The Huron Expositor, 1905-10-20, Page 2POTTL. TRY WANTED
Ducks, fat, dry picked 10c per pound
Chickens, ric per -pound
These prices are Ood up to • Menday, October 23rd.
We have Blankets, Yartis and Flannels at
Last Year's Prices.
"We can give you values in every department not excelled
G u N
Mortild them bite! !goad, thigh -class.
titg *am exp-ogiviv
Earl - Grey's vigotrom handling of
naattiers vital to public, intereSt:
43E.AOSIORTH,, FRIDAY, Oat. 20, 1905. ibly affected the audience and,
Mote tha.n. give vesioe to !oatmeal
tfeetine when he assured hie excel.
The Senate. -
his service Should he -wish to !address:
membeice vat ate- Rouse .4)0 coin- Taents to a. wider .eudience.
" Ralph Conner " probably Aid no,
ta1101/13 as well as of t ;hes le:crease in
the salaries of the judges and pen -
Pay Up.
sloe% tics ex -Cabinet Iffinistetes„baulks The lelassitoba Feee -Press some
inelreetekt _pew ,ste, toe? sena.. 'time ago addressed to all and Sundry.
("L'' ' ' whom it coiaeerned same counsel to
tors It eays.
isauttealy absurd that One the effect that it would be an see -
part sof sthe Barliarnetat Of Qtfeinglz eellent thing if everybody in the
ablouwautIciofbetalazTadatyn,teadiadbyletuties'ectiGssevetefiniss west Naar's, 10 go' on. the principle
netassary Ian, it sebum ,oetheo this fall of 'using the money that
be elected by the people lor ottosen oames 'bete/ his hands ,as the ;result
by the Provincial Legisliat urea. It of the P'rfesent boun'tifull. harvest in
febo. Government and 'a Slaiotect4 Pis Yost -bapeleseasiosi. That .adviee has
etne _been much. commerited upon by the
tion, against the growing tact •
Itthe central authorities, t'
oroaca on_ Wile rights and lib,
of the Provinces. An equall
'atletr? fseithAtitre ;ay‘ra.°Pseritthol tyi18,5,Tr:4,,,,Y.,,,s- beillPg°11-1te. er.Y ifraetr• mthe:sini9pPeUelselaillto.Y.;-
,b0 a -Senator for -deiaig ¬hing. good times load them into entlaro-
At present the abolition of 'Mei Son- ing their obligations, intstiad c'of
ote (would >simply mean tble 19avitn • contra ting them. It is advice'
irves of the community, andr Which all
, • Would dO well to profit by. It ap-
t, plies also ta Ontario as -wen ,as to
, Mani t oba. The Indian Heed Wit -
terns Platea and Platterts of veep. wihilist the laegreSf measured 10 -1-2'
Old aneke, a fiddle bow oval, 150 inches. The ree is a 'Russian ;spec-
Issers'es ollet, flint lock earbineee*Shieh les, slanted OtunaveSka, and appears
the. line, !VIM and swords whieh lhad The Woe Piress Says the speolmene
been used at Ballafrathinah in '78, bregught into the office were me -g-
rebe!, pikes, lirislli .• eine, 'blackthorn ralficent apples,. and could not those
etickse cen.d a (host 'of other old ;rel. beein improved upon even in ithe
loks were, .s.'las 'the big packiing oasesei Meet' vaunted' erastern or Vamoose.,
Tlhe oddeet thing, especially as 'eh( ver oecharde.
eensignment curie from De.rey, -was —Hoe. W. R. 'Motherwell, minister
a tin :Um containing four 'bottles of agriculture flat. Saskatehewan,
of hefty 'sealer. The •oase was . aid-. 'met with a fslight- aceident while
dressed to Robert 'Moore, London, entreat*, ItO. the Liberal convention
(Ont'r'es, but -was 'nAver elaireed,and at Lipton 8, few days age. The pole
of isome $400,000 a -year by dot.
way II/Cribb) lam institution that s
taa other purpose than , to swel
bulk of GIOVRirnment patronefes
Yes, the whole business is 'a
The Oenate, as at present •0011 tit ii-, ness, onfe sof the best conducted pap -
ted, is abselutely useless en the ers of the West, says in this Osennec-
lefiee aura it annually costs1 the tion :
country is worse than wasted. lit is I ." We have a w'ord ref advice to
now and always has beenean asylum give. It does not -cost us very,
for worn out politicians. If lit much, mit if accepted in oho epees
must be maintained it shout , tin 'given it will mean a happy town and
some :way, he made useful. The only elistrict this watater. It is nothing
way 'this AU. be done is bo ma. e it - more IPOT less -then two words, 'Bay
elective by the peeple. It avail. bp up.' This is a T -good year, by that is
no improvement to lave iti ap - ' meant that the crops are the best
pointed ba- the Provincial. Legasla- PossiVIY's we have fever bad, and
tutpS as the News ssueseests. I" hen prices will probably be good.
