The Huron Expositor, 1905-12-01, Page 3We know what all good doe tors think of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. Ask yo r own doc- tor and find out. fe will tell Cherry Pectoral' rOU how it quiets, the tickling oat, heals -the inflamed _ ngs,' and controls the hardest of coughs. ,...I'Ayer's Cherry Pectoral is well known in our family. We think* it is the hest medicine in the werIel for conchs and golds." . • KATI& l'amartscsZT, Petaluma, Cal. see.• ffLO0 oAvEr: co., druzglAts• C„,„. Lowell, MAAS. gzscaimposaassessa=an IAA losismosessruccuss !lard Coughs LAR LL r's:C4 Pm at bedtime wi recovery. Ce!ntly iaxativo. i.rand Trunk Railway System. glailway Time table leave swam &abater For Matoo, Watch Wingham an 13,41 p. cu. For Clint= and Goderloh ' 416 p. ca. For Clintoui W1w4ham and Kinser dine. p. m. For Clinton and Goderloh, For Strattord,Guelph, Toronto, 0.1.111 ,, a, North -ay and points west; Benerille and Teterboro and point. seat. For Btralord Gue , Toronto, Mon troalandpoln For Stribrd, Oueph and Toronto. 4 LsarldOn, Huron and Brrtee. aute Nearfa--. --, Paseengez. rs, &wt...." 8.15.4.. 4.50 r 14 Centralia. ego .ma CO am -..... 9.18 5.43 ftsier....4.,..- • ,..... ...' 9.30 it genial OM i laa Oaf ...a.... a.... LITS .01Ans-...***...**sestsessto s.s. 910 6.,11 ...Pt a* ssos..also • •e, 0.68 0.19 %datives... Mir ma ag. b. *VS INF a ii 1016 0.85 Isoladesboxo . - - ......" ... - 10.60 0.62 _r_Blvth-.---........*,....... .0. 700 veigrava.......• 1.... a... OM 10.50 7.18 Mush= arrive....- „. 11.00 7.26 e aorta-- Femme/. •Wingharn, depart.... ..-- 6.40 a.n. &so r ve.......-.... tit et.... 1,,,,6.,2 144 *ilyth- - ..............•...• ..vu T..crdeab-oTo..r..tti•!••• b.f. 7.14. 4.04 Ulinton... .........•.•,.....- 7.47 4.26 Zrr.00fteld7• ... =WOO al., sr •11•04 11.05 8.19 . illopeu- e.../1.111•10.11.04•••- ii. 8.15 4.47 ..... 8.22 LH .. ..... 8,86 6.05 Ceatralla: .•.r .....- - 8.40 5.16 Loudon, (iWrive)............. 9.65 a. Br. 6.10 * ' 1;43Triemton and Kincardine. Lae Near. erceselee - .... ek ta aalt Wir.gban2l.• • 11-. N. gouto 8 MM. s. trussels.... • . „/ • Palmerston F. Pass. Mixed 7.55 p.m. 12.4.1p.m 6.80 sat sm. 1.v7 7.40 8.151 1.38. 8.40 9.03 1.50 9.00 gem 1.56 9.10 Pass. nixed. Pass. 6 43tt.m 10,a40.m. 2.40 p.m 6.52 1055 2.49 7.05 14.25 02 7.25 12.50 3.18 8.10 2.00 4.10 Highland 'lie.° Is Pure Tea 0 Grand Mogul t&l.s are the products of the high- lands in Ceylon. They are t h -real mountain. dew of tho,brient. q Nature put into these Highland.-- teas a high per- centage of theine (flavor- „Fitig) and a low percentage ,; of tannin (bitters). q Grand Mogu'l teas are a nerve tonic, \a. p re food and an aid to life. q Nervous peopl prefer . them to medicine. , q Healthy people regard them as the beverage of good health. q prepared by 'machinery from plantation to teapot. 6rand Mogpi Ted SW only in packages at 25c,. 30c, 40c and 50c Per' pound in green or mied. Lock for •die prta3a;.1.1. coupon and premium Ii st in each package. The cot af ti• -ow osecoro is not taken out of die bin is slimly a part of the *dyers, tisin aprvpriation. EXPOSITOR. numbs* of people, welldknown in the to New Castle, where he condOted knosuor and prominent in all depart- : a blecksmithing- Vestries& Ree he r talents Of city life, attended the meet- Was Married to Miss Hill, a later bags At tha oT MATTERS. active in -At la s Winnipeg timehave cootinued of the late James Hill, one o the 11 Christian Work since. pioneer machents of Mitchell, Mrs. le of farm stock,: near Honey died ha 1882. In 1861 *deceased few days ago a fine , moved to Mitchell arid conducted a, -What °gall. Jr. Says gray Seam sold for $625 and twO blaeksmith shop on the site. svhere • Misther 8 itiner, -; WOuld you rthpeerottitael b/rhtigab:v.tert4;:.paroc$03b842 thieght Years later in the fall of Advocate office DOW Stnds. ltoindly give sphace for few con- , timplaitory:, dollar av onr that ye aXe to be our ne I heard the n Willis, Mist and Misther as loikely three wnd ince for -the , fronjnat his it may, as Camel would on no other eternal fitoes vival av the ye apply the clause av t • a be horses sold was $100. , 1868, the family pioved to a teem on hich were of grade gnat- • the gravel road, Logan, two antl fr m $24 to $26 50. I half miles north, where he remain - W Mans LAughland, Of the : ed until the farm. was sold *a. ooiiplo vie diploma from the St.