The Huron Expositor, 1905-02-17, Page 6'A
-Rive " fermi lo
of Lille* arid iirlifVar°
OL IngUlte,let 'ones. WM
• 171441
T ESE; than S6,006 will buy Lot 83, -Coneessirn 7,
, ele bieltillop, This farm coetsins 100 aoree
• -.geed land, leas or. it e bank barn 64xt4 feet, with 8
! loot stone stabling. Alto a good 8 -roomed brick
e louse, orchard, golld ater, eto It la ebt mite
/rem Brafertb sad wiles from Constance eost
;Mee. 'Preetreelen given at Once. Apply to WM. A.
ARM FOR 8A1,13.1-F0r este, Lot` 21, London
3. Road, Stenlet, containing 100 sores, ell lute
cleared, the balarace le geed bardwood timber. The
/arm le well undeedralped end well fenced, and 1,
good condition in every particuler. • This le an ex
celIent lsrm, no better in the towns.hip. It is ilv-
-wilco from Clinton and miles from letucedel{t.
even be told OD reaeouaole terms as the propriot r
1.9 in the implement business. Apply to
'TOMLINSON, Bruoefield. 1924-tf
claim FOS SALE.-4ntb townehip of Usborne,
babg- lot 13, Conceesion 2 consiating of ih
hest 100 sores of hod in the township, well Wesel
sold in good state ot oultivation. Good hrtok &use
and -frame barn, ronvenieot to wheel, cilium an '
tnerket, being may 2 miles horn Exeter. For far
ther particrulare apply- ta D 0 MeINNES„e Exeter,
or Tilos. HIGGINS, executor& of the estate of
deoessed, or to GLABMAN STARRURIe
boecitors, Rxeter. . 192841
HettUSE AND Lgelit FOE SAGE. --For sale, brick
house and 2 lots in Seatorth. One lot Wee
on North Main Street and the othnr on West wii
Item- Street. The house is * comfortable brink
oettoge and contains 8 bedroome, dining room, alto
*lag room and kitchen, with good eellar under the
whole house. Hard and soft water in the house
There la *Po a good stable and driving. shed All
kinds of -fruit on the lot. ,Applytto 3. L ALLAN
"Londesixtro, or to C. W. ATKINSON, Beaforth.
Mee EAUTIFUL reatt FOR eALE-eFor u18 obese,
a .2„.e, that beautiful Vann in the township of Mein.
lopetknown as "Tin Maples." situated (Me and
halteniles north of 8 *forth:. The farm ctootaine
onerhundree settee of the choiceet Lend. There is
haule barn, lugs frame hones, with beautiful large
eutetiet, good water a oreek running through the
lam. Good ortherd and vineyard, all under te
Itvetion and evell•drained. The situation le exce1.
lent, near country sehool and near: Clellegisee In
atittite. 1tiuiddd country home. Immediate
etoseession. Apply to WM. GOWNLOOK, fleaforth
--Being West part of Lots 1 and 2, Concede-. .
Tee 2,D. Tnekersmitis. Good concrete, 11 '
roomed house, 4049, with kitob,en, woodshed and
boggy home attached. There is ens* banbeen
sat* with wing extending to the Oath,. 24 feet.
Also brick arched methane, 401ael.-• leng, under
gangway. All building* In good /ewer. Orchard
-contains two ands halt 'cresol chokes Wint,61' fruit.
=sentare two never failing 1,444,1 mom of bush, ;
Thettarm Is ire a, good state of cultivation,. well ;
/owed and underdrained, Mutated 2 miles from the
vilfsge of Heneall. For further rottenest's tamale
-to THOMAS HERRICK, Henna Ontario. 09641
VARM FOR SALE. --Let 11, Concession 0, Hut -
lett, containing 100 acres of 'land, all °leered.
and in fine condition. It is at preseot all seeded to
gratiesed in good ishepe either iror hay, feeture or
-cropping. -There is a cearfortabledrarne house with
,settemer Ititehee attaehed, two barns, one OA x On
lett and the other 90 se 60 leek and other out bulid
loge This fano is situated eine miles front Mee -
forth, seven and one hale miles from, Clinton and
just one nele and s evertor from the village
-Millburn, where there are two general stores, 'Om:
lacksmith shops, p jit °Aloe and behalf. Thie farm
well eituated sod wit be sold cheap as tee peo-
etor is anxious to sell. For further ..particular to R. S. HAYS, Berrister, Seaforth, or on Mt
lerdrulse. WILLIAM. LEITCH, Ohiselhuret, Ont.
