The Huron Expositor, 1905-10-13, Page 4i ii-�
movi#g- tt�d that itiowla. He .
-Was qaaiing an ms Kna
�LAFWrglrl-M ME
itk) an end. Wie dor not �ay tho-t ,A;A.y
-nip,busineas'somo yeu* ogo, -
basi&mIevt ft&m Aix oclock,
friends bgrei durlaZ tileipAsit Week.
Mfftaboxh4 'of ftl*' present Ontaxid.
aw-ve t -to I'llis
1knuirie ot officie, couad' xiviveir come.
movi#g- tt�d that itiowla. He .
Ld' W11, ',LIPA wlik M sWve4 in U40
-Was qaaiing an ms Kna
�LAFWrglrl-M ME
itk) an end. Wie dor not �ay tho-t ,A;A.y
-nip,busineas'somo yeu* ogo, -
basi&mIevt ft&m Aix oclock,
friends bgrei durlaZ tileipAsit Week.
Mfftaboxh4 'of ftl*' present Ontaxid.
aw-ve t -to I'llis
1—as Aotely boon liviixg, in, Lou -
ar. MaUdy� is 'survivied- by.
Nditeiii—Mbp Walltvn fteadiog fac-
tory blo s about compileted tibe man-
WA -%v". alk. plknised"bo have a; aaAl
-13%W& onaui,
Dalrity Shae. T or
iti�n. Rift it they a -m imc ftngetr or
ootak, JohO, Of Deltm CkLt ; Tvtelr, �
muctux* of 41-iff *;aso�nls oatp�ut
wibp with fiw huiiibiand is hiomle: on a
filllia?g Jo-tio suoh. au eirtrkx, Unia-y_
or ,
qlew Xidrk P- aAd Wm. J., of Lon.
of btor"q bieadfl.-LMiss Mkani6 Ben-
yoaxls f uiribough, tridm" t1ho mission
the Little Palke
I beg to
that, I Wil
&hloiuild- *m4,-wAtex I thie f(a te iat the i r
Tia. Jas.
;'and' Ithree, dailphteft-4, hi
a HanoaU Inigm- lef t
et t Mis am:L
rieads of 81ost1h Ameirica, kpaivei an
0rle*:,-*es%o(rs. Aft,& the' �guidlng
�iicihe)ll, -of Qbi�itolrf; Mrs. �Ed-'
on X016dAy of week "for the
i6kewics tiifig addiress in St. Aa&Wls
1paid, 1 ofAN$ix Oliview Te-
Stott, Detxdit; and� Miss Basie
Niorthwesit� wiblere it !s.-k-xpiected,e!%eh
chaTah on Madday eviening on
m oveA f&lm the diate OnUrio Gov-
Baififalu.- H4 ihas vilts6-*i,,ihrdE74
Will assaine fintoor-tvat gosiblan.4.—
t1lip work bialnig 'diano by bbie. misslow.,
Mothers who take a prile in- hving the' ohiildren!s feat atly an4e
and �M'U,
0irinanleat aomi6i tof the members'got
Uruvef ie)Ld,.
Mr. Mluomas BiShniett, of Mitobdl,.
axiies in t1hiat clooixn#y, Mrs. Ruah-
ly shod� will find on-rehildraes shoo depar
coming tmeut alwaYs abrealit'
'to few tbrat t1hipy weire, lowds of ak-l-
-they. that they
visited kii6inils i1a Waqbon tWs wetak.
—4r. M.'Ridbinislan, of Sit.,Catihiar
aqata is a plloasant lind 11mmit spelwk-
ex and is. w'dil vrjri�ad on missiianiary
of.the times, By, striet attention to the Ahoe wants of the little foikf�
suirreyled and w!o:re
Ithe mastiam and not thie.aieTv ants of
li�r�oii NWie-s.
Wev outia!
The t1eirn F dry dd., of
lines, ks t1his Weak renewilng frinna-
elhins in Wd-lboih and vin-ft1tv.—Miss
-wphk. in Souitib, Anwiricu.—Mirs. Wim.
Ivishn and Mrs. John W-hita an, of
line - at rea
by handling the latest styles and the most desirable a Sam .416
+U; Av%qv+mAnI nf our business is Aver on the lir'roiaa
61 . JVL11-:001 0 %-�r 0111% MAt-
Wiag`ho�m, hTts decilaired a eln P Same Dennison, 'who was ftwmi4rily a tha vilhaga ax.6 vlsldnik ± 4)ei
401 . T nds in
t -dividend. iiig new friends every day, The following lines of childreeis r
NNW ADVB UT18-BXBXT8 -Wafd. They who cincia builkiiid so
resildlenit of 1,111s viffhg-e, A; speind- Miliviairtkni and Ustowi&—Thje; fine -shoes ft
win tl!y in pro-
11argdly and so pro lan
--Xr, W.'Muir, of the 8�h odlndvs-� mong du befit sellers, and are aptendid v&lue for
pro between the parentheses after each 11,g.�a few w6e&i Wlbb,, frlqnds and *rLat11ie,!of blile, paot week has a the money
,donates tt page of- the papeir on which the vinctal afiftirs, baye sunk oomijlete- &iwl 10if Ilualvtt, is eaffing X)Irt,. and
ce" 01"M ay ouit of sight and arie not -now tibo far=rs an exqffiont oppiartm-n-
ad is, out II be found
imit andg igoing Weit. ity to got in thieix pxytiato aind,. "Ot Infants' Pancy Kid M000mine in tau, eh000late ad white, for 25c and 350 A !x1r.
jlob�1)4,Ts Sialle—W. P�ckard- & Snih-5 ard of any moTe than if the earth InfantW White Kid Moccasins, very pretty, sizes 1 to 4, for 50o a pair.
5 haA smollowed thlem. We have some __Mrs. E. R. Talbot, a to!rmVr'weJa Brussels. OPOPIS. Tbe 1YAiatotes alre go(od both mikel
Mfilty.ftoes—R. WUIL�is & Sola -4 known resident iof Win-gham, died Children's- Kid Buttoned or Laced Shosof the 11 Nursery " and 11 classic
strallar imstancies also In the Dlon;kn- eye, ea:r =4 inlose Ispeo- as tio quialnitity and qua�Uty,—Mr. 0 -for
XvIftuery--L-E. TyleFaul clo:.-8 ion -even now' *at her ihome in Uoinjdori, on Beptetm - Dr. Ovens, 'blo, Tevon&ay 74c, and 85o a pair.
Glovemmont. And -(xrth, Duincaji McGxagor, iv, Children's Kid Buttoned or Laced Boots, sizes 5 to 7J, your choiee of all the U L
D,�Osnm licing—Mrs. SamC40-ra75 bler 80thi, axed 60 Lretax.s. �alist, Goimmeirolal Holtidl. Seaf ot 113,
atanee) FATMI�
—MoRin-non & :CbL-5 ----Wm.- Jacloiwi, a Well known an 001bober -18th. V. g, 0 t t, 1 mx 7 Law8on,
'atthypq0h wie'havie iiopeirsolnal k -no""' See .6d' puro'basied Itble, pirolyerty of Mx -s. styles for 90e, $1 and $1.25 a pair.
ledg46 of t)xe s-ituotton wle d-6 know Goir4on, fin the 011age, is
R -4m 'Fox &%le—J. Mxwort'h-5 Ment of *otrwis- has icrde No-tee.—Amianige -the visitOlTs hn� Vhiinigs in sibrapia, afriound thie, pfiticiu, Childreniis Buttoned or Laced. Boots, sizes 8 to 10J, in box calf and dongola, kid, I
thiat Lit is WhispWTAI -10 InnowinX
Licot,j—G, Ugie-8 alirdies tbxtt t1heirse are, a fe- . wi mem- lin.tied.his 91st bixlt�day iamd is stilill Z6�� during the past wieek wie -LRk,.v. and Mivs. Slaiivwx% cof Rr Qoa- ahaperand best we . arere, -for 61 and $1.25 a p%ir. SUCtI0600r.