- since made his liome with his son, di Wet, has received the of years ago. Mr. Samuel Honey has or d's Pair for the best red Charles A., ou the 5th popeession of Logan. -At 9,30 o'clock 'Paetida.y lemming of last week at the Boman Catho- lic church, St. Marys, tl3,e nuptials were celebrated of Miss Minnie Walsh, daughter of Mr. Patrick Walsh, of Cherry Grove, •and Mr. Edward. O'Flaberty, of Stratford, son of Mr. Patrick O'Flaherty, of Kelly's Siding. Rev. Father Bren- nan pronounced the ceremony in` the presence of a large number of rela- tive s and friends. -On Tuesday last while Mrs. G. Herbertt of Logen, was in the- del - lar for a few moments, her little three year old daughter, Annie, and a younger 'child, had been left in the kitchen. _Annie stuck a piece of paper into the stove and got it on fire. When the mother arrived on the 'scene the little girl's clothes had faken fire. She succeeded in smothering out the flames, but not before Annie's face had. b.een badly burned. The youngest ichild was also slightly burned. -Death claimed another old pion- eer of Bt.- Marys on 'Thursday last when Mr. Francis Clarice, an old and highly esteemed resident of St. Marys passed peacefully away, at the advanced Age of 88 years. The late, Mr. Clarke, who was a native came to A erica about forty years of the icoun4y of Monaghan, Ireland, ago with his sister and settled in New] York. Shortly afterwards be left and casne to St. Marys wheye he • resided up to the time of his ideath. -A pretty wedding tookeplace at Kirkton on Wednesday of last week, the contracting parties being Miss Mary McCurdy, daughter of Mr. Archie McCurdy, and Mr. Nelson Fletcher, both , of, Kirkton. • The bride who wore -a beautiful ;creation of white eilk, entered the drawing room leaning on the arm of her father, to the strains of tbe wedding march played by Miss -Isabel Sawyer. Miss Jennie McCurdy acted as bridle - maid and Miss Lillie Kay as flower girl, the groom being astisted. by Mr. NOrraa 9, Balfour. The ceremony was performed by Rev. J. Veale, of Kirkton„ marks reg trdin the town council, sect& The cos, the question, 'leerOws loll sol Ylayor ?" Well, Sur, -Mr. me's eili liiiisther Harry Haitrt° grand, er Michael Broderick, ohn If. Best mintioned . L"i0 1 ndidathes, but if the fife 'wheat, This nsakes the fifth re give , me pewee World's fair prize.. taken by this ye svid the Walt name 10mtleman f* wheat raised on his ther wan. Be this as , fermi, near Hartney, during the teat twenty years, e ould fried Tailor i say, .e we eee argrey I =Mr. A., W. Heath has disposed of his lialf section farm, in the Gil - hypothesis than the ' beiti Plains district, for $9,250., Air. Gil- av things or the eur- J. Mel, an, who has been farm - fittest." Now, Sur, if .,P* inglnine t northeast ot _-Plum his p ace f ..r1-e8s1.0,00. The farm con- . be the same t ken. They're a bunch rguraint of the:latter e sintione, begorry, I . Coulee for he .past 14 years has sold don't knoev svhich mimber av the sistS of, 32 acre, -almost all under prisint -cow* Wud be knocked Out -cultivation. ' • -Nr Jo ris McDonald. has sold the that should 't be bunched at, on - =cellist ea their great ibiziness clxfOrd ihot S. in Winnipeg, .to Mr. Methods whie de bete th devil, and .,t Frank Lin say, or $11:0i000. The as they dai`!s y in Ireland, "He's a .Oxford is o Netrir Dame tiverine and 1:1 broad road aker and an aisy one was opened for 'business only about at MeV' Just whoile I'm talkin- a month ago. Xr. Lindsay, ay: pur- av roads, haVe ye been up John chaser, was' for fourteen yew -5 the street or the street where Misther proprietor et the old St. Lawrenee Murdie lives, II mane the gintlernan hotel, where , he made hig meney. NirttO reeciits1 about the little cat- --s.A. nolselkintl of auction sale was since they ere graded at twinty held ih y$rinnipeg a few days ago. It dollars a day 1 ixpinse. I. notice :tile weir a sale cif real estate exclusive - delivery byes re puttin on the tif- ly for ladies'. There was a; fair at - flits on the ' oulevardin, be drivin tendance ofathe fair sex. The bid - their wagginal wid wan wheel en th: ding in 8O1Ile oases was lively, but granulated Soldwalk, to kape froro the prides realized were hot nearly losinthemsIves and quagminn up-, to the true value of the proper- rf their horses he Great Bog of , , - ,I;d isn't a patch on ty.. After the sale the Utiles ad - len n Ire;a ' Al- journed to the banquet hall, where il thim fur mud 'Yesterday I noticed a tasty lunch was served. -A land seekei. named G. F. Mc- Misther Dill's and liisthet. Young's - and Miather Gunn's byes stuck wid' Connell,' abOut 25 years of age, who their wagging down to the hubs, hells frem Colfax, Washington Ter- toight and faSht t hryin to eithri- ritory, was rieveray injured it Cow - (late wan another Begorre„ it wais ky, Alberta: He, was bidding a a lucky day for the 13yes, as they friend, who owas leaving on the reg- eischaped wid only the loss ava shoe tiler passenger train, good-bye, and the train ,was in motion before be from the horse of the eiprisintatioe in ParIymint. , But he is able to attempted leave it. In some .way he lost his rooting anorrolled under the train, one leg and an arm being terribly crashed. He died the fol- lowing clay.' -Williams T. Kerr, one of the pio- neer settler e of the big plain, died in iCarberey' one day last -yeeek. The deceased was. 53 y -ears of age, and had been in failing health Ifof sev- eral years. He 'came to that district in 1883, and, prior to two years ago, when he nnived to the town, resid- ed on his farm, tome miles east of 'Carberry, 'He was widely known ' and respected through the district, and for several years was a mem- ber of the Nprth Cypress council. -A very sad accident occurred at Broomhill, twelve miles north of Melita, Manitoba, whereby Mr. Ow- en Kilkenny-, one of the pioneers of the district,f met almost instant death. The bld gentlemau was under a thresher's caboose, placing a prop, in position Which had fallen clown i when , a string gust of wind came, up which upset the structure on top of himi6rushing him badly. He leaves two sons and. one daughter, the oldest on being reeve of the municipality r shtand the ixpinse as his indimnity I was raised a' troifle lasht spring. Now that , i dimility? puts me in moind av another clever shtroke av business av i our town council. Did ye kuosv that each mimber had tak- en out a poliey in the Mutual 1 Ad- miration Soiliety and are throwin compliments galore at each other 1 and a $50 bun -bun at me ii,vhilom frind Misther Brodtherick, the chair- man av -the beard av :Works ostinsi- bly fur loolein after the gradin av the streets and mick-kademizin the road near the' cardin mill. Had me frind been aither Scotch or Fyinch I'd a kicked, but bein° aV the good ould stock, I See no raison why his overworked colleagues shouldn't put o,the people's pooket- out sufficient funds nation bill, thus push- nshun at the salary theie hands In booki and tak to meet the d in on the ext grab ' to the gteat commonwealth ,ay Sayfouith. jist as a bit av ,a pointer to the 'coupon for their nixt raeetin let me isuOkist that they des- ignate thimeilves "The Cabinet pounCil," and !vote thetasilves loife penshfb uns for e rist of their nat- ural idays.