The Huron Expositor, 1905-07-21, Page 3,Th MR.*. AIIIIINVER4214#F LOTTE CREAM Separators Axe before the Pub tic -Again. - moo° in daily use watt their beanilful enarnellee bowl easing, their new aple eitimming device tied frictionlese, sself balaneims a the bowl. making ties der to understand aud sae - teat running eird meet dui - Weed. It ehould aleo be has neither a number Is Lot- complicated deviate:, 1. The bovri Wen iaeelt enmity acceeeible with Ira stages. inolueing Geerese, emente se wslIdeeigned iaIy quired oy w�htfl. en off in a reflood without ncreasseaquarttity of CV= File quality Qt the MAW rammilk with the nettle - [the Wesel, which, a.th a hale such bubi4itute odd- lusble though lase expeolive saD stale ekimmed mflk tr user or detry expert wilt :idly invited. Remember supbelles wereroorne, sea SAYS. -Geer Elir,-Hav 'reeve Separetor from your r three yeers ego, I strait - peso emote, easy turning, trehility. La competition:it :}r d kept the klelotte In Itself ling ago and cad ED- ROGEKSttel, flutist& lotte,:' Separator which I. Mr Dustean efoCallnus 41given great eatiefecgon elelotte ' Separator 9. 1m a gool loves:anent, ere crea.ser of butter cum ettiug milk, and is um truly, _ JOdEPLI M e Cresol Separator which fir Diemen Meal- ' • For durability sod ewes very light; Is done ail the okieemiegQZ leee skimming device, et wori. clean am -4- W mare butter. In my teal coustructioo Of tate aa the gearing ti in all duet and vsesege over °themes te cone wilhont wee -ea Letre alms te exceOsIttealV ell lissom:ling purohrem McLkisfsAN. Lae eatistled with ille ee purolsatsed from your ee.el tied is a firet-clree pee -quarter more bn-' :line, very ereally model - se wagh, on account af elms:ling device; a ewer` y ut carreing milk freer from the house to tee wild not do wlthost alv,•aye having the rouU ed kr edge it le ewe tee -- eral other treechinfte, i be superior reachinee 1 don's thick there- e* - t. JOilet B. ligb- Agent, Seafortli` . Agent, Stab - tin, thing' For a "bite at bed-tirne,' what could be better than a glass ee.F gat and 1400.1;Iteze; Perfection' Cream ) Sodz Canada's fincst ctackers, from Canacat$ finest bakery. Crisp, inviting,i delicious. In e air -tight be, that kee-p thim b faultless condiClon. Youl gr.oeree has ,i9P• 2rand Trunk Railway Syteni. Railway Tina. Tablo Trains leave Seaforth u follows: -9.1s0 a. el. For Glinten, Gederloh Winghem an Kincerdine. For Glintbn and Goderloh For Clinton, Winghans and Einem/ dine. For Clinton and Gedericte For Stratford, Guelph, Toronto, OrlIlla2 North Bay end points west; Belleville and Peterboro and points est. For Stratford, Guelph, Toronto, Mon. treat and points met. For Stratford, Guelph rand Toronto. p. 5.B8 p. m. •"' London, Huron and Bruce. Passenger. 8.15 A.M. 4.60 r a 9.18 5.48 9.80 5.54 ' 9.44, 6.06 9.50 6.1.1 9.53 6.19 10.15 6.86 20.80 6.52 10.88 7,00 10.60 ris moo , 7.26 Pessenger. • 6.40 A.m. 8.80?. m 6.62 8.44 7.06 8.16 7.14 4.04 7.47 4.28 8.05 6.t9 8.15 C47 8.22 4.62 8.85 5.05 8.48 5.16 9.45 A. N. 8.10 alto NOAT0--- Len_ odon depart- tereaariunee Mg • 111 ea we es 0 IlIstarter.. am • • es e Lem ale me 1140116111lon re R0oe sea. ism Sa .• Clinton- fif OM • V* • • LeettietibOla our geoLois OM FitagrSVe OM me ee ewe .ree Wirigham 1#17TIVO,als, as am 0, 04146 SOUTH-.. efflighem, deparkt.... • amb es.* Tanidell7bOroe es- e* eeee • Olintori... - Obit 4,01. • • MO . s• 0,11 NITIPearo ma/ me ms set Bengali -.. ee, railter.. me me .-r -gm -C4etrelia•. Palmerston:and Sure NORTH. Pass. •ti.55 p.m Ethel.- .. 8.41 fereseele., 8:5t 9.03 le'iretheen .. 0.03 30M3 SOUTH. raga. ;gingham.. .. 6 43 a.m Sinevale .. 6.52 Bruseele-. 7.06 Ethel 7.25 Paieeereton 6.10 8.00 4.10 Kincardine. Pau. Mixed . 12.4.' p.m 5.36 rem 1.77 7,40 1.38 8.49 1.60 9.00 1.60 9.10 Hexed. Page. 1p1a40.ra. 2.40 0.tn l'n.66 2.49 11.26 802 12.60 3.18 a Pure Tea Hygienic Packages Users of Grand Mogul Tea pronounce( it the beverage of good health. 