The Huron Expositor, 1905-02-03, Page 8I-7 r I_R Y -EXPOSTTOR ME ffuRo FEBRUA
Nhev, E, . �SaNmrsv -of decided by said experfs Bruce*ld Presbyterian, church Breakf
fo ed 'by, R plant is worth tho price pre�rlously. st ast Foodse ovs Re* duced. ' I - R I vVld -ifor t. ur#n�ff .-OL the- presonoo f about thirty-five in- valued at, th�- council a:Xree to,.,;�ut. t 10 vited Miss Aaxy bt do ok, I by v akai n to the r. 4 at tho said price, $19,300 t the C :tht-, -dom, beeomingly an(, DISTRICT MATTERS. trimmed 'Nv!tJ Oatmeal free from- hulls the -Before ouz stock -taking, oNvfmd in ate, bJue earlist possi dat hll'% Week Vh h w1hite s -ilk and chiffn and 11 0 we commence Feb- ald�nn- U lerk forward a oopy of reso- -6pecks. lution tb tho Electric Ljglm Coin- 'Tuary Ist, we will 6ffer A Poultry Assacition,—The poul. bouquet of 'pink a,rnatios, acted as try fAnclers -of the' town [held bridesmaid, w1hi1e Mr. Nell. Ro of pan. with a request for ax
the balaum of our.6tock- ollea Wheat,.Corn Meal,
-whe -d broer of the bride, y, r 13ib.11 lt Brw.�els, an by Mond nebruar hioeting a Ttfj?sday eve lg of Cook and Heating they decidd that -the Hur orted 016 groom. CoogAtula- Cream of Wheat, als moved in amendment o the,a- Ion Pout: ;Spp both Coal and UY *,ad P b bove: 11 That p tt St�ok Association 'bentli tions oing over all repaire to 'the a cammitlee be, hvre, a mptuous re- to Wood at a libeial dis- 4ianual exhibition should bo� held 0 (1 dining room ir su Also Buckwheat Four. poinbad to fix a price and i e rin. ML a XWS We Icoimt, for c0h. 'the following dates, Novomber. L)O, pat was partaken f, The oveiiing off&r for'tbe supply by cotract, by I N rmw y all, - The - pre - the Ele6tric LiAlt Company, of el 21, 22 -and 28, 1905. T.�o, folio Wfl, cf- socially spen t k have a num er Of ' 'ood 9 ints to 't - W. E Xerslalkey cotric lightiq of s1roet:s and a�,4er clecond - hand heating fimrs were -appointed1or -1905., k-lon. he bride w -pre bath num K Q erous ana costly hich �how:d the publ;o use, for , trm. of ndt. le&s ._Pre__*ident, Bi 13, Guhn, M.P.; hion. stoves and these are put Sucoosmor to Hanlilb= & Keirslake, C401. bvKING %A %JL00V,: -Vice preAA,ent, -H. Eilber, P high esteept i4 -which she bel. - than fi";,years and not inore than W. 'Dr. Scott; groo "s p re ten." There - voted for the I -down very lo president, vim preside�nt' The m sent to the bride Dougall, W. D,. Bri,ght and W-A�;ent' �mbnt, Messrs. Br rick, Arobibal(t -secretary, J. F� D,�Lly Peter Dill; as� ws a gold creacent set )�Itb pearls. FriQ-a-ds were rese nt- skip, and Tb Riehttrdson, F. and St for -the met*! ew Wwaistine,ti- pt trm Bra mas oistant sqoretaTy, )V Hartry; treas- r, Allan �wrd of direct ford, Blue lep St. Thomas and W. , Twedle, George Pter6o 1i0d Messrs. Willis, Greig and Smiley. va for V. L Winib he tixpQs!tor �uxtnds J. A. Wilson, skip.—Mrs. Charlt's Tho Mayor voted for the roption and leave youi. order with us Y. Smily, E. Daley, T declared it carrid. The wuncil ad- congratufations md "urii-tes, with Golaing spent last'wevk in Honsiall 411is, Aia,&,� Caldor, Robt. Winter,, W New suitinss, 'i r -of t, - �y M rs. R. -n 0 0 A L -Robt. Murdle. ��ow in order to the many friends he .ou4g cou- with her dmughter,,. J,' joutnd. until Monday eveni gFebru- pl in wishing -them a yery,'happy Twitch -641. — Mrs, -A. Hingston, of a,r cogs, 'the assoc he show'a suc,
y, 13th.
