The Huron Expositor, 1905-12-22, Page 1he
FRIDAY, DECEMBER 22; 1905...
X.Orias Greti
May the shadows and sorrows of the past
year.disappear in the brightness of your
Christmas morning, May you be filled
wit tv the happiness you wish for others,
and, may your gifts of good will re turn to
*you in blessings and. prosperity in the
years to come.
gas always been a banner week with this store, and with the BET STOOK
'we have ever had, and decidly the BEST VALUES, we are
make this Christmas above tk m all. Our four large windows arefilled with
Ohl/anew men's wear, a glorious gathering of fashion's fancies, in zolors that
tastefully harmonize, all delightfully displayed. Look in our windows; if you
dorft see what you want come in, we have hundred's more inside.
100 to 50c
Special in handsome box, 50c
Mu ers 25c t2.00.
Three new nVentions ; see them •
156 to 50c
Special lines in beautiful box, 50o. td, 75c
Handkerchiefs . 1Cio,to $1.00
Linen, fancy, plain and initialed silks
Shirts • 50c Ito $1.50
Anmxtra Christmas line -,$1.00
Gloves 50c to $2.50
Special Fur Lined Gloves, $2
260 to 50c
Plain and fancy CaShmere, special an3z1 wool, 50c
Coiiars and Cuffs 2 for 25c and 3 for 50c
All styles that are correct
Umbrellas $1.00 to $3.00
Special self -opener, $1.00`
The 6o
• In the purchase of our Christmas
stock we have not overldokl the boys
We have made special preparation for them
in the purchase of the ihe8t, stock of
Boys' Fancy Sweaters and Toques
ever displayed in Seaforth. We have a
few of them displayed in our North win-
dow ; every sweater imported direct from
the Old Country, which is all that is neces-
sary to be said, .
The Question
of that
You (nigh& to be more particular about
the quality of Furs this year than ever be-
fore. The fur market is full of furs that
Took a good deal better than they are, and
that -will cost you a good deal more than
they are worth. The best value at the
lowest possiLle priceis the ambition. of this
store we don't handle any furs -that we
canixot (ct:An.vcrEu Every fur we buy is
guaranteed to us, for thereason that we buy from nothing but responsible and
reputable firms, who could not afford. to sell. a fur that would not upheld their
presput reputation. This c.a.ables us fo say to you if it is not as represented,
brie?: it back. What more can you ask when; the price is right ?.
Our stook of email Christmas Furs is new, complete and strictly npdo-date-Ruffs,
ein apathies, Gauntlets and Caps, Men's Coon, Black Calf, Wombat (natural and
dyecie and Dng natural Coats. Ladies' Astrachan, Encrania, Bocharan and Persian
Lamb. Near Seal and Electric Seal, with &If, Mink and Sable Cellars.
We have just received a line of Men's Far Lined Costs, fine, dark, musk rat lining,
beautiful black even curl, Persian Lamb Cellar, with best Baum Melton Shell, a thing
O f beauty end a joy ferever. If you contemplate buying a fur lined coat, you owe it to
eeesself to see these before you buy.
Successors to Greig\ & Stewart.
Waighest Pricef3 for Butter and. Eggs.'
Conservative Honor Their
Le der.
(From. The oronto Mail.)
It was amply I monstrated at the
banquet tendered Mr. R. L. Dordeme
at tho ICing 1 Edw. rd Hotel, in Tor -
Onto ,on Thursda evening of last
week, that the 1 ader of the Oppo-
sition posses the affection, es-
teera and loyalt of the Coneerva-
tiveg of Ontario. The reception ten-
dered him was Mete 'Short of an ova-
tion, the large gathering cheering
him to the eolith again and again
There was fa swing .and enthusiasm
pervading the proceedings that is 4
happy augury lo - the- future. There
were over ‘400 g ests in attendance
comprising renre entative men ,from
alinest every eli trict in the pro-
vince,while prom, ent wotkere were
present from Qu bete and the Mari-
time Provinces. it was 4 virile and
intellectual gathering, breathing the
old-time fighting " spirit tVat so
long made the Conservative party 4
doneinent factor in the political his-
tory of the Do ion .Two Provin-
cial Premiers raced the occasion,
lion. Richard 11 Bride, from British
Columbia, and P ender Whitney. Mr.
