The Huron Expositor, 1905-02-10, Page 44 A _ FIE:::11URON_ amaiminimr. OSLIT()R • • • •••• • ••• • • • • .es,,,Ni*wfammoname FEBRUARY, I9O5 5 12. '19 26 ••••••.••••••101, • • 41, • 6 • 13 • 20- . 97 . aF IF • 15 22 • f • T 1 8 ••••••••••• 2 9 10 •11 16 17 18 23 24 2a • 1 * 4,0 .6, • Nw 4DVBRTIBEMEtiT8 Arne Strive between the pare:ahem after each One, denotes the :page If •the paper •en which the rolveribiement will he tenni. Not toeLate-Greig &• Stewart -1 Mid.Wintqr Sorting -Bright Bro4-5 Now for Bargains -McKinnon Oc---5 Uncle Tom's . New Goorts-E MF1 C0.-..8 • Aunnal Sale-Rieht (14.0n 4 tfanol4-5 wanted-MreW N Cvsesvell-8 Seed Paw -,1 R scott---6 TenderaWanted-tbomas Elder -5 Wonted -2-G E Auction k 8witzer-5' Iteetils--Trionimi McMillan -6 Notice of DissOhalm-Gl February Sule-B B Gurm-8 Notice -Soho FialAN w 13-5 9 Palmistry -Mad= Wenria-6 A Famous Soh -n1 -E1 t ttand t101441tian•-8 Winter Sale --F, A Filw trd+,-8 Froth Eterring--K.-r rt. dy Bro.4-8 Winter 8alr-3--W 11. Will14-8 Stook Foods --W E Kers1ake-8 For Sisie-W,G Cirtrieewnth-li Big Shoo-Seaforth Beavers -8 • Mr given exploiter SEAKORTH, FRIDAY, Feb. !10, 1905. THE NE1.11 GOVERNMENT.. 'For the, theft time in its histor3r the. Province of Ontario- flow has a purely. Conservative Governmemt. On Tuesday afternoon last Hon. G. W. Ross waited on the Lieutenant Gov- ernor, tendered the resignation of %is Cabinet 'and. &livered, op the seals of ..affice. The ,resignatiota • was a'ocepted and, thus, ,Ohedience to the mandate of •the peapto, the' • Ross Government ceased .6)1 esiatj, Mr4•J: P• . ,NArlitney was iroMediate- ly Eet. for id was &ICJ:cc/ and ac- cepted the responsibility of forming • .new Government. On ,Weddesday the names of •th' neW 'Cabinet Nvere " -for Warded -to the Lientensat:Govern- jr and thiy• .were in due ,course saworn in: Thee new Cabinet is -pOsed as f-dIllows: J. . WHITNEY, Dundas, Premier and Attorney -General • J. .7. FOY, Toronto,. COMMISSI000.17 of Crown Lands. - * W. ,T. HANNA,. heel; Lam:bean, • ,..Proviacial Secretary. • A., T. MATHESON", Lanark, Previa - &tat Treaserrer. - DR.. REAUME, North .Essex,, •Ister joJ Pibijc,Works.i , • DR. R. A. PYNE, Toronto, Minis- ter of •Edueation. oNEI,SON MONTEITEf, South Perth, Minister of. Agriculture.. . Ministers Wi t hout Partfolio.-A. ,Beek, London; J. S. IIC.nctrid, IT•em- ilton Dr W. A. East Northumberland. • Mr: -J, W. St. John, West -York, is :to. be the first Speaks. Each Of the Cabin4t Ministers in accepting Office, •itlesetes his 'seat iand will haye to ret-11,in to .bis 000.- • stituants'foe resetection,• It, is like- ly all of thera will be re-elected by aeclamation. In tils' e.vent they should all be back xn their _Offices in Toronto and ready jor busines before the end of the month. Mr. Whitney h.as Made. a very It,/ dicious selection. , WAtheat. outside the Leal.sletuee he/ has cheSen the cream of his. party. NO naember of the, tie sv Cabinet is •cenvicuousty, brat all are lesel headed ,Ifusiness, -men end, should. -give the • ProVinte good service. The riominion Parliament. , •'The Priecipaf eyeet br interent at opttawa during the week .wona the !taking of his Seat by the 'leader of the Opposition. Mr. Borden was 07 - 'acted *for `Carlton on. Saturday be 'acclamation and took his old seat in t he House ,on Tuesday and . immed- iately assnmed the duties of his po- , sition as leader. The estimates are still being dis'cussed ,} and pasrs4, • Bur loft tlio week a somewhat. ac- rfmonious discussion too k place a- bout the retirement .of Hoe, Mr. Blair f rout the ,Chairmanship ' of the • , Railway :Gammissiona 'This- was brouslit 'about by a providing for the transterence. of MrelJuetice Killum from the Supreme Court to t Oa irma nshi ef the Coramis- -.Ficto. The Opposition eadeavored to. get from the Government ts-Mne in- formation throwing light Upon the • reasons which induced Me. Blair to retire from the Conianission. ,But the Government were, evidently, unieh in the dark concerning ' t he matter as the. Opposition, • Mr. Blair (not ha vine taken any. pereou in to li is cat -laden co. The Op poei Hon( also cbjected te a judge.of the Su- preme Court, being, as they dab:tied, prornteied, •and thus made to feel' • „Indebted to the G o ver nxn en t of 'the `day for 1 -ii a gobd, fortune It wa gene ral,ly adrnjte, however, tha judge Killeen 'is admirably ada.pte for the position to Which hehas been chosen end that in his` new po sition, he will be entirely- indenen- dent of the ,Governrnent and of Gov- er,nnient influenceteashe will .hold uij-position durine firs pleasure and via amle be dvrn4¼scd by a vote of the two sections of Parliament. Thnne is .no word yet as to when the fledge t speech 14.0.3" be expect- ed. The Finance Minister, Hon. Mr ,Fieldtini, is still absent, on the, ewe: tineet tlf1 no' person seems to kno NV when he will return. Of course 00- 1 hin in the direction or the' Bud- get can be donee until he turns up in his, place in Partfament which he should have done ere this. Hon.Mr. Sifton 13 -0.60 absent, being away for the benefit of bin heatth, but his return in daii,y expected. 