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The Huron Expositor, 1905-12-22, Page 8
ECEMB iday v In the lines mentioned below we are showing a fine assortment and at Close prices. You! may find many pretty. and useful presents \.in our store. Come and in - spoof; our stook of Silver Plated Knives and Forks Pocket and Table Cu#fiery Nickel Plated Tea Pots Skates and Hockey Sticks Carpet Sweepers Hanging Lamps Stove Sale Now 'acing On.- Te ere offering our stook of both new and second hand i tovee ab greatly reduced prices. Come now and Bemire a bargain. Our Flees are low and goods of the beat. CREME T SE,AFORTH, SOLE . - AGENTS, Hardware, Stoves and Coal. DOMINION BANKo- HEAD 'OCE, TORGNTO. Capital, Fully Paid Up- 3;000,©ao.00 Reserve Fund and un- divided Profits $ 3,634,000 Deposits by Public $29,700,000 Total Assets $..39,2 5,00a BEAFORTH BRAN H, Every facility for the transacting of a reneral hanktog business. Colleotione made on an pointe iu °anode. and abroad. Advances made to Fanners. Special at- ention paid to the collection of Sale Notes. SAVINGSBANK. Deposits of $1.40 and upwards received, and intone) paid or edded June 30th and December 3iet, Withdrawale may be made at any time. A. E. GIBSON, Manager. B. S. HAYS, Solieltor James Watson; Successor to W. N. Watson. NoRTH MAIN ST., SEAFORTH. General FireeLife and Accident aneur- ance agent, Real Estate and Loan Agent. Dealer in first-elaas family rind Manufac- turing Sewing Machine and Cream Soper. tore, viz.: New Raymond and albite Sewing Maihines and National Cream Sep- arator in three eizoa Also sewing machine needles, oil, attach - manta repairs and sundries for all kinds of sewing machines. Prices right and ma. oiliness fully }guaranteed, J AMIE& WATSON, SON, raece Agent, and dealer In Sewing Machine and Bicycles, North Main street, Seaforih. Winter irerin -:pens Jana and covri? sof rR,4211(Rn. OWT A, RTfi. This ie one of the best Commercial and Shorthand Schools in the Dominion. Our mums are thorough and practical. Many business colleges employ our grad- uates ae teacher$. All our graduates get good poetione. Write for our free can oitgue.. ELLIQTT & MoLAOHLAN, Principals. Music Music Music NINO Nothing does more to make home en joyable. Ib helps to entertain and gives pleasure to one and all. Our stook ooneinte of Pianos, organs, Graphopbonec, Vienne, Mandoline, Mouth Organ and almost everything in the Mini - cal line. heet Manic, all popular pieces at 253 ; also the bent editions at 10o, Nothing makes a Weer or more enjoyable Present than a roll of good music. Singer, New Williams and National Sect• Lag Machines, Call and hear some of our music. Baldwin & Co., SEAFORTH. dealers in Organa, Graphophonee, Sewing Mach nes, Needles and Od. t w Cordially in- vite the Pylic to witneea our Electrical Window Display. At night the effect has been prououz,c- e.&beantiful. We have expended much time, thought and money on this display and we hope our friends will all nee it. AOHN BULGE JEWELLER eafarth Ontario Marriage License les u; 11 Notice. DIST OT MATTERS. ---- Travellers.—In addition to the ne- at excursion • travel ° to various laces, the followingwere ticketed o distant points by W. Somerville, -.Tat agent; Miss nate Johnston, and return. „A, Veery Sad Death.—The following sember 17th, tells its ewn sad etory of Miss Campion, of doderich, from severe burns, sustained on Frinay morning, at Morgan Harris' home, where she was visitiog, Her night robe caught fire frona a gaa theater. She ran into the street and dropped uneonselous, The taneral will take plaee at God,erioh. Mies Campion was well known in soeiety." An Explanation.