The Huron Expositor, 1904-09-30, Page 2q
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_ -
— - __!!X_1W1!!n � -_ - ....-THR JEWRON_EXPOSITOR , I , � SEPTEMBER 3,0* 1
� . , . I.. I _�, - - T-_=_-- .. — - . I .. I I 19 _11-
. . , i�� - I., . . 04 .
[ bept 2nd for two year -old boar which MoCraokein; watermei*111g, w,. me- ' - . ��___ '--,----- - -_ iiii,iiiiii .. .. . - -P!_ �
� �y - . t �V,01!t to Snowdon Brow., aDd 1st for Cm cken - � eftrons, x. BreiWoiar, 0, .'Tha Zurich sho.w. York pofatoos, :&. Gelgvr, A. Fo9ter, ARNO-, -_ - I 0% 11 " .1 ---
, I - .
' I
... �.,' . . one Y�ear 'old boar,'whibb w ' ,W. Smith; any dither varloty of po- I �- W_ _c r I ;
... , dg,o;. _ ' - i %-;-% r -,m,-- .
1: `1 " I I - elat to j. Routlo vegetable n)A Sie, Zurloh people had good wea- UracKer Vs I -
l _% ,
- .
fT . . rrow,',W. 1110 - 1, .
" '.!` I VEZI - -
I _ Spicat, and -2nd' for'two year. old H. XcOF�Loken; t - 00T and' a good �how laot week. tatoes, 's tmer" . %J ____ -
.. . .1 � ' Wi A. Rannie, Goo. _,".1i .
I, � �ablo squash, W. 11, � � ,
I -1 I - . i " I
-_ sow and 2nd for y ich Vo0racktn; hubbard squash, B, Pap TkO AQ�F-3 W43ria Xonla,Y and Tuesda,7, 1st '1119; GA colloutiOn Of ��'POtatocs, . - , rrA �W�l
Sob b ' - �
". �,
__. � , - I I now � i - t)TO Wticg� of courl-4, being the big , � I
� - i- . N wenf to L 8 doon Brly.s. . Plep Wo 1 McCracken; collection Of W. Smi th, 2nd W. B. Battler - Prow . - - AND., � _.
�!1!4 white joint potatoes, G. -
I.. -. _. I 1`0111try'-UP91't byahmvs, 060rige V690t*109, W. M Craoke ; .red man- day. From iearl�. i� t, Sahtoade ' I I
X_ --. -, .,.- e n - , _r,
- . a i TrAvin; barred ill - . --"- ____
-- , , .. 1 3 a]
. . .� - g ounds were WIN&
p. rocks, .T. S. HowDle,j golds,. W, MOCraol-en, W. Sadler - In -until near* dark , rr W- B Battler; -Empire, C1. Sohillig, ff
.ONWA�. i D. Rogerson - -white �P. T d �Wlds, - W. ' g scarce- W. 1B Bat tit. , ro TIK A - -1
F 9L t ' r : X. a. Sob- --der ; lzmall Doubt all w4Zve said - aboM . a 1 4064 ��
- 4 � litexally packed, th% e bein I !qW *
. A d-01, I 12nd P. Dill;; buff H Me- 1Y troom to move ab ut.- white beans, A. Xercher, W. 13. Batt� - K_ - � �
rrOcks, -1st and- 2nd CrackeU, . R. Charter�; globe rZn� The crowd .� - ft" .. - --.& r
. ler.- any other variety of beana, 0. — . � _4A
1 ; J. F. Daly;'buff 000hins, G. Ir - in, G. -golds, W, H. McCra - Sadler; was. onlivened MOONEYS PERFECII . We are too - - 6 N
.. - w . oken, W I aidd pleased by -the d, I&. Marcher; Yellow corn, 0. busy opening U .
Eckm,446r; *Lrtr1d,ge cooh4a, 0. Ii- red orange carrots, D. music -of the Zurich. bavd�,, There- - * 0
*It::!- -_ I vv -4n, G, Eckmier; -Bret.hour,W. I our atook of f3tovely P � I I
I � I I la�ig,A - 'H wasaverynite but- not large sho ' =lid, L. Roedew; sweet corn, W. , Raugev I -_ . �
I - . , ans, ,T. S. .,.McCracken; white or yellow cai . and Tinware
I I , , .. -1 HIDWriO; �S, G. Dorkits. P. Dill, 0. r.Gts;' W_ Govenlook, W. ' the &4M, th,6 roots zmd' , t. bw " XIOPP, LT. Hay, Jr.; largo red oniovs, TION. CREAM. ,SODAS. . . to ,_7r1t.e ,4 ads �� . � -001.
I �, I . I Sadler ; - g: ul el,ug -_ . - .. . Y
I I . I- I - El. - feq;tufre'13-0� tbo field V06 Yellow onions, I ja� I -1 � I two. ta
. I � 'Routledge; D. R. G. p4ntam% R.A. _SNA'redo turnIps, J. Q. 0hesner, A the prilnelpal ,10hn Gahna,p; la this weal -
I /6 I
. ,..._ . .� Scott; 13. R, Bantams, J. Archibal - the 'how of horso� a)ad exttlo w W. B. Batt1w; Dutch setts, A. S. Doubt the crackers all you Watch this " np I
- � - . G. Brkmler; any obb d,,' 004t; OUIOnso' W-.6ovenlook, W..H. . � as garden Oar- � ,)d , -Abe VW
- L ... ,4 11,.' � or varle ty of McCracken; field corn, W. Sadler, larger ithan, for"Rolde years, bift in Faust, W. Smfth,- red � - Space JaWn.,
... � - 1- _. -
� - I '
� � . "Ill � bk%n`tanrs W. - Carter, G. Irwin; -s,. p. J. iAllan: largest pumpk-11n, W. H -Mo- ob'Dep and, w1iffe, there 'were. Tots, P. Har'tmaz,;W. B. Batt ter; wili. But the first one of 'week. I— . .
. I hambur�sj g. S. hamburgs, ,,X. p. bam- _Cr4cken A MMY gpod animali the competit' _ Swedish (turnips, S. Witmer, B. ,ROe_ . � " Poll
I N I 0 Davidson; largest ion --- � - ---gbto
'� . also sqtiash, W. U.,XcCra6ken. e speed con.test ligs, Aenry Nibb, W. theM you 1 Y!001
/""� . burgs; U-tok . wwa not so keen, M . der; twhite turni �
- . . I . Ov � '" 4UM
. �� ,,.. w I b, black polands,,W, I B. Battler; yel 'r globe mangolds, . eat, will prove that h IWA f I - - �
� . n 1, Carter . Domest& Kinufactures - Dom taken �Part Jn by five - farmor's . . A. Lafieniwv - �. i *99,
I "I _-�� I . - ber g. les- bors es, ,, kept' "the . estea .P. Hartmw, � . , att' . I Adit ,
ei . ,I., .,. ��xid.3� an ot ! --- 4 I ipe 01
� ./ '11k 4� Y . variety of 01- bidolotb, Mrs. G, Notti; � ler; jopg red f .
, ,� " � . 1, W R �� Baldwin'sold ata6d - . . As,
,., , PQ t p -flannel, �'W. . sople inter mangolds, JW, Roeder, P. Hartman; we and' . W.
. finds, G. Irwin; wbite leghorns, D. Obasno6y; linsey wolsor,. Mrs. so. until the close. .X r our are right $
. . of i I Douglas & S " . ' a . I � Seafora. , �SotV
� I On ; brown lexhorns, G. 190tt; WoolleA . ome made.,qu1lt,8, j. heats Paid "&ey w4e all keenly con. long 7,011OW mant&ldls, P, Rar tman, , - 11 - __W
I Miss Agnes Miller, - P
I I Eokmior, 'X. S. Howrie, brown, log- K. W-1se" 'M tested. Tbe'tollawing is the S. Mtmar; Oxford' ca a , Th -6.9. wrong. For you can't doubt- I . __________._ � ..�
, rs. . Nott; -home made , - . .. � -
Chicago, speaks o young WoMen, horns- r. - c., 1stand 2nd J, S. r(,oiv,ri,e - blankets, T, M. iGrisve, W_- Chesney; . . - W�e � � I jft�00,eft . _11 I- � - I
t. PRIZE LIST Johnston; W. Smitli Ifflat Dutch oab- .
about dim IbLack Java, 1st and'2nd, G. Irwin; an-' Hors;es.-Draugbt,- Brood mar ac- bage, ,,Wi B. �B&ttlorp' D. 8, Faust; �P AN ts � I tarl"
I gers, of . the Menstrual dal-usians, G. woollen ,raTn, I .e spun, W. H. Kc� the fresh, crisp deliciousness #..I I . �
Eckmier; r. c. white Cracken, M. Bre compani-ed by foal, J� )hoa . Colwei black 19panish radish, R. S. Phillips, -_ � .
o ; fa6tory-blan- . i 13t . I — -_ ,
I �d and; fo�l, . Xehi a (B Batfls;r; white radishes, W. . I � LL A041
. rhorns, W. Carter; black m4noreas, ke'ts, W. M. G ri e - X. 'Br ,derick 4' M Dolwell 1-st &,nd . --- -
Period. I Is& W. I
-1 suffered for dot,t!q, W. - Ist and 2nd; bricks, S, M.;GOvo'onlock; 2nd; 1yearling goiding or filly, j. M. Harlburn; 6auliflower, A. Kre. We sell the famoug .. . Ue
. " To YOUNG WOMEN: T-. S- HoWrle,;; G. Irwin; s. 1. wyan . of -. . _Nord-heim_ I ; - - vwho
. -
six years with dysmenorrhea (ponful Carter; golden .wyan- tile, X, X. Gov#nlock. . Colwell, ID. Taylor; � �,,edr old g6ld- cbor'# 1W. B. Battler; any variety. pf �. � make,unpurpassed into - or . I sam.
ing o pumpkans,,, W. d , H e 4"tiolx - � Of - -
periods), go much so that I dreaded do,bN G. Irwin, E. Daley; .1)uff -.j,yan- ' Ladies' Workv,ag �arpet --cotto * r filly, A Tayl;dr, C.McAllister'; Roie er . N bb; mo-oney's and finish. Got out, P1100 �6 1 _
. � 4 ' , -� - IWO J
dobts, W. Carter - n 3 Oar old� gelding or filly, C,,Ms. mammoth 1ppan kA 5 J 8 hasing. �� ___
. -ovory month, as I knew it meant th , Plack wy-andotts, Nvarp -and rag mb,t 'ho P n' , - - ararus ; col- fore pure - ,�� : - -
,-, � oked, M. l . 1_. 11 :
pain. The or n�at ' - '�hw�on, ,T.. -!Hay, ir.; Per�fection Im 11 �, .
