The Huron Expositor, 1905-12-29, Page 8a 46"- °In the Imes Mentioned below we are showing a. fine assortment ana at close prices. -miay *find many pretty and useful presents in our store. Come and in- E?peet our stock of .iver Plated Knives and Forks Pocket and Table Cutlery Nickel Plated Tea Pots Skates and Hockey 'Sticks Carpet Sweepers' Hanging Lamps Store Bak Now Going On. offering We are our rtock cif both new WI 4 vecond hand Stoves at greatly reduced, prim. Come now and secure a bargain. Ow Flees w and goods of the be. NEY SMILEY, SEAFORTH, SOLE - AGENTS, Hardware, Stoves and Goal. DOMINION BANK RIEAD OFFICE, TORGNTO. ....•••••••••••••1•1081., Capital, Fully Paid Up—$3,000,00o.00 Reserve Fund and un- divided- Profits 8,634.000 Deposits by Public $29,700,000 Total Assets 39,225,000 ONONE•mome.....13 SEAFORTH BRANCH, Every faaility for the transaoting a a baekieg business. Oolleations made on points in Meade and abroad. Advances made to Farmers. Special at- ontion void to the collection, of Sale Note. SAVINGS BANK. Deposits of 111.00 and upwards received, end interest paid or added June 30th and December 31et. Withdrawals may be :mid° at any time. A. E. GIBSON, Manager. s. EOM, Solicitor ; James Watson, Successor to W. N. Watson NORTH MAIN ST4f SEAFORTH. General Fire. Life and Acoidenb Insur- arm agent, asal Estate and Loan Agent. Deoler in firsaelass family and Manufac- turive gewing Machines and Cream Sew - *tore viz.: • _•New Raymond and White Sewing Machines andNational Cream Sep - !water In three sizes Also sewing machine needles, oil, attach menti, repairs and sundries for all kinds of 'awing machinee. Prices right and ma- chines fully guaranteed, JAMES WATSON, esonerce Agent, and dealer in sewing moms end Bicycle& North Maio strew swarth. Winter TiOrm Opens Jan ii Znd rim? topRATISORD. ONTARIO. I This is one of the best Commercial anthti Shorthand Schools in e•Dominion. Our courses are thorough and practical. Many basieess colleges employ our grad- ustes as teachers, All onr graduatemet good positions. Write for our free cat- , -ologue. . 1 ELLIOTT & MoLACHLAN, Principals, Music _Music Music ...manormxim Nothing • does more to make home en- joyable; It helps to entertain and gives pleasure to one and all. • Our stook consists of Pianos, Organs, Grapirephones„ Violins, Mandolins tdouth -Organs and almost eyere thing in the Musi- cel 12110, Sheet Music, all popular pieces at 253 ; ale° the beet editions at leo. Nothing makes a nicer or more enjoyable primeval than a roll of good music. Singer, New Williams and National Sew- ing Maohines. can arid hear some of our music. On Ft Baldwin & Go, SEAFORTHa dealers in • Pianos, Organs, Graphophones Slowly g Meohines, Needles and We Cordially in- vite the Public • to witness oer Electrical Window Display. At night the effect, has been prouoinde ed beautiful. - Wa. have expended much time, thought -and money on this display and we hope our friends will all see it. .1.1CI-IN BULGER - JEWELLER Seaforth Ontario' Marriage License Is vt •••• ••I• Annual Meeting Ina ' Tile -Annual Meeting of the Tuekersmith Bmitelt • At:rharitural Society will be held in the Tow n Hall, 4e.atrwth, on Wednesday, January lOtit, 1906, at one. Welock p. in., for the purpose of receiving the annoal ptrt.$-Iceting directors and °Moen: and other busi* tif-88 wh:itt may come before the meeting. THOS. E. HAYS, Secretary. 4./.*:,,RT CHARTERS, ereeiciene nese! THE HURON EfPOSITOR. g od and satisfactory service and Xpostior ha managed the , affairs of the D STRICT MATTERS. On irielay and Saturday I WILL SELL' Bee Steak 3 lbs. for 25c Crow Good Christmas Beef. BEATTIE, Seaforth. • to n wiselyand welt. •Thc). meeting cl sect with a vote of thanks to the chearmare. ' Mos rs. James° Archibald and Jom A. Stewart have withdrawn frdm the list of councillors,- The • Vie 'test will, therefcire, be between 'i srs, We H. Willis, and T. E. Have fori the Mayoralty and Messrs. -3 0 Gr 1g, . at Y. Smiley, M. Broderick; Go rge Marlin, Thomas Stephens, D J . i . Mth cCallum and IL Geib for e co nail. There are six to be elect- ed. The three first nam.ed are seek - passed oaf, . ing re-eleetion and others are bete ChristMas.