4i Cfrown oi- the sun -kissed mountain . of ,Ceylon: it has the delicious and mellovv flavor of purity. qPreparel by machinery from plantation to cup. The packages, pried ,with air- tight paper', protect it from store dust and microbes. i Never -sol in bulk nor in poisonous I ad. The effort to substitut some other tea to be "just as good" is the desire of some dealers for an excessive profit on an 1 inferior article. 1 brand Mgt!! .„-. 1 , Ued Mold at 25c, 30c, 40-, and 50c per_ I pound. Look foe the premium tote. pen and list of- premiums in each package. Perth. Notes. -Miteltell's rate of taxationthis year 'will he 21 mills an tire dater, -Mrs. tA, Nicholson, of LoganIhad tire alaisfea tune to fracture bee kneete jolint no day recently. The accident was a ;very simple one, elite result, lof.a step in a rut. a -Mr. Mark, of Selene() Hill,to;vn- aleip of Blansbard, has been ''engag- te fill the vatoant principalship eg, sebringvine, public sabot)l at a salary of $550 per annum. • -While running •ft circular saw In the liardill Engine Works in Mit- c,htell, Sohn. Beer had the nalefor- tune to have the .saciinii •finger on the left hand eut off at the, second joint and the next titrebadly lacerated. -J. A. Clump, butcher of Atwood, exahanged all his property, business aetensile and gook ter R., J. Walker's ferns or 170 acing •oia• the, 6th ooncen- skin of Elnia, west, tog -ether with his farm stock and. iipplarnents. --:Mr. D. A. Norrle, Nall* has re- sig,ned hia positian as bettober of tbie aenter department of the At- wogd public, schwa. was. Keeently pre- sented NV i Ills a handsome opal WIZ bY the ptfpils. -Miss Bevin Grainger, of Moles- worthe has been engaged by the trusteeo of school section No. re Elena, 'to stioceed Joieri• MOKinnoni, who resigned his position at the close of the .501) sot term. Miss Grainger will receive a sa•lary of $100 a year. -A quiet ilmeddinz was celebrat- ed at the resideneehof Mr. and Nfra. James Roger.s, ;Listowel, on Mon- day of last week, .w.hare their dadg.h- tar, Edith, was married to Mr. Fr ed Wilson of Chicago. The Rev. Mr. Fan,jey of the Baptist church, 'offi- ciated.. -Mr. A. C. Weed, who has for the past fiveyears- been editor .of the St. Marys journal, hare purchased tire St, Marys Atgu:a from. Mr. R.W. Dillon. and took Over •the basineras on July' first. M. Dillon has. taken 1 a, positton on one of the St. Gather - Ines papers. i . -Mise Hattie McKenzie, young- est daughter of the late Alexand- er McKenzie, Listowel, died et Stratford on Saturday morning De hest week. She had been. unavell for aboht five months a Dierti‘003- pir.ots- it ration, and tbis with, heart f•ail- are; wasthe cause. Of death. She Was 37 years of e gee •• -IVIr. Peray .P. Davis, sell ict :Mr. W. R. Davis, editor of the. Mitchell Adv.ocate, was married on TueSday• to MisS Thresa Gibney. T.hre event took place in. Seatt Le, Washington, ad ter w'hioh t1e, yo wag couple . let t on" a trip to Victoria, B.' C., wledre, they purpose spending a couple of McKillop Directory for 1905. DANIEL MANLEY, Reeve, Beeohwood P. O. M. ROWLAND. Councillor, Walton P. O. P Courteillor, St. Columban P. 0. CHARLES Lie.TLE, Councillor, Winthrop le O.' 401IN M. GOVENLOCK, Councillor,Whithrop P. 0 HICITALL MURDIE, Clerk, Witithrop P. o. nkvm M. ROSS, Treastirar, Winthrop P. O. SOLOMON S. SHANNON, J. P. Sanitary Inspector, Witsthrop P. O. PubliC Notice. " !..se+easaaseei ohms of Great Britain were now ftS trnateePared for war as whiita the South African trouble brake out. Ho -declared emphatically thatt ;the choice lay between ponseription some practical systetriof universal training, and that only by such means would it be possible for Great Britain to possess forces organized and trained to Meet. the deinands ,of the empire in the event of .war. To Cure a Cold In One Day. Take Laxative 33romo Quinine Tab- lets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. E. W. Grove'S slgrie.ture is on each box. P,rice, 25o, 1930-1 yr, Canada. -The estate ,of the late Mrs. IVIar- g a re t Cox' wife o. S emu t or George A. Cox, qf Toronto, has been .entered for probate. It amounts to $532,- 000. The whole estate ayes left to her husband who 'WM also appoint- ed sole executer. -Twelve h,ead of