Bergeron, the Old warrior from
Quebec, with ' the dust of battle and
the blood of hisenemies on his unie
form " vouchsafed the cheering in-
telligence that the Conservative -par
ty in the sister 'province is a pretty
lively corpse. ,
• The banque throughout will
take' rank es o e of the most sue-
cessfui and best arranged which
has ever been Oa Id in Toronto. There
was not a hith or a jar, every.�
thing being managet with clock -
like regularity. Although , giviib
under the austsices of the !Borden
.Club, it was* not in any Sense of
a Ineal \ elaa.oacIter, and the • issues
discussed\ were. ell of a , national im-
portance. The .' dinner, which was
held in the Etremean dining room,
started. short],i. after seven
and the toast lit was reached short-
ly after niee Welook.
Mr. Borden,' has, perhaps, ziever
been heard to better advantage. He
spoke foe. an hour and twenty-five
minutes, and 1 -his every sentence
was ;followed with the closest atten-
tion. %He emphasized the need for
the holding, .of a Conservative con-
vention, whidh would be reiresent-
ative of the grand old party that
had written the proud story ef Can-
ada upon the Pages of ethejvorld's
history. Such a conference P wauld:
have •undoubted. ly been held last
year had not tee long eession of Tar-
liament intervened. • This echiven-
tion would fir t have to. formulate a
pelicy and be repared to honorably
carry it ,out o go out of office. La
this respect t ey would differ from
the Liberals, I.0 had adopted. e., plat-
form at the f mous convention held
in Ottawa in 903e and after- attain-
ing to owee, • ad let every plank on
that platform go by the board. The
second matte that such a conven-
tion would 'be called Amon to address
itself to woul be that of organiza-
tion. It was dle to fight under ex-
isting oircum tances without . thor-
ough organiz tion. He likened it
to a strong a my well equipped, but
destitute of rifles, He • made it
quite clear t at the conference would
be free to c nader the question of
leadership. Any man who • thought
he had sought the position ehould at
once be unde eived. '
Canadians at 0 icago.
Earl Grey Govern° -G-eineral •of
Canada, and suite, atten ed the great
horse fair and fat stoele shove at
Chicago this week. Eael Gray's ap-
pearance at the show is due partly
to his personal interest in live stock,
but 'in.ost ofall to the great hopes
svhioh the Cenadians hate of captur-
ing the chazikpionship leribbon and.
other prizes 'galore. Th y have some
exceedingly etrong entries. Canada
has, furnished the lead ng entry in
the class of giant gat le. A large
Shorthorn, heiling fr Salem, On-
tario, tipped 'the scales at 2,600 lbs.,
and that after a fatig 'flg journey
of several hundred mi es. Next to
it in bulk comes - a Bereford bull
from Eminence, Kentuc y, at almost
the same figure.
Canada -wag awarded. op -honors in
the students! judging • ontest. The
Ontario Agrioultural, C liege team
received a grand tete' f 4,154.30, in
judging horses, cattle, sheep and
swine, while Phi° was second, with a
grand: total • ,�f 4,068.33, although
Ohio led all the competitors in tat-
tle and horse .judging, 1while Texas
Agricultural College hw awarded
the prize for og• judg ng.
As a result 'of, thee e aminations,
whidh were oral instead' of written,
this year, and to vviiich fact is at-
tributable the quick awards, the
massive bronze trophy offered by
the Union Stook Yards ompanyavill
migrate to Canada for t e first time
in the history- of the E, position. -
As :usual', Canada, led' to sheep'
judging, easily distancing Iowa. Kan-
sas was 3rd, Ohio fourth, Missouri
fiftla, Michigan sixth, and .Texas
seventh. :
i• --
Canadian exhibitors ecured • the
greater n.uraber of prizejs for sheep.
John Campbell, of Woo ville, Ont., ,
carried off ell the blu ribbons in
the fat Shroeishire class, In the fat .
Southdown class Sir Gehl Drummond
of Ikuebec, seoured first !honors, and
in the fat Oxford olassl took three
first awards. Jas. West of Mont-
pelier, Indiana, and Telfer Bros., of
Paris, Ontarie, shared est' of the
awards in the fat Ham shire class.
The I York Lo n.
