The Huron Expositor, 1904-12-16, Page 5DE.CEMBER 16 1904. this Yo if yog ine and s foot. thet f the rdsi peir and rOThd of this Rob home ant af - lesbire, to this r[ ori ble hieel- lto live ntif le ro id rest. • favor - y and ood me a kind made waS enjoy - 'though he past te Rob- nd no ter e in- eion terian nt ook innters. sister, el with R ober t Rob - he beet end al - le time I i•ei hie era/ to f!rVi1 e, it tea- t- evhich eyaneer, a. Money 17101f . of the Society church eSmit h a d - n Wi I about ; have a of the 1 bold- Tues- .fif of resting and it profit- ith old .t h; ;of his die- . ur td feet ciS 0047 .rn ploy«. listr Hat Suxil all of tenting. ral re- s and Sits by 1t, who ble to his, ware - help tnr. so dee n I- n if it nid he ,poul- for from Ion d e. way re - ha rip. eci re- pleas- Ineuis. iot her, 5, end eiteere KE fILTRON AXPOSITOR, THE Walton. young peoPle CANADIAN st: Goo'd-Ttanea—The B Duff's,- churele Walton, purpotse tokung a neck tie sooial 111 tbo oureh ion the evening of the 22nd ; OF cOmmE nese nen a good programme will , • a ed. einneenenreseen - Leadbureee canastLfl Dank of CoMmeree, Bea - now pays interest from &ate a deposit on savings bank accoarits. 1029-tf .-Mr. Gtikineon and the!, Gilkinson, of near Listowel, been visiting at the home a sainuel sutt recently. -Mr. S Jaekeran, and faMily have mewed to 1 A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS -TR ft teem in Morris.-1V/tntsee. George Under weed andCharlesaniel Drer are Farmers' and Graziers' e,A,„ o help Mr. DagBegley et the tirnber hal...emcee this winter.-- very facilitafforded farmer a and grenere for their btinki g busiriese. Notes die Will Sir Wilfrid Leerier and hie'in counted. Sale Notes owned or taken for melt anon. Government explain hew it is that • - - ; HEAD OFFICE, TC;RONTO. i. I 13id-up Capital, $8,700,000. Reserve und, $3,500,000 HON. GEO. A. COX, Preeident. . E. WALKER, General Manager, ALEX. LAIRD, Asst. ,Gen'l Manager, 110 Branches IN CANAtIA, THE U ITED STATES AND ENGLANO. NSACTED, 'meat , 1 very INNON ristmas; Groceries. We'have laid in a heavyset)* of groceriee for the Ohristm trade, and up g as we_do In very large quantities for spot cash, we get the lowest pric s, .which pate fie in a position. to sell first-elass Christmas oceries at pia s like these : . °mimeo, corn and pen), 3 ean—one of each -for `1,5a. • Good red hid CT, two cans for ne. Choice selected rainne, 3 pounds for25o. Calif zeta seeded ran no, in pound boxe 10e, Cleaned eurrainte in balk, 4 pounde for 25o, Choice Cleaned ourrante, in 3 1 boxee, v ry specialefor 25 . Choice gulden date, in package, at o. Orosse & well's orange. lemon and citron peels at close. prioes. Breakfaitt ce eels in orange malts, vita, oatmeal, wheatine, cornmeal, etc.; alwaya in stook, En -emit! cheese, ehoice;'ae 12 -re Long clear bacon, breskfast been°, tiptoed roll, mincemeat, eteo ' alwa s in etook et bottom prides. The old reliable /Eiji Jape tea, none genuine ex• leapt ute up in polled bags, worth 30). for 253 Red Rome tea in black, m xtd and Cey- lon g een, at 26o, 30 a Me and 501 -Englieh mixed pickles. very Bpeoial, t laic. Pare extra t of lemon, %rennin etc, a. 50 ani 10o per boatel. _Pure spices of all kinds at queen 1 price. Rig eiet priche paid for butter, eggs, dried tipples and,,,,kon try. reople get suela a small parcel of eeigaz for a dollar at the present eteet.-We are pleased to ()leer that „our young friends Mr Clayton -nate and his siste,r, Miss Cora, -w-he are attending the Model school at r doh, have been engaged to the °Nunez year, Cora at a not far from Leadhury and at Port Albert. -We are to bear thatMr John Dun- II� oeverely bent by- a fall ing around all right.