the 'legislatures happened to be of What is .10 hinder at least seventy -
the se,me political stripe as the om. five per cetnt. of the inde'btedneas
as of the comm,unity 'from being paid
mons their appointees -would
they. are mew, simpler seeeiateringT off this. fall? Nothing.
hoe " You owe somethings. -se 'deg we.
ate from you, the feelow that is looking
ear us up for payment can rget his enon-
machines. for the Commons.
the Legialatures happened t -o
st different political stripe their
pointees would go "to 400,8
embued with the leelief it was t
of the pe-ople. as expressed thirosesla that id told of the -company st map -
their chosen 'representatives en• Ithe Per, wthen Jones said to 13:trown, who
populat body. The -• only sraferm sat next to him. !Say, 'Brownelsere'S
-- that is praotioal, 10.ra:eke the §ell- t 114 t five •diollars I , Owe you.' 'Brown,
ate eleetive. Let its raembe:rsi be Wile oarede an equal sum to Smith,
chosen from a Larger ocanatitueacy who. sat oo his other side, said: By
than a're the members for the Cam- the by, Smith, now- that thave it he
mons. FOr instance, in the coffe.ty -•snoney I can pay you the V. I bolo
of Notices we sena three represent- rowed Loom. you. a while ago.' He
!herids _it ever _,t,of Smiths, who owes
atives 'to the COMMOrus ; to the Sen.
. ate we anight send one. And. let his .neighbor an equal amount, and
them=be elected. for, Rey eight year,s, so the bill gees on azatind the tosses
instead ot for five. This wbuld -give till. it gets back into. Joniee' pocket
tioa of - the deairea a the, whole their indebtedness. This -oomrours'ity
people then ave now have, whille tale 1,Ti facesiroplie position so far
and more live men, and. infuse, new "We alll ha,v43 fen•ough ta pay what
life and energy Into. -svhat is 'now, 'We' -tYcvv''' i7f everYboklY *No owes US
IttlaOtiOalilY, a de„qd body. The work Nv Otlid Only pay us. Let Jones then
tributed eo as to give a proper and let Stain, B,rawn, etc., keep
proportion to the Senate, -thns: .di-. there moveng. If Jones won't do
viding up the WiDtic erid making this, but puts• his meney la some
shorter elessiens. In this way one other use--spbanla ting, etc., so as
body would. be .41. real check on ethe to make his pass bigger, Beown must
ether ; the work won:La be better wait, and so mutt Smith and ail the
aad more expediousty dene, and %a -bees. This is what has been: done
money enteefgh SON' ea annually te pay ,01 the past. It isn't right. Don't
a large paicescsetion -af the interest let it be dsane new.
en the eost of the Grand Trunk pa. " Ttet everybody who haS incurred
cific Railway. •.,
five eselarg.
bad been in the auction Timms for in the rig in which tee was drivina
$100 Reward, $1q0,
The readers" of this paper will be
pleased to learn that there is at least
one dreaded diseaae that sale -nee has
been able to pure in all ts stages, fracture a the ankle. His physician:
and that is Catarrh. Hall's Cetera -la Ithioowieenvvie_ry,. Statee that he will be suf-
I recovered in a few dale
eboompanied the Abernethy delle-
igetion, fell and the beam became
free }himself trona the rebee, Me.
lalotherwell's leg became em tangled,
and in falling the sasteined a sleight
Cure se the only positive aure now
known to t'he medical f`eaternity.
Catarrh, -being a constitutional dis-
ment. Hall's Catarrla Cure is taken
internally, acting directly upon the
blood •a,nd mucous surfaces of the
systemothereby destroying the foun-
dation of the disease, and giving the
patient etrength by building up the
oonstitution and assisting nature in
doing its work. The proprietors
have so rauoh faitli in its curative
powers &hat they offer Oneeundred
Dollara (for any lease that i fails to
cure. Send for a list of testimon-
Address F. J. CHENEY & To-
ledo Ohio.
So'ld by all druggists, 75c.
