The Huron Expositor, 1906-01-12, Page 8U 0 '0 Ju the lines mention�dl below w are showing , a I • fine assortmnt -and at close prices. You may find many pretty and useful presents in our store. Come an4, in- spect our stobk of , Silver Plated Knives and Forks Pocket and Table Cutlery - Nickel Plated Tea Pots Skates and -Hockey Sticks Carpet Sweepers4, Hanging Lamps Rove Bale Now Going On We are offeting _our- ate* of both now end second hand Beeves et greatly reduced wines. Come now aud secure s bargaiu. pricea are low and goods ed. the best. 01111131111Y & SMILEY; SEAFORkit, BOLE 'kkGENTS, Hardware, StoiSanc Coal., DOMINION* BANK HEAD OFFICE, TORONr10, • Capital, Fully Paid U pl—S3,000,etio. 00 Reserve Fund and uns ivi • dded Profits r1S 3,634,000 Deposits by Public td8,700,000 Thai Assets $ 39,225,000 SEAFORTH. BRANCH, Every faeility for th transacting of ti • DISTRICT 31IAT'rER. Read Stewart Bres. advertiseinents on pages 3 and 6., • , - Ram Date. —A reecting of retire- sentatives of the Canadian Trotting ,Circuit, was held at Stratford on ' Monday last, whrn the following ,dates were arranged for the coming seaseri: Mitchell, May 24 ; New garaburg, :June ' 5, 0, 7; London, JIM° 12, -13. 14;-•15; Seaforth, June 20, 21, LiatoWel, June 26, 27, t8, Stratford, Juin 2, 3, 4, Hamilton, -july 10, 11, 12; Preston, /ray 16, 17; Windsor, 23 to 28. With the ex- ception of Mitchell, New Hamburg and Preeton, all purses must be $400 or aggregate .that amount.. * Sunday School Entertainment.— The annual r Ohristma.a eetertain- Merit or the, Sunday school of the First Presbyterian *March was held on Friday evening 'last. An excel- lent programme, Denudating of music, recitations and a fancy drill was given by the acholars and after that Santa Claus came' in wheeling a barrow full of -bags of candy. The latter were distributed to the lit- tle 01100 and big eines too, belonging to the school.- The school mown was nicely decorated and, the audience, which filled the room to overflow- ing, were delighted with theen- tertainment, or ; The New Olerk.—At their first Treerartha, Winthrop ; D. of C., W. meeting held on. Monday, tbe town J. „Suminerhill; .1seaturers, ceuncil a.ppointed Mr. John A. Wil- F. Wr Soatlett, Wintreop and J. W. son clerk and treasurer as slaccess- Marshall, Seaforth. • or to lrfr, john.Bankin. Thselecting Stook Sold.—Mr, Jr Johnston, of Warkerville, ehipped la oar load of thoroughbred Shorthorn Dottie from , Seaforth Station on Wednesday, all -I of the animals ;having been pur- chased in. this vicinitte THe purchas- ed from Mews. A. 8, j. Broadfoot, Tuckersmith, their , imported stock, bull, two heifers and ,two young bulls ; from Mr. Jams Mointeak of the Mill road, a cow nd two heifer's and from the Messrs Elcoat, of the West 'end, a oow, I calf and two young ibulls. They I were all very ' fine yming -animaltel—Messrs. Robt. Charters & ,Sens alro amid to Mr. James Anderson, of the 5th apnoea- %fon of MoKillop, a very good. sow , en. ca . or erne Seem to be n good demand this season. t Orange Meeting.—The District O» ange Ledge, of Hullett, met in the orange hall, Seaferth, on Xuesclay afternoon, the 9thtsinst. Represen- tatives were ptesent from iflinton, Summerhill, Winthrop and Seaforth and , a number, of risiting ibrethree th. The reports from e various lodges show the district to *e in a prosper- ous condition. The officers elected . for the ensuing year are as follows D. Jit, W., G. Smith, Clinton; IR D. M.; 'John Montgomery, Seaforth, chapIabe, C. ,Lowety, Suentnethill ; we- 1 : eording secretalhtreasurer, Wm. W. 3. Kinney, of Winthrep ; fine cial secretary., I. Welsh Seaf vera1 »anlnng onin Collations made on all -points in Canada sad abroad. • Adva.noes made to Famine. Special at. elation paid to the, colleetioe of Bale Notes. SAVINGS BANK.. Deposits of $1.00 and upwards received, end interest paid or added June 30th and Deeember 3JSt. Wittdrawels may be made at any •_ A. E. GIBSON, Manager. 