A()n 8&tard-S�
P10,iss Retum—G. A, Sil&-8 be -Ira Stidl im� that Govewn-mient Whicise qui,te spir1glitily. notided- the, foalowikng: Mra. J. C. filelld, ivieirio in! the vilillage an Y:m-
on Lot
tion. Salle—W. G. Hart -5 $12,000 of td16beln1tubMo & ifhe 11��,llidjay' ii0d Mrs. W4111 Lowexy, of day emeniiinig atteladkog the M*;;.A:ion-
rapidly -6-eowing boolarlipe
heads, ,tre FATAn Stock Al
it I iolf 'Whrigham, ifor Ithe - ex ten - Londion - A M. BoKk,
J. MoNlevin-5 L, oT HAmidtjoin; ary mr,eitinig iin. St. AndT'(3AV'13
tor thpIT- h-ats and that they oirle igad,-*
A.I6011, Prop.
A-44lion Sale—T. Jkihinoton-5 �sioiri c�t the waberwork�3 systlefm,welrie WiAl Gxiov% of Braiafifloxa'; Miss Ait tbe. eq,os(eof Mrs. Baciblanailils ad' Be WILLIS. -S SON9
toping foi a'talil wrid may slaxie
'Aubtiora Salle—Xiames 'Chrllim-5 soilf�td a Totonto fix= ft $12,115, Olive winpirizie, of Kinctard-hrei ; dr,,ess Mr.. S' On Tuesday
the fate of a 'Tarte., a BlaiT and a awers gare a tew p1leals- Sole agents for the Slater Shoo for *men, %lad the 11" Queen Quality and, v il.- on lot,
W. H. New�ciomlbe, "bid "has b0eln- Jias. Dunford, iaf C1 Daton ; John Cob- ant remaT —Tibe, Met
SUTon. Hiow-l�vex. be that as it may ks. b6dists of
shoes for women, Tuokeramith..
'44 -tion Sale—W. Gdvenlkock-5 - za yinig oln 18L Urve dry, oo& buisi- air. of. Gaielpli; W.. Xanikesion, W- this vlilliagp initiend hVIldbig their
-and jnd4,!,n,g from the Igemetillail out- %to. J. R.
Wiauted—siaiarldrtb, millrunig 00-8 t SP
dook: as dt pirieseiat pT�esftts 'its- nla�$ iiaC%intoli, is 101vimig (up buslaws Huin��,, A. Kwir, A. !TaAor, and F. annivor-sa-py siervions on di., d -0, auctio
Fa#m For Siolle—S. Xdrr1sM—S- solf to the c4a4ual obseirveir,; no ltheria, having purefhaveeld a buPiness Enints, of Stirafifoxid; 'G. Z111.11ax, of Swndhy x. WA Brow.
in Niovember..—X TtUdbo fpmi im ohm.. upe"na and ev#nnin-m witli, vP--rvmn1Ah irl- Wtdneeg
in. xUagaxia linalus.
'St�,4ttoTd Business 041iage�8 Lisltqwea.; John o lof London aadlipfg
shlould h' V 01
I � W%- - , wime the lbarzs on,,e-blis taran hexe aftc;L to lar -V 00(d917el�-,,S Zon
son, wleleids� be surrp.,696d MoNordie,
At the W)wteirrn Faix, and ohinand Alx. W-alkier, of Tes- on loild fxiends hiaredoin flhlopA
L#foh Vaques—T. F. Daly 5 -eff in this bdluv6d t cit tiei line Objurol Was -Olttily de Farstbak
xinie In - fa
bu, -kt.
m]�ejlt its
. �. iBrq*h, piroprietor sof the I -Wel Watoir.—Betpirle 'leaviiag Ao)r Lisito- b con, Provinicip, i6f 0W. -S in SO flaT'AS Pldl-
i —8 4 -rk
'to ei vvTy anficiTtunate in faoMexzs� frult and, chEese factory, eaptuirkel --�jwize w1ell a in p
ons conc�trinidd, Stb
fthis mspeot as sev al
W er ba-rnis, on it a spfevial wzvio orner.
Ghil Wianted—Qu#einls Hotd-8 =b,.r. d trieinds iot R. K.
-Gi- ohleese. on Fri&yl
-the hion)a of
—Mrs. W. 11. W.P.11is-8 a;t Hierwas awaYdedoa bironze and Ure. Ross mk)t t
11mot wlitbin, tlht life of the Zurich. ty,
ea -6d .%vitlhin ithe Iliast 15 eral
'r. Xas. Fox, 1ast Thiursdy ovvhln�z, have be, burin
P�g, Sal�LR. S. Rays—'8 mfe lail for iclfoeise t Me T.oxoinito X assfepk lgieheirgtion.. Mmuigh isaid, W6 have a large stock of urn don, bias be -on, spend
—4—W. H. Willie -8
Fa r s4orimig 04 .14 ooknits.
lto�lrs and _p3vened each of them With an Ranges and HtOes, TbefainousPeninsuWatoves, W
-.-Pink is as ;goiod a.4 a m6d 'to a !kinl WmAks With 1AP4T Wr
gh;t tlok-en �olf t lie Duck's Happy Thought, Grand Jewell, Empire
Mr. and
R-19. Rroderlok-8 A'V Dranitficird TlBoently lWo Neillin easy *hair,, as. sU
Doiliarty. e r,
r4oprl to,
whi:cb they are held.
;_2144 queen, Crown Huron sad other makes. Before Staney. cli ere Attentian-8 Lohise �,Elwott, diangliter of Mr. b;Lgth eatmm in 'Mrs. Gixon -and- A1 buying It will p -.v you to see these shoves and got On Saturdm
Robert, -Eilliott, forime4y dltx Ur We wil M , R�ss, Wh, has -p'
It makes but a mattpr of a week or so
R4!p —G. A. Sill —5 �k r uiricha. -
our prices. A. Chariesworth & Son, Zurich� lika
PostMaster-G neral- Rt Glinton, spent Fxi & th;6 Wing.ham Times, whs iuiffit4 In ed'a hardwiarle bus -1 -gess in tlye abloive when you'll reall) need astovaorbase-burner, and
ethin uneatle- 0P,
Sir *Aliam' Malook' Pdsitma-vtbr hn1 a a hurry you, may buy som
'Apples Wao�ted—G. Xoy(dt-4. marxlage ito Rtv. R. E� Saunders, m1eint-lioided tpwn., a 'r.�ree mleasulre of I). Ovens, eye, ea:r an,4 no" 6pec factory. Beforebuyipgoilloodsooth f, to k wia-To gla to af
Hart, P. l?
Giaotul i1n. Sir Wilffxtd LiaurWa *db- of La(�ora, Iowa. Ralp, wbO has ialist, Commer-ejal HotvU S.M.farth, ot the famous Peninsular stovas and Base Burners
ever i5o of then stoves in use in Ztirleh and loin- 41111. a
on, U
Satur&y, —At t he liarvest omie W)rvtcPs in, be" emptoyed as bilacksmith b Mr v
esignatiDn o, Ocitiobier 18th-. See dv'.
ity. We Invite the most Critical examination. A. to, the -1waso f r, si
eaninect C.
