The Huron Expositor, 1904-12-09, Page 47 A 4 HE. 71 DEC T RUR01N,,,, E YN, POS�To, -EMBER 904 Humbex,t. who 1succeeded- In' bart- ;hhna of $187o955.75, Sioo, then no H1wOod. of.1famil-to, wil delivr ',hi Towing M11110.1115V of dollars, dnd for fin,anoi. is, -death- which occurred on. Friday SEkA I.RTH'S L A01ING SHO IE STO R DIECEMBER, 190-1 nl staWment 66b igiven 'an addx hore about, C ristmas. ovoninig last. Fitirther particulars rand S
yea. S fooled the shrewdest lawyers out: The admLqsIons for the, last ,The prooft� wjJl be applied to bily- 4 -his - life will be iven-iiin, next Fulla Ioja& financiers of -France. There thzee mon Us'. w4r e ig eaex than fo aper$ otoi, for this Sunday vreek's Issue. He, hard attained Cho M- T W T F 8 must have boen a ftsh, of insanity the first. -4r, m r ing p :ot Christmas was M, wn 000, Se- schoo ggie Buslif i Id who goocl ago of 86 oars. -The W eddi
fo -on M Buy Y Here. ng Annivon
R!nt of t Of last wol.
and. a stronig strain -of -genius -in ly the recelpts �how a' at ��k as milliner in.-Mitefiell a quent corres- W I more sno for good sleig +++++++++++++++++++ I 2 3 Madame Humbort. Both. these women vondlog increase. T4turned: o ber bonie ere lt Wre �
t iig� is felt *Te :Kr af-lid Mrs. Wm. guests -Arese'.
4 - -%vexeb<n-n on -farmsspejit thv--ir ch!Ld-, week. IMr. Carliitslels le time was.
15 1 6 7 8 9: 10 C.U.1-isle are vis tm� When y.u. to shopping for ChristmAs mak6 up Your mi-nd to b X R,a H161
hood in simpte andrelii-gious homes, !. S - - $1 - A Somle,wht unus aJ '-Occurrence paT.Onts 'here uy 80AU 11 12, 1:5 14 15 16 17 y-_ seful t 'hb winter monthis in Ontario and thing tha ill be serviceAle and u -,someihing that will ,nt into the Wow
,jdz tool; �plaee at the 1�o th 13ra�t Re-. lipudesboro l_ 'bitps, hd sudde,
18 19- 20 21 22 23 2A millions frVm it.. P16� ciated b ? t receiver. .' Take Footwear for itance, 26 27 28 29 -3-0 ey ilotel in Tilsonbur
26 frm, covtia few days algo. me to t'beir home. in Mhoito- What wulj 31 tlity been men, th -,�quld have 13 1 � eang,, by the ba In tble sprinig.�Tbo riends Of -PIym6U-t1h-IBreLhren, were held in, more -ap )re ,iated thana- -pair of fine Shoes, or a pair . of good Ov He was
floated comparties with' ' watered Mr- Tl- Burt, W110 is, repr&et6d rahoes� -the pst wo Ub Cowaoq liall" here, on Tueday NX.! Andrew Mur&7 will reigrot. to or a pail comfortable hou-se� 7 Otir awre is fille,i quain,
the Constituency . Afo,r t with just tance wbom, I
tock, and become igreat and rmpet� learn, Vhat h has bee' p I agr -and Wednesday- n'seriously itl, - c useful ai tic 8, and our prices are so reasonatil 1 that You ; an r. w was desiroii evenings, nd we're but at lost -was some b, -,t- his heart.'
ed fi nclets, but they wer'e women." 'Urmts- A- 'of. drop oVt and was ell at*ded.-A, teiinper;�Oce ineet - me aa expire'd
not al, candidate be- �V t6T.-Rev. Hermil, will the whoie. ily without serious, injury to YOtIr fiaances,- L,)e)k ove Id i r e the coxiveifflon. Two candi- inig wais- hO -I a the Metbod�ust church . �O b*4 gn, - a I -am, lecture eatitled, - Si t V an iUa of the vaTiety of our stock )f ChriAd W nt a t. bwoosn the Vatonsile"I after e1kch Striking Back.-, da:beiswent to thI6 ball t.� Several bal� .on Mo h da,� afteTn gire his f .n� list ju a you 11M oae�, donotek tho page of ih#. pansir on wnit-b. tUo " Woo-ing and Weddin," t the 74, A Thp Premiet of Odtario., �eems is� lots were taken Footwear tr-s MaSon jAvert1sem -Mbs found O,,e Ch resul[Ced in attnded " expected. T.hp, home Methodist ohurc'i, Kippen oro -Tues- Valet 81400 -Gr -ft & Stew&61 poseil to carry the *%var Aglit 'Into, a tis. As thore.was prospect of Of. Mrs. T�01n�,s M oG`n wasi'the Scene dia ven FGR W0VEN. Thluo, for Kcpwl aq.--8 Af�ica in go fax as to, Dominion Al- Urea the deadl ck, Mr.,� Burt )of a ver, prefty but quieW Nvddinip�, y 41go member 18th, t 8 Plush Slippersi jo a pair. perf, 500 to It a pair. Xmw Goodyt-fteKintion and C6.-5 w 4' S, d5 L on Doaqmber -7tifi yjal ,wheet (now). stop in;o the breach. 7 Ife1r. 91UPpera, `53 � air upwards. I ippoy a, 2:15-, to 7,53 a pair. ftts per busbiol- Pudding d1%hP&--Johri Btdgot-6 IJianoe and thie temperance peippl are This ho ea Nfhnn het6 datvi�lfter' Xmas g1fts-4t. Wilfia andSon-4. to do and was was mc!"illop. 0 trpet tSlipper i, to $1 a Pair. 55)"o 75, a pair.. per bushel- mous crThe ]Executive Commit- madle, thle lominef3 of th4 Uitd in� Ube holy bn ol niatri- Santa, 01sue- 1. r ftmr-15 ids, f4tio Leatbmr ligiri tra, to $1,75 a pair. ee, $1 1:- $1 85 ), pair, AVISY par bus'Anl- - Oonadiav BA4,k of Seafnrtb, Dy. -law No. 1155--wir.- 91110th -5. anah of the vionvent. Ion. one ' a - v III No. 2. loo" - X4 Rubbers, 75-i t % S I 510 t $3 7.5 a pair. ow pays IntArest from date of/'ctepollt on savin 0 LV ot Hu i;ivs, most snh oes Forliate-P. ?Aulo-hy-5 tee of the. Ontario br F. I to! Mr Robert I Foi.e."Sh' jolt iance have issued PT a pair. A Dominin a ! I 0'00ucil Of tb6, township of well-to-d� young I Zbe Cost- 'kh'B Z 4 Tiour, Po 7140 For OWO__j 7R. zoanifesto -in wbiek they' express Doti. -We. 4re plaased to hear that FOR BOYS AND t ty Igif fis, ites-tify to' t1ho hIgh dgh�em i - - J*r lob nol- - Grey, in this c' ou n tV,, are submit- , On'tarles wheat re"fr4 'has - not af- 1 *P67106 2*- For Sale -John Talor-S deep di,,,a�ppointmen� with the ac- in -irhiohiitbe yoting cupt use 84 eri, 25) it pair and upwards, arQ p Eye-F1X---6-J. V, IdOg -a by-law, to th� -rate payeris,, The be* Wisb"� 'of -' t eir man. togeter fallen into ai*rtce for Hardware --a -A. ChA�Iesworlih and Son -8. ton of tho 'recent Reform -conven.