- 4 wink is as .good as a, nod to a blind. horse. But if they I do Os I soggiste begorra., it evillo • create a 'Evil. av /a row wid me frind e Misther Micklane, Misther Jame ir Bettie, Misther Hohnsted and ,Mishter eylon, who were as , everybedy Ike_ ws, chairmin av the qv works fur man'y! tasked fur or receiv- heir work -en it was i . As me mild' frind, Ler, would express it, to sit at the council the; peoples' m.oney micas as salarY; and. idint to establish in nity. Let it • Shtand, calla times. Let the position be suf i role at are, publish this,[ 41 sed to write another i. neeker's , Cornet,. 'wild a hammer, tillt00A,N, JR. same boa.td. •years and nive ed exit fu well done /o Jahn, the bow Its not, raga.1 boord and vat into yer ?dwei - a smell cemin „i its a' bad . pre as all the good honer av the emolumint." might be injo epistile from 'Yours Peafness Jannot be Cured by )10ca1 appli ations, • as Abey can- na rieacb. the _ iseased poxtion of tthe ear. 'T,he,re is 1ony one way to rare deafnese, end; tat is by constitution- • al. xernedies. leainess i,s caused by an finnan:10d •condition of Me xnacous lining et the Enstachian Tube. When if this eube i is laraed you have a rumbling seand or imperfect hear- ing, and when itis, esetilrely aimed, I Deo.fieesos es the result, and unless the , inflammation own be taken oat and - 1. this tube, root ed to its normal condition, boa Mg wall be aestroyed forever; nista case a out of ten are • caused by Oat nth, Whir& is nothing . but an leaf ed condition of the , i raucous surfac s. .• , We williv One Hundred Dollars : : for any ease ,o3f Deafness ((teased by Catarrh) Ilhat eannot be cured by Ifall'a.taarh Cure! Send for °Ira.' 1 cellars free. , 1 F. J;CHEN Y & Co., T-oledo 0. . . e - Sold iby den gist, 75o. Take Haire Femily Pillks for CICSII ••• • St ip at ion . I, Manitoba an '11ECLA" Ces--1.-Aidat37 doth skarreta *a e asCONIA:ssisi=b1 =sm. 9 T -m7 tin rn 121, 1 -ASS fuel for the 13;tAX THEY GIVIi OUT, than oily other fur. nace in Canada, Two or three bons LlECS$ every winter, is the usual saving. That means.f.ao, to 1.15. a year. And wac.t.A. Pnrnacca are built for service as 'well as ecoaomy. Quick fires-powciful drafts -smoke - proof, gasproof, because the joints are Irt&Pola into one solid pieqe, not bolted or cemented together. • " burns hard, and soft coal, coke and wood equally well. Stop in and let us show you all the sj)eea1 features of the beet furnace made in Canada. Local A9ents: `CRESNMI tY `63, SLEY Northwest Notes -Mr. McPh il has disposed Of his ler, Mane to a cobs- pany foro$20, 00. -The Reginal Methodists have se- cured a site on which next spring they will commence the erection of a $59,000 up -ti -date edifice. -Messrs. K nna.rd & Clauson, tjf Moose Jaw,sol their harness busi- ness in that t wn to Mr. D. Wiehol, lately of Medicine Hat. -At MacLeod, Alberta, on Nov - mills, fel Win eraber 15th. there was no snow and no frost' and. tie lakes were all open, the farmers ere busy ploWing, al- though heavy winds prevailed. -The eitize s of Mooee jaw cele- brated the eo pletion .,of the instal- ation of the • waterworks, electric light and sewerage systems in that enterprising town by a public -ban- quet. • W. Monaghan, farmer near Weyburn, had his stables arid gran- ary burned oa November 4.th, by which 1,700 'bushels of wheat and 600 beishels of oats were destroyed or damaged. The buildings were valued. at $600. • • .At Ingrain, 'Alberta, a few days a ago, 23,000 eares of . Selmlands were seld by auction realizing $2304- 000, an 'average of $10 per acre. At • High River, in the same proyince, 