Take Hall's Family Pills for consti-
Worth Reading
; an obligation, make a strenuous et-
; fort bo ma'Re a pa -rt paymene at
least, jest as soon as possible. What
' under Heaven is a good yeat for if
On the ovcasiort of his recent viait it (Ire not come to free as tram
ao Winnipea, Earl Grey, Governer. debt, and worgyt Row heppy tbis
towe can be this winter, .and what a
'General of Canada, was .entertained
good aeciable time we
at luncheon by the CatiaAian Clab
of that city. In his after-dinner, of elal'es t'
in if '14;ebdtatu Bwf.hrieeoth,friatiank:nthBriaasdnicqutpirourst
Speech he gave utterance to some -Ohosts stalks into our banquets and
our raetry-tmaking.
eentiments ;which are worthy ef " We make' this appeal ,on behalf ef
him and the posilioa he occupies ib
: Peaccs comfort, good name and
spake pt the norespartizaa chars ' good will a the district. If specu-
lation goes on as it has been going
ecter at the Canadian Cluie and ad- •
eircwa_ no. in the past two ,er three years, then
vantages ensuing thee
what is called the banner ,ye,air
beibeved, however, te some exterst, be only a eurae, and banner years
in party. Ifee himself, had been a.
teeder suoh conditions will always be
t here were ',.ereat principles at stake,
then in the eight way
end he trusted the day wethid A"eilt:Leus
when the (sues lion asked NV awl (1. -1•bae'07.tVeedemmoos'at :ft gtr-beiesd ya'enadr • stpBeecau_
not tO -what party Nvould you be- ; which tempts us to kayo our
long, but to what great principle.
!obligation unmet and Otand forth
arcs you committed? Ile quoted Dr.
free roilln. If svofk in unison we
'Ilerridge, of Ottawa, 'that in the
'high regime; ef Inso.raa
these was 'nothing inspoSsible.
The -mill° of suet. a club as the
over-estimated and the greet fun-
tgraft. Few men had 'suceeeded
doing wonders in purifying muni-
eipal life, but in all ottic-s there
ehoald be such ram, who would de-
vote their time and energy to the
purification and elevation of city
It ife
He had learned °made
there 'existed a most extensive 001*
mingiting roma. Many 'reloaded
this as -weakness. He Tegalrded ft
as a source of strength. There NV
from the Galaoions, Tram _Doukhd
Ors, from . Genrotan, French, or eve
must be done Le Canada, is te
to moire about. Mr. Conrad Stuck,
one of the •saro:e "party, had his area
*vex his eye, 'but went 00 to 'the
eoinven:tions 'The other members es -
taped unhurt, save a few briiisee.
—Mr. Larcorabe, 13irttle, Mani.
toba, who is a prominent speaker at.
Fa.rm.ers' Institutes, on vegetable.
•oultivation, seems ftsi be a man who'
praotises what the preaches. He 'has
'grown sen his farm 'this 'year pump-
kins weighing 180 pounds, sctuashies
75 pounds, potatoes 2 pounds, eabe
bage 14 (to 16 pounds, red eabbage
beets 15, pounds eaoh, turnips 15
pounds, sinionis118 ounces, arid (mourn -
bees twits feet lloing, together with
mammoth 'heads lot celery, are 'juet
a few of -the things that Mr. Lar-
combe !has tel !show' for his year's
work: He heads the 'record of .geolw-
'Shown are seeklilinIgs of his own -pais-
Manitoba and Northwest Notes
---The first !MOW storm" of the gee-
kalohowtain, on October .3i -els, but it
did not last long and waS followed
• —Work was -comb:seance& en the
Midlasad and Manitoba. railway at
Porta:ge la Prairie last week. This
road runs south through Elim Creek
—A section Of label ").yibig dinectlas
Oppo'site .the .0ountry, !club, on the
Assinibain.e river, near Winnipeg,
thas been sold tor $40,000 or $65 pee
acre. The narafe of the perish/Baer is
Inlet known. •
' 1—HiouselatdbArs in Winnipeg Enid it
'alnaros.t .impossible to get tarmacs
work, all the sho'ps 'being so busy,
-that they cannot guarantees un-
dertake *shlii work LOT some weeks
Manitoba, will be a two' Story stone
'and frame building, with large Wise-
ment and fernaoe. The p-riese, it is
undergo:id,' is in the .neighborhiseid
of $10,000.
—Pilot Mama, Manitoba,. lies re-
place. As a eumple lof what inlay
tor 1,500 tulip bulbs has. just been
placed with a Wineipeg farm Tor
fall planting.