—Christmes ' aspirants. Mr, Kerslake has with - quietly 'n town. This weather was boar, hus allowing all the true- I and there was j131St SfloW dr4Wil a candidate f" rthe /3.611°°1 delightf enbugh o permit a cutter to slip oomforta iy around town. tee to be electeund by acclamation •as- ' . . Ef. . Prost did not favor- the skaters and follows, DrHEOM WmSolater, ourlers tee year and *here was no and W. G. Willis. ice for hero., , A great many home 1 a comers etere visible and no doubt the 1 badielors in S f' th Wed The Dance,—The dance given by There was service in St. Thomas' and in'sClaY evening $t. jarneS' churches in the fore- ful iand successful. ,affair. •The hall ! al* dining room, where supper wati 210011. ' " 1 1 * • ' I served, were prettily decorated with - Good feir Hensall.—That Hensel!. is flags and - bunting. There was u a sharp hockey'townais, evident from large crowd ,in attendance feoin tile the large' number of skilled players town as 'well as igVests from it has has registered in =die Intermedi- rieh. Blyttli, 'Wingham, Mitchell, ate aeries of the 'Ontario Honkey As. , Brussels and other place3. fExcel- soeiatkela, tile club being composed lent music was furnished Iby Tony of .seyea*n. we hope war Is p ightly Vito's orchestra from London. The 1 committee wish 'to thank (the ladies neighbors will achieve'. vide/ ies in proportion to their. . n _ Itical of the town who (so kindly gave 'pro- strength.i The folloWing is the aist • visicins and •in iother twaYs material - of the "registered kelayers: $. cien ly assisted in making the dance a Bane:len, Frank Taylor,. Glen Black- austSss• -le all, A. 0 Hogarth, ot. H. King, H. I '* i Sobs eff iSeotland.—At the annual C. Taylor, X. Buchanan, Pete Rues meeting oS Lady Nairn Camp, Sons S. Shepherd, Chas. Young, of soduaoyw ienv ,- salami, W. E. Belagough. „t'oef inSia°,1:/iaDnedc'etailebledr °2)10:Wthede4 eron, Guy Blacken, M. T. wore elected officers for 4.90t ; . kir Browning, and W. A.4 (E. , Ilinehley, chief • W. R.- Smith, •s • . • • 1 chin ain ; James *Michael, chap- . ' Offieersi Eleeted.—At the . . e lain Dr. McKay, physician ; Thomais . , Rich rdson, recording and finan- meeting of_ Huron Ledge knighte of °Jai ' secretary ; Virra. Ballantyne, Pythias, nt Thursday- evening last, treasurer ; Wm.. ;Strive, marshal). ; A,. W. • Stobie, standard bearer ; R. Steele„ senior . guard; A. D.. Slither - land, , junior guard. The meetings ester hall, on the first and . third of Is lodge are held in be Fore Wednesday of each • month. The eamp,1 we a:re 'pleased to Iearn is in a flourishing condition; The seams tary Will always be pleased to give any information concerning this ex- cellent Order to any who may be dist . nosedtto join its reeks and thus • se- cure ,ita benefita. , •. . ! Marriage of Miss McKinley.—A , very ' quiet but (pretty wedding was solemnized at the home of Mr. and! Mrs. John. McKinley, Seaforth, otil Wednesday, Decern,bere 27th, when, their 'daughter. Miss, A:. R. Maine. ley , B. A., yids .uhited in nearriage, to M. tie II •Knight, l3. A. Domin-: ion land surveyor of Edmonton: The eerembnit was performed by George McKinley, V. D., brother of the bride, and Rev; A. K. Birks, 8. A., . L. le B. The ' wedding march was played by Miss X. Knight, isle.... ter of, the groom. The beide was assisted by , hee sister, Miss G. Si.. aloKinleY, It. A., while iMe. W.- ilt. Sullivan,: of Port Artartir, 'tsthpport- ed thel.groom. he bride who was given away by her fatale, was pret- tilye gowned in white isilk polemic .., - , over white taffeta silk with trim - Christmas Visitors.