24,000 acres realized. $350,000, an av- erage of $14.75 per acre. - -Sl.sssrs. Crossley - and Bunter, the \ '41 known revivalists are hold- ing- i. series Of special meetings in Brandon, Seventeen years ago these gentlemen visited Winnipeg and. held a series of special meetings there. A The Exacti Thing- Required for onstipation. • "As a certain purgative and stom- ach purifier Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets seems 'to be the exact thing required, strong enough for the most robust, yet mild enough and safe fo; children, and without that terribi gripping so common to motif purgatives," say R. S. Web- ster & Co., Udora, Ontario, Canada. For sale by Alex. Wilson, druggist, Seaforth. • Perth Items: • -A' new sJostoffice is being asked 7 for on the 12th .concession of Ful - 3 lart on, a out midway between Motherwell and Mount Pleasant. -Mr. W3. . Fisher, of Stratford, :aged 26 Tears died the other day, :while being taken to the hospital in the' ambulance. Deceased. had been 111 about a week. - - -D, Douglas & Sons, of Logan, shipped a iTamwerth hog by- ex- preSs ,on Tuesday morning to Mr. J. • M. Herbert, Denver, Colorado, pres- ident of the Southern railway. -While ' utting kindling wood •with a dravr knife the other day, Mr. Hugh Colcadhoun, of the Fuller- ton road, inflieted a nasty cut in liS knee. -Drs. +strong and, Pro-udfoot perfornaed a successful op e rat i on for appendicitis op Mr. James 'Wil- son, clerk of the township of Ful- lerton, on Wednesday' of last week. -Rev. W.,' G. Howson, pastor of the Mitchell Methodist "church, has resigned hie charge to take affect -at the end of the Conference year. Mr, Howson has accepted a .call • to Winghara. - • , -Mrs. Aethur M. pe:lVfars, of To- ronto, formerly Miss Ida M. Oliver, of. St. Marys, died on Sunday, No- vember 19th, after two weeks ill- nees from peritonitis. Deceased had only been married two raonths. ' -Mrs. Kuntz, of Mitchell, died on Sunday, November 19th, after a short illne0. Deceased and family moved. to Mitehell from Linwood 'a- bo4 a year ago. Ste leaves to modrn • her' loss an aged husband, two sons and three daughters. ' -e-A happy event took place at the Roman Catholic ehurch, St. Marys, on Tuesday -morning cte last week, at 9.30 o'clockowhen Miss Minnie Mur- , pink Pills do one thing only -they phy, or Lakeside, became the bride make new blood. That is all they of Mr. Frank Ragan, of Stratford, do, but they do it well: They don't the ceremony being performed by i act on the bowels. They don't both - Rev. Father Brennan. 1 or with mere symptoms. They won't -Mr. James Brooks, of Mitchellcure any diseaie that isn't • caused or- . met with a painful accident the iginally from bad. blood. But when 'other days He was exercising a Dr. Williams' Pink Pills replace bad heavy draught •stallion when a • dog blood with good blood, they strike frightened the animal and Mr. straight at the root,and atm of all Brooks was thrown to the ground, common diseases, like headaches, 1 with the result that three ribs and• sideaches, backaches, kidney trouble, ' the little finger on his left hand liver complaint, biliousness, indiges- Iwere broke. • -A sad death ociputred at Kirkton on Sunday, 'November 19th., Mrs. 3. Hazlewooct being suddenly stricken down by heart failure. The deceased lady whoile hutibaed died some two raonths ago' had been apparently in good healthbut was subtlest to at-- tacks of heart disease. On Sunday night she retired at eleven o'clock. 1Short1y afterwards she was taken ..suddenly•ill and before an hour pas- sed she had expired. The late Mrs. Hazlewood. who was. in her .50th tear, was .held in the highest regard by all who .knew her as a Christ - an woman of a kind and generalm disposition. Six sons and two daugh- ters are eft to mourn her sad, death. -Louis Pfeffer, sr:, has purchas- ed the residence of J. ;T. Kerr, tin Milverton, paying in; the neighbor- hood of $3,000 foroit. *- BLOODLESS GIRLS:\ mom ad.