cattle, owned by ;fames Devlin, a farxneir oe Madoc tOwnsthip, weee killed by lightning on Saturday pight. They, wiere Leh -aured for $200. Eight horses belong- ing to a farmer named Sine, an Raw, don township, were killed in the same item. -D. 3. McLean, president of the Pushltnale Agricultural Society,Wed-, lington county, had, three or four ribs broken, was cut on the head, bruls•ed on thte latp and may be in- ternally injured, 'Water splatehed from a barrel over his horses,caus- liageahem to runaway. - =There continues, to be general complain' in, and around Kingston regar•ding the acareity of cattletor beef purposes. Nearly .all the beef offeeed for. sale locally is secured In the avest: Dealers Stay tbat it will require, at least 'two years tor Frontenac twenty mid the surround- ing dist.riOtts to produce sufficient cattle of desirable quality to meet local demands. -Hon. Nelson Montelt hi Minialter of Agriculture, :has forwarded to Guelph hie decision int the Cage Off athe six students of the Ontario Agri - Galt Ural 00111e i,sie who Were `Impli- cated in, thie recent practical joke at the Mn adormld Iinatatutte, throuall which Miss/ Winnifrett Powell, was injured. R is understood that they laave been expelled fram the Col- lege. -William H. Harris, 3.1h, of Port Hope, the last surviving member of the oldest Durhena county family, died last week at the family resid- e.nce, "Brandon Manor," near Port Hop. The late 'Mr. Harris was •a weeks pravious to returning to grandson of Wyndert Harris, who Seattle ea -here they will fialfature came to Port Haple in 1793, and, was .reside. the first acatual settler ill that pazt .• .. -Professce Loekhea.d, 61t- tbe of the Praviuce. He! Was 81 yeare of Guelph*Agree ioultural Colibe, and age: a -A very serious, accident occur - led a few days ago ndar. Lakeside, in Oxford county. George Hartwick t Wenty years of age, whose home is in Ilderton,• was riding down ',erode on a bizycle when he oollided with a team coming out of a "gattew-ay. His attention Ind ;been attracted by something' W.110•Dig wit h ails back Wheel...The, tongue struCk lilm in the ches.t. 1-Ii.9 001tax bone and three ribs were.: broken. He died the next OT12411111,3. • ' -Mr. Spencer of t he Montreal Weekly Star has been appointed to take charge of the office at .Mr. F. W. Hodson, Live Stock Commissioner and to discharge important duties in connection 'with, the. live ,stock *division,Departme.nt of Agriculture. ' The a ppointirpeot is vetry acceptable to live stock men, to wham Mr. Spencer • .:ta well -and favorably kno Wn. He was herr): on an Ontario farm, is a graduate of the Ontario Agriaultural Cqiiege and tor some tian-e was attached to the lecturing staff for- farmera' inatitute work. -Mrs. Meyer, of Reveler, un- derwent a a Opearation blame years ago, in the Berlan hospital, for a t uano r, and she was believed. to have -recovered until she began to eoan- plain of intens:e pain in the region of her abdomen. It was only lest we•ek- that oesort was made to 'X rays, which diecovere,d the preSence of a pair ,of farceps, five• in.elies ia length. Another, operation was per- formed to remove the forceps, but Mrs. Meyer ,a12.4 the third day, The f wrier a 1 %VAS had iris Berlin, and vasi one of the ltirgesttseen in that fown. Mrs. Meyer was a. 'daughter o - Mr. Levi Weber, of Hespeler. --,The Whitney Government have .f or gi ve n R usstell. township -a debt •of $31,000 owing to the Province. of On- tario. Several yeers teeo dra.ine, were built en the township and. diernally failed ill th:eir purpose., being, wrong- ly towited, As the,• teeWnship never 'benefitted, tile money was never paid 'back, until,- with accrued in- terest, . the .debt reached $3.1,000. Re- cently a deeutatloe -wcerteZ., on the Government and esked that the debt be cancelled. Conalderation ,was promised and. as a result townsleip officials and ratepayers have been made- happY by a letter containing an affirmative eeply. -ari Saraley evening, July? 2.nd8 Miss B,oxy :Poole, 'only d,aughter .of Mr. George V. Poole, ex -Warden. of Perth county, pase:..ed