The Huron Expositor, 1905-01-06, Page 4-7 II'�,N EXPOSITOR', THE HUR d on -�ho tUrd �day t Ja" P` whii.oh always WIS. Cbk%: les on Tuwd,4y ma ar, punish, tovru Lion in oloctions, they tlww �happy events r -A NTTA RY, 19051, :J 1. 1905, mi!§tiattond to -both p4ritiels, as - in,, im-use 4 �rjppl o X61t. ent, SEAFORTHS CA01" e em took of this week.—]Y. r. aifd MM. Dan $-Holt STORV-P Tbis is on impQwtwat victory� -for* this respect there are not many place at thie, resliden Oe Of Mr- W. S. RON, -of ­Zorra, a re visitinig at Mr. tho Xap. �"*,'but t. h an won at ie arties, and as be op as John Smilliels.—The annual meeUo 9 X T W T PQ etweew tbi Ra -4 ds, MaKil I . The Aooe' ion was kno be- 'of Duff's church w(HI be hold an r� of jeLlb. the tyipg ot the nupti&l T -1i d a torrible coist It is- ffirmed tbiat wbW exeis is in Afa Are You Well u6p* e 'tbie defeating Rces and, tween' Mr.- Nols,an Saders, of Ex- T,]�,u 2 3 -5 t-Wx losses durigg elve of But. by ysday,, evenigg, JaniXary 19th, at it Art -red from 80,000'eJeoting-Whatney, tile elootors WiJI., eter- dea 91,4sWilholmina ane, the 7 - - eolook,: �4 6I 7' Poe ,,h,ur llumbo P. &-, 9� 10- IT- 12 13 14 100,006 kUled to'sia- nothin of be-pUnMiag Ross and rewarding w ul�- It I I . Zr of the host and hostess. thm. thousands wounded.. The f #WbAtney, the Nvoirst -of tb*e.tNVo,. ith Winter wear -16 16- 1� 18 -19- '20 21 The The bride was &cicipw'panied by her life on the other side bs, probabloyj saftKst way is to'take the whole ad- c6"-ln,'Miss'Mairy Rads, and (,,has. 22 '13 24- �46 26� boo igreWter. mUst-vative reciord of the two p4,rt- Dominion Ban Seaforth, allows Bain ders of London, supported blis ies, and -is 29 30 al 1111jo surrender ot. Port Artbur is if,010 01 otors will. do tbis brothm The bride waa, daint) _e waut �O 3" tb' month, t interest from ate of depooit to If not, you are the man or 10 W ly at- )Ur bg that wAs,ever made to ke ...... blow -to Russia, both in will not. have any copscientl6us tired in cream lustro trimmed wi th date of withdraiv I on �saviriizs bank store is fitted with 31ver��th, _,pp the feet prosthge and proprty,' both on aea scruples In suppurtinig Liberal can- o,hif fon accounts. 1931�tf 1 ADd pomfortble eitson of the yvar. No and "uins, weaxing on her V ned to u ffe and land. V 0sil e&d a crown of bolly'and carr Be!- NEW ADV iflb;�t T It it will have didates. ying Ganadian Ba,,ik With e6ld ieet ifth a s� ,thin mach of you and as Jurs wi 011- �_-OVO futtic ot: the wex it' is� a hYOU in h�r- hand a I>Duquet of and now pa� texest from date will agree wit us wheu see the -�ariety of our stock and t -too Soon t a L 'i . te. rf the 0 peou a As u suall :td%Te was, a very bard ismila:x, bridal party stoQd u t deposit on )�.jvj bank the I ea- Ar'Thafigtx- deposits. after oaab ot.e len6tee ilk; Pago -,)f 00 wbiob The 60 'ntions in corif Ii not dis- and . exoidntgr cont der a beautiful arch of everigreens sonableness of our priepal, eat is yeax 1933-tf 11 bj (OUTIll posed o, come. to, a . peaceable tet- Jan e Mayoralty. of 'Toronto. Tbvre decor -abed with holly and there Rev. Datis.-Miss tlemont it is suveV abbqft time 1110, A. K. -Btrks,. in his agul happy 'but od friends i d f a Tak# Felt %hoes forl, Ce. -outsldoY,nations, in tha interests � of .,. vore bhrree owfiddates, viz:- Maor Orl0lb 'or few A Pickard 4nd 0 —1 manner, pronouftmd tj� 1wol We have felt slinpi fbr'women for'811. The Bee. D %fa'1&11h1tn rand OG —6 Urquhart, Mr. Gooderham a _e d `4 -;I.25 $1.50 and $1. -5 pair. F. 11"Islip iaya la!�t w -00.k _rl hie publi r, so ammanay, soula ate d to�. -nd Mr. Mr 10 wrds makingr them man and Te -opened n Ti !,s Greetinilivhaid-on tvid Xe�'#Ine­o I.thio t p '' McPWi son. Mr. Urquhart is a' last nd' the 60a, 65o, 75o Aod I �& as or -men r rAnd oLaoh f $1-25 31 M $1 7.!)� and S2_ A FAMOU 8. Moll been wife. After 'Ue marrin -core r n . vy work I -or ),r �2 e Molly. pupi hfave reit .-n in lailge num- - s pair. Felt boots forhe% godi ng, on for �,ao. .1 04g, former and the'pther two are Co- y 25 5-0 —Annual-X.eeh1-)iz—R. W. P uexven-5. C mpleteil a nicol prepared and bero t6 partak., Sth owger gusto - and $3 a pair. Mx. Urqnbft was l_.�'was 00 IN fo*L L - "Umptuous co folt SAI I supper vas partken of tille 3905.-If*s eabbd ,.the, third term by a. Pearl Rougb. on Mr T-tevvis mft-' and all spent' a moist enjoVible ev- Lawrnce. I -aft, fo�­ Take overshoes for ane. Card ofTWks-JQhd Norrison-6 jority of 2,100 over Mr. o oronto on Wed-, Xabe Ust­$L rAmb-8 The way cit 1ho n oderhams' Th' dsome iieisdiay handsome bripi We have. overibnea for women for $1 d $1,85 4 pair, 0"rahcoa for nifn for 't'o'a!n iI§ Ofte ' tAhID c6naida-te- next to him in the wedding ,`iff. n1u.,MpeX`kas` tbbealost the 5th eoneesoieA is 41.50. $1.65 and $1 85 &-poir. pok thard. It awma this' is likely to be Talft whilet hie polled 900 MUM TeSide*06 on - moversilkn Bank -8 V'Ot(% in wich the yorang oftple arebeld ow ear Ssk-X moraul on. -S han the other ttion. THEN THERNS LEGGINGS: -VV( 6ve leggings fnr womquat 75 3 an d $1 4 filuoLrated in t1he case a- Mr. Lewis .