* a... • Find New Health Through file Use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. When you see a young girl pale and ailing and wasting away,you know that 'budding womanhood. is making new demands upon her blood. supply which the cannot meet. Mouth after month her health, her strength, her very life is being drained, aeisy. No food and ino care can do her any good, Common medicine cannot sa.ve her from 'broken health,e.nd athope- less (decline. • New blood is the one thing that can make her a healthy, claeerful, irosy-cheekecl girl. And Dr. Williams' Pink 'Pills actually ma:ke new blood_ with every dose. That is ;the svhole secret of how they have saved thousands of pale, anaemie 'girls from an early grave. Miss Alice Chaput, aged 17 years, living at 47.5 St. Timothee street, Mont- real,. -gives strong proof of Dr.Wil- liams' Pink Pills to cure. "A couple of years ago," says Miss Chaput,/" I was at almost continuous suffeirer, and becanie so weak I could hardly g.o about. I suffered from frequent , and prolonged spells of dizziness, I had frightful headaches, and my stomach was oompletely out of order. The least exertion would leave me woen out and breathless, and. I did not appear to ,have a • drop of good blood. in my body. I consulted a doctor,who told' me the trouble was general debility, but his treatment did not iselp me a' particle. To «cid to the trouble ray nerves *gave way, and I often passed sleeplese nights. At this stage a friend advitred me to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, and I got a few boxes. The first! benefit I noticed from the use of the pills was an improved appetite,and this seem- ed to bring much relief. I continued taking the pills until I had. used six boxes, when I was fully restored to health, and. have not had a day's illness since. I cannotpraise Dr. • Williams' Pink Pills enough for the great good they have done me." • A pale anaemia person needs only one thing -new blood. Dr. William& • tion, anaemia, neuralgia, sciatica, -Mr. Sainuel Honey, one of the locomotor ataxia and the special sect - pioneer and most highly reSpected ret troubles tat every woman residents of ;Mitchell district, died knows but that one of them like to on Tuesday,evening of last week at talk about, even to their doctors. Port Perry, -where he had gone on But you must have the genuine pills a visit to a niece about throe weeks or you can't be cured,and the gOrtli- ' before. Mr. 1 Honey was in his 87th inc -always have the full name, " Dr. . year, and. see'P med remarkably well Williams' Pink Pills for Pale ee- when he lett for Port Perry. He was pie," on the wrapper around the box. , stricken down the day after reaah- Soli by all. medicine dealers or sent • ing there, and. although he did not . dir est by mail at 50 cents a box, or seem to suffer greatly, the end six boxes for $2.50, by writieg the came suddenly and unexpectedly. Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., 13rock- - Deceased was a citizen, swell known ville, Ont. 1 and. highly esteemed in Mitchell neighborhood, where he has lived • -While Jay Gould, the celebrated since 1861. He was born in Corn- Apaerican naillionaire, was travelling wall, England on March 27th, 1819, on the Wabash SYstem, he stopped . and. came to this couutry in 1832, over for dinner at ia little town in 1 when a led Of 13. He first settled Southern Illinois. The party ate , in Hope township, and later moved some eggs, among other ghings, and .i when: the bit Was Presented to Gould it contained the itern, One dozen eggs,. $1.80." The great railroad magnet rem rked that eggs must be at a t premiu in that section, to whigh the