The Huron Expositor, 1905-02-03, Page 2— ------ - -- k. HURON" PDSITOR preciate(I b: i4any 'Insolated famil- I jes, -and '001 enugh, to the utllrdy, credibIt .0 the "ickneo with wWoh for A K of - gredieAts, use and t he atens i0% Why" :9t'start tor send now of the animal.- h J P� 43 e4rs, partioulaply as h -e in- parcel: of. t 6 best of three thlh�gs. CrossiVg , i's anotliei, featlxe eal I LBURN-4 S at TegUl nt S- t M 13; 190t, near,WQ. bree:ding very macIA mdsunder400d "A 'cooking -axe. all foral�u to 'her. To bra h of B 'it means -thO Put it ino a'nut 'phell, she pirts for Aistri lation1 What could biet_ svIe0tion f ,ewe of a certui ach is the- Basis xap Cow. nmon wans into her ivork and.. -words were .. -vor. ttj__rpd tet I. the spirit. o:f goo, -wlich crossela with a* ale of u9W li�'r b t an -d to keep LAXA-L' DY E R Truer t - ni I . It' is! lxar to, man that. prev6ils,. at.- 'the another ,entirely ditfone'lit b 'a in :.tlx-o dionity of my p4sition wher of All Strength than in. It he totllowi I Christin n2g,,,. .time, y re- as i��ansn? The branch or- ord,4r to I= bult h4ve to low to- do the MWZAhea X879- P I L L So Imns-tFance, i. Raymond, 9-anizations 1� are at Brandidn,.. Cal- the produep of t1ija arm is elvialk. most mauial- work and in ondeavor- Stimulate the sluggish liverclean bY Cliarles I Whooping Cough, group, Bronchi 's
gary, 'Aalifax,, Ila 11ton, Kingsto*n,. us�d for breeding purpose' and better a4vice, w s. Vbr ln� Ing. to-,iDxplain, use Japanese p-olitel Cough, Grip, Asthma, Ilip6therl- the' coated tongue, sweeten the 'n(,v ��ivell una-n IvIdatreial Ottawa, 19t John staned, 'Cheviot arQ sam�times -enough'40r tne- Empe or. There ai�e Catarrh of the SiomaIC16 in tU4 Toronto Star, U6 says:. 'breath, clear away all wasie and 6f politeness �q the Viotoria X014 ciossed with Down, rams, and Isome- -many cresotano v C�ioon to ActIhmatics -g!i)t excited-Inist6ry is bult Winnipc�, �ana- there, are local or Others. lanu and to us� inferior Ian- poisonous -matter from the system, tipqns with Wensloyaules Indigestion, Dlyspep -here .were '616cta ete in or 0im"L.m. 14 ib jonz estabil.,illp I Ian t Ing tsen—t c wace, to wh uplit ,. and cure Sick Headache
ar- of the Womter. fami, der to. gtmge to a upe ' ` I - - ; rior:, is an unfor- Jau Whis thousand ekirls dbailld�! bc:'add_veised.' The for tile cures vir or ness Constipation, Heartburn, Fears al �8� produce lambs with, b6tter. t"ding. forgivable.Inquit whil� it its exceed- I e two isidps t , 0 I", e dered strongly Is -carried over t1to d Isealsk Rur- Lgigs, er� Tblere were th flu t ta�y i!9 Mr. C. F. W'hitleY, qualitiAs thaji the pure bred `Pllev�- ingly lu"icrias f to dice, Water.BrasI4 Catarrh -of th o saf,, as 'I did., fitee of the brone1j',al tulms Artni evvrs, bri-ith, glyinte I -is this. -a alway's will be. ere w'erA. M�ar men L of riculture, Ottawa io ts. Stoinach, etc. But in ardqr to k-eep I up EL bur S�rval. 11 1. am your huxjjb te prolant,P4 and cm5tni4 troatinent. 't*w i�ho bout,gbt vote -s and thos(� j who wi'l I give further in- wnstamt supply of Chevj�t e*es �a ouvant,," awl call f!va Wndanv,y, or from chron!c 1wonehle:4, rimi Mrs. C. Windrum, Baldur Zan.-' nlief Tmin cougbz or lulamed Ounditiona -s from sold the mwt lion- 0, in the work of ce orable," fir Ow eqivalet. ffered for year _m, those In powe:r .aad formatidAl ain number of tho best eur�s are writes. tUm who wante4- to be. the child b JE t 4' mared with, th Uest'.,Chbviot riLms U� t1to throaL liver -troubles, and endured more augh- Tharga w�re charges Ativid counter_ Vapo,vrprlolann is Fold 1. ' . Th�se'are I -opt for ing and f led to, the ,Ikitchen. -F than tongue can teV. Xtriedagreat 501 -KEE It e h� a r g'C78, expcKtLres 'and dtniials,. Jeverls� e by dro-lits or mit wo. 6;2� 'gee, r�d (Wis� Read) Dialfifectant poseQs, while the half-�brec<b kkr Id -our caj I s, a for'eigh �onje. The �ap waoy different remedies, but they jost. as th�� are . r r V_ f e so paQ on eeelpt or wkle. 10 Soap�powaer ils be to the Lowlq:nd farmers for f�,��ing oats ha", only a stublitalt abouttivo 0 were -of little or nd benefit -to me. tte than other powders, out- There were grafteTs MR mnd gr&t- purposes. No British brooder-'Lbinks inohea and I Some time ago a trial packag-_ lors little. oth am. d disinfedtdnt. 