LetARM POR SALR-For male on ressonable terno
V the farm of the andersigned on the North
Gravel road, kieleillop, a mile north of Sealorth:
contains176 sums all cleared except about see
▪ aoree. 11 18 well under draleed. well fenced and i
,at high abate et taitivenea mare is- a One stye
storey brick home, bank bane and other neeeseery
tattbeildings. There is a flaringspring elm to tle
teadings A Lege orohard of chokes fruitante
about two acres of a vinery. This it one Of t!ni
ehreeest Urea in fame and there is note foot er
emote lend on it. 11 18 all eeeded to grass, exeept
atone e0 anres. Thera aro ten sores chin to 1
wheat and the fall teeming done. Apply to pro,
prietoe, Seaforth, ROBERT GOVENLOCH
if You Want to•
Buy a Farm
Beninese or residence, teensult
our agente before making a Bele deaf
We have a large list of propertiee, nany
of them are extra good value a plt
price asked. We can save yo a itate
money and worry if you will elle
to aseiet you in making a select on,
Let ua know your wants, or get tit'
catalogue -it costs you nothing.
Londoh, Canada,
R. S. BAYS, Agent, Seafortb
B. S. PHILLIPS. Agent, Hensal .
Stocktaking Sale.
An opportunity to buy Whiter Boots and
eihoes. It seems folly oil our part to
sell thee gamin at theaUredueed pricee.
To duplioate these will cost us meet -
more then these did for shoes have ad
verified. It uould pay us to hold them
over till next winter but that's cep-
trary to our buil:tees polioy, to they
are to be sold for the balance of thie
seas*, at greatly reduced prices.
These goocilewere nevem more popular than
now ateihere is a beg winter season to
come yet.
bi word to the wise ebould be suffielen .
Richardson& ll'Innh
8410 Agente for Hagar, Sovereign and Ju.
Wright Shoes.
you intend building or improving
your building., tide coming Beltran, and
recluire first -Glass lumber and shinglee
for that purpose, bring Moog your
bili,early and we will fill it br yeu
witli No. 1 etre+ at a right price.
No Breakfast Table
complete without
An admirable food, with all
Its natural qualities intact,
fitted to build up and maintain
robitst health, and to resiot
winter's extrem.e cold. It is
a valuable diet for children.
The Most Nutritious
and Economical.
Rot As a Taunts Told Ton sae' But A
'levitation te Return to the Way Brow
Which. They Mime ITaatierod-Whe
taw ItiVer ,Thaoillsa—Vin Condltioos of
ream -The Rivet: ot Triumpll.
liniered accordinotoacc, of Parlia went of Can-
ada, in the your 4.94 by Frederick Diver, or
Toronto. at the neon of eigrata en re. Oteawte
Los Angle, tale, Fob. 1.2. --Under
the figure ot a river -the preacher
shows - in this.' sermon the: benefits
that accrue to men who serve and
feed. The teat is Isaiah xlviii,
its, "Then had, thy peace be -en as a
WI1it art thou doing, 0 prophet of
iSrae Art thou tafetuatiog thy people
with the blessing - they had inissed
through forsaking. God and disregerd-
lug thy teaching? 'When.; . trouble
seeme-oops art thou one of thoee who
say7 "I told you so? 3.1 yeti had
only taken my adviceyou would not
be,. in the difficulty You. are .in to-
day. If you -will make your bed :vat
of thorns and thistles instead of rose.
leaves, then upon the thorns and
thistleyou must lie." Are you -like
an executioner who upbraids and de-
rides the -trembling murderee whose
life he is soog to- strangle with the
rope? in drawing your • enchanting
picture of peace flowing like a river
before a people harassed by •powerful
'foreign enemies and disturbed by in-
ternal dissensions --are you not. merely
adding to their distress, as the mile
nig° Of the desert aggravates the
tliirst of the dying traveler? Are you,
iiaying to your miserable .people:
"Lok. at those beautiful , *banks
watered by the river, rich in flora
and tuneful with. singing birds-. They
would haeite been all yours if_ you had
not wandered into the desert of sin,
hut now they are lost to you for-
"Ala no," says the prophet Isaiah,
'"it is not to aggravate their -thirst
that • I tell them of this river, . but
to 'invite them to return ;to -the way
:from which . they have- wandered; .noe
to exult over their 'Misfortunes, but
:to warn them, of the colistaatences _ of
seein. eI am not het.* glorying -in the
suffering of God's fallen ones. Mee
river is. not ,composed of. thee black
waters of the river Styx, but from
the flowing crystal waters of. the
river of life. . I am like a ' loving
father whose- wayward son has disre-
garded warnings and haS sinned and
broaght himself into trOUblo, and the
father sorrowA wi La him and pleads
with: him to repent and assurns him
that if he will forsake his in his Wick-
edness shall 'be- forgiven -and . his
peace shall . be like a layer, as
though he had never sin teed, " May
God help us as We use tlIkt banks ot .
the Jordan or the Rhine or the Tibor
or the Upper Thames ter the banks
Of our 'own :poetic_ Hudson for a
-sacred pulpit. Such a, river bank to-
day may become as Saertsd a pulpit
as that in the chancel of Westmin-
Ster Abbey or St. Paul's or Canter-
bury- Cathedral, even though bishop's
hand leas not consecrated it - or . ec-
clesiastical convocation dedicated it.
