The Huron Expositor, 1905-06-23, Page 4r4
JUNE - 231
S LEA01 14 0 SHO E S Es
them. They-' could take tjbiii; poTson drizzliA -by the oteam.- lape, wt- Gmand, Trunk algent lijoke SEAFORTH'
gr -rain fter wo h6urs sail,4
va n. in er; Y�11 been we 'Jimmie
lie game oded ini a VIA. Air ��vv has
JUNE, 190:5 being Aepolrtellk,,f p, -th6 Amewican -or- of havd. pl" it ie oPp W.
00$ t�lfty 1 healih for� the past yar the position so young, an pony,
-It' r9tused to or. ec'WO
dqT,, but he oal. Elmor-, in p
-nay be my be parmanfent.—As te Bluevale
Moore; of Wingain lref4efed &he and s'lon tbil trip that it ho 00
have no. pawar. to f arm him across. The Empress
Thus aodtiirding to Mxi Justice At- game-, th W
L X T W F .8 Of fit,' Aisi ��nnj trienU %vsh ranch. of 0 llmtitatia is
-OyWke and 'hope thare, were no low S
-him. . j �plea_ an�t. V a
glin the Jaw ficils and 19 Varn hh .,"turn restored to paratioxxs made, to receive Mr;s,. Sean d W
2- 3 The decision. xuy be in accordance Toy, domestic demonstrator, of Tor- with I aw, buit: like glood many Or t uble ;of 030-�eyel or ear' call healtli.—Mr. Algx� Deavitt has bexn
press Shbe for Women embodies* )Rown
5 6 7 8 9 10 e, f
4 appohited Baliff offl Exotew Division oiito, on her scheduled vi:sU on T S-. For style, fit and durability the
legal do-clisions it Ais ot up -hold Vy- Ovens, specialipt of Lo�doi' . 3
on Dr ec ssijy adjuncts -of -a perfect shoe. 'It is gloVe-&Ung, &uJ,- 12 13 14 15 16 17 then e -1 . 'r, it the de- for ne 0,ou:tt and W F. Elliortt has, been Aay of this eok.—Miss Alice D tifif common sonw. Howievek commercial Hotel, Sea thJu
10 -20 21 apppillted Clerk of the- same court. rtandd London Narmal school It suppoKs the instep graea'
22 23, 24 Gision should cauise the Cla:nadian aind fore, -itiquires 1�no breaking in. fully ma -
29 th. See Adv- 1.071
26 26r lt4oirities t so thedT The xetiring fficitals arelgr. -John on Monday.—Mrs-- ATebr. McDonald, smoothli, without wrinkiiind and retains its 'shape and stylish a
27 28. 29 Amer aix, 0 cea 'Diamond Weddig.,Mr. and Mrs. -osoph 'irill have &on -e m vmh Gill, Biffliff-and Mr. Snell, Clerk, of Goderich, visibed, Airs. J Empress Shoe -in
Petty. S On, wll-lor mae me
trife it Davids J�rt'rei bo . . rid ance until won, out. The 1*99 made all the 13�eo stlift, Tb
*iowrs, bicloirg the ;5, i1s. Pugh this week.—Mr. a Mr�;,. R.
moTe good',than the I�w �ould leVeW To th
with their son, Rw . J)av�dson; oots laced boots and Oxford low shoes, and
-et on Tuo�- and- shapes in bu
cN. Duff visU0 in Wrox, r ttoneab -4
pastox -of the "PreAshytr n db urelb. �rspateit'c dongpla ki
day.—For an ideal heaven bow would all. the newest'aud best weating leath Olt,
bra, celbrated. he dimmoad. -or Blake.
call perpetual une, wit.0 your best - Uri
War. SIX-tith aniversary f mar- Flow txodbM of the eye Or -ear box calf, Ladies who desire a stylish, perfect -fitting shoo at a Madera*
The nd' around � ou, sit I Awl Thv figuro between, the paronilisibill after each y
age of thepaper on Atiob the London, price, should try the Empress Shoe.
61-4,4enotee the P Thex� is nlotbing Aef In4tely ko -n Aage, ion- June 4tb. Mr. Davidson on Dr. Ovens, of,
-age and Mrs. Davidson at Clcm � cial E(otel, Seafar-thJune
as yet concering negoNtiati is* 86 yearls of mer _G for 82 yaxs, till they r4 q I t, e, ba 10 29th. See Adv. Taullett. Li ace 1130' —$2', 32:50, 9:75 and $3
Zaig. & Ste y
H*t Weathex—'MoKinnon & Co. -5 peace between Japan and Russia. and hea'xt aniul �b -1 'Of b ir West Side Notes. -
1 Aniotheir un6 Wedding.—The homma ie; anuai ple-
i0velry Goods—,Toihn Balger-8 Since the great naal bmtlle in which many felends is tha. t,�eg m Buttoned oots--82, $2:50, $2:76.and $3 a p
ay be, of M nic -of school section NO. 5 will be 13
p. Ca
pling was the scene of n, hole
New Ax�vals—E. lWormul, Co._8 spared to each otlii�� years quiet yet prebLy wedding on We4nles- hold on Wlednesday, the 28th inst.,
W� to b
the, Russian f leet wae,, prac -75 4 pair
Nmpxes:� Sboes—R. Willis & to. come. This io ;)�n unusual -anni- dayef 11ast wleek, when his ostimable on the river flats Of -Mr. R. Carter, Oxford S-hijes—$2, 0-50 and .
annihilated, thexe has heic tw
Shingles—N. Cluff & SM -5 n, 150 -versary an:d low. people live to en- !'daughter, Miss WILle', -was UnElted In adjpiing the bash of Mr. M. Brown.
-uld can - ascertain, Joy its celebration. The worthy
13axgains—C. Hoare -5 as the oatvLde wo marsgo -ivifh- Dr. T. A. McDougall$ Dinner Will be orved at 01110. o."clock.
