'and FOR MEN" �-WEA tion.- and t Thiasday of last M%ek. The scene of m Allotion Sale -P. A. O'Sullivan -5 f te, Whitney Government be- in town this tw -jab a I- faDli ZowleW Attentlon�8 law idng �and harmless m4 the festive loccasiml- tw4s. the res' ly arriveA wanted *00--, 'tio, fmffei cause they do out give more iadvane- denc of Mr. Chas. Weeikes,When his from Tqswater has Walk- Over the swell Am an shoe We - - W-11 rroduce & 4 iAs shoiald, not iba made Mr. Friendship We are-so16 agents for the Vaster Flaveri-t-C. berhart-8 'of a few law4break6r temperance legislation. It is Is-" ed I taigaged 'by D. Ewdh & Go -j as for the. S�ins 'diwagbter, Miss Charlotte Koa!fie, be� been I kid, patent'co'!tJ vici calf, tan cal -fist OL -50 an change of BU41 tiss-ilson 0 Hunter -4 is a fo-ciaish, to expect it from- came f' -he wifte of Mr. David W. Mo- Wood irorker in his carriage- shop, have these In vict d $5 3edai Posta-P� Amen". ogtly Americns. equally Calve"ecirge Chomati-8 qM9t101n and if 06m. They -syzuld aloit be honest Jlf Ash, one of 1tilio 1popmlar and 'pros, a osition he, heldl be46ira iremoVing the pair, Mortpga Sale -U. 15. Hays -5 u- �ver' emerges be weTo to act oitherwisk�. than ,they-, peros Ydunfg farmer's iot if -he Parr fo Teeswater.-Davild Watt, a for ce to r. 801herind"g bi The celqbrated Sister Shoe, the. mbt popular Oanadiau, lebra d for tylf Bull for Servie-e--W G. Tifurdle-5 tjlie - �eommitted fit will likely- be, are doing. Mr. Witney, Nnihon seek- friolm. line. The ceremony Was performed Mer Brassela bny, n(ow ot Moron+o. Auction Sal"amest Smitli-6 we and comfort, $1 and $5 the pair, pe 0bat be.will. hardly uffr�g6s ot the people told Isitor in town for a cpa- ut 0 -W� ii. wlllis-� at Wven o'clock an 110 evening, 'by wa� s a v -ment of 4NIt Feeders,—Reld & Wilson�8 in nob a sht i7e hile ciff-spridg. - them. plainlyi Amball is opinions were Then we have a big assort medium priced shoes for men, and,.Wwom be able. to irvoogn Rev, Thos. Davidson, of Varna, in ple of dlays lid a. The Government are getting weil an*d.-wh'at he wo-uld. do if 1he were rin- tile presence of labotuit thirty gluests 916woughton, of Lo %on, spent a prices from $1,50 aul upwards, a4d ovary pair good value !or the Money* To Bicyclists -W. It. W11118-6 forward with t -b i Mon- trusted, wit office. The people Bridesmaid and groomsman twere. rupl of days, irf' t(own' lVbis weec, Easter Flowers -C. Aborbare-5 _q teith has submitted bis �other 1wo book him at his word an'd 1placed 'him pe i d wi I After t B,.- Gerry has pgreha�se,d t1he, vacant widt ftper-Jame M he corema X0tJce_'_)tm & 13, ltobort.4­5 bills. A: synopsis of in power. Thus - far be &-is give cost lot on the eorne oir Queen and 'At- every ovildece of good fait'h. He_- bo+h will he Ifibitind'. in: ftpothcT CADI- inv be'r Tait.�Tbbs. _011=ptuous and abpetizig wd a7gricultairal the company flat dkywn to - a mi f Areets from John 'Rop , 'W1 SON Staf To Debtoris-WaltAr Smilh-8 omn., The bills. respecting it.be, Edu- �old',tliem he wan opposed -to ptolli- sappei. The roMainder of the even- I New-MMO and' Wson Ainoy are 9 -rini -9 I 0 map .0 Clothing-_ tewart Bros. -S -Bulger-S cational Delpartnient, re;spoct�rlg ptib-. biticiii and that be belly -ed t-1he be9t ng 1yeas spent in a most social way. bringing large quantifles f entR kor vAie Slate -And WAlk-Over " Shoos for me .9 wa.y o as c- Inix in Businew-4ba lie s6hools, 4 bill �amondin . itbe f dealing with-A-Jie liqnOT traf!- -0 se, days, lip uireMent*--Chesh�y&Sml1eY­8 -end to s Mr. and Mrs. WeA-4h left the ame syrup -to t ,11 the and 4I.Queen Quality slid E%pre" 8ho for Women, INY, B. Kerslike.-S ining laws, -and 1�111 to � am h i by -a liconse law rigidy en- evening for fheir own, comfortable tured in the formei's brash in -Vor- foreed. ven ever evidence home, -sylere they start life with tho Beatty, of Toronto, airiA the EllecTI-6,n Aot,,blavo aTgo;been gab- He has gi mit ted. The twb bills 'respec -of his sincerity in bbig respect end �,brlghtjest prspects aard -with t(he Miss Bark-eT, of Pieton, aria visitors eld at tbie, home of Kro. Peter Don, McKay did pill r tUir vovitr 'D -pr 4T1e f 3 point- -A he n license law is it move in' I - edivation provide for'bhe 'ap hearty god wishes of large 61 -Vole I with Mrs.. F. J. Rowlan&.