The Huron Expositor, 1905-02-03, Page 6f
MtARMS FO% $OL -Rare bargain} In farms la
tire Toy/midi* of Mullett, Morris, ainl Wows.'
atieb.County of Maw, Inquire:0A moo. Whl
OAISPARLL, Olyine Out. 1774-lif
1' 1W FOR SAM, adj lane the Village ei Exoter,
Iday townehip 160 eciere with 's goof barn on
lt and rienty ef w• ter. F3/ further partikeilars
spply tot. O'Neil, Exetcr. tint, Easy tome.
wiehleg te buy, ()real TWinnipog. city
2.eptoperty or lam lands in thn Province of
151,kice_itblee or the Territeriela your correspemdenee
wird3 us is ealcited, anti SU blforreation elven.
Pienne imilon or addr3n11411.4 frAlilDSBOtioUGli
se; Main street, Wina
nipeg Moiniotobet la8041
88 then Ve000 will buy Lot 83; COneeind;U. 7,
1.4 MeKigop. This farm octane 100 aorelof
good bin's', halo or. it bank harn 8444 het, wide
tint no stebling Alio a creed teroomed brick •
Immo, otobard,,e good water, deo It elx miles
from Sean:nth And 1 miles from Censtrance eost
oMe . Possession given at mei. Apply to Whl. ti.
BLAN81.1400 or g, 1NQULEY1 Eleatorth.
e WARM FOR SALE, --For sale, -Lot 21, Leaden
Reed, Stanley, containing 100 aeres, PS Iwyef
cleared, the'batenoe is good hArdwood timber. /he
term is well node:drained and well fenced, and le
good condition in every parlioulai. This Is an ex.
*tient fermi no better to the township. It is five
tales from Clinton and talkie from 'Brucafteid.
win be sokl on reasonaole %rule al the proprlutnr-
11 in
the implement kashmir,. Apply ta
TOMfeINSON, Bruoefield. ' 1924-U
enIARld FOR RALE, --In the townehip of Usborne,
beteg Lon 18,0oneessioe 2. COoeletIng ot.. he
'beet 100 oresofland in the township, well fenced
sued In goOdestete ot Cultivation. Good brick hotter
aodfreme been, convenient to sohool, church and
enerket, being obTY-2 tales from Exeter. Fot fur
thee pertioulaiis epply, to D C. soINNES, Mestere
or THOS. 41100INS, executors of the estate of B 1.
Milne, deceased, or to OLADMAN mSUNBURY,
fialatots, Exeter.
see eRit FOR EIALIV-Being lot 82, eenCeselen
MeRillop, coot John( 00 sores. There are
•oe the premises a bank barn, silo, hay born and
implement hitter, and. Mete 1 amp:frame direillnip
Theism Wwell fended and undertimined and in a
400 state of cultivation. For tern* and- pulloul.
ars spply to Seafortb P 0. The term muse I* sold
sotto, ptoprietor h going west. JOHN 2. SPROAr.
196-4 •
WARN FOR SALE -The undersigned °Reit for
r •Eale the valuable farm oeneitting of 150 .orae,
'being cat e2, conoesion 8, o'id north WE of lot 21,
cebeeon 4, of the toe/noble of Stanley. Tne farm
4sthree miles from Braetfield and five mile, from
Clinton, On the premises are a good :risme holm,
*Urge frame barn with stone stabling underneath,
dtiving abed and. pig pen. Tins term bar plenty
of water, a geed hindwo d been and an orehard,
The eon 14 clay, and Wane Apply to Mrs.
CAMPRELL, on tho promises or Bruoefield P. re.
Inin OUSE AND LOTS FOR SALE. -For sae, brick
jut "loosened 2 lots to fleatorth. One lot' items
AM North Plain Street and the_ottur on West Win
Ulm Street. The hoise Is It comfortable brlok
=hags etencoataine 8 bedrooms dining room Mt.
Meg oomtd kitchen, whit good railer made; tbe
?' whole house. Herd and soh water in the house.
Tbeea is sl.o a good ',Gbh} and driving shed All of fruit on the lot. Apply to J. Li ALLAN,
Landeebora, or to .0 W. ATKlefiON, Seaforth.
Ettirrit Uri seine FOR s ALE -For sale cheep,
.311 rhot beautify." fartn lithe township of llelCil.
lop. kubwise " Tee alaelits." (facetted one end a
tau teen-1101th ofeatorth, The 'faun contable
nue hundied aeree of 11u. choicest 1'01. There is &
,brark barn. I we flame housewith beautiful large
rooms, gcod water a oreek' run Wm through the
131111. ,Crood orehard and vineyird; all under Ain
tiveden and wen duined The eitultioe is excel-
lent, near enuotry eahcei•and near Obllogla e 10.