A winding up order, 1 granted by/
Mr.- Jestice . Teetzel, in the High
Court, on Saturday afternoon, and
the assignment of the company have
brought the affairs df the York
Loan and Savings Co pany to 'a
climax. This . was pre levitated by
the issue .of, a number f writs re-
turnable on Monday. irhe liquida-
tion is now in the ands of the
National Truee Company, of Toron-
to, while Mr. W. H. Orbs, of Clark-
son & Dross, of that !city, has been
appointed by the Ontario Govern-
ment to investigate the affairs •of
the company The two eerooesses of
liquidation and investigation will ,
proceed simultaneously and . The
1 to 8 5 meri.EAN BBOS11 Publishers
- aAdvance
• liquidators will give.6 Mr. Oros all
the assistance possible. .1.
On Saturday evening'. officers of
the National Trust Company visited
the offices t Ohs York Loan Com-
pany and took formal posSesSion of
the property, ,including the vatiltS,
with all the books and papers_ and
the money freceived •-up to the time
of. assignment. From the investiga-
tion, which the liquidators have
been able :to give he far, they an-
nounce that ;the assets aresubstan-
tial, and they caution York Loan
shareholders not to sacrifice their
stook, end also not to pay any more
calls OW the same. Mr. R. Home
Smith, manager of the estates ;de.
partrnent of the National Trust 0o,.
who has had the experience of liqui-
dating the Atlas Loan Company, as
well as emaller institutions, will
have charge of the work for the Na-
• tional Trust Company, while Kr.
Cross will give his personal atten-
tion -to &he nvestigation.
December Sessions.
The December 'sessions of the Peace
for Huron were held at Goderich last'
week before Judge Doyle. The dock-
et consisted of four civil -cases, three'
jury' and one non -jury, and three
criminal casee. The grand jury
was formed of the following gentle-
men: James Alton and. JOS. Foley
of Ashfield, Wm. R. Belden and Ed-
mund Galbreath, of Howick
Goldthorpe, of •Colberne ; it: Ball
.of Goderieh John Hastie and tobert
Holland, of Morrill%) ; Blisha Mc -
Vitae, of, liullett Charles Marten,
:East Wawanosh ; WM. Pirie, Grey;
and Robert H. Parsons and Fred-
erick Waldron, of Stan*.
The jury 'Caving elected A. a.
Goldthorpe foreman, the court ad-
dressed them, on the three bills that,
weuld be placed before them by dhe
county attorney, instructing them
,what constituted theft, aggravated
assault andeindeceitt asgault, the of-
fences charged n theitills, 'and in-
forming the jury that it was their
duty to -visit the jail.
• The civil eases were: The Rob--
ert Bell Engine Co., vs. Anderson,
action to recover the price of a
threshing machine engine; Searle vs,
Goodall, . an action by a miller tof
Ripley, against a conaraisgion mee-
chant, of Wingham, to recover 'dam -
magas for supplying a car of %corn pf
inferior quality to that agreed upon.
Fleuty vs. Orr,an action to recover
damages for injuries caused by be-
ing struck with a bus. Davidson TS,
Clendenning, an action to recover
for services as a nurse while attend-
ing an invalid. All these were
j onrned, none being ready for
Grand Jury presented true
bills in the Xing vs. Mason, theft,
and the King vs. Brindley; .aggra-
vated assault, and "no b1U " in the
King vs. Milligan, indecent assault,
and then made their presentment
and. were ili4harged.
, The ease against Brindley was giv-
en to the jure-, and, after an absence
of an buir arfd a half, a verdict fa
-guilty was returned. His honor
imposed a fine of $25 and. toasts.
Huron Rates
--Crediton io to have a. four
roomed school building with all the
modern improvements ere0e.s1 next
..-Wm. Scandritt, who has rented
his farm in Morris to Wm,. Cole, has
puroliased Di. Mash's dwelling
Belgrave, and has snovell ido that
-J. N. Campbell has purchased
James Hoover's farm near Westfield
for $5,300. He gets possession in
the spring, when Kr. Hoover in -
fends leaving foe Alberta.
-Mr. John Eckicaiee, who has con-
ducted succetesful blacksmithing
business n Ethel, fo a number of
years, has disposed f his ,business
to Robert Gibson, of Frodevich. Mr.