The pleading, river, in the first
place,- teaches us that the divine
peace . which comes to man Joust.
come as. the result of natural law in
the spiritual life. it is reA the re-
sult of haphazard. It is not a mire
aele as ive in the- broad 'sense term
a miracle. It does not come as a .
miraculous 'wind which might dig up
a se6d in some 11:aline garden and
in'itS teeth lift it. abuses Alpine crag
seid carry it over laud and sea and
vithout humanaaid plant it as an
exotic upon the banks of the (Thio or
the Monongahela rivers. But the di-
vine peace conies to Mali us Hu, re-
sult of a rational cause. 1 f has a.
rational' source, as a river has a Ila -
thrill Source; it has a natural flow,
as the Jordan has a nateree flow,
and it has a rational outlet, as the '
Am ei.eon empties itself into the At-
lantic or the Ganges finds a resting
place in the huge reservoir of the
Ventral gulf. ' . .
A river , cannot •clisoleel 'natural
law. A. river cannot 'become -a 'free
lance emong rivers, A. river cannot
do a ny thing - (hat. specific gravity
eitle'S, "Thou shalt, not do," This
fact is demonstraLed everywhere. 1
climb one of the tall pyramids of the
Rocky e ountains. 9. here upon the
ghest peak -I lind what is celled a
Water shed.
But, though the mountain brooks
may leap from the coot hills into
the heste of the broad, arieplain, it
rnaikes a great deal- of di fference i n to
what plain that falling raindrop
0411 go, whether it falls one inch to
the right or one inch to the left of
the Rocky Mountein water shed. One
inch to the right it flows into the
Gulf -of Mexico; one to the left it
flows into the waters of the Pacific.
The waters of a river Moist obey na-
tural law. Now, if Clod's laws are
inexorable in " regulating the source
and. the CoprSe of a river, are Lhey
not equally lnesorable in reference to
thl4zitlizmido Uii.••;••••,41e.............7 e his divine
Peofile often stiy,"Hozo are we
to know when the kidneys are out
of order f" The location of the
kidneys, close to the small of the
back, renders the detection a
kidney trouble a simple matter.
The note of warning comes from
the back, in the shape of backache.
Don't neglect to cure it imme-
diately. Serious kidney trouble will
follow if you do. A -few doses of
taken in time, often save years of
suffering. Mr. Horatio Till, Geary,
N.B., writes I suffered for
about two years with kidney dis-
ease. Had pains in my back, hips
and legs; could not sleep well,
and had no appetite. I took one
box of Doan' s Kidney Pills, and
they cured me. °The pains have all
left, and I now sleep well.
Price 60 cents per box, or 8 for e
$1.25. All dealers, or
Tun Deux Kreerew Piu, Coe
Toronto, Ont.
Dirty woodwork or any other part of the house that requires
. cleaning can best be cleaned by using
It will remove every particle of dirt and make the whole house
bright and cheery. Absolutely pure, and every bar possesses re-.
markable cleansing power.
Sunlight Soap washes the clothes white • and _won't injure the hands.
peace,. which is l.ike a 'alter?
YOU must obey Gled'e laws before
you can enjoy 'God's peace. TO' re-
sist, them, to disobey hine is to .set
yourself agifinst omnipotent power
and infinite wisdom. It is not neces-
sary that GO Should punish you foe
At; you bring the punishment on
yourself in failure and disappoint
m -
ent an eternal wreck. Your whole
nature is given over -to anarchy and
lawlesima N. Only as you yield to hi
Will do you put yourself An linwith s
the enamel order and ' enter into
peace. I 'do not care how nitich you
nifty think your way is bettee than
God's ways, one fact you must under-
stand et ou cannot get the divine
peace, which is like ,a, river-, unless
YOU bring yourself into harmony with
God 's laws. _ and obey Gods com-
mon din en to .
Newnan had to learn this . lesson'
lief ore ho could bei cured of .his leo-.
nosy.' His way was that the- prophet
ehould come "out to him and stand
and all on the .naine of the Lord
ancl strike his hand over the, place.