—Little parties are all the go these enalin. The failure of the fall wheat ben snot apparently driven all the fun out ot people's minds -Mr Ed. - Nan 'pea Liberals out in South Hur- oj are surely getting high minded, where nothing sbort of a minister will do for a candidate. In East Beton a pair a farixtere ere good isennin for us. Lakelet Bret eene-The Rev. Mr. Radford, Of Blitheswood, will be ieelueted un- • tie pastoral charge at McIntosh end Betraore on Wednesday the 14th at Betmore at 2 snolock. Both ennenetrations are on a good finan- tie! Weis and no doubt Mr. Rad- fertre pastorate among the people will be eminently successful. - Anc- tinteeere Torrance, of Clifford con - Waked a very successful auction We at W. Geddie's on Thursday af- %moon the 8th inst. Though the day wtes rather stornty a fair crowd was in attendance and tbe stock and ininiernents sold exceedingly well,in tacit the sale ail through was an ex- one.-IVIr. Bowman, of Mar- fris, Conservative candidate foal East EIITOD has been in the vicinity get- ting acquainted with the people. Mr. 'B'ktop has not yet celled ronnd,but ae le is well acquainted here it will be unnecessary for him to spend much time among the faithful and faithless -There will be a Christmas tree and a lecture in the 'Methodist elittroh Christneas eve. The Rev. Dr. Beziewood, of Hamilton, will deliver tit leoture on' The sunny side of Ire- land." -Mr. Charles Hi eks, of Ar - their, visited his brother here last Bushtieid and her kle•cighter, Susan, are going away on a couple of months' holidays about !the 15th inst.-IVItin oip al inaatters are • )ier quiet thus far in Howl*. Though there is a oonsiderahle kick =one the farmers at what they eetneider an excessive tax, yet there dote not appear to be many anxious to 'undertake the task of bettering inatters.-Mr. F. Deakraan, bvtr on the Clifford road, died last Wed- needay night ratber suddenlyand eine buried at the Lutheran cerne- neny Ofit Sunday at 10 o'clock. -Those interested in the building of a bridge across the lake north of the bU1 g are at it again hauling brush, togs. gravel, etc. Last winter tlaey Worked. like trojans for a couple of Mantle and last summer all that wield be seen of their work wee a few poles floating on the water. end the gravel some 4 or 5 feet Under water. How persistent and perse-vering some people are. -Mr. Cooper, of Fordwich, tax collector or the eastern half of Howiek was Lakelet on Tuesday, 8th inst and Itook away a whole pile of money. 11•0111111611IMIMMINOIMINI MA RIK: 74* 1" SBAZOIreEt, December 8th, 1904 s all Wheat} 1" 00 to 1 02 Fall wheat (new) 1 00 to 1 05 os.ts per hu.t.,.* - 0 81 tO 0 31 Pea per bushel - -0 60 to 062 Earley Per busbel_ 0' 40 to 0 42 !Suter, No. 1, loose - 0 13 to 0 16 Batter,Ztub-.,- - - ---0 14 to 0 16 _Eggs per dor - - 0 19 leo 0 20 . Flour, poi 100 153_ _ - 2 60 to 2 75 Hay per ton new „ - 6 60 to 7 00 Hides per 100 the.- - -.... 6 00 to 5 85 0 80 to 0 26 021to 078 Potatoes per bag (new),- - 0 60 to 0 76 Sett (retail, per barrel-. - .... I 25 to 1 00 Wood per eord(lont . _ Er 00 to 6 20 weld per aord (short) 8 00 to 3 00 0 25 to 000 6 00 to 760 1 25 to 200 05 fro 25 7 50 to 8 20 Sheep Skins....-. • Ot• • • 4.! ••• WI/ • V tples per ay& Oaf .