0�jjpet to a part At including a buItle of as it is b 34 of w9hig these cras� bre 1�axa-liver Pills, and the.* proVed tarlo d xnlimals of a cat Bef ore thp, little Croauleno $1.50. sona ter" of Tlprlo were who oried, fbx breedio-, ' purposes. Why �ot Amah.,.' � 7 it freo Alustm.k'a-boolde.t. e 19he is vex I ch e-ese, ,eyo so beneficial to me that I procured Some -years go 11,was greatly tro Beca reds of years 'cif w4per- only to mir ear, I must- -nore. I high' NVith, ludlgesti�)n and �cai�irriz ot, Graf t t Graft 11" "'Thief V$ "Thiet'l The Hol7r'l race (Io use liund"* LUMMaxl4ra Co.. Ltd.' ly recomwend them Ja the lanqua, of thairi timas, and Agents, M ft 14mus At, -it-ace 'have -shown that good Lay Qio shp her wooden shoes at. -to anyone suffering from disordered the f ler�,h Vo-ts The thirt��seco,d ailnua Cj , - &)G Yeiyvlo acheO for the I repr t d,, (the aftwr,
cannot bc obtained, the door and at firat came pathering 'liver.- -of th To sum p, thre.'Lare, in 'ord4 to b1to t 'he house in 4e, effect$ of peice 25 cents or 5 for $1.00, all Th�--xia were hy r bare f mt. grippe) PqCr and mpany,' covering the obtain the bbst results- orivironit'ent Bare are as �common here w4h very dealers, or meWere tr ue, jus a;s- Nv-o he SaOTI-911s 01 the company.. f or the must bo studied,' ---ffbrt mus't be men bare h�nda in <xur countr.y.-I 611. tWam Not too Late. greatly -now, =eo who Nvere fLbw4,W lye- year 19041, ihs b�' an On issued. Thq wntinued long vne, line, Wondet the. poo�le do' not gelt their %'�= X)�LB� Co.� LIMTZD do _0ML run aurt�. thy were-banxZt. obinpany 'torms, but the i' rm In any department ont. in to C�0% 0W_ Must 'ft13'V`ayS be kept I v! -i i and ixod for th all look §o much o enter for a te Toronto MO VPo AnxiouI5 ,tban, jusit Iti.9 the avysse M n- The of crosing -must' nver be done, ax- fllioka Ra�;slxxg a school one day I excellent echool. The mine was � su fici _t you %re this Inomont'; ier- our 'Anxiouso )p Ot -9, meet all pbli- ca b 'haps. not for a m ations, awl 1 to add a:;' cept for a speoiul plirposs/a, arid loked in and in the y r tfl ule themel m -f -.-pri xhustN d1ways be wore' shelveg of tbon the of woo- shoes wbilo, f, tion that The number u ttened and.g AP" Cdd.' if. condcted in the Small ownor were �r, in thO -bahance. P0 Mims istmef -the-past ear t1j, P r .0 V nien iis way the floks of Canada Nvill 146Vd within. The Japs. aro in4eed ri'e"'e-Pro-, 'that no Speakers, grew. cl,6qnant, t;vonv �,a 'd -t so mtae of and -3,928, be.-! gra 00"''be-firml Cstablishod upon a prop- small, I am taller,thn -most of the pomquasdive, grew augmen'tativia a�f the e o the year �were doubt bittrr, eat, a t kas told stories, itwaaked joke In 'an -or basis, and w shall, receive, �Iie . M I peet on..the- t malned 1.0 Sun�mer tour 156 Policbm The, I greatest. prolit for feed coosun�ed I feel - that way when S i. M. t Tiiouled and praimd, axiid' the �audtj_ t'Imout Vf in 'ance written was. $1,-, mind as in the case -of both wool and mhL6 n. Eagliili is fox 'eaw je `tho 0 to the value unt oa,hcelll�d wnd writ -REV. -ered and Oraored as 'the spirit 963,333, o cx-; e. land Canadian mutton Nvill boo6m-p !as 'of Japan. At ne,ti r ch. waa, lot the treat -
n as they. do to -day.. in and tho porst card's art stjIl printed D1. W1 TH so I&MP tool. inunt Ibr4e at the clo,l-,v6 of the For the winter term now open, we ;haw _U1 indved them, eve Pire.d 04,0�0, lea the - f amous .and- as much in- diernand JrJFT0R0jXT0.
