The Huron Expositor, 1905-12-29, Page 1a iiiIRTY-EIGHTH YEAR. VerlIOLE NUMBER, 1985,. • aces January tad, SEAFORTH, FRIpAY, DECEMBER,29, 1905. t - - 1 Seaford', Collegiate Institute The, names in the following lists are . in order a merit. Class 1 in- oludes those who obtained an aver- age of over 66 per cent, Class II from 50 to 66 per . cent, ease III • under 50 per cent. e -Farr(' IV-ClassI-H. F. Johnston, .G, 'Watson, Mi. Gillespie, J. Forbes, E. Robb, M. 31ircKinney. Class n - F i 'Scott, L. Norris, J. neve, R. , Y. - McLean, B. ' Archibald, B.. Birks. ekes, III -A. Campbell, W. Camer- on, -R. Hartry, E. Davidson. For 3B -Class I -E. Whittaker. Class 11-V. Petrie, A. Petrie, H. Roberts, W.McIntosh, E.Pickerd, M. Jones, B. Smith; Se Hays,' M. • Mc- Gregor, J. Purcell, V. ,Best. Cla.set III -F,. Eberhart, F. Fowler, S. Bates, 3. Broderick, L. Gillespie, N. Mur- ray. EOM 3A -Class I -F. Hess, ' IL Ada s, E. Horton; A. Archibald, E. Capli11 g, F. McLeod, C. Barker, J. Dick on, B. Taylor. Class II -M, Smith, ! M. Dodds, W. Morrow, .D.' McLachlan, A. Somerville, H. Lar- kin, C. Prendergast.; V. Dorrance, V. Ross, R. McKay, M. Laidlaw, V. Gleiirs, N. Shillittglaw, H. Wilson, I. O'Keefe. Class M -M. Lockhart, E. Sperling, W. Elliott, R. Mason, J. Gemmel', L. Holland, A. Aitches- on, M. Shillinglaw. ... Form II -Class I -J. Buchanat, et. overlook, W. Stevens, W.. Oliver, N. Wilson, E. Roberts. R. McLaugh- lin; A. Staaleton, H. Larkin, E. Stev- ens H. Ilende'reen. E. Campbell, T. Anderson. Class U -Ada Govenlook, E. McLean, IL Watson, W.. Murdie, A. McGowan, A. Jordan, M. Chesney W. Berry, bre Jordan. 0. Ross, al. Cowan, G. Waugh. .I. Best, A. Scott, I. Anderson, E. Taylor, S. Fiamil- ton, M. McKinley. "Class III -P: Little, 3. /Roach, R. McIntosh, B. Robinson. Form I -Vass I-; Fear, H. Fow- ler, O. Dickson, R. Birks, E. -Clarke, A. Clarke, P. Grieve, C. Sperling,' R. McKenzie, R. Smale. Class 11- R. Dorra.nce, A. Habkialr, CP. Govene lock, M. Fertune, E. 33e11, D, McCor- mick, W. Docherty, John McMillan, E. Laidlaw, R. Speare, W. Pinkney, - F. Givlin, S. Holum% N: Pethick, "C. Sadler, E. Ruffles, PP Floyd, N. iGil- lespie, B. Smith, L. Fankner, Fe Murphy, A. Dickson, 0 Bufgard, D. Dever;- 3. Flynn. Class AI -N.: Grieve, D. Thompson, B. rrwite, J. Dalton, W. I3ubolz, W. Elliott-, M. O'Connor, N. Darwin, Jos. McMil- lan, 0. McCormiek, 0. liabkirk, R. O'Keefe, W. Mullin, C. Graetzmeyer, E. -,oh.khart. . C inmercial Form -Class I -E. Dar- win, T.Jarman, Ire Doyle. Class II - N. Broadfoot. Class III -D. Thomp- son,. M. 'Warwick. It is not the eurit,o'm of this store to be continually harping on half• price leak% for in the iniad of the intelligent public thlt is an impoB8ibility, and Bevan of deception. At this, however, just „previous to stock -taking, we ad- . vertlse Clearinz Sale for Four Reasons : 1 -It prevents reirrying stock frora'year to year. ,2 -We have the Use of the money during the suMmer. 3- -It reduces the east of insuratsce. 4-Lasc, but not least, it enables 118 to present an entirely new stook to the public each succeeding year. OUT Dissolution Sale was a tremendous success, for the reason that the public have learned that we are not addicted to bubble advertising. When we advertise a sale, it is genuine, arLd what we advertise to do we do. A Men's Coon Coats Men's Black Calf Coats Men's Wombat Dyed Coats Men's Wombat Natural Coats Men's Wallaby Coats --- Men's Dog Coats Ladies' Persian Lamb Bochoran Lamb Rumania Lamb •Astrachan Electric Seal Near Seal $ 38 00 to $56 18 00 to 22 0 16 50 to 24 q 14.00 to AB 00 15 00 to 2304) 12 50 to t60 110 00 to 128-0, 28 00 to 385� 35 00 to 42 00 15 00 to 26 0 28 00 to 340, 30 00 to 36 O L FURS—Ruffs, Muffs, Caperines, Gauntlets, - Caps and Collars, 25 per cent. discount. (Idles Mantles. • County Board of kixaminers. The county examiners completed he examination of