,or four days of intense ree G. Irw4n; br6nze furkprs, I Snowden' Bretbour,; -rag do sowed, 0. A listev. . em 1Thoma'5'_-, I - % 0*1
doetor said this wasdue to'an inflamed JBKO,8., D. Douglas &S ' tur , .Agrioultursd,-Brood mare ac- squash, H..RoedeT, Job -n Dooj�er- - . - _
on; �Vhite - Campbell; rag hearth mat ;; �_ z I �
- -
keis, W. Ca hooked, � X_, urniture 1 _ - - I
. � 1. __ - -
�condition of the uterine P_pp6adages rter ; an oompanied by fo&l, Jobn Roweliffe, , , I - -
.v ,other. Y,ariety M. Bf&fhour, Mrs. .bl*od lbeetg, G. Holtzma'ai W. Smith: I .-
I # . �
- v _ -
of turk,ers. D. Rogerson: Ue"P ; -"011en' R. McAllister; foal, rooted beets, S. Cream Soclas � � _ ,
. caused by -repeated and negleeted colds. uglas, &. Son, `tOntou;;e , StO&`ings, W., H. McCracken, Mrs. .Hen, . - ho Roweliffe, Witmer, W. Smith; .. � � iWan cl �
qIf young girls only realized how geeL3e, D. Do, Snowden Hole; ootlon, isooks, Mrs. Hole, JWr y P'. Cie r , 'R. %All* ter. Yea water - I I �- - -- -
S. 113 .,rl- . MelDn'sp Cyrus CQlosky, D. I .�� ._ I .
. , - � .... I -v - �
dangerous it is to take cold -at this BD(M-; bremen geese, W. Carter', G. Not;6.; cotto Ing Ige4ding.oir filly, UphOlste rill . -
. k I 0 n stockings, J. Per- E. MoAfthur, H. XW .; Pnuskmollm% .T, )gay-,. Jr,,, C, 22 I � - I I
� . .
� -
any ,otdior varlety of geose Theil�roof of Mooney quality I - 1 �:; � �
,oritical time, much suffering would be guson, Mrs, G., Nott; ladies' .wool .Roeder, 0: McAllisti r; 2 Y&r old . kY; Ted -tomatoes, J. G. For- , I - .
,. duckis, rouen duck � I � . .. It -4 � �, . � .11 �
gpared them. Thank -God for Lydia . s,� also aW; ptelhkeltn M;)t1ts, Mrs. gelding, D. Tay -low, Thoma �Robln� # 1W, B. Batler; Yellow tomatoes, -1 1, Reif
Hele; men�p.wool mitts, ., ' Undert , I - _%we
1g. pinkham,$ Vegetable Cox,,_ variety of duaks,.G, Irwin; oolloption son; 0 Year old - Idin ' . B" Batler., sweet I th - Iver-. fa, K M, �___. - I 1 SC4
- - pound, that was the only medicine of W. H. McCracken, Mrig. Hele, men's ge g, G. Troyerl i � Johnston, W, i - is in the crackqrs einse �b 7,11 _�_, bw
- -_
p4goong, J. Grieve, vs., D. ]Roger, wool glovea, M-rg. Hole Mrs. G.. Nott; R. Gie$p S&wden Bros.; span of , , ED. 8*. Falist, . . , _� ..... i ---** #� X. irar
- 1� I - � 11 �_ � I- A, mo
- - � .
. on 0 singing nteipanesp domestio wove, C , gelding's - s Double fron haigows, --- .. . I AU "
ivhich helped me any. Within tbxee son; colleOU - f ' I birds, - G. .�cou mares o,r , Implement - I "
rrwi A nzo Poster, - .. I'll - 1W __ W
. .: .1 _/ & VC (e �-_M A fp-
. �, Gmeral Furpoze,-F rood mare a s - 1 . I F. 14.
weeks after I started to take If T n'; Belgian vabbits, a banxibe J. ,)-)so . -
., & variety 'of r&bb, !1y dther , 11, Mrs. Hele',_ eounterpanes, -0- ; car 6 I .. , Vol
p? s 0 I 6ompanied by foal, J -buggy, 1 P C. I . I ,11 1pp_ _
eixt in my 3- Scott , �Wbted J. 8 �01�1 *_ k4do, F. � -
noticed a marked improvem. It .R. - A. , ]�Iowrie, J. McIntaA -, ohn Rowoliffe, 11,ai, - coverlePotuggyp m1i - _ - I - ___ Knechre, . -11 - - -, - 4M
" Chicks.-Lightbr Or.- - - I----- _ .- . � t I ..
: geueral health, andat the time ol my ahma%r�, HA�ffe.r'_ 6ounterpane.3 W-endet,.8mIL-b, E. Roeder; foal,,,,Tohn . I Ule PC]
I nan, -tufted, M. Brotbour, R -_ I - - - 11r, =.-
next monthly period the pain had _d4rk brahmx.q. G. Ir in; barred Mrs. G. Notit; 0kvcIRf,0, R. Roeder, E, Roeder - Manufactures - Hor, --- -_ _5 I � -19 �jc v Irai
I Morn , work quilt cal- seshoes, "T. AUCTIOX SALBS. SEAFORT-R. - � __ I _-, � I' .. � nd
. .1 - . - , I
diminished considerably. I kept up r4Dcks, G. Irwin, .T. S. 11[oxv-rie; w1h1te :ico, il. ..*w1i'ling igolding o f I I ,I Y, C�,� ' De4chs!rt & SM; borftshoes finished -I- - ..- � ______ , . . -1 - RA
I Hele; patch- al. SmItbo . - - , I - ... 11 -
the treatment, and.-Yras cured a month rocks, Ut -and 2nd P. Dill;� buff WbIrk P. Hartman. 2 yeorr I 0 froma file, J- DOIChert & Son; home OF HORSES A" 10A#A"L9,— - , I - I � 0AW
r�th quilt c fb, 0. Campbell,'X. 1- ding r . _,0 &k_
d J. F. Daly - _9. ;g, B Our; log owa in quilt, W, if. ed Sohonel, H. . 4 71"MAX - Rtdwr _______________--- - � -is P� in. W'"
later. I am like another'personsince. 'rocks, -1st and 2n filly, J. Galman, ' m'adV IVOOI blaukettS,Viss P. Nott. AuVil" BALr' i has be^ Justmoted by -- - " .
� dorkins,, . � , ___ Vol
,1 am in perfect health, my eyes are 'y- r- 94me, Ist and: ind G. M ROCdcr; 8 year old. Dairy Produc.e,_T , butter,, W. Mr. JAiJa0@ �Oailli tai xell by pubile iUW66 on Lot M.&IL, 7__..iW* AL F -O.1
. �.Cracken, C. ampbeJl; ffilk quilt - elding, 'or filly, Ub Ifi, Coneenton 1,.XOXtUOP, an Wedn"day, 0otobor � -
� Irwin, V. r. 9. bantams J. C-alman, Johai Hay, Jr. Smith, - A. ]K�er ' The So LL __
, brighter, I have added 12 -pounds to my , v.. s._,; #a4y .0t, . 0 J. Grieve, crazy worko Mrg. G, Xotit, 0. Camp- -; span of ohier, P. Har tm�dn ,- 6th, at - I O'clock p.m., the followin I-xii.. I , -: r-. 1.
. -
. , e - .1 I'' - _ -_ -
r.varievty of (banlams, bldll; crochet wool isbawl, 0. Camp- mar4m iar geldings, ,T. Handford, ,T. ttewt Ni" P. No-tt, W.: Horees--fte broa mtre 4 Yom a] . I . - I .''
weight, my color is good, and I feel tublt bw V41=6014113 0 �
. � . B, her side anit to !oat to I;po *MM �' . - - . . _�__ Ituneral
- .
lighteadhappy. I -at and 2 mburgs, Decker, Con. Fuss. Battler, �_rkd U.M; I . I .�.. __11 � 11 - � - - z� *40M
"-Mras. AGxF,s 3fTT.LV4, n d 'G. Irwin ; p. g,- tha b�ll, W. F06hermg, m; maix% shirt $ atom a yeaft ald'. t -W-6, 3 AW v1dkeldinp � .
i -I - ba ' I P. Hartman - home made road -,
. - .. I I
. -
- I .
25 Potomac Ave, Chicago, 111. - #500 P-1ambUrgs, black 1'ha,mbu�s, bo,u- hand. made, J. IT,er' Carriage,-B'rood i / � obeeft" W. X. Wi6e broken to wokk ; 21 _ Tea. . ..- - - .-
.0 da guson Ta!;.a000mpa,nied , John Geigeri E. *0'y#:(4d hi Sildings - .1 � -
ns, and w. c. ,ly. � , . - , -- .
fOrfelt It wfffna( of abon latter pmulng'ginulne- �Mrs . I , .. 11 __V*�.
� 'all by W. raan'.� shirt mac ine made,'Mrs, Hele, Sm th. 'foal, W. - collection of p 2 two year old dr&pghJ Allies _. .
