The Huron Expositor, 1905-10-20, Page 11905
y added'
Lyles for
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Hama the evi-
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'fine, supple
,has stitched
ai and aide
ed and setts
able for this.
eireclive DetW
of style or
mmence for:
: One Dollar .
:point to ob.
among other
Cord de Soies.
le habit
rger d i sp lay's -
a in many
in the _hall
tit prevented
and specta-
els, both us-u-
dietaricee to
the quality,
ve rat de-
b much ex-
c.- representa-
anU faetile
within glee
y. The gate
nearly $600
..kets Ic. each
turn out-
titione._ three
h great Ri-
es. Only 'one
relied. On ac -
the part
. the horses
it -was !ate
Ft'trtV41 and
ly contested`
ore two 'a
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,riee list, in
nr•xt week.
n ni peg, Ma id-
' says : "The
eeason came
it noon wag
xit1 of white,
t u ened decid-
wlio for
cord as the
m t.he city,
I-. this moria-
inction arr,aen
a sleigh this:
Fine I
- taring I
and '
Clothing I
IffoLEAN BROS., Publishers
$1 a Year in Idvance.
As a result of two weelcs' sweeping sale, which will continue until
Saturday next, our stock has been cleaned out of all odds and ends, all
carried over stuff, which were sold out regardleffl of cost, simply to get them
out and make room for the
Nev! Stock of Clothing, Furs,
Wollens and Furnishings
Case after me' of the incest new goods ever put into this stock has arrived in
within the last few days. These viill be put on sale
Cr; Saturday, October 2Ist.
Nice new Scotelt Tweed Suits ia brown and grey mixed patterns, full of life
and snap, made with the new concave shoulders, and vent, elegantly lined and
tailored—special lines made expressly for this store, a range that makes.
choosing easy..
Prices $7 to $14
: :I- el el ft: -Lee ee. tee ere. ere ;eel e
Big Swell Overcoats
the kind every one is after. We might say here our Mr. H, gtewart was in
the city last week, and was fortunate in picking up a range of new coats
-which had just arrived at the factory to be made up, and are now in our
stock. We are safe in saying these are the newest patterns and styles to be
seen in this district. You cannot pass these—you are sure to buy. •
,Priices $8 .to $12 special
Ladies' plain Astrachan and Bockaran Lamb Coats, rich even gloss curl, with
large sleeve and fitted back.
We make the claim to- have the nicest and
finest stock of
Men's and Ladies' Furs
West of Toronto. You can only appreciate this
fact by looking7fthrough, and we strongIST2urge you
to accept our invitation to come to Stewart Bros.'
store, and see theribeautiful arrangement of Furs;
see our large assortment of Ladies' Persian, Seal,
Euerania and Bockaran Lamb coats, with magnifi-
cent mink, saVe or plain collars, ranging in price
From $30 to $75
Price $21.50 to $45
Caperines, Ruffs, Collars, Gauntlets
and Muffs,
An assortment net equalled in this district, including mink, sable, Isabella Fox,
Oppossuna, Coon, ,Cooney, Persian, Bockaran and Astrachan Lamb.
1 .;
As a result of Mr. J. C: Greig's with-
drawal from the .firm of Greig & Stewart,
it beoame necessary fcr us to procure the
serviess of a4first-olses cutter. This we
hail) done at great expense, in the per-
son of Mr. Matthew J. Gay, who comes to
us direct from Detroit, having previously
been ()impeded with one of the largest and
best fine tailoring establiohments in Chi-
cago'. Coming at he does from these great
centres of fashion, he is neceeiarily in
touch with ell the. very latest styles and
-e/ improved methods in the tailoring trade,
Written for The Expositor.
le my .last %Res I stated that
Regina is the present capital of the
mew province of Saske:tehewere It
thas.not eret been &finitely fixed up-
on as the vermanent capItal. That
neb.ttee will be definitely decided by
the firat Leg,islature the
people a the new proeitnoe. There
are eiveral other 'espirtints for the
positiop of capitaa, arid amsong these
is the new, and booming town of
.liaskatoon. However, I think there
is little doubt but Reeina will be
the favored hocetion. It has matey.