11. �Xwian, for 6kweftl months, has jottings. P
1hAs tiendm*it big T ion with.1t1hic, Wirugham X Vhriag, lour Charleoworth &Son Zurich 1912 tt lim
Mr birol*n b. --Mi, to trho,Piremi-er, and, it wll probe
Fit odiltyt -ohurrdh,, -the icolabribations, )a-,. mroved his taty to' town, wvA baken
Warm 8
be azzopted on tibia retulln off the as purchased the bakig Death of a. Varmor ro i1a
�hii mounted to $1,565.50, whicib wH1 xooms, ovier 1, C. Rio-hard's store.—
m Mr. 0. Ell- TojLi11owing, wbic. we take ftom the ton $aturday l4as r-
and WT11 it tio
f WE l -w I la It Vam -twneer.
MoDou!�a% cif W hie ]Brian -Manitoba
VORTH, FRIDAY, Oct. 13, 1905, Gbrervur Ginineral Ito Ottaw, 'the pinaciticialy w.ip'B oft the debt on the Miss Afaggie - `Saullt ber don, Times, 0frg hiukton,
Sts -Mari% is lhteale
-0A Wearies,
the week. 11his aftidh on ?0hiuWc1h. -on it -Adbt witl) lives. H wiR ave everything up to a f4oirmier xie�aZt of t1his b viriiing fxdmde
f irst of
My Vh this
—A gretty "ddimg was OOWb�ratied ioUd friend -s. --:The ileath bif Mris.Adam T- Wilt 1.3istoryRopest Itself ? tbp part of thie Potatmasitle Q "W1 -tihe home of Mr. -and Mrs. John a formle wNll-km to da te.—Tbs Luthlexan Sunday abip,. "Our Tadxwa willa rVet, 'to A Good Re-zord Fox Fazils.—M
nit e.
Brea Q
-hooll is ow hold in tha af ternoon, ji-oa of tho etath Gf Thomas Ree J. Berry, of Heneall, the well k"VM.
d 'to the is ,uid to -be due Vd 11 1h, allth., ur- d d
Ad ri s, QT Godericili, on Wednesday defft of Brusspils; occurred at Long -
importer and, 4oWJnX-'Z hio. 01'
of da-st week,- when their )1aughter, o, Njokfi Dakota, &a Moinday, 00-
, -%Vhdoh da-bes ins-tead of the morning as was done of Ohatr, Manitoba, an Sep
jtlbij-6 -'coadusion that theire 19 ing s
during 'the sumpler.—Miss England, 19th. Mr. ReeA was 1111 his sevonty- stalion-A, is to be Auct�oneer
back to ethp formation of Sir Wkl-- 0, wrioll-ine- 'L. onisle, Was wAtld n anax- 'bobeT 2nd. Deioeasdd Was Weill up in
ti, vlevy sitirong 9T dissa On Thursaw
Muir of New Hambu"rg,- 1has be -en hietie, ecomfd year, and was born in'thie 1 the k"Iblowim-g-pf foals
xids Government, Sir Wialliam bias riage tio [Mr. 0eicArge F. iffarris, of years, a4d had bleein failli in -hemlth
-the, ranks t. �thce Coids!eW4 he DIM hie -1
visiting ber, a1dat, Mrs. . Ort.—Mr. coa-0ty f Hustiinv, Ontario: wheTe I by bormi by him. At tU
e'mM'Y Was p4r- for slome thmie —T ex- Hess, Sr., h
beein an indeliatigabIte wokkez and Duingainnoin. 'The cor
mflo e
under his admi-nistratilon tho V.ot- for by Rev. H 9z R. Thomploorn's -coad- stowlage bilild. as bad a. winU anill ra - rA -prb% aist, Df
ivie Tr4rty on accou nt of 4�ft
-he was mia�rieOl to Eillmiina I ind, in -B
G.'N r faix ti& Ist amd 3 t
ond fatntly i far heavy dva*hts and the.ftdata
'by the office d(epartmerilS' has been 'aftsid e dted on t he pmorArty wher� he re- 1858. TA 1864 'Mr. Ree emen
ew uroh coaty, an W1Uv1a!*Nk4
silior pirsy-'rriess lyeipg miaile bs -we k and
—kr. W. 0. 'Thompon, ic",efoxak- inz was vompletied th, -a
�Centily 'built his n B Browi
To; him is due; tbd ter,. of R�upsieits, was wather .6 i
ho"e, akd oyvila remov&d to H d was a 3rd pTixe for
eir dulsdy e ci to i0i
W�,! povWnxen t in f 1xildillal; Off i- leralAy imixrovkd. th am t w k commo6ced. P install a watiii olr for w-eriB,,,awiajr;a:ed to. Such, foalls; *Mljo -On tihe postal injumqeil in a r works 'systiem f romident of
c-nedit .,of clicriductivig TRII-9-WVY azaaint 4DT' Mc;Don:Md� 'has f1hia ,wntriadt.—A. 0. t1bP 'S
, f(>aJJ
i0es: for their suppiowt-es EvAbv suohl-I
servioe- at a grofit, bnstad as �ihdeir, Wedinesday ight of'llast He alid Mrs, Mac(faT(lainie and obild-ren suppaying watev to his thre tonantis some -tinve. In 1882 tievy came ves at the Zuich fair
Mito aud'for his wn house as we)d as for to Qxa ter distTict, whiiare it hey have ed in icapturing Ist and 2nd
)yart's- as The bialit Adviooa former iegrimies witli, annudl. do- w"'driving homie ( Whie l3tation ht- away on va-caltion to Oa:niiingtoin.
the bofier in his factur. He has since roMded. Xx. Reed n' fo leavy Uaugbts, Ist alla 2na
ria�' 'O'16nstipinied to-,, spek Tip�hit out, f ivits.. Sir Willifiam 'is al o dited whft
cirie 'We horge got frightened
ana Mr, MadaAlania intionds spiendi Oradis i0attle.
M19 0- 800 feet of pipe, LhVie- feet under, tive and consistent miembeir t the iagriiituiral and-1-st aind 2nd in ft
n so-' upsiet the irig ;m -to itihie dlitich. ATx. vou:Vle fo
sThe Advouate has sup- Furniture, El
in Ote being the chief influence, -9 qui leatm
1 we"eiks in the hu-ntn the g.rioirrid. It is, te, an under-- Ket-hiodist.crch. Tin his death 9-iolemal pApiosa olasf;. A ffttur6
'T a-rto bieifoi% ret.
ourin Impie'ria1 penny poistiaqe� and hompson was.,ofit about the head grriounds of Noi-th Out
distTiieb has ost a much respe6teid of the meomt Vior�ied tbo Qolns�exva�tiv�-- paity �taklng -but i's 1
it, Was durin his tierm of VH! biat ad, tace. a keevilng wlbh Mr.
who bias spent Erpss, entelr irisi:hg
-�bwlpugh:' the domestic, (I-etter ploistage -was —A *W, I known x4ideint ldf p 'ilature.—Mr. J. citizen, =d his Idud and obli;ging. Was tJ
lthxj�qgih, thick and th rmord =4e, bodst iw
the plastnar in A. Stxadhian's stiorel, Warm met with paiinfull miablap disposition wll be long irmmlbared by "Aft. Beiiliry's pitallilons -.A
fi reduced from thiree con-ts td two 'am 'distriiat died t Us, homwe Rieft this wie� �00-r Oat:gilil, w1hone the weU bred stot!
-e V4vt As Nvii--jit as xtj�oir
Othiter 'day,- Re, Nvs- by his many frlends in Vhls istTict. classes 'whidh admi
ats. Man'y ot-her. impr1loveinaleas in Bluieval, on jW�Mrvcsdiay atennoon bif he bias sieoured a. situation.—A. M.