- y 49ekey Shoes, 31 50 and $1.75 a pair. to"be voted on on y photon-7-Jacknon Bros -8 tion on thie, temperAnce question and day, Jan*uary friends 4re e*toded- t bbleim in Mr. Murra' . 'the well known sy d It4bbers, 55o and upwArdo. te I, - Fab For sal"ohn Whiteman -45 2nd, fm thie purpos, raisiotg $go,- ftbirnse"y hoai�e._A Unio MoCcasive, $1 and --$I 25. a p4r. saverely censure : the Premier be- .a meeting ox Ca thasher, StItes thalb Ithe of Mr.. Briiest Lawren4m, on t e 65 and $t.95 0, pair. Per' A. bargain -4. Orin-& 000, fla;e'debentur h bber Boots 110mr oau-l%-e in his address att the es- o run for 20 w Biblo Society wa hel in BurWs # Exercialng-C. iklierhart airth road is the biiit that he has I li--& I conven-
Jewelry-4-John Bulger --8 tion bo oxpressed approval -f. its c-, years and the money o be used for c1hurch Thu'rsday-j. y J'P rni�l with thino,shed this Lsedson, We I done for Rats-Wni. Pickard and C tb�6 construction R t a:nd wieh there was good s o,-8 tion, and because, as'they 06men 0"Aff 0, Vor 9*16-0 M-rVev-5 rinal ateel briftes and sto cess,-M'ss MoxilloVs vetvram.-Fr the lat- j1d, of Au - es� a 4ZJMC*y -Beed--- tron'emascul,ated the ork 0010ent or ne Small �'nd. Mfiss Coupl� . Gcounts we undeTstau-d: that Mr. Tqow is burn Lbutments, in the tovj b1p. Th' N��O tlbi6 'gu0sts oif Miss A Tt-solutioA at thie instaee. of two Aherhart-9 Fork, V�er 100 N.� John House, nPAr Seafartb, intends - embers of the Cabinezt,. Messrs. a very N, 8 emArt Underweat-F A. Edwardt-S w Isie -m ant. Cenient Brigham on Man Musio,.-Miss EdInwPickard-8 albirtmi�nts and steel bridlges,, are .Miss �St#1 Mr' and vstablishlog a livery stable in -'the Sole agen fo ;dy, of , Auburi -wore t;hie, Griha.m and McKay. Thi Alliance �n Ike I u to r he"State 86a for men,, and tho 61 Queen Quality New QWd+-R* NalTauglit-8 ReTmalnen't improvem(nts andl* will gueks�f Mrs. Whi, moist populated contro 'of � Wtnthjop and Him ran Dairy A
manife- -to also - ver Rinfator Xinw-R. AcNitight-li. severdly mn- > �tatdofiwy -Alwc Wint I a --I Isurels the -Oubwrio, Cabinet and The Out IWA is"evOral 190neliations nd it 111319t. MondEVY tW -accommodate thoge of the BUT- shoes for women. womin-T articular ifor their is only- rlighit tlat the gen- oomMunity - now as te teel"- in R Tounding 100 t
-twat furniture-IftroNiifoot B,)x awd Clo.-� era'Pory -4ho-uld be rehePv7d"_qfrt *asomfOrwheoling is nearly over. Ker 4
fal I u r e 'to carry out the p6mises so in a I Be 13, d r, ot BrUms0s.; solo, Misill A1iCie, 015 it iS'a t1=13 sinee. we I n lot -Mr. E. Latimov 1as just finsed Dundas, = b Ow ,cloix, 01 izeu F, P ionL 0 '0 del., 20JO tv,
frequently made to the temperanck . or 0�f thie expens� of improve-, Gill IL�d Pat yur=' &kO§b. at Jack' j&,eo in sialoj- bad a ^It run fAXr any F,Gffio- 0 1� - 4we�Jqjo to 20,t ;. rut
a 'new Swishino wv- Outside f the town and it is abou
to by Six Oliver Mowat, Hon. mnts of this niature.,J sonCReaf6rth. Theyuso onlyth best Mrs. fRev.) ahpr; a4drem
r. Hardy and Ron. Mr. Rosis. This i%iDd thoir irork f s perni - nont. Mr , Lawroam,19 ',ne* raftdcae on A. M - slo' W. ami westeib 4airy, 1930.1 cNab , es�-Jqnes; U-Me'we lidd a tug Alwall (EXP010tor ToitoxTo, Drourr�be'
'the The Hamilton Her. 'Id t%olo, Mrs. Raliiai. The prm" a_�tfe ci)unty oounvif maaif�. has -raised the ire of'the emarks: Dots. -Mr. Patrick , CU�* tin's. salof Wneetwien. It _Iq �iving or. in -poxtig, old man loquent and hie manifests 9 It aPpieam that not -;ore rt'b,,, falrm s(ook -a!nd imple,*eats�was a mounting to! o*r $44o will go to- ' 111,871t, as we have bis g6od yatady.aud a
sheceNs � firimacia,fly., -He I I as - re n td -wards repair' the, Oluirah,.Auriag an bot 'sides of pol-l't, for*wrd fairly fwo�
S_ 9 I Ma bo- move
SEAFORTH, FRIDAY, Dec. 9, 1904. a 'disposition to s�trikei -,-back gin Yela ra Ogof - Mr 'Rom id .some' Its as i%otiva.forhe b
Igod !style. He, says be W11 is farm and n Kippen. the -coming spr when g a uew ce- fand in th. Y'pt Th ba-ahollo, usabsuged. 1 Tply-it . i afndis 9 colillt things about Byron, L tt,1- wh,6.�� cqme� itid get �Our piwo tken At J&Vk- linant foundatloi will be. built and Iors and. benedictis Intend lolding j
aouth- Hi2jon leogth to this maifesto in� -a felv� I. was' 041Y0 ini,thie n",T future to r"We. Re 4jD :%Vo ; ersamorV tub
! t� wJ y"elln sons', Sestorth, They use � nnly the best inak0lals and it will T Tml Reformers of South 1hiron. at &;yw ii,nAT in.thke mean. time Na- �gives - iberal can dte in, West will 1yelkept b Igets Lbere thekr work Is pe 1080-1 be..- othei�wLl%e 'Improved bAI1 on th 14th inst. The A, t t ? Quite 0 6hurch -VTkj b-0 niueh ore,ton-
tbi� 'Alliance p"le - few nuts to st ing:, Well hat of s about fbe. T,h arpers are i furri1sh the musi�. '44journed convention at Ve- sim hcre blit orkek, -Hi6,ijbLys hie wwnts, them" to pdqslbl, Juaa-s I -d,' far f a ed t barye ball lVanoy all Wool, � medi 1) k#tm venient in new 'locatioir� an, C a 1114 rnd xob-eo Thnro iR Ino time like 'be Vverprit, qu#L to AD thei _13ouo 14
sail on Friday last made a somewhat Teply Ito -the follqwinlg� questiont�:. be poked Of Mr. .14'ra is Klien when he qon,�emplat6cl' , impr&ve- I I *Ven le0s, than eam Of Brim- Ity oubis nierihivins. me i" yeaT% befo� 0 Be sip -o and set) the voluej EWW Green. rp tle Itinie t men a no -^Market is fairly a L be �,_`Did Ifility,%imAd iviitten-r�6q�6 isited un r the I 4rental r I in all *n6l Anil nther giades -of h,)rqo hl . - ts re weted it w f ankete ill b o a