,advaetages in its favor. It has
been the Capital and 'Seat of Gev-
eTaiment for the ,Northwest Terei-
Writ 5 ever slew ;their !organization
Old' until the' fest .O September
last, when the •new Peevinces had
their birth. .A1111 the Government of-
fices are here 'anti the public and
legielative buildings, such as ithe.y
are.. The Lieutenant Governor has
his headquaTters. here and the jub-
eenatorial (residence arid buildings
ore situ/albedo:rear the city als art ,also
the barraciks .a.nd hea-dquaeters of
the rodunted policies These make
it the social centre for theTerritor-
ies. It was 'also the educational
centre, as the normal school for
the training of teechetre and ether
educational .inetitlitioeS of the
higher .order are loce:ted in the
town. It will be seen by this that
Regina has been a plate 'of co:Inside
era,ble distinction for a gooti many
years and it would be almost a cad -
amity to the city =should it now be
•sthorne •.of its tormetr greatness by
havin.g the capital of the hew Pre -
Vince removed to Some other Iota-
I strait& /Ete,gine, aboat ten n'clock
on a Saiurday 'eight in kuguat. It
was the olosing'day Of the big ags
ricieltur.a.1 fair and Pr.ovincial cir-
cus and horse ,meet, and just a few
'days preceding the big Reform %in-
vention. Ho tell ac comma odat ion of
any kind was at e. etremium. Aa a
eery ,great favor I was -given a
roem in the principal hotel in the
city, "Phe Wipdsor," I think they
It was 'a mighty podr T00933.
too', although. they taxed me al -the
Tate lef two fifty a day dor it land
wthat I could masticate. However,
ander the circums-tances, wets glad
to get even that, for a good many
did oaot fare so weal, and I endured
it. long eneugh tto " do " the bew:n
and the siirr.oueding obuntry for a
good -many mattes pretty thoroughly.
I may- remark 'here that the hotel
business in Manitoba and the Tex -
ritories is a perrfect bonanza. 'It is
more pr.ofitable and a .kreat dead
Surer than a. Klondike gold mine.
Go where you will and even in the
small places the hotels are orowd-
ed and acieonemodatioe is as a Tele,
scerce, poor and dear. While in
Most places the bar business seems
Lo be enormous. There, they tellene
ithe plainest drink at' the bay, is ten
;cents and if you glee them a quer-
er they would feel ins.ulted it ,you
asked for change. In, one
ca.n get the best for five cents. A-
bout the same proportion is main-
tained ell threuele the, business. At
a Sunday dinner at the Windsor in
Regina, I saw more wine served at
the taibles than ione woellet 13ee at
the Reseiin er Queens in Toronto
in a ratoiabh. At t'he latter places
the servke .of wine at ,the tables is
exo.eptienal ; in Regina it seemed
be almost gener.a.l. Whether. or not
this c.ala be taken as an indication
of the conaparative wealth and pros-
perity of the two' peoples I leave
my readers to judge for themselves:
Nature has net done very much
for Regina. It is 'low, flat and unin-
viting in appearance.. The leek .of
trees and toliage on the- streets
and etound the residencesegives the
place a (naked ,aspect. But it is
growing ,and .prosperous. From a
town pf abut three t'hou5and in-
habitaints it bas igrowe within the
last* six years to be a clty of over:
eight thousand and it is still grow-
ing rapidly. New streets are _being
opened in all directions, new bus-
iness and private buildings ate 'being
eon tr uo ted as Tepidly as men and
neateleal can be procured for itheir
erection. There are many 'large bus-
iness blocks and several very .hand-
some 'private. TeSidences neopt of
wthicla have gone up witein the past
five years. There axe grain eleva-
tors, I do not know. hew many, and
five or six immense implement ware-
houses, many Of the laTge imanutae-
tareTs of Canada and the United
States making 'this Hai° d is tr lb
point for 'the MOTT itOrieS. #re
large and 'handsome high and public
school buildings and several beau -
tit Churches. The Presbyterians
bad tore 'down their old oburch and
when I was 'there had a beautiful -
fitty thoesand denier edifice In
vourse ef construction which I have
no doubt, is about finished by this
time. The Methodists and Episce-
palienf3 were puttingt arge ettitions
to their 'cihneches while the
Catbollice were not only eniltarging
ttheir church but were erecting a
very 'handsome sohoel building.