Teacher Wantpad—A. J. Meck-5 a oesiation of hootilibles boith n old couple have ��ovon chlldrAA. 48 i of Utrxinton. Gowned In a good musical proramme. Ls. b it aw; . U6
ldren ana 12- great graind- Roxboio, Lavvm 8001a.1-8 land and water. Japan, grandobi ome coLtume of oream, silk oolionne ing brepared. -In addition to 1hl f
MA9 'hiieh
to LixIlt Cb.—S children
doulit with iphe Intention of I.the bride ieavtocred the �Varlor, loan- thTm. fooball 3natelhes, ara expect-
FeatIver Lasrt—Expm.Uor GtfieB g f or Niotles.—*The' annual picnic of the in- ed, Summerhill vs- jNo, 5, school v
g -an Ithe arm �of her fatihQr. The "Queen -Quality" isud Empreft*
the hand of Ras 'a, ratcde a 16-nd Soleagents for the Slater Shoo for Men, and the
Por Sale—D. D. Wilson- & Co,,8 Presbyterian Sunday school -.v4ll be Rev. Thoas- Davidson, of Viatirna, oo 9 mild school vcs union section d
Aheell for women, n
Chapman -8 moverneiYt o Sunday last. Advices held -on July Isf. A conveyance hais 'tied be inaptial klrlo,�t in the No. 104 EneTgmtic committ4s bA-v
PTes- cw
le—F. A. Ed —8 from the- froTilt shO tbmt 'unfil la-st' been pTovided. to take the children Dupe select gAthering. Hearty the w.,oirk of pmpiration in hand
Toi Cr-editors—Doig & Doig -5 Sunday the Tapan,�cs-e line1s to the ex- free, It will -start &boult nne, ol- the and with, f avcirabjo an .%X)- -w this w-ftk.—Miss -Swttn spent, 'Sah- indor!
coiftratulatio'ns were extended to
Ladies! F-ne Sholas-3—'W.H.Willis- tremo- west had bo J. McGo n -10 n, f. Many usef ul
O'hildaeh. are all look- happ,, co - le,' after Aidh. a- dainty cellebt f im, proirntsed.-1% I. a
_8 et practically clock. The a R. Doglas an; with ftlends in
up VL
f6rward big day.—Th',e I 91ting,. fxdend-s -in: Gx.ey o 3ath Iasi
stationary for thtee montbis about. Farm F�r Sale—B. Roggarth-5 Ing rag pairtake Mrg. J, Voddn visited ra-a.tiv�es �at Air*. Bee�g lo alt pr�-,-,sen 'Mrs- Smallecombe, sr, was InGuelo- twenty miles north, of Tieling,wb,ar-'e Methodist Sund,&y ischool W.ill bavO and !afan6,Ie 'presnts tmtitie(l o St� Ileleans and nelgiboring pladers Tuesday.— this week her da _,que be
"___ - - - - . I' - - - bp
fbe pu-suLt f the Rug%ians *haltled. Puttiii in ne,,v"tubes in, M's boileT at er,%M
theiir annual ple-hic on-thie. same day 1 the lot. the young o 0 up le last week.—Snak t, ovop;� dntei�ed IV aU4 ho
erval the boll1ligeirnts will gat -their ifrilends. The bride
- thi opularify the -grist mill. One of the Boll, En- Waldle. -Mrs. Wm -
During a int to Bayfleld.—Rov. Mr. Miller, I amoz s the born's of Mesirs. Weymouth I I, slstevt -
*ere 30 Miles, p�Lrt. Only-skir- lvio,rs 4eW1*3;es, Of Swa f or t, in 'GU01ph visitring her _1* pireach his tax�awiell isermon on Sun-.' rest daughteirs, amd a nigk, Xrs. IvValdie.—Rev. R. �U. Glenn Tat
one A iou-r f ai nd W. McOool on Saturdy
Mishe's loccarx6a until ta%'t Surldttv, day arid- leaves Xor his, new .6ppoint- she will be much missed ibeire, as 1hier carrying -off a few s ot' raln and is doing' the Nvoxk The mill -was Toronto, so lenall.,
9 9 n of Xh Thos. G ea t
SEAFORTH, FRIDAY, June 23, 1965. when the iTapariese mdde a :rush, ad-. shut down. for a fe%V da'y-s tb.6 weIt is Mont, -with the best- *islhos of this bi1gi t smile a:nd' kind -word helped pta-toes.
Hibbert, will pneoh, a special satu
vancin twenty miles, gation.—A number fr but is now running again001113tt
congre orn he;re and -elieved imany sorrowin ones, dro3sed in tbo mn, to the Masons on Sabbath teot.� ble, We
'stlake is n
f,00k in I the excurlow' to Guelph
A Threatened W&r. arid is shee leave�s our midslt many Wrox�ster. and mitainly noou� a� 2.30 the ska-ting xi* b 'her
on in.
Easily Answered. an7d Detxoit tbis',vveek.—Thel Forest- pleas int memories ill liriger wilth eigula, Unif Orm which will be seated far th 000051i AT
wifarumoirs ave been in oircula- Notes.—Misis Tux, of Walkerton,, looks his pwition and-evaryboay now
The'followlixg eonandrums'submit- ill -also ecial VZ*: Us of thi's village drp- havlRg 0, -us. )x. and Mrs.. MeDDugalf drove I -he conivtabia.—Mr. be- a p
tio; during the pagt week abou�t in big picnic to B4yfileld, -to-dialy, Fri v1qIt11,ng her friend, Miss Lulu k0ows that ble ig t There, w �bm , iut4
-ted -by Itte Toronto MqI are - -to X ppen the 4anre atteirnoon,where, J. Muir, 41 Stratr N. Gevxy is havink a telephon in,- vice ol pxaie.—Mr. David' MoGhl-At VeIrY daY. Staitate 'labor is 'te, order
texnational diff ic uIttles, bot-wwri Geir- they took Ithe braln f or ibeir f ature, Blyth, -;)lo some yea" ago Teh Rua V
easily answexed. It" �§as: of the ' d,,iy in this vicInLty.—Ibe 4owd, is ppen1ding a few hlidaysAt stalled in his x-asiden", wXloh will
wish- Miay and Ftatice whioh mij�ht likl bome in'Harrington The be,4 his horme.—Mrs. A. Cam. pbelli of be very bandy, weing that he, lives ably led the service, of 111 � so i rd� _U -
-e em 41M.