//0 Off !! • • • Timothy Seed:- -- 'fallow, per Pork, per 100 !be Poultry. Toiteerro, De cem ber 13 -Poultry-There is a continued demaitd ter eh Ace stock,bue receipts of din kind are light. Quotatione all-round are unchar g•;d as foliowe : Turk - eye, 13 to 14) for young, and 10a to lac for old ; dueke and geese at tin to 90 ; chicken a 5re to se, and hens at 5o to 6o per pound. SAYINGS BANK PEP*Alit MENT. Deposits of $1 and ,upwards received, and interest allowed a current rates from date of deposit Intetest added to the deposit twice In eaoh jfear, at the end of May and November. The depositor is subject to e delay what- ever in the withdrawal of the whole or any po tion of the deposit. BANKING BY MAIL. Deposits may be made or withdrawn by mail. Out -of -tow accounts receive every attention. SEAFORTH BRANC F. HOleMESTED,` Solicitor.. G. E. ARKES, Manager. Uri/3g at 18 to 20o per dozen, and Montreal limed at 19o. There centinues to be a , • TAmb r for Sale. steady demand for seleened eggin a job bing way, and prices rule firm at 24 to 25o, and Montreal limed at 20o perdozen. Grain, etc. TOP.ONTO, December 13. -White wheat, $1 03 : red. $1 03 ;Iroise, 88o ; spring $1 cereal, $1 07 ; peas, 701 ; oats, 35 to 350 barley, 483, Hay -No, 1 timethe, $9 to $10; clover or mixed, $7 to $8 •, sheaf street, $10 ; lonse, • $7 to $7.50. Hey - Light droned hop, $7 ; heavy,16,50 per owe Millfeed-$14,50 to $15 for bran in bulk ; $17 50 to $18 for thorte east and wee.Manitoba millfeed at $21 for shorts, and $19 for bran, experte. Live Stook Markets. iserinerooe, December 13 --Canadian tle, ; eheep, 6d, Loneme, December 13 -Live nettle are quoted at 8no to 13o per pound ; refriger- ator beef ati no per pound; eheep at 10 to 124o per pound, Moen/zee, December 13 -Butchers' oat - Ile, choice, 4 to 4o; good, n to 32o; men. lure, 3o ; common, 2 to 2no ; °sinners, 11 'to Ino; butohere' bulla, nn to 3o ; miloh cows, $30 to $50 ; hone 1,400 head ; aelecte, 5no; oeeasionally, 5o; mixed, 5 to 40; heaven 4-1 to 5o, calves, young, -75 at $3 to $5 each; sheep. butchers', 100 at 30 ; lambe, 200 at 41 to 5o. BUFFALO, beosraber 13-Cattle-Operied slow, steady tie -strong for good to choice quality ; others, 10 to 15o lower, prime steers, $6 to $6.50 ; shipping, $4 50 to $5 25, butchers 43,65 to $5 vintners $2•50 to $4.25 CGWO, $2,25 to $3.85; $2.25 to in " • stockers and feeders, $2 50 te$4 ; took heifers, $L50 to $2; fresh cows and epringere, choice eteany, others, $2 to 13 lower ; peel to choice, $45 to $56; medium io good,$28 to 840; common, $20 to $26, Vienne -Are 30e higher at 84.50 to .50. Plegs-,antive, 10 to 150 higher; heavy, $4 60 to $4,70 • mixed $4.60 to $4 65; Yorleere. 55' to $4.60 op. $t.50; roughs, $3.80 te $4.l0; stage, $3 to $3,50. Sheep and Lambe -Active and higher; native lambs, $5 to $7 40 • a few at $7.50; Canada Jambs, Vd to $6 2:5 ; yearlings, $6 to $6.50 • Withers, $5 25 to $5 50 ; ewes, $4.75 to 15 ; sheep, mixed, $2 50 te $5. oat - Horse Market. ToRoNro, D• mire- 14 -Tee following are the qua Whine for the N., k at the Re- pository : Single elude -ere, 15 to 16 hancls high, $125 to $150 ; eine. (Jobe and car- riage horsce, 15 ta 16.1 halide, $150 to $175; matched 'ware r.f earriage her aea, 15 to 16.1 bands, 8300 Senn delivery horees, 1,100 to 1,200 pi uncle $125 to $160 ; general par. ease and $ xoreile nerve. 