liew ad novel move. As will Vb be 00 a ion 'o -4t, A _Aiid Soh's rary cionif-br4bli,p dhint,61i difice, We calr lilot what range �or stare �ou a 0900 to tNo-Congervative conferende, ask- Yiede -bii t t ;t' Whe'-ii, fheAie Tecentl' Mi b6stello 1.4-nd, br'' You' Or'd1t good, ()ha,le*%v-rth wer V Jewell.. or Buckle to no for tvibs. isitors at, Happy it ismN ings, in ailotber column they ten- c1csing t Briefs.-Rov, -G. W. �Alnde B.A. 19vul, the best. Vxstntne the 4�gove ranp�, it you bolishimg,lbt Ontarj�s Premier, Bi bom$6 near *ul, 4 th#'
dopt resolutions `nb�e thinIgis ,said'about him by G-10 - * st 1% to 1-
aecii, by our report of the )i -ther bardwgn.-nierchauts Zuri li, Ontsrlo�� t I buy, It it is not tke famous'Penipimlar. d�
i P -.m to De roit, - 4 I $13 a n d 4on Lott. ,v'as Mr . P Walsh' bf�asalat zs�tl' I. terested-lia 14bor's%ving, tabl Wing nd non 'I I dei�d the' iiLnnim6us momina-tion to. treatinig etz.? 6knd1dat6 ?or' the 16�tar etr."iffr. Jph ona-ry - sermoii in. - - # t; z i" -LO;ris, Aor-A4,, of Toron- W" Preach a Mimi I q Did tbey iA ' the cotweivtive laure -and bee, ito, -Iva� in th burig tM Methodist cburctL h,e-re, dn Sun- buy the above ranges, Your credit good McNall.7 received Rev. M. C. McLennan, of Kippen, and ause of this, some of -1�st. week on, next at 3.30, �*.vhen te A. Charleawdrth and Sons, bardware' niehants, to q§ resolutions of the Conser busbie4s._ iss day afteTnoon sad Intellilg4mee I:a-4t -week that ZUT16b, Ontario. that gentleman -&a ed the )Join- any vativo ps Ls are tryijn!3 "Mi K V 0 Was In 131-ylth --%, 0,136pt nd contributions in aid of thie his brother Will�- -of Duagannon, bad per 4oz
ki-nd for advaced bempeanca le6r- to hold Mr. Roiss re;p�nsible for Mr. last Saturday d y.—Mr. Fin- i il ilon imtion nd is now� the candidate noction #ith the 'bogus lay' M'K obe, retu fund will be re*ceived.—Ma4y farm- died suddeni VEW left for there, Death, Of Another- Pionee,- Anoth- s . cn a Lott last week he worth POW
.1 ibit from ews in this 1oinility u�,(-. on Sunday att4ft er of ti y PinC-er$ of who will contest the, constituency' When -they fovnd tbat b I d- 'the fneral. this the Jbox ma�pipula �io. But as No thw Finlay Is a district tic "T clAus:e Will was 1 "awn, thore, havi Passed peacefully way _On� Liberal pr� they favoxed 'in thie -Herald avort 0, --fifer e was great- Of 0 want- of, wat�r axfd'havie to th connecti I . inig Monday last. We refer to the a�atli 0 are r I -to see him ., sh W lot -04t
the re-scotutions adopted by� the Lib far ly mis ed vo take tho�r stock to the rivet hich un 0mys '5 . , - a blaoksolit op in town, for, ty at the forth comin.g -election for fel;ched t k%e more tnhalns. *' edaburt 11 f d Of Mr. Alexander McAllister, of tibp_ unebang - 611ol
home is rteT rcn unpleasant task at this -a number Of convention - wakx rejected on lamig, hed at by .9&nsib�le peoplp. 0gai103. n his; turn journey- Parr line, Hay, Mr. mcAlli!ster 14-a for young, aud 10
ithe Provincial Lgisfiiture. The ac- did: -they on Friday, by�' -hie �t4pod f at hi aigo. and season of the yn—Mr. John Bal- at one time 10ditor of the Standard, bad a Dnot -been enJoy* geeee %"i tion of the Convention was entirely doputation. or in any way isiibmit Aroat for a fouT of thim villvge, who but now on opal of Aihe leading' C-af- 109 his usual good- duak
ji-ay tol visit'friand-p. alth bw luch : resolutin 'to, the Canserva- some, Weeks, but his case nd heont I
spontaneous and -was not Premedi Tuck era ithl has been in the Noirthwest, has,re- ATary Pafff-m, is, Wt piegmt renew-, I we . S not considered serious, as he Uaintandes in town.—The. five. o*nfore�ne for it- pproval, I and 0 %1l Ani got vear phn.tO�.. taken at V%ck turned home. Mr. B-,11four speaks in ing . acq was Tat � term-. In-' I Fresbyt able to be up and around V11p, house. ed In �Lny sense of t sons', Seaforth. They 11ge QnIkIho best ni P4DtE�l
if not, why not ? glowing tei!'mts of the- igreat pros- preparing fo a I draughh hnrses. ada ited for any ho ivy work Price 'Y Of thl't c-ft-atry.—T . light ta meet er7t:,0 � re dged the result was as igreat a and their work is perinarient. I 1980-1 Hors�n for SA'D.—A r -jam of agod 14
-Tsur- How many TaeinDe" eavy On Monday afternoon he -h -of 'the POTIL hea held in thi� ase- 3 usual, and igetting up fyoma his Prise to Mr. 11cLennan and to the 'kiV of sleiig-h-ing., ive hav4 had for ment Of Vheir��N . UP Bull 11,,wbert Cricb� of l2w. s 46re eleady
!!-rch n Friday, De.- to firlm, tian", ppke -on thie colorless -resol- Urquhart, Hensall. 1926-61 GhaiT, he alked to his bed-T100m. Wi
oon"Tition as it. was. to the outside - the West Voey tIly Sold a fine G1 dMon at Hen as made cember fifth. 4�'ere -is -no doubt but this way: utioa moved by Mr., 13ovge at! the Znd, r & So bury, hatrist business hum public. It came about in all Tuesday, Thurs, &Y ana SaiuTds� lba our vilhi bbat thLs will I Very Sbortly after, his danijher, Conference -,and demandtd adv�nced y0u'0-`Pbull Thomas, Dinisdale, ya.' IF62mtf ge.-Our mercba�,wtg, who * a suoIcess and all 70on trank, ana 15 3 To fill up a: hitus while nominations always linve" thinking she legislation 171 of Stanley. It �was o1hp- of Mr.Crich's. G. J. Sud a Shar lo�k .ho qttond willZ�' have a:n enjoyable heard heavy brathin Eastern atock is un �t I