H hool elmes this, Yriday., on ac- ling on
,�e is ia prob-I&M, wed'i -Alloiltby el esof itheir many frl�n,ds' 1follow th axmel Presbyterian is in: it st:4
resul't in a wax which would not Only o So , 43.0. n f -he entrance cfa;�. 11 Londo, is the guest of her mobble-T.- quite a aistance from hs butsiness-c V consiiitation: If we to .$2 - u Of t and mqy itheir married life be an a n- the vill-age, this week vikithig am -%�
involve these two countries but Mrs. X. Lackle, Holwick.—TvI. -.and —The Gun Club are at priesent. busily ft9 :tug its eV
000,000 a yeiar in running the I,nitw-. dist rbed Jjioneymoon. -shoot his many frienAs whq ard pleaseae whi vvlould include Englnd* wid o&lonial and- �4pend $2,00oi- Mrs. R. Black went to London last on�a'ge_d.pTtrctiig for the OWO
eh Waltorl. rig
see him again.-3Ar. Cohn
week to ttsand the funeral of their in SalUmd onR.TalY 1A nd e:kpe lie
000 More per annulh on capi has purchftstd a nicie river
othex European mations. The diffi- bal ar--' For trouble of, th� eye or eat cll neice, Xisk�o Ella McLenan, whbse� flo do. bettelr than they ba-vo done, down, LU
prof it wi. 11 we make on Dr. Ovens, specialist of London, 'in
culty aroLse anainly -through the f - death, occurred last Thufsday.—Mr. in the past,—Te citizens wwo- agatin Mr. Gill, of Mitchell.—Rev. Mr fa t. W
e Se U _txouble of the eye� or car,call 'bout four er f E lm il 09Lde to :f
but of Ith x-oa d when wk' 3 have spent' at Oommere'llal gotel, afortb4 no For , '0 1 V le, will conduct se. e -M
dn, and Mrs. John ' NeNajig-bton, of ariolused -Sunday morning a
fairs of Momocco. Germany it wa$75,000,000 in buff -ding a on Dx. Ovens, s06ialiat. of Lon Turnberry, gave a barn pairty last olp n 0
29th. See Adv. in the 'Methodist ehToh
10 lock by, the xini g f the f ire, vIC-es . A -Ted that
said, made an ar-rolgant and reat,; line—the G. N. P.-�-to comoliate with �rt hot at Commercial Hotel, Seafort)l,Xune 1honday Sbbath, Dy. Medd'-pre-athing am*o- Rev
'Local Items. The recei vning, which a Jr rm. . This ti e it -was in ge al,�. In
t? Another questdon its- 29th - See . Adv. veisary sermons at 'Elimville.—TU,
ening domana-low Fxianllae to appoint weather has beet very' trying on the, n amber of young people of th-e vil- 'Golden's s&'o.r4l, but foi-tunatlely it so -If: If a oolm-pany were,
t bef Or4 mur
restors," Pienic.—The annkial, pie- lage, attened.—Mr. W. V3. Pobln- was p tit ou was annual excursio to the Model FAr
reptr(;�eutatives to a propogod con- teams lcnrlplo�yied on the U. 1P. R., I 'no $2,000,-000 anntia4ly P,.ro. nt thinks it
On a 11-np- 'but, notwitUstnd" g, ood o beld undfr the auspic�eis of (0ourt son .41 Xv 1ph, was -well patromized all -
in is, tur mast Gue of xail-may tNihat would it do -,with, Tuesday- last, 65 tickets eing, s&d,
feronee ffor he sattlemem;t of ned- from London,wheire done. Mr. Qolftn
gxess is bi made.* The road is BXu0,`DfioIdr of the Independent Or- he attenNid ,Syntod.—Mr. Aild Mrs. bave been oa!Vsedj by Mice getting at -3an *eco'a affaix% Vranw ao dispo�ed the focd iwho 9hould priclq�ose that it
ou' tffip, big a -t O;n Blair,s der Dif Foesters, in Jowetils, gfov, from here..�—Misry Florence, XcEweft,
now tbx �Sww
$75,000,000 in buildil gh u HenT, of Wl:iiteebara, visited t$ieft some matelle, -ar,,- there was -no fire By ield, an -Friday 14ist, was VeTU.
to resent' Germany'sl int,&Zwrice- Invest ug a com - hill.—Mr. and bIrs. J.6fin'Smillia have 0- d�- &aughtex, Misa E. lia-t4it we6,k. near wbero- it sbairted. This iis, *t-ble daulghteT of Mr. John McEwen, Nvlo,, V4
petibciO Answers oug�bt (to be §ent t. oided succestg,. 'The day broke dull —Mrs. amejs. Orr, of W io and henco- the It re urned frm viiting wkt-b; 'rea- in this block wfthin 1i is -attending -the, Onbwr
no"v to Sir Wilfrid Laurier at Ottawa." ingliam, is second f ir
appears, however, that the mafter,' tives,-and friends, in ZorTa.—Miss- and heavy -and a ligh� rain set in n w n, aoqu intanevs in tho Vill- few- days. le , t me TOX
In the first place, althoudih ithle Carrie Bary -ii; v6sittrilg in alOil t so -n o'clor wYLch- kept man7 e.—Mr. earid Mrs. _L Bolton, of cat Lon. -11r. 'Byon. Simmpia% of xole. who 4ac
ve k Loa
in cou:se. o settltment. Fxance L1119 week don,,vvas here 'this week visiting ROT*- GTand Trunk Pacific will, A�-some. De�irtoiit, with; hex, siisltor,- Xre. (D.r.) at lbine who ottherwise would h!ave Listowel, viisitf! w-ftb Dr. and Mrs. xnest A
R, A.- Sllaw.—_igr. Goo. XtEiven Vd%
has agT-ee7d- to aead, thet delegates wtiers.-!- Remember ffhq the ''rain and dullness HeneaR.
extent wLt.h', ft;hiel varden mond; but
run paxi, last �v
the past wme?�71 ioir, to the eonferenm and it t, at tb ed -biout noon and the in �Ottawa dArns AWIMI
asked f e, manse Ithils Vxida ; y elea: lawa* a o 'The Sovereign Bank of Cansaoharter
6&lonial xiailway (it not compete Par y
is hoped evening. BTusLsjPls band will be, i� af te -vo t a.f.d the lake The ifriends of' Rich. Warxift- 41lder the at -
hat tbiggetion on ibl� part,6 with it ras it ass*leo pexf c , t. Two ca y 11 , f It d ed by Dominion PArliament, 42 branches fit Canada . III regret to kwarn that sihe z
'tlough 'am-- ell- alftendnc, -ana a,igood pirogriamm rX s urnLs le Beechwood. And agents In All parto of thoworld. Interest on W1 46f UZI)"
will clear up any threatened diffi- tirely ne-,v- istetion of country which. �ill be. eikdoxed.. b S&torth' and by he! c4oart, -were filled to itbeir deposits paid four 61wesa year. AbboluteSeCUWY UnUPS VBTY Sler.i4DUSly ill,
cultics. It waseared that Germany or trouble fof the eye br ler icall uneXcelled facilities, courtsous -4freatment, modern
ty -a
t inow and never will be-ltib- Rrus�-Sels talleut. —Tlie, vlunteers ut ost capaci and very mAerially
had made uD her mind to go to war. no cai Dr. Ovens, sbeoialis.t of Londn, s Is Invited. H. Arnold
re camp In- . th.6 i-11 ased the'crkwil. Afteir ja very manager Hensall.branch and tha e, onial. , In tW - 1.