G od's way was that he dip seven
times in the 3 ordao. Whehe he *took
God's way be was. cured, tilt/not un-
til he took it. God's way can cure
you, 0 immortal, of your sin., Are
you ready to welcome this divine
peace, like et river, which will con
to you through Jesus Ohrist? T1
way of the cross is the source of thi
peace, From the' mount -df Calvar
that stream g.ushes forth,. as froi
Mount Harmon flows the Jordon an
.fr.toone-1,.the . l&dirondacks the- might
But the pleading river tetuehes u
another lesson about the divine peac
which passeth all understanding. Th
- longer a disciple of Jesus C!hrist live
a Christian life the deeper and wide
. does the river .or his peace become
It should deepen and widen andgroe
more majestic in volumc,. even as th
waters of the Hudson -.grow deep°
and wider as thee slip past the high
lands and lap the feet of the Pali
mattes and sweep on in their grandeu
to- the place where they are marine(
to the waters of the mighty deep a
the nuptial altar of (lover:4)1's is
land,. in opper New York Bay. 1
Slum 1 d go on growing deeper and
wider, even as • become the wat ers , o
the River Orinoco, where they empt
themselves into the unfathomaba
dept hs of the sea. When, in 14 98
Christopher Columbus for the .first
time touched the mainland of" South
America and saw this great river,
one of his officers congratulated him
because he had discovered another is-
land. The immortal explorer replied:
"NO such river as that flows from an
island. That maghty torrent drains
the waters of a continent." ' The
pleading river of God's peace grows
wider and deeper as we travel along
its banks in the journey of life. • At
the beginning of our Christian course.
it may seem aesmalt. stream, but as
the years pass an our feet- come
nearer and nearer .to the great ocean
of eternity he volume of the river
increases until it becomes a peace
that passeth understanding.
Is this increasing' power tree in re-
ference to our spiritual peace? As
you compare your present ilife with.
that of your spiritual life ten, twen-
ty, . thirty years ago are you con-
sdious that you -love God more now
than you did then? :Do you read the
Bible more now than you did when
you joined the church and prepared
for your first communion? Is your
enjoyment of prayer and your de-
pendence upea it more intense now
than it was at first? Are you striv-
ing more earnestly- than , formerly to
gather the, showera of blessing that
are everywhere falling around you in-'
to your own spiritual nature? Are
You More ready now than at the be-
ginning of your Christian career .to
go into the house of a neighbor on.
whont sichneas or bereavement has
fallen to administer comfort and -to
cheer him with reminder's of God's
Promisee?, There is something awful-
ly wrong with a Christian who,
while his wealth and mental power
increatte with the passing years, finds
that his spiritual nature .docs net •
widen and deepen like the pleading •
river. of God's peace. .
Indeed, I sometiines think that our :
so called peace is not like a river. at :
all. It is More like a brackish, stag- '
'nant pool or as a dried up well that :
given forth - no water. "There was a ,
very good well here once," said an '
old farmer in reference to a certain
drinking trough, "Indeed," answer- '
ed a preacher on his vacation, "is
that so? I wonder what is the mat-
ter with it. How did it get 'filled
up?" "Neglect, sir," answered ' the -
armer. ''First- a1/4 little ruilebish got
in. it, then a little more and a little -
more and a little. more. The dirt
and refuse were not cleared ,out, and
the wetter grew worse and -Worse and
less and less until at last - the well
oecame choked up. I wonder if there
is any water at the bottom of this
well?" "Yes," said the preacher, "I
.. ....... ... .
cherishes selfish desires or turns
t ' away feom another's *Misery,
e Are we temporal and spiritue
f ! "rivers of life," to our fellow men
y Some of us are truly "rivers 0-
3 ' ' death" or "rivers of seclusion." Ou
lives are like the stygian stream i
. the great Mammoth cave of Ken
tucker. We are surrounded by "grand
eurs and beauties on every side, bu
we have walled ourselves in by solid
rock, where we can do no good to
others and where others cannot do
3 any good to es.
. Or our lives, if they are not like
the Styx of a Mammoth cave, sup-
porting only a few blind fish swim-
' ming hundreds of feet below the sur-
! face of- the. earth, may be like the
, wonderfully suggestive beauties of 'a
Luray rave of old Virginia, which
likewise are doing no goOd to any
one, That Luray cave is a marvelous
place. Though its beauties were bur-
ied for iienturies, yet undeS the flash
of light it looks as though its walls
had beep erected rinly yesterday
and, like the Taj Mahal of India,
are a glittering mass. of deed .prec-
kilts stories, Yonder' stand the col-
umns of stalagmite ,ete etatuary in
-vestal garments of purest white. Here
are the ,drippings of a catareect, as
though the mad rush. of . a Niagara.
had been instantly halted 'and. like
an Open mouthed lion, dared not ut-
ter one growl, although even now
we seem to hear the echo of its -last
wild, mad roar. Yonder is the "hall -
room," where our imagination tells
us the nymph's and the fairies used
to sport and dance and make Merry.