erh ud; noltarylpalilfe, oominio- ot foi. the I 9 .Nvexe bein re-deived Mr. McLenna W bhoru�breds 0nd he !got over the slover, conveyance time.—' &x. T. Clark, the 1w461L ow W tbe room, lok�d in an saw"her -ek avd 90 to 95�
_k1S tl�.e _e terests of their patrons,. i I on tra
011tive _,k n of;, t fire and lite insuranab agent ae he AJ-� iarosI6 in the body of the hall and de- livnce autbori.-ed at �re;gular m6e hundred'm&ik for it Tt wa a par- 'and lesuor of marri ge ficenaeo. Deeds, wartgag* in a Splendid. stoak -tu r, thelyhi on the bed, and Wfors re is tok, p.k ii -ch - in. the Xeth- fhekt Sundy morning 'be leases &no will@ Cal efullY drawn up According Ic day 'goods which will odist church s , 0OU14 su]13�mon assistance, the:
livered a ratlig. ten minutes ad- _rly in - ponble � ates. PrlV%t0 funds, also can f lee i which hq adjured Reform- iAg of the membe sbip of the At- tidula finle Y.011�19 aninia 12 t -make . n - vital !spaA had fled. He bad Passed GrOA
0 r. Mr. e It rat,� of ivibere8b.. Parni tLnd !s dnr*n to, close up t1wir ranks, bury all . a "t ToTosTo Deoembell
d low od any lizvooe. -to .-:�tart ew political p I- Cheer in m4, t7his old 4nd roa Colo 'home 1 and ieve an
any� PIS S oil, ",,Life a-%�ay as peacef t Dim&W -has a gpod animal. B6. offloO at the Post office. dTem on N� vehing, on t e pr q f r sale Utly and ie
.V, as beino, in thieb�4. intev I the holiday Seasn.—Tvirs Gard f Slee al-ily as Selo sineas tontiT
past (lifferences and go forward as 1 C 1883-tt in L,& P, XX. McAUlister Avas -ad ice -and Cricb. iAill bias a le more to this vifla-,ge, had the, -misfortune' to' ii, EagUnd 'Ll A -,s M -r. Clark red a -vvhite,$l t-101
;a united force to victory, and de- -c-f tmpf�T. probibitio,' I or, The. Sovereig Bank ofi Canada, Hen. lose a valuable miloll cow".tbis, Nveek., urer there 'is no 8t- precated the laek of courage an the did they fwt- without authoritv?l sell wiiich aTo bout -1- 1.1yo0d as bi§ Ball, Ontario, Head is- a. first of w9e. In his young days to 94c ; osp-, 87a.
Tor 'to; Executive of 1 04 io$1 X
Office, op —Xxs, Gem,90 Thomlisan, of the doubt but that 4_6 will 'have a full 1W was a remarkably robust, wirey, northern, S part of. these who hesitated to un- Bee, blo breal, A � eneral batildtig bmalness brans- E6 I by indugitry, ppw-verance I . -ibouse. His is IVe Notes.—The faTmeTs here are tak-, acted. savings baakdepartmen-, Special induce- Lojidon road, this. disposed -of 11, worth U00 ; NAD. 3 northerl
The Cons'ervq.tivo Leader. ents of ored in th 8 department 110t, - dertake the work f bearing the Vb- inn, advata,g,e.. of tih,� sleiiz- 27 burkys which br -hearing�Mr. A. i Car &nd Iggood management, suceeded eral banner to victoTy, and de-PLict- hing, nd ir One dollar opens ought her over ats rent�d ihis f lon.Bav ports - A i mor;
nieOtiniz m an accou it. Inter(st allowed froin date of depoeft. $40,'and LNvo, 0 bNe store -reomtly va-oate by'Mr. only in C*'A"Aing 01riest hom _f
of the Dominion Co!nger- aTe lgettinq their. tea iniing �donc.- H. Arnol 1, Manaeo f the nuvibeT brol-Aght .4, �1_ I 4t. IN411food—S14,0
ed in teloiwing termsbe courag -%i4ho Win. Robertso v a beautiful and Comfortable e dis- it. into
va; ive�s was lbeld in Mont're�l on James Addison, as mided with down the sal;�s t 27 n qnd ipten& TU:nninig bulk - $11 50 to Z-18
played by the peseb�t leader of the Mr., Geori-e Turner Pic; thr, Summer, Good �udmore, izinfg 7.50 for the t1ibv0s: eWach'ho" * lhoane!stead, but laid up a, com�;ider_ . ill a grocoky nd ;retau'ramt on 01110 bera Mond,"Y. Tht object of the ineetini has CKWtzractor' of the Mason work of tsa ther.0 is returned to his iomic in Londes- 't 2:b1te 0.0111POtenc. 'He was one �of t�h y no moii4y 'in raliln!7 iside and Mrs. C'rber has pu. in a and,8119 for bran, expo
f I Nvell as by lits noble� an -d honored �was to mheet witth Mr. R. L. rd Henry] ellinig is Mrs. C.11as. Co()pjp la Ct, hhv- Bo en boiro.—Mr. and Mrs. Josialfil Wbit-a briki . dw, . _r targe 14tock dic8' ready in ade fi:rst resiets of tihis diStrai is fairly steady, te late - leadiar ot the Cogerva- tbave re -turned from texing, and the, way'a�re becoming residen predecessor-, snrh as MackeiiZi mow ingy Isqttled on t&e farm, where be
Dfowat and oeIrS.L and express . ed Nam! toba, . and th, I h tis of our Vil� lgarnlonft, also i -a li ne of fancy died, ov.b--,T fifty years. algo. At was freel-V. . I t1motby
Itive 1piaTty in - Icthe - Dominion will ro�side at Clin for the pres- work is some- lvge, they hvig m.d-into I1119o, VoInjg to Co '- -a h that tbi� leading, men P&T- n ton for eat lot MT. i
thie 3�pud df- Messrs. Rqy- -qm hono'rable bLnd just man,'and tried la the party in S.o#h Huron were- - lianient on his return from -the Yb�at Mrs' inolds I ram, the cont We. are al- in kin!X' establish- t0 do -to all as he would be done audmixe4 4over at,$
enit—We re�,_qret�,to earn t' David Cooper's hous� duet 'hr dre�e
ractors ways pleased to W%ii te, ser., is 'not enjoyint,g, -,vqod receive such valu- ment 1conneefon. We bave no still* little d
t degeerating. These remarks Soutih. He and Mrs. Borden Of T ter ork are busy, fin- able acCeSSOnS to our populatiL on as doubt but two Sons arrived 1hicalth at. prese t. P�ir- Asbton,who that f,.-hk-- will do a�gool by. 116'bmves a faniffy of st $6 to 16.50