the papers of the odelites on Saturday. There was -a 'in a large attendance at the Model school, Clinton having 33 and Goderich 27. In addition to the a- bove, there were twelve who took advantage a the privilege granted ey the Board. to write on the final exa ination of the Model eohool. On passing this examination they mill rem ve a renewal for three .year. The tdtal number of marks wee We have decided not to handle ladies' niantles after ,this seascn, and, consequently, we are anxious to clear out fthe entire stoek. These are aW new coats, new sleeve and latest stylt ‘, Sale Price HALF PRICE I " Clothing. 1 The clothing steck we are forced to reduce, to make room the SprmgBBIliplit8tit of Progress Brand Clothing,, the largest ever received in this store, and, as, a special stock reduoingl price, we win have a special table of , , Men s Suits all sizes at $4,98 I , 9 f Nearly all $9, $10 andi $12 &tap . All other Suits reduced 20 per cent. These are not old shop worn, suits, but good, new, up-to-date goods. Uniderwean To ale up odd Suits, Shirts. and Drawers One ;liable at 250 Were c,.zoid at 40e and 50c. One Table at 49-p These were 65c and 75c -wool and fleece lined. Also apecial pricee on our finest garments to clean up. SOK, Mitts and Gloves', Caps, Mufflers, etc., in/fact everything e will be reduced and put on sale. 7 in the STEWART .BRO chibald 3Y1cDonal1, West Wetwanosh-Reeve-jno. Mc- Lean, dha.rles Taylor and. Wina Bail- ite Councillors -A.. Anderson, D. Murray, 'H. 'Walsh, S. 1Sledd and: gMoQuillan. Goderich-Mayor-Thoinas Tilt, A. Saunders, John's Elgin Tom, Wm., Tr Murray, Wra, 'Pr oudfoot. ' Mitehell--Ara or -A. j. Blowes, J. Skinner, Isaac fHord, W. B. Davis, Dr. Hurlbort, $. R. Stuart. Uord, Fred Duften. Listowel -Mayer -John Watsom Nelson Hay, A, NV, Veathereton, A. 8t4 Geo. Hawkins. e. lam ri Notes, i .7 -Rev. joeeph, Elliott, of , Goderich, has been elected trustee of the Collegi- ate inatitute of that town, -Mrs. Jehn, payment, of Clinton, fell, the other day, when 'coming out of the post office and fractured. her , , wrist. '3:fr. GOnsemere, who at one time, had chin ge.of the Lutheran ohurch, Auburn„ died a short time ago hi Rochester, N. V. i. -11,Irs.'Neil,Fox, of Morden,,Manitoba, nee Miss Miss Aisle Fair), is at present vis- iting friends in Clinton, after an ab- sence of five yeti's in the West. 1 - Mr. Gege Baird has ' just 1 or con- cluded his 45th year as teacher cif the school on the 20 conceseion of 'Stan- ley.and has been re-engaged for 1006. -The Goderieh Collegiate Institute board have engaged Miss Bertha J. Boner, B. A.,, of Hamilton, to succeed Miss Myth as j nior English teacher, at a salary of $000. ' - The trustee of school section! No. 3, Grey, havee gaged Mr. S. 131, Lae niont asteaehe fOr1.906, at a salary of L $400, duties to ommence on January 3rd. He has hi considerableseexperi- n!I -The bursti g of a hot wate pipe at the 'Clintoi electric light orks, one day last w ek put the lights out for about an home Fortunatelythe employees were not hurt by the ac- eident , 1 , -Mr. GeorgeLaithwaite, of burgh, Dakota,' ' benther-indaw o Tho- mas Murphy, Of Clinton, is visitng in that town accompanied by his wife and ehilch:en, and will remain for the winter. , -Mr. john Illfoig, of 'Carrick own - 'ship, son of Ma, Paul Doig, H wick, dropped dead on Friday at the ad- joining farm of his brother -m -he Mr. John Inglis. Deceased was in his 46th" year, and leaves e widow and family 'of five. ' : -The Gass farm. near Henfryin, was sold a short time ago to Mr. 