future. WLngham, spent -a' few days with iation earnestly request ith,t e"ry.i New Wash GlOods, old Seaf-brth, fr�onda last ook-.—Mr. onle interested in poultry will do Thames Road Great china sale at Fearlo, 1938-1 George Golding, of $taf f a, was in, GAESNICY SMILEY) heir best to further the in Robert Cann is r(,- �erest of y oovexiUg frim a eevere, jittack of SEAFORTHI o�Youolea, Staforth. brotlwr, Mr. Charits G�olding-.—Mr. io 4y visiting hi
bettor pe G' Ifed.0lover and Alsika, Seed vanb- town f or a few New watkin SWirts,
ufft' axid nore of it. &-nfll a ed at A with that end -in -view A ii!% hopd Ia rippe.—Mr. P. Wbirlook is busy, erioh That all will join and belp, on tUle as- or sale of to rent., honge an God 1bliarles Goulding speAt 'Sunday witli Hard waria,, Stoves, and (;oal. -by Mrs. Both ;drawing gravel and sad tQ Exeter. -Hensalf friends,—Thet ;1mrivalmeet- street, Boxforth, recently occupied —The! -extremely cold :ha:s New S1 aists one. Apply - 0 Nro, Kemp. 12L Cowan Ave., Park- ing of the Saaforth Turf Club Was N1en c,.ausing gonic, athe farmers ;o 1982 tf to DOMINION BANK t he, Tnn LADims.—§w1to4es made from' held on Friday evening last, when con.siderable troubl with their wa. - —AND conwrt givbn under the' auspioies of . combing#. Miss E. Ross, over W.)g. Wst@ons-offico, ' art t1w old off*xa were re--P1eqt-ed, or pipes, In so -ma the supply of HEAD OFPICE, TORONTO. Glinton band, iii that to wn, the. Cl in -t . North Main street, Soaforth. - -i-Tho.trep-surr reported., a nioa sur- wabor is completely out aff fromIthe 'plus p'hAn, so that tev club- is in �,&n Ne outsid,(�i Sawa Fil' &-Saw filing, don'e and a good era ROUGH, w Ere says., 'T4e buildinga.—Kr. 1). Whitlock li�" Fine Vgafluv of 1E. B...OSLER, M. P,. T. G. S uarantedd or no pay. Apply noxi door to the '!good Wiape for the com! A Do Proeident General Moinagor real lenoo of U Roinkle, 9ginondville. Hugh Wil- The da for t h talont, were f 'm Seaforth u t %N- a J014 boght a machine for making *bol- must nomplimIt tbaf. , itown upon e moo, have POL ye 'low cocretp building bloclom and !been fixed, but will b,6 aranged having so. niany- first class entor-' inends- makinr, them in the suminer, driving homes, one risloic four, i -Wooks have man7 4dranta Cpital, Vuhy Paid. Up—S3,000,000 oo Driving. Horses for Salo.�Tb4o iod The cheques f or a 7 per These L 11W tainrs, The -go wer (5 the DoB '12 Y840 Ad In 0 cent, dividend, on the paid up 19toole 'Reserve Fund and un. Quarttte, ho were. COMP011ed to foal t6 Electric B,, and1be otheroomlog 6 -he year, They make a hollow wall thus- mak- of, tho 1101 Engine Worlm Soafoth, ing dry buildingg' The are stn6aq-' respond to encor" each- time they alrodElectrIoB forsale oboat.. Apply on'lob 8, vilvidd.Profits S 3,634,000 allon 7" 'Ykre, isrued and mailbd on Tuesda, —IN appeared.. Miss �Pickard, who has' a '0`4 or than brick and requli less time Veposits by PuIA6 ,S 29,700,0oo Naughton, Seatiolth'., deasant ap This is the second seven p con t, I'to build them nd take less mortar. I T4Ul Assats 89,226,000 Gob bare early if you want the boib anaps dividendp aid he -anipultr of * the They .are made in several difterent And an artistic m of i he sale at�rea;110. r I 1-9 -a :good &al b6tber t4an mme�nt o' 1 design Carpet Squares o rs with makin a Vew hndsome, 8.RAN;0_Hs Tefiditions of Seno do Ballet," and begides �being much cheapee SEAFORTH M Boatrioe'Soott, A. T. Q M.,;toscher cattle p�h cytock.—M Wm. Bal� wall, of voice, plapo and theory. Tarmi, voice,, W a 11antyne, who was laid up witlx an Beomuse from Jocolyn. and term .; PIOID6, $10 term ; th 0 U tbaiV waIN built of. other, material. 'Eivay fadlity for -the trani4atin f a soryt A-- ral w days, 9 Haiselre The audieraca Pupils propand tot fte Toronto Congervo4ory of attkek of lumbago f or a fe 'ftwotsl banking business. �Gotleotlons made on &if - V�i�tj in Canada:, _XcLob.d in- Atusleexaminations. Alto open for ooneett on. is agaln ablo to ie arQUnd,—ThP_ won wildi,whin Will Bluevale. A mals Pxcsb�tcrians *had their atfn,61 con- Nbtes,—Iler many Iriend.s here, will H Mary, land imself in I groationtJ meetin. Oyster Supper ikad Entertafnmaub will 9 fon sbiv&d.
Wliat proved quite a