away at her parents' home, in Palmerston, after a very brief illinsesi. She waiS in her 21st year, and had enjoyed geod health up to a -month or tWok ago, when -she had. been t ro uhled A1ch al pa ims in her Weed, bat had isinte re- covered. On the Saturd-ay ovenisie,. previouS, while et the sttraion in Ealmerston,. the, trouble Attuned, and she hieca me so, ill, that Mile .had to he Conveyed home, and, In spite of all that /Daiwa 08-3istatn0a could do, she continued' in tie uncon3clous an old Elma town..ahip boy, luaasev- ened lais connection with ti hat nsti- tution to accept a responsible, po- sition in t110. nw College being cr- eated by Sir William Macdonald near Igo ntre.:11. 13efore leaving. 'Guelph Prof. Lockheed was made. the recipient or a handsome testi- monial by the -biological departe ment of the. College. -A Stretfo.rd despatchl says: Mr. WlILiam Peareaton, aecretary .of 'the joint City and Board of.Tea.de Rail- way tommittee has received plans °tithe new survey of the alterntate routes f,or the C. 'P. R. ,etntrance to the city, eon -tolled by Mr. Peterson and his staff for the railway. The north- route runs along the. river, with few .1'.CSideltec:-,4. to be taken down, while the, seueliteirn txikek along the TiAner side,necessitaiing the 'removal of the. sk.a tine, rink and sev- eral large institutiona. The, station g.r.ounds are hown as bet ween Nor th street end Water street,' with a round house cloae by.' -The old sayinec that "trouble never :COMO aingly," lias been veri- fied an the case of' MeBe Thos. Leg- gett, °a, Burnside Fa.rrn, Logan. During flee. *early aring Mre. Leg- gett ;had the misfortune to slip While going down cellar and serain- ed her ankle. I1 is only within the past month that alee has been able to have senile trace of the, thot. On _Thursday morning last Mrs. 'Leg- gatt ares walking about in the gar- den, when she made a Misstep and fell, breaking both bones in the right leg a.bove, the ankle. The in- jury is a very painful one. -0.n :Wednesday of last week, Mr. 'Alden 13urritt, pf .at Toronto junction to- Misr; Marie Wellwood, the ceremony be- ing pfaalorrced by 'the bride's bro.. ,ther, Ilia Rev. Na Wellwo•od, chair- man, of the Owen Sound. Methodist church 'district. Shortly after the °ceremony Mr. • Barri t t and his bride took the boat Per a. trip down 'the lake and St. Lawrence river talifon- tree!. From there they will run down to New York and rettarn by St. Lawrence, calling on friends at Brockville and other points on the- AV ay back. .They expect to, be gone only 'a few -weeks when they will return to the _old borate; in Mit- chell. -A,n investigation ware made on Thursday afternoon het, et- the request of the liceinse commissibre- ers of Sc.uth, Perth tato the sigma tures of a petition for a tavie;rn license to Henry Ottb, of Shakee- .peare, Which, license was granted. Thirteen pee -eons, whose na Mee pur- ported to be slaned to the petition SW01:0 that' they had neither signed nor Seen the petition.' Mr. oittoi evidenee was 16 the effect tlint he did not knee: of these signatur34 being forged es they appear to have been. The :petition had lain in the bar for sionaturee Judge Barron, at the requi of the, commission - Is herebreleen that after the expiration of one month Irons the 3re dav of July, 1906, the council of the teunicipalite of the township of Tuckersmith intend ta pass a by-law for stopping up and selling thet part of the street, Geo. Goulniockei surveY. In Harphurhey. south of Huron road, commencing at the tilde road on the west side of Lot' 16 of said Township and running in an euterty direction !Tontine on Iota lie, 83, 34, 35,116, 37, 38, 89, 40, 41 and 42 of the said survey on the north side and X, V' and. 7. en the sea& Also that street running from the Hoven Road to the aforesaid etreet be- tween iota 20 and !et ; 25 and 38. Any person inter- eeted in the matte and deetrine to be heard in op - Welts u to said fproposed by-law may attend the next meeting of council at the town hall Seaforth, 05 latpu.rdttai,y, the 22nd day of July, lad, at 2 o'• A. G. MILLIE, • Date6 