Istituto- It la an ide vl country hone. Immediete
•p0e.ferielon. Apply to 00VENLO0K,,, en -forth
1922 -id
Nee two 1-tofy .frame neuse, ettnent block
. -foundation, °obtains • :trier, slut er ream. dining.
4 room, kltenen with bard and soft water and other
conveniences, fzur bedroomwith closets beta,
room. and halls, elentrio WIC09 thrOUghlUD aad heat -
el b furneee. Cellar -with centeat fbore, astern, bine, trait. helves and outuide e'er:note. The
house is d-rn in di sten and le floisbcid with
hardwood ebel hese veranda 12 feet wide; It ie
Wile on °nee( tee finest lots In town and will te
add reaionatiy. Apply to 11AliltY EDGE, Sen.
edit, Ontario. 193147
-Bedig West .pert, of Gots I and 2, Concesse'
ion Se le R. S., TueliersznIth. Go 3d concrete, 11
/vowed 44x28, with kUolien, W00(131104 4110
buggy hOn e attadhed. There is anew ,bank barn
138x36, with e nig extending ti, the south, 24 feet.
Also trick arched roothouse, 40 fees lang, under
-gangway. All buildings in good repair. Orchard
eat:tali e two anct a half acne of choice winter fruit.
There are two never failing Wt lie, 5 intros of bush.
This farm lain 4 good rt4te of cultivation, well
1 enced and "Undo -drained, eituated 2 miles from the
klimeall. For further .particulare apply
Tuoa14s ichlttNICE, Hensall, Oaten°. 18984f
VIARM FOR 11AL,.-Lo i it, Coneepelon 8, fiut.
j: lett, coettinieg 100 acres of landell cleared.
and in fine condition. It le at prosebt all steeled to
grass and in creed ehepe either sor hay, pAsture or ,
cropping. There is a comfortable frame house with
summer kitehee atitieheiltwo barns, one 84 x60
feet and the other 80 x 60 feet, and other ut null&
lege This elan is situated nine miles from Sea.
forth, HaVell and one half miles from Clinten and
Inez one iu!to end a quarter from the village el
Milburn, where thee.: Are t IVA gOneril Ogg?, to
biatkemith shove, pnt -fa.e ana sehi. This farm
h wed eituated and all, be sold cheap Oa the pro-
prietor is anxious to eell. Per farther partionlare
apply to R. 8. HAYS, tweeter, Seatorth, or on ohe
prnmincet witmAu azrou, Uhiselhuret, out.
1905-tf •
LIARell FOB, SALE-Fot sale on reasonable terms
II: lee 'term of the endereigned on the North
gravel oad, efeRillopa rade north of SeafOrth,
It contalue 175 Marta all clearel except aboat ten
acre& It is well -eerier &aloe& well fenced and In
a high state ot cedtivatien. There- ht a fine two
atone; brick house, bank bents end other neoeseiry
outbalklings.}, There Is a flowing epringelese te} the
bsnldt ge. A large orohard of bholoe fruit and
- 'bout Iwo &Oen of a vinery. Thie to one of the
timid -et fermiLo inurort and _there is not a foot) of
weete land on it. Is in all seeded to. goose except
about CO acres. There aro ten aeon ii4vin to Lail
wheat and the fall rlowing done. Apply to the pto.
prteter, Seeiorth, ROBERT titiVENLOOK.
t I
1020. I
jinnee You to Meet A.5 the Bride Of: Clarlet
Your Cry' Shoufd Be: "Lead
SaVicari Lead OW Even Nnw- We May
vitas' the liVecicling Chimes Jr:dozing Ivor
' 'the Muletlah of Woven.
Miteng r' d Ancordito Act of Perham on t of (Jan-
oda. in the vier 1906, by Frederick Diver, of
Ter :meat the Dep'e. of aehoulture, On eWa,
-Los AngeleS, Cala Jeri, .294 --,-From .
an haeldentai reference to an ancient
Oriental marria,go eustant-the preach-
er in this eiernion draws: lessons ap-
plicable te modern life„ The text ie
Pselia" xiv, 8,, '4All thy earments .
smell of myrrh and aloes fuel cassia
out of the ivory palciees.". ' •
- The marriage beild' are". chimieg,
The glorious robes Of a kingly bride;
groom ,and of his 'beide,the daught-
er of ti. queen; and the garments of
her *hay bridesmaids are rustling e
Royal Jewels are hashing.' The most;
elkiliftde Of MUSICiallS Are playing. '
And as the "Wedding mareh" sounds
forth -theeinarriage procession is ale-
proaching the king's throne room
over boulevards of gold, The nuni-
lberless inhabitants of the metropcIlis
of the. universe, with its walls of
itegeier and its gates of pearl and its
palaces of spotless ivory, aro making
the welkin ring with. halleiniatis of
never 'ending joy.- The .banqueting
helm' is prepared - with Use wedding
.supper for'the coming guests, for the
Divine Bridegroom of my text is
bringing. his queenly bride to her
place at. ,his side, over which bangs -
the banner that his hands • have
placed ' there, the beener of love.