Near to this "ball hall" is the
'cemetery ridge,' where theee
nymphs and fairies were hurled ages
on ages ago. Here' are the "hangisg
veils of the goddesses," so thin that
through them flashes the light of our
guides' lamps. From yonder cathe-
dral, with its domes and spires and
steeples and minarets and strange
carvings, there come echoing up the
solemn notes of an organ which roll
and spell and thunder and whieper
and pray and chant and die. From
out of every grotto stretchee some
hand or lifts tome snowbank , or
flaps sorne wing or, like a cat's eye,
blinks- some emerald or, tiger -like,
telexes the bloodshot eyeball of some
ruby or flashesome emerald And
while all the ch nes of all the tow-
ers are beginnini r, to ring suddenly
a stalactite meat', tons in' weight
breaks - loose and crashes upon the
floor. It shivers, rolls over once or
twice and then lies still, to be de-
composed by the coming ages. A
marvelous and enchanting place is
Luray cave of old Vinginia.
But I cannot close this sermon up-
on this Ileautiful text without find-
ing one more symbol. The pleading
river is not only a river , of conse-
cration to God, but aa river of tri.-
unaph. It is not only the crystal
gates through whith, as the Jordan
of death, we shall enter the tomb,
t it is the crystal gates by which
e shall leave the wilderness of
°tibia and earthly wanderings and
ter into the promised land Of hear -
and eternal joy.' Shall our peace,
hich is like a Kivor. stoo at the
the atiesouri, tiT "Ohle, the' lennes-
see and the Red Rivers and indirect-
oly by the Allegheny, the Montm-
gahela, the. Yellowstone and the
Pilate, so front many sources might
the river of our peace receive the
wa,ters of blessing, but instead we
allow the dirt. and refuse of this
world to choke the passages by which
theyemight enter and our river dwind-
les into a stagnant pool. Rave we
become dried up spiritual wells? As
the tourists dropping pebbles into
Jacob's- well have- choked it up, some'
of us hate choked up our gosn-el
wells. Years age we dropped the peb-
ble of Sabbath desecration into it.
Years ago in went another pebble -
absence from Sunday school and
church worship. Years ago we took
to reading the Sunday newspapers
instead of, the Biblen No wonder that
our peace.", which shduld pass all un-
derstanding and be like a river, wid-
ening and deepening each year, is like
a brackish, stagnant pool or dried
tap like Jacob's well.. If it be not
like a river, the fault is ours and
not God's. God is pouring down up-
on us' everywhere his :showers of
spiritual blessing, which we should
gather, freshet -like, into the river
beds of our heterts.
But the pleading river nob only
teaches our relationship to God, but
' also our practical spiritual relation-
ship to our fellow filen. It clearly '
and emphatically and diStinctly says,
"Gospel peace mut be eyes to the
blind, food for the hungry, clothing
.for the naked and happy firesides for
the homeless." it teaches man that
the first great commandmentis to
love the Lord our God with all our
soul and strength and .mind, And the
:second is like unto it; we must love
'our neighbors as ourselves. It is a
law of' our nature that peace and
hhappinese come to us through_service
`to others. No man is so happy as he
' who has made another happy. No
eiillow is ao restful aa that of him
-who has relieved the anxiety of his
btother. The peace that passeth un-
derstandiek never fills the heart that
wonder ef there is any water at the to
bottom of the well?" Is that the tr
figure of our peace? Is it a well and en
not a river? - en
As the Misaissireei River is ted bY
nem"; o ne grave?
We have read hew George reeler-
. ick Handel on the River Thantas wori
his great musical victory over the
irate George 1 of Fregland. When
King George was reflector of Hanov-
er heehefriended the young unknown
miusician Handel and made him court
musicia. But after Handel had won
musicalfame he tired of the HanoV-
er court and hied himself to Lon-
don. This greatly enraged the Elec-
tor. When he became King of
land as George I. he would have
nailing to do with his old favorite.
Da one day thel King gave a great
fete upon the River Thames. As the
royal barge moved along amyl:ger
barge followed, playing twenty-five
concertos of music. These concertos,
gathered together under one musical
head, are known as the icelebrated
"'water enusic" of II -andel. Every
musical instrument then known was
utilized in the orchestra. ',Ala'. said
Ring George, "no one could compose
such music as thet but my .olcl court
musician, Frederick Handel!" At
once the King restorel. Mandel to
favor and gave to h.O. a salary of
$1,000 per year. But though IIanclel
upon the River Thames was able to
play himself into the good graces of
an earthly king our divine peace, like
a river, shall yet open for us a more
triumphant entry into the roya1.
courts of heaven. There we shall not
have to play as lIandel p1ae3ed, but
yee shall have all the celestial ehoir
which sang -for the shepherds above
the Judamen hills sing for us. the
halleluiah -chorus of a, royal and di-
vine WelOome.
