The Huron Expositor, 1904-09-30, Page 6'eee e REAL tii8TATE FOR SAUD ARMS FD Rava bicm-4n fande• in the Toweahlos of Mullett, Morrie e iitseei. County ot Reran. Inquire at ono er WM PBELL, Blyth, Ont. 1774-tf reESIBABLE PROPERTY FOR $ALE. -For sale ens in Harpurhey, a comfottabte btiok cottage, with kitalten and woodshed attached. Hard and. sofe wider. .Also 2i acres of land, on Wale are the cheicest vat-tette& of alt kinds et fruit. It is a most deErable property for any person wanting a con- fortable home. Apply on the premises, or arldreas Seaforth P. 0, JOHN MoDONOGEL 1£117-tf 43 OUSE AND nors-roa sA M. -For gale belok house arid 2 lote in Seatorth. One loll feces -on North Main Streeteend the other on West Mn Street- The home le a oainfortabie brlek cottage and eontains a bedrooms, dining room, sit- ting room amd kitehen, with good cellar under the whole house. Hard and gots water lu the house. Thereets aim a good stable and driving shed. All kinta of fruit on the lot. Apply to J. L. ALLAN., Lotideshercr, or to 0. W. ATKINSON, Seaforth. • 1906x4M VARM .FO SA,LE,-South half of lot 33, conces 1: elon.15. Goderich township, 40 acres, goad day loam, 6 acree fall wheat, geed frame house and kitchen, a goad sett and hard water, frame ba. , Immo stake, eheep house and pig pens. A e never -tailing spring creek ruts through the lot. To be reold, se the proprietor is not able to work it. It i&& querter of mile from a seh000 and two miles from Clinton. Apply to WALT(N DODSWORTH, thb premisee, or Clinton P. 0. rIARM FOR SALE -Being lot 28, concession 5, L Morris, county of Huron.' Geed farm, brick house with nine room% bank barn, stone stable, good or hard of appleorltim and cherry tees plenty of weepy, two wane at the building% and silting creek zeroes the center of lot,. wood for a nunitmr of yore% fences cedar and wire, 150 rode of tile drain, good garden, 40 scree of grate. Fenn is Ti miles west of Brussels. Would take a house and lot in payraent if worth .600 or $1,006. The roman for gelling ia old- age. For price asd terms apply ta J AMES SHARP, Brussels P. 0. 10t0x4 LAR M FOR SALE -Being north half of Lot 22, r Conoeesion 4, Tuckeremith, comptiging 60 acres. Th land le in first clue ehape. is well fenced and uneleedrained. There are on the premises a good barn with @tabling underneath and a small dwelling house, There le also a good orehard. The farm is convenient to sehools and ohurobies and eituated 6 miles from Soaforth, 4 miles from argar and 4 miles from Brucefield. For further has apply on the preatiees or addiress Ses- toet 0. HENRY LITTLE. 19194 OOD FARM FOR SALE. -The fe.reanf the late ea- Andrew McLellan, the toernehlp of Hibbett being Lot /9, Commotion 4, oon&eining 100 mere% which is nearly :II eleskred,• with na wase kind. This an excellent farm with a never failing why &leo two well% well uoderdreined and well feneea, wsth a brink barn, 40 r 60, hay mow 2,8 x 66„ hen hone°, driving ehed, a dwelling house, kitohen and Need tired. lb is convenient to school and churches. within miles of a eplendid market, 7 melee from Seafortb, there ie incumbranoe, priv- ilege given from day of sale to do all work, posestrion given5the 1st of April, For further particulars apply on Lot 18 or 19 to WILLIAM or ANDREW OLMLAN, Dublin P.O., Ontario. 1O99-tf U1103.M FOR SALE. -For sale, Lot 32, Conceesion L 2. L. E. 8, Tuckersmith, containing 100 acres. The land is all cleared and in e. good state of aunt. vatIon aid well fenced and underdrainod. There is good Iran 80x66 feet with a 9 foot stone wall underneath. Two implement houses and two frame stablea. There is also, a good frame house with kitellen and wogdehed. The house is beeeed by & futnerso. Thiel excellent farm le eituated on the mill road, one mile from Bruoefield, where *ere le every convenience. Also 6 miles from Sea. forth. There is a school home on the corner of the farm, Itossesaion can be had three weeks after purehaeo. For further portieularis apply to CHAS. MASON, FinicefieLd. • 1891 -if ZIIREIT CLASS EIGHTY -ACRE FARM FOR BALE 1: -33eing Weet part of Lots 1 and 2, Conoese- ioa 2, L.A. .0., Tueicersmitle. Good concrete, 11 roomed house, 40x28, with kitchen, woodehed and buggY home attached. There is a new bank barn 8836, wilik wing extending to the Ruth, 24 feet. Also brick arched roothouse, 40 feet long, under gangway i All buildings in good repair. Orchard containe two and a half acres of (sheltie wittier fruit. There are two never failing wells, 6 acres of bugle. This farm is in a good state of cultivation, well fenced and uhderdrained, eituated 2 miles from the village of Ifetieall. For further particulars apply to THOMAS KERNIOK, Monsen, Ontario. 