—Among those mieks a chi fon and !ribbon. The 1 Who spent ristmas at heme.we tno- ' esteem in whSph the bride was held need: Mr. .R. E. Jackson, 1 Grand in the town was evideneed by the Rapids, Mic igan ; Frank Jackson, enimerouS and costly presents rwhich surveyor, from New Shetarie; J. A, . 13he received. The groom's gift to • Jaekson, barritter, Ponoka, Alberta ; the bride. was a handsome brooch R. A. Wil on, Harold Broadfoot, with diamond and pearl (settings. Frank Tie -is , Toronto ;. W. Gillispie, Mr, and Mrs. Knight bit on the af- Brassels- 3YE ssrs. E. arid 13. , Neelin, ternoon train for an extended trip la Detroit ; W. Kidd, Middlesex, ;Ver.- to News York and other eastern moot; iG . s. idd, Niagara ;- Norman cities. ••, Campbel ; indscvr, ; Douglas Camp- • bell, Clevela d; Lorne Twiss, Wind- , Draught Horse k Breeders.—The sor ; Will 13 ith, Totonto ; Lorne 19th annual meeting of the Domin- Snowden, St atford ; S. A. Diekson. ion Draught •Horse Breeders' f3o- Edmonton ; . Scott, London ; Hill .ciety wee; held in the town +men Sleeth, Miehigan ; and Fred Sleetb, .chamber, !Clinton, on Wednesday, of St. Catharines ; Jas. Forbes*. De- • last week, 'vice presideot 13. 8n:dine, • of Hensall, presiding, in ithe a,bsenee of D. • McIntosh, Brumfield, preei- dent. The reports submitted show- ed about 350 entries now in for the fourth volume of the •Stru,d _Book,. and cash receipts by necnetary of S116.50. With all accounts paid, the balance tin the bank is substantial- ly the tame ns a year .ago, 'about $660. After 'disposing of coneider- able routine business, the old of- fice rS Were •reelected for 1906, and it was :decided to call a special raeeting of the society to be held in the to•ivn council chamber, Clin- ton, on Wednesday, January 24, 1,906 to consider', suggestions for' extend- ing the 'operations of the Soeiety, or else to take steps for warding it up . in oonformity with the act governing such bodies. • In Saskatoon.—Mr. Hugh J. GrieVe, who returned from the west last rem John O'Keefe's week :informs us that this brother- ree lambs fed .by Wm. .1 --law, Mr. Thigh McIntosh, has erstnitla ; one 'lamb by old his property in North 'Dakota aid, Tuckersmith ; •ft tend has purchased an improved farm ameron, fruckerimith e near Saskatoon, • Saskatchewan, an er hog, Said to be the has removed there with his family. rought into Seaforth, Mr. ivicIntosh formerly resided in the guessing! is being. Ifullett, but removed to North Da.. by Wm. iDevereux, of kota 2'2 years ago. He had a large d, McKillop. •farm there Wilkie he bas jut dis- posed of and, returned 0 spend the The Town Nominatiotis.—he nom- rem,ainder . of his days under the sheltering folds of the *Union Jack. ;nation meeting for the town of Sea - When he Sold his property in Dakota forth was 13.W. in the. towe hall on• Friday evertin ,' when the following 1 he had almost Made up his mind to —W. H. Ilise moved by A. J. noininations were made: liter Mayor return toold Huron -again, but, be- fore deciding, he paid a visit to the Bright and. caroled by M. Broder- Canadian- West, and he *as so much iek ; Thomas . Hays, moved by J., pleased -with the appearance of the Grieve and s onded by J. A,. Stew-- Saskatoon district that he decided art; M. Erode ick, moved by Charles to locate there,. Before returning efoltbein and seoonded by Thomas. home Mr. Grieve also visited ,Saskat E. Hays. he following •• were toon and spent a couple of 'nights also - nominated for councillors : with our old friend, Mr e 0,, E.Mason, lIenry Geib, . Y. Smillie, M, Brod- formerly of Brumfield. Mr. Mason (wick, D. J. °Collura, George MST- and hiS ons have a good hotel in. die, Thomas S ephens, W. E. Hindi-.