'A retent despatch from Weshieg- . ton says President Roo.sefeIt is af- ter thd Beef Truet and that, he has •given iperemptory inatructionhiss - to t terney-Genstal to ".how them no mercy," and to "put SOme of the Pack•ers in jail •if there is any way- by which you can prove. 't ha t, they have violated' tile law. They, have had no mercy Oil the, people, and they are entitled to' no -more consideration .Ishen any other low - breaker." 'These be brave words. But the backer will 'not be much frightened by thern. President: Roosevelt is a " poser..." for popular applaese and his brave commands, never -are taken very seriousl,y., When any of the leading -members of the packer's TruSt are .in jail it , will be a long, time after Mite The .Beef Trust and.the ether Trests have. the P,reeldent by the throat and he dare not carry outhisafbreats and tife thieves -will continue to sea the taw e at defiance -and rob the people, `• 41"..t.rlinr"r " Editorial *Ialetes mad -00mmentat Mr. JtIstice Idington of the High Court has been appointed to the Suprenii Court in successioneto,Mr. , , jestioe Killam, who has been made aahairraa/ of the RaPevay Cominis- sion and ICIr. R. C. Cllute, of -Toron- to 'sue0ede jMe. Jfistice' Idineton. Both are good appointments. , • Mr. Borden, the leader -of the Op- position fp the Porpiniion raent, Wei elected by aecla.m.atiotf for • the constftnency ide Carlton on Sa`t- urday end took his Ssa.t en the House on Tuesday. Vhe Liberals of the rid- ing eltered no opposition to the re- turn of Mr. 'Borden and the Secre- tary of State instruched bhe return- ing efficee to facilitate the election as much'pts,possible. '011ie is as it should be! ' • e. The. cetenty 'af Carleton, the oga- • stitueney , Which Mr. Borden, the leader of 'the Opposition in, itbel Do-' minion Parliamentnow represent* is rich in:Orange lodges. The core fesponderit ,ofit he Toronto *t3Torld on his -way, to thenonlination ore.Sat- urday at the villaof Richmond, in ti distance of 8 miles, he passed seven Oiange halls and, one pchocil h.oese. a an. ammo aim= •:Iron. J. p.,...:whitney, onLario'i•ne •Piemier started out Well. In ali. his emblie litibertances since u t became lenovantieh,0 a large Majority Of the - people oflthe-,Provinee had intrust.;, -ed. Iiita their contidence,,he has 'displayed "a-ripi rit of modesty and moderation which 'is creditable to him andawbAch goes; Po show 'that he, fully •realizes the great responsi- bility_sesting' upon hira. Ile has not ind'ulged in any vainboasting nor in useless recrimina.tiptts against his opponents and in every' way displays a degree of Sense and pre -dance which mest raise, him in the estima- tion of both- political friends, and opponents:. • House vwcs are feeling tee pros-, • sure of the ener,eased price bf sugar, but few realise what that increase means to the whole j country.. 'The annual conYumptionl of sugar in 'Canada•artiotuatn'to about 400,000,000 pounds. 1.111,e prioo ds two ,cents a. pound higher' than last year, and" this means that the people of Canada Thust pay $8,000,0,00 a year morkofor their sugar than they have been fors 'Inerly doing. This should be a good, help_ to the Canadian manufacturers ef beet,root sugar, and -shonid give, great a good start on the road. te proSperityt It should ;also help 'the gsowers of Suiar beets. The Cari- qtian sugar L9 snid to -%o an ex- cellent article, and nearly as sex- viceable'asethe sugar rnad'e from the,' sugar cane. , It is stated that Here J. :P. Whiloi, ney'n father was a life long' Liber- al and that hib two brothers, Mr. Alb'ert Whitney, o Prescott, and, Mr. E, C. Whitney, of Ottawa, are tilse Liberals. This leads a contern- norary tla remark"That the in-. r7ependent " Liberals who voted, for, Mr. Whitney's 'administration von, januar,y 25th can eomfort their souls, for the les§ of G. W. Pests bet believ- ing that the present Premier is of Liberal ticket t."- This is rather' cold comfort, eopecially in •view of the fact athat Mr. Whitney is, flaoth ,Sr ins"tinet and by training a corf- firmed Tory. However, we,ha.ve no. doubt he honest in his tonvic- tione and if he gives Ontario as good leaislation as his predecessors. ha people .of Ontario will not quer rel with him about his politics. The politicians of West 'Huron are still in suspense 'i.n .reference to -the result at the reeent Provincial el- ection. At the recount : held 'last Friday - and. Saieirday Judge Doyle cotipted in the ,baltote• in No. 7 ;pol- ling sub-divisiop Iiut1oLt whit h the Returning OffiCer irtras unable 14 count on 'account of Pie return be- ing incomplete,. Thin save Mr.Cara- <trolln majority of five. Bu.t there were in other polling divisiens feu?, ballots allowed for Holmes and one for Cameron which had been re- .. jetted by the Deputy Returning Of- ficers, thns re/dewing Clameron'e ma- . jority to two. rt was also foundittliat, in one diviston Godesich town, the,' Deputy Returning Officer had p1 -ac. ed a number on each ballot corres- ponding with- the number on the poll book. This of course, is illegal, and the judge took until this Friday, to decide whether or mit lie juetified in admitting these ballets. If these ballots are rejected Mr., fklmes• will have a:considerable ma- jority, 'but if counted. Mr. Catnerdp wilt reta,in his majority of two. 