-A11bert faT aar ment of an advisory 'votweil and a su- Wat direction, 4at the more effl- of friends. W814h of Bostion, -Mass., a farmer glas - on Wedused:ay last. -Mr. J.. vidke aid, eq�oyale �eveiing verint t clVt We flcenvirfg� law is: mak the wel 6�wn . Briumels boy, beflag *4 Thirsk is lyu�y` 010iiag AMOOd 100r. -tile 91100ts, an& t1hal edied w -8F,AFop,T_H,_ FRIDkY, April 6'. 190 raising of tea chors'. %aalifications, ;:Moyc� firmly . -does the traffic b�- son of the late saiftel Welsh, sage farmers 11r, tilie, nighboilhood.-The maiftstfe,4 by all, At a late hour, rys Avrn A, e 4 D dale -tor in* finie weatiker of this week is all7that fbe bappy gering 4dispersed all fOr'ibetter training . facilities for come fixed, in t' aaanLry and the driver W's, a welcome vit Th,a or)tario ljegislature. teachers,- the Jytodel N'chotols givin. g 'furtier removed most be pwhibi-- Noieg.-Te, attietion.' sale 6f farm town for a cicaple of days week wul(l, be desirea fzr t -be syFO in- wishig thie ve-nerable -evale mao. place to three vsw- Nrmal pohdols. tion -I - Thisis th-6 sibnatkiin the tem- sticlek and impliaments.heiia at Daniel on his way to ManitjAa.' -It is 116 Aftlefty and- seeTal in the 'comM41-11- Mo," yeers of 060abi t Sinith's, St. ciseph, n T. a A, ity are tbas busying themselves.-- Notes, -Mrs. R. Mellis is isitimg The Ontario Le,glslatlire for larger salaries f OT: teachers, perance. people oe. and a p o s a -V yviars since the Welsh f4imil.v� mov-, )tbe -even tenoT of its Ways and have a min-imium sa rat schaloln It is of their owniniaking ond they last was largel d and' re- eA fftm here and bhis Is No first -her dailfgJ&V* I Mrs. (Rv.) XcX of 19 'he burg 'on Mon- 'bon, Of Allga, Craig. -Mr.- wnV Mrs.- of Bayfield, -were in ti lay in ru y atten I Mr. gcdt*mere and, acin, * of k Aid'if wit -h their eyes open. Rait the cent relpoirts. indicate I at oth trip back.-.-Trueni-an. r.olugh with 0, good deal of; being stated and for increased Vio- re go. vincial grarits. stock and implieVents brought sat- ihown d4y last in search of m3dich ZoWs. S. McPhail# f Holesville, iso 'Use 1n,oryidg aver -spitted milk Luckmow, spet a few dlays in 0 -vidv buslino-gs diuring tqle past week. Dur- Premier .. Whitney's Ito amied and.perb�ips, the Rooner.flbey start i I Sfaetory prices. -Th services in animals are allnJost AS .19care0l goVe part of the week with �'h`0 ,this week amoxfg old frionds.-Gea. These flies now -a -&Ys. -Mr. Robt. in the village.-Mr..Autho 'tartel-, 1,xig t1e adet delbate t Clinic, of 'Wrlifolihm, wX8 in lbow.n. he EleetiorA Act.)wbidh ls,still tbe to work 't6' reaonotlbuet� their hmse Chion chlurob"; north of 'the (village, as &or umber of -.ind remed the fata . I sfill largely attendled. and r. f or -Searlett, of ,vinthrop, WAS in the ivil- of Stratford, spent a few dtays itVist mapleasant. inzidex& o6cuirred. Tbo intradinood, will in -elude an - J. mistake they %L -r%1 several dn7s last week. He parpos- , amendments to the' joleation .laws, miade''the better, Rat it does "ev- �Delgafyls ­sermoaas are becoming ge IaA Monday after their hired. week wifb Messrs. R. oncluded es presenting a cautata in the lbow We ple good -sometimes to have t. preeiated by ihis M. Se6bler. leader ot, f!hOl OPP-0isitim c girl, Miss in the vill -Many iii this Vicinity iew to 'promote purity in beir )m0ft '&P e-4rers -hiall here in the 'near If abure and- Jasnt thalt d ,his mmt . trVanchant coolies with a v bay. Making nra!pte Syrup. one - Of faults oeinted ouit to, Mom. lit may every Sabbat%.-Mr. J-0ightia, Silider_ week's visit was to mke the pretim-- iro now o-ving an amvndmer�t cen-m-ting -Mr. Eitbe�'s bill, respeetirig IftolaAes 'naae diem mre careful in' the fui- �recently piarelased a fine, horouigb- iary arr Ba"eld, The mason is favorable and- large ties are elog m7ade. *-he coV&Ict of tbhe Priwivelal-Trevs-.,, of Retqgle, has -received its hird t1dre. bmd eo,w 1rom Xr. ChambeTs, of have, to record, anfaither; businesi, I)Rlos pooDs.--This's on we have the best Araati b W reading, and. will. bee. 'hich he paid, -a ' ood a we=e yet had the -pleasure AYlor, -O nine - law.; Ki,ppen, ffolr' w, 9 selection of dress good, f 'St. 1fogeph. visitod with ta,re� for lvireg wntraote,d with the figure. -Mr. R. J. ffowafd irs Itihis change- in Brusglels, George' WiLiker "her slat -e -c wale P -Ar A Good rnsurance, Com Waving digposed of his livery barn o sergesi (dur of showing. �w. stylish goods, just the kind gu Bell, Of fte pan I a, I Jobh ) axting. In blacks, we baV, 'Ibbe paelt week. -The- Mantre�al for the alis�osal- are W -Bank of week visiting friends in. Clinton he to ro in r and butfit to G "Irge Rab o t �heg wide tit We a ywd) ; Cashmeres a 25c, &W -rail of t3ke, Prvincial bolds to provare The Famine in Javan. 