• that thriving and rapidly growing ley, John A. tewart. James Archie town and are doing a large businees, ibald and J. . Greig. The follow- their hoStlery being ' crowded with travelkrs, and, although there 'are trig were nom nated for public school four other hotels in the town, the frustees : N rth Ward,— Walter Messrs. Mason have all their house Willis and . E. Kerslake ; §atiah can accoinniodate. Ward, Wra; 8 later; East Ward, Dr. 1 11. II. Ross. here being no oppo- sition to Dr. Rosa and Mr.. &later • they were de lared elected for their respective wa de.' The isoeninatiOns olosed, Mr. J M. Best was elected chairman and addresses were deliv- ered by Idess s. W. II. Willis, T. E. Hays and .. Broderick, who had been nomin ted for Mayor, Mr. Broderick sta ing that he would not. be a candidate for the Mayorality, • but would a ain stand for re-elec- °linen. i Of the candi- council Messrs. 3. A. rge Murdie, Thomas II. Geib - were present the meeting. Messrs. . P., and M. TY. Me- em,bers • of the council ed and delivered brief addresses. The gen- t the meeting, which 11 attended, seemed to ate council had given mast spent a Merry Christmas. °r #341 - was a most delight- benan, W E. VS C Robe. Ca Carling, pook. the folio for the e cellar, 'S. me.nder, cellor, Jo Sraithers.; seals, 3. R A. Stewart er,• j. Bea oat ; mas nazi ; inside side guard, E. Gibson, Lean; bod Ross. ng officers were elected suing term: Past Chan- cdtnes ; chancedlor loom- . DeLacey ; vice chan- n McKenzie; prelate, W. keeper of records and rikin ; mastePof exchequer master of urms, tie; master of finance, at r of works, • 3. McLert- • guard, IL Woodity ; out - G. Lowery; trustees, A, C. Aberhart, W. D. Mo- e• physician, Dr. H. SI. e Presentation.—On Wednesday ev- ening after choir _ practice, Albs Grace Me aul, choir leader Of the Presbyterian church eritertained the members o where!' a ri spent in meas. In in Jr. L. the choir, with' a ha bottle' as a teem. in w members of is an i exc Bent • and • enthusiastro leader and teacher and .the profit and pleasur the raembers of the choir receiv trom, her instruction is only fullyea preciated by themselves. her choir at her home, ost enjoyable time was usio .and ,other amuse - the course of the even - D. !De -Lacey, on (behalf of • presented Miss tYleFaul slight token of e ns- dsome cut glassiwater, ich she held y the her choir. Miss • Poultry Suppliers Oys,ter Shells Crystal Gritf Poultry Foods of all kinds and the best Louse killer on the market. troit ; Mr. a and Mr. and I Wm. 0. Mc K.illorart, To Christmas sorts trade o .cellent displ the: finest. display were Jahn j. Cara heifers from 2 heifers fron John Scott, a heifer from :Roby. Gibbon tvvo sucking k pigs raised .self; four hos led by Re Tuckersraith„ and lamps fe McKinley, lliiron road, Mc d Mrs. .W. Prendergast, • Mrs. Brown, Toronto ; ay, Torontci ; Mr. L. IT. onto. • Meat.—For tbe Christ - r butchers ha an Jes- s of meat, on 1 all of meng .T. .W. eattie's two heifers f om Mr. bell, Tucker ith ; 2 wary Taylor, ullettt ; ullett ; Alma; y him - a idlaw _e_ I by R. illop. • Kennedy B os.' display \ was 'cora- 1 posed of one heifer froth Duncan MeDonald, uckersmith, dressed tve)ight 720 pounds • .two heifers by Thos. McQuaid, . licKiliop, dressed weight 1,150 pounds; one Steer.. and one heifer prize load; t Chesney, Tim Duncan Maio ,hogs' by Jas. turd the mons biggest ever and on which done was fed the 'Huron ro $ tion to the dates for the Stewart, 'Ge Stephens and • and address 13. B. Gunn, Lean, as ex -p were also nal congratulator eral -feeling was fairly w bc that the • • Death sof Dr. lYfcFatil.