- - . polanft, - - -Hole -1 by f,041, W. Witze , [Clopp, W. XkPP, lea a drau,rhi Slly ; 1,608 y F ,one year old . ,.'Ik.4
ness gadilit be prodiae�& . Carter ; a.. T I ,
. I '�v`bl EO l09h0r,n!% G. Eck- �6 _ I. I -Opp, W. Smith; R. I ,nd eakes,R. n - bt #eldinlr * -1 IN still sellipg � . ". I ;
_"r 014 d ,
The 11 raier, J.. S_. .11. ,Ferguson; to,ling, Mrs.,Hele; ;�TOIAP%ton; h9imey i �AW chima, - . I— -- .* -.�.
_ . ' I I � n comb, ,T�. na,- suckilog blo.odoolt. All ftW@@ Loll - I- . , 00*-Nry -Sa
gb ' 11 , , I fil , lY#W Wi t beter, Lk.. ' . , giblefor regletra. . � tost. RMU"bit -,.,.
110ntW7' sickness reflects Howrie - brown le - I brear Qld gelding o � GlassWAre At - - 41""a I I
1�9 I la n 1, n2 . orn-s. darningi Mrs. Mrs. G. Xoft; - r .. - Gelgol'; home made bread U00. Oattlo.-Sbtwoymarold*Won;22yearHap 'out) at onoe to - m ** ** f,
. the Condition of a woman's xid, G. Ec� T Acd I better due to calve in Doombei Make ro __ -
mier;_black jav,i, botton holcq,... . 001, 1W. X000p ; 2 h*Ma-$ Bor;.V, A', Geiger - bake" 9 , Toy,= OM 10 olb"
- . ri; � . and . Hele.. 1- Fergu- .. LL I Told gelding or. r - gOO& � I
. healtb. Anything unusual at . .1 . alusians, also black son; pillow sh; f illy, 1W. Thiel, A broad, C. -kilbi�-r; bame m ' Twelve monihi, 6iedlt will bg given an i&V is the thne . I
that tilue should have pr . . lm!�� Mrs. Hele, ib. Rannie, W.- R: R. ,Tohfn,.. ado buni- fanishfng U U- *4* IM-
I .
M"I"ms, J. Howtie; white wya - I Iton, W. )3. � - , approved Joint AOW. A dheouDt of -5 pay aenf bargaine., Also I � Ve a . vo - *, '. -�
. - ry jtjifivy 0'.... .. �
� �
OmPt dGttf n � DOUgAll; 6pan of ares or geldings Batthw - extr W per Annum I stock of all kwe Vf Teas- �w* - -
,$C H. ()r a -h, ,)AMU
and proper attenti6n. 9 'ibLIJ 'T. F. Mly . Campbell; table muts, C. Campbol, George So I . ed 41oney, A. G4fter, j, F� I will bg sHowed for me ,*.**- -
I L L . , _ Mrs. Hele; tabk cloylim W. H. Mb- . hrroeder ,' bug horse in Hey jr - ma;. COLIN, Proprietor ; T. BROWN, Aockfoneer.. grant - .
- _ __ I I I . ! WY'andolbtes, E. baley Ist � ; golden b, - 9Y - . . NIL* Jap ml -and $ - ..
' -
. and 2nd; �Pracken, Krz. -13ele,, toilst so "1"5s,,W- Witz6l, -X. Viason. plo, 13yrUp, G. Schbelli , W. �At 1� i � tes'dulb, *11,vwf wb1oh' - 11 . vyw ... *-.4
. I . The Seaforth Slaow. " br1D,1vn legborns � rose colnb, j, - S. G. Nott, M. t, Mrs. Roadsters.- c-ollectio 9 h# nLEARTING AUCUON SALE 00 PARK STOOK Will be sold -at a good, dlsoatmt, jx-- . . ...... �
. Bretihour; pin cushion, n IhOneY, J. Haberer. - , "'"tat, - . I �
'ki AND I -URNT-8 -Mr. Thdikins Bros a b" I . stock * Will A .41 , �_ -
. .The tollowing is a, list- of the sue I - Ho-lirrie - buff ,1vyanddVteL5, W. cart- * IT., F 1 panied I UPLE ,ordler to radUee M_V L 4 . -tiri_ � �_ _
� I X Brolbour; s by foal, J ' ph Lawson, W. .. Ladies' W*rk--Crochet quilt, a. bean Incitructed by Mr. H�nry Chwh to sell goad bargaliv. -_
-cessful prize winner' �'r'&i"'� red game bantama, G.., 1,,.,w;erguig0n Of" P'l- McAllister, g. by pub. � to"M
A Bre'tho ' Gal an; foa T)eeker, Dr. Canapboll . - . - I
1, W. R � ' - �
'bronze , C. Campbell;t:wine Dougall, I ; prewel work 110 Auction Ott L04 84, 0once Good -and fresh growrl � 4 � -_ -
forth. fall fair on Thursday' and Fr!-. 1,,,t.,3 & So,n, turkeys, b. Doug- ba,sket, 0. 40i !W. McAllister; , Thurfiday; 043tober -jeth, at o"lon S' 31OX"lop" on o . I. as of -all 1-N X4*=-
' I Mis�s P- X,O&t Isit and 2nd; tufted jr1lowl -,I- - me O'31ock ehar 4 Q,of - � _-:� `
. � J. Law§au, . , - -1- -_ 1 11
. day Ust : � G. Irwin; w.bite turkey -s, crame work I U, Mrs. Hele; ma- yearling geld be n dable ro _p, the which will basold cheap. Oowe vuc� � 6066, At"
.1 M. i' rethour, Mts.Wel�; Ahng -o filly, A 6ohnell, quilt, S. Witmer, W. B. Ba Her - suppo I ,rrty, vis --catle,-z cow.# . - �� . �Venwom***.-
W. .Carter ,* any varlitelty turkeys, G. paper floN W. 1witzel, . J.'annie; .2, Yeax old . � � iyed to be in cAff a tboyougbbmd bull; 3 - eoMs all and got Nome of the g - 1� �_ . - - �Lkip-
- 1TA-r-'4e$--Heavy Draught, - Brood Irwin ; erguson ; knitted guilt, Dr. Q&m 'Wers 2 -years old; 2 yosiriln cod bar. - � I JhM
toulo table � Pbell, Tb omats - 9 SUM:; t heifers 2 gains th .- �
. U -Se geese V'6n. - ' " n ; dog cabin. qui .14: P� earling heifers; . ot are no* going, I -1 , , A ,
-.1 -�mare a-coontpanied by foal, j. Child- & Son, , D. DousLas Isoarf, M. gelding or fillir . . Xohnsto r$ Old ; 4 . - 8 spr!1'ag -ralves. - - I '' � "dm
�_ � --**.
, Bremen Bre'I'Lr,P Mrs. G, Not t ; ,n,oll, j. IF, Deckir, D. Sob. I -It, N& M, -1 broo sow jaest brand of flour iu.tbuck and all 'kindi , 191"__
OrY, cover, , . I with litter. at foot, implo. I ��
Lawson ; ff. Roeder; patch iluilt, Mi,�a monts-1 X"qey. _
_1 , *ii0"R_*-
-in ducks, G. Irwin 1s,t and 2nd; nc;�i- bell,.Mr,q. H&e; e . - in"rp, 4� L
Nvell, Z. Dale'. J. Avery; foal, J.Av i k geese, W. Irwin; Pe- embrnliderdd tab C'. Camp- year old Velding Nott'. go. I of salb meats, anotai
J. McGrath, .T. Caldwell; 3 ye, or ifilly, W - Harris binder, withexrder And .. -11 I
I 1. ar -.old wbisk holder, Mrs. In. Wi f el; span of mares ')�- -Nbfitt, R. .R# Jounston - quilt I owed tiruoke; Ineov KadoeywHarrismower; t now MAN. $ back - _c D11W6Qi4�w,*_.
f5illy,or Z en du-cks, W- Cairter, G. Irivi 7 0 t,0118, long clear baeo k__ -
. I � I LobdlwbM,
� - ., I im and po I _ .
vin ; 2 year *G. Not,fi, 0. Cam oir Igeldinil ' Roeder rk, Ima .1 -,
. gelding, J'McGa T n; Ayls ;rS, John parrow, Alex. Bu- "On'.ground work, I
, ..
bury"ducks, W. Ca . pbell; worked otto- � - H - , sky-Harderske.:4 combined seed drilt-; I spring this 14 beadquarteis .,-*Or I _21 _ ,
* . r-te r ; 0; y , ii e. t Y, , 9"d . - I _ -_ _�&
n Va PON I � - . _19P .1 *1
I - -
old filly or gelding. George Dale. sr ,m4n; 0. Campbell, L chanan, Elloott Phf Uee: 10-Utlino W.'. B. Battler, rowa; 1 two U*rowgAug plov; I sing -le" plow: I - - _111-0 aft
- ducks, G. In- Mrs - G. ,No.t1t ; rolls.; *buggy horse � .quilt, B' tooth cuitivatoor; I )and roller; 1 si6 diamond bar.
, rin. hosev. ,�. ----,W-.,
J. McGrath, .R. Naoho,l; yearling I i in harness, 3-. D. P. Hart -man; home made �Overlct, EM6 form t ck wagen new ly. new; i sy rAck ; I dle Wer.ton's ..... `�:. . - jnk:bam *.fr
. -
IMPIcmentls_NV�ooden "p Painting on ohina, J. S. Howrie;. j. I.R. N, uryer, A. Dunkin, -41 1 still han' Toronto ' .