Never on. eerth dor in heaven hag
been eeen and never shall be witness-
ed a wedding: proceskion like unto.
this, Gorgeousness infinite, wealth
and power - unlimited, spieled& And
magnificence .passing all understand-
ing, will there be.manifested- on eirery
hand.. -, • .
Earth has beheld some wonderful
wedding pageants.' When the present
Em-peror Wiliiiiin of Gerillany was
married to, the beautiful Princess Au-
gusta, Victoria the representatives of
all the civi lized a' overnments of the
earth. were there. _ Among Beetle's
geteets at that time wore. the king
and Queen -of. SaXany, ' the 'Grand
DOice•Ateets of 'Russia, Crown.Pripee
Rudolph of Austria, the Crown
Prince of .Sweden, the present king.
Of England,' the late Duke of AoSte,
of Italy -and scores of other notables.
The young . hridegrooni came from.
Potsdam, at _the head of his gigantic
feet guards- to meet :his bride. Ce
the: day of the ceremony, the homes
and -the etores end the public build- '
ings were dec.orated. When the nup-
tial vows were taken the 'cheers of
the people who crowded the sereets
about the Royal Palaces echoed the
thirty-six salvos ol. artillery which
thundered the news to the world that
Prince William and Princess Augusta
'Victoria were one.
When Napoleon HI. in 3.853 rode tei
the Cathedral or Notre Dame to be
united in marrieege with Eugenie, 'the
most beautiful %female in .Europe, the
Progress was one continuoue ovation
Seated in the wonderful glaes coach
that had been built for the coronae
tion of his illustrious uncle, tlicelten
peror paseea through long lines. of
11;s entheelasiiii . subjects, who rent
the air with their vives. .When -the
young Queen of England became the
bride of Prince A ibe et ie the Roy a 1
Chapel of St. James - .nothing that
the money, tile nealth . and the love
sif it llativll could do to make the
a-edding me:mosey irnatesSiva ahd.Joet.
Otis was Mt undone,
,lkromprahle in , the annal of the
world- aro such spectacles; in which
all that huneen ingenuity could eon -
Mien has• been done to render • the
nuptials of . the rulers Of nations '
ecehes of overwhelming magnificence.
But the culmination has yet to come
-not here, but, in that Atoll 0'0s e calm\
in- which the Lord of Hosts has set
his theme,. The marriage of. the
Lamb wilt be the grandest and most
glorious ut all unions, when Christ
takes to hileself his church, which he
has redeemed with his preciousb0
a glorious church, not having.1sodt
or wrinkle or any steel, thing, holy
and without bhenish."
If You Want to
Buy a Farm
Dueness or- residence, .00neelt US
°Ur at ns before making ae1eoic.
We bairn n !ergo liat of properties, ma
of them aro extra good vela° at
priet asked, We can savei you ti
money and worry if yea will &lbw *ie
to armlet} you in making a selection.
Let us kriow your Wants, or get citer
etetaltneue-it coats you nothing.
London, Canada.
R. S. HAYS, Agent, SeafOrth
E. S. PHILLIPS. Agent -
Del&entures for Sale.
Offere 'Slit he received fat the Clork'sp nice, Scia.-
firth, op tin noon 1tIbruf4ry Nit Ilex , for 142,404) Deltetetures, payable 10 fifteee
yeens, intereit 41, _pka, cont., pgyab.o yearly. The
hicobese or any teuder not weeds wl!5 accepted. TO
' detien1acc5 art- WO tenth. •
Uo Breakfast Table
complete without
.Aa admirable food, with all 1
ita natural qualities intact,
atted to build up and maintain
robust health, and to ret
winter's elxtreme cold.' It is
a valuable diet for children.
ost Nutrition;
Human iiaagination fails to con-
ceive of a sp•eeleiele so glorious. Let
us instead of dwelling on the mar-
SC4,11e take but one ecletail of
its • beauty, the w/enderful garments
with Which the Divine Bridegroom is
.to (be rob.1 on that glorious oc-
casion. Tip, psalmist mentions them
in the words of my text'. They are
wedding - velies that have the aroma
of myrrk and aloes and cassia. Let
us try to describe them and to learn.
a few praetical goaliel lessons from
The royee relies of the Divine Bride-
groom will ie. the most, expensive -of
all ge.rtnenne. Costly wa8 the wed-
ding *amen.' of Louis XIV., which he
wore whoa be was. merrier] 1, r j
By the time Miss L. L. Ranson,'
Waterside, N. B., had taken
' Three Boxes . of MILBURN'S
She Was Completely Cured.