'James Thompson, of Henfryn, for $3,550. There are 71 Ores in the farm.. ilt was sold to close Up the estate. The farm Mr. Thom eson's property; ,. i t -Mr. 1 Lester/ Whitely, of (11 n on, vdicp is teachihg Belldville Collegiate was recently 'offered $100 more ,salary at Cornwall, but as soon tie the Belle- ville trustees h.eard of it they unana- imously gave him; the increage to re- tain him. -Mr. and Mrs. Murcia, of Clinton, are moving to Stratford, where Mr. Mureh has been engaged as foreman in one of the furniture factories. They will be much missed hi thP Wesley' church, Clipton, as they were both valued membe e of the choir. --The Metho ist parsonage at Bran - 1,250. The paSli mark, 60 per tcent,wets don, Man., was the scene ef a very 75e, and the honor mark 935 er happy event on tke evening of Tueste per cent. For remewals the pass day, December 12th, when a, former mark was 570. All the candidates, young Wingham lady, Miss Margaret both for ce-etificates and renewals Nixon, youngest daughter of Mile' A. Made °vet the number of marks re- Nixon. became the bride ef Mr. A. (mired to pass. Miss Lizzie. McAr- Riddell. of Arcola. Sask. thur, who held, an interira certificate -Mrs. Jos. N. Colcloughe of the 11th was granted a certificate for three concession of Gon.erich township, sold years instead of a renewal. and delivered to Cantelon Bros., one The model classes this. year have done good work as ithe following dist or honors will show: Honors. Pages 11 to 8 • MoLIBAN BROS., Publish es $1 a Year in Advance, 1096 CALEIN DAR ;S reta First Presbyterian 01?urch, Eleaforth Containing Cabinets° Size Photos of the Exterior and Interior of the Church. , also Phobos of R.EV. j. Glouossintt REV. A. D. MoDONA.LD also the present pasbor, REV. F. H. LARKIN Price 25c, postage paid ALEX. WINTER round sem, had en morbidly brood- ing over the treasaction for same time, apparently !bemoaning the im- aginary loss entailed through the sale. Deceased's 1 younger brother eommitted suicide- by hanging a few years ago., -Win. Singleton and hii wife a'ere burned teledeath iir a fire act their resierbee in Calgary last 'Friday night. The lamp upset in their bed - komp.. and. set fire to the bed. The two lived 'for a few hours $ after the fire. Singleton vies market clerk in Calgary and. came. there seven Years ago from Anstin. -The fatalities in Montreal as the result of accidents of the last tveelve Exeter months reached the almost alarm- The Oddrellows.-Exeter lodge, Ine ing total of 830, according to a re- dependent Order -of Odelfellows.spent port issued by the deputy .coron-er. a very pleasant and profitable tinie in their lodge room, oxi Tuesday ev- ening of last week. The occasion was an official visit from Worthy Brother Blewett, of Listowel, Grand Master of the Grand. e Lodge of On- tario, and District - Deputy Grand Master Thai Fraser, of Brucefiell Exeter has. a strong and prosperous lodge and there were about eightY, members present. tomplimentary ad- dresses were- delivered by the Grand officers a! d six new members *ere initiated, the , work being exempli- fied by the Grand Mester to the pleasure .nil edificatieni of all pres- ent: The ' rand Master also deliver - cd a moat interesting and useful ad- I dress, ma.king' speeial reference to , the objeets ' and )rieus of the order and putplia.sizing the progress it is Making and the good work it is do- : •— big in the, country. Leber conelud- Diliedale ' ed the brethren- adjourned for sup- Breezes.-Metisr$. G. C. Murray per, prepared by Mr: W. I. Statham eand E. - B. Horner adorned home - during the past week, to spend their Christraas Vacation in this peicinity. -Miss S. Froward is at present ,ece- neeveng. old acquaintEtnces at Rip- ley. --Miss E. La Frainer. of Strat- ford, who has been a guest at the. home of her gra.adparents, Mr. and Mrs. Pete; Durand, see, of this law ! for the past fewdays, has ireturaed to Stratfoed. She was accortm flied by her brother, Mr. J. A. La Frain- er, who goes to eStratford where he will reside in the future. -Mr. A. Agile*, who haS been confined to his room for some timeapast, was removed to Clinton on Tuesday % last where it is hoped he soon will be restored