-nd never du-vink Ic -a eart*h, wl�iev his seat olipped amd lie Mr. Reed leavies a widw, four son ther bezt stoaft at -a-ny, faix in 'At
t 4e
h � postal servive ELT mes Kay, if tmatiflorld, was h-e.Te th S
a due tw bis dast week in ithe porNcin lo -f Ja
t t-tmia hs it a COM- Irin. his couuty. the first pTizos. in bothU-*
-n abillity ana ientogrprise, in Deyoll, -aged 78 "ari. Deceaed Xv- welok -T4o-. a vi�it -*itl4 his sist-eir, thAt -one arm was bTakien -alt hle toss. a t 013
1heavy d-rught -xn4. gricidtii
is fell ff the wagon, w1W the irestili and 0 ml u
eaf e= Ito dirleciti;oins hie '10-Avs his m-krk ied in Wingham fo a numbeir idif mr. W. H. K�eir.T. RIB wias ra�cwm. B -At 40 wiliti
wrist, 11� ill be liald up for.r�ome
fdla to thals sired, stal-
So4f1h Pbxth it siays.-: the law booko bf t -be, Dominion. yeara and d4teT -in ithe t6wn plot and tly
on ay, lof
Vlcative R-atz, f 110ins finp*oxtied by Mr. Brry. Sao
North. It is sbated wrtlil voinsider-able' au- irticienitIly oved t Bluiiraba. OU had Auet-TialLa.—To T
With, thei exeeff-tioin ot 'ink -s of. Blriasgp'jl� Park1hi'll, bias been visibing beir bro- crdis, -tioneer.
thorit that Mr, A. -B. Affilesivift-tih, been aiflag or stobve -bov4ers wealt to Ligtowel- on, Mon-
Mj-O�Mei IMPeGtOr �Lnd -the; ther, Rev. W. J. -ya G. J. Sutherlandas had placed In 'hie
ger, a, in thiis county, nd sp)eiaks
a, a' '110Ad` is T n-tho
I B' U f Milvirt.m, nta oliaggle, aat, aud piayed a. game with bands at a great bargain, two fine brick dwellings for
C., w -Ell bie Sir W M-� lam's saocies —bfxs. - Thois. -GRauxi , died t ithe diay -ad &qr isi-s-
7 Vy or Zurich
ter.—Mbe, vent Of
bee mna-e. NTot 11ong,ago the Con-, hlome.olf ffi)ew husband. iin Lond6n, on the cilu(b of thkLt tloqvil. Ouir bqys with a number of lots attxched to each. A g )d
now TIeVelViOg a co.,at of graVoil. Mr.. chance for a retired farmer or anyone wantinjt first.
-of South Perth- Tuesday.of I-ast wideik, at thle- age ot attelated by seven sbiots.
seirr,,#irc, Geizzier is, tili colhmlissiloner, at olas9dwalilugeat^bargailo. Alsochesper proper-
ei b, i n. About th,3 Ex -Premier's Putre �2, brears. Devefased,,fniifiteired axi at. -
b Mr. Moint, t this eirldof bhe rtuad, -,vbich -,v. tiestoreale. A15ply at once at the post oill-a.Meh-'I
Itac -of ityphofd- fiav�or, from kh eAf- ill en Vol boshel-
appo-iintmhents, but they .'The foll1favvng dsi4patcih brom fVa.n;- Bluevale. suM a guidd job bpaing don#&. Sall. 10724f Bruceffeld.
ti ailly tuirwed 40win, L4L& ifecits ot whirih he !qovor'rrecovered. Wanted, a large quantitv of applis -at grap
cioaver, British. 001uirnla, appeored Dx- Ovens, eyv, iest aiiii ino�ie Ppeci- W. Smith, 9f Detitoit, wa& hexief Tie- Rabberaw Rubberis.. Rubbara—Bi o-
'g-hter of g u V
suggetsitin of Itheirs 'bias as, Shp -was-itlhia seventh dau` allist, Oomniexoi cenflly in eonnleotion. with tor for which the highest matkqt 4 stook of—its
t 1 bal Hoitdl, Seaf oLrtb, -pie Leal wad - Slefahty*1
iyet 1"bleen pq=ied into efect, and s 'in he daiay papers a few PUys Mr. 'Rentry 1"ireietinalp, 6f the 2nd'icon- SOMID cash price will be paid. Bring in apples at ones as brsnds_3We)I goods and all now aud vilewa. W4
on OcItlober 18th. See -adv. ollanges in the residence he is e.rect.- season will be short. 1.474.1 -C
i Aer than 1w --%prof dox
'a 00� -raqajenGe th feeffiagr �tbroiugh- It is irqporte upon b1g4h a.u- tesson �olf -Hu;litt, aid leays ia!sor- Willis, sole alrent V)r George A. Six
tho.rity t'hat HlonL G.,W� Roits Nvll be -nwbnq buband and fiva ctldxen. leddig.--Tlhe, fodlowing for his briather-in-Ilaw, Mr. H. Dr. Ovens, ejye, car and mose, liplec,- id Doroth Dodd shoes for ladlosjr. Bet I #lour, rev:1001M
plara,- lug
uMagel.—Mr. H. Randebi mved ini.,O, Comniexciiial H t
oi 161 S-eaf or t h, -enant-Go-veimor of —An. Wer-ideot occumr-dil &t the 9-rapLIi frioom Siait,Wrildayi!a -Globe re im
T Mr. H. Bauer's. house -a few days oia OawbeT'%18th. See advL Dr. Ovens, m5ye, aT and 4vomtie� nicy dou, British, Co1lambia, vie Sir Hetntri Goderiob, LunnbeT 4C��xupanyls mittl feirs to tsistor cit Rev. J, W,6st,
7hie CLCf it spie4ksf. Th ag--Mr. W. F� Svhwaliii, -mjw felil lalit, Commerclal Holtbl, Seaforflr,
InIg Is Xcit. 'Mr. Roris has signitied -Ms asit Ftridy afternoosn, whon Joh� M. A., a Wad welf known in' Bloe- Locall Items.—Mr. G. McEwel -with
�nd !injured his ankhe some t1majpo7 00tiobieT 48th. See Ad -v.
vi&ry b1ttprq A dep,utlation f party wbIlbrigineiss, 'tio awept." utshin�Tian, iof Port Allbeirt, was viaale.: A "ry preitky thome wed- good, sbaft of meml is- making 1good on
H #Ivod pil
Oc is now adle to, he ax' Sad Death.—It tim, wit-h-fe4ju.
1'in r seirioulsay huwit 'abd one -of Us ihirseis dii., tioio llacra oin Wedn -vv'tlh
toinohto, iyaltled �oln the Pothoing the, above, Ehe foailkmv, headway the, large driain.—We baV
kii1led-- His ea'mAtiook fright FU la tiobw 4th, at Bishann Park, t1r6resi- lof deep sad" tbat ouir r4tizew
Note2r.—Mr. W, -B. BattJll& 19 inar riegrie� thist weiek *to ohnonicle. the
agior a om Ottawa, Seen-
Gov�ir M%Lt q f vw d int-, dspateh mias seolt fx, hx`a- frecielved word A few 'days ar de U09
Grand Tirun eingin rnil dsh-ed ki- d1eincIe lo;f tihe, bidels. beotlier, "Mr. at -,h, of 4targaxiat Donthrion,yo 1rebeiVeld, Ibbv-, !nP-VM on FxUay **ad-.,
oomlaints, tior. thicis Of the death we big jbirotiher'. Jams, imi ilast of t -he dft The reipoit thait 11�e Uly st dallgbterof Mr. Jamies Boar-thirn. tihA ot Xabd 1-a-
diog the ibra:oik. -Tibe -,eingine Strack T. Wiest, w -lien Dvot-by E. West,. --TOow* V*r lb --
at ew
btelin (ada by the Coneeirvatives lo W. Ross is t(d ft�q appointed Lieixton- one f 'the hanTels. The onain, hyas the youin"g4est d1aughitefr thie, lae undvet, Watetitook �coiunty,— of tte ti6)vnishlip- of Ray-, whiz% '-*s!ad =Ont, the oldleet aughter of vri 9 -Dark. vor TW. ft
W401 fwd�hed)..