1 6-tf OOD FARM IN McKILLOP FOR SALE. -For sale, Lots 18 and 19, an the 13th Conceesion BloKillop, eontaining ion ilores, of which 100 acres soo aeared, well fenced ond in a good state of cultivation'. There are 7i acres of hardwood There la a good frame house and bank barn, with stabling unclerneath. •There is a good well at the boom, a spring oreek running past the barn, and a spring on the back of the farm. There is a good youtig orohard of choice fruit ; it is within a mile and a criarter of the village of Leadbury, where is poet office, atom, black:entitle shop and sohooi, and close to a church. It is & splendid farm, an•d will be sold cheap and ou etrey terms, as the owner is unable to work it, and derires to ratite Apply on the preittleee, or addrees Leadbury P. 0. MRS. MARGARLT COATES. 1917x8 MIARM FOR SALE. -For sale, Lot 26, in the lat 1! Concession of the, tawriship of Hay, London Road, and the south eaet part of Lo s 27, adjoining, containing in all 126 acres, more or less. The pro- perty le all well fenced and drained and well seeded down with the exception of about 16 acres under wood% There is a frame deeelling house aud barn 40x60, caw house, driving house, stable and large shed over 100 feet long. Two !splendid wells, good new wind mill, pumps, a.nd abundance of water. "-here are aloe two good orchards mostly Northern Spie% Thie fine farm property is within 11, miles of Henson and the same distance from Kippen and is on the London road. This land is No. 1 and will be Hold cheep and on favorable tame as the pro- prietor tat:misgiving up tbe farm. For particulars apply to GEORGE PETTY, er. 'Unman or to G. J. 81.1 HERLAND, Conveyancer, 'Henna 1869-tt VARA/ FOR SALE. -Lot 11, Conceselon 6, Huh I! lett, contabeing 100 hares of land, all °leered. and. in fine condition. It is at present all seeded to grass. and in geed eha.pe either for hay, pasture or cropplog. There is a comfortable frame house with summer kitchen attaehed, two barns, one 84 x 60 feet and the other 80 x 60 feet, and other out build- ings. This farm le eituated nine relies from Sea - forth, seven and one half ranee from Clinton and joist one mile and a quarter from the village of Milburn, where, there are two general Stores, two blacksmith shops, post offiee and school. This farm is well situated and wilt be sold cheap as the pro- prietor is anxious to sell. For further particulars apply to R. a. HAYS, Barrister, Seeforth, or on the premises. WILLIAM LEITCH, Constance Ont. '1905.1f MIAMI FOR SALE. -For sale in the township of Tuckeremith, Lot 1, Joneessiou 8, containing 100 acres, nearly all cleared and in a good state of cultivation, newly underdrained, well fenced, two good wells. There is on the place a good comfortable Immo house, large new bank barn with brlek base- ment, driving house, hog pen and large hen home, about an acre of yourig orchard lust beginning to bear. The Wm is nearly' all Beeded to grass, and is in excellent oondition for either grain growinglOor stook raising, This excellent farm is well situated, being two miles from a school, peat office, store end blacksmith. shop, and six miles from Seaforth. Good roade in. all directions. Buyers (should come and see the farm while ehe crop Is on. Possession eau be poets after harvest. Apply on the premises or address Seetorth post office. SAMUEL CLUFF. 1905t! 'CUM AMR: TAMA Fein SALE. -The weet .1: half of lob 29, cooeeesioo. 8, MoKillop with ex- cellent buildings, situated 6 nilles from Inc town of Seaforth, a half mile loom school, one milli from church, poet office, stores, blacksmith shop, mills, We and htlekYntd- There is a good frame house aneLkitohen with cellar, frame barn 70 x 56 with stone stabling, 11190 ,00(1 well fenced and drained. There Is a" Woe young bush. This farm le in exoellenb condition, 30 acres seeded down. Orchard of. choice young fruit trees. Thiele s pleas- ant and cleaves:doubly situated farm, black clay loam gullet& for either grain or stock raising. Teems easy, made to suit purchaser. Also three choice building lots 14, 17 and IS, Coleman survoe, town of Seaforth, with a new brick stable erected thereon. Apply on the premises or address DUNCAN Mce CA.LLUlit, Seliforth P. O. 1911-14 Farms for Sale. - 180 stores, Rune County, wen improved, good soil, ()holes location, at right price. 160 acre farm, .Eluron County, clay loam, good house, large barns, a good property. 220 acre farm near Seaforth, all under grass, can be boughe ab price welt within vales and on easy terms. 100 acre farm near Seaforth, good build- ings fertile soil. let wires ne,ar Lueknow, extra :good buildinge, on easy terms. THEATERCOLONIAL REALTY 00Y, LIMITED, London, Oanada. R. S. HAYS, Agent, Seaforth 13, S. PHILLIPS AgentMensall. 