- W-IY'6r gelding, 14t and 2nd.T. Carlin, ump, J�� - S. painting on terra. c�atta, J. S. How- urver;. dy, driver. ' ,To V Dr. Can�pbsll, gel �401)11011r��* ; 1 wwon box ; I gav--1 box -, - day. . breaA 11"07 , 1, - I
�) . . Wlelsih & son. . � h - P. Hirtman - hom I bay- _t � logo S"w- I
ri Decker,'* Witz made knat, Miss p. N,01ti, 1. E:'Wise fork w1kh elln carrier ropes an pulleys c - w1numm. at;
. Woo ! omplete; The - �__
. RoUbina; sp�,cial, J� MoGavin. , oning-s, 'R. o�h I!, -highest prices paid for butter and ' __ )ld1ftV*___
art- catth L -z - It -994 - - I
ors I Nott, 0, Qimpbel�; band screen, Mrs, 74�W`Iaim -Milch bo.w,peter _ Ise, � I
_1G. Irwin; G, Irwin; team, TIonovan, & - i�ruit_R. I. Gre e; drawing room iqcN,len, 'Mrs, G. D1
0 H. Cric,h; I n,or-t' --7i-Zrh,.,z rag ioaTpet, .T. ,K. W I W oftles capacity 1,200 in trade . -
Agiicaltural,_13r.o - i�reher -' 1P0fu&1n)nd!1";F1As1e11t ;dcusbetle lalgrbeas nenrl3i new. Also � __ -or ,jaeh. - . - ..."
ere h-eT,n spies, _ Deichert, 8nd-and 3rd Berlin Wool work, Miss p� g ' t �, . -
_od me accom. --A. G. Nott; bAnnerettes, M. Breth * Ev Roeder; .' forks. hie�, chalbs so . Myth_
Ot I d other small nuales, All of , --� thbdftbaro*.4
panied by, foal, J. Van&zmond, ElOmt, C. Routledge; Roxboro rus- � 0. ClAmTybell; ,our, 9 1year old heifer, - Rannie; Yearling G. Fkwe!st; Berlin wool pillow * which will be sold wltboub rftery-8 As the p-optietor , .1 . clunua_--s
Edwin Cami j. '%ts, H.. Crich,'C. - dra&ry, 0. . Gush- to retir ;
I&GrAth; �foal, J, Ralitledge;* Spitz- Campbell, Mrs. (;, X,ott ,heifer, 9. Chambe 3 R. Roed . . Joint M. John,A - and u lug from -farmlog. Termp.-All sumg.of $,. 1 T i0o"" _.�, I SM -00114d..-
- I r, P. -%vor'k, .T. nder. mh; Over tbi%t amount',12 montbW -7 1� la * -
- 30,n . G. V,ore!s-t, Thorna cred t WJ11 begiven - ,� I
VOE,gmond, J. Avery, j. Rowoliffe Onlrburga, R. Obarters, J. T. Dick- 1vo.rk, 0, GamVbE.,ll M , �,'penelope Deichort-: bull cal I E 0, ton; erochei� I 1. �
a Year old filly or gelding,,G. , Bald-.viins, , rs, , ' der J, JOhngton ; hair I an furvishing approved Joint � A* G. AU —,I #==
' ' wreatb, E. Nebb; fea;tbor tee. . -
- Or.,, eiche A dficount - . ##...
- �
Cald Hole ; t'dy Chambers; 1heifer ., f,'p * of S Per cent. will be Allowed for � � ft 6k.. _. I -1
C. Routledge '11. croehet in -cotton or wool,'Mrs. Hole, 'cal '!' wrea:
will, X. Avery ; 2 year Old ; . - D ,;t'
or, R. .� F th, T. " � , I -_
or c"h Or' credit *mount@. ff8NRY OASH, Pro - � "
filly . c -b Mie,xtfloald si3ekno-furth ' 01 Campbell; gold or lallver� tinsel J' Chambers, E. ]Clopp- Jotnston; beading on wreath, J. Pietor; THO8. BROWN, Awtioneer. 19179-2 ' � L -
gelding, W. R. Smillie, j . Carlin ; .,,Charters, 11. ;Gr4eb; king 0f . tonlp-_ wor k, D. B r - ethour, � rl'Than Tlwr - J SEAFORTH. Ir-oudw- (ZkA�
k -ins, R. Charters, C. Cam.pbell; a i Othle: COIG'hmnc - Fore9t; beadi4g on - . �
Yearling filly- or gelding, J. Cf,rnothan; ptique work -on pil , P_ u 't o � � �
. X. Caldr golden Yu, ets, H j�,Julsb. satin''Or cloth, hams, -Milch IDOW, � . , a- FO'r4e!st Ist and 2nd- bead SALE of VolusWe p&r-m in St4knIcy', - . I -
- . I .
e : team, A. P' Hartm In, J. ing ion dress, X. 'Foreif, 'T, _Coehiane; - �_ � - I
. . Genera I - -as . Cniob, J. rsir 'G. Nott;i �ppjique d and �3rd; be.ifor calf, D. cardboard work, T. ,Tobnaton - - A UOTION I -_ � LIDGE.
well, H. Gordon, ,T: Dal I -Scott; 0. G�mpbell, Plaff ,2n -M Arm Stock, ImPletnents and Houmh.old Ftv.
I Sinclair, J. McGregor. �vagner,$, J� T.,, DIO'kson : Canada red, wark floral . Rauch, L. Thomas Brown has been Instructed by �
I G. Irwin, J. G. McXiehael I IMOsa,ic, Mrs. C. Roedex, i. ; sofa 't'h'Vte;n_d'eWrrl9ned odministmtor to sell by Publlo 64rkti ,-
Purpooe � Chambers - Gush,%, ,,,.�%,,. N
I , -
! H. ,*� , .. _�__ .
by' foal, J. Rowoliffe, Ist rrNv,n; We, appl I I . P orge ;c , . Tilt U04*rslpe�
Cricb, G. 'Ith" eg. Campbsil, - Not t ; I . 4 , � 019cutfs �
r*mpanied J-13rood mare as- 1-� SOO-tt, H. Qr�ch; Mann P- b,ntaii<xs, Cam-pbell; arresehe embr4iderr C. 2 -(year Old heifer, J. Pfaff, Ge 0 On, X. Johnston, Dr. Campbell; AuctlO" On Lot 12, Conemign 2, Stsulo-v., � SIGN � �. ,
Mrs.- Penhale, W. I -1-4 . .
and 2nd, , arresene , MoAllia choanille iw*.rk.; Jqi%g p. Not,t, 3. G. Brucefieldi on Tufteday' October. 4th, at L 10 k � . _ �
W. Fo,theringham, foal, j, . J. T. Di - ter; yearlinz, po,re!91 . ' ,-""oo',A, �, .. && Peet for Im I
�k el,iy)p(,d work, H. Rowne, 0. Camp- ce * � . 'I �_ :� �; 06 I
� a. .
. -
Nebb - " I I 'R"w- Ro
50-U, J_;Carnoohan, Cranber � , baniton, ,a I sharp, tbo farm, fwm go6k and other pwo-perly be. � tAX,Y .
rto f"'f' SAW, ' ,
Ro"cliff% -T. Dal% W. Fofheri 1 r,v pipjiin, bell ; crej,vel em heifer, Ir. Hartmari, J. McKinlay, E. knitted' lace , T. Jolrnston� lonRing to the estate of tho into Thotn&s Penfound, OF TfqE -;�"' .
(havi; 3 y 'n-"- C- * Routledge, R, t!h.a � ra; YV,,'al- bell, Mrs. Hele. i lderyj' 10. camn- Roeder; 2. year old curtains, H. # to be In foal ,- I four yew aldjn%!o supposed to be . , I gw-ht Asb
I I . 0 1 - � 7MIve d"At the S
,,-, I d ing e, 'H. or satin, Mrs. He ' ,,comb in 10&1; I live Year ,old golding; I six year old — I "
on; S-- . Mrs. G. 1'-R�T, IS. Rannie, - ushion L611le I jo bAD tub rfu even I
m; 2 Year old 1114 or : Cr4oh, A. Davidz, Son; .Pewanke , - an silk
ear O,ld filly or gelding, W. bridge, .T.- T..Dick b ley, 9. Pfaff 2nd steer, J. McKin- straw basket, ,T, Coehrane &N follow# , 110"166-1 five year old mar.e supposod
Potiboringba e r0ideltv I * an d 3rd ; f at cow or, � w,oTk, 9. Formt ; a
K ' ' 1X varieties of Wftroldory on fla '� t Miss 901diDg. Clittle.-Thrte CM suppwd to be In oaf; I I
_g aKon;_ G. 1),11,0, sr. .G. C. bale, oT- , winf�er apples H. Crich', W, nnel, Mrs. Rele, C, ,der; fvearling I . Cochrane ,# lamp mats, W, ]'two yearold heifer i I yeurling belfer and Septthg - - to be out 11, 1$ V
Not'; Roe - MeAll',ater, E. p. ,Not,t - .T .
ie; yearling. filly, oir geld- I- . Chesney; Gampliell; Aam. flEch emb -.31-per, L. Roeder, B, .13�,It de; cro CAlVel., Swine -Two hro*d ev - I . .
, - vin - , ss work, town, otio about to far. - . - VP
0 aven- Mrs. Hole, j 8 1
. PiPPiRs, G. Ir; a t ; gl� lr*idery,, "st4e.'r-, F- Roeder; %TerseY T. Jobngtoxt ; row; I Yorkshire boar; io pigs 4 4'
ifigo W, R S.millie 0 W. MeAt NT, S. McBri .
'. I & E I c, o. U-0wrie; knitted GOW, C. Rareig, p Ix -a d woik-, Misi p. i tibis old ; 9 , 1___ ..I I - Bass ;
nI. Sohn Campb�pll,, W. . . I work , glirs resdy for weltning. XAMwoll - 1 40 twiles Ion,
Nas-b ; tea N' HOrton ,T- steimsi G.. Irwin, C. Rfttledge; f,1m_ stftoh, r,mbro% Witmer, S. Ra�- Npolf-t ; Nhp,l ln;pletne L" - �t .. i .
I beep, J. I - -0 H. Roeder ; ohem,_ Inder, I mower, I ed1bg plo%
Doffaldl . I s. 6. Not t, W. hes- C. m !�Ir�. Mrs. , Hole, C, A ToKinley - e' roffer, rm:.