— We understand that Mr. Hendry, of Streetsville, who was for a time manager of the, Sea- Iferth woollen mills, takes umbrage 1at the statement of Mr. .Dick, that alL the managers tee had were in- eorimetent. Mr. Dick wishes us to say thet in the, case ,of Ur, liendry, tt was never. intended to briog his competency into question or ;other- wise, as during his whole time here he was suffering so frorci health, and. on „amount of which he had to leene, there was no opportunity of testing What the results might have been had his health been more Ro- 1Sarvis, writing from Lanona.,!North are having State very fine weather ; the past few days but last week was very etormy. We had the worst Iatorra on the 28th and esth that we have had 'since November,' 1896. All trains were 'snowed in from El to 36 hours. Some .passengers had to -remain in the cars 24 hours with very little to eat and., very tittle fuel. We have had, a very pros- perous year, with good. crops and pretty good prices. Wheat has been from 70e to 77c during the entire. fall with 'a yield of about 18 bunhe els as an average; barleye25c to, 33c, and- oate,n2c to 25c. 'Land is advanc- ing in ;price rapidly, selling arouod The Concert. —The concert given by the American Concert,. Company Cardno's hall, oo Friday even- ing last, undef -the auspines of the Ladies' Aid Of the Methodiet church, yap faiely well attended and proved ;a financial success. 'Considerable isappoitment was felt that Miss onard, the reader of the \com- pany, Was • unable to be preserit lace was capably taken by Miss owell, of Paton. Mr. Bickle, ten- or, and Miss Powell, riopranol were both laboring under colds, but rep-. tile mentor, and. on the :Miele the ortoert, was enjoy,ed by all present. Death of Mrs. 13alkwell.—Mrs. oho Balkwell, mother , of Hon. Manito a, on Friday of last %Amen, ,at the .a.dvance.d Age of 9,0 years. ISome six years ago deceased bad a which dislocated her hip, and. Ikept her !confined to her bed. Mr. ,Greenway was in Teronto on his way to Clucego and was not able `eo return in 'ti'me to be present at , the funeral, *hien tieok p lace, on , Monday. She was ;bona in England and came no Canada over sixty years ago from Plymouth, England, sett- ling near Bowthanville with her firet hueband, Thorium Greenway, sr„ and children. She leavee three sons, Hon-. Thomas, knohn and William, of Crystal City; :and one daughter, Mrs. Rev. 3. Holmes, on Dorchester, On- tario. Another daughter, Mrs. (DO Rollime, of Eneter, died only a few moans ago. Married in )the West.—Mr. Robt, A. Stewart, youngest sex), of Mie . Alexander Stewart, of Seaforth,was ' married last month in Portland, Oregon, to Miss Ink Irwin, of that place. nixe Stewart holds -a. respon- 1sible position on the Southern Pa- ; eifie Railway at Portland, and is one of Seaforth's old. boys who is forging to the trent and 'is doing credit to himself, to this bringing up and to his iiative town. Mrs, Stewart, although American born, her parents came fromAbeefeldy, in [ Scotland, and friends there pleas- ! aptly surprised her by sending her wedding present and whicili is much , prized by the young couple. Mr. I here will join The Expositor in wish- ! ing himself need hie bonnie bride much happinesS during a long mar - Death of Mr.! Charlesworth.-1Yfuon surprise and sincere regret was felt by out citizeine on Tuesday morning, on learning of the death of Mr. Alekander Charlesworth, of Ega mondville. In fact vern: few had known of his illness, and this wade the shock of the news of his death all the more aevere. Mr. 'Charles- worth, in eompany with his son, Mr. L. 0. Cherlesworth, has beeo carry- ing on a hardware business in Zur- ich for the past year or more, and has been spending most of his time in that village, although his family et ill contieues to ;reside in.Egnoind- •-1113 was in Zurich when he be- came ille and his case wee so critical frora the first that it was not safe to move bine' He died gat the xesi- deuce of his son, in that nillage, on Monday evening. , Ile had oot been enjoying good health for about a 'year, but was able to be around and attending to business until Within a week of his death and it wee not until Monday that his case came serious. His family were tel- egra.phed for on Monday and. they were at his bedside when the change came. Mr. Charleswortn wes a. comparatively young man, being only a tittle over 58 years of age. He had been a resident of Seaforth and •Egraondville most of the tithe since boyhood. He was a son of the late Martin Oharlesworth. He was a good busin.ess man, possess- ing great energy and versatility. For