'We dire4t f -he !attention of tou �[and nitimV s offier plac" in Gode- town, who will, we blieve,'wake a Jy1s CloW. *L 0,yard, 54 inch ; Ls- '.7 of, nid -h 5W and 7&; Lo V g. Uarboo& ming mialft pehaps. some' fdf lth-e readears -to kilie, financial statemmit - rich ;own Mes tm, 2sc, 60c and 75o ; Chiffon Broadcloth, $1& Yatd tinue to flock to the west. on. Taes� Nw the �consftriaotlozi Pf the Ars- Snow first- class liveryman. T.1m ,price A reports f ricim. J -an al� re some- and anmrat repart qflbo Mutual 'dien Bros.' 4. hA misfortinne't-o paid IS said to, be- $5,500 land he new Sicilian, Crepe de Chene, Bilk zolienne and)Dther day, the following left hero- for e� fancy w1paves. in Venetians we have Na, 'Tomis)caming Railway at 96 �&ifbs on Green,, lam, Ilooe ble horse, one -day 'diuir- Cardinal, Grey and Fawnt rft u-nd 1W The ne* idwela, m4hat. exaggerated, there ' is a v4u, *g1na -. Fred. T4_vlor, G. Ca Life Of Canada Iniwrairce Com -piropriet.or � is ntow in piciamesilon 1th 41011ar. -3fy. iE�ojja an the omrSe ing p a t tweeik.,Who 4ress imak- 13fcGregor, 1G. Wina1diale, and D.*��Wbk_� doubt but fliere is a very distress� babi sr. Robb,' Nviho'was engaged 'quit; fashionable greys it Me, and many fber exclusive will be Efioland on fibe and age le 8 In Dresd TAngths In the mos Nevin. e7 t; desirable, that wh T w their 0 YOUnr _JM of his speech ishowed ile the er�i , are eek, while wttem-eivol in the dairy basimass- has -Idem are the' many paTtg ot the of fhis,is6Ue. he New, or4e ing famino in Matual Life of _k, e6mbined Nirifib rbatd Weant vo W see Ibem. The ami Of onr DDIninion, with an immense 6blic'. ,bliet assistance aiposd of his utfit to Mr.. Chas. patterns are tile biet and onI3�100. F. A. EdwUrdoi Dom)0i=4ty anal We, V*�_, O'given �L by .,of t, 9tbL ret exe see inces f that count ry, and the, Canada, formerly known as the the, nrilliners, enables 16he Ro7ell, 'he Bayfleld. eedrinlgl , -to tbom ile ;aeb.t- had disposed [a. its -bonds at Pav of suffering and gtarvation among tlifLt tbLrio MUtinal, ieionicL Of the est d fair sax to adorn bliemsolhas ttio,per- Grey. 'Breeeis,­Tho April meeiVV,oif the Inig McNevin, "Who ned by a, pvemtsum and the sister Prloln�ile fectlon.�Tihe -,Yyork- an ithe alock at Bafild biray-6h'at the W10mon's-in- was violtinig 'friends in 4ciq�Tlch und -u- to Stay bravw peole are quedtionaly safest companies 'doing business' in St. j, of- Quebec, which is aiver kead and cleapli, under ecimtaland cif on- M11-1 1w hold at Itwo, W61ook DunfgaMUOD. rebttrne4, home. W very sad, andthe distress is fsogrea�t Canada. It is, also,,1wisely and coo- se, ,the ginee'r Gurre, of Otta-wa, is (now, in Blvth: TWroday afternoon, Apri-I 112tli-, _a ears, in debt,.Jhad doe, like-wi ically managed,,so that its pol- i 'WrADX01*r. 'i and so -vvide.�gpreadha% theGbvern- nom p�logrcss. Many -teams --are it pre- We are the JeAder,; in farm ))reduce. 1116 are pay- tihqB of Miss' Lizzle C&Vx"on. Widh and pro-speraus province of idy-bolftrs, in add tion ibo. security, to in- lie higheNt. fash pfor butter and bolvex to _60, chTs' The sombiiect is 13; ;U _�bowxo _tt ment oif the country arb� Imab sent mgdgea in atiling Stones Very nteresting Xcities'—Mrs, 19. - W. Uwiff yo 4031111rin & bo., Blyth. IM -1 DiX_,t,&r10 withiout a dollar , lof - de'Vt receive very sati%facbory results �n you have n ni, to fiefl, call on us, It Avill *y at a dis- cope With it, -and, un"s outside profits. From.personal, experience, 'he cribs. A few moT6 Idays of u. .1 one, Foweir -and, Vgetbi,ble Garden- blicildinig bler millinery opeu.ings OU .*the had aloposed of ithese bonds dt weather will e requird to 1coutt, of , the doll -art' - d -;s and: libeirilly lgivn, the writer can rionfiden�ty reeom- -BrWfs.­Pcoppk,.9tone. & Gardiner, Ing," and a full is 1&x- Wed0dlayo- Aril MU -V fouir oents on ai , he t§bor6 after Mr. J. A. Andersoll and Messrs. 0. pected,-Captain T*%1a eTgusoia- left ,TIM Treaelaxer, stzmg �-y Mr. Ross' mend _bh1s eompvqr to any wo may lVe t t I Gibson, of L'Oarrie, visited 4ver jsuu_� the bailddrs will H. Chambers & Go., held the4y mil- 11ast welok foi Cleiveland.-D. T. Cxar- �day Ith Iiii; sistor, -,Urs. jr. V. -D* acecirding' to bh est h4armation w ich ice trom e en- desire to make a necessary �prov* available, AhO 1g" .11ed to coneitirtuct tihe taupdatilOn 11inery opening n jeritici asan;ds will ataTve tor r%vbl icll ,sms Unearthed a mjOs ineat. 