'It is very close ooa there Iva] likely be edditionol litigutiton whichever t'• 'We- it sees • sae. .eaaaam Honored in His Home. • pUblic .heliday was , celebrated by the people of Morrieleurg, Deri- des atounty„.,. Mr. Whitney's home town, on Tliursd ay of last week, whenth9, -eeuntryside gathered to (10 holm: to the Premief •elect.. Con- servative,s-froth till saris of the rid - tug, .and oft. the Province, came is for -the demonstratoft, • and the stores and sehools were closed,that mieht participate.' A bis• proces- sion was held in the after:46(1.n,, -fol- lowed by, a meeting in the music hall,which was crowded ley ,1,500 people, and in the evening another meetine was held. Great eethus- iasett neas shown throughtut• and the remarks of Mr. Whitney.: rnoil- orate and stateamenlike an they, were, were warmly applauded. Mr. Whitney admitted that his. -was.. no peraoniil or ,party 'triumph, but rather .a victory- for the people, to which clergymen and old time Lib- erals had largely contributed. In a personal ,interview, Mr. Whitney intimated that he had not yet'con- Tildered • 'the queation of taking up his permanent residence in Toronto. At the evening meeting Mr. Whit- ney woo presented with a beauti- fully illuminated address, suitably 1 • • worde , be; the Conservative electors hung Males to dry against the of the county. When beettepped for- stove,. ,and the elethes taking fire ward to etoeive it he- was greeted communietted with the furniture with prolonged cheernag. and other contents of the kitchen. After bowing t he acknowledgments. . Clifford, the little boy. tri &iced alto Mr. Whitney said that when he stop- blaze, and at. once made- the alarm, ped te consider what he .should say' and Mrs. Mellott .artd. the neighbors the recollections of past days •Were arrived just in time to Salm ell from ton eaueli for him. He- risalized It hat destrUction. Considerable damage it was impossible to appreciate the was done, but it wascoveredby ire. expressiens of 'goodwill which the teura.nce. the istrortgef tiee that bound him to; given in the lecture room of North people et Dudes had so lavishly an- -On Mo da.y eve'exing of last corded hint., He referred feelingly to week A ver,4 enjoyable social was his'fellesv-cltizens.' Regarding the etreet /0thedist church, Gode.rich, address just' presented to ban, he under. tilt; auspices a the E. L. ef would not ansvoer it by a political ..C, E. The proneeds amounted to speeele but . would rlither _Look on $16A5, which will be devoted to the antherinig as a follewship meet- toagne'Se building' fund, that sof- ing. He dealt *reminiscently with the ciety having underteloen. to pro-. politioal•history of the province sithee 'vide the money for the stainea glass he entered. the Legislature, referr- windows for the new.churoh. in p,articiilarly to his close per- -Margaret, j. -Beeeroft, wife of zonal friendship to the latellon. A. S. Mr. Joseph MeBueney, died at the Hardy, and the -confidence thatgen- family residence, East Wdwarleeli, tiemae,bad reposed in him in asking on .,'Satiirdaer night, January 28th his oprifion as to the date of. a gens last: Decease,d was the_ yeungest eetal election.. He could recollect .of daughter of the late Jahn Beacrat, no similar instatice in the history of ' a East Witwanoele, and was in her any - country- , . 38th year. Sokoe time ago she con - Mr. Whitney Characterized 'the tracted a cold, but did not bhink great change that had conic over the it at ell stariowe until a short epeople,in the inatters of the infortna- tieae ago, when pneumonia set in. don they neW ,possessed on all 2;.reat -Wm. Ransom., ef Lower Wing - public questions *as a isoott, augurY ham, died on Februar,y.l.st. , Demos - for th f t ing . tribute to 'the infiuence woman' more's at the Junction, and retired has in the affairs of the wellsl. ato bed inebis usual health Am Tues- H4py in the -nation, he declared, .in • day night. On Wednesday mornine .which women rake interest in its • when they rose, he was apparentIst af_fairs. , • 1 a.wake but some time after, when 'In closing Mr, Whitney askid hiss' he was, called to breakfast, it was audience never to forgot the ,.privi- ' found that • the spark of' life had leges and liberties enjored try- peo- .fled. He leaves a widow and family pie in. this British country. .Each of several children. He was about party 0oes o' a, part in working out sixty years, a aee. the ereat syetoin of,. ton-stitiitiona.11 -One evening not lonrg ago ti. igoverninent. TEWhe,n anYthirig be -1 pleasant surprise party was held at: . , a COMO" Wr0.11'4 with one • party, the the ho.me of Mr. Sam Rapnie, Zvi -- whole etete suffers. We -should all ich, when the male quartette pre - feet pridd in the fact that caoh party se tited the teg,anist, Miss Lydia . is molding the dsfiny •of -the 'cotitt- • 'Rennie, with a handsome cheni le try. With sueh a spirit .o.alieetiarg the fel:de •coyer, A.f4ter the •• presento; people, there is no danger, that • pos-- tion the evenin was pleasantly; forite will blush at reading our hie- 'spoilt in games„ einging, instru- tory. In aceepting the position whiCh., .mentels • and 'othei,' apausements. the peoele bad given him, 3fr.