13., HAYS, SoliciAor James Viatson) c Success r to W. N. Watson NORTH MAIN l ST., SfAFORTH.r General Fire. f.life and Amident briar- ance agent, Real' Estate arid Loan Agent. Dealer in drone:lass family and Manufac- turing Sevdng Menhines 'and Greece Separ- atoreeviz.: i•• ,• • . New Raymond and White Sewing, Machines andNational Greani Sep-] ' orator in three sizes - Also sewing Machine needles, oil, attach- ments, repaint end sundries for all kinds of tewing machines. Prices right and ma - *Ahem fully guar,anteed, / JAMES WATSON, asnranoe Agent, and dealer. in Sewing IJachine. •suid Bloycle.e. North Msin stret, Seaforihi • day vcnng. The f era1 takes place from the =rest 01100 of Mrs, reeorg'aicc Gndr3rioh street, this, Veiday, afternooi at 2.30 - eleek to the, Maitlaidbenk come- tery. • Mr. Wilson for this important posi-1 Adieu' Meeting- a the shareholders of the Seitforth Turf Club mill be held on MondaY even- tioh the council have inane a good choice. Mr. Wilson is thoroughly competent and well _qualified for the position. He also has tebe advant- age of considerable municipal ex - mutts settled efore that date. . H. Willis sole ing, January 22nd i» the Town'A I' t a Hall. arge a . tendance is requested. M, Broderick, Seoretar• y. ; ! , - 1987-2 Will our customers kindly favor us with a settle- ment of account durin V the next few days. We be- gin stook-takin% on Fia ruary 1st, and desire all an perience, having served in ,the ()elm-. ii , so, agent for George A. Slater sho s 1 ; fo eyor for tivo years,. We congratu- Dodd shoe f ladi e nienanf °thY s et es n Seaforth. 1987-1 oil for several terms and was 1 tete both the council and Met -Wilson FOR, SALE.—Cottage, eight rooms, cellar, hard and ROM water, modern stable and driving &led, core on the appointinent and ,we are mire ner James and William Streets. Apply at residence. 19117x2 SEATINO.—The Palace Rink will be formally op. ened-for f4lcating this Friday night, The band, will be in attendanceabort; open at 730, skatingto commence at8 o'cloek. Admission 15e and 10e. 19874 Lady Nairn CampSons of Scotland, are affording MYSSOS Lareasse, Seafor the to Ilea. the publie aereat ritusical treat M Cardno's Hall next ramaii ..•1=1 mi,11 Firth -Eaton COMBINATION ' Have been en,c,oaged by the Sons of Scot.. . • land, 8:Worth, to appear in CARDNO'S HALL, SEAFORTH he evening of -- TUESDAY, JANUARY'leth 'OS he -will prove a worthy suceessor to those who have gone ,before. Travellers.-- The fallowing were ticketed to distant parts by Stew- art Bros., C. P. B. ageing, Seaforth: icine Hat ; Kr. and Mrs. Fulton and' Tuesday evening. Come and hear the Firth-Laton Combinationr . daughter, to their home ean Seattle, 1987-1 I am l king f A, Y i g' storeto bii - mv tea Washington 'Territory ; Christopher and mg: Theo;e4 hOlikelengs tliebest inSeitiortli. 1984.tt Dr, Ovens, eye and ear surgeon will be at the Corn - 1121,1'4'10 hotel, Seaforth, the first Wednesday in each moiith,floin 1 t 8 p. rn. C t ra t, eqnlnt, fail- ' ing eyesight, deafness, nasal catarrh treated and distant points this week by "WaSom- glasses properly fitted. Next visit Wednesday, Web. erville, Gdr.R. town agent e -wee, ruitry 7th. 11.183-tf KOhOe to Toledo; Ohio ; John Fergie- • WII0 WANTS POSTS ?—tlood round osts for Dale,• jr Hullett, to' Snotvflake, hlonitoba ; John Gray, Walton, to Edmonton, Alberta. —The following were ticketed to son to New York ; and little son, of T1 Cohces; N.Y.; Mr. et. r 0 4 ro 19$1xled g 1 amestown. • ; Shea, Elibbert, to oaten; X188 Our aecounts (Ii•ire, 12 now re I Call, 'Edra non ars. A. D. Seat istet. wee un re( si t. , •seven hundredt. ornton Ha•ll, to i)nunterjo''7111j&to V Inches at the map end. Also a •The prts are all drawn oat °ht. Arrastrong, on a gravel road,11 itnuil to Frank C. W i 1 t".1nort i of Jainestown.:, AIP to Willow Cit • y, Nor dIt. Rae Diakson