06 ajr ion 1)6r the fttfu�e Lby J Ys on Fridjay.6Ln Sat- diney, vvfto has been visitift fliere 1IF said -he ihad foland in 1his -Depart- the lack o f d. A fail e vven lDf -having thir 6f-'fhe . dock. 'Promloter dt�zitin - is urdlay evenings -of ilast Noiek and fJhe past threel weeks, rdbarne& home - 80 .-Mr. OsWin Smith let last Wed. f --ifiso. - pleag- anent a ootiment left Ituier by the liVes instared. Indeedi it -is - a duty ift'09daY br Rad U. Sask.-A I � - I", late G Loh idiselimed'a, one crop in. that adunitr i which every m,,tn owes to bis.fam'ily nw ab.sent from the place and ihis tbere was a large cod in al 6e last Satrdlay.-Mrs. B- C..Jenviggs, ant veninig wao a ent -af Ite, At ftlot�hL Wbi& overnment 'Wh -e in this land of �!Olepty �b t P thng Oat w �vbreaboiuLs has not et been 05- eotablishmentmq both ovenjngs--VLnd pa Of Xijigsvilk, spent SU�Z�y wltb,hr 'Very ektraardinary state kyf affairs ea . n hardly appreciate. The comm,on o mAe 'ample 'provksiton to -the L eX -&rt,ained.-1vTr,- d�hn, LemNva)r was ,aceoinnt f the eather being so Dome givul terit of his ability,, a'nd " know )of d0s&Y evening wihom -they Jpvc- iand which he bad -not intended fre peoqile tere live from year 60 -year, a guv�t at Mr. Oimo� BaAour'A i5r., faviorable for spring millieiry emening or Wiser, 14ovision than 6 seted Mr. R. _W[illeT wlbh ting was iferring tio, bm for fbie, bad conchae t -of zi o safer' residence fa6t &a'nd,'ay evening.- great Many lWere -Mr. 13. T. Caft hls mov" to M- to mouth, as we would A je:weli on or from haxid pojicy. in L a goicid, an,d� reputable c(om- _W lat w"k a. me .0 oniftily, when t1ye J3QJJOWJ Jt. -he L Opp -Si�ti I -In this ;; oon-ne-OtMion say, and this famine coming on the, Many will regret -to learn of the dlay of this iwaek t�e, last mi ng officers tor 1906 paay. I -would be,ffiollsliness't Tvaid-Once on 71owick-i9ftreet wbi* -Cvl. Matkcson declaied 'that r. 1�aels 000f th�e- 1,ate severe war, calUses lo sa-deafh 'of Mrs, $61den. who (died van fair was 104 tand tillere was a large fo,r the , Ba:yf iWd, L-akeelfts f ootball I J $ Hareo-aft', his red(eeessar, in off ice, di9t I t1lat the Ma -Wal ife of Canada is fro M a most kx r"tj Eiti,oh. as it. is V&lniost lim.000- the safest and, beqt- T Bat we repeat $undlay lat . A, the home Of (he�T _GWNV_A In taivW, ja number -of -0a e recemily parclikse4 W . r. ,Gtq.. -108 club ivere, appointd: Honorary Pre*- nrj�18. - imado tXaordinaxy agree- _.X_r. J. HaTtley, of B11 e e -of. 'Several Mrs. Henry 'StOlck, Of being elvsed,�The, hadies of the ident, 11. - EiMer, M.P.P. - 1-4 bbn 17 . witil Mr. Hanso. that it is a thciro�gllly safe com- Thluriday in the village 1W anent subscribes of The -Ekposltor have byteirlan eh�urch qi�ja _a2very ayr !or partner ct Coate's and Company ox pany and its camnagegient isauch, as -this p pre vice Pres((14mt, B- B- Gunn NIP` Win. Gibooln, lkiag tet,U-r_Aod bo' 3NO per bothel desire- to ecintribiate 'bo terreA, in -the Bronson line iceme- 2n'd Noniara-ry ic,6 ipriaideaft, Dr. in Vwley_. -per busbq ,icif Londo, Enigland. -By leilvis to inspire the- tinbUcit oonfidence suooessftl social in tffie bgBe'ment of gill, n thTep Mont V!, mutter, No. 1, Im Government t t'he Ontaricl the aid, of these siatfrin!g ipebVfe, of its policy holders; te�ry last Maeidlay 'a a t -be ftneral the oburob lat iWednesday- �,venlng Mvtcalf; :president, A. E. Erw1i 11 hS, it here. Butter, thlb and have dsked tus to, Toceive loontri- as largely attended,-Xiss Amy there being good, terawd - w.bp all vice prisiden, Dr. Wooft; secret- agreed to issue, fXreas�fyy- bill's to butions for this puros. Tbid we 1W I per ljoftn.,�L time..-Mv.- JJDhn VTY1 D - 0 im, � - 100 be Dowson, who recenly ,passeid with had an r. Smit1h.; treasurer' F. A. Ed- -Y P" fthe ammin t �of R1 -200,000, for cuorffully vanseint to 16. If, there- Oheap Power. anonths ticii matitire 0 Way , 15, 1905.- Tionors at the. examinaiton hold at Dolf.holm, w4io took a caapl,� of Oar NVard(k; ea�#taln, T. Brownlee ; ex- Chiselhurst. bm foTe" deisire, to aid in the Vood If Ron. A4,am Beck guages-t-he. sit- fh London Musical Conservatory, Wads of &IO, the west-,-Tebarn- eciative oommitt0e, Win. 