Thiele weee evidences of prosperity
and growth on all sides. Where
there was 'open prairie two years
ago is now all b uitt up with ;com-
fortable residences and mote prairie
is being laid out In tewn lots, sold
and built on eveuy day. As a result
a this progress values -have gone
up in some instances four foldwith-
in the (past two years and 'every per-
sowia speoul ated r cal estate
has made money. and leveret periseln
even cileeks in s tures aoad pftices and
La some instances, I was told, ser-
vant maids, have been inveSting
their savings in town. lots and sriece
dieting in mabgins and ail have
nia,de money. Lots that two years
ago 'were tsold for from two to three
'hundred dollars will now sell read-
ily et from live hundredto a •thous-
and dollars. Shotild Regina become
the permanent ;capital of the Pro-
vince town 11 p ts _even at present
prices are a good inveetment as the
Province -will• to spend a con-
siderabile sum of money there in
buildings for a good newly yeaes
to come an a besides other business
ineadental to the Capital' -will be
torthoeming. But in addition to
this it toe. llereee and rapidly anis
and is prepared to give .you sOmething ,sway from the old eyetem—something
; etylish, a. perfect fit and general satisfaction. in our recent dissolution sale bill, we
Made rie mention of our tailoring department, for the reason that we were nob -then
equipped with a cutter, nor were we over hasty in proonring one, as it was our belief in
; an ePprecietive populabioa like this only the beat is good enough. We are, however,"
now fully prepared to Suit yon and Overooat you, too.
We have peat received our full stook of Suitings and Overcoatinge in the very new-
est( designsincluding the famous British Melton Overcoating, and in order to procure
YOURe7TitaDE—FOR WE WANT IT—we will, for the next two weeks, make a
speoial reduction on all our tailoring. This is a genuine offer, and, as seeing is bailey
isg, we invite you to call and get our prices. A perfeot lit guaranteed, and if the we -1'k
Is not perfeotly satisfactory, do nob take it.
Thanking you for any coneideratiea von may see fiteto give us, and assuring you it
will always be our airn to please you, we beg to remain
essors to Greig Stewart
proving ,agrioul teral country o 1Any Pictures
draw from. Farm lands in -
created in; Menet nearly aist Tepidly. t be Framed ?
ale town property. I saw a' tillaft ter 0
section ;within labut five Miles oe
'the oit'y, which was bought three
yea:es ago Toe tive dollars me were
and was eold this last spring to an
actual ;settlerfor twenty dollars
ant :acre and it was bare, virgin
prairie. This is but one instance of
many I loolild give.
Regina, has a, very eomplete and
efficient water and 'lighting plant,
installed, owned and. (run by the
'town. -Thex (have also; 'this Summer
put in the most modern system of
If you have and are waiting for a
"convenient time," let ue frame them
It's convenient for us at any time,
but &little more so nowthan tteuel.
Beeidefi, the longer you wait the
moreethance there is for the pictures
to become damaged.
From now until December lab we
can give your work spooled attention.
sewerage, en. fact it ie vanddllaY las- ALEX
awning city airs with modern city
facilities. The next thileg will be
an; electric street rrailway. 'Regina 4............SEAFORTIEE.
has two oewspepers, The Leader l's Picture framing a Specialty,
.owned by !Peemietr. Walter 'Scott and lememeneemeeeeeme
is the (leading paper Jot the distrietrugobed on and. an a4ainst the 'eua,,::
Tihe population Of Itegina like 'gine, evhicle dragged the ,aninialls &-
Winnipeg is extremely cbtsondpelitan. bout ten 'yards. When the tr.ain
There are people there almost from was (stopped: wee horse was dead,
all parts of the we'ville Taller° is a the other waS 'but, slightly injured,
considerable German colony located and )jr. Hutchison., in additipn to a
in, the ',northern part of the townbad shook, received a very severe
Most of .them are cemperatively scalp wound, had two ribs ba.ok4n
recent arrivals from the Father and the fingers of tc0210 'hand smashed
land. I do .not :recothect what part re,e4, •,_ ,
of, Germany they come from. They --w—Two changes have been made in
belong to thiabaring class.. The the thee of the trains Twirling ine
colony is growing and is.igfradual111
being added to by a.rrivalls from the G. T. R, between Winghara
Palmer Eiton. The morning mixed
home. They have Oman but neat train new arrives at Brussels at 9:3;0
house, the midst of them, They are instead of at. 8:40, -while the atter-
an industrious, thrifty people and raoon train arrives at 1:44 in place of
are all workers aoad money makers. at, 1,i38. - ,
*Men, wanuen and children, all who —Mr. and Mrs. George McKee, of
ape able work end eawn Money. -They Gioderio, had an unpl,easeetet ex -
will m,a'ke good ' 431 tizens. The bulk perience the other day. They were
,Of the business ptvople are froin On- out driving when their horae got
tario. Huron is well and creditably eaegletened aJb la. telain and Iranaway.
represented there. There is Mr' .They were, both thrown out. Ivry.