t ho demand ou Fx=6e Was baxy lto�06 IVtxiol ep-ast prepar6d by the at 01ommercil iHotel, Seaforth,J�Uue
simlylY 'a piretext -to that- end. second place it is in t)Xe xurtrilVag of target prctice 9r. b1OU I tiful 11"' 29th. See Adv. L G. J. Sutherland, conveyancer Hennall, oarxieA -off the T)alm in thle, R-russals la d i is, KI "Joyed -a on the, has had placed In bin hands for sitle, three fine For tx0able, ,of the :we or oar -boirne, Aust,
Fra a, o at of a pol-3- laki teT which iddresse(ii, wore Farm P
neq, hLorwer, -Nvsi stronglyback- the InteToodonial Ithat t�b�e - Imka-gres batalii,on, scorili lor uTchased.—Mr. C., Delaney, br1ok howes. two of them with fine building Ints r.. i0vens, specialist of L 434�
-on D t tb
ed up by Britain and either poiers'. occur. The- Vr not Of ;.Old It
overnment ilo for deli 7avIld' by R. D. Cimexi th is lace, bias pa.-rebrised UjI5 Adjoining. Dwalll ave every clonventence and
PJnO- sible 120. Thirs, ,3peaks violumes on, of Luck- Hotel, Sedfortl4JUMi
Wad a kn&04aage ot thi best of locations, D" so for silo, two vef desirable at ODmmerc4al
is may pose 'to frun the Gikand Trunk Faelf.: our young rearuit.—Th High Chief, Ranger; Rev:. X. Maciaxdle houiest- f rom, UnHenry Al to th
cooled Gc-rmanyls ardor, if Otte ever i@. They will lonly build it and fee'rilt, on't gang r1ON*1 frame divellingsand nice properbyto rout. All on 29th*1 See A-dv.
Mamdle, bor the s,u
are now busily . engaged w��Ii 'the A McCaVI, Deputy Supremey Cbief Im of $3,000. very easy terms and �rles to.sulb punh3ur. Ap- �iouiture
had ny,- evil intentions. which, 'LIS it tio, (the Grand Trunk Railivo.,7 The farm contains flifty &eres,' has ply at the post office . otion.—In our issue -o z
COm basement work of Mr. Roberf iaeiar, Ray got and Rev. K Craigie, -of To - R r
doubtful. It is andre, than pobable: pany whb twill equip and run it and ban, which Will be fivished 'up to ron *-o, !with Frank O'Brien, P. C. Oil it good buildings, and)ls a. oboice G. J. Sutherland hao 9, large quantity of Jun4 9th, in connection w1th
thaf the affair was attly emaiggeir- pa,y the-0oveTriment by wy of rent- R.,
place.' It lies adjID'InIng Mr.'De- private funds placed in him hand to 'put out on- KeIIyEckAi!rt onse, it wats,
e.—Mrs. and Miss Lizzie Barrows as cb�lxman. A hearty vote of d tl
ated and f/hat mog of the diffieulty- al a sum kaqiialing the inbeaeat laney's p mortgrige sautity at a very rm�ouiwblo rate of Inter-' that XT. Eckert, -of this town", Ilia
and give
On- left this ajik for Sheldon, Noxt.h thaaka ws tendered the speakers res5n home)3 , tead, Also a number of nice bouties for salerangi
Dg fie
eat., -ld fA),r
was in he piapefs. -A war betw6e thd cost bf conlstXucllori�. Dakota, where they intorid to rmain tor theik abfe nd ffistructkv�d a4- him a farm of 150 acres -ole as g/ a p to $2,COO and over. had xiasea to carry ot his Oon -wh-v ttxe- inrc-
these nations iq soe1hipg lmost in price from 8500 and Aludor u
Whep the Grand Trunk Pacific to;r a time, at least, drew)§, Vhe evenfrig was �spent in land -as her is in the rovinoet of 'Five frame and brick houdes At all prices to ettit tract xlegardilng The puchase 'Of
too harrib-le to ciontenlplabe, 'as scheme was isubivaitted for the'ap- Ontario. It is juist fift' purchasers and on vory easy terms. Apply at the Kelly far.
bola:ing and in stiolling along the y yeam -41nw
Once -.9tarted no porson eould foaotell t post offloo, Hensall. poval of ,the po-ople the Mail lad d16- Exeter. boa h �L the gravie and a11 lef Mr. Delaney zamla t McKilllop from simply efulsed to makle t final 'have -skent
Tvhexe it might I end. OppoGitlon said the, GoveTnment. for - ome well pleased with tha day's the Old land m4 settlied on --th faxm Dou'b pay fancy pricen for flour wheim you pa7yment until he could Obtain a should Tun iit as Well as build it. Localities.—At last oco=41% kho;re out ng,' . the succesq of which was -where h still residec_ Re took 0aUbuiOgflv1es'GIevorA Brand. Goderich Three deed of the farm, which -he alaims 10
L11) ftar cr Cooka' best family flour at $2.80 per awt. fifty acres'then, and it wias all buish, at the iffeveall, flour mill. Other don could not get at the time. -Xv
Stop It.- Had this advice been fallowed, the. was not much charige in the codi- duc. largely -to the energy nd por- lers are alling on �_
U -1-1, b nT:,
w, 0-ttalva. se -p so sevi;raneeof the committe In charge. an A despatcli.�jrc Sd1me- :`dlS4,F,&T,0u9 results would, in tion f Mr. iA. Walker, who wa d now.,theria is not a firiar settle- the same fleur at 82.80 per owt. Shorts ON and ceipt. of, it he paid ovor the
.,mL% all Notes.—The Chri-41an! I Endeavor of bran $16 per ton. Rvin�y Cook & Sons, Bonn%
pobability, attend he Gand seriously , injured in Wrlileb-neirls, �)arn dywhere in the priovitnic, tibL and is now in po!ssessjonof ebo farm.