—The deceas- ed gentleman, referred to in the fol- lowing paragraph, whieh we take from the Toronto Globe of Monday, was a brother of Mr. le Id. tileFaul and Mr, :E, MoF'aul, of Seaferth: " The rnany friends- of Dr. J. la McFaul, for some years secretary - treasure t of the high schodi board, wall regret to learn that he passed away suddenly on Saturday evening. W. E. Keroidakey Successor to Hamilton &Kerslake, Nth $01"..."111111111.1111011114.111111•M' of weakness and at his own treble$t. was bit alone- to rest. quietly, Not bong afterwards a meinirber of the bousehold who entered the room found that the had been seized with another attaok and was in a serious icendition from which be failed to 'rally. Dr. McFaul was torn in Prince Edward county and WO since 1888 been practising his peofession hi Toronto. He was an active member and worker an Sherbo roe street .Churcili and was a rne ber of St. Andrew's 'Masonic Lode,- the Or- ange Order, Oddfellowa and Sons of -gland." • • Cattle Wanted, ---The undersigned is prepared to take in about ten bead of cattle tit ced tor the win- ter. Good accommodation. epee tit the EXPostrOn. °ritual, Seaforth, 1985x1 Climax of Value Givin ,—The most int ortant cosh .sale of a season s win -up that the E. MeFaul Co,, Sea -forth, has•e ever held, begit's Tuesday morn - mg, :January 2nd, and will last f r 10 days. ' This Sttle m for the purpose of wearing out . oda lots and ends of goods, ananes customers n opportunity cf obtaining lower plc thau they tra t.do at any other time of bhe year. 1085-1 Bargains.—For the balance of 100 big reductions in china, dolls and. ,if possible, to clean up the entire II 'lug keep our stook new a,ttd up -t $ we toe offering' toys. We want, le and by so do- -date. prices will do it, our purpose should he realized. Ccime in and see the beautiful chins, that wei have. Wishing our friendsf,ond many customers prosperous and • and happy New Year. O. Aberlm deub••••g,ist, Sea - forth, - ' • 1085-1 • Dried app s, butter, eggs and all your produce we take and ay the highest price. Come to Iffll, tin) Maple Leaf store, Seaforth. 1981-tf I am looking for A. Young's store to buy my ‘ea and aaftee$ ex say he keeps the bet in Seaforth. 1984-tt Dr. Ovens, eye and ear surgeon wi mercial hotel, Se forth, the first W month. Hours il to 8 p. in. Catat et, squint, fail- ing eyesight, I4LfIIenl, nasal cater h• treated and • glasses properly fitted. Next visit Wednesday, Jan - nary Sr$1. 1983-tf Owing to the dissolution of part! ership between V. Kneehtel and A. E. McKenzie, it i requested twit all accounts, duo to the firm, be paid at Mr. Kneeli- tors residence, -corner of James and Vi1Iiam streets, on or before December 3Ist. We takt this opportun- ity of thanking our , custonfers f r their liberal patronage extended to us during. 01,11 term of busi- ness. V. Knechtei ; A. E. McKenzie 1984-2 Try Charlie Hines' hand laundry, g aforth, for Iticte fsovortrbk., Always gives satisittetion. 0 tithes called for and delivered, Charges reasonable Laundry two doors south of Reid & Wilson's hard% re store Sea., 1 be at the Com- nesday in each' Shannon, of Mitehell, spent Christ-' mas here, with Mrs, Shannon's MO - :Mel', Mrs. D. Dorranceir-Mr. and Mrs. Alonzo Leech, of Guysboro, Ox- ford eounty, epent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. S. Barton and family.— Miss Nora Bruxer, of Chicago, is at present a guest, at Suinmerset Cot- tage, the residence of Mr. J. W. Mc- Mann, Huron road, East.—Kr. and Mrs. Betel* Bullard took their Christmas dinner at the tresfdence of their son,. Mr. W. 'H. Bullard, in Acton, who is manager of the elec- tric light plant in that progressive' little town.—Mrs. F. Case and son, Edwin, Were in Hensel' ton Sunday atttentling the funeral of air. Itobt. Paterson, sre, Mrs. case's brother. —Miss Sarah Hall; Of London, is the guest of her aukt, Atm Newton • Snowden.—Mr. Ed. Mole, of the Sea - forth Electric Light Works, spent Christraas, vc-rith hiS, parents in Art- burn.—Mr. F. SchoOler met with a very painful accident in Cluff $c Sons' Clanitig mill on iTuesday 'last. He was working A. jointeie and got the thumb of kW right hand out clean oft This is 1 he second acci- dent that has befallen Mr. Sehooler Within a few rao ths.—Mr. F. C. ' Rh the Ararsity, lin ton Friday.