1 200 ' 0 1,350 lbo. $150 to $170 ; draught hor es,1,350 to 1,754 pomade, $160 ra $175; eervicseante aecondn hand te oriole, $60 $90 ; F ervioetsblc aec/ ond-hand drivers. $60 • e 880. j Dairy Markets. TOT.ONTO, December 14 -Butter-Trade Ea ateady in ell lines. The demand for choice wades continues good. Reeeipts are fairle heavy,, Quotations are unohang- ed. Creamery rebate, 21 to 22o ;creamery tubs, 19i; to 20; ; good to choice dairy tabs, 190 to 200; niediom dairy, 13o to 150 ; inferior grade dairy, 10o to 12c ; dairy Pound nen, good to choice, 17o to 18a ; large dairy 16a to 17c ; med- ium dairy, 143 to 15o. Oheese-The mar- ket le fairly steadf and is quoted unobang- ed at 101 to 10reilor 1,rge, and leno to 110 for twins. Eg-There are no new -laid coming forward. Frieh are cinoted at 20o to 21c, and limed at 20o per dozen. Moseeneee, December 13 -Cheese -As already mien more inquiries have been received over the eable, but, so far it has not led to mueh, but there is good ground for believing that if holden; were willing to accept 10 to 10qe, a good turnover of etook would reoult. Thie, however, they 14111 nob do, and mattera remain in statu = quo. Bleler-Tierty-pound tubs for local warite meet a ready ir quisy at 20e ap from Intel jobbers, while -there are buyers for boxes at 20. Urclergracle stook range down from 151e to 17o as to quantity and quality. Eggs -Cold storage eggs are of - Births. ROSS. -In McKillop, on December 9t11, to kr. and Mrs. W. A. Rciss, a son MeGILL -In Mnrapano, Manitoba, on November 21st, to Mr. and Mre. Clolin McGill, a son. CREE.-In Clinton, on Nevember 27t11, to - Mr. and Mrs. Leek (tree, a daughter. ' MUTCH.-in Stapleton, on December 8rd, to Mr. and tdre. Fred Mutoh, a on. WILSON. -In Goderieb. on December 5t11, to Mr. end Mrs James Wilson, a son. KELLY. -In Morrie, on December 3rd, to Mr. and Mrs. Sohn W. Kelly, a daughter -still born, ROSS. -In Mooaejsyr, N. W. T; on November 28t11, to Dr. and Mrs. Rosa. nee 'Miss Edith Clarke, of Wingbam, a daughter. ISAA.C.-At Grand Bend, on Nov. 26t11, to Mr. and 11re. Wesley Irma% a daughter. BROWN. -In Olinton, on December 7,th, to Mr. and • Mrs. Fred Brown, a eon. Marriages. DIOKSON-MARTIN.-In Morris, at •the residence of Mr Frank Martin, broth r of the bride, on - December 14t1i, by Rev 3 J Sadie. Belgrave, -11r George .11 Dlefiaon, of MoKillOp, to Miss Lilian Ida Martin, of Ilullett. R YNARD-HUFFIlst N. -In Grey, on December 14th. by Rev 0 P Wells. B A, B D, Mr Austin eeynard to bliss Bade Huffman, both' of Grey tOWnship. McLEOD-SSIITH-In Windsor,- on Wednesday, December 7t11, by Rev J 0 Telltale, Mr A. D Mc- Leod, of In troit, to MlasBella Smith, daughter of Mr Jacob Smith, of Egroondville. CLEM-BleMILLAN.-At Shoshone, Idaho, U. S., on November 20t11, by Rev II. W. Parker, Mr. B F Clem, nf Shoebone, Idaho, to Miss Euphe- rola E. MeMJIl�n, formerly of Bruseels. ENOLISH-COLVIN.-At Harding, Mn,, on Nov. 28rd; by Bev Mr Leviie, Mr Alone% Ci English, of Harding. to Mies Annie Lillian, second daughter °Mr, and Mrs George Colvi n, of Brussels. Ont. DINIS-LARSOL-At Pooettello, Idaho, on Nov- ember 16th, by Rev D 0 MoColm, Mr Win T Emilie of Milicieks, !err:AE*40y of Brussels, Ontario, to bliau Hattie M Larson,of Minnidoka, • Idaho. BOLGER-McGREGOR-At the rectory. Blyth, on Decemtler 7th, 'y Roy J Edmunds, Mr Therese H. Binger, of Morrie, to Mies Jane Alice Me - Grazer, of St ,Icetph'e Island. FOSTER-NIY1NS -At the residence of the bride's father, Myth. on December 7t11, by Rev Dr Mc- Lean, Ur Jelin Foster, of Ashfield, to Margaret, second daughter of Mr and Mrs John F Nivins. WEIN-KR,AFT-At the residence of the bride'e father, on December 6111, by Rev Mr Clemons Ur John Wein, of Crediton, to Mise Annie, daughter of Mr Heory Kraft. GREGORY -Ra •BINSON-In the Methodist parson- age, MacLeod, Alberta, on Novernber let, Mr WIIIiarn J Oregon', of OalenrY, al -0 P H cm. loy, to Mies Mary F Robinson, of Nelson, B 0, and