1907-52 THE GOSPEL ,CAMPAIdti CAPTAIN IN THE ARMY OF CHRIST LAYS OUT HIS PLANS. TALMAGE AFTER HOLIDAYS The Winteerne Campaign Against. Sin - Splendid Equipment Temporally and Materially For the Battie-The Enemies From Within- Aro. More to Ee Feared Than Those - Who Aro Without the Fold. Entered aegord'ingeo Act of Parliament of Can- ada, in eh-esear 1904, by Wiliseto of To - romp, atehe Deere of irlit:Ult.Uret. Ottawa. „ Los Angeles, Cal.:, Sept. -25.---At the close of the vacation season and the opening of a new period of activ- ity in the churches this sermon comes as a call to arms to all who are eag- er for spiritual congast. The text is Revelation iii., 8, "I have set before thee au open door, and no man can shut it" The Japanese armies 'hitOe been. concentrating for weeks and months to acquire a commanding .position a,t 'Port Arthur and have been. seizing Strategic points from which they nouhl drive the Russian,, armies which were being seht to its relief. -These strategic movements are planeed advance with- the utmost care in se- lection or the ground, so as to get the advantage of elevated positions from which to fire upon the enemy. The generols on both sides are aware that the conquest of the region de- pends in no small degree on the skill exercised in this important matter. • Months before an invading army moves for the aubjugation of a coun- try trained military Millis study its natural features and intuitively settle the strategic. points which it is es- sential to capture and to hold and the course which. the various corps must take to co-operate in the gener- al scheme.- Thus coming campaigns or the military lines of summer op- erations are planned for the most part, by the different commanders of invading armies while their armies s.re encamped in winter quarters. Therefore the question which at this season naturally forces itself upon the mind is this:: -What is the go's- pel -campaign ahead of. the Christian church for the ensuing ten months? I am a captain in the army of Christ. How am I to lead ray people? Where am I to go?" Chriet is ow. -great commander,' and as a 'captain under him I would here and now point out to you the mighty opportunities which are before -us. I would sketch the line of campaign we as a church are about to enter. And, furthermore, I not only want to show - you how we are 'to fight, where we are to fight, but also to try to- en - Courage you by reminding you of the great agencies of our time which are going to help u. s ili this coming year's struggle. The glorious twentieth century is opening wide its doors to let the church of the Lord Jesus Christ pass forth into God's conflict, aided by scientific and social facilities that Ito other ago possessed, whereby. ea ch inan can double and treble and quad- ruple the amount of work which his grandfather or his great-grandfather was! able to do. It is saying to "Man, if the length of your life fs to be estimated by the amount of 'work you shall. be able to accomplish I will let you live longer than did Jacob, who died of old age at one hundred. and forty-seven, or Noah, who lived to be nine hundred and fifty years, or Methuselah, who only lacked thirty-one years of being one thousand years ald. I will let you live so long that what your ances- tors accomplished in the - course of their lives will seem to be as nothing to what you shall be able to accom- plish." The twentieth century speaks thus not to one man, but to all. This inventive age has literally doubled and quadrupled and almost infinitely multiplied the 'material pro- ducing power of man- Think of the facilities of communication! -Suppos- ing wfsh to blead the cause of Christ with spme friend clear across the American continent, --I sit 'down and pen. my appeal. In a few minutes it is in the postnia,n.'es hancls. A- lit- tle later it is in. .ehe .1 -nail wagon on, its way to the depot.: Soon it is in the mail car going at lightning' speed over the mountains ejled across the alkali desert e and across the riv- ers until. it is dropped in the eastern home, It has taken only a few days for that message to reach its desti- nation in the east, and in a few dql,ys longer an. answer comes back- to jime that' my appeal has been read, rand under God's blessing it has been made 'effectual to the salvation of a soul. Think how -many times such an effort might be multiplied, and how largely the facilities .01 communica- tion might be utilized for the spread of the gospel! - I can to -day send a letter from California. to New York, 8,000 miles away, quicker than in - the. beginning of the last century my New Jersey ancestor * could send a letter to his missionary son living arming the Georgia pines. It used to talte our ancestoe0sometimes hours to ride to the neare_st church. Now the church of our Lord Jesus Christ is 'at almost &eery street corner, and the religious papers are scattering their prints everywhere. 