— received ' from D. Devereux Mg an tt he is Waal eondition. and Robert, are nd Mrs. James Michigan, spent Christman with l!tir. and !Mrs. John Dodds ati4their pretty home in Her- pueliey.-4Miss Bella, Ballantyne, who is home '1 for ' her holidays and mho has been for seven leers a member of the teaching staff of the Ham- burg public school has accepted a position'. on thp staff of the Waterloo public 40hool. Before. leaving Ham- bierg s e was made 'the recipient,by 1, her pu ils of a beautiful toilet set and w s presented y the Epworth Test•gUel ' with a h :volume, of Longfell Ballantyne comro.en Waterloo after the Welling t on and 3 So oW fia.ke, Manitobc now. They came t er who is very il expected to reoover. Seatttle, Washington of. Mr. Robert be 1£43-tt Seaforth Oatmeal 7111118. Walter jaunt= & Son, Feed for Sale..---3Datrneal mill feed or sale at the Limited. • 1982-tf • Comfortable dwelling house in good locality in Sea forth to rent or for sale. Immediate ossession can be given. Apply to R. S. Hays, Seat Wanted—Ohoice turkeys, dry pick 15e. All kinds of poultry and dried George E. King, Wingham: Don't forget .our clearing sale of Dill's, Seaforth: . 'geeing to lient.—Two suites of roon, Cady block. • Apply to Adam Hays, S rth. 1074-tf and undrawn apples Wanted 198041 net' sets at 198141 s to rent in th, aforth. 198041 las fruits and and be con 1981-tf e S. C. BrOW11 John Sproat, • 1983x1 lco. 1 ',Arne. King, Wing- 1985-tf free by • 1985-1 .o and a hall o good, cows, e 4iens. 1085x2 oDo:nala and the . home cm Ord eon- nd ,Mrs. , ,of Tos hristmas deegast's miefor- (Friday McFaul attend - °Faure Mr. and b, ispent . John; rser aix ome for Iirown are vis - r, Mrs. idd are g their ir fath- . A. nton, is ts, iMr. d Mrs. ronto.— as vis- . Aitch- I.—Mr. Now is the time for 3,,•our Christi Dills' is the place to get them. Try 'rimed. P. Dill, Seatorth. POULTRY FOR SALE.—A few choi Leghorn Roosters for ale, $1.00 web,' Ifs Egmondville P. 0. . Wanted--1,000-mi k. • $5 cash for All kinds of raw Airs handfed.. G. E. ham. •. 1 Repairing neatly done, Byes' test MeNaught, Jeweler, Seaforth, For Sale.—Registered Jersey Bull, t veers old and other Jersey cattle, nom also best brood Yorkshire sows and sot nzinEgmond, Seaforth. Local Briefs.—Mr- • D. who has' been in . Manitoba North.west all suranier, is • a visit to his mother, on th cession 'of MoKillop.—Mr. I 'W.• Prendergast and famil ronto, are spending the holidays with Mrs. Pre mother, Mrs. John Killo ,Tohn Turner, seee had th tune to. break her arm o last.—mr. and Mrs. L. L. were in Torento this wee ing the " funeral et Mr. • brother, 'Dr. 3. H. McFaul. Mrs. 3. M, Muir, of Waterl Christmas With Mrs. D. son.—Mr. W. Bethune, p the steamer, Manitoba, is the winter.—Mr. and Mrs and little child of Toronto, iting Mrs. Brown's moth John Killoran:—The Mises I home from New York spendi Christmas holidays with th er, Mr. • Thomas Kidd.— Dickson, barrister, of Edm home on a visit to his pre and Mrs. S. Diekson.—Mr: Walter Pickard are in T Mrs. G-. A.. Barr, of London,S °king her sister, Mrs. Jame descm, of Roxboro, this we W. Smile, of Fannystille, Maniotba, is home on a visit to his , Mr. and Mrs, Charles Boole. accompanied by his little ,d and his sister,* Mrs. McArth Soak is engaged in. the 'private Ryan, spend- nts lax ul left s' boli - to and of Mr. Lead. akota arents, He was ughter r. Mr. banking business.—Mr. T. j of Erie, Pennsylva,nia, is hone ing a few days with bis par McKillop,—Miss Grace McF Monday to spend a few wooll idays with friends in mon) Pioton.—Miss Scott, daughte Wm. Scott, of MoKillop, nea bury, who has been in North' for two years, returned home' cm Sat- urday last.—We notice.that r. Geo. Hamill, a graduate of the eaforth Collegiate Institute, has b ap- pointed head master of the oiling - wood Institute. Ile has been teach- er in that institution for a good many years, and is now promdted to the principalship.