-two. riends jnin. in LfgoingsL for briya frit 7.50 85d 60.95as pair. L-jagings ftr wn for the recently cloted M. P. for West -Wishnig that )OL&nd $1.7.5 'Winter on ad 00 M winter Footwear -R. W1111% and San -4 their g test troubles Tu romith. We Vid go on and fi I Lhir, page�wLi�,th a I's a a , I jD ,&Iter the Rolidays-XeKinn ot is, recierillt -speenes. may be siinall and tb,,Lrt*a footwear found b stop here with the bope that Huron. A diei§pafdh f -Mr. they ay on- rom Ottawa in Wis store C_ei[Ift At your Aberbarb-6 wilitnoy im xn,�de Canadian Bank ol Commerce, sea- the tate'ment joy miwny,anniversarjes of their -%ved- I andee for yourself the splen es Robe Lmi--Expositor Office -8 dated Jan-wiT 3rd sayjs,� I valu we are *&raug dFUring Jsnuar�, forth, now pays. intereat froin datie t1hat �on tb�ee, different ia�io.ns &(g day. --Mr. 13. Bi lgfe.Dherison p ur- Sit savings'bank ajecounts. Meath --Thom3a 13%Ud--4 It 1has %;4n d7i&cdv w -d ,thlat E.' obasied a� handsomi Doherty ort�an of depo 0 ovoi#uros were Made him an be. LIS:. DIsmimilon-11 t�nalltr a and Keralike-6 barrWber,' who w for bfeirlbg him thr seats week Dominion Bank, Sm tb, .0 Wilt aaeod-_8 rnenL fof4 Wogt Hur n, is disq interest from 11 'da e of deposit to Tom idfrom Mr.'C. ffoarej -Clinton, one N 1929-tf B"Wh, t0at.-f�X.P401tor offlae, a half of fhf6"Row Governmentl for a day this ed Conservative member of Parlia' uia.11 in We eAAlition Cabinet wilith the L Mude Pup1la­V194 Rdnit Plekard-8 taklag- ibis seat -I;y reason Of date- of wit�L�awal on savings bank % A Into. Mady, eto,-9 PrQmiso 14hat in' a -year or less be, aroo.-8 1his 'bkivintg jgoe, seourftY for Tbos. Mr.� W could 40, account&; _tf Bole agents for the Sister Shoo f�p And the iQueern �Qu4jlt.y 1931 coed to the Local Opkiion.-T.bDvot-6 taken bore, I -L Sto.ektood, sto, and ribpress For 04, 61 orRent--mra. Kanip­s Gundry, who carries -the mails, frqm. shi-im- for omen. aterview wi rail -on to tho lo- - On la9t, on 10-6'al Option, te- West End Notes.-LMrs. McDonald Werclh ay *atI In tan i h post office. Undor wc�tion 11, Globe reporter, the otb- sulbed in a defeat - foe. t tomp of -.Detroit' sp-ent t4e holidays with Chalyter 11, -of- the- Revised Statutes 'or &Y, HCO'n. Mr. Ross' makee'the ex- ance people, there bein J)iw daugher here.-47ohn Layton, o ind -132 of a ma- ! grietiugi- to Mr. R4,.Ew- f Stanley, iia nio. thuars or hW kat incf k 11% plicit Istatmient tdiat , no such t- jmft against bbie by-law, The tem- London, spent the Ii liday with r e- hand badly out while -sawing d of Q1na:da, M4 return. -i& null and in many paAs ot Qft fer , 1 -fa d been made w! t1. big Dple held latives boxe.-Miss Z11 -a Johns, who As it-wa he =Tia4ly ese"d Mktv- Id Section -13 a tibe porance pes pin'blit me0ini; ry, I addition t VV rs me' law knowl,�dg, )an'a that has spent the holid4ys:at her' h -M SRAPORM' FRIDAY, 6, 1905 would letav,6' Mr. Lews be had never. and worked hard, but to no purp Ing &is f ingave Itaken aff.-'Wiss sent at On I r t' heri6, I of t on Wbn�% �f 09 L! IM'A' k . �put in by 80uh4, wbeTc�.,she b4s been is ViARR open t -au* '116rizWalny person to make: suh ie nwwe sillent Wor _y -or OweS Nellie *qr, of Wingfiam 1 -sent by fine 'of $200 .6 day if be iji-sigted on Tborudale an, of fer, gither on be-hklf f bimself thoige opposed to the by-law tellim takinIg Ibis soat. :Tbie result euxaged t.Mr�s. Win. Murdo-ok"S.-Mr. 0110ster b Palmerston R-ift will be or South Eluron GOVer!-nment'. It is now up �to­ a -the polls, -Mr. Hoover also' re-' to teach, tb`is� YeaX,­Xr- Smi7tX of Murdock, wn' of Wm. Murdoblk',' of Duff, Hlarr lwslhith WRI IRAA-ey, Aft, that fheyei,,vill,be bye-eleIction at Mr: W Shallow Lake, visitid his cosin, Stanley, 'returned Ust Re-� M. V. McLennan, tdiie� Reform tan ea�rjy daU an tihi% cozg Vey tb rbso aind exptan. wa; Frank J. Scott, Sao f.titu 010,6fed mayor, in oppootton to Mr. week ft e home T. Ja,okwn Mrs. E Crieh, on Si �oday.-M Goo. the Nortliwe _. H is this ST. Nt a Iowa , MX& W� A� -Oriff i wndidate in South Huroo, hold (an in Robert Holmes, late Liberq# X'P. will Ho"n. Premier Ross, M. ]�Outle4gc and hi �. sister, Minnie. vsit but rumor lull. it- tbet he Sanderson, ,no doubt ounteht tibe oonstltuliindy formal, Mwetwig or �aTe honle from Park -River, North not wt -urn aloiv&. -aret To 'in t the, Di 14" Iho� Govilaraidawrit interp�st." 0 00=011m"ta,ry banq t by 1. I - "d U111 e ft'gain 110 C Dako�a, and will -,pend tho wite orIxamization purpbaem, on Tars4ay Daiihv� , d' th Isa ;R`01919 club, of bel and � Hi-rii Towontto, i t hait city viOTY sad and with their parentp, 3ir, and 'Mrs. 6andoron T r onto - 3ftr,. ev*�inig f4 last week.. J Cou-Adeiring �. , . . 