tile 23 d day of July, 17110°15vnebh3 914319rk60. ers, adaourned the case. for two state until sae. died. Iree sudden abeenhfraud ei connection witle the. petition, the -tesula of which, under the statute Is: the cancellation of the license. _ • • • a "• Ca, /0.1.he Kitel ett lime Always Bought' Mears tile ;lien:dere weeks ;but ietimated. thet Mere had death is supposed to tha.ve been caus- ed by spinal di -sleeve . . -The Liberals • of London held a monster picnic on the Ate,raultural grounde, in that city; on aturday that. It is said there wite.' twenty t he usand peOple present. i The re- freshments wore :served in 1the i.kg,1•• rioultur•al hall, and the peokale were •edmitted in _relays Of abhut one of thousand. It le sai:de there were tons of. sandwiches, te•hr.re-10 of ice cream aril lakes of lemonade. There was no public speaking. I In the park a programme of sp•orta and a baby show was the order. The dem- onstration was given in honor tof the recent election. of Hon. Clihrles men, and everything was ffis free as air. .Mr. Hyman himself tcompeted .in the fat men's foot eace„.and came itt secondin .a large field. -At the Twelfth of Jelly celebra- tion at Renfrew, tbousands of peo- ple ana -nearly' 30 range 'Lodges were out. Rain oommeeoe'd just as the proce.sedo.n was 'farmed, and be- fore the lastof the Oerly two miles of, loderea heti passe the head p, rty having charge of Dr. Britton • of gain street, there Wai a -alowria a;Ll..%ibthave to porta go forty4kresel arid gifte- gret ting eforet they (00111t.' to the lonely Ifeeleetie storm. of the seasan its- course a tmlt scended a tree and. ors. were struek ' all rendered runeo maned so for a ti suscitirted. A tea knocked flat, and. tawa, Lodge, No. shreds and. part o the trite against w Ing. . A 'grist and other end ofthe t the blaze was qu ha the park wee came up. During t lightning de -- tee cif the viait- The,y were Wow, and re - i€, but were :re- - �f .harses was he banner or Ot- 27, was torn to Lt, embedded in ictle it was stand.- se,w mill at thie van, waa fired,but nahed. Speaking bah:doped, One Jonar $a ed Represents Ten Dollal s Earned. The average 'ma exceed ten per oe He must Spend ni expenses for lev That being the too cereful oho pensea. Very oft perlY invested, 11 'his garden, Will outlay later on, buying Chamber era and Diaerho but a few Cent. LT1 the ;house of bill of neveral by Alex. Wils forth. 6 -Field Ma hehal Lard. Robe r b.; created a :.-rneation in thee English house of ler& a few eveningsago, when .in a enethy end well consid- ered s:peeSi11C deliberately e• X.- piTSTV.Id his ,,pinion as a pract iota soldier 'neat the, military force at ,great Briteht was inadequate, im- perfectly trainedend totally unfit to- uphold _Great 'Britain as a first class power. Lord Roberts did not blame GO vornnweit, Which the aald„ was actuated Ify a national feeling, but he scathinglyrattaoked the people of -England, who, he said, showed .no national ,feeling wards the. military 'until danger A- rose. Lord. Roberta said the les- sons of the South African. war had- does not save to It, of this earnings. 0 dollars in living a.y Zoller saved. ase ihie. icannot he t unnecessary ox - ,re la few cents prb- buying _seeds tor ave eeveral dollars • It Is the Same in ain's Colic, Chol- a Remedy. It costs , and bottle; of rt ben eaves a doctor's d,ollars. For sale n, Druggist, Sea - 4 , Ne s Notes. -Samples of 5th, were exh feav days ago feet 6 inches i nicely headed -The deben of Toronto 000,000. Toro It has a big city. And t more rapidly -At- the Rifleme.n A in ,progress StafteSergt. Gregory te 0111 200 yards, a score, and t eyes and on utive bulls beat him. -Supt. A. x a il wa y zma fast, Irelan absent on, to a break Mr. MoWh years t been appo For many of the ser He was P barley sown on May bited in Winnipeg a which measured five length and were all out. ure debt of thte city neelants to over $25, - to is a big city but debt for even a big \debt is increasing tha.ri the „population. National Convention ociation meeting, now at Bisley, England, Kerr, Canada', in the etition, seven shots at ide the gighest possible en made twelve belka- inner. Twenty- consec- yere are necessery •to G. McWhinney, of the I service, died lin Bel- , last week. He was Ix roon't, s' leave, owing own in eedth. Thei late nney had cempleted 49 e mail service, leaving ted at tile age of 21. years be 'was 'chief clerk ide in Western Ontario. st Grand. 