to health again -Mass M. Coughlin, .. of Crediton, a former teacher -of I Drysdale separate 130h001, has been engaged in the Centralia separate school for the coming year. -The holiday season is now here .and many or our eity friends Are' here to see their country 1301113- • ins who are glad to see them, to re- new old acquaintances and probably to form new ones. Among the ar- rivals are the following ; Istr. A. Minas, of Dover South, ;the Misses S. Johnston, L. Allan and T.J. Waes- ner, of London, Miss Celina Durand. • of Winthrop, Mrs. W, E. Latimer, of Stratford and, Miss Arny Dows6n, of the London *sleet Conservatory, A Red Letter Day. -Wednesday of last week was indeed a red letter day in the lives' of the people of this vicinity and surrOunding country, it being :the occasion of the concert and; debate 'held line connection with the. Drysdale public School, prj.o to the AepartuNe or Miss 43.4A. Tho p- eon. Mr. Jr' W. 1.1fornee occupied the ehair and filled e that position in his ueuel satisfactoitY manner. The con- certrthrougheut 4onsisted: of recita- tion, .dialoguete 'songs, play's, pub- lic Speeches and irailitary drills and was conducted ler a manner to elieit the highest eneonaiums from all, Suweeding the concert °erne the debate which has long eaused -feel- ings of euperiority in the hearts of the opponents' arliereef. . The. subject in discussion waS " City or Country Lifer'. The Mesirs, He Dawson and M. A. Johnston assisted by Miss ,4 Snider defended Country Life whire Miss' M. Berner, and- T. A. Johnston assisted by -3.1 „A. La Frainer, of Stratford sumeorted tae City' Life. Considerable eloquence was - shown throughoat and an interesting ar- gument ensuedildr. E. W. Snider and Miss L. Homier assisted tier Miss al.! Coughlin, of ' Mount Carmel com- pased the judg4ag staff and after de- liberate consideration their decision was given in favor of country aife. The concert- Closed the chairmart in a few neat and a propriate words III thanked the andien e for their kind; atttention through° t the program. Miss Thonapison also replied and in a few well chosen words expressed her regret at her departure from their midst but still assured them that the bright memories of her sehool life among the pupils and the peoples of the section, in general would occupy a warm. space in her heart no matter in what capacity in 'life her lot may he ,cast. Delaney's liere,-jas. McLaughlin, of " Regina, is home for the holidays. Jim looks Weil, and speaks of the Northwest in glowing terms. He says any willing man caii make. a." good home there in et few year- ' Messrs..M. Casey, of Perlin, and Will Stapleton end J.' ;Holland, of St Coleuxtban, , were out for a hunt 43n Wednesday, They expect to ship. game' in car lets .-High prices at, the Beethwood store for autter,eggs, dried apples, poultry, etc,' sand are selling at ea prioeseunderwear,foot- wear, and boys' suits and over-. coats at pricee cut in .tavo. • Pioture framing a Spar:deity. Drownings head the list at 54e and ' -. suicides show 18, the largest 11111111", . ber on reaord. Some of the other e . . causes. or violent deaths esteem of a large circle of friends.1 He Principal was for some time a member of ' the were as follows' , Killed. by trahNes Turnberry council. Last year he pur- and electric ears, 51; burned -to chased his handsome home in Wing- ileath, 26 ; killed by vehicle% 14 ; ham, but did not long live to enjoy bit% 24, , his well-earned rest. He was a meni- ' -Hon. Raymond Prefontaine, ber of St. Paul's church. A widow and Minister of Marine and Fisheries in grown'ttp family of sone and daught- the Dominion Government died on ers survive. Christmas day in France. He was -A quiet rAwedding took place in In London on private business and London recently, the Rev. Dr. Ross went to Prance to spend Christmas. performing the ceremony. when Miss Susan