- Whit-; When all had dooe ample justice to ney said he.ffilly rea.lized his defects, a Clabety repast wfoch was proper- aed needed his friends'. sympa thy i n ed. by the_ladies, all departed for •the resp9,11,Sib:J.0 p04,4i011, ho \Val a- ut to ,occupy. , : 1,..• e. The Usborne an91 Ribbert'i'insur- m•-...4%•,...........____________ ' . /ince Company. •The anneal, Meeting'. of the borne ° and ,Hibbert Fermiers' -tual Fire Itisaran.ce Company" held in the -public halleFarqUliai Alopday, February 6th. •Notw standing tbe state of the roads. \Mat Iii6r the. hall was' comfor t filled by members of the comp The president, ie a few well eh remanks, ' renkawed the past ye 'Neork. and showed the credit standing. of the company. Ile st the company "..lecl increased in e u ure. and also paid a strik- 041 had been 'working at Mr. Case - Use Muwas- home well .pleased with the even- ing's enjoyment. • • -Op. Wednesday afternoon,' Feb- . euary•let, a -happy party drove from Clinton 'to Goderloh, to havo; the bends of reitrimoroa cemented 15e- tween two of their number. The ev- ,ent occurred at- NOrth streeit. Meth- eidist parsoneee. Rev. G-. N. Hazen et ioi a te . The couple most el osely ith- interested were Robert SWeet, ef and Stephen township, son •of James ably Sweet, and Miss Minnie Ploore, of any. Clinton. Miss Sarah. Sweet sister of enen the groom, wan bride'smaid. and R. arts M. "Taylor, ef Exeter, assisted tile able groom. After the ceremony the ated ;party drove back to Clinton,where vol - nme of busioese the last, year Jaya *.$80,060 that the directors had pad all •the accounts of the ccim,pany out .of a five per cent. *assessment and had aeca,s11 sutplus on land ef $3,300. The finenc,ial statement of the company Was read by the secretary, showing the assets of the company to be $101,153.19, an "increase 'over last year's assets, ;of $44,554.51:- also that the running expenses of the eompent had been!lessened by $173.- 45. The company wils never in a mere prosperous state Oen it toeflast It is being eoncluiteeart sound busi- ness principles. Areasrs. J. L. Russell and Wm. Roy, the retiring directiire, were re- elected for the emit -int; term. Messrs. Turnbull anal Rutherferd were re- elected 'auditor. The- directors • and secretary were highly COM mended for•their services in coxidUcting last year's busineSS 50 credit:able,. There is brtht future , fpr the, com- pany. • • Huron Notes. -Messrs. R. and J. Ransford, of Clinton, tare, 'opened an office •in Londop or the sale- of salt. ; -The Messrs. Richmond, of 131y have gotten a patent for itheir bitted tutting and • threshing ma- chine. -Mr. McKenzie a former retidents of Grey, but', who has been for 23 yee, out West, is now h.ome on a visit. -Mrs. Henry Taylor, one of the early residents of Constancd, -and Who hag lived for a 'number Of years in Kansas, 'died there rezently. -The Bishop has appointed. the Rev. H. M, Langford, of Wardsville incumbent Of the parish of .Bru- s'61--8Mr. Geors Diehl resi- , ; dent and bueness manl of Clinton, didinToronto last lreek at the age of 76 years, , -Mr.' W. R. Lough, Who has been. the principal of Clinton Modelschool for 22 ,yearS, has had .under his 'Charge 600 teachers:, --An eld tinse concert •ia to be given by, the united church choirs of Clinton at an eaaaly ;date, under the directorate of Professor Camp- be-11.Mr. 'Gootat'Eceleston, d.aughter of •Mr. Jo -mos Clarke, of London, ;L former resident' of Usborne, died at her home in that city,' on Sandal, January 29th. . • -Me. John Da16, of the •Huron •Road, near Cfirkton, haa let the coo- tr•act for', the building of a ILOW residence, to Mr. S. S. Capper, of *Clinton, • W. Wheatly, of Clinton, has bought the 80 acre faxen on the 16th -0000 Goderich township, owned by Mr. Rokert Ricbardsou, :paying for it ill the ndighborliocal of $5,000. -One evening recently the Loyal- .. ty Councili R. T. a Temperance; Of Clinton, •entertained the Londes- boto 'council. A pleasant evening was spent and both coencils took part in the programrae. -Samuel Chambers, a former res- ident of Clinton, ie et present home teem Grenfel, N. W4 T. He left Clines to .nearin• 't WV iy years ag-o 'and farms three-quarters ,,of section, of, land and is calarge-Utareholder in farmers' co-operative, elevator. • -At a -epecial meetins, of Gode.- 'PIA District Epworth Leaceoff the proposal. was discussed of- pilocur- ing a etham launch foir Re'ye N. 3. Stone, the League's missionary- a - moils the India -as in 'British d-olurn- bia. Since Mr. Steno assumed the :special work that he is. engaged_ In he has- had nothing.but a TOW boat to eet .abotit in, roveing as much as 96 miles. tot hold a service. -What might have resulted in a. srious fire and losa of Itfe happen- ed at the home of Mr. John Mallot, jr„ in Eketer, one day not long ago. It appears Mrs. Mellott had one ont of the house to visit her sister, Mrs. Heywood, for a few minutes, and While absent it is supposed t )aby shaved the chair, on. which Mr. and Mrs. Swept, will make their home. ' • •• - ' -Last Thursday morning, Rob- ert W. Skelton, 8th etine, Morris, died after a 'brief illness, eioverlin4 eight'or nixie days, aged 29 years, 4 month