James Balfour, at one time 'a. ;school McKee was ishaken up, but Mrs. Mc -
:teacher in 40Stanitee towalikhiP, if a Kee was Thrown into e barb wire
*mistake net, 'land it brat her of Mrf-ettace and badly out about the face.
John ;Balfour, Of' Kippen. I do --Mrs.- James Ragin, who lives
not kw* towlong he has been in near Dasihweiod, recently torn/Noted
'llegillas. He is the 'ilea' .of One of ta; quilt of the to,g cabin .variety,
the leading Ilegal firms in the 'e'itY• containing five (thousand, (nine bun -
He has become viol thro ugh his pro- . deed and ninety-nine pieces. The
fession and laid .speeulations. H -e working ;of the quilt, needless ta
is a 'oily .alderman and hats one Of say, has taken an immense amount
the largest andhandsomest resi- of labor, and when it is known What
denses in thlei eitl. He is allso. 'one ' the lady is now advanced in years
,of the pillars ira the Presbytexia.n 'the .aocoraplishonent of the task be-
elleurele. His law partner is Mr, comes all t'he more nottewoethe. The
Exetiereeho is .aelinitted to ibe one of men of its
M.aretin, son- of Rev. Mr. Martin, of completed article is ia. ;rare speci-
kind and weal worth the
the best laind cleverest 'lawyers in seein.g.
the eity and who is rapidly coming _The news 'af the death of' George
to the front both protflessiona.11y and. E. ,Iarvis,.of West Waveanosh, which
as a leitizen. Then there is Rev. occurred in Delo;roene on 'Monday,
Mr:. Brown, pastor a the Methodist October 2nd, came ' with a ;great
church, who was for three, years in Shook to the family abei to the
Exeter and. Mr. Paterson, pastor of
whole 60mm:unity. 'George had been
the Pre sb y feel= chu;roh, whose away LT Ora home about four weeks
wife is a Clinton. lady and a sister when he 'bee -erne ill with an attack
of Mee James Watson, of Seaferth. of typhuid lever akssi on weipiesday,
Me. Coawell, formerly of Hensaille is September 27tb, was taken to a
also in business in thie city. Mrprivate hosPital in Delaraine, but
Hincblley, formerly of Clinton, and notwi thstanding medical skill and
an ;ead Hallett boy, has charge of kind nursing, he passed aWay on
the business of the Waterloo engine Monday moening. 'The remains were
and thresher -company, who have te brought home for ,interment. De -
large warehouse in the cite. Then ceased, was 21 years of age.
thiere is Mrs. Smith, for.merily Miss —There died in Goderich township
Ross, a sister, of Dr. H. H. Ross, of on Wednesday of last week, Mr. G.
Sealforth, whose husband is at the Hewett, an old an well known rese
rhea& of the Regina, agency of alarrge ident of the Bayfield road, in his
British; Winnable lumber company. 85th year. Ile was 'born March. 10th,
Besides these are Miss Bethune, 1821, in Not t i n gla ara shire, England,
da.utgeter of Mrs. O Bethrune,• 'of and moved to F.rance witb: his par-
Sealant:hi, and Miss Robyson, of Clin-
ton, bolibl teae-hers i the pulelio
school; Miss Hays end Mr. W. Hays,
kialughter .aoad son of Mr. T. E. H,a,ys,
of .S‘eatioetiale the Barr 'b oys, 'nep-
hews of Mn. Wm. Pickard, Sealflorth;
Messrs. Norman and Charles Hoff-
man, sone of Mr... W. W. Hoffma,n,
formerly ,.of Seafortla all in good
13 °anions and doing well. I also
met Mr. David Reid there. He IS ain
Old IStentley boy, and a son ef Mr.
Heater, Reid, what removed frem_
Stainley .a few. years ago and now
has a large farm' neer Ralpileston,
Manitoba. Mr. David Reid has.' de-
veloped into a Buteessfull land
seeoulator, He was reenening from
Edmonton, where he had been, hook-
ing op investments and had Stop,
.ped oft at Regina. to Size up thje
-situation. I had ;almost forgotten
Miss Doman, pf the Regina Indian
school, who, although not exactly, a
mesident .of Regina, is near enough
to it ta be counted in. About Mlle
Indian home .tenda few ;other things,
I shall 'have something to say in a
conolludin,g let ter.
Huron Notes.