ment. everwheej n�l ,,h . Vaarket as Oana -in tbi.%t bur ChjU4e_. VVQ th E i, di4n', I be i rig an 1, of 20 tasehars� and can o0er advan ROW, Toron- Thy axe all y0ar $6,080,22 just- bat (led, and"it h0P -he-, Y, o coun ed Zae tT # I , acrease fr.i pork hr -W -da N try in the if a foei�Tn laZ_'ua& its used 0, as nob co be,found In unim T)wy aft, all 8A.28 ;in t�e amount a�b .9 at once. I can cheerfully recoin-me-n I to, On1b. woxId is capable' o pyoducing bc,tttr itis Exyglih, The ra-iINVaY.9.."1Xns RM oortant sehool, -Growds 9-mthr",Od PA -the 'tritoi4zh- trWk: his: co Write for partioulars a pa,ny- is I one of"' - t, Psychine,'unf] -,vin do so ePon VA fan&z and in tiv,- principle. plac,es,and be9t Mutual slxrr�nce Compani�s in� inutto '.�hcep than Ca'n,�aa. in En�Khih and nealy all theoffi urange to statb ab once. Address q trul I -cials exii undarstand Ep'glis).L Other Your, -kV61-,S Qf Peophe jut a and -: y# ow hast otaj.,a�ssets_d_ W. X Clamoxig,! fox6ignerls if ak W. H. SHAW, Prneipl th-S, axp_Atet nf M.- t 6 -f Ne do t a-&ty, oAd frien&h u n-t*i n,,,, t 6 '290,323. � Tjj� off im Cooks Cotton ''Root n"D rs, as$!�,�ts the -gastrit Julce!�i Department of Agriculture, -Tap wva.Rnglish, COMPOIJ114L g4tants. it I amligld that is- Tjadlex9l Favor-Ifei and fermentj in their dlgpstion firmer and -hats' strlanZer. are Pr de Jobn R. my nativa. tongra. Ba: -311 is taaq of the "PSI `But the -Oro ht ds am gom 'Elio Ja 0preident, E(Uvard Is the only safe, " relldbfd m ous' in tlia schools and -14hO ke"iers are . I food, cleases the , ui�_ ni-ernbrai3 ulator on aieh. Woman 1 of th ;1lops are gone, !the tovV4, Bryans,, James own - so Startling but, Tru V11Von ali4 has also an in- Tlwy -re all forgo:tte,n, W. S. -K�r Wox4er di anxi�Dwi Wh*4 an, epend in tlia hour _e stor
urer, O'her to Mariii - English. Pole tbe NvaTld over w e in a nativo sh*r) (Y -OU s!"t OA and time of 'need vIgorating ai�d beneficial effect -on the, bQrrif it buying I �_, I
-neryes- of th�e �ztomach� O'L, T rt cott, cd n leaningr of th-6 burning of tho� flc-or and leave your ftot. in the' In two dein, th- nations. aro VtZtted f Pre So kevp cool, my frion ared ridi- the -a aTe strengtb, stomach of all 4; iryo Gorrie Wm, Chicao tha.m. in which nearly .514 iscreet as thoo fJ,,oQr' is raised aboiit No, I an�r NO. 2. L Loa -COMm, 6WV�' called % Win -ROT, donot be, Aoo. McKerchq,r4 W -oxeter ;,James Wylie, or-ordbiary c Inflarnin, on. hundred pebpfe live's, 21-2 feet. On of the6a Is by tar the tarrh of it is nly for -a t Glonf arro-w. T -best oll Stomabh- or, Utzpepaia. 'whil at bea: iv. annual meetiag. of wra thAn five-'. times tj�s number�' F; hops t bra pian i n ch arli�' n rand Trunk Rai Way- Aj�d 0 deg You who'hav5 lotit. do ndt yill. be held. -Por special 13,WO people died -fir cdsi-kee over. om asie take wch&ir." That e it -vb mTuch, to -b rt. hdve, towlisli i1i -hall r lish Ple t : M. eispronoun
'rrio an Friday,, Innia in o duriag' Ahe -samell' ll the'En�-I.ish 14 kewl a:nd there! ly - I I *9ne_ o'clock p. m. - I I Railway Time Ta ble For sale at ll druggl" - �t Z1.00
16. pft G Chicai ftrongwthree dollars per -bom
done. Y-pur - best, and ba ,jesex k. I 1AAfes--ask VO perl vea klebruar th at or ur drugwist tor.Coo-Wo p Oomgoundi. Take no othi-r bottle.i For further aciviee tuid Jnfon4 ith scar"Ay a agsing not -I *as !no chair within am�lo of, mu prxfus loikve Soato Cotton Root
succss er&ap lao, - be'lam; year, rtb as 161101m: as ll 01110, n2f)-dures, and Imitation. are rnation or trial bottlL�-, WrIte 34r. Ice. Every one, of these oases 'of I I pr0rwd he rnoamL mo to, sit �ou nd yohr viefor vill .Afraid of.S'ronz Medid, n, 9.60 16 M. For Clinton,- Godarl h Mngham an dangeroVs. No. I and No.2 are sold and cum, Limited, 17,D 1�ijjg )gtr.eet Tol i n I' I a n Whcwe : t h pneumoji'a xsiilted from a cold, an4i the flo*r, wbich I did. Another., KineArdlue. VAM4