'Senior Warden of the Grand Lodge of aYlasionts. -John' Clark, of attY, !was on the • farm, find, being, unable to, so 'badly lacerated. tbat 5, proved (fatal. He ,was in the hteble door, when diked rover and punctured lei 'abdomen. Two ladies accompanying Burns got hi slight injariee. Burns t 165 years of age, tatnd un- ig to Guelph to say gotod- lends, .'reda youth ilton Was fatally injured he Junction, a few evenings unfortunate young man ting from a C. P. B. train at the junction beforeit had stop- ped, a thelwhe ly sever badly oft and The ac o'clook ' two hoe It mail Sh; In the c urns, ari amployee cif J. G. Westboro, neal. Ottawa 'etacked hy an angry bull escape, av his W01111 standing_ the lb an him. tin t Who ever away twi was ebb maraled. --:Corni, bye to f of 18, of at .Cauela ago. Th dons alig #4 di &lipped and fell beneath 14. His right le•g was near - at the thigh, his left leg gled, his right hand cut sustained. &deer injuries. dent occurred about seven d he died in the hospital later. des neem stranee thnt aid starve for lack of teod ty of New•Yerk in the -midst of such. plefaTy. But such Is the case. A man (10 ears of ago wastou.nd ftunings ago on a door step ireav la poptilou.s alisidential part of the cit who had actually died. from starved; on. The patrol man who found LIM thought him asleep. Ile shook t te man and told. him to• wake up. The body fell heavily to one side ai-d the. patrolman found the man Iv; s dad. The eyewere sunk - on fn, the limbs emaciated and the cheeks and lipe were drawn and thin. -Lit in Cuba does not seem to be ve t pleas -ant as yet. Julian Cendoy , I a wealthty American bank- er an agent of thet. Ward. Line in the el eh of Santiago, w'bale, dinang with 1 is family at anis -biome across the ba , iwas at -tacked by eight ban- dits, a the covered. the nre.mbers of the fair Ay with firearms and search- ed the lipase. The bandits! presented a Agri. t demand for $30,000 and scized r. • Cendoya aa a Nostage until plc amount should be paid. After arleying, Candor' agreed to pa 2,000 and the bandits with- drew. he following morning Mr. Condo ite secured the money, which be tu ned over to the .bandits at a rende vous 'in, the bay. -F, ank !Name who ear, he lives in 13 tfalo, came to Dunkirk, a few days go, to tepend the day, and ae- cogni ed in James McInt•ostii, an em- ployee, of the Sohn • Robinson cir- cus, is long -lost sister, Florenoe who was rniasquerading as a man. Atm ding Ito the story, the circus peopl itdll, it appeare that Mias Knapp deft, Buffalo, six years- ago,- to an ke a tour of the western cit- ies, g na during thia period never visit d her home, and and been mon ned as dead. Two rens ago she Coined -the Robinson • circus in• Ohio as a driver for a sixahorse. team, end so skillfully aid she ben- ' dlel: he ribbons that ntone of the m - ploy e;mistrusted she was other tha what she repirei5ented herself toe a; . E. Watts, barrister, of 13rant- 1!ord is in New Laken:ad organiz- ing,a search, party who will leave, tha place in a few dears to recover andbring back the body .of Huron Dal •as, the young 13rantford solici- tor who lost his life last spring. He as with his party in camp many mil s north si New Liskeard, and, des] ite [the wirflninge ef his compan- ion., 'left the camp and attempted to reach a Grand Trunk transoon- tin ntaI construotian party who wo e uip neer Lake •Abitib'bi. He had to icross the ice, and it is supposed los this life very shortly after start - in out on this perilous adventure'. Th thody was only :recovered about a month riga, and was buried near th spot where it was found. Some qu stion has been raised by tle in- su ance parties concerned, and Dr. Frank Britton, a dentist, of Brant- fd