Pennington, daughter of Mr. Thomas l?enningtore of Colborne, was united in, marriage to Dr, Joseph Free- man, of Clinton. After a few days' honeymoon in the city, Mr, and Mrs. Freeman returned to Clinton and spent the Christmas holidays at the home of the bride's father, after which they took up housekeeping. -Mr. C. W. Corbett,of Edmonton,N. W. Te but formerly of Belgrave, a well and favorably known young man, was united in marriage on Wednes- day, 20th inst., to Miss Isabella, Carr, a highly esteemed young lady of the feurth concession of Grey. The young couple will leave Belgrave about the first week in January for their future home at Edmonton, where Mr. Cor- bett has purchased 160 acres. -Engineer H. Scott, who dropped dead in a street car the Other night, in 'Winnipeg, was the eldest son of the late James Scott, of Clinton. 11 was i at one time of the firm ef Callan ar & Scott, who carried on a busin s in Clinton And Londesboro. A.bout 20 years ago he went,to Winnjpeg, and took a position with the city fire de- partment. Latterly,. Mr. Scott . had been in the 'employ of the C. P. R. He leaves a, wife, three daughters and one son. , -The Clinton New Era of last week 'says : Wetter Scat; Premier of Sas- katchewan, has a number of relativeis by Marriage; in town, who are natur- ally./ pleased at his eleceion, though their political views differ. Mrs. Scott is a ,first cousin of Mr. Will Harland, jr., and therefore related also to the Ra,nces and R,attenbury's, and would easily, pass for one of the same' fam- ily. Mr. Scott is not a rugged Tilall, being badly troubled with asthma. They have one child, a girl about 14. -A, very sudden death occurred. in Crediton, on Thursday of last Week, resulting in the taking away of a very highly respected resident of that place in the person of Mr. Henry rinkbein- ' er. The deceased had not been enjoy- ing good health for many months, iatit his condition was not such that it in- capacitated him in the discharge of his duties, in fact he was around as usual on Wednesday and performed several odd jobs. That night he re- tired in his usual health little dream- ing that before day break the sad messenger of death would overtake him. Such, however, was the case. He was awa.kened from his peaceful day recently twenty-seven turkeys, slumbers by a severe fit of coughing which had an average weight of four- which developed into a hernmorhage teen pounds. She received thirteen and in a few short moments anti. be- Flora Armstrong, Jean M. Can- telon, Margaret G. Clark, Ethel Cameron, Jean Carling, Jessie Cald- well,. Ida Cornish, .Alioe Dougall, one Davis, Minnie M. Dolan, Eva 0. Dunlop. Eleanor Fanstan, Mar-. garet H. Fin gland, Mary Ferguson, Margaret Leigh, Margaret Maw - en, Jean Moir, Tana Ross, Seri %B. • Roberts, W. Rutherford, Carrie Sclater, Nettie Stewart, H. D. Ain- ley, E. Upward Durnin, Russel Har - try. Pass, , 1 Ethel Ferguson, Loretta M. Grif- fin, Jessie Garrick, Theo 3. Hart- leib, Effie Hunter, Edith sJenkins, Mary MacLennan, Lilian L. McLean, Mary MoArter, Vina Murdie, Etta Petrie, E. Rutlerford, Bessie Som- erville, Edith Sparks, Helen M. Sparks, Alice, M. Trotter; L. M. Tichborne, Margaet Tory, Mary E. Windsor, John W. Ansley, Edward 13adour, Lorne Canteloia, Austin Chisholea, George P. Keys, W. F. Linklatpr, 'Arthur DicGavin, Aldred Marenzie, D. A. McDonald, Wm. C. McGregor, 13. L. Penfound, H. Clif- ford Pugh, R. 'Redmond, J. E. Som- erville, J.. W. Turner, Lizzie McAr- thur, Oliver Little. Renewals. Govinlock, Mabel C. )Jen- nison, Minnie L. Ker, Ethel Mus- grove, Clara &later, Sylvia eeel, Mabel Walsh, Lillian R. sWillion, Fred T. Bryans, Sam. 