'Man to-daY has quadrupled his opportunities of Uto because he can accomplish four times the amount of woak which his ancestors were a.ble to • do in the same time: 'You must see that all these increas- ed advantages of men can be made_ to net and re -act mightily for good in the coming campaign of thachurch of Christ against sin. Matthew Simpson, the great Bishop of the Methodist Church, once delivered a lecture to show how God is pre- paring the may: for the glory of his coming millexeium in the inventions and the eodial movements of every- day 'life. The other day a book came into my hand entitled "The Romonce of Invention." But no romance of in - volitional has ever been Written which can. fully 'depict the Christian ro- mance of the uses to _wh'ich these in- ventions os* laa!aPPliall is the exten- sion of Christ's kingdom as Bishop Sampson explailied. them. One item alone of that lecture mins to mei mind. epeah it in my own langu- age, as mean • it from a blurred trieMiot7. The liethodist orator want- ed to show how every modern. facil- ity. was appropriated and used it tke Lott Civil war. The sewing ma - Cake ba4 teat b ep invented. at was e THE HURON EXPOSI ereploy to ensuire the soitners ce- - ing properly clothed. The steam en- Di ri 0 Ilan ei SS an gine was utilized to carry the arm- ies quickly to the scene of cooftict so that the caxnage might- sooner 1 end. • • The modern improvements i' arms Were adopted, and so the ter- ' rible destruction. of life in single combats by the oldefaehioned axe and spear was et•vo1ck3d. And as man used modern inventions for carry* out his purposes, ap Might- God uspo the terrible curse Of slavery itself for the benefit of .the eolored race. The negro torn froia his African home and sold as a slave might:be Chris- tianized in the land of his bondage and return as a neissionaey to carry the tidings of the • gospel to his people still on the batiks of the Con-* I find the church of the lomat Jesus splendidly equipped materiallly and temporarily fpr this winter's CalTh- pr.Lign against sin. Bt, more, than. that, I find that there never ; was a time when the great evangelical churches were so thoroughly 1 in ac- cord on the fundamental. dectrines of Christianity. In the pulpit and in the.pew those doctrines are hold firmly, intelligently and devoutly, and Christ as the Saviour of the world had the whole-souled agi- ance of his People. Before a gemlike goes forth to invade the 011en1,7 country it is very' important for him to know that his own soldiers are loyal to his country's standards and are of one 'heart, one mind and' one purpose. When a Christian church, goes forthinto a winter's campaign against sin it is just as important for its pastorto know that his people are of one thought and one mind in reference 'to the great cardi- nal doctrines of the church. A thou- sand enemies outside of a. general's camp are not so dangerous a,nnenace as one traitor inside of the guexding sentinels' lines. A thousand blatant infidels attacking the church of Jesus Christ in infidel convention hall or by saloon( counter are not so formid- able as the so-called free -thinking lib- eral who is attacking the church of God as a member of that church or as an ordained minister of that church. Some time ago before a famous New Yorkclub an ordained minister arose anddelivered an explosive, heretical speech. This minister Was afterward expelled from his church for his outrageous utterance. He denied that Jesus was divine except that "he was divine as we are divine." He denied that the inspira- tion of the Bible was any more in- fallible than was the inspiration of Shakespeare's works. After he had finished and the applause of those among his bearers who sympathized with his remarks had subsided Dr. Gottheil arose. Dr. Gottheil was a. Jew and at that time was -the lead- ing Jewish rabbi .of America. Amid death -like • enema he said: "I know not how others may feel; but, though I am not a disciple of the gentile's Christ, I like not, this talk of the preceding speaker. If I had been. in the place of my brother and. had en- tertained. doubts and suspicions simi- lar to his I would haise quietly•Jslip- ped out of the church with which those doubts collided, keeping my lips tightly sealed. I do not think I could do such an injury to the church which gawe ine my ordination vows as When a member of that church to attack it openly." All honor, say I, to the answer of Dr. Gottheil, . the Jew! I believe that the most seri- ous damage which can be inflicted up- on the church of the Lord Jesus Christ is dpne not by,, his avowed enemies who