to Edmonton; M C i h tlitt:toney, et t e apie 1.,e,all 3.:.itore. ' As i;'11 164! a- , Try Charlie TIM 4 hand laundry, Seaforth, f4 nice Margaret -Fortune to Duluth, work. Always giv `satisfaetion. • Clothes called for of 3. G. Crieh, to. Boston ;*,iirfiss 1.44 . • and delivered. C arges reasonable. Laundry, two •' A. Treat. --The members of Lad doors south of Reil & Wilson's -hardware store, Sea- . WANTED,—Choi ,e roll butter, 250' new laidegge, 30e ; 85.0o cash to ' No. 1 mink ; clearing sale of dress geo(bifurs, e G. E. Ring, Wingham. Y forth, 11163-tf. Nairn Camp, Sone of Scotland, have furnished the people of Seaferth and vicinity with several musical and literary, treats and they have another promised for next Tuesdey erening in e Cardno's hall. It was under their it ens -Aces that the. eel- ebrate.d Jeseie McLaughlin appeared here first and on that occasion the Music Music Music, ‘[ Nothing doer more to make home en- . joeable. It helps to eneertain and givea pleasure to one and all. Oer stook consists of Pianies. Organs, Grophophonee Violins, Mandolins, Mouth Organs and almosteveryehing in the Mutie cal line. Sheet Mink, all popular pieces at Z5°; also the beet editions at 100 Nothing makes a nicer pr more enjoyable Present than a roll of good music. Singer, New Williams and National S Ing Machines. • Call and beer some of due music. L M. Baldwin & 'ISEAFORTH. i- dealers in MUM!, Organs,' Graphaphones, Sewing Mathieu, Needles and Oil. , Fantik Gr- pS and • • Children's Photos public favored them with on ina- Menge house and. they iere not (die- appointed. We look for eimilar re- sults on next Tuesday. alight When • •The Firth -Eaton combination ill give one of their versatile -and pop- ular entertahunente. Lady Nairn. Camp always look for tbe best that is,. attailable' and the • people may • trust them once more and _they will not be diseppoilated. The Toronto • Globe says: "Mr. Firth is an artist of high merit, possessing a -fine bariton voice." eivi Are a Specialty with me We do the kind of wok you will be pleated with. We have‘ixceptional facilitiesiormake ing family greups and children's photoe. • Goma in and see . ••- • Picture Framing and Moulding,. JACKSON BROS Seaforth. •rTRATFOR.1). nrr ART°. • Do you want a good position in the Commercial World' The surest and shortest) road is via this school. We give& course of training that is nob 'fur- • passed by any Businese Clollege in Can- ada. We give individual instruction, therefore you may enter at any time. Write for free catalogue and get full par tioulars. Emotx & MoLACHLAN, Principals IN OUR WINDOW We show the fellow -lug LEFTOVERS bought especially for the Christmas trade. • 2 Silver Cloth Brushes 2 Silver Military Brushes 1 Silver Efair Brush • 2 Silver Combs And we have also a numb.of smeller ell- ' -ver noveltier. Their quality and beauty have not deteriorated in the week's interval, • bet there will be 25 per mete off the price. No need of our throwing off alltne profit off them for there will be birthdays and all aorte of occasions to markeb them, but we want to celebrate our, biggeat Christmas Season by showing a clean sweep of all the trerietmas goodie Ijohrl Buigeri Jewe'Her, - - Seaforth • MarriageLicensee ,issued. Marriage of Mi. John ifairley.— The Exeter Times of last week- thas the lollowine witth reference t o the tiaarriage of Mr. john Wairley, form- erly of Seaforth and Miss Adelaide jacket", of Usborne a.nd, -a gradu- 'ate of the Goderidi Collegiate. In- stitute and. Model sehoole n very happy event was celebrated at tbe home of tbe bride's mother on Wed- nesday, December 27th, when Mins Adelaide Victoria, daughter of the late William Jackett, was united in marriage . to Mr. john A. Fairle,y, of Innisfali, Alberta.. The ceremony was performed by the ilfev. W. M. Martin; only the very near rela- tives being present. After a dainty repast was served Mr. land Mrs. Feirley left on the evening train en route for their new home, via Chicago, St. Paul and 'Edmonton. The bride's going away gown ,was navy blue broadclotb with bat to metch and Permian lamb- teat with mink trimmings. Mrs. Fairley Was 'former teacher in tbe Exeter nide: tic feriae' and has many friends here with where we join, in very hest wishes' for many years of wedded happiness." -- — Death of Miss Dorrance.