confirm epart whii c that, we nOW deplore during the late oeveire istor—Dr. Unionlehurch %have elld"et-ed the, fol- sur4ounds thia part-' , of McKillop, The. farm is a good oneand we
ekin troule tof the Qye. or, ear call hope Mr.. Ecklert may long be splare�& Was
conection, Avit 101V in off icer the next -3ix nely
circulating in other, quarters, lt in h' �e InIberton- F. J. Hackiiey and iwife of Lupton, s for Mr. Dela For
(al. But t1te 'GovernmiDutr -%vere, wise Michigan, a etty hard times in common with on Dr. Ovens, speoi�list of -nd to on3,0Y the fruits of it,
says: jontbs: Hon. President, .v. E. pr Lo -on, ;
S -
onoug*h to profit,' by e'xpexjen6el and been in this vieftioty (re;nlaw�ng ac- II, Sa*ers; pre41dent, Gooirg Wal- the othPar pioneef sattiors, i,,% still at CiommeTeRil'flotol, Seafortl).Juo, The Gouncil.—The council met at ote"There, is la movi,-mont on foot ibo saved the coudtry from the lo!o quaintance�s xqoently.—Mr. Richard kox; v'ice-p:r-esldant, David Camerr robust and -enjoys the best of heafthl 29th. See Adv., Dublin, on June 15th, all the lilem- At twl bop
increases tht, lsft!sional indpamirifty by whc the Mail abd its fxken6 w,!ould -DelbrIage, of Usborne, -%Yb.o has On nd looks as if he xnay still enjoy Bxiefs.—Coonel Ilunter, owlitd by bers beirig present. Pmsolved tbat f lamles suad�
�i - secretary, MrLs. John Snidor 'R I *d hier. Tb�
$1,000 on faecauxit of the length of have impo ed !upon been in Manitoba xec-ein+ly visiting t- 'B, "R. Higgins- emeu' the aomfots f his fine iho o e e w 41h be
re surer, me fior a Mr. Thompson Murdock, proprietor the Jr6ev% t 9 t1l r I t Teeve
ing was 'buy
he se!r-,-ion. A round robin is. citr_ (3U hig sons and looking -af ter a tract of e:ommittete, Mrs. jamcjs Me- good many yeaxs. When be came to Of the Hensall livewy' -won first of Hullott, be iempoweired toell -any
culatinl� among itble�mmlmrs and. is' t the Weeds. fand he purobasea thlere, lhias'Toturn- Wolfe, also, being largely -signed. It is undelr_ Canada he crjovsed the Atlantic in a money in -the fast timber growing on th,6 Hullotit or
ed ho and spoaks veiry ncoua,' and A0 H. A. E. $ailing vessel. -theT6 being 'no stexam- at London.—T-be, grain ian4 fruit McKlIllop, ItDwnline, And- -six feet from
wry oearl
stood also,,,ithiat a sugge�gtion -�vilj FarrpeTs and others intereisted ingly -of, prospects in ithat country.— �:returnie4 from Tondon on el's then, and the. voyage occupied six crops the limit of Jt'he Junds Mareon.
be made that paxiiaultnt shuld px.o- !§Wuld bear in mind that by a re- bet, i d look most in this %alafry lfor the leader- Mr. and Mrs. *A. Johnston, of, Wa- Tu sday weeks. �Bult he hs never reretted seotion.—Mr. Robert McCloy is home. requisition of John mg te a
w i Ills venturing I ;tl th. of -the cent amendment to -the OntarioMA 'arios-lil spent a few days hlorolast rin little daugl-tter, Helen, lofit for n o. e
w In nd. Mr. from Toronto n a visit.—Mr. WIZ. - tary-t-reasuar of Seaforth Se -1.
-hat has ben
pposition, a mattr (L - no week th gur-9ts of Mrs. Johnisiton's h ir home in Toronto this week.—
nicipal Act,' pathmastexs th MaraYdle intends going to Seafort-h Bachanan was in Guelph tbli;. we- School, for xef und of taxes f rom 04- 1
widely di.scu.sqed and tceivd _1V11tth parents, Mr.. and'Mrs. C. -Parkins.— QUI te to reside. s a ion School Section No.. 1, Me
valmcyst unan1mous npp,rowa on buth lionge.T xk,,quin�d to look -aft.efr cut- umber of our young. �eo- visiting h -]kLr osides lof ith hout-�m Mrs. Isaac B.,awden, of Saskatoon, pi poshion ,On, the ,,taff'of- bc was left over till next weetinw.
a -tended the rlioreAeTls No-tes-%Mr. John 11olden -and son good I
I b
'%en in*estf
ting f noxious weeds on the h;19h, sasklatchewan, is visitlIng ft-ile dL9 in held In Bayfleld last wee.p'Tbe a're s f Agriealtural College.—The, annual counts to the amount 6f $66,2A n -Nring up fhe ra'l fence:3
Sir Wilfrid Laubleir sbould put his y of'their divisdon. Every -own- town and vicinity. It ils bbire ytears Bx cefield Roer football t61ftm go Hibbert tbisi k. It is lkely he Sabbath school �picnie Linder Bile urs- passed nd ordered ito be paid. A
-Mrs. Bawden deft iliae.—Mr. to lay a match with tilip West E n s of QaTmel Pri?ts�texlau chuireL forms for To-quIlsition, rom
foot dovn good and solid on any ex -or occupan't ot land is now, Te- since yld, will 'be fonoing the tow ship -,v."ith
d respcted rixiday perent school sections- will sQon:
movemient -to iiorease; the indemty cut thecw:;eds growing on a kexsmith, to -day, wie next week.— Travpligrs r;c, ill be held at Baifield on Tuesday dif fe 'Up I
To-sident of 'St-eph-en,niearExet, La yer'Beatti.of Clinton, paid a calling here no with aultmobilles. next if the weather is favorlablc, sent out, the sec:notiaTy trex6ilox
of members and 11,6 should'kepi) il the adjacent IN& land. �spjeak.-
passed taw -ay n Mond.y (of 14L%t wek f� I ing visk to our v.illage on Mon- It seem� quite a -now inova.tion.�Wo_ but it the day' -be wSt., tne airrange- who bave not sent in their names
there. Thv�re is ino for Sqction 2 -of Cliatyteir 27 -f . Ed fil� 4- .11 TX. 4. 4.anything of Klie kind. TI)P_ pres - F --L 101 Ul"Li o'.&A -L.Y A1115 ELR F.-1VII35. Uara.1113 I -Voss, Ot �X..ntort.41` XLL U", IKU we a, in irilc, ousill mellu is Ullen TAO, go on the, folilowing Lxiv- clerK S11011tu U1.3 $6 11t; Once. - lax flonlefits 3 ;
eint VIT., of the statutes of. 1904, p&o- was a native of -Devonshire, iEng- sl nt'Sunday a.t her hame.—Five-, of as ot old.—Mm. Madigan, of Dpb- Thuirsday.—Dr. alnd Mr, -7,. Ferguson, landowners along roads are remin ed
indenlaity is lample to shill -Old nlean�- videskas followal- land, was 74 years of age and had ire- IV. i r:, Wo6diley's music pupils, Miss lin., I vLslting at thpLt by stAtvte ithey are xmt-,quir i to tablished III
j. y 8 Mrs. John She -i's accompanied by Miss, Aitcheson, at- provide, for-
t y WnTker, Mlis'tv M. Whit ')f� 'he
sided -on the farm nvhere illie 'died f or moire, this-weeic.—mr. I ter jklacaird4le Is tended onniveirsatry steTvices in the, out -all noxioms rvveeds betwee tho
-W-9 'fx-om factuaf losv, and that is It ghall be the duty of every Own- over half Zi ce)ahiry. Ile' I -eaves bis taking in the excursion an, the Grey- Pxesbyterlan church at Kirktion on limit iof their lands and the tentr6 al populatk
all that Is required.. it - . mo,.re -thar, ci- of land in a municipalilty to cut M Jennie, and Itate, Thoanpson In dif ferent
a d NVAltex Moffatt, will tiry the
'this is d1own and destroy, or cl�use -to 1yo cut aged partner 1. iand a family of.. 12 houTrd steamer to Detroit tUvweek. Sabbath last.—Messrs. Davis &Wil� of the road. The council adjourned
e ex minatim in music t Clinton %n . again at AG. K Rol -
done it "v"ll bring Polltler' dfo*n and destroyed at th 11 '1 'o Ce
children all ofrwhom are grown up 0 Mist% Emma Shea. is away on'the lis- unloaded a cair loail of fine qu, r- t m� ,t ng to Sir
pxopeir and comforta ly settled 'In life,— Xi ursday in connection with the same-eX0 land's, Beeohwooil, on.,gaturway, the,
into the clutches of pxoftwioual time, t1c, Trevent the).ripening of T argton., -also Mr. Finlay Me- ry stone the, f irst' of t).up- w--,Nek i6r
The the lai� i4s, Wm. Korcher and Mis's Emma trnwent Is
po-liticians who seek tlro� poNitions their seed, all the! nioxi-tts NvZedls Isaac,., T onto bonservatory of, Music. As Avery.— the' now marlhlo -works' thoy are 15tbp day of, July, d -tone wclook P.M.