be luesday Te�;ret to learn of the 11eatli in Cli,n_ UL lkd"�ncefj umde to FALmorw fJpeof#A st- -Tefused 'me THE beld under the aVeploes of L 0. L No. 798, Sea. i -evening. There ws a at tend- toji, of., Mrs. V. X. *Dichl, formnrly a' collaodon of �Wonder . to 01in, to a toAh, on the evening of Wednesday, rebrusy 4utic� p&ld to-th Sale Notes. axidiences, was eyv'Misp Sadie kc- sugerseryed In The Orange hall, one.-blook,osgi 61 ance. , Tho various reports re�d and Xis�s Avgio, Tyndall. Airs. Di-ahl was adopted tbawed'that good work, ha Rae, a.n d Miss:Dlarjorie Lapp in lude Sh v"610D Army bsrr%OU, Tr001 6 to.8 p. A* a daughter of t1yo late Xr. a!nd Mrs. DRY VOOVS, CO §AVINOS. BANK. ",am Ia being preparsil. Admisslou t4,1 been done aloog eveiry line of iDhurch a'protty, debut in 'Highland 'Costume It " of, :26o;- enterfWament Edward T,�rn&ll. Her -early life was t lie -ork during tho past year a-nd Interest -allowed from date of deposit, to nd danced in a very igracef 1. too, �Uls will ba Issued later on sVoft in Bluevale but 'latterly- her a pr� wi or
0 ut aste of withdrawal, ybody is weluenle style th Highland Fling. Last but neial standing of t -be congrega- ho4ao Ivas bee in Varna.—Mrs. John -Seaforth Ontario.- 'Doposlis of 0.1.00 and upward& received, not le-a-st. was the eroelleint music Offers by tinder will bi' iiesived u Mundell, of N�a;nitqba, and Mr. D. till tion -is very satis,faetory.—Madame avrod th audience 7py the boys noon of February 17th -by Wm. Hartry, Z SPr,at, -of Belgrave, visited at Mr. Aid Wettest paid ok;addeli'to. Account Juno f q, for the Wanda,. Egyptian pahn1s;t is no W' 'at
thoold-Mothadid Parsonage ulldlng� t.h.e Royal hotel ' this town. �30bh and Deoetubtr Siif, themselves. The organization ii a ri'oh"o of in ghost or any offer not necessarily accepted. R. W. Duf f 's lat k.—Mr. - an;i credit t A. E. OIBSONs, thle town., and we doubt! V says. she re Vol the m erles of' Mrs. Hugh Ross -attended; the wedd- jdmn&gor.,' tbexe is a better band thi;s sidet of lif, mch as busini'ass, wurtship,,, orts'nt to ths, annual thelr noi* M."ss Afay Ross, 'Tam" i n,g of love nd ord, wid ho in On- ole ri IL- S. FAVS"Sollollor, London or Strtf a Bale of Winter Footwear commence@ Sat- i to Mr Murdock, I , tt Brumfield, last urd and Wm. tax -bo to equal them. the, reci�lp(:s o a bruary 4th. Watch out Weekly advertise- wook.—Thore. was lar a attend- f rom tho varlout de artments f their fix P 11 men '1vo,-re ion Saturday attending the aburch ork 'were of a mmt On Page fouri R. Willis Son, Boota and the evieni'ng w6re $100 .a.qead .part -ahce at the. quartrly serviceig in the. t r..o u b le, t he old cou` Still ha ie 4re Bhoes Befiferth. Tunorl of the late Mr. Jolin Sttet' Metbodist church last pabl�ath._A factory aha�racter, 5howig n act- and ich will fi�,olntorest and Christflan 1berality Hur' UbutitY Of Tho Misses $teot, of Stratf ord, were .concert, the 1)roceeds, of *h ten -up with -RO'V , A HOTEL ot wh-ch win be ea We are now otn to buy ony 4 T -he -7 have,'O'knessed th,ei pen* cloirer and timothy 'On tract a asend us samples stating fro �SEAFORTH.. 0 hre-,for the same ouip�ose. The' be along every line. Tbq prment inem- pirwval �o rs a quantl Beattie Broc, jiocors'snd seadomou, sent to �he Sick Cbilren's Hos- t ta Ilia -to Jhn Stet.—Wet, ma. F i spent Sunday pij Th d ' aj� will be given an the Fores�f(,Jrss b-&Tship of the cogreation is 449. 'bg 11: , I 1038.1 r i' Of th�eir mily �of b of mention last, week of the, de with 'Mr. George Paterson.—The thirfee 'Dinner sets, box o:f Friday,,�'�b- EPOn are I wad is Meat Modern Hot.el 11:n Seaforth ath; note, toiletware at Fear's hall n the evpnipg The open volloctionss, for the year , , �e t co amounti-d to .$162.54 and tIVc- -envelopla ro be -of Mr. John 8t.,ee;t,. of great chinalialo. 1988.1 .13eaver Lacrodge Clublbavo jus ni` ruar 3rd.—k de'JightfiA concert wa -vv,drL a IFully equipped with hot and ione, 6f the,.pionper rer+ideabi of thia IP -4 t a t the =4�-tiaf ju pltqd fina.1 arranements for one We are extremely anxious to have &JI ao. iriven by the" Mister Sintrers, JA co-Atri-I)ntion's to $1,623,50��Tha yar The ciclebratin, was a V e r cold water bath, Ladiw? Toilet part of Che country. Nw. 8tee�t pw5s- cou of the laest minstrel shows ever nts paid- before stookUking suct on that aceounb Wingham, on, Saturday :nighte ,elosied rilh, a blanicie of $80 in the ne-and the worthy coite wero. Rooms, ato. Emy 0teaion, of lAsb we ha 0 postponed AooktakiDj-u�tll Hooday,'Feb- .,oaaway on Thursda morning presented in Scaforth. No expense, trtasury. The pastor xlecdive,'s a S,ented with 130 -'WY vatu4b14 prosents. paid to guoite. rufti sta,and hopi that our- customers will kind. has b(.kn wwk.- He.did not se6m to- mifffor. spad in prOcuria cos- r of $1,201) a year; the organ- h)Yb 'a n6teof tbia fact. W.H.Willis,00ldaeut was from. -r & umee h"Good $table Ln�. partioula %ease, but,b ist, $100; anOW 'Stow -'f rm: the son Londesboro 11-n.. Connection, -for Goorge A. Slater shoeR for men and Dor9thy music. Owing to ihe -eretaker $95 Sunday evexiinZ 4ast, daugh ters, Notes.—O n' and (gradually-,. i3?*',tV0 way I*f4)re, advztnc- Dodd shoee for ladler, Somforth. i938 -i larg;o ;,number that e;o unable to trmsurtur $50. The Sabbath school Rtlative;q Iv.0 KXZ� Prop. : - Rev. Mr. Clement ,,�ave an, excelledt re A T.,PIN rs, having reached the good. Lost.—Losb on J&kinsry 26tb, bobwee. procure 5.eats,for ast years show collections amounted to 316; the igan, Asrill resent Ih3oln Mich- to the, oxmg Xanitba, and old paars. Mr. Steet was SoaforibandLot2g,&000sslone, Hibbert, a it has been decided to pfay two -606 Youlig Guild o $70 nd l yo