'Whiddon, Notes,-,:-8y-i-up maklog -is fte, r_ A -wWris.4 The sale of ithesa bills Was *0 e inerg- work, t1hey can leiavet tilreir facintiba- I is at presmi onAeay.oriog to orgaYi- ed biome Saturday, djavin-j disposied ThlO-nton. Marftard, Ift' do, Wllddon)� der of thev diy-, and lma:kers rio no at The Exposit-oi offico,, Son and tior and nation any way acoaxrately Onta otiated through- Coates, nmork . X. 410 -9. - - �­ - _ ;j�_ . L'sat �ftb ize a class of music pni�ls 'in this of fhgem at n good figiu:Te,-�-Xr. A. D; Cranson A MeLoo& It -Wte the xiuu -good.—Miss Wu -ph 94 'Wood per boM- -(10 re 1promptly 'Dr. f an wow Co ., a Mgt -n-ot xceeding -ifaur per will Bowe that they qui - A-pril .4ol on Widay, Jat;,�' t a price mpresreatiiea Tate we manitifactluxers and house:hWders will vicinity. Uqy success cromrn a)]. bey W, Robinson penit ja aciaple of days to atual me-oting at Berlin,' Of into furwardtad o'thbae w,WwfJ1;sve ftat soon -be indepedent of Yankee a6al offarts.—Mr.( Robert Campbell, �' -­ . -it' per card �Qent. per annu. Moievq", the sale of 01f the paqt week with Lucknow Smit1h. A"Oug(b last -year ivas the She elosod, 'at Iloon and kold the -jqwesper ba ake, 'has seoure:d -the iservices f riends.— NX r. W. Begley fbas, removed 'first aeaVon R-ayfleird, was repreoent- s6hicilar-s they Would have fc I ew- jof the bon -da during thie ouirr . encY of 'it is U8,61i AOT (he ipmTpo es iintended and indifterent,'bo coal' 'Mr. -Port BI, new s_Mr4 Charles Badiour for Itbe snm� his lim i�elpairing dhop, one door d in lWe, Western Plootball, AsgbOia- teacher on Mon1day She packed the bills oT fqtar was tv the ntrust- Beek resident id be Nia 1001, per 3W. mor mianth, 71,01rth of fob-ndtjon s (harness shop tion. fhey miadle, a very criditiib*. O SoafO ed to Coates, Son,'an!d 0o. ffhe menvo Conference C�'11 Park Comma ission and chairman of and �veut t rth Frday after- T Iboo a Ellis agreemeiit Mr. Haroonx. had and iS nfd%v 17etter prepared "tan bowing, endin�g third j)a the, vouf it- n n,- h r ly Doul iniot toifia -M e have received the following tibe Power Commission ap- veir t dio,mmark in Ihat dine'.— for t1b001VaWPi-6n&1p. W'Itb tht, play',- left on, file in the Treasa.ry epart- Exeter. Xr. so she had to come ioack ter -self. 'The obild".n w Gol. Xatbe�gon'iadft ta.ie poInted. by the. Ontario, Legislature Alex. XcCreigAlt had. &1he misiDdilbane, IeTS available this season the tX-Pefet fool Was doluble - It Briefs.—Their Honors, Justices t.0 -hlav,,e t have a stxionVer Want f han I ent; the is�noke stack bdvva. off R_*t. ineet a nowl Vrby Whis arrangement, ."Dear Friends:—A con- -a year ago to� 'enq1tilre into a Ray and Farmer, have been keVt 'to b.ioy, c,bppping -mill illagt -weelk, but -he f,eaeheVL._.4Xj. - br�`oVc!r late Traaurer nd had paid one ,per cent. moTe than ferOce of the Temperance WoTkers. port on th he appear e whiole - question %of the erably b'w slace, their appoin it fixe7a mmediately, si> ifid not !4A .e., beafides -of East and West 11firlon,witle, j1hld. dvelop tment, Kippen. _Pro, of Ir's &ouwl.! ltle Ran of England rat Mont and transmission of el- Aistribathig justice among the b � -1 - . , �u ;f0f brokers' eammissions, bank tbax, etc. in te M�Itfiodist d.hurch, Winghlam, -ran e- J#m ahy bainss.—Mr. A. Wild-f-Drd, Golle W64ding,,—A ve;ry Weas- �ootrical energy from Niagara Falls. ligc -t elements, and It is but just *ha has beb,n Dusi f attending o K)n ag-rement Coates, Soln and at 10 a. m., on M6nday, 'April 9bh. to say that thy adjust t1he 6alances ness ant evening NM9 spent A the home dil 0,rts on 'Tulesday- ooking -id weWl anse in -the Prov- College in To onbo, ftent a few iftys as I 'Cat *amm ,06. have founded la claim for a Tbo.Temperance c. te has th;Breoxe, bad exceptional of t"h,6 L f Mr. ahA,. Mrs, Tfiahzas cKay I t I brokerage fee ol me clivarter�of iDne ince of Ontario has reiadhed a seri- facilitieft for fiecoming conversant fairly -evenly�, and deal Oat their tie- JSt Av",k 'ninderthe ,pararital TliaTsday evening, th 29th io#�,who tie.—So Nclunan llezif PP Lmrts to do-linquents with de dig- roof.—Mr. bas pnrcbas� St. _ —Mr. &f r o-ot. Col. Matheson declare& ous crisis. It is'nolt bnly desirable with the power quesdim .-as 1he -has �aboot t1hirt invite- guoRts g4thered NW, As niq !pe t1he dgreemebt. _,but -necesary I -to ta-ke immedia:t� given it minch atttn-tion nd lose nity.