� I 'Me- ,ea,&e or snow, Mr. 0 q Tibell; ri id n is ; wa f 3 � Ist and 13p V. I se drill, I � 'Will 41w buy timb
. I -n'e bbon or ribboneise em-' and Ord ; %teser - ' 'Miss P. NOtt, R, Xohnston; darn- 2 plovve, I g&n1r p ow, I disc harrow, I pgr 4f bob. I kuit_ apodaiAft
Carriage, -Brood mare accompanied J 'T F 'blenbe`im 01,PPIn's, W. Chesnoy, b,ro,i,d,,0:r , f, E: klOPP,.W. od'iwo
K. wi, Y, Mrs. G ' en -a, Miss p. Not elefghs, I resper, I cultivator, I PAir,thrrow.6 . � iiQw7dtal Zug -r=
. Bref-hour'; tr' ' Yearling Jer- M. f -dress k, " .T. Forest ,_ r , I set I
- . . ea-bikrvesk teeth, 2 fanning milb, one A bag. 0 �
. . Hor- obainelle �t se . ,is
.- '3e; Odlve`rt, H. Criab, i Smith, INV. McAlllst' Shi 3 . I I
bY foal, .T. A. Par+A & 'ions, It. Char- I t,;n 0 cayuga, red4treak, R.. Charters, -work, iiZO;1O .10'Nott, Mrs. y lw-ifer, W. .Ty. 133,ffrflan. Pe, R- 'R. Jt>hnston - Eller, now; i cuttlog box; I pulpfu "I"hine; I , ok#1 IT"^ I :
'i � . 0 - .
t0r.l; Mal, R_- Charters, .T. A� Parish, I A El oat; Re[0; bullion em roWer Sheep Wo I a tatting, 1r. .W ' bay rgkg; I - U78 - _
13 Ye,lr 0�1d/4 Alexander, R � Co. Wstlbn, Dr. Campbell. I poir of trucks with afileal
elding or filly, R, Chart-' . P wbeels; 7 * �h� 42 -
- Ch6fters, belf. Mrs. Hele; braidinyg', C. Cam took nll p, I Penhade Smbroid wAgwn; 2 set4 of,welgb ee.%Ica; 2 bu C_ _."
. I � I T Mrs. . - . " Wes, one .1 L400r, , � .: i
p,O rk any . I # I �
" n, To I milk vra on; I wheelbarrow; i -steal s . z
- G. Not�t . ze Johnsito Al. R' I mper *, -
-'old gelding or filly, J. Sproat, I Garnochan, J. Scott; FIGiviie, M' * pri ,; in this cl,,Iss. Q-x0sp t Pn o-eder ; woollen stook- bay fork an rope ; 1 grindstone : I emory caloac ; � - .
eT.-; ,ind *ns, W. Carnoohan ; tw9 . t - G_ Ohesney�; Duchess of Oldenburg, No4�t, j. S. ' 87 rizes in - [1111iq � class. neeT, "--bir%ilk' Miss P' Nott' J- 17694Y new; I turnip drill ; I hay Mck; I cutter -
_R. M
YeaY � urd,is, ,T- Carnoehan ; rter, i. d,asilgn, Mrs.AOwrilo; -Pead, wo Fine Wool -A, Du kin I ook all Lhe Co6bra I oidery in musli " ft
. rs. - , D�
I— �
. Inflide-n's blusb, 3Rerlin �vool NV6'tk 'yea r I in g ir of inirs - '2 set* double barnom - 1 get al I
R. Chartenj and, %ns, G. Cb,leman;, r ,, ( I �� int COL. '
,s, :
H. Cricb, G ps, f .73 patuer, U. agle bafneve; 2 z;ugar 1--i , . , -
ona vear old gelding or filly, j. - Trwin - four varietie..g of 1--wes and �that went to G. ton 'I milk van box , I fron gritv; -, &;RE
. - N6b ; co;t-
e . Miss P. N6tt, ThosA 5 dozen grAf n b ,
I G.! fAll apple&, Ho,wrie ; lam, Penhale. I I - � ok-l" kettles'. 2 milk cons;
XcM;cba 1, A. walla" -T. T. biokso.n, William , RO,Val 1316ttentourg, C. I nA ' . P ,
�o - . - . I �, - .1 L D
and! Son..q; pair carriage horses,1 Campbell, Mrs. � I t1ty Of bi'f - 2714*9 Oflu&nti 00 hen a q T , � -
,, R. Charter.i I Ch,&.5ney% Campbell, 'Mrs,' -H I So )nst' n ; .v,ro ' 71
. Ot mitts, W. B. Battler, - a I
lace, point, c. HG�S_BeTkshire --1- Agr4' .9o1j, ji� ' 0 .1na.gc%d.0fJiHn6r;
we Harvey; n i C. 'H. it C ; Irool socks, Miss p, Xot-f, hold furiftu'ri AD& other art, .8; boa�e- �E TH I
I �
Pbar.g.-Duchess ,D'An Snowde ro,,3. took a I the H. 1. wintloa. Terms--AlltumociOnd Under, cub; � i
43k0t, ,1. Coebrane, , �_ -
. �
arrialge horse, Cr&h, Wr I dtheT 1prizes . I b ; �pa pe,r t ever that 41nount 19 montba ered-16 will be given on , I
'�Ind!Atkinson, ,qIpgle c� _n. "_Tleo,�t; lacOlioniton, cles too nomerous to tlawt_
G- C. Dale. GftZ ,' Hills So pp ; g'Ouleme' ' H' C' CamPbel-1-1- , 11,0wrle;-knifted in t is -
� ,. Clairgeau, 14,ce, j. p,e , I his lass. J. G - I - I ;
J. T. Dick -.56n; .Clap ,9 rguson, Mrs. Hele; crochet TamNvorth FoTelst,; arasene work, , M I .�
� OrMlsteals,-Brood, mare . - r fUr"i$hfr1X appr4oVed ecdomd note .
R T. Sproat, Routlp Favorite, C. 'e, C. C il -9nOw1P_n_ tBros, t Tames ...
-o -, p .1,9 ook 11. A dJaQr,un& of *Jwjr% -1
� T . I J. Ferguson; ridk Zeal in th' I ' 5 per' cent. will bd allow, ad for cash on credit - ` COU I
1. ftems,
- �
P I aipkly than 9
r4ckwork, 0. Gam bell, x c o ass OTe3t; eilk PatObwork, Thos. ]Dmounts, The FA1`V1rJ01( I 9 fArtr of 100 Re es, I
L� S. G. P Ut '2, Concealon 2, stan" 9 - S'ituatt
old fill n. __T_ T. drawn, trhread and hem le; or tiged sow, . shle on stme do,to; 15 scree of bueb'good frame �11 . a �5 t�-1
,v or geldilig, A. Buchanan, ;;oa; Beurre D'Anjou* Ititch, Mr"lq. whi went -te"Pt st 'gham-S, J1. INO�b ; house, k1toben a . _.. P" I ""419-
� IT. Orioth, J. G_ Chvsney; -.3 Bonne de Ser- - - . I er 9u,_;o,n - 7J* E�g and 'took all Xobnston, J, Forest: knitted pillow
foal, E. Case, r,o,at, 11. Cnich; Lou! -
A. Elcoat; barlett, A. El . ampbell ' -c pr work, T. Jdbwdon, I
J- ('- CbP-14WY, H, Orich i - .dg,e, all 0 CoDhrane; i3rozy .
Ithree year tattlin York,�hir U.J. � I
beldo 9, C. Campbell, Mr,3. I -Te ' he prizes; in this I 1ey. wIll b offerod for trlld #171
'30Y, J. G. McMichael; s, f
Dick- f, e
15t And 2nd- two, y -ear old , 'H. Cricb-; He . ,�class ex - �air pin work, T. kid WoodshEd. al96 go&I frame bonn �.g CD tv . b.-4. I- . *"-r tho SUM
I . . . . 0 ct- a) 0 ZQ , I
- I . aelding oaltev,t;ion of p,ek,1r.,, � le, A. Davidson; silk work o den Bros . I 0. Snow- Xdhnston, H. ' Roeder'; netting a&d outUlldin; It will be soid subloot to the J."d. lb - �
cor WIV, T). Sohnell, R.. Govenlock, . . n Java. � �� . readily Affecte,
. AcG - ' S. Laidiaiw, R. �Cri e -b ; H. or eongre;�,s Poul Cochrane,; . � $-I Jas. aPPMAI of the roviocial Guritdian. Terms of nil, aq Im to ,
I canvas,, C. Campbell, . try -Geo' Jrwi Battienburg, Dr. Camp- will be w9de known on day of sale, ,j CD 0 *f:� C" W � I - . Tarsible pab
. &nigle; bne yeAr old gelding or Plu"I's-All. t'he priz,es in L . I I- Childran's Don,ar melyt.- Hemmed Prizes in the c�ickei n ' took all the :W� W I . thick, scauty V
. I M �
r J.. -Sparrow H_ were taken by W- H- McCracken ex- -Nvoirk I iefse WI.J Cliesney; crochet Mr-Ond for these ",',"",',,""I'll", . P - CD &a 9L a+- � - � t" 1reauent, ;,
. bis class �ha ndko-rch 1.0 ,
t bell, 'W- M,O,PP,* outline, work, -T]3os. CREN, Adminletwor; T. ROW L, A OH� 1T.