Eckmier intends. goin west.
- The congregation! of St. Mark's
church, Auburn, roc ntly presented
Miss Symington wit a purse as an
acknowledgement of their appreeia-
tion of her services •s organist and
choir leader.
-The following aesidents are ree
: Arch. Ken -
f three fingers
tore/. on Friday
on had part of
• in the ,Union
n, one of the
ick, died on de
vas a native of
ri a resident of
sinoe about
rife, six daugh-
ported from Whigha
nedy had Eire end
cut off in Bell's fa
last, and W. Johns
one thumb taken. o
- Samuel Blakern
early settlers of Hoe
4th inst. Deceased
England, but has be
the B. • ,line, How
1860. He leaves a N
tors and one son,
-Most of the furniture to be
used in the furni ing of the new
C. P. R. hotel at '‘ innipeg wilt be
made by the Wing are factories o
the Caneda Furnit re Manufaotur
ors. This large rder will kee
the factciries busy for some weeks
-Miss Jessie Gt. rrick, of Wing
hare, has been eng ged to teach i
school section No. Turnberry, fo
the year 1906. Mis L. H. Vanston
who taught in this school last yea
has secured the p sition of teach,
er in No. 9, of, tie° same townshi
for the 'coming year. --
-On Thesday evening 61.. las
week about 75 o thoste-d'anneete
With the Sabbath chool at Jame
'town, in Grey'. to -nship, gathere
at the home ef 3/11. s Ina Bryans an,
presented her w tga a fine got
watch and an, addr ss in recognitio
of her services a organist of t
school for ahnura er of years pas
-Business chang s are rapidly ta
ing place in Cli ton. Mr. Gs
braith has dispos d of his
roue And tobacco took to Mr. iMa
shall, of Clinton. J. A. King h s
sold his. business ° Harry Dartliff,
and J. G. Medd bas Sold his barbe
ing business to Fred Whiteley.
-A very prettyq wedding to k
!place- at high no n Wednesday;
the 13th inst., a the home at, e
bride's mother, rs. W. Trudge et,
Bayfield road, °aerial tOwns p,
tvhen Miss Li zie M., youngest
daughter of the late Dr. Trudgen,
and Mr. Herbert Horton Talmay,liof
Prosperity, Bask chewan, were n-
ited in marriageby Rev. , rk
Turnbull, recto of St. George's.
Only relatives a d intimate friends
19- • u, 9 Mrii. Georc Oakes. 1W
years of a e, she, with /J Oto moved to the Maitlibt
OF The—__ Goderioa tdvenship, whe
• Firs Presbyterian )44300amwEi the wife oV,r,
ChOrch, Seaforth ,70ofe
Containing Cebinee Size Photos of the
Exterior and Interior of the Church. -et;
also Photoof MIT. J. GOLDSMITH
also the preen e ,pastor
,• Roy. F. H. tialtraN
Price 5c postage pad
- a e T esday nig
Mr. Jcsep. Casemore
en but four Ed. Wurm rot
or parents, ten Territory
concessioa, I had been for th
in 1877 she I lie met with an
t. Alfred H. wee ago, whit
'YOare ago ing, a large wa3.
Imisfortune to b
, his right ha,
I his laying off -
1 bell will have r
Sunday', Deem.
day a little da
them. -Mr. Robe.
as `he familia
ed upon hie twe
last week,
a held up
a streetin Winnipeg, by two
eves' and robbed. T 'r beat him
over the head, inffic ,t ng injuries t
om which he died in ' he general
°spite' the .following; night, leav-
ing been unoonsoious xi arly all the
tirae he was in the be') I X '
s lea t uotor of the mai/
ir‘ deceased's Zurioh and Henda
n the e,v- cold or warm, he
, and two tevide a day, with
of their : In that time the sh
• mainser, 150,000 panes. He
• and Mrs. ful, cheerful and
ere killed tatodke both liked
be remembered that L b
A1LSX. WINTER, ewnifneg cc.nolfullitolob-seurici%c
pain° framing a Specialty,
- aissimmi
, of the contracting\ parties were pre-
sent at the cerenatmy, the bride be-
ing given, away by her brother-in-
law, 'seat Salkeht • °
-Tc piartnership in the medical
and surgical practice conducted by
Doctors 4. 14 and W. S. ahronbedl,
of Goderich, ibas, been dissolved;
Ihh je le having \ sold ids; interest
to Dr. A. T. Entraerson, of Claude,
Ontario, ; who, ; with Dr* Walter,
will oonttaue the practice. Ihe Oa
L. Tnrnbhdl will shortly go abroad
to continuo his studies. .