'B. Lamont, Edward Stewart. • The Municipal Nominations. The following is the result of the nominations in the various inunici- pelities not specially given in other columns of this issue: . Blyth -Reeve -Wm. H. McElroy, A.. W. Sloan and Joseph StOthers. Councillors -George E. Long, J., 11. Chellew, .1cren. Potter, Wm. ;Johns- ston, Dr. W. 3. Milne, A. E. Brad - win. Public school truetees-Richard McCommins, Adam Wetlaufer, 'Wm. Campbell .and John Maine. Colborne -Reeve -Wm. Hill and R. ;Jewell. Councillors -Jacob Moses, H. E. A. McEwen, James McManus, Thomas Robertson and Robert Straughan, lifsborneae1teeve-3. Hawkii 3. Delbridge. Councillors -Jas. Bal- 1ant3awe George Andrew, 3. Moir, Richard Cam0n, Thomas Hunkin and Fred Ille,rington. The first named are members of the old counoil. Grey -Reeve -Wm. Fraser by ac- clamation. Counoillors-John Brown, John Grant, Duncan Johnston, W. V. McRae', John Cutt, Thomas Bennett, John IC Baker, Adam Turnbull, Are SMA.T-70P,M3a, Successors to Greig & Stewrt 144-Righest Prices for Butter and Eggs. 4 cents per pound, or forty-nine dollars in all. . 4 -Mr. Fred Chant, son of Mr. II. 11. Chant, df (Minton, left benne some 8 Weeks agate join. a surveying party at work in northern ,Ontario. In a recent letter home he tells of some pretty hard work. They were trav- elling to headquarters by canoe when they upset and - one ef their number was drowned. ' ' --Captain A. M. McGregor, who for many years, sailed on Lake Huron, and who was well,known,in Goderieh, died in Windom. On Tuesday, Decem- ber 19th and was buried in eirodericb. Deceased sailed on the lakes from his boyhood and was one of the le tders in gettingthe Grand Trunk Railway intti Godertch. -Miss Edna Copp, daughter of - Mr. (mph Copp, who has been teaching for a' short time in U. S. S. No. 10-, Hullett, has been re-engaged for next year lit a.salary of $32.5,,an increase or $25 over the salary at which she was engaged, which is the . best evidence she co-uld desire that her services are appreciated. . -Mrs John Long, of Wingham, died on Saturday, December 16th, at the home of her daughter in Chesley. De- ceased had gone tn. the latter place only a few days previous to her death. She and her husband came to Wing- hain 20 years ago. Mr. Long died in November. They leave a family of grpwn up sons and daughters. -On Wednesday, 20t,h inst, at the home of the bride's brother, Rev, J. J. Hastie united in marriage Mr. James Nicholson to Miss. Emma Oloake3r, both of the township of Morris. The young couple will take up their home on the fern that Mr. Nicholson pur- chased a 'couple of years ago, on the 4th line of Morris. s -The home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Woods of Usborne, near linreille was the scene of a very pretty wed- ding on Wednesday l of last week, when their daughteri, Alice M., w'as united in marriage to Mr. William L. Lindsay, of Clinton. , After the knot had been tied and, .congratulations of- fered, the wedding party sat down to a dainty wedding dipper. Mr. and Mrs.' Lindsay will reside in Clinton. ' -A highly respected resident of Wilgham passed aVia,y on Sunday, Dec moor 17th, in 'thi3 person of Mr. John ged 80 years. Mr. Robinson had Robinson,feeeri ill for only a few dayS with pneumonia.' He had been busy, during the week, trimming up the shade trees arouild his property and caught cold, wh ti pneumonia de - 1 veloped. Deceased vas a native of Ireland and came ' this country man'y years ago, and gettled in Turn - beery township over :fifty years ago. k. He was elected a member of the Quebec 'Legislature when only .25 years of age and was Mayer of Mon- treal for , several years in succes- sion _until be eatered the Govern- ment: He wee' !, a compp.ratively young mina fore his wife could render any assist- ance the struggle was over. Mr. Fink- beiner was 48 years of age and leaves a, widow but no family. His three brothers, Matthew, aristopher and Jacob are residents of Orediton Canada. -LThe "Manitoba. Legislature has been called to meet for the despatch of inisiness on January llth. -The wife of