Goveriaox. of BrUisbf Uoauimbia thwown to x�ne sido, a:nd iwais GetriQu%ly RamiWl West. was uniVed in, mur- Mr. A. ehtnian' has Idisposied- ld -h- an !8a t Wobxt: Lamot, of this- V11160.
'I 'This deputtion Vlas. event 000fi=-ed at hex home, wool onwimhed"
faxm 'On the Rrlolasoh, U6, tHay, to arday borientoon, 4st, The, deceesed 91 so Oat
is offically d-enlied. Mr. Ross.1never tio 1biamias J. Law, - oil Toir- Few kAorw 6hat We, waik
trela�fd.-viry oavaRerly by thie, Pre
d fio It -be positiOln, incir wa!s' —The impresisiira anarxi-ige !cere- oin(bu, in the Vfti�,encie cot tibie imuntedi.- Peltior Ducharm. of Miehiga. The had, attained te 4!ge of 21 y)M-rs. 'the nenva ioll heir death 0ame as
m iiw, Re d eat -&ught coat hda
T"a.rm -clontains 100 Aivres and lvvas, Ne
It her e evor. a;ny
ivont to-
iQa1tives and firiends tot the _ve shbek.
idea of Vffering t of thle Cattolic, r v xy si.frong -or trbus h-
fchrds ats, ptoIllticiiains* art OnT charc:-li fwas ;e er Hau- alas a, pawflai.
TonoNiro. 0
fOr $5,000. Mr. Leb-,mwn tnitendt beadth sreeed to deciline. irery rapid- dlaxly bribbt, olever mg 1pull idlar casies. In. th, `�b to him.' is )M-esoacie, is rreqiAred p;erformied on Wedin-%3day morniuX bride and qzotom. Ttho'cereimiollay unt iand, qut�VvVein way which is o,, nw, as -mutch, iN Chle ploftitical -of 11ast- wieek. ky St. Joseph's Cha;roh clonduicitied -by Rev. 1)3�. McMuIllen, as- to tresid.—IMinnie. ly duxhj:g th Vast yiear, tdspito, all bf 1611evAa yeiaxs, and -was lZoat
Fuir -demarid i's fait
fiQd iin Ontario. Me lilenteniftnt- Caj:nto, whh-,.n ',Miss �Lfllian, thie bright jfttlie Va flavhrit. With lhle� s,*ool matIs ap:d
hii�, ie boild thean Milat no dism* Laura, leld-est sliated by Pf%v. R. Molnit,yre, f at. ughtle'r that miadical sikl and lviiag plairents
-is,t, M. of Mr. ad Mna. iWiltliam Cats, f d, 0 w ptril
goverinlarsh.ip of. BrPtish Oolumbla 4augUla of Mrs. H. '9c(1otrbu, of %liomlai3, =4 Rev. W. J. WL taill. -wh10 new hietr. On w;eftes&*
ID couIl '(11 . Shp- -as of a kind and
e 1vil't ble, madle. exciept for cause
;-Britiah Colilu-mblia.* anaft this viftlage, died af beir a bx)jt�f, to 2110 - diair
n a, U 19 to
wilil oo tior a ill- lot, 11last week she
h, d 1;p a:R-casoer, they'mut produce . tthat town, and Mr. Wat. 1Bad,(yd!r A., bAotthex of tla bride. The, bride ,Vent*0 Id4spoeititpin, and posse�oed of Nvas t sialhtool, 20a i
Si3aator Tvrnjoleimlain's -reciammenda- farmeir or G r w1aR unatbeindled. &h -e -was fn it ness oin'Satuird-ay of tast imq)ly. lexedletut malities. 'ThiB fun- (at mfolan. 0 p1lained' of not ft4j*
daiiinig. o �Uhie xch a sui
tion willinid doubt'be aempted iri .0t- townhip. wexe, united Lit itlaarria.9% W peaf-I clofileinine oveir taiffeta trim- Was aged 6(0 yewr and inino mxiontills. -M A, Lbloagh Aho
part of 0a lofficiwl w(hom. it s da- L-irral at, the home ion �welL p-nd 6olit hlome.* 1,5 to 3. a
Mr . Chles Fxit.z am tiear
lired VDL dejxoe. This, cot -cionTse, Rev. Fatlifeir Hainilon poUcilating.* med --with qyedit anitbii -ry. Her . Ic - afbe-iinioon 1asit, ivis� ton- Idiezable pan ilat to quoted um
S oide lfqv Monday
The foltl1q!wiing ldespabc allso ap- —On iDveirdng Itast xvkeeik- a -youn '6140iing awaly ivit wa niavy Ulue-lirto-ad 1`n:9 a mihnp wieln rielturning night, she, Idiesixd tio, g ot ap ithe
is a yipr vound and a reiry whod-e- 9 dutited by the Rev. Mr. Smith' nd.
P Egg
kr�th ia bL Uh ound. a
main �Je
sfoim a Oacitxlinje., b.u;t it is not the,ki-nd, pea d from 'Toronto: vidaw mot ad estif y- "d g(o oinanawl. Da Thr'� 1�0.aidei -wias.- handsoAly* fxm A' blorlso show t -,Vas 'M6 larglely atex�ded, t b Ut NO Well.
aboident at WaIL�oin. 13tand in week. Aftex Toach-ing the v1lnge, in prevaNed, u(pbu ttio4 stay in
1-90 per
Hie Nvals diodoratcid: Afteir 4urichrp MT.-aind ix to tbe, ries ' ot fdt fioT, Vhia de- 1yed. Thur$-
itbat'-divirutiatroin wlas afteir. The To- reipor`Ls the ight eing darki he jr-an if 0 pie day nlgihit she. jLgaja
atruse, lon. G. W. ith this shaind xe-.-�Ukng vw tih-e
-n'to(' r vat ivies, like t1hose of poss w�l ing wii Mris. Lw' Ueift for easteirn points. ceas�d, land sympat-hy. felt for the voina'd
I Nvi'thiin the next few days of Iwheellmvn,. but rv- xanbs tand family. The, xennatins boock, 200
-muzzilie -of a gu, iVhten 6vare, one 0v their notu,n t1h-ely wll! reside iln kt I pa P ably, 1buit- atilw sesoxed. bo be,w
�Soutv Pp#b, left the, pre- be xna&--tlf16 raipiftt of Che imuinif- lstaindipg 1b happened to kick th,e Dovexlo,*It' riciad, inl9 pire-Itty -fast af1h-a tim,,e thlantsllf in the Union CoMe� 'Afo dangeX. EarIly in.