-Anniversary services in con-
nection v4Wh the Wbaghana Methoa
dist °hutch were held on Sunday
and Aimulay last. 'Dee services on
Sunday were conduoted by Rine IL
Hobbs, of timeless., On Monday ev-
ening a tea meethag and entertain-
naent Wee held, one of the promin-
ent featAres of the programme be-
ing the! burning of the mortgage
-tylich has just been p aid off.
-ehlexe McDougall, of Towner,
North tharota, and brother of Mrs.
Wm. Brewer, of Grey, and Mr; Peter
MoDougall, Morris, died last; week,
after an illness of about' three
adedes. Ile had been taken down
first with typhoid fever and this
evhs followed by pneumonia. In
spite of enedical skill and kind at-
tention the grim messenger refused
to relinouish lia!3 grasp, and he
peacefully and quietly passed away.
The deogased was in hist,35th year.
--2fie Wm. Hackett and family, of
Port Albert, who intend removing
to New I Ontario, moved into Gode-
rich on uesday of last week, ; Where
the fam ly will' live tua the sprtng.
Before ea ving Port Albert Mr.
Haekettls friends of the C. M. TL A.
11 d ' i on Monday evening
and presented him with a kindly ad-
dress and a neat surd of money, as
a toke of their esteem and good
wishes. 1
--On Tuesday morning of last
week, . Masoreof Grand Bend, was
charged before Pence Magistrate
Humber, of Gods:rich, with the theft
of a quantity of clover sped frona.
Gil:ergo! Sherritt, on 'December' M-
ile leaded uilt t th h
• g ,
and tli. only witness heardavas Don -
stable Oliver, who -stated that Ma-
son; 0 his own free will, said the
had t k t from e barn
and sod it. The defendant was 'corn-
mitte for tejed and sent pack to
the 0 unty jail. •.
-.111 vid Milne, the well known
beeed r of Ethel, recently sold three
Short orn cows, with • calves at
foot, y imported Broadhooks Prince
to Ro ert Moorehouse, Cairo. Lamb.
ton ounty. He also recently sold
Leine ter minis to Miller Bros., Mor-
ris t wnship, Robert Hastings, of
Wing am ; Jdhn Cooper, Fordwiche
Jame Hawthorn, Bluevale, and F.
Colli s, Ethel. All the. ewes he
had to spare_ have also been eliepos-
ed of
-S ocessful-' anniversary '' services
were held in the Presbyterian
°hero Delmore, on Decenaber 10th
land ith. Rev. W. Perrin, Wroxeter, reached morning end evening
n S day to good congregations.
On onday a tea was held in the
hill, which was served by the
ladies • of the- congregation, after
which, they repaired to the church,
where Rev. Mr. Wilson of Walker-
ton, gave an illustrated lecture on
Dr. Eaton's • life and work in the
Sou h Sea Islands.
-What might have proven- a very
seriins aocident oeourred last* Times -
day e ening. As Miss Maggie Tay-
lor of Janaestown, was coming home
from Brussels, she was *closely fol-
low -6d by a team in a wagon, driv-
en by W. Jacklin. As she was turn-
ing of the road to give another lady
a rid, the tongue caaght in the
wheel of the buggy, 'upsetting it and
throw ng, Miss Taylor out. She how-
ever pluckily held the horse till Mr.
Jacklin, came to her assistance when
things were soon set right again. •
Tuesday afternoon of last
week, a little boy of Mr. Gouge
Allan'*, Winghara, took evildenly- ill,
fallin on the floor in convulsions.
Physi ians were called in aridt they
decide that the symptoms. were
those of poison, n appeaee that
strych ine had been used in the
house to poison rats, and it is fear-
ed th t the little fellow got hold
of so e of the pieces of hread On
which it itad been placed, though
Mrs. Hen was careful in gather-
ing th m up.