—A tele- gram was received • by the friends here On Monday last, announcing -the 'death of Miss Sarah 'Dorrence,, winch took place at Ithe Indien in- dustrial Soho-ol, near 'Regina, Sailen atchewan, on Sunday evening. dries' Dorrance was a -.daughter of 'the late George Dorrance, and a sister of .Messri. Joseph and James Dorrance. of MeKillop. She tad beep a mind-, ern of Seaforth for several. years ripe - fore going to Regina last spring to take' a position as instructor in the Indian Industrial .3011001 -there. She was greatly interested in her week in tbe institution and was admir- ably qualified for it and was belove • ed by her pupils and esteemed by her fellow instructors. She bad been about six weeks. Her- illness was knot* to her friends here, but it was not thought to be 'serious tau- nt about two .weeks ago, when her sister in Toronto went to Regina to be with her and if p,ossible to take lier home. But when she got there she found her in such a condition that it was 'impossible to remove (her and the end came sooner than was eepected. The deceasedwas of a kindly, cheerful disposition and was much beloved by all who enjoyed her acquaintance, and the annwancement of her death came as a severe tshock • to her many friends here. She was a faithful and consistent 'worker for the Master, and was zealous for every good cause. She was or sev- eral rear e a ealued teacherin the Presbyterian Sabbath scheol here and. took an aetive interest in all de- partments of churolt work, frhe re- mains have been brought .home' for interment and arrived here Thurs- 193741 , Veed fey Sale. -0 Ames.' mill feed for gale at the Seaforth Oatmeal Mills. Walter Thomson & Son, Lindted. 19824f • (101.1) MEDAL LOST.—Lost between Seaforth Town and Grieve's bridge, 2dCli11O9 on fiatur. (lay, January Oth, a rold medal, engrave( . The find- er wilt be rewarded vn leaving' A at Tnz Exeosvroz OseicZy Seaforth. 1097x1 Pratt's Stock 1'wxI is the best • and oldest on the market, try it. For isale a the Maple Leaf Store. P. Dill, Sentorth. 1986 tf REPAIRING NEATLY DONE. • Eyes tested free • by it. MaNaught, Jeikeler, Seaforth. 1687-tf A -NUMBER OF YOUNG PIGS FOR SALE, Ap- ply ao .Lot 20, Concession et Teekersinith. (1. Me- oavin, 19S7x1 • iVANTED.—Fout good blanket weavers alge four girls for knitting. Sykes & Ainsley ;Manufacturing CompanY,Limited, Olen Williams. 1087 -ti Comfortable dwelling house in good locality in Sea forth to 1081,orfor 11tLlt. Immediate possesSzon ean be given. Apply to R. S. Hays, &Worth. 1974-tf Rooms to Rent.— wo Suites of rooms to rent in the Cady Nock. Apply to Adam Hays, Seaforth • ' - 1980:4 Thitter,eggs, and dried. apples wanted et the • Maple Leaf store. I' Dill, Seatorth. •1980.tt . The Town C uncil.—T‘he newly jet- ected council kfiet for organization on Mon,day orenoon. The Mayor and members of counicil having signed the nec4tssny declarations of qualificationt ok their seats. Mr. John A: Wilsoi was appointed clerk and treasure ., The Mayor and Messrs. Greig nd Smiley wero„ ap- pointed •a cornrnittce to select ,the etandieg committees for the- yeer. The council adjourned tnaitil the ,ev- ening.—At the evening meetingw all , the town effic rs of the, past year • were re-a,ppoin ed at the -same sal- aries and with he same eleties. The time" for the p yrnent of taxes twas extended until 1ani1ay, February 12. Mr. W. • Sem mile was annou▪ ated auditor for the council the second aud'tor to be et appointed by the 3/ Ma. or. Messrs John Shine, Sidney Johhs and, elegies McMichael were appointed fenee viewers. The clerk's salary was fine at iS325 and the eat- ery for treasu er, the same as test 'year, viz., $125 malting $450 in till. 1 The Crescent 0 ub asked for the Iuse - of the town .1). 