—The Bishop ;of Huron has ap-
pointed Rev. H. S.. T. Boyle, of
Mon t re al , ;molar of the -Winerhara
Episoopal chu.rola.
—Miss Tillie Ruby, of Buffalo,
daughter of ;Mr. George Ruby, ne
Dashwood, was married in. Buffalo
last week to Mr. Walter Hern of
that city.
—Mr. He/ay McGlynn, of near Bel -
more, has been muting a very sore
arm, the result of blood poisoning.
He was trying to remove a piece
of wend from his hand with a knife
which caused the poison.
Ira W. N. Gerry, of Fort
William, and iMias Laura.
daughter of llhir. Alex. Peebles,
Morris, Manitoba, were recently un-.
ited in marriage. Both young peo-'
pie are former Brusselites.
—Joseph Wilson and family awe
removing, ta Goderioh from Port'
Albert, Mr. Wilson _having purchas-
ed the Oressman property on tam- a native of the ceunty a Rent, Bog -
brim road, for which. he paid $1,000. land. Before coming to Canada she
He soad 'his -property at Port Albert married her late husband. in 1837,
to Wm. Brinley for $1,100. and was a most devoted. wife for 62
—E. S. Scott ;has solid the Ab. :years, -svhen Mr. Cooper died at Olin -
lop '100 acre farm, 17th concession ton in 1899.- Mr. and' Mrs. Cooper
of Grey, to Daniel McCalituna, for -were and favorably knOwn to
the sum of $4,200. The purchaser many of the younger and oldee gen-
will: get possession next Marob. • Mr. erations as peeple of more than or -
Hislop will remove to the NOT thiWe5t. dinary woeth, and they have left. an
—Messrs. Godfre'y Nadiger Sen, honored family of sterling integ-
the well known threshers of Dash- rity.
wodd, last week threshed oin the —An Old and respected resident
farm of Mr. 'Michael Sehlunt, west a Centralia, the person a Mr.
Dashwood village, an an aver- John Tennant, died at that place
age of 336 buslhels of oats ,per hour. last week at the age of 76 years.
Thie is censidered pretty tail work. Deceased was a very active man for
: —On Thprada.y afternoon of last his jyjears being road coramiesion-er
week, John Hutolainson, of Port Ail- for the township a tephen for
bert, was seriourily injured and One some time. Sevecral days previous
of his horses killed by a. G. T. It.
engine near the Harbor Luber
`Mill, in Goderich, Ur. Hatchinean
had driven to the mill to get earde
lumber, and while he was there a
train started for the statin. Just
as it thee mill yaed the
'horses beeline alerm.ed, and though
gutdhieen, held tei their had they,
e.nts, where they lived a few years,
and; from thee to IMicbaganewhen he
was a boy of five years old, where
be spent the early years of his life.
Coming to' Brantford in 1848, he was
married in 1849 to Sophia, eldest
daughter of Mr, Thos. Peaesens. The
deceased came to Goderich township
32 years ago, and lived on the ;home-
stead up to the time of this ",deat-h.
—One of the pioneers of the town-
ship of Morris, Mrs.. Scott, Wing-, peeted to Survive ilorrg„_3yfiss TeMee
ham, passed to her reward on. Sun- Howard, of SaTteia, is the !guest at,
day, 8th insk, Deceased was .,born the horae of poetmaste.r Christie.—
over 80 years ago, ini th'e; '0.cislitY • The diteTary society Of the high
of Welland, Criteria In 1861, slie school department of the public
and her husband came to the town- school held their fiest eaatertainment
ship 'of Morris, when it was a com- on -Friday afternoon. There was a
parative wilder;ness, choosing. 'lot 9, good programme which. was weal
eieneegsien Sy itrs 'their fuftquell9me, eendered.—The erinivetreaTy services
Here they s truggled with, the ha.rd- in connection . with Pavan Presby -
ships incident to pioneer lit ' A terian chureth wilt be he,ld on‘gun-
Ocitober 22nd, and. the anniver-
few. years atter their rem a to day,
Morris, Mr. Scott passed .away,1 aer- sary tea on the following Monday
'leg his widow. and family bo; con-
tinue the work he had begun, et masex- ,
eveningy.—Zohled eitottounioduillir laofrave. anveedary,
inakin.g a home. Twee t yet ler eie the owner Of the present ellectric
years ago Mrs,. Soatt removed to plant, a ten peers felabaohise pro -
W in elem. . vidieg be will install a new 'engine,
—Mr e Johae Vlber, sen of Fred- eew 'lamps and put his pilant in such
crick Ellbere of Orediton, died very shape that the lighting syltem will
suddenly last Monday neatening, He be ,more Tellayile. mt. Ant* him/
had been in ill health for -swine let eoutrects for this new equip -
months, but wee never oonsidered nfents and as salmi as thoe. aro in -
in a seritoue etinditcon until the pre- stalled. the extension of the tran-
. vious Friday, when he was comp -ell- ohise wet 'be granted him. We are
ed to go: to bed. The family was inclined to think' the people will
ander the irapression that he 'had find thie arrangement work out bet -
injured. !himself. some years ago ter and more cbenpler than if lhe
while participating at tag -of -war, council had gone into the business
and a pot mortem examination was on their own aacounT as was one
held &awing that death was dos time proposed.—Mrs. Lang, menet of
to acute Pneumonia- ner was 35 tbe late Philip Lang, a respected
years of age. H -e is survived by a. -resident of retee, died 'here on
young wjelo.w and four children, an the third inst., after a long illness
aged father and. mother, five broth- having attained the age of 71 years.