0 oft-Lucan, were ibrio'ught blelre, MtsJ31 Wood -ley is a painstaklIng Those wanting good ana*eheap disIbes starting hcre.—Mr. H.' J. D. Cook �—M- XURDIE, Clerk.
as la mean)9 'of making a livelihood griowing on any highway adjOinklg for intermen-t -on Wednesda I y of last -teacher we expect the papils will do s)vould call. ,,it the Boedhwood stare, was in GodCTich lant -week attend- —Mr. W,
nd we Imay, all prily provide such land, not being a'ltoll roadj- �vee]r. Mrs. * Iswac'% maiden name, as the �ropxietor 6 9611ing at tjie' as,%T7ve-,."Xrs. HenrX Cook 1sugar n1 -An
nce - t w 11.1 --Mrs. McMillan, of Perth coun- -wholve- In 11ad an Un
0 from the boundary of such land to w, I ) I as visitirq her brother, HiHs Green.
shield the �vountry from any such. ,,ts Ida Sweet. She was a daugh-tor t W10 w sale pFices while his stooli; lasts.— was in Guelph this week visilting- her
n irtune. It is 1poss-ible, as thic the* eeiitra line of such road, arid in
:�Isfol of- Mr. Thomas Swe,6t, of t The crops are good, so axe Death of Mr. John Coebrare�—Au atitorux
$ , case (Olf default after notice- from lie London D McTavish, has returried home. 'the prices (Lau.-Ilter, Mrs. H. E. Xohnj.—Mr..T. u
M50ve quotation tauggests"J, membars ;roado south, and was well known. of all farm prod ts. Farmen are R. H"obkirk is improving the appear- X st I
-6n t of igh- old and highly respected resi4lent of
An4 vvxotg sT
be h sides may ux1itD in R the inspo�,Cor or� ove&96er and very highly. respected halre. Silt smiling, in fact, -ome are hfdghirig ance of his piro qrLy by the eTeotjon thv4 vicinifty, in the pliirso.n of Ift,
Of the lancreaso and in that w 3, lChr �Vhere nolnspootor orqveir- p -n
tse :Uli� w -a y was 28 years of o.,ge and leaves -it Bluevale. wia7j, 0
seer is applolntcd, from tho-cle-x�,k iight out., of 9, handsomle iron fence.—Pa. W. Jo)ia Cochrane, passed -a very
Conservatives tas we-tl -is the Uov- Of little daugh Automobile
I I Notes,—QveT. forty tickets -,ve;r.e f
ernment would be. jus -fly re6po the munizipaLity, the "iouncAl of Iler de�Lth, �eT only a few ldays old. Whitesides - xleceived -the, sa-d news suddenly, at the bomej6 -bis dm4h-
and _Wfore.
rilsiblte,. s al spvecre bereavement Id' 'h Model -Farm on Thum- Blvth.' e of the deat h of his eldeist 'son Jame ter, Mrs. Anderson, near -Gentrarla4
s !for t. e. "Oli
But the. kiooil)I-e. will not look ,it it such municipality may do. the work, to her parelnts Ad tother x which -ozearred N ibis home, n,,�;LT in the towmshlp of 8tepb)en, oA Sa-
and may add the laost theTe�of tto bb:e eila�tives d y of tast week. Missles MoTy'and iL
in that iway. The Government are and is deeply reg�retted iby a, large ggic, Aitc-hpson rtmained wi-th tifteir Pm trouble jof tbo eye'o'r Car Gall the�American SQ'O, thie:-end of -last uTda.�. June 17th. Mr. -Colchrane LRA vlebt!DJA
in authority land they will ihave ito taxesagainat the -land Lin'the ciollect- circle of f4ends.—Rev. Dr. Hannon oh Dr. 9vens, spe . 6ialist s k. W va .11wou-ST17
bear the onus of any �% or's roll, and colto I lends in Guelpli until Fx1day, and of London we The deceased -leaxymed his been_xesiding witli his daugb A
_11�cll action ot such caA in the who was. piagtor of &he Jameis jsitree!t tobat �t
ellic Burgesis, 'Elva. Patexison amd ial Hotel, Seafort4,Jnxio trade. as a b-lack4imith -at 8vaforth about -a yew. He had been in 00' he
same mabnor* ,r taxels,., ethodist church, having n t comme-re but Mr,
and P-roPerlY 150. A move that 'Would- �6tba M boa irle� a n d was enjoyment of ills usual good blelal-th
, o, ular in tfic, country act it is'StUl the lieved from ministorrial work by Clon- tb in a 4 ay of 111arity %-,
be m otre, lunp By the amendi va'Duff stopped aff at List 29th. See Adv. actively engaged at -work
p n
d a J1g
m until wi his dea t,11, until the morning of his'death, m4hen
or' one ithEit would subject the Gov- ty -of the Aa a!Aer3 and Ov'ew- ference,for a -year on ac-cofint ot isf� Maxwell, daughteri of Mr.Jobn Notes.—Last F.r , y the Lueknow which Was a dden one and no he arosse 4�arlyjamd p�rooeedlea to tMe'of - highwayiT to, sta ta axwell, of Brandon, is v6iitfing 'hex base ball team came do%vn -to play t
ern-ln('T�t tOl tmorO ariticism i1a t Itthle affliction olf the Vh!roWE IF H4
ely be, m I adc and for t�veir -Oubt T sultea U, tern 61 garden to ido some light work,, bat,
could scare' pxivate owners oibser I el an'd comply k i6f t 'ilblis umeri0is relatii<ls, -about' Winglinm f riendly game -of base baJI wfth our d l- fl M! some 'with �+he
aw. wee with -Mrs. Hannon if or Manito x.nd, Bluevale.—Mr. John Mallotngh- 'hoys, but, on account of the main, strain Or rupfure� Dedeaived was v��ry not feeling (well, he soon xi6tuxnea
of 1,11le -1 Ahtor a thaut bad 1;
own credit land forr the saki the with the I b, and the Nmtbwest, nand family.gave a dance blo leg- they were, unable to f inish tibie game. highly resp6c�ted� wbiewe -hp, 'reeided and went Qyadk to bed� , Some ftW