The tinder Nvhl be rewarded on leaving Ifi gh tA, of clothes. a native-oif I)uI've;r-.t&n, bV0 r Y,ono who li!s�epAd to it -ought Th�e exa-c�f dates will appear raisF!o,jxary Ew4l-beevofent coxktril4u- Alf red the eame at Wai. Tl6lord and Co.'s store, elifeuth, to have bee.n. qrie,atly bonefitted by .3 n a -of JJA#.�AL shire, Enland. He came. to Canada, 29-ter.—Mr. Henry Gresswell, theJ t 'yo rs wne 'vo $856.98. All told the on- btalth and happnesj_ iVV,wLson a youn man, wid seUlcd in,:, well -knp-%v-,n T.achej'and cattle own- I .4Miss Lou Ouim� lgregtioja c<�ntributed $2,8$2.41 for Auction Sale of Household kffoots at the Der,' Alberta, who -has beci visit-. Paris, BrIftnt e6lunt-y. While, Chore, �'r �LaU brother �ot Mr. G. R. Cress- residence of ?Ara. S. )3r wnell, jiortli Of the public ORTH MAM SMAFAFORTH :iiie mrried to B-Ilen Nic on school,' Seatorth, on Saburd�y. Fabruary 11ch, at e a K-1wou hols ig friwids here f o Tuckommith died at Med- leave Saturday visit" 'De'ttter In First�-Cl as Family in 1854, and she -$urvives Ifim.- Soon one o weak, w '010ok p'm, Thoo Bro*�n, Aubtioucer, ictne 'Hat, N. W. T.,.on Satuiday, Bavfleld- d. Aid--; - St. f rin.4ils in London ;and Taranto on This week we mention Awise4s. We hlanuffietiling 8awivg Nlaobinee o�ftar 'his -marriage he removed to 1988-1 a1taT an opiaration'. f or gan-rene. The :reimainn wero'brought here t yaSr home.—Xi*s litry Aknemr, of them. ss have and fro -there oame t o; -or va n t i, ne, WHITE' NEW RAY Mitch�lt, Nvill Ax -Merry. P nt few days this for$1,50 &'ymd. I -t tiveed. for 70a, 775c _ha_ an worated t hf--.: 14tk MOND Egmondvilk,, where he. IdQ[ A J vis intormiqnt in Har�purhey immetery, '00-K Wingham, spe twood to - of NATIONAL .01REAK UrAR_ .�or about �alf a vqntury.' 'tortiri-ninent in Cardn-bs h,all on "Wek ,as the guest of Miss L. Brii r. 60c. -Double-width navy serge for 45o per- ruary --tl.le 6, He w " , on Thursday.- Mr. Cressive11 Was yard and other values equally Jood during thevia. ATURS, &o4l GEXtRAt-FfR8, "Wedne1ida-y evening under the aus- Kh-avmaker by trade, and 6a ham.—Master Edwin Adams, of Olin- Ler Aalh at r. A. Edw&tdl, Bay.fiald. huroli. A -,4rrood b.r_.0z r**M. of rried on .75 yeam ot age.—Mr. William Mur- rammo qvill jj� LIFF, AND ACCIDENT INSM�l of theLadies' Aid of the P.rqs- here. fl�,at business-'eantinuousIv -until lie dio "rom Ewing, of Toronto, P`OvUed- Supper w! ANCE A bas, withdrawa entirely f ton, slye;[L bo- bytnarian ch,&Ghl' was a success in -oa-cod. ba reN Sills & Mu -r- bur Y4011119 was tho-vust -of- Dr. Smith the past, the 'basement :raj a s re frain'' —Quite a number of �m every res cot. Notwithstanding 0 t*ingmaahine neadlem, oil, atbaohme4ts. P 1)()OPt-e t' ok in'the concert in Clinton until eigt o",c ot 'InOiriths ago.� j� Mr- Steet W(M , die and the bu�iness wilt'hereafter k.—Mrs. (Dr.) Smith- returned cod, star vening, ithe attendance look- -and 19(a)hdries for all kinds. of machines k my 0 ii0markably- healt , active man. 116 Y rom Zarjito last week aocompan- Monda -everxing-dst, Mr. a:nd f tines for alitio to stookv and sawing machini es reipaired, large n th-a pro-grramme wa-% be conducted. �y r. George sills tl tb-Q bst list himQif. This firm ham bilt up a MrA. David Flood, of 131-yth, ael ied by her unt, -Mrs Ewin�'.—Al- down, and A,o �14_ot forget ft, was of quiet, on,e W. N. -WATMN4 b t Was most respected by those who encA to hme�re for '.9ptnding this eek at "the lter's though tho b,e 4 lZa r all.- par some tltao. 