She writes ?is ELS f0110V78 :--
kt " Gentlernen,-1 Lan!eflitt 171 Lduti• to i excl.
prponiss t,?i,rbouurtntiee b
' Ine°1,11rt and Nveerve°rP1v11.139.
1 year ago last spring I begin to have
eart failure. A.t firet I would have to
fit oplworldng, and Ho down for a while.
I ithein got so bad that I bed to give up
altogether and go to bed.. I had several
doetore to attend rue, but they did me
no gbod. I got no relief until urged by
a friend to try Milburn's Efeaet and
Nerve PIN. I sent to the store for a
box, and by the time I had taken three-
quarters of it I begau to got relief, and
by the time I had taken tiu.eo boxes
I was completely cured. I feel- very
grateful to your medicine for whet it
hes done for inc.-Miss L. L. EttaNSON,
Waterside; 14.1.1."
Price GO cents per box, or 9 for ;M.
All Dealer.; or
Tan T. litlienneee Co, r.ernirrMD ,
Toronto, Ori.
•10. •-a •
Utft 41 •
the aloes and cassia hall preserve
Ve advise everybody to tIse Sunlight Soap-
It makes ,Child's play of work,
We have used 'Sunlight _Soap," and we :yrariWo tell you that
it is the best soap made, that's why We are writing. We found out
that the Sunlight way, is the best way to wash v;ith "Sunlight Soap."
At first we used to wash with Sunlight Soap in the old way as we
did with common soap, but after We washed according to directions
printed on the package, We would never wash the old way again. We
first soap the articles, leave them to soak and then rob out lightly on the
wash board. Not much to. do and it makes the clothes white as snow.
Sunaght Soap washes the dollies wlilie and won't itOre the /lands.
Theresa of. b, ain; of Prince Ferdh
and wh.en he stood by the -side. of in
bride, 'sideline, of Castile, of th
dauphin of' :ilorance who,, -as Prime
Francis, married. the beautiful Mars
Queen of Scots; of Emperon Nichola
who in, 1894 gave his heart an
hand- in marriage to the •beigutifii
Princess Aiia of Hesse; Of Na.1,3eleo
Donapafte when in 181 he. wedde
Marie Louis.e, in the place; of the d
throned, and exiled Josephine. Du
the robes. ef the Heavenly, Bridegrom
will Surpese all these in their value
HOW 'do we ..knew? The -oriental im
agery. of the text signifies: it; Fin
and beautiful in' texture, they are t
be, perfumed with 'myrrh and aloe
aid cassia. out of ahe ivory paiacee.
Now, what gold and silver end pr
delis :stonen dreees , mean to th
ivestern mind myrrh riled aloes an
cassia i n a sense mean to the orien
tal 'mind, As I would sq, to you
'`lier drPf{a Won r)arizlna
jewels," the oriental, to depla
'stimptiihusness and expensiveness o
apparel, would say, hills 'garment
11 -
tomb or fabled .wateh or flowing gor-
O merits of deed eairithave such cur -
O Attlee qualities, spha al or phssiettl,
r, as vvill have the wed ing garments of
s Jesus Christ.
Row -do I know OM? The symbols
'of the mYerh. and the aloes and the
e cassia teach it. Tit jenyyrwrte,ecasalils used
ladsvicilirl,'11wY;it'C'er aeir au t hoc i t y, 'twee
u •-
e-. celebrated for its else in medicineS.
t, The ancients prepared a, ..sevirie of
n myrrh and also an -oil of myrrh, It
Was foetid as an ingredient in many
- of the helebrated compound medi-
c) eines." "Myrrh is especially of great
use," says anotheif author, "along
with aloetie medicines and com-
pounds" of iron." The medicinal qual-
e- ity' of aloes is defined in every dic-
e' tionary, and cassia was also used as
d a drug by the aneients. Thee when
- WO eteille in touch with. Christ's wed-
, ding garxnents Weo know that they
are going to heal all of our disease:4
and assuage all otn4 pains and be the
balm which' will take away every
$ ,heartache.
were aromatic: ivith _myrrh and aloes
and cassia." 'Myrrh was one of th
treaeurtee ofthe -oast, When the wise
mete eanni, to bow at the manger
who t eeperisive , prevents did they
bring? G old. and frankincense and
mi7rrh, These 03 u. sages would
not •hava oaCred to a, king a present
of myrrh unless ft hacilbeen of great
;value.. 'The (1]oe 01 Cochin-Chieh,"
%wrote Dr.,Faagsett, -"are worthtieir
weight in. gold," The value Of' Cassia
alai was enormous. elt was Used, as
Dr. MCChntock Warms us„ as ,an in-
gredient ,in the ctistlieethi unguents.
-When the . psalmist tells es . that
Christ's wedding gartnen ts smell of
myrrh and aloes and cassia we: knoi`v
that he Means ns to understaini now
Precious !-taiey will be.