are outsidb‘the church, but by traitorous foes within. Now, for the most part, the church of the Lord Jesus Christ has been purged of those members who do not believe in the great cardinal doc- trines of the Bible. It has been bold. enough to say to such members, "If you do not believe in Jesus Christ as the SOD, Of Goa, if you do not 'be- lieve in the efficacy of hio sacrifice, then you had better transfer yceur allegiance to some other church with whose creed you are in sympathy, for in this church the do'etrines which you repudiate are regarded as the essence of Christianity." The great- er part of the heretical teachers have accepted the advice, and, like the army of Gideon, the men who remain are fewer in number, but are 01 one heart and one mind. The church of Christ throughout the land enters 'upon the winter's campaign with un- broken front,' all the stronger for the elimination of its half hearted mem- bers. t 1 ta.ke 'a step further in this mighty subject. We have a wonder- ful time in which we are to enter the' coming ca,mpaign• of Christ. This is the youngest of the centuries, but in- to it are gathered the ripe fruits of ithe past. The thought and exper- ience of all the centuries that are gone have in these years come_ to fruition. It is the mighty movernonts andtrials and struggles of past gen- erations which have mode the present time possittle. Frani the triumphs and failureS• of the past, ,from the wisdom and the mistakes ofour fore- fathers, we have learned lessons which should make us masters in the art of soul winning and successful leaders in the assanit on the in- trenchments of sin. This is the very best year of all years to start in a gospel campaign for Christ. But take another step further in this momentous subject. We have another campaign blessiit in addi- tion to these two of whaii we have spoken. We have a church with all of its great leaders as well as thou- sands and -tens of thousandsof mem- bers moied to holy enthusiasm by knowledge of th strength of the Satanic enemies a3/0 strong also, so meet in combat. • We know that as the church a ,chiiist, is ..strong . the Statnic enemies ate strong also, so strong. that unless we go forth to this battle with a, lull' endowment of the Holy Sipioit to fight as we ought to fight for Christ' we shall fail ignAmittiouslY, as WO deserve to fail. Outside of his own intrinsic strength nothing brings out the hidden paever of general more than the realiza- tion that his enemy is strong and wily -an adversary whose power it would be folly to underestimate, against -whom he must marshal hie forces with all. his skill. and develop their lighting qualities to the 'high- est efficiency.' When Goliath saw the puny form of Dwid, who was to give him battle, the • Philistine giant Laughed him to scorn. He sneering- ly eried.o "Am a dog that thou. comet to Die with stories." That contempt lost him the battle. 'Na- m with .ParYi4, NeeP•PP.IIS !..q° 4 _ Torpid L i Domestic Hints. Negro children are never &nay black until quite six yeah old. • V.‘ -eg p Lavender ie one of lre that • can be worn in the au mer, Tomatoes rouse tor id liver and do the k o dinaril of a dootorei reseri tion Headache and stornerch' troubles are thoroughly cured by Dr. Oh 0,210111 Kidney -Liver Pills. Ma. ROGE113 CLANCY, fernier, e.,lepstowa, Itnice County, Ont., states :-'4 I have used Dr. Eibage:a Kideirepi:Aven Pills, and would( say that dine is no medicine that equals them 414 ClIto for stomach troubles, biliousness, torpid thin and headache. I was troubled a great deal With these ailments' before using Dr. Chase's Kt Liver Pills, and they have proven wo d successful in my case. "1 woukl not thibk of beingeithout a box ad shwa pills hi die house, and whenever* itp symptoms of these disorders I toka Ontt 'of these pills, *ad tboy set me all right ageiai I can strongly recommend Dr. Ch'. Kidney -Liver Pills for the troubles mention2ff above." Dr. Chases_ Kidney -Liver Lille, onto pal don, 15cente 'leo; at all d ers, or masa. eon, BolOs and Company, Toronto, T protest you leinst .finitsitions, the portrait an slim*. IN Dr. W. Cbase, the fain receipt book author, are cm every box. Pain cannot orbit where Dr. Dade acbs Plastorli apolieL tnose with which. he was irt . and he employed the skill Cie plopea by long experience. He knot his enemy to be superior ha mile! t and cruel and relentless, and he waived. his strength' for the unequal strug- gle. The church of Christ is Made resolute by the knowledge tha it fe to meet a strong armed. foe. We know we must light hard • tc win. And we alio know- that unles like David, the shepherd boy, we go forth in unfaltering faith in the diviiie re - enforcement we shall fail in the bat- , tie. A stalwart