'The I adie,s had -the skage largo, -and pr-6fitakle 1bughiess here her. all 4ay as old Ulm fo and r. Sills is -go -Well and filvorab- was a good at- insurance Agent, and, dealer In Sewing Machine W -him- best. He -was strai.zh-L '..r- n t1s, Mr. and Mrs.' Brogrden,— vieXy st.orIny, there wry eaUy d oorated.' Haro,ld Jar- Pressed 'hay is bein andBlcycle& North hininstreet, fleatorth. .,Nvaxd and lihniorgble in all ltis,deal- tondm" at the lvfetbodis�b Sun� vis, ifthyas a .4orei. added- to ly kno.wn* and this, combined with 9 -iPPQd frx)-r inges wit f iv0r i L tM stat' h men, and -noted his good business abil[ty, hi!s afa- ion, this meek. ISchool entertinment. in the -tow' The Soveraiph -ak n bis list of,adnir,3rs on Wednesday a of caua well his part in -life. Ho wa,,4 a ev'bility- ond square dealing; will th- hall, Friday cavening,` where very. d by IMMI iWo-1 -Prlfamenb 40 4 He has lost�*tnone of, his chTm bran�h in 044 -and ageents In oll,paqtf of ber of- the, Rgmondville a cootinuance of the� Zurich the world. sure to him fin"terestling pro-ramme NY -is givem— , -�Lrdtpass of unanner, mor of 81308168 Puld four *lMe ian* burcib, and in pol't' V 4 Y4W� Abboluteg= A Famous Scho and nat d Mr. Robert R i aps was It liberal trade enjoyed by the firm of; A Sad Aff o ouatt, who has for a 5$'CUrWU9 trifttinent- Ihi swctness 'and; powc,r—,of voice. air.—About ire unoxa6lled fAcilitle goo,4 eloqutioft�- Arnrld GamVr v a t 1 ve. For. miany' years be Misc methods, Yz)ur odera
Inumber of y4mrs conducted ia sue -
which h has been the lidad,—Mr. W-� Tup-5day attcrm),6n, tch
mTry aso, Lba
s o, bank account Is 10vited. -bo,cNy at Itthe tewaxt, son of, M-r�. Alex. Stew tin and hardware busin-e-mi "ago" ijiadb it a poiin t to cessful brimob D. S barn of -her seleob�ons a.cob.Ort, of the- Bron- and pridDd liim9eIf 4gay Art, Scaforth, skipped the rinkthat son iin�e "flay, a -b -o u t Mr.nThomas t iy- &'WiliLitos xfid
In 11119 ell, two mlls�, here has'sold the stock, Stanbury., n rondexed.. _4)adinan & The gudienbe, -AtRe
Ir �h ',alw, . no,r t li.Ny ra -0 was y5 the fir.%t ,voter won the grand. averago, winnin Elliott is the p'urohaser.—Mrs, Bty- 491ITuesday, Thu b wed their ppreciation bp- re- K bst o- Zurich, was b day And -1foiturdays. s, 0 urned the groud, with a lar, r in hi -4 pollijig ub-divitsicyn. 10 prosient of Bruce 'STRATFORD4 ONTARIO, peated 'loneores.- Mrs, William- Go n Xe 'Vanie quan of Lucko D r i ts. — On W�Idne_�&w .0 was- the accomlianis, the - grdnd curling t Sto tit.Y'of grain and implementr, Mr. smidow ho. Ioavos a family of f,,ive, county: W. . T. V, gavio four x-
-entock t, YoaDg, man �Youog womani 4bere is a- sos- and oo diugh-te TI(e sono are week, Vau I last - week. The irink reccsive4 John'Ort, an elderly ma -n, 'who'had oellent addresses �ere Sunday and 1119 bundant ro.Atn ff)r y u in t�ot higher and- 'Thomas, -of-. keaford, 4��Ii, Monday Dry -Vtandig flio- blizzar of- four 'gold miedalis ns t1ioir trophies'. bk�en living ith avis; brotli6r,Jdob an has the here B lmrge,crowds n t Orq repallf3ible Patious f6i-th; WillUm" of PicLo Georg0y rk�f�,_Dr. J W. Li of life, You e, of his wal Amg a. horthaAd for —Mr, Charles Har JOIRIO f Us' perished in the laes. Sam t4m'perance- cause at heart nd is &O needed. '%Xet & buWarese dr ot Sagrina-, s1tne, -a r'Soafakxb; boy,�baS bono,'s tamer;§ an excellent sp&aker,—Soveral fish- the �fturns, and and Edwn:rd, of Clark.6 lbeen-.a:ppointed divisiioxial eurgeon on bo,ae.4 ham b en found: 'It is sup- the committee" training and March upwards. Bator ou F -an, F, r. st, Mic ermen had the ni g an town on Wednesday Mr. posed to be� isfo&une to lo� MODUS of- the�,tw�o partles tver thle Nan&as City Southern Railway case f suicide. Kiss so a obool t -his niouth if ossible. Write fof Tho� ren ips, wero 'in- iffa,rvey grew a eonsl "eadtli Lyttia Orlt N,�aa returnkng homofrom by the a 3 the retnq!,� P 4eiabfe br number -of acts IAst -w,eok of ;groat eicitemn Ifrao catalogu6. ant has takn,up his.residece in [he cin 'the �tl gm' iidville -.%ufza-r beets this past year an tt pur- -ce�me- idly �growfq Mena, Ar - ice breakig, up.—Mr. Ru and i t- is ne�dlesj to S�jy. of i P_ V nighbor's when eho noticed -smoke I I - ErL10TT MoLACEILAN, P og is W-01 I poso@ moving to Lo lewVd -with the results. Ho pouring "from the -barn, azA hasten- .ndon t�hortl wCre 'b-oth kanisas, This place, although enI Aft. HaIden,by, of- Kincardine, is a and �hlso likvs the_,Vffl from tbe boet�s od to the stales. At a AndOld Soa&,,,th Bq,S.. eiglit Foaxs . -old, has'a'ppulation -ards. Robert Drysa�� of, betweo- 11 Ve nd a�.�x (bousand, for stoc IY she manake, to turn uf all- Dr"d k feed add �ays the on' ft ri k for F. A. Edw rotice, by the Star of 'Ra.,gadena, Cal- were i n liens, Wedding.—One' of those fault he has o find with it 6s .that horsuas -an i. 0 -IL on T' sday I tho -r�it cattle 6'afely. !Mrf. Ort remw_ ifxyrnia, that. an old M, R- ovents which., ci(�, ing acquaintariam—.M.Iss ii�afortb bqy, a' it ,doe� hot last long -enoirgh, the nd ot-hr memb ate so much intef�. -he f amilj- an& \rnunts it o'oker $25,00& �tch� r*aontb. rs -of t ae"O the -person of '9r.. R chard �T ttlo s6 greeilg. Mr. Har- -were a 2ial- took il noor. on. Tues- for hm,3f ea ay frm, home at the time. bliss day, 31st, - when Miss 0. L. Martin or SO 6 Iargely in- The. loss will e heavy. Small insux- and frjen&, f allen 4heir t9, a fortune of Hilron wa3-in ton ot�10riday. He V'ey 1"Iten& io4ax mi,ior I y bist. linds o 'Ilion doll ais. 1�ir_. Taylor b,,19 Ivas. maried too Mr. P�eteir C .Qn nu I ucan.—On Frid,t accom, anibd the remainn of his -old of, sleigh bell$, all -styles and priceo. to the -fi7rowinq of beets this year. ance. been fokr- "S'(,*-6ral years cngagA�d P of the Brona-on Line, Stanley. Te in knot tied b a Burris! 4anW,, _r J. Mc,.N�,il r4mary,, day so doar In the inem,4