James Rseilly iand, George •T. Young,
on the south. fork of Fish Creek, Al-
berta, was sold teo' Henry Bard, of
Plortland, Oregon, tor $21,000 ,caSh.
The ranch consists iof 1,920 acres and
is 21 Miles from Calsgary.
i —At Portage la Prairie twat'. men
bard labor for three 'months in Win-
eipeg jail, for stealing a 'bag lot
Clothes. At MoSsomin, thie same
week,' a -man was &entente& to iars-
prisonment fo'r one month for man-
slaughter. Such are t he. eccen tr lof-
t ies of the laws .
—1/fr. Jiames Howard, rot Roland,
in the -lYforden district, M.a.nlitoba,
reports a very large 'yield of Oats
on his farm. Off 19 1-2 aofes 'he
threshed 1,629 bushels or 83 'bus;h-
threShed with his lowei Outfit' and
close tab was kept. On accoent of
the e-xtraordirsary 'yield a special
measurement. was made ot . the field.
—Thomas Fox, ef Carberry, Man-
itaba, lhas the record crop of the
district and one wiiich will be hard
to beat anysvhere. Off 76 aores he
threshed 3,600 bushels of wheat, One
piece of nine acres !going as bilges as
63 'buSheis per acee. The crop is
said to be 'One .ol the heaviest ever
,seen the district. The f,arm .is
owned by John Evitt, of Carberry.
—Earl Grey, the Govennor Genera.
al. mid suit spent several Ilta.ys in
Winnipeg last week ori" -.their way
home from the west. They wete
e.rseoreGeneral. had been in tbe west
sine& the inauguration of the new
provinces ahd His Excellency ;had a
good time hunting ,ahd looking over
-the collet ry.
—kt Strattrolair, Manitoba, Mad-
bids us crucify this ,a.bdonsinable
credtt 5ysttera with all the lusts
thee*, There's a lett a wrinkles,
grey !hairs and heart burnin•gs, that
-will -come RO on enough without our
hurrying them to the front with a
systein that should by this time be
nitro-glyoerincd. Let us wake up."
calm McLean's separator oa.u.
fire at noon a few days ago, .
threshing at Dan MaNair's tend
and- was entirety •oensumeds W
_at work threshing on the farm
Donald Moirison in the same
triot two stacks caught fire
Manitisba, - lost this 'threshing
arator by fire ton Sunday morni
The fire leccursred on the farm
John. Thom.son. The blaze was fi
moticed' about 6 e. m. anel. was it
well started. Tihe eause is
fitted this fall with a hesv fee
and. belts end was valued at $1,
seed wae irisuired far $400.
—The Tenant° News contained the
falloWiug article in reterence t6
oe unclaimed parcel which was eon-
eigne'd to a man, in London, and
whicit was solid by auction in Toe
rontel recently by an -express com-
Pany i• Every little while one reads
sof Et litloky strike io the gamble
wbieti the buying of unclaimed;
freiglit undoubtedly is. But seidorat
does a fortunate purchaser sosure
thing# as did 'Firank Waldh, 514 'Ring
street east, by the outlay of $2,50
lienderson's tactic o rooms on
• —The sad death took place-
Brandon,t vn Saturday afternoon,
manager •of the Pultord Drug 0 .'s
store there. The sleath tresol ed
from Mrs. G,raharce ,getting her -ha id
day previoup, and blood poisoni
-leaves to mourn her lass two eh 1 -
boy ef elteveaa months.
--Threshing operations in 'L le
Red jacket, district, Saekafchew n,
are in Tull swing and the !remelts e
flew settlers h,ave c.s.onse in this yes r
and are well piesased with the then e
They have made. Land values
still very reasona.ble, $7 te $10 f
sell at about .$17 an aore.
E: H. Hay brought intu t e
Free Press office, .at Winnipeg, t e
other day, a couple of splendid a
plies, taken from a tree • grown n
Portage la Prairie. Mr. Hay sa s
that he seeu:red the trees from I le
1894, and that they have been Vert
ing ifor some pea s.
Two budhela of fine fruit were plc,
ea from tone tree, the amsteleat 13
is -
- For a Weak. Digestion.
No medicine ,oarn. 'replace food.' bat
aharaberlain's Stomaeih and Liver
Tablets Will ',help you ba 'digest Your
Too'd. It is 'not the quantity of
foo'd taken ,that gives streWla and
vigor to the system, but the amount
led With! 'ta. weak digeetion, don't
fail to give thsese Tablets a trial.