—Mr. Hughl R. El- liott, of Brussels, spent ristmas with his brother here, Mr. El- liott.—Mr. and Mrs. George uncan, of , Woodstock, spent Christm s :with Mrs. Duncan's mother, Mrs. Sat- erland.—Mr. and Mrs. D. j. McCal- lum and little ,s'on, spent with friends in Beamsville.— Mrs. Hugh Ford, of Bad Axe gan, are visiting friends in cinity. Mrs. Ford. was forme Am.os, of Hullett.—Mesars. Williams and Thos. Kinnon, erly. of this town, but Roca -rester, New. York Sta spending their Christmas with friends in town.—Mr. y Scott ; Mills, Simc • has opened a store in Cady's block, Park RS for the sale of electric supplies.—,The ed here I post office was about flab , busiest the winter place in town. during the Christmas , Christmas Broadfoot • plays hockey team at Be The latest wor'd, Chicago respecting was not no encour still in a very c His brothers, 4Olua` still there.—Nr. Dodds, of Flint, edsomely bound '$ poems. Miss s her duties in, lidays.—Messrs. hn 13arber, of are here dust, gee their moth- xrd Who iS not Mr. Fulton, of brother-in-law 1, is herethia week. Mrs. Fulton has been. visit- ing in this vicinity for several months.—Mr. John Fairlei, of 'In- nisfail, Alberta, and formerly of Seaforth, was naarried aix (Wednesday last to Miss Jackell, 'of the alearaes 'road, Usborne.--Mts. 3. II. Piper, of Hamilton, and Miss' Mary ,Beattie, were home this week.—Mrs. Charles Stewart and child, Who have heen visiting her father• Mr. Win. Mc- Dougall, Egmondville, left on Wed- nesday for her horde tin Portland, Oregon.—Mr. W. McDougall recent- ly bought a fine Mink iskin, Which was 351-2 inches long and perfect in all proportiotes. 4 was one of the finest skins of the kind Wir. McDougall has eVer Olsen and he +is now looking for S. mate for its This skin waft got frora'an India.n, tin Bos- anquet township, Lanabton county.— • Mr. Walter Baker, of 10 -alt, was 'Gal- ling on his numerous °Di friends here for a few days this week.— Mr. W Govenlock, of Chicago, and `Miss Mabel, of Toronto, are spend- ing Christmas at the parental- home of Mr, and Mrs. 'ij. R. Govenlock.— lir. and Mrs. Wyn Price, of Atwood, were in town this tweek —Mr 3 A. Smith. and wife, of iRevelstoke.Brit- ish Columbia, are visiting in town,' the guests of Mr. and Mrs. ela Dar- win. --Mee Wm. i Kehoe and Miss Maggie, of Toledo, Ohio, are spend- ing • their Christmas holidays under the parental roof in town.—Mrs. M, McQuade has gone to visit friends in Buffalo.—Dr. Atkinson and little son, of Detroit, were here this avieek visiting Mrs. Chesney, of John. street.—Mr. Wm, igunroe, of Co- bourg, spent -Christmas under the parental roof.—W. and Mrs. David • Me/caught, of Rapid eity, Manitoba, are 'here just now ;the guests of Mr. • and. Mrs. G, E. Henderson, of the ammercial. • Mr. and Mrs. Me- -Naught intend spending the 'winter in Seaforth among tbe old Acenes and friends of their earlier day.—Mrs. W. Westoott received as a present from ,England this. year a Claritit- Mate cake and plum !pudding. They should have the right flavor coming from • the home land.—Mr. Alex. Waugh, who is teaching an Cam- boro, is home for the holidays. , Tuokersinith. The -Nominations.—The municipal nominations were held in Wilson's hall Brumfield, on Friday last, Mr. t • A. Ge Smillie, ()kris praiding. Mr. George Black, who has for two years very .acceptably filled the pee salon of - reeve; declioed ,being a candidate again. The following were nominated and go to the ,polls Reeve—Peter,, McKay, and. Robert McKay. Ceuncillors—Josech Atkin- son, Alex. Buchanan, sr., Herbert Crioh, James Dallas, George,. Dale, Hugh 111cMillan and Rciger Pepper. The nominations closed, Mr. Henry Horton was elected chairman and --addresses were deliVered by mem- bers of the old coupon; and several of the new candidates and by some of the ratepayers. The contest for the reeveship will be a keen one. Mr. Peter lideliay is_ an ex -reeve and deputy reeve and Mr. Rooert Mc- Kay has served en -apprenticeship of several torme ;'in the .couiecii. The council aspiraots are all good men and Tuckersnaith will have a good council far net year rao matter who the -successful' OROS may be. West End Ihretese—The municipal election is creating more etir than usual this year.