ar 0 k1o, falsb I 11 mmended bv OU drugeEta in the Do- Many �,e�ple uffer'f or bould have been Lbei'shop Ime-per w years from prevo�ntvd by" s very !kind bo m 12.0 p. w. For Clinton and Goderleb and nD t§,polled * rh0 rainion of Canapda, 'Mailed to any addregs umatic 10a -So let st and. profer to me gharn and Kin3sir oprecelpt,of rice and four 2 -cent postagg ff ke d6' ti ly use -of 0hambearlains Co:ngh* nVP -old embr; cries, etc., boot. Q14 dine, 0 t� a ake the- otrong mod- Remedy. A grat many who had and jnz'tales of tanis., le 1pook C mpally, 'BOTT FREEI
T Cb�s bs ap mythol- 10.1g p. m, -a - LE winei usua ty gliven fol Gm every r r pneumonia Foi CflnWn itud Gederleb. so is, b --a -o dr all f or me 7.63 i. m For Stratford, Gue h, -Toronto, f!,Wt bALE. nrheunAafli eaon to fe have ogy. The T,,!Lvor was, not Windsor., Oat,
ut inT 'I the 00C n no th-Vat quick at;ef from Ward,6d it the -prom t use of lie ns practl,N,�;i hi r I p 1.4 -art J. S. Ro6- thb-i -are-it 1w evenit -En lish at cr Orillia, North Bay an! points West For sale by C. Aberh pain ma be -%a ab The 4S an JA thb 6me time, and w1h. and points erts, 1. V. Year, and Alepm aA I said I 0-st. EICESTBIt SHERP ANDISnRTH01w; V
:4 nAly by applyi nm . this remedy. Belleville and Peterboro
0hanilierlai. Is inbroidery LA(i�-said ap., L FORSALE.--4he und-,�rBig-vedbnefor I a 'bain."balm. F -or sal'e- stante o� this soft: ".Too much apprec4at,vd e Scaforth.. 3.37 p. w. For Stratford, GuelpbI Torouto, yon. rk A Rem, ablo Letter. by Alex. Wil on, dru,-,,,-Is,- feanuot be said in fav�or_of Chamber- precietv�Il -in oral tboroughbr4d Igicester 'Shoop And D.urb*li treal and points east ------------ a puzzled toile 3, be,, -Eg ondviiio P.b. 4n dan,!- Xinistvr of fort 1. 5.83 p. in.. For Stratford, Guelph and Toronto. Addrim 1 - I � � lain's Goug�i. )Umed, and especially NaarGlied the four' corudrs of lhe� pplyatfann, Mill Road Tuckinmith.' Roslgr7p Id Ur JHARTERS 50N�4. it cuxed my ter,' Laura, of m He found- it, f6r a light broke ove' 'A"riculturpi 'cn Tt-iivhvg in Toronto for obldp, and influnifi.'; I know tbat ceilig fr tho, mp)a_nijjq of the word' tho ay b7a f ore th An An W rom Mar, London. Huron and Bruce. e___ and. an 8�;Tr r 7 . found --a straqge NIr. Th -ever -old, and'i believad saved her his coun.enacta and be said Oli is, '300 Q U118 FOR -ALU.-Tbe u lerska6d bas ftk mle two tborrjurtbred hoitborn bulig, elf- 'letter T --*'Dm Own VQn$titUe6dy a- Oltlfthania, a foiriu-er- StanJ' ARM she tbreatened with appreciate; not not C�ristjan-" Did Stillwater, London, trepsrl.� B .,gy bay. 918 5.43 Ufidertking.
his mail at the fti-Ijainent, wr i Li,�. to, us Pneumoni.I' W. D. Wilcox, op n, ;you eaer hear oi lbeAther ihite to joux Ife, _Vauaty 23rfd as f ol- f tha� mening for 0.80 51154 It was in an.- w York. Sold by Alex. ilson, apprcotatc* 9.44 646 xbvlx� 10ppen. says shop keapxll UPHOLSTERING iivour SPECIALTY Whitb, Jn 9.60 6.11 a uary. In -ann-wer dru,-,egift, Seaforth. :s,mnied . uncort'in f natinnality,
Ono cnd of the envefo,p b4i d �o your lvnquiry'eln j Z5 9.58 6.19 We make' plirlor euito, oda aTA Ian" ohnin -in*-RTHr,)rtNS pop. SALE. -The tndeisIgne 4# id ou,'ara not glish, anuary 20th in,Ogard toAh mewn- you I D. 10.H O.B6 to order giving yo anc �b finsor sole rib Let 176. C,mienoslon 2
a oh( ice f -in. 6.69 number of i4ate th�)rnuf,,bl)rea .8 jare not Ainric, I a -,:ked why be. ondesboro 10.&O V 'U 11 hortb tor4 off, and bore the post of- jngr,;Df Thoroughbreil;, -F'air J&Dan. Blyth.. 10.88 7.00 bulls, they the low Bet Wozky typee, dark red colors of -co erings for each piece. - We fice :s-eaRw used iindevx suc,11. eircum- 'Pure brd,�*.and From thaght I viraa not an'Amrican dard,bred,'an and Belgrqve re-upholater old saites and thairo, makirg 10.60 713 the ]Etecej Wtcarc ormitted. to' maka tho fol in color and of th -tire breedJnjr. Th�i' are all, el- .11.00 ved- (IPPliod to'honesil and c, The answeiKe4 " Because-, you speak wifigh;W1 them look now. Our- prices, are righ-, igible for !ej11BtV111(,n Ana Will attle, I would h lowing, (mtnactS from.'a private let- 10�anrectly, naericam�,i sy, pickin-_ 7.85 be zold reasonably.12 d - Day ilia t va -W�4d th'aroughbrPad 'ap Or4o ftuTu- hud our work ftnarauteed. in damg�-d codition pr.,ajt-v,, there oTbe letter itself, which, berars plies-otily -to t C. tev w4-tten by an Ontario you n M runnin her,5% -Vv cute e7lD911WM, (10PUL.