the past ten years he had been engaged mostly in farming and horse raising. He was a man of Much more than ordinary ebility, a keen is hereby giten that the 314 Annual Meet- ing of ale members of The Hay Township Fanners, Mutual rive Insurance Co. wi41 be held in the Town Zorish, on Tuesday:January Oth, 1006, at one o'clotik p. Bashass :—ReeelvIng the Directors' and Secretary's „Aissiiti Reports, Election of Directors ancl other busi. iists fey the good and welfare of the company.; All ; 3;:sabsrs are requested to attend. HENRY EILIMR, Secretary politician on the Liberal sicle, gen- generous friend-. His sudden and early deraise will be deeply regrete ted by re large circle of Wends and the sincerent aympetny of everyone will bee; extended to tbe sadly bee reeved widow and family.. The re- mains wete conveyed from Zurich to Eiemonelville on Tuesday and the funeral took place from the late residence Oftthe deceased to the Eg- mondville'. 'cemetery on Wedneficlay,, Doing - Honor.—The Hullett coirespotdent of the Minton News Record of last week says.: 4' Last Saturday seeming 'a large number of neighbors of tinr, arid Mrs,. Andrew. Tyerman, each loaded with ,a basket, dropped in unexpeotedly upon them to spend a social evening with' them before they left• for Seafortb,where they intend Tesiding in tate future. A. very enjoyable evening *as eoent until .late bedtime wheu after sing- ing God ne with you till we meet again, all left for home wishing Mr. and. Mrs. Tyermaea a pleasant jour- ney through life hi their new home:" Mr. Tyernaten and family are now lo - coned in, their comfortable residence Conte and flee our Christmas clisploy and hove a guess at the big pig. To -the one who guesses nearest the weight we will ii•live S3 worth of meat '; 3nd $1.00 and srd 60e. • Coutes-1 closeoliaturday December 30th at noon; Kennedy Bros„ Seafortli. 1934.1 Girls wanted to work on bore clothing% Apply the Our big December tea sale is now in full swing. .See us or ring phone 8, Beattie Bros., Seafortis Owing to the dissolntion of. partnership hle9t7;:en V. Kneelitel and A. E. Mol1enzte, it is requested that all accounts, due to the dm, be paid at Mr. •Kneeh- - tars residetaie, corner of James and William streets, on or before December 31st, We take this Opportun- ity of thanking our 'customers 'for their liberal patronage extended to during our term of busi- Lost.-stDark grey mecca glove, last Saturday, he tweet' Royal Hotel and Mr. Archie Scott's. Finder please leave at Post Office, Seaforth. 1084x1 Girl Wanted.—Good general servant. No Waehing. ot once to Mrs. Wm, Ament, John Street, -Sea - Instead ef buying a. colander this year, we will give the peopleli, change in the prices of meat, Steak 10e and 12e ; roasts Se and 10e ;- 3 lbs. sausage for 26e. F Iain looking for A. Young's store to buy my ten and coffee. They say be keeps the hest hi 1113reflo.rtftli. Leave your.order with us for a Christxnas fowl. We Make a, -.specialty of prompt cleliVery. Beattie 1083-2 Bros., Seaforth. Try Charlie Hinate hand ;amine, Seaforth, for niee work. Always gives 'satisfaction. - Clothes ealle•d for and delivered. Oluirges reasonable. Laundry two doors south of Reid & Wilson's haidware store, Sea- -Sensible suggestions for C,hrlstmas preselits.—Lad. ies felt shoes, ladies' felt slippers,childien's felt shops, children's 'felt slippers, men's felt shoes, nien's felt slippers,, children's legging.s, women's overgaiters. inoeciasins for the girls and boys, men's inoleskin.leg- gings, men's eanwss leggings, Dorothy Dodd shoos for ladies. George A. Slater shoes for men. 101:3.41-1, Willis, Seaforth. The holiday, buyers are with us in large numbers. It is tbe quality of our goods that makes enstoniers .and keeps them. Beattie Bros., Seaforth. 1983-2 • 'Dr. Ovens, eye and ear surgeon will be at•the Com- mercial hotel, Seaforth, the -first Wednesday in eaoh month. Hours 1• toS p. Cataraet, squint, fail- ing eyesight, deafness, nasal eattirrh Weald and glasses properl) fitted. .Next visit Wednesday, An - nary 3rd. Housekeeper.