But I think myself of one sugges-
tive fact about this . same River
Thames. Though Handel by sweetest
harniony may have played himself in-
to the good graces of an earthly
king, yet ;he was playing his "water
music" upon the stream which wash-
ed the iron gratings of the "trait-
Or's gate" et the old .Tower of Lon-
don. Through this gate the Thiglish
Kings sent their enemies for incarce-
ration or decapitation. Oh, my
friends, ean it be that you or I
must ever pass through the traitor's
gate,. which is to -day swinging over
the rivet of death for those
not God? Can it be that there shall
ever come a tirne when Clod shall
speak to us an eternal condemnation
with. the followieg words:- "011, that
thou hadst hearkened unto my com-
mandments; then had thy peace been
as a river and thy righteousness as
the waves of the sea!' Oh, for the
peace, the everlasting peace, of God,
Which is like a river!
Value of Undercirainago.
Under -drainage requires an expen-
diture of DO little time and money
and to many farmers looks Malan.-
, ied capital, but the experience of
those who have done most along this
line goes to show that it is a pro-
fitable investment. A single crop
'from under -drained. 'ground that was
previously too wet to work has
been known to pay all the expenses
Incurred, -Cor . American Agricultur-
A Dairy rointar.
Freezing will preserve milk, but at
the same time it locks up the butter
fat. Extreme cold is as detrimental
as extreme beat. to buttermaking.
To Cure a Oold m One Day.
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab -
lees. All druggists refund the
money if it fails to cure. E. W.
Grove's signature is on eaele box.
Pelee, 25e. 1930-1 yr.
-Ono day recently a bullet a-
bout the. -size- of a marbleiwas shot
through ono of (the upstair nvind,ows
o4 the home of Jeli. William Burton,
Mitchell. The one who fixed, tho
shot mouta not be found -
Startling but True.
People the world over wer6 hserrifi-
ed on learning la the, burning of a
Chicago theatre, in which nearly six.
hundred people lost their lives, yet -
more than five times tills number,
or over 8,000 people died from pneu-
monia in Chicago during the same
year, with searody a passing not-
ice, Every one of these, eases of
pneumonia resulted from a cold, and
`could have been prevented by the
timely use of Chamberlatres Cough
Remedy. A eere,at many who had
'every reason to fear pneumonia- have
'Warded it oft by the prompt use of
this remedy. The following is an In-
stance of this sort: "Too MUG&
!cannot be said in favor ,of Ghamber-
lain's Gough Remedy, and espeeially
Lor oolds and influenza. I know thab
it cured my daughter, Laura, of,
severe cold, and I believed saved her
life when she was thee,atened with
pneumonia." W. D. Wilcox, Logan,
:New 'York. Sold by Alex. Wilson,
druggist, Seaforth.
Heart and Nerve
Are a specific for all heart and nerTS
troubles. Han are some of the symp.
toms. Any one of them should be a
warning for yon to attend to it im-
mediately, Don't delay, Serions break-
down of the system may follow, if yon
do: Nereousness, Sleeplessness, Died-
Palpitationc•f the Heart,. Shortness
of Breath, Rush of Blood to the Head,
Smothering and Sinking Spells, Paint
and Weak Spells, Spasm or Pain through
the Heart; Cold, Clammy Hands and
Feet. There may be many minor symp-
toms of heart and nerve trouble, but
these are the chief ones.
Milburn's Heart and Nerve•Pills will
Because it Is perfectly clean.
Wouldn't *you like to know that the tea you drink
has not been touched by human hand since it was plucked
on the plantation ?
- This is what you get in Red Rose- Tea. Tim old
method of rolling and packifig, tea by hand has been
entirely done away with on the tea estates where Red
Rose Tea is produced. There, as well as in the blending
and packing rooms, machinery — scrupulously clean
machinery—is used exclusively.
Red Rose Tea is never touched by hand after being
This fact alone will help you enjoy drinking it.
\7' The Blue Label is recommended..
T. It gSTABROOKS, St. John, N.B.
Beattie B,rosj, Seafortli.
3. Snider, Brumfield.
F. D. Hutchinson, Staffa.
IReuben Graham, Orititon.
AU. Seruton, IlensalL
Z. G. Moser, Myth.
Beauty In Furniture
We invite attention to the maa-
nificent assortmela of 'Furniture.