—Ouir aldermen are "ililipeatl ed a, wacant lot ftom Mr. F. Melt- A�bo- ha�d tbat he mpladiate, endeavring to have -at tWiT'residence, to oommembrate N He also insinuated th-at the ex-Treas- stps to *proea our hiamts against study. That eloactrie energy oan be an dabomobile calf, on *hich, iNve unde;rstan-A, lie- +11in fiftieth annivirg�aT f0M. TenteA for khe past the deadly evil tlmt is w;orkiVg such., devtloed, at Niagara Fall.9 for $8 ry es- y teir I d layer Must hv received a "eon- factory and -a canning f&dto intends lya0dig residence U'Yent. miarfiagie, X-Lbout 6.30 tJM gfti�eSt_3 As maxwe. back - J,oFA_1eSr tablished here, and to have the wol- tur_"W Oil -m the Ifirm Lt horgepoiNver, whidh figure would —A few ftmn iliere, ame ft�PML isideration " f ro named degradation- and misery. Men . and P tb 'the down to the table,jaden ivith 0oWl his W04 women, e appa-41L to' YOU to give: -us coy;er 41-2 per ceut. -erest �an lon mill rejuvinateA and- put in ttc-- B metery, witJ1 the L J�aek 0. 'for th advanta wthi int Is m, remains to -,gatigry -the tho _dh he had, ev msee d other! good thingN ed. yuT. beartiegt help fp this move- monley ln.vegted and operating ex- tive working otrder. We hope they o,f Mrs, Raghiip,4, Pat 81tiuTday.—Miss. innv,,r nva ive III anuthl' wa!w1beaiaUA;d_ 4;4,rm after living tw�q yea:rs in He the idently, g an. them. A- Mis tit; s ,the 'plogoes aboltild su ce I here is t no Utter Lizzie Walker, of hic' gall. The faTm work lbe. q Mr. Hrcourt Implied, mnt. Do it goT. the sake of that %it pA cost ago, is at ly d1beorated ith. cluth and qj�. ulte morle Man 7P01int the province for A canning prVsent visiting her itsking tbat all ithe papers relating th-earts-and homes, tbe. inniocence and $5 for transmission t�o factor then Exeter, and such an es-- _110-rtyjP varents in town. Mlas. After an: dfone, ampfe JR18- To-,vointo ; that � under anc, otonditions _t, y _ipllt our devotlional or- tivc,� alto the matter The laid. on the able wea)cnes, bbatt are doomed to ruin �Ibjjh. , the tableis wer 61eaVed, and, the. conumrs not only be a vicos abli-b. � nt would ;6;f -the House, and that'lhe was Toady and shm, if f1his 4-raffi'o i's allowed the savin,g to of Tortanto An the Cabbolie- con�*pany atIber-epid, in tho adjoi�ning' St. columban. as agaiiW steam , wvAld be from My A lbenefit to th town, bat woudd be aburch Ia.qt qnd willing to ibe jitidged by the to go an, -unc�eckel. Ev�ry, obiurob, Jam -60 Me- Doom Wblon Mr. tene.her 1* INTERUST wM be added on'kahut to all M, 000 of great av'riage to 'the farmers qn M�urcbie hat; takeni flie,C. P. a. ti settled 4coolultsf M amizatton, ever $500,000 to $750, a pear, m�d trhat� bat the St -Columbm facts NvIlich tfhey disolosed. He. said eveTy religiouo� Grg, 10- N. 14, read a oolli-plimelitary ;xna the auvroianqlng counfty.—Mr. and k,of BYnttlilig-before that date you �Wwlmv&tbe inter"'. -thrat h� -vvas mecommend-ed to Coates' TempeTance. Society is urg- it would raean a saving of $10,000,- 'agencit far J31.0th. —ATr- W. congratimliabory. address aild )pre- ofthreernontho. war to tlh Proince as ,a- visibad L friends M&nte 1by Lord Strabhoo-na -. tthat it is one ed t10 send delegates.' Evory*friend 000 a y Mrs. S. M. Sandyars have now got ack-don, of Clinton, I d Bh, ' wortby coupie Vlih & 3-9074T Arm -and mos re1piuVa:b1e of the Tpmpe-rane.e. cakse, iti-coiMiall y.inst -sto-am, m,ere th striking coinbortably settled in the pretty in t,own WeAveduy of last week. hndome and eom��tale easy chair %ote,% ,of Mo agest' and commodLous home wich they re- —Mr. J. —In- our last weeies aeoiamt .6hat it has exc�p-- invitd to attend.—F. BiLICHANAN, tements md by Mr. Beek in an ogar Has taken, ,11is son each. The addrews was signed 'cin 1be- of Sit,, Patrickla -firms, in Londlo; ad recenly purch-a b. at O sed from'MrR. R. H. ce , r in dri in tio-nal- knmvlede of theie affairs ; Secretary, proteM." - - gbrieral by ess delivored before a into, parfn -r.Alip with ihim, in his bialf of tbo gueots Mrs, a. . 001tmban, bbe nalrae of Yfliss Llzm o (its inembero Visits Can- miectin Collins.—Mr. Harold Bissett, who It is, certOnly, a Vey UrIgen't YL of The Toronto' Board of are qd tinware busine-gs and MODNI ab:d' Mr. J. Deft and by Hllud, f p- Tradie on electricia has been so ill, is how re- intends -having bu. wafs !uad. ,ada evary year tin order to secleaint I poler. Mr. inesi more th-an _yt X om the- Hit l,im.welr with the conditios of the -ere is pow- Bseck fUrblier says that t(h covering, and his many d-8 Will* over.