rd, bas been aent op to identify th lbody. This he propeass to do by ti & ifilling he had put in deceased's te th: shortly prior Ito thas leaving B antford on the journey that had $ ch a melaneholy ending. The increasing, Among IP/ mea, But Stifferers Need Not Despair THE BEST ADV10E S FREE Of all the diseases kr OWn, with which the female orgeinisna is afflicted, kidney dieeeee is the most fatal, and statistics e'tow that this ditease is on the increase among women. Unleas early and correettreatmentis applied the patient seldom survives when 031e0 the disease hefastened upon i her. Lydia E. Plulthara's Vegetable! Compound is the moat efficient treat -i raent for kidney troubles of women,' and lgi the only medicine especially; prepared for this purpose, When a woman is troubled with pairli or weight in loins, backache, frequent! peinfiil or scalding urination. swellieg of limbs or 'feet, swellieg under the eyes, an uneasy, tired feeling in th region .5f the kidneys or notices a brie - dust sediment in the urine, she shoulcI lose*no time in commencing treatmerit with. Lydia Po. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, as it may be the means Of saving her life. For proof, read what Lydia E. Pin - ham's Vegetable Compound did for Mrs. 1 Sawyer. , "I cannot express the terrible sufferin* I had to endure. A derangement of tho female t organs developed nervous prostration an a serious kidney trouble. The doctor atten led me for a year, but I kept getting worse, u etil I was unable to do anything,, and I medal up ray mind I could not live. I finally decided to try Lydia lil. Pinkham's Vegetable Co, m - pound as alast resort, and I am to -day a Kell woman, I cannot praise it boo highly, and I tell every suffering woman about iny Miaass.s,EEmma Sawyer, Conyers, Ga. Mrs, Pinkhana gives free advi0 i i women; address in.- confidence, Lynn, Mass, i t I . torrtach Catarrh' I- It is a fatal waste of time to trifle with snuffs, po*ders, Iinhalers, or other dangerous nostrums, with the idea of curing Catarrh of the Stomach. Once Catarrh has reached the I i ' stomach it can only be eradicated by creating puref rich blood. Catarrh is a germ disease. The stomach and intestines become nests for myriads of these tiny germs. Local f applications have no effect on them. They must be driven out -the stomach cleansed, the blood purified, the system toned up. " PSYCHINE" will . positively cure the wOrst form of Stomach Catarrh, by purifying the blood,_ cleansing the stomach, and destroying germ life. Thousands have been , cured of the prevalent malactly‘ through this remarkable dis- covery, " PsvcinNE." Druggists recommend it. GREATEST OF ALLE TONICS (PRONOUNCED SI -KEEN) - T ALL DRUCIGISTS..ONE 'DOLLAR.TRIAL PREZ DR. T. A. SLOCUM, Limited, 179 King Street West, To • M rs.Wil Sanders' Dress CuttingCourse, .. Invented In lillep improved in 1905 T HAVE improved my Dress Cutting course Ise it can be teneht at -a- home by mall bettor than by personal instructions. ,It can be taught In from 2 to 10 v,ifs, curio go more than making oro.. drosa. To bo paid bycash or installmeut plan. I teach yon -a perfect' comae itteressmaking, from taking a measure to finial I veal per- _ Banally examine all lessons, for who can tostruet ea well as the • inventor/ No °Reliance necessary. No adv. genuine witheattbsza - photos.- A reward ,given to aevone tbat can prove that 1 thle improVed course Isnot the best course 'being taught, elthAr by inall_t._ or personal Interactions, and will be tatight by 130 one except/rip self. the inventoi, at 46,4. . .1 _ '• 7 '.4 1, 141111., W/66 SANDERS' DRESS CUTTIND S011001;.