Rev. Gordon Austin, Anglican clergyman, of Wetaskawin, Alberta,' gave birth to triplets last Friday morning. , -Rev• A J McGillivray, pastor of 4 New St. James' Presbyterian church, London, has accepted the call to St. John's eiurch, Vancouver, and. will leave for his new duties4 about Janne a.niotbl. -David J. Hunter, of Orangeville, his been appointed Registrar of Deeds for the county of Dufferin. Mr. Hunter succeeds Mr. Wm. Mc- Kim, who has been removed from office. -L.Girard, while loading woo& at a siding at St. Ann's, Manitoba, had a miraculous eseape from death: 'A freight train struck his sleigh, throwing him over thirty feet. He suffered a fracture of one leg, but duped other injuries. -Mrs. Josephine Kilackey, of Gil- bert, Ontario, met her sister, Mrs. Arkles, of Wyandotte,. Michigart, for the firet time in twenty-seven years on Christmas. The sisters became separated, and were unable to learn each other's whereabouts until very recently. . -The large brewery in Brandon, Manitoba, was burned to the ground on Christmas Day. The doss is es- timated. at s100,ap0 with an iusur- allele of $20,009. The brewery Was owned by Maley and Ferguson and had-. been in operation. .two yeers. -After a lapse of twenty years, a well-to-do Port Huron citizen came conscious -stricken and sur- prised the eustonas officers at Sarnia by forwarding them $7, which he as- serted was due the Canadian Gov- ernment. He confessed that twenty years ago, while a. repident of Sar - he had smuggled 'a watch and chain to that town. The money was credited to the conscience fund. -George Fairgrieve, aged 55 years, a farmer in good financial circumstances, residing oil his farm near Galt, committed etticide Friday morning. by cutting his throat with a razor. The act was perpetrated in his own house, in the presence of his wife and only daughter, shoat ten years of are. Deceased, who in a lower room nf the opera block and where aa enjoyable Social hour was spent, toast, - isong and merri- ment holdAng the . board, A very pleasant incident ofthe evening was the presentation ,of a complimentary address and a beautiful smoking set to Mr. S. A., Papplestone, an old and active inentb.er, of t& lodge, as a token of the respect in whieh he is held. by the ledgeprevious to leaving Exeter to take up his abode in Blyth. Briefs.--, The town council ',have eonsented to remit • the taxes on the agricultural gr�unds. A good net Carrie Dyer, who has a position ui Bowmani$a1e, as milliner, is home for the gaol d ys.-Miss Louisa Sweet after a resal4nce of over a year in Alameda, lett where her broth- er Robert 1 resides, has returned and Mrs. U. Cunning - Itorae.-Mr, ham, of Strathcona, Alberta, are spending holidays with friends in this vOlnity,e-Mr. and Mrs. I. A. Gregory, o1 North Battleford„ are here visiting Mr. Gregory's par-. ents, Mr, and Mrs. Thomas Gregory.- -Mr. end tertainedrt very please -The Choir dist -church gave a song service on Sunday- evening, mueli -to the de- light of a large tengregarren.- There was ft special service itt Triv- itt Memorial. Church on Christmas forenoon at 11 o'clock. -Mr. F. W. Gladman, barrister, was -called to Peterborb last" week .C11 account of the eerioue illness of his father who resides there. -Messrs. L. 11. Dick- son and W. G. Bissett who were so serioudly injared in A rainaway 00111471g from iferisall a couple of weeks ago, .are recovering although not so speedily as they would like, -Mr. Thos. G. Williams, a eferraer - resident of Exeter but now a farm- er near Fillinon, Sask., was Married Ian the 20th inst. to Miss Annie Steiglatholin of that place -Mr. F. Elliott, of Yorkton. N. W. T., is hero. visiting his mother. Mrs. 13. V. Ell- iott -Ma. A. Q. Robier has just „completed at the station an up-to- date stock stook yard for the use of farmers who tha.ve stock for sale. The building is 24 feet by 36 feet