—Any person desiring the services of Salt for sale, all kinds at Beattie Bras., Seaforth. Dried :apples, butter, eggs land all your produae we take and pay the highest price. edIFIC to Dill's, toe Maple Leaytore, Seaforth. forth Woollen SIM would oblige by calling foirm;ie this month. Bargains In dress goods and tweed remnants, yarns, etc:. Apply to J. W, Close, at the Feed for Sale.—Oatmeal miff feed for sale at the Comfortable thvalling house in Food Ideality in Sea, forth tcs rent or for sale. Immediate posseasion can be given. Apply to R. S. Hays, Seaforth. 197441 Wanted—Oholee turkeYS, dry *WI and undrawn: ific. All kinds of poultry and dried apples: Nvantod George E. Iting, Ingham, . Don't forget our clearing sale of dinner 80t8 at; Dill's, Seaforth. 108141 Rooms to Rent.—Two.stlites of rooms to reht in th, Clady block, Apply Le Adam Hays, kleaforth. - 198041 Now la the time tor pur Christmas fruit,s and ' Dills' is the place to get them. Try us and be con A Useful Officer.--Ohief Constable Bisseti, of Exeter, must be a US6- fill officer it we are to dudge by the raulitplicity of his duties. Ac- cording to the • Times he is truant officer, town constable, street coin- ' naissioner, looking after the clean- ing and. grading of the streets, in- spector of sidewalk construction, keePs tab on the electric lights when burning, sanetary inspector, tax col- lector, for which he gives o, $5,000 bond, serves or posts all radicles, loo s after the town tank, nuns the te vats, collects poll taxes and. looks out for canines for whicb be also collects taxes and he does all this for $385 a year. Mr. Bissett en- gaged with the Seaforth council ae bout a year ago as chief constable but afterwards changed his mind and decided to renaain in Exeter. Had he come here he would have had a good many fewer duties and a good deal larger salary. • Our Poultry .Prize Winners. — A special feature t the Previncial Fat Stock ShoWe the d at Guelph last week, was the display of fowls. It was generally /admitted to be the largest and best ever seen in this - Province. Under these circum- sta.noes it 'is more than gratifying to note the suceess achieved by our Huron poultry breeders. The fol- lowing is the:, list oethe awards that came to this county ; P. Daletr & Son, Seeforth, ast for cock and 3rd for hen, in golden wyanclottes ; Geo. Irwint.Huron Toad, Alma, emend for dark brahma ben, 3rd for buff cochin cook, 3rd tor' golden Poland hen ; Robert Infurdie, tielcanlop, 2nd for bronze turkey hen; and he bought the prize winning Tom ; Julian F. clotte hen ; P. Din, Seaforth, 2nd for. whine rock cook, 1st for hen, lst,4th, Poultry Oyster Shells Crystal Grit Poultry Foods of afi kinds and the best Louse Killer on tOe market. W. E. Kerslake, Successor to Hamilton &Kerslake, C4th sasumrsarmesammoilawsmsaisiur Province and this is his irst visit to the old home, We a e pleased to know that far. Fowler :has pros- pered in the west.—Mrs. Young and Miss Helen Young returned home from New York on ednesday going treatment in a hos ital and, although considerably W arted :by will be is wery and the or a full orne, of erp last 11 is go- ish Ga- ng been the journey, her - friend pleased to learn that sh muoh improved in health recovery.—Rev. Mr. Mant Animater, who preached summer for Rev.. Mr. Lark ing to Grand Forks, Bri arable for six months, hay granted leave of absence by I his non- gregation.—Mrs. Wm. Finlayson, of Galt, is here to spend Christmas with her parents, Mr. aied. Mrs. Wm. Sleeth.—Mr. John Oriela lie home from ntlehigan to spend. Christraes with bis mother and other Wends.