• ,Let uS, consider, what makes them
precious, ri bey are the glory of out
Lord. He will wear them in joy -and
gratitude for the saerifices his people
have inade in his. cause. erhey are
going ta 'cost all the moneys we give
to our cherebes and to -our reforma-
tory institutions. We must 'give this
iieeney tee Christ hi robes. Ea hide ns
givo, :are going td g_D.Pt fill the
moneys we ethul to foreign miseione.
"Go teach ell men" la the Bible come
Mead. Not only hate sthey -cost
'money, but bleed,. They aro going to
ccist 411 1.11e. blood% of the martyrs
which lies been shed in the.past. Ab,
now the -wens° of those wedding
robes is ;Felling up. If the dead body
of ,a common ,laborer Slain by an ex-
press train* in :New York State is
worth $5,000, how Much must have,
:been the martyred blood of e
Paul, a, Peter, a stetephen, a Pale -carp
a Justin Martyr, a Sievonarola,, a
- an Elptsege, a Glleyel de
Muter, e John 'Copes; a •Lawrence
Sanders, a john :Harper, a Breboeuf,
a Lallermand aed of the thousands
and the tens. of thousande of Men aIldt
weenan slain by sword and Spear and
inettleax . or binned at the stake and
tortered with untold agonieh in
many ''Cha 1111)135 01' horrors?" od
alone .can know bow the value of
Cliriet's Wedding garments is inereas-
`But the stipreme element, in the co.t
of those wedding garments Is the
blood of Christ hiseself. It was, by
his own suffering and -death that he
won the .iight to wear them. Do you
.wonder that Isaiah Prophetic
vision he seethe wedding robe$ de-
scribes them by their color -the color
of the bloody sacrifice? • "Who is
this," Cnied he, hthat cometh frone
Edoim with dyed garmente front Doe-
rah----thiS that. is glorious in his
appahel? Wherefore art thou red
in thine Etta -pans' and thy gar-
ments • like • him that treadetie
in the wine vat?:'
Ah, my
friends, I am glad to-diy we can talk.
n bout the royal nrianson and not the
royal purple of dhrist's, wedding gar-
ments. I am glad that evnn in heav-
en, when looking upon the Divine face
of Jeses, wo Shall not bo allowed for
one moment to (beget the enormous
cost in money nett blood of the mar-
riaTen robes in which Christ will be
Clad as the bridegnoom when hetakes
the church ete his bride in eternal
nuptials. Am 1 Milne- lx1yond my
right in declaring: that Christie wed-
ding roaes are to- be the most ex- .
Di.';1115lij,1"d°rIawgianig'inerinctiSa; to the Di vine
Bridegroom, I find that Christ'swed-
dime robes have aX wonderfulleuri
quality. -
ative ality. Their teueh is like
cool hend upOn the fevered brow.
Oh.„ sea, they are more than that.
Their touch gives spiritual and phy-
sical healing, • It is like the healing
power of 'Christ's earthly , robe when
the • border of it waS pressed just an
instant by the fore -finger of the poor
woman who had an issue of blood for
twelve *years. No sooner did her flesh
come in Contact with its folds then
immediately "the woman was mach'
whole from that hour." We have
read how the ancient devotees used
to avel, many hellos to be cured of
their physical paias at ithie tomb of
t the "heal -
or by the
• I
But have the royal robes of Christ
e no higher purpose thaa the mere pr
vention of -pain ori of heartacehes?
, that be an the effleacy of these we
• ding garments of the Divine Bride.:
g.noom, then ,say let -me-have my
• pain and heartaches. There is some -
tires a joy in suffering. There, is
.sometimes peace !in pain. As Ten-
nyson writes, "It is better to have
loved and lost then, never to have
loved at all." That -weddieg ring up-
on your ,hand -would you wish. never
to havo had it placed there? It may
be naanY Years age since 'the hand
that put it upon yaur finger wile laid
inhthe grave. Would you like to blot
out all, the- memories you have had
with that earthly ] life'? "Oh, no,"
you answer. "No, not My joy to -day
is in. livinghin the beautiful halls of
aleatory and in thinking over again
all the happy days we spent togeth-
er. :1; would sooneri have had a dtar
husband as he wile and. have - had*
-him taken away:Urea never to have
known what the .cienipanionshipe of
such a hasband meant to a wife." If
you have an incurable physical pain
*Ma ybu have the, phySician Fi
to you an opiate deaden' your
sensibilities' and yoer mind. for years
- to come? "Oh, no," you answer,
"then I Would be nothing more than
a hibernating. creathre or a log or a
stone, Better my thinking mind -with
pain than continual unconsciousness
, without paha"' Well, then, the wed-
. ding robes of Christ must do more
for us than 'merely' alleviate suffer-
ing, else we would want, none of
them, would not :wish to live a
thousand years on earth if 'to do it
weuld have to endure the mere
animal existence of an Australian
aborigine, even thotiet then I might
not know physical or mental suffer-,
Thus come to the climax of my
.subject. The royal robes of Christ
give to us .a positive assurance that
the inarriage cerefneny of the Di-
vine Bridegroom and of the church,
his bride, et beginning of
never ending joy, not the mere end
o sorrow or pain or suffering or
death. Prove this, you say. I will.