and is fitted with scales and a prier- ate'ashote for loading tbe bogs. -W. Whstcott, of Usborne, while visiting at the home of his daughter, Mrs, E. Shapton, Stephen, fell from a ver- andah and broke his collar bone and was otherwise injured. The Nominations. -The nomination meeting here on Friday Was *ell atttended and municipal polities were pretty thoroughly discussed. The following nominations were made: For Reeve -J. W. Taylor, proposed- by John Ilawkshaw and seconded by A.. Dow; A. Q. Bobier, ptoposed by D. Mack alid seconded by Thos. Sanders; W. H Layette, proposed by Cudneore and see- onded by W. Mitchell; Wm. BaWden, proposed by R. Yellow and seconded by Wm. Davis; T. B. 'Carliag, pro- eosed by David Mill and seconded by Thos. Sanders. The following were nominated for councillors: Thomas E. Ffandford, Dr. D. A. Anderson, E. Treble, Jas. Creech, sr, -7ohn Far- mer, F. We Gladraan, John Moir, sr., A. E. Flake; W. J. Heaman, W. J. Carling, R. E. Pickard, Geo, Man- son, :Wm. Ilawden, H. E. ;Huston, Peter Frayne, 4". A. Stewart and T. Harvey. There &mild be ample room for a good selection from this list, but it is likely that many of them; will drop out before election day. The following are the mem- bers of this years council again , itt nomination: W. H. Leavitt, John er.. W. J. Carling, 11. E., Huestan, Peter Frayne. rs. Moses Gardiner en - e elhoir of Cavan thurch tly a. few evenhige ago. a Main street Mahe - He was a manwho enjoyed the high recently sold his farm for a -good :Beechwood. Notes. -Mr. M. Casey, of iSt. Jer- ome's College, Berlin, is a welcome yisitor with friends here. -Mr. Givline of Chicago, is spending a few holidays here. -Miss Addle Evans of gatreit ls spending her holidays With her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. vans. -Miss Mary McQuaid, of %Tor- onto, is spen g her holidaye with her mother, rs. Jas. McQuaid, and also renewing' old friendshivs.-Mr. and Mrs; David Crawford and little daughter Helen, of Auburn, and Mr. and Mrs.' Jae. Shea, of St. Columba'', spent Cheistmets with Mr. john Shea and sisters. -Mr. Francis Klein, at Stratford, spent Christmas with his , parents *. and Mrs, M. Klein. -We are glad' to, say :that Miss Mien% Klein, Who has been very siek for about tell -weeks. With pnetfirionia, has taken a change for the better, and her many friends will be glad to see her well again. -Mr. and Mrs. J. 3. Holland, of St. Columban. epent Christmas with the former's par- ents, Mae and Mrs. G. K. Holland. - Nora Bruxer, of Chicago, is spend- ing her Jaolidays with her relatives here. -Mr. and Mrs. P. Reynolds and children, of Clinton, spent Christ- mas witb Mra. Reynold's parents here, Mr. and Mrs. M. Lynch. -Mr. and Mrs. Owen Flynn and children, of Hullett, 'visited Mrs. fflynn's par-- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Evans, .over Christmas. -Mr. and Mrs. 3. Dalton and tangle', of St, Columban; Mi and Mrs. Jas. Delaney and children, of Du.bline speet Christmas at Mr. 1$ Stanley. The Naroinations. - For several years the municipal pot has not boil- ed very fiercely in Stanley, and. the municipal elections have p asssed over quietly. -This year, however, there will be* a keen fight for the reeve - ship. The candidates are Mr. Jas. Maedernaid and Mr.W.,L.Keys. They, are both strong mete Mr. Meeder- mid has served as councillor and reeve for a good many years, and ill both capaaties he has proved himself, economical, -courteous and in every way most effiactient, etod his ex- perience should be valuable to him in the future. Mr. Keys has served some time in the council also, and now thinks he is deserving of pro- motion. - The councillors were all elected by acclamation, and are the same as last year, except that Mr. John Gibson takes the place of Mr. Keys, and are as follows: Messrs. Armstrong, Stinson, Geo. Beattie, and John Gibson. _ -%