14111; i I Edit6rial Notes Mnd Commient on Friday oven,in Jagj-, fttal 0004dent ha,p ned 'in a bush in Chhs. Blueval- The; Ro,". the town 130- . -1 Routledige, of rmkielsmith. r_ I a few mile's Gorston, Rook- 36�- Thqomas CN-twfod, flic c,attl rjlu�b is -a -h wjXa:jaij&ti0jl of young men Bulls Sofa,_Nk. ter MpKay -tll&t the meetlnk� wvs almost eatire- I - sbilp of Stephen re- scho6j rogentata t6n Bo Tt ile ot thie L 'led t 'he ly, fmpromp,0, and thia,t no notice of to the south of this villaie,on Tburs- contly sod two very The ForesbexV hall was f -d o it. of Tca�pn t ierz:l nersmasion. The 'Inc Y.Oluagulls ba Maud a 1, z tho, fourth tim� Vi!4 bjpzd of sh thorns,. to Me- it had 'been given rx eviogs to Mr. 1. f C o, AaIs been nominated made -the titrooest aad best day of last week. Mr. Wm. 'Winkle- f rom i turning' away pofnt n ri4aYN'v- K by the Conserva- wotter, -a young man 'jKay llig, , Decembex 36th, wh,�aj tba .XALeinn4n�s irival ift t1he towni $P-oech, he hats yet defiveweA, and it _f about'23, Brothxws, of Vilemar, Oxford X34 A -n ipa, MiiEwen, prine I of our Hartley and Wil- 11a -there was a good.. turn, out a Mora West TOT06to, as their will be used as a to r thn n compa y wfth Mr. Sam Baek0r, coujqty, aiid dcilivez-ed them last week. 1; in te fr the LeIgis-14ure., I n tfarm r xt-book f a ,,nd were feffidg . trees. Ofie tree, be- NIB X40ft, nih, Manitoba ja-meo 'has now Pl _,poechleS of all the amateur Mr. McKay oold these, igen- brought: to a very suceessf A b;aw,, been. moy tange of -Government arators' of thk� `c, n tompting to tlemen. fouir bulls, b -god and ve� tb&ro woul more evvnC of a came 1046 d, and i at elusion, . vOry 6 ampailgil and many d0b. they. have Pater -so Xr. C", wford Adenly fell programm16, propaxed by i, Winnipeg Alaxga;rje�t pire_c�ant jhud they' known of it soali- will likOyoa a me: who are not aat6am. - the following diSlodize it t10 tree EX , . ... 0 placed t th-,ew head Of their herd, bor of thie -no- ]ffe i5 no t lette,,r, of a,poloigy pUpUs nd alieis, iinder jais U111 NO/- Van�ouver, B. C4, 'a -ad v Cabinet. the, limbs Igrazing Mr-pieker's bead ler. ITX. MoL6nnan,' in a neat ad,- 1,-b:riIj Was. read f rom This. speaks well for Mr. I McKay's Gordon pa,;er", Winnip-eg. b t h16 -is solid and iseinsi,.. Sir' Wilfrid. hau a.nd W. Winkll�wetto� ,was oauL;�h,t t9tock. One f tion, which was received by, aul idin' y ab. thead bulls -was 18 i T_ rr Ewen ca �9 with him -on his TAB_- addess said Ahe had held similar I blo, nd ho has a Sure seat in West 'aenoe'in Californi beenealth' 10e, trunk, �.c��6bilg the monthis' old :and th� other wa1s, 10 appivolative and en. v a allIn0tation came �pubfie �servio% the ery - uInnitialAity -In �,Tcwan,to. it' 41fe out of him instan -adience. 4 sm%l1 admil 4n -in e 0 ane, to- 'uttend a,'roMp1imekitxry tI The *tree zibWl- ol d. One wa,, i froyn imp,or tea iastie a .jo af tioni and �respect the rid4ng and .w h lirebt impor was phaxge4 tio, 9duhs. nd. e, he b a:d met dinew to 'be of feried to: Ho -n. Geo. W had to be Lmwa in tIT6,_before the yal I)awll, witih ted fee pup �1-ndeed. the 'most his 014 aVolitical fr' ds - and of East aind West- E I� 'Roes. I Tol.gret tbfai. pressure- oi promeds some twmty-seven dolAirso 10n opponents in. body of te''youni man; c6uld bo Te- brec-&-it-r on the da:U'S'Side. The 431OMMOn - - of bis ponuflalrity I. -tin at, t moved- The 'tu 'I hold on other was Will 'go' towards purobasing I gvery, sub-divigion ad. ille busineas will n OL po ne'ra was bed 6om 'Provmt, With iheir 'recen t convention, a&' _.rmit me ta avail is, t4bie ty may. b*- ex- 'IT"as g -re r for W jarqik. y e al mFself of �hlis invitatio(n. if atly plpased.with. a:a eneow-: opted wat 15F2fk1nff to us a very sim- 0ITZ. Sun&I nd- stTaight importe#. bn2rding, on both the school. We give thid ged by te heaxty and dial re- and ed, beostifyink b(� the pop -1n. full know cor cum9ta'noes had mad -e it Nss ularity and gamme .im ever w at picais- to %be Bow Park mll" w" Deptibin. Vivian aii ScJ`otinlg� ll,it Nvou'ld hAvie been a 1gre, mdtbod of ible at the Y( Isidris,.- His -Aapl s 15 imported 11 be ot inte�Test to, Q here From >nn1X*m­an was thpair candid-ate.s. A test ballot wi th- T 00 0horus, Tho M Me his, rxpexi-ence thus far he fedt pon,- ibet he :NinceTeit mpatby is Watorl train. It absent oneis ure, o nr� t, attend'. 