Thousands have been benefited by
their use. They only .coSt a quar-
ter. For sale by Allex.‘ilson,Drieg-
—Mrs lane Planes, one rot the,
last week at the. age of 91 years. qlhe
was a native of Ireland and came' to;
Canada at an early age. .
--Toronto's induStries pay out
$15,500,000 per annum in wagea. Pt
least that the census oalculation.
is equal to $300,000 a week pr
—Rev. R. IL Herne, rot Elora, 'has
been appointed general seoretbry
of the Upper Canada Religious 'Bract
and Book Society to fill the vacanor
.caused by the death of Rev. Dr.
Moffat t.
—Sir William& Mulock, who` has
just retired team the position of!
Postmaster Geneva', !has been 24.
years in Parliament, 14 ,yeaas in op-
position and 10 years a member of
tag Government. He _is now '63
—Angelique Lalitberte died at St.
last week, ,agfed 106 years. She was
'a widow, and had lived! with her
'husband seventy years, when death
Called him. She leaves 14 childtren
and 21 graridohildren, 'and had seen
t he sixth generation.
ford, has purchased a piece of pro-
perty almost in the business .oentre
of that city, which he intends turn.
'Me lot is 132 feet squ.are. Mr.
CockShutt will -have the ground leV •
&lied. and la clubhouse ereeted sae
th,at evealtlaing may be in *readiness
tor ;next seaStea. A fee will be
Charged, but all classes of citize•ne
will be admitted.
Expert Tea Bien, ding
HAvE you ever tried tes blend colors to match the
shade of the red rose?
Pretty difficult, yet an expert can do it easily.
Why ? Because he can tell by looking at the rose
what colors are required to produce that tint or shade.
He can make that precise color every day in the week.
Just as the artist in colors blends the tints of the red
rose, so my artists in tea blend the " rich fruity flavoi- " of
Red.Rose Tea.
With expert knowledge and intuitive- skill he selects
the particular picking of rich, strong Indian tea and the
precise grade of fragrant, delicate Ceylon, and by skilful
blending produces the peerless flavor of Red Rose Tea—a
tea which for delicacy and strength is matched by no brand
bf Ceylon alone.
-is good Tea
T. H. Estabrooiis
Ste John, N.B., Toronto, Winnipeg
Some Seasonable Advice.
It may ;be a piece af supenfLuous
edvice to liege people ar this sea-
son 'of the pear to lay in a 'supply
of Chambresain's Cough Remedy.
It is almos sure to be needed before
winter is over, .a.nd much more
prompt and- eatisfaotory results are
obtained whein taken as sobn as a
cold is ,conleacted, and fleeter° it
has become settled in the system,
oartspnly be clone keeeLng
the remedy at hand. This remedy
is so :widiely knOwn and so altogether
good that ;no one should hesitate a-
bout 'buying 31 'in preference to any
other. It is for sale by Alex. Wit -
sea, Druggist, Seafeeth.
All Done
House clean
and bright
before theday
is rightly begun.
When good
brooms and
brushes are used
it takes very
little effort to
keep the home attractive.
are the best :Ade, and like all
ood tools make labor light. For
years " the standard goods
Unita Factories, LiTraited, Toronto, Fan.
Better than ver
Are the splendid adVantages offer-
ed is every department of our
school, The
irtzckp:p, f)7
For quickly and thoroughly training
young people to earn good salarifs in
buieneee positions. With 22 teachers,
best equipment, up to -date courses,
modern methods and thorough sys-
tem, we can guarantee excellent re-
sults. Our new oatalogue is a dandy.
Write ior it. Enter any time,
Yonge and Gerrard Streets, Tomato.
"PSYCHINE" possesses peculiar
BR0N0 1 18 properties that act promptly
in gaining the mastery over
this disease. ,/,'One element at once checks the fever,
another the chills. The tightness across the chest, the
heavy breathing and hoarseness, is removed by another
element. Its tonic properties renew the strength, and
make rich blood, the cough disappears, the "mucous" is
carried away, the wheezing ceases, and after a short treat-
ment ninety per cent. of patients are cured for all time.
The disease seldom returns alter you have begun the
PSYCHINE -2' treatment
CHESLEY SCHELL, Ravenswood, writes : "I was out with the volunteers
at London last June and I got a heavy cold, which turned to Bronchitis, and my
lungs were severely affected. I had a cough all summer. PSYCHINE proved a
great blessing to me. It is a positive cure for Bronchitis."