=- - , Write to -day for particulars. '. STRATFORO, ONT., SOX 159, ir MRS. Wat:-BANDIRS Inventor 411ZN.,*_Alit,,,,- 1," y • . , • Erse Yoi Judgment It is not likely thzit you will attend more than one College in your lifetimei. It is therefore iMportant that you choose • the right school -your stuicess may entirely depend upon the school. • The Forest Cit);, Business and Shorthand College has had a -reputaticin for years for its equipment, thoroughness, faculty' dervadd for its graduated pupils, and you take no chance with it. School term--Septernber till June Catalogue free for the asking. J. W. WESTERVELT, Principal. f indusive. Y. M. C. A. Bid LONDON, 0 T. • 'It ;30, ' m']aii\T Cr So COMFORT is vithat every manwants. It is what he re- quires if he is to do,kie best work. You can't be comfortable with heavy clothes on. You must wear things becoming the season, that is why you should come to us and let us fit you out with some of our comfort guaranteed summer goods such as SUMMER UNDERWEAR, SUMMER CLOTHES, SUMMER HATS, SUMMER SOX, De, SUMMER SHIRTS, We have a la 10 arid weU assortedlstack and the prices will make you feel comfortable too. /GILT BROS., 1T.R.111:13_11.ERS, SEI1FORTH been forgetteee and that the armed pack to the park thf.e..3vior •-15, thunder- b rial t,j ; F nitnre Beauty In gr We invite attention to the mag- nificent assortment of Furniture. Our display is large. Selections at this store are made easy and every taste gratified. We are giv- ing exceptional offerings through the entire store, • • 6 6 .6 6 00 6 INTG+ Ptonaptly attended to night or day. RO.A.DFOOTs BOX & Oa: 5-1-M,A,.H10,119Tia. S. T. HOLMES, Manager. A • Teaspowl 117 • every.P4tKa e Splendid Business Chance Ilemeeme• dery J A GREGOUT REAL ESTATE BROli•ER, North Battleford, Sask. &WW2 yeara experience in We:St-WM Laudi Selected Lands for sale in block or single sections from $8 per acra up Thebe lands are -Masted in the famous Saeltatehew. an Valley, the garden el the Canadian Northwest1 along either the main line of the Canadian North- ern Railway or the survey of the Grand Trunk Paci- fic. 1 Twenty years ago Dakota lands aeld torae3 an ACM& 2 To -day they are selling for S50 to 830 an sere. 3 Three'yea're ego Western Caoadian Lauds acid for 83 an acre. 4 Today they are 'telling for 68 to $25 an acre. 5 In three years more lo.nde will 'gain double in value. 6 Why invest your money at 5 per cent. 7 Deal wait. Settlers are ruehinr in. Buy lb geotion or two now, then you tan siloed to welt while it grows into money. Correspondence Wilted Referencee:-Union tank of Canada. Win- nipeg and Moison's Bank, Exeter, Ont. 19041 For sale, a general store butinese, together with etore and dwelling houte. Thie to one of tn., best country stands in Wester!' Ontario and a splendid opening for a good man with a small capital. Post 'Office in connection with store. Address THE HURON EXPOSITOR, 196141 Seaforth, Ont' ShitpsAri lisinetosNtole Eaell, pupil is given in.. dividualmstrnetion. The Shorthand System taught is that used by all newspaper and court re- - porters, Best systems of Book- keeping, Penmanship, Arith- metic, e t c , thoroughly taught. Situations guaranteed te every Graduate. CATA1.001.7)3 PREZ. WM. O. 000, Nelp.44 officiabv-ENeGRApki i The Great English Remedy, Is ett old, well estab. fished and reliable prepiiration. Has been prescribed and ued emeriti/yet:ire. Allearus- ginta in the Dominion. of Canada sell and recommend as being the only medicine of its kind that carsmau& :STOS universal satisfaction. It promptly and permanently cures all forats of Nervous Weak. nes-5. Emissions, Spermatorrluca, InzpotenclJ and all effec te of abuse or eXeesses ; the excessive. use of Tobacco, Opium or Rtimulanis, Menial and Brain Worry, allot which leai to Infirmity, Insanity, Consumption and an Early Grave. Price el per package or six for $5. Ono will pleace, six. will cure. Mailed prornpty on re- ealpt Of moo. Send for free pamphlet. Address The Wood Conattursy, Windsor, Out-, Canada, For sale by C. 1..berhart, 3. S. Reii4 ells, I. V. Fear, and Alex. Wilson, Reaforth. diefore ant t After, No lerea,leiase Table complete without An admirable food, with all its natural qualities in act, fitted to build up a -id 'maintain robust health, ana to rem:0-, winter's extreme cold. It ia a valuable diet for children a The Most Nutritioters, and Berne-o11l1. To Cure a Cold in One Day Take Laxative Brom° Q,iiinine Tamets.,,R Seven Million boxes *oici in past 12 maths. This signature, VA Grip anTwoD deriPvt.o. box. 35c. e-