-NI s. Turnbull, a pioneer resi-
dent o the Lake Road, Hay, died on
Satur ay of last week, at the home
of her dalughter, Mrs. John Love, of
Stephen, near Grand. Bend. Deceas-
e& who was 87 years of age, came
when 11 was a wildernese, and thus
to thit country many •years ago,
is clas ed among the ea.tly pioneers. -
Mrs. urnbull was a faithful mem-
ber of the Presbyterian church. She
was a lady with • many excellent
qualit es, and her death, even at
this a vanced age, will be a loss to
her three SODS and .three daughters,
who servive her. Her .husband pre-
deceased her some years,
• -Ealrly on Wednesday morning of
last -trek, Mrs. A. H. Goodwin, of
Clinton, who for sone time has been
seriously ill, was relieved of her
suffer!ngs at the early age of 49
years, and entered into the peace
whichs remains for the children of
God, The deceased was very widely
known. throughout the ',county, hav-
ing a ways lived in Huron, being
born n the town of Goderich, im.
1856, daughter of the late Mr, and
children etre thus ber
parents in the most ix -
Deceased was a son o
Robert Casemore, Who
on the first line of ic
1904. He lad been 1
nitieg for a number tl
prior to going thereb
near Bluevale.
-An old" resident of
away on Thursday, at
years, In the person of 1Ti/
ing. He had enjoyed '
until 4 few days ago,
tra.cted a cold, which
pneumonia and other a
He was bOrn in Antrim
came out to -this count
young man, ;Deceased lev
by trade,: but Sale° the
the methnd of manufaCt
many yeats ago, he has e
Stone -mason. He was s. •lz
spected by all who made7,
tance. When in the eirilm
served. for two and a ha
the New York Cavalry„;in
kart Wale. After a resi1
. teen years -in Clinton,
; years in a Pensioners'
N. 'Ye returning to. Cin
a year ago.
living in Ingersoll, h
tenced to five years i
Penitentiary by judge
was okarged with the,
pound-ws of wool from Jo
eie, a Blenheim farmer, sx
of June 21st last. He had
. a flask of whisky in t
at the Innerkip botel, aect
four o'clock next nioenba '
' lying • intoxicated beside
,several nines trona hicKe
his rig, in whioh were;
wool, tied. to the fenoe.
.er had ;against him fir*
convictions for larceny,*
the penitentiary and one tern in the
'Central prison.
in May, ery person who k
in Win- wish of all wili
.years and spared to continue
ned a farm '-lieto his OWD a
their satisfaction
ton pasSed come. -The lectur
age of 72 Friday evening 1
raw Fiera- Rector, better kilo
'd health Knight," was fair
n the con- The hall wag well
oped into all crowded. Mr.
plications. most eloquent an
laltd i)erance address, w
-when a to most attentivel
a miller The lecture was u
e, a good on the following
hange in of the W. O. T. ILI
eked as a onto, and was driv
ghly re- !Mr. S. Rennie.
acquain- - Local Briefsa-
of life be felt here .on Mond
-was in Ing of the death
e Amer- Charitsworth, of
e of fif- ksworth & Son, ha
t three ` of this village.
in Bath, caught a severe c
n about oped into a S0Veri
grippe. His case
tia.ngermisa. howe
day, when more
appeared and he
evening. The remai
his home in Egmoni
and sake funeral
there on Wednesd
worth made many
and he had eueceedi buildingup
Ing his brief reside)!
-7Letertard Kern,. 64 y
of age,
een sen-
ingst on
le. He
t • ;of 116
he night
as found
a fence
4 iedtswitalat
term in
Breezes.-Mr. Walker son, of
Uxbridge, Millrights, o have
been engaged at Jamee
mill, completed their woe;
-Miss Mary Parsons ha
from a visit with friensi at Hills
Green, Kippur. and Bructis d. M .
St. Clair, of Bay City, is t.v time her
sister, Mrs. Wm. Kingee- ord was
recently received of the del et Bois -
t'eevivf4eillo.'f*Maltpkoso! TWIarltoti4tsarigeTilelahi
'years, ,Deceased was an aunt of Mr.