foe always brings out the best that is in. a worthy 5 portent. To -day the church of God h no 4wardly enemy. Like a hunter talk- ing the man. eating monsters o In- dia or Africa., the church is and must be continually on its guard. s it goes, fotth into the coming wi iter's campaign to do the best it cal and with the help of the Holy Spa it to do all it can for Christ, the con- sciousness that its fore has a most unlimited prowass has made the church strong and confident. But where is the 'gospel can Paign of this church during the c ming winter to be fought? We have talk- ed about the time. We have s )0ken about the oneness o/ purpose and the divine strength in which we eioe to enter the conflict. We now peak about the geographical regi n in. which we axe to fight. We mu t find our church's Plain of Esdraelo and it 9 Marathon pass. A.merica is to be the geographical plain of ospol saw ' g f theA rican church. It is the foremost nat'on in the world to -day, an'd its powe and In influence are rapidly growing. energy, in wealth,. in enterprise, its takes thelead among the nations of the world. If it badly take i its Ch • t fl d s' that the hitmhover- wille. the hris- alize fair . a the principles of Christ are its and that he is its supreme rul effect on the world will be whelming. An enormous step then have been taken toward conquest of the whole world for America. is the strategic point i Christian carapaign. Let every tian church in. this country r that fact and. unite to win thi land for the Prince of Peace. Oh, my friends, with such a boils ontlook for our coining campaign, should not the churc Christ as a whole and our ow dividue!1 churches go forth into winter's campaign strong in strong • in faith, strong in holy For the most part I have been jug about how Gad is going to the great , American church a whole. Will he bless our own dividual churches to which we given our allegiance as he 'will other churches? Yes, if we go this gospel conflict as we ough go. Are you and I willing by own consecrated lives to let church, our dear individual ch with its glorious past, take the tion in the church army on the f line of battle where she ought stand? Remember, the open , • . . glor- ospel of in - this God eal? alk - less a in - ave less nto . to our our reh, osi- ont to oor , o op n p ian ' church was not a deorway off in the • d' t' hut • at band A so ! , the open door of geepol opporitu ity of our chnrch is right at hand. As ccinsecrated, Holy Spirit inspired, earnest Christian church members will you and I join f eeday In the for- ward march for Chriat? Oh, the Macedonian call for the physical and mental l ond social and apiritual salvation- Which is co g tn. through the" open dor of the A eri- can church from a, s struck a d a dying World! The whole orld groans- under the burden' of sin. It Is hero; it is everYw4ere. The nly way of deliverance i that 0 ist's church set itself to t e task in the Pewee. of his Spirit, , Beginnin at its own doors, it mut leod the les- sault and, uniting with the ch ohs In other cities and sta s, work 1 ith- fully and bravely "for the eman ipaa ,tion of this land and of the ohs world. Let our ery ' go to no • ea thly throne, but to the threne that i set 0, in the heavens, and fr in that t rone will -come the power hat will en- able us to win the wh le world for Christ. 'That appeal which, rai * d in, Macedonia, reached 'the ears o the aoostle, "Come over and help * ie raised to -day by a world oSiOr by the dominion of Satan. It c to the American church as a and to the in.dividual churchei. and women and chndren, will not hear that cry from foreign 1 Wileyou pass through the door is opened to Christ's people? Oh the salvation of our chilies! - Oh, the salvation :Of the lited St Oh; that the whole wo d may the word of deliverance 'and bo be - I fore the throne of Christ! i I would enlist you one and all • 1 this glorious war. Your trials me. severe, your labor arduous, b the end victory is certain. It be yours to ehare in the triumph if you perish. in the -struggle you yet be able to say: "1 ihave fo a good fight. Hen.ceforth the laid up for me a crown of rt ht news." WI" seed rnea hole Men you cts? for for test be t ia may but win stt ous- 1 • Get Rid of That COLIgh: Before the summer tomes. Dr Wood's, Norwity Pine Fiv-up.coequere Ootiohs, Colds, Sore Throat, Heartier-eso Boinehithi, dud all Di eg f ihe Throat and Lungs _ o.totto aahoottri - • Wor r r Yr P P • Lettuce has a soothing, quieting effect upon the nerves and is an insomnia rem- edy. The smallese bone in the human body is in the lenticular, seated in the human ear. Celery is an acknowledged nerve tonic, and is more and more used in medical pre. eoriptions. . When maShisig old potatoes use a little hot milk inetead of cold) they will then be nice -and flakev. . . A ride in an automobile for an hour . be- fore retiring is eaid to be an alined oertain cure for sleeptiessness. 