11 in which to hold their' periodic 1 dances. The eaat- • ter was referi ed to the property committee. Th following were ap- pointed to the standing committees • for the year as recommended by the - selecting come ittee ; • Finance, — 3,ressrs. MaC Ilum, Muedie add Greig. -Street ,--rifessre. Broderick. Smiley . and, Et nchley. Property, — Messrs. Smiley, Murdie and Broder- ick. Fire andWater,—Messrs. Greig, Hinchley an °Curium, Charity,— • The Mayor an4 Mr. Broderick, Ac- counts to the imo.mnt of $277 were passed and the couneil adjourned un- til Thursday ight. , l • ! • Egmondville Church.—The annual meeting of th4l Egraceadville Con- • gregation was held on January 3r4 And although he weather was very unpleasant tbe waa a good attend- ance present. A1l the reporEs show- ed a marked advance over any prev- ious year. ,krh treasurer's report 'showed a Burp us on hand of $119. The report siowed a considerable adva.nse over , he previous year. Ac- cording to the report of the session, 28 were added to the membership, whilst 20 were removed by death and certificate. The present member- ship is 324. At the close of the meeting it was unanimously agreed. to increase the pastor's salary by $100; the organist's salary by .$25; the caretaker' e salary by $10,; end to give a gift of $50 to the pastor's wife, and $251° to the tr /Irene - The nalf-year meeting of he Eg- znandville Yong People's Society Christian End. av-or' was held on De- cember- 27th, ernien the following of- fioers were elected for the ensuing 1 , W. FRAN0I11 FIRTH, Baritone, MAZIE JA0103014, Soprano. Stleoeseor to Hamilton & Kerslake 04th S. HOMER, EATON, Impersonatm. These true, relined and clever artiota are tho very highemt order in their class and' the people of Seaforth and surrounding country will miss a treat who do not bear them, as the press notieee where they time appeared this Sealiell have nothing but good things to say of them. TIGICETS/15 (lents and 25 cents. Reserved Heat plan opens] at Aberhart's drug atore on Saturday, January lrelth, at. 12 o'elook. Meow° your tiekets early es there is sure to be a rush as 35 cents for reserved seats is something unheard of for a concert of this eines. THOS. RICHARDSON, See'y 8, 0. H. JUST RECEIVED AlsIOTHER CAR. LOAD OF FINE SALT. TII18 SAT 18 DEfOND DOUBT THE FINEST SALT F011 TABLE "usp, FOR CIURING MEAT AND FOR SALTING BUTTER, Or ANY SALT MANIi/FACTURED 11‘i CANADA. Our Business R Tacked Up rears Ago Continues Unbroke T.qhermorel Oaf is never lacking here, W. E. Kerslake, ietz&VIIIIMNANWIffe term: Honorary reresident, Bev. Neil Shaw, president, Mr. George Eberhart ; viee-nresident, Mr. john MoNay ; treesurer, Miss .0harlotte Porter, secretary, Miss Harriet Meson; organist, Miss Ella Chesney. It was agreed tbat the money praised for missions during the) year 'be giv- en to the Knox Oolleo Missionary Society.—A meeting was held in tthe Egmondville church. on December 27th, 27th,- to organize a Mission Bande, It was decided to call the lband," The Graham Mission Band,* in memory of the late Rev. 'Wm. Graham, the first. pastor of • the congregation, also that the °Wed of the band he' - to work for both Home and !Foreign Missions. Tne following officers were eleeted: President, Mrs. (Rev.) N. Shaw, let vice, Mirs Maggie Char- ters, 2nd yiee, Miss Rena. McKenzie; secretary, • Mien Mamie Chesney ; treasurer, Miss Bella. Monk; organ- ists,Misses Harriet Mason and Nettie Chesneei. The -number of members enrolled. was 23.