C iall ; pair roadsterp, Brownlee, GRA9 UVB-firs't and Is ex0op t in Rod Johw- ton, Misg p. Nortt; toneriffe - B X IdetionNecHr, M ::� C>
. I n wool, j. 8, 11111 1,11111'', 81ILLE 0- HO 0 X_ 0 - 11 � t
. Bu(I. arxd Sotn�, A. Buchanan; , ' E. cejAing fir9t for yellow Howrie; croc,4et. went ito W. B.,Batfler; a laos in silk, T. -Jobns,ton' ; teneriffe WUG l In, t:F4 �. " be �eyeii and is -14
. sinzle Iv.1 3 won b 4'99 which 'woirk 1h cotton W. Cbe,,S,ney, ,T. ,9. white Jegh:�rns Wh4e nd Ist for lace 1 OUGHBRED - ND . . . . . -
TOIML:;ter, T. Shipl,p,y .r 13� Goven'lock. h . wen t I In � cotton . T. Johnston, W. C,IATTLE. GRADZ 15. P 0 W CC -Ache And distu,
, W- I) -Ile,, J. Ar- GyraPQ'3-Niagara, H. Crich, R ITOwr4e; paintin . . ; kfilittf,d 'U.30in . � r. Thomas Brown has been I b� I cp. , .� I . the a I - i
chi'4--fttd; saddle I I g i any objec t, ,T. �. Hartman - Pekin :0 P. XIOTPP -M � -4 ef- tr i -I - I I �
terse, , � . _ ator, T710 - P 0 . - YmPtoms i
H. ,R. Scotp, - Gov-' Ho,�vrie. � uck'S". Snowdon . .. mas infitructed by Mr. J4%mes Smith to sell by = C&F- .*-.& 0 1 ---�- Idda
13ros., .-G. IrAili � ,T0bnSUp ; amtfj co ry I—" 0
!, (D ti *P.
unlock; ,'PelAware, R, Govenlock; n; Rollell duck:q, Snow- r,ane ; ne aprons, t7. Coeb- Public ouatioa ou Lot 17, Ooueeseie 11, C ,!o PZ I
. 'Cr-ich llr�(xi.; .Dominion Batik speei'll. Rogers N 6. 4, R. - den -Bros., G. Tr' hatton wrea � JS �Imot W
- A:, IMOUNVe4 G. Irwif , gvzse, Snow CD D t - freatmiont. A
. � . Goven'lock; .1�jqgcrs. , in ; 0, E. XIOPP, R- UcKfflop, on 84turday, ()at,ober l,t,, u,t 1 1
r - M , Cht *ley. - No. -I V, I . 9 Mile Arlts-Landseape painting, J. ll" ucks any breed, R. JobWton, c ochi&t n W aq . it
0,11 t 1(!,-DTirhamLAg,ed nd RoZers No. 19 R. Goven- 1 f'rult, 'T. S Mrs. �Helc; flowers or dan ,Br,ms., W 13. 13 t, _ r I n � 1-1 et (0 15 ;* 'm - .
'I 9 . . , 'T.'a,hnstOn, J. Gei - W ts �". n"ded, and, '
w, ,T, - I 0 0 J.'a 40-4 e. r,;; If 0 - 2 2, N R.1 . Howriel ger; ctazy doylie, .T. cloc!k P. m., the following property - 016 _� 1Z 'm �- . ��
co k- .petticoat, T. ol
I V'0111-rfirl, 11. Cr1oh, R. Charters ' ' i1olland � Mrs. Ht -lo ; ani- Uer; turkeys, Coobrane, Elurr,es-1 heavy dtoughtmr.re6y,.... , ' .. ofq - . . .
hPN�year 'old coNv, and Gavenlock', 1�-Olz<'r.s No. 45, and �mal life, Mr,s. Hel-e, J% S. 110wrie; 811,owdon n�o-;., W. , T. id, :� , . P., le" -_ vended 0-6to <
survt - �' IT CT , 'any- mith. -T10h'nWtOn; chair ,tidy, I pair war.chec
. Ig
- icb, other. -vdrj(,i.V, ' I toldifIge 2 1.1� 17
I R- 0-hztrIf ni and s P"tr4lit .-or figure,' Mr.g. ]T Grain nnd Be,.,ed, old, .
. - o ng, W. T,p I U. Govenlock. - . tle, ,T. S. $_ Mis's (P- NOft, .T. G. Forest. d 3 years 0 �
� roat ; -GIntin -and SvP&_Rcd- : I fo ,Ito fall . goo by 'Royal ricowme, alt t"I : I -,
. �
Wo Y(lar O(d 110ifCr, R, Chart 7 - fall wheab� e or marine water- K. -virbeat � P'lln n ; I driving mare - ^ - I'D _�_ . I!- i
- : f Cr.3 &_ J. I � wrie; tandacap A. R�qnnie, J. V D., Haust - Pine LkTt-8-0il ' ting, land9ca 10 yeare old, bred to a thoroug - . 0� - 0% I I
. I 1 2 11 1.
__ .- _X i
, -
I C : .y(m r , Ch eslie, - - . . J. S, Role; Coc%rane, r color, I two Year old filly got, by Rackord, ands 'R �
-4, X. DorraTim., � rotors, , pe, ^ �
S041 E. Pay)p McKenzie - -.4pring, Avhca�, ,�- S. Hdwrie, Mr i,edfall wheaf, 0. J. (Forest, .T. wate _hbred horne- .% ti
011d hr�lk,rff- Crich, A. Elco,it, ,Ta . _V ,%1x r�O'Wed barley, Y. xj' ' flGwors or fruit' j1 Nasky, John Gal' landseape, - . jQ D
C�i r 1, in ; gt I . � e _W14111 -,
I -A XV,i.:,�p '. � '' . Role; ,an.i .0 4 S. Howrie Mr -i. man, & MOEMICon,- s ring wheat, ' J7- Plorc , X, Codbrane - Clear Grit, dam, ; I Year old gelding got er, - %Vt
-he-ifer e,ilf IT. NV -0 roived barley,',T. mal, I Ifo,, Mrs. I .
- (.`ricb, It. blackoat[ ' . nele, , i S. wisp, LT. X. W - 8- craylon work, 13. - by P, ,_ f - , - �
. -
Charfer.4 -, D' '-3, -T . X - W i s e,' M. B k' Wise;: Aoivr4e; , �-!rawe - barley � I I , .8 AIJ%- , a
S W, - -, sai d Phfi)e: oil or wat' Elsokardand-Clear,-Grit da a o
. _ I ; - . ,
OP,TnMon o . . T, Forest. Dr. Camp- gelding ,got by Sidney and thoroughbred f_& �-" � 2 VWTW . -
and &,nq . � Ro,('rson -, blill rctbour;. He por r4it Or figure, Mrs. W. ilt"der, I'-4% _�V- 13. Rattler ;, er color flowers, , In * ye r Id 1_" .
I .
. -- (' ,Ie, 'T. S. ]g0wrie; drauring in cray- two -rowed barley, 81, bell 1 Veiaoll drawing, X. Forest, pen �am; I year* old filly got by I C* W to - . .. 11
ar-; d1i . � a thoroughbred ..
�rd, Tr- Crich, R. Charfers ,tnd 'e ' 1 -'e`1* -4' 'T' K- Wift, M. 43ref-ho,ur ; ; la.r - llbwrie, M Wige X and ink sket0j, j. Vo,r,ast
Tin: �(, .
("Iff. If. Crich 1 -if fnd 2nd, Jas' O' Rt'3, J; x. 0hesnoy, R. Mur- I �oni J. 8 wise, 'T. i4_ 4 to 0
. . sradll P&1,.S -. Wi ,a,.v,j�V, . r%. IT,afe; �e�n�il - ,.; black ontsi eire. ThOlougfibrad Cows. - � go - I , -
" ., J X. I
I Jils- Carlin. . 1�1
Wise, j. on &0 P,
San -.9"; %, Mra. ,Heie, j, s. 'It, , : painting Ito St-ohn,10 I 10 � I .1.
G rl des t1imat - , " Tvr: 13retbour; - � Howrie - Wise; twhite la ts, X. J-- FOre3t, J. Cochrane,; years old, .got by W&t-exl _* . I
Vim, M. Bretbour,'160,11softion I o W is`e, S. painting ,D�n silk,
-Arzed e.o,jv, -by, 1. .K. N .5 00 Wellington,
. -
, ,To,hn Camp- fbIx �4eed, M, j3 � of P_bOtO , Jackson Bros' W?q'P, 1,T: Galman; I rge peas, W. 2nd; .T. Fore%t 1st and 169�34, dam, Rnsa PAU), bred tolfc,"I I ..
I . "efiliour, 1. T,c- ;I Isfand 2nd. . a0dwell, Alex. T)ainting on plaste,r pari. � � VI,-, 1.
bell, 1W, Carjqoah�in, e,i n% J. Tc. Wi � Wise ." 'T. Wonder, Nftreh 2ad ; La4y J 5 years A - - - - - - a . -1 �., ,
se, W. 8adJer , wo-n.-J. K. Wise; Cooh no, jT. Johnston. *�- ."d, - �,
T. Carnochan, 04over -�Deed, J &dler, D. Br' I begonia% R A. Scott; rye, E- Klopp, A. FIYA-er'; speltz, bon, I kiducy, biadd
thr(,<�-E ,re,ar old heifer, , 14: , white: b . Flowers-rus.'ahl'as, R. MOB ra old, 90ti bY George Johns4'nev - The- owe -*ui
C'o ., . 0 M . t0he follow -in
� -
*irllald heifor, 0,C *, on 11 in ear, ,T. , geraIlluln's, J. Ferg � I . I - afor*, bred t* P11 � ''I provenz- 11�
- * et!hour; , . . Hart, , 1:4 and 2nd - S. McBride, ,T. lK, Wim; red clover, �stamp, imported,43160; L%dy I
Yei Ig ai -grain,
""�"- P-'Irnoohan. Black Bras.; t,vvo 11 fi r . wo Alex- XcEwan; oo,iflection Of F11"W1111-3 and Plantq_.-Collectilon of dam, Lillydale of &
S. Carnochan Ist K� Ise;, eson ; out R -id Velvet " -I- :
em�a f : VS de h I i - X I - o
enst aac earn, J. Allan. , e f low - )GMman, A. V,osfe %
and tnd,-W. F,1 U flowers, W. Harbourne, R. JoInston.,
. -, y -ear iold heifer, Dair.r Praduo,e_T I as, R. A. 00,ft, J. Grieve, - � .r, ]3.. S. PhIllfps - Maple leaf, T. Johi*ton, R. john- Efuron 24 Jot by Maitland King I ft ,q-- f;�, 4,U f;:,. kN. ,_ ,,- . � , Mr. �Cha"% �
. Rtcoat. Ff. Gricb; ub of butter suf_ I ;�. 'S.; ,dabl-las, tim-athy 0eed, B. 8 P a f 6,467v fs h 40 - -
I(V fiCiently ts�al,ted ,Wln. r varietiM R. . hillips, jo ton; bouqu& of eat flowers, clam, L-Oy #urOD, bred -0 R0V&1 Wonder 1W b*1 Z; 1� k work,
Poro6t., fr. ,Tohn,ton; , t0a
IT 1�el., _ Stapl, ' flartry, R. A. 8 Hay, Ur., A. Podfer. 4 � y
I ' i 11 hn t
b- I
I 'I'
tlptfv�r calf - w. C,, " . Orton: table butter., _s, Cott; P&Ivales, Miss U*Ms, W, __ 1.