�seinm PfL t1l'o. Gvoraient witht Tbxnto."
tile, iceint gilf t oof $50,000 ifiloni bis fxikindG, buitt, nd Ithe eapoin hvaR-di,c.h.,mg-, N1oties,.—Xr and blis irig eg-capied ilinjaxy bt had s Gool. Aitchson ded on it h ra te�y, at RodigieTvi'lle,—Mr. lohn Gam- Inlotioed, a decided thainge
thi,-Lt 0hey too, apd �`dmttars whio� - apprciat-ci 'Us 'd The pupteints lon-tered V -he palm Tuesday, at thte resldevoo- of. bioy"cile, of �the IO)bh.efr undergrAdes,
Veein fprin,oJ d1wrn and it is 'hLvte-d efforts. in aAu his son eirn, uldiesib soin of Mr. Tios. Cam- I i1nlJ11Dx doinKU-tilon and hurwilled for thd Cheeas
ng w6d lutseful- h,,Lrer. badity 'demrlizd, IiL alithlo:ttgh
Min VefrLy d aT- Ili to I a.
v dital
ory b,itt-er, -lindLoatPons af .0'r-younz iman was iit, ionicie. toir sevc57ial 'of ithe Saubile, operiatdr at thie istatioi
-Iffr Robext, Jfitfmy, president iof re t the Vhoke back of he Jamts. Mr, Ait-ohimon hiad b doolbor, bu before xne4iical a!
irido�r, Mr, terion, Vf th'ia V�llage, who was, a
hand. Thle iffl. for a welek, 1>u�,t- J4ANxy* belre, fo r trived )e li-right yi6mg 'lit-
-the, 11obe, wb�.�: ba '&&Tge iaf the V-riviera to ithip ftin% V.5oa.Veld iLnjuir"Y.LA' clasO 'Of wOme ome yeang, but -%Khof now. bias the icltb"d. The Temainis werie WW.Ted,
disclo-nitlomt �nd Ross -te !hosp : Clinton, WoOthis Pirevious to dilat his bivailtli
timo-nial -fund, stiabed thht a. 'd, tbe iba;nd dirle bdtereat o t4le p"Ite -of tjhis vi-
rothle.r cionstitaenGies. t lie f und as fais t , igrowing 1tv -this n, ea;sod. hed not bticin vooa.—Mr. Daydl died plo$Vitioln 9f raid -way aenit at Nieu- in, Day id-ld, iop-matery -an- Sunday, Ru
—Sohin Mc.,Ewe, aoin of Mr. Ma�l iv;elcuk, aitid was bu;Tie. aiaity was iiiisposea iolf at ithlo BaT- sitit, aas here Nvrt of ast Riek the ainicior-a ot
It 1.1i'said by qome Ilitat tose rho 11 - d hi wing- io-ur vill- 'firmer I one k
o riiiagetmants, hk ve f iieU 'divi*-'Pln *Olurt la'S
mollm MoEwein, of- the 3,rd rantessio- hm cieniiatery on Fridy. H was of t Nftelr, Thle and this, acoompanield by hiis y1dun-i, aniallifiestea by thho 11w4e
been made for thlb vreseiabat�o case was it
n, here, and quo
wia alli, tio a Mr- f 8talley, whicy i eingaged i.misMoii iadviancd aind had lltonig bLeen h)at of vs. rthq bride, visitlinq hifis parents.—A vAevvy numabier whlo lattiended, the fu,1101TV-4;
'tJDNvinshiip oif Hay. It g1rew fout ot.
tbwlest, bad thie mis- in felebte ii;6alth.—Mr. Priainik 80iott Mi.
Vain extet bellng ti that Which, when it took Vlaeo, would- -work 'e WoJr
laravly attended and vnj6yW1b-11e, a.t-
are -npt miny ipf us ihave be a quiet affair in aftordaneewAtli for, . tune t(V b the slepariate, adhoidl )nattr A lbhe gormp
leak one ot his arms TeitilTinled [to Slar, City, lowa, 4ast home -was hiefld udeir. the auspi
isbes; of tha iq-x-Pxem!e-.r. T(he SaurbIlle linie. Thle, p1lailfftift A:ces
living wbto, woudd- )a oY Constance.
to r a. reclentIly. HO was'hollihng to s1hinglie tivieleik. 'Mr. Ohas. HeirWr-t-- is re- , U=;', PeDpIlssl So'ciety, in
fund h1as'beein, in pTovess of vocum- vorter jo)f thie gaparat, 0 1 -12 to sup at 6
a house dtLgpp-ed baokward' fadJ- coy."UrinIx fr0m, hiis veicetat 1:11niess. bw
tun ux bladcs oa a ullation for oome time-. aod.w bhe baseidaent -of Gannea chareh, o Rubbers, Rubbers, Rubbors—Big at the rysaa!lie ojhuToh stock of now rubbero�va e Leaf -and lin�v to ithe grouind. And Thuraday' Mr.. S. Paul has put a oemleliiit f1mir
ra To
f frjo�-A' tj-,40L -to tien thousand dog� MrJhetn Monday evionjaz last. The basement b nde--swell goods and
sum of Werle mad ito t x 3Un1t6b% brai
.$50,000 i -s wearhied Mr. R&s' miarniing, by a sLngu?l,n.T Ueciriee otf2 undeir, the verairfdah, in �-,ront was VIettily decorated for fflw. M- Willis, sol6ilifeat for Goo S NVIJJ� bo of his hle s0b,061 1houlse whioli
wone offere-d-taus f rierad necessitated the r90 A. Stater aboss"for -$W. ab Toro�
and "kWir
So tat seelkinwgr" aliass fate, Mrs. MoEwein hiadth6: Nftiore,.—Mir.' J.- J. 'Effio-tt issue of &benturas ca.'3ion in 'htoMle 9tyle, a a, ox-, -men and Dorothy Dodd shoes'
for ladles,in SeafaM,
of Ireiars.
is jaot �b nyi ratc-axis a smaill otatss The itw req�6rtt5 nfr6, tikdty, misifortan -bu ifaUl and ta-loak hie(r, visited in 1311tiewalei la t *-ek. Welir's t1o, adver a Ina-mbgr Re- coalect Rfitieirar3o�
'lie blecame a su,6picirtelr af
In .ny pc,aa�ry,, That diasis hso us- the m.ost in�eaVly coTiete arm nea ftle, �yxist. She Uand, pl(gn:,v Lpok fiBt prizle at cielytIly Ur. Ovens aBritish oramin2le was cari4d out!, embra eax RU4
the St. Ji' trisok hore,
G-olldh)rve has isold, -,his Toteswateir fai:T.—Mr. osep!li Paigh 0,8013h schd& and h1e; nitain- mauibail
apl ha" vot'" aind it as ia rule Coilumbla, bhs lto'ycoxis fbeien: ictimi- frdm xissl i2ilist, Oomnlexvial I
f arm f 100 acjre�% in, talned thiathe Was Ino glan, Straw—,Quid
bm. thip aotive workexLs of the Poll%torin and tamilty -wilil ccupy Walitpir I -wt- 9eir job I !,—,- d Martin- -of Exe- ter - rlftitjat�otna bj,. on. OwtbbeT 18th.. &-AV a�ft.
oring tox 'the apo-britmeint, k here.