ers and lour. sisters. Mr. Lang -was the seamed husband of
_ohartlotte, Tenet ef the late' the deceased, .hee first 'husband be
Thorna.s 0, .0eoper, of Clirrtein, Pat; William Dodds. Mr. OM ' Mrs.
died -, at the .residence of her son, Mang resided on e farm in Stepliem
George A., in Goderich township, on for a good many years before corm -
Monday of last week. Her age 1.4i to Eeeteee—Master Fred '. Mc -
would have been 91 en the 3rd of Pherson, while playing at sehool a
November next. Her maiden name few days ago, Oil and hurt his
was Charlotte Kempton, wed she was knee.—Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Rollins,
Of Crystal City, Manitoba, are vis-
iting friends 113. this vicinity.
Death of Mr. HawkShaw.—Much
and deep regret was felt by our
citizens 'generally on learning of
the death of Mr. William Hawkshaw
on Tuesday of last week. Mr.Hawk-
ehaw had been suffering from ill
healtfli for some 'time. 1:4 his early
life he was si very strong, 'robust
man. Three years ago the. Tell do-wn
a cellar stairway in the Commercial
hotel receiving injuries from whieh
be never TOOOVeText. Himself and
Mrs. Hawkshaw had only retarned
a few weeks ago from a visit to
Mamitoba and the west Which was
undertaken with the hope that a
change Would prove beneficiaL But
if anything, the contrary was the
to his death lie was feedmg his effiect, Qp. Monday previous to his
stock when an en4raged bull charged death he suffered an attack of pair -
at bine In his endeavor ba reach alysis, induced by 'hemorrhage Of,f
safety he climbed a „gate but the the brain. and -never rejgained cone'i
animal gaining on him struck the solouenes.e. .M.r. Hawkshaw was bora ,
gate, throwing him to the 'ground near Toronto in 1839, and was am-
end stunning him fee some mom- sequently 86 years of age, His
ants, From the ,result of the tall parents were Irish; Upon reaohing
be did net at first feel any great his Majority, lee ,ferenia erelOt Re tat as
inconvenience, but 'the next day
medical aid was called En and. upon
:examination, a ruptirre icif the in-
testines was found. It was deemed
advisable afterwards that ter 'ven-
ation was necesSary, 'wild although
suceessful, was boo late to save his
;ife, 'Mr. Tennant was an ,old sic:4E-
41er atone time serving In the Brit-
ish army, being in engagements at
Inkerraan, Batlaklava atnd Sebastopol.
He was barn in Londonderry, ire-
-The spirit. of Mrs. Wm. j.Woods,
of Grey, took its flight fora the
earthly- tenement on Maniday even-
ing of !Last week. Her demise did
not come unexpeetedly in a sense,
as She 'had been ailinj, far 'the past
six years, more Ar kess severeiy,
with rheumatism, which had assum-
ed a chronic form., axid firom, which,
a.t times she was a great, yet pati-
ent sufferer. Mrs. Woods ba.d been
in bed since the previous Thursday,
taking considerably . IVIOriSte Monday
•m!erning, arid passed peaaefully a-
way to leer eteirnel rest at 6:30 p.