r staurant-keeper replied, " No, sir, .e gs are plentY enough, but Jay Goulds re mighty scarce," a Certai 04 re for Croup When a child -Shows Symptoms, Of scroup there is no time to experiment With new remedies, no matter how highly- they may be resioramended. There is on pr paration that • Oen be depended upon. It has been in 'use for Mallfr Years and has never been known Ito fail, viz: Chamber- lain's Cough Reutedy. Mr. M. F. Compton', , of Matket, Texas, say's of it, "I have used Chamberlain's Cough Remedy IA severe cases of croup with my children, and can truthfully say it always gives prompt relief." For sale by: Alex. 'Wilson, druggist; Seaforth. cAnfida -T'remier Whitney says that ex- tensive additions will aeon have to be made to the Parliament building -in Toronto as the business of the Province is outgrowing the avail- able room. -The Str tford Beacon says: Stratford as furnished. a Su- tpreme Court judge, 'a High Court judge, Cou • ty Court judge,and a Bishop, all w thin a very), few years. Is there any other city of its size which cart pr sent' a recrd to •sur - Pass this ?" • -William Hammond, of Derby, near Owen S und, states that Tues- day night, w Ile driving from Al- lenford to' 0 en Sound, he vvas held up by two h ghwaymen On What is known as th Long Swamp, about live miles wet of there, Hammond had $480 on his person, which he claims the highwainnen took from him. -About $150,00O will this year. be expended by county councils in Ontario__ on leading roads nnder the good roads act. About $250,000 has been expended -on: colorlization roadt arid bridges. Tovinashtp _les will have expended about three- quarters of a Million. It costs 'money to kee the roads in good re- pair. -Some days ago the police of the city of Guelp received word that a Mrs. Helmer had broken quaran- tine at Detroit, and *as heading for G-uelph. The woman evaded the au- thorities, and went to the home of her mother, Mrs., Billings, on the Eramosa Road, about four miles out of the ,eity, Where her child of foar 'years. died a couple of hours after her arrival, from virulent diphth- eria. - -The township of Finch has the gnallest area, of any townkihip • in the united zo•anties of Stormont, Rendes and Glengarry, but it has 16 cheese factories within its boun.da,r- les, and five factories near the bOundary lines the adjoining townships,sv . to hiela farmers of Finch furnish milk. The dairymen of Finch! will be paid approximately from $400,000 to $450,000 for their milk as Petro s of the aforesaid fac- tories during he seaaon of 1905. • -A terrible accident recently oc- curred at Heetor, in the . mountains,- osest, of Calgary, the vietim being John P. Mitchell, aged 21 years. He belonged to ivrecooeh's" survey party whieh was workbag up 'the Kicking Horse Pas.. The gang had Started out an Friday, and when travelling along a narrow ledge, Mitchell tripped. He lit on a ledge teaelve feet below, and frantically grasped a large boulder to save himself.. It was net! firmly erabed- ded and Went' down with him. He fell wit it on -another ledge and. bounced gain du to linother 5e feet lower, 11e being extinat at the end of the f 11. • * -A v ry Serieus* cadent Occur- red near Portage la Prairie, Man- itoba, a few day's ago, w'hen Mrs. Goodrich, whe resides' with her Ines- 13and at he old Fort farm, south - 'West of he town, wee terribly and. perhaps atally bunked. Shse was starting fire With coal dil when it explod d, and. immediately she was env oped. in flames./ She was alone at he time, ehd rushed out- side. He bueband Was not , far a- svay, and, .after fra tic efforts, the flames were everc e. Mrs. Good- rich had her cloth me. burned, and burned .9.1. over he !body. Medical aid was summoned; apd she syas brought •o the hos ital. She La in an awful eondition, d slight hopes aro entettaiOed fir( her recovery. Two sin 11 child a were in the house at the time. To Cute a Cold Take Laiative Bro lets. Al . deulggis Money if it fails Grove's s gnature Price, 25a -• Rev. hisinas byterian minister, drowned in Lake Ottawa river, at A above Ottawa Th his son, Lorne Nets umber, ulted in h his physi his past ario, and rate'. He orrhis w of going f n the day ing on the off s.nd 1. 