nd Xi�no, -',of Gry� whieh we -re inter-_ 's in Pasaden, friend and supprtr, Mr. ohlnMe- —Messrs. Munroe -"d Spain have 10 eveining
4Horse lUahkets. open air kating rink 'e; present windT,all, has-dorne'to him in th�,q. presence -of Aot thirty OXY i)f the Call and see our lie of borne -blankets th on the recreation tgrounds, and bave Briefs.,—Rev. 1. M. Webb was here Tod in: St. Jani".'s' cem0tary, Seafrth danuahtors eP quite - ucxVectodly. -According bo -Sootland- Mr. and M with wad wiffio' Tb�, reg-u1ar, already splendid shoat 1ruests. The bride looked'.. charming of ice. WP, from the -London baspit�d for a! R_ 11fC4 'stay -on straP6 theStar theI MOROY Comes bi monthly obert Pile" 75 i to $4. he to 'in hrave no doubt but thaf thqIr entet- few days fas�t week ln'� a own &f gre ere hen Of the London Britaboia atonic 104V be We are glad to e do a rp d attf- 4eath :' of a. brother, hold o rise will b�, appreciated by t1le pqb- say h is enjoyirr_; fa-' ly and as ai-tended by Miss Nottle. talned in t'r�le Scottish sty, `f 'been hand- whom 'be a -or many w Mr. P :good le and Jp 06bes. hai not get n Monday Cveniiigr next. tr Martin, of Toronto, who, waa (t mamner that left ., . M. Steet, -of the Pietbn Tines, and lic as lack of a ri'nk has hoalth &gain.—Wesley Pepper, Of' I I The -first Consideration In buying f ur' Yloam, This brothr, it 110tuing flo 'be seems, `"I- 'Mr. George St e C somely ttlr-ed7 in cream voil over desired in �,IiO way' of cot, f-. Sa inaw, both kce.dly felt for the past two win- -,Ltm,btoni was a vis t r h r We guarantee led all ILis P-r01)0rtY to an.,East In- - I . r - bounty aaffi� Mr. A. Armstr4g, of old -Eiposit tors. for a. few.days this nk, while, genn'0 -bospitalitF,.V, than Ra.�ah. or boys-, -were. 1wre over -week with his _4e . n=4 Is op and Saskatchow ber �6f But t lie. Rajah person- 'harviest commence& ry and vil-I Sanday. 'They came: to aftnd the parents.—The ice tanlo`Y, -groomsman; The de- thir ODUnt' ago, 'Robta to the beat -q4sllby thab ally deoidd thst be �bould not k6qp 'week. Th looratipna were si'lax and carna- frivand p and it
uy. 'Our prices,* quality th mai,&y -and took (ilie'-pains to funeral -of their father, Mr. Jrhn i�The Town. Couno'cil.—A .-meot' f e qualfty is extra good W014d have done roney can b Lnb- 0 tl(ws. The bri;de 1110axI god f the Inost et considered, are the lowest. Stef .—Igiss Clar, Pickqrd is vistvt- Vie town council was hod on Thura� this ly"r.—Percy Richards is home, carried a beauttiful 114-ve; Mr. Taylor 'located and boqqut of 'white -r�oses. nd Iii - 6f ing I�Vr Aunt, Mrs. Xorphy, d�y evenin- , -of last week. - Mx. F. from Tqr.onto,-nNVm. C. Thonip,3on! df Lqn..., . 9 8006hman h ear the good *I*-, both his good find b, d f orlt.0 ne. lisas bv� 4 the valle . After tb -caremo tp Aa rty "ars ao Wihi o.—Tho -at 1om-06 given, by tho taa-' 11blmested a meni- visitinx with W1 pitrents nr wM ISOngs, see the is ani Taylor,the P j� potformd all, proceeded Ito the din- And other daWea and SRODERJOK 'S vii i(ys igifild of St. Thiom'as' church wa,�, ber of the Publie'Library Board and here, Jos. nd Mr& Thompi�3n, dur- qeneral Vol brotber of "the Pa-sadenfi man,.' was oheor. IT 4� 6. - I � quite ,a, r�ucoels,s`. consideri the past'week. Mr. Thompson 'ng r'Wm whe-rk ta teinfftln he hagi.-gis al ftego j%hop 0gdT14]3100k sexit by the n -the b d Mr. Wm, Sclater a member of the lng wed- Gvxr of .'6reat Welat'lier and the raay social crepts Board ot Healtb. A re quest froin has, been a. resident f ding diner. was partaken or The MI -41 MoLaren thoroughly Ano Britain to India as a tUtoK lef 0 to be ISEA -ORTH. dren - oi the, nat'im rule��Ils farwly., hCliAkOO t p for )chil- W'agham for iappy u 't, to tional amd an,. xce!1.1e0t cook and
F on'*for that might.—Snow shooingr is soyeral rate-p�yo_rs;- asking thei couh- a nuber. f Years, but has now I r co ple talm the t i�f ial-1- that a lea__
01 to ply wa on t;lp Frm fh of, his popular oiitdoor amusidmenit lhis ''I tWr a t t he, stock gone to Toronto$ where tie has se- rain bn a bonibymb ter having been Elul) , Position.—'- Dixw dn - Old 611PPer, t�n4 so,plaasant'
-MUS d0ath William wl 'Terred cured _d Toron-