Hided. 'Penhale.-County Clerk Lane
and C. P. Rs Engineer Roberts were
here Seturday, inspecting the abut-
ments for the new bridge.!--lleve E.,
C. Jennings of Kingsville, was here
this week, looking up old riends,-A
Merrye to alt.
Seed, and pocerie8.—Tbe unqersigneti have
opened , new and fresh stock. elif grocedes in
connection with their flour, feetrand provision store
and have something that will pleasei:the ladies for
Christina and New Year raking. I Prices right
(Ave us a mil and see for yourselves. ' Next -door to
the Sovereign Bank. S. Ramie o Zurich.
• I • 113434-2
Notes. -Mie and "Mr. 3',I C. Kalb-
fleisch, of tails village, were agree-
ably surprised a few evenings ago,
by having their comfogabie resi-
dence invaded by a company' of Mer-
ry -making ladies and gentlemen
from town -and country, tOj the num-
ber of about forty. The -party ear-
ned baskets and hampers; and loads
of good things, and speedily .made
them:selves "at tome," mach to the
pleasure of their genial hosts. The
object of the visit was 4o spend
pleasant evening, with MISS McCrea:les
en, who Is said. to be about to take
the fatal leap from liberty, and who
is deservedly very popular with
our young people. A .most enjoyable
evening was spent by all; and none
enjoyed it More than Mee' and Mrs.'
Kalbfleiscli. This is a sardpie of
what goes to make life pleasant. -
Mr. S. Rennie is peeparieg to- epen
a grocery in oonnection with his
flour and feed business'. Mr. Ren-
nie is always ready to turn his
hand to anything at honest
penny can be made. --All sli,ould bear
in mind the jubilee band tonert, on
the evening of the 29thhinst. Stick
a pin in that date, so "it will stay
sure. The band deoerve laid, and, no
doubt, will have a bumper hone. -
Mr. Ed. Schnell, erho ha been in the
West for some years, s returne,d
home for the winter. -Mr. and Mrs.
John .Gallraan, of the 14 heimeeseion,
gave a very pretty par y,a few ev-
enilags ago, in honor of 'Mr. Jarrott,
who had been teacher f the school
on that line, and who eaves at the
close of the year. Mel young peo-
ple enjoyed themselves wisely, as
they could scarcely hel ,deing so 'wi-
der the hospitable roof:of the gen-
ial and kindly host a , hostess. -
Miss Addie secured a
good position in Lon , and. has
-gone to that place.- me M. Bee -
sow has gone to Detroi for the win-
ter. -Mr. john Geige from the
Brandon district, Ma .obia, is here
visiting friends. -Mr. d Mrs. Mar-
tin Wurm of the Bro on line, Hay,
celebrated their silve wedding, or
the tweety-fifth anniv sary of their
marriage on, Thursday, evening of
last week, by invitin a number of
their relatives and re Intimate
friends to enjoy the hospitality.
The Jubilee band, of Iola was al-
so present. A most rat:treble, soc-
ial and musical 'even g was ,.enjoy-
ed by all. Many wer he wishes ex-
pressed that the g lel host and
hostess might be spa d tck celebrate
their golden weddin The presents
were numeroui, an I EMI able. -Mr.
d from Washinge
week, where he
past five raontbs.
*dent about three _
sistings in erect -
°use, and had the
k two bones in
bich necessitated
and Mrs. Camp -
son to remember
19th, es oze that
ter was born to
armer, or "Bob," -
called, has enter-
eth year at' cone
tage line between
• Rain or shine, .
• esaade the tip
very few Misses.
s travelled about
s always carea
bilging, and is
trusted by evo
ws him, and the
that he raay be
o serve the pub-
antage and to
✓ many years to,
elivered here on
by Rev. Itr.
n as the "Black
well attendee:I-
dle& but not' at
eotor delivered a
convincing tem -
*oh was listenett
by the asidienee.
der the auspices
Mr. Hector left
orning for Tor-
ja Seaforth by
• h regret was
y last on learn-
e firm of Char-
-ware merchants
rs Oharlesworth
d. -which devel-
atta.ok of la
zadih -considered
'lentil Setter -
elms symptoms
eel on Monday
,s were taken. to
Ile on Tuesday
• piaets from
Mr. Charles.
rieeids Uri dur-
ee in our village
a good business, w seh: we presanne
will be continued by I his son and
late partner. -Mr. 0. Volker, oisr
livery man, is sick i in :bed. -Dr. N.