7, feet shout, an Lt in a fe in - the shock re away. 0 resigned. Head, On to recup the hom the habit dinner. was wal slipped which w beard hi taken life was extinct. iJe was a gradu- ate of the Presli Yterian College. Montreal anel had ttended *Knox College. Previous o his Lion's Head paetorate, he Ifiad charges at Windsor,' N. S., and, 3rist9L Quebec. He was 48 years of a e. - * • Sunlight Soap Le bet than otber naps, but is best when toed i4 the Sunlight way. Buy Sunlight Soap and fellow direokous. •- -It is Stated that* jinaton Chure- hillois to receive 49,000 down and royalties .for the bt ography of his father, the late Ra 4olpb Churchill. It is said, by thos srho have been privileged to read me portions of his proofs. that it s a clever book. People marvel hos he has found time to write it, c eidering what a busy man he is. ihen JOhn Morley, wrote the life ofi ladstone' for which he received 50,000, fttook him three years, aji4 he practically shut himself up f r • than period, keeping away 'frome public life.. CY .116. ,,The 1( id You Nave **caught . One Day. Day. o Quinine Tab - refund the euro. E. W. n each box. 1930-1 yr. et NelsomPres- vs accidentally e ' thene on the mer, ten miles- ee mantlis ago was drowned ronto, and the a health 'giving ian's advice, he rate • at Lion's vent to Aylmer was staying at le, and was 111 a, walk before in\ question he iviesof when h ie o the water, ep. Two boys his body was minutes, but We- do is - represent iot I iiialeitelle.1111.11111.111101101000Swissaw, • Ire pnly store I I forth handling Gents Furnishings & Clothing ex - elusively. Overc E Sell you an overcoat for • that represents Quality, Workman- ship and Style in, all new styles -ar materials, all correct lengths and shapes. It is, without fear of contradiction, the best. coat in, the - business, at such a pr4ce, I :FOR LADIES ONLY Ladies, if you Want the best choice of Swell Areckwear, Handkerchiefs, • Mufflers, Gloves, Braces COME- HERE. We are putting away presents every day. If you friends away from home, you would like to send a nice present, so buy it now and have it put away for you. Christmas trade is bound to come with a rush, and the goods you pick out now will not be sold. have Watch our windows from now. until Christmas. ladeWitestiorteWolvitokikoaktestaWie. We have some 7nore or those Sample Suits at $5 00 They are good material and, will wear well. Boys Wear You will find this store the Home of Boys' Fashion. $1 off every Boy's Snit and. Overco fatoramilma4 Leather Coats If you have aRy teaming to do,/buyeone` of \ these. They ate a great thing to keep' out bold, and *ear. Our price, $4.75 Other stores, $5:50. +1+11444 44444444 44+4444 144 Tinde° rwear a This is one line lin which we can suit the most par- ticular person. We carry so many different kinds that you will be easily suited at low prices. , c, a p s We have 12 4rap1e fux oaps-z-Persian Limb, $1.2.00 cap at $7.50. Seal $5.00 cap for $3,00. AuOtalian Beaver *5.00 caps for $3.00. Don't pay big prices for these goods when you can buy them from us at such low prices, 444144+4,414444+1441+++*44 Heavy Mitts, 25c to Mitts , 250 to 50c. ;soars the Signature Pr t s 1 G yes and Blaek Ya ardi all Jacket We carry a large stockt of these, prices from .75c to $1.5 '++.44+4; et-44.144....144.44.i.ele'rded.de+ T 1:1 A D E he Originator of Low Dried. Apples Prices. Butter Eggs and Poultry F. L. WILLIS, CLUTh r.JR