ctss� y d ion ishing the, Noted a marked im�z� on the at Montreal on Saturday. : The bias, been, v. idie wood work. They Mr- and Mr& Coopp_r.— ost of our businelsis. and. six daughters. b isitintg at' Clinton, is a- Carfar arid . W. Hab here. and Mr.!MoLen.nan was ineetingr Nras fairly -well attended by 6-ain Tesiding witih, hi ng davigbiters are maIrrie-d and four ars dau are lgottL the furnishings from ghter ere. Citizns burn coal now, and the �irk: -s"ro in 50on 1aqt Week buy- naominated as a candtdae more but ledinig Consrvatives from. O!ntario win. W Mr. Dateers says the coinfort I at home, and two sons in Michi- Chu'roh-�Tb)p, Nove, , er meef.ImZ -of that they' Tt Ing a ,stock or �,,00djs a6l a fixtures StOOW
�of appreciitiou of h NN I Iget from
xs address and iespecia.14�. Mr. Borden was very theiTuckeTsmith cir Uit held in carpenter k and the, inside fur- makps them new ' Ve cand ar feel did for tho 'new ning tz-an-' His wife died seTral ars azo, 'bar I
to him notheri ar. really ome.thing to n' sorry that they ope I His-brottbier, �an neighbor, Mr. Robul.: LoxDox, Diieom 0PP0#URitY to cordially- received ad wa�s urgent4y Turiier's dbur'ch, on Thufsday ev- ot commence U_,siag it long up 'this week e town was in d 'be adm a Vd 1; Gaz go.-- nadlin, thfi_n. with an expectation rixed, y are sgc�xnd to none. McAllister, is tible only One of the tha:t prin'-sed - to continue in the' lmder- viling. �-Of - last week, Tht stewa-rts Tilin Ladled' Aid of St. Andrew's da-rknem Saturfa�j, an ac- Via. ihe would be a Candidate. When the iship is said that several On- ected ark 'tclinrch purpose. igiving on apple sc- Count me Liitur-00L. D -we kA. fow t1hie, y follows - These -.1getlepien leav thaix in of ISO fainily now _qurvivini?. t I . th� maiib4aery at Ime for receiving nominations efos- Lyrio constitu-&ncies were Placed at -Alm, Rober& Gibbl and A'. H u' In, a very drbditable manner. TheY ial on Thursday . venia2�, De?,ajaber fly'e Plant Villiam t1e;'54 - American. ose IvIll bave it �-oady in a tew days for 15t,-11, I !ad, all the oandidatpS pi -op d�witb- this dispoGal. othing- definii,te, how- -gill; Tuine's, Mh Tonsend, F. Mr. St, Tb-cre will be ti Brooks met ith".4 bad atei last Brmcefleld. 3-UNCTION4. t tho drew wlt, the exception of Mr. A cogtituency can Plewe,,-, end Ir !'&Ja Wit the Paint- pTQ-,*r, ra mine' and a welcotiI.3 for 9,11. i-09 on bim, Canadian Blin'k fCommerep, Seafbirth, Inarket I ever, was don! ing. a excellen t bcad of rils. fall GLannan and it i is probable i2e 'nolt be, veteated until the Hous,6:meets Stt6ward. Rev. Mr.- roW, of. Mi t - 1-4, of ribs, but w thte'reat from y to lg� � d breakiwir a cou�) dsed dep-)At on savings. was no brisket- than 14
d th 'would lava withdra,,.rn also had he s a -resignatidn in t will prwrich an will ;ke a d to us be forwarded camll, niversary er- job of it. Thie Ye- are gla ty hie Is prgressing -and prices were 0011W
iden-ce, -wl e ance. been more familiar I with the for- to tih . Spmker. As th Tur'" e ready for Mr. Daters Const as -%V-.(.Jl td� be. expected.—T, and'_it Was IS * IS Tiew er's rch' -on' gundy f a few as, ooZ he Call and gob vour taken at yack- ity of the eattle vas on
miul of the, conven'io, P,arlianion:tL o, SpeakeT lbis yet next. an Mily to move. into in a Call and an Club lmdded a piano'to ings amovuipti to Wow -
that he An. elected �anid one can be elect- Iveeks. Mr. Jpa eXS will have �a hand- and their work Is perman t. Msfind th-dr work ii pernmnent. 1,077 esttle, S47 ih,�ap I
GODS', S000rth. They ure oqty the beab mstwrlais attr
ly by art oversio, did' be 61ru t Rf"D vour PhotO t'fkkPn & aek- Can -ad! they use only the besb niawriple
ra� t iiiet do , so. Efow,evr -vv-,ben he saw 0 until P, iament meets. At the Some kind confortable residepoe and 1930-1. -r Bros.' ofl� winghm, put it a lat tumbfir Notels.—Re. E. )I. was
al -ow the Lakellrt Xotm—A I i - vas, he istepped Close of it will ot:l Walke g
the, meeting Mir. Borden Tbe t1h .,.vish of his -many "er Toronto this wek attending 'the E rs of t m, -m-,- *1 nuint' from here dt- n
f a
r 4, p
61Z 0
IM C r_q t
t I rucU er7s,,'
n d 1,
it T4
U r —Thf
the breecii. made the. f6110wirlq statement toithe Sr Breezes.—The salle at Rev. John frien& thatf himself aa his eatim- glie .4wo' t1i' Le�ifu -vv-as t-endad Btu fimnoTal of the la Rv. Dr. cave. E
diield on. Tu�sdy evening a ball a,! vwls on Fri- ,=,.3. to t4.75 wi'
Mr. McLennal)l is a ida� aftenoon,: 25th able f�mily may spend many happy League _fteT the d4ly evellin�-, an4i had an.'enjoyable —Littile Pearl Reid, who, 'has been . sp,Iper men. on Fr meeting. It w" decided orous and - aotivre, 111:9-t-, was well attended and every- CO and iS,, an easy, He naid ftat a Uanimous wi&h YeGirs ip t ir new home.— . veTY ill W1th rietimoni ittile brm
Pleasing sp -vvill !had beon �expres�%ed that. be, continue -ies of grain. nlor 1=—Th. Wi -edrinig—Mr. A. T. Scott roturnd lwwt eak 1 el of Br* f1s-L&r;ge quantil , timb. They ar7lvod home -Saturday la" is Te0ov- Butaher-je c
ft thinig wals disp I a- - to postpone- t1hM el"tion I of offi- c n- ns leadeT of +1p, Tels. Will e 10 6ers, unUl April 1905, X,&A,sr In= $3 to
=ake u hK bias been ad wood a . beinig m" - S. Win. 'party. To that -be arketed'here. - dlexates to t week from attending his -zoUsjWs,- little above ihi Is,tter e in up land —Mr. i amps; obert Claxke and A. Mc- Cnervative con- A-11i9ter. 'Were a pd-kin+�ej + stoppez here. for Aidate. Although vot by any inans Nf,d b�eein Uilable 'to Igive a -decided wor k ing. ta" farc" Lsw�'aken Beverly re-ppene� 13ritton, R Mr. W. Scott, funeral in Detroit, 'in In Va-m nn+ 1A -1 In * IL vention at A�ab i r* butcher eow# b.