—The annual mmt- ing of the Egraondville branch of the Bible Society was held on Decem- ber 27th. The •report alliewed that $59.69 had been sent to the 113ible Society. The following officers evere elected for the coming year: Pres- ident, Xi,' John MoNay, ; Vice-presi- dentt Mise Charlotte Porter; eeere- tary-treasurer. Miss Tena McTav- ish. Local Briefs, --All .the license com- missioners for, the three ridings of Huron have been re -appointed for the coming year.—Rev. Mr. Shaw preached in thesPresbyterian dherch last Sabbath, 'morning, Rey. Mr., Larkin preaching in the Eginond- ville church. •Next Sabbath Rev. Mr Larkin conducts anniversary ser- • vices in Myth Presbyterian church • and Rev. Dr._ McLean preaches in Seaforth.—Mr. Robert Devereux, who was in Chicago, waiting on his • brother there, M. D. Devereux, who W48 so seriously - injured- by his horse running away, returned home last Friday. Mr. and Mrs. D. Dev- ereux returned with him and are now staying at the parental home of Mr. 'and Mrs; John Devereux, sr. , We are pleased to learn that Mr, Devereux is recovering.—Mr. Chas. Sperling, who has been in Carberry for several years, is home on a visit • t� his parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Sparling.—Mr. David • Chesney, of Crystal City, Manitoba, has been here for a couple of sneaks visiting xelitive& and old friends. He looks as though thewest agreed with hien —Messrs. john and James Staples • have purchased Ithe barbering and 1 cigar business • of Mr. Si, Jordan, • next to tbe postoffice and took nos- , session on Monday. They are both • smart youhg men and good berbers and Should be able to make things • go—Mr. W. 3. Brownlee, who is em- . 'Jived in the T. Eaton store, fro - 1 mato, returned on Monday after a . twO weeks' visit to his father, Mr. George Brownlee, ofeTutkersmith.— eMiss May Lockhaire, daugbter of Mr. James Lockhart, of McKillop, I has gape on -a month's visit to friends in Toronto and Aurora.—In the paragraph in • our last issue anent. the Horticultural society, we were • in some unaccountable way ; made to say that the membership .fee • was two dollars. What we should have said ann whet is the (fact, is that the membership fee is only one • dollar, the same as always.—The • storm of Saturday and Sunday last • spoiled the roads and just now there is neither good sleighing nor wheeling, there being alternately big drifts and bare places.—Mr. and Mrs. John Sykes, of .Glen Williams, were guests at Mrs. Knox's, Her- purheye this dreek.—Miss &isle C. Cole hasreturned to her honae in , Southampton after an enjoyable ;vis- it with her sister, Mrs. P. W. Toor. —This being the week of prayer the Methodists and Presbyterians held union meetings in the Presbyterian * ehurch on Wedneeiday evening and in the Methodist oburch on Thurs- day everting. The former meeting i Was addxfessed by Rev. ,Mr. Birks I and the latter. by Rev. Mr. ,Larkin. 1 —Dr. Oliver Groves, who .spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. ins. W. ; Toor has returned to his home an Rooliester, N. Y.—There will be a ; very interesting _exhibition Of mov- ing pictures' 'ender the auspices of the Salvation Army in .the town hall , this, Friday evening.—Mrs. Carder and daughter, Miss Edna, of Illyth, were ikere for a couple of i days visiting friends.—Mr. Fred Morrison, ot Lowell, Massachusetts, 1 and brother of Mrs. John Dodds, of Ha,rpurhey, is here this week- visit- ing relatives and friends. It is six ,years -.since Mr. Morrison left here and this is his first vieit home. r —Mr. and Mrs. George Habkirk, of 1 McKillop, have returned from a two 1 weeks' visit with frien4s near Dur- ham.—Mrs. (Dr.) Ball, of Toronto was -the guest of Mrs. W. D. errigtit . this week.—Mrs. Hargan, of rnger- soli is here the guest of Mrs. George Dorranee. She mule to attend the funeral of her sistenrMise Dorrance. telegram informing him that his wife was ill and had to be eemoved hurried ilia return.