farty, It 1Ls not, theireAtiore, goo'd �,hlp', to, Mr. Ed. Horiny, tow enswons hiusle for t!V.e wlmtew.—As u;s- tb pa�, the debientwra,,tux Cc ttid !t1he Miss Murir
P ay, Exeter; soa-V by Mista -dalle solool.. Judge Haft pay.e McAjli�teril �:f
Lt I t u
�Iicy forr quy Government to - Iliocal mi,,un ltd the Lieutenant- $6,000. H. Tei"Ity's arm, lot 5, uhil, a vletr�- targ4e numbvir aittedded. Drys 4h n Ir PAIM b10 W -tai D�rl %13! "e*0 1W.-
Tovince' his dedislon flin: favox of itihe
offLoe seeking GDvennngbi of th at P` cionceession 8, co)lboTns, Was tow -n -
isle qym- ico0tai-ig Bir uissells silto Thle w6athier mentaas by Miss VIP-= Mafdock a!nd. two on t hs iv Dakota:
ToRoNT0. �c
t(L'a&s of If they do Tbere ws ia. boig kick W%n Str 100; acires, Uas livein sidrd k6 Ar6b. -,plexforit.—Mias Notie McNauig, ship- 'Mhe OWsO Was Itlest rahil Miss. FAIa Davis,. of Hiense% apid - and, *Ma
Henr' J61 nitoba visiton tie
g fA
they t Ile enitvre;d to had, laut thia 11abUit of Ares 1330 i
ar� pt to cpme� to wam isomie P`rft`etqL LIIICUUMA llo�bon for $6,200. Hugh Roise, 1ras akin a iciDtiria -at Mcl?oiniaild Insti- Wott an4 Dr. Sellory iya, lliodlcingx ovex thie, -oo=br% Xq
day of the. jubeirfnaboit p�' th-, p1lainti W.. the imiat.;telr. S50 out of *to
alaiclFL Whlo Is TeMit)6d Xx s.
-Jios,�pbf Tewsaeys f a.rm, tulte,.—Ur. 'Waitnitsloy, Of Bayfield, the gultlax and ma;ididlin, Tibie, home "laot aatuirdii.- Nx,,
It 1941sa in behal a, Quebeo. man, %vo-9 a1PpDidt16d` land it oil the 8Uli ooln-oess. OnL,
!f Vif ;Eb?D gov - foir a --t-eirm is , -%vietcomia- visitor dn- t4iiei vill69'e. 'Was very ab1ly filtlited'' by 'Mr. W. A. anjoyied his r6atinig v!tvy d
is Inot 11likely the Goreirmlmon-t %vtmid of 'years, )',I.W.d ge�� po-ages&icsn Obirt- :�:Mir. am7d Miss— Nelson. bif Thedtord,
# *_ r jE
A�rmmleixit that t g.pod many c�hialnges mexinop. Coo'k, vice-11reiident of lw- soiiety. Ilike otheIr vial'
�imd an y .10 uaiteX to it helT L %irSies dn 1)r. Mr
bavk� bovin raj4de s. - Tewisly and h1e:r mot�hietr. viiteld'. at 'Mr. S. Paull's last Week.— Dr. Ovens, eye, eat and st rp —A aeature Mindelir Me, au-spicies of 11�ghited witb the W4 -t,
,good rn E
ft#eddy be�en besittoed. this rrespeo by appoim'"'Bing an. On- Mrs. Stra h1an, ii re.m.owe Ito W. J. W -j t
in 1t6 the position. c in tends to -gt vis'ee;a in W*1 On 11111st, Columdrciall M-oltiell, SeMforth, the above- sW01-6ty, wi be Jold. fin, onthustas is Burns 'thrio -ma tbaT W— W 0
-vAU!vg P
-This is yory, �Tuie. But most Of the SalhtitoirA bol Ir6side. )Past Satulrday,.—Rev. R. P. MoKa. the chlarch on* Xon!day velSing ni6xt, in". Tetar
op OcibobpT- 18th. Seld adv. wo
wqs urb4bllia, hirough ill- Re Jappoitr1he ts. � fhare, bei6n dt the —Tfi-e Governmein't Ra-nge, ktt Torlovto, wihen gv. Mr. KnoWiles, i0f GaLt! moti be Ugxgie
The Tio-riolnito Mlobe, say.3 GDdeirisGb, -wihich hie rlarige, bamk
a poitiical -1has ben uindieirjocin- neiss to p?rle-lacibi hreire on -Subdiay, but Iho is knVwn ailso a*s an -wat7hr af. ilonig.—Tbje MUny
lboftl 13-&�-na B mne!d.—T a
-rnx or Xr. R6ber t w
11adder apd h ti is ot vi(�ry satisfy- lxrns on It'he ta: xt
Ge. 0trulatboin bo isdme, thme, is inioew, MT. Bucib-aniala, a miisionialr- 'tid mastab
ing. F or e V 01rgiD E. FO�tar, in ain addiriess icomplet-eq, aind the eve;nct was cele distinction, WRI give litis famous T. Adama.,Uf tVS p(latV, who bas"
araplie Mr. Flav-elli, the in. of tO 1111is i0)OM4-tittlemits Jusit0lied Iffile Ithrop, evtTvyie-d b belm onjoyln!g good hea!1tg1 dwdia
of 'the Toonto New8 bTa'ltied',by !the Huirion eigimeint land w y fire con
-hin Xing's nd evenji 'hors", is,visit(InIg at Mr. Xo Nvil ef pf teaspA to
incireasie; in Ifibel sessional �ndem- ithe 10ouuntyRifile kSS07 tiV.eS vicev the summaler, I b 1
veral m- general
pp'�ptled un s -0 a!tion, Wafth a Idt'heir I n;g fiireivox3
11eire.—Thre wbie hOd W. St. PanPs ellituirdh on hat shh, 45 now'lm
T� Mr. John ",nitY." TAe Globe is wwrig. Mr. big froun the dif. g. . rjeat dleiWl i's a first discovered -aliplut eigbit SalYbath, last. Rev. . Art..ur CaIrlilie, i t _Vwvimg. df sictkiness at prieseirit.— L
elre mon i".Odt to Safoxth dO
'and, fb:-e InigIbbors to Ar
Lomghtri'blaa bwn deip4os%-d Julstif x the @nureas Mr. Pqtlur Mcil�mrald, ot ofihama of 4ndon, p-,Madhed in th afte i4m to 1-71
to ma k Foater did in�it fe'rMit ciompainies lof thie 0&rd, ildd
in t.ih.e aid, did lgoud yr:non dh�y-
foir the #M�tllen. _OS�Lgn ' has hisciamient mixeir woor'king at the iceon
essicinall' in4amnaty.11 He from the varhou -%1vhli1ara iclubs iD viceable se0ol
(n WbD 2 01m,
'i t h, a To-, PebNd' in tlilrm' evb�nts, a:nd h e d m r. s L h ha thv tire triom spirsledinz but -"re
led his scht LAatmrie to lordy tried to jugAif it. Mr. Foster er niew �a Yra aanh eeci to
unabliel tO MVe InUtbl 10f the con -
'pr ovidel a i ea t f , ar Hon. Px-ank ex-Cbinet MinftteT a;nd as one wxe. thiree --iondividaaa competitiloins. retuirinted fnom, '.his Wevtierin t -rip.— S. Mr. _86a�
tent tbbr!Y�, hbreU
orhriane, M�niaficir iot Landis and Of those who, uder. thei iinilquitous Tlixgv'-. vaamuble, vgilver trop-hries Nvere miss Benl BuIr ss is vi I i in Gibid
gle sk nig TA j
XLnies -nd siermaA others at that lr(N is said- ba [have a�viainded, ais weill as (twe&y-fiye
J'as. Stimy-Wrt, of AU b:-o1b)DTm bull was the on3g 1iniml
oind of t1bei have, bem oom- jUghfied, eckilve $3,5 money prizes. The ftm"na�.munt a,,q in theIMUding Alt hhekiiine, and, for- e00 a. 'year burn, v1sibed in DI-Wevrale vir 'San- $2L 00 o r koirtiably totr. %reral f rOxn the pubIlio trnsulry as lqng tis he)ld-,on Wondi�y and Tuerda:y of hast hay.. tubla`Wy, hie hvias, r;em;ovied, Uninjux-
week. The mew ra!-pge bias been bf tho implehnnnits, n4so, AND A PROFIT IN THE CHAN".