and 12'days. , On Tuesday of the previous week' he etteaded it bee At Thomee Bielby's. eral int•ot.. feeling very well returned -to his home. On the following 'Thursday 6u.coessful medical operation was perrormed f.or rupture, but other complieatiens ensued with the above result. Deceased was born on the farm en svhieli he died, being ..the you' neeet on of the late Geo. Slfel"-. ton. 1.1dre. Skelton and a little dau- ehter survive, the former being a daughter of Mr. Charles Howlett, of Bruesels. Blyth. The Late Mrs. McCaughey. - An- other of the old and highly respected residents '0± 'this vicinity, in the. person at Mrs. Frank McCaughey,- &partea this life at her residence in Blyth on Thursday of last week: Mrs. McCa,ushey was a native of Ireland, but she came to this coun- try when fifteen years of age., She was married. to her new bereft bus - hand in the Gore • 'of ,Toronto, by Rev. Father O'Reilly. Almost immed- iately atter her merriage she came to reside' in the township af. Morris and .w-heet she continued to res:ide -until -a short time ago, when, with her husband, they retired from the morf active duties of life •and came to.Blyth to reside. The deceased was 66 years of age. Althongh:;she had • been, troubled with an affection of the heart for some years,' she was olwa-ys, bright and cheerful .and was able toga afaund and attend. to her household duties until within two or three days of her death. She. was a lflnd hearted„ good living woman and was greatly beloved 'by her own 'Tam - Hy and much and deservedly respe,cr- ed by ali who ,knew her. The,,funer- el took place on ,Saturday in St. Michael's church, Blyth, and the, church Iva:a packed. bY 'relatives and, sympathizing friend -S., The solemo. services were oondueted by Rev. Father Egan, et London, -assisted by Rev. Father,Pensonault, t)f Clinton. The 'remains were interre.d ill St. IVfichael'a ceraetery and the proces- sion was cqmpos-ed of over sevenfy five conveyances. The following old .neighbore and friends of ,the de- ceased acted as pall bearers: Jame.a- •Gibson, Henry Richmond, - Thomas Laidlaw'Michael Kelly, D. O'Connor and P. Phelan. Besides the bereav- ed husband, Mrs. McCaughey 'leaves e family of two sons aid tatree daughters. The eons ere Franke of London, and John, • of Morris, and the daughters, Mrs. Matthew Car - bort, of Hullett, and Mrs. Frank &butler, ef Seaforth, and • Miss Kate at home. Briefs. -Editor 13radwin, Who at- • tended the printers' convention at Toronto laat week, was elected as- sistant seeretary treasurer. .Mr. Bradwin takes a great interest -in this association and we have no doubt before long he will be ap- pointed president, -The next mestti- ly fair will Jae held on Monday, Feb- ruary 14, and..we have no doubt but that there will be a•larebe crowd ie town. -Quito d number from here attended a soeial party at Couipty Councillor Ferris ' beautiful home, Hullett, on Friday 017011illg' lnst and had a most en.fo,vable time. - Mr. Will Steeeart, of Dungannon, is at present visiting dais uncleCoun- cillor 8tothere.-Mr.e and Mrs,. Jas, MeMurehie attended the ball in con- nection with the opening of the errp- °rid§ in London Friday evening, -.A. number of Orangemen from this dis- trict attended a oounty meeting in WilVf.7, ham on 'Tuesday of this week. -Miss Janie MoCreight, who has boort eonfined to her bed, we are 'olad to say, is improving.---Mr.John McGuire, who ree.ently went to Clinton heal:Nitta to have an opera- tion, performed on him for a'ppendi- olds, eve are glad to say, is nearly well enoush to,:return home. -Both Liberals ana Conser ti I-Watching for- the .judig.0 docision on "the ballaats o eeted to in 11)10. West Huron election, which 4 to be given on Friday. But the Conserva- tives eleo.uld not be so anxious as. the Liberals considering' that their leader has such a large following in the House that it wonid be betiter for himself and party if it was small - or instead' of being inoreased.-Mr. l'homp•sOn, of Ueswater, was here ribippinaa rediere 'free]. his mill in East Weavenosh, also from Mr. E. Livingstone's mill in town -Mr. J.' Beagle of the Commeroial chotel,has -pletut cOmpleted Arrangements for the disposal a this valuable proper- ty, to Nrr. lerce.-Mna. John He &retail is at ' preseot .visibing wi i trioxide in ' Wroxeter.-Mre. Men! 02 Clinton, is at present visit- ing her daughter, Mrs, (Dr.) Lind- say. -Mr. E. Livingstene intends moving into loe new hone°, which is about completed, next week. Ife wile have one of the best finished heves in these parts•-elr. Rat. McKay, who has been taking .a cora .S.-espondence (*woe In optics from a Toronto optioal sehool, leaves for Teeonte on Monday to finieh • the course at the school. When he re- -turns he will be a thorough optic- ian and will take his place with the best C. them. • • Brussels Briefs.-WedheSday of -this week was division iourt day.-Seanuel Car - tor has purchased the house find 1st Elizatpeth street frona Robt. Antletsore. paytng $350 for it. -A. Domm, of Ayton, bee taken a peel - tion larnees maker with Sohn Deneldeon.