—The annual tschool meeting was held at No. 6, me ;Wed- nesday morniog Mr. W. G. Broad - foot was the retiring trustee, and Mr. Johos w s elected for the next three years. Jdhrt Layton, of Lon- istnias don, spent Christmas at his old 1 r.. and home here.— rs, Peffers, of Mill- lYfichi- hankSs spen lug the liolida.ys ;with his vi- , her daughter here.—Miss E. johns, ly Miss 1 :of Cruickshank, is home for the bon- hn Mc- klays.—Mrs. Oriole sr., .vilto has been form- seriously ill, has recovered suffi- ow of : ciently to r turn to her home at e, are `i Clinton last week.—Mrs. Ira Johns olidays is visiting friends at Hampshire county.—Everett Crich, er, North Dakota, arriv- i t week, and will tipend 1 there.—A very .suceessful I ree and entertainment 1, in Turner's church on 11 ight. ,A programote con - singing, recitations and, as given by the sehool so a recitation by Miss Clinton. Mr. A. Turner, also gave a number of n the gramaphone„ and a. ble time was spent.—Mr, es, of Clinton, eapplied at Turner' e • church on Dr. Mckaul, who bad been ailing holidays, and Friday last eves a re- was held , since a somewhat severe illness, 4 cord day for the handlbag of mail. Christmas couple of years ago, was apparently matter. On Christmas day. better ,than usuel, and on Saturday crush at thedelivery wick had a -very trying day in the prep- the afternoon mail from t tice of his profession, On arriving was sorted,was something home at supper time he complained —Next Monday is election , of being tired and sat down to toad . every elector should poll ihe the paper. Shortly afterwards he vote for one or ether of heottme: weaker _ and Went Upstairs dates.—We are pleased to be to lie down. Medical assistance was Mr. A. G. VanEgna.ond is called :and he rallied from the spell 1 improind.—Mr. and Mris., 7 iso, the , ;,sisting of t, after dialogues e East',children, a mehse. ; Shipley, of ay, and • of Clinton or her selections e ectindi- very enjoy ro. that ; Robb, Hol rati hat the work N Sunday, 1 • _ _ 41p FAUL'SI Days 41 E . ' o • DECEMBER 29, 190 Ilire$1111111111111111111$ 61•03311BRERMIIINRIMIBISN/P3.01101a lieF 10 Bays CLEARANCE :ODDS and ENDS --OF— Fall, Wint r and Other Rim s of RY CODS Price Reduction are for Cash 0#1y. • memm$Mallen imm4Esmim.oesrmem•4$740.081,i1 -00ma$11$441 4 hen Store Opens uesday anuary 2nd ITIENDS Over First Ten Business Days • of ew Yea • SALt it art important fac- OTIR frANUARY ANNUAL tor in this establishment. Ib is a once -a -year event—held only because we are this often enabled to make an offring.that in extent and lOw-prieedness cannot be equalled at • other times. Price reductions are not confinid to a few lines of merchandise, but effect goods from all ov,eLthe store. Why do we hold etch a sale—why give such values 7 Friends asked us Ws a year ago. Next week, prices will he low ,enough to =se greater wonder. •Weanswerr the foregoing question by simply saying that we are doing ex- aetly what bvery well conducted busi- ness can and should do.,, It is all logically worked out --and to your benefit. And better than ex- planations, better than reasons, strong- er than any argument, is the blunt, unalterable fact that 1 1 e January al ere Will create a $nsatton Ear and, Near nees will make Swift Bus .p.33333•33te OW .33. 1 uppose yonlive 20 or130 miles from Seaforth, it willpay you to chive to the town, if only to learn what an annual sale in this store means, Whatever else you do, don't fail to come and enjoy the savings, even if your purchases are confined to goods you may not need for months to come. to 1 4