'b 'f`('Alf, Bbick Bras - ,Camp , , IT. ' ,T gerana. J. G. J 'y b. 1 Thoroughbred bulls -Royal , P - - ICZA ,_dax
,.. ,r -Ott, R. Hartry: GE �. I I
Mochan, W r - Archibaid' I 8e �
woof" . G. xman ai,tors, W, 1:10rficulture,-Coll - Vojid!r5' - t .an- a
Prol . Wm- Staples; pr,qvft.te " in . -n- Sattler, S. Witmer J. 34$69f , 21 months old, got by Roy,4 Bob , - -
.cacti, Th(y * ---
Bit � '80%*ft of - any jobnston, 0 j. 0 ; . ) dam, Lady Jane ; Royal George, I'll . - 11 I * 4 kid,
faher.31 C,*tl,,, Wise; bome m,a choose, J4 X' Ff'bher 9bam, W. McCracken- 'ten kind of appleo, E. G1 . K hTane; cala 11111<�$ in I . I I
. - I les, J0.0p . "Oe . ..
-Twa y -ear ,)Id d7e broad, R. Cbarters' tveOkg' st0cli., W, Potberinglmni, Roeder, ID. F us;t , fall V. . . - S, -1
' -
Witer. J. O'Kepte, � J. Gritp.v-e, V. S-', baker"s verbenas, aPplesX, ,T6bn_4t*n, R. Johj*ton�,- pan,aies, ' O,uths.dld, 90&py Red Vvlyeb Stam, , im- 1 �10 � al,
I 1. _P I
�v r I%, Ported, 43 1W, din), Rose Stah -. Cspt&l -11 � -N ^ I -
w r, W. F 'RTOS dno Bros.; boney in carnat,i:onfs, R 4. y In rr4*MW*d a
rvir old ar( IT. Crloh,' on n Crich . bread: E. - Pappl a, R. H. - Scott. nte v L"' Gle's ; 'For-O'st, T- JOhngton ; fuse1as, R.
_ -4 ,1000, R. Gb.irt- - -i Car �,1?10�, E. IGWie E. Klopp ; .Tobnst,cn. I R.] Brown, 6 �onthl old, got by Re'd Velvet I , , M . I 81 � -ache-1GAftey
Vr. aad Sang P . ` . .. E Sedtt; petunins, Xng of Tompkins, . Phf Ile, W. , .
; fat cow or helf - camb W. Hartry�, lianey, a n Jar, W. MiNs Scott; P,%IDX, W. PO X . Spooials_v�,,- . . <? .. - - - i
J. T. ;DiekAftn er, Hartry, W gii. , 1. � � thorinv- Opp; is'no-%v a'nnles .q .A Stamp, imrortcd, 4.1.160. d&M T,&A F� **& -a 1 ai_-4
. . 0 . I . I's 0 ; 6, I 4
tT(,r.Af,v-,_CO,%�, h-Gney, W. Hartry ,oft; zoianias, ttler; N,orthern S Hillside Ofilef, by:& thoroughbred foire,dam, &
11 -, Go-ilect,lan -of m,, 91ad das, Miss So '17J- # '" . . -- PaUU wool 0 7r
,- E. 14 I P. Hart- Wlss Xi- N<Wt; s1do board 'rl�s" flo - P&ALPI! -
-J. T. Dickson, ned -fruit, .M ' Ha LIZ11T, Pbfilo; opnj�j,
ArrGes"I , S. collect -ion of can_ I P,IPPle; bal3ket ,ot cut flows m n, G 'PI cover, B. Lady Huron 2od.
all , tu-,). M, I D.1 t achrmder; B�Lldwlns, , ljJim * - Grade oattle. -I cow ip- . 1
Fe"r old heifer, Tarm. Cr,,Lcken. - Brelth-our, W. .W. F00heringham 5 , � e, silk embrold- dae to oalve � I . . . �2 1 _-� Pr
1GRve-n1orck;" Mar . H. Mc_� I ; coilection of an- H. Roeder; ered, jo,hn Galman , In lVovember ,- 4 Cows B 0- . Ift. -11, D. .41204,
. 'Groven[Gek- � , wM. .F old heifer, 'Wrn. Grorden V,&g0t,,,,bl., nuals in bloom, F. Pf�pple_; sweet greemin-gs, jaco,,b - Ha )I§A� Island. ]KI p;,tea ecey , drawn work, W. ed to: -be in calf 10,0, tho �' * 0 11�� battle, ia� 3 f.,
,1_rx11.. _Ump! 0 si -8, Ai er, W, OP - Mi!�s P. Nolt ; baby's steers roU,ghbred bul - 0 � . � - - �
Potato", W� r tate I P6a - Da.v,-idson;U6uque* Of sweet Harbour � M. - rising throe � P *h ... t ftw�;-, TUG Dr
UtIreford.-R1111 n: Opitzenb boO4, H. Webb'; hanUerchief ; Seven beifers ,11111111W
� , IT I . hola- risin a; 5 #Pri I 9 ,OIL I 0 11 � . Ont -
r If -- U. r, arnsill rn. Sa dle$r, W. H. Me- Pews, A. Stpbie, R. Har'Lry; da;hlias Ewen, . urgi 1 Alex. . Me- CT , ohn Ga man. Ives ; I Birkshire"Mov . � ,
, . Cra ek,,41 ; bt. . I
(*,11,"-3f1f,Y & ��Ilijle , .allt..V- of W. Smith Can4da, red, W. . � .
. I Y*- �zn#_�,cil I for be ,t Rebron, XV, Sa - R. A. Soott, J. Gri f I with, itteratfoot. Alfjo&;new1setofbcb- -� � - - *-,.O - �
ter, W, � McCracken; early bur d M-9 begonilas eve, Smith, a. P14file -, R , I � :Z � -1 -Ror 8418,�by J.e
. f'"11`11P of any brec'.1, J,ftg- Carlin.. Pee, W- V- IS.; tl6er' "blai. Pippens, E. Jud ii. eleigba,HUMP __
811(4,r)_T,k%,i(,0..-;f(,.r _,Aae &dle.r; . tab(mous ' sl4gle, R.* A:. 8cc&L_ Gies, ,W. KLOPP-; Old -el russett, H. . I ge I hrey tnake,and a quantity of I 0 '01 . L ------------ _&_ -
. .Qolorado orange: W. Sadler ;, - I turnips In t drill. Lit * I __1
d rluxi , TZ. any varfely- p 1�00i'0, douVie, R. A' Rosld,3.r, W. 13. Rettl H'Orses-W- MoInteli 01, Usbonie. . - verYthing will be - � I
scvv aco,ft. R. Chart,e,rj nnd ler, NV. XcCrac ' 'r), 51 W. , 'S`O�tt; lilisis, R. lrartjy; Ben. Davis, e I s9ld ithow
-1 ; - ��wi 4v reffarve . I
Rell, J, ,�� .a.rl,r P 'tiitov S,id- collection Oi D. fflaust , ""n,", T�X. Cattl -John Shepherd, W. J . ," the proprietor i1s .
be . a , ha
IN n, tinson. I I NoJ,,Of,,rooM -
, I S f and feed, TOrris.-Allaums - .
lFergueson, 'I, .- I � ..
- . I I . . �
dier, ,T. . pansien, Miss Sco,t't R. Hartry'; cut U. � Roeder, D. ' Shoop and Pigs -Thomas Prior, h a I -that amount
"bearling raTn, j. WO01',leoft, put. astars, W. FoMe46gtam: c011ect1pn � McEwe S it has
.1 t.oe,.8 ken; Unv variety, la[,- .
NV - ,sa W. LR Oeder ; - Ma x3 n, C
"- 11`11- R. Ob-irters nnd Sanq; rain- neu- v,,-, ' 1� Halh3t; ,Ma lladerjoa,ih ; over
I. -t mb� -R. W11 0. Turnbull, j. ,�Nr niety, tt, Go idees I bluo: -1 Xohn Cald- Arm � I ./_ . .11 1_77
- oatf 001 rOn took, A. Dav_ r0se-'Si R. A. Scott -'b�uquet 1-n vase wel 1, B. P -strong. I 1 12 mcmbhfj' credit . - - F
- idson; 2YId L DjCkS&. - Blenbein, pippinz;- - . will be given oa approved 11 � I h-6 f mi?
fand an(Ti Ity, R. Goven- .T. T. - acob joint notem. A dlacou,3t � th
nr,%Nr vari, hfile f .