.Deceased'maiden name was
Mary Stewart, being the second
daaghter of the late Jahn Stewart.
alio was born in Kirkooeva.n, Scotland
and came to Canada when 18 menthe
• along with her parents, who lo-
cated in Grey -township, where they
resided trail lleeiT demise, ten and
eight- years ago respectively. The
subject of this notice was married
nine years ago last March tn her
nolv bereft husband, and. they have
lived on the Nth canoes -Sion since.
Mrs. Wieodie.wiee ,Pelored by a lareres
circle of friends'who. sympath-
ize with Mr. 'W'leoder mid other rela-
tives in their•sorrolve.
—Most Startlingly sudden was
the summons pf death that came to
Mrs. Robert Currie, of Wingtham,
on Tuesday evening of last week.
She was sabject to oceassional at-
tacks of 'heart efailure, but feir some
time baok 'lead appeared' 14 "good
health, and on the day of ever death
wag perhaps more bright and cheer-
ful than usual. In the evening she
visited a friend at Mrs. Kruse's,
and later in the evening, she -called
on a sick neighbor. After retarn-
ing to her .heme, without any ;ap-
parent warning, she was seized
with an *attack (of heart failure, and
as she was fallbag, was caught in
her husband's arms and in a, few
nainutes her spirit 'had takexi its
flight Her maiden name was AREI
Linkla.ter. She was born in the
parish .of Dirsay, Orkney, Scotland,
on May 3rd,- 1834, and hence was in
her 72ea yeai. She came to &est Wale
wanosh With her parents in 1855,
and on July 26, 1856, was united in
marriage to'her now bereft husband;
For about 47 years they resided MI
concession 14, Eat Waevanoela shor-
ing each other's joys and, SOTZOWS,
acting well their patts in the de-
velopment of a ;home, and rearing of
a respected family. About two
years ago they, (left the farm. and
moved ineo Winghara.
Briefe.—Rev. R. W. Knbavies, of
Fullerton, preached in the 'Main
street Methodist ellaurch 'last Sue-
day.—Mr. Robert McFauls„ who has
beee employed with Mr. W. H. Le-
vitt, for some time, has gone to ,Eg-
naondvellie having leecered a posi-
tion with the Messrs. Colbert, of
that viatage.—Mr. John Gillespi.e,
the veteran and aiways obliging bus
driver of Exeter, is having his bus
repainted and maele look as good as
new.—At the time of writing, Mrs.
Hugh Speakman, who has been. an
anvalid trOM rheumatism floe many
years, is very ilo-w and She is not ex-
LO/14101r1 township, reinaLeing there
bub ta short time before going to
Exeter, where about 35 years ato3'
be engaged in the hotel bueinees.
Especially among the teaeselling
commenity 'will he be remerabeeett.
He has owned hotels at Wiaghame
Myth, tSeaforth and St. Matta His
last -venture the Oerameraial hotel,
at Exeter, remained hie until his
death. He retired from the hotel
business about a ;Near age: eina bas
since. fixed private. Mr;_,..e. Hawk-
shaw was twice maeriect. firee'
w ife, Who was a Miss Rolline, died
leaving lira one daughter; Mrs.
Schossenberg, a south Loudon. Hie
second wife survives hip, as. do al --
so two elaildren, Wm., of Souris,
Manitoba, and Jean, at home. une
brother te'
eraains John. Ilavilmbiew,
of Exeter, and four sisters. He was
of a fng; !generous disposition
was widely known and hi,ghlte,
spected. M. Hawkshew was a
staunch, CozervatiV0 ail was a
,member of th. Mainalc, Odeleeetows,
Workmen and range secteties, the
latter of wbioli he ranked in the
high degrees, being a meanieer of
Black Knights. The funeral tkek
place_ on Friday and was very lrar, ge-
ly atteneled.
Sliver Wedding.—On 'Wednesday,
evening of lest week ia large num,-
ber of invited guests .asserabied
the o.oianiavordious Testlesace of tMar.
and Mrs. Mex. Gardiner, Meliillop,
to .celebrae the twenty-fifth' anni-
versary of their marriage day.
ter ,a sumptuous repast in. Whiteh
every person present playea eyed
theie pert, the toast to the that
and hostess was given 'by Rev. Dr-
Marsh- lot Hamilton, and --Bev. at.
MeNah; oaf Walton. •To this thehost
respendied in a few wed obosen
words. -A etleatearat was
afterwrds 1513egii1 in Song ead story.