— .W. Wadsworth, who was for- merly employed. in tlae woollen mills, here, but now of Cobourg, removes Inolmesville and Carlow and were addrysed by Mr. Tbomas McMillan, bership -of 317 ae core ared with eos last year ; East Hue,' had 005 this year and 654 teat ye ; Weet Hur- on ad 122 this yea and 245 last year. Last season 13 uth Huron had a to al attendance at all the raeet- ings of 1,890; East Huron, 2,096 and WOS Huron, 980. South Huron col- lect° e$75 in members', fees ; East The largest niemb rship ;list for this year i$ North aterloo, !with 562 ; Centre Welling, n coming sec- ond ith 557 and Ha ton third ;with 542, The total num r. of members in tl e Province this, year is 119,793 a$ c mparect with 22,763 laSt year. Hur n Old Boys_ in oronto, tri the &in r a more than fifty, gathered last Friday night t their annual Tag art, was in t e chair. The John R. Lyons, vice, president ; We tree urer, were all resent. After tbe enwhad been ' posed of, Pres- et toast, which was duly honored. Mr, Odmund Z. She pard spoke to' their i county had ad , noed, socially, the ktoast of Oen da. , Principal Perk nson, speaking. to the toast " The, county of Hur a forty Tears ago," instanced 'many wane in which aeked1 if -the Septet ' haracter was diens going to be if 0 ' trusted. to the shape by the Scotch i dorainie, eignat was he future clianacten of Cana - inexperienced young .'g rl and beard- less bioy? For the p oblera of the small [school the only Irelief he eaw was in the consolidation of ten or Dr. Stanbury, E. Floony, H. Roth- Grny also spoke briefly, and the toast of " The girls of he °Id °ono - Locar Briefs.—Mr. T1.108. .Living- stone, of Efullett, near Alma, re- cently sold to Mr. Norris, nib. glib- bert, a two year old gelding for the snug sum a $200. This fine an- imal waft bred from Sunlight, and is a credit to him ae well as to Mr, Livingstone, who raised him. -11/1r. and Mrs. John' L. Brown and ;child and - Mr., Alfred Brown, all of Mc - Knipp, left on Monday for a trip aftee Christmas and wil visit with. to New York. They will e away till father's 'cousins, ' Who bave made their home in the big city. Tile Ex- -positor eligs its best slipper alter them and nvinhes theta all a merry been corifined to. his residenee for a couple of weekn through illness, is recovering and we hope Isom to see his gonia counte,nance nown town again.—Tpe town, meetielig will be held in the town hall fins, Priday, evening and there should: be a large turnout cif the ratepayeren-A tele- gram was received here ea Saturday announcing that Mr. D. 1Devereux, son of Mr. John Deverenx, of the Huron Road east, had that morn- ing been , seriously injuren in Chi- cago in e runaway accinent. His brothers, Robert, of Seaforth, and John,' of Melnillop, left at once tor Chicage. The latest word : received hem there was Mat he was eome what improved. Mr. Devereux has been a resident of 'Chimeto for sev- eral years.—The many friends of Mrs. Jahn' Beattie, of „ Goderieli street, will regret to learn of her illness, she having been confined to bed for neveral .weeks,—Mr. W. G. Willis end , family intend 'spending Christmas in Deteoit, with Mrs. Wil- lis' parents, Mr. slid Mrs. 0: C. Wil- lison.-1The many friends here will metiers, T. IL Mason, df `Strafford - unite with The Expositor in extend- ing congratulations to Mr. Ernest .rille„ and Gavin Barbour, of Crown- cerdial :welcome to Mrs. Sperling. our Ohiselhurst correspondent in the Women& Institute at Exeter, another columm—Folks who know asking their co-operation, and. also say we laavl been enjoying real old country wee, her for the past week. asking them to secure a lady tspeak- It in not Very bad to take, although er for teeth the Exeter and Bruce - ea of trade...Air. John Ligytowler har, Dashwood, Zurich, Bonsai, has gone to Ingersoll, .viliere ;ne bas , scoured a good position° in a woollen ,, smith, Varna, and Streng's Hall, Tucker - mill. If he likes it he may /remove ' in February; from the 13th his familn there, and becoro.e ' a per- i to the 20th, coramencing with Far- enanent resident of that burin—The , pu,pils of the Collegiate Ioetitute smith. The Government delegation are busy with their- Ohristraas ex- I at- these meetings will be Mr. Dun - ems. They are the most important , Gouty, and Mr. G. Barbi...eta', both : can 0, Anderson, of Rugby, Simme of the year, as it is on them that the heade matiter bases his ;private practical farraers and good men, report to the Departnaent, aod the Further particulars regarding these success of the candidates at the next meetings will be given later oo. We naid-suramer examinations will de- may also mention that in thiti non - pend much oe this retort. -1- The neetion meetings will be neld at youthful skaters arid budding hoc-, Staffa on the 12th, and ot Hirkton keyists have been enjoying lots of on the 13th of February; tender the fun during the past week on lane wee, ausPices of the South Perth Insti- his family to that place ante met Wednesday evening raounce that the gallery in will be dosed.