'to kelsit'ify to will be so" tident - that ff the Refoirifie,ra out Prelous noxn1liation as taken. for thel ereaved family, sohnol-; recitation Sto my Ist"rong adilliration for t-ble clo- felt that both these -bulls which jAr. Mo- Leaf, by the othroughout the i-adioate xv,ho th. probable� candi- of the Camp, Miss Alice, D. riding are a!g_ -bar- ! - da te, wo quen apeakeT,. courageous leader Ka�y has disposed o Uff ,Vld be, and Men all those f -hie f d1l right as Ye panied by is:�sigt*r, Miss. Saie, of mxmious and 'boy shauld - tation,' My Father's Gang, L St' Columbin. to as t up'nilgbt man, mr'. Tyeditgree a's wll in itidiviidu&l Port El. in -re 't of their be, 'they will Aucceed tis time in Kinney w0g, Old -h Brol"' ga, a hf� guest rBank of Comme whose,naines appoared on the ballots 'Wiilf tid Laurier." retied to b Canadiah xiDe, Sea. m0rl US M, 'Soruffi Huron. Mr. Mc- I i Teddy Paterom; address, Mr. L d -a r4uslin, iss r3dlia IlTeltzi �Blake. The w pay!$. n He is which ot 'them -rth, n. and t§eittled,,jupol to intexe&;t from date 'Mi -if e,- tmnnex returne ho�me_ Men& Lennan a bor polit -dan. Blake Duff a Ha,1191) 1---_�,)vould bb th, candidato. When of dposi t on .0avinigs bank deposits, Wim.- The th�y speeoh. Charlie Black; di4jo an ea0y, fluant, perati-asive, . n .1933 _gu burned' to thre convention and To-' -Canadian, Bank of Commelco, Sea _tf "The" January ­. I ndt�c, "aker, an indef-#hgable work- itors from Fairyland; 46%ig",, strikolft- or,whIle 'his quiet, unassuming Dominion Bank, Seafurtil' allows woneft's Institut POrted, thOiT' olloice was made.- the fortb", now pas interest fro do, to ,iplaln Paul Puwh- rodtlat� unan do will b �e MI. Thursday, Jan Caadian Bank -manineir n private conversation ev- imichu's nomination of the- C'Gnvrin- osit­'On savings bank accounts. intc.:rest from date of deposit to uary Love, Mary Stewsxt-, s4v�;; Ifowth" 'no -of! Commeree, Sea- 12th at the -s. Snowden.,,Rjue, Bel NY Va -om tion, All this a-_,,.pjrAntjs were satis,: an Savigs bank ya Interest fr date atidexice, aad wins JLm I Vn da to of withdrawal Ph der:s, -co 19294f 1, MisIs Fld�& Pbe on he S�Lble line, al- 2 p.u�. sha-rp., eitation, The I ot deposit on �aving�s ank dep -_qAl t fied, and all ftietio and CLecounbs. IcUl-tr ilftr f riondis whevevar* he goes. lao, is I Xatrimonlali�' L' ittle He b -A Ap -very dharmina- Y As 'this 'is the first jue-etinig of th _tf a modiol, oalididzte, in every Were avoided. and nique evoAt too visited, in tittle- girls tableau, Mrning, 94111.10 k place on. DF Notes. -MASS MOBTI40 year, all members slukuld try to be ,ty, XC-Apoct, aut if be is 'notj elepted it 290h..at the home of Mr.Neeil Dublin on Taesday.r_�Uiss 'GroL rosont, w and dtill by't�welv boyls Notes,_Afis- J. F4 Burke and sog T11P 001051aTwTiAves freqi Wnd Miss- XAggle L will not be his- fault. uently boast 'Hill who 'h!s blan a ptient uei Tbe Oldq1nd the New FashA'--- Egnioinvi'lle, his in 8t. of' wthen omly Mr. Game, the f 1�bay.intx a popular majolity of th,o, daujgh�,r, oftp'a hospital, London, -for ovvr P` home, Of X -r- -T%O'Little� Boy who A)v ,jilo rriam- ad- Miss Annie Chiea!90, who have been visiting the* was drex;sed a I' MABO, nnted in ible holy bonas. 'of 0 to mont(h% s xpeoted,home, next wifs the A-%Voy� Howard 8 tewa r t ; soo- g ' L i dE brothers, Messrs. Matthew rgle tiag at xeter"i lel-60t0r-5 a the.poviince behind _tbe,m KA a pro,'rtk d6nig on Wed- Toddy, Lilm dfaWg�e:, Joh Lace the past tw. on WednieSid AY venimr, i6 the intefr- j in ho mony to : Mr. Ernest week, fully restored to 'llealth.- ve- Leigisldture. 'This is, ow px0aperduaj Yuuj� 30h, when his wmT- P turned i aog.tg oft the C;onservatjve omdidate I was Ill Rev.- John Ronn,! of Mitchell, spent unisbad; duk-A,- Myrtle a,41 onie, on Tuesday, also Anile, MC�rdle, di T -q 'to; true ot the 'late Leigiala- farmer of Me- and Tuesday h' dail!ghtezr, n(ie, was inib6d,in mar- Ivy Denman ; ri�Mtatlon,, T ki` Detroit, who V aln, Ton, Mr. McKay'. Commissio . un($tually ae P -Te' the guest The ConwrvaUvevs six p'clodk, . Tge to Mr. RugiN Aikenhead, I I Dolly's Rbota, Oarrio Diment. 4a r of Crown Ixn ds, is to'address a mass pMon had a thr- bride, arrayed in a laharmig cots- MZYhor. MexeoA.-Fati�r 8tephen -no wag visiting ujige the parentall ney ular niajorty,' Mr W111 t, pi�perous, 1younig.fa er of 111 EckeT I 1116Y- Highlaa nilig,, 3rabet m_r,�jQ tume Of vviliji to 'entrained ere roof during the boliAa�m ref eermt:,r <A thie el�oto�m.in the siame of 7,000, nd it -* likedy be 6o miglidi, trimmed f or Now 11hie, aemony was-li,p It Wal -I York last Friday mdriiij�3. Fatbor erf'urmed by jUgham; song, Old S;Gbool Cbuj�' adweak to re�ul:npe. ers, of Wt. The, populrl Coniservat insertioni- axid the 'k tibeir plac-6s u: IV" in -a majority "In the groom too. M, Eva Duff:; r t wa, W41. ucer thu-s -be seen that the oarapaSign bas'ccwTe Eckert loft for Somerset, P Rev. E. H. Saw Dominian �9-said to in the p) esence, of the hOhiQg on Xo.'4 ox-pire6d laot be- a Girl, Bbrnioe rMonday, who was W101ne commenced n earn.e,-,t. bTid, ­11'Wilitioli was beautifully de-, al be immeaiate Telati e bride nd loft T huxsday t, e T11 aj aboirt 5,000. Thia, boweveir, 18 Wrated Witth holly and mistletoe. on Ob !9tm&s day Father Stephen ves of th W lting, for Santa'Cla41 d=iAg tbe hofidaiV iinotudinig U10 notoxiosly. 