— 6,50A,X. 310r. n qgb P a cu,i) �o illurtrat 110 'Cutte-ro a 'd 81 ' is for the bab� -are now Belgrave....., _ .. .. 7.01 date, January -19, ir- Xitten AY.n tbv� whc'eo - pedi,gree is a t pft 'r;' that ia 'n 't coreot.�; here, You s -an have anythng you ivish in F0Z J%AtN.-A tew Gtaui�lybred lady w4d is sent sojournin i� vurinijig z 8.28
-ac3a6le �to th4s' 0 Blytb_ ...... 7.14 885 t Yok-oliamd, 'Japan. I t -%vill lye read - 'V Pa -per of a man'resid- Amoxican * and i'�'�glish turf rq-ris I an You 'not hear tbat expresi( Lond"boro., these lines, from the Chaspeab to the bel S Scritchftorthorn'-Un-IN with t-glatered p2dl. )n, 7.22 840
8 tft �tby trar. The pu - c bri ap s with pArtica&r interest ait thepres-: 1'11ow cute, 7101V cunjlin,�. Clinton inth4 Frees, 1ram-S50 to i n 9 SOM-0 'from Whi il
7.47 4.16 Furniture of all kinds at the lowest poe- 'W11090 n'LMO i.5 also si�tae.a to i f1j, pur r plieq to eidt time whan the public aftcot�an tiH4 I I haw not told you. of -P our U5 41V8 =01.1 sonm alp P-ows und heiter-i as about, the Asme e_ br6d brseds in horoeq 4),r Pictur6audpicture.framing. trAveg, also a f..v,? 13--ikshlre sows four inonthe old. tgarden. r: D inclined Klupen- to bej4pVD, tle, 4d the at�ndavd re lg the. much direettd. to tht land. She Tt i's quite large and like. many here ..... �&16 4.47 window Rhades and curbain poles. AVID AULNE, Ethl, iont, 1932-tf'
4,62- -rtio th t ti - - N
that thir, Pt, q arot�., On has to pass the kitcher, and back
n Sowing.machines, the D;viV arid'etandard .8.85 6.05 Jettern r hd 4n premises before reac`hingr ,tbo front .... 8.46 5.15 Y knowledge, of it% We 11 axie If, The Emge:ror's birthday is the m ontez yad fl�e lat%t' 'ten das,re,aj skes at so low prices that it will -pay y-tv, IMPORTANT NOITIOES. His impression iis th�t -1i gre-atest day in. Japan' for 'the peo- -door. My ;arde is very niw to come Otter them. 'Just -come in and set- b Cana,dian winter I hers, and - it bac (Arrfvsl- - - - 9.45 A. �K. 0.20
W k tten by -other particl,,* witth 'wpaild maka Calhadfa laV to Ise as wri Ple 11TW- -"their Emperor, There are; Tfiore are roses anA theoe machines before you �bay. camelias bloom- FOR SALE -The n any- tdunqd boo on lot 6, notleesgion a :-r, f-0 involve t ke al- t1le tu'rn,dut. of lateigh, just : 41g, t4ore Mud Mount Fuji can be aee�i, -V to trin n1a:&Y ways f spending it. Most peo- Pabnersto and Kineardine. le�,4etd writer, and ple go to the Mi ZOMO NORM in appar- thiag for. the.- litary Teview in To- I I - w will. ocoasidn. ho kitchon doo Pow. Pms*- 3fixed portable d "quar.e U be, Of ten a But it 10 nedai posts. P��k _pine kio but I atbended the celebratio. -Aom you come t 7.40 p.m. 1,2,80 p,m 6,00 a '%vr0n!Xful 110--Xotiation!�, or boaid f,atAened -6h -each biigigy xle,, rt Palmerston.... raffers, a�b etc- fiupplled on rt-moable o the front. tba.L, 8.26 1.15 /*)Iply on� the 01*ca- 1�aavo 3-dur ordAm ell- 8 1.25 19 P.01391tr a-5 a joke by some, nl,.In jiho 00tton- fields aro, still full Of th in one, �of the public 14chools in- th;s t,�w scane of great begity awaits" early. .35 '00 �rist. The: TIvev 1�,taple whi4h lobks. rather yel-. city whare 2,500 children 4tttended. Y6u- Thre . far beloi� Jim the . Bluev Is ...... .... 8,45 1.86 9.26 r I ho is a bum Kneohtel 'd MoKeffzle "TED - ter is, written in a d�ggui.jed or * low g-aimt thb, Etgiit o,clock J n* Lhea. mornla 4aw me cit f Yokohma, population 250,- 18.65 L47 11.16 ROPERTY WAN orUb good com- lix nd, with no- t%itting in M SM6,11 T06M with U`Jgffit 0 O' and. - ; l>cy0id the hr bor, whera GOmO SOUTH- Pan. Mixed, Pass. haupe ar m 2 SEAFORTEL P d 9 t a b Ile, E,% ii -to t _acrj�e of aLtxny)t at proper puctutLtioll, a Und attwbed. Mu.t be ne r joburoh -ad dot- nd Of 2sels frin ever maritime country Wiugham 6 N &'In 11.16%m. 2.45 p.1n Success in S' y Ap.ply to THORAS P&PPE bDx W. as heap Breeding. could aNak Ernplish, alt a table o, i the orld 7.02 come and go ajidwbere 11.85 2.66 The Essential Princi whicli we`rc� nine bar0teless 0 -he K;,xcel in b,,P, Brussole .... .... .. 