-W. and Mrs. LOWe'r of. London, are visitors with friends in townta-efree Sicily andeliittle, Son, of Toronto, are here on a -visit to the terrier's „parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Petcle-Rov. Mr. DobSon, of Fordwieh occupied the pulpit in Melville church last Sabbath. Mr. Ross officiated at Forclwioh.-J.11 1Cerney has been under the doc- tor's care <hieing the past weekInepeetor Robb contemplates build- ing ahree new residences at the south end of his terraze during the nomi.ng pen:liner and now asking for. tenders,-2-Mes.srs. Wilton and Turobull, 'tinsmiths, will - dissolve partnership shortly, Mr. Turnbull retiring f rom the bus; bees owl ea to being bothered, for eome time with One' aif ,hie feet, which has trou.bled him for 891M ti1710- past. Wm: Gillespie, of Ripley, will be as- seoiateirl with Mr. Wilton! in the nese. hereafter. Mr. Turnbull ex- pects to tak6 generat argen.cy fot t he Deering ImPlem t Company. - James Lindsay has disposed of his 150 •acro •feria on the 8th ooncestaion of Grey to Mr. Jelin Smitli, who re- cently- returned tram Manitoba. The price is sat& to be $9,300. Mr. Smith was 'reported b0. have bought pavid Walker' farm on the 6th line of Morrie last week but the deal fell .tlirough.-The annual m6.eting of the. Ea -t. Huron Farmers' Inetitobe wee' held in the 'town hall hero an Friday. afternoon . and evenieg- of laet week and was well attended: W. F. Ridd, Sinacoe, and G. Barbour, of Cronshill,' were the speakers dna both gave excellent addretises. 4 good unieical pee:gramma was read- ered in t evening. Hullett. Canadian Bank of Conameree, Sea - forth, eow pays interest from date of deposit on savings bank accounts, 1929-tf The. CounciL - The Ilullett coun- cil met in the township hall In Mon- day, February 6th, at 2 p.m. Com- munications from the Grand Trunk the C.P.R. and the Bell Telephone Co., •respecting the assessment of .thoir property were received apd' handed over to the township assess- or. Tenders were yeeeived for supply ot 'jam. plank, the aceepted ones being Caftwright's and Man- ning's. The auditors' detailed. state - meet of\ the treasurer's amounts for 1904, was presented and adopted,and copies of the same ordered to be forwairded to parties entitled •t hereto. A neartber of ratepayers beine WOOr9 Of gravel pits were esent by invitation of the coun Lor the pdrpose of arranging iform price for gravel pbtaine r toetnaliip purposes and it wa reed by resolueion that the coun will pay hereafter the sum a cents per cord for gravel tiot fo ntrecte end by oontractors, ;pi e surb. of 10. ;cents per load „to awl got by pathmasters, provid g the. owners of pits keep their te tin good order, clean and to th tisfaction :of the reepective roa mmissioners, otherwise..the isum of lit oente only :will be paid. Th ,option by-law, Which was car d by the very small majority o itt vo tog, on the 2nd of January s tinalty passed,by the ceunoil, an II come into operation on the ls May The -petition of Georg Far bar and a few others, asking to wii ra wri, for certain reaeons m Union Section No. 4, Ilullett 1 Goderich, was refused, because itratore • have' already been' ap, nted by the coenty council to deal Ji the seine mat ten Thecaul eurned until called by the reeve. Bluevale. terns -Miss McAllister, of Grey, s 'McAllister, of Hakvksville, and •s Ed.gar, of Crosswell, Mi chig a n, visitors ,at Mrs. McKinney's week.-Tbe copcertein the For-, es hall last Friday evening pro- d a very short, programme, as y feyv of those advertised to per- m were present. The reason •why y did not come is not clear. Miss el un fo o cil 40 eo th ex. in pi co loo r iC eig wa qu be f ro 0 re arb poi w it Mis Mis wer laqt cSi e vi die , for t be SEAFORTWS 'LEADING SHOE STORE. inter Footwear at Zero, Prices,. Our big cleating sale of Winter Footwear, which opened last Saturday has already made great inroads on 4,ur stock We ate .determined te make this 'sale the most succesSful February Sale we have evvr held and. to accotnplish our ohjeet, prices will hi. cut down to 46 lowest noteh. Everything in the line of Winter -F,iotweat must be cleared out by the 1st of March to make room for our new aping stock, now being made us. For the 2nd week,'commenetng S .urday lith, the following lines will ba placed on sale :-- 1 .4,;orth 85o, February Bale *Ica W°117:571.°3! Weltesmiti"serfnoiltwhtiolui ithtkoer 'olZr41.4 t worth $1 a pair, February /met price 75.3 a pair. WOMB'S folb alines, in laot d r gaiteei-ebiek felt sole., best (pulite, worth a 75 a.pair, February 1.0 iarix, $1 40 11- pair. Mined rubbers, worth" 661 e. pair for MO a pair. eleo's ciauv. ). 1 Alp., worth $1 a pair for 75.1 pair. *lideree felt. shoes in laced or gaitere-tilech feh • *o es, regular vahie $2 for 91.65 a* pair. No need to suffer wits) bold fee, ww. it 1. Loos so little to be oontierteble. ,..41.4 -71•4 -*0 • WILLIS -a; MA, Seafor • Sole agents for the Slater Shoe for men, and th "Queen Quality" and " Idiom for women. P. FATO3* House prieto Oni 'on s Lot7. 