daughter of Mi -and Mrs Samuel Robinson of 8* Catharines, Rev W Bruce performed the ceremony. • Deaths. HENDERSON-In Seaforth, on December 12th, Mary Kfrk, relIct of the late John Henderson, aged 80 :venni and 8 menthe. SMITH -In Seaforth, on December 14t11, Agnes Mc- Culloch, wife of Mr John Smith, aged 66 yeara and 8 irsonths SCOTT -In Hullett, onDecember 12th, °brie art McArter, wife of Mr Adam Scott, aged 4-5 yearn, 7 menthe and 18 days COWAN-In East Wewonash, on December 6t11, Mrs Wm Omen, aged 66 years. DOUGAN-In Morris, on November 27t11, Mrs John Donau, aged 78 years. • DOUGAN-In Morris, en Deeereber 2nd, Mr John Dougan, aged 76 years. MoNALLY-In the General Hospital, Toronto, on December 2od, Mr William McNally, formerly of Birth, aged 51 years. LINDSAY -In Goderich townslip, on Wednesday, December 7th, David Lindsay, aged 63 years. TURNBULL-At Lansing, Michigan, enroute from Chicago to his home near Milverton, Allan Turnbull, aged 71 years. OURRrE-In Wilburn, en Decernber let, Attie Helen, wife o Mr William Currie, of 11%int Forest, aged 64 sears. BUILDING TIMBER FOR SALE. -The under- signed hae on lot 5, concession 2, McKillop, a portable saw Square timber,oedar poste, pole natters, ash fen 3s,‘ braoes, ole. eupplied on reasonable terms. Apply on the place. Leave your orders early. ROBERT RONEY. 198141 pROPERTY WANTED. -A good comfortable house and stable, with from 2 to 6 acres of land attaohed. Must be near church and etore. Apply to THOMAS PEPPER, box 242, Brussels P. 0. Ontario. 1928.tt STRAYED.- Came into lot 6, concession 13, Tuolcersmith, about) November lob, a red heifer one year old. Owner can bave same by proving property and paying charges. JOHN MoLEAN. Chitfelhurst. 1981x3 The timber on the r ght, of way of the Guelph and Goderieh railway is new offered for sale. It ia all cub and trimmed redr for heeling. three acres in ell. Also other good 7yrs ood timber f eale by the sere, This timnix ber be seeon lob 21, comes,- ion es, Grey or parties wishing to buy will be shown over it by calling on concession 17, Grey, DA.NINIEJ MeMILLAS, - Walton; Ont 1931e3 . ario. XMAS. PRESEN s. .A PHOTOS are always appreciated by your frienne, CALL AT ONO so that we may have the work ou in time for dis- t! ileition. tir YO IR PICTURES TO BE FRAMED. JACKSON ROSI Seaforth. The Last Chance. I " Hot Scotch" 891d. --- Men sold my Shor horn bull, Hdt Scotch," to Captain T. Robertson, of Merton, to be delivered March 1st, 1905, I will iso him to a limited number of cows at the kerne men ea lad season :83 for gredea and 87 for 'entered. Hot Sant& has de - vel 'aped into what wa expected of him, a short legged, deep bodied bull of the eerly maturing kind tied very easily kept. ,I thank my neighbors for the liberal patronise° they have giV811 me during the peat season. You have done your pert well and I am sure you will be profited by it, as Hot Sootah's calves aro coming right good 01308 JAMJS COWAN, 1931. tf Seaforth. Do You Like Candies? The good kind, the kind that twine ,just au good when you are eating thelast piece as it did when you picked out the nicest looking one to begin on. This is the kind you will find here. A box of Candy is a delioate ex- pression of sentiment, and the thoughtfulnesstef the giver. Why not send her a box of our delicious Ohocolates. artioH--- BROS. SEAFORTH. BUILDERS . If you intend building or improving your buildingthis coming season, and require firet-olass lumber and shingles for thee purpose, briog along your bill early and we will fill ib for you with No. 1 stook at a right