3 a C U-v - Teply, but diad ratber requ purposes gong urn ure store, here :in his block bbic n i IIVOM U t6 $4 25 t4aft topic Uniored tat weddinig ough Liberal ad is well ve'rsed in e3 t e4 -toire in the oprin'ZI—Quite a number Vad is Cal& for jiext ear.— a Coupl of hours bk,.Ir -way home is r bells that th�e inafteir be podtped for �mak�nlg a nice display o up- Miss Charlotte' Millson was ap- last Monday n Nre.To very well will be Tiging In the near future. $3.85 to % -commola I
-publi-C af fairs fr in Howick *etteinded t-bie R �-Mr- Alfred Scruton., pleamed on having. (From Anort1lier Cor Of tbO coun-trY. f urt1w r disougsion at- a for eform to-datel lgopds. He is pastor o t zonvqatlon t Tbronto las pointed oranist f got a resident of -t week in tibie buildiiiing, Ingram's tiho th-e-ir t resp "vo prosperovs Can- o�%ucs to t 0 hp �at Ottawa 1m I 'I I _ plac6 or tilie, league A own, Mr j)udley ondem.t.) Bvmlw, December,
and has already made a - Mr. B. Ruftan ibo-inig, aong --tbe block Of , miss Kate i 'Briefs.—We a -re g -Jud to say rnediatx-l- after -t -he openinig, ot Par dso opon,ing -up flour wbo resigned. )jr. Win. amieson the Con,,�e thstoady to ietrk Ifor little daughter of Mr. bn Reid, of "91
position for hiinq-elf in his profes- umbex.—A colt Ocked Peter Dick- aInd i��d _s McIn-to Me-wAlme e would have -OTC.—OUT merdliants. are "h -Welst Huron. Thk-,,re is no doubt this villag, who has been, so Seri- ium. 10 to -20,o lowor, *1 -we in taking te step tiine� to .c�o-r io-u,%j y 9 -t e c9t gob tW oib-er day mking! fi le displays of' GJiir* tmas up te Cal-, but that lit will Imake, a -,good run, to $6 ShIppin 0;
TUR r %v;bo h eft's young was appointed to take,
con. ide _& lie ha,<k sb,ows himto be a i4art of in- lind be-tttz do � nd inflicted a �scvlere over the lgoodjs.-�Mro. .R. - H, Collimg lection every week. Tihose, inter ously il. of iliflammation, is re -
as regards the future. and so well 'known alf over the $3.8-0 to S
dp.(ndent JboDght and determina- lhclii4z UP nicel but dauggb-t�r, Kato and ested will bear bhis in mind and covering under Dr. Rogers, cart.. M h 13if fsa It ind bevn! uilzed by a number of 'eye' It I sister, MIS idiniy.—Te lad116_1q of The P 6%2-5 to $5 bullp� $2.1 f riends, particulrly r 1 thome days, X:
y S -not f()Zget the, collectlon.—The Reid wears -a smile tiOni and one we will' think for him- .11J.4 `M-`eTe will- be wt 1permoLnent Scar.— Tdontft�ro n, ant, Sabbat� last with rutees ot school sectio beTian ch-urch are ��ediug' , Jarge young rn e4me to era and feednm, $91 W
A Mr. W. H. WAbbd- gIa&dQ ;(,If will ot bo ar-agged at- the in Tvroiifral district, till returged fro m* a ritends lin Rev, W. n No- 3. box f .1 'n hi's r at rip to Maitoba ifecntly andspeaks Ddh(m- L Hullett �bave re-ea*aged, Mr 1Z ff C
Of lxn.v W1 ty. He is in every a conv-,ntion,of Tepresentative, Co y in'Goftricli,tbis wee A.Mc- 11 os(� in n`f+`rl In hOrnt.—Miss Aignes 13eattie bas T- k- te Parry Souh& distrie't.—Misg F. Atewly -on good * $2 rm I
W,6tl of 1 -hat P�ovincq--Mr. 'John —Our I�g peop as teVl,chey for 1905 at a Sal- Mason, turned biow o1r a 'plea-satit good to choie . a, SM;
�y vatitled to the f nil ide"nee. e r va 1: i v" from the whole Domi 10, are looking f' bb J�aj i bee n ver arn finished.,the werd w thi. consi de--rb or- a:rY of $500.—.A. igr=d con�oett, in i n - Y. $i London and - Westmin,4teT.—The nm, bAt with f lammtidn - is e n- Wolf 1,,'<Yt- - 'hi.s in W
ald -earnest and active Support of ion bo called at �he had uood, $30 -to tM' fwollie or South Huron.. eAtreel '. otor dwy and ha �rood weath� 1ble, o 'nteres't to coinneotion with, Kinburn schooliwill Mrs. W, is ve-ry qood here.—LaTge y 11hought that witse advi-s- _S vety q .p ni of our rink. The Curl -dy suil
The fact of his, being a etrgyman r th roox be ,held on Thursday, m. Cow -an, � of 9 Wawan- u6ti
abte_ Tt Nvas little, --premature for hx)ut,,- J4� put a tin -roof iers dre al )re-orgaiaizing. for tbeir in December -22nd, ash, 'died vx-ry ,* loads f 1graih- are coming, in. INTY. - Rtgo—FaIrIv set and beir*g onipaxed in the ctivc� him to sty -b i n ks t I Lb;e tem I_iddenly on N; on it. and i I peTence hall. A: Superb djay of t Ton- Scott, -as usual., is buying, all Jae Can, P- her he wouid a6eept ' I Costs 'less and ivinbelr . oalmpaiign.—Mr- Logle, of is -weok� 8he wa' -�84.60 to $4 45, I fasir at
ivill be as programm will mam isee.—X. T. Scott has -returned bom
PPM \durabl and sat"isfactory Port Micihtgan:. 5 here times compen- s at ehurch to -84A0 Yotkers. work o -the mini�%try ,ql.lould be his rvny proff oed but ih;e, had b on Si1nda fmlli in hxar li-,11111 ig
1.�U, r ii n h
-rexoTnm(-ndrLtT0n. At -Lxiy rate as s1bJnZI'es--Jo80.pb. Hubbard, of during li� past wee 613:te forr the sinall admission,. of Baa Are, Miob- n, Wbpe he �; t theT-P' were, Savr, en: osmured t-'hiat 0 t vi -h�mlth. Tfbart $4.25 to,94.35 ; bul� hlet'S Should' not be detri- hi-% Futfoa,§ Mills -i 11� k '9't'ng 11�'s Te.dooTs will op, s0se wa the. cU L, to attend the f une-r-al of his tousin, command in Ontario. s bouight big bro- f&t1hi Win. Logic, 0 en at 7-30, pf agram- of dea tb. S to $4, 1-0 ttoge, $3 To thew GQorlgels fallm and will. move been dur i ag tJ - week ekets will be 'for sale Scott, a yonnig lawer. nd Inent."I to his cadidature. nd will 'Mr. 'Bordem spetify wl' me &t 8 p.m. Ti o Tusda Thid �� unicral . took 'plgee Will not detract from w ast, f ber, December 12t and iva!a vk-ry larigely at- of Detroit, who died suddenly of
0 but will rather nor -,v- in IMarch.—The Spriagbank and or tw a n.d Mrs. A. h. Th,proceeds t 84,,35 to $610 - year
add to- his. wiefulne 11 anv p-rticular mat Nw'stdt cream o" Brandt and are for a school eAded. The busiband and famil ss as a repe- ID for tibe iohil nv axe spendirur a week 'rY.—Mr. and Y heart fall-ure.—The Rev. MY, Sewers *etbero, S4 50 to -15 Nfinitet. 4rie; paid libra'
mentioned dT
,It in the evM of his ing, buf it is, unile m"t_ O0f0beT cream 1'ilst week. News-— wibb T'13140ves an -d frien" Mrs, Ross Stubbs an. t hiei r daugh t _,.ympatby�of a very- large pyeacbed an excellent Tlis ininiter;4I dutiee neednot cire-ke of frien&4 in their sad be- morninig, but he alway-4 does - n i d, V2 -25 le. r�i bood COOS per pound and' IeY-----;OUT1 i merc,bants� reporn Sabbath t< dt p 7 Che- UT Fanny were the, Iguests
Mr. Kidd N willing !to N�nd t trade lambs, $5 50 to 26..