—Mr. A. Carter nd W. Litrace -McClymnt. Tbm presentation being voali#Eg, peal. We hope it will be as earnest- , friD P-Obe 0018 and' Thomas *;otfently omit1ted, fr Jy responded to. Far be' it fwm lus er ena b e to see him sopn at (his iold post _M. Michael MoLear 4country; that it as an English ona- visited wifli frip-nds -in Goderichoone OVJ&r, Mr. .R.B. MeLea11 W V T,alls i 1 � needs . "P as, ailed * 'Ie 1 ibb D- I agh at the I loir itli wl I 0 '0 A 41 n. 11 I ­ to do anything or say anything,-t1hat of 1,500j000 �piaoi in the bank again.—The r"id�nee of art on.Fridtay 1atA -tom,L having bbe ft-ree ot law, that pl and Mt 6160tric- 'day last Nveek.—Mr. -A. Lynl.i, w)li6 chair, Whe Mrsi Wm-`ffa-wla4hiaw has bee a. spee6h# recitation 'intered hero par- on alill finan6al transactidns- isball -*go -%v-,Duld retard the Tempera -rice -moTe- at energy can be trammiitted from clilsed by Mr. John Muir, for $I- been book keeper Par the past and song Was t1w oTdoT of the, o-vn- D. Dow - nty, �6f Winidrs& viBita h1o' # bifthe thro,ugh oine, cbannel; and ihat it tlier-e- 'to an area cvering three- ZBW nitantis for M. A. Pigott & Ga.. ing. Their s(onj J. B. McKay 0 ft tQ m Temp -.at is now known as. iot of To- mdthlar'here -last w6aC—La feede-ro, ha- cy'aine'- fourths' of wh gnc 'lie rge eon- ent or to, discourage 009,, anV he intends residing in it blere; has rosi 'a as I igtiufr riont # W, was.part of itIve Wgreement t t it'he D lf,4, his wit sh,oAly. Mrs. and Miss Hawkbaw out to W.I�jfiingt# T iR�.If �97id, humor is a �;Ign=enta of garden sees bave v- rkers. There is, perhaps, m0re Odtario'. Also t1hat it abicial ot an -anaximum pric' e Eshotild The paid fo w" TerritlorY to host in him IV and, added miath A; been re- -d at,.pur bright, inew thio rovinct. Iturefover, he ipoint- need, for earnesit, active work in, ithis cost more th-an $17. per horsepower left for 'their now*home in Mellw takse a similar position. Mr. Stew- tb)e� enjoYm-Ont of the evening. oAlso ptlintied nd, �, fub4b_4 Grass, Assiniboia, lait Nyeek.—TvIt. G. art, ot Goftricb, is at ipre'.SentL filling Vb;e dde post 0-Mbe ed out the very important fact that direction no:,.v, than 'It in any part of this area and that singing 7 ainA., rocittions by Mr. ri eve'r bafbre. K Heanin It" sold his brick tresi- heoar 00W �re _MldS this figarie� ill'allow a fiberal pro- Position -,he) 0. Tale, firerpen had, Goo. Din, Y L 3�Vpre Store- Mr. I �r. U'011alk* L the.droc,tinient referred",to by My' _ei,7 potMaZtp oat r.0 investments pra greatl _r h� is q!uite* t" e, as the appeal isay5; fit and interest on 'the d-ence to Mr. *R. J. Sneoil, iror $1,650. t -ir first M01f;hFY etise -for Vie ati6d by thio 1 oomip= Wabhr� oxi had been y. Mr. prepared . by "The Temperance cause in this pro- or the production of t —J.'W. 13engotigh, of Toron't d Xr� It'Dr every- Pridla [OrniA'g, zo lhimmlf and lit (had it type writtan he ene�& -aiad ye o ndla.v* evening off this Rn 5- 'Of Z*POW S rk to 85.- 0 -and kft in the deartyrient purp3se-. Vince has reached a serioas crisis." its transmission of 4 1-2 per " cent. cartoonist, will give an week and, everyt!hinv -vvoirkedl very So 'I ly for 1he. informatin and gaid- In ofax opinion the Temperance camge Electrical energy, is now being sold lectrure here, under the satisfactory. XTO jr�lcr. auspices of 'th EpwJorth Leagitie of Of ance of his sluooessor, -axill that -has been put back at teast rtwenty at the:_Falls for $12 per ihiorseower. the Main Stree;f MeEhodiA dhurob, 10 IV there could, therefol-e, e no see-- years. For this resialt the Temper- There is no dkYubt biu;t that this coun- Blake. Jiuw e try is ion the eye of, surprising de- on the eveninIg of Xon�dlay, April Oth. 10�000 ROLLS ap-cy oonnocted wit tile trans3ztion. ance advocates, or a MaJiGrity of I - ��a �� * He also pointed aut that the i3ecur- vlopmnts along the lines reforred The pe-ople whio afted will enjoy ti 10(a Sehool.—The following iz t1h Wes Arbich be a;uthorized Coates, hem, have themselves t� blame. to by Mr. Beck and no, ipers rare treat.—Ma!9ter Harry Carting report of S. 8, fOr on can ; province was on 't -he ev� -of very or :01 'Bon, and Go.., to niepatiate 11or t,he redict what even two years may fell from a bVa-m in the -;voddsibied of the month of Afa'rch, bai&ed -on Toga- AA $Bed streat temperance reform. It ha -d at ek% *4 tO44 Province and ivlhich bore 4 per cent. No head of its Government a life- bring orth. the school, a ftw dvys a!go, dislocat- liarity, general de- Inuold n' -his wrist.—Beatty Mitin, the V,—Rath Keys, g a Intiertest, were -bonds of the rail- long Teinperance advcate and _frorn y1oungeA on. Of _Rtv. Mr. 