price. N. CUIFF & SONS V LUMBER YARD and PLANING MILL, SEAFORTH. HOW FAR WILL YOUR MOW CO. That's the question at Xmas. time. We guarantee it to go farther here than anywhere else as far as get- ting value for your money is concerned Call and get my prices. They are worth knowing! Carmea bracelets from 14 to 16,50. • R. McNaught 1 Practical Watchmaker, Jeweler &Engraver Counter's old Stand, I Seaforth, F'111113 AND DIANTLES e are making great reductions in 4the prices of Furaand Cloth Jackets. Men's Fur oats at ',patine prices to clear. Terrific reduotione will be made in Millinery dur- ing t e nein two Weeks. ••••••••••.•••••,•••••••Of • C)1NTM oKINNON & 00,., One Looks Back AAAWAAAAAAAWAAWAOliMatt When you see a well-dressed man, you, are bound to look back and make the remark that's a nice snit, or. a nice hat. That's the kind of people we ,clothe; We sell the very newest, up-to-date geods at the lowest prices. Our Xmas Goods Have all arrived, and you will now bel able to buy Neckwear aud Furnishings like you have never bought before, You can buy nice,new, bright Ohristroas gifts that have not been shown,in windows for two or three weeks, so that when you give your frien4 a nice tie, he °spot say that's old. .Lots of people eve bnying, and leaving aside their Christmas presents, Now you may do the same, You will find Xmas ties, Xmas gloves, Xmas hand 'kerchiefs, Xmas mufflers, Xmas sweaterS, Xrcias caps, in fact anything you would: like. Watch our Xmas win- dows. test Styles and Lowest Prices will make us famous. Butter and eggs taken as cash. T e Best of Everything for ristmas. Ileght to the front of all competitinn w 3 place our elegant new holiday stock, complete in aesortenent, splendid in qi salty, overnowing with generoue b rgains in an linds of Fancy Slippers fo old and young, Moccasins, Over- 8 ues and Legginge in every deiserip- ti n -the newest ideas, the most ap- pr prise° and desirable present' you ca give a friend, gift° which we lack space to enumerate. A thoroughly - fir t class stook, nenbining nonelty, qu lity and elegance with prices very lo We eta ry a large enick of Felt Goods in m r, s and women's, which for style an Twiny have no equal. We s lioit a comparison of goods and pr owe knowing you will find our holi- da line the beat and oheepest. Ric ardson& IVI'Innis SEAFORTH, • Sole A ents for Dr. Read's Outhion Shoe GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY SYSTEM Xmas. and New Year Holiday Rates TERRITORY - Between all stations in Canada, Port Arthur, Sault Ste Marie, Ont., Sarnia, .Windsor and Bette also to Detroit arid Tort Huron, Mich., - Buffalo, Blain Rock,Saspontion Bridge and Niagara Fails, N Y. RATE AND IMIT.--Single first -ens fare for the Round Trip. Good Wing Deo. 24th, 25th and 26ne valid eepurning uctil December 27th ; aleo geed g ting December nen January let end 2ad, valid returnieg until January 3r4, 1905 • RnTE AND LI r Siagle first-elass fare and one tend for the round trip, good going December 23 de 24th and: 25th, Moo on December 30th, January let arid 2nd, valid returning until Jan - nary 4tb, 1905, Fur tickets and all information apply to LAMPS.W. h A. F. PEIILLIPS, Depot) Ticket Agent, SOMERVILLE, Town Agent. Have you seen our assortment of lanips ? If you haven't, is would pay you to do so as we are offering Hall, Parlor and Banquet LAMPS. at prices that will ceitaialy tempt you to buy. Carpet svueepers 'No work, no none, no dust." Theea are the sentimente expressed by every lady using one of Bissene Cyco Bearing Sweepers. Meat Choppers. and Raisin