—We are senry to learn of the very Mencius ihnitss of Mrs. William MeLeod.—The :many triends of Mr.' A. nte ran gemmed, will regret to learn that be was prostrated by an attaek par4lysis a few days ago, but Ins munition is not as yet serious.—Mts. Wfiliata Scott, of Clinton, and formerly of Seaforth, died in that town on Mies - of Mr. Alex. Innis, of Stanley, and a sister-in-law of Dr. Seat ;and Mrs. 'Sohn Beattie, of neaforth.— Most of the students at Toronto .University frora town and country are home for the holidays.—The men who have been engaged. with Messrs. Gutteridge & Edge, erecting sta- tion I houses on the Guelpb-Gode- richibrarieh of -the C. P. 11„. have re- turned home for the holidays.— Mrs. Thos. Kelicte and daughter, Dor- othy, vvho nave been spending the surnmer in town with Mr. and Mrs. James Inehoe, returned to their home in Marshall, Minhigan, on Saturday last.—Mr. Herman Bubolz, of Aue burn, was here this ev-eek visiting ,triends. Mr. Bubolz likes life in West Huron.--Laist week Mr. R.Peck, of the G. M. Baldwin Co. Seaforth, sold. a piano to Mr. 'Robert Eng- lish, of Greenway, Stiephen town- ship, and. anotter to Mr. McDonald, .of Mount Carmel, in the seine town- ship.—nnr. Hugh 3. Grieve, of Eg- North Dalteta, where he had. spent the surnmer.—Our old friend, Mr. Wra. Dynes arrived here from Han-' nah, North Daketa, on Wednesday evening. He intends spending a few we.eks with friends in this vioinity. —11ne notice that Dr. Russell, who has been superintendent of the Ham- ilton. asylum for many years, and who was looked upon as a mollel superintendent and one of the fore- most alienists in Canada, has been retired from that position. Dr. Rus- sell is an old Osborne boy.—Dr. W.D. dock, of Brucefield, this week pass- ed their final examinations before the College of Physicians and Sur- geons, of Ontario, at Toronto,—We regret to learn of the severe illness of Mrs. Wm. Dill.—Among the new aepirants for eouneillor this year is Mr. Barry Gelb, who is coming out at the solieitation of a large number ;of friends. Christ - dance nd Ma- he hall IS KING AGAIN FUR to Thoughts are on Ging Give dant s Ready 'Ready to sserve olan well '"'""w Bodo% expects The Menai Store to silkily some new expeessien of Christ- mas thought with every succeeding season, and, in all our twenty-four past years of experience, Seiforth has not been disap- We alicays have the N west Xmas.' Novelties abitradarboe stennennennee We meet Old Santa and His Friends once More Greater Store Service, x!ell-trained, court- eous salespersons, who will do theirutmost to make holiday shopping comfortable and. satisfying for everybody. On Christmas Eve we cannot go Santa Clause -like and place the things you would so much appreciate beside your beds, because we do not know the way down your chimneys, but you do knew the v ay here, therpfore come te-day and US - morrow and make selections for those you wish to remember this Yuletide season. The following incomplete list of goods worthy to consider for CHRISTMAS PRESENTS may suggest numerous other things kept here. the directors of the Soutla Huron Farmers' Institute . was held in Blacken's hotel, Hensall, on Mon- day last. The president, Mr. Henry Hortone presided, and Mr, Robert Gardiner, of Osborne, was. awe- tary. The f allowing. 'directors were MoNaughtota Stanley ; B. in Mie- n s, John and Ernest Gies, 'Moir, John Allisori, S. Hunter; Us - borne R. B.. McLean, and James Pater/eon, Tuckersraith ; Samuel Sean - The president gave a brief and in- teresting report of the Provincial, Institute, held at Toronto during the. time of Ube show, and nt which he was a delegate. Arrangements wore made for the regnlar and sup- plementary Institute meetings. The regular meetings will be bald .at Exeter on Friday, January 12th, and at Brumfield on Saturday, Jan/nary 13th. For tlhese meetbags the speak- ers sent out by the Government ore and 7th tor cockerel, 2nd cerd and 4th play of skill and agility in the big Walton. for pullet, and eg special ribbons, rink when it opens.