0onserva- igyoom. At 'twelv O' look, noon, �o lid, Miller and- aia M,-dd Tealume ther stdies at the, Nr*rma -1, preadbea ble and impresOv-6 the tstraills, of the , edding maroh, aii Pearl' Lawrence, �sigfer o& tivo a �;oog, T In Ontario .'city of Toromto,�'-,Y'hich- sends to L the - room,,act,iid as brdeamaid aod.was !9wilions ;bo o(�rflowiinjg congrega- ttion, Guilty -or, . %Lot Guilt&� 90hool, M4w that the Municipal -e ct a wlid 10 ions PlaYc-d`bY Miss Kate MGBeab, the-, Bert1ha Ahniv ; wxn6- anxI maz4h, TU�p Ecklert ain !the- R�-,v. Ei;kert, coO-ting­ bewitah!"gly.;ald in 9, d",sa of whit unday Fatlhxer Jos"V bride -leanini on th ax3n of her Snow B ade, by five - be", and bbe, holiday festivities are over, 1 ont of four Torgos, nd would like to Persian keTt aelivered tAc first is - who .-Anere lisiti"Z -Rov. F&thp LCe ;end cighit. Blot la'WA, Mr. Ruqs--1 Hill: -bro- ofather, took her pl, Wvmn wnd, out Tbron.fo, - or under an tion, ibiex a the, brde aaaisted as,g,roor�s- &hd surprised everyboily by roh oj c�rllgrc RUD Brown r at. Col- p'00ple Vv�'111 'b a-ve More !time a -ad . OTOGE it into a separate' e111131 NV -h Aaban condti'hu-. mian. Tihie wedding March 'his fluency, poweir and pathoa.- ere U 0 tv00-M, Duff wimile sopk::" TIO Man and theii brothers alial SIR- 'greater Inclination to dev en V�118 p; ay- � t elidants. 1ad �te their Y, and the, Liberals would have a &,nd att precede& hex. Mr. Win. -j-. H_aae�(_ dr �ittantion to Provineial" olit-iias and:lgolod popul 4*10en by The bride -was beautiti illy attir-ed in. ill by t: and _d rerb 'Meadalnos- olland, Murra MO- - tott, Old Kefi' te j$eafp-xth drtaig y Mias. Sa� a bbla.0 a5t week At-4homes, -a nd tbedr fammos of Xtrinop 'm U - 1ar m,ajoj,t;t in -the pr wus Y the. holi4ay ov in of bbla� bride. The, knot *aIs tied -a dress of girls; boys' quax as well as 4,Woi�kiag majoxity ore -&Ta orqpe dp- dilime, tucky Home taleau, Faixyla�Q loft this 'm3ek, the �orxner T -0i wk� may expeot the fight -vv:ill be b by- Rev. X -K. Rixks, 4 Seaforuh, in MkInn' COn., POter �ii:nd Fr6d.-Bokert, ot h� tji witl' chiffon trimmi-1119s, 0:11d. wore Damao of tjlie; Bro -home in New YoTk Le!-islAture, and the Conaerva. vioilin it' tbe, %tter to from now atil the - olose -bf the polls cou- Vrelsonc, of lar1g,e number f ln-ihohow of thoir far fameA bro- bhe ousto-MUTY ancl oraniggeblai- struMeintal, Id ot deiprive. them of it. invited gu0sts. Af ter the thexN, Fathers Stephen and oeph. V4M a the 25th of January-. I It is not It * -ro-nto t&jt cauve Im orre- _ - _Tory To wmo. 'The b assited'by- Irdsh- j7hg, y f -on flbie uron Ihpz Hattie -BaTking canines rii de M-abol XeDonald, 6 the On -wa per oirmed .0hie igu4m ts Sat 'too, m*dt to say that the' pros-peats hD was boman- ham; ohoTuts, to a SUMPtUOUS TCpaSt NVhcfe. 1 down -oad frequently 'cionteat fhe r�ght w Dells, by of thid Rose Government are 'dadly o� w -6y wjith belated txavellers from ingly dressed in, cream, ftcTe wal� every dainty to tempt and Nesbitt has reoe lmoom was ably isuppoxt4d by is ma, Luella SbAw; tableau 4 btex e gener- Dr. Be&ttie ived SeafoAb. Thrl, When th Y !seem to harbor a br her, Franklin. 03nigr4tulations ur Gradf&tbpe d ��4 Wil z ro�vkjaig. bri t5atisty tffip- desires of th i Hulicly a- the una,,nimioius nomina tion minor M a.a. rs; Song" U4 ainst proiliibitbon-� 'were ;leotlun was' EX-st spokea O the Of the Af WT all blite, Ignogt. had partaken Or,,' over k1l repairel to., the din- vice, by a-mumbm of 1-ttheN and wife Conisexv.4-tives o North Torun to as of tibe. wk-4diolgr vP-Tal ­niew couneilJors arL. by -Rev., Mr.. Wiler QU Last wdoes- banquet, tbay ripoln wihieri� a wed-. tabioau, Jblf!gs of bhe Nat ts for tihe Governine, i 4r4 mi ions. , prospec- nt we're, nMcKillop *but the clectars They willi ta-k�, up T.1101'r their candidate fox the Le/gislat Ured to the pi;jrlor where a splen.