Buchanan, son of Dr. Buchanan, -has
succeededin passing ;his final ex-
amination before tlic Ontario 'Med-
ioai Council in Tor. nto.-Mr. S.Gin-
gerieh, of the Br on line, Stan-
ley, and Miss Gaehodaughter of Mr.
John Gash°, of the shwa line, Hee',
were married on Tkiesday last: We
,join with the mani friends of the
young eoup1e, in wh4 ing them much
happiness. -Mr. Ni las 'Poster and
hie son John left o Tuesday to ata
fend the funeral iqf Mr. Foster'a
brother-in-law, Mr. Deitridli, at St*
Agatha, near Baden. Waterloo __coun-
ty.-Mr..D. Se Faust it red mark sale
wilI last another +ek. Any lady
'looking for cheap goods should give
him a call. -Mr. Rwk,1ph Heideman
received word that 1 one of hia ne-
phews, who ,was in the Northwest
living alone on a 'homeistead, wale
found dead in bed. It was claimed: he
ad been dead about 'four days IreilftD
diseoverech The remains were taken
to Woodstock, where, his parents re-
side. -Mr. W. Miller and wife, of the.
Salo to visit Mr. M lees _br,*ther..,-
14th concession. gone to 'But -
The Sunday :school of the 'Bra:lege-Deal
church, on this 14th ooncession. . will
celebrate the Christ as festival on
Saturday evening, '.1ie.n all will be
made welcome. The iLutheran San -4
day school, of this villoge, will have
their festival on
wleidli is 'text Sunda
a profitable time is
Evangelioal Sunday hool will have
their Christmas festival next Mon-
day evening, when there -will he a
good programme, end a pleasant ev-
ening Is ,promised -lra 3 Rameire
and Mrs. Ejeli, fronsil near Elkhorn.
Michigan, are here visiting' friends -
Mr. Dan Bender ;Si ems on a vis-
it. -Mr. Wilfrid Fattest and Mr.
Gelman, who are attendrng eollege
at Napierville, Ill *s, are laome
for the JioIdays -Mf Amos Geiger. -
and wife' from nearJ Pigeon, Mehl-
gan, are here vis
iting Mr. Geiger's.
parents and other friends:
MeSsrs. 34 ohns on and
D. Beattie are bustngaged vat-
ting wooa for Mr Boyes.--Mr.
Foster and daughter Dirs. Carring-
ton, of Fah -grove, M4ihigan, are
iting in the neighb hood at pres-
ent. -A box social, knder the an.d-
pioies of the Ohrist n Endeavor of
the Presbyterian cIurch, will be
held at the home o0 Mr. .W,alter 3.
Stevens, Bronson 1ie, on Wednes-
day night, 27th int, to which a
-cordial invitation As extended to
each and all.
Notes. -• Mr. Jos. ;orden hits quite
recovered from his recent attack of
quinsy. --Mr, JosephIlNorris, though
still under the doctior's ears'as
proving -Grace church are balding
their annual Ohriststas tree :on Sat-
urday evening, December 23rd, and
in consequence the' service Oia tile
following Sunday, thes 24t2i, will be
in the morning at Oleven.-jaek
Vey is Moffatt,
tw,e110 forint:47 at rot:
panied by his wife" Wed two idhild-
ren, are visiting with Mrs. W. Wor-
den, sr.
..istmas eve,
vening, when
ed for. The
Port .4,1'
Blasts. -Mrs. MI
Crewe 'is vending
parents here. -Ale
tor McKenzie, of
ate vent Sunday e
Mrs. George Clar
day with Mr. Gras
and Mrs, Harry;
friends in Wing
John, McGee fro
visitor at his ho
Don't forget , the
the English ch
Wednesday . eve
bell, of St. Helen
er, John Bennett,
Bennett, jr., and
in St. Helens this
Shackelton, ot
week with her,
*ander and Hec-
oderich Collegi-
home.-Mr. and
Loyal, spent a
• this week. -Mr -
Hawkins -visited
am on Friday.
Seaforth was
last Monday.--
istmas tree in
h basement on
g. -Mrs. Camp -
visited her &th-
en Friday. -3
dward Brown -aro