"Ho, Nicodenius," I cry, ''whither
Art thou going?• Friend, why is thy
countenance so sed? Why dost thou
hug to they side Usat great burden
of a hundred pound ,weight?I' At once
Nicodexims, the same Nicoclemus who
came to Jesus by night, looks up,
and see that his eyes are filled
with tears and his face drawn down
by a great sorrow. ! "1 am- going,"
says he, "with this ;hundred_ pound -
weight of myrrh and aloes to em-
balm the -body of Jesue Christ, who
has just been crucified. :We aretgoing
* to bury, the Saviour's body in the
tomb of Joseph of Arimathea. I wish
his body to be preserved by these
spices as long as possible." "What,
• Nicodemus, will these spices of myrrh
and aloes preserve the body of Je-
sus?" "Yes," answered tho ruler of
Ilia Jews, "they will. If you will ex-
aihine the mum flies . or
thausands- of years in tho Egyptian
teireibs you will find that these spices ;
were. the chief cause e of their pre-
eervation." Iterodotus, the "father
of history,? .nearly 500 years before 1
Christ was • crucifietL records that I
the Egyitians al *rap} preserved the ,
bodies- of their ,ilead with these
dpices. "They then fill the body with
powder Of myrrh and. aloes and cas-
sia and :other perfumes, except frank-
iiicentee h Thus we fiteld by thee° two
etatements thut thd wedding gar-
ments. Of Christ not Only have a cur-
ative,. hert also a preservative, qual-
ity. That means, carkying 'the figure
.up to ite acme of synnbol, that the
wedding garments of Christ will nev-
er fade' or grow old.
. No, they will never' become yellow
and worn, at aro some of the bridal
dresses . that were worn many years
ago. They will never be put aside as
useless. z The' weddings songs that we
shall ging at the marriage of the
Lamb shall never have an end. The
rapturous JO with which we greet
our dear ones on the other side of
th J a ?neer grow mono-
tonous. h. The loving kiss which the
Divine D-ridegroom places upon the*
lips of his bride shall never become
s- Lee-- ---i. rnt- - - -
St. Ann de tleatipre, ov
ing spring" of Lourdes
flowing robes. pf St L2ony, St.
Patrick er Ste ]3tit&-htit. never did
and increase joyi even as the wed-
ding garMent of Christ shall halt
and, cure and kiWsorrows, Oh, yes,
these wedding -robes of Christ are to
be aromatic robes, symbolical of nev-
er ending peace. The ever increasing
joy of earth Shall roll and swell and
continue to increase through all the
coining ages. "Hosanna, blessed is
the King of Israel that cometle in
the name of the Lordi -Hosanna!"
Froin whencome these airs ladele
with odor of the myrrh and the
aloes and the cassia of Christ's Wad-
ding garments? They COM° from the
"ivory palaces of heaven." Mark you
well my, answer. Not from on ivory
palace1 hut front many. That means
that when we as part of the church
are to be united to Christ we are
going to keep our own individuali-
- ties. Had my text said, "In the iv-
ory temple of heave's," I might have
had my doubts about it, but there
is no doubt hem,
BUt though there 'may he many
"ivory palaces" in heaven, odorous,
with the .inSrrrh and the aloes and;
the cessia,- I fear that some of usi.
who are invited to be at the We&
ding ceremony maye not be , present..
It is one thing to get an lavitation
to the marriage ceremony; itis ano-
ther to be there. She% we at this
moment say to our Divine Bride-
, groom: "Jesus, thou Prince, we will
not love thee; we will not unite
with thee; we shall not Thee with4
thee HI an ivory palace of heaven
since vse jiave not lived with thee.on
earth." Shall it be that all our dear
ones Who have gone beyond, who are
waiting to listen to, ouroeuptial vows
with Christ in the ivol.y palace of
heaven, shall have to wait for us in
Supposing' you refuse to meet the
Divine 13ridegroom at the marriage
altar of heaven, what Will Jesus do?
What will ,your loved ones, your
Wife and mother .and 'father and lit-
tle child, who have gone beyond -
what will they all do? Supposing.
when you were about to be mar -0
'led, your fiancee had' refused to ap-
pear. What NOtlid you have done?
"Oh," you say, "that was impos-
sible. She loved me too much not to
have ,inet me there." Can it be, 0
would be bride of Christ, that you
Rive Jesus any less than your loved
one loved yoti?