1 If eau suffer from giddiness, faintneas or ' palpitatior., do not bathe without consult- ing a medical man. A few drops of good perfume dropped. on small pieces of pumice stone and put among clothee gives them a nice odor, and also keeps away moihe. A needle that is sliM ghily lusty is EO - times rendered workable by being laid on . the carpet and rubbed gently but briskly ° with the sole of the boos. This is a dress- maker's hint. Emotional causes are responsible for many calm of ueuralgia. Anxiety, worry, disappointment, eta, keep the bruin in a feverieh, exharatod state, with which the nerves sy rivet hiee. Doctors are greatly puzzled to discover the 041.188 or causes of the greater number of omen of appendioitie in recent years. It is suggested that modern feol supply methods may be to blame. For prearviug and whitening the teeth try ohnrcoal. Dip your toothbrush intro warm water, and then into powdered ober- coal, and bruch the teeth vigorously, then rinse with wenn water. In ironing nandkerchiefs it isuse to remember that the middle shout ned &et ; to Iron the edges first causes the middle to swell out like a balloon, and makes it diffioult to iron satiefactorily. Teat the iron carefully before using it; a pieoe of rag ehould be at hand for tilde purpose. - a CRYING BABIES. Babies do not cry toeless there it some gcod reason for it. The cry of a baby is nature's warning signal that there is some- thing wrong. If the fretfulnegi and crying are not caused by exterior sources, it ie eon - elusive evidence that the crying baby is 111. The only safe and judieious thiug to do is to give Baby's Own Tablete without delay. For indigestion, colic, teething troubles, constipation, diarrhoea, worms and simple fever*, these nnarvelloue little Tablets have given relief in thousands ef eases and saved many precious liver. They are guaranteed to contain no opiate 'or harmful drug. Mrs. John. Dobie, St. Andrews East, Que., says: "Baby's Own Tablets are a splendid med. ioine for tbe mare f eorotipation and other ills that) afflict children. I consider it my ditty to recommend them to oll vsho have little ones." The Tablete are sold at 25o a box by all druggists, or may be had by writing The Dr, Williame' Medicine Co., Brookville, Ont. Elamite for Big Game. The season ie fast approaching when the huvter will be getting ready for his annual outing to the woods in search of big game, and the present time is opportune for mak- ing the neoeseary arrangements for a sue. cessful hunt. From reports received by the Grand Trunk Railway System, deer are plentiful in several districts of the " Flighlande of Ontario " and Moose abound in the " Temagami " region. In one day recently eight individual moose were seen by a canoeing party at different points in thin region. The open season for deer and moose in "The Bighlards " is from November let until November 15th, and from October 16th to November 15th in the Temagarni country. Hunting parties are assured of the legal number of game if they go into the proper localities. Reli. al* information regarding camp equip. mint, experienced guides and all requisites for a sueceseful trip can be had on applica- tion to J. D. McDonald, Dietriot Passenger Agent, Toronto, Ont. There Is no form of kidney trouble, from a haok ache down to Bright's disease, that Doan% If dney Pills will not relieve or (sure If you are troubled with any kind of kidney cope plaint, give Doan's Kidney Pills a trial * Wherever there ate sickly people with week hearts and deran gad nerves, Milburn's Hoare pi d Nerve Pills will be found an effectuel medieeie They restore. enfeebled, enervated, exhausted, 'u. vitalized or over-worked men and women to viei oue health For Cholina Morbus, Cholera infaolture, Creoes Oolic,Diarrhoea,Dyeen tory and Bummer Compl int, Dr Fowler' s Extract of Wild dtravil orry is a es tap% safe and sure cure that has been le papule: favorite for neatly 60 years It's not the v. eather Shane at fault. it's your rya tem clogged with poisonous materiels, that makes you 'feel dull, drowey, weak and miserable Let Burdock Blood Bitters clear away all the poisons, purify and enrich your blood, make you feel bright and vigorous Timbers of oak keep the old homestead standing through the years. It pays to use the right stuff. "Men. of oak" are men in rugged health, men whose bodies are made of the sound- est materials. Childhood is the time to lay the foundation for a sturdy con- stitution that will last for years. Scott's , Emulsion is the right stuff. Scott's Emulsion stimulates the growing powers of children, helps them build a firm foundation for a sturdy consti- ution. Send for fres samplo. SCOTT & BOWN13, Chemist:8s Tor:ono.to, Ontario:to and $1.00 all druggist*. —41111MOISIIIsairmulllillenUMEM Fail and Winter Apples - Wanted. The undersigned are prepared to buy a quantity Fall and Winter Apples, within packing distauce f Seaforrh. For further particulars eproly at the ghee of D. D. WIL80,N 4 Go., Seeforkh. 