party -the lGovernmcmt 9bauld urn a menament does not affect S-boft slt"ky with: f1lends jb�y �L-ble -way i ns, of their young friendisi on MYn- At rthe end4of thip, f o urth innings t�bie
-,oposit the xight cionforred by 4he m ' ' and leavies 111 Wi e and f P Mily tO hours later 1his dau,�,ihteT went to 0411
'It deaf ear to any such pa I anic
I Much -sympa tl�,y is him,' when to lier conAarriation and
on. they ril ; I proceed to fflritish colum, ay'uight tp celebrate the. raising score wa% s -Lx to two I 'o r f vior. m0alrxi his lo,
The pe"Ople �lvill not forgivc, anotheT pal act utx6n muni 1p�al councils to bia, anN will likely spend a yelaT iln f t a u a "boriene-ad
pas!s by4aN-n% �,ox p Leventing the the heir new barn.—Mr. Bob. 'Aitche- but, in justice to. the vir�lting team, felt for the berellived ones.—Mrs.. W. surprise she ifounil her fatbieir de".
1q I We Must Say M03t Of OUX - Ila y, lef t here on -, pa,
increase. As 01611y as they did the f ar farned Okanagan Vailley,_ on'bad b.4 fi-ngeTs badly out with MoSherry, of He had, levidently . ssea away quiet-
Jaste growth of Canada tbi Ues and olt1her Mr. A. Q. Bobioir b-rougbt in a, oar runs wer'e. Wood
As t weeds detrimental tio. husbandryand scythe on Thursday last.—Rev.W. made when the ba.11 -was wet an'd Monday to take iIn the excursion to ly as fif going to sleep. He was, a of
o giving a -sala.ry to the lead- load. of Manitoba hogs ilast week Coi
Detr0lit and from� them intendedgo- native Of- Scotland, and -vvms 75 yeeawx"s - 1,
West, M. A., ha4% ireturned Trom, 'boxil -to hold. We bare no doubt it . Ra ,
all Tfigbit which he will f atten and �bien ge. He was. one -of the p ioneer
ler,of Ithe Opposition, that is for compelling the dia9tructionitheTle- edge� fit
and no lreasona.'ble person would o -b- of. Ship is vislit to Kingston, anct 'Clannillo- would have been a, goo;1 ga-me; if ing on to visit "clatilves in Chlea-go of, a
A. Q. is - a hnstler.—The Indepimdent
Ue, whiere ho attended thre Gener. had not been for the rain It is t and be -T daughters and sion in I)akb- sebtleTs of Ithis vicluftyj and wiao -s Woold TWI
tO It. He Nas Iabors and -,re- Order �o;f Foreste�s Of. EmAer, C-T,,6d- �er Wfts 01
1 Asrsembly and the High 0ouxt of worider the score� was as Low c-onsid- ta.—Mrs. John � Pell and daughter man' of iapiight conduct an4 sterling;
.Spo-n--abilitica which tle ordinary Wingham. iton and'Grand Benh pionticked at aoadian Forestera rospiectively. 0 ering that the la gs' tage' �f tb
M(=ber knows notbing of and mia±l Very Ill.—Mr. W. Corbou. -it two innm-- tolok idvmn e exemTsion. to character, and Jivas very 1;r itly re -
were ea
y ld, f or Grand Bend on Thursday. of couyse. Sunday. Mr. WP_5t and 'M rok playea in a &encbing' rain.—Mr.
n W
ank of they took their lady' tive�i d' f Wro t r, 1ph here tor lrutorn�eut. *od UTTV,
his w-110te time is taken 'up by the many. years agent of t he B, r. Petri Detroit this week.�]Vlrs. Jas. 'Bon- respeeted. The remains wieTe tak,4A
'X'D� LI` On 0 Ke C excbang6d work.— T. B. McA-rLer played go -al fo� the throv, visite(I friends in Gule
old� 1
dutics of fhis ofifice.. But there % a Hamilton, the st icharteredbank friends with theint. What would d MiSR Gill., of Wingham, Misited-Mrs. Ilurons of Seafortli in their garne, 11116 i
Nvide gulf 03,etwecin the, leada..r of a here. livs seitriDlYsly ill, wil(th not picnic be witholut, the ladilles? Mbfey AmdeIrson last we-ek.—Mr. and Mrs. against Galt last Fxiday.—The Fa�r ftle,
VartY land !the ordinx tell's
Xy� member of much pyDspect of r4acovetu, ., For *4an be dispensed' with' in'tbe, 'Ic;d,,,r.e Thos. Walker- visited Mrs. Holmes %nor$' excursion to the, Ontario Ag.
arliament. it ,vould -be quite p-ro_ -me time he, tbas hoen -vuffe!ring iss- Tooms but not' ot & picnic.—E[arrY and Mrs. Denman las'f week.—Mr. xicultural College on: Tues SCOTCH FOOTBALLS'
J?t so
per, tllf-rtfore, to givo tho leader verely fzom inflammafory�. `rbeuma- day was
.I)., the trofting, horse owned by Dr, David Moffatt, a well known xe- well attended from herre, 'there 'b
of tho opposition. -1 S'llaxy some- tism, which is inow complicated by Tennant, of Rxeter, aind P. Curtin, e- —DIRIECT IMPORTATIONS
. al
'beir live,
,ases. of Clandeboye, has been digt' t
.thin,- approoaebing tbtt o�r a a-tb_ other dise sident Of the, boundary ea9t, 'died on ing about sixty tiekelE!g "Id fr
Ing, U - 'Thursday of last week, af ter an ill- this station.—Quite a number drove Having tried during the pad five are almost every Other make in
inet NL141ister salthough pealbiaps not Business- Failuxes..—The Bm Hive, Ishing himself and bAngi;ng nc,913 �of a, few clays trom alysis. Te
quite vo llarge. a large general store stairted -here to ibis owners on the tuxf al 711, , parx over -to Goderiah on Monday to take this market., we have gone back to Soobland for Asso-3istion Footballs.