"Lead on, Saviour! Lead on! Even
now we may hear • ilhe wedding
chimes ringing for the !nuptials in
the ivory palaces of heaven.
To Treat a Feverish Horse.
If the horse has been standing in
the stable for some thne the fever-
ishness is very likely owing to liberal
feeding and lack of exercise. Feed
Jess grain and exercise daily.
mash made of linseed meal and bran
is good, the linseed 'being boiled to a
jelly and the bran added while hot,
two parts of bran to one of linseed
meal with a, little salt.
rrer, Me in Much to a, Town.
Good country roads arc not only
the life of the country they traverse,
but they mean the very Jife and pro-
gress of the town or, city into which
they centre. The poorest man in such
town or city, as well as the 'richest,
is. proportionately concerned and in-
terested in the good condition of the
roads leading halo it.
A Guaranteed Cure for Piles.
Itching, Blind, Bleeding or Pro-
truding` Piles. Druggists refund
money if Pa,zo Ointment fails -t9 cure
cany case, nomatter of bow; long
standing, in from 6 to 14 days. First
applioation gives, ease and rest. 50o.
11 your druggist hasn't it, send 50o.
ID stamps and it will .be forwarded
poet -paid by Paris - Medicine Co.,
lt. Louis, Mo., 1930-0 nis
0- -
-At II &cloak on election morn-
ing a C. P. R. snowplow ran into a
sleigh load of eiiiht vothrs,who were
being conveyed to the poll*rg placce,
near Sault Ste. Marie. One horse
was killed outright, and the others
were badly cut, but, while all of the
eight Merl were shaken up tonsieler-
ably, only , ono, Lewis Massey, re-
ceived an,y injuries. Two of his tei)is
were broken.
Stomach Troubles and
" Chambeeloie's Stomach and Liver
Tabletare the best thing for 3.1.01n-
ach troubles and constipation I have
ever sold," says J. R. 'Cullman, a
druggist, of Pottersville,
They are easy to take and always
-rive satisfaction, I tel). my custem-
ors to try them; and if not satisfac-
tory to come back and get their
moll.0Y, but have never had a tom -
plaint." For sale by Alex. Wilson,
druggiet, Settforth,.
Nally Women Suffer
Untold Agony From
Edney Trouble.
Very often they think it is from so-
called "female disease." There is le,
female trouble than they think. Women
suffer from backache, sleeplessness,
nervousness, irritability, and a dragging -
down feeling in the loins. So do men,
and they do not have "female trouble,"
Why, then, blame all your trouble to
female disease? With healthy kidneys,
few women wilt ever Lave "feinele dis-
orders." The kidneys are so closely con-
nected with all the internal organs, that
when the kidneys go wrong, everythins
goes wrong. Much distress would be
saved if women would only take
at stated intervals.
Miss Nellie Clark, Lambeth, Ont., tells
of her cure in tlae following words :-"I
suffered for about two years with kidney
trouble. I ached all over, especially in
the small of my back; not being able to/
sleep well, no appetite, menstruation
irregular, nervous irritability, and brick -
dust deposit in urine, were some of my
symptoms. I took Doanis Kidney Pills.
The pain in my back gradudly left xne,
my appetite returned, I sleep well, and
am effectually cured. I can highly
recommend Doan's Kidney Pills to all
sufferers from kidney trouble." t
Price J. cents per box, or 3 for $1.25.
All tiers, or DoAN XrDzig-stP Ce."
0 N
Because it is Econotnicai.
Red Rose Tea is composed ofwhatare known in the
trade as 'Thigh -grown" Ceylen and Indian teas. These
teas are grown at high altitudes on the mountain slopes,
where tho tea bushes grow- more slowly and are /nom
carefully cultivated than in the valleys, where. the climate -
is warm and humid:
High -grown tea is not only a finer quality, but cctn-
tains much more tea. juice or extract than valley -grown
Tliis can be easily proved by comparing a draw-
ing of Red Rose v,fith any other tea. py doing so you
will find that a pound of Red Rose Tea will spend as far
as 114 to x 34 lbs. , of other teas.
The saving is most apparent in the Blue Label ant
better grades—buy a pound and make the test.
T. 11 ESTABROOKS, St. John it
air ale
Arby not stop this falltng of yourbsir? At this ratoyoil waist)**
be without any hair, Just remember that Han Hair Renewer
stops falling hair, and makes hair grow. If7lemtuinttrrit=1111"*.
.jkauty hi Furniture,
• +ii.e'eletelhreliieleliietei.ael-1.+++++++++
We invite attention to the mag.
nificent assortment of Fnrniture.
Our display is large. Sflections
at this store are made easy and
every taste gratified. We are giv-:
ing exceptional offerings -through
the entire store, .
gelel'ele14.4-+Seleteeet telisieleHeiseHelefe+
Ptimptly attended to night .or day.