7.15 12.80 308 ples-Some ap Icups 11 jau.ty our own Em- ic-thet .............. 7.26 12.60 2.18 "Dear 1r,-1 lia" -no dcubt -Y011 33TAish' Methods. of tea and Jap clres -1 id Aaitily on On 11- SIGN CIRCULAR Sam for Stile b ic qMe. of, t1j0 8.00 4.10 liav done oon�qideibjc, b ,y Tender-. y Iva y of- white. paper, in'front of ievcryorne.j city,"a mile away rL-ws a,, blaff Lht Ili his. illustr4ted address on The was the oly foreigner there.. My -ohoe rtopped the -rowth'of the City adv' nt -,.our coun,. nceme of "Nefutton. Br<iedg of Bile SAW &'-lea t"ders wfil be receiviad b the undtni -it, 1"5, for 1 -he pui_ L -but., now 't Pe-oially in the inte ep at the re-, Jap tiQacbcr took me, but cours, OF THE Y. w4rch v rp-qt O our r. cent Winte'r Fair' of P, ied, up to 'Wedyteada VX, Yo know I a-1ways vote�Conv: -91 Mr* F- W- Hod- isho could not tay room with." thia bluff. LAMN chise'of Farm L, t 1*?, in tha i nd fl?) 1p.09gon e. son Live Stock hcrowia-ijig bcauLy of.. com-misdioner, out- he Q- u"Ur Of 111no, hei�z -beiannownedby 06ve' or sty at hGy " $.wells a . our tgard �aet 0l\ pr-incipfes essenUal to lt, nd they Ive're n. is the igraod view ive 'the tatatA of Th%s, P nfunild. I Ujon the Vnij, li�-ad the L Sue- although the chief of ;thein hare Aro t1tuated a 0i ly a t11i_% cleet'(1n-' �ls 1 would lik-' f -wit ft cess ijq b were, of Mount FuJi, VIP, pecrIms Have 11 -. fratne UWellilig hnne _(Iry - you ileen Our aReorhmenb of 0-,-JlAr and g nd 6orno and g Al The purchn- v f + lyludl to f -P -e th G live stock-. TherO at an earl enin.�T dress 10, she j -s indqsoriha�]y, beauttiful, Ovk'rnmetlb hour, in cv: F turas of the live suit. It- i�lbacoanesmCta Ase ilis wisc ur fe,
nd, the books ju(I �d st lamps.? If you haven% jo ould i L.L Irl ,tr Or Wny pay all ehob or can nrraiaga to jewa tertsiv. ock busin'-p chaIne not t o Do al- portiou of 'be purchaet price 4ecured br wort- -b s to -vv'bich our speoplp drWs f -<),c pay y 9 i, to do so as we are offering gage. begiven y menally he w1l.§ away' a� Way's Vi ntion, t 10A -0 X p tile, But in cansUter- pay. too ljttl_-e� 3'4tbe' e might Wo v1z-, en- lif,,ad <if me. -�fr. Hiyahi IS the head rpw of her symmetrical Parlor and -6nm-ent, it f $60() It 3 1-2 Pr cf-nt vil 'Pid, wuld b, ome induce , un Hall, Banquet JORN- KETCREN L 0 do my 1),Mt for Y�ou. mt rl � croistsing. Iuty aml e-OJitinu' and of th-c Educational Department of be, not pay her hom- + 0 A- LAMPS.' 'Adin trator. wing to iny )�oaliama, population 250000, 4 _.1e in -it 'do - + -ie NC. man com and a X -e. As it is, whbji she Lbrows- as�l
at prices that will ceitAinly empu n peina business 6s a wore three mcdls. Ther ivr'er a three; lir VdU of- nlist or cloud ev?.ryo 0 A kupt S(-- Yer U-%Inte�ss would have o should carefully 6on- nq you to buy. aldeinion there Mr. Masuda, tho s1.V5 "Look there is The I his envir MW oat suittd , to the the city, Mr. sun vours, e 101imnts. Is hin -farm - e0cond richle .st man in .9 in all its -ranieur behind iad as the last- rlys Ol. th Iowa S i.,, -n a u r V) rioduct4on of, Gato a v'ry'rlct mab, and Mr Eb- Ru. opers liors�s, 91)Q Arpet swe to 0p or swina,* a C sun izuk, Aadle, away tbo a, a very lerm-a man, I -took - codordd Ianb i 'No *ork, n no, what breeds ro o noise, no dust."' These an# + J'Abo it r n -4 of likely to 'givG shie to ifni, and D. Nakaya- -,,4-eam up anU I;Zive the are the Fj* entiments expresoed by + the, -best reult..3 V Ile can oply know ma. -The naines, etc,,of the athars I I 01 city an appearance, of f every- lady ung BrightAn'the Lorie.,Jy Homes, this by inilking ova of 0'�rl�ful study -01 do not- 'remember, I expmt it as lad. inima'te "xpositor. In Drlta�n we Void (WrRiten for The r t h',,t rzen wom Oyco Bearing 6weapers. child Japan ii m "Ty Much jilce t yj r f ul- -reay, for y a grcef ul I e: tur I We 'Ira consta4tl t ChOPPM and- Raisin Se( Thov,� who k-rlcw 1.11,8 exivlrnm,�.nt been care d A -inrl breeds devej,(�ed- t I t ''W(I t lY studi-ed, . 3 .3 6 p ct urcsj. Uw- D01-4 of Cnda cau h t wbs told tQ -follow th leader and; nizilig -.4 -