ater, many parties, yrda at the rallway, was ro to 109'erspil. Burliorton an
ITay -roma'n'e" M" 11ch eil5oyed.—Miss. Edna to and will be at b9me to receivet oa t1lat land pd 1,-theto throu:Z)i fa- -Pickard, t tho property ecPM-mibtee, VNqt11 in- Virginia 'J� whil bo played in the ton thO hOurs.Pass awa tbo� ZC-,* . " . I Marc -If ist- The beautiful array of %=a' hours W, rendered delightful vilin solo pn ritruetion;s to 'have the work done hall 1:6ro Ion Saturday evening of reaphed tim royal house- 'n n thel next W�e f PreseAts testified to tho h' h es- the CIO)n�#Ar vors -,4how -ovidig the -cost, does ot exceed could re tther Nefbodist church last Sunday pr week, David' teem -in 19 411i7
hold be �r,�d I y Walk I amitssed his for- 'blob tLo bride j3 held. The of Xr. and IKM f IVII-S Doei ul eveniNg.—Mrs. F. G..: Noclim is not $75. The cerk W' r. 6tlfl line, Xorris, dispo,sp w the wiiii a --more to enliv.1 holidays th tune. Before h! rYdcath the Engtish as , instroted to 0, grcLom's preseat to the.�brideqraa* an, lle - able 'to 'be out,—Mrx'4, Peters, of advxirtise in the local, papers, asking fine 1,00 cre farm. to -Xr. J. Smith., id XnAUY frknds t
t the.Y may be spw plabo'. orgkil, t'utOT mado`- a will in which hex, -be- was a beautiful digne't ana to od 0 telebrat Gode -for the posit�ion of wh0 rftenfly roturned from a it gramaphone or'any musiold instrament (tu'Ofttbeld all his, earthly posse rich 'rytTCC, 'suffered a relapse for aPplicatios. M h o V=r6 sury Ia-,t -week and wa.9 vcry much worse. policemn and Misses. IQlara, Erwin, Josie Galbridh, PlOaSAAC . . . . . . . m M 'oollootor. at � a ba. Mbo purchase price was $10,000, i0q.—mBs
00 all -round, enjoyable fd-the Rajah, who% fathr I's i.. d"odd, of Winipg, is fl)e ary lof $350, haurs from 7 a. m. to *hich included a t Present you can sug"art the so oan Of and Ruby, Wh!ddem,.%vhD.a.tto.nde.d' and Xis� th, f Lu are spend -w- f bad boeP ki-AN t -him iduTing' the -tables each a fanoy stip 149 a v0e�k 4or So W.t. .1 I or MX
-40ur otook of. pNnoi, Zrqa�e 'and grams- hLR life tixne. ut the -customs of, I u,; 4- , 1it watchma, at Mr. Walker will probably ren I
-of Mrs. T. F. - Colemdfi. this 9 p. m. also! f' wve to k pin. Thie- following vere amo, Phone@ is -cot*.ete. —bir. and Mrs. G. E. Parkes a salary of $250, hours from 9 p. m * -town.—A number of Bruswlits az the at the =ans-6_AfX. 3D �3few4Lr SPecial terms till 010 tribes ot the Ga Jam-distriet a Wm. 'Camp- of Manit t0ndd the edding, in Grey town- of Xr� Roberil January tilt: peculiar t' 'd MP_ssrs. - Walker, SZ'cpbens. and to 6 a. m., applicatians to be in b.7' aj.uCICts: Mr. and Mrs. b4 son 0 themseve�& Tber bell, Blyth. - Mr, *Sterling McPhil Sto-art'af TU.zk,6 Music books, song -and dance folios,& big rulers in' Killoran were in Goderieb Friday cv- the. 13th -of February. Mr. R. .8. shil), of Aliss Ella Gram, daughter rsmith, is viswD9, a -Y mikke' gift -9 to others but. and Miss M�Phaii, Poxters Hill; Mr. b
I --just received,everythiag now and. nd a moo able ya was appro-inted. town Solicitor, -of Mr.'and Mrs. Malcolm Lamont, to 15 ParJeiafQ nd fFiendl in I his nQ16ffi-k atooL spent st enjoy, Ha
tA, must 'rw,t Acc t 14bem from n Mrs. Dr. 93tanbury,-INIr. and M borhood.'—krs. A. Mu _f y and rs. big llto6K of sheet musio, -Y Millo,y, of Garafraxa IT W. rdock, JArs. J,.'
bright. six.), a 10rei evnin "Lack : Kenned 0 per ear. Aftor 'Mr. ames
gners of hu-mi"be, stat,ion in and 503 lines at 3 for. IiA,. Ad-t�ia fact was -con Mis, Kay rcriurned from Troato, accufits to the am Av ip, on Wednesday aftdi-noon Erv�in, r. and Mrs Xohu regular 25c, 3,5 me ou t of to �nsh WeismiMr Miss McAllister and3fta vyed &gli, Mr. jand a-Irs. Alc R5o. -t 0 'Saturday. — Scar�'Iet t —An- s Neil, M Scott very pleas4,nti tichard,� TVIor, of Paisadepa, who - fever is, qui to- *nD, th council adjourned until. las - & smbly was given in the rs. y entertained 9 inger or Now Williams sew prvalnt in town.—Miss. P�ters, 'TiTodqy'eveni rii;. town hall *n Thurs�L Armstrong, 'Miss Minnie Armstrong larTe ds fug inichine .i�drnitt-ed W- ag�, evening of mber ot their village frien A Tepresotativa of Tb verv, uneful "and aocept%ble '01 daughter' of Col. Peters, Miss Bertha Armstrong Mr. u nd Miss —Th council met on Monday e�- f Ills w.(,.(,k. 'The &Otig`s_�_Of the- X011day evening, nd in Miller's ha I I on Start 'hat this �gtpy,, is tru, Mr. Mrs. Jmes Campbell an Miss 3A. last, prompt. Headquarters :dor .11olnihn, of London, spent Sunday in oning lastt. Dr. H. H. Ross was p- East Ifurion Farmers' Institute will Tftost_�Cnio able time gooct Taylor left for TAdia a�bouL. tle Sodfortb, the Campbell, Stanley. was 9 icer. uest of their auidt.— pointed medi-cal -health offi Mr. bD 31ld in the town hall, Brussels, 61 t.—Miss Gi