be interfered ,vith to any ppredl- Sp-rinlgbank 16.1-� Ce ts for the but- good �xn(j Afxs. ewitt on Sat of MX,; reav"Vment�—xr. wr�ray, of Clinton,, tbat.—Mr rirh� -on hft,. i urda and Win. Scott ba -ovr.,r to h.i nd t I US season of the 'Year.— Sunday 5 gone to M 'V n
more thn the busi- ter th"rovighlout. th,e' f or Pm-,ent visitbig Mr, daughter, 'an Mrs. (Dr.) Lindi:my.,�-Mr. J. Cook ni a de, ointd one of thie auditors —Weddivg bellS will ring shortly in' calves, 600 *&,eep ond I
.� re d for itself ard Coadl� was in Vbte village this -at the I
s of any oth-ex Candidate, -,A-ho has liftanimou�s afm-roval. is, said Tston. this w k u 'i (- t, seatson .—Mr. TbKn. McMillan was ap- c ptance. of tillat seit .-%vould mept News- Master N Coad, son of Mr. Rig' , b bead -of bvchero� c
t-adt as �m d) p
t P-IITChl",ed thk- re§i
ofbe�r - dutf*s to perform, by M� more ip near; y evay week.—"T 1hardware merc-anbs are trustee meeting ' eld on Once of MrS. were *ftertilor
R erf� of uqefu1nV.s.q in and will 1movt- while his 11-111,tit Mr. amU4el ffulghes d'one_q)j, case Tuesday i Wats6 4 I'- Aracefeld. All ax on Up -toe uatil
be ftan any of t;h0-,9nrroun'diniZ fac evening.—A number into it �It i t t.,, i
v P-17 Y f'�vo ,otq*.rs are, willin�-, to obtige the - doi a ii"hing trade. t -bis w`inter I of youlag Peo-lonce.—Filitor Bra4win, plam. Van a good demand aw
P16 Spent a ve-ry (In oyable eve '-n'g ,candldate fow d r good or viode;ately
d. And there'is no PaTty -should it be found Rev-iMr. Wardrop, of in oml iStoves owin1g to thia high i ist,60 No. 7, fo �
is *uPplyiniz, in McIfi- on Wednes&y at- the of MX. beevei, sold: about 4i
that we, kno-,�v of iN-hy ,trler- Mr- and Xrs- Bord I -e -ft for t Pric�, f Wood.—Mr. George Murray, 40
�ZYIMC,n should be, debaTrod from his a and Mrs. H. 11 good ,cattld, .1341 to,�
exrcise the privileges of the Rev. Mr. - Ra for� d, . who h as; esn 'his taLbexi J&*nie,!s Murray and other Stock, 2 to So, ava tan,
-on Tu".Aq 10011 and Belmori,l till such time as )of SM4 'low , .was in here visiLinq thie district -and J3�,Patinq with good 'the TrfLdeTW Bank, 43t. Marys,
fhzeir 110m ini ITolifa 'Taylor. tY cownci or, is thrGugh, —Some ol the old CUStMeTS Of
e�-efl is no doubt on Mr. A. B. Gowdy, formerly, of tkat 400tre Val
and all th-esPriviJe-gres and called arrivel�_%-_ doubt 14essrs. friend1s.—Mr. Doan, of Clinton, was andt Ch � pound�. Mi
etectibAi day ipj -good citizen- Editorial NotRs and Comments Bowman. and i.jlop will put. up a `hexe, on btondAy attending the f an- Canadian Bank of %"Isommerop, Seaforth h, - ill pole a 1, rXe. fown, Jiow managelz of t he baiik ot "Grasser o&lveo -sold at zfxn.%'hip That are (,.,,.n to men in� Mi. T. L.'Pardo, who has repres- tAtenuous fett �or honors in 'Fast e:ral of lhi� brother, the Tate Hadly It', Pay, interest from date of deposit on vote. The 'of Blyth oogh t Clif ford a ihandsome Morris chair, 10@ Puna& *1 young, I
othe'r watks o J*tf�, is to all give him 001�vofe if not to, awompanie& -with an addreiss.
Mted We!st Ket in the ont Huron. Mr. Hisl-6p ad a lart-re ma- Doan, of Roderville.—Mr. G. Trott, bank accounts. Sheep sold -&-t 3:
jority at 1929-3 all 0-'weTSi when �xood eafection bdt re- vh6t,oqrapber,- took a vieiv of King Come ai�ti get your photo taken at Jack- to SIC 1),6r pound. A I
1were -bought Sit W PC!
Ithe American m4kets,
SIL"t POw in Otrio for clean poli- and the,Reoa�mrs of tbe rid- Mr u-�pose8 havlog an Cook,werei iin Guelpb durinin- the past 4J -to near 51a per POW
1103, and ave ioleeted A. B. McCoig, f u6t -ale on t el J. qz, ltft� th�e b( 1.7 to obtain iIVX a ion " �th, after which week Visitfog dicir daugh-'ter IM - isb�.d ul� his'oeas;Ws tbrAshing on su men xre reqired 1, Provincial polo- -event;-% te"L64. w% that n elec- 0:r'Ma1n Street for one of t -be daily 'and their wd-k to permanent.