- d; day iaveniT -anythim-Y. but ellcouriagirvg. The'' ure... (ling inner was partaken of. Tbje, -,vards tale Thiez(, waS ocipsiderable opposiion to did will turn tlhi6ra all out llet yea of the ;7reat Liberill. umventioli, however, PTO,?riamme, Of muso, roadiag. re1aidenice on the ld homestead. -Tile- _1 t Tea,tatonL yong couple left On the -19rammia Mr. R. N. Duff inade 's, ct6., w enias Unless thqy JoWer the taxeis as well aplea*� Chlistmars tree egtortainmet 'hold has hd a and encour ature before the Ig i 'n. train for- a visit friends. ilig inbex-rupt- in ntroduoiOZ4 Mx- Nesbitti eamdid ve T(hen .the flic'es. conviention, but thinTa aw1hvil the --on wa2� a -grand Friday belhs tolled the wen, sm� in kin- inf luenc on the rank and f i le. eo-m to away te brift, wciro a sL -to rea atohed 'up thm­e�, -as his ot blivn la At Russell McKinney, w d a h1aW bee n p- of mornig, the gugsts- slo-w- I diW and blok pie- I of the party, while the admirable' . ? Plimeii-tarY preftntation. 110 ;�ly di!sperspd, t4fte'r qnjoyinig- one 6-f Walton address 4,'! t% NLW-T-,* is the guests -of his un-.- speocibr-s delivered by -the Premier Plin,-ttion was unanimous.. m.Nefl- tu're; 1hat. The prebeftS were boith beibalf 'of the pupils, P-x-pupilr,, 114 '0101% the MV: nbi# is not esira:ble. man 'hialiPl,%t and nicOt njoable ev-' Ren,�gned,-The fllowing exttraet 'Uum-ez land ssrs. Chris. - ad Job o 'ho have done costly and fosEif ied fliends, of M wen, who is r44�. Ward. -Mr. 'aild 39r%. E� Ward -Of Onm t, _- oampain the ous N, 4.�E I He is th,, wo of t1heir liveslInd wibfing -le, c earinig the at- I of splondid's�erTlm in kind fl We e fxom 'the Viot(hria. Times 'to 't lifigh eisteem in: which the taring- frOm the teahin prfessi,04.,;� In, and be and �,has frefra swyomingi paid a -noe tQ -a former paA tor of young �coup,le are held. On khe�r re- after serviing tbie w,,,tion for 3j 'Ilk ambid,6-us gsl he - is mi.,30,11�ie Tihx- rium- tValton Me-thodist e-huTch:,,."At a turn t1hey will take p their rlei- en. .e. thirrk. ine pliticia, 6r God speed to 'IS ! oun1g, cukupl, mosphere and maknjg,pcop1 , C ; _vou§. :1 ry prospprous future, yeaTs as*prinDipal -boo recently. -Mr.; and Mrs. -T.; erous Ward. of Alborta, -om takes igh grouAd, makes'Sould Tdr. Whitne 31vv and imstly pr6aefit�s Of "'Inectinig oif t are guests the 'Wh oh if Bluva, everytibing very �)Jain and set' form- be Centennial Boaxd of dnloe -on 'the tbixd o.oncession of -ataimlol. � Ac0O.=pXnyi0g the th,6 klm irable dminist f'yr t)" Ini2;! of :Gvernmim -bride and ign Mr., Thos. tive, record t, there will be I; th'a re- �Xaaagemenf', Rev. j. P. Westman Stanley. Their maidy friends mnite wasa handsome. r cooa r Ward, rc Oat for to on thereen If b e doe tondered � bis resignation -as pastor. -in wishinig them a ha:)py an4 pros -a XcEwen w. 'a tl 010 IVI Purdy, of tire Governi y anot find pand a 're�*tii.r P121w, in it. The *ail ssys!�hh-h est A mam uk for Mr, I �n which'they" ftpT- a brief 6 e Pe!roiun, journey tr iived home last vieek.-Tbe, g9e. advantage.. Mhis.is wb;,t tells C are 'both A ou� ,h The PTo�utatform we inig VaTn�dtes wero home fox tie t] -n: "At timesthere, wa-, a. igold exprelssed a desire to sevr his con� made of 11r, conventi :ij'h6ld A]310pj,- and the lon4eT. the discu8sian con- by AnIlie Stewaxt and El holida. tinlies t rnoTe. favor- vrat deal of confusi aaidAain, worn b the bride, 'nootio wit-: .-tfi conregation at Ys: Will C;aok, Pro on a Bruceffel I. able will the nd -'N'klt 1�onAitiolis Tur th Gove-rnment be. hard thft;cs were sui&, but, in I)TLYA from -tibe igrom. Th,,, bri d - -the next ua60n&ranoe in June. JOr)nYn.- 1111 exproWmig 'the than'l, V�Mter. Alfred bhna, Ed. W.1 -ft 'tion 13� Of me:rm, So if Mr.X an.a -mimes 3iamio, and Emma Reid �nd, ,av,cryt,b,n1g wo. aci I p ax �y lof t On t hie oriiing trRin Canadi nk of MXS.XeEWen and bl.nm On t -he ot'her hand, th Oppm pl, d 9 the in Tis6mouncemen't was �recejved with Ewen ma,de -A Very ploaWfog p io to Mr. an X�Ts ­Tf ,�Lder and th, 'forth, now pa!ys, itor. mst from date ]AT. Joa Barb spout Christ - in e Oppoisitio preas tTy P*170vorbial mill pond. 'fccr Ramilto, St. Qatharin(', To . ei la gret. After* the -ex lanation men- referring tioi this relat jjq� depon�it on o�_vin!,gs -jank'deposits.. BW _d of to confine the discussion entirely to - - - Ittra a:xfd otlhiaT pointa,, tioned .�evTal members delivered' The, ClAnton, Ne.,,v Frl of last week -Sohoiaxs, for so Mall Barbe, 4 daughter. -Mr. I speecibea Of a compffinent more distiasfeful charges of el- ;a:T y n a 11938 f yea h& friendly feelitig ,of MATIette, xiohiga. and Lure, -asking pastor I Briefts.--Mr. Nisil lt�s oa� T IS the 00' tinue I I the seeti swe wou d ondoa7m every Constance lef t Mon- bhe -people of -his tion. Sioe his day moIrajog I& B Is vibote gueit of hia� un -ale, Mr. Thos K na 9 Asingly to ring thie hange; word and would like -LO make, Dominin an he ingin h, !'