The imusioail part of the prolgremme
was: attended to by Mass Dora Kin-
ney anit Miss Annie Sec guson, and
all went merry ma 'the marriage belle
which. Aimed a quarteT of 4a cen-
Vary exp. The worthy couple- mere,
the recipients of a. well assorted
arxiay iof icosth1y piresentts, but Itbet
ones whielte will be moSt higihiy
prized by them was a, temple Of el-
egant and costly Morris rhaire, pre-
Bente& to them by the 'members of
the family an a token .of the respect
and esteem in -which the jparents are
held by those who, thoogh gone out
1 nom lbeineath the old roof ltree,are
not I:forgetful of pest kindnesses tot
(childhood iYeers. At Ian ea1.1" IV &oat
tlae; company. left Tor their several
homes after wishing Mr. and ars.
Gardiner many lyeara of happinees
still 'to weenie.
Anniversary aervices4, Anniver-
sary serviaos were conducted in
Duff's Presbyterian !chter141 on iSun-
dee, October 4.5th, by. Rev. ,D, ?enri?e,
of Wieglram. On the 1QIII-owing
lYforelay evening a tea meeting was
held. Tee was served inthe base-
ment, 'after which the (Chair twas
taken by elle eiestor and the eeelow.-
minguisipo'riboygrAmme oitehoiree;7100:0coaryriledur.lontiot;
WiI4ts; 'recitation, tYliss Ada- Beat-
tie; sate Miss Helete Beattie, ad-
dress, The duty of cheerfulness, iby,
Rev. R. B. Baker; solo, Miss Memie
MciEwele; duet, Mr. Roy Willis, ;Wass
Helen Beattie; address, "Intitvidual-
Itiy," 'by iRev. D. Ferrite; (solo, Mr.
recitation, &Liss Ada Meat -
tie ; scIkx, Miss ,Heiben, iBeattie ; cites -
jug selection by the ethloire The
VDOORta.13 in elf 'amounted ito abut
$98 which: twilit so towards, laurel).
Notes.—Mrs Peter Gardiner left len
Monday of this week for. Montreal
witht two eiaT leadsof exparteattle
which/ Will ibet shipped ito itlhe load
country enerkeit lby Iva Of iBoiton.-e„
Mr. George S. Ferguson is- itialt tome
pelted Ito lee on °ratchets tes the re -
suit of a laid whiele he had tt few
weeks ago.—MT. Zahn Bel:tack had
the assistanoo of some a the neigh-
bors this week banking eip lammed
leis new !residence -which ils now a-
bout elempleted.—Mr. Thames: John-
eton. has disposed of lifs Warm ito a
gontienvaln .ifront iWiewanoishi an4 twill
retire from. the racitive eltitiee of
*Win giaatrt,
Par New Station.—Tbe Ileng. ex -
petted improvement* it the Grand
Trunk terminal facilities hare have
at ' last been eommteneA. This is
the junction point of the
Huron abet Bruce division eV th the
southern extension of the elpee-
ton, Gray and Bruce lin from
Pa.lrnerston to Kineardene. The
grounds are now beleg prepared and
will be More than doubled in size.
The new station, whieh is to occupy
a fine Toaation max& '--oloser to the
Main street, will be ah important
improvement to the Tepidly eIDOW-
ing north end of the town, and when
completed, it is elaimed, it will, be
ef the, finest and most modern
equipped stations north or whst
of London.
Bereavede—The maw friends Of
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Da.y t
extend to them their leineer eyne-
pablity in the sad affiliatioa jthaoagth
:which they are now asiag. On
Snonardaveyy 13,asobiat Itheialatedr ler,itgwhicit "al/ S.uolibti
tvitio Mehithls, Was taken away try thie
h;ale.d. a death. The Gate fellow,
wthe, was the brightness a thialtomia
had been elle for a -couple of twee.ks,
and his death leaves a. saA bleak
ita the iheemie -and is a sere leereavie,
meet -relunta perente6 !The re-
33:411inS WAriff lkud iae their last treating
Patece in Ithe Maitilandhenk venue-
Itery ion freetiday, the if =era being
largely- attended.
a Inviligeoadianjuelg
l3 jeae—;.5,Mhor.roasWma't, Roeinow
bro 'fair 'last eweek, Mae Rinn
his reputation, giving till& bee bf
satisfaction in the rings eta -aemoio-
tetraAng to Whet eiderres of Smbro
and vieinkt7 What khe wary Vogt
bolgearhicoacif ih:owrsesmitinoeino. tx,ifeatrotmedteverhis
on Their I:Merits Willie therein twas
the igueiet ia hm 1d
ZOthi 01%1141'5X.
, a r