.. S. -w 7 + t hen to are. be --,t �suituld to the LS,,Oenes� and cust<) Eeners. t �W -A - dts�triats. The MW r'.4 .. 4 1 - I
010 cuuntry, t nin Jillip ii-ilen nd filpd doWA Each pupil Lj gi,�sren he, cL- British fiarnif, whOn Wen for Ore first time thtv, I The in ob Speful kitchen in ti -red utensile of the th prlm� iti ag is f arnxiing,' to make thle. ai�slt.bctweeri 1,400 boys to. tile aprx,,ar like ald f 12� mon-3y and 'not to- Patisfy i, whim,. I),Ia.tform, t � homf�,tea�ds, . c, ri-ends q1ving to L)jc, a No hougshold complete with di M The Shorthawl S*v�jtpnj 4M. �inin;orsl bnat% V;jjicjj W1110170 I Was gi-'ven the '0CC110nt pliot-os bjae sc,,�,,.q out Oe. We car�y t1w ight' t, i t t t feniales -bed in th(k SeRt. -of honor. D. k i U121111t i _y an, V- cp ag Par- kind at the riglit price. W ark, �suited f *W. t1lt useAl neT ibf my aye n' -the chief main 0 r Lp r belle "an ol d di8in
A rance 011
tile ca!�4' of- his soil and mar- uco rt re -
for U3 this vast 'and requ, o the wh L of en& has �,at nK3xt to me, st,00d up when I port( -r-. 'ITOfullY. 'impi9Ved'shuK bow,�&`,ind sat down I Pa�i he s _fn cor rt pystpnIJ3 OY (I i t 4- Such, do- by -w,10ctiOn ',tnd the Sills Murdie frora ; aro use Of ivwt form. The a. nmr th-P prjv of r &*-,,07*t of, xnales" 1jo.r thi. a for-' cowitry, .3 -nmson we find in an full of bunuty sind 10ignor ww, -inovation, a-nd my 'Jap HARDWARE, te. naturat �ShDopsliire c, I tea the C e r y Whcr(" th, P elier fait re,qponsiblity of erO aio vqllrop!�Jiirc, in the north of tughte- sobvol Englnd thp Of 'iny b0havi' nA xr;P11 '1� eltili1ron, my hehavir. She w,1,5 rharmed with CD y, t. - ithinpr o111ont)IS 0 s,bown,ine, much of which I was� un.-, L) U H C11
r, a find .c�owio,US. It was a uniquo siXh� a. tlier up in (h, hHI country r rt_�sour- to
the Cheviot% aiid aain- in the e these 1,400 boy v t
con S, Mak��s Sick iocu,pus 'or atid more barren tountT:y Nv(,.,f ind . b shavenj
by d to
I . - th-3 Highlad or 13 mass/_ -gether. A f t er Nye
is 11om' aV.1
cd sbeep. hadlilsto,nicd with boWed e wiill R% In oth-o-r part, Partioulafly towaras People * Well. blkry of Picturwi an(I E1nPx,6r';S oominendant.5, and listp-11- t llo� t1re 40ut�-,V-et of Englad, we find ,ed to the children Mre. W -M. Carter, of Mark 1 (1161a, wi`h its treaurcs- lbaL have the,vairious clsses
bnOf'Downs" aad so caciot to.: thank and oil tho h br,6ed havin heaven and Cider 'Compqund Y
10 thru(gh r amd for lipr restoration to hpsibb,,asys.:
table t1 ue- thle aniti-room, bad mor.6 tea 1A
Provd(l best suit' publisli'd d - to cake -VY1111a
the, Ys went out to 60Y in the to its district. What has been t1le p Aitc r my baby was burn I took
NVI inile4 way, and wilfell rac-
make -room for ic thK- girls, nui�Aer-' and wab in a vry weak conditjo� of
Oul t -of the Canadian farraer. gener_ t I - Tha made even a Mynorv(,u,;ay1tum%.reemed*to �e bioken I
df inforni,ion as to _vN� b,lt is ' Ity spoaking ing LlOiY goiX14 in t1le Without reigard to, for the u�nj;_ do!vn �nd I hlkd conv
outvr worf(l. Think hN anvironmcht lie has ebos4n. sowe-1 11100114 900ral times. bis fancy- --of My lim bp I bmd so- of the wen, ('specially -the' thig that caught 4f color o�- the hair wHii I fr,-q uen tly J o -4f U 8 -
and! fivillx G:at' t1mir liv(N amd lunc%hd -out 91, t orriaments, made ve-radght swantu, Was flleepleaL4, dekpoud- breeder. !gtxari(&�& iglit. We wan t thromp4h e -,A t &,j wbe haw� - to, The nexf iraport4iit I thought at rm I
borno lijck to t.fle principle is d very ii(rvaus