The funer-al was on Saturday to the, in tlie moonlight excursion o;ri the They know in Gbagow whst a good Football Ought to be ; they know the Ti
about a year ago ib.v, A.'J. Kelelor. &
pecr.—Tbe'directoirs, of t'he' StePlhen Bluevalle cemietery.—Mrs. - Will Gar- lake and, they all bad a Most -enjoy- leather and how to cut i&d se -W It, go thab the balls wear and kt*p their
rquette off iolals who' UMat-d
The Pern Ma Co., ' f ovnierly of Preston, 'has "just and-Usbowne AgricultuTial' Society diner, of Stokes BV,, vloitled Ilier able.,trip.. About fifteen remained 4hape. Oompare
made an ith -ounsidex- Met on Sattir'day lae-V andrfavis�6d +bo -aunt, Mrs. John Burgess, and other OVET -tu go to Detroit on! tibe, boitt Our New Scotch Made Ball, NhA
appealed ogalnst the detision of the able liabilible�, the ex`tlent jof which p.'rize list and. mad -e otheir airrange- friends latgt week.—Viole. McCxacj_ the I he Ste
r $2.50
1,4the fall Show, which, it on, of Brustsels, visited her 1grand- left on Friday for St. Tb:emasj Te-
Do,miniou Department of Justice to has not yet been -asoewtainoM, but M Wnt S f 0 next day.—Mr. llob-ewt Sela:ter Athletic No. 6 fo
A "Ro-m is
deport them from Canada, have gain- they are principally )div'ldled hp a- is boped to�'make betfetir la-iid moreatt- parents, Mr. and Mrs. John `!3otrd- turning on Tuesday withl his daugb- with anything In this market at even a higher prica. Then if you w8at
mlong Toronto and tLondon, Oatariol, txacltive than eveT it:his,
ed their IlDint. Mr.. Justice Anglin It ner, last week.—Mr. Wm. Moffatt ter, Mis's Cazrle, wbo Xalw been a�t_ It Wa
before' whom the case was ax wholesalle, firms. The sign first will be held -as usual -on the fingt, was hereto aftend the f uneral, of his McKechnie's Special Match Ball
gued placed upon the, dbors iwas -" Closed tending the ladies' coll�ge there
Monday and Tuesday after the, Lon- brjotbor._Mrs.,Bainton, of Bervie, is flor bbe it costs $3, but itlis a dandy. last a
'Pas y Qwd
04's I -%hip )�ifaj
sejal� v4sitin' al", Mn 01ohn Kiinga,—Rev. aongratulated 'On havin,g"passed her
at Toronto, -has given a judgment foT stock taking," ibut the assign- don fair. Seasons co, e, and V eaT, and whor is to be
declarin- the Clanadian Alien- ment immediately followed-. In )the, igo but -fbe-d�tes of 0 We have cheaper balls, No, 3 for $1.60, and No. 4 for $1.75. Then we VwIt 'His
0 . L ab ox ur fall fhiT'neV- T. Albert Moore,,, secrataxy of the first.yeaT's examln&tion.4-The c�pnn- I 6M11-11 Box
law ultra vires,of the Dominion tar_ F isbleigh Jrerdware legUmbe, uqf, e -r vary.—ilhe. Times Of tast wefak Jord'� -Day Alliance, addrossed a oil trre at have the rubber bladders—fresh stook, nAtural color, every one perleay. R
closed, -only 55 ioents ton -the dollar be C present busily 'engaged ex -
says: " T Also a new brass piston Indator for .9-0c eaeb. A cost card will bring you T-Ule thal
XPt-ex sobool iscandi union meeting in the Metbodil9t tendint the wAter pil;o across the r A
liament. Canada Neing a depon was realized by the creditors. ed- was settled by Mr. Flemain�g apolo'- church last Friday evehing.—Mrr��. bridg'g---tio ace our price liab if you esulb call and #ee them at as
g 1-51m: gi 111 �: I -is ordain,
In e
dency of Great Britain has, aelcord- rootball.—An Initermediatm6 Wmt- gizing and agreeing. to c�eirtar ount of f be rivey be-
ing to 31r, Anglin, no po,,vver to pass, C-rn Fooball n 0ugh. Rost5 and Miss Je-an Ross, -of Ing in W"id f9r the 0. P. R.—Mr. E. IX
Association champion-, ilitions that be bias ndt parried 0 law
sucly -it law or to inforce it, hence 5114 tMatoh waig played in Wi�p Gut Wtingham tormerly of Bluevale, Livingg-ton, who has been confined shop
it h� inopeTatll".. In ordor to in- last Friday night between Iffildmay is a er suit knrte)rea na here thig week. Tfiey intend to Us holise for tbe past few. days
gainst him. Mr, Flerillag's apolog
forti� the law Canildiaxi -officials' and -1 will be printed in f a Z taking a trip We6t next week,where, is able. to, be out again.—Dr. Long S
, �,bjani so thore n<ytb ViNited 7"
13, yf ield, The above teams. A, X6 WIL 'ONIV
would have to go outside the bounds 11 4n another is Mr. Rosl� preceded them.—Mr. Clancy has.. stairted ik branch dental office. %,Piwernle i
have- won the championship of their sue, algo the trust 0-1 -1 11 nTZTT0_ Rnor A,-fqri VIUVIV r_10()T) 9W)RR su-na�_ :
101 the country ED GO SO 1113(t. l[.nIS JaU-
thority no Canadian Ia.-%v
Irespective districts, Biaoel and Hur-
Mr. T.homas V I 1f4.y -
"Yellow left' on Wedne
has been removed from BIUSva1eMa-
tion to Stratfor d, Jimmie Mas-
at Auburn, visiting there evefy Mon -
--aff, TA1910,
# a r, C.
can. give
on. The Wa s played- in a
day evening, t
for h e, old couirtr
ters has been appointed 4o 'falro his'
day. We can recommend the doctor
to the
S E AF 0 R r ON
1 -fl U11 tbx
citizens of Mtt plave.—MrA.
Ithe 0 Xxx