• Our display is large. Selections
at this store are made casy and
every taste gratified. We are giv-
ing exceptional offerings through
the entire store,
13zoraptly attended to night ox :'day.
S. T. HOLMES, Manager.
ilair KPnew
41i i
A splendid tonic for the hair, makes the hair grow long and hes
Always restorts color to gray hair, all the dark,rich color of you
Stops fallinghair, also. Soldfor fifty years.ilfv".71" L'IlrirleM 26 —
410 thi
4,1). cure
€0 folk
1. 4O
atts? 1184
'wee Burt
• orae,
• the I
oe this'
eaet11 of Di
h Jae art'
ever *
Wein film
:ataillee. •
eleildeor for
'Gemini= el
Mitt Winter
It is at this time of the year that you feel the thin spots
clothes. Rather than get new ones, many shiver. That is
sighted from both ends. First, you get a cold, and it costs yon more
than new clothes, secondly, and best at this time of the year we ate
giving exceptional values in all kinds of winter clothes. Clothes est -
will last you the balance of this season and all of next, and the oat.
will only be about ene-half of itvhat you will have to pay when. the
next cold season comes. Consider the first of these reasons, and act e
the second.
The new Spring goods will be coming in seen, we want to .be rid of the
ter stuff, consequently prices don't eut s ver,y big figure.
The undersigned is prepared to pay the higisee
Cash price for an unlimited quantity et' Stet -ohm
Soft Elm, Rock Elm, Beseiciod, Maple
Beeoh, Ash, Hemlook and Oak Logs
Delivered et the Seeferth Saw and Sve Mill, lag
to be cut an even length. except Safe Elm. Soft Elm
to bo out 11, 13 and 16 feet. Will elso buy
Basswood Heading Bolts,
40 inobee long, at $3.00 per cord, delivered.
Wei also buy ttber by measurement or by buiii 1
bitch. Sp.“,i. al atteetion paid to custom sewing, an
tisioction guaranteed.
dispel all these symptoms from the I Concrete Abutments
Price 50 cents per box, or 8 for 51.25.
Mrs.,1‘. Dorey, Hernford, N.S., writes
us as follows was troubled with
dizziness weak opens and fluttering of
the heart:- I procured a box of Milhura's
Heart and Nerve Pills, and they did UM,
so much good that 1 got two more homes,
and after -finishing them 1 wascompletely -
cured. I must say that I oasnot wow
r_iftnd thim too highly.
to Let.
Tendere will be received by the undersIgned, on
bebelf of the council of the Township of locker -
smith, until one o'clock on Saturday, February 18th
for the o °teethe:Alen of cement eonorete abutenente
for e 90 ft. bridge over the Esvfield Bever, betwee.
iota 16 ad 16, Coneepsion 3, H. R. 8. Pins and
speel.ficettions may be Hen st any time at the ffi
of the ondersigoed, or at a meeting of the eouteote
at the Town Hall, Seeforth. on above date, when
the contract well be awarded. The lowest or aoy
tender not nectostrily accepted.
Clerk of Tuekereinith
Tucbersznitb, February let, 1905, itra-s
0, - or _
is by far the
or spwial ereataa.-1.
nee deliane per hos.
k your druggist for Coale. _-
Cotton /toot Chempostude Trice no anew
as ell puts, lEartdreS and Imitations
Viangerous. No I and No. 2 are sold
reeorarneved by: out drawees in the
minion of Cartage,. Matlee to any addrenr
on receipt of 'erica and four 2 -cent postale
ittfunpras Ow Creek Company, A
Windsor, Clete
-Foe' Salts by O. Aberhart,j. s.
arts, I. 9 Fear, and Men. iU
A eit1e aol snfe rdy f�11
Cresolne Antiseptic Tilt..-MThey r,
combene the t-cen-eldal veto Of '71 •Y.
the sevthiogproaer,tin ot elimare zee rod seerkn.
A1.1 Druggists
Quick returns and profits are what the farmer wants in feeding
steers. These caIi be obtained in the steer that can be prbperlv prepared
for the market at an early age. One who does this re -*IA wxsu
FEEDER." , In ordinary feeding the haste in getting On a full feed is
ofteredisastrous to large and early gains. The addition of Clydesdale
Stock Food tothe ordinary feed puts the stomach in such shape:as to
allow it to digest and annulate a large quantity of food. It is the
assimilation of this extra feed that makes the profit. A point overlooked
by many feeders, is the condition of hide illid hair. The softyllexibie
skin, and velvety hair, is -always associated By the experienced feetter with
gaining capacity. It is a certain indication of an active digestion and
assimilation of food. The outer skin hes i direct relation to the stomach
and intestines. Clydesdale Stock Food will give as oft plLeble skin and
velvety hair. Mr. Walter Wesley of Pine Orchard, One., says: "VOW'
Stock Food gives a oengoth glossy- coat, perfect digestion and extra gain
over and above that gained from ordinary feeding, and at a profit.'
extra fine finish and. early maturity got by feeding Clydesdale Stec
Food, enables.a man to get top market prices. Yoer money will be cheer-
fully refunded by our dealer if you cannot feed it at a profit. Clydesdale
Stock Food can be purchased in your distAct from the following dee-lira ;
Beattie B,rosj, Seafortli.