110 , Mabel Oliver es visiting Ito fan:i- lly of Mr. Joseph Burgess, et Wood- stock, -The night train happened with- /in aceident about elevens clook on Tuesday of fasi..evettk, just -as it was pulling in et Bluevale ste- tion. The hind. axle of the 'to -ride' broke and the trucks were Mrs - placed. It was two O'clock Wedn day • _Morning befbrie an -engine elyed -.from PalaneFsten to -Ite_kef passengers on to Wbegliam and K acardine. The • disa.bled engine repaired and toted off next day. S urday night the train was again layed when just beyond the brid -Miss Anna May Holmes,. o -f Win ham; spent Sunday at Irer home Bluevale.-Mr. ' Loy-st, sawyer f the Messrs. Duff and. Stewart, rived. from Comber, Essex toun on Saturday. ---Miss Annie McEe, eisited her numerous., friends Winglem last' week. -Mr, and C. R.. Brinker' ga.ve ate enfolltb _euchre Deity to a number 6f Biu iTale and "Wino:ham yourag people.' Friday evening last. J.E. AfcDonell ;was in London 'On bueistesS a couple of days this iveek.---Mr. Charles Nichoirs, London, was here- the letter part of sthe le.st week visiting .his wife, teed relativesee.'eliss Foster WAS here recently visiting her aunt,' Mrs, T., Carneren-In • the return hocke es- ro,atch with Luced Wedeesdue- . at- *eveningeof last week, in. our rink, " oar boys Million, aie in- Goderioh, was here last Wee,k visit- . vas ing tor sister, Mrs. Joseph Ellie. -a • at- Mrs Rig -gine ef Exeter, is here vis de- Iting •her tele and relatives-efrs. ge. Gordon and steteeS Miss Melray, elf Hiepen, were . the village kat in week 'visiting frtiends.-Mr, and Mrs orGardiner, ef Londo, lame been vis- ar- iting Mr. and Mrs. 'Wm. ,Sinelair„ ty. of this village„Mae -Wetter Li- en. caster had to return to the hospitaK in at London la.st „week but .we Slope rs. he may soon recover.-Mre. Wipheit's ot London, who was visiting Mrs. e- . Urquhart returned to the eity late. on Iseek."-Miss .Alcock, ,of .Exeter, was- her* during the pest week visitine frs. Siitherlanda-Mrs. Billine,e ery pleasantly entertain .e.d a num- ber cf. friends on Friday even laet aild Mrs.' McOloy, .Monday aea-• e,flin2; following. -Mrs. Smith has been spending the pat week with. her parents Lucan-There is.suoh a &mend for houses in our Igoe/head and prospereus 'village that it af- fords a good opportunity for in- vestment for houses not ttoo ex- pensive. -Mr. Cecil. D. Simpson. lines returned to Hensall.-Olat railwayt agent Mr. King, reports ehipping very brisk •at the station feet it efweys is. -Mr. Debt. McLaren,whose fine farm tidjoios the eorporation of klensall is having brick and ether material drawn for , the erattion of e fine brick develling,--Our facterees, grain buyers tint! iner- ch.ants all report tra.de as very brisk. -Mr. and Mrs. Reinkard, of Manitoba, I Who were here visitinge. their relatives, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph, Ellis, left here lest week for their: home in the wesaa • aftexese...aos Reneall. The Sovereign Batik of Canada, °tartlet'. ed • by Dominion Parliament, 42. branches in Cada and agents in ail parts of the world. Interest on deposits paid four Uinta a ytar. Abtolute security, unexcelled facilities, •courteorie treatment, modern methods, Your account la invited. R. Arnold, manager Bewail branch ,19844f Madman & Stanbnry, barristers, at Hen -sail Tuesday, Thursday and Saturdays. 186241 We are now open to bay any qientity of clover and timothy fund. Send us samples stating cbeusafnotrtitay: Beattie Bro., t roans and leernimen, Another, Good Horse Sold.--M19r74T. J. Berry- las disposed a another fine Clydesdale stallion. The name of t he horse is "Lord. Jim." He was purchased by ,fhe Messrs. Bell at - Spoil, of Londesboro, Hullett. Lord Jira :•was purcho.sed by Mr. Berry from Joke Kerr, Red Hall, Wigton, Cumberieed. He is a eplendid, an- imal .end was a amtedeprize winner in t he old eauntry. as well as -hav- ing proved -himself a. valuable. stock getter. His sire is the leelebrated breeding horse, Lord Lothian, bY Top Gallant, by Darnley. His dam 'w as Darling. of Potstewn, winner of a lot of prizes in Duraffieshare and elsewhere. He .comes from the best of stock on both elides and. can not fail to p.rove a most .valuable horse 'in the community where he will ravel,. Two years ago Mr. pur- hosed the horse, " 803a4:03?1: rem' Mr. Berry and he proved a cry profitable horse for him and vhen be desired to purchase anoth- r good 'horse he returned Ito 112Er. erry. We trust the eew.ownees of Lord- Jim - will have the best of good uck with him. Their enbeepr,,ise On ecuring so toed, a sire entitles hem tsucoess and we have no oubt but that will be Itlieir reward. Local Briefs. ---The Rev. E. A.Shave 1 the Rippon circuit, has reeeived cordial invitabien to remain for a, ird ye,ar on his present charge otn betual of mana eea-s.-Mr. ioloard Wright, of Seaforth, •form- ly of ,Hensell, ha -s been Speeding in past, week or sq with eelotiv are. -The nian,v friends •of Die hesney will 'be pleased 'to lear ri at lie has quite recovered frOrn s !mot...et 'illness which canfined m to the house for e number of ooks .aria on Tuesday evening last as ready to chanen ire your corre.s- ndent Sora foot race.-Misia Doan, iss Aitchison and Miss Colwell very easently entertained a mina) e,,r their friends. an Wednesday- ey- ing Met at. the skating rink and so . tit Miss Oolwillas home. -Rev. r. Smith, of Carmel ehurch, each anniversary 'SO -MOUS Eg- fidville on Sabbath, first, Febru- y 12th --Mies Prior, of Exeter, is jting Mies Ethel Golwi,11,-Mrs,. a Se d er S tl - h c ✓ tl d hi c rhi - w c aoe 131 e a en 2 al M d t xrD0 ar vis , Bo 01 pie -T ful .we ase CI Tee spa ton lvli ing 111 day ters, MTS. Sparks end Mrs. Thonalson. etery. nthr•on, Who was ViSitillZ baton has eel:limed bonae.