'Marin, Trne D(_ 1116r)')' -�-Sherrit L Cla-ss way (-omm ision gimaravted by the Po-hibitWnist. t He ph-,dg.ed himself The !OntarW, Goveyn 0 -k!!� m,errt mem to algo rece-i -r:Loo a T'rovinrc. and, !i iless desirable seour- a & -- ved a sprained wrist, a IV.—Vila E Ii h ff Roy 011purig, WA �PAP ]a -and his Government to give advanc- be between the devil an dee out head and a bad shakinIg u o Ity than the (Provincial boods %villicli, iy POM&I ed temerance 'legislation, wrking sea on; the license, bill. During jumping from a beam in't&e Pres- ahel Mam,,Ion, F1ris.9i.'Ca'plfrYg, TUros. k they were waited on MON'M; ApAl Mr. �iat-lwsvn had Xinpoq-ed o -f at a to total Prahbition, as rapidly as I I pdgt we b� tirteria church s1h1e&,.—Mr. - 'David MeYeTs. Chiss Jr. IfT.—Mar Doing- -be Is islatin, and Nvicituld sRrpporrt him -The'debate on the motion ior it the peopk. Nvere prepared far that Mack, w1w hats bee buying grain Albert XeTs yrtl, Key C , ! immeAse delegations from bo y erB. TO be -at i'du cat 9 1:11 .. t tb t'he on the Ervter market :C.qr r. (D. Clam Sr. Etiel 'PrAmier, was adjourned land at the in it. And h mpqance people and the liquior 4�% UmK� (yf irritin- ihas not JUrqdhiar, of Hensall, has 1pttil-e-4 ff Zpfe, Elmer Oesch 01",,s TlJr.(a)_� t 'been - had Ulins 'far been made was good I-ledium to pod yp- interest, both de Mianding ich-anges for this season.—Tbe franie. residence Mary Jwne 'Nfeye'rs, Jakie. Brenner- bulb3 &t t evidnee of. the sincerity of these 1. and �oncessions. The Prem4er and fown, owned by i.bo dte 1s. man, Mikio Kennel;7 Class III jr, (b) up, "Satherland"s atolm in this Beautiful new designs selling from 3e, per roll obile' bilt ptedges. But t1he tompenance people I Pmvl�oial Secrefary, who were Moir, of Udborno, Waif been pureha. s- —Emma Perbler, 'Pearl Contraots taken for haDging sa peripr, �;ot n airing ion Tu#,,sday. Accord- were not satisfied-mith.thia. They I spokes[men for the Government kept I me. No additional chargo for r ing to tile ed by Mr. Tbhn PipeT, for $400.— Emanuel Mo in t.1le simple -life t-houlit the G0VeTnMeTi'L' W t L yer. P rt IT.—John A. the country.! . ere mt a �;tiff. tipper lip to both delegations A mass -meiting in the in OT ot tha qlet dweillers in the m -ural going est bf Mleyer, Sophi Oe-vb, Percy Zirk the Bible o- Part r 34-iroslo wdely disturbed ition, and, strange as if They i told the tem- ' city, was hd i 441, - fat enough toards Probib- and dtd not give either very mah11 -eh British and Floreig m-und E�b, Aar -on Oesehl Measure' your rooms, then come and our date, saving any dimp- districts is beirir 'Vier may eem, satid4�ction. n the Main Street Allun Oa%eh. The blighost mairk for pointment &�out the -paper haoging. b.V flyft iYuffing itrro-r o the city it is nevert(heless Irfue, they ii,-Iiubbed peraXkQ'f, Pe -41e that the policy of Methodist charob, Sunday after,)on tie mon-th were cib�aincd by Mary put 'Xn,Jn'.'J 11-U.t01'nobile. TM farmers are Their' votes against the. man ulho the G�overnmnt is- a glo-od licenGe I wh�ib addrelsses were delivered by Douglas. Number a is to *-5. 10 1, being driwn off Itheir own poll 54, aver- M4 es top" best promived theVi Priolhibition and was law well enforced ,o �7-5 i� 1h., (told tbe Rov.,'Mr, Smith, of HeyNall, and g 40.1 Tjwf;a hav ng 2t. rouds, mich they ,hav built and Wo�king in that direction as rapid- I . V * bi le ey n� t for, and m. ade toake he rioug ly as he feilt publ. c o i atti6kers Arid hotel keepers that ended to Rovds. Messrs, Perkins and Going childrn to botrin sebool t1his spring -wolug'd make all license hol ers keep hotel -f 7 xeLer. There wa,.; lso a speci I will kindly end them etl f ilim. it i P nion n dire y ia ter �w tot it vlotes, to and n! IL Z il 'by -ways dd t -1w, iside rads into i-astify him, and gave thet ot merely drinl�ing plapes; that sohg'sieriiice by the Sabb�th sehool. Haoter v ALEX, W S NL thal all maystart lown th_r(xugh fer bf beiag dtch- a man lvjho imbliely aviawed his b it was in the interqsts of good and children and the quarbefte from together.— ' DOOR NORTH OF PICKARDIS .50 to vpirited iflarin hDrses come position to Prolhibitiian, and his be- f repuitable hotel men to '4id Che Gov- ch-oir of Trivitt Memorial churah, Not".—The reput r moftfililymeet- SEAFORM. ed x0ien s 0 �suddenly upom th iterrifying phan- I!-er t 14TART0. liat restriction was the better . ernmeot in' a strict! jenforcement Of Th vluirtary colletion was qu# ing of t'he Womews &I-xillary twas