—The Palace to the !hospital in iCillarneyk ThiEj Rink will be forzaally open for skating, this, Friday, evenirig, when the band will play —The sincere sympathy of many , friends will be extended to 'Mrs. (tr.) McGinnis in the sad bereavemen that has °Vier - taken her, in the death of tier fath- er, orndr. Daniel Ortfanoney, of Simcoe. -Which took place 611 Tuesday lest, after an illness of pnly e few days. —The curlers enjoyed 'their first game of the season on Wednesday. —Vistrict Deputy hemas liraser, of Brumfield, installed the officers of Fidelity Lodge of Oddfellows, on Wednesday evening. He was assist- ed by Messrs. Jr lirtedock and 3. G. Kaiser,—Mr. W. D.1Bright was giv- en a very handsome- and suitable New Years present by the Methedist Sabbath school, of which he is sup- erintendent. It Was a ha.ndsoree and luxurious Morels rookin,g` chair. —There will be ei meeting of the Seaforth branch of the Bible Society in the Methodist o urch on Tuesday Mr. evening next at 8 'clock to he one dressed by Rev. r. Berry,. of St, Thomas' church. An in sympathy with this good work are cordially invited to attend this Meet bag.— Miss Miller, of Virden, Manitoba is visiting Mrs. Arch. Scott —ass 171711 - son, of Barrie, as i here with her mutt, Mrs. Janice Scott. --15r. Tyer- man has been elebted to the ides- katchewari Legislature for the oon- • stituency of Prince lAlbert, by a ma- jority of 95. The dhotor is a Liberal and a nephew og ! Messrs. Andrew' and Joseph Tyermen, of Seaforth.--1 Miss- Lizzie Smith', who hoe been spending tbe past three months at Ocean Sprang, Mies., has returned borne.. A Liberal Congregatiion.—The fol- lowing paragraph, 'wbich we take from last week's Preebyteriane will be of interest to a. good many et our readers, as the pastor named iee well known to many of them, his estim- able wife being the only daughter of the tate Rev. Dr. %Donald, and he having been an as istant pastor of the Seaforth Pres yteriaa churoh during the ineunib ncy, of Dr. Mc -- McDonald: "On he anniversary Sunday of St. Panil's church, Bran- don, Manitoba, Rev, Mr. Diokie, the pastor, stated thai `since the open- ing of the new chuxch, four years aro, $6,056 had been raised for be- nevolent purposes, ' and e42,514- for all purposes, and 'asked, on behalf kt of the managers, '1,500. The con- gregation put on he plate $1,700. 1 Annual Meeting. — The annual meeting of the =endears of the Tuck- ersmith Itranoh Agrioultaral Soci- ety was held in the coulee -11 trowel Seaforth, on Wednesday Last. • Tli.,;• treasurer's report showed that the receipts for the year amounted to - $934 :wed the disbersements $1,003, leaving a balance dee the treasurer of $103. The following officers were cleated for the current year: -N. Broderick, president; J. F. Daly,vice president ; direct orei D. Fethering- hare, Wm. Charters,1Alex- Broadfoot, Taekeremith; Jas.Ca,rlin,. Jas.Evans. John MoDowelrirfoKillop; Thos. Mc- Millan, J.MeEwen, Girwinejr., Hul- lett. Messrs. A. Yo:u.lag-and W. Som- erville were appointed auditors. The folloeving were aptiointed honorary directors: Jas. Dien. Geo. Chesney, Geo. Whiteley , and ! Thos. Stephens, Seaforth; Jas. S. Smith, Sohn G. • Grieve and Areh. McGregor; McKil- lop; G. E. Gresetveli, J. B. MoLean; Roleert Charters and Geo. Dale,Tuck- ersmith ; Wm. Rime, C. McGregor and Jas. G. McMichael, Hullett. It was decided to hold the fall (show on Thursday aind Friday!, Septereber 21st and 22nd. Mr. Roil Charters, the retiring president a naounceel his in- tention to offer a liberal malt pre- mium. to the person . securing the largest numbeer cif I new meMbers. The membership hat this year should go up to six hundred. , 1 Hockey.