. !t)le, novelty in' Gooir&% Schilliq,' Poultry -j
; *1"'*'(1 ew-p', J. Woolacott fl n,- E. 1�ap . L k/
- 0- Turnb,1.111 - -F4)earling .0 ISt look., A.,- 3rd'n;p11- v,iri�q ' flower 9r Plant.- E. J�FapDle. L vr-rt3, D. J- It- 1 Wise - col- Wen2el. Slarar�us. w. H. camb. .1ames S. Stnitb for 1�_ . I - L .do Y---.,, . I . I . I . -
kT - -T . 1Vo'01�'J('()ft 1'.4t a �d % w,e, A. aivi&&on, . R. (4rOven]6�k 'y , �: . Haust, X P, ;d - , Brown, suotionear, #proprietor -, T�'hlomav �'-' ld�e . �� � 11 I
# * 'U� _ 'L I. geas., . .17 der, IT. P,OC- I I . 1919-1 - -, a I I - . . .
3rd 0 T ; .%vijlt� I I - . . !)� er; Gloria Grain-Jamt*3 Moore, Hensall. . ,
R. I Jud: , I M-undi, C,eorge Schroe, 1� - . .
' t'"-, a Lr(w A. David.90&P W. Sadlex . 'r I Heavy . - der , tollection 0.f . Fruit -D. Or-onob, Clilyt<w. �, .... ; . . - - .1
bull ', lamb. R. B,ell r e-ribb,
,and Sans, 0� Ch,1 . L -
TiRmb,all. ' .4 f �, 11 cabba gv, W. Sadler. W. McCr�l b ' . Ror,,se8-J03eIyb Vance, X . THE CANADA ,B Our so
"-A- I _ k- Hoinibur - e �, , ,T. Halyerer - russetts, EXI,pp, Dairy Produee:_D. .A, 9 USINESS COLLP10A - I 11 I ,
; f9-11 Pe'ar%� A. Poster, . C"Won, R. " .. ast led
' . . - 0HATRAX ON"T. -
Shror).-ihir ' Pn : red r,ioklinq uibbA,g,e, w. I IS h
tha� T)rjzf.,l Dunkin f ook all Cr-fir,ken, IV, 811,dlf,r: Sav,ay, 0 - Me- Ligift g-110 . I I Alex, ,Buch� J. Dr-radale. awys School is v,hW to their
in fbi.-4 ol"tS'; L I -rses-T. B. R - na:n ; 9 -1 - L
T.-inroins.- . Abb n rre, ' derton, 13. Aub obson, ,� Schroeder winteri PeaT3, G. Fine Arts a d unquostlongl$y C"uU,# grm�twk bugsem . ,
G. ok __W- McOraeken, W Sidler; -,',iuli_ I (,,aftl.e, Jam U, Mon1real. %: _ P ea r.3, ,W. ; L ,vinter Weeko�, xx , , No other whooi gets amb r"UIU, nis now C=WA I , We =Me a
1A1q*- j. . liny var. kall!and , Flowers - ,,Tames Th() . . ,
'ill the f tOWc,", A, etle� L talk Ltbrou ut the . 04
prize'.4 in �hi- ,
for '-"'etyt lecond lable 6arratD""d-�'", W- Mcgra'c'ken., I ar. B. Bat .bar lett pears, I countW that Ahe student wb*
.1 Z., 911A, 0 L, Sheep-joh,n IC,elly.. I Jacob Haborer, ter ,- ---------O--� - t tril -
," fr(*�d nim whie-h - �, R. Oharfcrs, F'. , A. Ge i g� N , wanta fbe el alogaad a good PWVm -rboa . I Wetcome,
"',"'A t n ke n b pappl(, " I Pi _Ro�be I . .. -; peach", L 0 J, Must attend this echool. I I ts
1, Ir 'Tt Wi , George 18chxooder, W. )KI 'L
Snn-wd(,n Bros. . y lonz kible carroh I -3 !Aver's gradust . . crw,q
W. r: lonjr! Seaforth.. . n ea. � � 2FO 6tUdC13tA oedJa �esk I . _. - � . 'n 14
""'f 811"P,-F,'t ('111, G. PtInhale, Pn, Jul. . M Semfor Q,_ ,Ipple k. 1400p: red crab . _.. - -1, ,�,a_ . 8" le c I � -
Dun, - eCrack-1 Fruik-Wm- De� ' McEwe I . . _1� p1h , ,- - and .,
'Idler, P-0-ii1try-Wm. Gri-eve G. [IT'Oltzm,an, W. K Powderis a booz, to any home. It disin. - 101
X blood be(,f,,;, IV. & f W. SadM' nter,, , M .P; Pru Y-Z(W1$eHead)Df9��t&nt,g0&p _ _L
kin. n4n Nood be ereu)c, MeRijloT). . _3, L fe-to and cleans at -,he,same time. .. - � . wo if .f Ito row I L . _�
"I � R- GrtOnlock ; pnr i ds—L. Reinkie, Sea- der: 1plat 13 Pbfi' ', %P . 1. - . 3,16 Is gg Act It 1W. ,- �� I 9; 48-ouvenir
Slyelriaf. Jr. V'roo'lacof e 0`4, C- 11 o u t, I e. d fr e_ � Grain ,,In'd See low "crab applva, no. S. ;Wjfmor; yel- . #9
� W- S.ridler; t, AMP,% R, ChartP-T,.,;,, fo,rfl, . . l __ e, L. Roe- _ I : If them were p4ced in P!C&yUn0V0*t!en1iWWth .1 I
T*'1X`1--"y0rk9hIre, _T able cbrn, W. TT. N, . e of grapes, irr, ' -1
bt)�tr, ,T:1 'V4rO ' -, 9 - "Ies, Jacc,b —Thvm�js Askin . or $4 per.wftk. the ghoMoir WLonld U I - Utmemb
: - .;r -,
4 19pro,ftf - Ym r old C"nekeLn : any var�.Icq ,_ ! Haberor ; collection J s I I ' V - � I L I : -
--;. , -1 * to y v1'90t,,vbl-0S—J,6h-n Kc,t- � S wa. orushed to 0 IV TAO EPWO in ibis paper ths oj�* ni- . W C -
C. YTO-mlp Pl,anitl 1,d l
ok nll C,. 1�._nll t I e P -Orn, .T. Wi-�;,e ob e, Briac�afie I gr&Pes, G. death beneath the wheels of a trae- . *ZC)� tit Ukes to I . blavie teff
L P ' ' d'rf� *, W I e'r . V. , , W- S -Idler, W. Id. chroeq-er, r hen aw "Urles &vQ&RV over #W Per Annow, I -1 I
. 4410t1jon I feW of- - t-hera Over #ffoWj 4.&ha polle 9 -mid I-Aaw �, I _. . purchuf
.3 in tbis .4.9. b'J. - 11aberar ; plate � of tiori ithreshing engine at MaDdon' the ebance to se _ ud & copy Of Ita w Isix, in' outhe
t'll" Of Iver TL)r!7 cla , I - , r C:) 1z') of
. T!rk_4h ire, , ff- WfcGr�lcken ,. f<, W. SeIA divs Work 11 I thst 120 otlier butdnes% eohool in oln," ,p L
-h - - - 'R .,,,Otj)_ h , —Mrs. W. X. Trel 0011 , Of ean- Station, kanitob, ald abliabo I
n1l't , . Mrs. , P 1, such Vate &nd_g4U with Iresulie. Mloy Of our for- I � � . .... I
R. John, 'It - Ile- attempted to WOO ecUlls to every young man and mer . 11 __. - . _._4_1�_� - year's
f' Mlzf'ta; in fhi�q elej,q ; W- Ff. Kc0racken ; red i4ance.. Oaxdcn ta-bles.—R4 I I - 11
i ros. fook and, ned fruit, R. A _
—Snowden I ,� W. Gefaer; solie ts
n. 1%dw, W' -I "P�Tf 1%t Onion% flip f"O� "I'MS taken b,v w . 1 4.- Vege 0,3e , yinfn the — * Seat on the f,rcut of. C ; 11
fnr fu r, Y.ftilr ,old . h 01 1�vent f-^ 7,ur n W. T3. I Cook, Con- I climb to the I women Who would like 6, 11mi. T . I Mer "U&tes -are nw coromanding imlsd km � 45 A
4 � I I L . I - P auo n TZA * UV $4,000 annuallir, Wby shoUld It ,MR - __1 .1. I I LL
.. I - � - .
"01'r -le. t; rTlelcon ; ,tvbife or -retl.oNv on- e!5, Ur. S,1hTOed-er, H 01— .1i's brother, XOmes As- _. IN. -Ypaur vame Tand address an a. I � L
- . '�V YOU? We pay your -.&1lW1%y fara ,15
. I or];;, " "ri'l-P. Holme�sted. �or tea 13le 0 -
I - Roeder * white kin, jcame up
T!-Trll nrfh.i,_T), T)().Uel,, and Son -, fin - z &dler W. t1. Tvrp I phant po,tatoos, A. Me- another ,team erwards with P06tal- Do ib k;OW &nd send it to bwdluCh"himf2ft to P-75. -P to h�e I I .i .
i and fou 4a -Thomas I !'Omeft ofital � Gu'-rnefs 'is
� I
-10-1 _. - - - - — �
I �Tle Priz-f-3 in t1lis class ex . 11A. W. C12rk, W. IT. Mt,, , ()- Kolosky, J. Decl.,ot; Color- dead, Deceased deaves � Pidow,and A I I Saft �.
Crack,(�'n_ pick- I L Sic daches are L cured b 6 'Publiened by say budvew '
trick nl'i' onio' , _ i 1hea _4_� I Elven 01ortlY aft IF 0 r 4,
. k ler y Mil- 1 p r
� t�a
. - � Cr'" '"'*' Pumftin.', IT. Crich, W.' -I-r. "s Granules, � dio ted potat , - - W-1 ff. SHA .1al flada-i � to L ,,,
. . . ' J er, W. SmIt_h M. - f,ftmilY at Allonford, Ohtarlo, Ire Principal. . I � . _?
# , . I -
� . � I .W. B, L -Or hit3 -b.rothc�r on - - a W a
Alex. Wilson, Druggis't Seaforth. - (D"k p blue came out to work f D. McLACHLAN X_ CO.,
I . . pota�taes, Tlilga 'Yonge and Gerrard Sts .- I Lf 1 Le..
I I - Bmttl0t,�"Rura New the tremutt #5 chat.lhanw, I
, - . . . I . , . , � I . 1918-2Z TOROXfl-10. I I- 0*&U I - �,_ - I I I I �_M*
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