BROADF0011 BOX & 00
S. 'T. HOLMES, 'Manager.
:ls* T
mterL Is Hei7e,
Perhaps it eatne before. yon were ready tor it .Bat
did your looking ahead. As a con3e1jence,
have on hand everything that can -b proe-
from the beat manufactmers.
Heavy Suiting, Heavy Underwear, f
Overcoating, Mitts; Gloves, Oaps. etc.'.
T.11 addition to these -vie hli,ve a full Ime of :Furnishings and ff. its. We make olotInno
:Lc:paws sfiry-i-as,
cB it?Ar GH
FLEXISII.E 8E.4701? 7
If yea intend building or improving
your buildings this eorning season, end
require first-elase-lumber and shinglee
for Oust purpose, briug 'along yeur
bill early and we will fill it for pia
With No. 1 0tock at a right priee.
vansilepurinedeeirosirgedannunitazde ontrelatirEit:irtyrItrit-tbei.dle
Soft. Rae 'Rea 'Ehn, Flee ieooi!, Ma
Betieb, Ash, Hemlock and Oak Lop
Delivered at the Seafertb Pew ere" stave Mill,
toeee eut an even kligtal.tMeePt '-..ft 1t1a Sof'
In be tat 11, 13 and fee . beBaeen
wm40 :rOe thading
bee tong, at tn150 enr rod, dePeee
brieh, SpOOW Warier tWd toeittm7
teeeenrement by
The hog is a machine to make pounds of pork. In raising hogs for
the market, the profit is rapid and. healthy growth. Feeding to SiUtpiy
sustain life makes you no profit. A food that will fatten your hogs .=
the shortest time, and with the least Waste, Le•the profit maker: To get
the most good out of its food, the hoe -'' must thorough/tr. digest and
assimilate it It is this assimilated food that makes the pounds of pork„
The addition. of Clydesdale Stock Food will enable it to do t. -K.4. It
creates an appetite for a full ration. Many farmers seem satisfied -
to let the hog "root" for itself. There is no better money maker
on the farm if given half a chance. Clydesdale Stock Food will en-
able you to get your hogs to the market at least thirty days sooner.
- this IS money. saved.- Mr, A. D.' McDonald, Jericho, Ont., says: "I fesd!-
it to six fattening hogs as a test and found the hogs that received
Clydesdale Stock Food made a decided gain over those that received
none." This is "WISE FEEDING." Don't neglect the ''-IIIINTS ",
they can be made to grow, and beitept growing, by using Clvdesdale
Stock Food. It will also keep your hogs an such healthy condition as
will enable thent to withstand Ilog Cholera the greatest menace to bog
raising. Keep your hogs and pens clean by using Carboline Antiseptic, -
as hogs thrive better when clean. If not satisfied after using, your money
will be cheerfully refunded by our dealers in your district namely :
, -s
Beattie Bros.,*Seaforth. Reuben Graham, Clinton. &mlie
J. Snider, Brucefield. •All. ien, nsall.
F. D. Hutchinson, Staffa, J. G. Moser, Myth.
.jkauty hi Furniture,
• +ii.e'eletelhreliieleliietei.ael-1.+++++++++
We invite attention to the mag.
nificent assortment of Fnrniture.
Our display is large. Sflections
at this store are made easy and
every taste gratified. We are giv-:
ing exceptional offerings -through
the entire store, .
gelel'ele14.4-+Seleteeet telisieleHeiseHelefe+
Ptimptly attended to night .or day.
BROADF0011 BOX & 00
S. 'T. HOLMES, 'Manager.
:ls* T
mterL Is Hei7e,
Perhaps it eatne before. yon were ready tor it .Bat
did your looking ahead. As a con3e1jence,
have on hand everything that can -b proe-
from the beat manufactmers.
Heavy Suiting, Heavy Underwear, f
Overcoating, Mitts; Gloves, Oaps. etc.'.
T.11 addition to these -vie hli,ve a full Ime of :Furnishings and ff. its. We make olotInno
:Lc:paws sfiry-i-as,
cB it?Ar GH
FLEXISII.E 8E.4701? 7
If yea intend building or improving
your buildings this eorning season, end
require first-elase-lumber and shinglee
for Oust purpose, briug 'along yeur
bill early and we will fill it for pia
With No. 1 0tock at a right priee.
vansilepurinedeeirosirgedannunitazde ontrelatirEit:irtyrItrit-tbei.dle
Soft. Rae 'Rea 'Ehn, Flee ieooi!, Ma
Betieb, Ash, Hemlock and Oak Lop
Delivered at the Seafertb Pew ere" stave Mill,
toeee eut an even kligtal.tMeePt '-..ft 1t1a Sof'
In be tat 11, 13 and fee . beBaeen
wm40 :rOe thading
bee tong, at tn150 enr rod, dePeee
brieh, SpOOW Warier tWd toeittm7
teeeenrement by