—The Seaforth hockeyteam played. their first game in the run - ter series in London On 'Friday even- itig. The game resulted, in a vice tory for London sbyt 10 goals to 3.. Under, • the circumstances the Sea - forth boys made a particularly good showbag. Up to .the time of the ,march they had had no place to practice and as a, consequence were not bl shape to teckle a stroog team , like London, who )eve had ice for some weeks. °Eve n 'laboring under this disadvantage,ourboys at times made things intertsting fax the , Londoners. It was iti theefirst hair • before Seaforth hall got down to work that London' got _their lead, scoring six geeld to , Seaforth's none. In the second half the hen - ore were even, the score being four to three Lii London's favor, The Sea - forth boys have the makings of a good team and • befor the season is out will neake the b at of them go. —The first homeeg me in the jun- ior series was played on the aink here, on Tuesday e+aing -last, be- tween Clinton and Seeforth. It was, In fait, a ,double event,the opening of the rink and the first igame. There was a big crowd lout and ev- ery person seemed i iaigbier !pleased with the rink. The laccomraodation for speotators is of tile best and tie light is good: Thengame itself was quite interesting and; exciting. Both teams showed a littld green in com- 18 but they en de fun for at in nerrt • —Mrs. West, of Mobile, Alabama, is individual play and Zinger. (The game • here just now visiting her parents, 1 was a see -saw one until near t Mr. and Mtn. A. Cardnoe-Mrs. W. last when the Seaforth boas drew • Mforaseeodme Nwvheekalsaiss bsleiegnhtslyeiliomupslryoveilal . _to even up. In the ifirst half Sea-, ahead and the visit* were unable although still ' not past the danger forth soored first but iGlinton Wenn- • point.—Messrs. d'rank and LervY ed, then Seaforth again and before ItIoNab, of Cleveland, Ohio, are vis- time was up Clinton had again tied. iting their uncle,-Mr.JohnlIcNaleand Miss Olive Crawford, of Dungan- In the second half the borne players started the scoring but Clinton non, is, visiting the Misses MoNabtied again, then Seaforth enaed the —Mr. Robert Hawtb,orne, of BO- scoring by putting ih two more in mondville, who has been laid up eev- succession, thus leaving the score eral weeks with a severe attack or 5 to 3 in favor of Seaforth. The rheumatism, is now sufficiently re- Seaforth team was ae-followse Goal, covered to get down town. --Messrs. •A. Westcott, point, J. Case; cover Wellington and John Barbour, who point, 3, McKenzie ; firwards, C. were here visiting their mother, sills, D. Stoddart, T1. &Dithers and who is still ill, left for their home 1 G. Ite‘ves. - ..i.n Manitoba. this week. There is a third brother here no*. 4While Rosid Stewart Bros.1 advertieements here John Barbour received a on pages 3 and 6, I -Ste elneeleer Still e Wind-up comes s and Ends hi hill Bia,St Saturday Night . Ju.st two more days for you to take advantage of the GREATER VALUE WING 47Firf777:--- The remainder of the goods on sale, together with additional lots of fresh merchandise, are !offered for to -day and. to morro at greater price reductions than ever. Friday flit Saturda will sea the -Climax of Value Giving. It is better 001126 thairt t� and have regrets. vf _ ••••., ISO at.° itnsliu that -Utitierwear—T iessell the amo Of Home Sewing for SprinzIJ . AINTINESS, Refinement, Ample Proportion; . Good Materials, Neat Sewing—all the merits of lioniellade Garments—these are the A features first recognised in the issortments e 0/meats that are here on sale at reduced prices. • .A.Itiiough the prices quoted below seem :tittle, he gar- ments they repreient were not made to ,simply eateh careless eyes. They will meet the favor of discerning buyers, whom they wil4 bring back enthusiastically later on for like values, The Prices Underneath Constitute Sim —Reductions Under 39c, 69c Night' 50e, 13 Skirts 89c, $1.19 Gowns 8 Priced at $1 50 Priced a Corset 19c, 29 Covers 40c, 69c Priced at • 89c Chemises Dra,wers 19c, Priced 40e, 89c 9c et Infants' Flannelette Slips in White, Pink, Blue 690 Children's White Dre&es—ages on, two & three yrs., 750, $1 $1.25, 1,50 Infants White cambric 69c, 69c, 78c, 89c 1 50, A..00 $e2.50, $2075 Infants White ICashmere Bo 2 Special Li $2.25 — •••