Seed- ers. The most useful kitchen utensils of the age. No hoursehold complete with- out one. We carry the right kind at the right price Sills & Murdie HARDWARE, SFQETEE 11 AN DSOME NEW RESIDENCE FOR SALE. - New two story frame house, cement block founds tion, contains parlor, sitting room, dining room, kitchen with bard and soft water and other conveniences, four bedrooms with closets, bath- room and hells, elentria yrires.throughoub aod heat- ed by furnace. Collar with comet floors, eistern, coal bins, fruit shelves and outside entranoe. The house is modern -in design and is finished with hard wood and has a veranda 12 feet wide. It is built on one of the fined lots in town and will to sold-- reasonably.. Apply to HARRY EDGE, Sea. erth, °Merle. 103141 Winthrop Grist Mill , Ie how grinding WEDNESDAY. FRIDAY and SATUR- DAY 0.13' EACH WEEK. f2191* Chopping, 5a per bag; satiefaction guaranteed. 1981.4 Exercising good judgment is what keeps our bust riees growing. You know that you oever find any shop- worn or old goods bare. We aim to please our customers by having everything fresh and up•to-date. • Xmas Is here again and we want your trade. Vire have many: - beautiful things in Ebony Goods, ;Toilet, Manicure and e Shavieg Sete, (-China, Toys, Dolls, etc. Come in and look around -you are wet- ' come whetber you buy or not. O. ABERHART, DRUGGIST, OARDNO'S — BLOCK S FLA_ 70 cDTEI Municipal Elections. Township of Tuckersmith The annual meeting of the electors of the Town- ship of Tucken.rnith, for the nominatfon of oandi- datN for the offioca of Reeve and cone:liters for the year 1905, will be held at DIXON'S HALL, BRUCEFIELD, MONDAY, DECEMBER 26th, 1904, at one o'clook p. m , and if a pell is necessery, ouch poll shall be opened on Monday, January 2nd, 1905, at the following places :-In division No. 1 -At Wm. Aberhert'a hall, Egmondville ; George E. Jackson, deputy returning officer. In division ro.2.-At sehool house No. 8, Egmoodville ; V. Burgard, deputy retureing officer. In division No. Wheel house No. 4 ; Charles Routledge, deputy re- turning °Meer. In divielon No. 4. -At sehool house No. 4' George McCartney, deputy returning offi- cer. In division No. 5. -At /wheel house No. 1 ; A. G. Smiille deputy returning officer. In division No 6, -At Strong's hell ; William Sinclair, deputy returning officer. Poll open from 0 a. m, 0115 p.ra. A. G. SM1LLIn, Returning offioer, 1931-2 S.A..77= We can save you money on what you need for Christmas. You don't need to send away for it and pay express. We have a large stock rightherp at home and people know we sell cheap. We are al ays here to repair our goods or to re- place if not satisfactory, though we. seldom have to do this for we are always onour guard for fear poor goods may get, into our stock. John • 6u1ger JEWELER SEAFORTE ' Cornier Mein . and Morkot Srseete Solifortn, •r I Ontario, Pickard nrinnirnwr Teo Larooet Dry G 'oda 'owe Pio-thing Concern Is Four Countioie To, Vick:4M's. again for Xmas 84oppin +4444.1**1 That's the by••word of a multitude of practical people, ed.