191541 SEPTEMBER -7 rw161111.~1401114110101600010,00~~44. . • t Carry Your Tailor With You. -A man who weans Progress ' Clothing always has Igs tailor with hirn " Progress" Brand Clothing is sold in every important city and - town in Canada There's no necessity tn make experiments with unknown tailors or unknown clothe!, • lf you're away from home, and need extra Trousers, a Sulu or Overcoat go to the dealer handling 6 rogr- e ss " cloti- ng /He will fit you out with the clothes you always wear, at the price you always pay. Sold by Leading Clothiers ti-lrotrghout Canada. 04 gora This h .ers1 Th yOU. Gal taks is for ifrad4eiteredni lit lasis foul -Atm Ont. LS, takin W night :heart. sh *se not me 1 Unrtn" Progress Bra Clothing may be had from Greig Stew 4 - Keep them in the house. Ayers pli i s iToaukseoorndeizwzyhenlioieuleeaeltbdT reedy or. the 11ver.kw,. Wait your moustache or beard BUCKINGHAM S abautifuibrowasitichatek? Use BMW no n anew* eveitexiame wenn:go Gregg Shorthand. 8horthand, like all other inven ions and discoveries, is continually 'improving, The latest, fastest to write and most easily transcribed `systern is the Gregg—over 400 leading business schools have adopted this system and discarded the older ones. The Forest City Business and Shorthand College teaches Gregg Shorthand and Touch Typewriting. And) every other department is up to the same high standard of efficiency. Students may enter any time during term. Booklet free. J. W. Westerveli, Frincipa. .••.‹. "Y. -AOC -St* ..r Undo - _,.. Dr. rowiek *''-'1-1-trar4of - is a Harmless, Reliable, Rapid and Effectual Cure for Diecrrhoea„ Dysente Cramps„ Pain in the Cholera, Cholera. In Cholera Morbus, Sea Summer Complaint, Fluxes of the Bowels in o r Adults. y. Stomach., fa.nturn S,ickness, a.nd ChEdren Don't experiment with new and untried remedies when you Can get Dr. Fowler's. It has been esed in thousands of homes in Canada for nearly sixty years and has always given satisfaction. Every home should have a bottle So as to be ready in case of emergency. YOLJR Iowa In Beau -el ; &ye. Offloe open es store, Main zteoet,s M. BST.Bel :KouryPubile - • Tape* beVoere, .• • DE - DNI removed from 41 new offices, 483 Y1 Dr. tiol °ince ated R04 Fhone 7'3 ICI*R ihxdtrase Univere ettesa member of IN eefoos s of Ontario ; huicl Sebooa Otte 1,1 Leeden, Leneen. am.% Mean _ sffs *swerve from . Ott F. it SM.A. -OfiAoe and 114s4danif 'Method* church. Tetzaei ',Cermet for the noun ORS. SCO PliTigqkle des ore* nvol SOMT, midi* mensber Ontario Sintteotia Como home told inedeliet Trii lioness of Physfra 1.14 , Your Furniture wants can be beat aupplied by us. We have the stock that will please you, and on'. *prices for all kinds of HI-CraRa\TITITTIZM Deme4ad your attention for a short time. We will give a Special Reduction On Oouches, Parlor States, Springs and Mattrasses FOR 04511 ONLY.. Ptomptly attended to night or day. TIROADFOOT, BOX & 'CO. SMA,MI{Dizer: S. T. HOLMES, Manager. I MICHAEL klUlt- DIE, Roe" ye:Winthrop P. O. fitaillop Direetor.y for 1903. BLACKSMITH SHOP STAND Ixi 30 Eps 0J i : 3 , rClOonVREIsNoLONOS,i cierGratuttwrintrarrop, Wilathp. ors! P.0 • JOilIN S. BROWN, Councillor, Seeforth P. O. on.g.aus tarrpr„ C.ottnoillor, Winthrop F. 0-: JOHN' MURBAY, Councillor, Beeolawood P. O. DEV/D M. R088. Tye -tenter, Winthrop P 0. SOLOMON J. SHANNON, J. P., nar 11-1900101 Winthrop It. Or ROW -atm jai emos1 verolel botel. Phan 5.1 AUG1 crinowAs 13ROWN; OnmMets of Hur -- im131 _ evertors_ Offem manilintet4Ongttersetelel TU O.Vail A.1 the vounty of period the outotrty at Iftlarantead. Orders -"Vet 2, Ooneee eetentIon. .11.74,71r71,16,4,04.1141,111.1441•ThisOmoses; uonowietswG era. lairsteinate foe Voila Being itudersteotheg the 1114=1.41.scre roe In 4Orlose; -or se pay. At Lab yg, FOR SALE 'CHEAP IN SEAFORTH. • For sale cheap, that busy !tend on Goderich Wmt, stook, tools, &a. There are ewe fires, foot drill and emery stone and all coovenienoes for a firet chew slieiogOord lobbing shop. A uy amount of work for two mon. 111 heel*. ie gee eierreeen far seinen . For fertk.or parfiterslare vial; te JOHN Mc H, Seger*. MONEY TO LOAN s 11,...42mait 0n,ey_torlyan AtptlorAwyestto rataso! uglw lnterestionngoa. Iftrde-or, &sleek 111244 . surrif, esei Vflethl • MARRIAGI leS E itiON SBA.7-011, 140 WITNEE