—Mrt Joho Lee- Local ' Items. --Mies Seaman, of 131enheien, closed a series of evan- gelistic raeetings in Walton Meth- odist °hutch on Monday evening of this week. Mis.s Searaan is a speaker, who will be welcomed back to our village at any time, and needless to say her labors in our Midst qaave been crowned with suocess.—MrseAn- drew Johnston met with a painful accident on. 'Sunday afternoon last. She slipped and fell. trt the frozen ground, dislocating her shoulder. Although still very painful she is progressing as well as could be ex- pected.—Rey. A. McNabb is recover- ing from a severe attack df ery- sipelas, but will probably not be able to conduct services this week. Dr. Ross, , of Brussels, will. preach on Sunday afternoon at 2,36 o'clocke-•ntr. Geo. Candler has dis- posed of his house and lot in the village to Mr, Geo. Hongy, of Mc - Sinop,. It is Mr. Candler's inten- tion to remove to Alberto in the spring. While sorry to toss Mr - Candler from our midst, • we have room in Walton for many like Mr. more than arly other exhibitor in one, I white rooks. We may else mention Brussels, was ih tovin on Thursday of last week. Mre Leckie here that Messrs. Douglas & Son, had been at doderieh and. shed the of Logan, near Mitchell, made almost light- of his eeer genial prepuce a clean sweep with their Tamworth on some of his old Seaforth friends Pies. as he passed. through here 019. his way home.—Never have the roads ' Farmers' nestitute Meetings: — been better: or more pleasant to drive Farm.ers' Institute meetings, under on that in I this vicinity during i the -- the regular list, will be held in past two . Weeks, As a scientific East..Haron as follows: Brussels on , road maker, Jack Frost has ne, .su- 10th and in West Huron ,at Dun- drifts and pitch holes while we] can gannen oti the 6th and at Blyth on have such nelightful roads as Owed tion for, these meetings is Mr. 1.1`. years -is the receipt of the old, re- , Oempbell, of Woodville,1 and Mr. U. liable arid almest indispensible Can- ' S. Pearce. The supplercientary meet- adian 'Almanac for 1906, ley the Copp bags in Eant Huron will be held. at Clark Tompart$ of Toronto. As us- Fordwich on January 12 ; Bluevale, ual, it is filled, from cover to cover 13th ; ,Jamestown, 15th ; nnolesworth, with up to date information which 16 ; Ethel, 17th ; Walton, 18th ; Han- , is useful to !every person. We lock, 19th ; Winthrop, 20th, and St.' would not be 'without it for four Celumban, 22na. The Government tiMe'S its 00St. It can be procured. delegation for these*neetings will at any pf the tlook storea.—Mr. Jos. be Mr. Duncan C. Anderson, Mr. T. Fowler, of Netbit, Manitoba, is in Ielonlillan and Mr. Henry Grose. In this vicinity er*siting old. frietids. It West Huron the supplementary is 1.8 years s'nce Fowler )meetings were held this month from moved .from H nett to the Prairie Henn. no hi o e have the 3.—it reduces the et 4—Lasc, but not I the publie each mem ur Dissolution Se I have learned that Your Xmas Money has great Power Here FOr TitS GLOVES COLLAS CUFFS MUFFLERS CAPS SHIRTS PURSES SWEATAS UMBRELLAS MOS NMI GOWNS P rice ATILL Pleasingly rprise o Suggestions LINENS DOYLIES TOWEtS TABLE COVERS Sideboard Covers tray Cloths Pillow Shams QushionTops Centre Pieces Fancy Covers fo For LOVES EILS sHAwits HATS LOUSES SATCHELS HOSIERY LEMSSELIAS HDICFS NICHT BeYMS Xmas.' PIECE GOOD Cloth Jackets Rain Coats SKIRTS WAISTS FUR COATS RUFFS MUFFS Gauntlets Caperines STOLES OAPS Specially Attractive Things are shown Waist Si KS Dress Gooas We wig= that .you wonld bring all persons that visit frou this holiday time to see our store. jt should be time pleasantly spent. erry Xmas:. Eve bod adies We kmT idea consequen. ;7, we new coats. new sle tont The elothing Progre ha All ether Sul good, new, up-to4 To el u Were 0 These were 6tic Also epeniel price Sox, 'Mitts and <3 store will be reduced e.