needles -and. oil. iniddle o,r J.anury. 'r -es, who was e tin 'ber. Mrs. hn McIntosh, of London,was Wm. Smitly resigned his office of on Frida fternoon and e_v�nig of ;fox 4a number. of IInn
ags '%V- he d Rodgervffle. Mr. liere this -week.—The friends fenoe viewer and Mr. SLdney. JoIlAs this meotii ill b I in aad )brs.� 'VV,. j. Wit Gr M. Baldwn & 0019 -A Stanto Marriage.—On Tih ur5o y of, S. W. ()�dy 'Wr<)xv-ter the following -d-ay.—This was rappointd in his place. The Golden Weddi,-, Oil Deeenibex 28, returned to Toronto 14-st (1v(1ni119,.Januqry 26, -Mapl(j SEAFORTH. learn of 1is serious and following motion and mndment eek Wm. Backer, ho recdtly re- 3"Ar- aqO Mrs. Alfr�d McTaXgrart*ceI- Mrnival 1184'lire M)r,. and -rg. this am es [hit wIll bve pleased to him. a- were f irst Of thD seson, was lar,;,el at- submitte4: That whereas turn-Ld from-, Washirig�o Terri- ebrated 'the fiftieth anniv ry of y "N_aS the cne of a Y?<) U n:a tory, purchased t be bu their weddin, W"S a9min soon.—Mr. Wm. Qdut- 'th prevailin*g opinon appears to be tcher business g at tile home- of ilitir, tenlld nd Wry good. A "port as I)rttty -v�cdding,,%vben their. dau.-rhtor hill, -of' Mcf-cillop, whilx_� -in to-wn on that tht -esti ates -of valuatian on f rom Mr.- Wm. Reffron, of this, town, Thous im! son, Milton, London road. _,11 to th rhara�ter and prizes wiJ1 ba, Wo Ala R., ws united in marri oSaturday lost from. .1ii nockot aroll Elotric Li-rht Plant ar-e- to aild will take possessin nAt- thw�eather was stormy a given in neit uy-dni AX7: It - I. inurdook, 'o High Rl Ver, of bills contaiing $18. Th finder t10 council deem it unwise'to kersub- djy Mr. Baeker is ' first-class but- large number f relatives assem- and Mrs. F. MbTaggart, Gf Whilte- 11b,erta, and eldest -Son of Mr. WIM. would do a good -acL by returnin,4 it mit the Electri Light by-law 'to thp, che�, -and we hve no doubt he will bled to join in the festive mcaSion: woo,(L who have been spendin Goodl M a e,rl' a I -of th seoond concessWn tot ho owner.—The many f riendzy- of rathe-payers Tithout f ir'st asmr- hold his shara o� the trade.—On Wed- and to congratulat the' atilent bri -de time. visibing -at the farmer,s home-,'- StZinley.4 At -;ix -o'clock as Ilic Nved- Mr. Harry Town r leased - to see baining conblusively whe-Lber the uwid4y, �of last,week, J. Croft, fore- grooL bri P m nd -his. estimable de. nd011 road, Itl"t hero on Thursdayi —IN ALL OUR ding march iras eij1.pIa"di-'btv -TLyliss 1iim. out again 'after his recet se- plant is worth the price stated. or MoTaggart et- ng, 'ATr.. M*Tazgart' to tako man of the knitting depaTtment of X r. and marni Gt,;ico, yaun-g6at jsiateT of 'vre. - iflness._`Two r ., inks of curlers � vioe-versa. We therdore spgest Bruv-sels Woollen Mill, was united tied f if ty yers ago on �Weir . bush charg�6 of his school in White-VVOOU 0 ihe- groom. thp.:jpretty bride ih Stratford on Monday, and and propose to the Electric Light in mrriago lo Miss Gram Turner, farm on the 14th con�ession, of: Hib- and Mr�s- lVeTaggart1for Bo ed in or.�,am cro�e-de,46hcjr�o trimmed 'playtd ,N.,it11 Stratford in the On- ODM'Pany that the council procUc -at Alton, Ont. Mr. and Mr�,.. Croft bert. Thirty -years agro, they'moved V1110, 19elvill and,&Iir poififs-whexe;1 with whit silk and cbWo.n.a.nd car- tario Tankard seris,. but lost by one Iiiare taken up their residence- n to tho London Road, an- she I ryig a lar, whatever expert or experts aeces- d settled on Vill vis! frJends unul spriaZ. IZTVr-1 vfi n nrrifn ro boquet of walite car- Q1 t Th i - is -n ?1dr*11 4. J. I i� It A-0 X --�, . I %J , un ,, LOWASUIP V1 Xlay, nat ions, entered 1- i 14-00 � S110W- Sary Lo. aid them. in deteri 1n1jftL;,V' -nP- Mr., rred = agrgart viit- th T e room. oonsUered that our above, and -that the Electric Light , Annual Meeting.—The annual con- I where thy resieA until four years kd frionlds ini last wtek.—Air. FRAMED. an the arm of her fth4r ai�d undp`r' plavers have hail no chance to prau- Company permit the'said expert or groga'fional meeting of tfelville ago, when they moved to thei' L I I Le ,in roh of evo_r3reens dtbed �%�ith' ti ' r pres- .- cL%Ona-ld of Niaaa. is vis1t1mg 'Prs,byterian' church was hold on ent -residence in the villaze, of his sistor. �frs. R. CKS 0 N 8 R 0 8, 8 Ae for two se,asons, The, rinks were experts to- re-inspeet fully the said I lr%lite fillies, tho- ceremon wasi)tr- composed of John Bea t tie Wm. Die- plant a-ud. estimates, and, -in case it is Rodgerville. Tb--ough the�y, have had Hens01. Monday evening last. Tbe, reports Farm#