-We are ased to, eee that Mr. Bollard. homson, who e.,ttt his leg so pain- ly bruised While teanainta 'some eke ego, tlostneah an accident, is tting around nicely and. Dr. iieSiley is almost ready for a 'foot 0. -Mr. and Mrs, D. Cantelon- nt Sabbath anil Monday in Clin- with :relatives and friends., ss Wiseman. of Kirkien, is visit- ber aunt, Mrs. Fertguson.-Mr. mos Delgaty, of near Bayfield,was the villtere on -Saturday aed Sen- Aast visiting his father and sin - Winnie - McGuire, of Brussels, was • one Who did conic howeyer, and we she .11 bc- pleased to receive her again. She gave Revere" humorous recita- tion.% in capital style. Miss Ina -13ryans, Jameitowna played 'the aceompa,niments, Miss Eva Duff and Mr. Straellan 'teacher at Ramsay's Reboot, Morris, sang solos • Rev. Mr. Bake,r was chairman and itev. W. J-. West gave op address. Owing to tither attractionS 'that evening" the 0 lid i'011 CO WO email, but some fifteen dollins -- was reaii zed for the Sick Childreres IVospital.-Mr, Robert Mc- Millan, of Rinburn, visited' Mr,j. Ring last week. ,Mr. McMillan was an his way up north, te speak at a Pa loners' n i t rite meeting.-Com- munien service's were held in the Prosbyteri an church last Sabbath. Rev. Mr. Burnett, of Moieswortle was expecied to preachae the pre- paratory !...eryice an Friday, but ow- ing to his wife's jib -105S W.a9 enable to he precent.-Miss Jean nnd Mr. L. 'W a r ick, of _Morris, visited rel- ativee in Bluevale last week. Mr. Warwick is ranthine, in Montana. - Wel 1, t his win ter compares very favorably- when nut aliens al& of va ves are I last. 13ut we dare no boaStoeMiss Bavaeld. The people ere daily realizing the face that F. A. Edivards' winter sale If a gentIin0121013ev saver. Goode Were never before offered at mu& mice.. Think of beautiful -Sound 76e dress Soode for 160 yard. •.$1.25 and 111.50 fancy parlor lamps at 76o. •BA/glans In 411 departmente. 1981N1 We are now open to buy any quantity ofe clover and timotbY freed. Bandits samples stating quantity. , Beattie Bt0I., greeters and seedsmee, Beat rth. 19894 Beeezes,-The young people of the villag.e bad an n't home in the Loam hall; on Thursday evening, of last: 'Week. IT,aelous quints avere ailayed end after na -dainty lunch had. been( served danzing was indulged in.-Mre James. Pollock, of Ripley, was visit- ing here last week. --The fistermem are doing well this week having good heels of herring. -Miss Sylva Mc - tee is in London engaiged as sales- lady at Xnex's Fair. -Ploy Edwards met with a painful' aceident on - day I:atoning last, just as she was 'ready re leave .for home she dip- ped on he stairway, three - tor four stivs, two other girls fel- ling on. •lier with the result that her leg was broken -Mrs Snell en- tertained a et young peo- ple Tuesday eveninte-Rev. 3. Birks, of Seaforth, will preach miesioearo eerratons Sunday evening at geVen p. M., in the Methodist el:rare/L.-Mae Arthur ,Elliett vied Miss Atillie • riot left list woek for Toronto en ,a visit. -Mrs. reouatt and seta, Jas. left .for London.end Mr. Rouatt and daughters, the Misses Ada and, Lu - 01,1a. ;join them shortly. We, wiell them. every suceees- '"tlaeir, new. Morris. Death et an Old Resident --0737..ie day might of fast week, about 11; o'clock, Mr. Goarge Hood, a. resident Of Morris fax the oast 35 ,years, passe 'an ,y after an illness of about _11 vele. Deceased was in •tbe 89tle yearbtst4)ktriollis-Wn'ail'sidgennatswalof 4)tfoa'iY1: ship, beingi the eepretary ef the Et Hurope Farmers' Inetitute up te the time -of his, death. Mr. Hood was an unusually active marofor :his years. The funeral, en Monday afternoort last, Wil -S very largely etlended, in- terment beleg made in Sunshine wel- t I CaeAlit ..ERE111 -SAL 1 CURED BY Wilson'-, Antisepti Salve WHICH ALSO HEALS ALL INF AMED AND AST. UNHEALTHY' „SORES ON MAN OR 4-14+++++++++++++44++++++++ The mem which has attended the Use of this neWvoinisination of septic remedies, funk .justifies me in guaranteeing to refund the price to anr purchaser wh.o will bring baqk a box, PARTLY USED, and simply say that "I was tried forthaabove purpose, and did not give satisfaction. ' Price, 25e pr box, or 30 extra by mail, from 'AL X. WIL DRUG, BOOK AND FANCY GOOD SEAFORMI TAP C11,..lrfr Tr.& 'Ton rite creasio erye) •23e 1ga; gredes dairy dairy ..t.Zia to beady or 1 -The orlim To' e with lit nehan 30 to eheleel, gh J cheet a 75_ 80o Tone $1t#7 eprieg. eate, othy, $ = ab $16 Metlito bran, Tono Sunni* valing hands, rises b $170; 15 to 1 home; general to 1.300 1,-350 to able a tle S tie etre refriger 12 to 13 Moex and pr' there is biocide - venting number bought . for thea for btills butche for irhn • n to at .14 42e fer milcheo was elo each. sold at 3 ea per p with goo Binri ere, eh oo -goad t good, 83 Hogs- laeavy pigs, $5. .$.3 to $3,- . Toms am -fere •evatt= tbe couple c er 3 75 pe Iota of pounds these we pert.* 4xport, there we aai450t fair to g co