The Dr. T. A. Slocum, Limited, 179 King Street West, Toronto
—"VERY woman who has stewed
, and fretted and worried at a hot
oven door, shifting a roast to the top
shelf and back again to the bottom
shelf and turning it over in a vain
attempt to get it properly cooked,
will appreciate the evenly distributed
heat of the Imperial Oxford oven.
This _even distribution of heat is
secured by our diffusive flue—an ex-
clusive feature of the Imperial Oxford
Range._ Toik and bottom, sides and
corners, the temperature of tile oven
is equal and steady.
Estabashed x879.
Vietruogpiii7creiopt:gAlissthe mroau,pn, iBerhtheehriitisa
cresotono le a. boon to Aothrnatift
r:RESOLENP.i5 a, long estabikhed and atioldnd Tem*
for tho diseases indicated. It cures 'because the air ?en,
demi strongly antiseptic is carried over tlio diseased am:
tics tendency', or sufferers from chronic bronchitis., Azd
inunediate relief from coughs or inflamed omulitions
the throat.
Vapo•Cresolene is sold
y druggists or sant
paid on receipt of price,
creAsol;:poos.f;75:o. 1:neendoruort,
fit including a. bottle ge
ree illustrated booklet.
Agents, M8 Bt. James St.,
Montreal, Canada. 206
today !nor
beals in
01 least a vo
Then I tried. A
Turns Bad Blood in
Rich Red Blood.
,No oilier remedy possesses sett
perfect cleansing, healing and
fyrig properties.
Externally, heals Sores, Ulcersk
Abscesses, and all Eruptions.
Internally, restores the Stomach,„
Liver, Bowels and Blood to healthy
actipn. If your appetite is poor,
Your energy gone, your ambition -
lost, B.B.B. will restore you to the-.
full enjoyment of happy vigorout
laza se en.
teS7 03.
si.S8 In.
souk weart---
a- erase
tipe 40034.1
1st—Bum:1m Vte.tnake our own be
class leather.
Srd—BeCaine we have the largenb
to chose frcna.
4th—Becanse we give the best value fee
the money.
5th -7 -Because cur cheapest will outwear -
the beet factory Immo s trade.
Call and see ,our .atock of Reber, Regi
Brophes, Curry Curebr, Whips, Trent;
and Valises) end MINTS paoney.
4.4044.4. Weeflet
Sore •Throat e.rld Coughs
They combine the germicidal voluo of Cresolcnestirt
the ocothing properties of slippery elm and I"
1.0o. AU Drugafats
-Me Noirra.:
lethal At 1r WY! .4 10.0
Imperial Oxford Range
The oven
of the Imperial
Oxford Range produces light, dainty, pastry,
evenly cooked, tender, juicy roasts—in
fact, perfect baking and roasting.
Ask your dealer to explain to you the
many exclusive features of the Imperial_
Oxford Range. If he doesn't handle it,
write to us for our booklets and we will
let you know the nearest dealer who does.
The Gurney Foundry Co„ Limited 18
For Sale by GEORGE A. SILLS, Seaforth, Ont,
The WellaDressed Man.
Hot weather or coldf a man now -a -days must be well dressed. It
is not a luxur3/ it is a necessity. He has to do it in his business ;
appearances must be kept up, or there will be no business to
attend! to. If this were not so we would not attempt, during the
dog days, to talk about anything so substantial as our tailored
elothing. But\there is a fime corning when. you will, require to
think about it, and a few timelf hints, thrown out now, may
assist you materially later on, We don't often puff ourselves up,
but what we Say now we know to be facts, and have gained our
knowledge by every experience.
We build the cloths that leave our establishment. They are not done on the
hap -hazard principle, Weoise the best materials. It costs us a
little more, but the satisfaction you get repays us. We guarantee
a fit snd style that can only be obtained. from thoroughly practical
tailors. Good tailoring is our hobby, henc,e we get pleaeure out
of every right fitting garment we make you. Then there is a
finish and style about our clothea that bespeaks the well-dressed
man. It is to your interest to remember this.
so a 5-
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Fits, Epilepsy
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Cash price for a
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McKillop Directory for 1905.
F MoQUAID2 Councillor, St. Colurobsn P. 0.
CHAELE4 mr_uLE, Councillor, *Winthrop Ps O.
JOHN V., GOVENLOrm" aeursciner,wissihrep P.
MICHAEL MIJEDIEsTferks Winthrop P. 0.
DAVID M. ROSS, Treasurer, winthrop P. 0.
SOLOMON s. sHANNov, J. P. snits*?
s Winthrop P. 0.