° know that this all -year-round store is always to be implieity relied upon at 'holiday tines Our aseortmenkof holiday goods has never been sur- passed in our twenty years of catering to our patrons. Every de- partment is filled with the very latest novelties. No extravagant show features, the cost of which must be added to the goods, but a comprehensive, business -like gathering of holiday goods, See ue for your holiday buying, We have goods which will interest you, and never undersold. Ladies' Department feney lace stock collars, just to hand, in ecru, cream and white, prices ranging from 1.5c to 50c each. Ladies' large escuriel lace collas, in ecru and eteam, at 90e 11 and 12 each. Ladies' silk stock collars, newe4shapas, at 25c each. Beautiful chiffon collars, tinted and. trimmed with chiffon rvehing, at 76o end 11 each Special values ill ladies' belts at 25e each, All the latest novelties in belts, at prices ranging frora 36c to $1.50 each. Five dozen wrist bags wozth .50c each, for Christmas 25e. Other Ohiistmas novelties—Chatelaines, fancy linen embroidered, hem- stitched and drawn work. See our display of Tenerieffe doylies, ranging in prices from 14e. to 50e each, Also fancy lace and guipure pillow ahams, with tanners to mat*, at 39; 50e, 60c, 680 and 86o each. A large aesortment of cushion tops, eith denham to mat ack,fsause deaigns to be worked. with Roman floss, prices 25c to 60c, Tapestry cushion tops, all the choice colors, 50e each. Our hanclketchief display is as ueuaL • AS URS The numbee of buyers who frif'it this departraent, demoustrate tbat you can't keep the people away from an establishment which handles tlie night kind of merchandise, and offers its ?atrons furs at matchless prime. See our display of furs for Christmas. Nothing more suitable than fure for Christmas gifts, and we offer 'oome unmatchable; values for Ohristmu buyers. istvispiristsf Three special &Wuhan coats, trimmed with" Col- umbia sable, 34 inches long, in sizes 34, 36, 38 'Xmas price, 134.50," Three Aitrachan coats, trimmed with Columbia sable, 26 inehps long, and in sizes 34, 36 and 38, Xmas price, $36. Astrachan coats in all sizes, 32 to 46; all prices, from 125 to 140. Bocharan coats, in both plain ed iable trinnned from 140 to 165. Two special values in electric seal coats for' urns— plain at 130, and ea,bIe trin3med at 136. Persian lamb coats at $106e $130, and 1136. Christmas prices on all kinds of small furs in niuff collars, tuffs, gauntlets, ete. The largest stock, the most reliable make, at unmatchable prices. At we ask in our men's furs is comparison, Men's Canadian coon coats, all Bizet+, at prices from 130 to 175 13Iack ealf coats from $25 to 130. Dark brown calf coats from 120 to $26. Brown calf coats from 115 to 120. Dog coats from 115 to 118, , Wallaby coats from $25 to 136. Wombat coats in browerand natural, from 115 to 126. Sleigh robes, Northwest galloways, from $14 to 119. Black, brown and grizzly bear from 19 to $11. Goat in dark grey from 15 to 18. Special values in men's fur caps, fur gauntlets, ete. eneeeennWeWesenniee~~Aannie Mantle De artirtent For the holday trade we offer 50 ladies' coats, regular prices front $6 to 112, for $5 each; 75 short coats to be Sold for 11 each, A table of ladies' skirts in black, grey and navy homespune, worth 13,75, for 12 each. Millinery Department Here's a quantity of sample haltim- ade to sell at $2. Our price to dear is 50c, All trimmed and untrimmed hats in millinery department, for the holiday trade, will be sold at half price. Staple Department. Mill ends of table linen at 25 per cent, under the real value. These ends come in lengths from 21. to 3 yardss and sell as follows: 11.90 to $2,45. Ttt addition to the linens, we have sevetal dozen napkins at special prices, A table of German prints -wort14 15c, to clear at 91c, A table of wrapperettes, worth 10c and 12, to clear at Mc. A pile of towels, dark crash, extratlarge size, a bargain at Ibe a pair. Wrff. PiCKARD Opposite Town Building, Come- DIRitt,T * .MPORTERS arket Sta." Seafartne 7.1