.I- � I - s oil B; k, Sealorth, allows ;w abeera V -ere given MT. - olelstmas tLhe�x defects in the Govern connoetoo ith the Centenni�d Ihas be -on tea Tree. -The Christm e t ar- 0trangur if we culd:' "In South hutreat '-from ' date -of deposit *to ad Ewen. at tow, con:01usion of 'his Vree entertainment igiven b mour :and!sop,ers1sf,snt1y ignore church, Rev. Mr. Wetman bas plac- Yxis. Hug1h Aiknhead returned gat- sand tiben the entire sim- Huroin Itev. date of withdrawal an savinigs bank oompany i t the PresiWteria:n %b. Kr. MrLnna, -the Ub- ed h !xMitution on a firm Gina ilar - deff#ctg in their -own wardkob% sral candidatc. is puttinig up a accounts. n Urday' levoninig from I their honey- in ainiging Auld -long BVne_ tbat the peopler a:re growig, weary bah sbool on the 23rd. -of Deoii,=­ Mors C ­cdal basis, every department of the, moon trip, e:nd will �ako up, trhir tair,was, Mos ory v419MOus tighlt.a�A deserves f i rL. Canadian Bank of Cionimerm, Sea- *,,church work'was shown by the re- I Tesidencie tbiearty tl�roughout. A� ber W'a$ a decided snociess. T%e r4,-. I of tho 'Id at whi has b"ome The objef �a-rjgumon�f 'O'w on h6 2jad�modssion of ,r,h againtst ortb, now Pay$ interest -froxli date M0n161*, tb�� OxnPuPills present t t eitations, dialogues. eta., vmrd well him is portzszto .b.6 in a flourishiag oon- 't Stanley'. -Mrs. Alfred ' Homicli, Bee' ont '1,ct,that hie. s a jnini �of deposit on savinigs bank. a' Mr. - the dr1IJS by the bi - ki mora than thrcadbar4 and bids fair f be f� ertjUininent were:. arte, b a t pcounts. dition. The ohuroh is now in bet- a, of Tilbury t week Builgem, woodst., to be �competely w�rn out: before thfIS should realjy be in Sawer ;4nt las k ; Miss Annie 011-. imd 'and 14 . b is fa &Lj6 by this little onm, r"p election day 'Tiho, fact that m Vo I 929-tf tex: Standinig ta�, at any time. in, at her home, the man.ko Mxs. Ed- iveT, Torpn�f;o - Miss In. the, D inion Romm two iDle,jj.Zy_ Noteai-Xr. 'Coldtborpe of Dakota j,ts histDiry, But, Re, W Td H k ZMUbel i" blik- applaigs they doaevv-PA. The 47he Opposition'do not nd cannot' men v. Mr. W tin n a bimic, , Miss N04ie and Master Minti6� Manitoba XiMes Hattie an# I Eddie, also �qf T;lb teazher� Mx. Shore, is to be, -`�eafs fox western cnsilt- s - visitig vrjth his i�T�the-in-law, has mot c9nfinA'his attention to ltle� I '"rioualy attack t1he, administrative I ur, , ispoift Now 334-rdette McCraken, nen'Oks, �Vzd tbisy made good repre- r. Hulgh Dunlop."-Rv. Birks, of Contenni I Motbodi- yeazys t 'the mans I A -9111Y coMmendd and thanked for and lexis-laive recora of the Gov- Imn,t,atives. st, church. He le., isq Maggie Miss jegsle pob I a ertka, Wrozeter� jko -care, and -attention !..a McLpnan's ch.arac-' Seafortk, reached a very elquent as 'become, -identified wi tb -severa-1 1, Ross, w -b ija! e the Ospe 9 ve ter is irrproachable, his abjl�jty -i �a nd impres i sermoin dealing local �' religi,u�s4 and oaritabl, in- the hpIR nedrilling tbeon. 'Af ter- tell�s istrongly in favor of oront' Ilt Louis ]Blake Duff, Galt-, Cliffop-T4 a on the Pugh, Waltor Burgessi' 'ffi Icord and as time t�- teTaperaee question, genierally, Istifutions and the organ zation of a London Road. -M, B. programWe a wsll laden. tee the PartY ivho can'boast of that re-- b -is pj,atf(Xrm 0apacity :t4h 4na tr"n wi th *a on 't -his Will first 'clms, n in. monAlloe Duff, Londoli -Pped W its oontts ard t1fe all't1he mor, ovident. So far ­ h%,s a' pailance, nd UIA 100al option pa.Tticularly,- yolrog men's at�hletic assmiation. in I spedyt New Yeax-� 14 Atwood, the Messer ;COra Wa3 6tn Lidt0wel, and others. One, of, ohudrm returned to their homes 'hustler." All oVer-the rid,, Kinbuxn gave a.Very good account -the north Ward which proved a igueIst of -his niece, ". oe Grey,-, t ean 1 therefore, A in14 the Lib als gre daid to be Most PleaSillg- things in CGUUCC_�: After Ildving-given the a ibis distance frorA 011ing (My, the unit- -ot RaClf on Monday by 6rivi.09 quite' aPleijidld suocess. So7 *tht the news MT. Charles Sawers a h4 Albert Aik- tion -svi;tjj the fwowell inig in bls.favor,. If the Liberals are A nioe majo(rity in fajox of l"al op. Was the- serid�'� erc§Pcts for. tM r urn of the Rasg true to �tjom�sele., :Qf his resignation will be regretted mh�ea,d left on Tu"Y to resume, r princi- COvernm-en't are moTe t1an f gvor- ples,, Air. McLennan wil -de t in. thelMedi.rl and thif tixm.-In Ul� zunic�iPal elecLon Mr. by many even oubsA the bounds t-b`64T studies. 'T. McMillan as, elected reeve over.-od 65-ow`ll congregation." loge, Lonon:-Mr 1)4,�,id A%ir, our I be theext Patterrson, by a; N6teg.-Municipal elections p,,msed Station a.,jent, very Terosentative for -South Huron." �Vs opponent * Mr. ae�ptamy sup;. lk AV tot majority o 4 6. Messrs. Moon,. off Ve'r quiletly in this vioiailty(. Grey PlIeAl the pul�pft Gr r t v P, re.. ThO Fall of Port Arthur. Toro ay: nt News, bas this t Rill, Mills and M00001 are thiB ooun_:'t0WhS11jp OK noll byterijan -dhuroh hist 'Sabba-th, for �,Vbx . 