ter their Iii -thle sam-a 'bowip_g process as befor')% ThfAt I wae going to lose my reato 2. af ird 'coatinuity, Hre ftfrR'n 'V606- may le-rrn A b I A'f'j t 49ai T`Otircd fo� teai and. cake, I fiecame so vveak. that I could hudly move
YS, IN-ork. Th lesson -iro�n Britisib methods. - The and what cke Nv�6 could adt cat was mYfelf in Lei. After takin
<1 in df,, th and
wbo canno't e 1.1, t ho
a course of 1arxnr having 1�arhed wba:t donle up in papor for ui to take home. traw-ment by able do tors, fwas f fibilj� Fuf- away to -is b. but 1010 "bave 16 face. j -coo- By this t ime -all the children bad as- 1 ferivg and on t c, tinu(,d ar_af ter �(-ary frenrati he brink of the !grave. drud Mry of - tile on Isembled in tho, play -,ground for their - iWas Arojagly advise(I by a frieudi to make fter neratiolf, the, nnual Isports. Thie, disoipline was �so of Paint -Is Cder
1101131� NvUrk, Fftr in an year out, saine famil mine br C m o grab. 1
f #b ced, b- 'ruarvoloug. I did Dot see a frown ify thi� de ires of fompiloyu 'I% if Lhe ichitxen ixrv, to be ci4ired fqr in'fr extrmely carckful aboul infjLq_ on ne' of the m ny
sed U is
Ile, 1) to.,zathan Think ing new blood. It' Is not an infro.qu- f a ckp-s. a �undrsda, of medicine. In a sUrt time aPfetfte and 1
Gf the, childri,,p who, aro up v, nt tL hin )POP wale' better, � After the use.of the amid -%t this Invironmelit. to f nd-a farin bn wbidh We re 71ouseke.opigg and bave at -aa -.-L bottle I was 80 amazpd On L-eimstcr,'19heqi), have boi�h bred for 7ymn mloat frtunate, which is not wi,b my improvement tb' pleased
Wht can be <1..)nc td brigbt n t1jo porhap fifty, 'Of buridred years,nor at, -1 4 eoidedto Who livo twejf�ty and 'the u-sual 'lot' of the foreigners. is this tru4- of :Leimiters'al 10(I th." n,'G Of Paine's Oalt ry Com- hil't v i and f one, but are very h1r;h./ of B tiSh L
-'r t V r lies to all breeds ri 'Ve -M PPY to st to that 'the use
n i If8 a w1i y f rora T)p We are payLng or villag*-, and a month for cotta,go of ,,, 0� six bottlwi has completely reetwed me to L I Ntory and a half nd , considr e life atk' usAfula-sq to my
n<,i;,rbb<)ns it - re few and far noter hat family. I T1w At-urd0en A-s,7-cjatj0U 'PO!'nt t havla braain,' NVO re. ver Y thank God and P&iu 'a Ciiery n-ku-,t be fi)rAP-m-ost in. the- inind of the r
co-rij- by do.strbi and happy. From the ap- Cjr�pound for my wonderful estoration."
liquantitip-, of ti Why do p,aaranm of our houm. anil our foo wa t tir, ; pioturv.9, r:;idinq That th-e�y nl,?v prbdlice che could sa we, lived d 'JoNve
t qualitv 4- gquntity of t,_ Canada. The 'Ve-eds, ete. arno 4 1, . bps -F I
to every craditute. VVM. C3. mJ00 slam C> One .-Grade 0j21 nd 11-lat the B I al 8 I have, ittat received a ear load of MZ_. Laughlin ioutters. A -1)y thinking of invastinglin a new catter Will do We t I �;U on bef& purohaslog olaawhere. They are not the cbespast 4bqttera tu Uown but the3� are the bast- and re- CL member, quality remadris Iong after price is 6rgoften. I keep a full. live of Geonjue Rubber 0 M" flarn'eaff. slao Robes and Rug,,, which you cAn buy fro meheap. 0, -M t7l < er than eirsewhar 0 IA. 'Me OamPbel PINO- SEAFORTH.xl�' rt-, UeIiDtl 10Z j$ our and servant. N1410 can:- wo(il n -for ft�2d consumc(l -sije j_4 a tr(,uul*(,,. She came to Mo., Cg v- A at for Yp OD'y tbc- 8UPPlY c)loose a fln af00bQd country., r a nn e , and continue our irl, narae of Tnuya, S9 Cana�Iff0f'i� al(ln- t1lepo I m 0 line for IV'q[A-nk'L Wi 01, poriod, J&j1p, It PreLLY 001o, and not a n ind card km -1) 11nd -so of of our gairv�t j111.14 vvery `0142 M One Davw'r
F# _U ks, hil"117"Lzinfis- Pictjjr(.Xg vot, if we do Icyi uE er %4 Christ-' n( 9vilm nc, word of Ery-;Iinb but a- -our Pfforijs avitntalzpts,or I TWO Da_vsl� ain t0 0 ju noutvIlit. Too to I earn and Yet 1.)c itfont- -gant, awl he"' TaeLaxafive Birapo Qj -an paid to f ads and r mong t nest, a rare q ivi ty a anineTabieft, y ap- icn h be� here, -It is. in- j anc Just As Good, Seven hmnan boxes sold in pan 12 010affis. TWS boy KEMSM