3. Snider, Brumfield.
F. D. Hutchinson, Staffa.
IReuben Graham, Orititon.
AU. Seruton, IlensalL
Z. G. Moser, Myth.
Beauty In Furniture
We invite attention to the maa-
nificent assortmela of 'Furniture.
• Our display is large. Selections
at this store are made casy and
every taste gratified. We are giv-
ing exceptional offerings through
the entire store,
13zoraptly attended to night ox :'day.
S. T. HOLMES, Manager.
ilair KPnew
41i i
A splendid tonic for the hair, makes the hair grow long and hes
Always restorts color to gray hair, all the dark,rich color of you
Stops fallinghair, also. Soldfor fifty years.ilfv".71" L'IlrirleM 26 —
410 thi
4,1). cure
€0 folk
1. 4O
atts? 1184
'wee Burt
• orae,
• the I
oe this'
eaet11 of Di
h Jae art'
ever *
Wein film
:ataillee. •
eleildeor for
'Gemini= el
Mitt Winter
It is at this time of the year that you feel the thin spots
clothes. Rather than get new ones, many shiver. That is
sighted from both ends. First, you get a cold, and it costs yon more
than new clothes, secondly, and best at this time of the year we ate
giving exceptional values in all kinds of winter clothes. Clothes est -
will last you the balance of this season and all of next, and the oat.
will only be about ene-half of itvhat you will have to pay when. the
next cold season comes. Consider the first of these reasons, and act e
the second.
The new Spring goods will be coming in seen, we want to .be rid of the
ter stuff, consequently prices don't eut s ver,y big figure.
The undersigned is prepared to pay the higisee
Cash price for an unlimited quantity et' Stet -ohm
Soft Elm, Rock Elm, Beseiciod, Maple
Beeoh, Ash, Hemlook and Oak Logs
Delivered et the Seeferth Saw and Sve Mill, lag
to be cut an even length. except Safe Elm. Soft Elm
to bo out 11, 13 and 16 feet. Will elso buy
Basswood Heading Bolts,
40 inobee long, at $3.00 per cord, delivered.
Wei also buy ttber by measurement or by buiii 1
bitch. Sp.“,i. al atteetion paid to custom sewing, an
tisioction guaranteed.
dispel all these symptoms from the I Concrete Abutments
Price 50 cents per box, or 8 for 51.25.
Mrs.,1‘. Dorey, Hernford, N.S., writes
us as follows was troubled with
dizziness weak opens and fluttering of
the heart:- I procured a box of Milhura's
Heart and Nerve Pills, and they did UM,
so much good that 1 got two more homes,
and after -finishing them 1 wascompletely -
cured. I must say that I oasnot wow
r_iftnd thim too highly.
to Let.
Tendere will be received by the undersIgned, on
bebelf of the council of the Township of locker -
smith, until one o'clock on Saturday, February 18th
for the o °teethe:Alen of cement eonorete abutenente
for e 90 ft. bridge over the Esvfield Bever, betwee.
iota 16 ad 16, Coneepsion 3, H. R. 8. Pins and
speel.ficettions may be Hen st any time at the ffi
of the ondersigoed, or at a meeting of the eouteote
at the Town Hall, Seeforth. on above date, when
the contract well be awarded. The lowest or aoy
tender not nectostrily accepted.
Clerk of Tuekereinith
Tucbersznitb, February let, 1905, itra-s
0, - or _
is by far the
or spwial ereataa.-1.
nee deliane per hos.
k your druggist for Coale. _-
Cotton /toot Chempostude Trice no anew
as ell puts, lEartdreS and Imitations
Viangerous. No I and No. 2 are sold
reeorarneved by: out drawees in the
minion of Cartage,. Matlee to any addrenr
on receipt of 'erica and four 2 -cent postale
ittfunpras Ow Creek Company, A
Windsor, Clete
-Foe' Salts by O. Aberhart,j. s.
arts, I. 9 Fear, and Men. iU
A eit1e aol snfe rdy f�11
Cresolne Antiseptic Tilt..-MThey r,
combene the t-cen-eldal veto Of '71 •Y.
the sevthiogproaer,tin ot elimare zee rod seerkn.
A1.1 Druggists