0 S will be f aT 190� X -as POrt WTtb'UX hall, fallen. Af ter a is a e&VAV# Yeil in deal Rullett for 1905. We. as follows: Reeve, Robert Liv Re C4MtjnUoU_1% ajoZe bf jaeXly Q year, t Un(g'witb inig- v. Mr. Oranston, w jo was ll,- he frauds wmmit hfoVe, they with the new reeve Will -bre, stAxn ; councillos, Win. Fraser, no. On Wedne0da-yr of las( ek, Our i4 i ted for the purpose 0-bl i to f9ire a good a dbount of them- Brown, ' John Grant, - Duncan John- 4ew Mialvetr, Mr. hn Snidr, a -ad the mmt stul�born and L,-allant ot keepinig flie Ontario Government Wpea next ear. --:;Wm. Hu!gill has tston--A very sdicial' eening was ul'!Ud in * maTriago 0 Miss TAlly Xo`-f9tan0P- on the part Qf the Rus- ill powr we muAt kleep Coriservati' low Iwo v- 8 been wilnewat- under tho Dnfrol of spent- in the Waltbib Methodist TaY - They left _fo Lomodon on slam, they have at leogth been fore- sins continually in view. Thi is the grippe fKff Sa ka Class, Readquartex 1,, the past few days.- church on' Monday evenin,;r, A choice the VeAvi6r tr'ain, turning ed to suxrender* that most imprtan well if tbie idea is simply to -bear in _on I Mr. X MoAllite'r resuma ibis du- PrOgrdmMO of music was furnished Tuesda'a _v to take up: use keepiog mind that - the human baTt i des- tis at tale School on Tuetida:y.�_W. by thie choir I post, eommnding as it. does an Out- and children of the in Q* villao. That th - may have lot to the wm. Th -tely wioked, and that under cer. - )Wrie was trustee for Sunday S61100', intexspier6ed with 1OP9 lite Vnd W -4 -oh. ba. pinoW, is khe a Japanes worked toTn 19 Ptat'am th-P. C0nScrv&Uv8'is Cb ye. r 1905 he Ctmadian For. TeGUations. 'The - proceeds 'slowly but steadily and Surely. and as liable, to go astrray as the Liberal. -wb�Vs of Court Con!stan.ce No. 157, gi wIll be wjA of their nmerous fr*ends.- FIRST DOOR NOR do not qe� hQw it applies to Rond�au,' Who has OF P10KARMS, Von f0T t-ble benef it 6f the Sunday MM Speare, of lvhen, in Cho fatc of the most bitt u t l% motht�hy me TH >-EAFORT H. r. n1d Mrs. Turnbull, of been Wsitinjg tel�,Mrs. Jma or the etinig onThurs- i%obool.-M a er WOL%IstaXice they obtained possess" Present situation in Ontario. It day night, December. 29tb, a:nd. el- BtTathicoina. are at present vNitirgg b -Y ........... oOthia clectorS now fail to -take a,dvant'ln - AAkenboad, returned to her, bo)no la a '60t'Dld as t1eir officers for 1905,,',wit,h -relatives 'in Walton and viciiin- M Mon&y marning.-MX"s.81mon mll the important ouf-pusts both on a1ge of 'a. grand opportunify t o pun - �TChief Ravg)& rk; y'I'm thief ity.. Mr. Turnbull is extepsively Konzio returned o, e, window, then go in aud see the zveat ow and land, and resista'1106 was no 31sh fraud - and corruption in eeo , w. Cia. n TMIDII&Y morn- Look at the old geutleman- in tb 1009er possible, the Russi;an 'Goner- f ions, th' : Ij- B-', gtephembn; recordinij seares OnIgaged in. &rming in thg Nvpst, and ing f rom. Wing -ham wl�ero - she had vaTi6tY of gift goo& to be disposed of be -fore he leaves, You will find th* cy,, will- oneouralge wrog. ' W the S on, b6tjl sides; and the fact the Massey- n spena at in oomamand 6ommunicated I ith doln,r batrY. Cibiarlen McGrogor; financial is VIL le�d Wgent fo6 bee dog ' the N Y With most appropriate articles for aU agaes alia conjjkdonttr X&Pubese commander askjag fox that Con W,01*t4TY, Geor(ge StepheiSson -' treas- Havribs''Compay, and durilxg his 23 friends. -Mr. Tojlin.Lay�on, f Lo A *ho appointment of comminsio - iservativea under this en- '�jn, jk�. `yeaTs soJourn in the prairie pro urer, Riabard Anderson; chap.? - don,' f ormierl of thj,.% "' villaige, hans- urrender. Libzals, Inakes the case worse in_ Che -gee in ab -Wlmt V was appoijibed; the ��noe. The request ,�t�*rra -cGrei r `hoirXh. th climate bis shop during his nid4T% pl, I K ?A> 0 Seafortb,,*b looks as t wao acoeeded to; the sfead of btt There is another , , f ,b the pe r in -Campbell, miqlat have, bam a, 1%ri�ms a�odident side to this wIll-e 4w YedTS velth their brother, 719oeea with. him. -K . D, arrang the terms of a nors 0ou-T'VXement will do as badly as W. Jowitt,-Mj!9!Ses Jennie and vinoe fortune -ha's favored him and beeill takinig Mr. S oommimion L.EXO terra!a irrntged, and the Surrej3der opl shDuld XVIC1181 MoGrogo.-On Wednesday, �;f Brucofield, called ,n fr- a think ot. -If the ejecfoj;,3 I on ds her e o00u-rr.fA on Saturday of last wek, DRUG) BOOK AND C40ODS STORK :axe to ft4�rnoon, Dec�ornber �Qth, one of on his way 'to attend the funetal of w1ell James MoDjzxmid, reeve ot i tie d d�r