-uniV(-T-';al de�mand islaltiire for ten Years is retiriVr at V(Vry week. -Mr. and Mrs. H. :one', Seaforth. They use only the beat materials the en(I of the PTeSe,ot PaTilanlentar tZlt unmT"tain tbink;.- papems thi f -e -T In Local Ilem%_Mr. R. McLeod fi-n- B
Avy ,
avO clean men 0 . Wdneisday of jbjs II` to 11, Chtham, as his fsuoc"90'r. Mr. -Par- 1e, will move to t1be,bnTJz.aind-di�vote H. Yolkcs. 137S. Wm- of this week, ha. the .4hGpIpivg mill. v! completed a very mcciessf ul season. max=
T110(litie-K. Mr. -McLennan is just dO Was a str01149 man in the riding. "his wh010 time- t� alelge, - lilt" retuned home from a a man. He i,"ql I do li is s"h a -re to - He Nvas f irst elected as a patkon. Tbom4s 78radwefl,' Chris. Vi it with frionios in the —F-aTmATS -are takirt-, advantage. of Gedkie a:nd Ja WBIls axe 1going 'to investd t tht- Istandard. 'We kei nevg1hbbrhL6d'-of Seafortli. the fine spell of s1(.,i,,-hing and a, N6W_ 1:8 THE TIMEN lkaver, ito 111si Ids, 4i
On in re- Thie St- Louis World.'s Pair joos- build n,�w. firfek housie -next Sum- Perrie".of! Wid will' in ready a Supply of lou-� aftd headin 4#46b, *,sber, jil df stt
Mr are coming 1vto the -mill yafd.—Xr.' aetiv( XcLfnan 'to the -arsda y rTe-S"a"re 10tting the brick at CaTmw Ojresbyterlh dfituroh- ed on Th, f lapt viftk. -Con- 'L f here.—Mrs.New- �Laba:th' mor'n'l-Og -next and in tble and c."t usia, ell'_q ard, eaq 00 Robert Reid is' busily ejiqgag4i�d this Ic sup A
qt, -rdl e 0 19 ris was elector,% Of 80-ath Huro. has been it inn, of, - New week in pla-cli- and fitting p the' port' crt t h L daulgter of 11J.'r4thodist' zhurch in the; k3voninlg, 'new 0i trary to gone "pe taii Your t 0 Ffe de-serrves it and hi 1,s lvp-rthy of fins-noial s,uzcess. In Mr, q.eo,r) Wilson *1 Teesw0er., -1
-e i) �n y Locial Option." 1W Mrs# lkmk C, _U A
if, an(l if they stan-a 1, 1k this rosm-ct, at least I+ is I i --q visihilng her 'hs subjed * IOT in Ar., . McDonald's kriall"jimWSnyd
J M 111'e'r I V ZV%1r -�bould, lip -�vjlj bf- 'e.—The ev. Mr. Rad- Thv r 6nd',q. )V'ULC.0 WILL De Temodelled ana the 'next repre- all Previous retords. Tt is "not ex- ford, of BI.ffibs,.%r :od, Chathm Pres- !spea entleinan ig a good -refitted preparatory to the season' X XX .4(muntive, Of 90-LLtIl TTU Pected that Pea wi I o doubt' be igret- 9 ran in the on- !subscribers to the btery, -will be %indacted into �be ed by lirgel Qr[Novesaboir 22nd. by,
fayio Deiislaturet. o9wtions, 'his sub- We are put away for estomers various articles in XcQu"e, V -S
';'tock will be Called- Upon to make dh"_re ,it Belmie and McIntosh on ject ing n i trestincr on' Chu'reb. R iiigg.—The W,�fQi !good 1 -any dfi6it, as it Ie at t -he e -open M� . I Is sem&�6ffici- thie 14th inst. r. &adfx�rd - left a Pre$,eut t r. caluthorpe, who Methodist church WqS re-qpebed oW Re&rrring Books,' Goods and Noelties, to the financiti ' -ted that - the re fig'from'all v"y favorable imPression on 'Ube wals, pTac here for the past Sunday, Decembezr 4th. V -
'-',01frM'R have sufficed -orni n1g, F"eM I -1.1
fricitle-, of Mrs. Ch.adwick, " Tho I;ej-rl to, meet all People, vhen _h,q�, preached nd be year or so d -who proved himself and eveniOX 9P-7*vioes werei, �wnduct- and will be gl have you look through our assortment Two weeks algo, In an ad-. doiubtiv�s will a M Woodstock,.' -kvh-ose 'Sensltion e very popular a 1goo d citiken a�g wll d by Rev- NX- of Clinton. fro drle*, President Francis st" b#com als a good th at ats a pastor 1, i �ptih conqre:gatioqs pra-ctitioa�_r �'ajid bo'ma The Sabbath school Nvas addres!�Ped Of gift goods. and
R Wrovr is referred'. to in ano, all �laim's algainst tjljp, de many ,no. -Mow ther 604 qre on a lgodd %Vl f last in the afternoo-h by Revds. Mamnin� Ifinancial b and friends ha*l� in Hensall lef 'eOlurnn of this, cA�pany hOLd beP11 settled, and it work smoothly. 'the Toronto w13 out of dob . on week to 1, 9Pnd,,a few days at his and MoNab. A 1. -ea 1 14 Night o" _answ.or.el
'Pt WIL chur.oth 8
t _Z w 9S Sfar erllbe-r 11r1TMT),i "Tt ig difflo-alt to igiet a. a finfLneift, S_., t e t nied by I�TT. lome in : Th�mesfod, before leav- held on 'Monday eveninIg ' and a ta em n -of if -VVIck, weire. i this iniong bw T' ex" where he will practise Choice, and rendered programme Rebool, Vroot Bid,
to the Character of a ivoan showed Teceipts of $26,665,' v i iOinitY Ist Teck, carmassinig of his pvofessi A X�e SON 5 Sts College -ol E ab,
,eer. -b�e first four The many friedds was Iglvei!n, con8isting of a selen.4 U7 020-64 for t -mdnthis;a-nA- We do �of see! whv Avchip, of th)e late ehus bO live.0- so a Cal. dLsbursom(�,�ntj a Q41;THadley Doan, one of tion' by thie, Choir, cbai� AnOther case was tUat of $20,447,065.07 durinlg�'. is famili ly the well IdTbiss b Rev. R. Ba k rnian's ad- FIRST 10OR NORTH Knechte Madame tht *ame tirae,� I C I should -nt k-natni Pioneer -residents of er ; sWo by Mi. SEAFOF% I H. a balante oil win 1hp-re c OF PIC�LARDsf c -an ter.—Rev. Dr. lUbis. sectioln *ill reigret to learn of -Ta m es Joncs, address by Mr. W. H. ISHAF01