tabang'e-a b-avx- bven mkle in the he ttives flor 'dailng othirfg. And
Utblifts, divihs'an ciomrt cltxks, 11-1 11-01ftg R 6 'Ile 'remaiins alifft on ithe la:ke ahior% tiUa4DvvJ)ng cL wielrO tbrIed in-aln impIleimerLE thiYulse,
somie distlaince fxia-�n th!e b utrined build.
inl�vedtloira, miagistrates and P�'Itrfiamein he T'eciel-ve $6,000, goddl lomig stretch, vn'd t1hO baT!,geltS 10-W 101A stroug-, bi
ens, eye., eY an'd iniose, 13pec- in'gs, "d ft was mave. -T eV.' Were
I)r. Ov-
iofave Pf tlVL9 klind, bixt. thie, 'Ile emelive ibin oa&h eac'N Lyear )the are-of,tbe mvist middew:ff 0).ass. ialiat, Comm had -to I
gLbt Mi4dille. plass bzk of toffices' Price f au Qntari;6- 1:un:dred acre itwo lai�ge -rns and Zaw house
-on OcitlobieT 18t1l. See adv. low rates pah
bumnield t6gthleir with! a sVIV. There
ati th&T. ljvvre Ln the. cAld days ifa.rm. If lba, ai"s lh.g elocidgiY e
Walton. themarke
%vias alsor the se on'si thlay, ond oome % 0
-rtVte id ruin." That is on -my -out has just
lot Grit �Rhould be n a piositi to lb as W
n! )ot
1;h10o(1.' pi,ndlies a,�d that is the best paxt of th,e provimm. -Neith- Amniviers, Mho aianivelrs6ry 'recictived *ordib-i he death it Swn iViin a. 4 �ier airLidles. Thlei lbss Buy $1.20 worth of Concentrated Animal. Ton' at Alex. Wilsons,' miy, it with
%4ill be hild D6 Duffs dh4jroh pedx10 8 W
309 from So ti
f Were
cilill. th-P �mauildlertng discon- 8r Mr. Foafev or ailky othler per- ha, Span*sh Handuiras! of WAI bei!helvivi as meal as directed, aid you have 58 lbs. of stock food equal to, and many of the best Mon *todk I
on Siabbatih, a;nd will be oonduot- -Via son, WifilLam. tAt t!he t, -con
w ri'ctoh m,.Iy brioak x)uit iintV ain -juL-,tiry a Steal of this ikindL"' ed by RteV. kno bf hm! g 'thie'fbest in dlhiel Aboal, fifty
David of Win- 4writinig do laartlauflafrs tof t ftVinship. feeders say better than, any stock food in the market. Doi this not commend Itielf to
TLaW atnrpst n v d.,
A,1 whio peticpate in it �hie, sad Mr. ha:d n i;n9u1r*xn6,e of any &took feeder ? Why should farmers pay tranaportablon-oharges, and two ar three to
'ham, T-bP, hOurs l0f sie!rviclO will be iwon.t had ib,mn: ceived. The sym. allotft �$2,500 Vn the, bluBlidings iand 3e per
ar,(v be-giinning to mntion it.- profits on an articleix-seventhe of which they produce themselves ?
11 a. ra., atnkl 7 p. in, Special- piolUu- pat-h:y u ehle, Wre
'tio, 1,�ar bat th' Grits hav6.1nntown mlinonty is etewe- idntunts, but thiat illf, in,Utf tnealy in order to Introduce our " Equine Colic Cure I' more generally, we ill give t-eaell -2
B & S a I
t1qns t bot1b, sorvicies. A t&a mie6f- iKI go Mr. and Mr . M li ind fam- vovet -the Uios. MT. 8 rjett is still one? dollar bottle for 50a to each purchaser of $1.20 worth of our Animal Tonto. If you held at $60.
fbir t-ocA ni,any years, viz.: That —Thie die-ath cot n told aind respftt- iial wKI bie hieflkl, hn fh,.ei church on Ey.—Mr. and Mrs. Edgr. of Pet- in, Ihe, WeRt,, and! thie ine", whe�n it have never kept Equine Colic Care, ask some of the horsemen who bave used It. gotncp 3i to Sin per'
Ui,(ty beomaii� ed Mimtoaian at St. Jio�s- the toillowig McMday evening,w1bian erliorro, 'have bien s
einding a rAeas,- lrelaaheaL him, willl ZFets1ttr0y lthe Vba
elevtod 'to p"otiolis &r impowtan-cc eph's ho-spital, (Iunon. on e say. they w�uld not be without il. in the stable if 1b cost $5 per bottle, This offer is
ght for fli
Sunday addrosgies widl be adlave!rP-d by the tant vis -it in tilie vifilaire witV Mr. E& are- of his trip. Mrs. 'Ecariett ihad good to October 3101 1905. per S
such, s rNeEk t i:n Ocito;b(-,f I&t 'Kvll4-.n I�T. Danidl iKaftuy -Revs. D. Pionrie, and R. Bak lizar's- sisters. Mrs, Wm. ivi,,4m a)nd ju:st ret=nc<1 fr�om gearjorth�, and
WM 61 to -690 1
ulk-, thklit\ px1onliortion vintim4y to paed . ak, diftier In 'Uhntss of tw Music'will bn fuirmisihedby White-ma-ri. This is Mr. it he b oy the hIrse arribarinsged
aw 13 chotir Mrs Xothin
lieir awm, gif�t .,tnd f!or[rt'-t W(x1k%, �n his 87Nh year, 'the aud by Mrs. Baddwi)n,
-Edgra"s fi`rist visit -Im 'twenty * yeaTs. iand tureli iato thb, fielld whien, he Ave And t-tes
eftoris aided -o mutth, in craily hisrtoy of Pl�ntotu jh feigwred -and, Ada Battie, Mr. Boy W-illitiT aind —Mrs. jhia BaUtfdar and chil(Iren, not iced, the, f bile, * Mr. So,
ar)letts $5.75 ; ahipl
placng thern in- thlest -rYmitlons. Til aq one Vf Us fost buslinesis mrn, from Steafotrt�b., and Miss of tihe, villiage, have; been spein- infthe-w, W- ho was ita ieffikt-rV trE iche AT, N,41 It
shoirt, Urpy bivmi� fflicted with carryin-Y uN butehere, $4
cin�k the manufacte- b -f Mamie McEiNlen Reeitations wUl nlg tthe suminveir witli fxicip 'farm duxiing s undl's absenceed DRUG: BOOK A�NLD FANOY GOODS STORL
Nvbftt is IYoptx1arly kosmvin as wimps at C Vs mill, whi-oh -Rvas sit- be igiven. by Miss Belwttim- 1U.50 ; COWA
_]Os In the
A wkast, liav?a retuirnidd -hbm'
'head." They acit- as if the country- wilted cin-tilie Bafiefid. rive.r, befo-re viEwy good vrolgira=216 s xpeitd w a s viei m y e. The tTip i0so gfoe Ito Seafoirth. The cause to a
bbliongied tg thiq �y mb enSo PJd'by Xrn. Ball- of the IriTe. is 1=1nnbwn. )but lthe gen-, SEAFORTH, 'to it. 10
tgd -as if their Olinton had an cxisltevc�e, ;ind ra.fter- ONTARJO.
and a -h-arY 11101.00=0 is extended ZoUir,—Mril Cvelvrg-e Mullihliland. OX vra;l impression Is that it is Of in. Iresh oowa ar